The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2023-91
Last week's post on Moon of Alabama:
- Apr 10 - Ukraine SitRep: Leaked Briefings, Holding Roads, Split Training
- Ukrainians said to pull back in Bakhmut as Moscow launches new push - MSN
- The Increasing Number of Trial Balloons for Polish Intervention in Ukraine - Naked Capitalism
- Zombie War: Plan B for Ukraine ceasefire Polemicist
- Apr 13 - More Doubts About The 'Leaked' Briefing Slides - Updated
- Apr 14 - 'Leaks' Pinned On Russia And Other Issues With Them
- Diplomacy Watch: Biden administration in ‘damage control’ after intel leaks - Responsible Statecraft
- Apr 15 - How China Is Breaking The Colonial Effects Of Western Lending
- The IMF’s ‘Austerity Drive’ - Consortium News
- The Lying IMF - Vijay Prashad / Consortium News
- World Bank Cafeteria Workers Struggle To Afford Food Or Rent, Union Says - DCist
- Life or Debt: The Stranglehold of Neocolonialism and Africa’s Search for Alternatives - Tricontinental
- U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts Destabilizing African Nations - Intercept
U.S. trained officers in Africa have attempted at least nine coups on the continent since 2008.
Other issues:
- Top German wolf warrior wants China to end war the West sponsors - SCMP
- Caitlin Johnstone: The West’s Long Plan to Crush China - Consortium News
- Xi topping Biden in New Cold War’s economic game - Asia Times
- The West vs. the rest? - BJ Review
Fake Peng Shuai 'scandal':
- The WTA returns to China - New York Times
> Now, after a 16-month-long stalemate, the WTA has blinked. Steve Simon, its chief executive, said he expected to hold eight tournaments in China this year. He said that the WTA would take a “different approach” because it did not feel that its inquiry was making progress under the current strategy. <
Previous Peng Shuai debunking:
- New York Times Invents 'Sexual Assault' #MeToo Case To Blame China - Moon of Alabama, Nov 19, 2021
- The 'Missing' Star Athlete Peng Shuai Is Not Missing At All - Moon of Alabama, Dec 2, 2021
- New York Times Covers Up Its Debunked Lies About Peng Shuai By Adding New Ones - Moon of Alabama, Dec 20, 2021
Use as open (not Ukraine related) thread ...
Posted by b on April 16, 2023 at 13:28 UTC | Permalink
next page »It is a sad fact that politicians nowadays are historically ignorant.
Ignorance is seen as light baggage to enable faster ascent unencumbered by any recollection of what went before.........
Sadly in much of the world history is lived present and defining ..............
Baerbock is devoid of an undergraduate degree and sports a commercial 1 year "Masters" sold by UK universities as a revenue-raiser for a 12 month series of is marketed as "LLM" but has no value in the legal field and is not recognised by any professional body anywhere.......
Nevertheless - China remembers........
„Kommt ihr vor den Feind, so wird derselbe geschlagen! Pardon wird nicht gegeben! Gefangene werden nicht gemacht! Wer euch in die Hände fällt, sei euch verfallen! Wie vor tausend Jahren die Hunnen unter ihrem König Etzel sich einen Namen gemacht, der sie noch jetzt in Überlieferung und Märchen gewaltig erscheinen läßt, so möge der Name Deutscher in China auf 1000 Jahre durch euch in einer Weise bestätigt werden, daß es niemals wieder ein Chinese wagt, einen Deutschen scheel anzusehen!"
Die nach China abgehenden Soldaten nahmen den Kaiser wörtlich. So berichtet der Kavallerist Heinrich Haslinde in seinem Tagebuch:
„[Der Kaiser] hielt eine zündende Ansprache an uns, von der ich mir aber nur folgende Worte gemerkt habe: »Gefangene werden nicht gemacht, Pardon wird keinem Chinesen gegeben, der Euch in die Hände fällt.
«“Soldaten versahen die Eisenbahnwagen, die sie an die Küste transportierten, mit Aufschriften wie „Rache ist süß“ oder „Pardon wird nicht gegeben“.
or for those of you not partial to Originalton...........
If you come before the enemy, he will be defeated! No quarter will be given! Prisoners will not be taken! Whoever falls into your hands is forfeited! Just as a thousand years ago the Huns under their king Etzel made a name for themselves, one that even today makes them seem mighty in history and legend, so may the name Germany be affirmed by you in such a way in China that no Chinese will ever again dare to look cross-eyed at a German!
— Wilhelm II, Speech of 27 July 1900
In an earlier dispatch of 19 June 1900 to Bernhard von Bülow, Wilhelm II had already demanded that Beijing be levelled to the ground and called the coming fight a "battle of Asia against all Europe"
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Apr 16 2023 14:13 utc | 2
all out dedollarization.
Posted by: Biochar | Apr 16 2023 14:04 utc | 1
The dedollarization genie is not going back into the bottle regardless of USA's wishes.
The way this mess ends is with the emancipation from debt peonage of the Global South at the expense of their Western freeloaders. American is looking at a generation of humility as it adjusts to its new economic realities.
Spite and infighting is certain to make the situation worse.
Posted by: too scents | Apr 16 2023 14:25 utc | 3
[email protected] has as much say as Musk....and can guarantee as much.
The conversation starts in Moscow and they will dictate the outcome.
Andrei threw out a gem yesterday, the RF MOD has planned for a 30 month campaign, that guarantees they have the munitions to finish what the Exceptionals started....cue The Lira Laugh.......
Cheers M
thirty months, phew, saddle up n strap in ladies and gents, hey, trolls too, this is gonna take a big arrow head, just a rope the dopes, smash and bash.
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Apr 16 2023 14:35 utc | 4
Definitely Not About Ukraine--
"Recently, the 87-year-old Dalai Lama became the focus of controversy due to a video showing him asking a young boy to suck his tongue." - Global Times today.
How Woke is that?
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Apr 16 2023 14:45 utc | 5
@too scents | Apr 16 2023 14:25 utc | 3
The dedollarization genie is not going back into the bottle regardless of USA's wishes.Agreed. The process of dedollarization is not reversible.
Posted by: Norwegian | Apr 16 2023 14:59 utc | 6
The illegal EU political bloc continues to erase national sovereignty.
Slovakia halts processing batch of Ukrainian grain over exceeded norms of pesticides
MOSCOW. April 13 (Interfax) - Slovakia has halted processing a batch of Ukrainian wheat after exceeded norms of pesticides were found in it, Ukrainian media outlets said with a reference to acting Slovakian Agriculture Minister Samuel Vlcan.
Vlcan mentioned that he had ordered to tighten control over Ukrainian grain as early as in July 2022. "Even before we started placing seals on all transit trucks with Ukrainian grain, a relatively big sample of Ukrainian grain had been intercepted, and three independently accredited laboratories confirmed the presence of the increased content of pesticide residue in it," Vlcan said.
The European Commission has rejected bans introduced by Poland and Hungary on Ukrainian grain imports.
The two countries said the measures were necessary to protect their farming sectors from cheap imports [sic].
The ban applies to grains, dairy products, sugar, fruit, vegetables and meats and will be in force until the end of June.
The Commission said it was not up to individual member states to make trade policy.
United Nations Charter
The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 16 2023 15:14 utc | 7
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Apr 16 2023 14:45 utc | 5
Caitlin Johnstone had an article on that, too.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Apr 16 2023 15:18 utc | 8
Notice Sunday Times has almost all ‘opinion’ columnists talking about how China is the greatest threat the world has ever known type stuff. Rupert is clearly sending out instructions!
Posted by: Mark T | Apr 16 2023 15:20 utc | 9
thanks b.... lots of other interesting articles to chew over.. thank you..
thanks to the posters for the other articles too.. lots to consider..
Posted by: james | Apr 16 2023 15:28 utc | 10
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that when I tried to access the TASS website, it seemed to perpetually refresh without ever displaying any content.
Now that the website has resumed displaying properly for me, I thought I'd share what I did to address the problem.
I learned long ago that some mysteries of computing are inexplicable and should simply be accepted. This seems to be one.
Posted by: David Levin | Apr 16 2023 15:37 utc | 11
I expect the coming coronation of King Chuck will be entertaining and wonder what it presages for the UK and King Chuck on top of the heap or is The City Of London Corp on top, or both and more Hollywood?
When will King Chuck go to China? It wouldn't be like Marcon's visit, eh?
Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 16 2023 15:47 utc | 12
The Commission said it was not up to individual member states to make trade policy.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 16 2023 15:14 utc | 7
Of course not. It's up to individual oligarchs and various collected nazi offspawn, satanists and cocaine whores to make trade policy. Preferably while safely residing in a different country or even continent.
In the same way as it's up to them to pick the Commission.
