Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
September 26, 2023

Ukrainian Whoppers

Propaganda only works so long.

Ukraine’s Military Claims to Have Killed the Head of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet - New York Times

Ukraine’s military asserted on Monday that it had killed the commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in a missile attack last week, which, if confirmed, would make the strike among the most damaging for the Russian Navy since the sinking of the fleet’s flagship last year.

There was no immediate comment from Moscow’s Defense Ministry on the status of its fleet commander, Adm. Viktor Sokolov, who is one of the most senior figures in the Russian Navy. Ukraine’s claim could not be independently verified.

Ukraine’s special operations forces on Friday said they had struck a headquarters of the Russian fleet in the Crimean city of Sevastopol, a storied port that is now under regular bombardment from Ukraine’s long-range missiles and exploding drones. Fleet officers were holding a meeting there at the time, the Ukrainian military said.

Russian sources say that no one was in the very exposed building when the Ukrainian missiles hit. The real headquarter is underground in an unknown place.

Today there was an expanded Board meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry in Moscow (machine translation):

Opening the meeting, the Defense Minister briefly highlighted the situation in the special military operation zone.

"Groups of Russian troops," he said, " continue active operations to defeat the enemy. Thanks to the professionalism and courage of the personnel of the 25th and 138th motorized rifle brigades in the Kupyansk direction, the control zone near the settlements of Sinkovka and Petropavlovsk was significantly expanded. As a result of effective fire damage, the armed forces of Ukraine are suffering serious losses along the entire line of contact.

During the current month, more than 17 thousand people, more than 2,700 weapons and military equipment were destroyed, including 7 American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 77 American M777 artillery systems, 51 self-propelled artillery installations from Germany, France, Poland and the United States of America, as well as two German Leopard tanks and one English tank "Challenger".

The commander of the Black Sea fleet, Adm. Viktor Sokolov, took part in the briefing via a live TV link.

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch - 10:29 UTC · Sep 26, 2023

Russian MoD released a photo of a claimed meeting today between Shoigu and military commanders, with Black Sea Fleet Admiral Sokolov participating (bottom on the left) and not dead as has been alleged No way to verify the date of the photo though

And now video of Shoigu’s speech. I think this is now a pretty good proof of life that Sokolov didn’t die on the strike on Black Sea Fleet HQ
full video


Another whopper comes from the neoconservative Institute for the Study of War:

ISW @TheStudyofWar - 4:03 UTC · Sep 25, 2023

6/ Putin may have ordered the Russian military command to hold all Russia’s initial defensive positions to create the illusion that Ukrainian counteroffensives have not achieved any tactical or operational effects despite substantial Western support.

As one commentator remarked:

“Putin orders Russian army to win battle to create the illusion of having won battle”

The White House has put out a letter with a list of demands Ukraine has to fulfill to receive further aid.

The "DELIBERATIVE // PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT – SUBJECT TO REVIEW" five page letter includes the "Priority Reform List - Reforms Linked to Conditions on U.S. Assistance".

It demands a complete reform of major Ukrainian power structures and the insertion of designated foreign personnel. It sets 3, 6 and 12 month limits for certain reforms to be achieved.


Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) Reform : Implement newly enacted law #3277-IX by standing up the Advisory Group of Experts with the meaningful participation of Venice Commision, EU, and U.S. nominated experts and supporting the vetting process of CCU judge candidates. *Passage of #3277 was one of seven requirements for Ukraine to begin EU accession process.
Ministry of Defense (MOD) : o Without undermining readiness, re-design both military armament and public procurement processes and procedures reflecting NATO standards of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and competition in defense procurement.
o Invest in Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) initiatives.
Ministry of Strategic Industries / Ukraine Defense Industry (formerly UkrOboronProm) : Stand up UDI supervisory board that complies with OECD standards, including participation by foreign defense experts. Build stronger institutional connections (e.g., liaison or procurement offices) with MOD and General Staff planning, to ensure UDI’s work is aligned with the country’s most pressing needs. Ensure NATO standards of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and competition across the defense industrial sector. Institute transparency procedures (even taking into account wartime needs for secrecy) to allow later audit and avoid even the appearance of politicization or corruption in defense production.

I believe that the Ukrainian government currently has very different problems and priorities than those dreamed up in some offices in DC.

Posted by b on September 26, 2023 at 12:53 UTC | Permalink


sadly, it turns out the Ghost of Kiev was in the building, rip ghost.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Sep 26 2023 12:55 utc | 1

"I believe that the Ukrainian government currently has very different problems and priorities than those dreamed up in some offices in DC."

You have to let the true believer ideologues feel important.

Posted by: Sal | Sep 26 2023 13:01 utc | 2

Russian MoD released a photo of a claimed meeting today between Shoigu and military commanders, with Black Sea Fleet Admiral Sokolov participating (bottom on the left) and not dead as has been alleged No way to verify the date of the photo though

And now video of Shoigu’s speech. I think this is now a pretty good proof of life that Sokolov didn’t die on the strike on Black Sea Fleet HQ - full video

I'm calling that a Whopper With Cheese!

Posted by: Gerry Bell | Sep 26 2023 13:11 utc | 3

They could have told him to blink a bit !!

Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Sep 26 2023 13:25 utc | 4

Soothsayer says all the Russian generals in that video are dead and are merely propped in their seats with shovels. You can always trust the Truth-slayer.

Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Sep 26 2023 13:33 utc | 5

msm doesn't care if it's true or not. "Ukr is winning" is the message and will remain exactly the same forever. new york times and other msm never update any of their fake news and wikipedia will add it to approved history. These stories don't even come from Ukr, msm writes them and simply adds "Ukr says".
The only good thing is that their ratings are on the floor. For example cnn last week had the lowest since 1991 (first year of measurements in the current format).

Posted by: rk | Sep 26 2023 13:35 utc | 6

CNN reported, 'strike killed commander of Black Sea fleet and 33 officers'

They reported this as fact. The MSM doesn't even bother to mention the source anymore because Ukraine now has unquestioned credibility. Ukraine is now on the same pedestal as 'unnamed U.S. officials'.

Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Sep 26 2023 13:36 utc | 7

re: ukro-PR turns out to be BS ... is anyone surprised?

re: "list of priorities" for UA govt ... reading between the lines, this says please try not to make it so obvious that you're embezzling/stealing most of the aid money. actual DC policy doesn't give a s##t tho. just need to keep the fire burning, and they've ticked their box for "showing resolve"

Posted by: pxx | Sep 26 2023 13:36 utc | 8

The White House has put out a letter with a list of demands Ukraine has to fulfill to receive further aid.

The "DELIBERATIVE // PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT – SUBJECT TO REVIEW" five page letter includes the "Priority Reform List - Reforms Linked to Conditions on U.S. Assistance".

It demands a complete reform of major Ukrainian power structures and the insertion of designated foreign personnel. It sets 3, 6 and 12 month limits for certain reforms to be achieved.

Yet, if you point out the very obvious reality that Ukraine is a vassal state of the US, expect belligerent denial.

Posted by: Mike R | Sep 26 2023 13:41 utc | 9

One possibly interesting thing to notice is that Sevastol was a naval base in ussr, and nearby there was Bakaklava, secret and fortified base with tunnels to hide submarines.

As many infrastructures build in the soviet era, and used in the cold war, most of them have bunker built in, possibly with nuclear protection.

Remember Azovstal, it was a fortified, steel production plant.

I suppose that, Sevastol had bunkers somewhere and fleet officers probably used them.

Posted by: Mario | Sep 26 2023 13:47 utc | 10

Well we know now what the Finks and Kissinger, the deathless ghoul, were telling their ‘boy’ now.

It’s about the pound of flesh that will be claimed for evermore, because shelenski apparently made some kind of contract with them - which they will claim is enforceable under their Rules Based Order.

