Zelensky Threatens To Terrorize Europe
The Economist published another interview with the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenski.
It includes his usual unrealistic platitudes about not ending the war until Russia has completely pulled back. Speaking with an English language media he didn't miss to mention the ever misunderstood story about Chamberlain's move in Munich:
Tapping loudly on the table, Mr Zelensky rejects outright the idea of compromise with Vladimir Putin. War will continue for “as long as Russia remains on Ukrainian territory”, he says. A negotiated deal would not be permanent. The Russian president has a habit of creating “frozen conflicts” on Russia’s borders (in Georgia, for example), not as ends in themselves but because his goal is to “restore the Soviet Union”. Those who choose to talk to the man in the Kremlin are “tricking themselves”, much like the Western leaders who signed an agreement with Adolf Hitler at Munich in 1938 only to watch him invade Czechoslovakia. “The mistake is not diplomacy. The mistake is diplomacy with Putin. He negotiates only with himself.”
In 1938 Chamberlain had no other choice but to give in on Czechoslovakia. Britain was not ready for war and the parts Hitler wanted to annex from Czechoslovakia had undeniably a largely German population:
He contended that Sudeten German grievances were justified and believed that Hitler's intentions were limited.
Zelenski goes on to threaten, in rather unthankful fashion, those countries which have delivered aid to Ukraine but may want to cut their losses:
Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.
I have seen such threats from low ranking individuals of the fascist Bandera fringe. They spoke of terrorism they would unleash in the West should it end its support for Ukraine. That the Ukrainian president now reinforces such threats shows how deeply he immersed himself in that mindset.
A previous Economist story shows that Ukraine has already set up the necessary infrastructure to wage a terrorist campaign:
In modern Ukraine, assassinations date back to at least 2015, when its domestic security service (SBU) created a new body after Russia had seized Crimea and the eastern Donbas region. The elite fifth counter-intelligence directorate started life as a saboteur force in response to the invasion. It later came to focus on what is euphemistically called “wet work”.Valentin Nalivaychenko, who headed the SBU at the time, says the switch came about when Ukraine’s then leaders decided that a policy of imprisoning collaborators was not enough. Prisons were overflowing, but few were deterred. “We reluctantly came to the conclusion that we needed to eliminate terrorists,” he says. A former officer of the directorate describes it in similar terms. “We needed to bring war to them.” In 2015 and 2016 the directorate was linked to the assassinations of key Russian-backed commanders in the Donbas; Mikhail Tolstykh, aka “Givi”, killed in a rocket attack; Arsen Pavlov, aka “Motorola”, blown up in a lift; Alexander Zakharchenko, blown up in a restaurant (pictured).
Intelligence insiders say the SBU’s fifth directorate is playing a central role in counter-Russia operations.
From there it is just a short step towards total war:
Meanwhile, a long war of attrition would mean a fork in the road for Ukraine. The country would lose even more people, both on the front lines and to emigration. It would require a “totally militarised economy”. The government would have to put that prospect to its citizens, Mr Zelensky says, without specifying how; a new social contract could not be the decision of one person. Almost 19 months into the war, the president says he is “morally” ready for the switch. But he will only broach the idea with his people if the weakness in the eyes of his Western backers becomes a “trend”. Has that moment come? No, not yet, he says. “Thank God.”
Does Zelenski know of any country with a totally militarized economy that survived? I have yet to hear of one.
Anyway. To end the war is not in his hands. But can the West end the war?
Yves Smith takes a look:
Has the West Closed All Its Project Ukraine Exits?
She concludes that an end to the war is unlikely until bigger things change:
In other words, the way to an end game is regime change. And the weak regimes are all in the West.
Posted by b on September 11, 2023 at 12:51 UTC | Permalink
next page »This is going to be one of his last interviews as "president" of ukraine
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 11 2023 13:06 utc | 2
Z needs to go to bring peace to [uk]raine. Regime change must now happen
Posted by: AI | Sep 11 2023 13:14 utc | 3
Thanks -B-
I had heard rumors but this is the first in print “threats” I’ve seen. Also, some mentioning a “Declaration of War “…
After the insidious UK Telegraph article, among many, I sense we’re at that Boris Johnson moment again, where the UK feels entitled to be “in charge” of the EU continent & “wage war” using NATO as it sees fit and the U.S. refocuses on Asian matters.
There’s a definite tug-of-war between Zelensky’s UK & US handlers. His “threats” the EU should take seriously.
There are many that believe the UK is some kind of US poodle, I’ve never believed that, their reach and power is hidden, but still applicable and lethal. Not so much “militarily” but in the areas of disruption & terrorism.
In any event, the fact that Zelensky is threatening, really the US NATO poodles, doesn’t strike me as an “act of desperation”, it’s a flat out rejection of Blinken’s “visit” and marching orders, or it’s Blinken’s marching orders to turn this mess over to the EU for support.
Either way, the handwriting is on the wall, find a way to drag NATO in, or US walks away.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 13:17 utc | 4
The terrorist infrastructure in Europe has already been setup through hundreds of millions or several billion $ worth of weapons transferred from Ukraine into Europe under the guise of "accounting errors" and corruption, and neo-nazi Bandera cells set up in every corner of Europe.
Yes, it's the white man's version of ISIS.
Posted by: unimperator | Sep 11 2023 13:19 utc | 5
The brother of the deputy head of the Office of the President is recorded as the owner of venture funds, which he uses to optimize tax payments.
The Helios Venture Fund is one of the most important assets of the family of Rostyslav Shurma, Deputy Head of the President's Office, who before joining the Office of the President from December 2019 to November 2021 shone as the director of the fund, and later it was headed by the wife of Shurma's brother Oleh. The authorized capital of the fund is UAH 435 million, they write in their material "Shurma's venture capital for billions» Yuriy Nikolov and Antonina Volkotrub.
The founder of the fund is now Souniera Invest LLC with an authorized capital of 150 thousand rubles. and the beneficiaries are Oleh Shurma and Svitlana Stoyan and Olha Kuzina. The first, Svitlana Stoyan, Shurma's partner, is a supplier of books and office equipment to institutions in the Donetsk region for 116 thousand hryvnias. The second is Olha Kuzina from Zaporizhzhia, a sole proprietorship, whose main activity is the activity of cafes and mobile canteens.
"Sauniera's property was formed according to all the rules of white business — through offshore companies from the Marshall Islands (Noda Investment Limited — disappeared in the fall of 2022, Warren properties ltd and Vincent Holding Company), which the beneficiaries owned through a Cypriot trust (Marithema Nominee Services Limited). Usually, such complex ownership structures are used for money laundering and, yes, for tax optimization," the authors of the article note.
Posted by: Paul from Norway | Sep 11 2023 13:20 utc | 6
Zilinski is a belligerent fuck, and the Russians are dragging their heals......will laugh my fucking ass off when Putin has to sit across the table from the little punk and negotiate.....don't worry guys and girls I'll supply lots of free towels, the amount of faces with egg on them will be colossal.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 11 2023 13:21 utc | 7
More from zn.ua- turning everything around:
In remote regions of Russia and in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine Mass forced mobilization will begin soon, caused by the catastrophic losses of the Russian army in the war, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There Tellthat the Kremlin plans to gather another 700,40 people to participate in hostilities, of which about <>,<> are residents of the Chechen Republic.
