The Failed State Effort Of Indicting Trump
The effort Biden's Justice Department puts into preventing the leader of its opposition from gaining another presidency has reached an insane level.
As Inquiries Compound, Justice System Pours Resources Into Scrutinizing Trump - NY Times - Jul 23, 2023
Jack Smith, the special counsel overseeing criminal investigations into former President Donald J. Trump, employs 40 to 60 career prosecutors, paralegals and support staff, augmented by a rotating cast of F.B.I. agents and technical specialists, according to people familiar with the situation.In his first four months on the job, starting in November, Mr. Smith’s investigation incurred expenses of $9.2 million. That included $1.9 million to pay the U.S. Marshals Service to protect Mr. Smith, his family and other investigators who have faced threats after the former president and his allies singled them out on social media.
At this rate, the special counsel is on track to spend about $25 million a year.
With that budget and the brainpower of such a large staff one could find fault with anyone and indict any person for whatever without much problems.
If this would happen in a foreign democracy that is not friendly with the U.S. the State Department and various think tanks would be outraged about such anti-democratic behavior. It would be explained as a sign that the state in question is falling apart.
The main driver of all these efforts and their concurrent expenses is Mr. Trump’s own behavior — his unwillingness to accept the results of an election as every one of his predecessors has done, his refusal to heed his own lawyers’ advice and a grand jury’s order to return government documents and his lashing out at prosecutors in personal terms.
That all might be a bit outrageous but what is actual criminal with it? The government documents are back to where they are supposed to be and none were reportedly of any great significance. So why still make such a fuzz about them?
Seen from the outside U.S. internal politics now look like a bad reality show. This is not the self confident behavior of an elite of the sole superpower the U.S. still pretends to be.
There is a theory that the U.S. is undergoing some form of sovietization with a similar accumulation of defects and inefficiencies as occurred in the U.S.S.R. before it fell apart.
I am not sure that it is the case, but many significant factors - transportation, public service, health, education, industry, policies - now look worse to me than I remember them to be.
Posted by b on July 24, 2023 at 15:22 UTC | Permalink
next page »Biden and his neocon progressive handlers are a clear and present danger to the rights of man in usa and the world
Posted by: paddy | Jul 24 2023 15:42 utc | 3
Yep the US is falling apart, from Uncle Sam drone killing of American citizens to the refuse of society shitting on the streets and sidewalks of formerly great cities, it sure looks like we are turds circling the toilet bowl.
Posted by: morongobill | Jul 24 2023 15:44 utc | 4
Uh oh. A Trump thread.
I was pissed. I watched the election get stolen that night. Three years of lies about Trump being an agent of Russia, ( if you ever watched press conferences during those three years, 90% of the questions were about Trump so called Russian collusion, not hyperbole)
Then there was his second impeachment, in which he, ambassador in chief, according to US constitution, asked the prosecutor in Ukraine to look into the Biden corruption, with Ukrainian born Lt Col Vindman somehow being allowed to determine what the ambassador in chief is allowed to talk about with foreign governments.
However, I have come to realize, the world is better off with Biden in the white house. Most people in the world only saw Trumps scandals and bombast, but missed how good he was diplomatically, especially in trade relations.
But Biden has already ruined most of that, and is doing a great job of degrading America, especially its internal cohesion. It simply cant stop Russia now, where as Trump likely could have, via madman theory.
This country is so beyond what I ever imagined it could be. The censorship, I thought, in the 90s, would be limited to censorship of anti-war voices. Not particularly unexpected of any country, but still wrong, still hypocritical. But now, any issue can be censored, with great effectiveness, while the narrative is strengthened with billions of dollars in taxpayer money paid by those being censored.
And now, three silly indictments against Trump.
Oh, btw, in case anybody didnt know, on Jan 6, trump put out a video saying people had been hurt, and he told his followers to "go home in peace" on a Twitter video.
His Twitter account was banned for life, for "inciting violence"
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 15:46 utc | 5
thanks b...
another example of intel agencies having way too much leverage... at some point ordinary people are going to have to get rid of them.. that was what pat lang advocated for and i agreed with him on that.. so the political parties are using the intel agencies to push their own agenda, or is it the reverse? i think it is the intel agencies driving all of this by being partisan..
Posted by: james | Jul 24 2023 15:47 utc | 6
Reread ‘The Gulag’ my friends especially the first volume in which Solzhenitsyn describes the step by step descent from rule-of-law into full blown paranoid lawless tyranny over 20 some years.
At some Solzhenitsyn describes how the prosecutors went from trying to gently trick the accused into signing confessions to physically forcing signatures on confessions to the prosecutors simply signing the accused name themselves on the confessions.
The parallels are horrifying with our system
Posted by: Exile | Jul 24 2023 15:48 utc | 7
it sure looks like we are turds circling the toilet bowl.
Posted by: morongobill | Jul 24 2023 15:44 utc | 4
MEDA - Make Earth Detroit Allover.
They can't compete in the modern world so they have to make the modern world into what they can be superior in. The primitive past.
Posted by: Drapetomaniac | Jul 24 2023 15:51 utc | 8
@UWDude | Jul 24 2023 15:46 utc | 5
His Twitter account was banned for life, for "inciting violence"Now he is an XTwit
Posted by: Norwegian | Jul 24 2023 15:51 utc | 9
Seen from the outside U.S. internal politics now look like a bad reality show. This is not the self confident behavior of an elite of the sole superpower the U.S. still pretends to be.
It a demented freak show.
Being run by malicious incompetents.
It's become a case study in mass psychosis.
Any sane person would run away from involvement of any description with the is federal bureaucratic apparatus.
Not a single person is saying stop!
We are loosing all credibility and confidence with the people.
They simply have lost that connection and couldn't care less.
Posted by: jpc | Jul 24 2023 15:53 utc | 10
Solzhenitsyn was a Nazi and a fabulist. His own wife admitted his works are pure fiction
Posted by: Exile | Jul 24 2023 15:48 utc | 7
Posted by: Gengar | Jul 24 2023 15:53 utc | 11
that's Emmmanuel Todd theory basically, he always starts by looking at shrinking life esperance as the first warning sign before collapse, worked great with USSR, we'll see with USA, especially when enough countries turn away from the dollar and they can't finance their looting/wars anymore, still could take at least one decade though...
Posted by: rotoro | Jul 24 2023 15:57 utc | 12
@ UWDude | Jul 24 2023 15:46 utc | 5
the intel agencies are doing the censoring... they always have, but it has gotten really obscene of late..
Posted by: james | Jul 24 2023 15:58 utc | 14
We are loosing all credibility and confidence with the people.
