Russia Is Winning The Industrial Warfare Race
Last year I mocked the media for claiming that 'Russia is running out of' whatever.
- How Russia, And Putin, Are Weaponizing, Losing And Running Out Of ... Everything - June 3, 2022
- Russia Is Running Out Of [Whatever The Media Claim] - June 26, 2022
- Russia, Having 'Run Out Of Missiles', Launches Barrage On Ukraine - Oct 10, 2022
> Back in March I had warned that Lies Do Not Win Wars. Here is another practical example.
After allegedly having 'run out of missiles' and, more importantly, patience, the leadership of the Russian Federation decided to de-electrify Ukrainian cities with a 'barrage of missile strikes'. <
Western military commentators have finally started to accept the obvious. Russia is winning and doing so by a large margin.
A similar turn can be seen in dearth of new 'Russia is running out of' stories which get now replaced by acknowledgements that Russia's weapon industries are out-producing the West:
Russia Overcomes Sanctions to Expand Missile Production, Officials Say - NY Times
Moscow’s missile production now exceeds prewar levels, officials say, leaving Ukraine especially vulnerable this coming winter.
As a result of the sanctions, American officials estimate that Russia was forced to dramatically slow its production of missiles and other weaponry at the start of the war in February 2022 for at least six months. But by the end of 2022, Moscow’s military industrial manufacturing began to pick up speed again, American officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to disclose the sensitive assessment now concede.
Before the war, one senior Western defense official said, Russia could make 100 tanks a year; now they are producing 200.Western officials also believe Russia is on track to manufacture two million artillery shells a year — double the amount Western intelligence services had initially estimated Russia could manufacture before the war.
As a result of the push, Russia is now producing more ammunition than the United States and Europe. Overall, Kusti Salm, a senior Estonian defense ministry official, estimated that Russia’s current ammunition production is seven times greater than that of the West.
Russia’s production costs are also far lower than the West’s, in part because Moscow is sacrificing safety and quality in its effort to build weapons more cheaply, Mr. Salm said. For instance, it costs a Western country $5,000 to $6,000 to make a 155-millimeter artillery round, whereas it costs Russia about $600 to produce a comparable 152-millimeter artillery shell, he said.
I believe that the numbers of current weapon production in Russia, which the New York Times cites, are too low. Consider that back in February the former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev spoke of an 'exponential increase' in weapon output:
Medvedev said Moscow had increased military production "by tens of times" at some factories and was closely studying weapons fired into Russian-held areas from the Ukrainian side in an effort to gain an advantage.
I would also argue that sanctions were never really able to hinder Russia's arms industry. No military uses the latest and greatest chips when it comes to making weapons. Putting sanctioning on those is thus pretty useless. Some old Intel 80386 compatible CPU is, correctly programmed, sufficient to manage a modern artillery system. For little money one can get thousands of these in any Asian electronic market.
There are a few exceptions that need special stuff. For some time Russia was behind in the production of night vision equipment. It imported some from France which blocked further transfers. But that issues seems to have been solved. For basic materials and energy Russia has all it needs. It also has well qualified staff to develop and build new weapons.
Five years ago the Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed a number of new weapon systems which were superior to western ones. He also mentioned that same of these were based on "new physical principles" which had been discovered by Russian scientists. At the recent Eastern Economic Forum he repeated that claim:
If one looks into the security sphere, new physical principles weapons will ensure the security of any country in the near historic perspective. We understand this very well and are working on it, Putin said.
(I don't find those sentences in the plenum transcript but trust Sputnik to have it right.)
There is some guessing what Putin might have meant. I thought about it for quite a while but have to admit that I have no clue what he has in mind.
A warning that Russia will outproduce the West was given back in June 2022 when Alex Vershinin of RUSI issued a note about The Return of Industrial Warfare:
The winner in a prolonged war between two near-peer powers is still based on which side has the strongest industrial base. A country must either have the manufacturing capacity to build massive quantities of ammunition or have other manufacturing industries that can be rapidly converted to ammunition production. Unfortunately, the West no longer seems to have either.
It has become to expensive for the West to regain that capability.
That Russia was running out of stuff was always wishful thinking, not fact based analysis. On that point it took the media more than a year to catch up with reality. On other aspects of the the war, casualty numbers come to mind, the media are still miles behind.
Posted by b on September 14, 2023 at 13:34 UTC | Permalink
next page »Lots of trolls from both sides bumping their chest like cavemen here.
Truth is if theres a free for all hot war this will happen ON BOTH SIDES:
- ships will be sunk. Lots of them
- bases will be obliterated. Lots of them
- planes will be shot down. By the hundreds
- on both sides
This is because ANY AD system can be overwhelmed. on both sides
Look at Yemen/Saudi, Kyiv and Crimea
If this happens first the sides will attemp at war of attrition. In other words who can outproduce the other in weapons and meat replenishment.
And eventually the losing side will resort to Nukes. And then well we all be dead.
So for both sides the chest humping trolls will be merged into a sea of ashes.
So stop bumping your chests and act like an intelligent species.
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 14 2023 14:01 utc | 2
"Didn't Medvedev say that Russia would be producing over 1000 tanks per year?
He said that a few months ago, I think after visiting a tank factory.
Posted by: Wilbur | Sep 14 2023 13:54 utc | 3"
Meds talks a lot. Youd be better off not taking much of his rhetoric to heart.
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 14 2023 14:02 utc | 3
An Estonian defense ministry official knows everything about the defense industry in Russia. That it is compromising safety. This from a country that is de facto a territory of the United States. If not for their entrenched interests, Estonia would be a sitting duck if the you-know-what ever hits the fan.
Posted by: Jose Garcia | Sep 14 2023 14:10 utc | 4
370 "Time is on Russia's side"
Oswald you are 100% correct, the economies of the West are crumbling under their tremendous debt loads.
The slow pace is the correct one.
The US military and its complex, at breakneck speed, are producing yachts and mansions 24-7.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Sep 14 2023 14:16 utc | 6
> For some time Russia was behind in the production of night vision equipment.
The recent Chinese sanction on gallium and germanium exports will have a serious effect Western production of thermal imaging systems. Especially in the high-end. Those elements are critical for LWIR systems.
Since 10 years Russia has a native MEMS fabrication capability. MEMS is the enabling technology for low cost thermal imaging.
In war production believe the operative epigram is "close enough for government work".
Posted by: too scents | Sep 14 2023 14:16 utc | 7
Putin's new principles - we don't know what all of them are but we do know some of them.
One is the nuclear powered cruising engine. This is what is behind the Poseidon torpedo and the Burestvestnik infinite range cruise missile.
Another (or more likely, several others) is behind the hypersonic missiles: Kinzhal, Avangard, etc. Millenium 7 has a really excellent article talking about supersonic propulsion and hypersonic missiles
It is very possible there are additional ones behind the S500 - those missiles are visibly much faster than S300/S400 type. Clearly something different there.
