Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
November 22, 2022

Open (Not Ukraine) Thread 2022-205

News & views NOT related the war in Ukraine ...

Posted by b on November 22, 2022 at 16:46 UTC | Permalink

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Below are quotes from a ZH posting

During a speech at the Apec summit in Bangkok, where world leaders gathered, French President Emmanuel Macron called for a “single global order.”
Macron made the comments while discussing the power interests of Russia and China and the threat of war.

“We are in a jungle and we have two big elephants trying to become more and more nervous,” he said.

“If they become very nervous and start a war, it will be a big problem for the rest of the jungle. You need the cooperation of a lot of other animals, tigers, monkeys and so on,” added Macron.

“Are you on the U.S. or the Chinese side? Because now, progressively, a lot of people would like to see that there are two orders in this world. This is a huge mistake, even for both the U.S. and China.”

“We need a single global order,” he concluded.

Macron’s words are sure to confuse the ‘fact checker’ industry, which continues to insist that claims about the ‘New World Order’ or one world government are a baseless conspiracy theory.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 22 2022 16:57 utc | 1

Single global order with the Western countries calling the shots. He left that part out.

Posted by: circumspect | Nov 22 2022 17:03 utc | 2

Anniversary: Kennedy assassination 22. November 1963.

Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 22 2022 17:03 utc | 3

France and Europe have become utterly irrelevant to anything of importance from heron!
And Macron knows that.
Same for the rest of the vacuous dolts in the EU.
No gas ,no nuclear no energy,no nothing.
Simple as that.

Posted by: jpc | Nov 22 2022 17:09 utc | 4

Re: Trump's stated lack of interest in his restored Twitter account...

It won't take long for DJT to accept Musk's offer. Last night on, Chas and John pointed out that Twitter has 100x more users than Truth Social, Trump's 'prefered' communication platform.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 22 2022 17:11 utc | 5

Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 22 2022 16:57 utc | 1

Macron is a nonentity trying to appear influential. He is analogue to Blair, Sunak, Cameron, Truss, Baerbock, Scholz, Habeck, Merz, Rutte, ............

He is terrified - since Chirac's era France has become irrelevant even in Europe. The most important political factor in Europe in 1990s was Reuniting of Germany and the effect it had on European geopolitics. Collapse of USSR was secondary.

Most important factor after this period was Emergence of China. - 1990 GDR was Communist and so was China - just see which country has developed to global power - GDR went nowhere under West German guidance........

Now it is Re-Emergence of Russia as Great Power and exposure of European pygmies.......

USA is going to stoke up the flames all over Europe and Middle East and then slink away

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 22 2022 17:16 utc | 6

@ Paul Greenwood | Nov 22 2022 17:16 utc | 6 who wrote
USA is going to stoke up the flames all over Europe and Middle East and then slink away

Too much Hollywood for you Paul, methinks. I posit that Biden is no different than those on your list, nor is America in much better position. We in the US won't freeze as much as those in the EU this winter but the economies are interwoven and the same cult that dictates to the EU puppets dictates to the the US puppets.

Write your story around the titular heads of the God of Mammon cult that we can identify, King Chuck and Pope Frank jump to my mind. Where else do we find such focus on monotheism?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 22 2022 17:29 utc | 7

Re: psychohistorian @ #1 and Macron's recent One World plea.

I was just over at What's Left aka Steve Gowans' blog, and his latest thoughts on the proxy war on Russia. He makes a persuasive case that competion between Capitalist States is the root of all evil and the cause of most wars. He also takes an hilarious swipe at China calling its national economy "Socialism with Chinese characteristics."

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 22 2022 17:30 utc | 8

I don't know much about DJ Marc Rebillet but here's a tiny part from his set he played in France and Micron was even attending if I recall well: "Macron enculé" (meaning something like 'Macron the but fucked')

Here we have Micron getting another slap in the face. A year ago or so he also got slapped in the face.

Xi Jinping gave him a rhetorical slap in the face in Bali a week ago.

And who would forget Micron's visit to Algeria where he was basically booed out while pretending the crowd was happy to see him.

Micron is a desperate attention whore of a country that is sinking into insignificance. A single world order (as opposed to a multi polar world) is going contrary to what is unfolding at in increasingly faster pace.

