Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
January 31, 2023

NATO Continues Its Disarmament

NATO is continuing its disarmament mission.

France to send an extra 12 powerful Caesar howitzers to Ukraine

French Defence Minister Sebastien Lecornu's announcement that France will send 12 additional Caesar howitzers to Kyiv is "clearly important for the Ukrainians, particularly the Caesar artillery system", said FRANCE 24 Chief Foreign Editor Robert Parsons.
"They've been very successful in Ukraine, so the Ukrainians will be delighted, I am sure, to get another 12. I think that brings that total to over 40 now, closing on 50 Caesars in Ukraine.

France has only 77 Caesar howitzer left. Others though are worse off.

Estonia Sending All Its 155-mm Howitzers to Ukraine

Estonia will donate all its 155-millimeter howitzers to Ukraine as part of its most extensive military assistance yet.

The package, previously reported to be worth 113 million euros ($122 million), is expected to boost Kyiv’s defense capabilities amid continuing Russian aggression.

Estonia currently operates 24 NATO standard FH-70 towed howitzers.

Apart from the howitzers, Tallinn will send thousands of 155-mm artillery shells and hundreds of Karl-Gustaf anti-tank grenade launchers.

We know how all that artillery will end.

Several weeks ago Russia launched a special counter-artillery campaign. There are dedicated counter artillery radars, electronic warfare and airborne  surveillance systems and long range artillery batteries with precision ammunition engaged in this.

So today I did some staff work and summed up the claimed artillery destruction as listed in the daily 'clobber list' provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Here are the results:


In the last seven days Russia claimed to have destroyed a total of 40 truck pulled howitzers, 32 self propelled howitzers, 8 Multiple Rocked Launcher Systems (MRLS), 15 counter artillery radars and 23 local artillery ammunition depots.

On top of that it engaged Ukrainian artillery positions with normal counter fire on 651 occasions. This will have caused additional damage and losses.

Additionally 55 MLRS rockets and HARM anti-radar missiles were intercepted by Russian air defenses.

If you think that the field reports the ministry receives are exaggerating the numbers, which is likely, simply divide them by half.

In just one week it was still more than Estonia and France promise to deliver.

Yesterday I explained why a NATO or U.S. intervention with ground troops is unlikely. We can add the acute lack of NATO artillery and artillery ammunition to the reasons.

NATO has disarmed its ground forces and is no longer combat capable.

Posted by b on January 31, 2023 at 18:02 UTC | Permalink

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thanks b...

cleaning out the old inventory to pay for the new! but nato is not at war with russia and other humourous fairy tales like this, continue.. oh and it is for ukraine and the ukrainians.. glory to ukraine and wave those yellow and blue flags while your gov't commits to greater military spending and on and on and on... oh and germany has cold feet, lol... you send the tanks first, lol... what a pathetic bunch of scoundrels these western leaders are.. none of them have a backbone.. we may as well have jellyfish for leaders in the west...

Posted by: james | Jan 31 2023 18:07 utc | 1

Well, Russia said the goal was demilitarization and denazification. At least the first part is progressing.

Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 31 2023 18:07 utc | 2

European defence will be provided free by either Russia or USA. There is no need for Europe to waste money on re-equipping and it is probably best regarded as reduction in public spending and shrinking of the State

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Jan 31 2023 18:08 utc | 3

Hudson's thesis from one year ago that Europe itself is the first proximate target of the empire is holding up well. So far US is far more successful at driving Europe to demilitarize, deindustrialize, demodernize itself than at anything it's trying to do against Russia.

Dark Age, here Europe comes.

Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Jan 31 2023 18:10 utc | 4

Well, Russia said the goal was demilitarization and denazification. At least the first part is progressing.

Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 31 2023 18:07 utc | 2


I think the second has gone well. It is no longer a secret that there are Nazi inspired forces operating in Ukraine with NATO's blessing.

And many Nazis have been "processed".

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 31 2023 18:13 utc | 5

So Biden is really a 7th Dimensional Chess playing peace-nik practicing double reverse child psychology by pretending to not wage war by sending unlimited supplies of weapons to be destroyed on the battlefield and through attrition, lose the war that is not being waged and sign a peace treaty.


Posted by: gottlieb | Jan 31 2023 18:13 utc | 6

And additional targets - Bradleys have been loaded and vessel has sailed, destined February 7th.

[ZH post]: “US Vessel With 60 Bradley Tanks Bound For Ukraine

A press release via the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), a segment of the US military responsible for transporting equipment worldwide, detailed last week that a large roll-on/roll-off vessel named "ARC Integrity" loaded 60 Bradley Fighting Vehicles destined for Ukraine

Original Source:

+ + + + + +

Austria and Hungary has declined the invitation to provide military aid to UKR.

Posted by: Likklemore | Jan 31 2023 18:14 utc | 7


“ So today I did some staff work and summed up the claimed artillery destruction as listed in the daily 'clobber list' provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense.”

…mhhhmmmm data!

You are a machine!

Thank you!

Posted by: El Lissitzky | Jan 31 2023 18:16 utc | 8

An interesting tidbit, but another report from the field claimed that US M-777 howitzers also get damaged/disabled from indirect hit or near misses. Apparently the fragments or shrapnel are enough to damage it.

Posted by: unimperator | Jan 31 2023 18:21 utc | 9

Yea, agree the disarmament of the EU branch of NATOstan continues. According to Wikipedia, that bastion of truth, Nexxter the manufacturer that now makes that salad mobile howitzer, under ‘normal’ conditions, make ten a year. What, under full ear time footing are they going to be able to make 20 or 30 a year? At the rate the Uks are getting their equipment destroyed, the French factory might be able to catch up by 2045? (Assuming the way ends this week)

Posted by: drsmith | Jan 31 2023 18:21 utc | 10

@ Paul Greenwood | Jan 31 2023 18:08 utc | 3

that's the thing... all this money going to the military and banking complex means eroding living standards for the same citizens.. the destruction of the fabric that holds a country together - medical system, gov't funding for any number of programs that benefit people - have to be removed so that more can be spent on the military.. oh and forget about this global economy where all boats rise.. no.. cordon it off into areas of exchange that remove all the so called bad guys... i hope this bites the west in the ass really hard to the point more people wake up to this bullshit.. i am not counting on anyone waking up though, or if they do - probably too late...

Posted by: james | Jan 31 2023 18:24 utc | 11

LoveDonbass | Jan 31 2023 18:13 utc | 5

It is no longer a secret that there are Nazi inspired forces operating in Ukraine with NATO's blessing.
That is why I am reseved on the second part.
And many Nazis have been "processed".
In Ukraine, yes.

Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 31 2023 18:25 utc | 12

I'm a new poster here, but massive fan of the site, read it before the Russian SMO started & it has been indispensable since, in cutting thru the fog of bs I hear living in the USA "belly of the beast"! It certainly seems that currently Blinken, Nuland and the other ghouls running the failed NeoCon scat-show are entrapped by "the gambler's fallacy"--- well, because I've been losing at the table all night my luck must be just about to change & I'll regain what was lost! . . . This specific post encourages me-- Glad EUrope's leaders are voluntarily destroying their war capital for the US and will soon reap the whirlwind . . . the NeoCon "project" has failed everywhere it has tried to assert "full spectrum dominance" but since they believe they are a Hammer & the rest of the world is a Nail, they cannot change gears. Looking forward to the US's sidelining as a world hegemon as smarter and less cruel cultures come to the fore. Cheers to all the barflies, & thanks to MoA for one sane voice in a room/culture filled with babbling inmates.

Posted by: HealthySkeptic | Jan 31 2023 18:27 utc | 13

Allegedly, the leaked Kiev regime plans for Donbass/Crimea ethnocide of year ago.


Meanwhile in UK cost-efficient repairmen fix submarine nuclear reactors with superglue.

Are their seek to LARP Tokaimura accident or what?

Posted by: Arioch | Jan 31 2023 18:30 utc | 14

When is the Air Force likely to be dispatched?

Posted by: Colin | Jan 31 2023 18:31 utc | 15

All this disarmament is for the USA to have a strangle -hold on Europe for evermore. Of course ,it is not sold this way to the Europeans. They are being told ,”we will look out for you “, but the Americans are simply running a “protection racket”. Like all Mafia, the Americans will flee when someone tougher comes onto this turf: Russia when it ever decides to roll over to the shores of Calais.

So who benefits and who loses? Well most of Europe’s upper middle -class will benefit ,as it will mean less taxes they will need to pay in the long-term. Those saved taxes , and them still being the compradores of the ever-increasing US share of trade (exports) to Europe , means it will be better off relatively than the poorer ninety -percent: those Europeans who will now have less native manufacturing,jobs, poorer-quality and fewer-quantity of goods… you haven’t heard of the US mentioned in the same breath as quality have you?

More losers? Greece! All of Europe is secure if we believe that the US will help them ,at least in any initial stages. There are also no major irredentist /invasion plans possibly affecting EU nations , bar one. Greece however, is constantly threatened by the almost ten-fold larger jihadi “elephant “ waiting in the EU ‘s parlour ; Turkey.

The US will sacrifice Greece to Turkish expansionism in a jiffy ; if it means it will have Erdogan and /or Turkey securely in its corner again . Greece has also stupidly cut its ties to Russia , so will likely get no help from Russia now. All of Europe is thus looking at worsening demographics, more onerous feudalism to the US suzerain than ever , and poorer living standards. Woe to the Greeks …and the lotus-eating other Europeans in the long -term.

Posted by: Brother Ma | Jan 31 2023 18:31 utc | 16

UK seems wanting to LARP Tokaimura accident...

rt . com/news/570752-uk-nuclear-submarine-glue/

Somw very cost-efficient workers fix submarine nuclear reactor with superglue

Posted by: Arioch | Jan 31 2023 18:33 utc | 17

Allegedly, the leaked Kiev regime plans for Donbass/Crimea ethnocide of year ago.

t . me/hackberegini/1220

telegra . ph/Zamysel-nastupatelnoj-operacii-VSU-01-31

Posted by: Arioch | Jan 31 2023 18:36 utc | 18

Only benefiting are the arms manufacturers, whose share prices have gone up considerably since Russia’s SMO.
Russia gains from battle hardened soldiers and wherewithal to counter NATO arms.
Russia in effect being given an opportunity to destroy NATO weapons incrementally and in relatively manageable quantities.
Russia produces three times as many engineers than the USA. It’s way ahead in armament technologies.
Not short of cash either due to huge natural resources. With the best combat soldiers and a supportive nationalist united population under a strong leader.
America choose to pick a fight with the worst possible country, from their point of view.
We are seeing the decline and the end of a great empire, as the Chinese curse says may you live in interesting times.
These are Dangerous times
The great western public is so misinformed that many will die blissfully unaware in their sleep in case of nuclear Armageddon

Posted by: Jaffa | Jan 31 2023 18:36 utc | 19

The English word ‘Blinking’ those who understand its meaning will also see through the exceptionalism of the US on display.

Egyptian FM delivered a Blinkie message to Russia

Lavrov: Blinken’s message on Ukraine contains only calls on Russia to 'quit and stop'

“It is reported that [yesterday] Jens Stoltenberg said in one of his speeches that Russia must lose, must be defeated, and that the West cannot afford to let Ukraine lose, because in that case the West will lose and the whole world will lose”

MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS/. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's message on Ukraine, handed over by Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, contains only calls on Russia to "quit and stop," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a media conference following talks with his Egyptian counterpart on Tuesday.

Mr. Minister, while answering the previous question, said that he had conveyed a certain message from Secretary of State Blinken, who was recently on a visit to Cairo. I confirm this," Lavrov said, answering a question from TASS. "Russia is ready to listen to any serious proposal that is aimed at resolving the current situation in its comprehensive context."

"We have had one more message Egypt’s foreign minister has handed over to us to the effect that Russia should stop, that Russia should quit, and then everything will be fine," Lavrov went on to say, adding that at the same time "Blinken omitted something."

"The other part of the message, showing the true interest of the United States and the West, was stated by NATO Secretary General Mr. [Jens] Stoltenberg, when he was in the Republic of Korea yesterday," Lavrov noted. "He said in one of his speeches that Russia must lose, must be defeated, and that the West cannot afford to let Ukraine lose, because in that case, he argued, the West will lose and the whole world will lose." Stoltenberg, as Lavrov pointed out, "took the liberty of speaking not only on behalf of the North Atlantic Alliance, but also on behalf of all other countries of the world."[.] (emphasis added)

Certainly, that message will not move 1 millimeter for talks.
3 Strikes: the West cheated at Minsk. Theft of RF’s foreign reserves. “Terror attack” on NordStream 1, 2 and last week very publicly bragged about the dastardly act.

Wake up. It will take decades to restore Confidence, Trust, Credibility.
Russia will soldier on (pun intended) until ALL its goals for de-militarizing and de-NATOfying to its 1993 borders are achieved.

Posted by: Likklemore | Jan 31 2023 18:39 utc | 20

Sending Bradley Tanks....alrighty then.

Seems NATO and the US have fooled Russia, calculating that Russia will run out of missiles before they run out of Toyota, Bradley's, Shermans et al.