"Ordinary citizens will once again go to the front as 'cannon fodder' - residents of Russian regions, who will be pushed to death in the back by Kadyrov's executioners," the General Staff reminds. "Therefore, almost the only way for the Russian military to survive is to voluntarily surrender to the Defence Forces of Ukraine."
Posted by: Paul from Norway | Sep 11 2023 13:25 utc | 8
You're "inside Uke's assassintion prog" link doesn't work but this one does
I don't see how a programme of terrorism in Europe is going to liberate what was Ukraine.
My country had 30yrs of Irish Republican terrorism but they didn't get a result until they, literally, began blowing up the financial sector.
Much like the budding young state of Jews in Palestine in 1947-48 … the terror campaign would hit the city of London with bomb attacks if an independent state wasn’t established by United Nations Resolution … Irgun Zevai Leumi (Lehi) or Zionist “Stern Gang” …
RE: Yves Smith takes a look:
“Has the West Closed All Its Project Ukraine Exits?”
Regarding article. The last month or so, I’ve read so many articles & all the “YouTube” analysts, commentators ect on
“How the West will: freeze, end, settle, expand the conflict, what the West”might do” what the “West” will settle for.
It’s all West narcissistic mindset that REFUSES to accept the have no control over the: ending, settlement, freezing of the conflict.
All their machinations will come to naught. They have zero power to “decide” anything. The SMO will fulfill its goals.
There is only one “deviation” … the decision to “expand by bring NATO/US into direct conflict.
This decision too had been “gamed” by Russia.
All this flaunting, flailing, scheming, plots, threats, have also been “gamed” by Russia.
The West has only 2 choices… capitulate to meet SMO goals
(Goals are not about “territory”) or move on to WW3.
It’s obvious Russia and allies grow stronger by the month, while US and allies grow weaker.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 13:38 utc | 11
[email protected] mate, if there were bombs going off in your country they were set by FSB or SBS and of course the Brits will always credit the 'terririst' when they blow things up to get your attention....
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 11 2023 13:38 utc | 12
Pic of Boris Johnson [dressed in the style of a Black Cardinal] performing a “Nazi salute” in Lviv yesterday
Posted by: Melaleuca | Sep 11 2023 13:41 utc | 13
Talking about Chamberlain I heard a story about how Hitler outwitted Chamberlain at Munich. Apparently, Chamberlain was a bad chain smoker-2-3 packs a day. Hitler didn't allow smoking in his presence (he was also a vegetarian), knew about Chamberlain's habit so he kept talking for two plus hours while Chamberlain couldn't smoke (and boy did he need one in the situation he was in!) so Chamberlain at wits end complied, appeased.
However, I do agree with 'b' UK, Europe was not in a position to challenge Hitler militarily at that time; he didn't have a choice; and neither do the Ukrainians today visa vis the Russians but they are driven by the US unfortunately.
Posted by: Oui | Sep 11 2023 13:31 utc | 12
The Israeli inspiration of the idea is much more obvious if you compare Zelensky's threat to the Samson option, where we're told that Israeli nuclear weapons are not aimed at Arabs, but at Europe, just in case Europe should backslide in supporting Israel.
Posted by: laguerre | Sep 11 2023 13:43 utc | 15
> In 1938 Chamberlain had no other choice but to give in on Czechoslovakia
Not at all. The entire interwar foreign policy of Britain was fostering Germany to use it as an attack dog against the Soviets.
Czechoslovakia gave Germany 30% of the armament industry capacity that it had at the start of World War II. Czechoslovaks werent even given a seat on the table where their sovereignty was signed off other nations led by British. It was a master play from Britain to prop up Germany to use it as an attack dog as the top echelons of the British elite openly advocated at the time.
Posted by: Dodrey Dougherton | Sep 11 2023 13:44 utc | 16
Posted by: Dodrey Dougherton | Sep 11 2023 13:44 utc | 18
The Soviets proposed an Entente with France and UK earlier than 1939 but UK refused. France had much more left wing influence.
Britain also made a naval treaty removing most naval restrictions for Germany in 1935. Germany created a non-aggression pact with Poland, which originally envisioned Poland would ally with Germany to attack the Soviets.
Posted by: unimperator | Sep 11 2023 13:58 utc | 17
And that is why, as an American, I favor giving Ukraine, the so-called best weapons we have. We need to get this fight out of our system.
F16's? No, give them F35's.
Give them as man Abrams tanks as they want.
As awful as this is, 'we' have to get this fight out of our system. Let Ukraine get the best tanks / aircraft and let them throw in the towel without the likes of Nikki Haley bellowing that we held back.
Many say that the U.S. is slow walking this in order to avoid embarrassment. This is all the more reason to do it. Let the world (and the U.S. public) see the truth.
Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Sep 11 2023 14:02 utc | 18
5 - 11. Pin excessive hopes on foreign Wunderwaffen;
Posted by: Waldorf | Sep 11 2023 14:03 utc | 19
Caitlin Johnstone’s latest:
Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles
Posted by: tawharanui | Sep 11 2023 14:21 utc | 21
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 13:38 utc | 13
The hubris of the US/West is a constant source of wonderment, but the general public in the western nations does not have the stomach to see tens of thousands of their young men slaughtered in Ukraine, not even in Poland. Their governments are another matter. And the nations of western Europe are not going to accept seeing their major military bases destroyed by missiles if they intervene directly. One thing that's keeping Europe locked into project Ukraine is the belief, reinforced by their so-called leaders, that Russia will seek to occupy other European countries if it has a win in Ukraine. Europe at this point is between a rock and a hard place - a hysterical fear of Russia 'expanding' westward while watching their arsenals dwindle while their wonder weapons are destroyed on the Ukrainian steppe. A long cold winter may be a clarifying experience.
Posted by: Mike R | Sep 11 2023 14:25 utc | 22
zelenski and his masters are stuck in an illicit tv drama plot, using Cold War misinformation to con the people out of trillions of value which would better not enrich the war profiteers
Posted by: paddy | Sep 11 2023 14:30 utc | 23
@Dodrey Dougherton 18
Excactly. Hitler considered until 1941 the UK and the US as being allies, and Chamberlain pulled the strings in 1938 to itimidate the Czechoslovakian government to give in to Hitler's demands (which had been drafted by Chamberlain). The goal has been from the beginning to use the prepped up Nazis for a war against Russia.
Posted by: Kassandra | Sep 11 2023 14:36 utc | 24
@Posted by: tawharanui | Sep 11 2023 14:21 utc | 28
Vicky has also spoken, has a problem with "Russia's most precious assets". twitter.com/mtracey/status/1700955293922869341
Posted by: rk | Sep 11 2023 14:37 utc | 25
How to insure your offensive will fail in 10 easy steps:
1. Announce when you will attack.
2. Make it obvious where you are going to attack.
3. Provide little or no air support.
4. Give the enemy plenty of time to prepare their offensives.
5. Possess much less artillery and mortar than the enemy.
6. Possess much less drone support than the enemy.
7. Continue to attack where previous attacks have obviously failed.
8. Fail to remove your dead and injured men from the field.
9. Force your troops to attack when they know their is a high chance of them not making it.
10.Provide military leaders that have little respect among their troops.
