The Bidens' Case Will Keep On Giving
The judicial case against Hunter Biden will stay alive.
That increases the possibility that Joe Biden will have to answer questions about his own corrupt dealings related to Hunter Biden's businesses.
On July 28 a crooked plea deal for Hunter Biden was nixed by a court.
As I explained it:
Yesterday Delaware US District Judge Maryellen Noreika nixed a plea deal negotiated between Hunter Biden attorney Chris Clark and the prosecutor team from Joe Biden's Department of Justice.Hunter Biden is accused of two tax misdemeanors and wrongdoing in a gun case.
The deal was constructed in an unusual way that would have given Hunter Biden immunity over additional accusations of not having registered as a foreign agent under the FARA law.
The tax and gun cases were split and the judge would have only been given judicial oversight over the tax issue plea while the immunity part was hidden in the gun case plea deal, a diversion agreement, where the judicial oversight would have stayed with the prosecutor. The wide ranging immunity part would thus have been hidden from the public.
The results of the dirty deal would have been very generous for Hunter but the judge didn't fall for the trick.
The deal the prosecutors had agreed to was very unusual and smelled of influence from above.
The prosecutors should be fired for offering an unprecedented sweetheart deal to the son of the sitting president and for trying to trick the court into agreeing with it.
The court sent the prosecutor and Hunter's lawyer back home to renegotiate the plea deal.
However, this week the prosecutor, one David C. Weiss, wrote back to the court that the negotiations have failed and that he intends to indict Hunter Biden.
At the same time Attorney General Merrick B. Garland has elevated Weiss to the status of special counsel. That is claimed to make him more independent. It also allows him to move the case from the local court and to indict Biden in different states:
The prosecutor, David C. Weiss, has since 2018 investigated a wide array of accusations involving Mr. Biden’s business and personal life, including his foreign dealings, drug use and finances. But as special counsel, Mr. Weiss, who is also the U.S. attorney in Delaware, can pursue charges in any jurisdiction he chooses without seeking the cooperation of local federal prosecutors.
The big question is why Garland allows the same prosecutor who tried to push an obviously crooked plea deal through a court to continue with the case.
Sure, Weiss already knows the case. But the crimes Hunter committed are not that complicate. It would not take many weeks for a different prosecutor to learn of all the issues.
Another question is why Weiss, 5 years after taking up the case, now made the request to become a special council:
The investigation appeared to be near an end in recent months when Mr. Biden agreed to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors in a deal that would also have allowed him to avoid prosecution on a gun charge. Mr. Weiss, who has been roundly criticized by Republicans over the terms of the deal, asked Mr. Garland on Tuesday to be named special counsel.
I have found no source which gave an explanation for Weiss taking this step. A special council is usually used for protection from 'undue political influence' by, for example, the attorney general. But it can also be used to hide things that otherwise would have to be done in the open.
That the same prosecutor who tried to hide that he would give immunity to Hunter Biden has taken this step smells of another attempt to come to some other murky deal that will keeps Hunter out of jail and his father in office.
But there have also been whistle-blowers who had said that Weiss had previously asked for special council power but that the request had been rejected by the Justice Department. Weiss had denied that:
Attorneys for Gary Shapley, a criminal investigator-turned-whistleblower, questioned the credibility of U.S. Attorney David Weiss after his appointment as special counsel Friday in the yearslong investigation into Hunter Biden.Jason Foster pointed to his client Shapley, a veteran IRS agent, testifying to Congress in May that Weiss had once asked for special counsel status in the case and was rejected.
Weiss in subsequent letters to Congress denied that, saying he had been "granted ultimate authority" on "where, when, and whether to file charges" in the case.
Foster said the appointment of Weiss was "odd because both Mr. Weiss and [Attorney General Merrick] Garland had been saying for a long time that he didn't need special counsel authority."
So what has changed that made Weiss take this step and what is its purpose?
We do not (yet) know the answers to that.
But the fact that the whole issue is kept alive makes Biden's reelection campaign more difficult:
President Biden faces the prospect that his reelection campaign will unfold at the same time his son faces trial, possibly in a federal courthouse a few blocks from the White House. The legal proceedings could weigh on the president politically, and the fact that the case involves his surviving son — one with a history of drug and alcohol addiction, one he speaks with almost every day, one most of his advisers avoid discussing with him — is also likely to weigh on him personally.
The problem for Biden senior is much bigger than described above.
It is by now known that Joe Biden was intimately involved in the deals his son Hunter Biden did with foreign companies. He had dinner with Hunter Biden's customers and phoned in to meetings with them. The deals were only possible because Hunter Biden's customers expected that Joe Biden would, when necessary, intervene for them.
He surely did so in the case of the gas company Burisma in Ukraine. Burisma hired Hunter Biden for a gross amount of money. When the prosecutor general of Ukraine started to confiscate houses and cars from Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, Joe Biden intervened. He halted a $1 billion loan guarantee that Ukraine was supposed to get and pressed for the prosecutor general to get fired. That promptly happened. A few years later Zlochevsky case was quietly buried.
We also know from Hunter Biden's laptop that he has paid his father's bills while getting money from Burisma. Joe Biden has thereby directly and personally profited from using his political power for crooked dealings.
That the Hunter Biden case stays open guarantees that all these little 'details' will see more and more public light.
That increases the chance that Biden's corruption will finally lead to his impeachment.
Posted by b on August 12, 2023 at 17:07 UTC | Permalink
next page »Nobody that's not a Republican right wing nut sees this case as more than a personal issue for Hunter. The Biden administration has done nothing to shield Hunter. When the case comes up on the news, the first thing normal people think is of GOP attempts to use the case for an irrational vendetta against Biden, pledging to impeach him without even having a cause. Any impeachment attempt will doom the GOP in next year's elections. Otherwise, the case will be in obscurity to everyone but conspiracy nuts.
