Open (Not Ukraine) Thread 2022-223
Today I unfortunately found nothing of interest to which I could add an original thought.
News & views not related to the war in Ukraine ...
Posted by b on December 12, 2022 at 18:16 UTC | Permalink
next page » psychohistorian@1
Very well said and sincerely seconded.
Kossovo. Iraqi Kurdistan. And a potential invasion of Afghanistan by the, US proxy, Pakistan Army. Those are three burgeoning crises. The Empire's hand is in all three of them. This time its head might be too.
Posted by: bevin | Dec 12 2022 18:41 utc | 3
Please b, you are still being read, even in an off day, unlike how I now view Counterpunch; a rag of rags publishing Bolton’s view point under the pseudonym Darius X.
Here is a taste of wishful thinking. No, sorry, ultra, no, uber wishful thinking. Is there anything above uber?
Below is the outline of the New Iran through peaceful regime change: One: End all clerical interference in Iranian society. This means abolishing the office of the Supreme Leader, the Experts Assembly, the Guardian Council, and Executive Council. End all financial support for clerics, religious schools and institutions. This means all mosques will have to be supported by private individuals from the local community and not be allowed to receive any funds from any other sources… [yada, yada, yada]Two: All current members of the Parliament, and all other elected officials, will resign and new elections will take place. Plus, Iranians will elect their own provisional governors, mayors, police chiefs, and educational leaders. Decision making will be decentralized through a democratic process so that local problems will be solved locally.
Three: The Revolutionary Guard and Basij will be disbanded and members will be given the option of retiring or joining the regular military. All business enterprises controlled by the Revolutionary Guard will be nationalized.
Four: All state-controlled media outlets will be privatized except for three channels that will be publicly supported and one owned by the government. All media outlets will set aside the necessary airtime during election periods so that everybody has free and full access to the public airwaves.
Five: All newspapers, magazines and publishing houses will be privatized and any controlled or owned by a cleric will be confiscated.
I won’t even bother with the rest [19 point in all ] of recipe, as it’s too wrenching.
No link. No need to publicize beyond this.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Dec 12 2022 18:49 utc | 4
Regarding psychohistorian's post #1, I'd humbly suggest some of b's recent posts are not to be missed by serious students of what in the heck is going on. Especially the piece "Did she really say that?" -- where Bernhardt continues with heavy lifting to set the historical record straight, head and shoulders above other observers for astuteness, in this instance.
USA's agitprop machine hardly noticed Merkel's strange remark about the sham Minsk accords. Patrick Lawrence says, for a diligent observer of the world-stage drama, you find yourself immersed in an Agatha Christie mystery -- occasional clues to be unearthed, along with red herrings, but start with the assumption nearly everyone is lying.
Here's a notable dispute: Martyanov says Merkel is stupid. Bernhard says she is definitely not stupid: she's lying to preserve her career. Not sure how this resolves: Award Merkel an E for Effort?
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 12 2022 19:15 utc | 5
On the Week in Review thread, I posted Russia's statement on Kosovo. Further, Sputnik journalist Ekaterina Blinova has written this excellent article about the situation, "Kosovo Conflict is Part of US, EU and NATO's Broader Plan Aimed Against Serbia & Russia, Experts Say". The parallels between what the Outlaw US Empire did in Ukraine and what it's done in Serbia/Kosovo are well noted:
One shouldn't be deluded into believing Washington or Brussels' statements about their intent to maintain peace and stability in Kosovo, according to Bennett. "As we have seen in the past, the promises and agreements made by the West, by the EU, and by NATO are worthless and not to be trusted," he stressed. Another telling moment, according to Bennett, is former German Chancellor Angela Merkel's recent remarks about the 2015 Minsk Agreements, which deeply frustrated President Vucic:"President Vucic describe[ed] how amazed, shocked, and disappointed he was to discover that Germany’s former Chancellor Angela Merkel has admitted what many people suspected all along: that the promises made by Germany and France in the Minsk agreements were never intended to be honored, and were instead simply a ruse or lie intended to generate space and time for the Ukrainian military to build up its ability to wage a proxy war against Russian civilians. President [Vladimir] Putin has also commented on the deceitfulness of this grotesque betrayal, but then again, betrayal and monstrous ugliness seems to be fast becoming the main characteristic of the European Union’s character," Bennett observed.
Meanwhile, there are numerous similarities between the involvement of American politics in Kosovo and Ukraine, said Trifkovic.
She noted that in both cases, the US, as well as other Western countries, supported extremism, fuelled militant nationalism directed against the Serbs and the Russians in Kosovo and Ukraine, respectively. NATO also provided logistical and material support, so the extremists underwent training and received weapons, according to her. Meanwhile, the Western mainstream media actively spread anti-Serbian and anti-Russian propaganda, with numerous Western-funded NGOs joining the media chorus, the Serbian geopolitical analyst pointed out.
"By and large, they created a complex war atmosphere, and they brought to power extremist structures in Kosovo, as well as in Ukraine, which they control and through which they actually rule," Trifkovic said. "At the expense of that, American and other Western companies [served] their economic interests. In Kosovo and Metohija, the Americans opened the largest military base in Europe, Bondsteel, and I am sure that there were plans to open American military bases in Ukraine as well. In fact, American military bases have surrounded the whole of Russia, and the attack on Serbia in 1999 was only one segment of that process."[My Emphasis]
As I wrote previously, Vucic needs to invoke Russia's aid beyond Zakharova's MFA statements. Furthermore, the NATO/EU scheme for the Balkans must be turned on its head, starting with Serbia--NATO's aggression during the 1990s must be reversed and the Balkans liberated from NATO. IMO, Russia must come to grips with the larger scene beyond Ukraine, which it's reluctant to do. IMO, the overall security equation Russia tried to address last December requires it to eliminate NATO from more than just former areas of the USSR, particularly those Slavic nations now occupied by NATO aside from Poland, although NATO's offensive weapons on Polish territory must be removed.
America Produces Biological Weapons; Does Russia? Does China? By Eric Zuesse*
"... is China, and is Russia, actually developing and producing biological weapons — or is America itself instead actually leading the way toward a pandemic-plagued global future?
"On 28 May 2020, I argued:
"There is much speculation that the coronavirus-19 or Covid-19 was invented in a research-and-development (R&D) biological-warfare (B-W) lab, which might have been one in China, the U.S., or perhaps some other country; but, if that is the case, then that country’s entire military top brass and Commander-in-Chief (C-i-C) are not merely stupid but insane, for the following very simple reason: NO weapon is usable in war if it cannot be effectively and controllably targeted, and B-W weapons cannot be effectively and controllably targeted — they are contagious and respect no national boundaries and therefore endanger instead of protect the people who live in the country that has such a stupid and insane government, a government that is doing B-W R&D..."
Posted by: bevin | Dec 12 2022 19:21 utc | 7
Here's another link Patrick Lawrence on
"... President Biden’s first state dinner. Better late than not at all, given it came last Thursday evening, nearly two years after he took office. Apart from guests of honor Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, monsieur le président et sa femme, all manner of grand people were there. Mika Brzezinski and spouse Joe Scarborough were there, and who better to represent the Great Craft? Anna Wintour was there, standing up for all those who never take off their sunglasses.
"Hunter Biden was there and representing something, let us dare to assume, at least marginally above board...."