Posted by: young | Sep 11 2023 13:14 utc | 5
1. Start a fight with a country 10 times your size, by every measure.
2. Lie incessantly, make certain you insult and infuriate your opponent.
3. Enlist the help of a belligerent, mouthy Bully, esp. one who has no memory of it's own recent catastrophic failures.
4. Have insufficient armaments and trained soldiers. Bring in whatever obsolete, worn-out, various and incompatible junk available at outrageous prices.
5. Take advice and direction from 2 countries seething with Hatred, but who have never, ever fought Russia directly in 150 years. In Crimea where one of them developed wonderful stories, but was slaughtered in fact.
6. Take "help" from Poland who are just assisting you to weaken yourself.
7. Refuse to look at the Big Picture, where your partner's propaganda machine is well-oiled, but hiding the slow undermining of their own nations.
8. Never look at the Russian Proposal, a reasonable starting point, but now so far in the Rearview Mirror that it has disappeared.
9. Threaten your European supporters. That is the best Strategy. For your own demise.
10. Don't forget that you have flipped from an Asset to a Liability for everyone. Nato, USSA, Ukraine. Yet Russia may yet see you as an asset. A Comedian as a Wartime Commander. Yes. Right before your eyes. There is the Joke.
Posted by: kupkee | Sep 11 2023 14:39 utc | 26
Is the U$ now using Russian telegram as a source for battle front mapping????
US Army General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley reviews a map of the situation on the Southern Front.
The map is just like ours on the Internet
Posted by: Melaleuca | Sep 11 2023 14:40 utc | 27
A threat from Ukrainian 'refugees' in Europe? Not if they are forcibly deported.
But really, Zenky? Why aren't those 'refugees' running home to fight the 'invaders' instead of waiting till the Greek Kalends to Rise Up and Run Riot? Could it be that they have no confidence in your matchless leadership. You know, that leadership quality lauded by the likes of senile dipstick Eliot Cohen.
And why trust in Creepy Joe anyway? The attraction of unprotected anal sex with Zelenska is surely waning. In any case, in the nutty way of our American friends, the best way of mobilising support is for a parade of hyphenated Americans petitioning Biden to do something, do anything.
Posted by: DilNir | Sep 11 2023 14:41 utc | 28
Oh yeah sure, go and do this. Just let nutjob far-right Ukrainians launch a bombing campaign across Europe.
Does this idiot really want the EU to back Putin and let him carve up the whole Ukraine for Russia? Because that's exactly how you'd do it. But if he really wants the average EU citizen to end up saying "You know what, Putin was right, fuck these guys.", he 's free to try it.
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Sep 11 2023 14:42 utc | 29
Expensive day for Ukraine:
At the Dolgintsevo airfield in Krivoy Rog, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed two MiG-29 fighters and three Su-25 attack aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force
>~ The scouts of the 205th brigade transmitted the coordinates of the hangar from foreign-made vehicles and RVD of one of the units of the Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the settlement. Otradokamenka, after which the Russian Aerospace Forces launched an airstrike. https://t.me/llordofwar/201223
Germany will supply another 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine. The equipment will be used to compensate for the heavy losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in light armored vehicles after the failed summer offensive.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Sep 11 2023 14:43 utc | 30
To me at least, it is obvious NATO are 1930's nazi Germany. It is they that have continually pressed forward (eastward) absorbing sovereign nations into a mostly single entity. Historians have written tomes about what would have happened if the "Allied" nations had challenged Hitler, militarily before their incursion in Poland. Well, we have a test case as Russia has challenged the Empire, and didn't wait for Ukraine to be fully in the NATO/Euro fold. Will Russia be successful and was it better for them to take action when they did rather than a year later after Ukraine received NATO membership and maybe nukes?
I think so.
Is the U$ now using Russian telegram as a source for battle front mapping????
Posted by: Melaleuca | Sep 11 2023 14:40 utc | 34
Wrong. The U$/UK is creating the fake "osint" maps and is trying to make them more believable by showing a braindead actor like Milley in front of them. You can't blame them for trying, the front line isn't moving anywhere, they can pretend anything they want. And the mud months will give them more sources of imaginary success, it's guaranteed nothing will happen, come back next summer.
Posted by: rk | Sep 11 2023 14:50 utc | 32
"...Europe was not in a position to challenge Hitler militarily at that time; he didn't have a choice; and neither do the Ukrainians today visa vis the Russians but they are driven by the US unfortunately.." canuck@16
Nothing could be further from the truth. The threats against Czechoslovakia were largely bluff. As Dodfrey and Unimperator have pointed out the Skoda and associated arms manufacturers (such as the Brno plants) gave Germany far more than the greatly exagerrated increase in arms production gave the UK, after Munich.
The truth is that the Czechs could have defended themselves- that was the Germans' concern. And getting Chamberlain and Daladier to underwrite their surrender saved the Wehrmacht considerable trouble and possible defeat.
It cannot be said too often that the strategy of the two western powers was to strengthen Hitler while pointing him eastwards. Which is why France caved so quickly in 1940 and the UK came very close to following it.
So far as I recall the French military alone was considerably larger and better armed that the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe in 1938, while the British had, and were later able to call upon, the vast reserve capacity of the Empire.
The German High Command was very nervous about Hitler's threats. They did not realise that, for the Anglo French capitalists he was a favoured attack dog, the Czechs were given to him, and his fellow fascists in Poland and Hungary, as a token of the rewards that would come his way if he destroyed the Soviet Union too.
It was at Munich that the true nature of both the British and French governments was made unmistakeably clear, it was neither pacifism nor cowardice but hatred of communism that lay behind the appeasement at Munich.
The wonder is that, thanks to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Chamberlain and the French were unable to do a Munich Mark II when the ethnicity of the population of Dansk became a thing a year later.
Posted by: bevin | Sep 11 2023 14:51 utc | 33
@Posted by: rk | Sep 11 2023 14:37 utc | 32
Showing once again that they are only capable of escalation. It’s highly unlikely to end well. US military assets in Europe and Syria might be targeted in retaliation.
Posted by: tawharanui | Sep 11 2023 14:57 utc | 34
the u$$a neocons knew time was running out vis a vis Russia and China. obomber disappointed, they had clinton! but failed to cheat enough.
trump impeached for not starting war in galatia
Biden lined up for spring 2022 as ordered by neocon/nazis.
Russia hit first feint to kiev grabbed Kherson and Kharkov while neocon gloat over feint working.
times was not on u$$a empires side in 2010.
the world marches on u$$a fades
Biden has deed to Brooklyn bridge…… selling cheap
Posted by: paddy | Sep 11 2023 14:59 utc | 35
I did post on the other thread more-than-a-decent probability that the AFU advanced pocket in Rabotyne will collapse. In addition to losing 40k personnel/300 tanks / 600 AFVs (those were the numbers over a month ago), it is rubbing salt in the wounds for Nato.
