In Pictures - Zelenski's Visits NATO Summit
Is anyone missing? No? Good.

Who, again, is this dude? He asking for what?

NATO Says It Will Invite Ukraine Some Day, Resisting Calls to Act Soon
NATO declared on Tuesday that Ukraine would be invited to join the alliance, but did not say how or when, disappointing its president but reflecting the resolve by President Biden and other leaders not to be drawn directly into Ukraine’s war with Russia. ...
It's a bit lonely here:

Now how the f*** am I supposed to get my ass out of this mess?

Posted by b on July 12, 2023 at 7:19 UTC | Permalink
next page »His costume seems to be out of place. Like construction worker suddenly in need for something.
I guess the place where one stands means something. The most unimportant guys are at the flanks, behind and at the side of Stoltenberg.
Posted by: Alef | Jul 12 2023 7:51 utc | 2
This is unfortunate for Zelensky... he has just realised that his country was used as a 'patsy' and that the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians he has sent to their deaths were simply considered 'expendable' by NATO. Zelensky has probably also just realised that NATO considers himself expendable.
Good luck with that.
Posted by: Spinifex | Jul 12 2023 7:51 utc | 3
Interesting detail, that Zelensky is using a very similar green blouse as used by Stalin.
Posted by: unimperator | Jul 12 2023 7:53 utc | 4
Never shake hands with a guy who plays the penis-piano ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 12 2023 7:57 utc | 6
Zelensky - It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You are just a hired hand.
(Failure is an orphan)
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2023 7:58 utc | 7
Never seen a more sickening collection of human excrement.
Posted by: Mike | Jul 12 2023 8:12 utc | 8
The deal with Zelensky and the Neocons was that Zelensky delivers the people of Ukraine on the altar of mammon, and Zelensky gets to retain the enormous wealth of hundreds of millions of dollars and prime real estate in Tuscany, Miami, London, Georgia and Israel. Zelensky would very much like to dump this sh#t show onto the successor and go write a book of how he "defeat Putin" or something.
It seems Zelensky has kept his end of the bargain, the real question is whether the neocons will keep theirs. If they won't, Zelensky won't be long for this world. Tt the minimum due to the fact that he can spill the beans about all these agreements, and actions during the war.
Posted by: unimperator | Jul 12 2023 8:13 utc | 9
Never seen a more sickening collection of human excrement.Posted by: Mike | Jul 12 2023 8:12 utc | 8
Just wait for the next BRICS summit...
Posted by: Isle of Man | Jul 12 2023 8:25 utc | 10
Arch Bungke no. 6
He does look reluctant to shake his hand.
Posted by: ThusspakeZarathustra | Jul 12 2023 8:29 utc | 11
His costume seems to be out of place. Like construction worker suddenly in need for something.
I guess the place where one stands means something. The most unimportant guys are at the flanks, behind and at the side of Stoltenberg.
Posted by: Alef | Jul 12 2023 7:51 utc | 2
All sets and costumes.
And enormous losses of lives and everything that goes with living in the Ukraine.
The total reality dysfunction is alarmingly dangerous.
Posted by: jpc | Jul 12 2023 8:30 utc | 12
Agent Zelensky by Scott Ritter on YouTube is an eye opener, that video should go viral 😎
Posted by: Vineri13 | Jul 12 2023 8:31 utc | 13
At least he had a shirt on this time, not a pullover. A little more tweaking and he could have put on a tie (camouflage coloured, of course).
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 12 2023 8:35 utc | 14
Latest from Maria Zakharova:
In a Telegram post, she referred to Kuleba’s comments about unclear next steps in Ukraine joining the alliance. She wrote:
"Stupid. You need to learn the rules before the game begins, not after.
So be it, I will tell you. This is the “rules-based world order” invented by westerners. The smartest don’t participate in it, since there are no rules, they are invented on the go and changed if the game does not bring the desired result. The alternative is international law, which is supported by the majority of sane people.
All this is taught at the diplomatic academy of the ministry of foreign affairs of Russia, the distance education programme of which will help even Kuleba figure it out."
Posted by: ThusspakeZarathustra | Jul 12 2023 8:36 utc | 15
Listening to Mercouris' latest report and he provides an illuminating insight on the effectiveness of cluster munitions:
He recalls that 2 million cluster rounds (bomblets? actual rounds?) were used against Hezbollah positions in Southern Lebanon but failed to dislodge Hezbollah or result in victory.
He then extrapolates that the use of these munitions against the Russian army is likely to be even less effective.
A dud.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 12 2023 8:36 utc | 16
Poor old Zelensky. Those last 3 pics are worth a thousand words.
He's totally out of place and finally realises it.
At this point, he must know its a toss up who gets him first: his western handlers; his own side; or the Russians.