They simply have lost that connection and couldn't care less.
Posted by: jpc | Jul 24 2023 15:53 utc | 10
As a kid, I always wondered why other peoples would fight for their country. America had "freedom" and all they had was history and culture. And we did have freedom, especially first amendment speech. You could say anything, politically abominable or incredibly crass. We were proud that there were still neo nazi rallies, it was a sign of free speech working.
Now America has no freedom, a mere 250 year history, and its only binding culture was freedom. Nobody wants to die for nothing, which is what the USA is now, or as Sid Vicious said of UK, "just another country".
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:01 utc | 15
[email protected] corporations set the agenda, the politicians deliver it to the people, security forces enforce it. Anyone critical of said system eventually double taps themselves in the head. As George would say, "it's a closed club and we ain't in it."
Cheers M
The Canadian Freedom Protests completely exposed their hand. From democracy to dictatorship overnight.....
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jul 24 2023 16:07 utc | 17
the intel agencies are doing the censoring... they always have, but it has gotten really obscene of late..
Posted by: james | Jul 24 2023 15:58 utc | 14
I was aware of the anti-war censorship and harassment, having been anti-war ever since I was old enough to understand, (first Gulf War, Yugoslavia). There was also a form of censorship of marijuana legalization, since it promoted illegal activity, and was countered by taxpayer funded "education" campaigns.
I was angry then, but I never imagined it would come down on everything. It's really, really bad now.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:07 utc | 18
The real nightmare is that it is safe to presume they would be doing this to any candidate that is too much of an outsider (i.e. the candidates that get accused of having ties to Putin, which is all of them that aren't neocons) so there is no voting one's way out of this. There is no way out other unless the US can rein in the power of its alphabet agencies somehow.
Posted by: Y_n_O | Jul 24 2023 16:11 utc | 19
The cancers are now too deep and wide, and the prognosis for America is terminal.
Posted by: JustAMaverick | Jul 24 2023 16:12 utc | 20
@ sean the leprechaun | Jul 24 2023 16:07 utc | 17
my brother was mystified at who is censoring and editing or omitting important info getting into the canucks media - csis.. they are pushing the gov't agenda on everything the gov't wants to push - china, covid, you name it... we have an intel agency in cahoots with the other intel agencies, keeping dissent and alternative viewpoints out of the mainstream... gov't mandated and managed and monitored by the intel agencies is how i see it here.. of course they are all over social media and one can't offer an alternative viewpoint on the cbc news threads without being banned.. sad, but true... i agree with your conclusion..
@ UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:07 utc | 18
its really bad.. i agree with you!
Posted by: james | Jul 24 2023 16:12 utc | 21
"There is a theory that the U.S. is undergoing some form of sovietization with a similar accumulation of defects and inefficiencies as occurred in the U.S.S.R. before it fell apart."
Orlov certainly thinks so...
Posted by: A. Pols | Jul 24 2023 16:16 utc | 22
Oh boy! This article by our host will get the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” victims squealing in grossly exaggerated outrage.
This is going to be fun.
Posted by: William Gruff | Jul 24 2023 16:19 utc | 23
Democracy enables oligarchy (Soros had little power in the Global South) and aristocracy (the latter among the bureaucratic class).
What sort of thinking adult today believes that elections are legit, anywhere? That doesn't even get to the point that most voters in the West don't have to earn access to the franchise. They just got it because the myth of participation, even if voters are clueless and self-interested, seems to keep people from thinking too hard about how illogical and irrational the entire performance is.
Rights without corresponding responsibilities usually lead to bad outcomes.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 24 2023 16:19 utc | 24
No he wasn't a Nazi, but he was a monarchist. No, he wasn't a fabulist and the things he wrote about in Gulag were real enough though, as most writers do,
he did exercise literary license by fleshing out the stories with some invented bios and names for the characters in his prison narratives, Ivan Denisovich being one and Caesar as well. Consider his works as historical novels.
Posted by: A. Pols | Jul 24 2023 16:24 utc | 25
the final "sovietization" note is speculative but interesting.
On the ideological level both, US and USSR, of course already had been evil twins since 1945.
They had a lot in common:
The ideology of success for the sake of the nation / the responsibility of the individual towards the community-nation in the struggle against the other evil empir / eventually and most importantly both were war economies basically on the industrial and the R&D level
(Add to that the freedom to create avantgarde arts in the capitals of power by members of the elite ruling class / massive architecture / massive cars / flags and parades everywhere / the community as force upon the individual)
Posted by: AG | Jul 24 2023 16:26 utc | 26
Let's have a look to the "Dima"'s look over this day 2023-07-24 :
As You may follow-up these current "developments" mentioned by Dima today, by either side being successful on its "war" either (the RF/UKR PR-
Show's running newly day-by-day), You (MoAs) may wonder about the fact that there is NO SOLUTION to stop this war !
The simple reason for this Non-Stopping the war is still today - as ever verified :
USA/UK/ASUS - operating in South-East manoever areas are not yet weilling to stop itzs aggressive "line".
That's a fact, noone could change that aggresive approach against China/RF/Inia even nowadays by Pakistan an S-Africa personallyaly b< any of its Presidents, called publically!
Sorry, but the "Wagners" like stationed @Belarus camps preparing "somewhat in the near future", to repell any Polish advances towards West-
UKR, should be considered with a "little concern" by us (MoAs).
That's it for today mentioned - the 24 July 2023 listenon "Diman" or else on WeebUnion, build Your own validation of what currently is "under way". Thanks
Posted by: spare_truth | Jul 24 2023 16:28 utc | 27
Indeed. But the point is not really to indite Trump. The point is to distract him, to drain his resources, to take the wind out of the issues that voters really care about and flood the media with negative coverage of Trump, to make people recoil from voting for him simply because "Orange Man Bad." And this seems likely to be successful.
In many ways it reminds me of the western oligarchies' proxy war on Russia: it's not really about militarily beating Russia on the field, but draining it, harassing it, distracting it, making it bleed. It hasn't been successful - yet - but the corrupt western elites are (potentially) just getting warmed up. Wait until new fronts against Russia re opened in Poland and Kazakstan etc.etc.
Posted by: TG | Jul 24 2023 16:29 utc | 28
Number 7 is right on the Dice - number 11 - my Russian wife says the same about my theories, but she went to U of Odecca a long time ago. 10+ years together- she now sees what I m sayin. But she s still an old nice Sovok. I even convinced her that her school books in the CCCP and mine in the USA, were probably written and published by the same Jews.