Posted by: xor | Nov 22 2022 18:21 utc | 9

W/r/t the "new world order," the "new world order" afaik was a neologism introduced by Bush Sr. following the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact. The US - and its NATO vassals - were all that were left. What was "new" was simply that the US-led alliance and the capitalist world system it protects no longer had anything to stop it. And barring that, the US and NATO went on to kill millions practically just to show it could, but also to shore up any tinpot dictators who didn't get the memo about uncontested US dominance and the international primacy of US interests.

So in that sense, the "new world order" is somewhat old. Old enough to vote, and drink. The only "conspiracy theory" here is that "new world order" conspiracy theorists think there's something more sinister at work behind what is already perfectly explainable as US imperialism ("multipolarity," of course, being the re-emergence of rival imperialist powers/blocs). This may be because the "new world order" conspiracy theories are fodder for right-wing John Birch Society types, like Alex Jones who I think did a lot of work to popularize the idea, and these types can't tolerate the anti-imperialist theory because implicit within it is the notion of dominated and dominating nations, as well as of classes that are in conflict. Birchites don't believe in class conflict - they think capitalism would be harmonious if only the powers that be didn't interfere.

Anti-imperialism recognizes communism as the future, or at least the desirable future. There's also the possibility of imperialist war ruining us all, irradiating our atmosphere after a nuclear exchange, and so on. I think the Birchites on the other hand want to start a nuclear war - many of them believe in the rapture and believe that a war between Iran and Israel will be what immanentizes it. In any case, the Birchites have allegiance only to private property and to their concrete petit-bourgeois class interests. No "theory" that comes from those types has any import for working people. Anti-imperialism is the more scientifically suitable lens to view geopolitical conflict from, and the only theory that corresponds to proletarian interests.

Posted by: fnord | Nov 22 2022 18:24 utc | 10

What Macron is attempting to defuse is the strength of the argument within a recent paper produced within France by the School of Economic Warfare's new affiliate, the 451 Research Center. An important interview was published in French on 10 October Crooke picked up on and linked to in his most recent essay. I'll post the machine translation on the Week in Review thread where it can be read and referred to from other threads. One can get an idea from one of the author's answer to this Q:

"PIE: Who is this book for?

"CH: This book [is for those] want[ing] to think outside the box. We seek to address a wider audience than the small world of economic intelligence. What will become of the France in an increasingly exacerbated context of economic war? It is clear to everyone that retaliatory measures on Russian gas can have a negative impact on the daily lives of all of us. It is therefore necessary to shed light on this type of underground confrontation that precedes, accompanies and then relays conventional military conflicts."

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 18:36 utc | 11

The only "conspiracy theory" here is that "new world order" conspiracy theorists think there's something more sinister at work behind what is already perfectly explainable as US imperialism

Posted by: fnord | Nov 22 2022 18:24 utc | 10

You're forgetting the covid bioweapon, followed by the vaccine bioweapon, plus the systematic shutting down of food production that's been going on for years. And the jew with his great reset, who seems to have nearly all western leaders and parliaments on board, and by extension, media, academia, police and "healthcare" as well. None of this is "theory".

Posted by: Jusses | Nov 22 2022 18:37 utc | 12

I'll post the machine translation on the Week in Review thread .... KARLOF1 -- #11

Sir, Could you please include the URL of the document in this thread? I'm eager to read through it.

Posted by: KR | Nov 22 2022 18:49 utc | 13

Wall Street On parade report the attendance of DoJ at Delaware bankruptcy hearings of FTX.

Perhaps a fix is in to prevent uncomfortable truths of the Biden family scumbags carpet bagging in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 22 2022 18:55 utc | 14

KR @13--

Your request is here.


At the conclusion of COP27, Global Times "reporter Xie Wenting (GT) interviewed the newly appointed Egyptian Ambassador to China Assem Hanafi (Hanafi) to elicit his thoughts on the COP27, cooperation under the BRI, as well as the future of China-Egypt bilateral ties." I don't plan to reproduce this interview in full. What I want to highlight is the issue of finance raised in the first two paragraphs and not just finance related to green tech but overall development which has never been properly funded and instead used as a tool of control by the Outlaw US Empire. The interview's in English, so there's no need to provide a translation:

"GT: The COP27 just concluded. What were some of the highlights from the conference that you would like to share?