It'd be wise for Russia to smash the Ukie army beyond repair.....just for good measure. Why take chances.

Cheers M

Anyone got tickets to the Bakhmut Philharmonic word has it Wagner's in town. With Chamber performances for the shut ins, how kind of them.....

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jan 31 2023 18:41 utc | 21

@19 "Only benefiting are the arms manufacturers..."

Don't forget the shareholders and people employed in the arms industry.

Posted by: dh | Jan 31 2023 18:41 utc | 22

Posted by: HealthySkeptic | Jan 31 2023 18:27 utc | 13
I'm a new poster here but been lurking for awhile - I'm thinking the "gamblers fallacy" is if you keep "doubling-down" eventually you will win? I'll check it out, but that seems to be the situation, and the problem now I suspect, is others are beginning to wonder whether the gambler an even pay the debts incurred thus far. Above and beyond that, the gambler hasn't had a good night's rest in God knows how long, and the gambler is in a corner and everybody knows is a loser.

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 18:46 utc | 23

Well, I checked and I was incorrect sort of....the gambler's fallacy to state it metaphorically is if a "6" hasn't been rolled in a long time, then it must be due. But if the dice is fair, then any gambler worth their salt knows about "sunk cost" and doesn't try to change what already happened in the past.
In a way however, I believe we have been witness to doubling-down to the ridiculous degree by those supposedly in positions of authority. Do they not know to whom they are vested?

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 18:50 utc | 24

I see disarmament as a feature, not a bug of the Russia SMO

If I was the new world leaders I would say to the loser that they need to get rid of the weapons of war and this is the way it will be done.....what we are seeing.

The denazification is the human side of that war weapon equation but just as important.....get rid of those brainwashed to hate others for profit.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 31 2023 18:54 utc | 25

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jan 31 2023 18:41 utc | 20

While it may be viewed in dismay, in a way it's ironic that US army is gradually becoming the Ukrainian army, in piece-meal fashion. That means the US army is also getting smashed in piece-meal fashion.

I suspect that the Soviet equipment was more or less superior to that of US one, especially on the air defense side. And Russian equipment is far superior.

Posted by: unimperator | Jan 31 2023 18:55 utc | 26

A minor correction: MSTA-B is not self-propelled (unlike MSTA-S), it's towed.

Posted by: sb | Jan 31 2023 18:55 utc | 27

Yes, thanks for doing the grunt work, b.

I really hope that Russia just maintains its slow, methodical, grinding approach and doesn’t react more “adventurously” to any of the many provocations coming its way (e.g. murky actions taking place in Iran recently).

Some commentators write of the risks of an extended war, but I tend to side with the tortoise in these scenarios.

Posted by: echelon | Jan 31 2023 18:55 utc | 28

There was a simple solution to all these arms transfers to Ukraine: Russia should have parked 200K soldiers in West Belarus with their guns pointed at Poland and Lithuania. A credible buildup would have shifted European security concerns from defeating Russia inside Ukraine to preparation for impenitent invasion.

A big fat fake out was in order! And why not? It’s a mystery, because even a bunch of woefully underprepared and unarmed troops could have changed the political conversations in Poland, Baltics, Germany.

Maybe it wasn’t worth it for Russia, or maybe they can’t afford to scrape together the extra soldiers, can’t really say

Posted by: GoFast | Jan 31 2023 18:59 utc | 29

Quick note regarding the artillery losses file, you put "Hyacint-B" and "Giatsint-B" systems as different when they are the same name.

Posted by: Lemming | Jan 31 2023 19:00 utc | 30

In response to "echelon" above at 18:55.
I suppose it is up to Russia to decide what is in their best interest, but the evidence seems to be in that they are in the "driver's seat" in this affair. Prolonging conflict however has never been in the interest of the peasants, and so I think as a peasant, because this shit affect me direct even though if there was better leadership it wouldn't even be happening, that a swift conclusion is desirable.
With that said, it is also evident that you can't trust what a blinking one says further they you could throw the dimwit.
Why are such folk making choices that affect us all is a fair question to ask and when will there be any transparency out of Sweden I reckon with respect to terrorist acts upon international pipelines.
Sometimes slow and steady makes good sense, but sometimes it is better to grab the initiative when it beckons and bring matters to a close - for the sake of the peasants of which I am one.
So, take that as a statement from a fly on the wall.

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 19:03 utc | 31

Anyone got tickets to the Bakhmut Philharmonic word has it Wagner's in town. With Chamber performances for the shut ins, how kind of them.....
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jan 31 2023 18:41 utc | 20

Hopefully, these two compositions tops the program

Mozart Mass in C minor
Mozart Requiem in D minor, Laudate Dominum

Guest orchestra after Intermission - Berlin Philharmonic

Posted by: Likklemore | Jan 31 2023 19:08 utc | 32

trash clean up is for profit. that's why it never gets cleaned up. the purpose of war, like prison, food, medicine, education, etc., etc. is profit.

so why wouldn't the US destroy Europe's industrial (=military) base as a way to beat its competitors? the West has zero chance of defeating Russia, so the "win" for the US is to crush Europe. it's not profitable to make something that works, so the US competes with an enemy it can actually defeat: its "allies".

the European elite are fully on board with the plan. they've hitched their wagon to the Nazi death state. it's not going to reverse. au contraire, it can only accelerate.

btw, i didn't realize there are so many fat people in New Zealand...thanks Youtube. all that excess blubber is not conducive to escaping floods, much less, in, you know, combat...

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Jan 31 2023 19:13 utc | 33

... Mozart Requiem in D minor, Laudate Dominum

Posted by: Likklemore | Jan 31 2023 19:08 utc | 31

Ya made me look for it...

But it's not over till the fat lady (V. Nuland) sings (hopefully while being waterboarded).

Posted by: Opport Knocks | Jan 31 2023 19:18 utc | 34

Posted by: Colin | Jan 31 2023 18:31 utc | 14

"When is the Air Force likely to be dispatched?"

there are not enough refueling aircraft to get natostani tactical aircraft anywhere near a target in east new russia.
that is assuming they can marshal fuel, people scarce spare parts, support gear, and armaments on a concrete runway somewhere in ukristan.

more adept failed states have lost western weapon system......

natostani tactical aviation has disarmed by marriage to the unready f-35's 16000 pound fuel tank.

Posted by: paddy | Jan 31 2023 19:20 utc | 35

In response to "rjb1.5" above @19:13
I think your logic is flawed, but I'm sure time will tell.
Profit really ain't it all is cracked up to be is what most peasants think....
it is the elitist who are in the maze of their own making - I hope they die there of sadness and hunger as they get drained down the drain of ignominy into which they evidently deserve to flow....
But, that is just the opinion of a peasant, so please ignore me, or at least, leave me alone.
Eff the elitist - they made the mess, let them die in it.