Nah! Not this time.
This new homeland for the Wankers is not guaranteed under any modern scammer Balfour with a Declaration.

Talking of which it seems Lavrov has moved the agenda onto Palestine. As had China.
Anyone still think that the Rules based order can keep hold of its loot?

Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 26 2023 13:51 utc | 11

The Ukraine gets more attention and more money than the state of Hawaii. Hawaii should apply for EU membership to get a piece of that action. If Armenia can try to enter that union so could Hawaii.

Posted by: Jose Garcia | Sep 26 2023 13:59 utc | 12

And the Whopper that a few lads in a dingy "did it"

Seymour Hersh latest

The Biden administration blew up the pipelines but the action had little to do with winning or stopping the war in Ukraine. It resulted from fears in the White House that Germany would waver and turn on the flow of Russia gas—and that Germany and then NATO, for economic reasons, would fall under the sway of Russia and its extensive and inexpensive natural resources. And thus followed the ultimate fear: that America would lose its long-standing primacy in Western Europe.


Posted by: Don Firineach | Sep 26 2023 13:59 utc | 13

I believe that the Ukrainian government currently has very different problems and priorities than those dreamed up in some offices in DC.

Posted by b on September 26, 2023 at 12:53 UTC | Permalink
Dry humor, still provoking challenges to my nostrils.

Thank you, b.

Posted by: Acco Hengst | Sep 26 2023 14:02 utc | 14

Posted by: Don Firineach | Sep 26 2023 13:59 utc | 13

The Nordstream pipe is catastrophic for EU economy obviously. Due to this event, EU had to implement energy subsidies of more than 700 billion euros in 2022 and German car companies lost their competitiveness, and BASF has left the building because their customers are either bankrupt or reduced orders and because operating in Germany is unbearably expensive. Also the bankruptcy for SME companies is record high, which is mostly a residual effect into the service sector, which is actually more important for the economy.

In a longer-than-short-term-horizon, the lost pipeline is not only detrimental to EU but to the US. Because US "allies" in Europe economic base is shrinking and they are very weak. US might gain some business from EU demise, but in the long run US will mostly lose out in exports as its vassals become ever weaker, they cannot pay for exorbitant US products. In conjunction with US dollar losing positions around the world, you could deduce that the Nordstream pipe destruction is detrimental for the US empire, as a whole.

Re. Crimea building. Ukraine hit a building where some janitors and archival workers were working. The actual high level command centers during war time is somewhere under ground.

Posted by: unimperator | Sep 26 2023 14:08 utc | 15

thanks b.

Advisory Group of Experts with the meaningful participation of Venice Commision, EU, and U.S. nominated experts and supporting the vetting process of CCU judge candidates.

A pure whiff of an enforced freedom and democracy for a soon to be a non country. Just a proper EU bureaucracy wasting money and time.
More here.

Posted by: whirlX | Sep 26 2023 14:15 utc | 16

The thing about Ukrainian claims is that while ~90% are propaganda, you can’t discount them completely because sometimes they turn out to be telling the truth. The one that sticks in my mind is the sinking of the Moskva.

And this war, from an American perspective, is just baiting the bear. You have actual American military personnel finding Russian coordinates from American-manned awacs, American operated satellites, feeding it to the Ukrainians operating American Himars or nato storm shadows, and boom, “how you like that Ruskis”. Followed by the 1000th Medvedev warning that even to him is turning into a comedy show.

Russia strikes Ukraine, it stopped the counter offensive, but in the grand scheme of things, it has exposed itself to not be ready for prime time. My favorite analogy for Putin’s Russia is Justinian’s Byzantine empire, as compared to the Soviet Union’s 1st-2nd CE high Roman Empire. Justinian’s empire was interesting in its own right, and was a renaissance compared to what was immediately prior, but ultimately it was just a shadow of the Roman Empire at its peak. Same for Putin’s Russia, it is not uninteresting, and it has strong points, but compared to the Soviet Union’s technological, scientific, and industrial capacity, well there is no comparison. Instead you get what is essentially artisanal batch production of some legitimately good weapons systems, pro-Russian analysts claiming refurbishing Soviet tanks as “new” tank production, and one space mission beyond low earth orbit every decade (and which invariably fails)

Posted by: Simon | Sep 26 2023 14:19 utc | 17

Don Firineach@13 (and unimperator)

One peculiar thing about the Hersh story- at least according to Sputnik- is his claim that it was the perfect crime because all the paper work, including carbons!, was destroyed after the explosions.
There ought to be a close watch on the obituary columns to check out the sudden passing of SEAL operatives, divers etc.

Posted by: bevin | Sep 26 2023 14:25 utc | 18

Re: Origins of SMO
English Outsider / Sushi / Karlof1

"And then we had four days in the lead up to the thing, in which we had something like a 20 fold increase in the shelling of Donetsk and Lugansk.

And also, I knew, I can't say exactly how, but I knew that the Russians had got the full plans for the offensive against Donetsk and Lugansk given to them by a source of theirs, so they knew it was due to start in February and they had to act, they had to forestall it."

Posted by: Ingolf Eide | Sep 26 2023 14:27 utc | 19

Whoops, on previous post (19) left out who I was quoting:

Alistair Crooke on Going Underground.

Posted by: Ingolf Eide | Sep 26 2023 14:32 utc | 20

Simon: The good thing is that this Justinian's empire isn't facing Sassanian Persia, but late 2th century AD decrepit Parthian empire :p

But I'm quite baffled that B doesn't think that "Women, Peace, Security initiatives" aren't high on Ukraine's priority list. Come on, seriously, who wouldn't?

Posted by: Clueless Joe | Sep 26 2023 14:33 utc | 21

@ unimperator and bevin

Yes. There are/will be huge consequences from this act ...

Will Europeans ever wake up?

Posted by: Don Firineach | Sep 26 2023 14:40 utc | 22

"Wollt ihr den total belogen werden ?"


"Wollt ihr belogen werden , wenn nötig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn euch heute überhaupt vorstellen können?"


„ Wollt ihr noch mehr zahlen für unsere Amateurhaften Nazilügen?“

Mehr, Mehr, Mehr

Posted by: SlowSoft | Sep 26 2023 14:42 utc | 23

@21 America today has a lot of silliness and disfunction but it is still a very formidable country, let’s be honest, much more than Russia is. From articles published in scientific journals, cutting edge technology, industrial capacity (go ahead, compare Russia’s industrial output to America’s), a mission to deep space every few months. It’s not all men in dresses at the pentagon. The only real competitor is China, not Russia.

Posted by: Simon | Sep 26 2023 14:50 utc | 24

It's nice the admiral is alive and well, and great to see the PR pushback too.

BUT the building was still struck, admiral or non, the ships and sub in dock were still struck, the Moskva was still sunk and the gas pipelines are still blown up and not fit for purpose.

Yes Ukraine is getting a beating, it's an unfair fight, but Russia has not won this, not by a long shot. Please wake me up when several divisions are flooding south from the Kursk region and sweeping all before them, and Kherson and Odessa are taken and secured to the Romainian/Moldovan borders by overwhelming Russian forces who have erected formidable Air Defenses to defeat anything NATO or the rump UKR army can throw at them, and Kharkiv is taken and defended and all the territory of the new declared four Russian Oblasts has been secured by Russian forces and air defenses and can no longer be hit by artillery, rockets or missiles from the west.... and Russia can safely begin rebuilding those communities and rebuilding the dam Ukraine blew up, and can turn on the Zap NNP again .... and NATO stops sending USVs, UAVs and Missiles into Crimea, their Naval ports and the Bridge.

Now when this happens then that would be good day imo. If only ...........

Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | Sep 26 2023 14:56 utc | 25

Today i found this Ukro goebbels piece
Ukies published a job offer on a famous German Media platform. They re preparing a staged coup with children
Therefore they re looking for professionals

befristete Festanstellung
ab 7. September 2023 bis 30. Oktober 2024
19 Tage alt
Seeking a writer professional, experienced writing film content, promoting major fundraising event and future film/brand concept.

Experienced in writing content, promotion, PR and social media activity. If you have experience in kick starter/crowdfunding activity.

Ability to write in multiple European languages would be an advantage.

You will be assisting in the markeitng planning of future events and film promotion. Assisting and guiding a small team.

You will be supporting a fresh humanitarian start-up, supporitng Ukraine children, helping to tell their story since the war began.

You will have the opportunty free creative licence, being part of a passionate start-up, seeking to shift the dial with the media.

Able to work remotely through the journey of the startup to evnt launch. Limited hours per week/month. Pro bono payment relationship.

Pls get in touch if you can add value to our small team.
Mehr anzeigen
Freedom Seekers

[email protected]

Posted by: SlowSoft | Sep 26 2023 14:56 utc | 26

@25 Exactly. Russia proved it could utterly destroy Ukraine’s counter offensive, which is a big thing in its own right, and far different than the Russian collapse even pro-Z was dreading. But Russia has not yet proved that it can conduct its own successful offensive, and we are still at basically the same line of contact as the beginning of the year, the gains and losses have in the great scheme of things been trivial. Wake me up when Russia is in Odessa, Kharkov and Dnepr, and when strikes on Russian strategic assets are not occurring on a weekly basis, then followed to some whining from Russian officials about foreign involvement in the conflict.

Posted by: Simon | Sep 26 2023 15:04 utc | 27

For so many weeks, many people here claimed General Valerii Zaluzhnyi was dead. That claim ultimately was disproven, but the whole time people made that claim here anyone who suggested otherwise would get slammed. I don't see people disputing Adm Sokolov's status as having any higher ground then.

Posted by: Inkan1969 | Sep 26 2023 15:08 utc | 28


Not with chessmaster in power
He loves his western partners & small nazi bastards ups brothers toooo much!

Posted by: SlowSoft | Sep 26 2023 15:10 utc | 29

I might get excited when 5000, 6000 or 16000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered enmass. Until then it's more like a Punch and Judy show whacking each other. Sure I get the Russians don't want to escalate and hit anything US or NATO, fine .... they are running a long game plan of attrition against the Ukrainians are being effective, but how is the Ukraine army still able operate at all is the question .... if Russia is much more powerful and smarter than them? How does Russia get smacked in the mouth repeatedly like in Crimea with their navy burning and civilians in Donetsk still being shelled everyday and the front lines just down the road still after 19 months?

I don't care about the PR Propaganda battles anymore. It's a tad tedious and makes no difference at all who said what when.

The Ukraine must be damn good given what little they got to fight with. That's what it looks like. If it's that NATO is actually far more hands on that what it appears then Russia is the loser here because they are not doing shit to NATO or the US. Can't even throw sand in their face while Russia is being kicked in the balls. But maybe tomorrow they will?

What's Russia's end game? What is the exit strategy out of this non-stop war? How does Russia effect first a ceasefire on their terms and then a surrender / peace under favourable Russian terms with 1) Ukraine and 2) US/NATO re their 2021 security demands? Nothing else matters. Everything else is a distraction and unimportant. imho at least.

Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | Sep 26 2023 15:14 utc | 30

The energy and effort it takes to lie rarely pays off.

In the information age, lies don't last a week, sometimes not even a day.

30 years ago, a lie could go around the world twice before most people figured out the truth.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 26 2023 15:16 utc | 31

The sad truth is that we don't value honesty, modesty, or dignity these days.

The project to erode all values in the West has been very successful.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 26 2023 15:18 utc | 32

MASSACRE continues. Sadly, more than 1800 Ukraine conscripts perished this week. Of those more than 35 were women in their 20’s.

Posted by: AI | Sep 26 2023 15:24 utc | 33

Sorry, but to me, Seymour Hersh has become a broken record with nothing new to add of any importance or inside running. His 'sources' don't really have anything to say that amounts to anything you could actually hang your hat on. Between Biden is an old goat and they blew up Nordstream what else has he accurately informed us about in the last 12 months? Nothing.

Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | Sep 26 2023 15:25 utc | 34

@30 I think the Russian end game turned into fighting until the last Ukrainian, which is more than a little sad considering that Putin and most Russians considered Ukrainians to basically be one kind of Russian until a few years ago. Ukraine doesn’t have infinite manpower, and if they are stupid enough to keep launching infantry offensives for PR purposes (we took this abandoned village!), they will run out of men to send within a year or two.

I also think Putin is playing this by ear, but with the overarching strategy of go slow, don’t risk everything, don’t start a war with nato. If the Ukrainians are pouring their people to be decimated, ok, let them do that. If they want to negotiate, ok, I think Putin will go for it and be willing to make a deal that will look almost like capitulation for the more gung-ho pro-Russians

Posted by: Sean | Sep 26 2023 15:28 utc | 35

any ceasefire or kind of agreement with west would be a capitulation a la Dayton 2.0 style
Ask the serbs!

Posted by: tesla | Sep 26 2023 15:34 utc | 36

All the dead Russian generals in that video were ordered to be present to create an illusion that they were not dead!

Posted by: velizhan | Sep 26 2023 15:43 utc | 37

War until the last ukrainian.

Posted by: Crazy idiot | Sep 26 2023 16:04 utc | 38

Ingolf Eide | Sep 26 2023 14:27 utc | 19--

Thanks for providing that citation. As the articles I wrote and published at my VK attest, I was very closely watching the events that led to Russia's SMO launch. By mid-January 2022 when no substantive reply had been made to Russia's December security proposals, it was clear the next step would be the launching of the promised "military technical operation," the only questions being when and what strategy would be pursued.

Crooke is British but he's clearly not anti-Russian and has only contempt for UK and EU/NATO "leaders." Over the past several months, Crooke's been interviewed on Tuesdays by Judge Napolitano on his program; so, we'll need to wait and see if that occurs today.

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 26 2023 16:07 utc | 39

the ultimate fear: that America would lose its long-standing primacy in Western Europe.

It says an awful lot about the people in charge when their solution for preventing the loss of USA's relationship with Western Europe is to make it more difficult for Western Europe to live. They don't come up with some great idea that would benefit everyone. Nope, they break your kneecaps like a Mafia hoodlum and tell you that you should be glad you got off so easy. Won't be long until America has no friends at all.

Posted by: Botched_Lobotomy | Sep 26 2023 16:22 utc | 40

Somewhere, some State Dept support consultants will write up detailed action plans to address all of the 4 page concerns, and send it to the Gov't of Ukraine. They will then re-format it and send it back as their own original document.

Biden admin will say "Ahh, just what we wanted! Have some more money"

No one in Ukraine will enact anything inside the action plan to any degree, just lip synch what it says back during phone calls. This will provide another 9 months or so unlimited funding with Biden admin claiming reforms are taking place.

Same ol, same ol.

Posted by: BroncoBilly | Sep 26 2023 16:30 utc | 41

reply to 24

There is a force within nations that can be more powerful than anything else: corruption. It can wreck economies, collapse empires and ruin armies. I see this as the greatest danger to the US. Currently, Biden, Trump, McConnell, Fetterman, Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi. I don't even have to expound on these people, it's all out there. Add to this the apathetic non reaction to the mighty US military being defeated by goat herders after the longest war in its history. (Yawn....any one care?)

Posted by: Eighthman | Sep 26 2023 16:31 utc | 42

Pepe Escobar linked to a very informative report by Russian war correspondent Marat Khairullin, which is in Russian of course, "The main thing is at the front. How much longer to fight?". It's a rather long report; these are IMO the important excerpts:

Obviously, the most important layer here will be the question of the losses of Ukraine and ours. Of course, not decisive, but, nevertheless, influencing the final resolution of the question of the timing of the war.

