U.S. No Longer Supports Fight For Crimea
The U.S. seems to have changed its position with regards to Crimea.
Blinken in August 2022:
Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken - 16:46 UTC · Aug 23, 2022
United States government officialIn my remarks to the Crimea Platform Summit, I urged the international community to keep raising the costs and pressure on President Putin and his enablers until all Russian troops leave Ukraine. Crimea is Ukraine. That was our position in 2014, and it remains in 2022.
Embedded video
Same dude, yesterday:
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Our focus is on continuing to do what we’ve been doing, which is to make sure that Ukraine has in its hands what it needs to defend itself, what it needs to push back against the Russian aggression, to take back territory that’s been seized from it since February 24th, to make sure as well that it has the support economically and on a humanitarian basis to withstand what’s happening in the country every single day. That’s our focus.
"Territory that’s been seized from [Ukraine] since February 24th" obviously does not include Crimea which Russia 'seized' in 2014. This then is a significant shift in the position Blinken had earlier underlined.
Posted by b on December 6, 2022 at 13:11 UTC | Permalink
next page »The great blinking one is a total non-factor actor in the world of modern day international relations that the vast bulk of world opinion should rightfully ignore. Poor fellow. No one cares about what comes out his mouth except his Zionist handlers. Go back to wherever it is you come from.
Posted by: thecelticwithinme | Dec 6 2022 13:21 utc | 2
This Guardian article is depressing, not for itself (standard crap propaganda, "Russia is losing, how long will it take them to realise this?"), but for the commenters
Apparently Russia are responsible for both Brexit and Donald Trump's election, two things which gave yer average Guardianista conniptions and were obviously unexplainable by, say, a lot of fed-up people actually voting.
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Dec 6 2022 13:25 utc | 3
Which of Blinken's many eyes is he focusing? Front face or back face? Instead of just removing the cataract lens, they are going to have to remove and replace the entire US identity as a world policeman. The US inability to stick to any
agreement makes the US worthless anyway.
Posted by: Giyane | Dec 6 2022 13:25 utc | 4
a lot of fed-up people actually voting.
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Dec 6 2022 13:25 utc | 3
Voting against something is a completely different dynamic than voting for something.
Posted by: too scents | Dec 6 2022 13:30 utc | 5
Blinken would not know the truth if it punched his lights out. Its irrelevent. Russia will keep taking territory until Kiev's unconditional surrender. Some way to go on this.
Posted by: Kaiama | Dec 6 2022 13:34 utc | 6
@3: alot of the comments on the guardian are piped directly onto the site by GCHQ Cheltenham of MIx in Vauxhall (where Bellendcat lives, apparently), just like most of the twitter or you tube comments (and likes). They bear no relation to reality.
Posted by: Kaiama | Dec 6 2022 13:38 utc | 7
"Territory that’s been seized from [Ukraine] since February 24th" obviously does not include Crimea which Russia 'seized' in 2014. This then is a significant shift in the position Blinken had earlier underlined.
Posted by b on December 6, 2022 at 13:11 UTC | Permalink
Great catch. Thanks.
The Guardian might like to consider the following headline which would draw in many more eyeballs than their usual soporific drivel.
After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Crimea organized as the Republic of Crimea. Ukraine forced it into Ukraine as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea a few years later. Crimea never wanted any part of Ukraine, and Ukraine never had any valid claim to Crimea. Blinkon is still delusional if he thinks the Ukronazis will get back the Donbass.
Posted by: Mike R | Dec 6 2022 13:46 utc | 9
From Sladkov +
Ukrainian artillery does whatever it wants. And the Russian "counter-battery struggle" is not a decree for her. We cannot oppose anything to the artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the security of Donetsk.
All talk about our superiority in artillery remains an empty phrase: we do not have ground reconnaissance weapons or UAVs capable of instantly detecting enemy fire weapons and destroying them.
Do they know about this state of affairs? Do they report to the top about such a situation with intelligence equipment? Great deeds are soon predicted for us, how can we go on the offensive with such support?
Where does this talk about lack of ammunition come from? Why are we again washing ourselves with the blood of civilians, Russians? Why is the path not explained to the population that led us to the bloodiest days of Donetsk in the entire war since 2014?
From Donetsk, no one groans, everyone just gnashes their teeth in hatred. But Donetsk is doing everything to take ours, all the men went to the front, the population does not panic and holds on. Will we pay tribute to Donetsk or not? Or will we be patient?
Posted by: Zed | Dec 6 2022 13:47 utc | 10
The question is whether it's an actual policy shift or if he was just speaking off the cuff and was careless with what he said.
Posted by: Chip Poirot | Dec 6 2022 13:48 utc | 11
I've read the "One China / Taiwan Strait / our partners" section of the interview three times now but my dog whistle secret decoder ring keeps malfunctioning.
What? Is? Blinken? Saying? Much ado about Xi's Saudi trip?
Posted by: too scents | Dec 6 2022 13:50 utc | 12
Hm, some serious overt & explicit diplomatic backsliding there.
Creating some sunlight between US & 'The Borderlands', preparatory to a future duck & run ?
"Ukraine! We've got yer Back!" said USA.
Has anyone else noticed that Larry Johnson's Sonar21 blog has been totally blocked as of about 8am EST this morning [Dec 6]? It started off with a notice that the site wasn't "secure" and soon evolved into a total blackout.
Posted by: Jack Gordon | Dec 6 2022 14:00 utc | 14
waiting for videos of Azov nazis frantically clinging to rope ladders dangling from fleeing US helicopters.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Dec 6 2022 14:00 utc | 15
14 - sonar21 is available in the UK as of now.
