Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
November 07, 2022

Ukraine - U.S. Deceives Allies To Keep Them In Line

The Biden administration launched a make-believe campaign that is supposed to calm those European 'allies' who press for peace talks over  Ukraine.

But, as the Washington Post provides, the alleged Biden push towards negotiations is a sham:

The Biden administration is privately encouraging Ukraine’s leaders to signal an openness to negotiate with Russia and drop their public refusal to engage in peace talks unless President Vladimir Putin is removed from power, according to people familiar with the discussions.

The request by American officials is not aimed at pushing Ukraine to the negotiating table, these people said. Rather, they called it a calculated attempt to ensure the government in Kyiv maintains the support of other nations facing constituencies wary of fueling a war for many years to come.
While U.S. officials share their Ukrainian counterparts’ assessment that Putin, for now, isn’t serious about negotiations, they acknowledge that President Volodymyr Zelensky’s ban on talks with him has generated concern in parts of Europe, Africa and Latin America, where the war’s disruptive effects on the availability and cost of food and fuel are felt most sharply.

If Zelensky will now start to offer talks we know that it will not be serious but just for show.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has just visited Kiev. He is likely the one who has put up this scheme. It would be consistent with another recent story planted in the Wall Street Journal about talks between Sullivan and some Russians:

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has in recent months held secret talks with high-level Russian officials, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, citing unnamed US and allied officials.

The officials said that the talks were aimed at reducing the risk of the war in Ukraine turning into a broader conflict and that Sullivan warned Moscow against using nuclear weapons. They said Sullivan held talks with Yuri Ushakov, a foreign policy advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev.

The reason to plant that story is likely the same one as above - to calm down allies who are getting nervous about an endless war.

It is obvious that the U.S. does not want the war to end anytime soon:

The U.S. is sending Ukraine $400 million more in military aid and establishing a security assistance headquarters in Germany that will oversee all weapons transfers and military training for Ukraine, the Pentagon announced Friday.
The new command post, called the Security Assistance Group Ukraine, signals a more permanent, long-term program to continue to aid Kyiv in its fight against Russia, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters at the Pentagon.

The new command post that will oversee this aid will be led by a three-star-level senior officer and have about 300 personnel based in Germany who will monitor the weapons assistance and training programs, said U.S. Army Europe spokesman Col. Martin O’Donnell.

Such a command points to an effort over multiple years. Likewise some of the weapon systems the U.S. has promised to Ukraine have not yet been produced. They will reach Ukraine only 2023 or 2024 - if ever.

But I doubt that this plan for a years long war can work. Russia's recent attack on the electricity systems of Ukraine has shown that it has the escalation dominance, that it could do much more to destroy Ukraine and to make it incapable of further pursuing the war.

The U.S. is also pushing Ukraine to attack the Russian positions on the right bank of the Dnieper river:

Ukrainian forces can retake the strategic southern city of Kherson from Russian troops, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Thursday, in what would be a major defeat for Russia in its invasion of its neighbor.

Austin’s remarks coincided with a Russian-installed official in Kherson region saying Moscow was likely to pull its troops from the west bank of the Dnipro River, signaling a significant retreat, if confirmed.
“On the issue of whether the Ukrainians can take the remaining territory on the west side of the Dnipro river and in Kherson, I certainly believe that they have the capability to do that,” Austin told a news conference at the Pentagon.

“Most importantly, the Ukrainians believe they have the capability to do that. We have seen them engage in a very methodical but effective effort to take back their sovereign territory.”

There are also rumors from Ukraine that Sullivan has pressed Zelensky to launch a Kherson campaign as soon as possible. Zelensky is said to have agreed to do so.

But the Ukrainian army does not want to do that - at least not now. The Russian troops in the area have been reinforced. The fields are muddy and can not be crossed by heavy vehicles. Russian artillery attacks destroy equipment pre-positioned for the attack before it is ready to come near the front line.

The Ukrainian military has for weeks tried probing attacks in the Kherson region. These had no significant results while the attacking units had high losses. The units deployed around the region have been there since early October or longer. The Military Land deployment map shows only one unit that arrived just five days ago. The 98th Azov battalion, one of the fascist volunteer forces, has been positioned in the back of 128th Mountain Assault Brigade which, in recent weeks, has had some of the most serious losses.


The use of such 'nationalist' forces to prevent the retreat of exhausted front line units has been a regular occurrence in this war.

Ukraine has for weeks had no success on the battle field. Washington wants it to show such a success so that it can tell its allies that the war can be won by the Ukrainian side. The push for an attack on Kherson is again part of the overall campaign to convince Europeans that they should sustain the efforts to arm and support Ukraine.

The campaign is misleading. Ukraine is losing the war badly. But the U.S. wants to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian - and down to the last Euro.

Posted by b on November 7, 2022 at 15:42 UTC | Permalink

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the usa is so hollywood and madison avenue marketing..... there is an iron fist behind it all, but this bullshit is for the lowly plebs who read the msm and hold aith in their imperial masters and with every white lie told in the msm.. expect the war to drag on endlessly.. it serves the merchants of death well... maybe more people are awake to this then i realize, but as gil scott heron said - the revolution will not be televised... no way, no how.. it will be all hollywood and marketing 24-7... that is the usa's main export...

Posted by: james | Nov 7 2022 16:00 utc | 1

Obvious question. Where does Ukraine get its oil from ? How is it even able to fuel its vehicles at this point ?

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 16:00 utc | 2

@ Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 16:00 utc | 2

i believe they get it from russia still! but regardless, here is a good comment from a previous thread to chew on..

"The war between Russia and the West is over gas and oil deposits underground in Donbass. It was in order to steal gas and oil from there and sell them to Europe instead of Russia that the coup was carried out in 2014. But these deposits had to be freed from the people who live above these deposits in the cities. People need to be driven away. It was possible to buy land from them so that they could move to other places. But the US decided to drive them out with the help of the Ukrainian army. That is why, for eight years, Ukrainian troops have been shelling the cities of Donbass. To drive people away. Squeeze them into Russia. But for Russia, this would cut off access to its gas and oil to Europe

Europe agreed to help Ukraine against Russia because, in case of victory, Ukraine would be able to drive the inhabitants of Donbass to Russia and would start receiving oil and gas from new fields in Ukraine instead of Russia. It would be cheaper than getting raw materials from Russia. Biden was put on the presidency precisely because he had already introduced his son Hunter to the board of Burisma and deposits underground in the Donbass became his business. So, the war is going on precisely for the possession of deposits near the Donbass. Everything else is fluff. Looking for money...

Posted by: mishin05 | Nov 7 2022 8:19 utc | 152"

Posted by: james | Nov 7 2022 16:10 utc | 3

Appreciate the update....still looks like Kherson going to be a major battle as telegram people suggest.....maybe to stop Russia moving to Odessa one wonders.

Posted by: Jo | Nov 7 2022 16:14 utc | 4

Any word on how many are surrendering to the Russians? Retreating into Azov-land doesn't seem like a viable option.

Posted by: farm ecologist | Nov 7 2022 16:16 utc | 5


Various western nations that have been more squeamish about providing military aid such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand etc have been sending vast amounts of “heating oil” as part of their aid commitments. Up to this point less than 10% of Ukrainian homes actually use heating oil, which is really just lower grade diesel, perfect for military vehicles and even civilian cars and the like. It’s a clever way of providing military support without admitting it to your voters.

However I think more recently, with the power and hot water being off, a lot more of that diesel may actually be used to heat homes.

Posted by: Anon | Nov 7 2022 16:21 utc | 6

I'm sticking with my hunch that the US is looking for a way out before Europe bails. Who blew up the gas pipes has to be on their minds over there.