"Hanafi: Egypt believes that the climate crisis will aggravate social, economic, and environmental threats. Hence, urgent and serious actions are needed to address the climate crisis and to strengthen the implementation of a response with an aim to create a resilient planet. Egypt's priority in COP27 was to move from talks, negotiations, and planning to actual implementation. It is the time for action on the ground and we need to move quickly toward full, timely, inclusive, and at-scale action on the ground. In addition to that, there is a necessity to harmonize global efforts, and turn our pledges and commitments to action; this is our highest priority. We can all agree that in order to help developing countries address climate change, it is essential that we make significant progress on the crucial issue of climate finance while moving forward on all finance-related items on the agenda.

"The importance of adequacy and predictability of climate finance is key to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. To this end there is a need for enhanced transparency on finance flows and facilitated access to meet the needs of developing countries especially African countries or LDCs (least developed countries). Developed nations need to take urgent measures to help climate-vulnerable developing countries to better cope with the impacts of climate change. Such measures include financing targeted infrastructure projects and mechanisms to share risk through financial markets. The economies of developing countries face accelerating climate threats such as hurricanes in the Caribbean and Latin America and floods in Asia and Africa."

It's been seven years since the Paris Agreement and essentially zero monies have been made available for the above mentioned nations because they won't agree to the political demands present within those loans demanded by the Outlaw US Empire, which facilitates its policy to deter any attempt to mitigate Climate Change. The ambassador's assessment of China's development and future for Egyptian-Chinese ties provides a welcome perspective from a Global South nation.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 19:22 utc | 15

And in case anyone is still "wondering" why the FTX debacle managed to "escape" the notice of anyone official... it wasn't really about the money, it was about getting access to all the personal info that FTX inherited when it bought other crypto companies.

Blockfolio as the case outlined here:

In short, the Rothschild-class has figured out that the usual pump-and-dump and media scaremongering (as seen in spades here at MoA) strategy is not working to chase the plebs away from Bitcoin. So instead of only trying to destroy Bitcoin itself, they are going directly after the people who own it.

BUT BUT BUT Bitcoin is "anonymous"... well it can be, but chain analysis software makes figuring out who holds what coins fairly easy unless the owner takes counter-spying measures. Some are quite easy and becoming more common by the day.

So all the people who believed that FTX was going to live up to the promises made by a previous ownership group are going to learn a hard lesson, even beyond the fact FTX stole their custodial coins of all sorts.

"Know Your Customer" is being marketed by banks as a feature. It is merely spying for corrupt gov't regulators and "security" agencies by other means.

Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 22 2022 19:28 utc | 16

ZH has a posting up with the title

Erdogan Threatens Large Syria Ground Operation "As Soon As Possible"

The quotes

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is again threatening to imminently launch a major ground operation in northern Syria to root out Kurdish "terrorist" groups, following the November 13 bombing in central Istanbul which killed six people. The Turkish government quickly blamed the outlawed PKK and affiliate groups operating across the border in Syria.

The weekend saw Turkish warplanes conduct dozens of 'retaliatory' strikes across Kurdish regions of northern Syria and Iraq. Ankara declared that 89 targets with alleged links to the PKK and Syrian YPG were destroyed.

Both Kurdish groups rejected the allegation that the Istanbul terror attack, which additionally wounded over 80 people, was carried out by the PKK or YPG.

"We have been bearing down on terrorists for a few days with our planes, cannons and guns," Erdogan said in a Tuesday speech. "God willing, we will root out all of them as soon as possible, together with our tanks, our soldiers."

Russia has meanwhile warned against a new Turkish incursion into Syria. "We understand and respect Turkey’s concerns about ensuring its own security. We believe this is Turkey’s legitimate right," a fresh statement from Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. "At the same time, we call on all parties to refrain from steps that could lead to the destabilization of the overall situation," he added.

The United States has also called for a de-escalation of the situation. The Pentagon still has hundreds of special forces embedded with Syrian Kurdish militias (the SDF) throughout northeast Syria.

Turkey has dubbed its stepped up cross-border operations as 'Claw Sword' - as announced the deaths of 184 Kurdish militants.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 22 2022 19:31 utc | 17

uncle tungsten@14
Interesting stuff in that link. If there was any money left in the Exchange there won't be after these legal hyenas ($1300 per hour..etc) have had their appetites whetted.