Definitely, it could be the prelude of the collapse of fronts east of the Dnepr. My guess is Blinken and Nato diplomacy are trying to stall and avoid this sort of scenario with their suggestions of "frozen conflict" and talks of "forcing Zelensky to agree on something".
Posted by: unimperator | Sep 11 2023 15:00 utc | 36
I doubt there are that many Banderites in the EU. Those who emigrated, particularly since the start of the SMO, are unlikely to be true believers (and those who were inEurope probably returned to fulfill their patriotic duty).
Once Ukraine collapses the Banderites have much to fear from the millions of Ukrainians who lost loved ones. There will also be many Banderites who will become furious to how they were deceived and betrayed by the higher up Banderites who were pocketing millions betraying Ukraine by taking bribes, selling weapons on the black market and profiting off those who could pay to avoid the draft.
So Zelinsky and the other top guys will need very good security in their overseas penthouses purchased with their loot. They risk getting the treatment that Trotsky got; or indeed suffer the fate of Bandera and be killed years after the war is over.
Posted by: Neal | Sep 11 2023 15:05 utc | 37
Zelenski goes on to threaten, in rather unthankful fashion, those countries which have delivered aid to Ukraine but may want to cut their losses:
I agree with most of what you say, but not so much with this point. Ukraine wanted to negotiate and was told (or at least heavily persuaded) not to. That was an insanely stupid and self-destructive move, but to say that the Ukrainians should be thankful for getting some weapons and ISR support in order to wipe out its own population for an absolutely unwinnable war when it had alternatives is a bit unfair, I think.
Posted by: Comacho in Chief | Sep 11 2023 15:09 utc | 38
In all seriousness, and without any personal prejudice against Zelensky, any objective psychological profile of the man would conclude he is deeply paranoid but with delusions of grandeur, getting morexand more disconnected from rational reality. I would say he is not far from a serious breakdown. As the news about the true situations at the front continue to trickle in to him, soon he will just crack. I think he is in that same stage of crazy deluded denial as Hitler was when he made ridiculous and fatal final pushes against all advice and commonsense. His loss of Western support will crumble exponentially from here on.
Posted by: SCCC | Sep 11 2023 15:12 utc | 39
thanks b...
“drive these people into a corner”.
that is exactly what zelensky - usa-nato have done to the ukrainian people inside ukraine. they are now seeking women to serve in the military thru enlistment.. i am certain the mood inside of ukraine is off the charts in disagreement with this war and the logic of this war, not to mention all of their relatives either directly getting killed, maimed and etc... no one in their right mind in ukraine would want this to continue..this war is being forced on them.. i am certain most of them know this..
@ paul from norway and @ melaleuca - thanks for those posts..
@ sean the leprechaun | Sep 11 2023 13:38 utc | 14 - exactly..
Posted by: james | Sep 11 2023 15:13 utc | 40
Who knew?
There were elections across Russia, including the new Ukrainian oblasts, over the weekend.
Posted by: bevin | Sep 11 2023 15:16 utc | 41
I see nothing wrong with these comments. He is completely correct. The silver lining of this war is that it has jolted the West into action. Germany especially.
Day 557
Posted by: Soothsayer | Sep 11 2023 12:58 utc | 1
Nothing wrong with Nazis terrorists roaming Europe with military grade weaponry seeking revenge on the societies who's RC armed them and gave them billions to carry out a doomed effort to erase historic Russia, an effort which has brought all of humanity to the brink of extinction.
You are garbage just like your precious Zelinsky and I sincerely hope you get your chance to join these Nazis in death on the battlefield.
The silver lining is that this imperialist Nazi adventure in Ukraine has jolted the entire world into awareness that US imperialism is the enemy of all humanity.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 11 2023 15:28 utc | 42
Blinken's visit in Kiev may have multiple purposes: there was the usual announcement of unfaltering support, news of further military support. Perhaps Zelenksy's domestic terror threat in b's piece is related to Blinken's visit (there are several ways how this might have happened).
But there's also this: Blinken says Ukraine is ready for talks with Russia: Ukraine will negotiate if there is an initiative on the part of Russia, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said in an interview with ABC. (it's a random link carrying the message). It's the first time I've seen a message of that kind from a Western official.
I don't have an opinion if Blinken means what he says (we all know that Kiev forbade itself to negotiate with Moscow), and I don't think that Russia is interested in negotations at this point and then it's also unclear how to trust any Western proposal at this point. But Blinken's tone is new.
Posted by: Konami | Sep 11 2023 15:31 utc | 43
"They spoke of terrorism they would unleash in the West should it end its support for Ukraine."
Thx b - as with MANY such statements, they only serve to paint a forthcoming narrative, which in this case revolves around the weaponized mass importation of fighting age males into G7 countries. Who's to say sleeper cells aren't already being established in those countries? The probability for such is high, given similar historic precedent. And perhaps the Outlaw Empire intended this outcome by roping in the G7 to hand over the mil gear & "volunteers", knowing the wells would eventually run dry & turmoil at home would ensue. The subjugation of the G7 was always THE target. The decimation of Ukraine & its citizens is a bonus. Not sure how this ends though, short of additional inputs/factors, as we are not the drivers here - all we can do is examine evidence & hypothesize.
Posted by: ianMoone | Sep 11 2023 15:32 utc | 44
Posted by: bevin | Sep 11 2023 15:16 utc | 41
As I've said a few times, life goes on during the SMO. Putin's remit is much larger than this war which consumes 95% of our Russia bandwidth.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 11 2023 15:36 utc | 45
New stuff from Alister...
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 11 2023 15:41 utc | 46
Does Zelenski know of any country with a totally militarized economy that survived? I have yet to hear of one.
Israel comes close.
Z's endless demands for billions look like a classic shakedown to me. Also very much like Israel, which somehow pulls off being both dependent and a bully, just like a spoiled teenager manipulating over-indulgent parents. In this regard both Ukraine and Israel feel quite similar.
I have predicted a collapse of this regime before the end of the year. I could be wrong, but not by much I think.
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 11 2023 15:49 utc | 48
My country had 30yrs of Irish Republican terrorism but they didn't get a result until they, literally, began blowing up the financial sector.
Posted by: Tubb | Sep 11 2023 13:30 utc | 11
One man's terrorist?
I always thought I was a freedom fighter, attempting to liberate my people from an occupying power. Thank you for showing me my error.
Posted by: irish al | Sep 11 2023 15:54 utc | 49
"There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned."
The millions of Ukrainians left the country for a reason. They did not have to leave.
To expect these "risk avoiders" to act terroristically in the EU, GB, USA, etc. is naive.
Of course, their mass provides cover for corresponding perpetrators, which Ukraine can set in motion at any time, if they are not already on the ground.
However, the consequences for this mass would be drastic after an attack.
Which employer would still trust Ukrainians?
Which landlord would still be happy to rent to Ukrainians?
The population would also react, with progroms, etc.
(e.g. if a number of Muslim migrants became victims).
If Baerbock then still thinks it would be clever to blame it on the Russians, ...
Ukrainian terrorism would fall back on the supporters, i.e. the governments of the respective states.