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Dec 6 2022 14:09 utc | 16
Posted by: Jack Gordon | Dec 6 2022 14:00 utc | 14
Just checked it. It's extremely slow, but it came up. Took 42 seconds to go from the front page to one of the articles.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Dec 6 2022 14:09 utc | 17
Posted by: Jack Gordon | Dec 6 2022 14:00 utc | 14
Up in Istanbul, but Dec. articles seem to have been scrubbed
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Dec 6 2022 14:11 utc | 18
What US says isn't important, they lie or change their position from one day to another anyway.
The attacks on airfields were basically announced in the last two weeks. If you read the US news it was a lot of talk about the need to hit airports in Russia. Just search the news last week.
In the last 2-3 days many civilian deaths in Donetsk, random attacks everywhere. More than 8 deaths only this morning and it continues uninterrupted. Vicky surely has multiple orgasms looking at all those photos.
And because there is NO army, no 300k, nothing, Belgorod region is organizing now territorial defense detachments from civilian volunteers. Very hard to find more incompetent people than Shoigu and Fat Baldie.
Posted by: rk | Dec 6 2022 14:14 utc | 19
Blinken is a pathological liar, like most of his colleagues, and will change his tune on a whim if it suits the interests of the Empire on any given day. Its all about narrative, not reality or substance for people like Blinken. Just propagandists who tell concocted stories to mind control the masses.
Posted by: JustTruth | Dec 6 2022 14:18 utc | 20
'One can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, but only after they tried everything else..'
-Winston Churchill
Posted by: Et Tu | Dec 6 2022 14:33 utc | 21
Neither Crimea nor the four newly annexed Donbass regions is ever going back to Ukraine. NATO and its allies can continue to fight themselves into bankruptcy in Ukraine. Blinken and co. are clowns.
Posted by: Steve | Dec 6 2022 14:34 utc | 22
Words are important. There again, U.S. spokesmen and women are notoriously sloppy thinkers and imprecise speakers.
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Dec 6 2022 14:37 utc | 23
Yeah I think he's just not good at the talking stuff.
US strategic objectives are to have Russian resources available for looting and to remove their nuclear stockpile. I suppose that could happen with Russias territorial integrity intact but seems improbable, verging on impossible.
Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Dec 6 2022 14:42 utc | 25
"...This Guardian article is depressing, not for itself (standard crap propaganda, "Russia is losing, how long will it take them to realise this?"), but for the commenters.." @3
the only genuine commenters still tolerated by The Guardian are those who agree not to to disagree with the imperialist line of the moment. Any comment criticising Israel, for example, and the commenter is pre-moderated, which is to say that comments do not appear until they have been vetted by the moderators.
The Guardian has lost an enormous amount of its value, as a business asset, by killing its 'Comment Is Free' feature and consenting to become a slave of the Security Services. From our point of view- I was once among their most prolific commenters- the loss is small, from The Guardian's point of view the value of the enterprise is reduced to real estate and a few potential spin offs, the newspaper itself is worth very little. The shareholders will learn this soon enough- virgins are worth a fortune, among sex traffickers, raddled old whores not so much.
Posted by: bevin | Dec 6 2022 14:43 utc | 26
Posted by: JustTruth | Dec 6 2022 14:18 utc | 20
But of course Blinker is a liar. He was a child playmate of Ghislaine Maxwell , as was Ex Brit - PM Bojo Johnson. Dumb ,venal,malicious birds of a feather flock together . Still waiting for those Epstein diary names. Maybe Blinker’s name is in that list too?
Posted by: Brother Ma | Dec 6 2022 14:45 utc | 27
some Russian bloggers close to the troops report the soldiers' widespread discontent with the general command and with the government, guilty of not having a clear strategy and having a vision of what they really want, given that everything moves only by inertia and this causes death of many soldiers and in many cases to no avail
Posted by: Alessandro Cagliostr | Dec 6 2022 14:46 utc | 28
Re: Larry Johnson-- same for me as blue dotterel, all December posts are gone here at 8:45am Central U.S. time, Tuesday, Dec.6. An hour ago I read one of his 3 or so December posts so they have disappeared since then.
Posted by: migueljose | Dec 6 2022 14:48 utc | 29
Sonar21 (Larry Johnson's site) is again available here but is missing articles for the last few days. The site's latest post is the one about Ursula Vandercrazy's Ukrainian mega death comment, one posted several days ago now.
Posted by: Jack Gordon | Dec 6 2022 14:48 utc | 30
Another (a third) Russian airbase in Kursk attacked by drones. Report on Zero Hedge, link not allowed to be posted apparently.
Posted by: Perimetr | Dec 6 2022 14:49 utc | 31
Mr. Johnson said that he was changing servers, so the loss of data/webpages is probably related to that.
Re: Blinken
Misspeaking or walkback? Only time will tell. He's a lawyer, so he's slippery be design. Suspending judgment.
Posted by: Objective Observer | Dec 6 2022 14:55 utc | 32
Russia needs to follow Goebbels formula. Say the country is under nato attack and anyone who doesn't fight them is an enemy of the people. They can just use Ukrainian and nato statements and pair that with weird gender bender people who want to burn it all down. The craven Navalny the vulgar Pussy Riot, I'm sure examples could be legion. Hell do a twitter panorama.
I mean really, its true I think. Whether Russia has the backbone left to fight remains to be seen.
Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Dec 6 2022 14:56 utc | 33
The drone attacks just mean that the Russians must go all the way to the Polish border (ref. Lavrov's words). You cannot have Americans sending drones from a rump state Ukraine while whining "it wasn't me".
Posted by: Fentanalyst | Dec 6 2022 14:57 utc | 34
Another (a third) Russian airbase in Kursk attacked by drones. Report on Zero Hedge, link not allowed to be posted apparently.
Posted by: Perimetr | Dec 6 2022 14:49 utc | 31
Video clips here
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Dec 6 2022 15:05 utc | 36
He was a child playmate of Ghislaine Maxwell , as was Ex Brit - PM Bojo Johnson.Posted by: Brother Ma | Dec 6 2022 14:45 utc | 27
Seriously??? What is your evidence of that?