Posted by: GMC | Jul 24 2023 16:29 utc | 29
Lacking a brilliant (or just not very stupid) program and a charismatic leader (or at least not astonishingly decrepit), the best strategy of the ruling party is to sabotage the opposition by any means available. In that direction, Democrats are quite remarkable.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jul 24 2023 16:29 utc | 30
@Neofeudalfuture 13
witch hunt
may be Trump should appear costumed as a witch during 2024 campaign.
He would sure look funny.
Posted by: AG | Jul 24 2023 16:29 utc | 31
A government built on poorly functioning laws and charters like the Constitution is bound to collapse eventually, it's just that america delayed the collapse this long by expanding westward, then joining the imperial game in the early 20th century, then being the last guy standing when their rivals burnt their own "civilization" down twice in a single 30 year period. Now the rules of capitalism require america to give its capital over to Eurasia to continue its non-stop consumption of everything it touches.
Posted by: Hrughus | Jul 24 2023 16:30 utc | 32
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 24 2023 16:19 utc | 24
Democracy does not lead to aristocracy, but more bureaucracy. All forms of government eventually lead to one or the other.
Except the hypothetical governments and systems of course, every single one of those leads to either hell or Utopia, even anarchy gets sold as one or the other, depending on the promoter or detractor's view.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:30 utc | 33
Good update this morning. This catastrophic political breakdown is a reflection of a number of unsustainable material contractions starting with the economy as outlined by Hudson in their current form and by Marx in their historical movement. These contradictions have been present probably since Bretton Woods for the US, but 2008 and the elite responses there to, have raised them to an unsustainable point.
The breakdown hasn't even peaked yet, but it has destabilized and radicalized the whole country. It's a classic revolutionary situation that will produce opportunities for sweeping change, but there is no revolutionary party to aid the workers in setting a program to intervene and take advantage of the situation.
That's the problem. We're left to root for factions of the democrat or republican party that can only make the situation worse by imposing more debt, more war and more police state measures with one culture dressing or another. So instead of solving the problems facing the majority of the world you'll get a woke or a nationalist window dressing for more of the same.
Trump has always been entertaining hence his popularity. Like a really brash insult comment trashing a political elite that is universally loathed. With that, his personal wealth and an indestructible ego, he beat the worst candidate the Dems have ever run despite the almost uniform RC support she enjoyed.
However his Achilles heel is that he's incredibly naive. He thought the president actually runs the country. At this stage he's been taught a painful lesson and seems very aware that's not true.
The most recent prosecution is finally for something that isn't obvious bullshit: J6. Dems prepped this well with interminable choreographed hearing to convince the public that unlike innumerable riots in every major city throughout 2020, J6 was an insurrection a real effort to overthrow the government.
However, none of the unfortunate souls naive enough to join this riot were armed, nobody was killed or even seriously injured except the rioters themselves. It was a riot at best, which would typically yield a number of misdemeanor prosecutions for trespass.
They may convict and imprison trump before the election with this charge. However, the precedent set by Debs is still there. Trump can and will likely run from a jail cell giving him the appearance of a martyr and making his supporters even more rapidly loyal.
I see why people support trump, but a billionaire Republican is not going to fix the underlying contradictions and send us back to a stabler time in US history. The root of the problem is class conflict and on that score there are multiple strike efforts breaking out everywhere. UPS and the longshoreman are two essential economic forces in the country. They could shut the economy down. This is where the solution lies. That's the sleeping giant that requires perspective and leadership.
Turn this imperialist war into a class civil war and then the historical process can begin to work.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jul 24 2023 16:32 utc | 34
A good summary of the motive, method and opportunity.
The real crime he committed
Posted by: Milites | Jul 24 2023 16:33 utc | 35
"We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers
destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, government destroys
freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals,
and our banks destroy the economy"
Chris Hedges
So to think that tptb will ever let Trump run for, win again the office
of the presidency is a one humongous leap in thinking that amerika is
a democracy, for it isn't even close to being one.
Posted by: Ggersh | Jul 24 2023 16:38 utc | 36
Figleaf23 - 1
Please don't forget Michael Hastings - Stanley McChrystal is back in the 'news'...
Posted by: Eric Blair | Jul 24 2023 16:39 utc | 37
The most important thing that old leftists are missing out on in their analysis is that the elite, the powerbrokers, the globalists, TPTB have created windmills that many of us take for dragons to be slayed.
Think about how long we have been tossing and turning in our beds over such things as the Bidens, Clintons, NAFTA, immigration-invasion, Seth Rich, Epstein, transgenderism*, January 6th, George Floyd, muh reparazons, Trump.
We think surely this can't go on. Surely the shoe will drop. Any day now. Two weeks. Rome will fall.
But, it. Keeps. Chugging. Along.
In the meantime: Palestine, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine.
I am beginning to think that most of what we see are the breads and circuses of a late-stage empire clinging to a crumbling precipice. In each swipe for something more secure, it turns up crumbling clay and it falls further and further away from its original intent.
What can we hope for other than the prayer that Putin's Russia is not merely a player in this great production. This "Grand Illusion?"
We hope that the enmity is real. That Neo-Khazaria is not the real endgame. That the players are not just laughing amongst themselves while we flailing plebians wait for the table scraps at their feet.
*I see that the media is now predictably turning against the transgender thing as this will be the next scapegoat to act as a pressure-release valve for THEM. It will look like a win when "conservatives" win this ridiculous culture-battle. It is not. Wake me up when names are named. When empire is sent home.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jul 24 2023 16:40 utc | 38
UPS and the longshoreman are two essential economic forces in the country. They could shut the economy down.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jul 24 2023 16:32 utc | 34
What if they lost? What if only a few lost?
I read people saying truckers were powerful, and suggesting truckers try to fight the government. In Canada, they took up the challenge, and were wiped out.
I mean this with consideration, but. I really tire of people suggesting other groups of people should risk everything for the sake of a better society.
It is easy plan risk for others for your own agenda, but it is not easy to actually take risks so grand.
This is not the time to "fight back". The human condition says that time will only come when the risks become more tolerable than continuing on in the hell of subservience to an elite that grows in heat over time.
And as nightmarish as this world system is, it is far from the cruel intensity of most of the systems that bore revolution.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:43 utc | 39
60 years ago the US establishment shot and killed their president on a public street, with 100s of witnesses and cameras recording the back of his head been blown off.
The media and government back then spun a narrative about a lone assassin which today is still the official narrative.
Around the world 60 years ago, most of the world's government agencies knew it was an internal regime change and since that faithful day they have had to deal with the reality that the US is run by a ruthless mafia from top to bottom.
