The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2022-209
Last week's posts on Moon of Alabama:
- Nov 21 - Ukraine - No Way To Peace Without Further War
- Nov 23 - Ukraine - Lights Out, No Water And Soon No Heat
- Nov 24 - Ukraine - Running On Empty
- The Biden Zelensky Relationship: Who to Trust? - Antiwar
- U.S. and NATO Scramble to Arm Ukraine and Refill Their Own Arsenals - New York Times
> Last summer in the Donbas region, the Ukrainians were firing 6,000 to 7,000 artillery rounds each day, a senior NATO official said. The Russians were firing 40,000 to 50,000 rounds per day.By comparison, the United States produces only 15,000 rounds each month.
The shortage in 155-mm artillery shells “is probably the big one that has the planners most concerned,” Mr. Cancian said.“If you want to increase production capability of 155 shells,” he said, “it’s going to be probably four to five years before you start seeing them come out the other end.” <
- Nov 26 - Syria - Another Turkish Invasion Is Imminent
- Revisiting the fall of Mosul: Who was to blame? - The Cradle
- The role of UK intelligence services in the abduction, murder of James Foley - the Cradle
- Don’t close your eyes to the US proxy war being waged against Iran - Electronic Intifada
- Syrian Kurdish commander says Kobani likely target of threatened Turkish ground offensive - AL-Monitor
Other issues:
Energy as a weapon:
- Market Players Dismiss Proposed EU Gas Price Cap - Energy Intel
- U.S. Authorizes Firms To Provide Services To Russian Oil Trade - Oilprice
- G7 and Allies Fail to Agree on Price Cap for Russian Oil - New York Times
- Gas Price Cap Could Cause Irreversible Harm To Energy Markets - Oil Price
- Russia is using energy as a weapon - How deadly will it be? - Economist
- Europe accuses US of profiting from war - Politico
- EU plans subsidy war chest as industry faces ‘existential’ threat from US - Politico
- America’s Real Adversaries are Its European and Other Allies (Feb 11, 2022) - Michael Hudson / Counterpunch
- Putin invokes Castro’s legacy - Indian Punchline
- TraumaPorn from Adam Curtis - Yasha Levine
- America and Russia in the 1990s: This is what real meddling looks like - Yasha Levine, Mark Ames
- Freedom of expression and genuine intellectual debate on Russian television today - Gilbert Doctorow
- John Bolton Coauthored Strategy on Creating Bioweapons to Ensure US 'Global Leadership': Russian MOD - Sputnik
- Intelligence operative confirms British gov’t is targeting The Grayzone - Grayzone
- The secretive US embassy-backed group cultivating the British left - Declassified UK
- In Sharm El-Sheikh - LRB
- The renewable energy transition is failing - Asia Times
- Europe’s Wind Energy Industry Has Hit A Rough Patch - Naked Capitalism
According to the CEO of Siemens Energy, the issue is supply chains. “Never forget, renewables like wind roughly, roughly, need 10 times the material [compared to] … what conventional technologies need,” said Christian Bruch
- Taiwan President Casts Local Election as Referendum on Her Leadership - US News
- Taiwan's 9-in-1 Elections: KMT wins 13 out of 21 city and county executive posts - Taiwan News
Saturday's elections leave ruling DPP in control of only five out of 21 local governments - Taiwan elections: DPP’s Tsai resigns as party chief after KMT wins big - SCMP
- French man wins right to not be ‘fun’ at work - Washington Post
The man, referred to in court documents as Mr. T, was fired from Cubik Partners in 2015 after refusing to take part in seminars and weekend social events that his lawyers argued, according to court documents, included “excessive alcoholism” and “promiscuity.”
Use as open (not Ukraine) thread ...
Posted by b on November 27, 2022 at 13:00 UTC | Permalink
next page »The news from Taiwan might be the most significant. So far as I know the KMT supports the One China policy and re-unification.
More information please!
Posted by: bevin | Nov 27 2022 13:58 utc | 2
This is good:
A video is circulating on the network in which an unknown Pole in one of the Polish shopping centers communicates with the US military.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 27 2022 14:22 utc | 3
A couple of recent pieces about the City of L. Amongst many other themes therein, Romanoff's piece delves into how much of what is (accurately) attributed to the CIA is in fact the CIA acting under the overall command and control of the City, which have seen elsewhere, albeit sporadically, reported over the decades. There are a lot of things going on always which don't really make sense but do if one includes the City angle. But as the author himself (rightly) says, much of his piece is deductive speculation, not fact. However, that a huge amount of power and influence is concentrated in the infamous Square Mile with only about 7,000 residents in the geographical center of London is certainly true. What they get up to exactly is only seen through a glass darkly, if at all.
Still, in discussions such as we have on this board terms like 'America' and 'Anglo-Saxon' and 'British Imperialism' and 'capitalism' are often thrown around in ways which seemingly make sense to all of us even though in fact much of what is attributed to them should be more accurately attributed to the City and its minions.
If the City is a Dark Heart of various deep evil machinations in the modern West's hegemonic Empire, then like all Centers it has a Fringe. The center is not powerful without the fringe and vice versa. One example of the fringe in action is the East India Company whose many atrocious actions have been documented but which are nearly always described as the greed of the 'British' or 'The Crown' or to 'Anglo-Saxon Imperialism' and so forth. But given the extremely high Jewish quotient behind the founding and current ownership structures in the City, these sorts of attributions are clearly misleading, and of course deliberately so. Put another way: there is a distinctly Khazarian thrust to many foreign policy initiatives spearheaded by the West - for example the CIA involvement working in tandem with Jewish oligarchs in Ukraine to create some of the Nazi regiments there - which make perfect sense when viewed as such but make almost no sense if explained as purely American operations serving the interests of the American people. This also makes all of the many accusation of Britain and the US now being essentially Nazis equally a little suspect because what is often called 'UK' or 'America' really isn't. They are fronts, just like the British Royal Family and Monarchy are now castrated fronts for other interests and purposes never fully acknowledged or explained though they are under 'The Crown' a City of London corporation. From the second link:
The whole Earth is governed by The Crown, through Crown Colonies which belong to The City – The Crown Empire. It governs Africa and still governs China and India. The colonies of the Earth are really just Crown Colonies – The United States of America are states of The Crown.
Similarly, many mention the great contributions American finance made to the Russian revolution (or whatever) without fully spelling out how it was international banking cartels, all of whom are ultimately tied in with, if not outright run by, the City. People talk all the time here about the US Hegemon, but is it really the Republic of the United States (in theory owned and run by its citizens) or the corporation United States which, again, is essentially run by these same international credit cartels?
We know from various studies that a surprisingly small number of companies have controlling interests in the majority of world corporations many of whom have far more power than most nation states. Quite possibly they are all knit together with City interconnections, command and control. This is the true Hegemon. It is not one or more nation states. It is not about White or any other racism, or 'capitalism' or any of of the isms. There are criminal cartels at the Heart of the Darkness that now rule the West.
The question that needs must be answered clearly is the degree to which their Fringe operations and operators are embedded within polities in Eurasia, especially Saudi Arabia, Russia, India, China. To what degree is the current bifurcation between the West and the RoW the results of a true resistance movement, as it were, versus some sort of managed revolution pushed by the same-old same-old international elites? What does it mean that China is now run by the Princelings even though ideologically that sort of things supposedly cannot happen in their combination Mandarin-socialist polity? Are those Princelings part of the international elite which helped fund and enable the great China rise since the 1980's?
In other words, are we all, yet again, being played? Enquiring minds want to know.
In any case, for those interested in the topic there are a bunch of links at the bottom of the Romanoff piece, one of which is the second link.
Excerpt from Romanoff:
The HydraThe hydra was one of the most fearsome monsters in Greek mythology, a multi-headed snake descended from a long line of terrible beasts, possessing deadly poisons and with the power of regeneration. A rather accurate description of the City of London today and its Jewish Khazar denizens, at least by some measures. The City of London is also the mother of all tax havens and is unquestionably the home of all the world’s dirty money today.
Cut for being waaayyy too long
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 27 2022 13:17 utc | 1
That was Churchill's problem in 1945 - how to explain Britain being insolvent with no foreign exchange and Lend-Lease ended - how to explain the utter disaster as the only Allied combatant with no territorial gains..........he fictionalised a "standing alone" myth that corrupted British politics for generations and wrote self-serving memoirs to dump his own failures 1924-1929 onto Chamberlain (then dead) who had spent 1931-1937 trying to reverse defence cuts.
Stoltenberg is a nothing. He is an "empty suit" as the Americans say.
No-one wins in Ukraine. It is a tragedy. People who have nothing end up with even less.
Lives are destroyed, limbs are severed, men are disintegrated - and no-one cares, noone will help the widows and orphans just as no-one helped them in 1920s in Britain or Continental Europe
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 27 2022 14:52 utc | 5
Elaborate disinformation as many here believe?
Or signs of serious unrest in China after prolonged lock-downs and people being shut into their apartments?
After the second wave of Foxconn riots at the iPhone factory in Zhengzhou, a deadly fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, caused massive protests across China. Chinese people are defying Beijing’s draconian zero-covid policy as protests have broken out across China in Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, and more cities. China has not seen this many public demonstrations since the Tiananmen student movement in 1989. How will Beijing handle this?
Impassioned speech begins around 11:30 mins....