Are there others? We will see but the above is already very significant.
Regarding Russian ammunition production: This video talks about Russian ammo production of 58000 per month plus 141000 refurbished shells per month but the source is "Russian military bloggers". Overall, the video is heavily pro-Ukrainian but is only about 40% bullshit which is amazing for an Economist output. It does make an egregiously wrong statement: there are no materials issues for artillery production - egregiously wrong because the US military bought TNT from Japan precisely due to materials shortages.
However, the key takeaway is the above ~200K/month production is vs. US 25K/month and Europe 5K/month numbers. LOL West MIC.
Posted by: c1ue | Sep 14 2023 14:17 utc | 8
Think of the corruption and graft required to make one artillery shell cost $5000
Posted by: Fred777 | Sep 14 2023 14:18 utc | 9
"Russia’s production costs are also far lower than the West’s, in part because Moscow is sacrificing safety and quality in its effort to build weapons more cheaply"
"Sacrificing safety and quality" Good god,the barbarians! I love the weasel phrase that says 'in part' without mentioning the far bigger reason why Russia can exponentially increase its weapon/munition capacity, namely low energy costs. I guess that's the elephant in the room.
Posted by: FakeBelieve | Sep 14 2023 14:29 utc | 10
The crucial is that the collective West is not afraid of Russia any more.
Therefore it would escalate and escalate.
We can deny it, but that is truth.
Posted by: Simplex | Sep 14 2023 14:32 utc | 11
As of Sept 7, 2023 Mediazona apparently counted 22,909 military deaths in Russia and the most curious part is that the period of the "counter offensive" is the lowest casualties have been for quite a while.
Posted by: leaf | Sep 14 2023 14:35 utc | 12
He also mentioned that same of these were based on "new physical principles" which had been discovered by Russian scientists.I am guessing this is related to Directed Energy Weapons based on e.g. microwaves. The US is also working with this (and trying them out too).
We can only speculate what the new physical principles boil down to. Personally, I speculate that directed energy weapons are able to excite molecules in e.g. metals and when the frequency of excitation matches the eigenfrequency of the molecules, the bonds between the molecules break down and the metal turns to dust. Probably different frequencies and energy levels for different metals.
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 14 2023 14:35 utc | 13
the collective West is not afraid of Russia
Posted by: Simplex | Sep 14 2023 14:32 utc | 12
Posted by: too scents | Sep 14 2023 14:35 utc | 14
Look Russian has plenty of sources to supply its standard 152mm arty ammo.
It now has a robust domestic production of 50 K per month, plus supplies it can purchase from NK, India, China and Serbia.
Meanwhile the Ukraine has no domestic production of 152mm ammo, and must rely on old Soviet stocks (more than likely fully exhausted by this stage of the war), and imported 155mm ammo for its new NATO wonderwaffle...........but there is only a limited supply available. This is due the NATO members desire to retain sufficient stocks for their own armies, and for a highly truncated manufacturing base in Europe and the US (remember Wille Clinton's remark in the 1990's that "we dont need manufacturing (steel) in the US anymore we are an intellectual empire, this from a guy who never worked a real job in his entire life).
In fact there is only one 155mm ammon manufacturing plant left in the US, located, yup, you guessed it in Joey's hometown of Scranton Pa. Huge limited bottleneck here.........
So the shortage of 155mm ammo will not be solved anytime soon, no new plants are planned for in the US, and besides this war is nearly at a decisive conclusion.......the Ukes have about one month left...and then the collapse, with Volo and friends fleeing with their billions in cash to Tel Aviv, Geneva and Miami Beach.......end of story....Kabul II is in the offing.....
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 14 2023 14:36 utc | 15
I see no difference in the attitude towards Russia in Europe. It has always been a mix of feeling superior and fear.
Posted by: Orgel | Sep 14 2023 14:37 utc | 16
@leaf | Sep 14 2023 14:35 utc | 13
As of Sept 7, 2023 Mediazona apparently counted 22,909 military deaths in Russia and the most curious part is that the period of the "counter offensive" is the lowest casualties have been for quite a while.I don't think this is curious at all, it is by design. The Russians sit in strong defensive positions and are shooting at mindless 'waves' of attackers without much protection.
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 14 2023 14:45 utc | 17
Excellent analysis as usual b.
If Putin isn’t bluffing - I haven’t heard him making any such bluffs over the last few years - true wunderwaffens haven’t yet been on display. The natzos have used Ukrops to use non western weapons to test and see what defences Russia has. As if the Russians wouldn’t have worked out that from before the beginning of the SMO.
The Natzos know they can’t take Crimea militarily.
For these who believe that a one-off spectacular means that victory, I say it’s probably the exit strategy, can declare victory and then can pull out - leaving Ukrops clinging to their aircraft wheel bays..
On which note a quick observation on
@ Posted by: Soothsayer | Sep 14 2023 14:00 utc | 2
“the submarine costs around $300m and the salvo of 10 Storm Shadows fired at it costs around $30 million. Not a bad trade.”
There is an old saying about these who know the price of everything but not the value of anything.
I suggest it is exactly that attitude of the Collective Waste that has run straight into reality that it’s not the number of Monopoly money $ assigned to any widget that matters - but the actual ability and resources to make widgets that matter. Yet again they have failed to take control of the resources of Russia as they have failed for centuries previously.
Back to the drawing board you clowns 🤡
Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 14 2023 14:51 utc | 18
There are 10’s of millions of shells everywhere, right now the trick is to slow play the entire planet into war.
The Russians are not being slowly boiled into major escalation the general population of the west is.
Unless you think they lie about everything except having no shells.
Posted by: OohCanada | Sep 14 2023 14:51 utc | 19
canuck @ 6
the economies of the West are crumbling under their tremendous debt loads
The western economies went bankrupt and collapsed in 1929 that didn't stop them from financing WW2. Germany was the most bankrupt flat out rock bottom busted of the lot and yet off they went on boundless war spending, storming across Europe and Africa. What better way to get out of a debt load than to go to war?
The west going broke won't prevent WW3, it will guarantee it. You could make the argument that the west went tits up in 2008 and never recovered, it never really wrote down anything just piled on more debt, and WW3 is already well underway.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 14:54 utc | 20
We can only speculate what the new physical principles boil down to.
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 14 2023 14:35 utc | 14
Here is a "new physical principle" that has direct applications for directed energy systems and camouflage. Huge implications for radar and EW.
Powerful new technology from the radiance of butterfly wings.