Posted by: bevin | Nov 22 2022 19:36 utc | 18

Infographic describing China's space exploration goals for the next 10-15 years. Only Roscosmos has anything similar. NASA, ESA and JSA can only watch.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 20:11 utc | 19

According to , Ron DeSantis is, as I suspected, a dyed-in-the-wool imperialist just like Tom Cotton and Marco Rubio. Obviously, from the point of view of the military-security apparatus, the MIC, or the MICIMATT, he is meant to block Trump to ensure that both major party candidates will toe the line on American aggression and war against the whole world.

These people all deserve to be hanged for murder, genocide, and treason, which completely vitiates the idea of, "Oh we have to support so-and-so because of racial equity, or gender rights, or whatever." People, it has to be a required condition of voting for or supporting any candidate that they not be a mass-murdering imperialist. Unless a candidate like DeSantis recants his imperialist record and makes it clear that he will not support any imperialism in the future, it is really a crime against humanity to support him. Lest anyone misunderstand me, all of this obviously applies to the unspeakably evil Democrats as well. No more votes for, support for, or enabling of imperialist murderer traitors.

Posted by: Cabe | Nov 22 2022 20:14 utc | 20

One more footnote. I didn't want to give the impression that I was validating Trump either. It is just that the MICIMATT don't trust Trump, even though they were successful at controlling him, because he might randomly break loose, not because he has any thought-out anti-imperialist program, which he obviously does not.

Posted by: Cabe | Nov 22 2022 20:17 utc | 21

Germany 2022
football stars in full LGBTQ modus and kurdis terrorists using football to provoke turkey.

Posted by: ratkomladic | Nov 22 2022 20:22 utc | 22

As I've been noticing for a while now, something is definitely wrong at Wikileaks.

If nothing else, this milquetoast content-generation-level story about it confirms my suspicions, even if the author and publication are too cowardly to speculate as to, oh, I dunno, WHO, HOW and WHY Wikileaks may be targeted? Rather, they lean into the theory that the staff has decided to dedicate their time to Julian Assange's legal defense and provide no backing logic or evidence to their assertion. Granted, they claim they reached out to Wikileaks, but they didn't leave much time for them to respond or do any investigative work to see what is going on with Wikileaks' site and domain from a technical perspective.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 22 2022 21:07 utc | 23

This may be the future that micron and his globalist WEF ilk have in mind for us when they refer to global governance.
It is an interview with Aman Jabbi who comes across as credible regarding the surveillance technologies already being implanted around us.
Well worth the hour and a half length imo. It is war of a different kind on the people of the world. Hope i did the link correctly.

Posted by: simon crow | Nov 22 2022 21:22 utc | 24

Jusses | Nov 22 2022 18:37 utc | 12
they missed one of the cows during the "shut down." oh wait, non kosher pig.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Nov 22 2022 21:30 utc | 25

Posted by: simon crow | Nov 22 2022 21:22 utc | 24

I skipped through the video (don't have an hour +) and didn't see anything about "killer" street lights. Could you give us a time stamp for that part?

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 22 2022 21:35 utc | 26

RT reports, "Kosovo pushing for conflict" as even Brussels and its warmongering "diplomat" Borrell agree with Serbia, which IMO is amazing:

"By the EU’s own admission, the problem was[is] Pristina’s refusal to abide by the agreement it signed with Belgrade....

"'We put forward a proposal that President Vucic accepted today, while Prime Minister Kurti did not,' Borrell said afterwards. 'I will inform member states about the behavior of the different parties and the lack of respect for international legal obligations. I have to say this goes particularly for Kosovo.'" [My Emphasis]

However, "According to Vucic, however, there is no point discussing anything with Kurti as recognition of Kosovo is 'not Serbia’s policy'. This is not about license plates, but about Pristina failing to abide by its obligations and waging a 'hybrid war' against the remaining Serbs in Kosovo, he said." [Emphasis Original]

This conflict's been brewing ever since NATO's Aggressive wars against Yugoslavia then Serbia. The Kosovar Nazis think they have the Outlaw US Empire's backing and are acting like their Ukrainian brothers, but the actual situation in Ukraine has altered the hegemonic balance. Kosovo will soon learn what the Kurds and others have when they no longer serve any useful purpose for the Empire. Given the context, a new Balkan War IMO is very likely, which is an unstated reason for Russia's partial mobilization as Serbia must prevail this time.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 21:38 utc | 27