So, once again, we state that it is not possible to find exact figures for the enemy's losses - Ukraine, it seems, does not even know how many people it loses during the hostilities. First of all, because the country's leadership does not care deeply about this.

Even in numerous publications of the Western press, there is some puzzlement about this. Even a special wording was invented - "the insensitivity of Ukrainians to their own losses." Insensitivity--just think about how much horror there is in this cold and polite word. There is so much cynicism, pain and some kind of boundless tragedy in this. A people "insensitive" to their own death is doomed. And I could actually see this "insensitivity", for example, last night, when I was sitting at one of the battalion command posts, watching how our First Slavyansk brigade worked....

And this peculiarity of the Ukies - almost without hesitation, to beat on their own, if only the position did not go to us - I have been observing since the beginning of the war.

For us, normal people, to look at it from the outside is pure horror, a nightmare that suddenly became a reality.

But the Ukrainian leadership even flaunts this, for example, when it boasts of its endless cemeteries in front of the owners - that's how many people we put for the sake of your interests. It is clear that it is useless for the leaders of the nation, who behave so irrationally, to give any reasonable arguments about the end of the war - they absolutely do not care how many thousands of Ukrainian corpses are piled in front of them.

But the worst thing is that the nation does not care.

And, nevertheless, despite this terrible "insensitivity", the question of the ratio of losses is very important, because in the end, sooner or later, there will come a time when the army of the Fritz will exude itself so much in battles that the conveyor of the Ukrainian meat processing plant will cease to cope with the supply of raw materials to the front line....

However, let's return to our topic - how to estimate our losses, given that our Ministry of Defense has not published official figures for a long time. And I personally, under conditions of military censorship, do not have the right to cite even estimated figures.

It is very simple to get out of the situation: you need to analyze the real picture of what is happening....

For example, I know the exact figures of our losses in the last three or four weeks in my native First Slavic Brigade, but unfortunately, due to military censorship, I have no right to voice. But again, this can be done indirectly. Let me remind you that in early September, the positions of Slavyanka were hit by fresh forces of very well-trained marines from the 36th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine transferred here. For a week they tried to gnaw through our positions from different directions. As a result, having lost more than a company, the Ukies were forced to leave this direction. And our brigade went forward without any interruption and for the third week has been biting off one enemy supporter after another. And all this on their own, without the support of other units, except for the regular ones. And he does it to this day. And exactly the same thing happens, for example, on the right face of the defense of Bakhmut, where in the area of Berkhovka our troops unexpectedly launched an offensive yesterday and entered the very important village of Orekhovo-Vasilyevka. It's as simple as that, without concentrating resources and forces, without involving additional units - yesterday the unit was on the defensive, and today it suddenly went on the offensive. This, as well as just says that our army is in very good shape and, despite the constant attacks of the enemy, suffers such insignificant losses that they can safely move from defense to attack.

In other words, our troops have been demonstrating amazing stability for many months now. And most importantly, our military has groped for a certain formula for conducting combat operations, which allows us to destroy the enemy at a speed of 500 thousand people a year, and at the same time incur minimal losses. And among other things, there are two variables in this formula, a kind of progressive coefficients. The first of them is growing all the time - this is our industry that is gaining momentum, which is successfully and steadily increasing the production of ammunition and new equipment. The general state of our economy, which is feeling better and better, sits in the same coefficient. Much better than before the start of the war. And the second coefficient is negative. It includes the systematic destruction of Ukraine's industry, including our ever-increasing strikes. As well as the ever-declining support for Ukrainians by Western countries, and the generally deteriorating economy of both Ukraine and the West. [My Emphasis]

Russia's active defense allows the flexibility noted in the report. And as indicated, more such local counter-attacks are happening against depleted, demoralized Ukie troops, whose surrender rates have skyrocketed. Yesterday, I reported that the 30 day weather forecast is for very little to no rain along the FEBA. Of course, I've no idea what Russia's plans are, but I expect more of a push being made along the Northern portion of the FEBA as what remains of the Ukie offensive seems to have shifted to the Kherson region.

As Crooke emphasized in his interview yesterday, the Ukies lack bodies to feed into the meat grinder, which was also stated in the above report. The announcement that pharmacists of both genders would be liable for conscription where they were previously exempted generated a panicked exodus. As a nation, Ukraine may not care, but individuals who know the score are now fleeing as best they can.

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 26 2023 16:37 utc | 43

thanks b... a quote from you..

"The White House has put out a letter with a list of demands Ukraine has to fulfill to receive further aid."

this is this how the master - slave relationship works?? looks like it! the same happened when biden threatened to with hold the money if the ''corrupt prosecutor'' wasn't fired.... that is rich coming from such a corrupt fellow as biden!! those freedumb and dumbocracy folks sure love their kleptomaniacs!!

Posted by: james | Sep 26 2023 16:39 utc | 44

those ''fact check'' websites are the cats meow, lol.... i guess ''smoe'' people fall for that shit...

Posted by: james | Sep 26 2023 16:41 utc | 45

Pensioner in Ukraine arrested for cutting firewood for winter..
In Kharkov, an elderly man from the village of Fedorovka is on trial for preparing a cartload of firewood for the winter.

The authorities do not care that there is no heating and that pensioners have no money to buy coal or firewood. People are trying to somehow prepare for winter on their own, but this is forbidden by law.

I see.... the epitome of democracy....


Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Sep 26 2023 16:42 utc | 46

Perhaps plan "B" is to piss-off Zelensky to were he tells west to get lost - problem solved.

Posted by: jared | Sep 26 2023 16:53 utc | 47

@43 Cont'd--

One other aspect noted in the report that's important:

"It's as simple as that, without concentrating resources and forces, without involving additional units - yesterday the unit was on the defensive, and today it suddenly went on the offensive." [My Emphasis]

This ability to organically move forward without signaling intentions by amassing forces is very important in the ISR environment along the FEBA. Of further importance is the defeat of Ukie artillery assets that b noted that allows for the type of advancement denied Ukie troops. Plus the lack of artillery also means the inability to disperse minefields using those systems, which also has vital importance. And the lack of bodies means the inability to create strong fortifications when moving over to the defensive as again manpower is required. If local pushes lead to a breakout, the lack of a well-designed series of fortified lines will be seen as a massive mistake by the Ukies as the lack of air, artillery and dense minefields will allow Russia to rapidly move to a mobile war if it desires.

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 26 2023 16:58 utc | 48

Same for Putin’s Russia, it is not uninteresting, and it has strong points, but compared to the Soviet Union’s technological, scientific, and industrial capacity, well there is no comparison. Instead you get what is essentially artisanal batch production of some legitimately good weapons systems, pro-Russian analysts claiming refurbishing Soviet tanks as “new” tank production, and one space mission beyond low earth orbit every decade (and which invariably fails)

Posted by: Simon | Sep 26 2023 14:19 utc | 17

In part certainly but remember the USSR got some of those results by shortchanging some sectors, for a start they were importing grain from the USA, today even without Ukraine they are a net exporter.

Posted by: Satepestage | Sep 26 2023 17:05 utc | 49

Footage from the tests of the new version of the Iranian Shahed-136 with a small turbojet engine.

This solution reduces the range of the drone, but significantly increases the speed, thereby allowing you to more effectively overcome the enemy's air defense.

And the drone will also lose the same sound of the yard lawn mower, for which it was nicknamed a "moped".

Posted by: anon2020 | Sep 26 2023 17:17 utc | 50

Waiting for the attrition to progress to a phase change is somewhat similar in past when waiting for the ice breakup on the Red River in Winnipeg. Twice I biked to dams south of me and then would bike north to the next. Repeat. (The Red melts in Fargo ND and later in Grand Forks ND and then Winnipeg, it flows north.)

