Mainstream Media Admit - Ukraine's Propaganda Is Full Of Lies
As a sign of the turning narrative of the war in Ukraine we find a new New York Times piece about 'disinformation' that is not about Russia but about lies from Ukraine.
Andrew E. Kramer, the NYT correspondent in Kiev, opens with an anecdote from the first weeks of the war:
Six weeks after Russia launched its full-scale invasion, Ukraine sank the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, dealing a serious blow to the enemy navy, and, a Ukrainian official said, killing the ship’s captain.“We do not mourn,” an adviser to the interior minister at the time, Anton Gerashchenko, said.
The only problem was that the captain — or somebody who resembled him — later appeared in a video of survivors released by the Russian Navy. He had escaped his sinking ship, the Moskva, the video seemed to indicate.
Then comes a paragraph that could fit both countries but the following one it is again related to disinformation from Ukraine:
What is clear is that misdirection, disinformation and propaganda are weapons regularly deployed in Russia’s war in Ukraine to buoy spirits at home, demoralize the enemy or lead opponents into a trap. And it is often hard to know when reports are false or why they may have been disseminated.Now, Ukraine and Russia are offering dueling narratives over whether a more senior Russian naval officer, the commanding admiral of the Black Sea Fleet, is alive or dead.
Well, in this interview Adm. Viktor Sokolov looks quite alive.
Then comes an astonishing admission:
Few military analysts, [...], believe the Ukrainian military’s optimistic daily account of Russian casualties running into the hundreds that is nonetheless reported widely in Ukrainian media.
It is the first time I see a public refutation of Ukraine's laughable claims about Russian casualties in the mainstream media. It is also an indictment of the Biden administration and the Pentagon who publicly use the Ukrainian numbers.
The piece ends with a wise acknowledgement:
Mr. Gerashchenko said that, in the end, war propaganda is only effective when it accompanies battlefield successes. The missile strike on the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet last week, he said, was a “stunning success of Ukrainian intelligence and the air force that fired the cruise missiles on a supposedly well-defended site.”“You cannot win the propaganda war without winning the real war,” he added.
Oh really? Guess who told you so:
- Disarming Ukraine - Day 13 - Lies Do Not Win Wars - Moon of Alabama, March 8 2022
- Propaganda Does Not Change The War - The Ukraine Is Still Losing - Moon of Alabama, March 25 2022
- No - Such Propaganda Delusions Will Not Win The War - Moon of Alabama, June 8 2023
Good to see that this obvious truth is finally sinking in.
Yesterday the Minister of Defense in Russia, Sergei Shoigu, gave an update (in Russian) on the war in Ukraine. The speech seemed to include a time frame for the war to end (machine translation):
The United States and its allies continue to arm the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the Kiev regime throws untrained soldiers into senseless assaults, for slaughter.Such cynical actions by the West and their cronies in Kiev only encourage Ukraine to self-destruct."
"Under these conditions, we continue to increase the combat power of the Armed Forces, including through the supply of modern weapons and improving the training of troops, taking into account the experience of a special military operation. Consistent implementation of the activities of the Action Plan until 2025 will allow us to achieve our goals."
Shoigu expects the war to run throughout 2024 and into 2025. But if the current loss rate of the Ukrainian army continues the country will be running out of soldiers and armored vehicles before the end of next year.
- Canada's House speaker steps down after making tribute to Nazi veteran
- Canada’s honoring of Nazi vet exposes Ottawa’s longstanding Ukraine policy
- 60 Minutes video (1997) about Nazis war criminals living in Canada
Posted by b on September 27, 2023 at 13:50 UTC | Permalink
next page »Ukraines fired transexual propaganda spokesdude gets punked by Vovan and Lexus.
Admits on camera that while he "publicly defends" Ukraines "foreign fighters" in reality he knows most are far right wing extremist mercenaries and many belonging to Nazi organizations.
Bro is not having a good montn
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 27 2023 14:03 utc | 2
[email protected] the beginning of public distribution of media, think WW1, the Brits gave out fake News Papers to the lads in the trenches, now they can spread a lie just with the click of a mouse.
Cheers M
Maybe in an open thread I'll recount how the Brits deeked out the Irish soldiers fighting the Germans for them ...... backstabbing bastards the Brits be. As soon as I realized the Brits were running the Ukie scam, I knew the Russians would be relearning past history lessons, fast.
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 27 2023 14:06 utc | 3
It is truly amazing that these Ukr. apologists don't grasp the mistake they are collectively making. By continually lying, they present a false image of the war that assures them of victory. If they had panicked, they could have loaded Ukraine up with everything they had to give, all at once. This could have things very difficult for Russia. Instead, they have enjoyed self serving lies leading to a degree of apathy. Now, Ukraine may be faced with practical extinction as a nation because the lies about how vulnerable it really is haven't stopped.
Maybe Putin and Co. realized this and used it for their advantage. If so, we have our answer about the 'go slow' SMO.
Posted by: Eighthman | Sep 27 2023 14:07 utc | 4
Socialistsayer laughably claims that MoonofAlabama is lying. Meanwhile Socialistsayer has claimed that the Ukies are about to retake Bakhmut, and claims that they are clearing Russian minefields and "using Russian bunkers against them". Back in the real world, the socialist Biden is losing big, hundreds of Ukie conscripts dead or wounded every day.
Even Ukraine's top commander strongly opposed the counter offensive, and said it had no chance of succeeding. Which it hasn't. But Socialistsayer will always lie for his beloved Biden and the Zionists Antony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, George Soros, Larry Fink, and "turn Ukraine into Greater Israel" Zelensky.
Poor Socialistsayer, hates Russia so much for supporting pro-Palestinian Syria and Iran. And hates Russia for being conservative, banning all homo propaganda - sorry, pedos. With Putin condemning mass immigration to the West, the flood of invaders the socialists rely on for votes since the majority of Whites vote against them in every Western country.
It turns out Bidensky will never be able to invade Russian Donbass and Crimea. They will never be able to do a "color revolution" in Russia. And Russia will not forget the cultural Marxists in the White House, or their lackeys.
Posted by: Tenet | Sep 27 2023 14:12 utc | 5
🧩 We spoke with a source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.So, no one really expected an easy visit to the UNGA. After the G20 summit, at which a generally anti-Ukrainian declaration was signed, and Blinken’s visit, during which Reznikov was replaced by Umerov, they still hoped that a fragile consensus would be found.
Moreover, the vote for the opening of electronic declarations and the draft of the new budget, in which, at the request of the United States, expenses for anti-corruption bodies were increased, had already been agreed upon and should have made the partners “kinder.”
However, the Americans took a very tough position, especially on the anti-corruption track. In order not to demonstrate disagreement, we had to cancel the session of questions from journalists in the oval office.
Therefore, special hopes were placed on the visit to Canada. Historically friendly country + Justin should have added positivity. Grandfather, the Ukrainian was agreed upon in advance. Previously this happened normally. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, of course, expected a demarche from Jewish organizations, but this is a standard procedure in such cases. The picture really came out good, but a day later everyone, as if on command, broke the chain and obviously not because of the Israelis.
Therefore, the Foreign Ministry understands that this was another signal from the “partners.” A signal that could increase the toxicity of Bankova in the West, so now it is important to neutralize this risk as early as possible.
Colleagues at Bankova understand well that the entire campaign is aimed against Zelensky and his position on freezing the war. Our allies have begun to turn away from us, and they are doing so at the most difficult historical moment.The international track is becoming toxic for the Office of the President, which weakens the position of Ermak, who formed the external counter for the President.
Posted by: Down South | Sep 27 2023 14:22 utc | 6
Recently, at the very same meeting at which the Admiral appeared....
Defense Minister Shiogu announced that the SMO would continue until 2025...
Which means....
The Russians intend to carry on... without cessation.... Their de-militarization and de-nazification of Ukraine to and through the Nov 2024 US election(s)
Thus denying Biden, blinken, Nuland, etal. claims to "Victory" in support of their re-election drive..
All the while... turning the economic screws...??
Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Sep 27 2023 14:23 utc | 7
Tranny broadcaster defends extreme RIGHTwingers who are actually Nazis.
??? Trannies are leftwing. The Nazis (National SOCIALIST workers' party) are left wing. The RIGHTwingers support traditional families, traditional values. Something Russia is at least claiming to do, while the West actively destroys them.
MSM continuously conflates Nazis with the rightwing. That is projecting, what they do all the time. It is the left who support fascism.
Posted by: Gerry | Sep 27 2023 14:23 utc | 8
Both you and Soothsayer are completely demented, but it takes a special form of madness to accuse Biden and his cronies, put in office by capitalist oligarchs, of being Marxists.
I sincerely hope that, at some stage in the future you will regain the basic political judgement that is a vital part of sanity.
Posted by: bevin | Sep 27 2023 14:23 utc | 9
Our source reports that internal sabotage is being recorded within the state apparatus (OP, Cabinet of Ministers, security forces, etc.).The source indicates that this clearly began to manifest itself from the NATO summit, but after Zelensky’s trip to the USA and Canada, the sabotage only intensified. The system stops working, each element begins to think about its future. This affects efficiency.
Is everyone really starting to perceive ZeErmak as a “lame duck”?
Posted by: Down South | Sep 27 2023 14:25 utc | 10
@ Posted by: Comandante | Sep 27 2023 14:03 utc | 3
See its face light up and eyes boggle when offered an opportunity to be a Deputy (minister) in the government by ‘Sir’!
