Ukraine SitRep: U.S.-Russia Talks, Bakhmut Retreat, Laughable Casualty Numbers
The Swiss paper Neue Zürcher Zeitung published a piece today (in German) which claimed that CIA boss William Burns had offered 20% of Ukraine to Russia in exchange for peace in Ukraine.
As Newsweek summarizes:
NZZ reported on Thursday, citing high-ranking German foreign politicians, that in mid-January, Burns presented Kyiv and Moscow with a peace plan that would put an end to the war, which began when Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022.According to the newspaper, the proposal offered "around 20 percent of Ukraine's territory"—about the size of Ukraine's eastern Donbas region.
The Kremlin spokesman Dimitry Peskov, the White House and the CIA rejected the claim:
A CIA official told Newsweek that claims in the NZZ report that Burns took a secret trip to Moscow in January and that there was a peace proposal put forward by the director on behalf of the White House were "completely false."Last month, Burns traveled in secret to meet and brief Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, the Washington Post reported.
The Neue Züricher says that Kiev as well as Moscow had rejected the U.S. plan.
That everyone is denying that this happened means that the Züricher claims are likely true.
We know that talks between Washington and Kiev are ongoing.
On January 30 Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was in Egypt and met with its Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry. A day later Shourky flew to Russia and met its Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Egyptian media reported that Shoukry carried a letter from Blinken:
The Egyptian state-owned news outlet Al-Ahram reported that Shoukry delivered a message to Lavrov from Blinken. The message appears to be in reference urging a halt to Russia's offensive in Ukraine.
"Russia should stop these actions in order for negotiations to succeed,” was the message, according to Al-Ahram.
A State Department spokesperson told Al-Monitor that Blinken has had a consistent message that Russia should stop the war in Ukraine and remove its forces from the country for the sake of peace. The message he gave to Shoukry did not differ from this, according to the spokesperson.Lavrov described the proposal as "incomplete." Lavrov also praised Egypt’s “balanced” approach to the war in Ukraine. Lavrov further said Russia would continue to engage with Egypt on the Ukraine issue, Al-Ahram reported, citing the press conference.
"We will stay in touch. And I trust that this will be in the interest of the friendship between the two countries," said Lavrov.
In sum: Russia has accepted Shourkry's role as a middleman in the negotiations but wants a better offer from Washington.
We will see what will comes from this.
The U.S. knows that Ukraine's army is not able to hold the current defense line in its east. The fear is that it will run away when the line is breached.
Ukraine has already pulled several brigades from the Bakhmut/Artyomovsk line to plug holes in other defense lines (Ugledar, Kremmina). On January 17, using the deployment map by Military Land, I counted 27 Ukrainian brigade equivalents in that area. The map now shows only 18 Ukrainian brigade equivalents on the Soledar-Bakhmut line.

Source: Military Land Deployment Map - bigger
February 3 - 18 Ukrainian Brigade equivalents

Source: Military Land Deployment Map - bigger
Ukraine will soon give up on the city.
The Ukrainian death toll in the city must be extremely high:
[Mykola] Bielieskov, [a research fellow at Ukraine’s National Institute for Strategic Studies,] Bielieskov said that Ukraine compensates for its lack of heavy equipment with people who are ready to stand to the last.“Lightly armed, without sufficient artillery support, which they cannot always be provided, they stand and hold off attacks as long as possible,” he said.
The result is that the battle is believed to have produced horrific troop losses for both Ukraine and Russia. Quite how deadly isn’t known: Neither side is saying.
Along the front line on the Ukrainian side, emergency medical units provide urgent care to battlefield casualties. From 50 to 170 wounded Ukrainian soldiers pass daily through just one of the several stabilization points along the Donetsk front line, according to Tetiana Ivanchenko, who has volunteered in eastern Ukraine since a Russia-backed separatist conflict started there in 2014.
Russia has increased the intensity of the fight:
Russian artillery barrages had risen from an average of about 60 per day four weeks ago to more than 90 per day last week. On one day alone, 111 Ukrainian locations were targeted.
On Tuesday, Russian forces hit Ukrainian positions in Bakhmut with short-range artillery 197 times, and the two sides clashed some 42 times, Ukraine’s military said, significantly more than a month ago. Ukrainian forces beat back Russian soldiers, assaulting their lines time and again, the military said.
The above confirms the artillery engagement numbers given in the daily reports of the Russia Defense Ministry. It also confirms that Russia has no lack of artillery ammunition.
But despite that the New York Times is again stenographing implausible claims of high Russian casualties:
The number of Russian troops killed and wounded in Ukraine is approaching 200,000, a stark symbol of just how badly President Vladimir V. Putin’s invasion has gone, according to American and other Western officials.While the officials caution that casualties are notoriously difficult to estimate, particularly because Moscow is believed to routinely undercount its war dead and injured, they say the slaughter from fighting in and around the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut and the town of Soledar has ballooned what was already a heavy toll.
With Moscow desperate for a major battlefield victory and viewing Bakhmut as the key to seizing the entire eastern Donbas area, the Russian military has sent poorly trained recruits and former convicts to the front lines, straight into the path of Ukrainian shelling and machine guns. The result, American officials say, has been hundreds of troops killed or injured a day.
Ukraine’s casualty figures are also difficult to ascertain, given Kyiv’s reluctance to disclose its own wartime losses. But in Bakhmut, hundreds of Ukrainian troops have been wounded and killed daily at times as well, officials said. Better trained infantry formations are kept in reserve to safeguard them, while lesser prepared troops, such as those in the territorial defense units, are kept on the front line and bear the brunt of shelling.
On Norwegian TV on Jan. 22, Gen. Eirik Kristoffersen, Norway’s defense chief, said estimates were that Russia had suffered 180,000 dead and wounded, while Ukraine had 100,000 killed or wounded in action along with 30,000 civilian deaths.
I find these claims of high Russian casualties laughable because we know that the Russian artillery is firing several times more shells per day than Ukraine's army can provide. Artillery is the big killer in this war.
There are often claims from amateur 'experts' that the defender has the advantage in urban warfare and less casualties than an attacker. Both claims are simply wrong:
The idea that urban terrain favours the defender, a common claim by today’s urban exceptionalists, is incorrect. In the 1980s the UK’s Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) showed that urban terrain was not a defender’s paradise. The opposite was true. The attackers almost always won, and in almost all cases for which detailed data were available, the defenders suffered high casualties.
Notably, the deciding factor in urban operations was good training and supporting fires from armoured vehicles. Based on comparing historical analysis with trials using the Berlin Brigade, further research confirmed that urban operations usually, but not always, ended badly for the defender for very easily understood reasons. Skilled urban defences were rare and required pre-planned counterattacks best supported by armour. Yet more evidence was apparent from work done by Christopher Lawrence, who confirmed the DERA findings.
Even a cursory analysis of commonly available data tends to support the above. For example, the Battle of Marawi saw 150 days of fighting where the defenders lost catastrophically, suffering a KIA loss rate of 6.52 per day compared to the attacker’s 1.12 KIA per day. Fallujah 2004 was fought over 50 days and saw the US attacker suffer 112 KIA at a rate of 2.24 per day while the defender suffered an estimated loss rate of 40 KIA per day. Operation Protective Edge in 2014 saw 49 days of fighting, with the IDF losing 67 KIA, so a casualty rate higher than Marawi at 1.3 KIA per day, but only very marginally.
The fight for Bakhmut is way more intense than the above mentioned battles.
The Russian forces are attacking urban conglomerations while having absolute artillery superiority and lots of ammunition and armor. The Ukrainian army is defending the cities mostly with little trained territorial brigades on foot while keeping its better trained and equipped regular units as backup. There is also an acute lack of armored support on the Ukrainian side.
But we know from military history and science that the defender will usually have have multiple times more casualties than the attacker. We also know that good training and armored support is key for the defending side. The Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut have neither.
Ten days ago the well informed Col.(ret.) Doug Macgregor put the numbers (video) of dead on the Ukrainian side at 122,000 killed plus 35,000 missed in action (presumed dead). The number of dead Russians (including Wagner forces and Donbas militia) is at 16,000 to 25,000 with 20 to 40,000 additionally wounded. The numbers have since increased with the Ukrainian ones several times those of the Russians.
Despite that we are to believe that Russia is losing many more men men than the Ukraine? No one should be that stupid.
Posted by b on February 3, 2023 at 17:09 UTC | Permalink
next page »It took the mighty US Army four years to pacify Baghdad against only partisans, as there was no opposing government nor military. The victory finally came with a change in tactics -- the "surge" -- and a new general, Petraeus.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Feb 3 2023 17:22 utc | 2
"No one should be that stupid"
Anybody in the US paying for delivery of the NYTimes or WaPo is paid well to be just as stupid as required.
NYTimes, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC et all are the voice of the 3LAs and make "Baghdad Bob" look fairly truthful. We, the USA, swim in a sea of propaganda.
Posted by: S Brennan | Feb 3 2023 17:26 utc | 3
Don [email protected] would you spell that....just curious.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Feb 3 2023 17:26 utc | 4
Ukrinform, the official news agency of Ukraine, posts a daily death toll - for Russia, of course, though some say they might be posting their own losses under a false flag ... - on their web site. 100000 around December 20th, now approach 130000, around 800 per day.