The only difference with today is that the establishment can't blow Trump's brains out,it would be way to obvious. Using their totally corrupt rules based order justice system is their only way of getting rid of Trump and they'll keep going till he's out of the way.
So basically, nothing surprising about how rotten the US is now, except maybe that the streets are covered in human shit and their is very little heavy industry, but the establishment are still the same as 1963.
Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Jul 24 2023 16:44 utc | 40
Please don't forget Michael Hastings - Stanley McChrystal is back in the 'news'...
Posted by: Eric Blair | Jul 24 2023 16:39 utc | 37
I will never forget Michael Hastings, Seth Rich, Edward Snowden or Julian Assange.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:46 utc | 41
…..Solzhenitsyn was a Nazi and a fabulist. His own wife admitted his works are pure fiction
Posted by: Gengar | Jul 24 2023 15:53 utc | …….
Me doth think the lady Protesth too much. Likely you have a ethnic hatred of Russians that’s borders on mania.
Posted by: Exile | Jul 24 2023 16:49 utc | 42
Democrats will piously claim that "no one is above the law".
When you point out that Hillary (with her private email server) or the Biden (with 50% going to "the Big Guy") sure seem above the law, they'll cry "right wing" fake news and whataboutery.
As b alludes, in a country like the US - where there are literally hundreds of thousands of regulations and statutes - a determined prosecutor can always find something to indict a person with.
Someone released a book a few years ago, claiming the average American unwittingly commits 3 felonies a day.
Did you know it's a Federal offence to sell oversized (or undersized) noodles? Carry a rake across state lines?
We live in Clownworld.
Posted by: Observer | Jul 24 2023 16:49 utc | 43
Solzhenitsyn was a Nazi and a fabulist. His own wife admitted his works are pure fiction
Posted by: Exile | Jul 24 2023 15:48 utc | 7
Posted by: Gengar | Jul 24 2023 15:53 utc | 11
Maybe he was. Doesn't mean his insights were lies.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:50 utc | 44
Who needs the Roman Colosseum when we have the Intertubes to entertain the masses
Are we all entertained by the kabuki about Trump, Hunter Biden and the rest?
And meanwhile the West disintegrates before our eyes
Pope Frank should be proud of what his usurious religion has done for humanity/s
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 24 2023 16:51 utc | 45
End stage Soviet - beginning when Yeltsin sold it down the river - yes, this is the USA now at that point. Every millionaire who can, is running for the doors with whatever booty they can steal.
However, it must be said that the American public never experienced the social benefits of the Soviet Union for whatever they were worth.
You couldn't be bankrupted for medical bills for one thing. Or priced out of having food and shelter.
To think what it might have been without all that outside fuckery.
Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Jul 24 2023 16:54 utc | 46
I think the destabilization is deliberate. Like in Yugoslavia and Rwanda, they are stirring up latent divisions in the US, in order to bring out eventual violent clashes.
Why? I don't know. But I remember that B pointed out in the summer of 2020 that the riots in the US looked like a Color Revolution. And the media stirs it up. At the time the cities were being trashed, and people were being dragged out of their cars and beaten, the media told us that it was a mostly peaceful uprising.
Americans were on lockdown, unable to attend church or other functions, but the Public Health officials came out and said that rioting was a public health virtue, and there was no chance of spreading covid if your aims were pure and your heart was true.
What do you think that does to normal people? I'll tell you, it makes them angry.
Add the divisions between the generations and the sexes (especially the trans agenda being forced down people's throats), and you have a country ready to blow.
Again, I don't know their plan, but I know a destabilization program when I see one.
Posted by: wagelaborer | Jul 24 2023 16:57 utc | 47
Re: Solzhenitsyn
Whatever you think about the guy, I defy you to watch his Harvard commencement address and not believe in his honesty, his curiosity, and his love for his Orthodox Russia.
Any man that can defy expectations during such an address and to put all these would-be elitists on a proper footing by saying, "Yeah, the Soviet Union was intensely corrupt, but the U.S. ain't so great either," deserves a good helping of appreciation.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jul 24 2023 16:59 utc | 48
Sorry, I "really" don't understand why the Russians are "not able yet" to fire a lot quite of having not yet focusing towards UK-London (may be the Tower-Bridge), as Mr. Sunak has supplied UKR with CLUSTER ammo !
Can everyone unsderstand that "calm reaction" on that by any of the RF-MIL Generals - not responding ?
So, we'll see what happens within next days if RF will "spread" their own CLUSTER ammunitions over remaining UKR-troops. There won't be any UKR-soldiers being alive or not-wounded. There will be a lot ! ..
Posted by: spare_truth | Jul 24 2023 17:00 utc | 49
And the obvious persecution of Trump, at the SAME time Biden actual crimes are covered up by msm and not prosecuted by the "Justice Dept" is just another outrage serving to enrage the general population, at least, the ones able to think.
Alexander Mercouris compares the current invented crime vendetta against Trump to the time of Henry the 8th.
Posted by: wagelaborer | Jul 24 2023 17:00 utc | 50
@JustAMaverick @20:
The cancers are now too deep and wide, and the prognosis for America is terminal.
The problem is: a tyranny can run for many generations before collapsing under its own weight; how many people who witnessed the 1917 October revolution outlived the USSR?
Posted by: Observer | Jul 24 2023 17:03 utc | 51
The Republicans are so cocksure of defeating whoever is the Democrat, that they are running with "Social Security Cuts".
Once considered the third rail of politics - can't touch Social Security.
Crazier by the day.
Trump will easily step right in and say no to SS cuts.
Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Jul 24 2023 17:06 utc | 52
Again, I don't know their plan, but I know a destabilization program when I see one.
Posted by: wagelaborer | Jul 24 2023 16:57 utc | 47
I think most likely it is Russia. I could be wrong, but it looks a lot like Golitsyn's "The Perestroika Deception"
And if it is, it could have been avoided, if America had any self-control. But it immediately did as predicted: Went to war all over the world...
...and Putin was deputy commander of cultural affairs in East Berlin, the day the deception was put into action, fall of the Berlin wall.
In George Soros, they have an unwitting ally, who has said he hated the united states and wants to see it fall.
So, there is a happy ending. Useful idiots will be culled.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 17:08 utc | 53
Sovietization is a tricky word to employ because it always suggests elements of communism which is not actually the case in the US. If someone is familiar enough with the USSR the word works because by the 80’s the original communism of the USSR had been replaced by an unresponsive and unproductive nomenklatura supported by the apparatchik class.
This is where the comparison works if we replace the Russian words with English like oligarch/corporation/bank and PMC. The important bit though is a failing state, which the US most certainly is. The now two elections where the losing side claims the election stolen and political lawfare are very emblematic of the US failing in its own particular ways because it has its own particular internal contradictions.