Related piece in ZH entitled: COVID Lockdown Protests Erupt In Beijing, Xinjiang After Deadly Fire
Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 27 2022 14:46 utc | 5
I have read Shaxson's book and I do not trust Monbiot. Monbiot is the son of the CEO of Campbell's Soup in UK and like most Guardicrackpot USan journalists is born to privilege and private schooling and wealth. Guardian is simply the Trust Fund kiddies who lean left. They still look down on the sans culottes as being "too conservative or plebeian"
Quote a proper Marxist rather than Monbiot the windbag.
The City of London does not control US or CIA or White House or Wall Street - that is crackpot US internet tropes - it is symbiotic with Wall Street because MOST of The City is today US-owned.
It is Goldman, Citi, JPM, Barclays is even US nowadays with Coimbatore Sundararajan Venkatakrishnan an American replacing Jess Staley an American as CEO.
Go ask where Panmure Gordon, Morgan Grenfell, Phillips & Drew, S G Warburg, Hill Samuel, Samuel Montagu, Wedd, Durlacher, and de Zoete & Bevan. went to and what happened to these British firms
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 27 2022 15:06 utc | 7
Thanks for the Week in Review, b. I first read the Energy links. “The relationship between energy prices and winter deaths could change this year. But if past patterns persist, current electricity prices would drive deaths above the historical average even in the mildest winter.” notes the Economist merrily, with good cheer, for this time of the year. … I guess that pretty much lays out how the fix is in for Europe? But —
European Commission is facing off against European Federation of Energy Traders and the European Association of Energy Exchanges with the proposed gas price cap. See this confuses me because the common understanding is that the EC works for big finance against the populace and it’s national governments, not vice versa, as is suggested here? It is fascinating to see the meltdown that ensues when a mechanism that is not just-let-the-market-decide is put forth for overseeing energy buying and selling.
The extraordinary meddling of the US government in the oil industry is really laid out in that Oilprice article. This piece from RT on Venezuela also demonstrates this. (How many degrees of separation are there from the US oil giants to any mechanism of governance in the US anyway?)
That NYT piece was remarkable in its lack of hysteria while discussing a subject pertaining to Ukraine. I’m not sure how to read that.
No World Cup section, b?? Maybe next week. I’ll drop in a couple links from Geopolitica analyst, Carlos Aguiar.
Mexican police in Qatar
Mexican and Argentinian fans scuffle
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Nov 27 2022 15:22 utc | 8
Turned on the TV for a change. First thing I saw, Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel. Christmas is coming.
If only I had three magic hazelnuts. :)
Posted by: Nobody | Nov 27 2022 15:38 utc | 9
@Scorpion | Nov 27 2022 14:46 utc | 5
Monbiot is infamous for climate alarmism since many years ago. The last person to listen to.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 27 2022 15:53 utc | 10
Joseph Stiglitz also railed against the Jews in the City, telling UK legislators... these people
Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 27 2022 14:46 utc
The implication that Stiglitz directly said "the Jews" didn't pass the smell test.
I looked for the originating speech to go with this and only found a partial reference which stated "some people" in place of "the Jews". This was in the same taxjustice dot net website as the Romanoff article uses a reference.
Not "these people", not "the Jews"... "some people".
So misquoting Stiglitz and putting him in the "anti-semite" crosshairs.
Scorpion, I am not blaming you, but this shows how crucial it is to vet sources. Where the original source is not available (I couldn't quickly find a transcript of Stigliz "telling UK legislators"), the minimum rule is to be able to find two other unrelated sources.
Again, the Romanoff and taxjustice sources are circular to each other and don't 100% agree.
Which then begs the question of how much can the rest of that Romanoff article be trusted?
This was not my post, so it is not my job to investigate the rest of Romanoff's claims in that article.
Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 16:25 utc | 11
My training as an anarchist is largely by way of the late, great David Graeber -- anarchic counselor to Occupy Wall Street, back in the day. Graeber was never afraid to speak of anarchism in a non-invective context. Never afraid of the "A" word.
That word isn't mentioned in this interview with Peter Gelderloos regarding a book he wrote on an original theme: saving the world; but his core critique sounds like capital-A Anarchism to me, as he blames all earthly harm on the state, first, and colonialism.
The Green New Deal is great for capitalism. It is a proposal designed to save capitalism from its own excesses, from the crisis that capitalism has created. In that way it is very similar to its namesake, FDR’s New Deal, which was implemented not to save the working class from capitalism but to save capitalism from the revolutionary movements of a discontented working class. [more]
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Nov 27 2022 16:46 utc | 12
".. One example of the fringe in action is the East India Company whose many atrocious actions have been documented but which are nearly always described as the greed of the 'British' or 'The Crown' or to 'Anglo-Saxon Imperialism' and so forth. But given the extremely high Jewish quotient behind the founding and current ownership structures in the City, these sorts of attributions are clearly misleading, and of course deliberately so..." Scorpion@4
It is simply untrue that the East India Company was, in any sense, Jewish. These attempts to elide the City of London with Jews is nothing more than racist malice.
I exaggerate- there is more to it, it whitewashes the City, the East India Company and all involved from any offense greater than being duped by wily levantines.
The link to Wake up World which contains this discovery is a pathway towards insanity
"..The whole Earth is governed by The Crown, through Crown Colonies which belong to The City – The Crown Empire. It governs Africa and still governs China and India. The colonies of the Earth are really just Crown Colonies – The United States of America are states of The Crown..."
The author lists his other works:
The Esoteric Symbolism of The Cross
The Mystical Path: Experiencing the Quiet Fruition of Reality
Pyramid Power: Harnessing the Energetic Fields of Pyramids
How to Induce Lucid Dreaming
Expanding Our Awareness
Sacred Sites and Energy Fields
The Real Background to Syria and the Arab Spring
Posted by: bevin | Nov 27 2022 17:20 utc | 13
Before I begin please heed b's mandate:
"Please stick to the topic. Contribute facts. Do not attack other commentators."
Let's be clear, re: the Stiglitz "quote", I share the concern that a disproportionate number of SELF IDENTIFIED Jews hold positions of power in virtually every US/ZATO/WEF government, NGO, central bank etc. Add in the non-Jewish Zionists and WEFers and there's a big problem.
As a statistic, Jews generally comprise at most 4% and generally well less than 1% of any country population, with the obvious exception of Israel. I question the statistic that 39% of the US population is Jewish. Nearly 4 out of 10 USicans are Jewish? Pull the other leg. More 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon than actual demography.
So to be fair...
More likely, even though dated...
And before the shitstorm starts, it is not antisemitic to observe and point out where SELF IDENTIFIED Jews end up. The population percentages are fact based on research, probably from census data... in which people SELF IDENTIFY their religious/ethnic situation.
Beside, SEMITIC refers to people who speak SEMITIC languages... like Arabic. So Arabic-speaking Palestinians are definitely Semites. Does anyone scream 'antisemitism" at politicians and media who denigrate and oppress Palestinians? NOPE
Antisemitism has systemically become only applied to speech criticizing or actions against Jews, most of which DON'T EVEN SPEAK A SEMITIC LANGUAGE, especially not as their primary language.
Uncomfortable, but unless some poster has factual info to refute, please follow b's mandate.
Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 17:26 utc | 14
Sorry b for too long quote. Got it.
As to the good objections to that piece : yes, definitely some questionable elements. Yes, I don't read Monbiot usually, not good source. I also don't trust Romanoff. However, I do think there is substance behind the overall City story mixed with misinformation and inaccurate speculation. But that goes without saying with everything.
Over the years have read different iterations about how CIA ultimately reports to British bankster networks which in turn are domiciled in the City which has its own jrudisdiction similar to Vatican. I think there is some truth to all that. Moreover these networks are most likely driving Ukraine conflict policies, Reset and so on so worth keeping in mind when considering current affairs.
Also Greenwood's objections ring true to me. I find all ethnic explanations fall short of what is more likely to be realistic.
In response to
Uncomfortable, but unless some poster has factual info to refute, please follow b's mandate.
Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 17:26 utc | 14
The facts are that the social contract of the West with global private finance controlling money is the problem, not who the people are that run it.
Focus on the underlying social structure and stop chasing the "bad apples"
Sovereign government based finance is the answer to our social organization problems, IMO....eliminate private finance completely and neuter ongoing inheritance.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 27 2022 17:41 utc | 16
thanks b...
the most egregious title to the links you've posted is this one - "U.S. Authorizes Firms To Provide Services To Russian Oil Trade"
i'd understand it if the usa was dictator in chief... is that what i am missing in this?? who gave the usa the dictator role??
i look forward to reading a number of the links! thanks..
Posted by: james | Nov 27 2022 17:48 utc | 17
"Mesmerizing inside look at the very secretive Trilateral Commission, the 1st time in 50 years that the press was allowed to sit in for all of the sessions of the Asia group.
It reveals incredible anger at the US regarding its approach to China."
Which refers to this article:
FYI - Nikkei are the owners of the Financial Times.
Anyway, most Asian countries are furious at the US for stoking tensions - read the Twitter thread or the article for details.
The fly in the ointment is India. It seems they are still obsessed with their conflict with China, in fact are worsening it.
"The only Asian country which apparently didn't quite share the other members' thinking is India. India is described - which is largely true - as having "taken a very hard line on China" and having "no interest for dialogue with China".
Why? Because, as described by Indian members during the Trilateral Commission sessions, "of the windfall benefits the U.S.-China competition is gifting the subcontinent". India has for instance "been getting a triple discount on oil".
IMO this is a big opportunity for the Empire. If I were them, I would be putting all my efforts into provoking conflicts between India and China.