Posted by: Mike | Apr 16 2023 15:50 utc | 13
huh, I filed an appeal to youtube to reverse my suspension (I hadn't bothered doing that before, and I don't think it would have had any effect if I had done so) and they reversed the suspension, supposedly. happened roughly the same time i was banned from commenting on The Hill and on Vox sports, all I'm sure it was over criticism of US war propaganda. Maybe I'm still banned on Google at large, don't know and don't care.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Apr 16 2023 15:51 utc | 14
@pretzelattack | Apr 16 2023 15:18 utc | 8
The Dalai Lama is small potatoes --
"The report estimates that 216,000 children were abused by Catholic priests between 1950 and 2020, and that accounting for abuse by other Catholic church employees increases the total number to around 330,000. Around 80% of the victims were boys." - wiki .; . .and "Nearly 1700 priests and other clergy members that the Roman Catholic Church considers credibly accused of child sexual abuse . . ." - NBC News
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 16 2023 15:51 utc | 15
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 16 2023 15:51 utc | 15
I don't know the relative rates of abuse within various religions and sects; the Catholic scandals have gotten a lot of attention, finally, after decades of coverups. anyway, I don't care I suspect a lot is still covered up regarding Protestant, Buddhist, Jewish etc sexual abuse by religious leaders, and for that matter I suspect the figures for Catholics are still low.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Apr 16 2023 15:54 utc | 16
anyway, the Dalai Lama is relevant today because he is also a former (?) Cia informant/poodle, and no doubt will be a useful cardboard cutout as the US tries to transition to making China the next immediate target. dunno what they are going to do about Russia when Ukraine falls. we live in "interesting" times.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Apr 16 2023 15:57 utc | 17
Apologies if this has already been posted on MOA.
“Julian Assange. Enjoying Western democracy, human rights, liberal values and humanity.”
Posted by: krypton | Apr 16 2023 16:13 utc | 18
Sad news day. For one less contender for "Prez Campaign 2024. Awaiting multiple judgement days in the court of Justice based on bribe/payola monies paid in the USSA.
In other news. All current Red donkey leaders in the USSA State and federal reps! Are actively encouraging tax fraud for the wealthy 2%. By calling the incessant demands Tax office to balance income exceeds expenses. The surplus is urgently required. To repay all of the countries multi trillion air dollar debt burden.
A Debt Burden. Caused by Red Donkeys spend unto death for useless war toys. Cut all welfare payments to zero*. Cut all taxes to the seven figure plus annual income leeches. Is a vote seeking "pay all taxes due and payable on income received". Is a 21st century "political witch hunt". A rubber band can only stretch so far.
*Welfare payments are inflated to cover all Government closed research black funded war/Raygun Star War funded space orbital killer toy projects.
Today's news story. Shows that a specific website targeting those who suffer delusional denial of reality. "Twatter for conservatives only". Will be closed. As the sole user has migrated back to Elon's mainstream "twatter"! Just announced on "twatter".
On the return of the cash strapped* prez hopeful for 2024. A special sale for "Pink Elephants" is now available only on "twatter". For an indeterminate period of time.
*Strange stories of unpaid venue debts are now emerging here and there! After this candidate has left town on his private jet.
Thus the age of selling lies to the few weak minded individuals. Or ones who prefer by self choice. To be fooled 100% of the time. Is a very tiny market.
Can one really sell lies 24/7/365?
Truth is stranger than fiction..........Mark Twain
Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Apr 16 2023 17:03 utc | 19
@pretzelattack | Apr 16 2023 15:57 utc | 17 about the Dalai Lama
Think about the poor dude. Propaganda front for a failed bastion of feudalism and about to become more center stage as the pivot of empire to China increases. He is old and tired of being a empire guru so why not show a little inappropriate behavior to force his handlers to find another Dalai Lama and let him "retire".
Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 16 2023 17:04 utc | 20
re find another Dalai Lama and let him "retire"
. . .from India-- re: His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
A Prayer for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Long Life April 5, 2023
Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India - This morning, an elaborate prayer for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s long life was offered to him at the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Tibetan Temple, by students, staff and former students of the Tibetan Homes Foundation and the Central School for Tibetans (CST) Mussoorie, as well as former students and vocational trainees of CST Panchmari, Madhya Pradesh. . .here
Is that Mussoorie the show-me state? Anyhow one would need to swallow tongue to be able to say those difficult words like Tsuglagkhang and Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 16 2023 17:20 utc | 21
The US strategy of 'raising tensions' with China is paying off.
. . .from scmp:
China-US relations: Washington unites around mission to prevail over Beijing by boosting defence spending
Bipartisan accord is rare on Capitol Hill, making budget requests for military spending easier to justify
Programmes addressing a potential contest with China – such as long-range cruise and hypersonic missiles – better funded than rest of budget: researcher . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 16 2023 17:45 utc | 22
LOL, the "Discord leak" keeps on giving:
Wonder what else will be "found" in those leaks in the coming weeks and when it will stop... it's certainly getting ridiculous.
Posted by: Zet | Apr 16 2023 17:51 utc | 23
re: The US Supreme Court
US Constitution - Article III Judicial Branch
The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.
. . .About the Court
"EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW" - These words, written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building, express the ultimate responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.
. . .from WaPo:
Clarence Thomas has for years claimed income from a defunct real estate firm
The misstatements, which began when a family business transferred its holdings to another company, are part of a pattern that has raised questions about how the Supreme Court justice views his obligation to accurately report details about his finances to the public. . .Thomas has continued to report income from the defunct company — between $50,000 and $100,000 annually in recent years — and there is no mention of the newer firm, Ginger Holdings, LLC, on the forms. . .“Any presumption in favor of Thomas’s integrity and commitment to comply with the law is gone. His assurances and promises cannot be trusted. Is there more? What’s the whole story? The nation needs to know,” said Stephen Gillers, a legal ethics expert at New York University. . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 16 2023 18:03 utc | 24
Moon of Alabama delivered to my door for free each day with a Sunday edition eagerly anticipated (even if it's 4.30am in Sydney). Thanks for what you do here b, you are the real thing.
Posted by: Patroklos | Apr 16 2023 18:32 utc | 25
Reply to Levin
Everytime i am trying to watch an interview with Larry J or Scott Ritter the rigth (guest)side of the screen is very bad quality, both the sound and picture.
It appers that evertime Larry or Scott open their mouth, something happens to reduce the quality.
This started some 10 days ago.
I live in Norway
Posted by: Paul Norwegian | Apr 16 2023 18:47 utc | 26
The dedollarization genie is not going back into the bottle regardless of USA's wishes.
Correctomundo. De-dollarization is a process, not an event. It cannot be "controlled" like some political decision.
The die was cast when the sanctions were abused and the dollar weaponized. China, the Saudis, Brazil, Turkey, cannot let that stand or they are the next Ukraine.
Posted by: Chris | Apr 16 2023 18:56 utc | 27
The latest part of my US chapter US: From Morning in America to Making America Great Again (1979 to present)
There will be no interruption of the US desperate attempts to reassert its global hegemony, just look at what is currently happening in Sudan (a US sponsored attempted coup), together with the US (and EU) increasing pressure on Hungary to get in line and the US military exercises with the Philippines. The task of RIC (Russia, India, China) is to boil the US/Western frog slowly enough that he doesn't suddenly startle and do something crazy.
Looks like the Sudanese government is currently putting down the attempted coup, hopefully it will then continue with the plan to provide Russia with its sea base in the Red Sea and get some additional Russian support to make sure no such coups happen in the future.
Coincidence much?
Thanks for the week in review, b. I’ve just got started but you’re blowing my mind already. Ok, one more of these posts with a reference to Canadian satirical news outlet, The Beaverton, then I’ll quit. My two cents:
Hungover robin wishes humans would shut the *uck up (re-post from May 14, 2018)
IMF - Latin America and the Caribbean: Seizing the Momentum (May 11, 2018)
Lavrov to visit Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba from April 17-21
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Apr 16 2023 18:59 utc | 29
Posted by: Zet | Apr 16 2023 17:51 utc | 23
yes, these "leaks" are the gift that keeps on giving for the deep state. Any false narrative can now be supported with "facts" conveniently gleaned from the crazy zany kid who just wanted to impress his Discord buddies.
"OJ NOT the real killer!" - Discord leak
"Putin's got terminal pancreatic cancer!" - Discord leak
"Glorious counteroffensive to happen in Q3, just in time for football season!!" - Discord leak
I don't know why, but I am feeling very philosophical today. None of this matters. It's all just noise - the leaks, the counteroffensive hurrah, the Moldovan shitfuckery.
Nothing is ever going to change. Humans are going to keep on being evil, killing each other, and trying to amass power and control. Even if Russia wins, and Zelensky ends up swinging from a lamppost, there will be some other evil hatched to destroy freedom and human rights.