Posted by: too scents | Sep 14 2023 15:02 utc | 21
all predicted and predictable as b notes. some people in the US want to double down on this farce, while others want to switch to a new farce in Taiwan. what a mess.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Sep 14 2023 15:02 utc | 22
When I studied economics we learned about the concepts of "economies of scale" and "the learning curve". Also "purchasing power parity". These three things probably make up most of the difference in shell costs. You don't need to try to explain away this in terms of shoddy workmanship or some such. And let's face it, a shell does not need to be over engineered given its intended use - ie to be destroyed. Only if the manufacturer was in profit maximisation mode would you think this was a good idea. 2 million shells fit for purpose are better than 200,000 expensive and finely engineered shells.
And I would guess that Russia is producing much more than 2M pa, and looks like it soon will have access to compatible NK stocks and industrial capacity. Possibly Chinese too.
Posted by: marcjf | Sep 14 2023 15:04 utc | 23
I'm not the only one who sees the full scale of what's happening in Crimea, The blitz to Melitopol and the War of the Black Sea were supposed to coincide, but just cause one failed doesn't mean the other won't go ahead. Those thinking the Penatgon and Brits and bumbling along are making a mistake underestimating the opponent.
Notable point: the destruction of the Black Sea fleet ends Russian power projection in Syria and the Middle East. Many birds with one stone. The USA/UK will be relentless on this front:
Such a massive attack on Sevastopol, with such damage, would not have been possible without:
- participation of NATO intelligence
- without NATO-supplied weapons
- without the participation of enemy agents in Sevastopol itself and in Crimea as a whole
Throughout the last week of August and the first days of September, NATO reconnaissance aircraft were indeed active over the Black Sea. That is, preparations went on long before.
The missile attack came in waves. After the first strike, rescuers and firefighters went to the Desna dock. The enemy struck again. Many civilians were injured - they were caught in the blast wave and shrapnel.
Most likely, the attack was combined. Storm Shadow was used as the main weapon of destruction, and, say, the S-200, as an auxiliary weapon, for mass production in order to overload our air defense.
What is the enemy doing? He is trying to lock the Black Sea Fleet in its bases and destroy it. NATO repeats the strategy of the German General Staff during the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, we too are repeating our mistakes of that time.
It is fundamentally important for NATO now, while hostilities are ongoing in Ukraine, to finally deprive Russia of the fleet in the Black Sea. Because for now this can be attributed to the actions of Kyiv. “What are we doing? We told them that they couldn’t shoot at Russia. But they did, right?”
What is everything needed for? There is a NATO Black Sea strategy. In short: at some point the Alliance realized that they were too focused on the Baltic and lost ground in the Black Sea. And the bloc’s task is to strengthen its presence in the Black Sea region by strengthening the fleets of Bulgaria and Romania, building new naval bases, which will, if not close the Black Sea to Russia, but weaken the ability to maneuver for our fleet.
Synchronizing the actions of the Baltic and Black Sea groups, according to NATO, will create a de facto cordon against Russia through Eastern Europe. This coincides with Polish ambitions (the Intermarium project). And besides, Washington views the Ukrainian case as part of the confrontation with Russia in the Middle East, as essentially a united front. And not two different conflicts (Friedman report 2014: ).
Therefore, now, taking advantage of the situation, NATO is simply destroying our fleet with the hands of the Ukrainians. Well, at least he's trying to do so. At a minimum, weaken him so much that he ceases to be a threat to the Alliance.
Was it predictable, such actions of the enemy? Certainly! Our enemy, I primarily mean the Anglo-Saxons, thinks very systematically. They understand that this war is a direct continuation of the Crimean War, and a continuation of the Great Game. Is it in vain that the British, according to the same schemes, welcomed the Ichkerians at the end of the 20th century and the Circassians in the 30s of the 19th century?
Now it is obvious to the West that it will not have any victory in Ukraine. But nevertheless, they are trying to repeat the situation of 1856, when, according to the Paris Peace Treaty, Russia lost the Black Sea Fleet. Now there will be no such agreement, this is clear to them. Therefore, they are simply trying to destroy our fleet.
Conclusions? What could they be? We have a very serious enemy. He thinks strategically. It would be good for us to learn this too.
Two Majors
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 15:04 utc | 24
Anyone remember back in February 2022? Russian sent a huge trade delegation to Bejing days before their tanks rolled into Ukraine.
I don't remember a lot of details about what deals transpired however one that did stick out in my mind was a deal with Huawei to "modernize and network" Russian manufacturing.
They made no mentions about which industry would be modernized and who they were networking with however given the timing of the deal and Russian manufacturing numbers it's not hard to guess.
When asked if Russia was a military ally Chairman Xi stated that China and Russia "were more than allies" and that they "stood back to back". I think we're beginning to see evidence of that relationship in Russian manufacturing numbers and I expect to see many more developments in the military sphere as the "networking" aspect of the deal comes online.
I read two headlines recently ... one said China was in for an economic slowdown ... the other said Russia has a skilled manpower shortage that was about to cripple manufacturing growth. I wouldn't be surprised to see future employment opportunities for both Chinese and North Korean workers in Russia
Posted by: HB_Norica | Sep 14 2023 15:11 utc | 25
This NYT article is gaslighting 101. The West seems to have an inexhaustible supply of money and arms it's funneling into Ukraine. The Ukrainians don't seem to be running out of manpower either, despite all the claims by Russia's MOD. If anything, it seems like Russia is running out of time/weapons/will to win.
Posted by: bored | Sep 14 2023 15:14 utc | 26
As always, excellent reporting - since Western media has mostly abrogated any pretence to informing the public, b does an admirable job keeping us proles up to date.
The West has found itself in a new arms race, already several years behind in many key technologies, and in a woeful position to depress their economies further to increase arms production. I hope sanity prevails and climbdowns start but this sometimes feels a forlorn hope.
From the so-called clobber report:
The enemy's losses for the day have amounted to around 350 servicemen killed and wounded, three armoured fighting vehicles, five motor vehicles, three U.S.-made M777 and M109 howitzers and one D-30 howitzer.
This may have alredy been disucssed but - how many of these m777 can be left? They have been featured in nearly every one of these butchers bills that I can remember and usually in numbers.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Sep 14 2023 15:15 utc | 27
The West seems to have an inexhaustible supply of money and arms
Nothing in our mortal existence is infinite except hubris. When this shit show stops, the real show begins.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Sep 14 2023 15:17 utc | 28
Posted by: too scents | Sep 14 2023 15:02 utc | 23
Okay, so maybe I have back down from phasers and photon torpedoes. But you ARE describing cloaking devices.
Don’t be surprised if the Russians announce the launching of a sixth generation fighter jet called хищная птица.
Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Sep 14 2023 15:26 utc | 29
HB_Norica @ 27
If it is going to become WW3 China will play the financial and industrial roll the USA played in WW2 for England, France, and the USSR. WW2 didn't just go bang on day one, it also built up by degrees, the more China is dragged into the SMO, the bigger it's roll becomes, the weaker the west's hand will become, to the point of criticality. Honestly, I don't see how the west stands a chance. Neocon delusions and miscalculations will end just like Imperial Japan and Nazi delusions and miscalculations.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 15:30 utc | 30
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Sep 14 2023 14:16 utc | 7
The US military and its complex, at breakneck speed, are producing yachts and mansions 24-7.