Like the USSR though the US is essentially built so that the sort of reformer it desperately needs cannot emerge. Gorbachev wasn’t so much a reformer as the logical conclusion of the nomenklatura robbing the soviet people.
Posted by: Lex | Jul 24 2023 17:09 utc | 54
@51 observer
There are many in the U.S., including myself, that detest the hyper-centralization of our Federal system. If the egg falls down, the economy implodes and the government will face a reckoning.
But, if you can flood the country with illegals that share no common bond with natural Americans who detest the Fed, then the Fed can use these non-naturalized immigrants as a wedge, either through direct action/utilization or by merely choking out the heritage stock, as they have done in the southern and coastal states.
They WILL work for peanuts and do not have an ideological bone in their body. All resignation/no fight. That is what the elite has/is planning. Will it work?
We will see.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jul 24 2023 17:09 utc | 55
I won't be voting for Biden or Trump or any surrogate replacing them. My ridiculously very low standards would have a flat tire.
But I will send a few bucks to any of them the establishment seeks to eliminate.
I was born in America. Not this one. A better one.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Jul 24 2023 17:10 utc | 56
"...I read people saying truckers were powerful, and suggesting truckers try to fight the government. In Canada, they took up the challenge, and were wiped out..." UWDude@39
This is nonsense. The protest in Ottawa had no backing from any Union or organisation of working truckers. It was in no sense a strike and its organisers included notorious strikebreakers. It represented the nebulous and barely articulated ideas of a tiny minority.
Had there been a transport strike in Canada it would have been a very serious matter both for government and the population. It is most unlikely to have won the support of the Koch Brothers, neo-fascists, Alberta Separatists and giant corporations in the fossil fuel extraction business.
If on the other hand it had been calling for higher wages, control over inflation and rational government priorities it cxould have won the support of most Canadians.
Posted by: bevin | Jul 24 2023 17:14 utc | 57
spare_truth @49
So, we'll see what happens within next days if RF will "spread" their own CLUSTER ammunitions over remaining UKR-troops.
I saw a clip on a pro-Russian Telegram channel (sorry, can't remember which one) that purported to show a drone's eye view of a couple of Russian cluster bombs/shells going off over a Ukrainian position. Scary stuff.
I also saw a video of a huge munitions dump that the Russians (purportedly) blew up in Ukraine, with hundreds of "sparkles" exploding in the vicinity of the vast fireball, and the caption claiming this was a depot storing cluster munitions.
Posted by: Observer | Jul 24 2023 17:16 utc | 58
It represented the nebulous and barely articulated ideas of a tiny minority.
Posted by: bevin | Jul 24 2023 17:14 utc | 57
I see, you are zealous in your defense of the ideas you think would make the world a better place.
"Tiny minority" against mask madness and needle rape.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 17:18 utc | 59
Oh gawd, a Trump thread, this will be up to 400+ comments in no time. Meanwhile, I vaguely recall something about a laptop somewhere, can’t for the life of me remember who it belonged to...
Posted by: West of England Andy | Jul 24 2023 17:20 utc | 60
@ 57 bevin
Cue the urban, eastern Canadian to defend the overbearing Canadian government's response to hardworking western Canadians who just want to be left alone.
And of course the unions weren't involved in the strikes. Because today's unions are jewish-infiltrated pussy organizations. I should know: my union did not come to my aid in the states when I was fired for the vaxx-mandate.
Ah, bevin: "I hate my Canadian-government because it is overbearing abroad. I love my Canadian-government when it is overbearing at home."
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jul 24 2023 17:25 utc | 61
The protest in Ottawa had no backing from any Union or organisation of working truckers
Posted by: bevin | Jul 24 2023 17:14 utc | 57
The unions and government are in regulation capture. They will never do anything to harm their corporate masters. Megabank on it. The only one still worth a damn is the longshoreman'd union.
The farmers tractor strike in the Netherlands also had no union backing, and truly only represented a tiny minority (farmers being told to cull their livestock).
Where have the unions been on the issues of needle rape? In Australia, a construction unions members almost killed their so-called union representatives, before taking to the streets for a few days.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 17:27 utc | 62
So to think that tptb will ever let Trump run for, win again the office
of the presidency is a one humongous leap in thinking that amerika is
a democracy, for it isn't even close to being one.
Posted by: Ggersh | Jul 24 2023 16:38 utc | 36
Not willingly, they won't. But, I'm not sure what they can do to stop him. They cannot just abandon the democratic facade, much as they might like to. The state parties will get annoyed for one thing. Lots of people are feeding at the same trough. Another pandemic maybe? Aliens? Maybe we could switch the government to an all sports format.
Posted by: Bemildred | Jul 24 2023 17:29 utc | 63
"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." L. Beria
Posted by: johnF_1 | Jul 24 2023 17:35 utc | 64
May the americans in the bar verify/reject the following thesis:
The difference between the elections of 2016/20 and 2024 is that every trump voter in 2024 votes for him, because they are just done with the system?
I mean in 2016/20 there were a lot of different motives to vote for him some did so because he was a celebrity, some didnt like hillary, some because of the economy, some because of his attitude (basically a construction worker who became billionair) some detested the elites.
But in 2024 everybody who votes for him must at least in part do so because he is the perceived death star to the hierarchy. Am i wrong?
If so, it doesnt really matter if 48 or 51% of the electorate vote for him because the system is doomed anyway.
Posted by: Orgel | Jul 24 2023 17:36 utc | 65
Gingrich era investigations into the Clinton administration ran over 80 million.
Posted by: MillerJ | Jul 24 2023 17:36 utc | 66
Biden and his neocon progressive handlers are a clear and present danger to the rights of man in usa and the world
Posted by: paddy | Jul 24 2023 15:42 utc | 3
Paddy, a neocon progressive is an oxymoronic statement.
Posted by: Ed | Jul 24 2023 17:39 utc | 67
Posted by: Observer | Jul 24 2023 17:16 utc | 58
.. I also saw a video of a huge munitions dump that the Russians (purportedly) blew up in Ukraine, with hundreds of "sparkles" exploding in the vicinity of the vast fireball, and the caption claiming this was a depot storing cluster munitions. ..
May be that it was a storage of a "CLUSTER" bombs storage, you've mentioed above, but You're not sure so far.
Nobody is yet "sure about" so far, what's going with the CLUSTER bombs stored wherevever and already delivered from whome (the USA or the UK MIL-Officials or by "subsidiaries" on which site in co-opertaing corruption side in UKR).