"...'The president has been very consistent about that. He’s got no intention to talk to Putin right now. As he also said, Putin has shown absolutely no inclination to be interested in dialogue of any kind.'- John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman.
"Wow. I’ve seen a lot of historical rewrites in my time, but few as daring and Orwellian than this. The Soviet Union and then the Russian Federation have tried since Gorbachev’s day to negotiate a stable, mutually acceptable security order in Europe. The U.S. and the Europeans, full of post–Cold War hubris, never listened.
"A year ago this month Putin sent basis-of-negotiations draft treaties to Washington and NATO headquarters in Brussels in this same cause. Those were declared “nonstarters”—end of story. On the Ukraine question specifically, Putin spent eight years trying to get the Kiev regime to abide by the Minsk I and Minsk II accords, which, as noted previously in this space, would have provided for a federalized Ukraine that accommodated the different interests and perspectives of its population..."
"... everyone walks away from the Biden White House empty-handed with the obvious exception of the Israelis, who always go home with exactly what they came to get..."
"...Macron is an overly ambitious 44-year-old who bends like a reed in the wind to whatever cause makes him look good. Our 46th president is at bottom a serially corrupt local pol with outsized pretensions—but a punk when put against any truly great statesman.
"The two had dinner together. Biden called Macron “my friend.” Macron called Biden “Cher Joe.” It was expensive. Anna Wintour didn’t remove her sunglasses. The Atlantic lake grows wider. The Maine lobster was good. The war in Ukraine will go on as it has."
Posted by: bevin | Dec 12 2022 19:32 utc | 8
I have seen an old salt suggest that Musk may run for POTUS ???
We do all know that is impossible, do we not ?
Posted by: Klaatu | Dec 12 2022 19:37 utc | 9
Likely-sounding overview of the fusion-energy breakthrough hitting the wires:
Put simply, the breakthrough is absolutely significant and worth getting excited about — as a proof of concept. But no matter what, commercial fusion-energy production is still decades away at best and shouldn’t be thought of as some silver bullet that will soon solve the world’s energy or climate-change problems
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 12 2022 19:38 utc | 10
@ Aleph_Null | Dec 12 2022 19:38 utc | 10
Re: Fusion energy breakthrough
Whatever new results is released this week, I confidently predict that it will conclude like this:
'Fusion energy is a tall hill to climb but we are making great progress. We anticipate that commercial fusion power is now just 15 years away.'
Because, practical fusion power has been 15 years away since 50 years ago, and 50 years from now it will still be so.
Posted by: Clever Dog | Dec 12 2022 19:48 utc | 11
Clever Dog@11
And I'll make another prediction: Matt Ehret will publish a story promoting it.
Posted by: bevin | Dec 12 2022 19:53 utc | 12
Klaatu @9--
That was my gaff as I forgot Musk isn't a native-born US citizen and is thus ineligible.
Meanwhile, "Russian President Vladimir Putin's annual news conference will not take place until the New Year, but it is expected that the head of state will find an opportunity to talk to the media, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday.
As for the annual news conference, yes, there won't be one before the New Year, but we expect that the president will still find an opportunity to talk to [reporters], as he does regularly, including during his foreign visits," Peskov said.At the same time, the Kremlin spokesman did not talk about the possible date of the head of state's address to the Federal Assembly. "We will inform you in due time," he noted.
In November, Peskov said that the dates of Putin's annual news conference and other major events would be known after the date of the address to the Federal Assembly was set.
The new year begins in less than three weeks. Orthodox Christmas is on January 7th. Weather in central Ukraine continues to oscillate over and under 0c keeping the ground soft and mushy and isn't forecast to go firmly below 0c until the first week of January.
IMO, the timing of these events is related to Russia's much anticipated Winter offensive. For the Odesa region, it appears Winter will be too warm to solidly freeze the ground.
fusion power has been 15 years away since 50 years ago
@ Clever Dog | Dec 12 2022 19:48 utc | 11
In my own recollection of 50 years ago, fusion power was 20 years off. So maybe we've knocked 5 years off that margin in the past 50. In which case fusion power should be 10 years off in 2072, then 5 years off in 2122, on such a crude, linear trajectory of absurd expectations.
In the recent experiment, and as a general principle, fusion-jazzed protons keep smashing up the equipment. The experiment can be reproduced, but it will surely cost you.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 12 2022 20:00 utc | 14
Serbs in Kosovo look to be the equivalent of Palestinians.
The matter is about wine, but I suspect its just the beginning to weaken the Serbian community there. Vucic the Globalist is doing little besides just talking. Even the talking he is doing is not too loud.
Posted by: Tom_12 | Dec 12 2022 20:01 utc | 15
Klaatu @9: "...suggest that Musk may run for POTUS ???"
That will never happen.
Unlike almost all other oligarchs, Musk is not interested in accumulating personal power for power's sake. Musk truly and literally intends to go to Mars, and he would consider becoming President to be a huge waste of time. This makes Musk insane by capitalist standards, where wealth and power are the goals in and of themselves.
Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 12 2022 20:07 utc | 16
overview of the fusion-energy breakthrough hitting
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 12 2022 19:38 utc | 10
If you are into developing mathematical models of a hydrogen bomb, this is fantastic news.
If you're into physics, this is great news.
If you're looking your electricity bill, this is irrelevant.
Nuclear fusion is a touch problem, at the border of engineering and physics. I believe it's feasible.
Now, just for one moment, imagine a Chinese team gets there first, and patents the design of a working nuclear fusion reactor.
Are we going to pay licence fees to Peking?
Posted by: Passerby | Dec 12 2022 20:18 utc | 17
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 12 2022 19:38 utc | 10
«overview of the fusion-energy breakthrough hitting the wires:»
A commercial company in England is set to build a magnetic confinment fusion power station in the next 10 years. I am a bit skeptical, because IIRC the magnetic confinement requires to *continuously* stabilize a plasma that gets more unstable the nearer it gets to fusion. If that's the case, good luck :-).
Posted by: Blissex | Dec 12 2022 20:24 utc | 18
«just for one moment, imagine a Chinese team gets there first, and patents the design of a working nuclear fusion reactor.»
By far and away the people with the resources and the biggest incentive to do that are actually the japanese and the germans, but the USA would never allow them to get there, because for the USA it is very important that all potential rivals depend on supplies imported by sea, because they can be stopped anytime by the US Navy.
The russians have little incentive because they have plenty of oil, gas and nuclear power, which is a pity because I guess they are the sort of weird scientists that could come up with "unconventional" solutions. The chinese academic/research system is still too "mandarinesque" (personal relationships more important than results) for this kind of stuff (for example it's amazing that they still haven't designed a competitive CPU implementation, even if it is so cheap to do that). I was reading an article about RF sourced LNG being shipped in massive quantities to EU countries, and the author was surprised that the USA have been so far fine with that, which I think can be easily explained:
* LNG is far more expensive than gas-on-tap via pipelines, and that gives a huge advantage to USA companies that have a supply of gas-on-tap via overland pipelines within the USA.
* It is much easier to stop LNG ships than wreck overland pipelines (but undersea ones are fair game, as we have seen).