You forgot to mention Ukrainian millionaires....
Posted by: ctiger | Sep 14 2023 15:32 utc | 31
thanks b... good overview as always..
@ LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 15:04 utc | 26
its a good question.. i think at some point russia will have to go after the nato assets that are allowing for the attack on sevastopol to continue.. yes, nato and friends still think this is out of russias domain, but the fact is these assets are being used by nato to do exactly as the writer in that telegram post describe... russia has to address this, and although they know they are crossing a line to do so - it has to be done... nato and friends have already crossed many lines - nordstream being the biggest and most obvious.. that is my take.. thanks for your posts..
Posted by: james | Sep 14 2023 15:35 utc | 32
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Sep 14 2023 14:16 utc | 7
The US military and its complex, at breakneck speed, are producing yachts and mansions 24-7.
You forgot to mention Ukrainian millionaires....
Posted by: ctiger | Sep 14 2023 15:36 utc | 33
There is nothing to stop a 80386 fire control system from putting a first round within 60 seconds and 50 meters from a target so long as you have accurate target designation and tubes. That is some cheap gps laser designator also run by a 80386 and the cheapest of radio transmitters to the Fire Control .. As b said not much you are missing out on with 2 generation old tech... What about night vision..? The Ukrainians have been attacking a lot at night and they have got to be losing a lot of them near the Russian lines. Russian's just need to make the batteries...
Can anyone win this war.... Do not think so. This is a loose loose for everyone and it is not even performing it's primary function to get Biden reelected. It is a Biden FUBAR.
Posted by: ATM | Sep 14 2023 15:43 utc | 34
Is it too far fetched to expect a mystery explosion occurring on a US attack sub inside one of their dry docks?
Posted by: unimperator | Sep 14 2023 15:45 utc | 35
Ooops I forgot that Russia also has access to Iranian manufactured 152mm ammo, that is in addition to supplies it can receive from its own domestic production, NK, Chinese, Indian, Serbian and Iranian plants......they should be good to go for over 2M + 152mm shells per year......more than enough for the task at hand......
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 14 2023 15:46 utc | 36
For instance, it costs a Western country $5,000 to $6,000 to make a 155-millimeter artillery round, whereas it costs Russia about $600 to produce a comparable 152-millimeter artillery shell, he said.
USA was a pioneer in mass production of metal products, e.g. Ford cars, and this art is not lost, but MIC definitely prefers high profit "artisanal production"...
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Sep 14 2023 15:47 utc | 37
there's still no sign Ukraine is running low on anything. even the air defenses which were supposedly depleted since May or June according to the Pentagon leaks seem to have been supplied. Ukraine still has artillery systems, and there are more than enough vehicles for one or more of these offensives. some will laugh at Leopard 1s being sent, but like T-55s they have a role on quiet fronts especially when supported by drones. this is nowhere near over
Posted by: abel | Sep 14 2023 15:49 utc | 38
It's kind of weird being an American and rooting against my own country, but what they've done in Ukraine is beyond the pale. And now they are using the Kiev regime as cover so they can stage direct attacks on Sevastopol, all the while pretending they have nothing to do with it. It makes me sick to my stomach.
Posted by: Frank McGar | Sep 14 2023 15:50 utc | 39
StarLink was supposedly neutralized on September 13th morning during the attack of AFU sea drones on Sevastopol. Consequentially, the contact to the drones were lost.
Posted by: unimperator | Sep 14 2023 15:51 utc | 40
Sputnik, let's see if it works:
What Does Putin Mean by Weapons Based on 'New Physical Principles'?
Posted by: Bemildred | Sep 14 2023 15:52 utc | 41
@ unimperator | Sep 14 2023 15:51 utc | 46
thanks.. i am curious how that is supposed to work?
Posted by: james | Sep 14 2023 15:59 utc | 42
Our source reports that the entire Ukrainian elite is waiting for the UN General Assembly and Zelensky’s trip to the United States.Everyone will be watching closely:
1) Ze meetings (official/backstage)
2) rhetoric
3) the result of the trip (will there be any real goodies or just promises and idle talk
4) press interest in Ze and what publications will be published. What questions will they ask him? Many are confident that the Western press will be more interested in large-scale corruption in Ukraine, against the backdrop of a failed offensive.
5) will there be a meeting with Biden?If the trip as a whole is a “failure”, “empty”, then this will be the last signal from the West that Zelensky has played out a tool (leaked by Ze).
Among all our sources, more than 65% support the option that the trip as a whole will be “empty.”
Posted by: Down South | Sep 14 2023 16:01 utc | 43
The idea that Russia needs ammo from North Korea is another example. It is projecting the US problem onto Russia.
It matters more, because it obscures from us what is really happening with North Korea, which is "horizontal escalation," as a further price for Biden's bad choices provoking the Ukraine War.
Posted by: Mark Thomason | Sep 14 2023 16:03 utc | 44
Shade @ 38
USA doesn't have rockets to launch satellites
Eh? Unlike Russia, China, India, the citizens of the USA no longer launch rockets, the corporations do, in the west it's been fully privatized. They have plenty of rockets, likely more than ever as it's an even bigger grift now. That's the big difference between industrial capitalism and neoliberal capitalism, leverage the grift.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 16:03 utc | 45
Our source in the OP said that after the NATO summit, the apparatus struggle on Bankova intensified, and Andrei Ermak’s positions began to weaken. After Reznikov’s dismissal, all the elites realized that the Head of the Presidential Office had lost the support of the United States, which means it was worth joining forces to overthrow the almighty gray eminence.
Posted by: Down South | Sep 14 2023 16:04 utc | 46
Russia is not sacrificing Safety and Quality. The results on the battlefield exceed the western crap.
Russia's military expense has always been 1/10 of the USA with far better results.
The USA military budget "10%" for the big guy chain of expenses ten folds their expense total budget
Posted by: J | Sep 14 2023 16:04 utc | 47
Given Russian's superior air defense systems with S-300/400 radars covering the airport from which the attack was launched, these missiles should not have hit Russia's key Black Sea Naval base, and the multiple S-34s that launched the missiles should have been shot down. If they were fighting the US there would be no base, and meantime, Russia seems to be losing much of its Black Sea fleet. Where is the HOLE in the Russ' vaunted missile defense system?
Posted by: JimG | Sep 14 2023 16:08 utc | 48
@ c1ue | Sep 14 2023 14:17 utc | 9
Good to see you back here: old fashioned quality input.