UNHCR posts regular updates on civilian casualties. While the +/- 8000 fatalities include those "on territories controlled by Russia", meaning civilians killed by Ukraine forces, they victims on Russian controlled territories seem to very low, taking into account regular reports by Russian sources. In any case, one would assume that UNHCR receives, and where possible, confirms civilian deaths on the Ukrainian side.
In any case, those number put a big question mark on the statement:
"On Norwegian TV on Jan. 22, Gen. Eirik Kristoffersen, Norway’s defense chief, said estimates were that Russia had suffered 180,000 dead and wounded, while Ukraine had 100,000 killed or wounded in action along with 30,000 civilian deaths."
In the very least, one would expect for Gen. Kristoffersen and other western "experts" to provide sources and detailed reports for the numbers they throw around.
Posted by: Marvin | Feb 3 2023 17:27 utc | 5
How to divide Ukraine?
Burns had offered 20% of Ukraine to Russia in exchange for peace in Ukraine.
I have always said that permanent peace in Ukraine can only be achieved through a division of Ukraine. It is not important where exactly the dividing line is drawn, as long as both sides get at least 30% of the Ukraine. The division can be 50/50, 30/70, 70/30, or anything in between.
NATO's involvement in the war has however complicated the division. It is unacceptable for Russia for more than 20% of Ukraine to be under NATO or EU control. If a larger "Ukraine" is to remain, then it must be neutral and disarmed of Western weapons.
Originally in March 2014 I thought an independent Novorossiyan state might be formed from about half of Ukraine. The accession of the four new regions into Russia now makes that option impossible.
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Feb 3 2023 17:28 utc | 6
The recent words from Lavrov, Putin and Peskov tell me there is no such peace negotiations going on.
Lavrov and Peskov basically rilidiculed the US lame attempt to use the egyptian guy as mediator. They did it publicly. So did the Russian ambassador to US.
And the recent words from Putin regarding the German tanks with the cross going towards Russian border and that Russia will implement a "new" weapon for that. Tells me tensions are at highest level so far.
Posted by: Comandante | Feb 3 2023 17:29 utc | 7
New package of US military assistance to Ukraine includes:
air defense systems,
long-range missiles for HIMARS
Chinese weather balloons ...
- Pentagon
Posted by: WTH | Feb 3 2023 17:29 utc | 8
On Wagner casualty rate at Bakhmut, the Australian mercenary that is there covers it. One thing the merc says that doesn't fit is that Wagner first throw in some conscripts as meat.
I have watched the full video but History Legends channel gives a good analysis of the relevant sections.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 3 2023 17:35 utc | 9
Just read Putins speech commemorating those who fought at Stalingrad and it reminded me of this:
Eighty years ago, the most momentous battle in modern history was fought out in a city on the Volga River – Stalingrad. On its outcome rested the fate of the world. It was not the first time the city had been the site of a pivotal battle. In June 1918, during the intervention following the Russian Revolution, the city, known as Tsaritsyn, formed a wedge between anti- Bolshevik forces in the east and the south. After these forces, the greatest threat to the young revolution was hunger. Beyond Tsaritsyn lay the grain to feed Moscow. Stalin was despatched to organize its defense, and the rest is history.
Along with Voroshilov, Stalin rallied the local workers’ organizations, forged the first regular units of the Red Army and, by August, despite great odds, had crushed the advancing force of General Denikin. The Soviet Republic was saved from starvation and collapse. Those who had defended Tsaritsyn renamed it Stalingrad. By 1940, Stalingrad was the third- largest industrial centre in the Soviet Union, with a rapidly growing population of over half a million. It had become a “showpiece” city, the largest port on the Volga with the biggest tractor factory in the world. Any city is more than just brick and cement, steel and glass. A city, as with Madrid in 1936, was the people who gave the city of Stalingrad its particular political complexion.
Adolf Hitler’s Nazis knew this well. In 20th century warfare, with its emphasis on mechanization and speed, a siege was already something of an anachronism. Yet that was the tactic they opted for when attacking both Stalingrad and Leningrad. They could not afford to bypass either city and leave its spirit intact. And so a siege was laid with the aim of starving and bombarding the defenders into submission, thereby dealing a blow to the morale of a whole nation.
With the outbreak of war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in June 1941, Stalingrad – as in 1918 – assumed a special strategic importance. Launching an attack in August, the armies of Von Bock and Von Paulus knew they had four months in which to take the city before winter set in. Through a combination of guerrilla raids, of fortifications manned by a workers’ militia and a simple refusal to give ground, the Germans were kept at bay. The workers were always having to stop work to bolster the regular units. Once in mid-September the Nazis broke through to the tractor repair shop. The workers there, in what has become a well documented act of bravery, jumped straight into the tanks they had just finished repairing and took them into battle. They were joined by a battalion of workers’ infantry commanded by a dean of the Mechanics Institute in one of the city’s five universities. This particular battle lasted for two days, until the Nazis were pushed back. Such events contributed to what became known as the spirit of Stalingrad.
Despite the deliberate pessimism of western newspapers many factory workers discussed the battle, workers everywhere were in support for the Red Army. By October the time of the major battle was approaching. Hitler had ordered the capture of Stalingrad “regardless of cost”. Stalin ordered “not a step back”. The city was fought for street by street, house by house. With winter setting in, the armies of Soviet generals Zhukov and Rokossovsky began an encircling maneuver which formed the basis of a general offensive in November, an attack that turned the tables. The lengthy defense of the city had bought important time for the Soviet Union to bring in fresh, crack troops, skilled in winter combat.
More than 330,000 German prisoners were taken as successive battalions of Nazi troops were caught in pincer movements. The last battle of the campaign was fought, ironically, under the heights of Mamaer Kurgan – the same spot where the Bolsheviks had secured Tsaritsyn in 1918. By January 1943 Von Paulus, along with the armies of 15 other Nazi generals, surrendered. Two years and three months later, the Red Army entered Berlin. It was because of that momentous battle, which workers worldwide now acclaim as the decisive victory over Hitler, that Red Army soldiers could carve with pride on the central column of the Reichstag, Germany’s wrecked parliament, “We come here from Stalingrad.”
Posted by: zeke2u | Feb 3 2023 17:37 utc | 10
Bakhmut (Artemovsk) will not be surrendered; we will fight as long as we can. — Zelensky"There will be no withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the city," he said at a press conference after the Ukraine-EU summit.
Bakhmut/Artemovsk The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not surrender due to the fact that the Office of the President will suffer image losses, as they created the image of the “Bakhmut Fortress” and sent General Syrsky to lead the defense.If the city is surrendered, then the functionaries represented by Yermak will suffer several personal defeats at once.
So thousands of mobilized people were poured into the Bakhmut meat grinder and will be poured as long as there is a chance to save their “image”.
Posted by: Down South | Feb 3 2023 17:39 utc | 11
Petri Krohn 6
"It is unacceptable for Russia for more than 20% of Ukraine to be under NATO or EU control. If a larger "Ukraine" is to remain, then it must be neutral and disarmed of Western weapons."
Therein lies the rub. Russia knows that it cannot trust the West to comply with any agreement made. As soon as the guns stop firing the West will start undercover ops in any remnants of Ukraine declared neutral and the same process begins all over again, ultimately with another puppet government and a reconstituted army.
Posted by: Mike R | Feb 3 2023 17:40 utc | 12
Many thanks b for the timely UKR update.
US is indeed desperate for talks but is on the receiving end of blunt accusations from Turkey and Russia.
Very difficult to secure agreements with a party proven untrustworthy. Diplomacy now shelved and we have descended into a War of Words.
{I posted in the previous thread: Today, Turkey's Interior Minister said: US should get [its] ‘filthy hands’ off Türkiye – } and
Mr. Lavrov, the ultimate diplomat:
'Empire of lies': Lavrov says world increasingly certain no one immune to West’s banditry
"The US and its NATO satellites have completely undermined their reputation as reliable international partners that are capable of coming to an agreement," the foreign minister said
"As for the West, President [Vladimir] Putin has aptly called it an 'empire of lies.' The West, and this is confirmed by our contacts, has not been perceived globally as the beacon of democracy for a while now.The US and its NATO satellites have completely undermined their reputation as reliable international partners that are capable of coming to an agreement. The understanding that literally no one is immune from expropriation and from state banditry on the part of the former colonial powers is becoming ever stronger in the world," the minister said.[.]
Lavrov said Russia and some other states, whose numbers are growing, are consistently reducing their dependence on the greenback.
"We are working together with like-minded people to transfer international settlements into national currencies, and create alternative payment and logistics systems so as not to depend on the whims and dictates of the country that has declared itself a hegemon.
In general, we are working towards establishing a fairer global monetary, financial, trade and economic architecture, which objectively contributes to the fight against new manifestations of neocolonialism," (emphasis added)
more on the greenback will be detailed. Russia has two nuclear options.
Posted by: Likklemore | Feb 3 2023 17:42 utc | 13
There was a time in Germany when people were at least asked whether they wanted total war - German comedian
Posted by: Passerby | Feb 3 2023 17:45 utc | 14
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 3 2023 17:35 utc | 9
History Legends is a good channel.