Posted by: Blissex | Dec 12 2022 20:46 utc | 19
In germany an explosion about results of spiking happened today. It is the publishing of numbers of sudden deaths without known cause. This numbers come from the central organization of all public health insurancers in Germany. They didn’t do it by themself, some member of parliament from afd did it together with the most prolific statistic anti vax expert Lausen. This numbers are about all causes of death and illness wich get coded in ICD numbers. Only in the small group of sudden death, unknown cause the daily number did rise from around 15 per day till 2020 to almost 100 from first quarter 2021 and stays at this level since than. Actually exactly this codes are demanded by law to get observed by public institution of pharmakovigilance. They actually not even looked at them. I am starting to be optimistic that one day all this monsters who got bribed by Pfitzer will get to jail quit soon.
HREF="">Coronablog in german
Posted by: rico rose | Dec 12 2022 21:35 utc | 20
Sputnik reports friction (again) at China-India border:
Posted by: C Khosta y Alzamendi | Dec 12 2022 21:50 utc | 21
I said on the not-ukraine thread last week that it's all about to kick off in Brazil.
Brexit goes trans-continental.
Brazil is going to leave the globalist vote-rigged order.
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Dec 12 2022 22:03 utc | 22
There are hundreds of labs across the planet capable of producing bio weapons. SARS CoVi2 was genetically engineered. Could have been anywhere. Military games in Wuhan attended by US soldiers who returned sick or took it with them and returned sick according to early reports. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill implicated. USDoD implicated. Wuhan lab implicated. Whatever it’s nuts.
As you report all cause mortality up between 10-15% in highly vaxxed countries. Is it deliberate or they just don’t give a dam. Either way big pharma will go on earning from the hospitalisations - myocarditis, pre term births etc.
One of the most facile and useless articles on the Assange case in memory.
The author gets basic facts of the situation wrong in saying that Assange didn't curate or redact the information. That is the same lie that the establishment smear campaign relied on for so long.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 12 2022 23:21 utc | 25
Sorry forgot to add that the reason I found that Assange article at The American Conservative was that Alistair Crooke made reference to a different article by the same self-righteous idiot, Peter Van Buren, who has also been called out by Larry Johnson.
and here:
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 12 2022 23:25 utc | 26
Generally speaking this isn't yet generally accepted enough in speech, but the European continent is verbally shrinking into the European peninsula. About time. Alexander was Great, but he wasn't a continent.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Dec 12 2022 23:31 utc | 27
B, don’t you find this a European Parliament bribery very odd? Germany signs a deal for gas with Qatar and a way is found to “force “ the European Union to sanction gas from Qatar?
I sense the USA are playing again, as they were also “playing”with Nordstream.
And this pseudo far right coup by a German prince? Uh?
CIA on steroids ?
Posted by: Maria | Dec 12 2022 23:53 utc | 28
Be inspired
The below is attributable to US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price:
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met today with Uzbekistani Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov ahead of the U.S.-Uzbekistan Strategic Partnership Dialogue in Washington, D.C. The Secretary underscored the United States’ unwavering support for Uzbekistan’s independence, territorial integrity, and sovereignty. The two sides discussed the enduring U.S.-Uzbekistan bilateral relationship, support for the peoples of Ukraine and Afghanistan, and the United States’ steadfast partnership with Uzbekistan within the context of a shifting geopolitical landscape in Central Asia.
Secretary Blinken welcomed Uzbekistan’s announced reforms and urged the government to fully implement them, including measures to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, support civil society, ensure media freedom, and combat gender-based violence. The Secretary also noted the importance of full and transparent investigations and fair trials of defendants following the unrest in Karakalpakstan earlier this year. Secretary Blinken reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to being a reliable partner to Uzbekistan and helping ensure a prosperous, secure, and democratic Central Asia. . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 12 2022 23:56 utc | 29
Can anyone point to a reasonable analysis on what is happening in Peru ?
Better still any Peruvians in this bar able to give me an idea of what is happening
Posted by: Klaatu | Dec 13 2022 0:03 utc | 30
@ Maria | Dec 12 2022 23:53 utc | 28
The purpose of NATO was "to keep the Soviet Union [or Russia] out, the Americans in, and the Germans down." Now the EU also serves in that regard. . . .And Germany thinks it is a sovereign country! Foolish Germans.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 13 2022 0:03 utc | 31
hope you enjoyed a relaxing day b. as always, thanks for everything.
Kosovo requires much needs attention and any coverage would be greatly appreciated.
thanks for the excellent link karlof1.
Posted by: annie | Dec 13 2022 0:07 utc | 32
reply to 18
As far as I know, Russia has a full breeder reactor cycle - which theoretically could go on for centuries. Run the reactor, recycle the waste,use it as fuel.
Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 13 2022 0:10 utc | 33
It seems SBF is in custody in the Bahamas pending an extradition request.
Posted by: dh | Dec 13 2022 0:25 utc | 34
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Dec 12 2022 22:03 utc | 21
Good grief, what may the Brazilian Taliban be up to. These people are praying for their own demise.
It has been a massive propaganda effort to make them believe that a CIA puppet, neoliberal rodent is a "patriot". Impressive and frightening.
Bolsonaro, and all his sons, sum 80 years of public political life. They have nothing to show on their curriculums "this thing we promoted made Brazil so much better".
They come from the most failed, violent and corrupt state from the federation, Rio de Janeiro. They never did any damn thing to better the lives of the people there.
The movie Elite Squad, 2007, already predicted that Rio's cancer would finally spread to the whole country. It came to be true through the Bolsonaro mafia family.
Posted by: Ricardo Ramirez | Dec 13 2022 0:30 utc | 35
b.. a break is good!
@ karlof1.. thanks for the link @6. bevin ditto @ 7 and 8.
@ 30 klaatu
the moa poster roger boyd wrote a substack article yesterday with a great overview on latin america which included some incisive commentary o peru.. i cant link to it as i am in transit typing on an ipad, but look it up.. its worth your while…
Posted by: james | Dec 13 2022 0:36 utc | 36
What is our take on the kosovo crisis?Posted by: Orgel | Dec 12 2022 18:34 utc | 2
Mine is that Muslims have no place in white Europe.
Posted by: ReinhardVonSiegfried | Dec 13 2022 0:42 utc | 37
@Klaatu, b posted an excellent link on the week review.
Looks like a mix of inexperience/incompetence from Castillo and a heavy handed push by a coalition from the local oligarchy and the usual imperial suspects.
For some positive news, check the report about Gustavo Petro in Colombia so far:
Posted by: Ricardo Ramirez | Dec 13 2022 0:44 utc | 38
Ricardo Ramirez | Dec 13 2022 0:44 utc |
Thank you kindly. I had a feeling b had a post buried somewhere. From your comment I have a good picture of the situation...same shit different place.
Now for some reading.
Posted by: Klaatu | Dec 13 2022 1:26 utc | 39
Indian, Chinese soldiers injured in clash near Arunachal border
20 Indian personnel sustain minor injuries in LAC face-off on Dec. 9; Commanders on both sides hold Flag Meeting to discuss the issue and restore tranquillity
December 12, 2022 06:56 pm | Updated 11:32 pm IST - New Delhi
CCP wolf warriors need a distraction from an internal (Covid19) fiasco, like in 1962?
Posted by: Antonym | Dec 13 2022 1:26 utc | 40
james | Dec 13 2022 0:36 utc | 36
Thanks James, will check it out.