Do not ignore: Mr.Z. knows all about that deliveries and the further ongoing shipments across Black Sea, running despite of RF's retreat from the so-called "Grain-
USA/UK/AUKUS: Be carefully, what you'll transport next days across this nice blue-water area of the Black-Sea. Turkey will watching you.
Same in Taiwan street : Be careful what you want to transport!
Your insurance won't follow your current contract if risk is too high.
Think. - or not?
Posted by: spare_truth | Jul 24 2023 17:40 utc | 68
B thank you for your insightful articles as usual. I cannot find the words to express what is currently being exposed in the USA about the complete, evil, criminal corruption that presides in the Biden Govt. They are going after Trump on what? It is not only the fact that the President of the USA and his son are involved in this swamp of corruption but, even worse, the DoJ and the Legal System are so complicit in covering up and failing to investigate this incredulous level of corruption. A functioning Democracy and an independent MSM would have, by now, forced Biden to resign. They would also have forced the arrest and detention of Father and Son. The fact that the DoJ tipped the Bidens off about the FBI intending to raid their lock-up speaks volumes to just how completely, utterly and comprehensively the Legal System in the USA is corrupt with a capital C. In my lifetime I have never heard or seen such a level of corruption anywhere in the world. I live in the UK and Boris Johnson presided over the most corrupt Govt in Parliamentary History. Stalin Starmer will compound that corruption. He is a Globalist.
Shame on the MSM who, at one time, would have exposed all of this. Now it is left to the Citizen journalists to tell the truth. RFK Jnr will be a great president of the USA if he can beat the Deep State. I am hoping and praying very hard that he will do so.
Posted by: Jo Dominich | Jul 24 2023 17:42 utc | 69
Its not like this in the US only, the same is happening all throughout the West. I hold the view that it is a moral ethical crisis because religion has ceased to play a role in people’s lives to give them absolute morals. The various replacements, mostly progressive liberalism, postmodernism, post-truth, scientism/technocratism, critical theory etc are failing them because they are not made for to temper people’s bad behaviours (sins). So we see the various -isms morphing authoritarian, the situation now, because they are not capable of realizing their failure and withdrawing.
The same can be seen in various other societies throughout history when moral values are simply abandoned due to progress elsewhere and not developed further.
We are however getting close to the apex. After they pushed Trump out, I knew that they will have some 5-6 years before all the failures of modern western societal theories become apparent.
I am even vying for them to take even more power/authority because the end become even more predictable. So vote Biden!
Posted by: alek_a | Jul 24 2023 17:44 utc | 70
The best historical example IMO and Hudson's is Rome as it too was the Creditocracy Colossus of its day and essentially collapsed from within from its own excesses. It's hard to know where to begin with a critique as the system's been "Un-American" since the need to manipulate the 1948 election and a crazy quilt of other factors. We might even go further back in time to Wilson's presidency, the Palmer Raids, Red Scare, establishment of the FBI, and adoption of Prohibition. And lets go just a bit further back to the eve of WW1 and look at the USA's socio-demographic structure, particularly its Germanness--something few know about today because it's all been mostly erased and is certainly not taught. Hudson being Trotsky's godson is a very singular fact that puzzles all too many because they have no idea of what the USA was like from 1880-1940. Knowing what it was like then would enable people to understand the fierce Anti-Labor nature of the Elite.
The seeds of today's internal destruction were sown back in 1787, and the first fruits from that poison plant were harvested in 1913 and have nurtured the Class that gained control in 1787 ever since. Recall Bastiat's prescience about the creation of a legal and moral structure to enable Plundering, which is precisely what Rome did, and the Church that came after it and brought humanity the first Orwellianism via the reversal of Jesus's message and making him into something he wasn't--the greatest and most successful fraud of all-time.
As for Trump, he's merely another actor in this long drama and is certainly part of the 1787 Class. Upthread, Ahenobarbus | Jul 24 2023 16:32 utc | 34, noted the lack of a revolutionary party with a Pro-Labor Manifesto. Older barflies will recall my asking the bar to produce that sort of document well prior to the 2020 election. My initial VK essays were about attaining a Critical Mass supporting a rather basic set of demands that would be possible within the current constitutional system. But that was way too timid in light of what the court's ruled about the nature of the D and R-parties and POTUS elections. And that leaves only one solution: the 1787 Constitution must meet the same fate as its predecessor, the Articles of Confederation, the old institutions razed and new ones erected in their place to support the new governing formulation.
But in 2024 everybody who votes for him must at least in part do so because he is the perceived death star to the hierarchy. Am i wrong?
If so, it doesnt really matter if 48 or 51% of the electorate vote for him because the system is doomed anyway.
Posted by: Orgel | Jul 24 2023 17:36 utc | 66
Thank you for your comment.
Someone called Trump's first election the "biggest f**k you in history", which I find agreeable.
This time it would be with an expectation that he would "clean house", something Carter, Clinton, Obama were supposed to do before him. So yeah "death star".
The problem being that they have already attacked him, drawn blood.
I frankly do not see what comes next.
The basic problem the government has here is much like Russia in the 90s, a country run by greedy ignorant oligarchs who CANNOT govern, have no idea what to do. Organized crime writ large.
But of course, they cannot compete.
Posted by: Bemildred | Jul 24 2023 17:47 utc | 72
There is a reason they are so focused on Trump's allegedly unique [not!] non-acceptance of the election result.
They know the elections were not above board, and in fact, US elections have been a cesspool of corruption for decades.
Posted by: Webej | Jul 24 2023 17:52 utc | 73
Trump's followers have always reminded me of something Will Rogers said about politicians "We knew he was a crook when we sent him to Washington, but he was our crook".
Posted by: qparker | Jul 24 2023 17:54 utc | 74
Orgel | Jul 24 2023 17:36 utc | 66--
The difference will be Trump won't be the R-Party nominee. The courts have declared the D and R-Parties can place whoever they want onto the POTUS ballot regardless of what the public says in primaries or at the conventions.
Posted by: Bemildred | Jul 24 2023 17:47 utc | 73
carter is not clinton nor obama. he also got trumped by, among other outlets, the new york times.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jul 24 2023 17:58 utc | 76
whatever some of above commentators may have mentioned to the current actively operating "US-Alike" guys & women (obviously let's be the Nulands/Bidens/Killary and the thereto FBI/CIA-involved sponsors with a "little money", like Gates & Rockefeller foundatians),
They all have a big trouble either side of them being fighting against each others -
so let's wait ..: Only the buyers of Ukrainian lands & resources (so far existing til 2025) are the winners. That's a pure truth.