Posted by: chunga | Nov 7 2022 16:24 utc | 7

Thank you for the great work, b! What is interesting is that Jake Sullivan is referred to in the Nuland-Pyatt F the EU call.
I'm going to attempt never works for me...

Nuland: So on that piece Geoff, when I wrote the note [US vice-president's national security adviser Jake] Sullivan's come back to me VFR [direct to me], saying you need [US Vice-President Joe] Biden and I said probably tomorrow for an atta-boy and to get the deets [details] to stick. So Biden's willing.

Wow, it worked!

Upon looking at what Vickie had to say, it could almost have been sent yesterday. I heard there is a nice bakery on Bankova Street. Z's probably not hungry 'cuz of the yayo. More to come in the diplomatic pouch.

Well, I look forward to the discussion to follow!

Posted by: lex talionis | Nov 7 2022 16:29 utc | 8

Ref post 3. I think that you’re sucking diesel. That in effect the whole fracas is about the Biden crime family trying to enrich themselves. EU, Brits, Yanks, Ukrainians, Russians, …., all irrelevant - it’s all about the Benjamins for the Biden.

Posted by: Guy L’Estrange | Nov 7 2022 16:32 utc | 9

I'm sticking with my hunch that the US is looking for a way out before Europe bails. Who blew up the gas pipes has to be on their minds over there.

Posted by: chunga | Nov 7 2022 16:24 utc | 7

I do get the feeling "Biden" would like to "engineer" a way out of it. But they are all so crooked that you cannot predict much.

In any case "Biden" will soon have lots of more immediate problems here at home.

I doubt the Russians will help them out.

Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 7 2022 16:32 utc | 10

Petro Poroshenko has stated publicly that the Minsk agreements "meant nothing." They were only intended to buy time while Ukraine built up its military. It wouldn't be surprising if Zelensky also engages in sham negotiations as a public relations ploy. If Scott Ritter is correct and winter brings a sharp deterioration in Ukraine's military situation, he might become serious.

Posted by: David | Nov 7 2022 16:33 utc | 11

He is called Snake Sullivan

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 7 2022 16:35 utc | 12

Why fool the west though? Majority of westerners are already backing Ukraine deeply and want Ukraine to keep on the war.

Posted by: Zanon | Nov 7 2022 16:37 utc | 13

Answer to "2":
I was driving from Poland to Lithuania last week, and I was wondering about the amount of tanker trucks. They seems to be unloaded.
They all had ukrainian number plates.
And they all had this (in Europe obligate) orange sign on the back, which declares by a number code that they transport Diesel Fuel...

In Lithuania is a port.

So that's obviously the way they let the army keep on rolling in Ukraine.

Posted by: Klaus | Nov 7 2022 16:39 utc | 14

@ Guy L’Estrange | Nov 7 2022 16:32 utc | 9

it can be both...

Posted by: james | Nov 7 2022 16:45 utc | 15

The US and the WEF have no intent to stop this war. It must go on for the Great Reset. Negotiations are nothing more than a ploy to stall for time, so more weapons and mercs can get to Ukraine. All Western governments must be destroyed. Free the people of the West from their own governments.

Posted by: Leroy | Nov 7 2022 16:47 utc | 16

For any attempt at an offensive, you must check the weather first to see when below 0c temps occur for days-on-end. The forecast for Kiev I just accessed shows none until the end of November and then just to 0c not -0c. For Kherson, it's even warmer with no 0c days at all during the extended forecast to 6 December, and that means no freeze-up of fields or icing of rivers. Not much rain forecast either with this week being rather balmy and good flying weather.

If NATO offensive ops await frozen fields, there're going to need to wait for at least another month allowing Russia to continue to attrit the forces charged with attacking. Of course, Russia faces the same weather dilemma regarding offensive ops, but its aerospace forces can continue to destroy NATO assets and further the demilitarization/denazification goals. Indeed, it's entirely possible the conditions for offensive ops won't arrive until January.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 7 2022 16:49 utc | 17

james these reductionist explanations are like crack cocaine
"... Biden was put on the presidency precisely because he had already introduced his son Hunter to the board of Burisma and deposits underground in the Donbass became his business. So, the war is going on precisely for the possession of deposits near the Donbass. Everything else is fluff. Looking for money..." Mishin05@52

We all know that Biden's ascent to the Presidency was about a lot more than that. Among other things he was handed the nomination to prevent anyone more radical (ie 99.9% of the population) from campaigning on real issues.

As to the "its all about oil and gas" arguments, I first heard that one concerning Vietnam ('There are vast off shore oilfields the US wants..' I was told in 1963!). And it is wheeled out every time there is a war. It is not entirely untrue, but the US is not motivated by longing for oil, it is determined that oil wealth should not be used to assert independence. That was the objection to Libya, where Ghadaffi was using resource wealth to demonstrate the benefits of sovereignty (high living standards, development of a gold based currency undermining the dollar). And to Iraq where Saddam was using oil money to build up military strength, thus frightening Israel. It's true of Syria too where the oil is being stolen, essentially, to prevent Assad from using the money for social purposes.

On one thing I am with Mishin05, however: the publicly available evidence of Biden's deep involvement with Burisma and therefore the kleptocrat oligarchy cannot be aired to often. I was amazed that, with everything the public knew of ( 10% for the Big Guy) Joe and Hunter's corrupt dealings, he was employed as the DNC candidate. But the truth is that the corruption in US society is unbelievably prevalent (cf the Clinton Foundation etc) and it makes very little difference.
Biden was selected by the bosses of Democrat machines in places like South Carolina, afraid of radicals among their (largely black) constituencies which would boot the useless office holders out of office and offend the corporations that own them.

Posted by: bevin | Nov 7 2022 16:51 utc | 18

Forever war, uh?

High oil prices, cheap Iranian drones and abundant Soviet artillery. If Russia is able to self sustain, if not already, then let it ride.

'Cause Europe will backrupt itself for good without affordable energy. To all those who supported this proxy war, I hope the Russophobia was worth it.

As for the USA, I hope these politicians liquidate those frozen Russian assets into cash and literally swim in it and wildly publicize it in an attempt to humiliate the Russians. Good. Such an act will only be a catalyst for making the de-dollarization of world economy go even faster.

If the Empire is performing seppuku under the delusion that it's stabbing someone else, just step out of the way and let happen.

Posted by: FieryButMostPeaceful | Nov 7 2022 16:52 utc | 19

At this point, late stage discussion is like dregs being served up before closing time.

After tomorrow everything changes; or in actuality reverts back to China as public enemy #1.

The Rs will cut off funding, begin hearings as to who instigated the Ukraine war, and to what purpose and means.

Investigations uncovering corruption, insider dealings, agency interference and media collusion will be served up not to resolve public policy concerns, but rather simply as a political tool to score points.

That is, in the States its always election season, and so the 2024 presidential contest will be underway.

I know we have a lot of fantasists here, with dreams of a future finally arriving that values cooperation and understanding (tm).

The reality is, we avert a nuclear war, Russia secures/negotiates a favored position within the dollar regime (with flexibility to pursue a subsidiary unit), the WEF agenda suffers a huge set back, and the artificial woke theater is disbanded.

Taken together, that would represent a massive win for Russia - and the west for defeating (at least temporarily) the satanic hordes intent on enslaving everyone.

Does the US get destroyed (and suffer its comeuppance yearned by so many)? No. Is capitalism overturned? No. Does the world still have to deal with resource limits and degradation? Yes.

So, take the win for what's its worth.

Posted by: B9k9 | Nov 7 2022 16:54 utc | 20

@Lex-8: Nicely done, pure comedy! In all seriousness, if the RF falls for the ole Minsk style switcheroo then I have been seriously incorrect in quite a few of my estimations.