If I were Z, God forbid, his best chance is with Russia.
Posted by: cdvision | Jul 12 2023 8:50 utc | 18
Posted by: cdvision | Jul 12 2023 8:50 utc | 18
At least the wife seems to be getting on OK. (if I identify her correctly).
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 12 2023 9:04 utc | 19
Sweden-Nato: F-16s and ending Canada's arms embargo win Erdogan's approval
>…”A separate source told MIddle East Eye, that the deal included 40 new aircraft and kits to overhaul 79 of Turkey’s existing F-16 fleet, as well as more than 900 air-to-air missiles and 800 bombs.
The second issue that convinced Erdogan was Canada agreeing to drop its arms embargo against Turkey, officials told MEE.
Ottawa initially imposed an embargo in response to Turkey's military offensive in northern Syria in 2019.
It partially backtracked on this decision in June 2020, and approved the sale of drone optics after high-level talks with Turkey.”
>… … Erdogan came up with an additional request during a phone call with Biden: top EU leaders and countries should release statements of support for Turkey joining the European Union and reviving accession talks that have been on ice for years.
The source said Biden was pleasantly surprised by Erdogan’s comments on the revival of the EU process, and told him over the phone that as senator he’d been instrumental when the Clinton administration was encouraging the European Union to accept Turkey.
He’d like to help, Biden told Erdogan.
“On Monday, Sweden said it would actively support efforts to reinvigorate Turkey’s EU accession process, including modernising the EU-Turkey customs union and liberalising visa application processes.
Erdogan also met EU President Charles Michel, who promised to prepare a report on the state of Turkey-EU relations, as he had been mandated to do by the bloc's leadership last month.
>…US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told journalists on Wednesday that Washington would move ahead with the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey in consultation with Congress.
US Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Bob Menendez, a key player that was blocking Ankara’s F-16 request, also said on Monday that there was a temporary "lull" in Turkey's "aggression against its neighbours" and said he is in talks with the Biden administration about the blocks he’d put on the deal.
Officials believe Biden won’t have a hard time getting the sale through Congress after the Turkish parliament ratifies Sweden’s Nato bid next week. The US administration plans to submit an F-35 sale to Greece jointly with Turkey’s F-16 purchase to satisfy sceptics in Congress.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Jul 12 2023 9:07 utc | 20
It's a real shame Brussels never got its wish of an EU army. Just imagine unelected Ursula von der Leyen standing up in Brussels and telling European Mum's and Dad's their sons were being sent to the meat grinder.
That would have torn the EU war mongering, neoliberal, globalist shit show apart from top to bottom.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Jul 12 2023 9:21 utc | 21
This captcha is unsolvable!
What will they tell the kids twenty years from now?
Posted by: too scents | Jul 12 2023 9:23 utc | 22
Did you guys see that report by Scott Ritter about "Agent Zelensky"?
A comprehensive story about his way to power and about his handlers?
Posted by: Goingo | Jul 12 2023 9:23 utc | 23
Posted by: unimperator | Jul 12 2023 8:13 utc | 9
this is why i think he should defect to Russia, or China, if either will have him. he literally knows where the bodies are buried, the deals that were made, the instructions from the US, and if he's smart he has evidence of everything. . of course epstein got whacked anyway despite presumably having some kind of dead man's switch, but he was idiotic enough to travel to the US.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jul 12 2023 9:25 utc | 24
Should be a poster with Wanted Dead or Alive written on it.
Reminds me of the Nuremberg Trial photo.
Is that Mrs Helenski in a blue dress ?
What is a supposed non-nato member, doing there?
Why is t any of them channeling their inner trans selves?
Is the tOzz-pot there too?
The last days of Empire and a bunch of Loser petty Caesars.
A bunch of Nazis with a coconut wanker front and centre.
Being size-ist as well, the Macaroon and Soonak are shorter than all the women!
Now do they go and have a giant gang bang?
Summon their demon?
Make some baby Ukranian blood sacrifice?
I’ll stop with my crassness with this curse - I hope every single one of these bastards lose everything they think they have gotten away with so far and their family names become mudd and heir grandkids will all cringe and deny they even know them and inherit nothing.
There, glad to get that off my chest, now back to Slaughter Count.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Jul 12 2023 9:26 utc | 25
The European central bank that would directly fund parts of NATO, being forced to tell the truth after decades of lies...
The really good news is they can't just print soldiers if nobody wants to join the army.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Jul 12 2023 9:34 utc | 26
"It's a BIG club, and you ain't in it." - George Carlin
Posted by: Pinhut | Jul 12 2023 9:38 utc | 27
He's becoming Castro, but not in any kind of a positive manner, but in the way of always wearing the military outfit he was associated with from his beginnings on the global stage. Western leaders didn't usually try to get their picture taken with Castro.