‘Sir, I am a loyal American, Sir, I am also a loyal Ukrop, Sir, I testified against my fellow American Lira, Sir… three bags full sir etc’
In last hour put up a video calling the prank video a deepfake then instantly after deleted it!
Running around with his girly pant's on fire and his balls feeling vulnerable as they will be in the chopper any minute from his Natzo friends - then he will truly be a she and happily gobble all the natzos she writes reports on. 🤣
What goes round , comes round for mickey … Dugina will be avenged!
Ps the scale of the all out banzai attack in Zapp right now smacks of a last ditch attempt.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 27 2023 14:26 utc | 11
And don't forget Bucha. That was staged by the USA/UK and reminiscent of what happened in Kosovo to break out former Yugoslavia.
Posted by: AI | Sep 27 2023 14:34 utc | 12
Posted by: Soothsayer | Sep 27 2023 14:11 utc | 6
As a US tool, you will eventually die of old age (or more likely cancer), exiled in some obscure Western country, having watched your models slowly wither and crumble under the weight of their own corruption, while the rest of the world leaves the Western orbit and moves on.
Posted by: Lemming | Sep 27 2023 14:38 utc | 13
If they had panicked, they could have loaded Ukraine up with everything they had to give, all at once. This could have things very difficult for Russia.
Posted by: Eighthman | Sep 27 2023 14:07 utc | 5
Where have you been? on a different planet? They did exactly that since orange boy became president. Ukr collected more weapons than any nato country had, all the manpads, all anti-tanks, all Soviet planes, helicopters and tanks on the planet, received more drones each month than Russia had in total. Sure, a lot of weapons was old stuff, but the volume was much higher than the non-working samples. Even today, himars or cluster ammo is literally unlimited. They also pay for everything in Ukr, the billions reported are only a part.
But nothing worked, so they send only a few tanks every month, Poland sends one plane a week in kamikaze mission. They're out of options, they focus now on terrorism to fake it for a longer time. US/UK also messed Germany's industry again, forced them to lose their tanks first. They will do the same with f16s. A few each week, kamikaze.
Posted by: rk | Sep 27 2023 14:39 utc | 14
That's what, 27 vehicles just on this small part of the road leading into Verbovoe
Same picture around Andrivka. Ukraine is losing its armored fist faster than the West can replace it with outdated stuff.
Posted by: Soothsayer | Sep 27 2023 14:01 utc | 2
You are 100% correct, for a change.
Kinzhals, artillery batteries, and Spetsnaz win wars.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 27 2023 14:54 utc | 16
@b | Sep 27 2023 14:40 utc | 15
Ukraine is losing its armored fist faster than the West can replace it with outdated stuff.They can't last to 2025. There are signs that Zelensky is being isolated and finally removed. Will the Kiev regime survive that? Doubtful.
The collapse could come any time.
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 27 2023 14:58 utc | 17
Down South | Sep 27 2023 14:22 utc | 8
Thanks for this.
I believe however that in this case the 'cigar' of public revulsion against the Hunka incident was real.
One has to understand, firstly that Canada, as a nation was deeply invested in both of the World Wars. They shaped the country in a very deep sense. And the fact that important minorities, including Quebec Catholic nationalists, were apathetic about the war effort merely deepened the majority, state dominating, Anglo commitment. The UK never did 'stand alone.' In Canada it had an immensely important ally, including an endless source of raw materials and wealth.
The Remembrance Day cult in Canada struck British immigrants for the reverence and sincerity with which it was practised.
Concomitantly anti-Nazi feeling was very deep. I live in an area full of the descendants of SS veterans, I know many of them and have worked, drunk and talked with them for years. And, believe me, they keep their roots very quiet. They were trained from childhood that certain matters were only mentioned at home- they would go to special Ukrainian camps in summer and belong to Ukrainian organisations but Grandfather was often called an Austrian and there was never public mention of any politics but the current issues, where conventional right wing, anti-union anti-poor, ideas were indistinguishable from the mainstream.
Secondly, and more recently, there has come to be a consciousness of the Zionist version of Holocaust history which flawed and incomplete as it is, has the merit of both explaining the stark facts of genocide and, in a Canadian context, hammering in the contrast in treatment that successive Liberal governments in Ottawa meted out to former Nazis, who were surreptitiously imported as anti-communist and actual victims of Concentration Camps (real Holocaust survivors) who were discriminated against because they were Jews. Canada in the '30s (when it mattered most) had a "One is too many" attitude towards Jewish immigrants. There is no doubt that many thousands of people, rejected by Canadian immigration, ended up dead in Nazi led massacres.
And this has made Canadians very sensitive, almost guilt ridden, on the matter of Nazis, which leads to the paradox of political class that simultaneously encourages Nazis and refuses to countenance criticism of Israel. No wonder they like Zelensky.
It is an unsustainable march across a tightrope. The wonder is that the story- well told by Blumenthal in the link kindly provided by our esteemed host- was so long suppressed.
But that is a long story...and I have taken up too much of your time.
Posted by: bevin | Sep 27 2023 15:00 utc | 18
Many X users say admiral's interview was recorded in the fleet headquarters building that doesn't exist anymore.
If he is still alive, why russians decided to post such a old video?
Posted by: CIROC | Sep 27 2023 15:03 utc | 19
Many X users say admiral's interview was recorded in the fleet headquarters building that doesn't exist anymore.
If he is still alive, why russians decided to post such a old video?
Posted by: CIROC | Sep 27 2023 15:03 utc | 19
Many X users say that Biden ran the greatest political campaign in American history.
Many X users claim that biological men can get pregnant.
Many X users say that Putin is literally Hitler.
Notice a trend? 😂
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 27 2023 15:11 utc | 20
thanks b... and for the greyzone article on canada support for ukraine, which i plan on reading...
@ Comandante | Sep 27 2023 14:03 utc | 2
share a link, if you have one.. thanks..
@ sean the leprechaun | Sep 27 2023 14:06 utc | 3
i am curious to read what you have to say on that on an open thread..
Posted by: james | Sep 27 2023 15:13 utc | 21
Posted by: Tenet | Sep 27 2023 14:12 utc | 5
Posted by: Gerry | Sep 27 2023 14:23 utc | 8
The term “cultural Marxism” is a trope that was started by the Nazis in the 1930’s. As you seem to have shit for brains I’ll make it clear, YOU are repeating bullshit that came straight from the (original) Nazis.
You have a particularly warped view of the world if you think that Truthslayer, Biden are socialists, or of the left of the political spectrum.
Your only hope is education. Which would involve reading.
Most twelve year olds are aware of this, but somehow you two have missed it.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Sep 27 2023 15:22 utc | 22
Well, in this interview Adm. Viktor Sokolov looks quite alive.
In the video, Sokolov speaks at the awards ceremony for the Chernomorets team, which took place on September 18th at the officers' residence, and the attack on the headquarters took place on September 22nd🫠
Can anyone disprove this claim?
Posted by: Julian | Sep 27 2023 15:28 utc | 23
Go to rumble Vovan & Lexus channel
Forgot to add that this tranny dude also said Russians or anyone who supports Russia is not human so should not be treated as human. Doubles down on hunting all these ppl down.
Also that Russians are not european but Asian. Descendants from mongols and a race that loves to be enslaved.
This dude is a Nazi through and through lol
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 27 2023 15:33 utc | 24
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 27 2023 15:11 utc | 20
I know that a man can't get pregnant, but I also know that Black Sea Fleet headquarters has already been destroyed.😁
Posted by: CIROC | Sep 27 2023 15:34 utc | 25
"Tranny broadcaster defends extreme RIGHTwingers who are actually Nazis.
??? Trannies are leftwing...."
That ship has sailed. One needs to recognize that part of the agenda of tyranny is to destroy the meaning of words, so that one cannot think but only parrot.
Unless you footnote - 1954 Webster's etc... - it's better not even to use the words. Besides, the tranny bastard isn't right or left, he's a totalitarian shill. Let's not debate his cup size.
This is where he really stands, called out in
Statement from the Embassy of Russia to Canada.
Posted by: oracle | Sep 27 2023 15:38 utc | 26
Full-scale invasion
Full-scale invasion
It's so pathetically obvious. And false.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 27 2023 15:43 utc | 27
Comandante | Sep 27 2023 14:03 utc | 2
Found a link to the Cirillo interview....
Posted by: dh | Sep 27 2023 15:44 utc | 28
Posted by: CIROC | Sep 27 2023 15:34 utc | 25
No it hasn't you moron.
To Love Donbass nobody says Biden campaigned at all.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 27 2023 15:45 utc | 29
What we have seen is "information warfare" as something separate from combat.
It is not just morale boosting. It replaced a defense industry for Ukraine. It replaces an economy to tax.
It is essential to everything else that these lies are told and re-told. Without them, the rest of the war would collapse in weeks.
So the West tells the lies. Truth? We don't need no stinkin' truth. We need those lies to be told.
Posted by: Mark Thomason | Sep 27 2023 15:47 utc | 30
Our source has inside information that the American lobby has issued specific ultimatums to Zelensky.Roughly the gist is this:
- financial assistance in exchange for holding elections under the control of the United States, and not the Office of the President
- clearing the environment of certain people (many Americans don’t like Ermak, as do a dozen of his proteges). Perhaps they will agree on a redistribution of positions. The head of the Central Election Commission may also be replaced by someone from the Western lobby.
- reforms on the corruption case. Here is a weakening of the influence of the OP on the law enforcement agencies
- purchases for the army, all through American intermediaries (people from the CIA, etc., not MI5).