Posted by: Inkan1969 | Aug 12 2023 17:18 utc | 2
The probity of investing in a place like Ukraine given the actual history of the place is incredible. Is Biden mad?
Posted by: Wokechoke | Aug 12 2023 17:19 utc | 3
if a special council "can also be used to hide things that otherwise would have to be done in the open" how can the case staying open "guarantees that all these little 'details' will see more and more public light"?
Posted by: annie | Aug 12 2023 17:24 utc | 4
Don't be fooled by this seemingly righteous decision. Weiss is "Deep State." The same Deep State that is waging its "rules-based" ("We'll do what we want—laws, agreements, treaties be damned") war against the world, including America. Doubtful they're concerned at all about an election. Just getting what they want.
Posted by: Robert Italia | Aug 12 2023 17:29 utc | 5
A big reason why Trump won the nomination in 2016 was that he sucked up ALL of the media oxygen on the Republican side, aided by Democrat-aligned media who thought that mocking him would hurt him.
That's PR 101. The worst thing is not people hating you, it's them not even talking about you. There is no really such thing as bad press.
I doubt this is the strategy but keeping the American right wing talking about Biden rather than Trump probably sucks some wind out of The Donald's sails.
Biden means nothing to the real powers in the world. He's a throwaway, handy to discard at any time. It does speak to how stupid and weak voters are that they tolerate a senile buffoon that his own party resents. I didn't like Obama. It takes a special type of mind to believe that Biden without campaigning could get more votes than Obama in his prime.
But democracy is all about fairy tales so I suppose it makes sense in that context.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 17:33 utc | 6
Inkan, you only get to speak for yourself. i'm neither a Republican or right wing and this stinks to high heaven. it's also essentially the same thing trump was impeached for(trying to intervene by leveraging US funds to pressure Ukraine to investigate). also, "Biden administration has done nothing to shield Hunter." is a downright lie. it was already revealed in congressional testimony that blinken, serving as biden's sr advisor, personally called the cia director(morell) to orchestrated the 'russian plot' letter with all those signatures to help biden in the debate admitting because he wanted him to win the election = total politicization of the cia.
Posted by: annie | Aug 12 2023 17:35 utc | 7
Any impeachment attempt will doom the GOP in next year's elections. Otherwise, the case will be in obscurity to everyone but conspiracy nuts.
Posted by: Inkan1969 | Aug 12 2023 17:18 utc | 2
I see b's axiom (trolls post first) continues to gain empirical support.
Posted by: tom paine | Aug 12 2023 17:35 utc | 8
Wokechoke, biden didn't "invest" in burisma, he was on the take, it was a one way street.
Posted by: annie | Aug 12 2023 17:41 utc | 9
"Hunter Biden Hanged at GITMO
By Michael Baxter -October 16, 20211309107316
Hunter Biden’s life ended Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. when the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps in cooperation with the Office of Military Commissions hanged him to death. His execution happened only a few weeks after a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay found him guilty of treason—a capital offense—and a myriad of sex crimes against underage women."
Posted by: Gary Cooper | Aug 12 2023 17:45 utc | 10
Every day the MSM ignores this story it's another nail in the coffin of their credibility.
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Aug 12 2023 17:46 utc | 11
Tom is (all-)right :) - and it is really educational to read comments 1, 2, and 3 as three different attempts to derail the thread. Disgusting, but educational.
Posted by: Baddy | Aug 12 2023 17:52 utc | 12
The Bidens deserve the application of the full extent of the law. But with such justice mired in a massive swamp of corruption, that's not likely to occur. The Rs have had this dirt for too long and failed to act upon it. Leaving the issue with a clearly criminal and corrupt administration to essentially police itself is a violation of Congressional Duty. And such behavior sends a very distinct message to the world and particularly to China where such corruption isn't tolerated. And if the Chinese can read the message, what of the American public? IMO, this isn't a partisan issue at all--very clear laws were broken and aren't being enforced, and not for the first time. As I've pointed out many times, the #1 duty of POTUS is to ensure the enforcement of the laws of the land. In this case, there's a massive conflict of interest as both Bidens are law breakers. Thus, it falls to Congressional Duty to enforce the laws of the land--Biden must be impeached and removed then tried in a civilian court along with his son for their crimes.
@ b who wrote
That the same prosecutor who tried to hide that he would give immunity to Hunter Biden has taken this step smells of another attempt to come to some other murky deal that will keeps Hunter out of jail and his father in office.
This would be my take as well.
It is just that the RoW sees the corruption of Biden and Trump as the way things are in the West and don't want any of it.....the West is hoisting itself on its own petard.......I wish they would hurry up because it is fun to watch after all these years.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 12 2023 17:58 utc | 14
The neocon's always had Joe Biden's balls in jar, in this case Hunter. Given Joe's character, unbounded greed, limited intelligence, lack of scruples, and abject amorality maybe there was no need to have blackmail hanging over Biden's head, but, just in case he tried to weasel out the jar was on the shelf. Now that the war is going to hell several factions are fighting for the jar.
My guess, if/when it all implodes like a carbon fiber submarine, Biden will be hung out to dry by all parties, friends and foes alike will rally round the "democracy", save the system, save the country like with the Nixon impeachment and all the blame will be solely on Biden. The EU will likely do the same with Zelensky, but Zelensky will likely be made to die a hero.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Aug 12 2023 18:01 utc | 15
@Psychohistorian - which of the Trump corruptions are you referring to in this Biden thread - please throw a link.
Posted by: Baddy | Aug 12 2023 18:08 utc | 16
Every day the MSM ignores this story it's another nail in the coffin of their credibility.
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Aug 12 2023 17:46 utc | 11
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 18:10 utc | 17
I hope and pray that the last two paragraphs you wrote will come true. Boy, do I hope and pray.
Posted by: Jose Garcia | Aug 12 2023 18:12 utc | 18
Posted by: annie | Aug 12 2023 17:35 utc | 7
annie, you beat me too it. Your comment was almost exactly what I was going to say, and you said it very well, and more. I am glad that I read further down before posting my comment.