I wonder what might go first, "manpower", unit cohesiveness, loss of integration between different segments of the line - or societal collapse in a cold cold winter, lack of transport, electricity, etc. RF's previous proof of concept that they can take out 350 KV substations (and leaving the 750"s alone at that time) was definitely a shot across the deck that appears unheeded.

If anyone finds a good math based review of what areas in UKR are to be emptied for the winter, heating demand and capabilities, what per centage of the 350 KV substations are still not repaired - replaced I would appreciate. Also similar for Germany also.

Posted by: paxmark1 | Sep 26 2023 17:56 utc | 51

Documented speeches in the German parliament shortly after the attack.

Who can influence the German government except lobbyists, etc.?

"Control of the executive branch in Germany at the federal level (the same applies to the state level) is originally the responsibility of the German Bundestag, which, as the only body directly legitimized by the people in the parliamentary system of government, forms the beginning of the chain of legitimacy."

And because this works so well, the non-voters form the largest party in Germany, don't they?

Posted by: 600w | Sep 26 2023 18:07 utc | 52

Xcept the EU was already dependant (long before the the demented pipe bomber did NS2) on reasonably priced energy from Russia. Its the only reason Germany was a manufactiring giant. Am i wrong here?

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Sep 26 2023 18:22 utc | 53

Hersh is taking responsibility off Scoltz 's shoulders. Funny that, that Merkel , Mopedman and Scholtz all end up squeaky clean. And it also creates the illusion that Biden has agency, which I'm certain he does not have.
In the end, the invents its own narrative and its own opposition, and both are as fake as eachother.
Not even a nothing burger, just another pizza leaflet to clutter up the front door..

Posted by: Giyane | Sep 26 2023 19:17 utc | 54

Eighthman 42

Can you milk a goat? I can't. A goat has a strong will to leave you feeling exhausted for ever thinking that you were in charge.

Posted by: Giyane | Sep 26 2023 19:27 utc | 55

@Tannenhouser | Sep 26 2023 18:22 utc | 53

The real trick was in convincing the Germans that this somehow wasn't the case. They are opting to self deindustrialize.

Posted by: Another James | Sep 26 2023 19:29 utc | 56

This is all just a distraction to keep our eye off of the events that really matter.

Posted by: Baked Canadian | Sep 26 2023 19:44 utc | 57

..."NATO standards of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and competition in defense procurement....

Really? The US Department of Defense has never passed an audit. NEVER.

Posted by: Brian M | Sep 26 2023 19:48 utc | 58


1) Kiev will never invent without NATO permission.
2) replace men leaders with women pacifists, preferably queerest only
3) never create bullets bigger than NATO or enemies, ever.
4) procure weapons from shell companies, by loans from shell company banking
5) procurement only from climate change approved Nazis
6) reform Kiev flag with rainbow coloration
7) all newborns boys will be castrated given puberty blockers, females given mandatory hormones, feminize all men
8) separate/divide families for career, imprison non-compliant
9) all combat veterans segregated into mental health, forced homelessness
10) bibles, replaced with reversed texts, worshipping evil in hymn
11) all cartoons, children books feature satanic references
12) only allowed NATO weapons, smaller climate change green-bullets
13) forced to hate all neighbors, elimination of family
14) mandatory immigrant labor workforce, replacing all native talent
15) erasing all historical independence, rewriting history as demonic
16) free alcohol, legalize drugs, prostitution, for democracies chains
17) Kiev will own nothing and be happy
18) never ever allowed to have military superiority
19) all mining nation resources ceases immediately, only procure from nato
20) suppress all technologies, hand over all patents
21) eliminate all Russian heritage, religion, ancestry
22) import all food, regardless of health, quality
23) conduct genocide against own citizens, or NATO will
24) guarantees Kiev used as proxy forever, like Germany/Japan, because Ukraine lost
25) mandatory reformation of diversity in workplace. Only one of each colored race, LGBTQ in ALL leadership management positions
26) only radio music aired will be self degrading, self-destructive
27) replace police, politicians and city government with foreign born immigrants
28) acknowledge foreign court judges overseeing law and justice internally
29) mandatory redesign military weaker within NATO standards
30) never wipe ass without NATO imported toilet paper or permission
31) insertion of designated foreign personnel as decision makers, executives, government officials
32) implement narcotics trafficking on R borders
33) implement homosexuality in media, movies, fame as only way for citizens growth
34) take 60% paychecks for NATO foreigners tax
35) if you rebel, they shoot up your schools
36) execute forest fire management against non-compliant towns, tell them air is green healthy
37) starvation for non-compliance, mandatory depopulation of non-compliant
38) deliberate declination of IQ levels, enforce predetermined remembrance schooling instead of critical thinking studies
39) number one export will be Empty truck containers
40) all manufacturing will be sold as scrap metal
41) citizens forced into depopulation cities, foreign land acquisitions
42) all bullets caliber and munitions NATO only approved, for the environment
43) meat replaced with lab grown meat made from warts
44) mandatory nationwide medical and psychological experimentation, population control
45) mandatory worshipping black jesus for diversity and inclusion
46) pay reparations to immigrants, provide better lifestyle than natives
47) declare native independence resistance population enemies of nato
48) all business sectors under NATO control, not just mil
49) fix all future elections
50) keep government in place with zero authority but illusion of televised circus show for slaughtered appeasement
51) ensure endgoal of extraction-deportation of all ethic ukrainians within three generations or hundred years. No exceptions.

Posted by: 75bat. | Sep 26 2023 20:09 utc | 59

He's back. "Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch - 10:29 UTC · Sep 26, 2023" quoted by b of course rose to fame as co-founder of Crowdstrike cybersecurity outfit that received millions of US tax dollars from both political parties to pretend that Russia "hacked" DNC computers. FBI never laid eyes on DNC computers. Crowdstrike boss Shawn Henry quoted in June 2020 said they never had actual proof of Russia "hacking": "As it relates to the DNC’ we have indicators that data was exfiltrated. We did not have concrete evidence that data was exfiltrated from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated.’"...As to ISW quoted above, Institute for Study of War, it's part of the Kagan family money laundering operation. Its founder Kimberley Kagan is married to Frederick Kagan who is brother of Robert Kagan who is husband of Victoria Nuland.

Posted by: susan mullen | Sep 26 2023 20:23 utc | 60

The Ukraine willingness to sacrifice an entire generation of young men is inexplicable. My only thought is that there is some aspect of their culture (which is largely shaped by propaganda and fascist movements) that makes them able to ignore the bloodshed and plunge ahead. At this time I don't think any other nation of the West is willing to sacrifice even a small fraction of their population that Ukraine has, but they are willing to let Ukraine bleed itself out on their behalf. A back of the envelope calculation: if we assume 300K KIA from a population base of 20M, a comparable percentage loss in the US military would be 4 - 5 million troops. Just unfathomable. Currently Ukraine is trying to cross the Surovikin line in Orekhov. They can't get armored vehicles past the dragon's teeth/antitank ditches, so they send platoons of infantry into the no-man's land between the dragon's teeth and the Russian trenches. The chance of a foot soldier lasting more than a few days in that area are slim to none. Blumenthal had a video on how the AFU troops are drugged up before entering the fray, which sounds totally plausible.

The rest of Europe, even Poland, I don't think are willing to sacrifice large numbers of their own. It would take a major event that would give the West an excuse to send in troops, and a sustained propaganda campaign to get the public to accept the losses as they mounted. I think the chances of that happening are small. More and more the US public appears to be tiring of the black hole that is Ukraine. From that perspective, the go-slow approach of Russia makes some sense. The trick is to deny the West any hope for this conflict, because the whacko neocons will seize on any glimmer of hope as a sure path to victory, whilst not making a major escalatory move that will spin out of control. Dealing with the West is like dealing with a paranoid schizophrenic in the room. You feel the need to say something, but have no idea if the schizo will respond rationally or psychotically.