Posted by: Klaatu | Dec 13 2022 1:29 utc | 41
Antonym | Dec 13 2022 1:26 utc |
Who is the CCP ?
Do you mean the CPC ?
Posted by: Klaatu | Dec 13 2022 1:31 utc | 42
On Dr John Campbell and Scorpion #149 on the past week in review thread.
I thought I should post this here as well:-
Thanks for that video. He didn't answer the one question I have about the Sinopharm traditional vaccine: why do you have to take 3 shots? That didn't used to be the case with traditional vaccines, did it?
Thank you for that question. AFAI recall there are one or two that need periodic boosting due to their gradual decline - tetanus. I gather there is a gross paucity of information and comparative studies with dependable analysis but that could be wrong. Dr John Campbell runs a cautious game to protect the continuity of his channel on utoob and I expect if there were such reputable studies he would be one of the first to reveal. Its a fraught game.
I have no doubt that the Chinese security apparatus would have been closely monitoring the Wuhan lab collaborations. The week prior to the Wuhan Military Games they did hold a multi health/security agency coordination to plan response to rogue virus. China has a deeply ingrained experience of cbw attacks by both the Japanese during occupation and the USA in the Korean war.
The Chinese government would have been well aware of the University of North Carolina gain of function experiments in 2016 even as they proceeded. To think otherwise would be naive and the Chinese don't practice that folly too often.
So my guess is that China is VERY cautious that what is infecting them is not a gene specific assault and perhaps that drive the logic of 3 doses. Time will tell.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 1:42 utc | 43
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Dec 12 2022 18:49 utc | 4
Please b, you are still being read, even in an off day, unlike how I now view Counterpunch; a rag of rags publishing Bolton’s view point under the pseudonym Darius X.
Dear Mr. S.B., we're not something like a church to help us. We're only talking about some issues Ukraine - Then self decided - Ok?
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 1:51 utc | 44
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 1:51 utc | 44
Who is this we you are talking about? The bar?
The thread IS ’not Ukraine ‘; Anything goes. As you say: OK?
Please, when addressing me a simple Ms. would do.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Dec 13 2022 2:01 utc | 45
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 1:42 utc | 43
Hi uncleT -welcome,
what have argued here further on the UKR issue?
May be some relevant connectiions, even between/beyond US-firms ..
Yet known already - where is here worth to give info about UKR today?
So what's that? Can pls. precise a little more currently escalating UKR WAR/Crisis ?
Tscheep - can't follow here beside main subject.
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 2:04 utc | 46
This whole thing in UKR is loaded with assumptions. We assumed that Russia entered this war with not enough force, but it did not. They chose that number because they knew, we, Nato, will supply UKR, and they wanted to see how far we will go with it. 6 months later, when they made sure that we have nothing more to offer to UKR, Russia mobilized 550 000 and appointed a general. Which makes a lot of sense. They didn't want to get surprised with half of million troops on the ground, but they waited and did their campaign with the minimum amount need it for the operations, around 150 000 They deliberately slowed down the pace of operation to a minimum, knowing that with every day we will have less. Remember that "great UKR offensive" and how UKR used Russian lack of manpower to advance to the city of Herson. Just weeks before that Russia sends 50 000 soldiers on joined exercise with China! They had the necessary manpower they just chose not to use it, but even more, they made sure to let us know that those 50 000 are gone and will not be used. UKR moved in, all media reported about great UKR victories and UKR just kept going deeper and deeper until the city of Herson was on the horizon. Great price, ready for grabbing .
The temptation was just too big, and even if UKR chief commander Zaluzhny clearly said that Herson is a trap. But the order came from Nato, and they went for it. Herson was defended by elite Russian forces, Moscow paratroopers, and for weeks Ukrainians kept coming. Reports are saying that the UKR army was losing up to 2000 men, a day! That offensive broke the UKR army, and from the thousands that they were sending, numbers dropped to, in one moment 400 hundred men attacking force! And just as we thought that Russia defended Herson, they went out of the city. The goal was never to defend Herson but to drain UKR army, and they did.
Once they drained them out of manpower, and us out of reserves, they mobilized half of a million, knowing that neither we nor Ukrainians have anything left to surprise them.
Posted by: Sasha J... | Dec 13 2022 2:09 utc | 47
A commercial company in England is set to build a magnetic confinment fusion power station in the next 10 years. I am a bit skeptical, because IIRC the magnetic confinement requires to *continuously* stabilize a plasma that gets more unstable the nearer it gets to fusion. If that's the case, good luck :-).
Posted by: Blissex | Dec 12 2022 20:24 utc | 17
Perhaps the future cruise ships will be bringing tourists to the location where the English ALMOST SUCCESSFULLY tamed nuclear fusion. Then they will sail above former England to watch whales on the eastern coast of Wales.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 13 2022 2:11 utc | 48
Tom_Q_Collins #27
Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 12 2022 23:21 utc | 24
Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 12 2022 23:25 utc | 25Not me. No watermark, obvious troll.
Regardless of who among you might be a troll and even exhibit a watermark, there is this report at sonar21 that is also interesting:
"The name of Abu Agila Mohammad Mas’ud Kheir Al-Marimi did not surface until 2015. This came to light in the wake of the Arab spring, which had plunged Libya into chaos and ended the reign of Muammar Qaddafi. The identification of al-Marimi by Scottish prosecutors needs to be taken with a grain of salt because the Libyans pointing the finger at him came from political opponents of Qaddafi. Al-Marimi may be implicated or he may be innocent.
What I find puzzling is that the United States Rewards for Justice program does not list al-Marimi as a wanted terrorist. You can follow the link below and check it for yourself.
I do not know if the failure to offer a reward for him was the result of bureaucratic oversight or because U.S. officials do not believe the evidence against him was sufficient to make a legal case. Regardless, DOJ is now ready to prosecute and he is now on his way to the United States to stand trial. I will be interested to see the evidence that the DOJ is using. There is no forensic evidence tying him to the suitcase that contained the bomb. It appears the case rests on accusations from current Libyan officials who opposed Qaddafi. "
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 2:12 utc | 49
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 1:42 utc | 43
..gene specific assault .
Yes, can follow that. But why then ZERO?
Their are several evidences that has to do with Gen-Manu esp. towards Chinese people .. Do you hiding something .. I (China) do not.
Better today think on cicvilians in Donbass, still heavily on fire from USA - USA - USA HIMARSW Rockets, killed another 4 vivis this nigth.
Would prefer to have Your woldwide "problems" just now, when being fired byx Nazi polish fired shells, all the night long ... OK understood?
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 2:21 utc | 50
The Chinese government would have been well aware of the University of North Carolina gain of function experiments in 2016 even as they proceeded.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 1:42 utc | 43
They also have links to Canada.
While Canada doesn’t do ‘gain-of-function’ experiments – which are where natural pathogens are mutated in a lab and assessed to see if it has become more deadly or infectious, “The Wuhan lab does them and we have now supplied them with Ebola and Nipah viruses. It does not take a genius to understand that this is an unwise decision,” said Attaran.“I am extremely unhappy to see that the Canadian government shared that genetic material.”