As Bertrand notes, long-term this is a foolish strategy by India.
There is a saying in the Middle East
"If two fish are fighting in a river - an Englishman must have passed by."
Indians should remember this.
Posted by: moaobserver | Nov 27 2022 17:56 utc | 18
for those who don't know the background on russia in the 1990s, the article that b linked to is worth a read... bill browder and the canuck and usa gov't can shove the magnitsky act up its ass...
America and Russia in the 1990s: This is what real meddling looks like - Yasha Levine, Mark Ames
Posted by: james | Nov 27 2022 18:09 utc | 19
i used to be a big fan of curtis' work but his last one was a bit too long and the bit about "putin believes in nothing" was a pretty retarded way to end it. also a bit ironic since england and the rest of the west are a deep, dark cultural and philosophical void.
once again i'm not sure you get what "woke" is. if anything, "you don't have to indulge your asshole bosses in ruining your liver and stealing your non-paid time" is the height of common sense. maybe you didn't like that they objected to sexual harrassment? not liking rape jokes and groping is pretty "woke", i suppose.
renewables? set up to fail. if they had the funding and subsidies enjoyed by oil companies it would be a different picture. blame capitalism's (and by extension the "elites'" who are immersed in it) inertia and stupidity until that happens. also, musk says hydrogen fuel cells are bad so they're obviously amazing and excellent. he's like an inverse litmus test for ideas.
Posted by: the pair | Nov 27 2022 18:10 utc | 20
ftx.. if anyone wants to go way down the rabbit hole, this article my brother shared will do it for you.. very long article...
A Grand Unified Theory of the FTX Disaster
Posted by: james | Nov 27 2022 18:26 utc | 21
Yes, I remember that - seemed like projection on Curtis' part - he doesn't want the stupidity of being a liberal, but cannot escape its confines with his crypto-Marxism. The rest of the series was confused, a grab-bag of interesting ideas mixed around in a bucket.
Unfortunately, Putin does believe, in a sentimental manner, in a "Russky mir", the Orthodox faith, etc, like the naive autist he is. Kissinger recognised this quickly.
Normal people can see, unlike Putin, what a cheap, weak, and flimsy ideology that is, whose only reason for existence is to paper over the enormous theft and destruction of the Soviet heritage wrought by the gangster oligarchs of the 90s.
It is certainly the Putin regimes biggest weakness. Patriotism doesn't need false justifications.
Real Russian patriots understand that these oligarchs and their enablers should be rotting in a gulag as soon as possible.
Luckily, Xi does believe in something greater (Communism in China; good relations with the rest of the world) and understands who the class enemy is - the concern is whether his successors will as well.
Posted by: moaobserver | Nov 27 2022 18:28 utc | 22
Thanks b,for the linked article on Russia's MOD report - I went hunting for more detail and found the following, which I'll post separated as my computer never has allowed me to use the HREF format - this way it can be used as a search.
Posted by: juliania | Nov 27 2022 18:45 utc | 23
Greenwald show on Elon Musk taking over twitter
Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 27 2022 19:02 utc | 24
Sovereign government based finance is the answer to our social organization problems, IMO....eliminate private finance completely and neuter ongoing inheritance.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 27 2022 17:41 utc
Specifically, (briefly, please) how would such "sovereign government finance" differ from the government/international finance we now have?
The idea of 100% disallowing inheritance is a non-starter, but I agree there needs to be some limiting factor to prevent the unchecked accumulation of wealth and power in hands of the 0.001% as we now have.
Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 19:14 utc | 25
How to Induce Lucid Dreaming
Posted by: bevin | Nov 27 2022 17:20 utc | 13
Yes, bevin. Those with alternative views often turn over some very strange rocks in looking for answers. That goes along with thinking outside the boxes we are asked to contain ourselves within.
But what is more important than their other interests is whether or not the information about the Crown Corporation in CoL context was more or less accurate. I have read similar statements over the years so suspect they are though have no way of proving one way or t'other.
So you get points for an effective ad hominem hit, but given ad hominem is all you offered, it's an overall miss.
musk says hydrogen fuel cells are bad so they're obviously amazing and excellent. he's like an inverse litmus test for ideas.
Posted by: the pair | Nov 27 2022 18:10 utc | 20
A good short read from a green energy expert who actually knows some physics. Moving liquid hydrogen around is too difficult and expensive...
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Nov 27 2022 19:31 utc | 27
Bevin disputed the assertion, and provided evidence that the site linked to is full of crap. I mean Pyramid power? an ad hominen attack is a failure to engage with an argument, he disputed the factual premise at the core of the argument, hence he engaged with it, and then questioned the credibility of the site. a statement that you have read a few similar assertions over a span of years does not meaningfully strengthen the argument.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 27 2022 19:54 utc | 28
Elongated Muskrat has already begun banning left-anarchists from Twitter. Partially in response to bitchy complaints from Andy Ngo that a cell of Antifa used Twitter to coordinate an attack on him (from which as far as I can tell he emerged with bruises, if anything).
And of course Antifa being the biggest bugbear of the fascist right and the liberals whom only a light scratching of the skin reveals a fascist gets all the attention.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:05 utc | 29
@ Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 19:14 utc | 25 who wrote
Specifically, (briefly, please) how would such "sovereign government finance" differ from the government/international finance we now have?
You evidently haven't been around the bar long because this topic has been covered extensively before.
Since you are from Canada, why don't you research when the sovereign bank of Canada became privately owned like the 12 regional US Fed banks, the BIS, IMF, World Bank, etc.....I think it was in the 60-70's
Humanity is in a civilization war between China with public finance at its core, now Russia that has been kicked out of the BIS, City of London Corp., Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and other nations trying to break free of the jackboot of global private finance.
Read any of Michael Hudson't books or articles and he will explain the public/private finance history since the Sumerian times when we had debt jubilees.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 27 2022 20:06 utc | 30
So you get points for an effective ad hominem hit, but given ad hominem is all you offered, it's an overall miss.
Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 27 2022 19:21 utc | 26
There was no ad hominem in bevin's argument. I mean, come on. It's OK to dabble in stuff like astrology and lucid dreaming (I've had some over the years, very trippy stuff), but that author is a quack. And to blame the deeds of the East India Company on Jews? Ridiculous and below you, Scorpion. Or is it?
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:08 utc | 31
Bevin disputed the assertion, and provided evidence that the site linked to is full of crap.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 27 2022 19:54 utc | 28
Yes, he just disputed it as he often does. So what? So he's saying that the whole business about Jews and the City is total BS? Sorry, I don't take bevin's word on that.
Full of crap. I forgot to add a small comment about 'lucid dreaming' in my previous reply. According to many - admittedly not in today's materialist age - lucid dreaming is one of the most advanced and beneficial skills a human being can develop. But of course to contemporary materialists not only is this unknown but even if asserted - with no more evidence than bevin supplies when he debunks - is regarded as childishly laughable.
Similarly, though I know nothing about 'pyramid power' per se, their mathematical properties alone - including the invention of the universal measuring unit of the centimeter, and thus also meter, based on properties of water for example - are worthy of respect and much more. Especially given how many were built world wide using similar, if not sometimes identical, mathematical rules. Why were these things built world-wide so long ago? How were the technology and/or ratios communicated over such long distances so long ago? (Lucid dreaming as seems likely with the Piri Res ancient maps of the Antarctic coastline?) Did they serve more than only unkown ceremonial purposes? What happened do the rumoured crystal capstone at the top of the Giza (?) pyramid? Did it serve the purpose of sending light out the top through various internal canals/passages as some attest? At the very least we have to admit that there are more unanswered than answered questions.
Yes, materialists laugh at such things as superstitious claptrap worthy of unsubstantiated ad hominem, case closed, chuckles galore. Whilst allowing materialist hegemons to thrive, unchallenged, in the heart of one of their leading cities...
Well, I guess you are satisfied with the story that the USA is a unipolar hegemon with fair elections and a clearly discernible ruling class running a country according to their initially corrupt constitution masking a desire to take over the world, in other words that first the Trump and now the Biden Administrations truly run the country, that the representatives in Congress work for the benefit of their citizens, all the Judges are honorable and impartial and any notions of secret cabals actually running things are just silly, like.... well like Pyramic Power!!
Amid the MSM hysteria and Western wet dreams, China is adjusting it's Covid policies - prudently.
Good read.
Posted by: daffyDuct | Nov 27 2022 20:19 utc | 33
Nwen referenced document
Nina Jankowicz former USA disinfo czar, forced to register as foreign agent of london
Anybody else?
Posted by: meow | Nov 27 2022 20:22 utc | 34
i didn't disrespect pyramids. i like pyramids. i don't identify as a pyramid, but if somebody wants to do that i shall not mispoyhedron them or whatever. you didn't provide any evidence.
if somebody wants to argue that jewish pyramids are secretly running the world, i will be interested in the evidence they provide.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 27 2022 20:27 utc | 35
i don't want to put words in his mouth (you should avoid that too), but i didn't see Bevin say anything about Jews and the City. he said the specific assertion that Jews were behind the East Asia company is, in my interpretation, a bunch of horseshit. I fail to see the connection between doubting the power of pyramids (what do they do specifically, by the way) and doubting that the US is a hegemonic power. I do believe it is a hegemonic power, and a harmful one, and it didn't achieve this by using pyramids or runes.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 27 2022 20:34 utc | 36
Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 27 2022 20:34 utc | 36
well.....there IS a pyramid on the US Dollar.