Ha, now I'm thinking of Justin Trudeau, and a possible reason he's fond of Zelenskyy.
Posted by: Babel-17 | Jul 12 2023 9:41 utc | 28
Posted by: Melaleuca | Jul 12 2023 9:07 utc | 20
Turkish EU member prospect is very interesting. Probably Erdogan sees EU (rope) as an avenue for expanding the pan-Turkic empire, he also sees that EU(rope) will offer little resistance. Turkey will also compete with Poland for financial subsidies from German contribution to EU. He will send all those "Syrian refugees" packing inside EU, most of who will be loyal to Erdogan. They will also implement policing actions inside EU against Turkish or Erdogan enemies.
Crazy world, but Europe will get in a pretty interesting situation for sure.
Posted by: unimperator | Jul 12 2023 9:47 utc | 29
Lol, OK, now I don't know if that was a big wink to the bar that you're posting satire.
Posted by: Babel-17 | Jul 12 2023 9:47 utc | 30
@Winston_84: No, if you google for "Vilnius group photo" you find it pretty fast.
Posted by: xblob | Jul 12 2023 9:52 utc | 32
Posted by: unimperator | Jul 12 2023 9:47 utc | 30
Also, not convinced a potential Turkish EU membership is exclusive of BRICS. Turkey has no obligations to the west, it is only abusing and consuming it from within. The west is incredibly weak.
Posted by: unimperator | Jul 12 2023 9:52 utc | 33
Well, they sure look unfettered in their deliberation...
Animus In Consulendo Liber
Hive minds work that way.
Posted by: john | Jul 12 2023 9:56 utc | 34
These photos are surely out of context but they're funny nonetheless.
What seems increasing possible is that the game is up for Ukraine.
NATO has welcomed two new Western democracies into the club, whose membership may never have happened before the war in Ukraine. Their slick integration, with yesterday's family photo, is a victory for NATO.
Ukraine, on the other hand, is smashed. The intelligence leaks earlier in the year painted a dire picture for Ukraine, despite reports being based primarily on Pro-Ukrainian sources of information.
With NATO equipment now being sent to the front, the US etc will have absolute clarity about the state of Ukraine's performance on the battlefield, rather than relying on the Ukrainian Government or Twitter for this information. It is surely devastating. The counteroffensive has been a disaster.
From the moment Boris Johnson sabotaged peace talks, it has felt like the war in Ukraine has been a constant game of one-upmanship between Western Governments; the desire to be seen to be doing more than the other guy. Certainly Britain - in its post-Brexit impotence - is determined to present a picture of strength for itself and has been at the forefront of escalation, most recently with its storm shadow missiles.
But in blocking the British Defence minister from taking the position of NATO head, in an apparent slap-down for trying to embarrass the Americans into a decision on the F-16 programme, and now blocking the announcement of any timetable for Ukraine's membership, the US has shown that they lead, others should follow.
I believe that Biden is sincere when he says that the decision to negotiate is for Ukraine to make; if only to avoid accusations of appeasement to the Russians. But the writing is on the wall. The US are explicitly implicit. There will be no NATO membership, no timetable to NATO membership whilst Ukraine remains at war with Russia. So it follows, negotiate peace with Russia and then we'll talk about membership.
But this has become Zelensky's war. With the guns, money and celebrity endorsements still rolling in, is he in any rush for peace?
Posted by: Pat Bateman | Jul 12 2023 10:02 utc | 35
Posted by: unimperator | Jul 12 2023 9:47 utc | 30
" Turkey will also compete with Poland for financial subsidies from German contribution to EU. "
TARGET2 balances arise because the Eurosystem banks refuse to lend to each other cross border. So the central bank system intermediates. The ECB accepts deposits in one Eurozone country and lends in another Eurozone country.
Those balances are allocated to the relevant NCB notionally because although the Eurosystem is operationally one system with a single central bank - the ECB - it is politically 19 systems. And that fudge is represented by the NCB balance sheets.
Emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) is just a single NCB increasing its share of the funding against its own balance sheet. So the Greek central bank creates Euros against loan collateral supplied by Greek banks - because that collateral is insufficient for the bank to get the funding directly from the ECB.
But there is no collateral requirement from the NCB to the ECB. Target 2 balances are a notional fiction. The NCBs are departments of the ECB in the same way that the New York Fed is a department of the Federal Reserve. Target2 balance are intra-company loans.
If a Greek bank fails having received an LTRO loan from the ECB , then the Greek central bank sells the collateral, on behalf of the ECB, to some other bank which clears the funding loan at the ECB. If it doesn't clear the amount, then the loss is allocated to all the NCBs according to their capital key. So there is a shared responsibility for loss.