- full control and reporting on offensive or defensive plans (Americans must know everything and control everything, since they pay for it).In simple words, Zelensky is simply being dumped. His face was gloomy, as he realized why he was called to the “carpet”.
Zelensky’s trip to the United States under the guise of a speech at the UN was an ordinary “call on the carpet” to the White House. Back on September 22, our source insided that Ze had received a specific list of Washington’s demands, which he was obliged to fulfill. It is completely confirmed.To prevent Zelensky from cheating the United States again, this list was sent to everyone, including the media (3 days after our insider).
From this list it follows that all profitable assets in the energy sector are falling even more under the control of American henchmen (supervisory boards). Tariffs are required to be raised to market rates (this will be the collapse and poverty of the people, which will lead to a drop in Ze's rating). The security forces will become even more controlled by Washington. Strengthen the court reform (in simple words, remove the influence of the OP from there, and “independence”, transferring control to the American clientele). The entire procurement case of the Ministry of Defense falls under the control of “American managers.” Now the “black cash register of the OP” will not receive billions from the schemes.
Conclusion: Zelensky in this case becomes simply a “hand puppet”, since his plans to build a personal monopoly in Ukraine were killed. Thus, the American voyage is a complete waste of Zee, and Ukraine is finally on the path to becoming an “economic and political colony of the White House.”
Posted by: Down South | Sep 27 2023 15:53 utc | 31
reply to 14
I get what you're saying. They gave Ukraine a lot. OTOH, that's not what some Ukr. people have been saying - although perhaps looking for an excuse for failure, 'you didn't give us stuff fast enough'.
What I've seen is a long list of stuff dribbled in as Ukraine keeps begging for more. And each one being heralded as the latest 'game changer'. And the West responds by foot dragging, as with F-16's, Abrams tanks, ATACMs. Meanwhile, the EU vassals have to sacrifice their stuff first before the US suffers embarrassments. Too little, too late.
Posted by: Eighthman | Sep 27 2023 15:56 utc | 32
reply to 14
I get what you're saying. They gave Ukraine a lot. OTOH, that's not what some Ukr. people have been saying - although perhaps looking for an excuse for failure, 'you didn't give us stuff fast enough'.
What I've seen is a long list of stuff dribbled in as Ukraine keeps begging for more. And each one being heralded as the latest 'game changer'. And the West responds by foot dragging, as with F-16's, Abrams tanks, ATACMs. Meanwhile, the EU vassals have to sacrifice their stuff first before the US suffers embarrassments. Too little, too late.
Posted by: Eighthman | Sep 27 2023 15:56 utc | 33
Thanks b, good reporting
I wonder when Tagesschau (Main news cast of the primary german propaganda outlet 'ARD' state media, for those who don't know) et al. will catch up.
Just today on it was reported that blowing up empty buildings on crimea is hitting Russia severly, or so are Ukrainin sources saying.
However, today's highlight of quality journalism over there was the news that the federal public prosecutor opened a case of war crimes against unknown russian individuals on the basis of ukrainian reports that multiple persons, one with a german passport, were injured in an attack on Hostomel (Suburb of Kiev - at least ~250km from the line of contact).
Since my knowledge of and interest in bureaucray of this kind is rather limited (and laziness prohibits fruther research right know, i'm honset with you) i can't rule out that opening such a case is a formality.
Either way, maybe even moreso when such a case is SOP anyway, reporting on it in this particular way is - to be expected.
Such is the state of affairs that even a formality anybody actually involved in, opening an anonymous case and 'investigating' in a warzone some 600km away, knows is a pointless endeavour, is built up to pretend.
Or they actually opened the case to be able to pretend.
Which might be more pathetic. I'm hard pressed to decide.
Desperately grasping at straws the german MSM report on literal nothingburgers from the country that for long has been and maybe never was, while cost of living keeps exploding.
May they soon have to acknowledge reality - and report on it.
Thanks, again, b, for showing all of them to be the liars they are.
Posted by: kspr | Sep 27 2023 15:59 utc | 34
Canada’s honoring of Nazi vet exposes Ottawa’s longstanding Ukraine policy
A National disgrace and that from the heart of the seat of Government, with it's performing seals engaged in some sort of ritualistic cult performance, celebrating and paying homage to one of history's greatest evils.
Like a splinter or a shard of shrapnel, if not extracted in a timely manner it will burrow deeper and deeper into the flesh and cause an infection that spreads rapidly.
Not the old man as much as the ideology and the piggybacking on it by unscrupulous and ambitious people.
I feel we of the modern era have let down those who sacrificed so much to bring an end to the nazi regime and it's followers. Hobnobbing with nazis is repulsive, joining their cause is criminal. If I could I would apologize for the behaviour of our political leadership, but I have no platform from which to do so.
Bevin is correct in that this is an issue which is very personal for many Canadians as the country was deeply invested in the World Wars. In addition to our own Vets, I had a much older friend who was one of the first flight instructors for the pilots who went over in WW2. He used to tell me about the 'boys' he trained and who died over there. Remembered each of them by name, whether Canadian or American or Polish or whatever, he remembered them, and there were a lot of them. Toward the bottom of our first bottle of scotch I often saw his eyes begin to water, then he'd cough, grab a tissue and complain about allergies. Then we'd talk farm for awhile.
Lastly, I've pondered the motivations of Speaker Rota and think his actions were either a gigantic blunder by someone who didn't even know how to use a search engine or a complete success delivered by stealth. If it were a blunder he would have had to be unaware of what Ukrainian military veterans who fought the Russians were all about. Is that possible? Could someone who got elected to a seat in Canada's Federal parliament be that lacking in general knowledge? Wondering if there's more here, did he want to make a statement? If so, mission accomplished.
This story should not pass with the usual news cycle syndrome.
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 15:59 utc | 35
It was announced that over 10,000 ukrainian soldiers have surrendered using radio channels of the "volga program".
Posted by: T6 | Sep 27 2023 16:04 utc | 36
It was announced that over 10,000 ukrainian soldiers have surrendered using radio channels of the "volga program".
Posted by: T6 | Sep 27 2023 16:05 utc | 37
@ Comandante | Sep 27 2023 15:33 utc | 24
@ oracle | Sep 27 2023 15:38 utc | 26
thanks for the twitter link from russia embassy to canada..
Posted by: james | Sep 27 2023 16:06 utc | 38
@ bubbles | Sep 27 2023 15:59 utc | 35
i agree, but they are trying hard to make like this whole thing was an accident... its not.. it is part of embracing ukraine at all costs in spite of what it is canada is embracing... canada at this point is embracing ignorance... that is as much as can be said... and the media - cbc, trudeau and all the other major canuck leaders are full on embracing ignorance as well.. the ordinary canuck is not given any other choices, unless they do some work to discover what is behind all this.. i have to read aaron mates article that b linked to at the bottom of his article.. will do that now..
Posted by: james | Sep 27 2023 16:11 utc | 39
Sort of a Media reporting issue here; what's the deal with the 3000 ton ammo/ weapons explosion near Kiselevka area that took out warehouses and 12 hangers?
Any new inventory there like f16s Abrams, atacms?
Posted by: Jerr | Sep 27 2023 16:11 utc | 40
sean the leprechaun | Sep 27 2023 14:06 utc | 3
Nobody remembers the Maine…
Posted by: Concerned Citizen | Sep 27 2023 16:17 utc | 42
The U.S. MSM treats all Ukrainian statements as facts that have to be disproved. Ukraine says they killed Russia's top Admiral and they report it as 'different narratives' and even claim that Russia is using doppelgangers.
Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Sep 27 2023 16:21 utc | 43
As anticipated, Maria Zakharova focused heavily on Canada during her weekly briefing. Here's roughly the first third of her statement on the subject:
This is the apotheosis of the immorality of the Canadian government. This does not mean that it has been or will be worse, but it is the clearest example of what we have been talking about for many years.On September 22, the Canadian Parliament honored 98-year-old Bandera member Y. Gunko, who served as a volunteer in the SS Galicia Division, accompanied by applause from Prime Minister John Trudeau, the Speaker and members of the House of Commons, and the invited Western diplomatic corps, including, characteristically, the German ambassador, continues to cause indignation and condemnation even among Canada's closest allies. This was not expected by the Canadian ruling liberals. I see that all this took them by surprise.
George Trudeau himself justifies that he was not aware of the speaker's initiative, who immediately repented. Now he is no longer a speaker. The prime minister's team began to "clean" the Internet in order to hide incriminating footage. Funny people.
In the ignorance of the head of government and his right hand - Deputy Prime Minister H. Freeland, the granddaughter of Bandera M. Khomyak, is not believed in principle. That is, they didn't know who they were applauding at all? How do they govern the country then?
The main thing is that they not only knew, but are the ideologists of this very company of support for Bandera, representatives of the OUN-UPA, SS "Galicia", both directly participants in these criminal structures and their followers. They sponsor all these structures in their modern guise in Ukraine, send financial assistance there, and provide information and political support. Now it turns out that they didn't "know." How convenient. They knew what they were doing and had been doing it for years. It's just that this time they overdid it in Russophobia, insulting not only us, which they do regularly, but also the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and anti-Polish mass terror. Although I don't understand why, when honoring the same SS "Galicia" and Bandera takes place on the territory of Ukraine, the memory of the victims of the Holocaust is not insulted? Or is it a matter of geography? If a torchlight procession takes place in Ukraine and marches under the portraits of Sergei Bandera and Roman Shukhevych, and the members of the OUN-UPA are called heroes and paid an allowance, this is normal from the point of view of Western logic. And if the same thing happens, for example, in Canada and with the direct participation of the Canadian leadership, this is "not very good." What is the criterion? Where is the standard?