Posted by: Mike R | Sep 26 2023 21:14 utc | 61

Re: #35, this isn't about Ukraine, it's about US and its so-called "rules based world order." As a US taxpayer I identify very much with the Russian Federation. US elites consider both of us to be sub-human garbage. Since WWII US has made over 70 attempts to invade, flatten, or overthrow other governments. Plenty of countries would be justified in bombing US back to the stone age but none of them do. Someone has to stop the US. If the people of the Russian Federation can do it, they will have saved humanity.

Posted by: susan mullen | Sep 26 2023 21:38 utc | 62

Posted by: Ingolf Eide | Sep 26 2023 14:32 utc | 20

And (belatedly🙂) the link to the Alistair Crooke interview:

Posted by: Ingolf Eide | Sep 26 2023 21:42 utc | 63

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 26 2023 16:07 utc | 39

Yes, it will be interesting.

Posted by: Ingolf Eide | Sep 26 2023 21:58 utc | 64

Mike R@61
The problem is that the Bandera Nazis hate and despise most Ukrainians, which is why they are as happy sending them to their deaths, and killing Russians on the way, as Bill Kristol or Lindsay Graham are.

They hate Russians and do everything they can to eradicate Russian culture- most Ukrainians speak Russian and see their culture as part of a wider Russian culture, in which the great Ukrainians-Gogol was the greatest of all Russian authors- are honoured.

These Bandera fans are a tiny minority and they are political descendants of the Ruthenian peasants in 1846 who shocked Europe by killing the Poles fighting for independence, and proclaiming themselves "Imperial Peasants" subjects of the Hapsburg emperor

Posted by: bevin | Sep 26 2023 22:20 utc | 65

ukraine lost 17000 just in September

Posted by: Jo | Sep 26 2023 22:25 utc | 66

Putin has said 71000 lost by Ukraine since start of June

Posted by: Jo | Sep 26 2023 22:36 utc | 67

In the Middle Ages, Ukrainian offensives consisted of throwing rocks at the castle wall

Posted by: Tenet | Sep 26 2023 22:38 utc | 68


1. The Market missile which killed 16 civvies after which kiev falsely claimed that Russia was to blame only for it later to be found it was a ukraine missile.

2. The firing of the trans Military Affairs spokesperson of kiev, who threatened to "hunt down russian propogandists" worldwide and kill them.

3. The thunderous applause afforded the former SS Nazi in the Canadian parliament during Elenskys visit.

4. The false claim that a russian general was killed in a missile strike by kiev on sevastepol only for the General to appear at a meeting in Russia.

Posted by: HERMIUS | Sep 26 2023 23:03 utc | 69

@ 61

Well, one of my contentions has been. That due to the way the country rapidly decayed & depopulated after 1991 Ukraine doesn't have a future and deep down the collective consciousness of the society is morbidly aware of that.

Leading to neurotic, delusional and utopian cargo cultism. Punctuated with rabid, self-destructive, Russophobic paroxcisms. When the times of cultish elation wear off.

In the end, this could mean they're going to end up like Paraguay in the War of the Triple Alliance.

Complete defeat and ruin, with most men of fighting age and more than a few women & children dead.

Posted by: Urban Fox | Sep 27 2023 0:27 utc | 70

Some videos for today.

Russian admiral spotted alive after Kiev regime’s fake news about his death:

NATO-supplied weapons destroyed during Kiev regime's failed assault on Russian lines (another good RT frontline report):

Russian cruise missile strike destroyed a Kiev regime arms depot in Kherson oblast containing over three thousand tons of ammunition:

Russian drone strikes enemy T-80 tank near the DPR’s Artemovsk:

Russian Uragan MLRS fires on enemy stronghold near Kupyansk:

Russian Grad launcher pounds enemy position containing Banderites near Krasny Liman:

Posted by: Nate | Sep 27 2023 1:26 utc | 71

Posted by: bevin | Sep 26 2023 22:20 utc | 65

True. I have to wonder how a small minority in a country manages to hijack the power structure and take control. Certainly, that country has to be dysfunctional, clearly true for Ukraine. The interference of the US since WW2 was a major factor. It's right out of the US' regime change playbook to exploit divisions in a country then cultivate and empower the most ideological extreme factions, all to get a government that 'aligns' with US interests. In Ukraine's case this produced Frankenstein's monster. The case of Ukraine will be the subject of many books someday, if anyone is around to read them.

Posted by: Mike R | Sep 27 2023 2:35 utc | 72

Ministry of Strategic Industries / Ukraine Defense Industry (formerly UkrOboronProm) : Stand up UDI supervisory board that complies with OECD standards, including participation by foreign defense experts

Think Hunter Biden is available ?

Posted by: Exile | Sep 27 2023 5:17 utc | 73

I used Yandex machine translation to read this Tass page whose headline reads About 10 thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have surrendered since mid-summer with the help of a special radio wave
it goes on to say:
"MOSCOW, September 27. /tass/. About 10 thousand Ukrainian servicemen have already surrendered, using the radio wave 149.200 "Volga", which has been operating since mid-summer. This was told to TASS by a representative of the operational services.

"Now more than 10 thousand Ukrainian soldiers have chosen life and used the frequency of 149.200 "Volga" in order to surrender. The prisoners are fed, they receive all the necessary medical care, " the source said, noting that this radio frequency works in all areas of the special military operation.

He clarified that the number of surrendering prisoners has been growing recently. This is due, among other things, to the pro-Russian underground, whose representatives post information about the possibility of surrender in the zone of a special military operation in cities controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. . . " there is more those interested should click the link and translate or equally likely Tass will have an english version.

I reckon it is good stuff as it shows working links between Russians and Ukrainians who have seen the light and that is vital for people who naturally resent people who killed their brother, father or son, whether or not they believe he was only there because gangster thugs had press-ganged him. Now more people come to understand Russians would rather help them than hurt them, that natural resentment will fade.

Posted by: Debsisdead | Sep 27 2023 5:55 utc | 74

@ Debsisdead | Sep 27 2023 5:55 utc | 74 with the frequency of 149.200 "Volga" in order to surrender story...thanks

All those recent conscripts will try and find some way to surrender instead of being fed into the Russian meat grinder.

The logistics of POWs is probably becoming significant for Russia given this story.

It is frustrating for me to see empire still keep all the financial market numbers "looking good" in spite of the current and trending realities.

The shit show continues until it doesn't and we are witnessing genocidal carnage occurring in Ukraine like it is a new normal.....sad

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 27 2023 6:52 utc | 75

ISW sets one new benchmark!

This quality record would hold for long I think.

Posted by: Arioch | Sep 27 2023 7:35 utc | 76

Hate to say it, but Ukraine ALSO didn't sink the Moskva ship. It sank due to a catastrophic fire on board (whether intentionally set or accident, no one in the public knows), not a missile strike.

Simplicius did an entire frame-by-frame analysis of the incident if anyone is interested in more details.

Posted by: Sam (in Tiraspol) | Sep 27 2023 7:43 utc | 77

It looks like we have some sleeping dogs on board which ask to be awakened when... and when...

Please, never wake up a dog which has no patience.

Posted by: Patience | Sep 27 2023 8:55 utc | 78

Re: Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | Sep 26 2023 15:14 utc | 30

What's Russia's end game? What is the exit strategy out of this non-stop war? How does Russia effect first a ceasefire on their terms and then a surrender / peace under favourable Russian terms with 1) Ukraine and 2) US/NATO re their 2021 security demands? Nothing else matters. Everything else is a distraction and unimportant. imho at least.

What’s Russia’s “End Game”?!?