People are stupid. Poland will just become the new "Ukraine", more than willing to turn their own nation into an economic shithole on par with the Sudan so they can bow down to the alter of mammon. They want western satanic values, stupid meaningless clothes, celebrities, vacations to some overpriced tourist trap. And if the Poles by some miracle wake up and say, no thanks, then another victim will be chosen, maybe Lithuania, maybe Norway, maybe your home country.
The technological angle is the scariest part. With AI now, they don't even have to win wars, they can just make up shit and feed it to us through AI.
Russia is just a politically expedient enemy for the deep state. They need to distract the masses from the misery they're inflicting on them - excess mortality, loss of freedom, moral decay.
TL;DR - we're never going to see any improvement, it's all downhill from here. Enjoy whatever little piece of happiness you can find. Eat, drink and be merry.
@krypton 18 that sums it all up nicely, doesn't it?
Posted by: Chris | Apr 16 2023 19:11 utc | 30
"Israel seeks direct US support for anti-Iran operations: Pentagon leaks - RT"
While the article does not explicitly say so, it hints at the real reason: Hezbollah in Lebanon. Most of the article mentions Iran weapons transfers through Syria. What it doesn't mention is those are going not just to Iranian militia in Syria, but onward to Lebanon to Hezbollah. That's what the article is really about, but RT apparently isn't smart enough to say so.
As I've said many times, Israel can not get a war with Iran started until Hezbollah is somehow reduced in Lebanon. This is because Hezbollah has enough long-range precision Iranian missiles to keep the Israeli population in bomb shelters 24x7 for months, which will cause the Israeli economy to evaporate and piss off the electorate causing the ruling elite to be voted out in the next election.
The only way Israel can fix this situation, given that it cannot take down Hezbollah by itself without massive casualties, as demonstrated in the 2006 war against a much weaker Hezbollah (Hezbollah now has T-72 and T-55 tanks - perhaps 75 of them, M-113 APCs and Russian Kornet anti-tank missiles), is if it can convince the US to provide direct military support, including high-altitude B-52 bombing of southern Lebanon and possibly US boots on the ground.
That is why Israel is offering to supply weapons to Ukraine in exchange for direct US military assistance.
The neocons will be happy to agree to this, both for Israel's and Ukraine's sake. The Pentagon may or may not, given that they're still smarting from the Beirut barracks bombing long ago, but at the same time wary of going up against a seasoned, well-armed guerrilla group like Hezbollah on the ground.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Apr 16 2023 19:21 utc | 31
Paul Greenwood @2
Listening daily to the speeches made by Baerbock and her kindred neoliberals, you'd find the same visceral hatred, both racial and ideological, in Wilhelm II's Hun Speech towards China is still very much alive and abundant in German media propagated by German journalists, politicians (esp. from "oliver" Green Party) and so-called "China experts", albeit now in the name of "human right", "democracy".
(Btw, what Huns and Attila got to do with Chinese?! Huns and Attila are regarded as the ancestors and the biggest hero by the Turkic people and nations, such as Turkey, Kazakhstan.)
At the press conference at Beijing, Baerbock talks about Taiwan strait tension without mentioning any of U$A's provacations in/about Taiwan. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang has to remind her that Taiwan issue is China's internal affair as Taiwan is recognised part of China by UN General Assembly Resolution 2758.
Qin Gang also reminds her that China had always supported the unification of Germany and hope Germany would do the same regarding China's unification with Tawian.
I doubt she'd give a sh!t about it.
Ex-German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt said in his book "Nackbar China" that he was very suppursied that Chinese leaders (Mao Zedong) believed that Germany would be reunified one day when he visited China in 1975.
Side note: Qin Gang went to Tianjing, where Baerbock first landed, and accompanied her to Beijing by speed inter-city train.
Posted by: lulu | Apr 16 2023 20:37 utc | 32
lulu | Apr 16 2023 20:37 utc | 32
Not just Turkics - 400 boys were named Attila in Hungary in 2021.
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Apr 16 2023 20:57 utc | 33
- Gazprom delivers 41.7 mln cubic meters of gas to Europe through Ukraine via Sudzha
The day before, the pumping volume reached 40 mln cubic meters -
" Gazprom is supplying gas to Europe through Ukraine in the volume of 41.7 mln cubic meters per day via the Sudzha gas pumping station. The application for deliveries through Sokhanovka was rejected by the Ukrainian side, a Gazprom representative told reporters on Wednesday. "
Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Apr 16 2023 21:14 utc | 34
Perhaps at one of those Free Tibet concerts that were all the rage a decade or two ago, the Red Hot Chili Peppers played and the devil's music earwormed its way then into the Delhi Banana and he could be heard singing "give it away, give it away, give it away now, .. suck my kiss!"
Posted by: Ново З | Apr 16 2023 21:36 utc | 35
Introduction sped up by the " war " in UKraine. How convenient.
- The digital ruble is getting closer to wallets: when will Russians be able to pay with virtual currency? -
" What is a digital ruble?
Technically, each such ruble is a unique digital code that will be stored as records in customers' electronic wallets.
These wallets themselves, in turn, will be stored on the digital ruble platform, a special infrastructure created by the Central Bank. This is one of the main differences between digital and non-cash money, which, as a rule, are on accounts in commercial banks. "
" Initially, when formulating the concept of the digital ruble, the Central Bank assumed that its widespread use would begin in 2030. However, numerous sanctions against Russia, including in the field of the financial sector, forced the regulator to accelerate. The exact dates are not called, but judging by the fact that already in 2024 it is planned to launch the possibility of exchanging a digital ruble for foreign currency, as well as allow non-residents to open wallets, the current year, 2023, is allotted for preparation for implementation to the masses. "
" The Central Bank does not get tired of emphasizing: the digital ruble is not a classic cryptocurrency, but the so-called digital currency of central banks (CBDC). Their main difference from the crypt is that they, like the traditional currency, have an emission center. That is, like the usual rubles, only the Russian Central Bank will issue digital ones."
" Probably, the Central Bank will introduce some restrictions. Several options were considered:
limit on the balance in the wallet;
limit on the amount of one transaction;
limit on the number of transactions. "
" But why do we need a digital ruble at all, if there is cash and non-cash?
The Central Bank itself explained why it was introducing the digital ruble:
the project aims to further reduce the share of cash in the economy.
In addition, due to the specifics of the digital ruble, all transactions with it will be completely transparent for the Central Bank. This, according to market players, will help in the settlement of government contracts - the authorities will be able to easily track that all the money went to targeted spending.
It will also simplify the restoration of the rights of the owner of digital rubles in case of their loss or theft. "
Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Apr 16 2023 21:52 utc | 36
Posted by: Roger | Apr 16 2023 18:58 utc | 28
Good article at your Substack. I'll probably re-read it again later just for the trip down "Memory Lane."
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Apr 16 2023 22:20 utc | 37
- Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil – study -
" “What we are witnessing is an enormous transfer of wealth to a few rich families that basically own the global food system, at a time when the majority of the world population is struggling to make ends meet,” Greenpeace International campaigner Davi Martins stated. "
Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Apr 16 2023 22:21 utc | 38
I tell you now Barts. Gonna give you the inside dope from the belly of the beast!
Watch the "Grand National" to see what these inbred Ultra-Vires get off on.
What's with the horse abuse you may ask?
I ask you to go back to the Pagan Druid past of Ancient Britain.
Forgive me for this Barts but there's no easy way round this. All I can say is that we stomach the strong meat for as far as our constitution allows.
I humbly ask you to research our Ultra-Vires veneration of the Green Man.
Why the obsession with the horse?
Why the manic ecstasy in the SUFFERING of the horse?
Why the chalk carvings of the horse for example at White Horse Hill?
I tell you, I have lived amongst these sickos. Seen them arrive in their convoy of Range Rovers. Heard the harrowing whinny in the dead of night.
A few days later we hear the Horse Slashers have visited their vile ceremony on us again.
The speculation is it could be witches. Alians even!
But we know what the Ultra-Vires get of on.
They're "into" horses you see!
They love to be present at the "Covering of the Mare", the "Draining of the Stud".
How those mostly female Three Day Eventers discipline their stallions I will leave to you imagination.
But they go further than that.
Imagine a Druid-Rome hybrid.
Imagine Mithras-Tauroctomy-Saturnalia... but with a FRIKIN HORSE!
Forgive me for spilling the beans brothers.
Posted by: Big Johnny Potatoes | Apr 16 2023 22:55 utc | 39
Big Johnny Potatoes #39
Lay off the mushrooms.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Apr 16 2023 23:37 utc | 40
Don Bacon @ 15, Pretzel Attack @ 16:
Recently a trial in which the principal of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish college in Melbourne was accused of sexually abusing two girls (both sisters) under her care concluded. The principal was found guilty of rape and sexual abuse.