John Trudeau and his entourage are trying to turn the clock, stating that what happened is the result of "Russian propaganda and disinformation." Did the Russians invite Y. Gunko and write reference materials for J. Trudeau so that he would decide to participate in this Nazi? Have Russian newspapers been glorifying Vladimir Zelensky in Canada for many years, writing greetings about the Canadian position on the Kiev regime?
What does Bill Trudeau allow himself? What is it all about? It looks so ridiculous and clumsy that in Canada itself, some journalists (definitely not Russophiles) urge not to deny reality and give a fair assessment of what the current Canadian government is doing.
In the light of the shameful praise circulating on the Internet, Y. Gunko as a "Ukrainian and Canadian hero", "a veteran of World War II who fought for Ukrainian independence from the Russians" (as it is written in many media) and now "inspires" the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Let's rely on the well-known facts, as in Canada, the executioners and punishers from the SS Galicia division were warmed and patronized. There are plenty of these facts, among other things, because we published them.
I find it rather funny the auto-translate gets Trudeau's name wrong. Maria closes with a short assessment of what this event has done to Russian-Canadian relations:
I would like to note that flirting with the Nazis and Ottawa's systematic hostile attacks will not remain without consequences. The matter will not be limited to protests, but will inevitably affect Russian-Canadian relations, which are in the deepest crisis because of Ottawa's position.We consider Canada as an extremely unfriendly state, whose authorities have stained themselves with complicity with Nazism, betraying their own history, and we will build our policy accordingly.
Will the Nazi hunters finally descend on Canada? I rather doubt that will happen as nothing's been done over the last 75+ years.
Tass reporting massive surrenders of Ukr soldiers.
I have the impression that Zelensky is seeking to de-Nazify Ukraine - then will be safe to negotiate (i.e. accept terms). Qusetion is: Is US in on he scheme?
I also see it reported that Ukr is throwing all of its equipment into last effort.
Hope some of this is real.
Posted by: jared | Sep 27 2023 16:31 utc | 45
canada at this point is embracing ignorance... that is as much as can be said... and the media - cbc, trudeau and all the other major canuck leaders are full on embracing ignorance as well.. the ordinary canuck is not given any other choices,
Posted by: james | Sep 27 2023 16:11 utc | 39
Hi James, hope you are doing well in spite of these things.
Unfortunately much of the public are too distracted by so many other things that something like this may well pass as just another blip on the news
feed. Naturally politician rely on this and take advantage if they can. It takes a concerted effort to get the masses to focus on an issue like say the Mike Duffy story which certainly damaged the Conservative Party brand. But it was time for surly Steve to go anyway, he had his time and had served his purpose. That being advancing the interests of wealthy folks, especially Americans. But not exclusively.
Did you know Saudi Arabia became part owner of what was once Canada's Wheat Board and all it's assets? That was a horror story but the page turned, the Libs did nothing about it and now our country is simply a wholly owned subsidiary of USA Inc.
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 16:32 utc | 46
Nice article, b, thanks.
Posting a very long article (Yandex machine translated, with minor corrections). I hope it is ok, else please notice me and delete it. by Marat Khairullin about the situation on the frontline, and prospects of the war:
The main thing is at the front. How much longer to fight? About our losses, suicidal ukrops, and uplifting
by Marat KhairullinHow much longer do we have to fight — this is the most important question today, which is difficult to find an exact answer to. First of all, because Ukraine has passed a legislative decision prohibiting it from negotiating peace. This, by the way, is an interesting precedent — a country that is obviously a weaker party feels so confident in a conflict with a nuclear power that it forbids itself to look for ways of peaceful settlement.
In this regard, by the way, it is worth analyzing in detail the arguments of the Ukrov leadership from the point of view of their viability after a year and a half of war. And especially from the point of view of front-line workers — we recently discussed this issue with our planners. It turned out very interesting, I will try to make a big article on this topic in the near future. In the meantime, let's try to find an answer to the main question, which at least showed us glimpses of the truth — in which direction it (the truth) is located.
Obviously, the most important issue here will be the question of the losses of Ukraine and ours. Of course, not decisive, but, nevertheless, influencing the final resolution of the question of the timing of the war.
So, once again, we state that it is not possible to find exact figures for the enemy's losses — Ukraine, it seems, does not even know how many people it is losing during the fighting. First of all, because the country's leadership doesn't give a damn about it.
Even in the numerous publications of the Western press, there is some confusion about this. Even a special phrase has been coined — " insensitivity of Ukrainians to their own losses." Insensitivity — just think about how much horror there is in this cold and polite word. How much cynicism, pain and some boundless tragedy there is in this. People who are "insensitive" to their own death are doomed. And I could actually see this "insensitivity", for example, last night, when I was sitting at one of the battalion control points, watching our First Slavyansk Brigade work.
As soon as our advanced group of stormtroopers got close to one of the enemy's strongholds, the Ukry, without hesitation, struck their own positions full of live Krauts, so much so that the officers in the dugout only gasped. And this is despite the fact that the officers of infantry battalions are some of the toughest guys I've ever met — if their souls are not flint, then they simply have nothing to do in the infantry.
And this feature of the Ukrovs — almost without hesitation, to beat on their own, if only the position did not get to us — I have been observing since the beginning of the war.
For us, normal people, to look at it from the outside is pure horror, a nightmare that suddenly became a reality.
But the Ukrainian leadership even flaunts this, for example, when it brags about its endless cemeteries in front of its owners — that's how many people we have laid down for your interests. It is clear that the leaders of the nation, behaving so irrationally, it is useless to give any reasonable arguments about the end of the war — they absolutely do not care how many thousands of Ukrainian corpses are piled in front of them.
But the worst part is that the nation doesn't care.And, nevertheless, despite this terrible "insensitivity", the question of the ratio of losses is very important, because in the end, sooner or later, there will come a time when the army of Krauts (fritsjew) so exudes itself in battles that the conveyor of the Ukrainian meat processing plant will no longer cope with the supply of raw materials to the front line.
No matter how scary it may sound from a humanitarian point of view for us (the civilizations of Dostoyevsky and Chekhov), but this is pure arithmetic.
The victory formula in the current conditions, when Ukraine has forbidden itself to listen to the voice of reason and is preparing to fight to the last Ukrainian, looks very simple — we need to inflict as many losses as possible on them, and, at the same time, lose as little as possible ourselves.
The formula is simple, but, again, it is very difficult to substitute real numbers into it. But still, let's try it, so that at least at the level of intuition we can try to see the horizon of these events.So, we have official figures of enemy losses, which are regularly published by our Ministry of Defense. Thanks to the fact that our friends from the TG channel Intercept Z and the Aftershock project daily reduce these figures to a simple and understandable table, we see that on average, the monthly losses of the APU in manpower are plus or minus 20 thousand people only killed.
Given that this is a very stable statistic, we can say with a high degree of confidence that we will destroy about 240 thousand enemy personnel per year.At the same time, it is obvious that this is only the minimum level, since there are still losses from shelling in the deep rear, missing persons, those who died from wounds, and so on, which we do not see.
In other words, we can assume with a very high degree of probability that the irretrievable losses of the Ukrovs in 2023 alone will amount to about 500 thousand people. Not counting the wounded.Now let's estimate our losses. Unlike us, the Ukrainians do not keep such detailed daily statistics of our losses. And that, in itself, says a lot. The problem is that the Ukrovs do not have our system of detailed photo reports, on the basis of which our Defense Ministry displays the existing figures of enemy losses.
Ukry do not bother with this, but simply from time to time make some unsubstantiated statements, taking figures based on their political expediency.
Therefore, it is impossible to trust these figures of our losses, which are cited by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Especially considering what a mess they are making at the headquarters level — this, by the way, is another topic for a large publication that I have planned for myself.
You will be very surprised, dear readers, to learn what is going on with our enemies in the system of planning and supplying troops, and how everything works for us.You will immediately curse all our bloggers who do not get tired of shouting how bad everything is in our planning system at all levels. They didn't see a real mess.
However, let's return to our topic — how to estimate our losses, given that our Ministry of Defense has not published official figures for a long time. And I personally, in the conditions of military censorship, do not have the right to give even estimated figures.
Getting out of this situation is very simple: you need to analyze the real picture of what is happening.Let's take, for example, one of the hottest sections of the front — the Kamenskoye — Pyatikhatki — Rabochino — Verbovoe line. This particular area is held by two of our regiments of the 58th Army of the Southern Military District — 1430 and 70. These are regiments consisting mainly of mobilized children.
So, Ukry stormed Rabotino with the forces of 17 brigades (about 70 thousand people), which as a result, having lost their combat capability, were taken to the rear for re-formation.
Only in this direction, according to the same statistics of the Ministry of Defense, the enemy suffered losses of about 30 thousand people in more than three months.Once again, the Ukry took 17 brigades to the rear, as if they had lost their combat capability,and our regiments were still standing. And I will emphasize that the losses are so insignificant that the regiments do not need to be withdrawn to the rear for re-formation.
At the same time, the military knows perfectly well what this means — the combat backbone is preserved. Since any unit that is in constant combat conditions simply will not digest fresh, untrained reinforcements — recruits simply will not withstand the blow and will run.
In other words, there is certainly a replenishment in the regiments, but it is very insignificant in terms of the percentage of experienced soldiers, so the regiment does not just maintain combat readiness, but regularly goes on counterattacks.This is a very clear indicator — since the bleeding unit cannot regularly and steadily (once or twice a week) go on the attack.