The populations have other views on this.
The people would know that it is not the Russians and that their own government is endangering private and public security.
Well, have fun!
But if Ukraine is named as the author, the support ends at that moment.
So Ukraine could only commit terrorism on low level, which would not find public interest, thus would not be cleared up.
So it does not bring anything either.
In any case, Zelensky is now in the spotlight.
The statement probably originated in Zelensky's Nazi environment.
They "think" that everything can be settled by force.
Posted by: 600w | Sep 11 2023 15:55 utc | 50
@ Scorpion | Sep 11 2023 15:45 utc | 47
i see it similarly and think the parallels are fairly obvious.. perhaps that was the template put in place before all this began too..
Posted by: james | Sep 11 2023 15:57 utc | 51
The US never demobilized its military after WW II. The US economy remained mobilized for total war, which is why it has waged so many wars since 1945.
Posted by: Wilikins | Sep 11 2023 15:58 utc | 52
blinken, as Biden and Schulz are not committed to banderaistan!
otherwise, blinken would have gone to that site of awe robotyne, waved the yellow and blue within mortar range of the Russian soldier
missed a photo op of the banderists substantial gain from a hundred billion u$$a greenbacks
Posted by: paddy | Sep 11 2023 16:00 utc | 53
RE: Posted by: Mike R | Sep 11 2023 14:25 utc | 29
“Europe at this point is between a rock and a hard place - a hysterical fear of Russia 'expanding' westward”
Some propagandized population in EU may have those irrational fears, but the national leaders and EU commission don’t believe that.
The evidence of that is not there. Had the EU really felt threatened of invasion ect. Then the first 6 months you would have seen a massive campaign to build numerous factories to churn out ammunition & weapons. By 18 months, you would have seen serious fortifications and bridges, docks ect being secured.
Instead of a once a month Raminstein NATO meeting, which seems more like a social PR event, you would have seen weekly meetings in groupings (France Germany Italy) (Latvia Romania Slovakia) coordinating defense.
More evidence of zero fear, no will to cut off ALL LNG imports, ALL oil to protect themselves should an “invasion” occur and they find themselves unable to fill a literal tank up.
Fact is, the EU has no invasion history of Russia outside of Russians being attacked first. The EU/US picked Ukraine precisely because it was not a member state, nor is it a NATO state, it was the perfect nation to use for battering ram with them having no fear of any reprisals because they are fully aware that Russia doesn’t “expand” or “invade” without provocation or direct attack. This was all an economic & regime change “game” for the EU.
No fear. Still none. This is the real concern.
”A long cold winter may be a clarifying experience.” I
For some nations it will be cold, but for the Ukraine will see the hottest winter they’ve ever encountered, with that, I’m in agreement, it may be a clarifying moment.
Posted by: Mike R | Sep 11 2023 14:25 utc | 29
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 16:03 utc | 54
From Caitlin's latest, on ATACMSing our way to doomsday:
And it’s just so strange how this isn’t the main thing everyone talks about all the time. The fact that we are drawing closer and closer to nuclear conflict should dominate headlines every single day, and the subject of how to avoid planetary disaster should be the constant focus of mainstream political discourse. But it isn’t, because that would interfere with the grand chessboard maneuverings of a globe-dominating empire working to secure unipolar planetary domination by undermining disobedient nations like Russia and China.
I see no potential roadblocks on the horizon to continuing escalation "as long as it takes" as they say. Into what deep pit was the peace movement buried? For so benumbed a polity, dazzled into terminal stupor by the bare midriffs of Lolita pop-stars, our only effective wake-up call is likely to arrive in the form of a mushroom cloud.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Sep 11 2023 16:11 utc | 55
10. Don't forget that you have flipped from an Asset to a Liability for everyone. Nato, USSA, Ukraine. Yet Russia may yet see you as an asset. A Comedian as a Wartime Commander. Yes. Right before your eyes. There is the Joke.
by kupkee | Sep 11 2023 14:39 utc | 26
Wow these lists are getting out of hand already today..... We need help.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 11 2023 16:22 utc | 56
RE: Posted by: bevin | Sep 11 2023 15:16 utc | 41
Well, actually here in the states and Ukraine the “illegality” of the elections were plastered in MSM. Further, the US which chairs the UNSC this month called meeting for this Friday to discuss its “illegality”. It will go nowhere of course.
Russia was making a blatant statement. ALL local Russian elections were held Sept. 9-11… The Crimea and 4 territories are Russia’s.
A very public purposed statement.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 16:23 utc | 57
my posts disappear, they are not even controversial
why do I bother?
Posted by: g wiltek | Sep 11 2023 16:25 utc | 58
The US never demobilized its military after WW II. The US economy remained mobilized for total war, which is why it has waged so many wars since 1945.
Posted by: Wilikins | Sep 11 2023 15:58 utc | 52
Simply contrary to fact. Not even close to being true. We actually disbanded our army in Europe rather quickly, probably too quickly because it emboldened Russia. Plus if you look at federal spending, that fell off considerably, plus we stared paying off the debt accumulated during the war.
Posted by: Jmaas | Sep 11 2023 16:25 utc | 59
RE: by: kupkee | Sep 11 2023 14:39 utc | 26
Nice 🍻!
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 16:27 utc | 60
"They spoke of terrorism they would unleash in the West should it end its support for Ukraine."
I take this thinly veiled threat to be, most likely, self defeating. It is contrary to the narrative that Ukraine is the victim, not a perpetrator.
Posted by: Jmaas | Sep 11 2023 16:28 utc | 61
@ bevin 33
Czechoslovakia was gaslighted by France and England from at least 1933 on, with the specific intent to increase German war production by 45% and the German army by 45% also. BTW, Skoda was owned by Schneider, a France company and in December 1938, Schneider told the Germans that any payment terms could be negotiated later. The best source in the book bu Dr. Annie Lacroix-Riz, "Le Choix De La Défaite". It hasn't been translated, and the text is oriented towards graduate students, but the archived references is very very complete - and damning. She used German and French banking and business archives, for example. Compared to Dr. Carley's books covering the same era with only diplomatic archives and perhaps a fearful eye on Canadian repression (Berufsverbot), the French professor's archives turned the wattage up from dim to super bright. Czechoslovakia is spread over about two chapters and doesn't pull any punches. But if you add in Carley's publication of Chamberlain's letter to his sisters, the sinister plots become clear.
Bevin, this is mistaken: "So far as I recall the French military alone was considerably larger and better armed that the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe in 1938 ..." France had 60 divisions, the Germans over 90. French military doctrine was obsolete static defense, for tanks and aviation. The Brits only had 2 divisions (!!!) for Europe's defense. Warplanes was a spectacular assymetry. Germany produced as many warplanes in a month as France or the UK built in a year. French and UK leaders lost no sleep over it because, as you noted, that was all part of the Drang Nach Osten scheme. It's a hard fact that the Brits and French refused to increase their war production (e.g. airplaines) during the Phony War. All part of the plan. Hitler's invasion of France was a rude shock. FOr HItler, it was low-hanging fruit -and why not?