If a Greek bank fails having received ELA from the local NCB, then the Greek central bank sells the collateral to some other bank which clears the ELA funding loan. If it doesn't clear the amount, then the loss is allocated entirely to the Greek Central Bank.
That's the difference between ELA and LTRO from the ECB. It's all about notional loss management between organisations with currency issuer power to create equity at will. It's the very definition of ideological madness.
If the Greek central bank withdraws from the Euro and kills the peg with the ECB, then the target2 balance at the ECB is redenominated in Greek Euros under Lex Monetae. Any currency loss due to devaluation would be allocated to the remaining NCBs according to the capital key.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Jul 12 2023 10:03 utc | 36
If he looks awkward now, wait for the looks when they throw him under the bus.
Just a matter of time.
With USA as your friend, who needs enemies?
Posted by: G wiltek | Jul 12 2023 10:22 utc | 37
Why is z-man dressed like a brand new recruit private? Hasn't he learned that when outdoors, a head cover must be worn?
The suits are ignoring him. He must of been late serving the coffee.
Posted by: T.D. | Jul 12 2023 10:26 utc | 38
I see Ukr has already used cluster shells in the South, doing the infamous 'double-tap' delayed second-shot, to catch out rescuers and medics.
I would suggest, alongside the daily 'clobber-list', Russia should maintain a daily 'NATO war-crimes' list, detailing how many cluster munitions were used against civilians daily, how many double-taps, and a running casualty list showing total civilians killed and injured, with a further sub-total for women, children, and rescue workers.
I'd be curious to see who in the West would pick up on those reports, and who would ignore them.
Posted by: scepticalSOB | Jul 12 2023 10:26 utc | 39
Posted by: Winston_84 | Jul 12 2023 9:43 utc | 29
Zelensky represents the hopes and dreams of his people, and has borne the burden with Churchillian aplomb and rectitude.
Truly hilarious. As the young folks say, ROTFLMAO!
But shouldn't it be "neo-Anglo aggression"?
Posted by: Gene Poole | Jul 12 2023 10:30 utc | 40
The delusion keeps on
Same thing when listening to the state radio France Inter here.
One wonders when the wake-up will happen.
Posted by: Stephane | Jul 12 2023 10:31 utc | 41
@xblob | Jul 12 2023 9:48 utc | 32
Stoltenberg keeps some distance to Biden. :-)Right behind him is his duplicate in the Norwegian Labour Party, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Støre is 2nd order puppet.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jul 12 2023 10:31 utc | 42
@Goingo | Jul 12 2023 9:23 utc | 23
Did you guys see that report by Scott Ritter about "Agent Zelensky"?Thank you, this one is is a 'must see'!
A comprehensive story about his way to power and about his handlers?
Posted by: Norwegian | Jul 12 2023 10:40 utc | 45
And he's the only guy in military-like clothes in the big meeting of a bloody military alliance.
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Jul 12 2023 10:48 utc | 47
"The suits are ignoring him"
This would have been the perfect moment to drop the sweaty t-shirt style and shave that dirty beard. Just be his most fantastic Gucci self. Totally unexpected move, totally spotlight grabbing. Dumbass. Hope he drowns in cocaine.
Posted by: Madame Guillotine | Jul 12 2023 10:59 utc | 48
rubbish z is an actor a penile piano song and dance gaydar man.
a coke headed front a corporation sol all the folks on stage are corporation sol one man one woman fronts.
oded yinon grows new khazaria needs the ethnic cleanse needs the cull.
all the dead makes the central bankers money
did you know your central bank has an insurance policy worth millions when you snuff it?
what happened the covid crisis it is all a school timetable for slaves
Posted by: norman wisdom | Jul 12 2023 10:59 utc | 49
China warns, in very direct language:
When NATO is being arrogant, we must sternly warn it of two points: Firstly, NATO must restrain rather than indulge its own impulse to expand, position itself correctly, and never cross the line; secondly, NATO must respect the legitimate security concerns and interest demands of major countries in the region, rather than offend and provoke them. Otherwise, it will lead to disastrous consequences. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a lesson. If NATO does not restrain itself but even aggravates its actions, more serious consequences will follow.
Posted by: Passerby | Jul 12 2023 11:00 utc | 50
Winston_84 ( Jul 12 2023 9:43 utc | 29 ) wrote:
"This photograph is being promoted online by Russian intelligence agents assigned to the "internet cosmo[s]phere," as they call it. People should not be deceived, the very point of the NATO conference in Vilnius was centered around the existential needs of Ukraine in its exemplary defense of its sovereignty against Russia's neo-Stalinist aggression. Zelensky represents the hopes and dreams of his people, and has borne the burden with Churchillian aplomb and rectitude."Beautiful sarcasm! Yet sarcasm is dead because the real world keeps killing it. (Threw in what I believe is a typo correction).