And an earlier National Post article from August 2019:
Bio-warfare experts question why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China
'I think the Chinese activities … are highly suspicious,' one expert said, after it was revealed a Winnipeg lab sent samples of Ebola and henipavirus to China.Aug 08, 2019
None of this proves that Wuhan had anything to do with covid, but it does show a degree of international cooperation in this field. This is why I doubt this was an 'American' attack on 'China' or vice versa; more likely a globalista operation (unless of course it was a bona fide accident with planned globalista response protocols almost universally executed albeit with local characteristics).
Aleph_Null #10
Perhaps fusion in ten years might be too late but then there might be some good cooling material nearby or an abundance of ice to bury the ruins...
But don't position the reactor too close to the tideline (as they did with Fukushima) or the Thwaites (aka Doomsday) glacier might upset your plans.
I do believe that China Scientists are closer to a working model.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 2:26 utc | 52
Turkey and India have had enough - discussed at The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong and Pepe Escobar
Note broad USA global belligerence and its misadventure in europe with its poodle parade is the cause of their alienation so I thought it should be here rather than Uke thread. Forgive me if it offends.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 2:33 utc | 53
Scorpion | Dec 13 2022 2:23 utc | 51
Or it could have been a virus that jumped species, you know like every single epidemic to ever hit our species.
As humans metastasize over the planet and environments collapse, the microscopic fauna deprived of their natural host will jump to the nearest pool of animal hosts, which is usually us.
Occams razor is handy in these situations.
Personally IDGAF, this virus crap is old.
Posted by: Klaatu | Dec 13 2022 2:34 utc | 54
Posted by: Scorpion | Dec 13 2022 2:23 utc | 51
why you don't may "believe" that some of the bio-weapons program of Pentagon done in UKR wasn't planned to a MIL-research to check ethnical out-flue to the 'Chinese people?
Why is China so "careful"? China's intelligence isn't so bad than US-like.
Pentagon/US knows all about, but wouldn't give anything publuic.
You know that - Why claiming here this yes/not true ..
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 2:38 utc | 55
More on the corruption in the EU.
Vice pres now under arrest.
Posted by: Klaatu | Dec 13 2022 2:39 utc | 56
You know that - Why claiming here this yes/not true ..
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 2:38 utc | 55
You raise other aspects. My comment following someone else's was just that there was a large degree of international cooperation in the field of virus research including between Canada and China and of course we know there was a certain level of cooperation between US and China labs as well. That's why I suspect that if there was foul play it most likely was not one nation against another, but the globalistas against all of us.
The comment wasn't trying to survey the entire field world wide.
Re natural causes: of course possible, but many who have inspected the virus claim that it has markers showing it was genetically modified. I myself have no idea one way or another.
If people are bored they can read a take about ChatGPT, the link goes to 'The Register' but the content is still okay.
A different point of view can be found in this somewhat (or very) annoying YouTube video titled "ChatGPT: This AI has a Jailbreak [...]". Despite all the ADD/Cocaine editing the actual content/opinion is relatively decent. It takes some time to get to the juicy stuff but there's no point in skipping directly to it.
The two different points of view aren't mutually exclusive and somewhat complement each other.
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Dec 13 2022 2:51 utc | 58
You are right. This should help.
"...Muslims have no place in white Europe." ReinhardVonSiegfried@37
Muslims have been in Europe for 1300 years. And most of them have been "white." They have contributed enormously to the civilisation, but clearly not enough.
Posted by: bevin | Dec 13 2022 2:55 utc | 60
Scorpion #51
None of this proves that Wuhan had anything to do with covid, but it does show a degree of international cooperation in this field. This is why I doubt this was an 'American' attack on 'China' or vice versa; more likely a globalista operation (unless of course it was a bona fide accident with planned globalista response protocols almost universally executed albeit with local characteristics).
Remain calm Scorpion. I am not saying anything about who attacked who. The fact is that China and the world have an acute interest in coronaviruses since well before the decade old SARS event.
In 2010 Wuhan was in collaboration with Australia's CSIRO and USA's University of Minnesota and they resolved the question as to how coronavirus entered the human cell. The paper is online. That is not gain of function and it was a welcome discovery. Wuhan supplied the virus afaik. All very normal science research.
In 2016 Wuhan was in collaboration with University of North Carolina when they published their highly successful research on enhancing infectivity. It caused a HUGE furor and was in the period when the Obummer white House had banned gain of function work. afaik Wuhan supplied the virus but read the paper as I recall the various roles and contributions being itemised in the footnotes.
I am saying that this level of research is closely watched by national security agencies and they make scenario judgements and recommendations and inform their governments. All very normal for security agencies to monitor the advances in science regardless of nation. China would be no exception.
I do say this: The world needs to be very careful about the USA and its evidenced disregard for the people of the world. Recently this was evidenced by the Boston University.
The next World Military Games is scheduled for Bogota, Columbia 2023.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 2:57 utc | 61
re my #61
The 2010 research may have been University of Minneapolis but you get the drift - large levels of collaboration in science - and so it should be.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 3:00 utc | 62
"...Muslims have no place in white Europe."
LMFAO tell that to the Denisovan and Neanderthal and African peoples.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 3:09 utc | 63
Remain calm Scorpion. I am not saying anything about who attacked who.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 2:57 utc | 61
Remain calm uncle! Didn't say you did say any such thing. Was just providing a couple of examples of international cooperation and pointing out that it doesn't say anything about covid one way or another although it might hint that IF this was an attack, then most likely not Nation X against Nation Y but globalistas doing their Reset number... The main point though was similar to what you say in your last post: lots of international cooperation in this field.
Posted by: Scorpion | Dec 13 2022 3:13 utc | 64
Posted by: Scorpion | Dec 13 2022 2:49 utc | 57
Thanks for reply - I agree mostly on that to recover above.
But: You can't ignore, that there was a goal all of "that" - even in Wuhan" - to inspect the newly created virus "influence" may have on a specific eastern gen-spin (e.g. Slawakis), what search have been done completely.
- Sorry, may be optimistic, but China is hard-working against its threat (with its 0-Strategy), may be or not being a newly not yet really understandable truth that may threaten whole China's population.
May laugh .. but don't think otherwise here before ... (Israel is the King over the wolrd by firing Assad, the evil..) .. Go BND !
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 3:19 utc | 65
Viva Frei interviews Whitney Webb
Interview with Whitney Webb - From Hoover to Epstein, and Beyond! Viva Frei Live!
He spends the first 2 minutes kicking Trudeau around the studio, then gets into the topic of how the mob runs the USA.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 3:23 utc | 66
@ spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 1:51 utc | 44
Um, this is the 'Not Ukraine Thread', is it not ?
@ Sasha J... | Dec 13 2022 2:09 utc | 47
Welcome to the bar. Good recap for yer first post. Cheers. :)
Ho ho ho! Yet another amateur stand-up comedy audition from Jake Sullivan ...
Pressure on Russia (US Empire) is unprecedented – White House
US national security adviser Jake Sullivan said that Washington will continue to do so, but taking into account its own interestsWASHINGTON, December 13. The presidential administration believes that its pressure on Russia is unprecedented in recent history, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said at a briefing.