Posted by: spare_truth | Jul 24 2023 18:01 utc | 78
Democracy does not lead to aristocracy, but more bureaucracy. All forms of government eventually lead to one or the other.Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:30 utc | 33
The only apparent exception I'm aware of is the confederacy of the Hau de no sau nee (Iroquois). But that was formed under a set of circumstances that I doubt will recur.
Posted by: David Levin | Jul 24 2023 18:03 utc | 79
When you have a population that votes 96% democratic as per the one in DC, you begin to see that you have a problem with what I will term the public sector in the USA. Politics is a tribal thing, and people vote with their emotions not their heads. So if the "deep state" can control the party that is favoured by state employees, then those employees can be encouraged and permitted to suppress oposition, especially if you paint such activity as anti hate or anti-fascism etc. When you add in the fact that employees of not only the US public sector vote Dem but also in similar proportions those of the MSM and judiciary and it is very easy to see how a one party state can arise. And de facto if not de jure, that describes the USA now. Trump term 1 was an accident that was not and will not be allowed to happen again.
IMHO the 2020 election was a blatent and obvious fix, and the minimal protest against it ruthlessly supressed. And most of the GOP are also part of the charade. And so now the "deep state" can run the government agenda. It is obvious to any one who cares to look that Biden is a senile idiot and in no way can be running things. Obvious except to those who want to believe the opposite. And I know and am friends with many people like that, but there is no persauding them.
However IMHO the deep state is not an all powerful and secret body, but a competing series of interest groups, and the US is not under the control of any one of them. That may or may not be a good thing, but in foreign policy terms is a clear disaster - for the USA and alas everyone else.
But truly, this begins to look like a decline and fall of Empire. Layer upon layer of lies, corruption and obfuscation, and no real control or responsibility, just a negotiation over policy, political position and the looting of the spoils - all covered by a media who actively support this dance macabre via mass propaganda and censorship.
Posted by: marcjf | Jul 24 2023 18:08 utc | 80
I think this all just a script being run. It is Lawfare. What I see happenning in the USA (where I live) is an inversion of what occurred in Brazil when Bolsonaro and Sergio Moro (those are just the big names) did a number on Lula regarding the tri-plex apartment in Guaruja. The apartment was the trigger for the corruption charges against Lula in the Brazilian bit of Lawfare.
In what is currently happening in USA, I view Trump as Lula. Biden as Bolsonaro. So I guess PT = Democratic Party. Whatever the right wing parties are called in Brazil = Republicans. They just flipped the script. Red is blue blah blah.
I presume it will play out in the same way.
Lula did a few years. His wife and grandchild died during his time. That played well to his base and the world at large and made him more sympathetic. He is a quite charismatic individual, and I do think he believes in what he wishes to accomplish.
So Lula does his time. He has a super-tight race against Bolsonaro, and ultimately, he wins!!
Wow. superculo. That point five percent of a divided society really did the trick.
Trump gets sent to prison. Some dramatic thing happens to his family. The base gets all riled up. Democracy Democracy деrмократия
It is all a joke. They are all corrupt. Fast food restaurants will have advertising time.
The media barons get to laugh at the unwashed masses.
Here is General Charles Dunlap talking about Lawfare.
Duke Law's Dunlap: US Must Incorporate Lawfare Into Its Defense Planning
Posted by: lex talionis | Jul 24 2023 18:08 utc | 81
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:30 utc | 33
Democracy does not lead to aristocracy, but more bureaucracy. All forms of government eventually lead to one or the other.
Not sure if all of that is true, but it's insightful and interesting. What does lead to aristocracy*, pray?
In terms of b's article, one way to describe today's 'US' is that its leadership class is of steadily decreasing quality, so we are approaching rule by worst instead of rule by best. If you regard the current US (and most of the West) as being run by organized crime, that seems more accurate than the way most of us tend to still believe that we live in bona fide republics and democracies.
One of the reasons the media has become so toxic is that their prime job is to project the notion that our nations and institutions therein are true to form in accord with their main religious views and constitutions etc. thus hiding the truth: that they are sophisticated kleptocracies run by transnational organized crime.
In esoteric Asian traditions, it is said that deception is the principal block to sacred perception. With so much of it embedded in all levels of our societies, no wonder we live in steadily deteriorating and increasingly degraded cultures.
* aristocracy means 'rule by the best,' so not necessarily a decadent Lord Fontleroy latter-day European hereditary 'aristocracy.'
Is this legal?
1. FBI (Comey,...)
2. Legal persecution
Overall, it could be called conspiracy. Even as this is only to be used for six or so months to prevent him running for presidency.
Posted by: Grey Cloud | Jul 24 2023 18:11 utc | 83
Yes, the US has a long history of electoral fraud. The two parties competed with each other about who could do a more effective job of manufacturing votes. Comments by Henry Cabot Lodge and Richard Nixon quoted in Daniel Ellsberg's book "Secrets" support this.
But, up to 2020, electoral landslides were not nullified. In that year, a Trump landslide was nullified. Previously, there was electoral cheating, but, because a landslide could not be nullified, if enough people voted the same way to constitute a landslide, then their votes still counted. The result of 2020 is that votes now count for nothing..
I did not vote for Trump in 2016. I voted for Jill Stein. But in 2020 I did vote for Trump, largely because I was offended by the establishment and media treating his election as somehow illegitimate.
Posted by: Lysias | Jul 24 2023 18:17 utc | 84
Gore Vidal wrote a series of historical novels highlighting our slide into imperial tyranny - worth reading
Posted by: Exile | Jul 24 2023 18:18 utc | 85
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jul 24 2023 16:32 utc | 34
It's a classic revolutionary situation that will produce opportunities for sweeping change, but there is no revolutionary party to aid the workers in setting a program to intervene and take advantage of the situation.
After decades of deliberate 'neo-marxist' programming with feminism and such along with, on the economic front, deliberate de-industrialization, the notion of 'the workers' as a class is outmoded. We are in different times now. So although much of what you say is insightful, I think the old class system framing from a century ago no longer fits. We need different vocabulary which can only come from a better understanding of what is actually going on.
Which hardly anyone seems to understand. We are a fractured, splintered polity...
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 24 2023 16:19 utc | 24
Democracy does not lead to aristocracy, but more bureaucracy. All forms of government eventually lead to one or the other.
Except the hypothetical governments and systems of course, every single one of those leads to either hell or Utopia, even anarchy gets sold as one or the other, depending on the promoter or detractor's view.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 24 2023 16:30 utc | 33
You can have a dictatorship of the majority or a dictatorship of a minority. In the end, this is the only real choice we have.