Posted by: ratkomladic | Nov 22 2022 20:22 utc | 22

For reasons entirely unrelated to Qatar's strict policies on homosexuality and the terrible treatment of majority migrant workers, this FIFA World Cup is a shit show. They basically bribed Blatter and Co. and spent the following 10 years building cities and stadiums that didn't exist and will never be used again. On top of that, being that it is the World Cup, they invited the world to their country (I'll concede that perhaps this was not a majority decision on the Qataris' part) so they should be showing more flexibility. The crowds so far are sparse and look fake in some fixtures. Qatar is not a football country either. No history or tradition to speak of. Part of me is glad that FIFA - through corruption or otherwise - gave Russia the WC in 2018 despite peak objection from the usual FUKUS suspects, but FIFA is a corrupt money washing and graft organization, so perhaps it's a good thing that they are exposed this time with the Joke World Cup of Qatar.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 22 2022 21:42 utc | 28

karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 19:22 utc | 15
" is essential that we make significant progress on the crucial issue of climate finance..."

and that's all we need to know about "climate change": it follows the flows of global finance. none of those assholes in egypt believe in "climate change." it's another marketing slogan.

oh, and we wouldn't have problems with jews, or their bastard seed, today if it wasn't for egypt. they didn't finish the job way back when. breeder of prophets, conquerors, empires, scientists, leaders, builder of inspirational tombs, graveyard of knowledge, feeder of the mediterranean for let the jews get away.

what a bunch of chiselers.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Nov 22 2022 21:43 utc | 29

@ Norwegian | Nov 22 2022 17:03 utc | 3

Re our brief interaction re discussing Sweden being a Secret member of NATO, & in fact a ghost sixth member of the 5-eyes from ~'56.
Was wrong. Apologies.

It was from 1954.

@ karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 20:11 utc | 19

And all for a mere fraction of the MICC rort/ponzi costs in US. All hard STEM.

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 22 2022 21:43 utc | 30

RT just posted a rather curious article, "US endorses Turkish operation in Syria," which is filled with Empire spin, particularly about its Kurdish terrorists fighting its Daesh Terrorists, while the #1 Terrorist plunders Syrian resources. IMO, the "frozen conflict" in Syria needs to be unfrozen and concluded with Syria back in control of ALL its territory and Turkiye removed back behind its borders--Turkiye won't be allowed full SCO membership until it extricates itself from all of Syria, which ought to provide plenty of motivation.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 21:47 utc | 31

@ fnord 10

What is coming next has not been discovered yet. No one knows, not even Putin, Trump, or Xi.

But it will be historical in that (((they))) tried to control it when the Soviet Union fell and Bush Sr. talked about a New World Order and Fukuyama wrote about the end of history, but could not hope to contain it.

I would take an irradiated wasteland over communism 10/10 times and twice on Sunday.

A world communist paradigm would be like lifting your chewed-up foot out of a bear trap only to fall into another one with the other foot on your next step. Come to think of it, that is exactly what the global elites have in mind for us with their great reset.

First the economic collapse in the west and then the prescribed solution from our masters with a CBDC.

It's almost like there is no such thing as pure capitalism or pure communism. It's just elites trying to bottle and cork spirit forever.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 22 2022 21:48 utc | 32

@ karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 21:38 utc | 27

"We've got your back!" (Please insert name of disposable proxy/terrorist group or nation State - Here)

@ karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 21:47 utc | 31

MSM_Lies_R_Us engaged in narrative tap-dancing whilst Empire shits bricks.

Indeed, a requred practical demonstration of Turkey: re trust/faith re resolution of Syrian issue/expulsion of US illegal occupation/theft of resources, to prove Turkey: bona fides, perhaps ?

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 22 2022 21:53 utc | 33

#15 Karlof1

Thank you so very much for posting this -- Merci beaucoup d’avoir posté ceci pour moi.
Quite helpful. I'll be stewing over this for the remainder of this week.

Take care.

Posted by: KR | Nov 22 2022 22:01 utc | 34

Infographic describing China's space exploration goals for the next 10-15 years. Only Roscosmos has anything similar. NASA, ESA and JSA can only watch.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 20:11 utc | 19

Perhaps the NASA, ESA and JSA know there is nothing there other than a make work project for surplus STEM types.

Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 22 2022 22:14 utc | 35

@15 Egyptian Ambassador to China Assem Hanafi on COP27:
"We can all agree that in order to help developing countries address climate change, it is essential that we make significant progress on the crucial issue of climate finance while moving forward on all finance-related items on the agenda."