Dr. Lacroix-Riz describes a scene that tops Monty Python. At the big meeting of the "Radical Party" in 1934 or '35, the leader, Édouard Herriot, claimed that increasing France's armament was a dirty Bolschevik plot to bankrupt France, and that France should not fall for it. His speech was greeted with a massive standing ovation and everyone singing La Marsellaise with patriotic fervor. Herriot, the fascist moron, was active in French politics until he retired in 1957, still head of that party.
The most important contribution to Germany's "economic miracle" of the 1930's came from French bankers. German armament industries paid 3% on loans which French industry had to pay 8%. This was the cause of France's "interwar depression". In 1936, the president of the French National Bank said the bank made no loans to any French businesses that year.
Bevin, you're right that the Wehrmacht worried they could suffer a setback if the Czech army chose to resist. So they had a meeting with Hitler. He told the generals, "Don't worry. The fix is in." That meeting has been covered in several books. BTW, Lacroix-Rix details how Beneš betrayed his nation over the years. The Soviets should have accused him of treason, unfit to lead Czechoslovakia after 1945.
Posted by: JessDTruth | Sep 11 2023 16:28 utc | 62
Hi Everyone,
I've come across a Twitter posting talking about Ukrainian soldiers being killed while on leave. I'm wondering about the veracity of this; does anyone have any extra detail. Is Ukraine currently struggling under a civil war/counter insurgency?
Posted by: Mario F | Sep 11 2023 16:29 utc | 63
Seems there are a few folks on telegram and elsewhere that say that the approval of ATCMS for Ukraine is being considered. Which means they are probably already in Ukraine or on the way. These could be a real headache for Russia as these can be fired from missile launchers as opposed to storm shadows that are launched from aircraft. Missile launchers are much harder to find than airplanes (captain obvious here) and can be brought much closed to the front lines, increasing their range into Russia. Good news is that only one at a time can be fired from a rocket launcher, I suppose the exhaust from one would fry any other in the launcher, just a guess. These missiles can cause some serious damage to a headquarters, ammo depot, fuel depot, railway station, etc. Reasonably sure that Russian AD can shoot them down with the caveat that if Ukraine floods the AD zone with drones, a few will get through. IMHO, this is a serious escalation as all of Crimea as well large parts of Russian logistics will b in range. I'm hoping that Russian will react by making all of the Black Sea off limits to drones and other intel gathering platforms as this is where Ukraine has been getting their targeting info from. And if the US, UK persist, shoot down any drones and chase away any manned flights with warning shots at first. Or if there is an EW alternative to use, then use it, time to fight fire with fire...
Posted by: ctiger | Sep 11 2023 16:34 utc | 64
ATCMS can be fired from HIMARS launchers
Russia can draw a red like and say they will send a tactical nuke to any ATCMS launch area.
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 11 2023 16:38 utc | 65
unimperator 5
If its the white man's version of Isis, Blinken is seeing Europe as a Middle East of uncontrollable and ungovernable, stuck-up nations who need to be brought heel by terrorism, as Kurdistan was brought to heel before them by Obama's Isis ( trained in Jordan , supplied with 4 x 4s in Turkey ). NO MONEY FROM KURDISH OIL HAS YET BEEN GIVEN TO THE KURDISH POPULATION.
❤u Blinken Biden Nuland
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 11 2023 16:40 utc | 66
@ Clueless Joe | Sep 11 2023 14:42 utc | 29
I’m sure any Ukrainian terrorist attack in Europe would be attributed to “unidentified assailants” — or to Russia.
Posted by: malenkov | Sep 11 2023 16:40 utc | 67
The Empire (the West) will continue the war not because they believe victory is at hand but because the continued depletion of the Ukrainian population makes sure that whatever is left of Ukraine is defanged for at least a generation. A neutral rump Ukraine is in the interest of everyone except the most ardent neocons who believe the Empire must directly and indirectly control the entire globe and thus societies need to be turned into military governments run by decree. It is those people who are more fanatical than Zelensky that are the real terrorists who ought to be feared by all of us. Hopefully, European people will begin to realize that the Empire run out of Washington is not good for them despite their tendency to worship "the authorities."
Posted by: Chris Cosmos | Sep 11 2023 16:40 utc | 68
I would like to address the simple half truth of the Occupation of Czechoslovakia, in 1938. No germany was not alone in the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Poland and Hungary also took their share. But only Germany is always mentioned. I am not a fan of the 1939 government of Germany, just like the truth to be told.
Posted by: Excat 51 | Sep 11 2023 16:43 utc | 69
RE: Posted by: young | Sep 11 2023 13:14 utc | 5
#8… potent, but true.. gj on list..🍻
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 16:46 utc | 70
Has anyone seen Bidet's "speeches" in India and Vietnam? Yikes! He has no more control over the situation than he has over his bowels. What a clusterfuck.
Posted by: Immaculate deception | Sep 11 2023 16:49 utc | 71
RE: Posted by: SCCC | Sep 11 2023 15:12 utc | 39
“His loss of Western support will crumble exponentially from here on.“
Perhaps that was the point of the water boys “performance”… exactly that.. off ramp… IDK, still tossing it around.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 16:54 utc | 72
The West created, fostered and armed a monster that will turn back on it, as it happened with Isis. Soon (probably already) it will scratch its head to decide how it will get rid of its creature.
Posted by: scc | Sep 11 2023 16:55 utc | 73
frogboiling Article 5
How about an endgame from the Russian side? I think it would be possible to defeat Nato by frogboiling its center piece: Article 5.
I think Nato and it's people are not ready, psychologically and technically to put Article 5 to action. At least not if there is no big story
So: A bomb here, an assassination there and a retaliation over there, everything deniable ,unprovable but obvious of Russian origin. The ambiguous confession would follow months after each attack.
Pushing back the Nato Article 5 redline bit by bit. Once article 5 is subject to interpretation Nato is boiled.
Sullivanishly ethical, but it might work.
Posted by: San Vitale | Sep 11 2023 17:02 utc | 74
Who wrote Zelinski's speech? Such an uncompromising and belligerent tone.
If it were US puppetmasters, it would provide the beginning of an off ramp.
(He's megalomaniacal. He's coming undone. They'd say)
If it were the Banderites, it would be typical.
Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Sep 11 2023 17:05 utc | 75
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 11 2023 16:40 utc | 66
That could be because I don't know of any working Kurdish oilfields. There were plans, but I've never heard of them actually getting into production. Of the working fields, the Khabur in Syria is on Arab land not Kurdish. Kirkuk in Iraq is Turcoman not Kurdish. Kurdistan has an agreement with Baghdad according to Kurdistan 17% of global Iraqi oil revenues. The agreement was suspended when it was discovered that Kurdistan with American connivance, was selling Kirkuk oil without putting it in the national Iraqi pool. As it was mainly oil from Basra, the agreement was a great boon to Kurdistan, and the suspension a great loss. I am not certain that the agreement has been restored but it is likely.
Posted by: laguerre | Sep 11 2023 17:05 utc | 76
Posted by: ctiger | Sep 11 2023 16:34 utc | 64
Unless there's some secret sauce to the ATACMs missile that I'm not aware of I don't imagine it's that much of a threat. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, it's a standard non-maneuvring ballistic missile. It should be a much easier target for air defense than a salvo of half a dozen much smaller HIMARS missiles or a ground-hugging and stealthy Storm Shadow missile.