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Dec 6 2022 15:06 utc | 37
Hi everyone,
I apologize for my perfectible English because I'm French. IMHO, the oil cap price applied to Russia is at risk to plunge European Union in a real pandemonium. Why? Here are the facts I have collected from websites related to the oil industry.
Facts. First, in response to the oil cap decision, Russia has announced she will not deliver any refined products to countries supporting the oil cap. Otherwise said, mostly the European Union. To date, Russia is the main provider for EU of diesel, and also of domestic fuel for heating. And still accounts for about 1/4 of the US imports of diesel fuel.
Diesel is used by personal cars (EU), but mostly by trucks or locomotives, and also by a large array of engines used for building, fishing, forestry, mining, public works, and so on.
Second, a worlwide diesel crisis existed before Ukraine war, due to decreasing capacities of refineries. It originated in the Covid-19 pandemics, but also in a loss of interest from refining companies, especially in Europe. Why? Because diesel engine has been targeted by ecologist organizations and, further, the European Commission has announced a ban onto thermal engines as for 2035. In other words, this history is very similar to that of light power produced by atomic plants. Europeans will experiment during the incoming winter the pertinence of such ideology-based decisions.
Not surprisingly, the USA have anticipated the likely Russia's reaction to the oil cap announcement. Albeit the first in the list of worlwide oil producers, the USA were due to manage a technical issue. They produce mostly light shale oil which is poorly convenient for the transformation into diesel fuel. The more an oil is heavy, the more it can yield during distillation diesel, domestic fuel or heavier fuels. "No problemo" for Washington. After years of bans onto the Venezuela government, they allowed the Chevron company to restart their activities in Venezuela. Provided, of course, Maduro's government starts talks with the US-backed opposition.
Well done, USA. And what about their European allies?
Not surprisingly, this bunch of brainless "elites", obsessed with their ideology, have supported the oil cap. So they went at full speed into the trap set up by Russia.
Likely the atmosphere will be "lively" in the EU after February 5.
Posted by: Hamilcar Barca | Dec 6 2022 15:07 utc | 38
Thanks,b. It still won't do. The only seizing of territory took place when the legitimate government of Ukraine was overthrown.
Posted by: juliania | Dec 6 2022 15:11 utc | 39
Biden has been silent on Crimea, but for mumbling Austin: "Ukraine decides"
SecDef Austin, Press Conference, Oct. 27, 2022
Q: Mr. Secretary, you said repeatedly and others in the administration have and also in NATO that it's up to Ukraine to determine how the war ends, it's their country. Now, President Zelenskyy and other Ukrainian officials have said they aim to push all the Russians out of Ukraine, not only in the east and the south but Crimea as well.
Now, you talk to Ukrainian officials repeatedly, you're an expert on ground warfare as a retired four star. Is it realistic to think that Ukraine can push all Russian soldiers out of the entire country, including Crimea?SEC. AUSTIN: Well, in -- Tom, that's -- when you -- when you think about where Ukraine is today, there are not many people in the world who thought that they would be in this place because they -- you know, if you look at the capability that Russia has, you know, arrayed against what -- initially what the Ukrainians had, most people thought it was not possible to be where we are today.
So in terms of speculating on what the Ukrainians are -- are capable of, I -- I think -- you know, I wouldn't -- I wouldn't want to speculate on that. I think they have exceeded most people's expectations and they've done that because we and the international community have really worked hard and -- and been very -- moved very quickly to provide them with the capability that they -- they need to defend their sovereign territory, and they have employed it very, very well.
In terms of their objectives, Tom, I -- again, the Ukrainians must outline their objectives. We won't do that for them. And -- and again, they are fighting for the defense -- fighting to defend their sovereign territory and we're going to continue to support them for as -- as long as it takes, so. . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 6 2022 15:13 utc | 40
It's fascinating how fast the US has become irrelevant with the current administration. Discussing what's going on in the US is like discussing what went on in Sodom and Gomorrah before the inevitable destruction.
There's really nothing good or intellectually interesting coming out of the US or its vassals these days. A couple of decades ago I read NYTimes every day, year ago I read alternative outlets like GAB. Now I hardly have any interest whatsoever in that country/culture.
Posted by: Fentanalyst | Dec 6 2022 15:15 utc | 41
90% of Americans don't know that Blinken is the Sec of State.
90% of Americans couldn't pick his name from a list that includes notable DC politicians.
The current US admin has the least notable leaders I have ever seen.
Posted by: BroncoBilly | Dec 6 2022 15:18 utc | 42
Opport Knocks | 37
Just google it; not too difficult
For example;
Posted by: Lapin | Dec 6 2022 15:19 utc | 43
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Dec 6 2022 15:06 utc | 37
Using my (not very good frankly) Brave Search engine on "Blinken + Ghislaine Maxwell", 2 seconds later popped up:
How could anyone have foreseen this...
Blinken's late stepfather was Samuel Pisar, the longtime lawyer and confidant of Robert Maxwell - a Mossad agent and father of Ghislaine Maxwell.Pisar was perhaps the last person to speak to Robert Maxwell before he died after falling off his yacht.
including on twitter link the text image:
I hate searching for things these days. Like wading through a sewer. But I wanted to see what results your question might bring - if any. Blinken is connected despite looking so bland. And has Ukrainian blood to boot.
When Joe Biden is sworn in as the new President of the U.S., an important member of his government will be Antony (Tony) Blinken, who has been chosen as the next secretary of state. Tony Blinken has longstanding ties with Ukraine, and not just because he oversaw the situation in Ukraine after the Maidan in 2014–2016 in the Obama administration.
Meir Blinken, Tony Blinken’s great-grandfather, was born in 1879 in Pereiaslav, the birthplace of the famous Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem. During his childhood, Meir had a Jewish education at the Talmud-Torah, a religious elementary school.
(so you can still find things by searching, I guess....)