"If you look at the full spectrum of pressure that we've imposed upon (USA/NATO/EU/14(+3)-Eyes) the Russian Federation over the course of the last year, from financial sanctions to export controls, to our very strong and sustained support for the Ukrainians in defense of their own homeland, we think that our record on pushing back on (Our collapsing Empire) the Kremlin in all respects, and particularly insofar as Russia (US Empire) represents a threat to Ukraine (The entirety of Humanity), and to our allies and partners (Our suborned vassals), is unmatched in recent memory," Sullivan said.
@ uncle tungsten | 61 and Scorpion | 51
Your attempts to prove that the Covid19 drama had nothing to do with the CCP are getting desperate. Globalists loved the PRC as an ideal production site for big profits without labor unions, land or legal issues etc. they wanted this wet dream to go on and on, so they didn't want C19. Fauci & co also did not want a C19 lab escape as their roles would come out. The CIA works for this Anglo Establishment.
The undeniable fact is that Wuhan was the epi center and Xi Jinping immediately locked down China. Pretty sure he knew functions were gained in Wuhan (steal more Western tech) and that's why he freaked out. Others abroad blindly copied his mask & lockdown response without knowing any details. The woke @ the FBI & MSM had crippled Trump enough that he lost his common sense.
The saving Grace was that C19 quickly mutated in a mild flu: thanks Mother Nature!
Posted by: Antonym | Dec 13 2022 3:31 utc | 68
Posted by: Outraged | Dec 13 2022 3:26 utc | 67
Hi - thanks for Your welcome.
I'm still an un-professional listener here on MoA.
I hope to be respected anyway, even on spare the real truth!
You shouldn't be so "outraged", even in UKR/Donbass City this night already have been killed min. 4 civis, incl. childs - oay for that?
When will coming the "Ground-Bombers" to attack 100% destroying the US-Polish-Naziguys operating the never-ending HIMARS, I do'nt know ..
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 3:40 utc | 70
Antonym, you missed what I wrote at #61:-
"In 2016 Wuhan was in collaboration with University of North Carolina when they published their highly successful research on enhancing infectivity. It caused a HUGE furor and was in the period when the Obummer white House had banned gain of function work. afaik Wuhan supplied the virus but read the paper as I recall the various roles and contributions being itemised in the footnotes."
You can bet every dime that China knew of that research and the publication at the very time it took place. 2016 is well before October 2019 when the military games played out. The 2019 World Games took place in Wuhan, China, from Friday, Oct. 18 to Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019.
Likely you can be fairly certain that immediately the 2016 furor broke out, that every other security agency across the planet recognised what was going on. The earlier SARS outbreak in Asia was a BIG DEAL and they would have noticed too.
Certainly France, who designed and supervised construction of the Wuhan laboratory, would have taken note and if they did, so too would UK and undoubtedly there would have been some interesting conversations at both the UN and WHO in 2016.
The appearance of covid19 in Italy in September 2019 remains problematic for the Wuhan source conjecture. Stored blood samples in Italy.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 3:54 utc | 71
Re:China and Covid
We do have anecdotal evidence of Chinese malfeasance with regards to the ginning up of the covid narrative with those early leaked videos of the covid situation what with all the paid actors collapsing and dying on the street.
What are we to make of those?
Also, Australia and China seem to have shared the same idea on quatantine camps with China the one building garganyuan ones.
Imo, China can not be seen as a monolith when it comes to their covid response. I see internal quibbling about the countriey'a direction similar to those during the Trump admin which saw the state dept. Sabotage most of Trump' time there. Can the same thing be befalling xi?
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 13 2022 4:00 utc | 72
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 13 2022 4:00 utc | 72
Than you for this very interesting China made issue here.
We'll be reply to "you" asap.
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 4:05 utc | 73
Scorpion #64
Thank you. The globalistas are having some problems with their reset number. I recall there is a paradox about unintended consequences.
I gather that is Klaus Schwab but for microsoft users it could be Bill Gates.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 4:11 utc | 74
@ spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 3:40 utc | 70
The 'Ukraine Open Thread 2022-224', for discussing 'Ukraine' is just around the corner, over here.
This ^ ^ is the 'Open Not Ukraine Thread 2022-223', for discussing anything, except or other than ... 'Ukraine' ...
Cheers. :)
Bleating by USAF press release about this 'cause every prototype ground launch so far has been a failure on the launchpad ? So, how did the prototype air-launch test go ? Hm ?
... reached hypersonic speeds greater than five times the speed of sound
(Given B-52 airspeed of ~0.9Mach, so self induced acceleration ~4.1Mach + ? Not very impressive, truly Hypersonic or yet more fibs ?)
completed its flight path
(Excellent. In a straight line or including evasive inflight maneuvers ?)
and detonated
(Controlled or uncontrolled ? Upon striking target or remote safety detonation ?)
in the terminal area
(CEP re designated range test target ? 10-30M ? or somewhere within the boundary of the entire test range ?).
US tests prototype air-launched hypersonic missile — PentagonThe launch of the AGM-183A missile was made by a B-52 Stratofortress bomber, and is part of the Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon program
NEW YORK, December 12. The US has conducted the first test of a full prototype air-launched hypersonic missile, the press service of the Florida-based Eglin Air Force Base said in a statement on Monday...
So pls. be very very careful !
You've to watched by us (the China IT surveillance people).
So what you've written here :
Also, Australia and China seem to have shared the same idea on quatantine camps with China the one building garganyuan ones.
SWeems to be little small joke.
But be careful - even VPN used - we can track You - Understood?
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 4:14 utc | 76
@72 NemesisCalling | Dec 13 2022 4:00 utc
I remember those "falling-down" video clips in the very beginning. Do we even know where they came from? I would welcome any information regarding those. They disappeared very soon, but the visceral impact was huge in ramping up the preliminary scare factor - I know they scared me. And then they disappeared from the narrative.
I never did know who produced them, or what attribution was made for them. But I have extreme doubt that China did it. It looks vastly more like a western propaganda psyop to me - after all, once you've seen the White Helmets, there's no return to innocence.
Posted by: Grieved | Dec 13 2022 4:15 utc | 77
NemesisCalling #72
Mate if you believe in those "early leaked videos", I have a bridge in Ukraine for sale to an investor such as you.
Consider the stakes here and ask yourself would the lying, cheating, thieving USA empire perhaps produce such videos from any city in Asia?
In the fog of Covid Mania, only sound evidence can be believed and that resides in the 2016 paper produced by the University of North Carolina.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 4:17 utc | 78
@72 NemesisCalling | Dec 13 2022 4:00 utc
stand You - Pls. go to a medic. Search for another mam.
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 4:22 utc | 80
I've been playing around with this new "AI" chat bot called ChatGPT. It's pretty funny and I could see it being useful for kids writing term papers and book reports, or generating content for a website. It also 'refuses' to say anything negative about anyone if it figures out you're giving it real names. Here's my book report on Blunter Hidin from ChatGPT.
Blunter was a young man who had never really accomplished much in his life. Despite this, he was able to land a high-paying job thanks to his father, who was the Vice President of the United States. Blunter's father used his political connections to secure his son a position at a prestigious company, where he was paid a salary of $60,000 per month.However, there was one catch: Blunter had no qualifications or experience that made him suited for the job. In fact, he had never even worked a day in his life. Despite this, he was given a corner office and a secretary, and was expected to attend meetings and make important decisions.