Inkan is a perfect example of a democratic troll, who pushes the Biden and DP narrative, and they are the reason that otherwise intelligent people cannot see through the obviously stupid war narrative today. Republicans also have blinders as well, and their defense of Trump is /was also, at times, ridiculously credulous and naïve
American politics, supporting parties over fairness and justice, is like cheering on your favorite sports team. If your team cheats a little bit, oh well, no big deal. However, if the other party cheats you demand that the referee throw the book at them, anything less would be "unfair."
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 18:13 utc | 19
Posted by: karlof1 | Aug 12 2023 17:53 utc | 13
The GOP doesn't want to remove Biden because he's so useful to campaign and fundraise against. It is not in their interest to destroy their best punching bag. Biden is a font of gaffes and poor judgment. He's the ideal political opponent.
But his people do control the electoral system, so expect him to get re-elected by beating his previous vote record, and watch millions of people go along with it because they cannot comprehend that most everything about their "civilization" is fake.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 18:15 utc | 20
this is corrupt as hell, but I'm afraid b' take is unduly optimistic. the reason they reappointed Weiss is so he can continue to cover up the case. Greenwald did a show on this last night on System Update. it's a farce.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 18:16 utc | 21
The usual way that investigations and trials like this are used, is to stop all discussion of the facts, by saying "Do not interfere with an ongoing trial, because we totally respect the right of defendants to have an unbiased trial".
I predict that this is what will happen.
Meanwhile, accusations against Trump will ramp up, his trials will be endlessly "reported" on, and the witless will deflect any discussion of the bribery revealed (note that the Constitution lists bribery second on the short list of grounds for impeachment) by claiming that Trump's crimes, invented though they may be, are far worse than the Biden crimes which Must Not Be Named.
It appears that there is no Biden crime too egregious to get through the thick skulls, and into the tiny brains of the Democrats, and cause them dissonance.
As the Babylon Bee notes: "As evidence of bribery and corruption by the Biden family continues to mount, Democrat lawmakers in the nation's capital have expressed heavy skepticism, saying they will need a lot more than just eyewitnesses, financial records, audio and video recordings, and admissions of guilt from parties involved for them to believe any of it."
Posted by: wagelaborer | Aug 12 2023 18:20 utc | 22
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 18:15 utc | 20
If they impeach Biden before election, doesn't the GOP get Kamala next in line? Seems like a win-win for the GOP to me.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Aug 12 2023 18:20 utc | 23
Devon Nunez and Sundance agree
(for what it is worth so do I). Silos.
A special counsel will make any evidence unavailable to anyone else outside the Special counsel.
That is how loads of stuff gets covered up nowadays.
Posted by: Michael Droy | Aug 12 2023 18:21 utc | 24
b. is too kind. Exactly the same game continues, one more move of a checker and more of the same coming. There's no alternative. This or the penitentiary.
As well, Biden's re-election is not a factor here or anywhere else. It has never been intended to happen, for all too obvious reasons. Hillary will give Joe the news as he soaks up some Bermuda sun.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Aug 12 2023 18:25 utc | 25
Well, Wendy, they just elevated Cookies Nuland to a top position in the State Dept. I see no improvement in current events.
Posted by: wagelaborer | Aug 12 2023 18:25 utc | 26
this is corrupt as hell, but I'm afraid b' take is unduly optimistic. the reason they reappointed Weiss is so he can continue to cover up the case. Greenwald did a show on this last night on System Update. it's a farce.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 18:16 utc | 21
Yep, as we recently saw, a special counsel can sit on a case for quite a long time.
Posted by: Bemildred | Aug 12 2023 18:27 utc | 27
Full penetration corruption. Reform is not possible.
Posted by: Norwegian | Aug 12 2023 18:29 utc | 28
@Psychohistorian - which of the Trump corruptions are you referring to in this Biden thread - please throw a link.
Posted by: Baddy | Aug 12 2023 18:08 utc | 16
I could go on like this all day.
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 18:31 utc | 29
,,,All this talk about Biden re-election is nonsense. Do not think his Health condition will carry him very far. He is frail and weak. We will see.
Posted by: leocz | Aug 12 2023 18:34 utc | 30
So the scenario -and I make no claims here to originality, this argument has been advanced before and recently*- is this.
Biden avoids impeachment. His name goes forward into the primaries, to ensure that no insurgents make any waves, then, with the nomination sewn up he drops out of the race, and the Democratic Convention nominates another pliable instrument to take his place.
It won't be Kamala but it could be Michelle Obama!
*I think I read an article, yesterday in the Telegraph, to this effect.
One thing is certain- the scandal is beyond covering up, even by the scum that invented 'Russiagate.'
What we have in this case is an irrefutable proof of the terminal extent to which the US ruling class, via the Cold War largely, has corrupted itself beuond any hope of redemption. It is a corruption that has spread around the world in the form of globalism. It is the face of what Rosa called Barbarism.
The incredible extent of this corruption can hardly be measured more graphically than it is in the fact that the hope for justice and transparency appears to rest in the lap of a House ruled by the Republicans- the other side of the coin of corruption.
Posted by: bevin | Aug 12 2023 18:37 utc | 31
Screw impeachment. The level of corruption involving Ukraine and the actions to cover up that corruption rise to the level of both RICO violations and treason. Lock all of them in max security until their trials. Life without parole for both Joe and Hunter would be their plea bargain offer to avoid execution. As certain members of the DOJ and FBI are involved then they should get the death penalty for accessories after the fact to the treason.
Only seems fair after the number of deaths in the Ukraine as a result of the corruption and treason.
Posted by: Neal | Aug 12 2023 18:37 utc | 32
28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel states that "The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government."
Weiss is a currently-active US Attorney. Thus his appointment is illegal on its face, and an impeachable act by Garland.