Germany has granted export licences for Leopard 1 tanks (without ammunition it would appear) but still these have the British L7A3 cannon and it is rifled for HESH munitions - so it will be fun for Ukraine to use - and four man crew
It is also without reactive armour
Chemical and kinetic rounds from main battle tanks and other vehicles should have no problem to penetrate Leopards armour when they hit centre mass. Looking at the Leopard from the front, 3 out of 4 crew members sit in almost straight line on the left side of the tank, thus potentially allowing it to get knocked out by a well-placed shot. On top of that, Leopard's biggest ammo rack is located on the right side of the hull, protected only by a 70 mm thin frontal plate angled at 57°. Thus Leopard's hull presents a highly rewarding target and players must avoid getting shot in the hull at all costs. On the other hand, Leopard's height is just slightly taller than T-72 by a few centimetres, and the gun can be depressed to -9°, allowing Leopard 1A5 to fight well on uneven terrain.
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Feb 3 2023 17:47 utc | 15
...carried a letter from Blinky. Was it written in crayon?
Posted by: par4 | Feb 3 2023 17:47 utc | 16
In somewhat related news:
- Antonia Blinken postponed her trip to China today due to Balloongate. Blinkers, one of the softest pudgy "diplomats" ive ever seen
- "why are american republicans so scared of Tucker Carson in US" - Boris Johnson yesterday
"Boris you literally cancelled your appearance on my program at the last minute today because you did not want to face questions on Ukraine. You coward" - Tucker Carlson last nite
Posted by: Comandante | Feb 3 2023 17:52 utc | 17
Paul Greenwood | Feb 3 2023 17:47 utc | 15
I read up on the Leopards armor some days ago. Lepard one very poor, Leopard 2 much improved and so on up to Leo 6 which apparently has very good armor. Most will be Leo 2's though I see today Germany will also be sending Leo 1's
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 3 2023 17:54 utc | 18
@Passerby | Feb 3 2023 17:45 utc | 14
There was a time in Germany when people were at least asked whether they wanted total warTrue, even if it was highly manipulative. This question is not asked today.
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 3 2023 18:00 utc | 19
For what it's worth, the area of the four oblasts claimed by Russia (Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia) amounts to ~110,000 km² which is ~19% of the total area of Ukraine (~580,000 km² excluding Crimea). This would match the 20% talked about.
Posted by: ptrdiff_t | Feb 3 2023 18:01 utc | 20
Too much intrigue -
Why would CIA director make secret trip to Moscow to make such a proposal - why would Russia entertain the CIA (department of dirty tricks) director for any reason? Would that be a viable means of diplomacy.
Likely the message from Blinken via Egypt is true, but was a non-offer, leading no where. Seems Blinken felt pressure to do something along the lines of diplomacy rather than instigating war. Which he was sure to do in most unserious effort possible - now he has made an offer, back to fomenting war.
What is the point of analyzing this trail of excrement?
Posted by: jared | Feb 3 2023 18:02 utc | 21
The West's propaganda and habitual lies sometimes hardly merit refutation. Because before one finishes refuting one they would release a more outrageous one. I think the whole enterprise is to falsify history for future historians among their people. After all, such BS would be the sources their historians would rely on in future. Apart from the Western public I doubt if any intelligent person elsewhere believe the nonsense being peddled by the West.
Posted by: Steve | Feb 3 2023 18:05 utc | 22
Do Russians have high casualties because they are storming Ukrainian positions? This seems a counter-diction of basic Russian process of destroying before moving.
Posted by: Al | Feb 3 2023 18:11 utc | 23
Again it is the intent and purpose of US to keep the war going - hoping to make it a burden for Russia while producing positive results for the US (oh, I meant for the "West"). For US to allow settlement of conflict represents failure. They are busily planning the next steps of escalation. the only thing that
would break the cycle is collapse of Ukraine or direct pain - destruction of something.
Posted by: jared | Feb 3 2023 18:14 utc | 24
That fact the Burns/Biden/The USA can simply "offer" 20% of Ukraine pretty much proves everything the Russians have said all along - that Ukraine is a total NATO/US puppet.
Posted by: Charles E. Fromage | Feb 3 2023 18:17 utc | 25
first condition for talks must be all nato assets including weapon systems be destroyed and ordnance burn east of Elbe.
the natostani war mongers cannot be trusted.
Posted by: paddy | Feb 3 2023 18:17 utc | 26
Posted by: james | Feb 3 2023 17:16 utc | 1
And….this is the main problem. The West ( main perpetrator has been the US, but they are the only ones, see Merkel, Bojo, and too many others to list here) had lied so much no one in Russian government will believe them.
Ukraine can stop tomorrow, retreat to a DMZ type line , remove Z and install that General - but so what? Russia isn’t going anywhere- they will stay at least to the River barriers and keep all the Donbas plus Crimea. Not only that, but those 500,000 to 700,000 troops aren’t going anywhere, either.
However that is exactly what the US wants- have all those Russian troops tied up in the West so they can’t help China in the East when the Eastern branch of NATO takes on China over south China Seas & Taiwan.
Hence why Russia is increasing its standing army to 1.5 million- through in reserves of another 3 to 4 million , and with the weapons they have now they can actually fight NATO on two fronts.
This is what desperation looks like - taking on someone else you have no shot winning conventional or nuclear weapons because you can’t lose the petro dollar. If anyone in the West wasn’t even smart, just average in competence as a leader, they would look to unravel the petrodollar economy and adopt cooperation with the BRIcS asap within 10 years.
Put another way, manage to chaos and bitter hard feelings of losing the empire gradually (what’s left of the middle class, the working poor, and the younger generations are going to lose the most and they will not like it) or suddenly like the pull out in Afgananstan - that would hurt the 1 percent a whole lot more. However they never take their medicine well.
Posted by: drsmith | Feb 3 2023 18:20 utc | 27
so Egypt is acting as the middleman to any possible peace talks.
original betting was on Turkey acting in that role
Posted by: chris m | Feb 3 2023 18:22 utc | 28
I agree, History Legends has some nice material. I concur with Peter: I rather doubt that WagnerGroup forced a human wave at gunpoint to charge through a mine field into enemy fire. Why? Whatever gains that would impart would not outweigh the morale deficits, the soiling of their apparently good name, and possible effect on recruitment. More likely the images are of Ukie troops meeting artillery of some sort. Dima@ Military Summary is one I watch as well, it provides a good contrast. I stopped for a while and when i went back recently, I remembered why it’s valuable: Details of force distribution.
In regard to the Egyptian Errand Boy scenario: beyond pathetic. Uncle Sam’s emissaries will keep trying to make back room deals of only because being rejected in a very public manner would make them look even more ridiculous than they already do. I imagine the Russians simply scoff. “You had your chances and you proved your self Non-Agreement-Capable (as well as treacherous), it’s business time now” At some point the “average” Ukrainian has got become disillusioned about this whole mess and wonder who’s interests their so called leaders are representing….
Good to see the RF forces chomping at the bit for the chance to whack some Leopards and Bradleys. There are already bounties posted, and the damage to the image of the companies and nations offering them up will be just desserts. Images of F-16 hitting the ground in flames would be icing on the cake.
Posted by: Chevrus | Feb 3 2023 18:22 utc | 29
For what it's worth, the area of the four oblasts claimed by Russia (Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia) amounts to ~110,000 km² which is ~19% of the total area of Ukraine (~580,000 km² excluding Crimea). This would match the 20% talked about.Posted by: ptrdiff_t | Feb 3 2023 18:01 utc | 20
Unless Russia controls the Sumy and Kharkov Oblasts (the ones closest to Moscow), their stated missile buffer zone does not exist. Realistically, the Dnieper River is the only sensible boundary. Having to patrol national boundaries that go through farm fields and forests is not in the interests of either side.
Some say Russia must also capture Odessa, but I am unconvinced. Odessa is an "artsy" city and not as socially conservative as Russia. It would be more headaches than it is worth.
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Feb 3 2023 18:22 utc | 30
"permanent peace in Ukraine can only be achieved through a division of Ukraine."
It can only be achieved when the RF is split and "pacified". The USA have been interfering in Ukraine for more than 70 years, and Poland for over 100 years. They will keep doing that.
Posted by: Blissex | Feb 3 2023 18:24 utc | 31
Casualties and wounded are the most closely guarded secrets and we shall maybe never know what the actual balance was on each side.
What matters is the outcome and the way each side defines what success would be.
Relative to the original goals, the passing of time changes the conflict and the desired outcome.
Posted by: alek_a | Feb 3 2023 18:28 utc | 32
Despite that we are to believe that Russia is losing many more men men than the Ukraine? No one should be that stupid.Posted by b on February 3, 2023 at 17:09 UTC |
People believed the COVID deaths numbers of their governments, didn't they?