"Ok look, we know winter is coming and you have dialed up the pain another few notches....So can we have a cozy little ceasefire so we can pile as many mercs and weapons as possible into Ukraine?"

"Sorry, but you were warned repeatedly that the longer it takes to listen to reason the less likely there is to be a compromise. That time for that has passed and we are about to correct several decades of your misbehavior which has effected us directly."

Something about being the adult in the room and not responding to every single tantrum thrown out by the spoiled brats you are forced to deal with.

Posted by: Chevrus | Nov 7 2022 16:55 utc | 21

In the fine tradition of Cato the Censor, I will repeat:

The West is done. Stick a fork in it.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 7 2022 16:59 utc | 22

The arrival of the 101st Airborne was heralded as keeping the wavering Central Europeans in line. However, that would be very poor optics. In a conflict Sullivan himself has declared as based on propaganda, the alliance of the willing should be seen as willing.

On the other hand, there are tens of millions of ME immigrants in every country on the continent. There are also tons of weapons meant for Ukraine that have gone missing. If the two ever met, you would have the crime now existing in Sweden, and if there was American Deep State direction, which would be no surprise, the growing Populist dissent with the Globalist agenda might be sidetracked by anarchy. Or actual regime change.

But that's all speculation. The mass immigration from Africa and the ME was only Obama's hatred of white people.

Posted by: jhill | Nov 7 2022 17:00 utc | 23

I do get the feeling "Biden" would like to "engineer" a way out of it. But they are all so crooked that you cannot predict much.

In any case "Biden" will soon have lots of more immediate problems here at home.

I doubt the Russians will help them out.

Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 7 2022 16:32 utc | 10

From my perch, I see nothing to indicate the Biden scum are looking for a way out. If anything, the opposite.

Posted by: Michigan Dude | Nov 7 2022 17:00 utc | 24

Posted by: jhill | Nov 7 2022 17:00 utc | 23

The mass immigration from Africa and the ME was only Obama's hatred of white people.

Wrong. This was Bush and Clinton's hatred of brown people.

If white people are so concerned as to spend trillions bombing the middle east and Africa to smithereens to they'd better be prepared to go all the way and host refugees.

You reap what you sow.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 7 2022 17:07 utc | 25

the R's, who i fully expect will take the House and probably the Senate, are not going to defund the Ukraine War.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 7 2022 17:12 utc | 26

https:// **
remove the two **
The USS RHode Island nuclear sub 24 Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles capable to engage at 18 thousand kilometers. the link suggests it could be headed to a strategic position near the Black Sea <=comments please.

Posted by: lookout | Nov 7 2022 17:14 utc | 27

Concerning the too-often offered up argument that it's all about oil and gas fields.

That somehow in decades of Russian control never got the attention of Rosneft, Lukoil or GAZPROM.

In general, there's nothing there. Donbas has coal. Oil and gas scarce.

You cannot understand oil and gas unless you, every June, download the enormous spreadsheet called World Statistical Report from the website. It is free. BP has funded this for years.

On it you can find reserves estimates, production and consumption. Get this and then you no longer will be influenced by articles that talk about vast oil fields or rich gas fields. The actual numbers are there. You can see that vast and rich are usually propaganda.

Posted by: I Know Things | Nov 7 2022 17:23 utc | 28

Master Plan of Israel known as Oded Yinon Project and the US version of the Oded Yinon is called PNAC which is the foundation of depleting Russia with its military, economic and social resources while making sure that EU and the rest of those who may be inclined to join BRICS and Shanghai Cooperative Council must not be able to do so. Destructive plans of the masters of USA's political, financial, military and the propaganda machinery are hellbent in speeding up the Talmudic dictated commands to destroy any and all the powers and life of the "filthy Goyim Cockroaches". What better opportunity than the one Ukraine has provided!
There can never be peace if one genuinely and honestly reviews the history of the Jews since they were first time expelled by the Romans till the illegally manipulated tactics in the dark nights of political briberies, blackmails, threats and deceptions Israel came to be. Despite the highly organized denunciation of the "Protocol of the Elders of Zion" if one reads the Protocol one can immediately find the evidence to each and very command and tactics described in it. If the Protocol is a fake creation of Russia during the time of Jewish control in almost entire book and newspaper publishing industry, then how is it that what has been described in the Protocol has come to past and whatever is commanded in the Protocol that is remaining to be fulfilled by the Zionists deceptions, is destined to come true. Goyim world's destruction has been a well orchestrated and well planned execution and no denials from any authorities can negate these facts. Israel and its uber Zionist commands from the evil Talmud are in action before the 2nd. world war but accelerated after taking over USA first and the rest was and is easy!

Posted by: Allan Kaplan | Nov 7 2022 17:24 utc | 29

@17 I established the grounds for no offensive ops until December unless NATO continues as they have so far. Yes, NATO can read a weather report, but as b, myself and others note, NATO doesn't care about how many troops it kills by its decisions.

Since Klaus @14 notes the tanker trucks "advertise" what their cargo is, I'd dispatch loitering drones to the major entry points for the purpose of taking out individual tankers and/or following them to their fuel depots so they can be hit.

Russia will resume its offensive operations when it's ready to do so and not before.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 7 2022 17:25 utc | 30

It is not the result of the Election which will affect policy over Ukraine, it is the integrity of it.

From where I am sitting, the chances of a fair and honest election are slim to non existent.

Whatever the result, it is likely to be a trigger for chaos.

Posted by: CitizenSmith | Nov 7 2022 17:31 utc | 31

Posted by: lookout | Nov 7 2022 17:14 utc | 27

the link suggests it could be headed to a strategic position near the Black Sea

It's all meaningless posturing.

It doesn't matter where these vessels are positioned, at the end of their crude ballet across the world's oceans lies M.A.D.

In fact, the closer they are to the black sea, the faster the Russians can preemptively hit them. One should be more concerned if they move into the Russian missile "blind spot".

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 7 2022 17:36 utc | 32

"to make it incapable of further pursuing the war"

I would argue that Russia could make it impossible to further occupy Ukrainian cities, by further destruction of the energy infrastructure, which would be easy enough to do, since already 40% have been destroyed or made unavailable.

Posted by: Peter M | Nov 7 2022 17:38 utc | 33

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 16:00 utc | 2

Where the fuel comes from?

In the last 3-4 days, 3 tankers have (at least 1 confirmed and the other 2 probably as well) docked in Yuzhne unhindered.

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 7 2022 17:40 utc | 34

Posted by: Peter M | Nov 7 2022 17:38 utc | 33

Nato intends to fight the proxy war on this battlefield of Ukraine for years. There is no reason not to disable all infrastructures for Nato, to be as useless as possible. That means more electric grids go, more holes will be created.

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 7 2022 17:43 utc | 35

The USS RHode Island nuclear sub 24 Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles capable to engage at 18 thousand kilometers. the link suggests it could be headed to a strategic position near the Black Sea <=comments please. Posted by: lookout | Nov 7 2022 17:14 utc | 27

Not permitted under the Montreaux Convention:

But if the US decided to try to arm twist Turkyie into taking a stronger pro-NATO stance that might be a place to start.

Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 7 2022 17:52 utc | 36

Lol no way that nuke sub enters Black sea. But it most likely chill in the Italian/Greek waters which is close enough.

There will be no winner in a nuclear war so all this is clownshows thats all.

Posted by: Comandante | Nov 7 2022 18:02 utc | 37

" smithereens to they'd better be prepared to go all the way and host refugees.

You reap what you sow.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | "

Theres a difference between hosting grateful refugees and belligerent, entitled, violent economic invaders.

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 18:15 utc | 38

On a side note. After all this is over, and Russia has possibly won, I cant see how it could go back to " business as usual, with the West, the UN, Western businesses, and other Organizations ( such as sports leagues ). They are all controlled, corrupt, and irredeemable at this point.