Posted by: Antonym | Sep 14 2023 16:08 utc | 49
"there's still no sign Ukraine is running low on anything." Posted by: abel | Sep 14 2023 15:49 utc | 44
No actually there is ... Russians are reporting that Ukrainian short and medium range arty are being used extremely sparingly and counter battery work is now done with HIMARS. In fact HIMARS is being used to target single soldiers and soft skinned vehicles at short to medium ranges. That begs the question"where is Ukrainian artillery?"
Posted by: HB_Norica | Sep 14 2023 16:09 utc | 50
unimperator @ 41
Is it too far fetched to expect a mystery explosion occurring on a US attack sub inside one of their dry docks?
Yes, the Russians are trying very, very hard to not have it devolve into a free for all. Sadly, the Empire of Chaos is doing everything possible to provoke that.
I'm sure Russian spies could be setting fires to shopping malls, industrial parks, and refineries in Germany and the UK but they are not.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 16:11 utc | 51
@ LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 15:04 utc | 26
what is your response to the question you left @ 26? i gave mine..
Posted by: james | Sep 14 2023 16:14 utc | 52
Timely reminder, b, thanks.
If you read the compilation of passages from Putin's conversation with young Russian scientists, which Karlof1 produced for us a few days back--a valuable and very engaging read--you get tantalizing hints of directions Russian research is taking, in these areas of new physical principles. Some are connected loosely to weapons potential; others less so. But all of these scientists are working & funded under the aegis of Russia's strategic weapons programs.
Posted by: Paul Damascene | Sep 14 2023 16:18 utc | 53
Timely reminder, b, thanks.
If you read the compilation of passages from Putin's conversation with young Russian scientists, which Karlof1 produced for us a few days back--a valuable and very engaging read--you get tantalizing hints of directions Russian research is taking, in these areas of new physical principles. Some are connected loosely to weapons potential; others less so. But all of these scientists are working & funded under the aegis of Russia's strategic weapons programs.
Posted by: Paul Damascene | Sep 14 2023 16:20 utc | 54
Timely reminder, b, thanks.
If you read the compilation of passages from Putin's conversation with young Russian scientists, which Karlof1 produced for us a few days back--a valuable and very engaging read--you get tantalizing hints of directions Russian research is taking, in these areas of new physical principles. Some are connected loosely to weapons potential; others less so. But all of these scientists are working & funded under the aegis of Russia's strategic weapons programs.
Posted by: Paul Damascene | Sep 14 2023 16:23 utc | 55
Can't imagine a reason why a talented engineer would accept a job with an American defense contractor. Career suicide. Only third string would take the money. Who wants to be associated with the next F-35.
Posted by: oldhippie | Sep 14 2023 16:23 utc | 56
Can't imagine a reason why a talented engineer would accept a job with an American defense contractor. Career suicide. Only third string would take the money. Who wants to be associated with the next F-35.
Posted by: oldhippie | Sep 14 2023 16:23 utc | 57
@ post 43 "USA was a pioneer in mass production of metal products, e.g. Ford cars, and this art is not lost, but MIC definitely prefers high profit "artisanal production"...
Those old arts of mass production are totally lost to the US. There are no engineers that know how to design the machines needed to produce weapons of war.
One of the reasons the US canceled the F22 Raptor was lack of spare parts and nobody knew how to design the tooling needed to manufacture the needed parts.
Not only lack of engineers, There is very little domestic metal production. No steel, No titanium and other metals produced in the quantities needed to make machines of war.
The only kind of engineers the US graduates these days are Social Engineers.
"You dont win wars with lies"
BTW You mentioned Ford. have you ever compared a Ford car to a similar Toyota or Honda? That right there will tell you the dismal state of American "Mass Production"
Posted by: Golddigger | Sep 14 2023 16:23 utc | 58
Frank McGar @ 45
It's kind of weird being an American and rooting against my own country
I come from a mother and uncles who were partisans in WW2, they had to pick up a gun and fight their own countrymen to get their country back. That's also part of the destiny of nations.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 16:24 utc | 59
Can't imagine a reason why a talented engineer would accept a job with an American defense contractor. Career suicide. Only third string would take the money. Who wants to be associated with the next F-35.
Posted by: oldhippie | Sep 14 2023 16:24 utc | 60
"And eventually the losing side will resort to Nukes. And then well we all be dead."
Beg to differ, if Russia loses, they face an existential crisis on their border at which point the prerequisits according to their nuclear doctrine to use this terrible weapon will be met. If the HATO powers loses they'll just declare victory, and walk off whistling with hands in their pockets, perhaps to go bother China instead, then finding that a now much more challenging proposition they will chose instead to to go ransack accessible parts of the global south for whatever pillage can still be found there. The Sith Lords of the Neocon Death-cult may fall into disfavour though.
The policy elite in the West is so stupid, if they were actually to get what they want- a desperate tottering Russia, they only acheive a much greater chance of nuclear annihilation for all. Fuckwits.
Posted by: Loncal | Sep 14 2023 16:27 utc | 61
"And eventually the losing side will resort to Nukes. And then well we all be dead."
Beg to differ, if Russia loses, they face an existential crisis on their border at which point the prerequisits according to their nuclear doctrine to use this terrible weapon will be met. If the HATO powers loses they'll just declare victory, and walk off whistling with hands in their pockets, perhaps to go bother China instead, then finding that a now much more challenging proposition they will chose instead to to go ransack accessible parts of the global south for whatever pillage can still be found there. The Sith Lords of the Neocon Death-cult may fall into disfavour though.
The policy elite in the West is so stupid, if they were actually to get what they want- a desperate tottering Russia, they only acheive a much greater chance of nuclear annihilation for all. Fuckwits.
Posted by: Loncal | Sep 14 2023 16:27 utc | 62
Think of the corruption and graft required to make one artillery shell cost $5000
Posted by: Fred777 | Sep 14 2023 14:18 utc | 10
Yep. Very hard to forget...
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Sep 14 2023 16:28 utc | 63
Think of the corruption and graft required to make one artillery shell cost $5000
Posted by: Fred777 | Sep 14 2023 14:18 utc | 10
Yep. Very hard to forget...
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Sep 14 2023 16:29 utc | 64
what they've done in Ukraine is beyond the pale.
Posted by: Frank McGar | Sep 14 2023 15:50 utc | 45
NATO country here. If we live it's thanks to V.V.Putin's temperate character.
Posted by: Passerby | Sep 14 2023 16:33 utc | 65
The entire planet today saw the AmericanNazi massmurdering brown people of Hawaii for "privatization", nazis hiding behind a label and lawyers
Additionally the continued century long forced racial segregation starving native indians confined to landlocked unfertile lands.
Those USA states that connect to BRI, will be the superpowers nations of the future, those that don't will be third world.