Posted by: DougK | Aug 12 2023 18:38 utc | 33
[email protected] wait till she takes it hot.....although most NATO countries Sec Gens are females, now, so hot is coming down the line......
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Aug 12 2023 18:40 utc | 34
um hello....the world is on the brink of WWIII and nuclear disaster and a really fucking serious climate crisis and people give a fuck about this shit? end the patriarchy and let the women take over for a hot minute.Posted by: wendy | Aug 12 2023 18:21 utc | 24
First, it's possible, even advantageous, to care about multiple things/people/ideas at the same time. There's rarely one "most important thing" that demands or even rewards complete attention.
Second, War? The bribes came from the country that we're backing in a war.
Your suggestion that women are not involved in war, bribery, or climate change is...unsupported by the available data.
Posted by: shoemaker | Aug 12 2023 18:43 utc | 35
@ Wendy 24
"um hello....the world is on the brink of WWIII and nuclear disaster and a really fucking serious climate crisis and people give a fuck about this shit? end the patriarchy and let the women take over for a hot minute."
um hello... you mean awesome women like Vicki Nuland, Ursula von der Leyen, Annalena Baerbock, Hillary Clinton, Chrystia Freeland etc.?
I thought they already are in charge, and they are doing one hell of a job, I must say!
Posted by: expat | Aug 12 2023 18:44 utc | 36
Even if all the corrupt nepotism of the American political class was exposed and prosecuted by a special counsel, partisanship would prevail. Americans are too loyal of subjects to change their political leadership.
Posted by: Wilikins | Aug 12 2023 18:44 utc | 37
Democrats’ response to Republican claims that Hunter Biden got a “sweetheart deal” has been to note that then-President Donald Trump appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss – the prosecutor who allowed Biden to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax charges and enter a pretrial diversion program on a gun charge.
Trump has tried to flip the script, saying on social media that Hunter Biden got “a traffic ticket instead of a death sentence,” because “the two Democrat Senators in Delaware … got to choose and/or approve” Weiss.
It’s true that Sens. Tom Carper and Chris Coons, both Democrats, played a part in selecting Weiss, because of a longstanding Senate policy that allows home-state senators to sign off on presidential appointments of U.S. attorneys.
But Weiss is a registered Republican, according to news reports, who was ultimately nominated by Trump and approved unanimously by Democrats and Republicans alike in a voice vote.
A pox on both parties!
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 18:46 utc | 38
Brony twink @2:
Just curious what skills and capabilities you imagine Burisma thought Hunter Biden had to offer. Perhaps they thought the way Hunter dressed little kids up in sexy lingerie and photographed himself nude with them was brilliantly artistic and Burisma just had to have that kind of talent on their board? Maybe they needed someone to teach them how to cut lines of cocaine? It isn't a skill like reading seismic graphs to locate hydrocarbon deposits, but the proper technique for smoking crank is a skill that is in high demand, no? What do you think?
Posted by: William Gruff | Aug 12 2023 18:47 utc | 39
Posted by: Inkan1969 | Aug 12 2023 17:18 utc | 2
Plausible Propaganda requires a modicum of truth and logic. Fail
The "Special Prosecutor" works for the U.S. Department of Injustice, which, in turn, is a Democratic Party division for punishment of their Political Enemies. A guarded tent to hide the Biden Family Crimes until after the election.
But, all the King's Horses and all the King's Men, are tiring of keeping Biden in his play pen.
Posted by: kupkee | Aug 12 2023 18:48 utc | 40
I could go on like this all day.Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 18:31 utc | 30
I can find hit pieces on Trump all day long on my own. The selection of media outlets you pulled from is telling in its own way, though. Do you have anything more...factual and focused?
If you were Special Counsel and could pursue one charge, which would it be, and can you provide evidence like we see with the Bidens and Burisma?
Posted by: shoemaker | Aug 12 2023 18:52 utc | 41
I am looking forward to the upcoming US Presidential elections where the two principal protagonists are BOTH in jail.
It might make fund-raising a bit more complicated, but judging from the evidence so far, there are "work-arounds".
As certain members of the DOJ and FBI are involved then they should get the death penalty for accessories after the fact to the treason.
Only seems fair after the number of deaths in the Ukraine as a result of the corruption and treason.
Posted by: Neal | Aug 12 2023 18:37 utc | 33
Be careful Neal, the FBI and the Secret Service can shoot you on site for such remarks.
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 18:54 utc | 43
I am looking forward to the upcoming US Presidential elections where the two principal protagonists are BOTH in jail.Posted by: Stonebird | Aug 12 2023 18:52 utc | 43
That could be a way out of this mess: clemency for the Trumps and the Bidens, in exchange for their being disqualified from public office for life. Who'd we see in the finals: DeSantis and RFK, Jr.?
Posted by: shoemaker | Aug 12 2023 18:57 utc | 44
I am looking forward to the upcoming US Presidential elections where the two principal protagonists are BOTH in jail.
It might make fund-raising a bit more complicated, but judging from the evidence so far, there are "work-arounds".
Posted by: Stonebird | Aug 12 2023 18:52 utc | 43
Perhaps they will have to have their campaign funds (and bribery funds) put into their prison commissary; you think.
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 18:58 utc | 45
Where's this climate crisis happening Wendy? Perhaps you should have a read of this article and then go for a walk around your locality to see with your own eyes if there's any evidence of a climate crisis.
Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Aug 12 2023 18:58 utc | 46
The continuing investigation will preempt testimony in Congress and make evidence secret. The Delaware charges that were the subject of the plea deal have now been dropped and for now there will be no trial on the charges for now, even better than the plea deal. The investigation will officially continue for years past the election, and then will be quietly dropped.
Posted by: Fran Macadam | Aug 12 2023 19:07 utc | 47
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Aug 12 2023 18:20 utc | 23
That would be true but it doesn't change the fact that the Democrats can insert millions of votes into the system any time they like. The Democrats could elect Putin or Assad if they were eligible to run in America.