What is the meaning of the pyramid with the eye at the top that appears on the back of U.S. one-dollar bills?
Apparently, the U.S. Treasury office gets this question quite often — it appears in its list of frequently asked questions. The pyramid is part of the Great Seal of the United States. The Great Seal was first used on the reverse of the one-dollar Federal Reserve note in 1935. According to the State Department, which is the official keeper of the Seal, the pyramid symbolizes strength and durability. The pyramid appears unfinished because it means that the United States will always “grow, improve, and build.” The eye is the “All-Seeing Eye,” suggesting the importance of divine guidance in favor of the American cause.
The American "cause" LMAO - One wonders what that is.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:37 utc | 37
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:37 utc | 37
i think the american cause is to promote the power of the dollar, and the dollar has a drawing of a pyramid, but this may be circular reasoning.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 27 2022 20:42 utc | 38
And to blame the deeds of the East India Company on Jews? Ridiculous and below you, Scorpion. Or is it?Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:08 utc | 31
The Sassoon family of Opium Wars fame were Jewish, and operated in collusion with the East India Company.
But this interesting history and its extension into modern times is a distraction away from the current generation of string pullers, back stabbers and double dealers. They want you to focus on yesterday's bogeymen.
Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 27 2022 20:42 utc | 39
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:43 utc | 40
The body snatchers are back. This post was not made by me. Please delete it, b.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:45 utc | 40
I almost spit beer all over my new laptop.
If I'm lucky, at some point before I die, I will find an opportunity to use the phrase "that i shall not mispolyhedron them".
That is a thread winning comment my friend.
ps like your name, wonder how many get the reference.
Posted by: David F | Nov 27 2022 20:53 utc | 41
@David F - it sounds like a grappling reference.
Posted by: Featherless | Nov 27 2022 20:58 utc | 42
"..But what is more important than their other interests is whether or not the information about the Crown Corporation in CoL context was more or less accurate..." Scorpion@26
The 'information' or as I would call it 'the weird theory' is inaccurate. As I suspect that you are well aware, this is nonsense:
""..The whole Earth is governed by The Crown, through Crown Colonies which belong to The City – The Crown Empire. It governs Africa and still governs China and India. The colonies of the Earth are really just Crown Colonies – The United States of America are states of The Crown..."
There is not a shred of evidence to support the idea that the City is in any meaningful sense governed by the Crown. It is not true that William of Orange initiated this relationship. It is all nonsense, most of it very antique rubbish which can be traced back to a variety of sources, many of them from the C19th US.
On the other hand if the author, an engineering graduate, came across this information in a lucid dream, perhaps from the lips of an Archangel or the latest incarnation of something or other, who am I to question it?
This obsession with Jews, one religious cult among hundreds, is a symptom of eurocentric provincialism.
Posted by: bevin | Nov 27 2022 20:58 utc | 43
Not sure what you mean by that, but I pretty sure it is a reference to Bush II's mysterious injury supposedly from striking his dead on a table while choking on a pretzel while watching football all by his lonesome in his home.
Or something like that.
Posted by: David F | Nov 27 2022 21:01 utc | 44
Pyramid power? Everything old is new again...
The Pyramid Power idea really took hold while Chariots of the Gods (1968) by von Daniken was all the rage.
I guess the Flat Earth thing was no longer getting clicks on YouTube, and (time wasting) responses from actual physicists, time to recycle some other nonsense.
And as for the rest, by ridiculously positing that "the Jews" were behind every evil and crisis in history, it serves to get the poorly-informed public to discredit the current situation where Self Proclaimed Jews (and their Zionist/WEF minions) really do occupy key positions of power far beyond their representation in the general population.
If the world was TRULY at peace and as many people as possible had a reasonable standard of living, I doubt anyone would care if this was the case. But we have endless wars, blatant governmental corruption and the greatest wealth/power imbalance since ancient times. So ya, it matters.
All wars are Banker's wars. And the wealthiest, most powerful banking families self identify as...?
Apocryphally, "If my sons wanted no wars there would be no wars."
Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschilds wife referring to her 5 Banker sons who resided in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Naples
Is the British Crown too often in bed with those Bankers? Absolutely, the Rothschilds are well documented as loaning to all the Crowned Heads of Europe to fund their internecine wars and spend-thrift bail-outs. Often funding both sides... like American bankers/industrialists supporting the Nazis pre/during WW2.
Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 21:01 utc | 45
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:51 utc | 42
Another bodysnatcher post. I did not post #s 40 or 42. I wish the email field would be used as verification.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 21:03 utc | 46
Any further posts from "Tom_Q_Collins" should be considered fake for the remainder of the day (i.e., until about 08:00 Nov 28 2022). I will not be in front of a computer for the rest of the day or evening.
***Again - any further posts using my name today are FAKE***
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 21:10 utc | 47
On the extending protests in China against ZeroCovid policies, the Chinese leadership should have guessed that the people can not be so much opressed for such a long time, that was well understood in Europe.
I failed to understand why all those so much praising the Chinese leadership and achievements, like Pepe Escobar, never criticize this obvious obstacle to progress, the lack of freedom...
The last statements by Klaus Schwab on that China is the model to follow may have awaken the Chinese people to their crushing reality and prompt them to risk losing some social score so that to gain a bit of breathing space.
I for one am happy that Schwab fails one time after another, it is as if a galactic conspiracy would be in place to waste his and his psychopaths like Harari, Gates´ plans and those of their minions like Trudeau, Macron and Von der Leyen...
Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 27 2022 21:11 utc | 48
Thanks to james for the referral to Yasha Levine’s article about American meddling in Russia in the ‘90’s. And I’m glad he brought up Bill Browder because when I read this in that article:
“It’s now grown into an all-encompassing xenophobic conspiracy, and it’s now totally fine — and even respectable — in liberal media circles to bombard viewers and readers with all sorts of fantastic, racist plots that feature shadowy Russians infecting “our” society and lurking behind everything that’s going wrong in America and around the world.”
I think that Browder would fall into this category, of a shadowy figure lurking behind what’s wrong with America and around the world. He has Russian accomplices, does he not? Someone from the Russian oil lobby is responsible for the slant against Trudeau in recent RT coverage — love or hate Trudeau, it’s oil lobby PR slant. While the Clinton democrats certainly deserve the attention Levine is paying them, I can’t help but wonder if he is in fact covering for shadowy figures who lurk behind the Clintons.
Levine also writes, “Paul Klebnikov, the muckraking American editor of Forbes who was assassinated in Moscow in 2005, compared the scale of Russia’s excess deaths to those under Pol Pot and Stalin’s famines.” Speaking of 2005, I posted a link to a White House transcript of a meeting between President Putin and President Bush in the Lights-Out thread. From February 24, 2005. I think it’s worth a re-post:
An important part of this meeting was Putin’s reference to ConocoPhillips purchasing the Russian state’s stake in Lukoil. Perhaps the goal was Rosneft this time ‘round? (FWIW, it was the coverage of Trudeau on RT that led me to search for the link)
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Nov 27 2022 21:13 utc | 49
Opport Knocks@39
The Sassoon family is of Iraqi origin. They came to Bombay, late in the day, from Baghdad. So the Sassoons were an Indian family of Iraqi origin. At least they were until they moved to England and became a British family.
One of the finest C20th works in the English language the Sherston trilogy which includes Memoirs of a Fox Hunting Man and Memoirs of an Infantry Officer was written by Siegfried Sassoon. a member of the Church of England.
This connection with the Anglicans, whose faith together with other Christian sects, dominates the City of London and always has done, may seem suspicious to some. They also dominated the East India Company from Day One.
Posted by: bevin | Nov 27 2022 21:14 utc | 50
"Bitcoin prices have fallen 65 percent, NFT trading volume is down 97 percent."
Finally seeing clearly my next move--like the sun arising.
I knew my ship would come in. 7 come 11.
Safe, anonymous, inventive and a bold pyramid scheme to boot.
Buy low, sell high. In 2 weeks I'm an oligarch, capital O.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Nov 27 2022 21:15 utc | 51
Tom_Q_Collins @ 49
Obvious troll. I'm here all day, CST
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 21:26 utc | 52
@2 This is the most detailed analysis I've seen on the Taiwan election.
A careful reading suggests voters were bored with the sovereignty issue and more interested in the economy. But I don't think the KMT will be in a hurry to make major changes re. the mainland.
Posted by: dh | Nov 27 2022 21:49 utc | 53
You evidently haven't been around the bar long
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 27 2022 20:06 utc
You assume wrong. Badly wrong.
And I have investigated everything you suggest I am ignorant of. As for the rest it seems you have more to learn than I.
"In 1938, the Bank became publicly owned and remains so today."
So you had that wrong... what else?... you people REALLY need to check your sources better.
What DID happen is the BoC started following the US model of borrowing from private banks to create new money. I can see how that might confuse the less informed. There is no privately owned "FED" in Canada. BUT...
“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation.” -- William Lyon Mackenzie King, prime minister of Canada, 1935
If you bother to read the article, you will find there is a more than decade-old movement in Canada to stop this practice, and return to the PRE-1974 policy of BoC being the primary lender to the government, provinces and municipalities.
Was King quoting (paraphrasing?) Mayer Amschel Rothschild? If not, it's damned close to the quote debated endlessly on the interwebz.
In the 1960s the BoC held about 1,600 tons of gold reserves. That is now 0 (zero) gold. Various governments pissed it away to make their deficits look smaller, and now all we have is mostly US toilet paper reserves being inflated away faster than Trudy can waste it on sending weapons to Ukraine.