UNIPCC functionary Ottmar Edenhoffer on COP24:
"Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the worlds resources will be negotiated."

Hold onto your wallet. It's a climate shakedown!

Posted by: Gt Stroller | Nov 22 2022 22:24 utc | 36

Does anyone remember covid? Does anyone remember the madness, the hysteria, the mass psychosis?

Does anyone care about thousands of young ppl dying suddenly?

Does anyone has a relative who was killed by the death protocols of no early care, remdesivir and ventilators?

Does anyone know someone who is still out of work because he refused the “safe and effective” experimental products?

Posted by: DG | Nov 22 2022 22:31 utc | 37

If people have taken an interest in 5 Eyes they really also ought to already be aware of 9 Eyes and much more.

I'm trying to avoid being harsh because I realize all too well that no one can know everything (nor not even close to a minuscule fraction) but this is old uncontested public information that is sort of baked into and comes along with the whole idea behind the creation of 5 Eyes to begin with.

[ Unless there's something unusual in the new ex-Ukraine thread I'm going back to my brief "lurking vacation" :) ]

Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Nov 22 2022 22:43 utc | 38

sad day they assassinated JFK
was the beginning of the end of our
so called democracy

Posted by: qmess | Nov 22 2022 23:07 utc | 39

Shocking news from Germany
"Five boxes of previously unknown transcriptions of lectures by G.W.F. Hegel have been found
The materials were discovered by Klaus Vieweg (Jena) in the archives of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising. The lectures, transcribed by Friedrich Wilhelm Carové, were delivered between 1816 and 1818 when Hegel was a professor at Heidelberg. Among them is an apparently complete lecture on aesthetics, as well as lectures on other topics.

"According to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (the following is a Google-translation):

"The philosopher Klaus Vieweg from Jena found five boxes with numerous transcripts of lectures given by Georg Wilhelm Hegel in Heidelberg in the archives of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising. Hegel taught at the university there in his first professorship from 1816 to 1818. The hitherto completely unknown transcripts are from the hand of Friedrich Wilhelm Carové. Born in Coblenza in 1789, Carové first studied law and worked in the Prussian customs service before beginning his philosophy studies in Heidelberg in 1816. In 1818 he followed Hegel to Berlin. Carové was one of the few Catholics to take part in the student Wartburg festival and belonged to the foreigner-friendly and non-anti-Semitic part of the German fraternity, a commitment that later cost him the opportunity to become a professor. In 1852 he died as a publicist in Heidelberg. His manuscripts, which have now been found, cover almost all parts of Hegel’s encyclopedic system, from the Logic through several transcripts of natural philosophy, the philosophy of subjective and objective mind to the history of philosophy. The archbishopric’s boxes contained, among other things, a long-sought and probably complete lecture on aesthetics by Hegel from Heidelberg. The manuscripts are now to be published as an annotated edition by an international team of experts at the University of Bamberg, with the participation of the philosopher Christian Illies. "

If that doesn't frighten you, you have never read Hegel.
The fear is that someone might weaponise these new lectures- they could upset the balance of power on any battleground.

Posted by: bevin | Nov 22 2022 23:22 utc | 40

This link from ICH will interest you. Its anbout De Santis military record and 'service' torturing prisoners in Cuba.

(A good cause, Information Clearing House is in need of money.)

Posted by: bevin | Nov 22 2022 23:28 utc | 41

Jesus that's a long URL. I'm sorry if it screws up the page for anyone (or was that issue fixed?). Republicans are dusting off the neocons in advance of their retaking control of the HoR. Gotta get that messaging straight. And it's a doozie.

Sub-headline: Head of International Republican Institute Dan Twining ridiculously compares Putin-Xi meeting to Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact between Hitler and Stalin, while former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs accuses Russia of igniting protests in Chile

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 22 2022 23:40 utc | 42

@ Sunny Runny Burger | Nov 22 2022 22:43 utc | 38

5-eyes, 9-Eyes, 14-Eyes.

Yet, that is indeed, not the Full story.

Sweden, via its covert Deep State, has been a secret member of NATO & a ghost 6th member of the 5-Eyes since 1954.

Neutral Switzerland has never been a true Neutral & another 7th ghost member of the 5-Eyes since at least the early '50's.

Japan is an 'ounfficial' ghost 8th member of the 5-eyes.

If concerned re personal security do not use a VPN legally domiciled in NATO/EU or any of the expanded 5-eyes or 14-eyes states. Nor the above.