I believe it was, and if it wasn't I still insist it was because that makes the world a better place and that's how everything is supposed to work now :)
He want's his hair sniff-free?
· · · · · ·
Ordinary people in Europe have already died from this war without ever setting foot in ex-Ukraine; from not affording heating in the winter to not affording cooling in the summer heat to not affording food and/or electricity and prioritizing what little they have for their children. Hard to be sure but maybe all in all it could be tens of thousands of additional dead civilians across Europe, mostly the old, the ill, and the very poor.
God/universe willing next winter will also be exceptionally warm most of the time but it only alleviates part of the problem.
After starting to use a crutch about one and a half year ago (needed it for balance and haven't got the physical confidence back, never got or found an explanation) I've started noticing what seems like a lot of people on crutches, maybe a simple perception bias and maybe entirely unconnected.
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jul 12 2023 11:10 utc | 51
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Jul 12 2023 10:48 utc | 48
yeah that's his costume. the rest of them don't even pretend.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jul 12 2023 11:16 utc | 52
Posted by: Goingo | Jul 12 2023 9:23 utc | 23
thanks for this.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jul 12 2023 11:17 utc | 54
There's one subhuman that deserves more contempt than Zellensky in that picture, Trudeau. Why? Because he's my prime minister and places that dumb blonde Mélanie Joly, an ignorant cretin of the highest order, at the same post as Lavrov, a cultured man of high intelligence. You can't do that. It should be prohibited by international law. My own mother has to add extensive psychology and IQ tests to be selected as a public school principal years ago. How is it that our politicians aren't required to pass those tests? What a farce our democracies have become. Trudeau's father had more IQ in one of his brain cells than Justin Trudeau has in his entire body.
Posted by: Melkiades | Jul 12 2023 11:19 utc | 55
I suggested early on, eventually when its about exile (which I still doubt is an issue right now) most likely the Russians would take Z in, not US. For old times sake.
After all Z is Soviet acting style trained actor. Thats like a "calling".
As if you were in a guild. THATs his club.
So Z might end up in his own club in St. Petersburg they way Jake La Motta does in "Raging Bull", talking about the old times on stage: "Lets talk about that Dam..."
Posted by: AG | Jul 12 2023 11:20 utc | 56
Posted by: AG | Jul 12 2023 11:20 utc | 57
only way the russians "take him in" is to kill him or use him to expose "from the horse's mouth" how the US has been controlling things in Ukraine since 2013 or earlier even.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jul 12 2023 11:25 utc | 57
Great party, everyone is in a good mood, damn these assholes have a good rest. Ukrainians are not in vain fighting to the last ukrainian.
Posted by: Psycho | Jul 12 2023 11:29 utc | 58
I believe that Biden is sincere when he says that the decision to negotiate is for Ukraine to make; if only to avoid accusations of appeasement to the Russians.
Putting "Biden" and "sincere" in such proximity is how Kirk makes the evil computer self-destruct and blow a 50-amp fuse. And yes, Uke must take the blows, "thank you sir, may I have another" as Vader's master Emperor Neidermeire-Biden's eyes light up.
Posted by: dogtired | Jul 12 2023 11:34 utc | 59
Madame Guillotine... or should that be Madame Gillette?
I have to defend the beard. All beards. Don't judge the beard by the character! :P
My beard is worse (but regularly clean, unmanageable, and mostly white; much like the rest of me) :3
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jul 12 2023 11:37 utc | 60
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 12 2023 8:36 utc | 16
Listening to Mercouris' latest report and he provides an illuminating insight on the effectiveness of cluster munitions:He recalls that 2 million cluster rounds (bomblets? actual rounds?) were used against Hezbollah positions in Southern Lebanon but failed to dislodge Hezbollah or result in victory.
He then extrapolates that the use of these munitions against the Russian army is likely to be even less effective.
A dud.
Israel fired most of the cluster munitions in the final days of, what was then, a mostly resolved conflict. To me, this suggests that its intention wasn't to dislodge Hezbollah but to to add a more durable dimension to the destruction it wrought on Lebanon. I believe there are still rural areas contaminated with the sub munitions, no doubt contributing in their own way to the erosion of the Lebanese economy.
Perhaps we should be looking at the cluster bomb development in Ukraine through this prism.
Posted by: robin | Jul 12 2023 11:44 utc | 61
Re: Zelensky’s Future:
Offering the enemy King asylum in order to forsake senseless slaughter is a civilized way to make a peace. Civilized nations recognize this and have for centuries. One example was KSA taking Ide Amin in.
On the other hand, Barbarians are obessed with killing the enemy King and therefore keeping the fighting going as long as possible.
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2023 11:44 utc | 62
Posted by: Spinifex | Jul 12 2023 7:51 utc | 3
«This is unfortunate for Zelensky... he has just realised that his country was used as a 'patsy' and that the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians he has sent to their deaths were simply considered 'expendable' by NATO.»