Posted by: Vikichka | Feb 3 2023 18:28 utc | 33
Liars in Norway are not a common phenomenon there, as the culture has never supported such...up until recent times when oil revenues, along with a grasping "elite" have brought the likes of General Kristofferson into the limelight. He ought to regale himself on a diet of Akavit and snoose for a few days to remove that tendency from his system
Posted by: aristodemos | Feb 3 2023 18:33 utc | 34
The New York Langley Times' narrative is practically a perfect inversion of reality. Try this instead:
The number of Ukrainian troops killed and wounded in Ukraine is approaching 200,000, a stark symbol of just how badly President Biden's proxy war has gone, according to American and other Western officials.While the officials caution that casualties are notoriously difficult to estimate, particularly because Kiev is believed to routinely undercount its war dead and injured, as well as simply leaving them to rot on the battlefield, they say the slaughter from fighting in and around the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut and the town of Soledar has ballooned what was already a heavy toll.
With Kiev desperate for a major battlefield victory and viewing Bakhmut as the key to seizing the entire eastern Donbas area, the Ukrainian military has sent poorly trained recruits and former convicts to the front lines, straight into the path of Russian shelling and machine guns. The result, American officials say, has been hundreds of troops killed or injured a day.
Now that sounds much more realistic.
Our host included an interesting tidbit from the Langley Times as well: "Better trained infantry formations are kept in reserve to safeguard them, while lesser prepared troops, such as those in the territorial defense units, are kept on the front line and bear the brunt of shelling."
In other words, the presstitutes and stenographers are fully aware that the Nazi regime in the Ukraine utilizes death squad "barrier battalions" to keep the conscripted cannon fodder in the trenches until they are dead.they know it because how would the "better trained" troops "safeguard" the conscripts from behind? Do they think readers wouldn't notice that little detail? My opinion of the imperial presstitutes is as low as can be, but their incompetence and stupidity continue to surprise me.
Posted by: William Gruff | Feb 3 2023 18:35 utc | 35
Regardless of what negotiations are going on (or not going on) behind the scenes between America and Russia about Ukraine, it will not impact the bigger picture.
This is because the "Ukraine" War is not fundamentally about Ukraine.
As this Finian Cunningham article/interview with Pepe Escobar explains:
"Ukraine is merely a proxy and ultimately cannon fodder for American imperial planners.
This war is part of a bigger geopolitical confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, China and other nations that are pushing for the emergence of a multipolar world. That is a multipolar world no longer under the hegemony of U.S.-dominated Western capitalism.
Pepe Escobar assesses the bigger picture and outlines how the U.S. imperial state is in “panic mode” to shore up the collapsing American-controlled global capitalist system, and in particular the privileged position of the U.S. dollar.
Going to war with Russia presently and in the longer term against China is part of the desperate dynamic to prolong the dominant position of Washington that was established after the Second World War. That postwar imperial order – euphemistically called the “rules-based order” – is increasingly falling into disrepute from unbridled imperialist wars and abuse of financial controls.
The vast majority of the planet wants liberation from the U.S./Western warmongering system that underpins capitalist exploitation that only enriches a global elite. The war in Ukraine is but the manifestation of the breakdown in U.S. global power and the desperation to preserve the systematic inequality that defines capitalism."
So it would be probably more honest to stop pretending the so-called Ukraine War is mostly about Ukraine and instead call it for what it really is: World War 3, the Ukraine front.
Pepe Escobar: Ukraine War is Desperate Move by U.S. to Preserve Hegemony and Prevent Multipolar World
Posted by: ak74 | Feb 3 2023 18:37 utc | 36
They, in the White House and EU expect "an end" and "negotiations" to the war, because it's the next part of their pre-scripted narrative. I would never give them "an end", just continue removing the security threat from Russian borders. UAF collapsing? Too bad, that's an EU problem.
Posted by: unimperator | Feb 3 2023 18:38 utc | 37
Interesting everyone is so busy carving up country 404 and nary a word from the Russians.
A greedy player such as monopolar USSA/Polakiti wankers divides the spoils and yet always fails to achieve their ultimate goal. They just possess absolutely zero bargaining chips.
Whatever happens in the unlamented remains of the axis of evil in country 404. The smarter Russians will completely dominate the end results. For they do not bluff. Unlike the dumbr&dumber USSA idiocracy bunch of losers.
Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Feb 3 2023 18:39 utc | 38
When something goes wrong in the circus, they send clowns into the arena to distract the audience.
Posted by: bin | Feb 3 2023 18:42 utc | 39
I can tell you the empire's plan. They want to present the "Ukraine war, started February 24th 2022" as a victorious defensive war, which Ukraine fought and won, and then joining Nato and EU. They want Ukraine to join Nato and act as the heroic defender of western democracy and use it as a rallying element for Euro-nato against Russia.
But when you think of it, the war never officially began, and it's in fact a continuation and last stage of the empire's vassal government war against Donbass people. I'd not give them that, an "official" ending which they desperately want and need. Just quash them until the war kind of runs drie and ends by itself, no one needs to announce anything.
Posted by: unimperator | Feb 3 2023 18:45 utc | 40
PANIC. Sanctions are being ignored.
Türkiye and UAE told to cut trade ties with Russia – Bloomberg
A US Treasury official reportedly argued that attempts to damage the Russian economy are being hampered
US officials have warned Türkiye and the United Arab Emirates against maintaining economic and financial ties with Russia because trade is undermining sanctions, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing people with knowledge of the matter.The warnings were reportedly voiced by Brian Nelson, the undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence at the US Treasury, during meetings with Turkish officials on Thursday and Friday.
Memo to Nelson:
Good luck with that ultimatum. Keep pushing on a string.
Posted by: Likklemore | Feb 3 2023 18:46 utc | 41
Some say Russia must also capture Odessa, but I am unconvinced. Odessa is an "artsy" city and not as socially conservative as Russia. It would be more headaches than it is worth.
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Feb 3 2023 18:22 utc | 30
It doesn't matter what a city's position on social issues is
Have you seen DeSantis' headache over Austin's liberal stance?
Posted by: Colin | Feb 3 2023 18:48 utc | 42
I posted this back-of-a-fag-packet sanity check calculation on Ukraine claims of Russian KIA, relative to Wehrmacht performance in WW2/GPW in Ukraine on Larry Johnson's site o Jan 28:
Bottom line:
The KIA numbers claimed by Ukraine over the past three months would mean the average under-trained and under-equipped Ukrainian soldier of today is 2 to 3 times more combat effective than the average Wehrmacht soldier on the Eastern Front in WW2/GPW.
And yet, Ukrainian claims of Russian KIA’s continue to increase, literally exponentially.
Jun-22 5,100
Jul-22 5,230
Aug-22 7,070
Sep-22 11,180
Oct-22 12,740
Nov-22 17,060
Dec-22 17,080
Jan-23 18,750 to date, average 694 per day, extrapolate to 21,526 for the full month.
This is an average rate of increase of 22.8% per month. 50k per month by June. Absurd!
And considering the length of the front and the number, quality (training) and equipment of the Ukrainian forces, it is proportionately a higher rate of casualties than the Wehrmacht inflicted on the Red Army in WW2:
6,300,000 Soviet combat deaths (excl disease and accidents) in 46 months = 137k per month.
Ukrainian front today is about 25% to 30% as long as the front in WW2, and the forces today are much smaller, manpower density is much less.
Shorter front: 137k * 25% = 34k per month.
Adjust for lower manpower density:
Germany had 4 to 5 million, Soviets about 6 million, call it 1 million v 1.5 million in Ukraine.
Ukraine has maybe 500k under arms, mostly poorly trained, the better trained are mostly KIA.
Russia has maybe 400k in the operational area, maybe only 200k engaged at the front, but boost it to 300k.
34k per month * 300k deployed / 1.5 million in WW2 = 6.8k per month
Adjust for level of training for current mobilised Ukraine forces, let’s be generous and say 1 untrained Ukrainian is half as effective as a trained Wehrmacht soldier was:
6.8k * 50% = 3.4k
Next adjust for the fact that the Ukrainian are totally outgunned in artillery and air. Factor this as 50%
3.4k * 50% = 1.7k
And 1.7k * 11 months = 18.7k KIA. Interestingly, this fits well within LtCol McGregor’s estimate of Russian KIA.
This estimated benchmark is very fuzzy, but certainly anything over 7k Russian KIA per month would imply the Ukrainians are more combat effective than the Wehrmacht was.
The KIA values claimed by Ukraine over the past three months would would mean the average Ukrainian soldier is 2 to 3 times more combat effective that the average Wehrmacht soldier.
Posted by: ltexpat | Feb 3 2023 18:49 utc | 43
Mike R @12
There are several reasons why Russia will need to envelop the entirety of the Frankenstein Monster, unknowing of future developments, that the Bolsheviks created with their Ukraine SSR subsidiary state within their USSR. One you did not mention, but is most significant would be the total removal of the puppet regime in Kiev which has sold off the national birthright to the likes of Blackrock,Monsanto, Cargill and other "mining" operations, out to strip that bedizened polity of every natural resource they have....including some of the richest farmlands in the world, now being subject to massive chemical warfare upon the biozone of life.
Posted by: aristodemos | Feb 3 2023 18:49 utc | 44
Egypt is NOT a go between. Egypt is being treated like ksa and uae were during hostage exchange. These countries r made to feel special and get some chips to call in because of how they helped uncle Sam. This is being done by Russia to get some goodwill from this midget countries. If serious negotiations take place they will do back channel negotiations with their own staff. Egypt certainly don't have the standing to carry out that role.