This is exactly the same situation in other sectors of the front, in the same Kleshcheyevka, where the 51st and 136th regiments of the 106th Airborne Division of the Russian Federation worked and still work.
Or in Marinka, Berkhovka, Avdiivka and everywhere else.For example, I know the exact figures of our losses in the last three or four weeks in my native First Slavic Brigade, but unfortunately, due to military censorship, I have no right to voice them. But again, this can be done indirectly. Let me remind you that in early September, the positions of Slavyanka were hit by fresh forces of very well-trained Marines from the 36th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They spent a week trying to eat through our positions from different directions. As a result, having lost more than a company, the Ukry were forced to withdraw from this direction. But our brigade has moved forward without any break and has been chewing off one enemy stronghold after another for the third week. And all this on their own, without the support of other departments, except for regular ones. And it does so to this day. And exactly the same thing is happening, for example, on the right front of the defense of Bakhmut, where our troops suddenly went on the offensive in the Berkhovka area yesterday and entered the very important village of Orekhovo-Vasilyevka. Just like that, without concentrating resources and forces, without attracting additional units — yesterday the unit was on the defensive, and today it suddenly went on the offensive. This just says that our army is in very good shape and, despite the constant attacks of the enemy, suffers such insignificant losses that they can safely move from defense to attack.
In other words, our troops have been demonstrating remarkable stability for months. And most importantly, our military has found a certain formula for conducting combat operations, which allows us to destroy the enemy at a rate of 500 thousand people a year, and at the same time bear minimal losses. And among other things, this formula contains two variables, a kind of progressive coefficients. The first of them is constantly growing — our industry is gaining momentum, which is successfully and steadily increasing the production of ammunition and new equipment. The overall state of our economy, which is feeling better and better, is also in the same ratio. Much better than before the war started. And the second coefficient is negative. It includes the systematic destruction of the Ukrainian industry, including our ever-increasing strikes. As well as the ever-decreasing support for Ukrov by Western countries, and in general, the deteriorating economy of both Ukraine and the West.
Applying these two coefficients, we obviously get a forecast according to which-losses in case of continuation of Ukraine will steadily grow, and ours will at least remain at the same level, but in the future they should become even lower. And here we can only wait for the enemy's losses to become so high that they simply will no longer be able to resist.
The conclusion from all this is very simple — if we take only the situation on the battlefield, then we actually have nowhere to rush. But of course, there is still politics — and it can dictate its own logic of events. And here we can only hope for the reasonableness of our country's leadership. And thank God once again that such a great strategist as Vladimir Putin is still at the helm of the state. That's a big Amen to all of us.
And I can only add that tomorrow there will be a big front-line summary. Live in VK, and then in print in TG. As they say at the front — do not say goodbye, see you later!Marat Khairullin
Posted by: aquadraht | Sep 27 2023 16:36 utc | 47
Wonder is war in Ukraine (i.e. Ukraine failing) the real cause for US market sinking - no one to loan money to to buy our great weapons. Not to mention that existing loans may become hard to collect, if things dont work out.
Posted by: jared | Sep 27 2023 16:36 utc | 48
@ Down South | Sep 27 2023 15:53 utc | 31
Of course Ukraine is a handpuppet. What else is new?
Posted by: Feral Finster | Sep 27 2023 16:38 utc | 49
Re this:
"The piece ends with a wise acknowledgement:
Mr. Gerashchenko said that, in the end, war propaganda is only effective when it accompanies battlefield successes. The missile strike on the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet last week, he said, was a “stunning success of Ukrainian intelligence and the air force that fired the cruise missiles on a supposedly well-defended site.”
“You cannot win the propaganda war without winning the real war,” he added."
Quoting Clausewitz "War is simply the continuation of political intercourse with the addition of other means. We deliberately use the phrase 'with the addition of other means' because we also want to make it clear that war in itself does not suspend political intercourse or change it into something entirely different."
So war propaganda is a part of the war, which itself is a part of the political process in which different power blocks are trying to achieve certain aims in foreign relations. If the war propaganda is effective in achieving the political objectives of the side employing the messaging, then it's successful, whether or not the kinetic part of the war is being successful at that time.
For example, the primary propaganda objective of the Ukrainians has been to continue to receive funding and weapons from the west. A certain amount of fake body counts and "victory is around the corner" is needed to achieve that outcome, so they have supplied that messaging. The propaganda has thus far been successful, which has led to continued support for funding from the western politicos.
The primary political objectives of the USUK has been the usual: primarily care and feeding of MICIMATT and then secondarily geopolitical elements like separating Russia from Europe, weakening Germany and Russia, increasing dependency on USNATO, etc.. The propaganda has been highly successful in achieving these elements thus far.
Would actual defeat on the battleground meaningfully defeat the political outcomes desired by Ukraine and the west? Not sure. It depends likely on the scale of the defeat and the power and uniformity of the messaging.
Posted by: Caliman | Sep 27 2023 16:50 utc | 50
Go to rumble Vovan & Lexus channel
Forgot to add that this tranny dude also said Russians or anyone who supports Russia is not human so should not be treated as human. Doubles down on hunting all these ppl down.
Also that Russians are not european but Asian. Descendants from mongols and a race that loves to be enslaved.
This dude is a Nazi through and through lol
Posted by: Comandante | Sep 27 2023 15:33 utc | 24
You know there is a little historical continuity here. Hitler's SA was filled with homosexuals including its leader Rohm. It became such an embarrassment that when political differences emerged the SA leadership was massacred by their replacement, the SS.
There's a good movie, a little over the top, but pretty entertaining called The Damned by the great Luchino Visconti, that dramatizes the violent transition.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 27 2023 16:53 utc | 51
"And Russia will not forget the cultural Marxists in the White House, or their lackeys."
Posted by: Tenet | Sep 27 2023 14:12 utc | 5
I have heard this nonsense that Democrats are socialists and 'Marxists'. This is simply using words that have achieved a negative connotation to achieve a political effect. The truth is that Democrats have never been socialists, and in fact quite the opposite. Only during the New Deal did Roosevelt employ real socialists to help him save the American economy. After the job was done, Democrats and Republicans reverted to their anti-communist delusions.
Posted by: Tedder | Sep 27 2023 16:54 utc | 52
There is one "X-factor" in the Ukraine War: if China were to get a new leader who, unlike Xi Jinping, isn't as favorable towards Putin, and more willing to play ball with Nato, including economic sanctions.
That would turn the entire scenario on its head, Russia wouldn't be able to sustain its economy in the medium-/long-term and stand no chance. Much of Russia's current resilience, hinges on Putin's personal relationship with Xi, and their shared antipathy towards the U.S.
I believe this may be an important factor why U.S. is now pursuing a tougher stance on China, and the "decline of Chinese growth"-narrative in Western media (even though their GDP-growth is still a staggering +4.5% YoY).
Simply put: the last hope of winning the Ukraine War for the U.S., would be to replace Xi Jinping in the near future.
Posted by: formica | Sep 27 2023 17:02 utc | 53
Would actual defeat on the battleground meaningfully defeat the political outcomes desired by Ukraine and the west? Not sure. It depends likely on the scale of the defeat and the power and uniformity of the messaging.
Posted by: Caliman | Sep 27 2023 16:50 utc | 50
Even though liberals achieve unmatched mastery in denial of reality, at some point the material outcome of 'the continuation of political intercourse with the addition of other means.' will impact 'the political outcomes desired by Ukraine and the west'.
Unless the goal is making Ukraina vanish from future maps and turning the west into something like Mad Max with shitty weather.
Posted by: kespr | Sep 27 2023 17:04 utc | 54
Tass reporting massive surrenders of Ukr soldiers. Posted by: jared | Sep 27 2023 16:31 utc | 45
Any further details ? If this is true, then perhaps the oft predicted collapse of NATO’s military in The Ukraine might be close at hand.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 27 2023 17:05 utc | 55
Posted by: bevin | Sep 27 2023 14:23 utc | 9
Glad to see you and Lev nipping these two jackasses in the bud. They never tire of casting imperialist mass murderers and handmaidens of the Capitalist oligarchs as Socialists, Marxists, revolutionaries.
Most of the guys who push this obvious lie don't have a pot to piss in and are wage slaves themselves. False class consciousness is a tragic thing to behold.
On a lighter note: B has every right to be proud. Creating an oasis of truth, sanity and freedom amidst an unprecedented onslaught of propaganda, lies, and repression in the belly of the Imperialist beast is no small feat.
To see those foul war propagandists come crawling back to the truth a year later: priceless!
Best barkeep in the west!!
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 27 2023 17:06 utc | 56
Same picture around Andrivka. Ukraine is losing its armored fist faster than the West can replace it with outdated stuff.
Posted by: b | Sep 27 2023 14:40 utc | 15
Maybe Rooskie reservists can lend them some shovels?
Posted by: Sudsie76 | Sep 27 2023 17:12 utc | 57
" insensitivity of Ukrainians to their own losses."
Posted by: aquadraht | Sep 27 2023 16:36 utc | 47
Many compare this waste of humanity to WW1. I would add this is the Kitchener / Pétain model of war of attrition.
Thankfully some younger and more forward thinking men brought forward a new strategy that wasn't based on the above.
Canada's General Arthur Curry, a citizen soldier with a bit of a troubled past :), and his fairly young Australian counterpart (a Jewish fellow btw), designed the first combined arms maneuver strategy which was subsequently deployed with great success. That is use of Armor, Artillery, Infantry and Aircraft. Those two men changed the methods of waging war and the outcome of WW1.