_elensky is an actor performing a part, but he is not an idiot and clearly sometimes he has delusions of being a principal, so during an interview with (ultra neocon pro-Pentagon) "The Economist" he said:
«Mr [_]elensky divides NATO into five camps. First are those who "don‘t mind a long war because it would mean exhausting Russia, even if this means the demise of Ukraine and comes at the cost of Ukrainian lives".»
Posted by: Blissex | Jul 12 2023 11:49 utc | 64
Posted by: ThusspakeZarathustra | Jul 12 2023 8:36 utc | 15
«This is the “rules-based world order” invented by westerners. The smartest don’t participate in it, since there are no rules, they are invented on the go and changed if the game does not bring the desired result. The alternative is international law»
It is a long standing principle of "realpolitik" that those who have the power to enforce on others the rules they make also have the power to ignore those rules or change them. In this respect international law changes nothing: those who have the power to enforce those laws on others also have the power to ignore them or change them.
Posted by: Blissex | Jul 12 2023 11:55 utc | 65
This is a stupid post. Zelensky is in the one outside
Ukraine is not in NATO. Hard to tell if Zelensky alone is real or not but lots of other photos show him in company of others and show him shaking stolentenbergs hand etc .
Really low effort stupid post.
Posted by: Sean | Jul 12 2023 11:57 utc | 66
Sunny Runny Burger, lol, "Madame Guillotine forgets head and goes all Gillette", that's a nice cartoon.
Don't worry, it's only that particular little troll beard that I despise.
Posted by: Madame Guillotine | Jul 12 2023 11:59 utc | 67
Say what you will about Elensky, but NATO's strategy might yet work if Russia delays too long. Russia is winning the battle but losing the initiative. I'm not sure if anybody realizes that in order for Russia's strategy to succeed, they eventually must take out the regime in Kiev and bring some real pain to Europe, otherwise the SMO will simply continue indefinitely. There is a reason why NATO wants to drag this thing out. Russia should recognize that and set the opposite goal.
Posted by: Intelligent Dasein | Jul 12 2023 12:00 utc | 68
Perhaps in that third photo, Zelensky has come to the sudden realisation that cocaine is not served at these NATO gatherings and he should have brought his own stash.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jul 12 2023 12:07 utc | 69
Re: a long war ?
It’s been argued that a long war favors Eurasia and disfavors NATO. De-dollarization etc
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2023 12:10 utc | 70
Posted by: Pat Bateman | Jul 12 2023 10:02 utc | 36
The Swedish military consists of about 5000 soldiers and sailors in total. It had been aligned with USnato for decades. The formality of joining a victory? You’re not asking for much.
Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Jul 12 2023 12:12 utc | 71
Since they do look a little bit odd due to the diffuse light I ran the pictures through TinEye just because it's easy to do (it doesn't prove anything at all). Here are the results and there are some despite how new the photos are (indexing the internet is slow).
Picture 1. Five main TinEye returns in: Polish (.pl), and some in languages I don't instantly recognize (and .tv can be anywhere), Slovenian (.si), Icelandic (.is), and again Slovenian (not to be confused with Slovakian, Slovenia is next to Italy, Slovakia is to the west of Ukraine below Poland).
Picture 2. Four main TinEye returns: three groups in maybe Italian and some other languages (.tv domains), one group in Slovenian (.si).
Notice that none of the results for picture number two is exactly the same and they are clearly all different frames quite close together from the same video.
Picture 3. Zero TinEye matches as of now but it can change over time.
Picture 4. Also zero TinEye matches as of now (unsurprising given no matches for 3).
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jul 12 2023 12:18 utc | 72
Madame Guillotine: thank you, nice to hear :)
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jul 12 2023 12:22 utc | 73
My sympathy for the little guy, He'd be better off dead. As they say.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Jul 12 2023 12:25 utc | 74
the solution to his problem is very simple.
Press gang 1 million Ukies off the street and just throw them in never ending human waves at one point. I guarantee you they will swarm the Russians and reach Crimea. Don't even have to waste them training them or giving them weapons. They'll stomp the orcs to death!
Posted by: Surferket | Jul 12 2023 12:33 utc | 75
@pretzelattack 57
actually the Russians are way too decent and old-fashioned to kill him.
Why should they do that?
Posted by: AG | Jul 12 2023 12:33 utc | 76
For the record (before YT scrubs it: "This video is no longer available.")
NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania 🇱🇹 - Day 1, stream 1/2, 11 JUL 2023
NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania 🇱🇹 - Day 2, stream 2/2, 12 JUL 2023 live stream, Uncle Volody @ -02.026.47
Posted by: sln2002 | Jul 12 2023 12:35 utc | 77
The amount of restraint the Russians show by not trying to put a submarine launched cruise missile in the middle of that picture is laudable. That's all that stands between most of us and nuclear annihilation. Good times.