Russia will not negotiate with the West. The West has proved to be liars too much of the time.
Meanwhile, Russia grinds away in the Donbas.
Just after the bear takes the Donbas, the USA will come into great jeapordy and perhaps to an end.
Posted by: young | Dec 6 2022 15:26 utc | 45
Ukraine is paying off for the MIC and its bought-and-paid-for congressional supporters
US Army makes largest helicopter award in 40 years
The deal for the next-generation helicopter is worth up to $1.3 billion and is set to replace roughly 2,000 Black Hawk utility helicopters and around 1,200 Apache attack helicopters around 2030. FLRAA will not serve as a one-for-one replacement for existing aircraft, but it will take over the roles of the Black Hawk, long the workhorse of the Army for getting troops to and around the battlefield, and the Apache, focused on attack missions. . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 6 2022 15:28 utc | 46
Maybe you are splitting hair here and are making some strong inference
based on some casual remarks.
Posted by: Ivan | Dec 6 2022 15:30 utc | 47
chip poirot@11:
The neocon media would have unleashed the Hammers of Hell upon Blinken if it was not approved by the real power behind the administration. Perhaps there is a schism opening up within the elites consensus.
Posted by: morongobill | Dec 6 2022 15:36 utc | 48
Just means that Ukraine now can do it on their own. Lol, if you get a computerguided missile high enough it can hit anything, its rocket science.
Posted by: Fnord73 | Dec 6 2022 15:39 utc | 49
The State Department has no authority to determine military matters.
The Department of State is the United States government’s oldest cabinet-level federal agency. The mission of the Department of State is to represent America’s foreign policy abroad, and to advance the interests and security of the American people.
The Department of State leads America’s foreign policy through diplomacy, advocacy, and assistance by advancing the interests of the American people, their safety and economic prosperity.. . .here
The Department of Defense is America's largest government agency. With our military tracing its roots back to pre-Revolutionary times, the department has grown and evolved with our nation. Our mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. . .here
And rescuing the anti-Russia neo-Nazi Ukraine government that the US installed ensures US security, doncha know.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 6 2022 15:41 utc | 50
Wall Street Journal, 5 december:
"U.S. Altered Himars Rocket Launchers to Keep Ukraine From Firing Missiles Into Russia"
Yahoo news, 6 december:
"Ukraine drone attack hits 2 military bases deep inside Russia"
So the Wall Street Journal article was just the usual US implausible denial.
Posted by: Passerby | Dec 6 2022 15:43 utc | 51
hosted by: Scorpion | Dec 6 2022 15:26 utc | 44
"famous Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem"
Yiddish isa mongrel peasant language......
how the fck can you be famous in that...
well done scorpion...scratch the surface of shit and guess what you find
a goldstein, elijah, haemas,....probably a yellow violin playing Hava Nagila.
Cud i be called racialist?....oh goodness me.
Isnt that Nationalism anyway?
Posted by: harryash | Dec 6 2022 15:44 utc | 52
what it needs to push back against the Israeli aggression, to take back territory that’s been seized from it since 1948
You mean Blinken actually thought this........even though he could not say it ?
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Dec 6 2022 15:44 utc | 53
Don Bacon, re the new army helicopter. For some reason, the minute I saw the photo of it, the first thing that came to mind was the boondoggle Osprey which I see often driving the 5 freeway through Camp Pendleton. I expect lots of soldiers will ride that new ugly bird to their deaths in the years to come. But its okay, the mic will make bank and the fat assed politicians will too.
Posted by: morongobill | Dec 6 2022 15:50 utc | 54
The Department of State is the United States government’s oldest cabinet-level federal agency. The mission of the Department of State is to represent America’s foreign policy abroad, and to advance the interests and security of the American people.
and John Foster Dulles who was a Partner at Sullivan & Cromwell representing The United Fruit Company was able to send US Marines to Guatemala to overthrown the inconvenient leadership and earn the gratitude of The United Fruit Company........
Then again as Secretary of State he had been the Chairman of the Rockefeller
Foundation which had been funding Eugenics including at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (Max Planck today) with Josef Mengele as an employee - and had lots of lovely German clients for Sullivan & Cromwell who happened to have funded A.H. and needed a good friend in 1945.........which they had in John Foster at State and his brother, Allen at CIA
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Dec 6 2022 15:50 utc | 55
What's the significance of this Tony Blinken comment? Is he preparing elite public opinion for a policy shift?
Can we soon expect chaotic scenes of the Anglos/Americans, Eurotrash, and their Ukrainian toadies fleeing from Kiev, as they dangle from the landing gear of C-130 transport planes?
No worries, however, as President Zelensky no doubt has his plane seat reserved with his suitcases of cash and cocaine packed and ready to go!
Grab your popcorn.
And welcome to the Fall of Saigon/Kabul/Kiev.
Cheat and Retreat is the Western Way of War.
Posted by: ak74 | Dec 6 2022 15:53 utc | 56
I mean really, its true I think. Whether Russia has the backbone left to fight remains to be seen.
Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Dec 6 2022 14:56 utc | 33
You are probably right.......they have such a poor track record. They failed to defeat the Americans at Stalingrad. They failed to push the Americans back from the siege of Leningrad. They even had to hide Hitler's skull in a Leipzig car park to stop the Americans rescuing him
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Dec 6 2022 15:54 utc | 57
Opport Knocks | 37Just google it; not too difficult
Posted by: Lapin | Dec 6 2022 15:19 utc | 43
@ Posted by: Scorpion | Dec 6 2022 15:26 utc | 44
I did search it.
LOL again, that article shows "x degrees of separation" among the rich and connected is a long way from:
"He was a child playmate of Ghislaine Maxwell , as was Ex Brit - PM Bojo Johnson."