The whole thing is a sad joke, IMO, and I say this as someone who once used to vote and door-knock for candidates.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 19:08 utc | 48
wendy@24, Yes, let's let Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland or some other "qualified" woman run things. It would be oh so much better for the world.
Posted by: Immaculate deception | Aug 12 2023 19:09 utc | 49
I can find hit pieces on Trump all day long on my own. The selection of media outlets you pulled from is telling in its own way, though. Do you have anything more...factual and focused?
If you were Special Counsel and could pursue one charge, which would it be, and can you provide evidence like we see with the Bidens and Burisma?
Posted by: shoemaker | Aug 12 2023 18:52 utc | 42
That is true shoemaker, but if you go to pro-Republican (pro-Trump) web sites, all you get is Joe Biden hit pieces, and Trump apologetics. That is the point I made in my comment at #19. So, thank you for bringing this out, and please stop being a hypocrite.
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 19:10 utc | 50
Posted by: shoemaker | Aug 12 2023 18:57 utc | 45
It would probably be DeSantis. The party elite more easily controls him. The President is a nonsensical office. As we've seen the FBI and CIA Directors wield more power than the President.
RFK Jr has his own ideas about things and obviously has very high testosterone levels, which allows him to be disagreeable. I don't love his agenda but he is his own man.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 19:20 utc | 51
They are doing all these things because they can. Thank you, America, for generating this Judeo-Zionist monster applying the Samson treatment, devouring Western Civilization, and trying to preserve their ill-gotten fiat wealth. And every time they needed a big conflagration, type WW1 or WW2, they got it by hook or by crook. This time will not be an exception.
Posted by: -- nietzsche1510 -- | Aug 12 2023 19:23 utc | 52
So, I'd say Weiss, a fellow member of our elites, has been appointed to cover Garland's, higher ranking chosen person, ass. Weiss will be trusted to pursue the same goal as before of warping the justice system to cover for the Bidens.
The good news is the death spiral of our elites continues apace, quickening their collapse and triggering in the consciousness of intelligent people that a radical change is required.
What radical change? Could be fascism of a Dem or republican variety or it could be a revolution of the wage/debt slaves led by a better section of those radicalized intellectuals.
I already know what the elitists at the bar will opine. My modest request is to consider all possibilities seriously.
I'm for the Sacred War.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Aug 12 2023 19:24 utc | 53
That would be true but it doesn't change the fact that the Democrats can insert millions of votes into the system any time they like. The Democrats could elect Putin or Assad if they were eligible to run in America.
The whole thing is a sad joke, IMO, and I say this as someone who once used to vote and door-knock for candidates.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 19:08 utc | 49
You are not even an American, you have no idea what you are talking about. Yes, US democracy is a bunch of shit, but it is bipartisan shit. Why just Democrat's, why can't Republicans insert millions of votes into the system. Most voting machines are made by Republican CEOs, and they stole the 2004 elections by flipping votes in several key states like Ohio, Florida. I would have to research the others, but why don't you do that since you know so much about US politics?
So, tell us about "democracy" in your country. Better yet, tell me what country you are from, and I will tell you all about it.
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 19:26 utc | 54
Posted by: bevin | Aug 12 2023 18:37 utc | 32
Thanks for posting your scenario of how Biden may exit/be forced out of the race.
I find it plausible and have already adopted the scenario for the purpose of my "I told you so" sweepstakes I have going with my spouse.
In other words, I now have a vested reputational interest in things playing out that way, at least so far as Biden is concerned. Not taking a position yet on who will step in to save the faltering "Republic" from an enraged and vengeful Trumpster...
Posted by: expat | Aug 12 2023 19:31 utc | 55
Posted by: karlof1 | Aug 12 2023 17:53 utc | 13
Old rule: if you see it, thousands of others do as well.
You're right, it's the lawlessness. People who see that say to themselves, "Jumpin' pinto beans, I don't want to live with that!", and they find ways to get rid of it, as is their responsibility and right as human beings.
Posted by: The Rev. David R. Gr | Aug 12 2023 19:39 utc | 56
@PsychoEd #30++
Ok the Stormy Daniels story and the secret documents ... - very funny :))
Posted by: Baddy | Aug 12 2023 19:41 utc | 57
um hello....the world is on the brink of WWIII and nuclear disaster and a really fucking serious climate crisis and people give a fuck about this shit? end the patriarchy and let the women take over for a hot minute.
Posted by: wendy | Aug 12 2023 18:21 utc | 24
Women take over. LOL
Thanks for the laugh, sister.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 19:47 utc | 58
That the Hunter Biden case stays open guarantees that all these little 'details' will see more and more public light.
That increases the chance that Biden's corruption will finally lead to his impeachment.
Well, we'll soon see. I suspect many above are correct in regarding this latest move as a way to shut down all future revelations in press and courts until after the 2024 election after which Biden or his successor can pardon all Bidens.
Meanwhile, the right wing zone is publishing articles like this citing Rasmussen which is generally pretty reliable:
So, assuming this is biased and the numbers are more like 50-50, still that's quite a thing: 50%+ think that the election process is crooked and Jan 6th was a false flag (both clearly true statements). What does that mean?
In a 'real' country it would mean that We the People would turf out the corrupt leadership and try to start over. But the US is not a real republic any more so all bets are off. Can the RC keep in power with only about 35% approval and support? I personally don't think so. I think they are planning to crash everything and replace it with a technocratic oligarchy of sorts. But since they always lie about everything, probably it's not that simple. I just don't see, though, how the current system can keep going with such a high percentage of people seeing it - rightly - as corrupt.
Ed, the right-leaning press of course is biased etc. but the fact is that Trump was falsely accused of many different things during his Presidency all of which turned out to be total lies so the right-leaning press at this point has a much better track record of presenting more truthful stories and perspective. Where you are a bit off, IMO, is confusing Establishment RINOs with MAGA Republicans. On the street level the two hate each others guts. On the leadership level it's a mixed bag, but most at that level are probably corrupt or corruptable. That's the dilemma. The press catering to MAGA is not the same as the press catering to RINOs.