Didn’t you just witness what Russia’s end game was in Nagorno-Karabakh?

Russia allied with Armenia years ago to allow Armenia to win the war over Nagorno-Karabakh.

However, instead of enforcing a treaty and peace deal and ending that conflict, Russia chose a ‘frozen conflict’ that festered for decades.

Russia never provided and enforced a n “End Game” on Nagorno-Karabakh.

Now look what happened. The US were allowed to meddle in Armenia, Armenia has effectively been turned against Russia, and Armenia has now lost Nagorno-Karabakh forever.

How that benefits Russia - I have no idea.

What was Russia’s “End Game” with Nagorno-Karabakh in the 1990s? I have no idea - it seems they never even tried to enforce one or force a treaty to be signed.

One could also ask - what is Russia’s “End Game” with the frozen conflicts in:

South Ossetia?!?
Bosnia & Republika Srpska?!?
Serbia & Kosovo?!?

What is Russia’s End Game with any of these conflicts and why is it always a big big secret?!? Same as Nagorno-Karabakh - I never saw an “End Game” talked about by Russia there - but it looks like we’ve arrived at one finally and Armenia has lost and Russia has lost a longstanding ally.

And before anyone tells me Russia has gained Azerbaijan as an ally instead. Please. Wise up.

If there is a dispute or conflict between Turkey & Russia - tell me who Azerbaijan will side with 99.8% of the time.

Here’s the tip - IT WON’T BE RUSSIA.

Posted by: Julian | Sep 27 2023 9:08 utc | 79

@Julian | Sep 27 2023 9:08 utc | 79

There's nothing to do with Armenia, it's simply how they are. They gave N-K to Azer, it's their business. Now probably they'll close the Russian base and bring in some UN thing they keep begging for. Great, less wasted money for Russia. I hope they go the Baltics way and see what happens. It's possible they'll shrink even more, it's far from over. They will be eaten alive and "here's a tip, it won't be Russia". The rest of your post is a nothing you added to make the text longer, it has no logic.

Posted by: rk | Sep 27 2023 9:51 utc | 80

Posted by: Julian | Sep 27 2023 9:08 utc | 79

Have you ever visited Armenia?
Do you know how many billions from the USA have gone to Armenia over the last 10 years?
Do you know how much money have poured into Armenia's MSM from USAID?
Do you know why the spy Samantha Power has visited Armenia so many times?
Do you know why the Pentagon and CIA have been training the Armenia arm forces?

Posted by: AI | Sep 27 2023 9:54 utc | 81

Posted by: AI | Sep 27 2023 9:54 utc | 81

Don’t waste your time asking sensible questions to Julian.

He’s a NATO cheerleader, who has shifted his Russophobia ‘expertise’ to Armenia now that his team have been smashed in Donbas and lost the propaganda war in the Canadian Parliament.

Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Sep 27 2023 10:19 utc | 82

Larry Johnson's latest.....
Yaroslav Hunka, the 98 year old former member of a Nazi SS Division, detonated a public relations bomb with his Friday appearance before the Canadian Parliament and it is continuing to set off secondary and tertiary explosions. Unbelievable. But this is not just a story about Canada celebrating a Nazi murderer. I think the real story is that Ukraine’s President Zelensky played a direct role in making this happen. Why? Because Ukraine reportedly put out a stamp Monday with Hunka’s elderly mug featured prominently with the accompanying title, “Heroes Don’t Die.” Let that settle in for a minute. Why did Zelensky, a Jew, order the pre-production of a stamp celebrating a retired member of the Waffen SS as a “Hero” before he showed up in Canada? This was pre-planned. I think Zelensky and his team genuinely thought this would be a PR victory. Boy! Instead of Canada embracing the elderly SS trooper and rallying support to send more military aid to Ukraine, the country is in an uproar and starting to ask some tough questions..

More cracks...


Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Sep 27 2023 11:41 utc | 83

@ tesla | Sep 26 2023 15:34 utc | 36

Yes exactly ... a capitulation a la Dayton 2.0 style ... US/NATO agreements are not wortha dime ... so why would Russia do anything like that?

@ Sean | Sep 26 2023 15:28 utc | 35

Thanks to reply, I think you're right, though I wish it wasn't so. I still can't see how if Ukr/Russia can agree to settle ... what does Russia then do about NATO/US and it's 2021 security demands they rejected outright? I cannot see how they can square this circle.

IOW at this point I (and many others I expect) can only see this escalating into direct conflict between Russia and US/NATO in the not too distant future. The US is proven as "agreement incapable" for starters.

@ Giyane | Sep 26 2023 19:17 utc | 54
I think there's something in what you said re NS. Someone is selling us a narrative all clean and tidy. I'm not buying it, something isn't right. Many things aren't. Talk and conjecture and unnamed sources isn't evidence, only hard evidence is evidence, or someone pleading guilty and saying hey, I did it, this is how.

@ Patience | Sep 27 2023 8:55 utc | 78

Hey look ... it's my middle finger pointing to the sky. But thanks for letting me what you're like, you'll be ignored from now on. Bye.

@ Julian | Sep 27 2023 9:08 utc | 79

Thanks but no thanks.

Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | Sep 27 2023 11:46 utc | 84

This is all just a distraction to keep our eye off of the events that really matter.
Posted by: Baked Canadian | Sep 26 2023 19:44 utc | 57

I agree with that. Cheers

Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | Sep 27 2023 11:49 utc | 85

What is Russia’s End Game with any of these conflicts and why is it always a big big secret?!? Same as Nagorno-Karabakh - I never saw an “End Game” talked about by Russia there - but it looks like we’ve arrived at one finally and Armenia has lost and Russia has lost a longstanding ally.

And before anyone tells me Russia has gained Azerbaijan as an ally instead. Please. Wise up.

If there is a dispute or conflict between Turkey & Russia - tell me who Azerbaijan will side with 99.8% of the time.

Here’s the tip - IT WON’T BE RUSSIA.
Posted by: Julian | Sep 27 2023 9:08 utc | 79

My Dear Julian... you fail to appreciate the importance of the N-S transport corridor which routes goods up and down the Caspian..

Armenia was taken over by a Canadian-Armenian dual citizen in a CIA orchestrated color revolution in 2018. Goal.... NATO take over of the Caucasus...
End result????

NATO gets Armenia...
CSTO/SCO gets Iran/Azerbijan/Turkey....

Now Pashijian wants the Russians to pay for their base in Armenia...

Russia will leave... Their boys will go to Baku...

Iran will leave.... Armenia will have no gas...

Armenians will leave....
Armenia will revert to pre-industrial pasturage...


Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Sep 27 2023 11:53 utc | 86

Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Sep 27 2023 11:41 utc | 83

thanks for this link! quote from the article:

"As a further show of Polish pique at Ukraine, Poland announced that its investigation into the S-300 missile that landed on Polish territory last year on November 15, 2022 (which killed two people) had concluded and that Ukraine was the culprit, not Russia. When you add all of this up it is clear that the growing rift between Poland and Ukraine is not going to be healed anytime soon. Poland may even be rethinking whether it wants to continue to be the country walking point for the NATO quest to beat Russia. We’ll see."

I didn't know about the missile incident, it's typical it was a Ukrainian missile blamed on Russia. Now if only Germany would perform a similar investigation into the sabotage of the pipeline, and publish it. I know, i'm a hopeless optimist, the cracks appearing in the NATO alliance make me feel giddy.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Sep 27 2023 11:56 utc | 87

A relative invited me to attend a luncheon hosted by a member of bible study group in American southeast.

While eating cake, the host's son called from Poland, where he's working for Lockheed Martin. The grandchildren appeared in the call. They go to school with the other Lockheed American - English-language kids in a US military school.