I personally don't believe burns gave that proposal, because Russia simply can't believe anything us sadi and at that time things were not so dire that us needed a face saving exit as proven by later Ukrainian counter offensive.
Posted by: A.z | Feb 3 2023 18:53 utc | 45
Posted by: William Gruff | Feb 3 2023 18:35 utc | 35
I noted the same. To "preserve honesty", NYT writes caveats that essentially say "we have no idea about the number of casualties, neither side discloses its losses, everybody exaggerates opponents losses, but he will estimate ANYWAY".
And then various projections and interpretations are based on those numbers from the thin air. The dishonesty is that an average reader skips repetitious and boringly written caveats, and reconstructs the reality thinking "ah, because the authors discuss various implications of those numbers, they have a reasonable idea what they are".
This reconstruction of reality works in real life of the readers, their experience is that either people tell what they believe, or do not bother with caveats that they ignore. Plus, what other people say is often chaotic, so you need to put things together so they make sense. Before and during 2nd war in Iraq, all official speeches included that "after 9/11 it is(was) necessary to remove Saddam government in Iraq", without telling the explicit lie that Saddam was responsible. As a result, majority of Americans believed with Saddam was responsible (President would not talk nonsense, would he?), and this percentage was dropping very, very slowly.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 3 2023 18:57 utc | 46
opport knocks@30
As a multicultural union Russia will have no problem welcoming the Odessa oblast back into said union. As an "artsy" city as you describe it, the Odessa scene will draw into itself various elements who appreciate such a venue...and mostly from such scenes as St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Further, there will be NO totally independent Ukrainian country. Rather, the likelihood is that they will establish a NovoUkrania entity, much like Belarus, independent on localized matters, but in concert with Belarus and the union state in defense and international relations matters. That entity would NOT have sovereignty over any port on the Black Sea. Rather, they will be granted full transit rights for international trade via Odessa.
Posted by: aristodemos | Feb 3 2023 19:01 utc | 47
Blissex @31
Once again a self-contradictory message. Are you by any chance of a bipolar disposition?
Posted by: aristodemos | Feb 3 2023 19:03 utc | 48
"in Bakhmut, hundreds of Ukrainian troops have been wounded and killed daily at times as well, officials said. Better trained infantry formations are kept in reserve to safeguard them, while lesser prepared troops, such as those in the territorial defense units, are kept on the front line and bear the brunt of shelling. "
Better trained infantry was safeguarding THEM -- who !!?? -- while kept in the rear (in reserve). So we have "better troops/units" spared the bulk of the carnage, perhaps recruited and trained in a way that gives confidence in their loyalty, and "lesser troops", recruited with "gestapo" methods and disciplined with sheer fear, so they "bear the brunt". Very callous and brutal.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 3 2023 19:04 utc | 49
American Colonel. Former Pentagon advisor who spent 20 years in Ukraine and Europe with US Military.
Ukraine is collapsing in front of our eyes.
They have unsustainable losses of 4-500,000 dead and seriously wounded.
Ukraine used to have 37.5M people now maybe 18-20M.
10 M fled into EU.
He advices Zelinsky to seek refuge in a NATO country. Ukraine will disappear in probably weeks not months. Russia has 250,000 soldiers inside Ukraine 200,000 in Belorussia. And 500,000 Troops on the Russian border ready for big push to Kiev.
Posted by: jgalt | Feb 3 2023 19:05 utc | 50
Egypt is NOT a go between. [...]
Posted by: A.z | Feb 3 2023 18:53 utc | 45
In this case, Egyptians leaders are deeply cynical, but they need some vignettes for local news that show their stature on the international arena. And they are in good position to get a cheap favor from Americans and from Russians.
For that matter, French pirouettes that include "go between" or talking about it are roughly that.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 3 2023 19:08 utc | 51
Posted by aristodemos
Dima, in his military summary blog, was not his usual, mild-mannered, phlegmatic, neutral self today. He was as pent up as a hen ready to lay an egg. Why? He kept talking about a huge Russian offensive just about on the verge of taking off within the next few. He even cautioned the Ukies to get their 10-20,000 troops out of Seversk, as he expects that major thrust to come down from the north and completely block off any easy exits.
I mean the dude was excited. He cites a number of sources, both Western and Russian which almost uniformly predict one or more heavy offensive moves by Russia in the immediate future.
Should Dima actually be on to something, posters here on MoA will have plenty crackers on which to chew...soonest.
Posted by: aristodemos | Feb 3 2023 19:18 utc | 52
Posted by: aristodemos | Feb 3 2023 18:49 utc | 44
The Soviet Union had essentially helped the Russians control Ukraine, which is why Ukrainian nationalists hated the Soviet Union.
Unfortunately historically Russian right-wing nationalists' hatred of communism (and thirst for power) outweighed their loyalty to nationalism, which ultimately led to the tragedy of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Many Chinese nationalists have learned this lesson, which is why many Chinese fascists still support CCP.
Posted by: Colin | Feb 3 2023 19:22 utc | 53
"Some say Russia must also capture Odessa, but I am unconvinced."
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Feb 3 2023 18:22 utc | 30
Odessa cannot be left on the table as a gift for NATO's Black Sea naval base...long coveted. A Fox in the Hen house. The May 2014 atrocities in Odessa will be held accountable. Count on it.
US-led NATO had plans in 2013 "to renovate a school in Sevastopol"
and screen shot:
April 22 2014.
Why were the US Navy going to repair the school in Sevastopol?
Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov in his microblogging drew attention to the fact that until recently the site - US government procurement website - an open tender was placed in public access to repair one of the schools of the city of Sevastopol. [.]
How generous, but the Offer for Tenders were promptly cancelled in 2014 on the ascension of Crimea to RF
And what was that NATO naval port construction in Berdyansk, Sea of Azov, during 2019-2022, ended during the 1st 3 months of SMO.
Posted by: Likklemore | Feb 3 2023 19:29 utc | 54
@ Marvin | Feb 3 2023 17:27 utc | 5
quote - "In the interview for the television channel TV2 gen. Eirik Kristoffersen did not specify where this data came from or how it was calculated. For months, Moscow and Kyiv have not provided reliable figures on their losses, and any claims about total numbers of wounded and injured cannot be independently verified." he didn't specify because he is a stooge for nato and it is complete bullshit..
@ drsmith | Feb 3 2023 18:20 utc | 27
thanks.. i mostly agree with you..
Posted by: james | Feb 3 2023 19:32 utc | 55
Am reposting my comment from Ukraine open thread 2023-28:
The Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft - Berlin 1942
(The European Economic Community - Berlin 1942)
Reich’s Economic Minister and President of the Reichsbank, Funk;
Professor Jecht, Berlin; Professor Woermann, Halle;
Dr. Reithinger, Berlin; Ministerial Director Dr. Benning, Berlin;
Ambassador Dr. Clodius, Berlin, and
Professor Dr. Hunke, Economic Committee Advisor, Berlin
With an introduction by:
Economic Committee Advisor, Professor Dr. Heinrich Hunke
President of the Society of Berlin Industry and Commerce
Issued by:
The Society of Berlin Industry and Commerce and the Berlin School of Economics
It may shock most to learn that Nazi ideology was, and still is, behind the EU. The document that follows is the English translation of the original German one as referenced under the World Catalogue OCLC number 31002821 and available in the public domain via various libraries, archives and websites. It is a document of great historical significance and essential to understanding the mindset behind the European Union and where the idea originated. It is the original blueprint for ‘the European Economic Community’ which would later become, as we know, the European Union. Created as a series of seminars by the Third Reich’s Economic Minister and various advisors to Adolf Hitler so that in the event the Nazis should fall to the allies and lose the war, they could complete their plans covertly by subversion, treason and sedition from ‘within each government’. In it you will find the proposal of a one united Europe with one currency, one transport system...and more importantly, the United Kingdom was to be “de-industrialised“, and used for a limited amount of agriculture and tourism. The plan was to usurp each nation’s sovereignty, including Britain, and create a Europe wide dictatorship; and for us, stripping out anything that put the “Great” into “Great Britain”.
Ironically - Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Corporatism have all turned out to be distracting labels for the same ideology and in reading this document, one will find it chilling that most of the changes that the Nazi’s had planned for the United Kingdom have already been implemented. Slowly, but surely, and by covert means, the followers of this ideology, these conspirators, backed by huge financiers, namely the international banking families, have succeeded in infiltrating Westminster through the political system and parts of the Intelligenstia over the last 60 plus years. They have ushered in the Acts and Treaties envisaged in this document – NATO 1947, The Treaty of Paris 1951, Jean Monnet 1952, The Treaty of Rome 1957, European Communities Act 1972, European Monetary System 1979, Single European Act 1987, The Maastrict Treaty 1991, Euro Currency 2002, The Lisbon Treaty 2009.
This manifesto is the foundation that these traitors within our political establishment have been building on since the end of the second world war. It was a means to an end. An ugly end. We may had removed Hitler from power, but the forces behind him pressed on and what was not achieved by arms, has sadly now been established through money, treason and subversion." The above is the first page of 122 pages in all. From Tony Goslings' site. If true it signifies that the Reich is up and running and the western populace is captive to it. Ps, does anyone else here know of the existence of this Doc..