Posted by: Anders Rho | Jul 12 2023 12:36 utc | 78
By the way, why is the actor and comedian who can play the piano with his? hir? third leg called Ze, should we be unsure as to which pronoun to use?
Posted by: William Haught | Jul 12 2023 12:37 utc | 79
There is a reason why NATO wants to drag this thing out. Russia should recognize that and set the opposite goal.
Posted by: Intelligent Dasein | Jul 12 2023 12:00 utc | 68
Exactly so. Plan Z.
Then it's over. Not before. Then finally finis.
No Ukrainian will step up to replace him except for Juan Guaidó and he'll have to phone it in from Miami.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Jul 12 2023 12:40 utc | 80
Pic 4, Zelensky ends up saying, like Groucho Marx: « I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members ».
Posted by: Leuk | Jul 12 2023 12:44 utc | 81
@Anders Rho | Jul 12 2023 12:36 utc | 78
The amount of restraint the Russians show by not trying to put a submarine launched cruise missile in the middle of that picture is laudable.They should just peacefully land a drone on that runway with some Geranium flowers. Much more effective.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jul 12 2023 12:46 utc | 82
"UK defence minister: 'people want to see a bit of gratitude' from Ukraine for weapon supplies"
And a few results too no doubt.
Posted by: ThusspakeZarathustra | Jul 12 2023 12:46 utc | 83
Jul 12 2023 12:00 utc | 68
we have a term: malarkey!
u$$a is out of 155mm shells they can send, got to keep some for kim in pyon gyang.
all they got is useless, except for war crimes dpicm. and none too mayny.
and who makes big gun barrels???? not a lot!
nafo may be smart enough to get out of the fafo straights.
or get in the big fafo in the west pacific!
Posted by: paddy | Jul 12 2023 12:47 utc | 84
Look at those smiles. How many millions of lives did they destroy not just in Ukraine but across the world? Death comes with NATO smiles.
I find it hard to believe Zelensky didn’t know the outcome or the game all along. But, those pictures look bad and his anger looks sincere. If he possesses any sense of justice and any ability to learn, I hope he double-crosses those war pigs.
Posted by: natokraine | Jul 12 2023 12:56 utc | 85
THEME de NATO Public Forum 11 July—sponsored by MSC (Munich Security Council), Eastern European Studies Center, Atlantic Council, and GMF (German Marshall Fund)
Defending Forward: Adapting NATO's Deterrence and Defence for the LOOMING Threats @ 00:40:45
feat. PM J.Trudeau (CA), PM K. Kariņš (LV), PM K. Kallas (EE), and Adm. Rbt. Bauer (chair. NATO Military Committee), and mod. Heather "I'm so excited" Conley (GMF)
Posted by: sln2002 | Jul 12 2023 12:57 utc | 86
Big Serge's latest article on the Kursk battlefield is the forebear of today's Ukie's fizzled offensive against a prepared and waiting Russian defence in depth fortress.
Posted by: Surferket | Jul 12 2023 13:00 utc | 87
[email protected] it's very well acted I must say.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jul 12 2023 13:04 utc | 88
Where is Surovikin?
And what are the charges if any?
Posted by: libegafra | Jul 12 2023 13:05 utc | 89
LMFAO. The NATO nobs all look at Zee as if he's just some guy sent to fix a blocked toilet. And what's up with Erdogan? From his expression and demeanor, and his recent betrayals of Russia, the Bidenites have got him by the balls and are slowly tightening their grip.
Posted by: pasha | Jul 12 2023 13:06 utc | 90
While we’re amusing ourselves …. Here’s one of the A Team (🙄) smirking in unison.
_ telegram
“US delegation members outraged by Zelensky's reaction to NATO summit in Vilnius - Washington Post
President Zelensky's announcement of NATO's decision on Ukraine infuriated the US delegation.
According to the Washington Post, Alliance diplomats described the situation as extremely tense.
The President of Ukraine shook up the NATO leaders' summit by criticizing their joint statement on his country's possible membership, calling the lack of a specific timeline "unprecedented and absurd."
>… Erdogan's face when Zelensky was seated next to him at the NATO-Ukraine summit...
Posted by: Melaleuca | Jul 12 2023 13:13 utc | 91
_elensky is an actor performing a part, but he is not an idiot and clearly sometimes he has delusions of being a principal, so during an interview with (ultra neocon pro-Pentagon) "The Economist" he said:
«Mr [_]elensky divides NATO into five camps. First are those who "don‘t mind a long war because it would mean exhausting Russia, even if this means the demise of Ukraine and comes at the cost of Ukrainian lives".»