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 18:20 utc | 39

" In the last 3-4 days, 3 tankers have (at least 1 confirmed and the other 2 probably as well) docked in Yuzhne unhindered.

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 7 2022 17:40 utc | 34 "

Are they not legitimate military targets ?

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 18:21 utc | 40

At present a huge new bridge span is being installed in place of the damaged (due to the explosion of a truck) span in the Kerch bridge in Crimea One wonders how much time it would cost to repair a bridge with similar damage in the US or EU...

Posted by: Oblomovka daydream | Nov 7 2022 18:22 utc | 41

Obviously, it is a scam. The USA's word is worth less than nothing, and Russia (along with European "allies") would be stupid to ever take it. Ukraine must be completely depopulated and demilitarized in order for this to be a secure win for Russia (and by extension for the rest of the world).

Posted by: FVK | Nov 7 2022 18:22 utc | 42

WSJ the Murdoch rag, never provided useful information, strictly disinformation.

Especially as the next step in escalation arrived …
Air defence systems: NASAMS and Aspide. Still NATO specialists on the ground throughout Ukraine.

Posted by: Oui | Nov 7 2022 18:24 utc | 43

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 18:15 utc | 39

Those refugees owe you no gratefulness.

Their belligerence is a pale reflection of your own.

They deserve to take away from you what you and your kind have taken from them.

So shove your expectations of "gratefulness" up your arse.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 7 2022 18:24 utc | 44

When the real Ukrainian draftees have been totally liquidated, I guess the new command post in Germany would be used to train foreign mercenaries and terrorists to continue the campaign. If that becomes real Germans should not sleep with both eyes closed, because Mr.Kinzhal may pay the "command post" a visit.

The crass imbecility of the EU politicians beggars belief. I wonder what the USA has over them to keep them in line.

Posted by: Steve | Nov 7 2022 18:25 utc | 45

So long as the US is still in control of if this goes to a shooting war with Russia they have no reason to push for a negotiated settlement. What is it to them how much Ukrainian blood and soil it costs? They're only counting the damage and loses to the Russian military.

The neocons have adopted a crazy 'whack-a-mole' strategy, Russia had to be taken out because it interfered in Syria no matter how they don't actually have a plan to roll Russia back to the 90s rule of corrupt US-made oligarchs. But maybe by having them make such a big investment and push in the war with Ukraine they won't have the ability to stop another round of neocon/Israeli regime change attempts in Syria.

That they've started a new cold war against an explicit Sino-Russian alliance that is totally unbeatable is just another bridge to cross later. Similarly the Israelis who taught the neocons this toxic ethos constantly make new enemies in the process of fighting their current ones, endlessly committed to forever wars for total supremacy and total submission.

Posted by: Altai | Nov 7 2022 18:28 utc | 46

Not to sound like another one of those nutty "Come on Putin, Fuck 'em!" figures, but I am wondering what exactly Russia is waiting for when it's obvious it could pull the plug and terminate Ukraine any time it wants.

Is Russia still waiting for the EU to wisen up before most things of value flee either West or East? Is Russia still gauging non-Western opinion and trying not to commit too many things it could be harshly condemned for (e.g. completely shutting down electricity, water and heating right before winter)? There is so much more going on right now without receiving appropriate attention (dedollarization, deglobalization, Western thinking succumbing to its own rot) - what would the Ukraine war still be good for?

In funnier news: Banderite uberperformer Andrij Melnyk (former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany) boasting: "TerroRussia should go to hell with its pointless mega-expensive rocket terror. Even when the water supply is being damaged, Kyiv still has dozens of artesian aquifiers. Free of charge! Just stocked up on 50 litres. Enough to shower 10 times. And I love a cold shower". Hart wie Kruppstahl!

Posted by: pachinko | Nov 7 2022 18:29 utc | 47

Perhaps the Washington Post article needs deconstructed by a lightweight not fluent in MSM.

Negotiations are mooted. These are fake negotiation proposals however, merely concocted to weaken the polarity of nonaligned states. As non aligned states are unable to read, this tactic will prove effective; our readership can rest assured.

In the event that non-aligned aren't stupid, it doen't matter since our readership is.


What is the real message here? Is there in fact any message or is it simply obfuscation?

The mention of negotiations in the Russia/Ukraine conflict is an information rich suggestion appearing in such a prominent publication. Is this a further assertion of the withdrawn 'Progessive Caucus' letter of last week? Is there a softening up of the previous hard line?

Who is the audience for this information? Washington Post readers? The Ukraine? Russia? International media?

The proposition in the artcle is clearly preposterous. Why concoct a ruse and in the next sentence reveal it is a ruse? This seems more like a vehicle to put the story out there. Therefore it must be an indicator of a further softening of the previous hard line concerning negotiations.

Posted by: Cyclops | Nov 7 2022 18:30 utc | 48

@ lex talionis | Nov 7 2022 16:29 utc | 8

thanks for that! it is nice to see you posting at moa again.. i enjoyed the animals track on sf you shared as well on the other thread..

@ bevin | Nov 7 2022 16:51 utc | 18

obviously in any war, there are many elements that go into a war and can't be just one thing - about the oil as an example... but i do believe the issue of energy - who has it, who wants it and who gets to sell it to europe for the highest price is very relevant in all of this. that's all.. i shared the post to partially answer the question @ 2.. i am sorry if it threw some folks off, as that wasn't my intent.. i think the post had merit, regardless of what is a much more complicated dynamic at work in all of this..

@ Allan Kaplan | Nov 7 2022 17:24 utc | 29

allan.. you are becoming known on moa very quickly as the zionist, jewish, talmud etc. etc. bullshit artist.. take it elsewhere.. thanks.

Posted by: james | Nov 7 2022 18:36 utc | 49

reply to 49

I agree. This was the first thing that came to my mind: order up negotiations but say they're fake. This breaks the ice on a rational end to the war. Looking at Ukraine, they are way behind the curve.

Posted by: Eighthman | Nov 7 2022 18:42 utc | 50

A small comment on the issue of “negotiations.” An experienced negotiator—actually involved in one—would never leak a demand to surrender, if, in fact, there is any chance of the respondent accepting it.

Leaking an ultimatum can pursue two goals: Shaming the counter-party into accepting it or exploiting internal weakness in the ranks of the respondent to advance negotiation strategy.

Both these goals would only be pursued when the counter-party has actually refused the ultimatum and is uninterested in the terms.

The embarrassment caused to the respondent by leaking an ultimatum that is actually on the table and being actively discussed is likely only to solidify opposition and preclude acceptance.

Accordingly, you can take from the very fact that the US has publicized proposed “peace terms” to Russia that are tantamount to an admission of interim defeat that these terms have not been presented to Russia or have actually been rejected.

Backroom deals are called that for a reason—they are conducted in the backrooms, beyond public scrutiny. Making them public undermines any likelihood they will pan out.

Therefore, no backroom dealing of the kind insinuated publicly by US sources is actually taking place.

This seems logical. "Negotiations" and "ultimatums" and "conditions" presented to the public are probably something that were presented and rejected by counterparty or never presented at all, and made to create illusion of counterparty being weak.

There is nothing going on in "backrooms" in the context of all actual actions by US indicating intentions of keeping a war running even after real Ukrainian conscripts run out.

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 7 2022 18:52 utc | 51

US needs another Minsk agreement o buy some time though it wants the west bank of the Dnieper in US/UK territory - Kherson. We are running out of Ukrainians to throw at Russia. Now that UK has become the jewel in the Indian crown, Zelensky seems to have lost UK support.
The Ukraine telegram channels have been reporting on this for a while now.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 7 2022 19:00 utc | 52

@pretzelattack "the R's, who i fully expect will take the House and probably the Senate, are not going to defund the Ukraine War."