Efforts to bring the woman to trial stretched over 15 years, not least because she fled to Israel (and extraditing crooks from Israel can be a little tricky) and there were other problems hindering the trial's progress.
There have been other past cases of sexual abuse within the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Melbourne (St Kilda) and Sydney (Bondi).
The problem in ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities when they are confronted with allegations of sexual abuse and child sexual abuse in particular is compounded by the fact that they are often small and very insular, and very cult-like in their behaviours and actions.
BTW, Thailand has long had problems with paedophile Buddhist monks.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Apr 16 2023 23:39 utc | 41
Re Dalai Lama
A colour revolution is in order and it is time for the White Hats to step aside and install the Black Hat lad - the 17th Karmapa Lama.
Minimise the gaffes, make diplomacy with the only state ever to eradicate serfdom in Tibet, and get on with creating a region of prosperity in the Tibet Province.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Apr 16 2023 23:43 utc | 42
The major moves behind the recent Syria-Saudi rapprochement is detailed by The Cradle, "Echoes of Taif: Syria and Saudi Arabia reconcile", with this key excerpt:
But for Syria, the closing statement [Link at Original] of the joint Syrian-Saudi meeting in Jeddah – following the visit of the Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad on 12 April – are what Damascus has sought since the beginning of the war: to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis that preserves Syria’s unity, security, and stability, and ensure the Arab identity of the state and its territorial integrity.Finding a political settlement
The joint Syrian-Saudi statement on Syrian territorial integrity stands in stark contrast to US policy, which actively supports separatist Kurdish forces in eastern Syria.
The joint statement also highlighted that the two sides discussed necessary steps to achieve “a comprehensive political settlement to the Syrian crisis that ends all its repercussions.”
The use of the term “repercussions” indicates that all the political and territorial changes caused by the Syrian war are on the negotiating table, and must be tackled in order to achieve a comprehensive political settlement.
This alignment of Riyadh and Damascus’ vision for resolving the crisis is a major turning point in Saudi policy towards the Syrian crisis, as it places Saudi Arabia on the same side as Syria in seeking a resolution to the conflict. [My Emphasis]
It will be sometime before a proper history of what transpired in West Asia from 1989 onward gets written and published, likely in either Arabic or Russian. That policy must also be integrated into the Outlaw US Empire's Eurasian policy for the same timespan for they're complements. The key components ignored by both are China's rise and Russia's revival. Too much Neocon magical thinking epitomized by Rove's "we make our own reality" is at the root of these policy failures.
@Big Johnny Potatoes | Apr 16 2023 22:55 utc | 39
That all started me thinking about Catherine the Great, again.
Posted by: Ново З | Apr 17 2023 0:42 utc | 44
Posted by: Ново З | Apr 17 2023 0:42 utc | 44
I just read a fantastic book about Catherine the Great. Empress of Art
The horse stuff seems like a smear. Demonization. Additionally, "Potemkin villages" is another bit of old school anti-Russia propaganda. Potemkin did spruce things up for her trip down the Volga to Ukraine, but nothing like the term has become. But I'm sure I'm wrong and will be taken to task for saying such things.
Catherine is such an interesting human. They don't call her the Great for no reason! I guess deep down I'm a monarchist. I would probably have been a serf back then, but I don't care. She didn't end serfdom even though she gave it serious thought. Voltaire, who she admired and was friends (of sorts) with took her to task for it.
Happy Orthodox Easter!
Posted by: lex talionis | Apr 17 2023 1:27 utc | 45
BRICS bank, dollar system hemorraging
This is more in line with b's post yesterday, Norton's Geopolitical Economy website has another-- almost daily (does he sleep?)-- post on the stampede away from the dollar zone cliff, including southeast Asia and Africa while Brazil's Lula and Dilma lead Latin America.
"Dilma, like her ally Lula, is a leftist from Brazil’s Workers’ Party. In a speech that Geopolitical Economy reported on in 2022, Dilma analyzed the US-China conflict as “a rivalry of two systems”, a struggle between neoliberalism and socialism. She condemned US sanctions and “dollar hegemony” and called for Latin America “to break with the Monroe Doctrine”."
"to reduce dependence on the US Dollar, Euro, Yen, and British Pound from financial transactions and move to settlements in local currencies”.
ASEAN is developing a cross-border digital payment system that would allow the use of local currencies in regional trade. ASEAN Briefing noted that Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand agreed on this in November 2022.
The media outlet added that Indonesia’s central bank plans on creating a local payment system as well."
"Several countries on the African continent are advocating de-dollarization as well.
In March, Kenya signed an agreement with state-owned companies in Saudi Arabia and the UAE to buy oil on credit, using the country’s local currency, the shilling.
Kenya asked to do so because the African nation’s dollar reserves are running low, as it pays for more expensive imports."
Norton has a 30 minute video along with it. Highly recommend both. no fluff. minimal rant.
Posted by: m | Apr 17 2023 1:32 utc | 46
that was me-- migueljose.
hit the return too fast.
Posted by: migueljose | Apr 17 2023 1:33 utc | 47
@ Roger | Apr 16 2023 18:58 utc | 28
Nice article that you shared. Your historical synopsis is quite accurate.
In one place, you kind of pose a question I would like to try to answer, where you say, "From a purely realist perspective many of the US foreign policy actions would seem not to make sense, for example the aggressive march of NATO toward Russia’s borders, as they needlessly increased the risks of conflict between nuclear-armed adversaries."
Indeed, the failure of the US to ally with Russia at the fall of the Soviet Union seems really odd, as it seemed Russia was there for the picking at that time and throughout the 1990s. While it is true that the various anti-Russian East European lobbies were rife, those lobbies had nothing they could offer comparable in value to Russia and so could have been easily shoved aside by the US power elite. And indeed Yeltsin repeatedly tried to gain admission to NATO and Putin did so as well early in his presidency, in 2000. Yet they were rebuffed. Why could that be, especially as they were ostensibly willing to join the neoliberal international order, making their economy coordinate with capitalism. Furthermore, theoretically, the Russians could have cut an economic deal, based on their size, that would have gotten them treated more like Japan after 1952 rather than like Greece, Lebanon, Libya, Argentina, or so many others. Thus, despite the looting and Ponzi schemes in the immediate aftermath of the Soviet collapse, Russia surely could have worked at a deal that would have left it better off than many or most others in the neoliberal order.
In my mind, this failure of the US to court Russia is a little bit of a mystery, and the solution is one thing: Russia's parity in nuclear weapons. Every day in the USA, every man, woman, and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, with the possibility that on any day total annihilation may rain down from the sky and nothing could be done to stop it. It is true that, living with this possibility for all of one's long life without it actually happening, the threat kind of fades into nothingness in the active consciousness, but it is still there. Also, this threat constitutes a complete, 100% negation of all the vain pretensions of the US leadership. Instead of full-spectrum dominance, we have full-spectrum nothingness. So how could hubris-filled neocons stand that?
Those neocons try to posture with denial, especially in public, but in the back of their minds, like it or not, they know the reality. So why oh why did they not campaign to get rid of Russia's nuclear arsenal in 1992? After all, the collapse of the Soviet Union caused general immiseration for the population of the ex-Soviet republics, including Russia. Furthermore, the US did work to try to get the nuclear weapons out of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan and place all the ex-Soviet nukes exclusively in the hands of Russia. The Soviet conventional forces were largely demilitarized. So it should have been easy to get rid of the Russian nukes, right?
Yet, the US, despite all their interventions in Russia, never even breathed a hint, much less made any open suggestion, that Russia should disarm from its nukes. All for one simple reason: The Russians, even the pliable Yeltsin, would have replied, "Oh, yes, good idea, we would love to do that, just as soon as you do too." The US establishment were afraid that merely airing the subject would create mass pressure on the US likewise to disarm. So they didn't.
But also, they couldn't ally with Russia either, because, owing to Russia's nuclear parity with the US, that would mean a partnership, not a dominance. They didn't then and still don't now know what to do with Russia, but they weren't about to share their own vaunted power with foreigners, let alone their recent ex-adversaries whom they were crowing about having beaten. So MAD, the nuclear balance of terror, remained intact and today remains at least as threatening as at any point in the Cold War.
Posted by: Cabe | Apr 17 2023 1:42 utc | 48
@ Cabe | Apr 17 2023 1:42 utc | 48
cabe and others.. you might find john helmers article from yesterday, but in particular the link to a translation into english of Heinrich Bücker's speech on the 81st anniversary of Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, especially enlightening in regards to germanys role at present with regard to russia...
Posted by: james | Apr 17 2023 2:45 utc | 49
Josep Borrell,
“Europe is a garden”
. “We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that the humankind has been able to build – the three things together.”“The rest of the world is not exactly a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden.”