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 19:20 utc | 36

European defence will be provided free by either Russia or USA. There is no need for Europe to waste money on re-equipping and it is probably best regarded as reduction in public spending and shrinking of the State

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Jan 31 2023 18:08 utc | 3

In other words, EU countries are not allies, they are dependents. But, what the hell, the Ukies are fighting the Ruskies over there (in Ukraine) so they don't have to fight them at home, where the US won't fight them anyway. I'm overthinking this, the EU countries are just batshit crazy, and have no spine.

Posted by: Mike R | Jan 31 2023 19:21 utc | 37

Likklemore: Sure thing…if the Berliners are forced tonplay the “Leningrad” or “Sevastopol” Symphonies! (That’s Shostakovich and Boris Chaikovsky respectively.)

Posted by: malenkov | Jan 31 2023 19:22 utc | 38

the greatest impediment to negotiated settlement is natostani lying and never complying with a treaty.

Posted by: paddy | Jan 31 2023 19:22 utc | 39

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 19:03 utc | 30

There are several factors which weigh on Russian strategy. One is that Ukraine is a brother people. Many Russians have relatives in Ukraine, and vice versa. See comments of Tatyana on Craig Murray's blog. It wouldn't go down well if excessive numbers were slaughtered. Though if I understand correctly, Russian people's views are hardening.
Second massive factor is nuclear. Russia doesn't want to provoke a nuclear launch. As they are not in the driving seat - the US neocons being the crazies - they have hesitated to bring nuclear destruction on their country, and sought negotiation in its place (rejected by the US). Still Russia doesn't want to let the nuclear option happen.
Sounds a good policy to me. depends on whether the US crazies retain any rationality.

Posted by: laguerre | Jan 31 2023 19:23 utc | 40

Posted by: Brother Ma | Jan 31 2023 18:31 utc | 15

My parents came from Greece. I found your post depressing because things could very well turn out that way. Erdogan is shrewd at playing 2 sides against the middle

Posted by: Chris N | Jan 31 2023 19:23 utc | 41

With Lithuania asking EU countries to expel all Russian ambassadors and Estonia sending away all its military hardware, it seems like Baltic leaders have a bloody death wish. They should realize that they would never be able to resist as much, as well and as long as Ukraine, if only due to their size and manpower.

Posted by: Clueless Joe | Jan 31 2023 19:24 utc | 42

The Ukraine regime's war plan is not sentimental. It's no tears suicidal for its own population. Now that's a plan--from hell itself.

Thank goodness Western Europe is saying "Hey, All good!"

Restores my faith in brutality. From our best minds no less.

Posted by: Elmagnostic | Jan 31 2023 19:26 utc | 43

Um...."laguerre" - do you know more than what you are letting on, but for sure I'll check it out.
I've posted at the place before and I'm familiar with Tatyana. It was Craig Murray's site where I first learned about the travails of Julian Assange in earnest. Small world I reckon. I recognize many of the names here to be honest - I've seen them elsewhere.
I think though this conflict has been one of resolute will versus elitist ambitions, and of course the plot may thicken, but it seems evident who the world bully has been, and is it not time for the hegemony to come to its fateful end as always has been the case in history to this date and likely always will be being nobody likes a bully?
I'll check out your suggestion and.....
Whatever -

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 19:33 utc | 44

When is the Air Force likely to be dispatched?

Posted by: Colin | Jan 31 2023 18:31 utc | 14


Soon after it is engaged.

Posted by: too scents | Jan 31 2023 19:35 utc | 45

Just clearing out the old stuff, ready for new things to be sold at high profits with cushy jobs in the private sector after for the Civil servants for sign the contracts.

I'm assuming that once they've restocked they can go on to next phases.

Still though kinda shitty for those dead Ukrainians, but hey they love hating russia anyways so if russia can take the parts it needs everyone's a winner?

Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Jan 31 2023 19:38 utc | 46

Posted by: laguerre | Jan 31 2023 19:23 utc | 39

Russian people's views are hardening.


that is the worst problem I think

Posted by: Macpott | Jan 31 2023 19:38 utc | 47

The number of guns destroyed is interesting. Same with estimates of dead and wounded. But are there any numbers for how many P.O.Ws have been taken? Or how many have defected over to the Russian side? Hundreds have been in prisoner swaps, but how many more have said that they don’t want to go back as they are now safe in Russia?

Posted by: Neal | Jan 31 2023 19:40 utc | 48

Mozart Mass in C minor
Mozart Requiem in D minor, Laudate Dominum

Guest orchestra after Intermission - Berlin Philharmonic
Posted by: Likklemore | Jan 31 2023 19:08 utc | 31

it be nice to see Valentina Lisitsa playing in Kiev after it's liberation, like she did in Mariupol.

The Hungarian rhapsody will be nice:

Posted by: Vikichka | Jan 31 2023 19:42 utc | 49

In response to "Macpott" @19:38
Why wouldn't ones views harden after being lied to one time too many?
I'm mean seriously, in this conflict, therein lies the resolution because I saw this video of the sacred place the Russians built to celebrate and remember the WWII conflict out of honor for the lives lost, but now this video is "no longer available" - and that is telling.
When it comes down to urban conflict, sometimes it is hand-to-hand, and odds are the one who has the will of indignity due to harms caused will prevail even if that one is smaller, weaker, and less physically capable because if you have ever been in a wrestling match sometimes what matters more than anything else is will well founded. If the one you are fighting knows the cause is not really theirs, then they tend on average to not prevail when it comes down to one on one conflict - life and death.
I want a swift end to the conflict and I'm not even there, but if I was, I know whose side I would be on. In fact, I may send in my resume - what the hell....why not?

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 19:45 utc | 50

Retired Lt. Col. Davis recently said in a Breitbart interview that there is no way Russia can win a conventional war against NATO. Everything else he said in that interview was spot-on, but it seems that NATO has succeeded in de-militarizing itself to the point where Davis's statement about a war with NATO just doesn't seem accurate. Any thoughts?

Posted by: Janet | Jan 31 2023 19:46 utc | 51

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 19:45 utc | 49

lovely but not an option here

there is something strange in the air - as larry would say - a smell of revolution

Times will change and we are about to witness

and I guess thats the reason not only the ruassians are hardening in their mind but anyone who wants to have a future

Posted by: Macpott | Jan 31 2023 19:48 utc | 52

In response to "Macpott" just above at 19:48
Can't argue with that.
May the best ideas prevail.