No, but expect it to come at a price. I would love to see a congressional investigation of where the money and arms given so far has gone. There's a potential bargaining chip with the administration.

Posted by: ian | Nov 7 2022 19:12 utc | 53

Repugs are isolationists as we witnessed under previous presidents. Will tell Europe to solve their problem and prefer not to risk war with Russia. If one can “negotiate” a bad deal with the Taliban, certainly they will decide to end the conflict and negotiate a “bad deal” with Putin. In the 2016 election, Ukraine interfered to get HRC elected … Repugs won’t forget.

Either way, a Republican Congress will prioritize impeachment hearings of Joe … two years of hell and the States seriously risk hostilities and a Civil War. Insanity on a rampage … fascism reigns.

Posted by: Oui | Nov 7 2022 19:30 utc | 54

The USS RHode Island nuclear sub 24 Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles capable to engage at 18 thousand kilometers. the link suggests it could be headed to a strategic position near the Black Sea <=comments please.
Posted by: lookout | Nov 7 2022 17:14 utc | 27

If the sub is capable of engaging at 18000km, why would it need to go anywhere near the black sea? It's just a U.S. willy-waving exercise to impress the Europeans.

Posted by: Gt Stroller | Nov 7 2022 19:31 utc | 55

mishin05 @ 152 / james @ 3

Biden was put on the presidency precisely because he had already introduced his son Hunter to the board of Burisma and deposits underground in the Donbass became his business.

Not really, there's vast geopolitics behind it and it was in the works way before Biden's time in the executive. The Mckinder nonsense is flogging a 20th century dead horse but the neocons are one trick ponies (😀 ok, sorry!) Presently Biden, like the gangster that he is is taking his cut, as much as he can. Hunter was his bag man, like the Italian mob you need someone you can trust, not any kin, must be son even if it's Fredo, even that isn't 100% but it's your best odds. More importantly VP's kid is someone the other side can't just send back his head in the Macy's shopping bag in protest when you raise the agreed upon vig every couple months.

My guess the Big Russia Smash Up was supposed to go down during HRC's term but Trump fucked it up bigly. That's the real reason behind the rancor, Russiagate, impeachment all all the rest. Otherwise Trump was just an other run of the mill GOP oligarch bloviating shithead, a bit extra crude, but nothing for the system to have an aneurysm over.

chunga @ 7

I'm sticking with my hunch that the US is looking for a way out before Europe bails. Who blew up the gas pipes has to be on their minds over there.

USA/UK didn't just blow up NS1/2 on a whim, they weighed it all out and decided that Germany and EU is a powder-puff, if they miscalculated it's a shoe in the face at worst, nothing their kompromat can't handle. On the other hand Pepe Escobar thinks Germany is about to break its chains and escape to the Brics+, he forgot about the 40 USA bases there.

Arch Bungle @ 22

The West is done. Stick a fork in it.

You are correct but you are still thinking chicken fried steak, it's more like pulled pork, long slow braze. It'll be 20 years before it's time to ring the dinner bell.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 7 2022 19:32 utc | 56

slightly ot

speaking of deception - indian punchline has an article out about the iran drones and more

The West bullies Iran, again

and Russia, Iran set to ink massive energy deal to offset Western sanctions

oh and, lol... its not about the oil!

Posted by: james | Nov 7 2022 19:33 utc | 57

Bulgaria got an exception from the EU to buy Oil from Russia by Lukoil, they refine it in Burgas and send it to Ukraine. They say that the Refinery can`t refine anather sort of oil, which is a lie.

Posted by: az | Nov 7 2022 19:40 utc | 58

Whilst the latest lob a grenade from 100 feet up from a drone, on an injured lone soldier in a trench - looks very real (like not computer generated). I think it highly likely it was staged, using a real human being, who is O.K..

If it is real, it is most definitely a war crime, of the most despicable order.

It could have been filmed anywhere in the world at any time.

The main reason, I think it is fake, is that it involves one man in a trench, who throws the first grenade away.

How come he is alone in the trench?

Where are his fellow soldiers?

Where are all the blood a guts, apart from a wound he appears to have.

So far as I am aware, in any war in human history, your fellow soldiers, don't just run away, cos you are wounded a bit, without leaving any evidence that they had ever been there too.

And The Trench is not very wide, (could have been done with a garden digger) but seems quite long, and he eventually gets up and runs.

The reality is far worse than this video, which I think was made for propaganda purposes, by which side, for what reason, I ain't got a clue.

"Lone Russian engineer survives several consecutive grenade attacks by Ukrainian drones. Twice he grabs the grenade and throws it away.
Unbelievable stuff."

That's why I don't believe it.

Posted by: tonyopmoc | Nov 7 2022 19:50 utc | 59

Oui @ 55

expect it to come at a price. I would love to see a congressional investigation of where the money and arms given so far has gone. There's a potential bargaining chip with the administration.

If Dems lose everything will come at a price for Biden. Expect potential impeachment for no other reason than as payback for Trump and the required maintaining of GOP self respect. But they won't have to, the threat alone will do, as will the threat to investigate and jail Hunter for 20 years for tax evasion. If the GOP wins big Biden is pwnd seven ways to Sunday. That doesn't mean much changes w/ regards to Ukraine, but the last two years of the Biden administration will be Republican run, which is fine he needs the rest. Expect to see a house cleaning of his administration though Blinken, Nuland, Sullivan will simply be replaced with their GOP Doppelgangers.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 7 2022 19:55 utc | 60

If there is ever a chance of Putin or any other Russian top leader getting to be accused of war crimes, then one will need to exhume not only former US of North A Harry Truman and Sir Winston Churchill to tell that Bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, Tôkyô , Hirôshima and Nàgasaki were no war crimes, but also to present all US of North A Amarikanishen Präzitenten to witness that the destructions of Iraq, Viet-Nâm/Kamputchea or killing off in bombing Panama were by no means war crimes, but just operationalities necessitated in orden to expedite those killed in order to preserve those poor Yankee and Dixie mercenary soldiers from becoming garbaged corpses in ther foreign wars they had been payed to be killed in.

Posted by: Tollef Ås/秋涛乐/טלפ וש | Nov 7 2022 19:55 utc | 61

"Those refugees owe you no gratefulness.

Their belligerence is a pale reflection of your own.

They deserve to take away from you what you and your kind have taken from them.

So shove your expectations of "gratefulness" up your arse.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 7 2022 18:24 utc | 45 "

You dumb anti-White imbecile I'm Eastern European, My people owe these economic, dead beat invaders nothing. They entered Europe for freebies and the opportunity to possibly rape some White women, which they all seem to be obsessed with, meaning, their own women must be repulsive or they have sever self esteem issues. Either way I dont give a damn about them. Shove that up your anti-White ass Arch Bunghole.

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 19:56 utc | 62

@ LightYearsFromHome | Nov 7 2022 19:32 utc | 57

yes... thanks and as i noted @ 50... cheers..

Posted by: james | Nov 7 2022 19:59 utc | 63

Global Times on G20 seconds The Jakarta Post's laments:

"Certainly, there is a litany of troubles facing the world – ranging from the looming risk of a global recession and the lingering COVID-19 pandemic to rising geopolitical tensions in flash spots across the world. These are the top priority issues for the G20 leaders to address at the Bali summit. But that’s not why the summit will be challenging, because after all the G20 was first created for world major economies to coordinate policies to tackle global issues. The real reason why the summit may be difficult is the geopolitical tricks pulled by politicians from Washington and some of their allies at these crucial meetings, which seriously disrupts the order of these meetings and effectively prevents them from producing any meaningful results.