Posted by: Red | Feb 3 2023 16:30 utc | 311
Posted by: Red | Feb 3 2023 19:40 utc | 56
Posted by: zeke2u | Feb 3 2023 17:37 utc | 10:
Adolf Hitler’s Nazis knew this well. In 20th century warfare, with its emphasis on mechanization and speed, a siege was already something of an anachronism. Yet that was the tactic they opted for when attacking both Stalingrad and Leningrad. They could not afford to bypass either city and leave its spirit intact. And so a siege was laid with the aim of starving and bombarding the defenders into submission, thereby dealing a blow to the morale of a whole nation.
Great reflection on an important event in human history!!! You read Hitler's/Nazi's minds well. They could not afford to bypass either city and leave its spirit intact. That is a great read of Lucifer's mind. I think you hit it on the nose.
The same Satanistic sentiments are exhibited very often among the so-called leaderships of the West today, especially of the 5-Eyes.
Posted by: Oriental Voice | Feb 3 2023 19:42 utc | 57
The KIA values claimed by Ukraine over the past three months would would mean the average Ukrainian soldier is 2 to 3 times more combat effective that the average Wehrmacht soldier [in WW2].
Posted by: ltexpat | Feb 3 2023 18:49 utc | 43
Thank you. The numbers are very dry, but this is the cool-headed analysis I like.
Posted by: Passerby | Feb 3 2023 19:43 utc | 58
A lot of talk about a looming Russian offensive, but perhaps it's not exactly necessary to drive to the enemy when they're coming to you. Territory doesn't seem to concern Russia as much as the enemy's capacity to do harm. If there's maneuvers to be had, they will most likely be in service of destroying the enemy. Once the civilians have been evac'd, arty can begin working the grids. At that point, anyone sitting underneath the barrages will not last long. Plenty of gruesome videos of trenches full of arty fried corpses.
The the moral of the story for the west is: Ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.
Posted by: liveload | Feb 3 2023 19:52 utc | 59
What the Russian army and citizenry did in 1941 at Staligrad, and what the Chinese PLA did in North Korea in Winter 1950, shows the spirit of certain humanity that Lucifer's disciples would never be able to overcome. The West would NEVER rule the world the way they intended.
Posted by: Oriental Voice | Feb 3 2023 19:53 utc | 60
Vagueness about KIA (Russian or Ukrainian) has settled in as a permanent feature of this conflict -- beyond fuzziness, most folks couldn't be bothered about numbers like that. I'm frustrated the papers seldom so much as mention how many soldiers are killed, but I have unusual curiosity about human realities.
What about my fellow US Americans, though, who pretend to care about Ukraine while averting their eyes from Ukrainians? How many Ukrainians killed & wounded, how many approve of Zelenzky? How many Russians killed & wounded, how many approve of Putin? Nothing resounds more eloquently the chasmous emptiness of the US American soul than our utter lack of interest in numbers like that, except as war propaganda -- like the damned score of a football game.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Feb 3 2023 19:56 utc | 61
I wouldn't even start any talks, were I the Russian side, without the condition that the U.S. wholly restore all Nord Streams to their previous condition.
Posted by: U I | Feb 3 2023 19:56 utc | 62
Posted by: liveload | Feb 3 2023 19:52 utc | 59
Ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.
I love that - Thanks :)
Posted by: Macpott | Feb 3 2023 19:59 utc | 63
Gonzalo Lira - What Becomes of NATO After The Loss In Ukraine. Very good as always.
Posted by: unimperator | Feb 3 2023 20:01 utc | 64
If you want to see the full conversation between Col. Doug MacGregor and Andrew Napolitano, it's here
Posted by: zeke2u | Feb 3 2023 20:05 utc | 65
I mean, the peace agreement is already written. It's just a matter of when it gets done so that each party can manage to do it without losing too much face.
The terms are simple:
#1 -- Russia gets the land bridge to Crimea.
#2a -- Russia gets a big portion of Eastern Ukraine and Ukraine joins NATO; or
#2b -- Russia gets a smaller portion of Eastern Ukraine and Ukraine does not join NATO.
There's no other solution besides total war.
The USA cannot defend Ukraine indefinitely without more and more direct participation.
Russia will not just "go home." That will not happen.
And the USA cannot let Ukraine fall.
That leaves us with either total war or a peace agreement that is somewhere in the middle as I described above.
Posted by: Thomas Sharpe | Feb 3 2023 20:08 utc | 66
Whether through self-deception, inertia or sheer stupidity, what the 'west' doesn't seem to grasp in contemplating peace options is that the status quo favors Russia AND any conceivable change of western strategy also favors Russia.
Accordingly, if peace is desired, it will have to be a peace that favors Russia. And that is the sticking point for 'the west'. That's an inconceivable outcome* for our 'leaders', and so the fighting goes on.
So at this point, what sort of peace offer might be an actual inducement for Russia to accept peace? Well, if I was Russia the minimum I would consider is:
-retain all regions that have voted to join Russia,
-free votes in each remaining Ukrainian oblast on future status with the choice being independence, joining Russia, or staying with a newly constituted Ukraine (see below);
-formal agreement from NATO that no more states closer to Russia will be admitted and that certain types of destabilizing weapons will not be posted in NATO states admitted since 199?;
-a new government and constitution in Ukraine, outlawing Naziism, committing to neutrality, and limiting military capabilities;
-indemnity against specious legal persecution of Russian citizens for events during the conflict;
-investigation of crimes by the Kiev regime and its agents between 2014 and 2022; and
-release and remediation of all Russian assets frozen, seized or damaged by NATO members since February 2022.
*Lots of bits and pieces line up to create that condition: the accumulation of Ukraine-is-winning propaganda to be climbed down from, the investments of corrupt plutocrat institutions that are now stranded, the cultural imperative that America is supreme, personal political and possibly criminal consequences of key players, cohesion of the EU and NATO, etc.
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Feb 3 2023 20:12 utc | 67
I wonder if the West has twigged that Russia is fighting the West to the last Ukrainian?
Posted by: HossCara | Feb 3 2023 20:17 utc | 68
Posted by: HossCara | Feb 3 2023 20:17 utc | 68
I would guess that the last ukrainian is not that stupid and somehow people in the western apparatus know that :)
Posted by: Macpott | Feb 3 2023 20:20 utc | 69
The Australian blogger who had the returned Australian Merc from the Ukrainian front is himself a veteran of 7RAR and he didn't know what the abbreviation of MSR was...the Merc had his voice disguised by a voice modulator but I think he had a speech impediment and was pretty contradictory in general. Anyways I think he got convict and conscript mixed up.... Wagner did ...with much fanfare recruit some convicts but they do not have conscripts... conscription is mandatory National service and federal law 93 prohibits them from service outside the federation. Anyways....anybody from a Western army serving in the previous hotspots that Western armies have been involved in and does not mention the sheer volume and effectiveness of Russian artillery and support weapons in the Donbas was never there fighting for the Ukrainian side in my opinion. Not much here about the Chinese surveillance balloon 55 miles up in the air over central Montana....150 minutemen ICBM there....sounds like something out of the ordinary?
Posted by: Joe | Feb 3 2023 20:21 utc | 70
Some say Russia must also capture Odessa, but I am unconvinced. Odessa is an "artsy" city and not as socially conservative as Russia. It would be more headaches than it is worth.
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Feb 3 2023 18:22 utc | 30
Judging by what's left of these cities after Russia exterminates the hapless Ukie conscripts with thermobaric hellfire, I highly doubt they will care how artsy the prior occupants of the ruins were. Odessa is a strategic port and therefore valuable, especially in a potential ceasefire that would give Russia great leverage over the west.
If Russia were to control Odessa, use of her ports by western Ukraine's owners (Blackrock) to move strip-mined resources out of country could be contingent on the good behavior of NATO forces (CIA). Russia will need some sort of leverage over Western Ukraine in order for it not to become "neutral ground" for NATO forces to build up 1000 HIMARS systems to constantly shell the Donbass from during the "ceasefire".
Either Russia gains leverage like this over NATO or they can't stop at the Dnieper and would need to push all the way to the polish border in which case Odessa falls anyway. Remember the west is "not agreement capable" in order for Russia to achieve a strategic victory it needs either leverage against its enemy or to leave them no quarter.
Posted by: Angry Minuteman | Feb 3 2023 20:26 utc | 71
'No hill for a climber' right?
TASS, February 2:
"CIA chief views China as most serious geopolitical challenge for his country"
A change in the belligerency forecast?
This 'China is the real enemy' leitmotif is spreading like toadstools in wet weather.
N.B. US: Downsize your belligerence for the whole world's sake. Pick a smaller country. An uninhabited island chain? Say you've got better things to do.
However, your face-saving change of venue is accepted.
China is a slam dunk, right?
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Feb 3 2023 20:28 utc | 72
Without control of the Black Sea in the north Russia's ambitions will amount to nothing.
Odessa beckons.
Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Feb 3 2023 20:28 utc | 73
Just like John Brown saw the writing on the wall, I hope the Russian leadership realizes that without Odessa, their whole mission will be viewed as a failure and there are forces out there who will take advantage of that and there remains the question of what resides in the catacombs of Odessa which are most extensive. Somebody whispered in my ear, that something needs to be rescued in those catacombs, and call it crazy if you think, but I think time is of the essence.