The ordinary MAGA types just want to get back to a reasonable representative republic. But they are up against a corrupt Republican Party machine which will betray them every time. Which is why ever since Trump announced after the 2020 debacle that he would not form a third party I lost interest in him. I simply do not believe that any substantive change can be delivered from within either major party, so that goes for RFJ JR too. It's a total waste of time - a cruel, sick farce.
Now: IF Biden is impeached and family jailed, things might get interesting. If RFJ Jr wins the nomination, prevailing over the corrupt Dem grandees, things might get interesting. IF Trump is jailed and keeps running as 3rd Party even after the GOP cancel his candidacy, things might get interesting. If Bannon's latest idea gets traction - that RFK Jr and DKT team up - things might get interesting.
But chances are none of the above will happen and the nation will keep driving itself into the ground given We the People have not developed sufficient gumption to do anything other than what their RC has set up for them - which is designed to betray them.
A pickle...
Right-wing press again reports on CNN focus group:
CNN talking head asks Trumpista group:
'how many of you support the US involvement with Ukraine?'
None. Not one hand goes up.
Yet every single RINO 'representative' (which is most of them) is all-in of course.
So, tell us about "democracy" in your country. Better yet, tell me what country you are from, and I will tell you all about it.
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 19:26 utc | 55
Yes, you know all about everything, even before you know what that thing is. 👍 😉
I don't come here for comedy but often when reading, I cannot avoid it.
God Bless B for running this site.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 19:58 utc | 61
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Aug 12 2023 19:24 utc | 54
i have no clue what WILL happen, i'd prefer to kick things off with a general strike instead of a revolution. given that we are dealing with the same maniacs careening toward world war 3 to maintain their power structure, that may be unduly optimisitic.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 20:06 utc | 62
Leading black US intellectual does good work about slavery story.
Aug 11 Part III: How Slavery Died:
I can't believe how many people buy into all this deliberate, inflammatory race crap.
Little factoid from McGilchrest's brain research:
left brain dominant types tend to exhibit following emotions/attitudes: anger, self-righteousness, intolerance. They also like black-white categorization - like dividing people into races, parties etc. So if you find yourself hating on Group X or Group Y for whatever reason, you might want to take a walk outside or something - no good will come from such small-minded, overly restrictive mindset.
um hello....the world is on the brink of WWIII and nuclear disaster and a really fucking serious climate crisis and people give a fuck about this shit? end the patriarchy and let the women take over for a hot minute.
Posted by: wendy | Aug 12 2023 18:21 utc | 24
Women take over. LOL
Thanks for the laugh, sister.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 19:47 utc | 59
Yeah, this either bad trolling or someone stuck in the bourgeoise feminism of the 1960s. She can probably drive a car and everything! I'll bet she even, God help us, works outside the home!
Now, to stop the nuclear war girls!
The girls vs boys thing signifies the and emotional maturity of a child. Read a book, girlfriend. Better yet talk to the boys who know how to do things. You might learn something.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Aug 12 2023 20:10 utc | 64
The corruption is total and our democracy is dead. It's been that way for a long time, but it's only now people have begun to notice. Not that they will do anything about it, that would require courage, conviction and action, things bred out of the American psyche long ago. My country is an insane with lunatics running the asylum. It only goes down from here.
Posted by: JustAMaverick | Aug 12 2023 20:20 utc | 65
Those cheap shots at wendy… very poor form.
It’s not like here overall gist is unheard of - I prefer to read about pretty much any topic other than the US presidential race.
Posted by: Rae | Aug 12 2023 20:21 utc | 66
As bad as things are, can imagine having Harris as president? Both parties are just different wings of the same dirty bird.
Posted by: Immaculate deception | Aug 12 2023 20:28 utc | 67
what if both, Trump & Biden end up incapacitated to run for office?
As I see it convictions of both would be in the interest of the people and correspond with the rule of law.
Posted by: AG | Aug 12 2023 20:30 utc | 68
I doubt it. For the media that can make a senile old man to president is handling the Hunter case peanuts.
Posted by: ZoneB | Aug 12 2023 20:34 utc | 69
A lot of those new first name trolls from the National Democratic Institute (fake NGO) don't want people discussing the US presidency right now. I wonder why that is?
Posted by: William Gruff | Aug 12 2023 20:37 utc | 70
I'm boiling mad about the new plaything.
The Covid Scam is still polluting the waters.
Give the Climate a rest.
Posted by: kupkee | Aug 12 2023 20:50 utc | 71
let the light shine into the rot. let the truth be known. good news. ty.
Posted by: polarbear4 | Aug 12 2023 20:54 utc | 72
[from an embedded tweet:]Trump indicted.
Imran Khan jailed.
Shinzo Abe assassinated
Fernando Villavicencio assassinated
Jair Bolsonaro removed via election fraud
Nigel Farage de banked
What do they all have in common?
It’s about time for the GOP Congress to initiate the impeachment of Merrick Garland. This madman is leveraging his position to shield one of the most notorious criminal families our nation has ever had the misfortune of encountering.
Not holding breath. Even if impeachment goes forward it will be stonewalled, sidetracked, poorly conducted and ultimately result in being rejected in the Senate. Criminal prosecutions would be better, but not with partisan DOJ at this time. Better to do a full inquiry and publish the results in both succinct and complete fashion leaving it up to the American people to cast their verdict.
However, since that only results in more Republicans or Democrats being elected, it will make no difference whatsoever.
Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Aug 12 2023 18:58 utc | 47
(Sorry all, off topic...)
The thing is Eoin, that article makes no attempt whatever to deploy evidence, reason or science. When someone is able to actually dispute the science wake me up.
Posted by: Tim Glover | Aug 12 2023 20:56 utc | 74
probably on topic---i was blown away by this song
the rich men north of richmond, by oliver anthony.