"That is not an assumption. It actually happened just a few months ago. During the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting in Bali in July, the US and some other Western officials in an apparently concerted effort tried to hijack the meeting to air their grievances over the Russia-Ukraine conflict. As a result, the meeting did not produce a joint communique. The foreign ministers did not even pose for a group photo. Such has been the case for several other G20 meetings so far this year. At a G20 finance ministers’ meeting in April, the US, the UK and Canadian officials staged a coordinated walkout of a G20 meeting as Russian delegates spoke." [My Emphasis]

The JP editor declared:

"Please don’t come to Bali just to quarrel ... Indonesian people, and global citizens, hope the leaders refrain from using the precious moments during the summit simply as opportunities to criticize and attack one another." [My Emphasis]

The Global Times editor is skeptical for good reason:

"While there are more preparations underway for the leaders’ summit and such a high-level meeting is highly unlikely to see the types of drama we saw out in the open during previous meetings, there are still worrying signs coming from Washington."

And he has more to say than what I cited. What's very clear is the Outlaw US Empire's antics are aimed at preventing Russia from providing the true record of events in Ukraine whose current situation is 100% the result of the Empire's policy: from the 2014 Coup, to the war waged on Donbas, to abetting Genocide in Donbas, to the ignoring of UNSCR 2022/Minsk Agreements, to ordering Zelensky not to negotiate, which are the major sins.

What needs to happen in Bali is for those G20 nations allied with Russia to tell the Outlaw US Empire and its vassals to shut the fuck up and admit the truth that Ukraine is its/their fault, not Russia's, who is involved in legally protecting the Donbas people and in the process reclaiming historical Russian territory that should never have been ceded.

Deception, deceit, a continuous stream of lies, are just some of the primary exports of the Outlaw US Empire, and that's not going to change after the mid-terms as they're the Empire's longstanding stock-in-trade, and they'll only cease upon the Empire's demise.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 7 2022 20:01 utc | 64

The West is done. Stick a fork in it.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 7 2022 16:59 utc | 22

Like the famous Chinese quote concerning the success of French Revolution says: "Too early to say."

Based on history, I am inclined to believe that after a brief down cycle: "I'll be back."

Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 7 2022 20:12 utc | 65

There is no doubt the multi-polar world is on the rise
Algeria files official application to join BRICS, association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - Algeria's Foreign Ministry.

Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 7 2022 20:17 utc | 66

MC Kinder's fear of Germany and Russia joining is so last century. After 77 years of occupation Germany is a spent force.
If I was Jake Sullivan I would worry about Russia and China joining forces. Yet everything the US does pushes Russia and China together. Blowing up NS2 is no exception to this rule.

Posted by: Passerby | Nov 7 2022 20:23 utc | 67

In another Global Times editorial today, there's no mincing of words, "Drop any illusions that Washington could promote peace for Ukraine". It states what most of us already know:

"What Washington is concerned about isn't the peace of Europe and Ukraine, but how to bring down Russia using Ukraine as a pawn and taking advantage of Europe, as well as how to consolidate its hegemony in Europe and across the whole world. The international community should discard any illusions about any of the US' moves which appear to promote peace."

The Outlaw US Empire's intentions can't be explained much plainer than that, although Biden's Troll Army will turn itself inside-out trying to spin it otherwise.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 7 2022 20:28 utc | 68

@ karlof1 | Nov 7 2022 20:01 utc | 64 with the comment about the coming G20 Bali gathering...thanks

I couldn't remember when it was going to be so I looked it up and saw the summary below

The 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will take place in15-16 November 2022 in Bali. The Summit will be the pinnacle of the G20 process and intense work carried out within the Ministerial Meetings, Working Groups, and Engagement Groups throughout the year.

More US deceiving allies to keep them in line but it seems to breaking down as you note by evidence that the sub G20 groups are not buying all the deception what can that say about the pinnacle in Bali?

The shit show continues until it doesn't so keep your boots on. The outcome of "democracy" in the US tomorrow perhaps may effect Biden's attendance at the G20

Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 7 2022 20:34 utc | 69

@ karlov1 #69

The question is can the US pull it off. A lot of countries solve many of their problems by cutting ties with the Wretched City.

Posted by: chunga | Nov 7 2022 20:35 utc | 70

Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 19:56 utc | 62

Interesting to see that you dropped the act of posing bland “obvious questions” in favor of a nasty, vitriolic attack as soon as you are challenged. I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time keeping up the act. Really, I am. XXO.

Posted by: Zed | Nov 7 2022 20:48 utc | 71

A seed has been planted in Germany:

Ami Go Home Song –

Posted by: Zet | Nov 7 2022 20:49 utc | 72

How can Biden the leader of the #1 country in the G20 not attend the G20? Is there a precedent for that, aside from ill health? He's suddenly going to get ill after losing the midterm? That's pathetic.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 7 2022 20:51 utc | 73

Quietly with no media fanfare on November 5th, the Final statement of the First Meeting of the National Coordinators of the Group of Friends Defending the United Nations Charter was published in Tehran. I've noted the existence of this organization at MoA and elsewhere since its founding and this is the first statement I've found related to its goals and concerns. The Declaration has 24 points in all, but IMO numbers 3&4 are the most pressing and important:

3. We reiterate our serious concern at continued attempts aimed at replacing the tenets enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations – which have been agreed upon by the entire international community for conducting their international relations – with a so-called “rules-based order”, that remains unclear, that has not been discussed or accepted by the wide UN membership, and that has the potential, among others, to undermine the rule of law at the international level.

4. We concur that double-standards, coupled with selective approaches or accommodative interpretations of the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, aimed at advancing political agendas of dubious nature, in clear contempt for international legality and in disregard for the common good or collective interests of the peoples of the United Nations, represent one of the major threats to the prevalence and validity of that universal and legally binding instrument that constitutes an exceptional achievement for humankind and a true act of faith on the best of humanity.

As the drive for a New International Economic Order gains momentum, I expect the membership in this organization to expand as the new Multipolar organizations in their declarations all subscribe to the UN Charter's tenets and no other. Further along at point 10 it's noted the UN Charter is based upon the concept of Indivisible Security, the same concept that was incorporated into the OSCE Treaties that all NATO nations broke and Russia demanded be reimplemented. Hopefully, it won't take another major conflagration to get that concept accepted and observed for the first time globally. As most barflies know, that's one of the major reasons for Russia's SMO.

Do read the Declaration as you'll discover a few surprises, then you'll be prepared to ask your nation and fellow citizens the question: Why aren't we defenders of the UN Charter?

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 7 2022 21:11 utc | 74

Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 16:00 utc | 2

Ukrainian Oil

I am a geologist

Ukraine has been an oil importer for a long time - There is some production in the Dnepr Donets basin (Poltava and Kharkov oblasts) and also from Western Ukraine - total crude production in 2021 was about 35 KBOPD vs consumption of 237 KBOPD - some of the west Ukrainian fields were first produced in the 19th Century - most of the crude was imported from Russia

More importantly in terms of petroleum products in 2021 Ukraine had only one large oil refinery in Kremenchug which has been bombed and is probably not operational now. The other sizable refinery is in Lysichansk and is behind LPR lines.

Petroleum products were imported from Romania and Moldova by rail - the Russians bombed the bridge over the Dniester but this may have been repaired. The Polish exports have the challenge of a different rail guage.

There were well publicised gasoline and Diesel shortages in May but this seems to have abated??

Posted by: Aslangeo | Nov 7 2022 21:14 utc | 75

Those interested in reading Ukrainian minds, and also the minds of their American puppet masters, might find this interesting. The head of Ukrainian military intelligence has released their plan for the division of Russia after a Ukrainian victory, complete with map: .

It's in Russian, but the map is self explanatory. Nothing new over the schemes of Brzinski; Madaline Albright, Margaret Thatcher, and Hilary Clinton, that monsterous regiment of women; and recent schemes to "de-colonize" Russia. Read it and weep.