Posted by: Shade | Sep 14 2023 16:22 utc | 62
There's a party just made for you. It's called the Democrats and they love people who reduce imperialism to the issue of racism. Take a look at the devastated people in Maui or anywhere else in the US. It ain't just brown people, you tool. Show some class solidarity.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 14 2023 16:35 utc | 66
Let's just hope that Russian resources don't get combined with Chinese manufacturing.
Posted by: ian | Sep 14 2023 16:39 utc | 68
Painted lines
You got em
We got em
Everybody, Painted Lines
Well, I'm not sure who sets Russia's red line (singular), or if one even exists, while NATO has no shortage of Rainbow Lines that regardless of action Russia seems mystified. For every spy drone fly by, Crimea will SloMoly entire Navel fleet hobbled and chained at dock, drones be like that. For all the MMA money debates spilled here, well huge joke for there will be no win, nor house of cards collapse.....Empires never die, they diversify.....bidness 101.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 14 2023 16:41 utc | 69
Posted by: Wilbur | Sep 14 2023 13:54 utc | 3"
Meds talks a lot. Youd be better off not taking much of his rhetoric to heart.
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 14 2023 14:02 utc | 4
I believe (per The New Atlas) that it was 200 tanks plus 800 upgraded ones.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 14 2023 16:41 utc | 70
Seriously, I think Putin is referring to lasers. They should make great short range air defence for more or less immobile assets where access to electricity isn’t an issue, such as ships, missile launch sites, government buildings, headquarters, strategically vital airports and the like.
Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Sep 14 2023 16:52 utc | 71
Let's just hope that Russian resources don't get combined with Chinese manufacturing.
Posted by: ian | Sep 14 2023 16:39 utc | 71
Comrade, have you been following the news the last eighteen months or so?
Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Sep 14 2023 16:54 utc | 72
@Jörgen Hassler | Sep 14 2023 16:52 utc | 71
Seriously, I think Putin is referring to lasers.But lasers are not based on "new physical principles", are they? Lasers are well known.
I guess you could say there are no "new physical principles", only new understanding of "old physical principles"...
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 14 2023 17:00 utc | 73
So stop bumping your chests and act like an intelligent species.
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 14 2023 14:01 utc | 2
So you grant yourself license to drop and and give commanding "advise" to the barflies?
To what end?
Posted by: Chevrus | Sep 14 2023 17:03 utc | 74
Now there's news circulating that Ukraine is currently bombing SEVASTOPOL again! I guess all the talk about failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive was premature.
Posted by: bored | Sep 14 2023 17:08 utc | 75
Is it too far fetched to expect a mystery explosion occurring on a US attack sub inside one of their dry docks?
Posted by: unimperator | Sep 14 2023 15:45 utc | 36
It shouldn't be "far fetched".
Posted by: Constantine | Sep 14 2023 17:09 utc | 76
james @ 58
what is your response to the question you left @ 26? i gave mine
You don't want to hear it, plus it's too wordy for a forum but here goes. Russia isn't fighting Ukraine it's fighting the USA along with NATO plus another 30 countries. All Russia wants is PEACE - a sound, authoritative, viable, honorable security agreement that sets James Baker's promise to not encroach NATO into the ex-Warsaw Pact if not into stone, at least into Mont Blanc ink and parchment.
Besides the fact the west is agreement incapable, which is a biggie, after all the best laid plans of the last 32 years the USA isn't going to turn around, it will have to be turned around, hopefully by global corporate capitalism that is getting fucked over by all this and that has much more to gain in multipolarism than hegemony, once upon a time money talked, now I don't know.
Neocon isn't just some fringe wackos in the deep state - it is the military expression of neoliberalism, neoliberalism is the present stage expression of capitalism, to defeat neocon policy means defeating neoliberalism which means at the very least massively changing present day capitalism - a very tall order, especially since the mass media is now fully a part of the neoliberal financialized economic system. I don't see it happening anywhere in the west and discussion is verboten.
Russia is having a very hard, very costly, time of fighting NATO and the pressure on them keeps building, all part of the plan, failures like the counter offensive doesn't mean the USA and Pentagon are haphazard and mindless, it means they got a part of the plan wrong, that's planned for too.
For RF destroying NATO seems to me too grand an objective at this point, getting it out of Russia's sphere of influence can be done, but only one way that I can see, admittedly from my stepping stool height perspective. As Russia doesn't have the troops to march to Brussels and plant the flag on top of NATO HQ it will have to nuke all the NATO bases in the ex-Warsaw pact all at once, and nothing of the sort will be used in Ukraine.
A tactical move that forces a strategic reply, which I don't think the USA is up for, but where is it written that saner minds prevail? There's also a positive outcome for the USA that allows it to walk away without a nuclear reply that it must also have calculated. Russia would be seen as a wanton mass murderous pariah and shunned for the rest of human history. Especially by its east European neighbors to say the least.
A war over the Black Sea isn't just another escalation, it's the final escalation. Doom and gloom, like I said you didn't want to hear it.
There is the possibility that the Pentagon is pressuring Crimea to force a freeze in the conflict - a time out for a year or two. But nothing in the last 18 months indicates that, in fact, in retrospect, nothing in the last 32 years indicates that.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 17:15 utc | 77
Is it too far fetched to expect a mystery explosion occurring on a US attack sub inside one of their dry docks?
unimperator | Sep 14 2023 15:45 utc | 41
Tech has changed, the operative would surely be caught so it better be one hell of an explosion.
It would be wasting a very valuable operative so while possible I wouldn't expect it.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 14 2023 17:16 utc | 78
Talking about Ru's Wonder Weapons, I came across a video clip, a week or so ago, purporting to show the launch of a nuclear-powered cruise missile. It launched from a ramp at about 20 degrees above horizontal and streaked aloft with the same violent crackling sound one hears in the early phase of an orbital rocket launch.
I assume that this type of missile is based on the principle of a ram jet or scram jet and would operate within the atmosphere. But the manner in which the heat generated in the combustion chamber is confined to the combustion chamber is impossible to imagine - for me.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Sep 14 2023 17:19 utc | 79
It's kind of weird being an American and rooting against my own country
Frank McGar @ 45
Not at all, when your country isn't the constitutional republic it was supposed to be and has morphed into the primary component of the blood-mad Anglo-American empire. Any true patriot in the Anglosphere and beyond should be implacably hostile to the globalist regime.
Posted by: Constantine | Sep 14 2023 17:21 utc | 80
Now there's news circulating that Ukraine is currently bombing SEVASTOPOL again! I guess all the talk about failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive was premature.
Posted by: bored | Sep 14 2023 17:08 utc | 75
NOT Ukraine. This is a deliberate falsehood, propagated in order to establish that the Ukrainians are the ones fighting back against the evil Russians, when in fact it is NATO attacking Russia with a whiff of plausible deniability.
Posted by: Constantine | Sep 14 2023 17:24 utc | 81
Latest from Russia MOD per southfront
Kiev forces have made several failed advance attempts across the front, according to the September 14 briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense.