The first use of the term Storm troopers was by German soldiers in reference to the to the Canadians who had gained a reputation for being highly efficient and able to strike quickly with significant result. High command came to use them as the tip of the spear, and the German Soldiers naturally weren't anxious to engage them.
Those were the Soldiers under Curry's command and they respected him because unlike the rest of the high Command, Curry did genuinely care for the Soldiers he was responsible for.
Blitzkrieg evolved from German Military studying combined arms maneuvers developed by Curry and his Australian counterpart.
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 17:12 utc | 58
There is one "X-factor" in the Ukraine War: if China were to get a new leader who, unlike Xi Jinping, isn't as favorable towards Putin, and more willing to play ball with Nato, including economic sanctions.
Posted by: formica | Sep 27 2023 17:02 utc | 53
I just found a great example of achieving mastery in denial of reality. I can imagine Ursula von der Lying or Analena Baerbock thinking this to themselves, then waking up. Given, i can imagine them discussing it in actuality.
This is an 'X-factor' of the same kind as 'documentaries' answering the question'how would the world look if hitler won?'.
Posted by: kspr | Sep 27 2023 17:14 utc | 59
Posted by: Caliman | Sep 27 2023 16:50 utc | 50
IMHO, political objectives of ukus have not been reached. Propaganda from UKUS, has been successful till now, but, not having real results is loosing traction.
It's clear that there is some kind of attempt to change the 'narrative'.
Posted by: Mario | Sep 27 2023 17:16 utc | 60
Thanks to @bevin, @bubbles and @james for the Canadian perspective. On the other side of the St. Mary’s / Detroit river there was long a similar dynamic with the Polish diaspora being the dominant group of Slavs. There were Ukrainians too but they were always a bit aloof though not confrontational. A lot of the poles were Galacian poles which wouldn’t make the post WWII Ukrainians very welcome.
The Canadian parliament ovation looks to me like Freeland taking the opportunity to bring her particular Ukrainian emigre community out of the quietness bar Canadians describe. And it blew up in their faces. That’s bad for the government that wants to support Ukraine but also potentially bad for the banderite descendants and organizations that may now face more public and political scrutiny. (Depending on Canadian media’s treatment of it.)
I can buy that most people clapping had no idea because N. Americans of the present are ignorant and politicians tend to be the most willfully ignorant. But I don’t see how they found and organized a nearly 100 year old 14 SS vet without Freeland and those connections to Canadian Banderites. It couldn’t have been a mistake, the statement Rota read is evidence of that; it was carefully worded to at least pass the smell test. How Canadians as a whole react to this will be interesting.
Posted by: Lex | Sep 27 2023 17:28 utc | 61
There is one "X-factor" in the Ukraine War: if China were to get a new leader who, unlike Xi Jinping, isn't as favorable towards Putin, and more willing to play ball with Nato, including economic sanctions.
Posted by: formica | Sep 27 2023 17:02 utc | 53
Yeah, I remember US imperialism was so enamored with the idea of that x factor, they wouldn't report China's bluntly stated support for Russia for nearly the first year of the SMO. They just couldn't accept that they hadn't scared China away from Russia. One of many delusions, like the idea that the Ukies had a chance in hell, that is now painfully being broken up by hard reality.
Don't kid yourself. There's no x factor. The moment China turns on Russia it is doomed. Were Russia to fall NATO is on China's border and there's no "playing ball" with a declining, mad US imperialism. The moment China "plays ball" it will be over run and it's country will be run by a stooge at the behest of the RC of the US. It will then return to the great humiliation part 2.
China and Russia have sane leadership, so they are acutely aware of this fact, as are the great majority of their citizens.
It's only in the west that such delusions can be maintained.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 27 2023 17:31 utc | 62
🗞 Reports about Storm Shadow missiles heading towards Crimea.
Posted by: SlowSoft | Sep 27 2023 17:36 utc | 63
Simply put: the last hope of winning the Ukraine War for the U.S., would be to replace Xi Jinping in the near future.
Posted by: formica | Sep 27 2023 17:02 utc | 53
Haven't you heard? China put the run to Soros long ago. In spite of his effusive praise with comments like China reminded him of the US at the beginning of the 20th century. Then he endeavored to entrench himself over there, took a much younger asian wife, but chose to live in Singapore, not China.
Apparently he underestimated the Chinese. Fool me once...
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 17:36 utc | 64
Posted by: Tedder | Sep 27 2023 16:54 utc | 52
Social Marxism refers to something different than what traditional Marxism deals with. Here we speak not of "means of production", but of moral relativism and social engineering. Are you familiar with the Frankfurt School of Sociology? Well, their "postmodern descendents" (like Jurgen Habermaas and Frances Fukuyama) are even more radical in that matter, which leads us to the "Western world's" present obsession with promoting different "minority rights" at the expense of basic rights and freedoms and creating a general upside-down picture of how human society functioned for hundreds of years before. Think Hollywood or Netflix today, they're a textbook example of social marxism...
To fully understand how deep the rabbit hole goes, I highly recommend watching this lengthy lecture by Dr. Stephen Hicks.
Posted by: ThirdWorldDude | Sep 27 2023 17:44 utc | 65
Mario #60
"IMHO, political objectives of ukus have not been reached."
Hmmm, well, these have been acieved already:
Tens of billions for the bosses through the Mil-Ind complex contracts (and hundreds of billions guaranteed to come ... all those obsolete weapons need to be replaced by state-of-the-art, as you know);
Nordstream blown up without a peep of protest from Germany ... a fantastic outcome for US and a disaster for German industry;
Continued legitimacy of NATO with addition of new members;
The ideal outcome for USUK in re to its political objectives may be a slow boil in eastern Ukraine ... a long, draining war that lasts for years. Ukraine may be losing too many men to make that work, but we shall see.
Posted by: Caliman | Sep 27 2023 17:45 utc | 66
It’s generally accepted that the operational concept of Blitzkrieg had its origins with WWI German stormtroopers as well as the somewhat simultaneous theoretical exercises of B. H. Liddell Hart and Guerdian.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 27 2023 17:46 utc | 67
"...Could someone who got elected to a seat in Canada's Federal parliament be that lacking in general knowledge?..." bubbles@35
This isn't ignorance- these idiots are flirting wth fascism, because, at election time, fascists turn out and vote.
The single biggest reason for the current uproar is that Freeland has been getting away with fanatical anti-Russian and anti-communist behaviour for years. It has helped that, as a former 'journalist', the media love her and allow her to get away with it, besides which most of them are in her side. It helps too that she has always been sexually attractive and flirtatious.
As the Greyzone piece makes clear she is a lifelong Nazi propagandist, working for a revival of the Reich.
As to the rest of them. Liberals and NDP coalition colleagues alike, they are showing what is meant by the expression "He wouldn't say Booh to a goose!"
It is not unlike the famous occasion when the Emperor showed off his new clothes- in this case the government has been wearing its SS uniform and goose stepping for months. And boy has Justin enjoyed it: dressing up in clothes and ideas ('Stand by Ukraine' fits like a glove) is what he has always done. He is as stupid and vain as his mother was and he bears the impression of the last person to sit on him-which is where Krystia comes in.
One thing we can say about Freeland is that she is unique among her colleagues in actually believing in something. And promoting what she believes in, which is that Grandpa was right (of course) and all the current problems in the world arise from the fact that, instead of listening to him and following his advice, the world disregarded him, discredited him, forced him to run away, treated him as a pariah.
As to the rest of them- MPs and media, the ruling caste in Canada: life is good, soft, comfortable, they are all doing very well, earning great money and they've just returned from long vacations by their lake side 'cottages'.
The only problem in their lives is keeping their noses clean while not missing a single tidbit in the trough. That, obesity and alcoholism. They just don't have time to bother themselves by looking at the reality of Ukraine- they didn't invade another country (well, maybe Haiti, Libya and Afghanistan but that was to make sure that girls got a chance to go to school), etc etc.
It used to be thought that of MPs got paid well they would be incorruptible. They would just have to act honestly and act in the best interests of the people. What we have learned is that, if you pay them well, every rat in the cellar will want the job. And they will do anything to get it. And then, when in office, they will want more, and more. And they will act in the best interests not of the amorphous 'people' but of the rich, the influential and the richest and most influential power on earth is the US government.
What the world saw in Ottawa on TV was a Parliament full of cowardly timeserving, hypocrites, opportunists, careerists and, at best, people deluding themselves that in order to do some good (a programme of Dental Care for kids and old people, for example) they had to stop kidding themselves that they could stop the armed forces from starting a war with Russia or invading Haiti again or that thet actually have the right, as MPs to stand up in Parliament and bear witness to the truth.
There isn't one of them capable of that. And it shows.
One more thing: standing right next to the 98 year old Nazi in the Gallery of the House was the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. Quel surpris! As they say in Timiskaming.
Posted by: bevin | Sep 27 2023 17:48 utc | 68
[email protected] was used as bait. The Russian counter strike was already in the air before the attack took place. The Russians baited NATO big time, need more of the same, just a shame one must trade Knights for Rooks and Bishops......5D chess it is.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 27 2023 17:51 utc | 69
"I find it rather funny the auto-translate gets Trudeau's name wrong."
Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 27 2023 16:28 utc | 44
Me too. It could be Maria's sense of humor. Olaf Trudeau would have been a hoot.
Posted by: dh | Sep 27 2023 18:03 utc | 70
(Depending on Canadian media’s treatment of it.)