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Dec 6 2022 15:59 utc | 58
In time they'll be a DMZ between the Donbas nations and the rest of Ukraine, it's just that we're not over the fighting stage yet, but that will come.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Dec 6 2022 16:00 utc | 59
there is NO army, no 300k, nothing, Belgorod region is organizing now territorial defense detachments from civilian volunteers. Very hard to find more incompetent people than Shoigu and Fat Baldie.
Posted by: rk | Dec 6 2022 14:14 utc | 19
I think the term that describes you best is Anxiety Troll. Good luck with that!
Posted by: Ed | Dec 6 2022 16:01 utc | 60
i think Anxiety Troll may be a new type of troll, and belongs in the Troll DSM. well done.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Dec 6 2022 16:08 utc | 61
@ my 50
re: Our mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security.
That's the DOD mission, but elected leaders go way beyond that.
President Biden, describing the new National Security Strategy extends to "vital interests. . ."
"The 2022 National Security Strategy outlines how my Administration will seize this decisive decade to advance America’s vital interests, position the United States to outmaneuver our geopolitical competitors, tackle shared challenges, and set our world firmly on a path toward a brighter and more hopeful tomorrow. ". .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 6 2022 16:10 utc | 62
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Dec 6 2022 16:00 utc | 59
In time they'll be a DMZ between scotland and england...lol
I cant wait for it. just look at the cuckoo running cotland atm.
The shetlands belong to us...its our oil.
i was there (shetlands/sullem voe)...they voted to stay with the UK
but I,ll give you northern ireland...its really part of scotland...
but the irish havent worked that out yet.
Posted by: harryash | Dec 6 2022 16:11 utc | 63
"re: Our mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security.
That's the DOD mission, but elected leaders go way beyond that."
Did they ever abandon the "full spectrum dominance" strategy? I see you have to go on the way back machine to find the original policy documents. So they at least deleted it from their web pages. LOL
Posted by: goldhoarder | Dec 6 2022 16:22 utc | 64
It seems to me that Russia simply needs to complete its destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure -- including transportation, roads, bridges, national electric grid -- and that will end the ability of Ukraine to continue on with the war. No more weapons coming into Ukraine en masse, no resupply of troops, no more fuel, electricity, etc.
Posted by: Perimetr | Dec 6 2022 16:25 utc | 65
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Dec 6 2022 15:54 utc | 57
I see your point, but...
Vast wars that kill an entire generation of young men is ruined for war for multiple generations. It can be proved but thats beyond the scope of this blog.
Suffice to say Russia was bled white in those wars from the past. Today is a different story, and its class of people it can draft as effective soldiers is much smaller and poor stock. The brave indomitable soldiers didn't pass on their genes and this generation is from survivors, ie people who avoided war before, mostly.
It's part of a human farming culling operation, but again beyond the scope. Russia will have to dig deep and beyond its borders to win. It will certainly have to use its enemies weapons against them. The whole military industrial complex is built on foreign technology. Its dead certain future victories needs foreign blood and tech. Its best bet is its fellow slavs who all face genocide against their germanic enemies who have taken pains to import foreigners to fight for them.
This is the line Russia needs - ethnic warfare and they need to identity their germanic enemies, who also rule the US.
Its race war time, boys and girls. Everyone fights this time its all on the line.
Hail the War God. His blessings fall on those who earn glory.
Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Dec 6 2022 16:31 utc | 66
news report
A third Russian airfield was ablaze on Tuesday from a drone strike hundreds of kilometers from Ukraine.
Come on, really?
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 6 2022 16:32 utc | 67
Meanwhile, Tass says:
United Nations, December 6th. /TASS/. Russia confirms its readiness for negotiations to eliminate the reasons that forced it to launch a special military operation in Ukraine. This was stated on Tuesday at a meeting of the UN Security Council by the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the world organization Vasily Nebenzya.
"During the debate on the Ukrainian crisis in the General Assembly, we record the interest of a significant majority of member countries in a diplomatic settlement of the situation in Ukraine. We react to these signals in the most serious way and reaffirm our readiness for negotiations, the purpose of which would be to eliminate the reasons that forced us launch a special military operation in Ukraine," he said.
Posted by: Perimetr | Dec 6 2022 16:33 utc | 68
thanks b... i share @ Richard Steven Hack | Dec 6 2022 13:17 utc | 1 view on this...
thanks to regular posters commentary, paul greenwood, bevin, outraged, pretzelattack and a number of others...
claire daly speaking - kudos to the irish for having such a politician in power... video in link..
i will remember her name long after i have forgotten blinkens.. blinken - isn't that one of santas reindeer's?
Clare Daly MEP : The Ukrainian state is reeling, unable to finance services its people desperately need. But billions in EU financial assistance are not free; they're loans, which #Ukraine will inevitably default on.
There is little oversight or assurance the funds are going where they should, in a country the EU Court of Auditors described as suffering from "grand corruption."
Meanwhile there is no follow-up on EU requirements that Ukraine upholds the rule of law and democracy, as Zelenskyy's government bans opposition parties, shutters critical media, and strips 70% of workers of their labour protections and collective bargaining rights, in a move denounced by trade unions across Europe.
Posted by: james | Dec 6 2022 16:33 utc | 69
Blinken‘s grandfather was a black marketeer and smuggler in post war Europe. His Great-Grandfather ran a whorehouse and was a pornographer in NYC.
Posted by: Exile | Dec 6 2022 16:34 utc | 70
Posted by: Outraged | Dec 6 2022 13:52 utc | 13
Has anyone else noticed that Larry Johnson's Sonar21 blog has been totally blocked as of about 8am EST this morning [Dec 6]? It started off with a notice that the site wasn't "secure" and soon evolved into a total blackout.
Posted by: Jack Gordon | Dec 6 2022 14:00 utc | 14
Posted by: polarbear4 | Dec 6 2022 16:39 utc | 71
Let's get ridiculous.
Finland is key to US security.
Blinken today--
On behalf of the United States of America, I wish all Finns a happy national day as you celebrate the 105th anniversary of your independence.