Posted by: Seward | Nov 7 2022 21:21 utc | 76

The crucial arena in EU politics is Germany.
If you want to know what is happening there read WOLFGANG STREECK in sidecar
It's a 'must read.'

Among other things, including a summary of German reaction to the Nordstream sabotage, he tells us that
"..In an accelerated procedure lasting only two days, the Bundestag, using language supplied by the Ministry of Justice held by the supposedly liberal FDP, amended Section 130 of the Criminal Code, which makes it a crime to ‘approve, deny or diminish (verharmlosen)’ the Holocaust. On 20 October, an hour before midnight, a new paragraph was passed, hidden in an omnibus bill dealing with the technicalities of creating central registers, which adds ‘war crimes’ (Kriegsverbrechen) to what must not be approved, denied or diminished. The coalition and the CDU/CSU voted for the amendment, Die Linke and AfD against. There was no public debate. According to the government, the amendment was needed for the transposition into German law of a European Union directive to fight racism. With two minor exceptions, the press failed to report on what is nothing other than a legal coup d’état...."

So it is now illegal in Germany to approve of, deny or diminish not just the 'Holocaust' but alleged Russian "war crimes."
Typepad is the least of our worries.

Posted by: bevin | Nov 7 2022 21:27 utc | 77

Rishi Sunak just exited the COP27 UN Climate conference in Egypt in a hurry.

Speculation is that there was a reprisal against a UK nuclear sub by Russia for the Black Sea fleet attack.

Posted by: Sideshow Bob | Nov 7 2022 21:31 utc | 78

Arch Bungle@45
Well said. And effectively too: it led to the DC confessing to the world that he is an unashamed racist of the kind that concludes that'the reason Iraqis , Syrians and Afghans fled from their countries/warzones was in order to rape European women.'

Posted by: bevin | Nov 7 2022 21:38 utc | 79

@ Posted by: Sideshow Bob | Nov 7 2022 21:31 utc | 79

> Speculation is that there was a reprisal against a UK nuclear sub by Russia for the Black Sea fleet attack.

Speculation from who Bob?

That's not a lot to go on.

Posted by: S.O. | Nov 7 2022 21:44 utc | 80

Could not agree more. And those were exactly my thoughts when I started hearing about such talks where US officials morons allegedly are pressuring the ucr rats for negotiations.

Bull krap.

Anything that comes out of this administration (and prior ones) is just bs. That is all they are capable of. So simple and just a fact.

Posted by: windwaves | Nov 7 2022 21:58 utc | 81

Posted by: B9k9 | Nov 7 2022 16:54 utc | 20

Neat take, as always. I am curious though how you get to the:

..Russia secures/negotiates a favored position within the dollar regime (with flexibility to pursue a subsidiary unit), the WEF agenda suffers a huge set back, and the artificial woke theater is disbanded."

I know we have a lot of fantasists here, with dreams of a future finally arriving that values cooperation and understanding (tm).

The mind likes to think in terms of conclusions, ends, but of course reality is an ongoing process whose end is unfolding; even if one process is in the ending phase that is immediately the birth of another. That said, trajectories and ends depend upon previous and thus current configurations so a certain amount of tea-leaf reading is in order and some are better at it than others. So again: am curious what tea-leaves you are reading to get to the ends you described above.

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 7 2022 22:09 utc | 82

" it led to the DC confessing to the world that he is an unashamed racist of the kind that concludes that'the reason Iraqis , Syrians and Afghans fled from their countries/warzones was in order to rape European women.'

Posted by: bevin | Nov 7 2022 21:38 utc | 80 "

Lookup European crime statistics, especially concerning rape then come back to us.

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 22:10 utc | 83

" Interesting to see that you dropped the act of posing bland “obvious questions” in favor of a nasty, vitriolic attack as soon as you are challenged."
Posted by: Zed | Nov 7 2022 20:48 utc | 72 "

When someone resorts to unnecessary name calling they should expect a counter attack.

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 22:13 utc | 84

karma's a bitch...

One of the British Navy’s Vanguard-class nuclear submarines was forced to abort a “top secret mission” after it sustained fire damage, according to a Sunday article published by The Sun."

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 7 2022 22:15 utc | 85

" Kherson is a trap. The evacuation of residents is the release of space for votssk, which at night are ferried along a pontoon crossing laid under the Antonovsky bridge. These troops are hiding in houses in the villages from where the inhabitants were taken out. When the Ukrainian amiya is raised in Kherson, the mousetrap will slam shut. They will be surrounded and they will not be able to supply ammunition and food. And they will all be taken prisoner. And instead of them, hidden troops will come out and attack Nikolaev, further to Ochakov and Odessa and capture the entire coast of the Black Sea. Troops will enter from Belarus and block the border with Poland. Ukraine will be in the ring without supplies, light and help. The game will be made...

Posted by: mishin05 | Nov 7 2022 20:14 utc | 66 "

Have you informed the Kremlin yet that their secret plan has been leaked ? I dont think they would appreciate you posting it here.

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 7 2022 22:16 utc | 86

@ 39 Deplorable Commissar

" Entitled "

If the war on Islam was a Crusade, the Muslims are entitled to demand restitution.
If the War on Islam was to control resources as in Kurdistan, the owners of the stolen resources are entitled to a little bit of the profits from that theft.
If the War on Islam was to drive out the occupants with proxy jihadist terror as in Somalia, the refugees are entitled to safety elsewhere.
If the grievances against the West are historical then the aggrieved peoples should know that we Westerners already have driven these arrogant colonials from our society and if it is a current grievance the aggrieved people already know that We in the West already detest our criminal leaders like Biden more than them.

We are all entitled to our opinions but our leaders have established means of circumventing our opinions through algorithms. We are justcas much entitled as them.

Posted by: Giyane | Nov 7 2022 22:18 utc | 87

This is the beginning of the end for a unipolar world that sees the world under the domination of the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire. Maybe the people of the world will go on to tackle the destabilization of the climate before it starts in earnest.

Posted by: Ron H. | Nov 7 2022 22:20 utc | 88

From TG:

The difference in energy prices between Europe and the US, as well as US government subsidies to attract businesses, put EU producers at a disadvantage in the global market, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said in an interview with Echos.

Remember right at the start of the SMO when the sanctions onslaught was announced and this ninny Le Maire was running around yapping, "We're in total war! We're in total war!"? He got a slap down from Medvedev who said something like, "Careful gentlemen, sometimes economic wars turn into real ones," and the ninny was forced to apologize the next day saying total war was not what he intended.

"Les poulets rentrant à la maison pour se percher." Apologies to French speakers I just stuck in into google.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 7 2022 22:23 utc | 89

Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 7 2022 17:12 utc | 26

There will be much fanfare about cutting off the spigot, but ultimately the hawks in the GOP will prevail (and receive support from the Dems if needed to pass related legislation/budgetary items) and I'll take it one step further. All these so-called populist GOP candidates, including the far-out/far-right ones that the DNC is not-so-secretly funding and helping ascend to office, will quickly smell the Mammon in D.C. and change their tunes, privately (or in the halls of government) if not publicly. Selling out isn't just an AOC or Bernie thing, after all (although TMK neither have sold out on Wall Street, for all the good that does). These freshly minted GOP representatives and senators will succumb to the filthy lucre that pervades D.C. and that means taking MIC and energy related money from this corporation or that.

I would happily bet the equity in my mortgage that most, if not all, of these so-called populists (what kind of populist, anyway? are they wanting to rein in Wall Street or just lynch Satanic baby eating Democrats?) will be full fledged Swamp Creatures within a year and a half of being elected.