Odessa in my mind has been beckoning for a long time, but after awhile if a call goes unheard, then the beckoning one either dies alone or looks for somebody else to shine some light on all the nefarious harm being done that we all basically know already - so what is the hold up one must wonder when held against their will?
Odessa beckons, but eventually Odessa's beckoning will come to an end, and then I reckon, Odessa will be a dead port forever.
Sad but seems to be the evident conclusion....if Odessa doesn't get returned to "momma", then I reckon we all will suffer.
Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Feb 3 2023 20:35 utc | 74
As soon as the guns stop firing the West will start undercover ops in any remnants of Ukraine declared neutral and the same process begins all over again, ultimately with another puppet government and a reconstituted army.
the west has developed the "technology" to disrupt and take over democracies. We see this all over the world now.
There cannot be democracy in Ukraine again (not that there is now - all opposition parties are banned). New Ukraine will be a police state.
Posted by: nothing but the trut | Feb 3 2023 20:44 utc | 75
At least CIA chief William Burns is the nearest thing to an "honest broker" the US has. Admittedly that's not very near.
Burns was US Ambassador in Moscow for a fair while, and sent back much wisdom to Washington, as revealed by Wikileaks
in 2008 – “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for [Russia]” ... “I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests”
Also in 2008 “NATO enlargement, particularly to Ukraine, remains “an emotional and neuralgic issue” for Russia, but strategic policy considerations also underlie strong opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia. In Ukraine, these include fears that the issue could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence, or, some claim, even civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene.”
Burns could see the future! Way before Nuland got her oar in. I think the problem is that the US State Department interpreted Brit ambassador Sir Roderic Lyne’s statement “if you want to start a war with Russia, that’s (Ukraine in NATO) the best way of doing it” as a how-to rather than a warning.
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Feb 3 2023 20:46 utc | 76
Reading about the absurd/insulting terms offered by Blinken, the best guess is that these offers are aimed more at internal infighting within the US permanent state. As some groups become more nervous about the costs and dangers of the war and press for an end, the neocons and more-war faction throws out these non-offers to the Russians so they can say, "see the Russians won't play with us". This strategy may even work for another 50,000 Ukrainian dead, but as the reputational, economic and political costs rise, the Neocons will have to do better.
When this war started, the US had very little at stake. The longer it goes on, the greater the stakes for the US become. The poker players in the State Dept, thought they had a good hand. But as they put more and more into the pot they are beginning to think their 3 of a kind might be short. But there is so much in the pot now, it's hard/impossible to fold.
Posted by: Dan Farrand | Feb 3 2023 20:47 utc | 77
The rumours of Burns offer or that of Blinken via Egypt, just confirm that US has started a desperate damage control in Ukraine. My prediction from year ago, when everything started was that Russia decided to perform a hard cut with the West and teach them a lesson. Therefore they will not stop until they reach western borders of Ukraine. They will then run referendums in more oblasts to decide which part will join Russia and leftover parts will form a loose federation controlled by Moscow. Khinzals, and Sarmats stationed on Polish border will serve to pacify Pols and Balts, and pressure Europe to accept security protocols that Russia suggested in December 2021. This in reality will be the end of NATO.
Posted by: Milos | Feb 3 2023 20:51 utc | 78
Response to Dan Farrand @20:47 on 2323
Any poker player knows, that sometimes it is best to fold because otherwise if you put it all in the pot, you will be left with nothing and worthless. So seriously, in some hands 3 of a kind is not the winning hand, and if the pot gets full of funds by other players who think they have good hands, and all you have is 3 of a kind, don't you think it might be advisable to fold?
Problem is the State Department if full of dimwits incapable of fair diplomacy and dammit, as just a peasant, I wonder how they got to the table, but I'm not wondering too much because truly it is out of the hands of peasants and we just observe the acts of the dimwits and hope they don't kill us all before we decide the time for Justified Retribution is at hand.
If you live in a country where the diplomats don't understand diplomacy, as I do, then it suggests the time is arising when we take matters into our own hands. For me that means acting locally because I know I have no chance nor any standing in high quarters to make a difference, but it don't mean I ain't paying attention and there are many of us fedup enough to take this to the end. The stakes are high, and I advise those in the US State Department to "fold" now because it is evident - they have a losing hand.
Now, all that talk makes one feel good, but will it make a difference? Hell if I know, but time will tell.
Something has got to change and dimwits for diplomats spell disaster for peasants just trying to get by day-by-day.
Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Feb 3 2023 20:57 utc | 79
Dan Farrand | Feb 3 2023 20:47 utc | 77
Taking the opposite view, the US may well be able to fold. They have seemingly sundered Russia and Germany for the foreseeable future, and they've made almost the whole of the EU dependent on US energy. That is a huge win for the US, at least in the short term.
Maybe not so much long term, but if the US elites cared about that, they wouldn't have moved all their industry to China.
A decade ago, a Chinese academic was visiting Cambridge. "I can't understand how the UK is so wealthy" he said, "where are all your factories?".
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Feb 3 2023 20:57 utc | 80
I wouldn't even start any talks, were I the Russian side, without the condition that the U.S. wholly restore all Nord Streams to their previous condition.
Posted by: U I | Feb 3 2023 19:56 utc | 62
If you were from the RF, could you trust anything the Americans repaired, particularly something they gleefully destroyed?
Not that anyone cares what I think but if I had a chance to make a comment to the relevant actors, I'd suggest no talks until the front is stretched to Transnistria. Then we can chat about what of Ukraine remains "sovereign".
Bullies don't reform when they are defeated. They must be de-militarized, and de-powered.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Feb 3 2023 21:07 utc | 81
Anyone know what happened to Slavyangrad? Went down yesterday evening, other TG channels seem to work fine.
Posted by: me | Feb 3 2023 21:08 utc | 82
"Better trained infantry formations are kept in reserve to safeguard them, while lesser prepared troops, such as those in the territorial defense units, are kept on the front line and bear the brunt of shelling."
Translation: We keep the nazi units safe while we kidnap hapless civilians off the streets and throw them out as cannon fodder.
Posted by: wagelaborer | Feb 3 2023 21:10 utc | 83
All talk of a negotiated peace, whomever it may come from, at this point it pure foolishness. Yes, this is what should happen. Yet, it will not happen. So the words of peace and negotiation are wasted words.
The USA would rapidly lose its world wide hegemony and the value of the United States Dollar as the world's reserve currency if it comes to peace with Russia. So, there is no backing down from the USA side.
Russia will not trust the West again after their agreeing to the Minsk accords and then the West reneging on every agreement.
There is NO COMMON GROUND for either side to even begin negotiations.
Recently, Alexander Mercouris of the Duran clearly pointed out the "escalator up of escalation" continues. And that escalation has just recently taken form with tanks. In the background are the rumblings of F-16s and NATO boots-on-the-ground and longer range missiles. I don't doubt that is where the escalation will take shape over the next few months. There will be no delay in training Ukrainians to use these systems as NATO troops are the ones actually operating these weapon systems. The NATO troops only have to place a Ukrainian patch on their uniforms and they will be ready to go.
The Ukrainian conflict is going to escalate right into nuclear war. That will come soon after Russia takes and secures the Donbas.
With the looming Western escalation of both troops and military equipment coming within the next few months, Russia will mobilize or at least attempt to mobilize in a BIG way as soon as the ground freezes again in the Donbas. I think the Russian objective will be to take and secure the Donbas as quickly as possible. There are rumors that Putin gave out during the last week.
The West knows this is what the Russians are going to do and they are not ready for the Russian major offensive. So, they yet again attempt to stall out Putin with vain and lying words of fake "negotiation". Such evil and wicked tactics will not work this time around.
Posted by: young | Feb 3 2023 21:11 utc | 84
Jeeze figs, you're not even leaving those perps a platform to stand on beneath the hangman's noose.
Posted by: aristodemos | Feb 3 2023 21:16 utc | 85
> "the deciding factor in urban operations was good training "
There are many reasons to assume relevant training, logistics and urban tactics were for years being prepared at the Ukrainian side.
It's almost fact by now that the Russian military forces did not prepare for urban operation if you look at the forces deployed during the first months. Only after the first, mostly failed attempts to block all major supply lines, control centers and perhaps topple the government, while having parts of the enemy surrender or in panic, the focus became urban combat. Scenario B. Not the first choice.
And for that Wagner came to the "rescue". They have abandoned traditional Russian doctrine and specialized in amongst other things head-on, street to street battle. It's a different training. Apart from a few special forces, the Russians troops do not operate, do not train that way at all!
Before that the Chechen had a role as they could work like that. Mariupol was becoming a costly operation before the Chechen crowd put their more direct tactics into play. Really, the Russian military was initially not capable in dealing with the tactics chose by Natokraine.
But this is all in the past. We see now a more hybrid Russian military doing both. Taking out strongholds, head on, plus add doctrinal flank support with the usual push and pull of maneuvering. But following the outline I just gave, Russian casualties will be quite high: I'd estimate 50% of that of Ukraine by November 2002. But that number is growing toward what less favorable dimensions for Ukraine last few months.