This year, the United States and Finland reaffirmed the strength of our relationship and our commitment to democracy, sovereignty and territorial integrity, freedom, and the rule of law as we meet the new challenges of a changed European security environment and witness autocrats challenging the very foundations of a rules-based order. The United States and Finland have taken important steps to strengthen our collective security and deepen the Transatlantic partnership as we work hard to bring Finland into NATO. The United States will be proud to call Finland a NATO Ally. . . .here
WASHINGTON, November 28, 2022 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Finland of AIM 9X Block II tactical missiles, AGM-154 Joint Stand Off Weapons (JSOW) and related equipment for an estimated cost of $323.3 million.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 6 2022 16:41 utc | 72
thanksgiving buzz, go unmentioned,
drunk politicians, another dimension.
historical making, went unheard,
our leaders, forget passwords.
Hypersonics launched from space!
is america in this race?
eastcoast delivery, north to south pole,
they built it under arms control.
successful return to geo-orbital docks!
reveal our generals, are chicken hawks.
Posted by: meow | Dec 6 2022 16:41 utc | 73
see last paragraph... intentionally ambiguous?
Intel Slava Z
🇺🇲🇺🇦 The United States is focused on supporting Ukraine militarily and helping it regain territories occupied by Russia since February 24. This statement was made by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at The Wall Street Journal WSJ CEO Summit.
During the discussion, the journalist of the publication also asked the US Secretary of State what the ultimate goal of Ukraine is and whether it is possible to talk about a possible "breakthrough" of Ukrainian troops into Crimea. Blinken did not directly answer the question, but pointed out that the United States does not discuss "Ukraine without Ukraine."
Posted by: james | Dec 6 2022 16:43 utc | 74
you can't have a retard in a position of power... it doesn't work... on the other hand, if you want someone in power to represent the energy, military and banking complex - it can work up to a point... so much for dumbocracy..
from early oct 2022..
"Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday that the sabotage of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines could be advantageous for Europe because the continent may no longer be able to rely on Russian energy.
Blinken told reporters that Europe now has a “tremendous opportunity” to achieve energy independence since it can no longer rely on Russian gas deliveries through Nord Stream 1 and 2 during a press conference. After European nations discovered gas leaks in the Baltic Sea on Sept. 27, President Joe Biden and the European Union (EU) both said that the leaks were caused by a “deliberate act” of sabotage.
“It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs,” Blinken stated.
Posted by: james | Dec 6 2022 16:47 utc | 75
abrogard #229 We're being played. By both sides. All sides. Perhaps. I notice some earlier discussion re Bakhmut by Julian, he is playing us right now... [snip]
...Donovan got it right all those decades ago. "False eagle I don't want your wings, I don't want your freedom in a lie."
[uncle tungsten | Dec 6 2022 10:04 utc | 241, b's previous post]
Not sure if you were taking liberties, but that's quaint (and perhaps more apposite but definitely more parochial) than what Donovan actually wrote,
which was of course
...For seagull, I don't want your wings,
I don't want your freedom in a lie.
In delivery, you can hear Donovan and his many coverers, lovely Julie Felix r.i.p., Barry Gonen, the Silver Creek Mountain Band, Jay Fynn and others giving the short-u its due value and not the reduced schwa you would hear in eagle.
Seagulls were featuring quite a bit in sixties-into seventies' pop culture, to wit Joni Mitchell's Song for a Sg (Buffy Sainte Marie too), Bach's JLSg, Des and Dawn (also recently r.i.p.), Mick Ralph's SG, Sorrenti's SG Song, etc.
Posted by: petra | Dec 6 2022 16:49 utc | 76
we had pushed in our faces 24-7 from the time of the event of mh 17 until the skripal affair how russia was responsible for all of this.. no evidence... just a constant outlet for russophobia in the 'corporate' media 24-7.... now when nordstream is sabotaged the silence from this same western media is deafening... that tells one all they need to know about the apparent objectivity or not of these same media outlets... they are full of shite, if it wasn't already obvious to anyone with a brain...
Posted by: james | Dec 6 2022 16:50 utc | 77
DOD today
Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles, who also serves as defense minister, arrived at the Pentagon today for defense discussions as part of the defense ministers' meeting, which will conclude tomorrow at the U.S. State Department.
Australia and the United States stand for the international rules-based order where countries are free to chart their courses, and disputes are resolved peacefully and free from coercion, [Austin] said. . .here
. . .But opinions may differ in Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq. . .the list goes on.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 6 2022 16:50 utc | 78
Posted by: polarbear4 | Dec 6 2022 16:39 utc | 72
I'm able to access it. Just looked at this.
Main page says they are doing a transfer.
Posted by: Tom_12 | Dec 6 2022 16:53 utc | 79
Sounds like a man who is struggling to demonstrate a shard of relevancy.
Sadly, unlike a broken clock his intellectual weakness prevent such an occurrence, even by pure chance.
Posted by: S Brennan | Dec 6 2022 16:53 utc | 80
Blinken speaks for the Straussian cabal that runs the US State department, aka, the neocons, although they also have a liberal wing, because they are not really bound by plebeian politics. They have been in power for decades. They had a bit of a setback with Trump, who, as a Russian asset, could not be trusted.
Posted by: paperlesstiger | Dec 6 2022 16:54 utc | 81
@pretzelattack | Dec 6 2022 16:08 utc | 61
i think Anxiety Troll may be a new type of troll, and belongs in the Troll DSM. well done.Same as Concern Troll I guess. Old as the hills.
Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 6 2022 17:00 utc | 82
that's a joke right? when will these liars and retards desist??
"Australia and the United States stand for the international rules-based order where countries are free to chart their courses, and disputes are resolved peacefully and free from coercion, [Austin] said"
Posted by: james | Dec 6 2022 17:01 utc | 83
Posted by: goldhoarder | Dec 6 2022 16:22 utc | 65
Mr. goat hoarder, if you are going to respond to someone's comment could you please have the courtesy to identify them? It is only fair to the commenter and the people reading your comment. It is remarkably simple: Please see above.