Posted by: Blissex | Jul 12 2023 11:49 utc | 64
Well it appears I've been living under a rock. I thought the Economist was a sensible, rational, serious and trustworthy publication. My mistake.
Posted by: arthur brogard | Jul 12 2023 13:16 utc | 92
Cluster munitions will make any Russian march on Odessa a major cluster fuck. Makes for great speculation, what ifs, but at the moment Russia ain't marching no where. LOC is static. Save for a hundred metres either way in the grey zone. Imagine if Ukie had have dug in and held the line rather than take the NATO bait of attack attack attack. Poor Z, in most pics, it looks like he's having dingle berry issues, no wonder the hand shakes are slow in coming.
Wonder if he wears an Armani or Olive drabs to the next Grammy's.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jul 12 2023 13:17 utc | 93
Video clip:
🏁🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇹🇹🇷🇺🇦 The self-propelled Grandfather(Biden), the unelected British Prime Minister(Sunak), Turkish watermelon seller(Erdogan), a Norwegian stutter machine(Stoltenberg) and an Italian woman(Meloni) met a homeless man from Ukraine in Vilnius...
Posted by: Norwegian | Jul 12 2023 13:17 utc | 94
@ Pat Bateman | Jul 12 2023 10:02 utc | 35
“I believe that Biden is sincere ….”
“…when he says that the decision to negotiate is for Ukraine to make”
Posted by: natokraine | Jul 12 2023 13:20 utc | 95
The pics look great and make a few perfect statements.
Z should get someone to taste his food.
Erdogan, the eel, will slip through anyone's tight grip.
Blinken is tall, like Stoltenberg. Tall guys get better attention.
The Chihuahua collection looks so much larger when you put everyone in the picture. Surely a big rubber stamp.
The group is way too large for collective decision-making, which therefore defers to the biggest and loudest mouths.
It does not bode well for the proxy war effort. Big Serge has a really good read, based on Kursk.
Posted by: Acco Hengst | Jul 12 2023 13:20 utc | 96
Does Ukraine have to be in NATO to receive NATO military equipment and supplies? No
Does Ukraine have to be in NATO to receive NATO training for its troops? No
Does Ukraine have to be in NATO for NATO troops to enter into the conflict with the AFU? No
Does Ukraine have to be in NATO to receive intelligent support from NATO. No
Has any non-NATO country ever received anything like Ukraine has received from NATO? No
Has any NATO country ever received the support that Ukraine has received from NATO? No
Does Ukraine have to be in NATO to have NATO to take a more active role in its agression towards Russia using Ukraine as a proxy? No
It looks as if Ukraine has been given a lion's share of support without being a part of NATO.
Ukraine is already a defacto NATO member that has been given more than any non-NATO or even NATO member. This was because the West believed that they could take Russia down via sanctions and conventional warfare.
The USA must take Russia down. Otherwise, it will lose its hegemony and the reserve status of its United States Dollar (USD).
It looks as if that is not going to happen via conventional warfare means within Ukraine.
Perhaps, the USA will attempt to use other than conventional means to achieve its objective of taking Russia down. I suspect that is the case at this point.
If so, Ukraine will play a lesser role in the West's plans of taking Russia down. If so, the support for Ukraine will be pulled, but not publically, lest there be an uproar of the sheeple that have been brainwashed by the Western MSM into believing how well Ukraine is doing on the battle field.
Posted by: young | Jul 12 2023 13:21 utc | 97
time and again I am amazed how little even the antiwar left in the West who wishes for all the good things does not get what is happening militarily.
It´s like: "well if its about use of force, well THATS for the army experts to say (who, er, yes, we know, have fucked everything up in the first place. But man, it´s about missiles n stuff. I wont touch that.)".
Like they were afraid or something.
Really odd..
Posted by: AG | Jul 12 2023 13:23 utc | 98
Some representative for a non-member of NATO is speaking in Japanese in the NATO meeting in Vilnius, declaring support for another non-member of NATO.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jul 12 2023 13:27 utc | 99
Ukraine is insisting Halloween be Christmas. What's our payoff? More or less what Ukraine's Defense Minister wants first to know--the "details and prices" for NATO's brush off. Putative brush off.
Is the gravy train is pulling out of Kiev? Could be. Regardless, these tireless beggars want another payoff. It's got them worried about their South of France funds.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Jul 12 2023 13:28 utc | 100
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· Rigor Mortis on display front and center.
· Uncanny valley Jr and Sr.
· "Paw!"
· We care a lot (about ourselves).
· "Damn I should have worn a dress"
· "Where's Ursula Wheezygap?" [ Yay! :D ]
· Eye to eye with Sunak.
· "No cake but where's the frosting?"
· Obviously missing BoJo.
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jul 12 2023 7:45 utc | 1