Posted by: Lex | Sep 27 2023 17:28 utc | 61
Canadian media is like American msm, it's like they get a script before they go on air. Or like a choir all singing the same hymms.
Flipping from one news site to the next @ news hour is almost laughable, because they often lead with the same story and just mix up the rest a bit to give some illusion of a degree of independence.
American msm differs, from the screaming meemees at places like fox to the constant droning on at MSNBC which should be called Democrat Propaganda Central. I go there sometimes to see what that Ari Melber fella has to say. He's a really smart dude, and well educated. But it's a bit painful watching him when he's just doing his duty to push the Dem mantra's. It's like his eyes gloss over and he goes into robotic mode. He's too smart for that crap, but hey I suppose the pay is really good and it's steady work.
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 18:11 utc | 71
Andrew E. Kramer, the NYT correspondent in Kiev, opens with an anecdote from the first weeks of the war: b
NYT is the official news outlet for Blinken's DoS, I may have mentioned this.
DoS would like to get Ukraine off the front page. The rest of the usually docile MSM in the US is not following that lead, AFAIK.
CNN's poll finding some 70% of the Republicans opposing more funding for Ukraine might be a start or the beginning of the 'Who Lost Ukraine" narrative.
My money is on the latter. Blinken would like for it not to be. Anyone here familiar with Yaroslov Trofimov, former Bureau Chief in Ukraine for wsj? Yaroslav Trofimov is now the chief foreign-affairs correspondent of The Wall Street Journal.
Posted by: Acco Hengst | Sep 27 2023 18:18 utc | 72
Posted by: formica | Sep 27 2023 17:02 utc | 53
If tomorrow Putin or Xi Jinping, Biden or Sunak dies or is killed, nothing changes. They will be replaced with functional analogons.
Posted by: Passerby | Sep 27 2023 18:28 utc | 73
Posted by: kspr | Sep 27 2023 15:59 utc | 34
I follow(ed) German, French and British press, and it's clearly gone downhill faster than I ever imagined.
Tagesschau and Aktuelle Kam... eerrrm, Heute Journal, are so ridiculously biased that I have no other choice than to switch channels. Unless I want to throw my shoes at the TV.
It's like the Manchester Guardian. Once a really good newspaper compared to their competitors, it's gone full-on woke ever since the Snowden episode. As if the one of the agencies took complete control over it.
Having also recently followed the "Le Figaro" or the Spanish "El Mundo", two conservative mainstream news reels are no better. They are like everything that comes from the German "Springer" press, but with an obvious conservative leaning.
And when you read the various comments under some articles of either medium, their lectorate has moved in unison with them.
In general, I am very disappointed - though not surprised - by the state of the European mainstream media. Due to their presence, you cannot really ignore their writiings and pamphlets. But then you do not miss anything if you don't follow them. It's all the same crap.
Posted by: Verdant | Sep 27 2023 18:33 utc | 74
Posted by: Caliman | Sep 27 2023 17:45 utc | 66
Not really. In your post @50 you states different things.
While is true that Germany, and Europe have been weakened, Russia weakening is debatable.
If you think about sanctions they were supposed to wreck Russian economy in weeks or month. This simply didn't happen.
Regime change, Putin ousting and so on didn't happen.
Russia isolation didn't happen, instead global south challenged US and West hegemony more and more.
I don't think that this was the desired outcome of US.
Posted by: Mario | Sep 27 2023 18:38 utc | 75
Couldn’t help noticing someone accused Biden of being a ‘socialist’. lol
Just fell off the turnip truck, did you?
Posted by: nwwoods | Sep 27 2023 18:44 utc | 76
Ahenobarbus @56: "False class consciousness is a tragic thing to behold."
"...the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." - John Steinbeck
The delusion runs deep in America.
Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 27 2023 18:47 utc | 77
Regarding the Canadian House of Commons story :
For what it's worth, I don't believe the speaker intentionally sought to glorify a Nazi veteran.
However, what I find really sad about this episode is the dismal level of culture in History at such a high level. What strikes me from the speaker's presentation is that he introduces Hunka as a "WW2 Ukrainian hero who fought against the Russians".
So this sixty-something, high level politician didn't have the basic awareness to know who exactly the Russians were fighting in World War Two? This also goes for the trained seals jumping to their feet for the ensuing ovation.
Posted by: robin | Sep 27 2023 18:47 utc | 78
@ Bevin
"The single biggest reason for the current uproar is that Freeland has been getting away with fanatical anti-Russian and anti-communist behaviour for years. It has helped that, as a former 'journalist', the media love her and allow her to get away with it, besides which most of them are in her side. It helps too that she has always been sexually attractive and flirtatious."
I think the best description I've read of Freeland is "Grandpa Munster in the power red dress".
I suppose that's sexist by today's yardsticks, but ..she can call me anything she likes, I won't claim to be irreparably damaged emotionally.
Will read the rest of your post now.:)
Back now, and I agree with the essence of what you wrote. It was very discouraging to see those Canadian Military high ups in the Gallery standing up and clapping for the old nazi, and everything he represents. What he represents to our heritage, to our duty to Honour our Veterans of the horrible conflicts of the past. These politicos who go the ritual of 'representing' Canadians at the cenotaphs on Nov 11, Remembrance Day each and every year.
It was still called Armistice Day the last time I remember being with my Father while we watched the parade. He couldn't take part because his wounds were so severe and he wasn't physically capable. So we sat in the car in silence.
Dad was in charge of squad of artillery spotters whose job was to go into no mans land to relay coordinates. There were 6 of them in a bren gun carrier. 3 were killed instantly when the 88 hit them, 2 spent the rest of their lives in Veterans hospitals. Dad was the only one who lived long enough to have children.
His units face Kurt Meyer's 12th SS, Hitler Jugend Panzer Grenadier Division. Same outfit who murdered pow's.
There's much more to that story, but that's enough for now.
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 18:50 utc | 79
How a climate of lies gets sustained. What he says about the US military is astounding ( about 22 m. in). Incompetence, good men not promoted, following false narratives - and it's been building up this way for decades.
Posted by: Eighthman | Sep 27 2023 18:54 utc | 80
formica @53:"There is one "X-factor" in the Ukraine War: if China were to get a new leader who, unlike Xi Jinping, isn't as favorable towards Putin, and more willing to play ball with Nato, including economic sanctions."
That's a funny one! Definite knee-slapper!
Hate to break it to you, but the Chinese are not as stupid as you. The Empire of Delusion (USA) has been trying to impose political dominance on China since longer than you've been alive.
Here's a clue, since you are lacking in them: It would be easier for the US Empire to replace Putin than it would be to replace Xi, and you gotta know America has been working on shoehorning in a replacement for decades. You might be familiar with the name of one of the more recent utter failures by the Empire, Navalny. Check out his latest approval rating, if you have the guts.
Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 27 2023 18:57 utc | 81
@ everyone commenting on Canada's Nazi "problem"
I see this as neither a mistake (didn't know he was a Nazi) nor an intention (support Nazism) but of hubris and chutzpah because they do not believe that there will be any negative consequences to their actions or they do not care about them because they have all of the "journalists" in their pocket. The only solace that I take in any of this is that I can say to everyone "I told you so. Standing with the Ukraine is the same as standing with Nazism."
Russia should be Canada's natural ally (hockey, winters, natural resource extraction, geographic proximity) but alas we Canadians are taught to hate the white niggers (The Saker's term) because they do not fall in lockstep with the Washington Consensus. I do not support all of United Russia's policy positions but I wish we had a leader that cared as much about Canadians and Canada as Putin cares about Russians and Russia. Instead we have tweedle-dee, tweedle-dum, and their hanger-ons fighting over pronoun usage instead of policies to ensure everyone has a roof overhead, food in their beliies, and education & health care for our children. The regular season starts in two weeks so I guess we can turn off our brains and watch which Connor will score more points this year. Sieg heil... I mean Oh Canada!
Posted by: HCNorth | Sep 27 2023 19:00 utc | 82
Posted by: bevin | Sep 27 2023 17:48 utc | 68
I forgot to mention that link gives me a security warning? Firefox on Linux
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 19:02 utc | 83
@ karlof1 | Sep 27 2023 16:28 utc | 44
thanks for that karl.. not much can be added.. canada is now on full display in all its ignorance and complicity with the usa-uk - nato agenda to take down russia any way it can... it ain't working for this canuck - in fact, the opposite is the result.. in canada's love affair with ukraine, we are showing the lack of discrimination that is required in order to continue to do so....
@ bubbles | Sep 27 2023 16:32 utc | 46
i agree that people are generally too distracted to pay much attention to anything, especially if it is some media sound bite.. but this instance gives the lie to our embrace of all things ukrainian... we have an approach base on complete ignorance and it can't be dismissed or go away easily as i see it.. as for the other examples you've cited - i was unaware of ksa part ownership of the wheat board, but it was the poster debsisdead that highlighted an interview with chris hedges and the author of a book - i am forgetting his name and the name of the book! - but bottom line - all the politicians are beholden to the corporations now.. 'silent coup' by matt kennard and claire provost.. this is the new reality and it has been this way for some time.. not sure how it changes.. read the link if interested.. thanks..
Chris Hedges on “Silent Coup”: How Capitalism Defeated Decolonization
Posted by: james | Sep 27 2023 19:03 utc | 84
"...Could someone who got elected to a seat in Canada's Federal parliament be that lacking in general knowledge?..." bubbles@35
Never attribute to malice that which is explainable by stupidity. Who, climbing the greasy pole, has time to read history?