– EU ambassadors, as “gardeners,” had to “go to the jungle” and impose on it the ideological, political, and economic agendas of the globalised West.
The “garden” could not sit by idly and do nothing, “A nice small garden surrounded by high walls in order to prevent the jungle from coming in is not going to be a solution. Because the jungle has a strong growth capacity, the wall will never be high enough in order to protect the garden,”
“Europeans have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world otherwise the rest of the world will invade us by different ways and means,”
'Engaged', .!!
Like so.....?
Kaiser Wilhelm, speaking to German troops on their way to China – called for carnage.
" No quarter will be given! Prisoners will not be taken! Just as a thousand years ago the Huns (...) made a name for themselves
Walter Lippmann on Defense of the Atlantic World.
America must stand with the “Western world” against the barbarous hordes of the East.
I think we shall have to take the Chinese in hand and regulate them. I believe that as civilized nations become more powerful they will get more ruthless, and the time will come when the world will impatiently bear the existence of great barbaric nations who may at any time arm themselves and menace civilized nations. I believe in the ultimate partition of China—I mean ultimate. I hope we shall not have to do it in our day. The Aryan stock is bound to triumph.
Population [must be] stationary or nearly so…. The White population of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the Negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without the help of war and pestilence…. Until that happens…the less prolific races will have to defend themselves against the more prolific….”In 1951 he warned about the kinds of dangers he saw in the near future — apparently the renowned Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were not having the kind of result he was hoping for. In The Impact of Science on Society, he wrote: “At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars…. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect…but perhaps a bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors would be free to Procreate freely without making the world too full.” Russell went on, “this state of affairs may be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s.”
[In garden lingo, asiatic is code word for chinaman, every time you heard 'asian brutally attacked in hate crimes' means another chinaman had bitten the dust.]
Jack London
There were two Chinese for every white-skinned human in the world… There was talk of all countries putting bounties on children to Increase the birth rate, but it was laughed to scorn by the arithmeticians, who pointed out that China was too far in the lead in that direction.The Western nations set aside their differences and mobilized. The mission was for containment. Biological warfare did the dirty work—a pretty grim end.
After Western nations repopulated the desolate land that was China…
Australian microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet
We must develop bio-weapons for use against the ‘overpopulated countries of South-East Asia.’
Prince Philips
“Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We’re in for a major disaster if it isn’t curbed… We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.”“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” ?
No prize for guessing who'r the target.
The Wasp’s distaste for chinaman are open secret,
the royals never hide their disdain for those ‘slitty eyed coolies]
“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend …. One-fourth is destructive [and] they are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death.’ … Now as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human — the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers — the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body …. Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.”
Tip of an iceberg
The garden consensus…
The jungle needs to be culled...especially those damned asiatic, aka chinaman.
Wars aint effective,
Germ warfare might do the trick .
Most garden 'elites' are satanists, note the constant reference to the four horsemen and Apocalypse.
gawd forbid,
When Hubbard said 1/4 of humans are defective and need to be culled, was she thinking of chinaman ???
Posted by: denk | Apr 17 2023 3:24 utc | 50
@ Cabe | Apr 17 2023 1:42 utc | 48
this failure of the US to court Russia is a little bit of a mystery
The US national security state has a general policy of divide-and-conquer, along with the appointment of offical national enemies which provide funding for the military and profits for the military-industrial cabal.
Russia as an enemy is necessary to maintain US sovereignty over Europe, including the continuing US military occupation.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 17 2023 3:33 utc | 51
Baerbock took a strong US-parrot stand against China on her visit there, in contrast to Macron and "strategic autonomy." China is not happy with that.
. . .from scmp
Beijing warns Berlin against strategic missteps in new China policy
China’s top diplomat says return of Taiwan is a key part of the post-WWII international order
Just as China supported German reunification, Beijing hopes Berlin will support its cause, Wang Yi says
Beijing urged Berlin to avoid “strategic misjudgments” in its policy towards China and to support the peaceful unification of Taiwan, as German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wrapped up her three-day visit to China on the weekend. After a meeting with Baerbock on Saturday, China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, drew a parallel with the reunification of Germany. “The return of Taiwan to China was an important part of the post-World War II international order,” Wang said, blaming the “independence forces” in Taiwan for trying to undermine the status quo and endanger peace in the Taiwan Strait. “China once supported Germany’s reunification, and hopes and believes that Germany will also support China’s great cause of peaceful reunification.”. . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 17 2023 3:50 utc | 52
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 17 2023 3:33 utc | 51
Thank you for that truth bomb. You nailed it there. EOD.
Posted by: lex talionis | Apr 17 2023 4:08 utc | 53
lex talionis | Apr 17 2023 4:08 utc | 53
You're welcome.
EOD = Explosive Ordnance Disposal -- I remember them and their jeeps with the red fenders.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 17 2023 4:18 utc | 54
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 17 2023 4:18 utc | 54
Well, well. I learn something new everyday here at the bar. I meant End Of Discussion.
Your definition sounds like more fun!
...RED fenders, you said...
Thank you for a new significance to the beloved acronyms which clutter my brain. Respect.
Posted by: lex talionis | Apr 17 2023 4:45 utc | 55
@Denk, #50:
Thanks for telling it like it was/is. What's most scary to me though is the fact that in the days of Kaiser Wilhelm/Churchill/Jack London et al, Chinamen were clearly more backward and economically deprived than other global weaklings such as India/Hindus, Polynesians, Japanese/Koreans, Arabs, Persians, etc., yet the 'elites' of the 'garden' singled out Chinamen for their intense hatred and desire for genocide. The sentiment you reflected in your quotes and writings were consistent and unambiguous. For me it begs the question: why specifically Chinese???
Posted by: Oriental Voice | Apr 17 2023 4:56 utc | 56
Posted by: Oriental Voice | Apr 17 2023 4:56 utc | 56
out now, be back.
Posted by: denk | Apr 17 2023 5:10 utc | 57
Posted by: denk | Apr 17 2023 5:10 utc | 57
Bow down. Have pleasant dreams if you can.
Posted by: lex talionis | Apr 17 2023 5:28 utc | 58
Posted by: Oriental Voice | Apr 17 2023 4:56 utc | 56
Late Victorian Holocaust
They did a pretty good job elsewhere.
Posted by: lex talionis | Apr 17 2023 6:18 utc | 59
yet the 'elites' of the 'garden' singled out Chinamen for their intense hatred and desire for genocide.
Posted by: Oriental Voice | Apr 17 2023 4:56 utc | 56
Nah, perhaps for the US, but for Europe, it was Islam that was the big enemy.
Posted by: laguerre | Apr 17 2023 6:34 utc | 60
denk | Apr 17 2023 3:24 utc | 50
Thanks for that. As OV said it was a well put together collection.
Links were nice too, good stuff at each site keeping me in the big chair for awhile.
lex talionis @ Apr 17 2023 6:18 utc |
- Yeah, no shortage of material on that topic, eh? Tx.
Posted by: waynorinorway | Apr 17 2023 6:55 utc | 61
laguerre | Apr 17 2023 6:34 utc | 60
First & second Opium Wars, Taiku Forts, etc, various punitive expeditions, direct belligerent participation in the Taiping Rebellion to conclusion with the European 'Ever Victorious Army' it's commander and numerous in-service seconded officers/military advisors arms/munitions/materiel, the so called 'Boxer Rebellion', Indochina Wars, direct European sponsorship & support of various warlords during the decades long Chinese Warlords period post 1911 ? Europe, nah, nowhere to be seen ...
Almost two years ago, my second book, 'De wereld na Trump en Merkel, Europese rivaliteit, neoliberalisme en het machtsevenwicht' (translation: ‘The world after Trump and Merkel. European rivalry, neo-liberalism and the balance of power’) was reviewed by the Flemish nationalist oriented online magazine 'Doorbraak (translation: Breakthrough). With Doorbraak's mission statement as a medium that 'allows all voices their say, also publishes contradictory opinions, deliberately seeks debate and does not shy away from controversy', I decided to accede to their request for a review copy.
At first I ignored the clearly biased review, but with a world looking very different and the issue of our political/economic system more topical than ever, I decided to publish a reply to Doorbraak's review:
Doorbraak sees in my book 'a radical left-wing vision of a number of world problems', while I only argue for authentic left-wing policy. The reviewer was annoyed by my analysis of the phenomenon of 'neo-liberalism', which I allegedly considered 'the source of all evil'. In my book I do target neo-liberalism, but I do so nuanced, detailed and substantiated.
The reviewer tried to prove his point with the rhetorical question why 'migrants and refugees worldwide always choose the path towards neo-liberal countries'. My answer was that asylum seekers flee a war waged by the West, and economic refugees leave their country of birth because of their corrupt government, corruption associated with contacts between local leaders and big business and big finance in the (neo-liberal) West.