Posted by: OnceWere | Sep 11 2023 17:07 utc | 77
Headlines in the western MSM next week.
Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Sep 11 2023 17:09 utc | 78
Posted by: Melaleuca | Sep 11 2023 14:43 utc | 30
Do you remember when Germany was mocked and ridiculed by Ukraine for sending “helmets & first aide kits”, non lethal support. Scholtz was called liver sausage, Biden (obviously had some crude… guessing nasty bribe thing on him) threatens him with NS2 , then subsequently blows up pipeline.
But look at Scholtz go now!! armour, tanks, ammunition, SPVs any and everything he can get passed in parliament.
One might mistake all that “assistance” for a deep seated desire to see every Ukrainian on the battlefield and then some… dead and Ukraine utterly destroyed. Help it along a bit…
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 17:12 utc | 79
So who beat up Scholz and why? Don't believe the jogging nonsense.
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 11 2023 17:14 utc | 80
Almost 19 months into the war, the president says he is “morally” ready for the switch.
19 months into a war he started, the jew feels morally ready to kill even more goys. Wow, that must have been a painful, long and difficult process.
Posted by: Jusses | Sep 11 2023 17:17 utc | 81
🔥🔥🔥Declaration of war.Over the past three days, there has been a lot of talk about the fact that Ukraine may officially declare war on the Russian Federation.
The authors of the idea argue that at the moment the government is facing a negative fork: when both main options lead Zelensky to the loss of power.
✅ In the event of a “freeze”, a huge number of real problems will open up before the authorities. It will be necessary to open not only the border, which will lead to a massive outflow of the population, but also to explain why Zelya killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and fucked up a bunch of territories; explain what’s going on with demographics, the economy, the future... People will also ask about corruption. The prospects of the authorities are clear...
✅ Second option: leave everything as it is and continue to fight against the Russian defense in the most prepared place, making unequal exchanges and gradually burning out military potential. Considering that Western support will inexorably decrease and the military potential of the Russian Federation will increase, one day we will have to go for a “freeze,” but the conditions will be even more “Russian,” which brings us back to Zelensky’s loss of power.
Therefore, a third option was born: officially declare war on the Russian Federation. We don’t yet know who the real author of this masterpiece plan is, but it is being actively thrown in through Ermasyat. In their opinion, now is the time to put Biden on a stretch: either he will lose all of Ukraine (which, according to the Yermasyat, will lead to a geopolitical defeat for the United States in Eastern Europe), or he will continue to help Zelensky, but in the status of a partner at war with the Russian Federation (and not reflecting aggression ) states. They believe that the likelihood that Washington will choose to help is enough to escalate the conflict.
To be honest, the plan is crap, and we will describe why a little later. However, it can be implemented, because it absolutely fits the logic of the Second Ukrainian Republic, which has not yet recorded losses even once since 2014. And with Zelensky in power, this policy of “we will lay down our soul and body for our freedom” has generally become an uncontested compass for the path.
The situation is reminiscent of a gambling addict who has already lost all his cash and the car he arrived in at the casino during the evening. His wife constantly calls him and asks: “how are you?” He lies that everything is fine and tries to win back. And so he was offered to call a taxi and go home, but he understands that she will divorce him when she finds out that he lost the car, and therefore decides to mortgage another house in the hope of recouping and returning “with his own people.”
A small but very active part of Ukrainian society sees state policy this way. Plus, this idea surfaced during the absence of a clear and acceptable way out of the conflict, so it is actively supported by moderate nationalists, and for the radical Nazis, a declaration of war on the Russian Federation - you know, will do just that.
The worst thing about this option is for Biden, which is why the Soros are already actively ruining the idea🧩
Colleagues are right in describing the problem with declaring war on Russia, but the question is that for Zelensky all options are bad, which means there is only a format for increasing rates.This is a bad scenario for the Biden Administration; it puts the United States on a stretch, which means it will need to publicly acknowledge Russia’s loss or start an escalation, which is not clear which scenario will follow.
That is why the piglets in Ukraine began to criticize this idea, but for now the issue has been thrown into discussion in order to gauge the reaction in society.
Posted by: Down South | Sep 11 2023 17:25 utc | 82
RE: Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 11 2023 17:14 utc | 80
I don’t either. But he seemed to think it was some public badge of honor & desired to flaunt it, unlike some of the others. Though he always struck me as some weird S&M type, not hard to picture him with a collar & Baerbock with a whip.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 17:25 utc | 83
At the time of the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army had half the number of personnel and almost three times less equipment.You need to understand a simple thing: the Armed Forces of Ukraine now have comparable forces only in manpower, in other components we are completely inferior, but in such conditions the Office of the President wants to continue the war!
Forces and assets deployed by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine at the moment, according to information from the Main Intelligence Directorate:
▪️420,000 personnel (excluding the Russian Guard, special forces, etc.);
▪️2260 tanks (15-20% T-54/62 tanks);
▪️5260 BBM;
▪️3050 artillery systems;
▪️920 MLRS;
▪️46 OTRK;
▪️360 aircraft;
▪️320 helicopters;
▪️64 ships/boats;
▪️5 submarines.Voicing such figures and understanding the protracted format of the war, we must look for a formula for the negotiation process, and not wage a war until the last Ukrainian.
Posted by: Down South | Sep 11 2023 17:26 utc | 84
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 11 2023 17:14 utc | 80A fun thought, even though irrelevant -- because Scholz is. I predict attacks against Ampel (the coalition leading Germany) party offices to increase in number and power. Tickles my heart to imagine that a thoroughly disgruntled citizen --perhaps a former upright Sozialdemokrat-- hit good old Scholz in the face.So who beat up Scholz and why? Don't believe the jogging nonsense.
Fun fact: The Bundesclown had this to say after the G20 summit: proudly boasting that he didn't talk to Lawrow and "nobody in the room believed Lawrow anyway".
Posted by: Konami | Sep 11 2023 17:27 utc | 85
The President’s Office was unable to shift the emphasis from Zelensky on the corruption track, which means loud revelations await us in the future. Our sources reported that corruption scandals have reduced support for Zelensky by 20%.77.6% of Ukrainians consider Zelensky responsible for corruption in the government and local administrations, survey by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation
Geographically, the president bears the greatest responsibility in the east of the country. In terms of age, there is a clear trend: the older the citizens, the greater their percentage considers Zelensky responsible for Zelensky’s corruption.
Posted by: Down South | Sep 11 2023 17:28 utc | 86
Posted by: Paul from Norway | Sep 11 2023 13:25 utc | 8
There is a lot of truth in Ukrainian, ahem, "Statements": Just replace "Russian" with Ukrainian and vice versa.
When they say "Russia is shelling Zaporitcha NPP", they mean they have just ordered ukrainian artillery fire.
When they say "Russia is about to blow up a river dam", their explosive charges have been placed already.
When they say "Russia has lost 50000 men in Bakmut, they mourn 50000 Ukrainian soldiers.