Posted by: polarbear4 | Aug 12 2023 20:56 utc | 75
This is an unduly optimistic take.
It's more likely that the special counsel appointment is an effort to cover up the Biden family's corrupt activities.
Posted by: John Kirsch | Aug 12 2023 20:57 utc | 76
i'm not all in on the "all milking welfare" part. some of them are, but it's a pretty awful life either way. many addictions and serious mental health. a few younguns who still think it's cool, haven't been close to a knifing yet.
but the song just grabbed me.
Posted by: polarbear4 | Aug 12 2023 21:00 utc | 77
to a certain extent the elites skate on war, it's the old machiavelli thing, give the people an external enemy, get them on your side no matter how crappy a prince you are. but as life deteriorated in these united states, and the latest war collapses into the latest failure, and the rest of the world tells Nuland to go to a weightwatchers and leave them alone, the audience is noticing the holes in the silver screen and the moldy curtains and the holes in the floor.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 21:01 utc | 78
Color me black-pilled, but I sincerely doubt any of the Bidens will have a day in court, much less President Biden be impeached (and, if he is the Democrat-controlled Senate will not vote to convict him). As to Weiss getting a promotion to special counselor, its painfully obvious that his real job to obfuscate the Hunter Biden case even further while also covering the DOJ's ass from as much political and legal fallout as possible.
Posted by: Monos | Aug 12 2023 21:03 utc | 79
would harris be any different from biden? a different puppet, but the same puppeteers. i think there are a number of people ready to close down the joe show, not sure who they will insert.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 21:03 utc | 80
Little factoid from McGilchrest's brain research:
left brain dominant types tend to exhibit following emotions/attitudes: anger, self-righteousness, intolerance. They also like black-white categorization - like dividing people into races, parties etc. So if you find yourself hating on Group X or Group Y for whatever reason, you might want to take a walk outside or something - no good will come from such small-minded, overly restrictive mindset.
Posted by: Scorpion | Aug 12 2023 20:07 utc | 64
Informative. Thank you. I find it important to avoid interacting too much with people operating in that manner. I have found that many cannot be reasoned with, their attitude is so intrinsic to who they are.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 21:03 utc | 81
Wendy @ 24:
That the world is close to World War III in Ukraine is due in no small part to Joe Biden's meddling in Ukraine's affairs, most notably in blackmailing then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, leaving that politician with a huge national financial crisis, if he did not get rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin who was pursuing Mykola Zlochevsky at the time.
At the time Hunter Biden was a board director of Burisma Holdings. The company itself was owned (I think) by Privat Group, headed by Ihor Kolomoisky who owned the TV channel that hosted Volodymyr Zelensky's comedy series "Servant of the People".
So we are looking at an astonishingly small and tight cabal of criminal types whose amoral behaviour and actions have brought an entire planet to the brink of disaster.
Poroshenko's accession to the Presidency in Ukraine in 2014 was made possible by the Maidan coup which was orchestrated by US State Department official Victoria Nuland with the then US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. Nuland even picked who would be Ukraine's interim Prime Minister. That was Nuland's hot minute then.
Quite a number of Western nations have or have had female Ministers for Defence and yet here we are closer to war than before since 1945.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Aug 12 2023 21:11 utc | 82
Trump: "See you on Twitter very soon. They call it X now, I'll always call it Twitter"
Not that it matters, but there will be some fun.
Posted by: Norwegian | Aug 12 2023 21:11 utc | 83
b - I had very similar questions. On the Special Counsel appointment, maybe DoJ and Biden folks wanted to avoid the criticism that they were firing a Trump appointed investigator, but I doubt it. A fresh pair of investigatory eyes would want to look into the corrupt DoJ deal too.
I hate to nit pick, but it is "Special counsel", no Council
Posted by: bill wolfe | Aug 12 2023 21:13 utc | 84
Posted by: Monos | Aug 12 2023 21:03 utc | 80
Greenwald specifically mentioned that Weiss has been rumored to have trouble with certain state attorney generals, and that being a special prosecutor meant he could operate on his own without consulting or acting in cooperation with him (no names provided), and also that being a special prosecutor let him effectively hamstring a House Investigation into this--witness could plead that they could not testify in front of a House Committee because of conflicting legal obligations in another investigation.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 21:14 utc | 85
@PsychoEd #30++
Ok the Stormy Daniels story and the secret documents ... - very funny :))
Posted by: Baddy | Aug 12 2023 19:41 utc | 58
You didn't mention tax evasion and lying about profits from real estate deals. But I am not defending Biden, you can't get that through thick head, can you?
Frankly, I think Trump should prosecuted for the 3 January 2020, Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general, who was targeted and killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq.
But you can only expect so from an imperialist nation like the US. Biden is a war criminal as well; you and I can both agree that, but do we agree that Trump is a criminal killing Soleimani and for continuing Obama's war against Syria, and steeling their oil, imposing sanctions on starving people, and using chemical weapons against civilians in order to blame it on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
These are crimes against humanity: Who really gives a shit about Trump hiding his hush money for his whore or Biden's many criminal scams for money.
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 21:15 utc | 86
One more thing that could influence and justify the Special Counsel appointment:
US ethics laws and legal ethics are based on an "appearance standard" - if a reasonable person can suspect an ethical problem, then there does not have to be an actual material conflict. Kinda like the smell test.
Posted by: bill wolfe | Aug 12 2023 21:19 utc | 87
I don't understand: If the Special Counsel Weiss is disallowed because he is government employee, can't Garland just appoint a different minion who is not a govt employee?
Posted by: Peter b | Aug 12 2023 21:23 utc | 88
I hear the Republicans are going to have an investigation in to forming a committee to look into this matter. But their schedule is booked due to the investigation hearings they are trying to get booked for Obama and Hillary. You know the Republicans have just so many hours in a day.
Posted by: Dferg | Aug 12 2023 21:23 utc | 89
I agree with Michael Droy, bevin, and pretzelattack.