And as for the entire Canadian Parliament applauding the SS guy, I'm sure there must have been one or two who reasoned "he must have been a partisan who fought the Germans AND Russians, or they wouldn't be applauding him."
And who wants to be the one person with folded arms when an anti-Russian hero is in the room?
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Sep 27 2023 19:04 utc | 85
@ Lex | Sep 27 2023 17:28 utc | 61
i agree with you lex... this stinks to high heavens and shows our complete indiscriminate embrace of all things ukrainian... see the max blumenthal article for more on crystia freeland and how she continues to stand, in spite of the optics... my conclusion?? she is getting a lot of protection from much higher up the chain of power in canada, and this includes a free pass by the media... unfortunately canada's power is not political, but corporate and they have an agenda... revealing the dirt on people like freeland is not a part of the agenda.. it needs to be for canucks, but most take their news in small sound bites that don't require any real depth of understanding.. essentially people are fed propaganda and they live off of it.. this is why reading links like @ 44 karlof1 shares are so important.. thanks for your comments as always..
Posted by: james | Sep 27 2023 19:09 utc | 86
@Posted by: ThirdWorldDude | Sep 27 2023 17:44 utc | 65
There is no such thing as "social marxism", taking the class struggle out of Marxism and still calling it Marxism is akin to taking the beef out of a burger and still calling it a burger. The Frankfurt School should correctly be called the Washington DC school as it decamped to the US where it was amply supported by US millionaires and the US state. The main requirement for this was to stop using Marxism and instead create a non-communist critical theory (the correct term for the school, and the French school and the predominant bourgeois critical theory that rules the academy these days). The CIA and other organs of Western states were very active in cultivating this bourgeois critical theory as part of the Cold War. Gabriel Rockhill has documented this process, and is working on a book on the subject.
All of these efforts led to the complete unmooring of critical theory from the materialist base (whether it be class struggle or basic science) leading to the post-modernist brain worms and the whole identitarian "biology doesn't matter" bullshit. It has been well established that Foucault and other French schoolers regularly visited Morocco to partake of very young boys, and many of the post-modernists signed the 1970s petition arguing for the right of adults to rape children. We have now seen this movement arise again with the "MAP" attempts to rename and legitimize pedophilia, and "trans" attempts to legitimize child abuse and grooming.
Many times when Empires start to crumble the social base of norms, values, institutions etc. also crumbles. What is ridiculously referred to as the "left" in most Western countries is really a bourgeois progressivism which has little or no problem with neoliberalism, as with AOC in the US, the NDP in Canada, new Labour in the UK (Corbyn was a real leftist hence the resources utilized to crush him). We also of course have the pathetic Trotskyists who are always too "pure" to accept that China, Russia and Iran (or for that matter Nicaragua) could be truly anti-imperialist forces. There are so many "left" publications which do good reporting, but I have to wade through so much identitarian crap (many times written by very obvious activists rather than actual journalists), biology-denial, and "Russia bad" bullshit it many times isn't worth the effort (Novara media in the UK and the Tyee in Canada are very good examples, although the latter is less annoying than the former).
This is all just an elite supported game at divide and conquer, making one part of the plebs foam at the mouth against another rather than at the elites, The problem for the elites is that this is now undermining the social base upon which their power is based while Russia, China and Iran etc. are maintaining and developing further that social base.
Anything Stephen Hicks says about "social Marxism" (really "Cultural Marxism" is the term of choice among "conservatives" these days) is highly suspect as is his scholarship on the matter.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 27 2023 19:12 utc | 88
@ Gerry | Sep 27 2023 14:23 utc | 8
Nazism is a *right-wing* authoritarian ideology. They stuck 'socialism' into their name for PR reasons, sort of the same way North Korea has 'democratic' in its official name.
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Sep 27 2023 19:17 utc | 89
The appearance of the Waffen SS soldier, Yaroslav Hunka, seems to have been planned. The Gateway Pundit (Larry Johnson) wrote that Ukraine issued on Monday a postage stamp with Hunka's likeness and Heroes Never Die. Considering his appearance in Parliament was on Friday and the stamp was issued Monday, this seems to me to have been planned by Zelensky or his administration as an affirmation of Ukraine's neo-Nazi militias.
Posted by: Belle | Sep 27 2023 19:19 utc | 90
formica @53:"There is one "X-factor" in the Ukraine War: if China were to get a new leader who, unlike Xi Jinping, isn't as favorable towards Putin, and more willing to play ball with Nato, including economic sanctions."
China is still in full remembrance of their century of humiliation by the West and would never ally with them politically, only economically.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Sep 27 2023 19:20 utc | 91
Mario #75
Whether or not Russia has been weakened in a substantial way thus far is indeed debatable. It's never great to lose market share and influence and diversion of substantial resources to the military strengthens the forces but hollows out the nation in the long run. But on the other hand, there have definitely been positive moves on China and the BRICS and others ...
But the response to b was more in re to the utility of the propaganda lies about how the war is going as a tool to achieve political ends even when actually losing on the field. My point is that, while I agree that the happy talk will of course collapse in the face of unhidable losses in the field, until that point, the propaganda will likely continue to have positive outcomes for the USUK and for the guys getting western $$ in Kiev. So one can't deny it's working.
Posted by: Caliman | Sep 27 2023 19:23 utc | 92
About Rota, after resigning: "He expressed his "profound regret for my error" and the pain he caused to Jewish communities in Canada and around the world."
Very interesting, isn't it? Non jewish people obviously do not count. The pain caused to those non jewish is not important and regrets are not necessary.
What a disgusting character!
Posted by: Patience | Sep 27 2023 19:25 utc | 93
The pen is not really mightier than the sword. Uki hot air is not Uki victory.
Posted by: lester | Sep 27 2023 19:28 utc | 94
[email protected] was used as bait. The Russian counter strike was already in the air before the attack took place. The Russians baited NATO big time, need more of the same, just a shame one must trade Knights for Rooks and Bishops......5D chess it is.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 27 2023 17:51 utc | 69
If he didn't read it from State Department bots on Twitter, how could he possibly know that? 😂
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 27 2023 19:28 utc | 95
And who wants to be the one person with folded arms when an anti-Russian hero is in the room?
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Sep 27 2023 19:04 utc | 85
A coward.
That said, your post was most eloquent and appreciated.
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 19:28 utc | 96
Lastly, I've pondered the motivations of Speaker Rota and think his actions were either a gigantic blunder by someone who didn't even know how to use a search engine or a complete success delivered by stealth. If it were a blunder he would have had to be unaware of what Ukrainian military veterans who fought the Russians were all about. Is that possible? Could someone who got elected to a seat in Canada's Federal parliament be that lacking in general knowledge? Wondering if there's more here, did he want to make a statement? If so, mission accomplished.
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 15:59 utc | 35
Reading what you wrote makes my blood boil. You think "Ukrainian military veterans" fought the RUSSIANS ?????? You're as ignorant as Rota who said the same thing about Hunka. I won't waist too much of my time trying to explain history but I suggest you check who exactly was in the Soviet Army. The answer is not Russians. Hunka and his war buddies did not exclusively fight the Russians as is being spread left and right in the media when covering this event. That is historical distortion which has consequences, as we see today in Ukraine.
Rota didn't make a mistake. He simply got sucked into a subterfuge contrived by someone that wanted to give Canada a kiss in the a$$ and send a message that they have things in control. Canada has security services that are able to throw a name into their system and instantly see a short bio of some. Well Hunka's bio would have clearly has the letters "SS". They didn't pass this to Poilievre and Trudeau ? But I bet Freeland knew what sort of veteran Hunka was as she's from the same swamp.
So who is able to organize this huge slap in the face of the Canadians and get away with it ????
Posted by: Tom_12 | Sep 27 2023 19:31 utc | 97
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Sep 27 2023 19:17 utc | 89
All substantial political movements pass through a fascist phase.
Power doesn't care about morality, history, consequences, or feelings.
Right and Left are empty labels.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 27 2023 19:41 utc | 98
Posted by: Tom_12 | Sep 27 2023 19:31 utc | 97
Sober up then get back to me.
Posted by: bubbles | Sep 27 2023 19:43 utc | 99
as reported from b, newest US/UKR official staements being 'heard' in MSM:
"Under these conditions, we continue to increase the combat power of the Armed Forces [UKR], including through the supply of modern weapons and improving the training of troops, taking into account the experience of a "Special military operation" [!]. Consistent implementation of the activities of the Action Plan "until 2025" [!] will allow us to achieve our goals."
Also cited by an official RU-side statement (as of RF Ms. Foreign spokeswoman on a press) :
"I would like to note that flirting with the Nazis and Ottawa's systematic hostile attacks will not remain without consequences. The matter will not be limited to protests, but will inevitably affect Russian-Canadian relations, which are in the deepest crisis because of Ottawa's position." ...
We consider Canada as an extremely unfriendly state, whose authorities have stained themselves with complicity with Nazism, betraying their own history, and we will build our policy accordingly.
The here above mentioned current Canadian vs. India or anyway elsewhere MSM-hyped NAZI "discussions" in or related to Canada, even on a newly upcoming upon so-called "morale basis" claims has nothing to do with the current ongoing "war" in Ukrania, losing a lot of some 100'rds of soldier comrades each day on either side !
Nuland/Hillary/Blinken/Stoltenberg etc. : Go also to THIS HELL !
Some well-equipped snipers are still awaiting "You".
Posted by: spare_truth | Sep 27 2023 19:43 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
The first casualty as always of any war.
Since 2014 at least in this case.
Posted by: jpc | Sep 27 2023 13:52 utc | 1