Posted by: Ed | Dec 6 2022 17:10 utc | 84
Nationality of Crimean residents in % by year:
Census Crimean Russians Ukrainians Others Tatars
1897 35.6 33.1 11.8 19.5 1926 25.3 42.7 11.0 21.0 1939 19.4 49.6 13.7 17.3 1959 0.0 71.4 22.3 6.3 1979 0.3 68.4 25.6 5.7 1989 1.6 67.1 25.8 5.5 2001 10.3 60.7 24.1 4.9 2014 10.6 67.9 15.7 5.8
Posted by: S | Dec 6 2022 17:17 utc | 85
@ goldhoarder | Dec 6 2022 16:22 utc | 64
I guess that "full spectrum dominance" was obsoleted in favor of "rules-based international order™" which is parroted by US puppets, especially Australia.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 6 2022 17:18 utc | 86
It doesn't really matter what Blinken says anymore - the US will keep on feeding its war machine via its Ukrainian proxy against Russia.
It is up to The Russian Federation to end this war unequivocally.
Pity the poor duped Ukrainians who are being sacrificed on the altar of Russophobic neocon hubris.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for Ukrainian Nazi/fascist elements and its corrupt oligarchs and leadership. To a warm hell with them I say.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Dec 6 2022 17:23 utc | 87
Blinky in August: Crimea and the Donbas are going back to Ukraine.
Blinky in December: OK. Just the Donbas goes back. Putin can keep Crimea.
(Big Winter offensive. Russia clears out the four Oblasts, takes Odesa, the rest of the Black Sea coast, plus North to Kharkiv.)
Blinky in February: OK. Russia can keep Crimea and the Donbas. But Odesa and Kharkiv must go back to Ukraine.)
And so on and so on. As has often been said, Ukraine is the Black Knight in Monty Pythons the Holy Grail.
Posted by: Wade Hampton | Dec 6 2022 17:25 utc | 88
“It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs,” Blinken stated.
james | Dec 6 2022 16:47 utc | 76
the wars in iraq, syria, etc., never happened. how do these people live with themselves? two things help: being a psychopath and socializing entirely with psychopaths, like HRC.
you know what else helps? being a clone from the Ivies. Blinken is the gold standard of the US education system. just like Marjorie Taylor Green. and Herschel "I love the taste of donkey meat" Walker.
"we stand for the rules based order. Now watch me bomb this country."
Posted by: rjb1.5 | Dec 6 2022 17:25 utc | 89
claire daly speaking - kudos to the irish for having such a politician in power... video in link..Posted by: james | Dec 6 2022 16:33 utc | 69
"politician in power"...
Clearly you need to revisit your assumptions on how the EU really works. Politicians have no power, though Clare gives some great on-point sound bytes.
But notice the place is empty.
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Dec 6 2022 17:26 utc | 90
@ rjb1.5 | Dec 6 2022 17:25 utc | 89
right on...
@ Opport Knocks | Dec 6 2022 17:26 utc | 90
that is true what you say.. however the fact the lady can speak as she does and tells the truth - its refreshing and the opposite of what i have come to expect from all the western politicians... kudos to the irish people and her in particular..
Posted by: james | Dec 6 2022 17:29 utc | 91
[email protected] totally missunderestimate the Brits.
Cheers M
No one is killing Brits on Brit soil, they could give two fucks no matter how many Ukrainians die for King and Country.
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Dec 6 2022 17:30 utc | 92
RT reports on a new target for the Outlaw US Empire: "Third largest democracy outlaws premarital sex:
Lawmakers in Indonesia have approved a new criminal code that also bans cohabitation between unmarried couples." I'm certain US forces will be mustered and deployed soon to force the reversal of what's clearly an inhumane act:
Premarital sex in Indonesia will be punishable by up to a one-year prison sentence after lawmakers passed a massive overhaul of the country’s criminal code on Tuesday, despite protests from human rights campaigners.The new legislation, which will come into effect in three years’ time and apply to both Indonesian nationals and visiting foreigners alike, bans all sexual relations outside of marriage and also prohibits unmarried couples from living together, which would be punishable by six months behind bars.
However, according to a copy of the amended criminal code seen by The Associated Press, only close relatives including a spouse, parent or child will be able to raise such complaints with the authorities. [My Emphasis]
What!? Blinken can't complain then, or Biden's Transambassador? Surely such legislation goes against the Rules Based Order! And how can Indonesia be democratic since it's an Islamic nation? Surely this is a Republican law!?
And surely NATO will be further galvanized into action in the Indo-Pacific to combat this monstrosity! And yet there's more:
"The bill was supported by all political parties in the parliament. It also criminalizes the promotion of contraception, as well as blasphemy, insults against the president or state institutions, holding unauthorized protests and spreading views counter to the ideology of the Muslim-majority nation."
Woah!! That's an open declaration of war against NED, AID, NRI, and a host of other Outlaw US Empire financed "NGOs". However, IMO it's a crying shame this legislation wasn't passed prior to the G-20. And no, this is really being reported by RT not The Onion. I'd provide a link if it didn't block my comment. It's currently amidst other headline stories.
Another gossip item from RT: "Most citizens of European state [Moldova] believe it’s run from abroad – poll."
"The poll by the Chisinau-based data company shows that a majority – 59% – believe Moldova is under the control of US or EU forces. A further 3% suggested the nation is ruled by Russia. Only 32% thought it was actually led by President Maia Sandu, while 6% of respondents were not able to answer who exactly governed their homeland."