In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Yug Group of Forces repelled eight attacks by Ukraine’s 80th Airborne Assault Brigade and 59th Motorised Brigade near Klescheevka, Berdichi and Pervomayskoye.
Up to 350 Ukrainian troops were killed or wounded during the fighting in this direction, the ministry said, adding that three armored fighting vehicles, five motor vehicles, three American-made M777 towed howitzers and M109 self-propelled howitzers and one D-30 towed howitzer were destroyed.
Moreover, an ammunition depot of the 28th Mechanised Brigade was targeted and destroyed by the group in the outskirts of Dileevka.
In the Zaporozhye direction, three attacks by the 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade and 71st Jaeger Brigade were repelled close to Verbovoye.
The ministry said that 95 Ukrainian troops, one tank, two armored fighting vehicles and three motor vehicles were neutralized in this direction. In addition, six towed howitzers, one M777, one M119, one British-made FH-70, one Msta-B, one D-20 and one D-30, were destroyed by counter-battery fire.
And in the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Tsentr Group of Forces repelled an attack by the 128rd Territorial Defence Brigade close to Priyutnoye.
Around 140 Ukrainian troops, one tank, two armored fighting vehicles and three motor vehicles were neutralized during the fighting, according to the ministry.
In the Krasny Liman direction, the Tsentr Group of Forces repelled an attack by the 63rd Mechanised Brigade of Kiev forces close to Chervonaya Dibrova. The group also targeted several gatherings of manpower and equipment near Seversk, Grigorovka and Serebryanka.
Up to 55 Ukrainian troops, three armored fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles and one D-20 towed howitzer were destroyed in this direction, the ministry said.
In the Kupyansk direction, the Russian Zapad Group of Forces repelled an attack by the 30th Mechanised Brigade close to Sinkovka. During the fighting, 130 Ukrainian troops, two infantry fighting vehicles and three motor vehicles were neutralized, according to the ministry.
Moreover, one M777 towed howitzer, one American-made M109 self-propelled howitzer and an American-made AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radar were destroyed by counter-battery fire. Several ammunition depot of Kiev forces were also targeted and destroyed close to Berestovoye and Tikhoye.
Meanwhile in the Kherson direction, Kiev forces lost 70 troops, one armored fighting vehicle, seven motor vehicles and one D-30 towed howitzer to Russian artillery fire.
The Russian MoD also provided the following details during its briefing:
Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Group of Forces have engaged AFU manpower and hardware in 143 areas during the day.
In addition, one P-18 air target detection and tracking radar station was destroyed near Novopavlovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
Two command posts of the AFU 100th Territorial Defence Brigade and the 15th regiment of Ukraine’s National Guard were hit near Serebryanka and Krasny Liman (Donetsk People’s Republic).
One AFU ammunition depot was wiped out close to Trudovoye (Zaporozhye region).
Fighter aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down one Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force near Krasny Liman (Donetsk People’s Republic).
Russian air defense systems intercepted four HIMARS MLRS projectiles during the day.
Furthermore, during the day, 53 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were neutralized and suppressed by radio electronic warfare means close to Verkhnekamenka, Topolevka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Peski, Vasilevka, Krasnaya Gora (Donetsk People’s Republic), Novofedorovka, Vasilyevka (Zaporozhye region), Aleshki and Novaya Kakhovka (Kherson region).
Posted by: ctiger | Sep 14 2023 17:28 utc | 82
@Constantine | Sep 14 2023 17:24 utc | 81
Well Russia better wake the hell up and take this more seriously. I hope the Russians realize that, aside from some military assistance from Iran and maybe NK, they are in this on their own. China, India, Brazil and the rest of BRICS nations are pussies watching from the sidelines. The irony is, once Russia is overwhelmed and a Western puppet is put in power, the rest of the BRICS nations will fall like dominoes. Instead of backing their ally fully, like NATO nations do, they look the other way.
Posted by: bored | Sep 14 2023 17:31 utc | 83
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 14 2023 17:00 utc | 73
Putin said that the weapons would be be based on new physical principles, not that the principles in them selves would be new.
And as far as I know lasers haven’t been used as weapons, except a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
It’s the only technology I can think of that would be useful (imagine launch to impact time practically zero) and that might be mature enough to be made operational.
Mind you, weapons manufacturing is in no way my field. I did build a cross bow from scratch in my early teens. But I don’t think that’s on Ps agenda.
Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Sep 14 2023 17:43 utc | 84
This is my first post here.
I wanted to react on the subject of new weapons. What I'm about to say is of course unproven and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Jean-Pierre Petit, a controversial 86-year-old French scientist who nevertheless publishes in peer-reviewed scientific journals, is convinced that Russia has developed MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) technology, which cancels out shock waves.
To put it in a nutshell, a plane or missile carrying this technology would experience subsonic friction, even when traveling at super/hypersonic speeds. And that changes everything.
He explained the principle as early as the 1980s, notably in a popular science comic entitled "The Silence Barrier", which is translated into English and available
If you're a physics buff, you're in for a treat. (Whether he's right or wrong about Russia's use of this technology doesn't change the fact that the principle is real and interesting.)
He attended propulsion symposia in Moscow in the 1980s, and claims that the USSR and then Russia continued to develop this technology.
According to him, this technology is the key to hypersonic missiles, which would otherwise be unable to reach speeds of Mach 10 in dense atmosphere without melting due to heating. In his 80s comic strip, he explains why such a projectile would be surrounded by a plasma, why this plasma would be yellow, and above all why the missile would be relatively silent, which is what we observe today (a correct prediction 40 years ahead of time).
In fact, on the few videos where we see a hypersonic missile in flight, it is very quiet, much quieter than a Kalibr. A car at 130km/h on the freeway seems much noisier than a hypersonic missile: you can hear the crackle of the engine, but no sifling, or "tearing of the air". This silence has led some to claim that these videos are fake, since it's impossible to fly at mach 10 in silence. MHD would explain both the silence and the missile's speed.
Perhaps someone knows more about the Kinjhal's silence?
This technology could also be mounted on an airplane, which could then fly at unexplainable speeds without the need for a hypersonic design, while remaining maneuverable. He also believes that this technology could be used in the construction of non-nuclear weapons of mass destruction.
That's what I think of when the Russians talk about "new physical principles". Of course, it's possible that this is completely false and that they're referring to something else.
Besides, I don't want to get into a debate about the personality of the very sulphurous Jean-Pierre Petit. This is simply the only clue I have as to how a hypersonic missile could fly silently.
Posted by: MSardou | Sep 14 2023 17:56 utc | 85
Posted by: bored | Sep 14 2023 17:08 utc | 75
bored. I forgot to add you to the list of NATO / Nazi cheerleaders. People get killed, you cheer.