At first, Blunter was thrilled to have such a cushy job. He enjoyed spending his days lounging in his office, playing video games and checking his social media accounts. But as time went on, he began to feel increasingly guilty and ashamed. He knew that he was unqualified for the job and that he was only there because of his father's connections.
Eventually, Blunter's lack of qualifications became apparent to his coworkers. They began to question his decisions and to mock him behind his back. Blunter's confidence began to crumble, and he became increasingly isolated and unhappy.
One day, a major crisis hit the company. Blunter was called upon to make an important decision, but he froze. He didn't know what to do, and his lack of experience and knowledge became glaringly obvious. In the end, the company suffered a major loss, and Blunter was fired.
Feeling humiliated and defeated, Blunter returned home to live with his parents. He realized that he had squandered a valuable opportunity and that he had let himself and his father down. He vowed to turn his life around and to make something of himself, but it was a long and difficult journey.
Not really that far from the truth!
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 13 2022 4:34 utc | 81
@ uncle tungsten | 78
You will never see the CCP equivalent of CIA director Pompeo voluntarily and publicly pronounce that they lied, cheated and stole. That doesn't mean they don't, unless you still believe in Santa. They went way further: organ "harvesting" etc.
The most solid evidence for the malicious nature of C19 is Xi Jinping's lockdown response till today. He was the Frankenstein that let those risky experiments happen in megacity Wuhan, the West didn't want them at home.
Posted by: Antonym | Dec 13 2022 4:41 utc | 82
Posted by: Outraged | Dec 13 2022 4:13 utc | 75
Thanks for details .. kept that all.
Dear guy,
what can/should we (RF) do to avoid more than a 12 peoples died day-by-day,
I do not understand that "logical MIL" understanding !
1 soldier <> 10 Civis, or what else? Excuse, I'm a mother, You too?
come on Putin - send now your Bunker-Heavy weapons bombing on-ground in hidden Ukr trenches and on "hidden" HIMARS localized states.
That's have them Nazis to be them, wherever wished to go ...
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 4:46 utc | 83
This whole business with sharing scientific projects with other teams across the world in other countries, is a commonplace of scientific research, from what little I know, and it's common to slice an entire project into small pieces to be outsourced to units with a core competence that fits that piece.
So, we're dealing with slices, components, layers. And in terms of analysis these all become nuances. Nuance is a favorite word of mine, I know, but reality seems made of them.
Even the Wuhan lab, as I understand it, comprised a BSL-4 and a BSL-3 section. Lots of Level-3 jobs went to that BSL-3 section, and since there aren't many BSL-4 labs in the world, some of the US biowarfare groundwork went to China.
Ironic, perhaps, as we look at things, but not at all removed from the collaborations between supposed enemies that we've seen forever in business, science and all other fields that fall short of actual war (and even then, frankly).
The bottom line then is that we can't talk about "China" necessarily as a conscious actor in things that may have happened at routine levels within its borders, or within its formal purview.
I think we have to take life slice by slice, and appraise it nuance by nuance. And then putting all the pieces together is what results in realistic analysis.
2 cents.
Posted by: Grieved | Dec 13 2022 4:52 utc | 84
Your attempts to prove that the Covid19 drama had nothing to do with the CCP are getting desperate. Globalists loved the PRC as an ideal production site for big profits without labor unions, land or legal issues etc. they wanted this wet dream to go on and on, so they didn't want C19. Fauci & co also did not want a C19 lab escape as their roles would come out. The CIA works for this Anglo Establishment.Posted by: Antonym | Dec 13 2022 3:31 utc | 68
Welcome to the Falun Gong Show (also a subsidiary of CIA Global Enterprises).
Here is the more sensible order of events. The virus was accidentally released from Fort Detrick. Rather than admit their screw up, the CIA and DoD decided to cover up the event and took it to Wuhan for the military games where it was released. They pointed everyone to the 2 local smoking guns. The NIH decided to "not let the crisis go to waste" and this was the perfect opportunity to field test the new mRNA virus delivery technology. Big pharma and the advertising dependent media were more than happy to play along and goose their bottom lines.
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Dec 13 2022 5:02 utc | 85
@ Klaatu | Dec 13 2022 1:29 utc | 41
take a look at the link bevin provides.. that is what i was referring to.. cheers and thanks bevin..
see @ bevin | Dec 13 2022 2:55 utc | 60
Posted by: james | Dec 13 2022 5:20 utc | 86
@ p.148 of Fauci Deposition ...
Handled himself well so far.
Not impressed by `Interrogation counsel':
Mr. Sour: Just answer my questions: Yes or no.
Mr. Faucet: OK, I--
Mr. Sour: Why ... [etc.]
Posted by: Laurence | Dec 13 2022 5:21 utc | 87
Posted by: spare_truth | Dec 13 2022 4:46 utc | 83
I don't know about the rest of you but this guy needs some remedial posting therapy.
Yo Uncle T! Finally getting some hot weather in Sydney for a change... hope you're well.
Posted by: Patroklos | Dec 13 2022 5:25 utc | 88
The question not yet answered, is why the big push for mRNA platforms to fight viruses? What's the big interest of the security state in this technology?
Dr. Robert Malone may have the answer, in tailored and cautious words, as he explains why DARPA and the Pentagon have been so interested in the mRNA delivery mechanism that was his initial brainchild.
He gave a talk in October that is on video and thankfully with a full transcript, here:
mRNA Vaccines: The CIA and National Defense (This isn't going to end well.)
Malone has worked extensively with the spooks over the years, and as with many of us, his view of things has altered significantly in the last 3 years. He did indeed conceive the idea of the mRNA genetic intervention as a means of delivering an antidote - the "payload" - to the human body in a very rapid way, as an urgent response.
From what he says, and doesn't say, in this talk, here is my conclusion:
The US is interested in being able to send soldiers into a biologically contaminated zone, having first jabbed them with a specific antidote to the specific contamination in that zone, and then have them retire from the field with no adverse effects, and without becoming an asymptomatic carrier of the contamination.
Malone describes the narrative as the soldiers going back home to their wife and kids in a couple of weeks and everyone is safe and happy.
What Malone doesn't say explicitly, is how those contaminants got to that zone in the first place, but we can easily see the thinking here. Ideally, the US would want to target a specific ethnicity or localized genetic signature. Equally ideally, it would like to enter that zone after sickening or killing all the inhabitants, further its purpose (looting, harvesting, destroying, etc.) and retire safely from the field.
That's what the US most obviously wants, and when Malone came up with the idea of the mRNA delivery mechanism - which only requires transcribing some code to match the signature of the virus used as the biowar agent, and then immediately creating a "vaccine" - the spooks and generals were interested.
My take is that this is why the vaccines were strong-armed into use, against all other options. Pfizer gets its profit and many people get their cut, sure, but on the geo-strategic level, the successes and failures of the mRNA delivery mechanism are being studied in a real experiment across the world.
As with so many things, the concept was drawn out on paper and then rushed into play, to see how it did. I don't know what they've concluded from it so far, but to me the fact that the vaccine is still being pushed says that DARPA (or whatever the latest agency) remains very interested in this technology.
So, even though it seems like more of a bust than a success, I don't think they're going to let it go. They'll flog this dead horse many a dead mile yet. We live in the age of biowar.
That's how it's looking to me.