Doorbraak's verdict is clear: 'the author's radical socialism is difficult to sell in Flanders, because few people really want it'. That's where the reviewer really misses the mark. He is clearly targeting his right-wing readership. An analysis of the programmes of social-democratic parties shows that many 'left-wing' positions were removed. The electorate appears to have seen this as well. The result can be found in the election outcomes and polls. It is not for nothing that an authentic left-wing party is doing particularly well in Belgium.
The reviewer praises a 'well-documented book' that 'contains a lot of useful material for a discussion on very diverse subjects', but violates Doorbraak's mission statement. He opposes a contradictory opinion and ignores essential parts of my book or distorts them. Clearly, right-wing nationalism has a hard time debating outdated forms of government.
Posted by: Paul-Robert | Apr 17 2023 9:04 utc | 63
Posted by: Biochar | Apr 16 2023 14:04 utc | 1
YOU clearly know zero European History.
None of those borders you speak of in Central Europe existed before 1945. The biggest change took place in 1999 when US and NATO violated 1975 Helsinki Accords.......
If Yeltsin had not been weak and a drunk he might have done more than despatch Russian troops to occupy Pristina Airport.......
Already the US under Wesley Clark was pushing to humiliate Russia in 1999
Not even USA can offer security guarantees in Europe today UNLESS it wants to will require USA to risk total destruction of Continental United States to guarantee any border in Europe henceforth..........
China is not going to do what it cannot. Britain guaranteed Polish security in March 1939 which led Hitler to tear up the 1934 Polish-German Non-Aggression Pact............yet Poland disappeared........
Most countries in Central Europe have artificial borders - even countries like Germany are a fake construct which is already unravelling..........
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Apr 17 2023 10:38 utc | 64
I just want to share a twitter feed I found yesterday via the twitter feed of the wonderful Kees van der Pijl.
I found the new feed interesting and informative. At this moment, in particular regarding events in Sudan.
Please do take a look. (I am on twitter, I just look for information there)
Posted by: JB | Apr 17 2023 12:03 utc | 65
Posted by: JB | Apr 17 2023 12:03 utc | 65
Correction - not on twitter
Posted by: JB | Apr 17 2023 12:05 utc | 66
Oriental Voice @ 56:
The Europeans singled out the Chinese for various reasons: the Chinese were numerous even then, the most populous nation on the planet in the 19th century; they already had a history of advanced civilisation and the Europeans were aware that if the Chinese could do it once, they could do it again (which was why they had to be kept down with poverty and opium addiction); and they had proven themselves hardworking and capable of back-breaking physical work, such as building railway tracks in some of the most extreme climates to be found in western North America. Chinese labour helped build railways in the Rockies in the US and Canada. At the same time, the peasants were to be feared for their supposed superstitious natures and susceptibility to cult-like figures, but the same applies to peasants everywhere: the difference was that Chinese peasants were more numerous
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Apr 17 2023 12:20 utc | 67
Just for amusement I compared and contrasted Websites in UK for Tesco, Aldi, with prices in German stores for mundane things like onions, carrots, milk............
amazing how much cheaper they are than in Germany now.........the price increases on onions are ridiculous and carrots .........
Somewhere there is a French-like explosion brewing in German cities
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Apr 17 2023 12:34 utc | 68
Hello barflies,
I found an interesting comment in an article in Nikkei Asia about the Japanese National Security Council (est 2013 under Abe). When talking about the value of biweekly calls with the US NSC, they added this quote:
This window was illuminating, for instance, when Biden ordered the withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. "Sullivan wasn't very enthusiastic about the idea, but the president had already decided to leave Afghanistan several years ago," Kitamura recalled.
If this is true and Biden directed people to start working on leaving, they had years to prepare and still botched it up this bad. Perhaps everyone (like Sullivan) was dragging their feet and Biden got fed up and just pulled the trigger.
Anyhow, I found the comment interesting. So is the rest of the article as it describes the role of the JP NSC in shaping Japan's current position in the region re: China. Here is a link to the article:
How Japan's National Security Council rewrote China strategy
Posted by: section321 | Apr 17 2023 13:01 utc | 69
@ Outraged | Apr 17 2023 7:46 utc | 62
re: laguerre | Apr 17 2023 6:34 utc | 60
First & second Opium Wars, Taiku Forts, etc, various punitive expeditions, direct belligerent participation in the Taiping Rebellion . . .etc
Yes, and including (in China) Smedley Butler and the US Marines, where Smed said: Let them do it their way.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 17 2023 13:18 utc | 70
The demented BrexShitheads of Global Britain.
Happily accept retirement age being bumped up towards 70. Losing all semblance of the postwar social contract, subjugating our grandkids to the serfdom that we escaped after WW2.
Think we can still win a Football World Cup - when we can’t even win the Euros.
Loved the NHS soooooo much they beat their pans and applauded during my lockdown on Thursday nights because … bozo the BrexShit Clown said so and the Beebeecee told them to.
Now are crying that nurses and doctors who have suffered austerity for a dozen years and saw their real income deflated by half are asking for a well deserved pay rise that would allow for a restoration of better NHS and encourage new entrants because it is worthwhile.
In the meantime having to deal with elderly neighbour abandoned by hospital and who instantly collapsed and been on floor for two days!
A common story , repeated across the country and not reported in the media.
The Opposition in Parliament wholly complicit with their masters.
It is fucking criminal and we are thick as the mince of the last Ukrainians-the fascist state we live in got us into sieg heiling the Nazis our grandparents fought against with the Russians who beat them. Destroying the cohesion of the EU on behalf of the maggot occupation forces of the US who never went home and put bombs nearer and nearer to their ww2 ‘allies’. Whilst buying up all our family silver public services - by sept hating propaganda and jealousy instilled 24/7 over the last 20 years.
Bastards. Now who is going to look after them and me in my old age?
Slaves will never rise and C3poos coronation will further deteriorate their brains into forelock tugging and being the toys of the Collective Wastes elites.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Apr 17 2023 13:37 utc | 71
Posted by: Cabe | Apr 17 2023 1:42 utc | 48
Neat posts/interchange. Why anti-Russia?
It could simply be that a high percentage of those in the neo-con sphere have deep-seated, extreme animus, a tribal desire for revenge-and-destroy that animates all their thinking and drives where their conclusions all end up. This animus may be so deep-seated as to be essentially unknown their having such extreme confirmation bias that everything they perceive about Russia, for example, further proves this deep-seated animus correct. With this ongoing they always appear - from out view - to be doubling down whereas from their point of view they are just doing the next logical counter-move as dictated by the evil machinations of their perceived demonic enemy.
At some point I think we have to include severe mental illness in the mix of how to explain what's going on. Some say stupidity is the dominant driver but I think malicious paranoia is closer to it - though of course that's just one of many styles of ignorance-stupidity ...
@ Don Bacon | Apr 17 2023 13:18 utc | 70
There was the East Asia Squadron, & Yangtse Station. Extremely coveted Marine posting. US mostly played faux Good Cop to Europe's bad cop, with minimal overt direct military involvement whilst profiting massively(top tier) from prior 1800 through 20th(Primarily, yet not wholly, Opium trade). That all changed with open imperial ambitions, policy & wars of foreign conquest/expansion starting 1898. Open US imperial military actions in China started with the so called Boxer Rebellion.
Europe was in it up to their blood soaked epaulets starting with the Dutch, Portuguese & less so Spanish from the 1600's. See: Sponsored/suborned Chinese Pirates. Formosa.
From '30's onwards it was mostly a US imperial endeavor trying to squeeze Japan out & crimp it's imperial fascist expansionism, along with Europe collectively, with the aim of suborning all of China as a vassal. USSR concurrently played a spoiler role to both US & Japan. Backing in the wildcard communists. US was late to the party & routine slaughter of the Chinese, compared to Europe's centuries thereof, prior. Long term strategic aim once WWII kicked off was to puppet control China's resources & human capital, & it's upcoming UNSC seat via the KMT. Plans of mice & men & psychopaths.
Perhaps look into the Taiping Rebellion, prior, concurrent & subsequent to the Civil War, makes it look like a sideshow.
The evidence is all against you. Imperialists have, at least in the past eighty years, seen Islam as their most valued friend.
It was so in Afghanistan, where it was mobilised against 'Communism.'
So it had been in Yemen when the secular forces, supported by Nasser, were suppressed by Anglo-American-Israeli supported guerrilla 'royalist' forces fighting Nasser's ungodly alliance with 'communism.
In Indonesia it was the ideology of those who massacred the Communists, under US and British patronage, in the mid sixties. The Suharto regime was, superficially at least islamic in its public protestations.