So what you’re cheering here with your excited little exclamation mark, is the Kiev regime helped by Anglos, bombing and killing people of the territory that they claim to be Ukraine. More accurately it is the former Ukrainian territory. Now bored NATO / Nazi cheerleader, consider that your NATO / Nazi side kills hundreds in the attack on Sevastopol. That leaves hundreds of thousands of survivors in Sevastopol cursing the Kiev regime for their attack. How do you think that affects their decision to be part of Russia? That’s right bored, it re-affirms why they voted to leave the US installed government in Kiev who has been killing ‘Moskals’ for coming up to ten years.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Sep 14 2023 17:58 utc | 86
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Sep 14 2023 17:58 utc | 86
I think you misunderstood my post. I'm not cheering NATO or the UkroNazis, I'm in disbelief that Russia isn't taking this more seriously. Fantasizing about NATO running out of men, money, and weapons to send to Ukraine isn't going to win this war. If Russia really does have the resources and material they claim to possess, they should make hundreds of thousands of kamikazee drons and unleash hell on the lunatic Nazis in Kiev.
Posted by: bored | Sep 14 2023 18:23 utc | 87
Meds talks a lot. Youd be better off not taking much of his rhetoric to heart.
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 14 2023 14:02 utc | 3
Well, if one look production quantities of Uralvagonzavod pre war time, best year in 2013 it produced more than 250 tanks per year. If this quantity is tripled just working in three shifts, we get 750 tank from Uralvagonzavod alone...
Posted by: Pavi | Sep 14 2023 18:26 utc | 88
Posted by: MSardou | Sep 14 2023 17:56 utc | 85
Very interesting. The Soviets isolation from the west resulted in some very interesting science. They seen to have a better / different understanding of the EM spectrum than we do. It was their abandoned research that resulted in US stealth technology and they use SOKS chemical / radiological sniffers to track submerged submarines despite having sonar technology.
Posted by: HB_Norica | Sep 14 2023 18:28 utc | 89
@Comandante | Sep 14 2023 14:01 utc | 2
So stop bumping your chests and act like an intelligent species.
And what species would that be?
Posted by: majoab | Sep 14 2023 18:33 utc | 90
Raytheon has walked away from the large SAM deal with Saudi Arabia. Wonder who's going to take it.
Posted by: unimperator | Sep 14 2023 18:34 utc | 91
@44 Mark Thomason, re: Russia's recent deal-making with DPRK:
Yes, it's a reciprocal of the U.S.'s Taiwan provocation, but with a very interesting twist.
While the U.S. can attack Russia via Ukraine, China and Russia didn't, until very recently, have a surrogate that was ready, willing and able to actively provoke the U.S. and our allies Japan and S. Korea.
DPRK seems willing to perform that function.
I just took a look at the map, and noticed that DPRK shares a border with Russia, and along that border is Russia's main Pacific trading port, Vladivostok, and through that port goes all manner of goods, including energy and food and minerals...and warships.
Everything DPRK needs to become a major irritation to the U.S.
And if ... or once ... DPRK has been rehabilitated economically and politically, that genie isn't going back into the bottle. Tough times for Japan and S. Korea going forward, regardless of how long the U.S. "stays interested".
@c1ue: Where ya been?
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Sep 14 2023 18:35 utc | 92
I am noticing an unusually high number of Ukraine trolls commenting on this blog posts. Seems like the NYTimes article put them in damage control.
Posted by: Peter | Sep 14 2023 18:45 utc | 93
Its kind of weird being an American and rooting against my own country...
Frank McGarry. 39
You're not rooting against your country. You are rooting against the treasonous traitors that are running your government.
Posted by: Joekacfromadanac | Sep 14 2023 18:50 utc | 94
Can't imagine a reason why a talented engineer would accept a job with an American defense contractor. Career suicide. Only third string would take the money. Who wants to be associated with the next F-35.
Posted by: oldhippie | Sep 14 2023 16:23 utc | 57
The same reason that thousands of America's daughters are on OnlyFans. Money and short-term thinking.
For a citizenry to behave rationally requires a rational civilization with the appropriate incentives and norms for productive and healthy behavior. America is the case study in institutionalized social, moral, ethical, economic and military dysfunction these days.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 14 2023 18:56 utc | 95
@MSardou | Sep 14 2023 17:56 utc | 85
Very interesting post, thanks a lot for that. I will read that PDF and see what I can make of it. You make some good arguments for something that may or may not be happening, but it does get me interested. Thanks again.
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 14 2023 18:57 utc | 96
@oldhippie #56
"Can't imagine a reason why a talented engineer would accept a job with an American defense contractor. Career suicide. Only third string would take the money. Who wants to be associated with the next F-35"
At the time, I didn't want to be associated with the next Vietnam, and while it's probably cost a hell of a lot of lost money, there are zero regrets.
Posted by: BillB | Sep 14 2023 19:07 utc | 97
China is on 155mm
So unless it's got old stock or is taking new orders from Russia China can't supply 152mm to Russia directly. NK definitely can.
I also read a while back one of the first shipment across the new amur bridge between China and Russia was a batch of robotic arms to automate the Russia shell production line.
Posted by: A.L. | Sep 14 2023 19:22 utc | 98
Its kind of weird being an American and rooting against my own country...
Frank McGarry. 39
You're not rooting against your country. You are rooting against the treasonous traitors that are running your government.
Posted by: Joekacfromadanac | Sep 14 2023 18:50 utc | 93
Exactly. The country has been totally usurped from the people by billionaire oligarchs. You're country is the people of the United States, not these filthy criminals in power.
The people of the US would never risk nuclear war for a Nazi junta in some third rare rump of country half way across the world. This is happening precisely because they have been silenced and stripped of all power.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 14 2023 19:28 utc | 99
@ LightYearsFromHome | Sep 14 2023 15:30 utc | 30
If it is going to become WW3 China will play the financial and industrial roll the USA played in WW2 for England, France, and the USSR. WW2 didn't just go bang on day one, it also built up by degrees, the more China is dragged into the SMO, the bigger it's roll becomes, the weaker the west's hand will become, to the point of criticality. Honestly, I don't see how the west stands a chance.
I assume the calculation of the west is getting China to do the "italian move of WW1". Switch side in trade for substantial territorial gains in sibiria, and not to forget the outer Manchuria, still a pain in the chinese soule.
This is a scenario Joel Skoussen was talking about in his Alex Jones Interview. The question is, how close are the Chinese Russian ties despite beeing natural enemies for territorial claims....
I am not sure who is really in charge in china. Are these Chinese or the same elite being in charge in the west. After moving from London to New York now on the jump to make Peking the next "Babylon".
Posted by: Johnny | Sep 14 2023 19:44 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Didn't Medvedev say that Russia would be producing over 1000 tanks per year?
He said that a few months ago, I think after visiting a tank factory.
Posted by: Wilbur | Sep 14 2023 13:54 utc | 1