Oh yeah, and then the GOP will simply pivot to China and Taiwan for the two-fer.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 7 2022 22:24 utc | 90

bevin @78--

Germans have other more life-threatening issues to deal with as RT reports, "Germans reveal fears for financial survival in poll."

Half of Germans asked in a survey have said they’re afraid they might not have enough money to financially survive the coming winter, a poll commissioned by the tabloid Bild revealed on Sunday. Most people also believe the government’s relief measures to alleviate the fallout of the ongoing energy crunch are not enough.

Only 36% of respondents believe that government measures will help them get by, according to the survey carried out by the INSA polling agency....

Around one third of Germans (31%) admitted they would not be able to afford any Christmas presents for their loved ones this season due to a lack of money, INSA added. Over a quarter of Germans (28%) said they would not be able to continue paying their energy bills in the coming months. One in five people also fear for their jobs amid the continued energy crisis.

Meanwhile, RT picked up a Bloomberg report: "EU and UK energy bills smash record high – Bloomberg:
Financial supports allocated by governments have reportedly failed to shield households from the crisis."

The average retail gas price across the EU and the UK doubled in October compared to the previous month, when it amounted to €0.18 per kilowatt-hour, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing data from energy consultancy VaasaETT.

Electricity costs for consumers have reportedly soared 67% to €0.36 per kilowatt-hour.

We pay $0.0785/KwH plus a flat monthly service charge of $26.00. At the above .36/KwH, we'd be paying $470+ per month, almost 4x what we do now and we heat primarily with wood, so we have no gas bill. Even then, if we were subjected to those rates, we'd change some habits to conserve, but I doubt we'd be able to get that bill below $400. And those rates will likely climb higher.

IMO, it's a sorry thing for Germany that's regraded as a wealthy nation to have 25% of its households say they can't afford their utility bills. We ought to see a headline soon announcing: Germany Welcomes Back Poverty Thanks to its Policies.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 7 2022 22:30 utc | 91

Posted by: Allan Kaplan | Nov 7 2022 17:24 utc | 29

I once was on a discussion board hosted by a young Israeli captain. The mission was to represent Israel's interests viz the conflict with Palestinians. It was a rough time in Gaza I think. In reply to her stating in one post that it was a totally discredited fake, I said something similar to you but also pasted in a few chapters from the Protocols wherein had changed the word 'goyim' to 'conservatives.' It was extremely telling because by taking the hot-button racial element out of the phrasing the tactical approaches to exerting influence in power politics context came vividly to the fore. Furthermore, it made the text come alive in that it was clearly entirely relevant to what has been going on in current contexts a century later; it barely felt dated at all.

Maybe it had nothing to do with that post, but less than two days later that forum closed down!

Fwliw, I suspect it is a counter-intel 'forgery,' or perhaps satire is a better word but grounded in a deep understanding of how certain things go down. Like Babylon Bee on steroids and without the humour. Speaking of which:

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 7 2022 22:30 utc | 92

Negotiations remind me a Jamaican saying (from "I shot the sheriff")
Every day the bucket a-go a well,
One day the bottom a-go drop out,

The most recent example are negotiations to restore JCPOA. It would be good for Biden to make a quick job of it in the first few weeks in office, on the wave of undoing what "bad" Trump did, and gaining some valuable leverage, i.e. preventing current missile (products and technology) transfer from Iran to Russia. But no, any relaxation of status quo constitutes concessions (a.k.a. surrender) and that's a no-no.

Negotiations on Minsk Agreement from 2014 to 2020, mostly sparse meeting and steadfast refusal to follow on ANY promised points, even concession to common sense like direct meeting. BTW, USA avoid direct meeting, great tool to make things long and fruitless.

Negotiations with North Korea.

In short, USA is capable only of long fruitless negotiations, and when they give a fruit, the agreement is broken. And thus they tutor the vassals.

From my indirect observations, the problem goes beyond Deep State. The rules of conduct in D.C. calcified to total rigidity, gone are the days when POTUS could reach a conclusion to, say, solve Missile Crisis and implement quickly, with only minor deprecations heard (although a key concession was secret). Today there are innumerable taboos that would have to be broken to pull out something like that.

And this mental calcification is exported.

BTW, in the internal politics of USA and vassals (those that are lamentably democratic, if rather formally), the call to negotiation is a good sop to protesters and such (some folks are less easy to convince that our (USA) "progressive Congress members").

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Nov 7 2022 22:30 utc | 93

Regarding the sub, like the Moskva I'm sure we'll never know the story. Rasheed Sanuk was running like spazzy girl so something was up. On the RT page was this comment funny enough to get a hat tip and a repost here, with all due respect to the OP:

Word is it collided with an F-35 at a depth of 150 metres.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 7 2022 22:37 utc | 94

The crass imbecility of the EU politicians beggars belief. I wonder what the USA has over them to keep them in line.

Posted by: Steve | Nov 7 2022 18:25 utc | 46

Yeah, me too, though I would start with the premise:
'it's not 'the US' per se but whatever is pulling her strings, and whoever or whatever they are, they don't have a nation-state favorable agenda...'

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 7 2022 22:41 utc | 95

Chris Hedges summarizes Joe "Delaware Corporation" Biden's record at Consortium News.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 7 2022 22:41 utc | 96

That senile old crook Biden, in his final address on TV ahead of tomorrow’s mid-term election, ended by asking God to “keep our troops safe.”

To me this is a clear disclosure that American troops are about to enter the war directly (we know troops have been involved covertly).

Our completely pacified and dumb BBC and other media haven’t even commented on this clearly inadvertent slip by Biden. It matters not who wins this farcical electoral charade; US will continue to finance Ukraine and US troops will be confronting the Allies.

Posted by: Vragtes | Nov 7 2022 22:44 utc | 97

[23] The arrival of the 101st Airborne was heralded as keeping the wavering Central Europeans in line

The 82nd Airborne wasn't good enough to keep the Central Europeans in line? And Poland needs to be kept in line?

Posted by: Bill Smith | Nov 7 2022 22:46 utc | 98

From my indirect observations, the problem goes beyond Deep State. The rules of conduct in D.C. calcified to total rigidity, gone are the days when POTUS could reach a conclusion to, say, solve Missile Crisis and implement quickly, with only minor deprecations heard (although a key concession was secret). Today there are innumerable taboos that would have to be broken to pull out something like that.

Stephen Cohen stated exactly this and noted how extremely dangerous it is.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 7 2022 22:47 utc | 99

am curious what tea-leaves you are reading to get to the ends you described above.

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 7 2022 22:09 utc | 83


Inertia, risk aversion, conflict avoidance, path of least resistance aka human nature.

I think the biggest reason I love mexico is because the people really reflect those core characteristics. It's why for the most part they are friendly, mellow, and family oriented, but it's also why projects are abandoned or left half completed, and no one seems to really mind or be overly concerned.

Now, let's consider the polar opposite, the most uptight, obsessed and driven people on earth: Americans.

And yet even we have a relatively short attention span, typically not more than 3 years. That's why teams have to be rotated on major international infrastructure projects.

So, having traveled and lived through 1st, 2nd and 3rd world countries, I would conclude that most people in general prefer to accept the status quo as long as they're not getting their asses shot off.

Changing the world is the domain of intellectuals who have the luxury of time, income and place to contemplate the world around them.

Sure, liberal markets inevitably lead to consolidation, monopoly and govt influence and corruption. But so too do socialist organizations that simply grow and expand past their original charters, in the end mirroring late stage capitalism themselves.

So I've concluded its not the system but human nature that is the prime determinant.

If the Russians can make a deal to have greater control within the dollar system, using their irreplaceable mineral wealth as a bargaining chip, I'd say it would be near damn impossible to have the people reject that offer outright in exchange for perpetual war.

Posted by: B9k9 | Nov 7 2022 22:50 utc | 100

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