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 19:49 utc | 53

Posted by: Buffalo_Ken | Jan 31 2023 19:49 utc | 52

easy come as easy goes

so you also have a valid point :)

Posted by: Macpott | Jan 31 2023 19:51 utc | 54

Posted by: Janet | Jan 31 2023 19:46 utc | 50

Russia probably can win against Nato "professional forces" in Europe. But the thing can change in odds if they start mobilization from pool of 400-500 million people. Especially if the mobilization is like in Ukraine with nazi's running the conscription effort.

Looking at Paris demonstrations today (500-1000k people) kinda doubt any attempt of widespread mobilization. You would also get Islamic caliphates declaring independence and popping up all over the European map.

Posted by: unimperator | Jan 31 2023 19:52 utc | 55

Retired Lt. Col. Davis recently said in a Breitbart interview that there is no way Russia can win a conventional war against NATO. Everything else he said in that interview was spot-on, but it seems that NATO has succeeded in de-militarizing itself to the point where Davis's statement about a war with NATO just doesn't seem accurate. Any thoughts?

Posted by: Janet | Jan 31 2023 19:46 utc | 50

Col. Douglas Macgregor and Scott Ritter say NATO is in no shape (in terms of both personnel and weaponry) to engage in full war with Russia.

Posted by: Chris N | Jan 31 2023 19:53 utc | 56

After reading about 20 or so LNG plants burning down recently in the U.S and the massive influx of migrants crossing the Southern U.S border....alot of them military aged males I started thinking back to intelligence disseminated in the 90s regarding Soviet doctrine of asymmetrical warfare and use of sleeper cells of espionage groups with continental United States and other NATO countries. Now if we look at the fascists....not so much the black shirt Mussolini example but the National Socialists and then compare them to the will be apperent that both groups are actually leftists or espousing the State as the all powerful controlling power...a totalitarian State but with the only real difference was the control of the means of production or economy. The Communist governments for many decades through their Internationalist movements financed socialist and other leftist groups in the West...when the Soviet union was unable to continue this subversive work....the Globalists picked up the torch and are currently cramming the same leftist dogma in Lui of. KGB defectors spoke of this Asymmetric program and gosh darn it..I think we frogs may have just boiled. The destruction of religion and the family by LGBT or whatever the fuck they call it now... socialist economic policies causing economic ruin...attack on academia... Divisive race policies... destructive immigration policies... militant feminism and makes sense now as the Globalists and Communist want the same thing. It is the west that is being destroyed from within and that makes the west unpredictable and dangerous...

Posted by: Joe | Jan 31 2023 19:53 utc | 57

Most peculiar individual.
Is it his English or something else?
The script's he's given.?
Does he actually think people believe the stuff he's coming out with outside of the Nato EU bubble.
Keep thinking of the weatherman on Anchorman for some reason.

Posted by: jpc | Jan 31 2023 19:57 utc | 58

With Lithuania asking EU countries to expel all Russian ambassadors and Estonia sending away all its military hardware, it seems like Baltic leaders have a bloody death wish. They should realize that they would never be able to resist as much, as well and as long as Ukraine, if only due to their size and manpower.

Posted by: Clueless Joe | Jan 31 2023 19:24 utc | 41

Consider Poland to be Europe's hyaena: Instigate others to do the dirty hard work for you while squeaking in staged panic. Add to Captain Hyaena Poland its 3 ensigns, the Baltic statelets.

And guess who's there to do the dirty work?

The Germans! This year leading the so-called "Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF)":

The VJTF is the highest-readiness element of NATO's Response Force. VJTF leadership and membership rotate annually among Allies. In 2023, VJTF land forces will comprise around 11,500 thousand troops, with the Panzergrenadierbrigade 37 at its core. In total, nine NATO Allies (Belgium, Czechia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia) will contribute. Among the major units are Germany’s Panzerbataillon 393, Artillerielehrbataillon 345, Versorgungsbataillon 131 and Transporthubschrauberregiment 30. For the first time, Germany also leads the VJTF’s designated Special Forces command.

NATO, 28 Dec. 2022


They're betting the farm — or rather the circus — on NATO coming to their rescue. 🤡🎪

Posted by: Nervous German | Jan 31 2023 20:00 utc | 59

Posted by: Janet | Jan 31 2023 19:46 utc | 50

NATO countries have a total population of 1 billion. By all the strengths of Russia and weaknesses of NATO, Russia is still outnumbered. Fighting conventional street battles with NATO will be ridiculous.

Posted by: Vikichka | Jan 31 2023 20:02 utc | 60

“Ya made me look for it.”
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Jan 31 2023 19:18 utc | 33

Thanks. Appreciative.

1000 years of listening, 365/6 days, is not enough.

“But it's not over till the fat lady (V. Nuland) sings (hopefully while being waterboarded).”

Cookie Nuland was singing last week before the Congress-critters; very gleeful to say, on behalf of the Biden admin and for herself, being “quite happy NordStream was a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.”

Waterboarding, No. a suggestion -
A quickie in the box at Nuremberg 2.0 followed by the gift of a scarf designed with old piano wire.

Posted by: Likklemore | Jan 31 2023 20:02 utc | 61

While NATO disarms itself, the political and military leadership still have faith in whatever the newest Wunderwaffen. For now it is superior Western tanks. You know the F16s are next.

Must be me, but seems Western propaganda is now simply reversing what pro-Russian pundits, telegram bloggers are claiming. Like Wagner is losing huge number of KIA because they over and over throw nearly naked convicts against superior Ukrainian firepower. Russian artillery is devastating Ukr. military. No, Ukrainian artillery are sharp shooters while Russian military/missiles cannot hit the proverbial side of a barn (or some children's hospital).

Posted by: Erelis | Jan 31 2023 20:08 utc | 62

the question is how did USA get the EU to completely buy in to go against Russia? my theory is the CIA made a fake document "obtained" from the Kremlin that says Russia intends to take all of Europe. Russia--with all the land and resources, and no need for any of the pansy nations of the EU--would never bother to do this of course since it is no benefit to them.

Posted by: DAVE | Jan 31 2023 20:10 utc | 63

Neal | Jan 31 2023 19:40 utc | 47

Wasn't a number around 10k mentioned last summer? I don't remember. I think more will surrender now that they're sending everyone under 55, no exceptions. But as a total is nothing compared to meat available for cannon fodder. These people are brainwashed beyond repair and all they see on TV or online is that they're winning and have lost only 9k soldiers and Russia millions. Nazi wives are looking for nazi husbands. Nothing strange for them that everyone is listed as "missing". There must be drugs in water supply

Posted by: rk | Jan 31 2023 20:10 utc | 64

DAVE | Jan 31 2023 20:10 utc | 62

"the question is how did USA get the EU to completely buy in to go against Russia? my theory is the CIA made a fake document "obtained" from the Kremlin that says Russia intends to take all of Europe."