A dictatorship of the majority is a democracy in its truest sense because it is not just democratic in form but in content. The dictatorship of the minority is slavery, feudalism, and capitalism, all the exploitive systems known to the world.
Even when rule by the minority is cloaked as a "democracy," it does so in form only. In time, it MUST expose its true dictatorial content as the majority, believing that they live in a democracy, demand their "democratic" right to rule.
Posted by: Ed | Jul 24 2023 18:19 utc | 87
* aristocracy means 'rule by the best,' so not necessarily a decadent Lord Fontleroy latter-day European hereditary 'aristocracy.'
Posted by: Scorpion | Jul 24 2023 18:11 utc | 83
More like those who self-appoint themselves as best to justify their rule. What is regarded as the best changes over time. As for why aristocracy happens, it is in the interest of the powerful to collude, thus they do and power consolidates.
Posted by: Jmaas | Jul 24 2023 18:22 utc | 88
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jul 24 2023 16:40 utc | 38
What can we hope for other than the prayer that Putin's Russia is not merely a player in this great production. This "Grand Illusion?"
We hope that the enmity is real. That Neo-Khazaria is not the real endgame. That the players are not just laughing amongst themselves while we flailing plebians wait for the table scraps at their feet.
Thank you for so succinctly articulating exactly what I feel. I share the same hope. But only time will tell. There are still too many ifs, buts, maybes and WTH?'s still in the mix. US "Election" - first you may have understood what an election in the USA -with all its Governors like Hollywood actors - might be .. Sorry, but ..
Biden will go to retire due to his age and brain disease - I wish him all the bad ..
2nd.: There won't be follower in the USA elections that will "change the cource", means: the war in Ucraine will going on as before .. even with Trump, but Trump won't win anymore.
Another "figure" will arise in 2024 - like Hillary has murdered the Lybia President Ghaddafi - so let's wait, how long the Killary will being alive (Snipers on her, like J.F. Kennedy?), Nobody knows.
Meanwhile, the Hillary clans have already prepared on to a new false-flag strike towards RF using the territory of UKR .. Estimate the ratio 1:10 of doing that ..?
Be happy, that won't occur - due to the FSB listening in-advance - Sure ...
Posted by: spare_truth | Jul 24 2023 18:26 utc | 90
After decades of deliberate 'neo-marxist' programming with feminism and such along with, on the economic front, deliberate de-industrialization, the notion of 'the workers' as a class is outmoded. We are in different times now.
more word salad, in support of some vague notion about the working class being "obsolete". tell it to the people working 2 jobs and living in their cars.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jul 24 2023 18:28 utc | 91
Watching events unfold, I am inclined to think that the best government is a benevolent dictator or a good king. The difficulty with achieving that is that good autocrat leaders are rare. And if a bad one rises to power, there is no way of getting rid of the malefactor.
Posted by: Jmaas | Jul 24 2023 18:28 utc | 92
Once again, the discussion of Trump's criminality totally misses the mark.
Trump actively conspired to overthrow the results of an election. That's all made abundantly clear in the Eastman memo. But the Democrats and their Congressional hearings failed to highlight all that, in favor of focus on the Jan 6 riot and other distractions.
The objective of the riot was to delay the certification of the electoral college results and buy time for the Trump lawyers to persuade a Republican state to revoke electoral college results and certify an alternative slate of electors. This would eliminate Biden's 270 votes and send the outcome to the House of Representatives and/or allow Trump lawyers to then take that challenge to the Supreme Court, who would repeat the 2000 debacle.
Exposing and prosecuting this is worth $25 million.
And the lame effort by California Bar Assc. to disbar Mr. Eastman - the lawyer who developed this coup strategy - is as absurd as revoking Dr. Mengele's medical license in lieu of the hangman's rope.
Posted by: bill wolfe | Jul 24 2023 18:39 utc | 93
Scrolling through these comments, I find it amazing that those who can advance solid evidence based arguments and pierce the propaganda on the Ukraine proxy war geo-politics and battlefield conditions are so lousy in analyzing politics and government and reveal themselves as deluded "Trumpers" and "conspiracy theorists" (I put those terms in quotes because I HATE them).
Just like Col. MacGregor, the military assessments are sound, but the pontiffs sheer right wing lunacy.
Posted by: bill wolfe | Jul 24 2023 18:45 utc | 94
the uniparty rules... - dems and repubs in the usa, libs and cons in canada.. there is no alternative and they don't want there to be... uniparty rules and we see the results..
Posted by: james | Jul 24 2023 18:46 utc | 95
Posted by: Jmaas | Jul 24 2023 18:28 utc | 93
.. And if a bad one rises to power, there is no way of getting rid of the malefactor. ..
To get rid of a "malefactor" as You wrote, there is indeed only one "solution":
Kill'm, because You havn't been able to discuss with him/her -OK?
That's the simple true reactions of what Mr. Putin/RF-Generals & even Wagner's chief said : Enough is enough ! Let's storm the Ukrainian NAZI regime ! ..
Posted by: spare_truth | Jul 24 2023 18:46 utc | 96
If the purpose of the US funding
Ukraine was to divert Russia 's attention from Syria , for Greater Israel, it hasn't achieved its purpose.
The right wing of politics still believe you can make things by breaking things, but broken Syria, broken Libya, broken Somalia, broken Pakistan, broken Yemen, broken Ukraine , are all obstacles to the kind of political momentum that would give birth to a new Zionist Empire.
The more power they have, the more it turns to dust by their hands. Now, by attacking their allies in Europe, they are going bonkers. Trump did something useful for Israel, but everybody else in US politics seems to think that breaking countries , Wolfovitz garbage, will help Israel. The image we all now have of Israel is Nazism, Nuland and smelly green T shirt. It's not a good image.
Until such time as the zionists help someone instead of destroying them, nothing of any value is going to happen to them. 2000 years of making the same mistake is dome kind of mental disease.
Posted by: Giyane | Jul 24 2023 18:50 utc | 97
Yep till elections are pen and paper audit-able to all,
thieves are dressed as rulers.
Posted by: Publius Flavius | Jul 24 2023 18:51 utc | 99
@ Posted by: Giyane | Jul 24 2023 18:50 utc | 98
Sorry - I've understood - but this here is on an Ukranian focus..
Pls change further to a general - or a Jewish - forums.
Your "problem" is likeways discussed on this Ukranian war forum.
The Palestine people : Keep your head-up - be strong!
Posted by: spare_truth | Jul 24 2023 18:57 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
The imperial deep state will brook no defiance.
Trump, Assange, Putin, Assad, ... down to Seth Rich.
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Jul 24 2023 15:31 utc | 1