Posted by: Grieved | Dec 13 2022 5:27 utc | 89
This just in from LinkedIn's news:
FTX founder Bankman-Fried arrested
Sam Bankman-Fried has been arrested in the Bahamas, and just hours before he was expected to appear before the House Financial Services Committee Tuesday. The ex-billionaire founder of cryptocurrency exchange FTX faces "unspecified criminal charges," the Bahamas government said in a statement, after obtaining a sealed indictment from U.S. prosecutors. Bankman-Fried, who donned Fortune's August cover with the headline "The Next Warren Buffett?", has been the subject of both Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission probes looking into his hand in FTX's implosion and whether he carried out "possible market manipulation."
Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 13 2022 5:36 utc | 90
I should add two things.
One, is that I'm sad Malone is in this litigious fight with others in the struggle. We don't really need fighting within the resistance itself. Also, I don't know who Malone actually is, or was, or what his sense of self tells him he is. But as with everything else, I'm not going to dissect the messenger when the message itself is so potent.
It's the message that needs unpacking further, not the man.
And second, if we do in fact live in the age of biowar, and if the corona is just a soldier in the theater, then what about Omicron? It serves as the perfect active answer to the rampant virus, inducing just the right amount of natural immunity, at just the right amount of minor cost.
If it really is war - and this is not proven, merely gamed here - then a better general won the field of battle, with an elegant maneuver that speaks hopefully for the future. If battle is truly joined, then this first round offers much to be grateful for.
Posted by: Grieved | Dec 13 2022 5:42 utc | 91
Antonym #82
the West didn't want them at home.
Well they sure got them. The Fort Detrick Lab was shut down in mid 2019 due to serious and continuous safety failures over years.
They got "vape disease" and even the loony right websites were reporting the connection throughout 2019.
The USA then moved to Ukraine after 2014 and even appointed a US citizen as the Ukraine Minister for Health. Ukraine then became a mushroom of at least two dozen low security biolabs. Ukraine sent a contingent to the Wuhan Military Games in October 2019.
Not much chance of convincing me or any of those observers here that there is only evidence pointing at China. The bulk of evidence points at the the rogue empire that has a history of absolute neglect for humanity - the USA.
As for organ harvesting see Ukraine 2022.
Wanna buy a bridge? I have one in Ukraine with a steady record of repairs this year. Can take heavy traffic at a pinch.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 5:49 utc | 92
In response to the end of Covid comment
They'll flog this dead horse many a dead mile yet. We live in the age of biowar.
That's how it's looking to me.
Posted by: Grieved | Dec 13 2022 5:27 utc | 89
That age of biowar is within the context of nuclear MAD.
The adults of our world understand and have made it clear that nuclear war is an extinction event and not desired.
The adults of our world are just coming to understand that biowar could be an extinction event and global clarity about that does not yet exist.
I hope that clarity about the empire biowar efforts continue to be made public until biowarfare is negotiated into a MAD status like nuclear a minimum.....prosecution of crimes against humanity would be nice
Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 13 2022 5:51 utc | 93
Grieved #89
Thank you. I trust we will outlive the age of biowar.
Malone is a difficult character and precious about his invention.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 5:53 utc | 94
Patroklos #88
Getting hotter down under:
Vassals will be vassals.
Thank you, I live in a bunya nut republic but the wine is good :))
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 6:14 utc | 95
"Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 12 2022 23:21 utc | 24
Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 12 2022 23:25 utc | 25.....
Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 12 2022 23:36 utc | 27
Impostors!!! How dare you!!!
I'm Tom_Q_Collins!
This obvious trolling must stop!
Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 13 2022 6:33 utc | 96
"Mine is that Muslims have no place in white Europe."
ReinhardVonSiegfried | Dec 13 2022 0:42 utc | 37
Didn't they say that about the Jews too? Nice take Adolf.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 13 2022 6:38 utc | 97
Risk management USA.
The U.S. Air Force has confirmed that Whiteman Air Force Base’s only runway is still out of commission after a B-2A Spirit stealth bomber experienced an in-flight malfunction and had to make an emergency landing on Saturday. A fire occurred and the aircraft was confirmed to have been damaged.The Missouri base is home to the 509th Bomb Wing where all of the service’s 20 B-2 Spirit stealth bombers are primarily housed. It also has only one 12,400-foot runway. Knowing the impact this closure could have on the wing’s day-to-day operations, as well as the other aircraft based there, including A-10 Warthogs of the 422nd Fighter Wing and MQ-9 Reapers, The War Zone reached out to Whiteman to inquire about the status of the closure. They responded as follows:
“To answer your questions, the Whiteman AFB runway is closed. Recovery teams are working around the clock to minimize further disruptions. We remain steadfast to answer our nation's call and execute our mission,” read Whiteman AFB’s response.
Thankfully the bomber was unarmed due to Ukrainian supply shortages ;)
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 6:47 utc | 98
Grieved that is certainly a possible aspect of the wider issues however it could also be taken as a wishful fantasy in their favor which neatly explains why they "have" to continue, the enormous "benefits", "what if the enemy does this"/"mRNA gap", and so on and so forth.
In other words what you wrote would suffice as a rather good "elevator pitch" for anyone/everyone looking for funding and influence.
For "the greater good" of course, always :P
So there is a danger inherent to what you wrote; understanding the enemy so well that you end up involuntarily making the(ir) case.
This is not a criticism of you, it is only (adding) a nuance as you say.
Nuance not nuisance :)
Somewhat separately back in my time there was the abbreviation ABC for "Atomic, Biological, and Chemical" which later turned into NBC for "Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical" which yet again turned into WMD for "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and which now has turned into something I'm unaware of or perhaps dissipated entirely from use.
I'm only trying to point out that this specific overall issue is nothing new at all and I'm confident that if anything one can/should expand the notion even further both with regards to new kinds of weapons and also the large scale weaponization and use of at least some aspects of "surveillance and manipulation"/propaganda/"social control"/education because they end up having similar effects as the olden ABC.
Or "unintended consequences" (that might be very much intended) as Uncle Tungsten mentioned (and he did so without invoking the cultural artifacts of Half-Life, Half-Life 2 (+ chapters), or Half-Life Alyx that has it as a main plot device and/or persistent tease!).
Back in our world "the power that be" keep chasing the double fata morgana of "power" and "power will solve everything". At least several decades ago they gave the superficial impression of understanding that it is a fallacy and extreme oversimplification but that doesn't seem to be the case any more.
Anyway thank you for the interesting comment providing food for thought (personally I really needed a small "distraction" right now from my life so it was extremely welcome).
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Dec 13 2022 6:53 utc | 99
@93 psychohistorian | Dec 13 2022 5:51 utc
Thank you. Your perspective moves the issue much further along in the world's discourse. And you're right, we need to be talking about a new MAD for biological insanity, just as we did for nuclear insanity.
Insanity needs to be called out as insane by the sane, always, wherever it erupts.
Yes, thank you
@94 uncle tungsten | Dec 13 2022 5:53 utc
Yes, agreed. We can (and should) unpack him at a slower pace, over time - and he will evolve also, over that time.
Posted by: Grieved | Dec 13 2022 7:01 utc | 100
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Please Bernhard, rest on your laurels for a day or so. Smile to yourself about the contribution you are providing to humanity at this time with this forum.
Be well and content.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 12 2022 18:21 utc | 1