That wouldn't fool anybody, and you're giving the Euroscum far too much credit for being well-meaning but foolish.

Far more likely is the hypothesis that the CIA and Mossad show them real photographs of themselves patronizing the pedo-rings which, it's increasingly clear, are everywhere readily available to the power elites. The one Epstein ran is just the one we know about most clearly.

Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Jan 31 2023 20:17 utc | 65

NATO has never been in any shape to win a full on conventional war and never had any prospect of ever getting into such a shape. That's why MAD came into existence 100% deliberately.

The fact that (western) Europe could not in any way ever hope to defend itself was understood since before Hitler suicided and the WWII nazis surrendered.

I guess many just don't understand and vastly underestimate how abysmally stupid "the west" has acted the last 30-40 years. Not just the "elites" either; no one in the west comes out of this looking pretty. "Suicidal" doesn't really cover it.

Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 31 2023 20:18 utc | 66

Posted by: Vikichka | Jan 31 2023 20:02 utc | 59

It seems the Nato "strategy" is to give stuff to Ukraine, in hopes of making Russia attack Nato. If that is the case, as Russia and god forbid it goes to that point that US forces Russia to attack it, they would simply go for the absolute jugular. That means manpower and industrial centers in USA and EUrope. Will USA do same to Russia? Yes. But Russia is actually preparing long term bunkers, in an effort to somehow survive a nuclear war. They are preparing for it.

Nato is doing heck of a lot of to make Russia attack it. Recently a Russian colonel said that Russia has a legal right to attack, say air base in Poland if it hosts Ukrainian air force jets. Will they attack an airfield in Poland because of that? No they won't attack an airfield in Poland because of that.

Nato is already fighting in Ukraine, with a significant amount of its resources. There is no need to expand it.

Posted by: unimperator | Jan 31 2023 20:22 utc | 67

Must be me, but seems Western propaganda is now simply reversing
Posted by: Erelis | Jan 31 2023 20:08 utc | 61

You are correct, everything is backwards. If you invert real facts is easier to avoid mistakes or forget last week's lies

Posted by: rk | Jan 31 2023 20:24 utc | 68

While Russia vs. NATO is happening in Ukraine, everyone is forgetting the poor freedom fighters/moderate rebels in NATO countries, whom we have a Responsibility to Protect.

Friendly countries should help out, by sending javelins and stingers to these poor oppressed biker gangs, who are only trying to live to ride. FREEDOM !

Posted by: Featherless | Jan 31 2023 20:25 utc | 69

The Twitter account is of course blocked.
What can you say about the content/source re: the planned cleansing?

Posted by: AG | Jan 31 2023 20:25 utc | 70

Joe | Jan 31 2023 19:53 utc | 56
Joe, prison is a for profit industry. ICE is a for profit industry.

i welcome all those migrants. Americans are such degenerates, morally and physically, we need new stock. the churches should open the doors and marry citizen to illegal, hand them a gun on the way out the door, tell them to defend their family.

and uncle sam to go fuck himself.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Jan 31 2023 20:27 utc | 71

"Quick note regarding the artillery losses file, you put "Hyacint-B" and "Giatsint-B" systems as different when they are the same name."
Posted by: Lemming | Jan 31 2023 19:00 utc | 29

Yes, Giatsint-B (Hyacint) is a truck pulled howitzer, Giatsint-S is a self propelled howitzer.

Posted by: NoName | Jan 31 2023 20:27 utc | 72

The USA is pretending it is not bankrupt.
Slowly, then suddenly as the observation attests.

If you can’t finance your trillions, with what medium of exchange will the goodies for military be paid?

Keep an eye on the trajectory of U$D. USG relies on its hegemony -the dollar as the global reserve currency -to finance its budget and trade deficits.

As the dollar is shunned…….Paul Craig Roberts former Assistant Sec. of U.S. Treasury, commenting on KSA's recent announcement to accept other currencies in payment for oil...wrote

In recent years Washington has so abused the dollar’s reserve currency role with sanctions and asset seizes that many countries desire to settle their trade imbalances in their own currencies in order to escape Washington’s ability to threaten and punish them for serving their own interests rather than Washington’s. If Saudi Arabia abandons the petrodollar, the demand for dollars and the dollar’s value will fall.[.]

This is a major threat to Washington’s power and to the financial power of American banks[.]

Prime example of self-harm unfolding. Within hours of Blinkie's (US Sec of State) departure:-

Egyptian parliament approves agreement to join the BRICS bank

Cairo, Jan 30 (Prensa Latina) The Egyptian Parliament approved an agreement adopted by the Government that allows the country to join the New Development Bank of the BRICS group, the Al-Ahram diary reported.
The vice-president of the Economic Committee of the House of Representatives, Mohamed Abdel-Hamid, affirmed that joining the institution benefits the country.

“We will benefit from the Bank’s financial and technical assistance in areas such as sustainable development, health, infrastructure, transportation, water, and telecommunications,” he said. “It represents a step in the fight against the dollarization phenomenon and opens up new markets for Egypt’s agricultural and industrial products,” he said.

Legislator Mervat Mattar, stated that “the BRICS group is an important forum that can divert the course of the international economy from US and dollar dominance.” He also welcomed the Russian central bank’s decision a week ago to add the Egyptian pound to its list of foreign currencies exchangeable for rubles.

Last December, the Egyptian Council of Ministers announced its decision to join the BRICS, after a proposal by President Abdel Fatah El-Sissi.

The addition of Egypt will also relieve the state budget of the pressure to find dollars to meet imports because members of that bank can use their national currencies in bilateral trade, he said.[.] (emphasis added)


BRICS founding members: Brazil Russia India China South Africa

Have you read the list of countries applying for BRICS membership?
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Morocco, Mexico, Iran, Argentina, Uruquay are among some 22 countries named to date.

Posted by: Likklemore | Jan 31 2023 20:31 utc | 73

Vikicka @ 48
Id just like to point out what a rediculess statement you just made.
You say nato countrys have a population of one billion.
Then you assume all billion would be anti Russian, pro war with Russia,
Really you really expect us to follow crazy thinking like that ?
I assume that billion includes babes/infants, the very elderly ?
Let me put you straight...
The majority of that billion just want to get on with their peacefull life.
As exposed to a small minority of polaticians ect ect with pure evil self interests at heart.
You people just don't give up trying the lies do you.

Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 31 2023 20:31 utc | 74

OT: I'll throw in an "(allegedly)" in between "Hitler" and "suicided". I find the stuff in South America reasonably convincing. If he never got that far (or out of the bunker) then at least it was clearly all prepared and ready for him which means it was the plan (or at least one possible plan).

Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 31 2023 20:37 utc | 75

Reply to 41 and 61

I think we are seeing a division in the Deep State between the chicken hawks and the military - who are in league with the arms makers. The chicken hawks want everything thrown at Russia, with no regard for actual effectiveness, in a sort of mob spirit. The arms merchant military Does Not want videos of Abrams tanks and F 16's burning in pieces on the battlefield. That would be Really Bad Advertising. With competition from China, South Korea and Turkey making weapons, the US is not assured of a bonanza. They forced F-16's into Europe using bribery. Anyone remember that?

And embassies? When will some nation admit that these things are a 19th century anachronism that's obsolete. If I can order parts from Malaysia with Pay Pal or Bitcoin, then any nation can do business with the world without wasting $ on buildings that are magnet for protestors and terrorists.

Posted by: Eighthman | Jan 31 2023 20:38 utc | 76

lol, I didn't know b did sarcasm. well played.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 31 2023 20:40 utc | 77

Using Realpolitik, what is the smallest amount of soldiers Ukraine can field without surrendering? What is the tipping point?

Posted by: Ramsey Glissadevil | Jan 31 2023 20:40 utc | 78

TASS, January 31 --

"Ukrainian troops must be pushed back from DPR to spare it from shelling attacks — DPR head"

Nothing else to add.

Posted by: Elmagnostic | Jan 31 2023 20:42 utc | 79

Joe | Jan 31 2023 19:53 utc | 56
so "Red Dawn" was real, but the red more trickled in than invaded...and that's why the USM sux. it's a commie plot!

now Joe, the USM has no trouble killing Afghanis or Vietnamese or Iraqis with bombing campaigns. we run death squads around the world.

but the principal industry of the US, its weapons manufacture, is


it's accomplishments are "Top Gun: Maverick" and "Battleship".

I don't think that's a cat the ruling class can let out of the bag.

btw, a Roman pater familias would never let Caesar tell him he couldn't marry one of the POW's from the Roman war economy. or let some Greg Abbott piece of shit "inspect" the fertility of the women.

people are complete slaves. children of incest, b/c the state defines the boundaries of marriage.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Jan 31 2023 20:42 utc | 80

Never give Nazi's free speech or a platform.
As soon as they get to power they distroy free speech.
Take a look around at the west.
Free speech has gone.
b ?

Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 31 2023 20:42 utc | 81

Posted by: DAVE | Jan 31 2023 20:10 utc | 62

my understanding is the US has a lot of influence on the media in western countries, and has spent a lot of money and time developing what are in effect moles as national leaders, the neolib Davos types that are so prevalent. and of course it still occupies Germany, which is pointedly ignored by Germany but I think it's like an abused spouse or something, they know what's going on but just won't admit it.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 31 2023 20:43 utc | 82


NATO is too week and illprepared to engage in a direct presence in Ukraine.

Russia can finish off Ukraine with conventional forces. It has no need of nukes. And NATO sees no advantage in using what in effect is a doomsday weapon

There will be no further escalation. There’s no place to base F16s, and the ordnance storage is depleted

NATO will ake a lot of noise about its supporting equipment “on the way” to Ukraine, but it won’t be possible for it to arrive in time. This allows an effective tissue of lies for Western media,while Russia relieves it of its defeated proxy

It is perfectly possible that US/NATO does something stupid, but there are only likely negative outcomes

This is most likely how it will play out

Posted by: Thomas Lipscomb | Jan 31 2023 20:44 utc | 83

"Karl-Gustaf anti-tank grenade launchers"

I trained with "Charlie-Gs in the early 1980's, and even then they were considered to be wholly ineffective against Soviet-era armour except at absurdly close range, and even then only from the flank.

Maximum (RHA) armour penetration: 400mm

T72-B (1988) armour vs HEAT: 940 mm (37 in)


Posted by: Andrew Carter | Jan 31 2023 20:49 utc | 84

If this truly is the case and I have no reason to believe its isn't, eventually Nato will either have to take a step back and propose a peace plan, which they will not honour once Ukraine is fully rearmed somehow, or newer and more sophisticated Nato weapons which will heighten tensions and increase hostilities will need to be given to Ukraine, the problem there is that Ukrainian forces are not trained on weapons like that, and training would probably take too long, or rushed through which would mean the use of the more sophisticated weapons on the battlefield might be ineffective.

This is where ex-Nato forces come in they will probably have been trained on the the more sophisticated weaponry and they could be deployed along with the Ukrainian forces to operate it. The longer this conflict goes on the more likely a direct confrontation between a Nato country and Russian forces becomes a stark reality.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 31 2023 20:50 utc | 85

I get a bit of perverse pleasure to think how willingly and unwittingly these US-Nato-EU fools and nitwits are so readily complying with Russian 'demands' at demilitarizing the Ukraine and Nato

Posted by: michaelj72 | Jan 31 2023 20:55 utc | 86

I was amused at a commentor on Larry Johnson's site, stating that Russia needs to teach their flyers how to win a dog-fight. That truly, is the world of many Americans. All their history is taught by the owners of Hollywood. Perhaps Tom Cruise can show up in an F35 and slip on through Russian air defenses, clipping tree tops, slipping the tips of his wings through bridge pylons, with 2 wingmen in hot pursuit. All in a green room.
Jeesh, even the skirt-wearing trannies that run the Pentagon have enough sense to give their Chinese paymasters a heads up, when the sheet is about to hit the fan.
Russia cannot and will not lose on her border with the Ukraine and the U.S. along with her European Colonies have
burned every bridge back to sanity.
At a nearly impossible cost the Soviets turned the tide at Stalingrad and slaughtered untold Nazis on their way to Berlin. Russia has not forgotten. Is Europe wanting another go at kicking their own butts?

Posted by: kupkee | Jan 31 2023 20:58 utc | 87

@Brother Ma " They are being told ,”we will look out for you “, but the Americans are simply running a “protection racket”.

The only way a protection racket works is if there is a credible threat going forward. That implies that means Russia isn't going to be dismantled and there won't be any regime change.

Posted by: ian | Jan 31 2023 21:02 utc | 88

Posted by: ian | Jan 31 2023 21:02 utc | 87

the credible threat is the US, not Russia. "nice little pipeline ya got there, shame if something happened to it".

Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 31 2023 21:04 utc | 89

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

At some point Russia is going to flood Western Europe with shoulder fired weapons, grenades and heavy machine guns to European immigrant gangs through its Chechen and Syrian network.

I guess they’re waiting for Europe to be sufficiently demilitarised to make it a fair fight. It’s will be a shit storm.