Appointing special council is a chess move designed to shield an 'ongoing investigation' from disclosing anything to the House of Representatives. Weiss was chosen because he demonstrated his spineless subservience with the sweetheart plea deal.
It will be interesting to see what the Republicans in the house do. They got the FD-1023 document by threatening to hold the FBI in contempt. I wonder if they'll try it with Weiss.
Who really gives a shit about Trump hiding his hush money for his whore or Biden's many criminal scams for money.
Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 21:15 utc | 87
If I had to guess who the one person in the bar is who that has already queued up 30 links on the topic ... 😂
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 21:31 utc | 91
I wouldn't say that a man like Biden who has the power to start a nuclear war whenever he chooses means nothing to the powers of the world.
Posted by: Lysias | Aug 12 2023 21:31 utc | 92
Posted by: Peter b | Aug 12 2023 21:23 utc | 89
yeah but right now he is their chosen agent, he is the most familiar with the case and the players, and they trust him to, as the old saying has it, "stay bought".
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 21:40 utc | 93
Posted by: Lysias | Aug 12 2023 21:31 utc | 93
Don't confuse shadow puppets with real animals.
Biden is meant to be the focus of people's ire as the people really calling the shots operate unimpeded in the background. Biden, Sunak, Trudeau, Macron. None of these people have the wits or street smarts to make it a month of living as a lower-class citizen in their own country. And yet, they wield a lot of political power, which is, like fiat money, a grand delusion.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 21:40 utc | 94
“That increases the chance that Biden's corruption will finally lead to his impeachment. ”
No disrespect-b- … but then what?
Like Trump, the votes will never be there to complete the process. They’re just Articles introduced and a big PR thing is done but nothing will come of it.
All 3 Branches of Government are corrupt to the core, with the Judicial Branch, being the last, as now amongst the best that any Banana Republic could hope for in corruption bribery schemes.
Sure, it happened decade after decade, becoming every decade worse and worse until they just stopped functioning altogether from the weight of their own corruption.
Does anyone honestly think the bodily removal of a bobble head that sits behind the resolute desk means anything?
When are Americans going to realize, all 3 Branches of Governance has failed. There are no checks and balances anymore & haven’t been for the last 3-4 decades now.
Corruption, bribery, spying, colluding, coercion, lying, even murder, are daily occurrences in all these Branches.
We have no Constitutional protections, we have no Bill of Rights guarantors anymore because all 3 branches of Governance are corrupted and it’s every man/woman for themselves in DC anymore.
And not a one of them give a flying hoot about anything EXCEPT protecting their position & wealth, and for the corrupt status quo to carry on as always.
We need as Americans to think differently entirely about what going forward looks like for us a citizens.
This never ending “return loop”, or somebody we “elect” will save us stuff has to end.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Aug 12 2023 21:43 utc | 95
That is the point I made in my comment at #19. So, thank you for bringing this out, and please stop being a hypocrite.Posted by: Ed | Aug 12 2023 19:10 utc | 51
I think you've missed my point, Ed. You posted a list of "corruptions" @psychohistorian wanted. I critiqued your list and asked if you had more factual evidence. You apparently don't, and that's fine: it's not your job to educate me, and all that.
but please stop making unnecessary adhom attacks
Posted by: shoemaker | Aug 12 2023 21:43 utc | 96
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Aug 12 2023 21:11 utc | 83
right now i would vote for Victoria NUland as the single most psychotic, dedicated, and effective warmonger on the planet, and that is a hotly contested title.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 21:43 utc | 97
i have no clue what WILL happen, i'd prefer to kick things off with a general strike instead of a revolution. given that we are dealing with the same maniacs careening toward world war 3 to maintain their power structure, that may be unduly optimisitic.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 12 2023 20:06 utc | 63
General strike in the US and Europe would be the healthiest thing right now. The RC and their trailer park elitists on this site, think the working class can never rise without all the elites the RC has co-opted since the 60s. And the RC clearly believe their own bullshit as you can see in the constant "Russia's on the ropes" BS.
A general strike would create such an international shock and would draw so much global support. Things would change very quickly in the right direction.
Definitely the place to start. However, wage/debt slaves would need to cast off the woke imperialist union leadership first. In the glow of the post WW2 stability this seemed a Herculean task. Today, not so much. The anger and resentment is there, people are quickly losing all faith in the RC and their government and that will continue as the ship continues to sink.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Aug 12 2023 21:52 utc | 98
Little factoid from McGilchrest's brain research:
left brain dominant types tend to exhibit following emotions/attitudes: anger, self-righteousness, intolerance. They also like black-white categorization - like dividing people into races, parties etc. So if you find yourself hating on Group X or Group Y for whatever reason, you might want to take a walk outside or something - no good will come from such small-minded, overly restrictive mindset.
Posted by: Scorpion | Aug 12 2023 20:07 utc | 64
Informative. Thank you. I find it important to avoid interacting too much with people operating in that manner. I have found that many cannot be reasoned with, their attitude is so intrinsic to who they are.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 12 2023 21:03 utc | 82
Balderdash! So, it's not the imperial psyops running nonstop on every citizen from cradle to grave, increasingly economic insecurity or anything. It's a simple matter of left brain/right brain dominance.
Quit trying to sell that psuedo science snake oil at the bar.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Aug 12 2023 22:00 utc | 99
This was done to protect Hunter and Joe, not make things worse
Being appointed "special Counsel" means that Weiss can move the case away from an obviously adversarial judge that won't allow Hunter to get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
the next Judge he brings this case before will approve the sweetheart deal that the previous Judge rejected and every thing will be buried and forgotten by election time.
Posted by: Oldcutlas | Aug 12 2023 22:01 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Shameful. He should be impeached for letting his son earn $2 billion from the Saudi government while he was serving in an official government function...
Posted by: Noam A. Larkey | Aug 12 2023 17:17 utc | 1