So ya, I'm aware of what EXISTS. More so than you it seems.
What I asked is what you see as the solution, in the form of "Sovereign government finance". Canada had it, and things weren't all that rosy even then. So... answer the question.
Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 21:51 utc | 54
Energy as a weapon
The Economist piece has sound data correlating cold and excess deaths. It opens with 'Russia uses energy as a weapon' and maintains the lying mantra throughout the report. This is pure propaganda.
The european energy suppliers are the weapon. Up until the ban then demolition of the Nord Stream pipelines and then the Ukraine government closing of the Ukrainian pipeline, gas weapons remained sheathed in the Russian cheap gas supply arrangement. It is europe that has weaponised energy and the usa wields the sword.
The Economist is full of BS.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 27 2022 22:05 utc | 55
Upholding the right of employers to require employee's free time to be spent under supervision/indoctrination---which is what the seminars and social events demanded were---is still upholding the right of employers to control their employees. Our host is very conservative in such matters. Trying to insinuate that a mere court defending any employee rights must be a woke conspiracy is not a great leap. It doesn't really matter if the seminars were really informative and the social events really tightened the bonds of affection for the other employees. I know of cases where "woke" really is used to get people fired for allegations...but to find a woke atrocity where the employers have to pay, well, that takes work. The Post strikes me as the sort of paper that would use "woke" as a stick to beat on supporters of workers' rights. I don't take their version very seriously.
The notion that the Labour Party of the UK is the "Left" needs defending. That sort of nonsense is one of the myths that turn MSM into mere propaganda. The mysterious "Atlanticist" Labour Party leaders are not traitors or foreign agents or ideologues. "Atlanticism" isn't really a thing. The article begins to seem much less silly if you substitute "anti-Communist" for "Atlanticist," I think. But it only begins, for once you acknowledge the anti-Communist commitment of the Labour Party leaders (especially the Parliamentary Labour Party which appears to be rapidly turning into a kind of privately-held corporation of some sort) then the inanity of calling the Labour Party "Left" appears doubly ridiculous. Habitually mislabeling minor differences as major gulfs in principle is very much about hiding how much political disputes are between two sets of monetarily self-interested factions of the same ruling class.
The Gene Sharpe playbook, where upper-middle strata boys and girls hit the streets, looks like it might be in play in China. The emphasis on the riots in Shanghai, the financial center, are suggestive. It's not clear that the mass of people are truly ready for their seniors and a random assortment of others to die, or even play roulette with the Long Covid as the bullet. As far as I can tell, the decreasing ability of Chinese capitalists to provide the magic of the market does mean that the rigors of lock-down policies weigh ever more heavily. But is that the failure of the CPC, or the failure of capitalism? The capitalist roaders keep shrinking their growth goals in the name of ever more "reform and opening up," but it's not clear that letting Covid rip is anything but more capitalist ruthlessness. (Not being an anarchist, no, I do not believe "freedom" means you are oppressed by quarantine laws. Instead, being oppressed by a capitalist medical system that can't meets the needs of the people is lack of freedom. Anarchism is stupid.)
Posted by: steven t johnson | Nov 27 2022 22:19 utc | 56
What is the meaning of the pyramid with the eye at the top that appears on the back of U.S. one-dollar bills?
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 27 2022 20:37 utc
(possibly, see above posts)
The US gov't wants to disavow it, but some key Founding Fathers were in the Masonic Order, and that is a Masonic symbol from well before the USA existed. Apparently Lafayette presented Washington with special apron.
Until very recently, all Masonic regalia and printed material, on the owner's death, was to be returned to his home Lodge. How do I know this? My Dad was, and several of my friends are, Masons. Dad wouldn't even show me his Masonic finery, but I saw the impact his "secret" handshake had on shirty retail mangers and new acquaintances who happened to be Masons. He was angered at the revelation from an ex-police friend that part of OPP training was to learn "the handshakes".
For obvious reasons, Masons are big on The Pyramids, mysterious, powerful, ancient... why not hitch your cult wagon to that?
I think the rituals are silly, but how else to engender loyalty than by ridiculous, or otherwise, displays that no one would want made public? But the power, though diminished, is still there.
Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 22:22 utc | 57
Old canadian @ 56
Very interesting. Good luck to that small group taking on the private lenders. Looking at the lost of value of money in Canada, it really took off when the private lenders started loaning money.
Buying power of $100 in 1915
It basically caught them up to and surpassed the US in the destruction of the dollars value. It did some work on a very old home. Found the original contract. It cost 500 US to build a very large home in the early 20th century in the US.
Posted by: circumspect | Nov 27 2022 22:24 utc | 58
psychohistorian #16
"Focus on the underlying social structure and stop chasing the "bad apples""
Well I might restrain myself from chasing bad apples like LBJ and Ky and the Dulles team but the living, like John Bolton, are in need of constant chase.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 27 2022 22:32 utc | 59
On Taiwan election outcome.
Perhaps the people of that China island clearly prefer to live in peace rather than be sacrificed as a pawn of USA belligerence. They are in no doubt of the mainland being serious and capable.
They see that the USA is on a program of global asset stripping and demanding high tech companies relocate to USA leaving jobless holes throughout Taiwan. Proof is in observing the hollowing out of the european industries with the fake energy propaganda. Add to that the clear knowledge that the USA will stop at nothing to achieve its aims.
I guess the behaviours and utterances of the various leaders in the next few days will reveal much.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 27 2022 22:44 utc | 60
Old canadian #59
For obvious reasons, Masons are big on The Pyramids, mysterious, powerful, ancient... why not hitch your cult wagon to that?
Thank you for that post. IMO it is an elitist order trading on egocentric elite appeals. The pyramid obsession derives from some reverence to mathematical and geometry based excellence in design. No wonder the ancient egyptian priesthood wielded so much power. Pythagoras is said to have picked up his knowledge from 30 years living in Egypt. This is overlaid with a mysticism and astronomical belief system held by ancient star gazers. There is some material dating back 12,000 plus years at Nabta Playa in a stone setting in South Sahara too that encourages some esoteric discussion.
These days so called sacred geometry is effusively discussed on utoob and other media so the Masonic cult is weakened. Perhaps it is just a 'Pyramid Scheme' whereby power is accumulated by relationships rather than cash.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 27 2022 23:02 utc | 61
As a free speech absolutist I am opposed to antifa being banned from Twitter.
The problem with antifa cannot be fixed by censoring them on Twitter, anyway. The problem with antifa is that they break the laws and the Establishment refuses to prosecute them.
That is because they are the brown shirt enforcers of the Establishment.
They engage in mob violence, specializing in attacking women, the elderly, and in the case of Andy Ngo, small gay Asian men.
Apologists for thugs claim that their attack on Ngo resulted only in "bruises". A brain hemorrhage is not a "bruise", but any physical attack on another human is illegal. The more damage, the more serious, but supporters of vicious attacks on dissenters should know that the violent men who caused a brain bleed in Andy Ngo did something illegal, and the State refused to protect him or prosecute his attackers.
As I said, the problem is that the State supports and encourages the brutes who attack and terrorize dissidents.
Don't stop free speech, arrest violent thugs who harm other people.
Posted by: wagelaborer | Nov 27 2022 23:10 utc | 62
Old canadian @ 59
I have been able to collect some old masonic books to try to understand the order. I have a bunch of coworkers who are masons of the blue lodge. Basically the outer circle doing the good works to make the lodge look good. When you move into the inner circle the ideas of the outer circle are thrown away.
When questioned they do not hesitate to tell you Lucifer is god. You have to know how to talk to them to extract information like that. If you make it inside a lodge you will see pictures of a bunch of old county sheriffs, Truman, Washington, and a few other officials that were members of that lodge.
Washington wrote about the Illuminati and the lodges George Washington to William Russell, September 28, 1798. Apparently he was aware of a conspiracy but did not believe it infiltrated the lodges. He said he had not been in a lodge in 30 years.
Looking over old masonic books it appears the Lodges were renewed by Albert Pike prior to the civil war where he stated frequently that it was founded on the Kabbalah. That religion is old and goes far back in time and probably existed prior to the pyramids being built. It followed Moses out of Egypt where he fought their ideas. It infected Judaism and other religions as well. Islam was most probably based on Kabbalah in part.
Everyone is waiting for their Messiah. What a war it will be if all the messiahs show up at the same time.
My masonic friends believe the Kabbalah is good. Clearly they are being taught something about that occult religion. I do believe that this is just one wing of the death cult that rules western affairs.
Their inner circle members have had their hand on many suspect affairs, wars, coverups, assassinations through my life in the US and before. There are other branches of this system. It is an octopus, many arms working to achieve a goal. Who the head is is anyone's guess but I have my suspicions.
I do love my masonic friends. They know nothing more than what they are taught. Of course, the struggle between the Masons and the Catholics is legendary. Not a struggle of good and evil, it is a struggle as to who will sit at the top and call the shots. Islam and masonry have some interesting connections. Protestantism is thoroughly run by lodge brothers. Some of Catholicisms outer organizations have masonic connections from what I can tell.
Masons claim to be building a secular society free from religion. They claim not to be a religion but they are clearly tied up in the occult. In reality their dream is to rebuild Solomon's temple in Jerusalem. They worship Hiram of Tyre who helped Solomon build the temple. For them, going to ancient Tyre is like going to Mecca for a Muslim.