All my opinion and deduction of course. Not meant to offend anyone with this take but I hope one will recognize some dose of realism.
Posted by: John Dowser | Feb 3 2023 21:16 utc | 86
Today's reminder of this excellent documentary on the Donbass militia before the SMO.
Ghosts. Soldiers of a forgotten war [film about war in Ukraine]
The Donetsky settlement bordering the Lugansk People's Republic and surrounding regions is one of the hottest spots along the entire frontline. For over seven years, military conflict, unseen and forgotten by many, has been raging here. But the Ghost Battalion held down the fort all this time. The film documents the life of the battalion for the past three years.
Excellent footage and cinematography, IMO
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Feb 3 2023 21:17 utc | 87
From WAGNER Z GROUP on Telegram
Russian engineers, led by Alexei Tsarkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, have found the ability to accurately determine the location of starlink terminals, after which their destruction becomes a matter of technology. and without the space Internet, it will be problematic to fight in full.called a domestic development - a mobile direction finding complex "hogweed". it is able to detect and determine the location of starlink terminals in a 180 degree sector at a distance of up to 10 km.
direction finding of the location of starlink subscriber equipment is carried out with a sufficiently high accuracy. the direction finding time at one point is less than two minutes, and the full scan, taking into account moving to another point, is about 15 minutes. at the same time, the coordinates of at least 64 starlink terminals are determined.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Feb 3 2023 21:21 utc | 88
If anyone in US believed the Russian casualty numbers above there would be dancing in the streets. Fireworks. Parades. The whole country wants dead Russians. And knows just as well the court jesters in the press have to mouth this nonsense.
But they sure do hope that when the Russian lines collapse the Ukes do a whole lot of slaughter. They still believe this is another triumph for Team America Fuck Yeah and they know the Ukrainians are the meanest rabid dogs yet to be turned on the heathens.
Posted by: oldhippie | Feb 3 2023 21:24 utc | 89
My sources inform me that Blinken offered the RF 20% of Ukraine with a nominal transaction fee of 10% for The Big Guy.
I was unable to confirm.
Posted by: nwwoods | Feb 3 2023 21:24 utc | 90
My opinions (Sunny Runny Burger).
· · ·
"Uncle Samantha says ..."Now believe this!"".
US propaganda trying to claim they're "being reasonable", that they're seeking peace, that they have any standing, that they're trying to disengage, that they're trying to deescalate, that their words matter. All wrong.
It makes no sense to believe any of it.
If the details of Lavrov's diplomatic behavior are correct it still does not mean one should jump to the assumptions provided or that any real negotiations have taken place; something which is currently made impossible by the US and "the west".
Maybe partly a weird form of wishful thinking on the part of the US and others.
· · ·
The claims by yet another Norwegian Quisling are irrelevant and again only for narrative effect. This person wouldn't be where he is if not a political insider, that shit starts at pay grades far below his.
From the start of the SMO the numbers are imo at least one order of magnitude larger for the nazi losses and could be as low as one magnitude lower for the Allies. That would be as much as a million nazis and as little as 20 thousand Allies.
The main reason for this is that the Allies have been able (and willing) to pick their battles while the nazis haven't had much choice.
Such a huge discrepancy between the sides makes sense to me if one considers that the nazis die either by long range attack in the open, or by long range attack in defensive positions, by lack of treatment of medical issues, and only lastly when already greatly weakened by close combat in situations chosen by attackers who are comparatively well equipped, trained, fed, and looked after, and who are not in any kind of artificial or forced hurry.
So one side is fighting as if fresh and ready at the start of a hell week while the other is fighting as if exhausted and worn at the end of a hell week.
They never stood a chance. Clear from the beginning.
Drugs? Drugs make you pay back with interest, trading the future for the present rendering you useless soon enough. Even stuff like coffein tablets.
· · ·
In WWII and thereabouts the ratio of people required to take defensive positions where 6 attackers to 1 defender. I don't see the point of claiming defensive positions are worse, even improvised ones.
Maybe I misinterpret whatever is being said but to me military history is replete with (one could say dominated by) examples of the utility of defensive positions and their evolution, measures and countermeasures, however this of course does not mean they can't be or aren't defeated, nor that the nazis are losing and dying in great numbers.
The nazis would be much worse off without both their heavily fortified as well as improvised defenses.
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Feb 3 2023 21:24 utc | 91
Posted by: aristodemos | Feb 3 2023 21:16 utc | 85
A comprehnsive list but figleaf forgot about NS1 and NS2. A few billions there to be accounted for.
Posted by: Paco | Feb 3 2023 21:25 utc | 92
"The Soviet Union had essentially helped the Russians control Ukraine, which is why Ukrainian nationalists hated the Soviet Union.
"Unfortunately historically Russian right-wing nationalists' hatred of communism (and thirst for power) outweighed their loyalty to nationalism, which ultimately led to the tragedy of the collapse of the Soviet Union..." Colin@53
There is no evidence of this, that I know of. In fact the USSR more or less invented Ukraine- far from imposing Russian rule, the USSR went out of its way to give Ukraine the territory and powers that t needed to act as an independent state in the UN.
Crimea only became part of Ukraine because the USSR transferred it to Ukraine in 1964 (?). Both Krushchev and Brezhnev were Ukrainians. Ukrainians were always well represented in Soviet leadership circles.
The hatred of communists was peculiar to Galicians- joining Ukraine in 1945- and fascists.
There is an excellent article at Cover Action today on the subject:
How a Network of Nazi Propagandists Helped Lay the Groundwork for the War in Ukraine
Posted by: bevin | Feb 3 2023 21:33 utc | 93
The "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" used to be a Swiss newspaper. Today, most content is written now by german "journalist". The ownership has changed and german MSM is behind this NZZ. With the new owners,the quality is as bad as any german paper. There is even now a seperate version for germany.
Posted by: Guest | Feb 3 2023 21:37 utc | 94
Joe | Feb 3 2023 20:21 utc | 70
“……veteran of 7RAR and he didn't know what the abbreviation of MSR was..”
I’ve seen this posted elsewhere.
And it’s wrong.
What he does, correctly, is interrupt when the disguise voiced guest uses this term.
He interrupts, to clarify FOR HIS LISTENING AUDIENCE to define a “MSR” .
Both he and the recently returned Ukrainian veteran are fluent with the term.
But the LISTENING AUDIENCE probably not.
I hate, loathe, detest Interviewers who interrupt their guests.
But in this particular example, what he did was EXACTLY correct.
Once the term “MSR” was defined FOR THE AUDIENCE as “main supply route”, he let his guest speak uninterrupted.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 3 2023 21:45 utc | 95
In my humble opinion....
Nothing will happen until the Ukrainian army in the East is totally defeated - and this has been my opinion since March 2022.
Now add in Odessa.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 3 2023 21:45 utc | 96
@Posted by: me | Feb 3 2023 21:08 utc | 82
It's not the first time that the preview part can't be opened. I suspect this is done on purpose so that people register (just a guess)? After a while, the preview part always worked again.
Posted by: SwissGuy | Feb 3 2023 21:46 utc | 97
"The Swiss paper Neue Zürcher Zeitung published a piece today (in German) which claimed that CIA boss William Burns had offered 20% of Ukraine to Russia in exchange for peace in Ukraine."
The above sounds very plausible and with Blinkin scurrying around the globe, (his latest jaunt to China cancelled due to some sort of balloon over the USA from China) trying to communicate with people who have some influence with Putin to persuade him to go for Burns plan.
Ukrainian forces must be in worse shape than we think when this offer is on the table.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 3 2023 21:52 utc | 98
I’m amazed that there hasn’t been an insurgency against the Ukrainian government.
If I were Hungarian, I’d be shooting recruiters in the back.
Heck if I was Orban I’d station forces on the border.
Posted by: Johnycomelately | Feb 3 2023 21:53 utc | 99
My own Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called Putin 'delusional' in regard to the Russian Federation President recalling the victory over German fascism at Stalingrad. The closest that Albanese has ever come to a battle was his corrupt factional fights in the Sydney municipality of Marrickville. The Machiavelli of Marrickville has vowed to increase the Australian dollars being tipped down the Kiev corruption toilet. The Albanese bailiwick of Marrickville shares a close affinity with Kiev by being possibly almost as corrupt as the Ukrainian capital. I apologise on behalf of the ignorant and insulting comments of my Prime Minister to all Russians and people of the former Soviet Union. He is a pathetic US stooge currently presiding over rocketing inflation, increasing homelessness and real wage reduction of his alleged constituency the Australian working class.
Posted by: Paul McGrory | Feb 3 2023 21:55 utc | 100
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thanks b... the idea that the west is seeking a peace option is possible, but by all appearances and my read - it is not believable.. the fact the media skews, or distorts what is happening on the ground is more of the same.. russia isn't interested in more land.. that idea is just more manure to convince people russia is into a land grab and they are going to come next to some other country in europe.. complete b.s..i think russia needs to continue on here in the slow grind fashion it is conducting.. they don't need to change anything... others may see it differently, but unless something changes on the part of the west, this is the best approach for now..
Posted by: james | Feb 3 2023 17:16 utc | 1