In Malaya, during the 'Emergency' muslims were incited both to oppose communism and to support traditional social and political institutions in campaigns of barely disguised anti-Chinese racism. The same racism later found in the Indonesian anti-communist campaigns.
And then there were Al Qaeda and Daesh, again anti-communist and islamic. And the current campaign to turn the Uighur people against both Chinese rule and communism.
And I have barely scratched the surface which goes back at least a century.
Of course whether the odd variations of islam, including Saudi wahhabism, promoted by the imperialists can really be called Islam is debatable.
Can the weird parodies of Chistianity practised in Brazil and Guatemala (for example) really be called christiamity?
Posted by: bevin | Apr 17 2023 14:53 utc | 74
"...At some point I think we have to include severe mental illness in the mix of how to explain what's going on. Some say stupidity is the dominant driver but I think malicious paranoia is closer to it - though of course that's just one of many styles of ignorance-stupidity ..." Scorpion@72
That's putting it very simply. But I suspect that you are correct. Just add narcissism and unjustified notions of superiority (grounded in racist culture) and other delusions of the kind and the sad truth becomes very clear.
The good news is that it ought to be easy enough for the public to recognise that were Nuland, Clinton, Sullivan, Blinken et al neighbours or colleagues at work they would have been given time off to recover and calm down.
It was bad enough to have to deal with madmen of the John Birch persuasion when the USSR did exist, was armed and had a close alliance with the Chinese Peoples Republic, Korea and Vietnam but nowadays pursuing the crusade against the Soviet Union, despite its demise, ought, at the very least, to be a disqualification from high office.
On the other hand, in the 'real world' Joe Biden's re-election campaign goes from strength to strength.
Posted by: bevin | Apr 17 2023 15:11 utc | 75
anyone want to comment on what is happening in sudan at present?? it is not all that clear to me..
Posted by: james | Apr 17 2023 15:17 utc | 76
DunGroanin @ 71
Oh brother, I hear that load and clear.
And would add the wholesale euthanasia of the elderly, approved by the govenment so as to release their life savings back into the economy.
Or the dummed down younger generation as thick as two short planks.
Or the large army of incognito middle manigment power dressed facists, who have been trained to stamp all over the working class. And will cheerfully sell their own grandmother to get that extra holiday in Spain.
Or the much overlooked fact Britain is a one Party dictatorship. No one knows, no one cares.
Posted by: Mark2 | Apr 17 2023 15:45 utc | 77
james @ 76, not clear at all to me either but according to Sky News, Sudan army chief open to negotiations - but says his troops will ‘definitely’ defeat paramilitary group
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Apr 17 2023 16:19 utc | 78
Refinnejenna @67--
It wasn't just the labor supplied; to cross the Sierras, the Chinese also provided the engineering knowhow, a little known fact of great consequence. That these inscrutable, culturally impossible to understand, highly clannish peoples knew more and could endure more than the White Man was deemed intolerable and thus they needed to be excluded as a threat. The result was all Asians were seen as one type and a great intolerance was built. Note how Filipinos were treated by their "liberators" and Polynesians before them.
The following question has always intrigued me as an anthropologist and historian: Why are the Asians so numerous? My answer: Because their communalistic culture allowed them to capitalize on the rich horticultural pathway available to them in their region, particularly during the Ice Ages when the area of the Sunda Sea wasn't submerged. IMO, rice cultivation arose as a result well before other grain cultivation. The region was so successful that overpopulation drove humans to migrate along the now drowned shorelines of the Pacific to North America, the marine habitat already well known and exploited by humans being extremely fecund to support such a movement. The lack of competition from nomadic tribes meant no excessive population attrition and longer life spans. One very telling fact is that despite being invaded by nomadic tribes, China was always able to vanquish them via cultural assimilation--even the Mongols eventually became Chinese. China thus acted as a buffer for those regions to its South to remain mostly peaceful over millennia, allowing their populations to grow and grow.
@ Bruised Northerner | Apr 17 2023 16:19 utc | 78
as memory serves moa did a post on this topic 4 or 5 years ago... i remember thinking how complicated it was then.. my basic take is although the split between sudan and south sudan happened officially in 2011, the topic of oil and sharing the wealth is a part of it.. the other is the religious dynamics competing for supremacy... but i could be completely wrong... also - like everywhere else, according the western press it is all russia, ksa and egypts fault, lol... bottom line - very confusing...
Posted by: james | Apr 17 2023 16:26 utc | 80
Speaking of oil and the sharing of it, here’s a bit of important news from land-locked Bolivia. Bolivia strengthens energy security with State policy. (You don’t suppose anything else might be smuggled along those points??)
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Apr 17 2023 16:41 utc | 81
Oriental Voice @ 56
Because the rest of the world had been colonized already by then. China was their Last frontier.
Posted by: Cindy6 | Apr 17 2023 16:42 utc | 82
Thank you for your reports from the Flanders front.
The point that you make:'... An analysis of the programmes of social-democratic parties shows that many 'left-wing' positions were removed..." is of great importance.
Everywhere the Blairisation of Social Democratic and 'democratic socialist' parties comes close to completion.
At the same time (was that shadow, passing above us the Owl of Minerva?) the slow collapse of imperialism, preceded two decades ago by de-industrialisation, makes the growth of a revived working class movement inevitable. The riots are coming: food riots, rent riots, strike/riots. What else can there be? Illusions of social mobility, sudden enrichment, the career open to the talents, 'middle class (meaning working class) prosperity', 'a property owning democracy' coexisting with a benign, hip capitalism can no longer be entertained by sane people.
The end is nigh- the contradictions of capitalism have the system writing like a sea serpent in a trawler's net, the more it struggles the worse its predicament becomes.
To their credit the capitalist class, through the medium of its deeper thinkers realises that the game is up. And is acting accordingly.
That is why behind the smokescreens of Identity politics, LGBTQ and whatever's new this week, crudely fashioned to divide people by race and sexual imaginations, a rigid state control of opinion and speech is being engineered. The aim is to ban popular politics lest it lead to popular democracy.
This has been what the capitalists' friends and pensioners have been afraid of for the past century. They realise that any real democracy, representing the interests of the species as a whole, will insist on the implementation of the basic principles of every civilisation in the past ten thousand years, principles inherited from every group of hunters and gatherers, nomads and slash and burn farmers that every existed on this or any other planet: feed the hungry, protect the vulnerable, ensure that all have shelter from the elements, clothing and a roof over their heads, make decisions communally by consensus, share property through reciprocal relationships. Have fun!
And now that humanity, firstly has the capacity to do all these things-to banish famine and war, to maintain public health and to enhance bot the quality of lives and their length. And secondly has no alternative- in the face of undeniable crises in the environment- to burying class interests in the general interest, established by consensus, the fear of the sordid and vicious capitalist class is that any free and reasonable discussion, untramelled by anything except the basic rules of courtesy and civility, must lead to the euthaniasia, not just of the rentiers but of the capitalists in their entirety. Not their killing, mind you, but the confiscation of the powers that they have arrogated to themselves to do harm and to exploit others-all others.
Posted by: bevin | Apr 17 2023 16:56 utc | 83
Posted by: DunGroanin | Apr 17 2023 13:37 utc | 71
AKA King WingNut the 1st. If he went outdoors in a high wind his head would unscrew from his neck (would save on beheading expenses!).
Posted by: West of England Andy | Apr 17 2023 16:57 utc | 84
@ Bruised Northerner | Apr 17 2023 16:19 utc | 78
@ james | Apr 17 2023 16:26 utc | 80
"Sudan was divided among 500 tribes, 115 languages, and 60 political parties."
Horowitz, Baghdad without a Map (1992)
Posted by: John Kennard | Apr 17 2023 16:58 utc | 85
Willow Berridge at
the Editoral
Posted by: bevin | Apr 17 2023 16:59 utc | 86
in today's fascism, the trains derail on time.
no wonder China is getting the jump on US what with its history- and science-defying super-stealth war balloons.
President TrumBiden, we cannot allow a balloon gap!
Posted by: rjb1.5 | Apr 17 2023 17:04 utc | 87
Bypassed and thus ignored due to the ongoing war against Russia was the proposal made last March by Xi Jinping of a Global Civilization Initiative which Global Times will remind the world of it through a series of articles about it, "The Global Civilization Initiative full of Chinese wisdom, injects fresh momentum into bright shared future":
Chinese President Xi Jinping highly values cultures and has profound understanding of culture which strengthens over time.To him, culture plays a unique and irreplaceable role in the rejuvenation of China and the building of a global community of shared future. He speaks for Chinese wisdom, which has been passed down for millennia, advocates for mutual prosperity of global civilizations, welcomes the flourishing of popular cultural products, and encourages the youth to join the path to inheriting and reinventing their proud traditions.