Wow! Only 3% think Putin's pulling the strings. Looks like Moldova's media isn't doing its job of properly propagandizing Moldovans. Here's more:
Opinions turned to be rather split on which foreign forces the country should cooperate with the most. Some 38% of respondents called for strengthening the economic relationship with Russia, while 30% favored the EU. In terms of security cooperation, 36% preferred Moscow and only 21% spoke in favor of the bloc.In recent weeks, Moldova has seen repeated mass protests against Sandu and her government over the rising cost of living, energy prices, and some other social and economic issues. Moldovans took to the streets amid the EU’s struggle to cope with the ongoing energy crunch, which is partly caused by the bloc’s sanctions drive and efforts to phase out Russian exports.
It must be noted that Moldova is merely an EU candidate nation, not a formal member, and remains free to chart its own path.
Addendum to #85
In 1897 Census, Russians were recorded as “Velikorussians” and Ukrainians as “Malorussians.” Velikorussians, Malorussians and Belarussians were subtotaled as “Russians.”
In 1897, 1926 and 1939 censuses, both Crimean Tatars and Tatars (Volga Tatars) were recorded as “Tatars.”
Posted by: S | Dec 6 2022 17:42 utc | 95
James (83)
James there is no australia....western australia has bin a US military base for yrs...Pine Gap...etc..
Have you ever bin to aussieland...its fckn miles n miles of nothing but kangaroos ( I know I wasa land surveyor there)....and of course a black indigenous natives will pop outta da bush here n der...........the aussies av bin shootin them fr yrs.
anyway it all goes back to the japanese fruitcakes AUM shinryko, the doomsday cult financed by russia.
where they were testing atomic weapons...Tom Beardon wrote Brightskies ...they seem to have scrubbed him from the internet ....
Anyway AUM shinryko et al bought some isolated farm that spread for miles and did some testing...the subway thing well...I hav my doubts what really went on.....It was really big n they buried it.(BANJAWARN EVENT)
"A large deep red-orange colored hemisphere of opaque light with a silver outer shell lining then rose from ground level to hover around over the "ground zero location". This structure when fully developed was approximately three times the size of a typical Goldfields setting Moon as seen by observers located 30-50km from it - (i.e. it was very big), and it "bobbed around a bit for NEARLY TWO HOURS, before disappearing suddenly - as if someone threw the light switch off".
so...australia....nah...its bought n paid for...and the poor aussies are now being quietly terminated.
Posted by: harryash | Dec 6 2022 17:49 utc | 96
Re: Blinken history: Googled it, as suggested. Lots of interesting links, as in, Blinken attended same school Epstein LATER taught at; Blinken's step father knew G. Maxwell's father, like, 33 years ago before Maxwell's father died.....total bs in my opinion. You get to a certain economic or class level in say NYC and the orbits of everyone coincide and occasionally meet, but this in no way means that - as fervently suggested in some tales about Blinken - that Blinkey and Epstein were, somehow, in league together. And, if it is true Blinkley and Giselle were childhood playmates, so what? Btw I am not defending Blinkey, at all, just pointing out that salacious rumors contrived of selected data have the impact of diluting the real truths about such people, which are bad enough.....
Posted by: Boomheist | Dec 6 2022 17:49 utc | 97
Posted by: harryash | Dec 6 2022 17:49 utc | 96
I managed to find things about him
Posted by: Tom_12 | Dec 6 2022 17:57 utc | 98
RT currently has four articles related to Hungary's position on the illegal sanctions on Russia and its level of support for Ukraine with one detailing Orban's adding some oomph to Macron's voice:
[Orban's] statement came after French President Emmanuel Macron told CBS News’ ‘60 Minutes’ on Sunday that there is “a big gap” in how the crisis is affecting the US and EU, as the European bloc’s member states rely on foreign oil and gas supplies, while Washington is a fossil fuel producer.“President Emmanuel Macron is right: The cost of the Russia-Ukraine war is not the same on both sides of the Atlantic,” Orban tweeted on Monday.
“If we want European industry to survive, we must address the European energy crisis swiftly. It’s high time to re-evaluate sanctions.”
Another item sports this headline: "EU postpones vote on Ukraine aid amid bloc member's opposition:
Some officials have accused Hungary of delaying an $18 billion package to gain concessions from Brussels." Here's the meat:
EU finance ministers have postponed a vote on borrowing $18 billion for Ukraine due to an unresolved dispute with Hungary. Budapest is against taking on debt to bail out Kiev, but EU officials have accused Prime Minister Viktor Orban of holding up the vote to pressure the bloc into unfreezing its funds.The decision to delay the vote was reported by Euronews, with Bloomberg stating shortly afterwards that the ministers had also agreed to push back a vote on freezing $7.9 billion in EU funding allocated to Hungary.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban opposed the $18 billion deal for Ukraine since it was announced last month. It would see the EU borrow the money on global markets and Ukraine repay the sum over 35 years, with the bloc covering the interest.
“We are not in favor of this because we do not want the European Union to become a community of indebted states,” Orban declared on Friday. Orban proposed that individual member nations draw from their own coffers to help Ukraine, suggesting that Hungary could spare around $160 million.
While Orban has opposed the plan from the outset, some EU officials suspect that he is attempting to pressure Brussels into dropping its plans to freeze a $7.9 billion funding package for Hungary, the Associated Press and Reuters reported. The European Commission recommended last week that the package, as well as another $6 billion in Covid recovery grants, be frozen due to allegations of corruption and Budapest’s failure to comply with EU rule-of-law reforms.
Although Hungary can veto the $18 billion for Ukraine, the EU’s 27 finance ministers can freeze Budapest’s funds with a majority vote.
Hungary has refused training Ukie troops and opposes the EU's policy of support for Ukraine.
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Or, you know, it's just a slip of the tongue. Did someone in the press retinue query him on that point? If not, I wouldn't put much into it.
Not to mention that it's irrelevant anyway, since Crimea ain't ever going back to Ukraine, whether the US tries or not.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Dec 6 2022 13:17 utc | 1