How does one create a thumbnail of an ancient mystery religions attempting to rule the planet? It is a difficult and interesting work both spiritual and physical that will never really be solved. It could be all bullshit.
One teaching is clear in all cases. If you are not one of us you are nothing more than an animal to be slaughtered or put behind a plow.
Posted by: circumspect | Nov 27 2022 23:17 utc | 63
@ bevin | Nov 27 2022 13:58 utc | 2
So far as I know the KMT supports the One China policy and re-unification.
Yes and no. Everyone supports the one-China policy, but both Taiwan parties do not support unification. The KMT was more friendly with Beijing than with the US, that's all. Now after the KMTs local election successes we might see the KMT moving from China-friendly to US-friendly.
Probably there won't be any visible China support from Taiwan. Force will be necessary to change the status quo especially as the US gets more and more involved.
Currently China is learning from Russia about military operations. Who needs a risky amphibious landing on a hostile shore when capability exists to turn off the power supply? etc. China is fully committed to unification even though nobody in Taiwan is.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Nov 27 2022 23:21 utc | 64
Tried to read the link you shared, "down the rabbit hole" is the understatement of the century. Holy shit, we're talking "catcher in the rye" shit here.
I think the real rabbit hole is the ukraine thread, holy shit, total batshit crazy.
Bizarro world anyone?
Posted by: David F | Nov 27 2022 23:43 utc | 65
@ Old canadian | Nov 27 2022 22:22 utc | 59
Indeed. My eventually disowned brother was a lodge Grand Poobah, or whatever. Loose lips. Laugh a minute when the Grand Poobahs from around the world go on their pilgrimage to grovel before the British Crown. Secret oath cult societies, gotta love 'em. Oh, Extremely, extremely, misogynistic ... from initiate to the 33rd degree & beyond.
One indicator of a suborned State, is whether it grants security clearances to Masons(And other secret oath societies & cults) or not.
@ Don Bacon | Nov 27 2022 23:21 utc | 66
China has publicly demonstrated current ability to totally 'Quarantine' Taiwan & await them calling 'Mom' re Pelosi's visit. No resources, no trade, no exports/imports, ~60% of Taiwans subsistence food comes from Mainland China.
They will be very unlikely to 'invade' Taiwan. Sinking large numbers of US vessels, downing aircraft/drones & flattening major US bases, should Empire do something stupid ... well ...
A wave of western MSM reports on protest outbreaks in China have appeared in the last few hours, with the first trickles published overnight (about 12 hrs ago).
These reports are highlighting direct opposition to Xi and the CCP, with covid lockdowns acting as pretext. But the main thrust, according to these reports, is “freedom” (I.e. western”value” systems).
“Surrounding a makeshift memorial of candles, flowers and placards, the crowd held up blank sheets of white paper – in what is traditionally a symbolic protest against censorship – and chanted, “Need human rights, need freedom.”
“…chants against Xi, the most powerful leader since at least the 1980s, and the Chinese Communist Party sounded loud and clear: "Xi Jinping! Step down! CCP! Step down!" People also held up blank sheets of paper as an expression of protest.”
“…At the campus of Beijing's Tsinghua University, a large crowd gathered, according to images and videos posted on social media. Some people also held blank sheets of paper.”
Curiously, at the same time as the earliest of these reports, vigils were being organized across Europe and other locales, to be held at Chinese embassies/consulates, requesting attendees to bring a blank sheet of white paper. This is one of the coordinating Twitters: . All of this, including the coordination of the symbolism (white sheet of paper) closely resembles an NED-style agit-prop social media op, as the organization also has an Instagram page ( but not really a website.
Contrary to CNN, blank sheets of paper are not “traditional” protests in China, and seem to be in use only over the past 18 hours or so, although one report does note its brief use in Hong Kong in 2020. Chinese citizens were encouraged to attend protests and to bring blank paper through social media.
Posted by: jayc | Nov 27 2022 23:49 utc | 67
Upon review of this thread, the entirety of MOA today is fucking insane.
Posted by: David F | Nov 27 2022 23:50 utc | 68
Bevin @2
Right, the Guomindang actually claims significantly more territory for China than the People's Republic does, as the Indian Nehru regime discovered in 1962. Nehru provoked a border war with China, lost disastrously, and then appealed to the rump Guomindang regime (which Insures did not recognise) to invade China to draw away Chinese forces. The Guomindang replied that on the question of the disputed border areas (vis a vis India) there was not the slightest difference between its views and that of the PRC.
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Nov 27 2022 23:54 utc | 69
@ jayc | Nov 27 2022 23:49 utc | 69
It is all being co-ordinated by newly created Telegram channels, surprise, surprise.
@ David F | Nov 27 2022 23:50 utc | 70
Do watch out for the door on your way out. Cheers.
@ Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 27 2022 15:02 utc | 6
An interesting source.
Sadly the number of ad-hominin attacks by the source supplied. Has far too many holes within her supplied videos. To be a credible open source of information. Nice picture of an old building pending demolition.
She always gives the vibes of supplying a mere 2% of the actual information to make an informed decision. Basically, identical to the CIA-owned and operated via company employees pretending to be something they are not at RFE/LR. Take 2% then add complete fiction of total nonsense. End result is the underperforming latest CIA "Z" grade propaganda.
As for the Taiwan-owned and controlled Foxconn. There exists an evil very well-documented extensive back story she refuses to disclose. If it were to be revealed. Shifts the context to a complete 180. Oops!
On a side note back in the USSA. Country of 330 million documented citizens with up to 20 to 30 million undocumented slaves. Without modern slavery, USSA cannot function as a viable country! A SARS-COVID-19 daily infection rate exceeds 1 million per day.
Evil Red China, with a population of one point four billion citizens.The well-known and documented original source. The daily infection rate is far less.
In China, the Communist Party of China never died. However, Chiang revisionists are living on borrowed time since 1949!
Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Nov 28 2022 0:00 utc | 71
On China industrial action at Foxconn iPhone assembly plants.
The continued lockdowns deny the USA bio warfare experimenters of the petri dish function that Fauci intended the Chinese people to perform. As more material emerges of the funding from USA government via Fauci to multiple laboratories in the USA and elsewhere, there is cause for some rethinking and alarm at the ethical intentions.
There seem to be multiple industrial issues at play in the Foxconn dispute with virus protection being not as paramount as defaulted contract payments, imported labor on different contract conditions, working hours etc. At least that is what I have gleaned in the last 48 hours or so.
Perhaps the Chinese government grants iPhone (or Foxconn?) allowances to practice wage and labor cheating/exploitation as is normal in the USA.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 28 2022 0:00 utc | 72
David F #70
Upon review of this thread, the entirety of MOA today is fucking insane.
As I write this, I am bathed in the silver light of a full moon so expect triggers...:)
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 28 2022 0:03 utc | 73
jayc #69
The white sheet of paper is merely a means of measuring the extent of the tweet influence and the time taken to diffuse the expression across multiple demonstrations. Same old NED game, unstoppable scum.
The New Atlas recently dissected the peculiar rash of demonstrations in Thailand and spotted the NED crowd bearing a placard "NO ONE CHINA" ??
As if that matters to Thai people.
Here is the reference extract from The New Atlas report but it is worth watching:
As the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine destroys a nation and destabilizes a region, similar meddling that preceded the 2014 coup in Kiev is unfolding across Southeast Asia and in particular, in Thailand.Who is the “Zelensky” of Thailand? Documented evidence exposes the Thai opposition as a product of years of US interference all in a bid to pivot Thailand aways from its largest economic and trade partner - China - and transform it into a belligerent proxy against Beijing on Washington’s behalf.
Land Destroyer (New Atlas) - The Complete Guide: US Government Role in Thailand's "Student Protests": - Protests Erupt Near APEC Summit in Bangkok:
Top News - Article in Thai on small anti “one China” protest:
New York Times - In Thailand, Power Comes With Help From Skype:
New York Times - U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings:
BBC - Oslo Freedom Forum: The 'school for revolutionaries':
Oslo Freedom Forum - 2022 Sponsors:
Freedom Fund - Investors and Supporters:
Nikkei Asia - Thai opposition leader defends Taiwan, vows support for Myanmar:
The New Atlas - Oslo Freedom Forum: US Proxies Train and Plan for the Next "Ukraine":
Bloomberg (via Bangkok Post) - Thailand needs hyperloop, not China-built high-speed rail: Thanathorn (2018):
Bangkok Post - Chinese embassy condemns Thai politician’s meeting with Hong Kong activist (2019):
Khaosod English - Future Forward Admits to Hiring A Lobbyist for Thanathorn’s US Visit:
US Department of Justice - FARA, Exhibit A to Registration Statement:
US Department of Justice - FARA, Supplemental Statement (page 26 of PDF):
Thai PBS - Thanathorn vows to bring people onto streets after rally in downtown Bangkok (2019):
BBC - Thai protests: Lawyer Anon Nampa among nine arrested in sweep against activists:
Frontline Defenders - Arnon Nampa:
US National Endowment for Democracy - Thailand (2014):
The Nation - iLaw launches petition for charter rewrite:
iLaw - About Us:
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 28 2022 0:14 utc | 74
jayc #69
The white sheet of paper is merely a means of measuring the extent of the tweet influence and the time taken to diffuse the expression across multiple demonstrations. Same old NED game, unstoppable scum.
The New Atlas recently dissected the peculiar rash of demonstrations in Thailand and spotted the NED crowd bearing a placard "NO ONE CHINA" ??
As if that matters to Thai people.