The first issue of the Global Times' Xivilization series emphasizes Xi's ideas on the diversity and beauty of different civilizations, as seen from the all-important Global Civilization Initiative he has presented to the world.
The initiative was introduced via a speech Xi delivered a month ago on 15 March and can be read here. A Yandex search reveals the fact that many reactions to it were made at the time, but somehow it was overlooked by us at the bar. One interesting response is an essay written by analyst Andrew Korybko, "China’s Global Civilization Initiative Is Its Response To The West’s Liberal-Globalism", its introductory paragraph follows:
China has now decided to enter into an entente with Russia aimed at forming a dual pole of influence amidst the impending trifurcation of International Relations in order for those two to more effectively compete with the US-led West’s Golden Billion. This of course also includes the ideational domain, thus explaining the precise timing behind China’s extended explanation of its multipolar conservative-sovereigntist worldview, which predictably aligns with Russia’s Global Revolutionary Manifesto from last year.
What Korybko calls "Russia’s Global Revolutionary Manifesto" was delivered by Putin during the the plenary session of the forum Strong Ideas for a New Time that somehow escaped my notice last July. Korybko's essay about the Manifesto is here. Note, I've yet to read either of his essays but will dive into them today. Here's Korybko's opening paragraph:
Post-Soviet Russia hadn’t ever intended to, but it’s now following in the global revolutionary footsteps of its communist predecessor, which speaks to an intriguing trend connected to this civilization-state’s historical role in International Relations.
Interesting how investigation into one item brings up many more to be explored. Annoying these issues were missed when they first appeared. It shows the large distractive influence the SMO has caused.
Compare and contrast:
Andrei Martyanov: "As Pentagon "leaks" (quotation marks are deliberate) tell us, Washington faces a historic in its scale blow-back due to own economic, military and foreign relations incompetence, US "grand strategists" continue to follow the "plan" and being beaten into bloody pulp in 404, now will try to assault China. Yes, that's the plan, and yes--they are that stupid."
OTOH, see
Gilbert Doctorow: "All of the foregoing latest developments necessarily raise a question that was not discussed on Russian television but which is highly timely for Americans to deal with on their own: whether the Biden Administration, by its ongoing reckless foreign and military policy that is headed towards an unwinnable two-front war, is not betraying the security interests of the United States. I leave it to legal experts whether that would constitute an impeachable offense."
Stupidity or treason? An interesting dilemma.
Posted by: N Hanrahan | Apr 17 2023 17:20 utc | 89
@ N Hanrahan | Apr 17 2023 17:20 utc | 89
Stupidity & treason ! 'Tis not mutually exclusive. Cheers.
but can the ruling class afford to remove abortion drugs from the US prison system?
i see a growth market for the for-profit prison state: guards smuggling in contraceptives, for the women they raped or trafficked.
in the US, a Desantis could tell Americans that lesbianism causes parthenogenesis, and so we need a bigger police state to stop virgin births in the jail cells. cuz only jesus can have a virgin mommy, anyone else is a witch and needs to be watched for deviance. especially when naked.
Posted by: rjb1.5 | Apr 17 2023 17:32 utc | 91
US Rushes to Provoke War w/Growing Chinese Army: Admits Taiwan will be Destroyed Brian Bertelic, The New Atlas, Apr172023, Youtube 26m39s
- US continues push for war with China over Taiwan’s status;- Officially the US (and the UN) recognizes Taiwan as part of China, unofficially the US promotes separatism;
- China’s attempts to preserve its territorial integrity are depicted by Western governments and the media as “aggression;”
- China’s military capabilities continue to grow, matching or exceeding US military capabilities;
- Recent Chinese military exercises launched after Taiwan’s Tsai Ing Wen met with US representatives in the US included simulated precision-guided missile and rocket attacks on targets across Taiwan and an air and sea blockade;
- Leaked US documents as well as US policy think tanks admit the armed forces of the Taiwan administration lack the capability to defeat any potential Chinese military operation;
- Talk of creating a weapon stockpile on Taiwan to circumvent any future blockade fails to recognize many of the specified weapon systems have been severely depleted in Washington’s other proxy conflict in Ukraine;
- Time is ultimately on China’s side, economically Taiwan is heavily integrated with the rest of China and political forces in Taiwan favoring the status quo or closer cooperation with the rest of China are growing in strength;
- The January 2024 elections in Taiwan and the possibility a more reasonable administration may come into power might trigger increasingly dangerous US provocations between now and then.
Posted by: Oriental Voice | Apr 17 2023 4:56 utc | 56
hello ,
May be I better answer you in the open thread to avoid disrupting this review,
..if I havent already done so, posting that comment at the spur of moment, !
Posted by: denk | Apr 17 2023 17:45 utc | 93
It shows the large distractive influence the SMO has caused.
Posted by: karlof1 | Apr 17 2023 17:05 utc | 88
You're not alone in thinking that.
Thanks for those links @88, (and more).
Posted by: waynorinorway | Apr 17 2023 17:56 utc | 94
FYI right now:
France Mass Protest Live
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Apr 17 2023 18:05 utc | 95
@ denk | Apr 17 2023 17:45 utc | 93
'The Week in Review' also doubles as a Non-Ukraine Open Thread. ;) Cheers.
Global Times "Exclusive with top adviser to Lula," "Brazil and China are coming closer together, focus on partnership, multipolar world":
"Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva just concluded his four-day state visit to China on Saturday, returning to Brazil with fruitful outcomes. The two sides have inked a number of deals across a range of fields and are ready to work together to steer and create a new future for China-Brazil relations in the new era, and deliver greater benefits to the two peoples. Global Times reporters Xie Wenting and Bai Yunyi (GT) interviewed Celso Amorim (Amorim), a top advisor to President Lula, on China-Brazil relations, cooperation in the semiconductor industry, the Belt and Road Initiative and the Russia-Ukraine conflict among others."
A very enjoyable read!
Good read for those of you who engage in magical thinking, you know who you are.
Posted by: nathan in WA US | Apr 17 2023 18:22 utc | 98
A very enjoyable read!
Posted by: karlof1 | Apr 17 2023 18:12 utc | 97
Interesting how Lula was the Biden/neocon backed candidate whereas Bolsonaro was not. Unlike the supporters in each camp, I find it hard to regard either as knight in shining armour. (And those were HUGE protests after the election by anyone's reckoning so something is going on there.)
Interestingly, both sides use lawfare almost as brazenly as wot's going on down in the ex-republic of the no-longer-united-states, though at least there it seems that one side is FAR better at it than the other whereas in Brazil the jury might still be out (they didn't put Bolso in jail yet, though Lula had to endure a stretch).
And just like in the US and France, protests achieve absolutely nothing, making one wonder just how democratic these polities really are any more. Hard to tell these days, ain't it?
That said, it seems for now that Lula's side has won. If the BRICS brings Belt and Road to Brazil and the whole nation starts improving accordingly then that should prove excellent, though some might lament the gi-normous highways and traffic roaring from the Pacific coast through the Mighty Amazon Jungle. But that same jungle area hosted large civilizations before and can no doubt handle doing so again.
@Paul Greenwood, #64:
Not even USA can offer security guarantees in Europe today UNLESS it wants to will require USA to risk total destruction of Continental United States to guarantee any border in Europe henceforth..........
LOL! Ain't you expressing a notion preposterously? Europe has been the aggressor against the Slavic people as far as I can tell since the crumbling of the Berlin Wall. In Yugoslavia; in Georgia; in every corner of the world challenging Russian and Chinamen. And you are saying the aggressor needs security guarantee from the Satanist animals of the Empire???
USA would look forward to destruction of its own continent my foot. Please pump this into your head: the Empire is only recruiting cannon fodders for its game against whom it regards as its present/future rivals. It would do everything possible to keep cannon shells fall anywhere BUT its own Continent.
I've read many great comments here from you over the few months or so. But it seems that, as well informed and analytical as a Briton like you, you guys in UK still buy into the bullshit of the Empire providing "freedumb" and "Demockery" to Europe.
Let me repeat: Europe, AND the Empire, have been the warmongers anywhere in this world since the WWII. An objective look at history would substantiate this claim of mine. It is clear cut!!!
Posted by: Oriental Voice | Apr 17 2023 19:07 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
How all this mess could end?
China can leverage its economic strength and provide guarantees to Eastern Europe that Russia is not interested in territorial expansion beyond the Ukraine.
(The obstacle would be Poland, a very assertive country that hopes to emerge stronger than Germany, just militarily). Nato remains, but is disarmed all the way to Germany. De-dollarízation is put on hold. Nord Stream resumes. operation. Ukraine is partitioned, Russia gets Odessa and all the Black Sea coast.
This becomes acceptable for the US because the alternative is all out dedollarization.
Posted by: Biochar | Apr 16 2023 14:04 utc | 1