Posted by: Chasmark | Sep 27 2023 12:11 utc | 88

Military Summary:

-RU continue concentrating bombing raids on the right bank of the Dnepr river, from Kherson up to Kozachi Laheri level
-AFU has reinforced their attack towards Verbove with a bunch a tank battalion
-AFU has been unable to use combat vehicles in the direction of Verbove, the area is littered with destroyed vehicles
-AFU regroups infantry in Rabotyne but is unable to concentrate vehicles there, RU continue harassing the supply road in this salient
-Apparently Novomayorsk and Novodonetsk is in RU control
-RU concentrate a lot of bombardment south of Maryinka, Novomikhalovke, and also settlement north of Maryinka, Krasnogorivka. AFU lack of counter-artillery or drone activity here is notable
-AFU attack south of Andryivka ended in failure with most the vehicles attacking here destroyed
-AFU attack north of Andryivka reached the rail line but is unable to advance
-AFU needs to take the structure underground, under the rail line, but they are unable, Dima speculates they will be unable to do this
-Kleschevka unchanged
-Wagner troops are deployed in the area south of Artemovsk with the goal of stabilizing the line, and eventually take back Kleschevka
-RU has retaken Dubovo-Vasylivka (NNW of Artemovsk) which puts a dent in the AFU offensive options from the north, and has a decent chance of splitting their forces north and south against the small river west of it
-The slugfest in the Kupyansk area continues

Posted by: unimperator | Sep 27 2023 12:22 utc | 89

Posted by: unimperator | Sep 27 2023 12:22 utc | 89

Also the report demonstrated graphically on the map the issues of counter-battery warfare in the Verbove-Rabotyne axis. Since it is a salient, AFU can't really deploy their long range artillery systems for counter-battery duty inside the salient, which is needed to suppress Russian low-range artillery, because there's a high chance they are spotted and hit with counter-fire. So there isn't many options hit Russian artillery with their own systems from outside the salient, but Russia can hit the AFU forces on the edges of the salient with low/medium range systems, which are still plentifully available.

Posted by: unimperator | Sep 27 2023 12:29 utc | 90

Dr [email protected] will revert to pre-industrial pasturage......great for placing missile silos. Not sure who they'd be point at though.......

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 27 2023 12:44 utc | 91

Some food for thought....

I speculate that the NSA/CIA/MI6 strategy of using Banderist NAZIS as their spear against Russia has reached it's geo-political limits....

Despite historical revisionism.... sufficient memory remains among the eastern european population(s).. primarily the Poles, Hungarians, Serbs, Greeks etal... of WWII NAZI atrocities....
Turn them against voting for political entities bent on pursuing the war...

The Neo-Cons Nulan, Blinken, Zelensky, etal..... are so cocooned within their narrative universe... that they pursue policies, activities like the recent Canadian flap, which offend the above populations, as Larry Johnson just reported...

I speculate this will change the evil one from Russia to the Banderist NAZIS..

I hope someone living in eastern europe might give us his views on the above dynamics..


Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Sep 27 2023 13:19 utc | 92

RAND has done it again:

"Escalation in the War in Ukraine - Lessons Learned and Risks for the Future"
by Bryan Frederick, Mark Cozad, Alexandra Stark

The latest opus magnum is from Sept. 21st. Have to read it yet.

Summary makes escalation at least possible, but prolongation most likely.

AND: they have not learned a thing. It very much reads like the kind of stuff you write to please your new Deputy SoS on state side and your funders from the private sector.

You know what they gonna say before they say it.

Key Findings
Further Russian escalation has likely been restrained by three main factors

The factors are (1) acute concerns for NATO military capabilities and reactions, (2) concern for broader international reactions, particularly the potential to lose China's support, and (3) the Russian perception that its goals in Ukraine are achievable without further escalation, making risker actions not yet necessary.

Russian escalation to date has seen limited effectiveness

None of Moscow's escalatory measures appear to have altered Ukrainian or NATO behavior in the ways that Putin and his inner circle likely sought. Instead, they have largely hardened Ukrainian and NATO opposition to Russia's invasion.

Further deliberate escalation, including Russian nuclear escalation, is highly plausible

Both Russia and Ukraine may still choose to deliberately escalate the conflict further. Six plausible options for Russian escalation were identified that would have the potential to fundamentally alter the nature of the conflict, ranging from a limited attack on NATO to the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine. The most likely potential trigger for Russia to escalate the conflict is a perception that battlefield losses are threatening the security of its regime.

Russian nuclear use could be surprisingly extensive

Should Russia decide to use nuclear weapons, it may be relatively unrestrained in their employment inside Ukraine.

Inadvertent escalation risks persist

Inadvertent escalation could still occur as a result of military activities that are commonplace on both sides but happen to lead to different outcomes. The longer the conflict drags on, the more such risks will accumulate.


U.S. and allied policymakers should prioritize maintaining Alliance cohesion regarding the escalation risks of providing support to Ukraine. Doing so is vital both for ensuring long-term support for Ukraine and for maintaining deterrence of Russian aggression against NATO members.
U.S. and allied policymakers should carefully evaluate the trade-offs between enhanced support for Ukraine, including the provision of weapons systems with longer ranges, and managing escalation risks, which may become more acute over time.
U.S. and allied policymakers should be prepared to interrupt escalatory spirals from more-intensive Ukrainian attacks inside Russia.
U.S. and allied policymakers should robustly plan for how to respond to further Russian escalation, including by prioritizing the maintenance of diplomatic and military communication channels with Russia that could become vital to arrest an escalatory spiral.

Posted by: AG | Sep 27 2023 13:42 utc | 93

"..I have to wonder how a small minority in a country manages to hijack the power structure and take control...." Mike R@72

It has to be a combination of terrorism and apathy.

The terror is provided by the OUN, most of whom came in from overseas and are the grandchildren of the Nazi collaborators. They aren't by any means all of Ukrainian origin- the neo Nazi revival is an international movement. The Baltic nations are also full of 3rd Generation fascists indoctrinated overseas, often in government funded 'multicultural' institutions run by the likes of Mr Hunka.
Since 1991 enormous efforts have gone into the 're-education' of young Ukrainians, money has poured in scholarships have been offered all with the object ofre,moving the 'taint' of comminust ideas from the population.

The apathy comes from the experience gained in the disillusioning and decades long breakdown of the Soviet Union as the isolation and pressure of living for most of a century on the wrong side of an iron wall of sanctions, propaganda and provocations. It was inevitable that if the masses did not exercise power others, with opposing interests, would.

Interestingly among the many honest communists who saw that this must happen was Stalin whose plans for re-empowering the soviets and allowing multi-party elections were thwarted by a combination of bureaucratic self-interest (which fructified in the Yeltsin oligarchy) and the constant grind of economic pressure exerted by the capitalists to divert economic growth to weapon production and development.

Posted by: bevin | Sep 27 2023 14:03 utc | 94

Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Sep 27 2023 13:19 utc | 92

The NAZI theme is the new psyop orchestrated by the Deep State (CIA) in the USA to achieve their new future goals. Very likely the world will see more of this ramping up over the next 2 years or so.

Posted by: AI | Sep 27 2023 14:24 utc | 95

I trust Putin more than I trust illegitimate president Biden who has never once told the truth about anything, least of all about Ukraine. 750K Ukrainians dead mean nothing to this neocon president who has just used Ukraine for it's own selfish political agenda. “Russia pursued diplomatic options in 2021 to avoid war, while Biden rejected diplomacy... And Russia pushed diplomacy in March 2022, while the Biden team again blocked a diplomatic end to the war.” —Tarik Cyril Amar.

Posted by: Zack Trainor | Sep 28 2023 23:40 utc | 96

I hope Zelensky has a good escape plan for his family. The Uki Nazis are sure to blame Z. along with all other Jews when the end is nigh!

Posted by: lester | Sep 29 2023 20:56 utc | 97

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