Here is the reference extract from The New Atlas report but it is worth watching:
As the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine destroys a nation and destabilizes a region, similar meddling that preceded the 2014 coup in Kiev is unfolding across Southeast Asia and in particular, in Thailand.Who is the “Zelensky” of Thailand? Documented evidence exposes the Thai opposition as a product of years of US interference all in a bid to pivot Thailand aways from its largest economic and trade partner - China - and transform it into a belligerent proxy against Beijing on Washington’s behalf.
I tried to post the list of links but the goblins ate it. So here is my response and the links are at The New Atlas utoob site linked above.
As you can see the global syndication via NGO and msm news is vast.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 28 2022 0:18 utc | 75
" musk says hydrogen fuel cells are bad so they're obviously amazing and excellent. he's like an inverse litmus test for ideas.
Posted by: the pair | Nov 27 2022 18:10 utc | 20
A good short read from a green energy expert who actually knows some physics. Moving liquid hydrogen around is too difficult and expensive...
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Nov 27 2022 19:31 utc | 27 "
Why move hydrogen when you can just use tap water ?
Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 28 2022 0:18 utc | 76
ooooops the link to The New Atlas
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 28 2022 0:19 utc | 77
Deplorable Commissar #77
Early days in Australia but see what a few years brings.
LAVO battery, just add water.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 28 2022 0:22 utc | 78
@76 uncle tungsten | Nov 28 2022 0:18 utc - " Thailand and spotted the NED crowd bearing a placard "NO ONE CHINA" ??"
Damn supply chain breakdown again. Materials going to the wrong country. Inexcusable. /sarc
Posted by: Grieved | Nov 28 2022 0:36 utc | 79
Via Peter Myers website:
(written in 2007 or so with many links edited out for this post.)
The One World movement has three factions, which co-operate with one another against "nationalism" or "isolationism". They are (a) the Tory (Imperial) (b) the International Socialist (Trotskyist, Fabian & Green Left, against the Stalinist Left) (c) the Zionist: first delivers the "Right", the second delivers the "Left" to One-Worldism.
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 marked the joining-up of the Tory and Zionist factions in an uneasy alliance. Before that, they were working against each other (Britain was pro-Czar, the Zionists were anti-Czar).The International Socialist faction is also what H. G. Wells called "the Open Conspiracy." It promotes Political Correctness, the World Court, and the Kyoto Protocol. It tried to get a world government established at the Peace Conference of Versailles in 1919: toolkit3.html, and also via the Baruch Plan for World Government, in 1946.
I share things I think provide valuable different perspectives and in the spirit of bevin's great post a day or so ago. I don't necessarily endorse any particular point of view though it seems I'm often attacked for what is presented. Is everything vetted? No. Do I stand behind them? No. But I find them interesting enough to be worthy of consideration.
Clearly there is much that is hidden from public view. This is normal, frankly, moreover throughout history in just about every period and every type of polity. I assume this is the case in all countries including Russia and China, though it seems some here treat everything they say and do as gospel. I assume they are hiding things too. Could be wrong, of course. But don't think so. I don't regard China and Russia as evil at all. But I don't regard them as angelic either. I just assume there is much that we are not being told and do not see clearly. That's it.
Does that mean I know what is going on behind the curtains? No. Sometimes I speculate but I can imagine one scenario one day and entirely different ones the next. That's the blessing and curse of not knowing.
In any case, I thought the City of London article of interest. Am not obsessed with that topic. It was recently published at Unz. Similarly the above quote comes from Peter Myers, an old practitioner of the Dark Arts of trying to unravel What's Really Going On behind the arras. Above he lays out his explanation of the one-world conspiracy which has three main factions. I don't know if he is right, and no doubt there is more in geopolitical play than the one-world crowd alone, but I like the shape of that thought, i.e. that it's not just one group somewhere controlling everything. Or for that matter 'the Jews.'
About which latter he had a good new contribution to his site today. If you are not familiar with Peter Myers I recommend his site. You can request to be on his email list where he publishes more material regularly including correspondence with his extensive contacts.
He goes into lots of different conspiracy-related subject matter. He also states that he entertains contradictory theories when each has something valuable to offer. I think I got this approach from him, come to think of it. He has an excellent paper debunking HoloC denial, btw. Somewhere on the site he also has an excellent overview of taoism. Interesting chap...
The article today is at the top of his updates page:
entitled Diky-Jews-Russia. It's a review of a book by Diky written several decades ago.
Two different items about the potential Turk invasion of Outlaw US Empire held Kurdish region of Syria, this one by Escobar, and this one by a recently acquired writer at SCF Steven Sahiounie, "U.S. Defenseless to Stop Turkish Ground Invasion in Syria". Both provide information and stay away from trying to figure out just who is dancing with whom. Both mention Daesh/ISIS but neither make any attempt to connect this main component of the Outlaw US Empire's Terrorist Foreign Legion with the Empire's ongoing occupation of the region (including Iraq). Nor is any connection made to Ukraine or events in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
A few have put forth the hypothesis that Russia is too involved in Ukraine to worry about what's happening in the overall Syria Theatre, but IMO that's a mistake. Also, Escobar mentions Iran but IMO it has just as much of a hand in what's to come as Turkey, which Escobar acknowledges. Unlike Ukraine, there's no waiting for the ground to freeze, although the conflict appears to be frozen.
In its negotiations with Russia, Iran has likely said much about the frozen aspect, saying that must change for its solution impedes moving further toward the consummation of an overall Persian Gulf Region Peace Plan that Iran and others are keen to implement so development can go forward. IMO, much depends on Iraq. Erdogan is cited as saying the following:
"The administrations in Syria and Iraq must not feel threatened. We intend to ensure the territorial integrity of these countries." [My Emphasis]
The latter sentence has several different meanings. To actually accomplish that feat, Outlaw US Empire forces would need to be ousted pure and simple. But I doubt that's what Erdogan means. I do think Erdogan is coordinating with Russia and Iran, but what will actually happen next is unknown.
bevin | 2
The Taiwan election is highly significant.
Yes KMT has a one China policy written in their constitution. The DPP is the independence party. During this recent election the differences were explicitly addressed. The DPP campaign brought up the mainland "threat". The KMT accused the DPP of threatening war. The current President Tsai was forced to resign as chairman of the DPP because of their loss.
To a certain extent it was Pelosi's visit to Taiwan that inflamed these issues and the people thus spoke.
Posted by: Toivos | Nov 28 2022 0:45 utc | 82
At last European governments have woken up six months too late to the economic threat from the US but they still think Washington is their friend. Washington doesn't have friends, it has vassals. To resolve this issue the EU needs to get rid of its leaders like Ursula von der Leyen and Josep Borrell Fontelles who are too closely aligned with Washington to be of any use to Europe.
EU needs to dump support for Ukraine, drop oil and gas sanctions, reconnect Nordstream 1/2 and tell the Baltic States and Poland to get in line if they want to continue EU subsidies. If the Baltic States and Poland don't comply then France, Germany and anyone else being screwed by US sanctions should quit EU and form new common trade and defence group
Europe, going into committees to discuss this will mean that Europe will take too long to come up with a plan of action. Perhaps Germany should just do it, particularly after US or UK blew up Nordstreanm 1 and 2
Posted by: Ghost Ship | Nov 28 2022 0:46 utc | 83
Do watch out for the door on your way out. Cheers.
Posted by: Outraged | Nov 27 2022 23:56 utc | 72
Why thank you kind sir, you are a gentlemen indeed.
Posted by: David F | Nov 28 2022 0:53 utc | 84
Watching some of the protest videos in China, I tell myself not to take the bait on these. It's probably just another western-backed attempt to replace a Chinese state with communist characteristics with a Jewish state with Chinese characteristics.
That being said, two questions for the bar:
I do find it disconcerting that all loudspeaker voices being pumped into crowds demonstrating or from drones during the lockdowns are always female voices. To me it smacks of oppressive agencies disguising themselves with female attributes to sooth and calm. It's calculated but probably effective to a certain degree. Hillary Clinton showing up men as Secretary of State at playing war comes to mind. So does female coyotes exposing themselves while in heat to lure small dogs into the forest for a pack ambush. Has anyone else noticed this?
and 2) WTF is up with the absolute lack of interest here in Brazil and its massive protests for Bolsonaro?
The turn-out against the election results has been enormous, yet I realize that many here are probably sympathetic to the other dude. Bolsonaro did not seem so bad to me, especially wrt to his friendship with Putin. We will see what the other guy thinks of Putin's invasion. I have seen that he is overall lukewarm on the matter which to me might mean a backstabbing is in order once the inauguration has been completed.
The lack of coverage on this issue reminds me of the covid lockdown protests throughout the west that b just completely ignored for a year.
What gives?
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 28 2022 0:58 utc | 86
I would like to say a word in support of lucid dreaming, and lucid sleep.
If we examine our own experience and the nature of sleep as we experience it, we can notice that we can be fully asleep and if someone speaks our name softly, or a cat jumps on the bed, or from countless other disturbances, even of the lightest kind, we can realize that we were already "awake", even as we were "asleep".
I suggest there's little more to say or discuss about the lucidity possible throughout the sleep stage unless one has first recognized this fact of our sleep state.
But if we have acknowledged this, then the sleep state becomes amenable to our influence to some degree. And this is essentially the basis of lucid dreaming, lucid sleeping. It's just to say that we don't have to fall into a black void every night, interrupted only by dreams that compel our involvement but allow us practically no agency. It doesn't have to be this way.