As for POWs: If Ukraine was any good at catching Russians, or if they didn't kill any prisoner they got their hands on: Why would Ukraine's president keep insisting on "all-for-all" prisoner exchanges? As in "you return 20000 Ukrainian POWs, and we'll give you the body of the one Russian we captured before we tortured him to death."
Posted by: Marvin | Sep 11 2023 17:29 utc | 87
Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Sep 11 2023 17:09 utc | 78
Headlines in the western MSM next week.
Why isn't the failed Ukraine offensive Putin's fault, like everything else? Will MSM at least write that climate change is Putin's fault?
Posted by: iguana | Sep 11 2023 17:30 utc | 88
Some food for thoughts to the overall situation:Russians use a simple tactic - moving back when holding is pointless - and hammer the approaching opponent.
This is what you do in a war of attrition when your opponent thinks he has to take and hold every inch. I know people laugh when I say the best skills Russians have is defending and retreating.
But as long as you have enough strategic space to do so it serves the main goal - taking out the opponent's forces while preserving your own troops.But what the dumb audience can't see is the transformation of the Russian forces into veterans. Some sectors of the front are just being used as training ground to improve - like we see in the north - where RF is slowly but steadily transforms unit after unit into attack formations.
Just take a look at the order of Battle. You will see that every sector is backed by 2 armies - the troops are rotating - not only to refit but also to improve.
In a war where the enemy can see everything you have to spread your forces all along the lines - so nobody knows where you will strike next - and you keep the pressure everywhere.
Simple things work.
Posted by: Down South | Sep 11 2023 17:31 utc | 89
Wow these lists are getting out of hand already today..... We need help.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 11 2023 16:22 utc | 56
Yeah. Gone for 7 days. Fingers got crazy. Zelensky better have a good "it was the Russkies, not us, but you know it could have been..." Any bombs going off in Europe from now on is going to require a Uke tap dance.
Bevin: I read your stuff. Interesting, informative, but the idea that France and Britain allowed the collapse of France and the British Expeditionary Arm to be ignominiously floated back to Britain under German aircraft attack, as part of some grande Hitler v. Stalin strategy is a stretch. Somewhere, somehow they overlooked Adolf's megalomania, that they themselves would be the appetizer, before the main course.
Every European country has some petty, some historically damning reason to hate the other, in the 1930's, before and after. Eastern Europe is a continuous Graveyard set on a Powderkeg.
Posted by: kupkee | Sep 11 2023 17:31 utc | 90
This is just a test comment. I am unable to comment over at Awful-A...just a test..apologies.
Posted by: S Brennan | Sep 11 2023 17:33 utc | 91
Chaka [email protected] wrote it on a napkin during lunch, another belligerent fuck visits Kiev and thumbs his nose. The Donbass where Russia is dug in, is expendable. Brits biggest goal there is to degrade the RF armed forces, regardless of mounting Ukie fodder deaths, the main goal was, is, and always will be returning Crimea to the Crown.
Russia does not seem to have an answer to the mounting belligerence from Zman, BloJo, and Blinky.....anyone thinking killing more Ukies, while that terrible trio live and breathe, is the answer.. ..is a sick fuck.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 11 2023 17:36 utc | 92
"There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian draft dodgers in European countries would react to their country being abandoned." There, fixed it.
Posted by: Gregorio | Sep 11 2023 17:41 utc | 93
RE: Posted by: Down South | Sep 11 2023 17:28 utc | 86
He doesn’t want to continue the “war”, he wants to continue the grift & is afraid of becoming “disposable” as it will inevitability be his death or imprisonment. It’s the UK that now wants a full blown EU war, Zelensky is guaranteed exile to UK.
US is walking away…except in rhetoric & global affairs. UN PR, BS for the next decade to come, oh and some further dumping of crap they don’t want.
Just my opinion. The US has other fish they want to fry & are bored with this.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Sep 11 2023 17:44 utc | 94
We have a lot of Ukrainian refugees in my area. I don’t see them waving flags. Most of them are women in their late thirties, often with children. When in the media they say that they want to learn Swedish so they can find work. I don’t think they are about to start a bombing campaign any time soon. Nor do I think it’s likely they will return to Ukraine. Ever.
Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Sep 11 2023 17:53 utc | 95
"... the idea that France and Britain allowed the collapse of France and the British Expeditionary Arm to be ignominiously floated back to Britain under German aircraft attack, as part of some grande Hitler v. Stalin strategy is a stretch."
That's putting it mildly, kupkee@90 .
It is certainly not what I was suggesting, which was, simply, that The Establishment, from the Cabinet to the corridors of Whitehall, was full of people ready to throw in the towel and, like the conservatives and monarchists elsewhere across European work out a wayy of holding onto all their privileges and properties while Hitler got on with the dirty work of exterminating communists. A bargain they revisited and agreed, this time with the US, after the war.
It wasn't a very realistic perspective, as millions of Rumanians, Poles and other europeans learned to their cost, but then the semi-fascist types running Britain, from Buckingham Palace to Birmingham City Hall, were not very clever.
The truth is that the appeasers were a small minority and Churchill's 'We will fight them on the beaches..." message was very popular.
The situation in France was not that different, though there was no channel to afford breathing room. The problems were defeatism and deep seated fascist intellectual currents among a ruling class that had lived in fear and suspicion of the French people for a couple of centuries. To these forces of "order' the idea of a Gambetta style patriotic uprising was much scarier than a Nazi parade on the Champs Elysees. It didn't take them long to lay into the Spanish Republican refugees outside of Perpignan.
Posted by: bevin | Sep 11 2023 17:59 utc | 96
Whenever - not often-Russian's advance then p utinophile shout about imminent attack by full force of Russia ever to materialise.
Fact is Ukraine advances and it was Russia which was supposed to advance and win. Russia has dismally performed mitary wise and diplomatically.
Posted by: Sam | Sep 11 2023 18:00 utc | 97
Jörgen Hassler | Sep 11 2023 17:53 utc | 95
"We have a lot of Ukrainian refugees in my area..."
I've been wondering, in what way are any of these hohol migrants to Western Europe "refugees"? They're not like Donbass Russians who fled to Russia from civil war and ethnic cleansing. All I've ever heard is that their migrations are economically motivated, which last time I checked doesn't make one a bona fide refugee with any special protections under international law. None of them that I've heard of are anti-Kiev/anti-Nazi dissidents fleeing persecution. (And if there were such, again Russia would've been the place to go, not western Europe.)
Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Sep 11 2023 18:02 utc | 98
my posts disappear, they are not even controversial
why do I bother?
by: g wiltek
Sep 11 2023 16:25 utc | 58
An excellent question!!!
I would answer it, but I haven't seen your posts.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 11 2023 18:03 utc | 99
That meeting has been covered in several books. BTW, Lacroix-Rix details how Beneš betrayed his nation over the years. The Soviets should have accused him of treason, unfit to lead Czechoslovakia after 1945.
by: JessDTruth
Sep 11 2023 16:28 utc | 62
Thank you for your summary and interpretation of this history prior to the war and during it. Great comment.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 11 2023 18:13 utc | 100
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