Posted by: Johnycomelately | Jan 31 2023 21:06 utc | 90

Eighthman | Jan 31 2023 20:38 utc | 75
yes! and in an age where everyone posts selfies of everything.

i guess the default position could be Ukrainians are more stupider than people from Maine and Texas and couldn't find "reverse" on that gift from God Almighty, the Abrams tank, and so, like Iraq with that great democracy they got from the US, inferior peoples can't handle the pure Aryan awesomeness of our nation's super weapons...and, you know, Zelensky is in charge, he's the decider...

but back in the real world...
US police depts "need" that hardware not fit for combat but very fit for plowing into hippies and black kids and profiling certain Amazon workers. cf Israel.

is there a reason why the USM can't find another profit stream from the nominally civilian police forces of Europe, as it has done throughout the US?

that may be one reason USM gear sucks so. maybe it was being developed for police depts, not military battlefieds, all along?

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Jan 31 2023 21:09 utc | 91

Further to my earlier post about the 84mm Carl Gustav weapon, now being supplied to Ukraine

The models (CG and T72-B) referenced were 1988 vintage; at that time the USSR was fielding the RPG-29 series of infantry-portable antitank weapons:

"2003 Iraq War
The RPG-29 is believed to have been used in skirmishes against American and British forces during the initial 2003 invasion of Iraq.[11] An RPG-29 round was reported in August 2006 to have penetrated the frontal underside hull (equipped with ERA) of a Challenger 2 tank during an engagement in al-Amarah, Iraq, maiming one and wounding several other crew members, but only lightly damaging the tank, which drove home under its own power.[12]

On August 25, 2007 a PG-29V hit a passing M1 Abrams in the hull rear wounding 3 crew members.[13] On September 5, 2007, a PG-29V hit the side turret of an M1 Abrams in Baghdad, killing 2 of the crew and wounding 1, and the tank was seriously damaged.[14]

In May 2008, The New York Times disclosed that another M1 Abrams tank had also been damaged by an RPG-29 in Iraq, while fighting Shia militias at Sadr City.[11] The US Army ranks the RPG-29 threat to armor so high that they refused to allow the newly formed Iraqi army to buy it, fearing that it would fall into insurgent hands.[15]"

This compares very favourably with the 1940'sera Carl Gustav 84mm (which has been retired from many armed forces because its backblast has proved the weapon to be more dangerous to its operators than to its targets)

Posted by: Andrew Carter | Jan 31 2023 21:09 utc | 92

The US is de-industrializing and dis-arming Europe.

Posted by: Laura Roslin | Jan 31 2023 21:10 utc | 93

I might be wrong, but it seems to me like the US's "endgame" strategy is barely more complicated than managing the narrative. Russia's goal in this war was to seize the Donbass and render Ukraine militarily ineffective, but Blinken's going to pretend that Russia was actually trying to annihilate Ukraine completely and pass off the loss of Donbass as a larger overall victory for the existence of Ukraine. That's probably one reason Biden's first speech after the invasion was to claim that "Putin is trying to bring back the Soviet Union", because you can pretend you won if you claim the enemy was trying to take half of Europe even when they are openly declaring that they only want Donbass.(He's senile too but I don't see why it can't be both.)

Posted by: fake name | Jan 31 2023 21:10 utc | 94

training would probably take too long, or rushed through which would mean the use of the more sophisticated weapons on the battlefield might be ineffective.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 31 2023 20:50 utc | 84

Poland said the training for tanks for Ukr soldiers was reduced to 5 weeks max. Give them a month and they'll drop to 2 weeks. these aren't regular troops but simple kamikaze terrorists.

Posted by: rk | Jan 31 2023 21:12 utc | 95

The battle arithmetic suggests that these new shipments of tanks, IFV and artillery will just end up being more grist for the mill. But lets not forget that all this stuff will still result in the death of Russian Soldiers and perhaps civilians.

Back home, I hear people saying whatever we are doing is worth it if it kills a few Russians. The war has no cost to the US except for money which is printed thanks to the worlds acceptance of USD.

I know that most people in my country are ignorant about the true misery of war. They say these things without really thinking. In the past I've said the same thing myself - not directly in relation to the Russians, but in other of my countries adventures that I have supported.

But it also angers me. The callousness of it, a hardness of heart that was also mine in the past. None of us is without sin I guess. But it angers me, that we assume our actions intended to kill and injure Russians - to weaken Russia - is done with such assurance that there will be no cost to America except pieces of paper that we print at will.

I don't no if this will end up being so cost free in American blood, humiliation and prosperity. How does one pray for judgement to befall us when it must fall on my own head and house also.

So far, the Russians show great restraint. Perhaps the calculus dictates that. Russian goals are achieved by containing the scope of the war, not expanding it. At least for now.

Posted by: Dan Farrand | Jan 31 2023 21:14 utc | 96

The US is de-industrializing and dis-arming Europe.

Posted by: Laura Roslin | Jan 31 2023 21:10 utc | 92

And ironically the work is outsourced to the Russians.

Posted by: jpc | Jan 31 2023 21:15 utc | 97

Posted by: kupkee | Jan 31 2023 20:58 utc | 86

That guy apparently doesn't know that missile range matters way more than plane maneuverability.

Also those aren't skirts, they're kilts, stop forcing men to wear jeans all the time

Posted by: S E C R E T J E W | Jan 31 2023 21:15 utc | 98

The West has the same problem the 3rd Reich had: if you operate a propaganda machine, you'll never know when you're really losing the war! America is losing, but all propaganda institutions continue saying they're wining, so it cannot stop.

Posted by: JamesHandall | Jan 31 2023 21:16 utc | 99

As a fellow Fino-Ugrian I salute Estonia for disarming itself at this point in the war. Today there are only 800,000 Estonians that speak their native language on a daily basis (the other 600,000 speak Russian though they speak Estonian when required). In short the population who speak Estonian as their first language is approaching extinction.

Today as Estonia is disarming itself it is preserving its language. If not, should they sufficiently piss off Russia, that entire nation will, yet again, become a Russian province.

This is not an exaggeration. Consider some of the other Baltic countries over the last two centuries. Look at what happened to Old Prussian? Disappeared as a daily language in the 1850s. I understand that Livonian (last heard from in a county in Latvia) is now extinct.

Poor Estonia, not only is NATO not in their interests, it is a poisonous pill for their entire culture.

I am acutely aware of Baltic nations entering into alliances with the West. Poor Finland under the leadership of Mannerhein joined with Nazi Germany -- that ended with most of the Karelian peninsula ending up as part of Russia.

Those poor Baltic states should just realize that Western Europe under the NATO "umbrella" is just leading their cultures to extinction.

Posted by: Toivos | Jan 31 2023 21:18 utc | 100

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