Those who teach about the lucidity of the sleeping time offer numerous practices to engage in, as an attempt to remain lucid while sleeping, or to become lucid during sleep. In such a state, with most of our daily and worldly concerns absent, the horizons expand for more focused self exploration and self improvement.
And mindfulness - lucidity - is always worth having, at any moment when we can. We don't have to give up one-third of our lives, in defeat.
By the way, if we want to talk about crazy theories and beliefs that people may hold, how about those dreams, eh? Crazy? Wacky? Delusional? But then, are they really ours, these dreams? Do they belong to us? Are we proud of them? Do we take credit for designing them? And if we can't own them, then does this mean we are possessed by thoughts that come from somewhere other than ourselves?
Do we have any right to call anything crazy, or nonsense, if we can't even claim ownership of the madness of our dreams?
Surely the opportunity to understand more about our sleep and our dreams is an opportunity worth investigating?.
Posted by: Grieved | Nov 28 2022 1:05 utc | 87
Thanks for the information and analysis of the Taiwan elections.
It has long seemed to me that there must be a substantial portion of public opinion which, for various reasons, ranging from those regarding the economic future to those seeking peace and stability, would be likely to vote for re-unification.
The alternative, after all is endless squabbling, a permanent fear of war, a necessity to spend billions on arms, never to be used, and a satellite relationship with a despised (and contemptuous) foreign power.
Surely it is upon this shifting in public opinion that the PRC is counting. Nobody wants a war except the imperialists. And they want one, not to protect Taiwan but to weaken and pre-occupy and corrupt the Peoples Republic.
Is there any downside from unification? For most people I would think not.
Posted by: bevin | Nov 28 2022 1:06 utc | 88
@ karlof1 | Nov 28 2022 0:44 utc | 81 with the bigger picture links and summary...thanks
Lots going on that makes me think we are nearing an inflection point....or maybe just more grinding down of the meme
Empire is pulling out all the stops all over the world to cause chaos and everyone entertained? So many engaged players and so little truth about reality without the curtain hiding the lever movers.....If you can't trust Pope Frank, who can you trust? After all, he is doing God's work.....just like Hand, The Invisible.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 28 2022 1:07 utc | 89
@ karlof1 | Nov 28 2022 0:44 utc | 81
@ psychohistorian | Nov 28 2022 1:07 utc | 89
Lots going on that makes me think we are nearing an inflection point ...
48hrs remain re Iran official formal ultimatum to Iraq govt re intention to directly militarily intervene in Iraqi Kurdistan re Kurds/US/Israel... co-ordinated with Turkiy ?
Syria, US has only ~900 light infantry plus SF/DIA/CIA instructors(IIRC) ...
Essentially OPEC+ have applied to join or members of BRICS, Algiers, KSA, Qatar, Argentina, Myanmar, others ...
Empire is having a tantrum & instigating trouble everywhere it can, as a distraction ... to no avail, IMV.
Below is the quoted last section of the 2nd link provided by karlof1 above
Prison campsSome 10,000 captured ISIS fighters and more than 50,000 suspected family members remain in prison camps across Syria’s northeast.
Dana Stroul, the Pentagon’s top Middle East policy official said in July, “ISIS views the detention facilities where its fighters are housed as the population to reconstitute its army.”
The prisons are administered by the SDF, but with few resources, the prisoners, women, and children live in squalor. The Biden administration helped Syrian Kurdish authorities to fund new detention facilities to better secure the ISIS prisoners. Their indefinite detention, which recalls Guantanamo, will depend on a political settlement in Syria, but that seems elusive.
Where is Pope Frank when the world needs him and his organization to walk their talk?
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 28 2022 1:27 utc | 91
@ psychohistorian | Nov 28 2022 1:27 utc | 91
Reviewing the latest audit report of the Vatican banks financial assets & global investments ? Whilst a nun washes his feet ...
81 Cont'd--
Enter Alastair Crooke's al-Mayadeen column to the fray, "Defiance at the G20: 'World Order Z' and the birth of a Wider Political ‘Movement’", which offers a preview of his more detailed SCF essay to come. Here's one excerpt:
Lately, in north-east Syria, the Syrian Army periodically have been mounting roadblocks and refusing passage to US military convoys on their way to and from their Kurdish protégé allies. In the last days, a checkpoint that turned-back a US military convoy was jointly manned by both Syrian and Russian forces.So what? Where is the radical symbolism in that?
The symbolism is that all the Russian vehicles at the north-east Syria checkpoint had a huge white ‘Z’ painted on them.
Sorry to divorce the above from the context preceding it and following it, but b wouldn't want me to copy/paste the entire article. I will say that the title of the JPost op/ed he links to, "Does the Russian-Iranian axis pose a threat to us all? - opinion," is a doozy. Yes, there's idiocy displayed by the writer but also fear generated by Iran's new hypersonics (see Crooke's link to his previous article near the top of this one). And barflies will want to mark away perhaps an hour to digest the essay linked at the article's end. (Sorry for all the late-notice homework on a school night.)
IMO, Crooke's correct, and we've already seen confirmation of the phenomenon he concludes with.
Still, in discussions such as we have on this board terms like 'America' and 'Anglo-Saxon' and 'British Imperialism' and 'capitalism' are often thrown around in ways which seemingly make sense to all of us even though in fact much of what is attributed to them should be more accurately attributed to the City and its minions.
If the City is a Dark Heart of various deep evil machinations in the modern West's hegemonic Empire, then like all Centers it has a Fringe. The center is not powerful without the fringe and vice versa. One example of the fringe in action is the East India Company whose many atrocious actions have been documented but which are nearly always described as the greed of the 'British' or 'The Crown' or to 'Anglo-Saxon Imperialism' and so forth. But given the extremely high Jewish quotient behind the founding and current ownership structures in the City, these sorts of attributions are clearly misleading, and of course deliberately so. ............
Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 27 2022 14:46 utc | 4
I had a inklinG scorpion is an UNz hardcore, now its confirmed.
So whats your solution scorpion, genocide the Jews and leave the world to the tender care of the oh so innocent chinaman loving anglophone ?
Astralian Prime Minister Harold Holt,
‘With 500,000 to a million communist sympathisers knocked off,’ ‘I think it’s safe to assume a reorientation has taken place.’
What might that ‘reorientation‘ be to warrant rubbing off three millions souls and getting the entire [[[family]]] in ecstasy ?
James Reston
‘ The savage transformation of Indonesia from a pro-Chinese policy under Sukarno to a defiantly anti-Communist policy under General Suharto is, of course, the most important of these developments’
Sir Andrew Gilchrist, the British ambassador in Jakarta
I have never concealed from you my belief that a little shooting in Indonesia would be an essential preliminary to effective change,”,
British FM Michael Stewart
“great potential opportunities to British exporters” that were on offer from a new regime, so Britain should “try to secure a slice of the cake”.
Marshall Green, US ambassador
The US is generally sympathetic with and admiring of what the army is doing.”
Robert J Martens, political officer in the US embassy
‘It [CIA] was a big help to the army,’. ‘They probably killed a lot of people and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, but that’s not all bad. There’s a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment.
The West’s Best News in Asia
US News and World Report
‘Indonesia: Hope . . . where there was once none’.
New York Times columnist James Reston
A gleam of light in Asia
What was those gents getting all ecstatic about …???
The Indonesian covert action of 1965, reported by Ralph McGehee, who was in that area division, and had documents on his desk, in his custody about that operation. He said that one of the documents concluded that this was a model operation that should be copied elsewhere in the world. Not only did it eliminate the effective communist party (Indonesian communist party), it also eliminated the entire segment of the population that tended to support the communist party – the ethnic Chinese, Indonesian Chinese. And the CIA’s report put the number of dead at 800,000 killed. And that was one covert action. We’re talking about 1 to 3 million people killed in these things
Posted by: denk | Nov 28 2022 1:38 utc | 95
Australia, Maldives officials did not attend China’s Indian Ocean meet
Former Maldives President Mohammed Waheed Hassan and former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd were reported to have virtually joined the meeting, and both were attending in their individual capacity.
A meeting in Kunming about the Indian ocean? When Did India hold an international meeting about the South China Sea or Pacific?
Posted by: Antonym | Nov 28 2022 1:52 utc | 96
Sorry for that defunct link,
here's a working one...
Posted by: denk | Nov 28 2022 1:52 utc | 97
@ David F | Nov 27 2022 23:43 utc | 67
yes... rabbit hole is the understatement of the year on that link.. indeed!
@ Grieved | Nov 28 2022 1:05 utc | 87
i agree....
karlof1 - thanks for the links.. will check out crookes latest..
Posted by: james | Nov 28 2022 1:59 utc | 98
@ Bruised Northerner | Nov 27 2022 21:13 utc | 51
thanks bn... i think trudeau is a real rule for him and a completely different one for others... his use of the emergency act is an open and clear example of this... i have great difficulty with trudeau on many many levels... i am voting maxine bernier in the next federal election... canucks have become way too complacent and status quo oriented.. it doesn't work in this day and age..
Posted by: james | Nov 28 2022 2:04 utc | 99
Russia--China--Iran. . .the new Axis of Evil?
. . . .quite a challenge for the Rules-Based International Order™
Posted by: Don Bacon | Nov 28 2022 2:15 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
I saw recently that Stoltenberg (the Quisling) said that if Russia wins, there would be no peace. I wonder how he defines winning.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 27 2022 13:17 utc | 1