The Rabbit hole runs deep.

See: Search Wikileaks for primary sources re Sweden NATO, Sweden NSA. Search Snowden releases re all above.)

For those interested in investigative reporting as a light entree, rather than raw primary sources see following:

WIKILEAKS CABLEGATE - JULIAN ASSANGE - US embassy: ‘Sweden no longer neutral’
Swedish - Local SE Dec 2 2010


Swedish intelligence service spying on Russia for US National Security Agency
Dec 30 2013

Regarding faux neutral Switzerland see, flogging back doored secure(not) cryptographic equipment at cut rate prices to the non-aligned nations of the world based on cracked Enigma machines, post WWII into the '90's.

So much for all the BS squawking & sanctions re Huawei, for market control & in service of Empire, & therefore the preservation of 5(8)-eyes, 9-Eyes & 14-Eyes, political & economic dominance, on behalf of the Vampyres ...

Note: Below are not proper full URLs, hyperlinks. Search on the title, etc, in each case.
(See: German Enigma, GCHQ, Bletchley Park, WWII, Polish mathematicians pre WWII)) :

The intelligence coup of the century - The Washington Post › national-security › c...
11 Feb 2020 — The company, Crypto AG, got its first break with a contract to build ... As the U.S. spied on the world, the CIA and NSA bickered. The Swiss ...

CIA controlled global encryption company for decades, says ... › us-news › feb › crypto-...
11 Feb 2020 — Swiss government orders inquiry after revelations Crypto AG was owned and operated by US and German intelligence.

Crypto AG - Wikipedia › wiki › Crypto_AG
Crypto AG was a Swiss company specialising in communications and information security founded by Boris Hagelin in 1952. The company was secretly purchased ...
‎History · ‎Compromised machines

Uncovering The CIA's Audacious Operation That Gave Them ... › 2020/03/05 › uncovering-the-cias-...
5 Mar 2020 — Greg Miller of The Washington Post reveals the hidden history of Crypto AG, a Swiss firm that sold encryption technology to 120 countries ...

Crypto AG Was Owned by the CIA - Schneier on Security › blog › archives › 2020/02
11 Feb 2020 — The Swiss cryptography firm Crypto AG sold equipment to governments ... The decades-long arrangement, among the most closely guarded secrets ...

Crypto AG backdooring rumours were true, say German and ... › 2020/02/11 › crypto_ag_...
11 Feb 2020 — Swiss encryption machine company Crypto AG was secretly owned by the CIA and a West Germany spy agency at the height of the Cold War, ...

Rubicon - Crypto Museum › intel › cia › rubicon
12 Dec 2019 — The secret purchase of Crypto AG by BND and CIA ... kind of gentleman's agreement existed between the NSA and Crypto AG annex Boris Hagelin, ...

Empires Perfidy runs deep, in the modern era, at least since VE Day 8 May 1945.


Posted by: Outraged | Nov 22 2022 23:45 utc | 43

bevin @40--

Thanks for sharing that extremely important discovery. I've read Hegel and have always remained curious about what appeared to be missing, which it turns out it was missing.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 23:47 utc | 44

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 22 2022 23:45 utc | 43

More recently the Swiss fell for the F-35 scam in another obvious
anti-neutrality move.

Posted by: SwissArmyMan | Nov 23 2022 0:01 utc | 45

I am struck by the behavior of the Iranian players that not only refrained from singing their anthem but made sure
they were routed by the Brits.

Were it not for the heroism of single player, they would have been beaten to Zero.

Now, against the will of Iranian Government, the coach elected to take with him three players that were objected to by the Govt.

I would be tempted to ask Fifa to refrain from showing the Iranian flag or playing the Iranian anthem when Queiroz team were to play.

Posted by: CarlD | Nov 23 2022 0:07 utc | 46

Outraged @43--

Yeah! All that strikes a memory chord for me when I was in the 519th Sig/EW Co. based at Moffet Field Silicon Valley in the early 1980s when we were merely musing about the internet. Over pizzas and beer, many of those with top-secret clearances forgot they were mingling with those who weren't and as the night wore on the tales became more intriguing. We were essentially NSA ops, not US Army, except when on FTXs. Some of the points raised on those occasions were the still to come internet would greatly facilitate data gathering, infiltration of networks, and bring about a new form of espionage differing from the electronic spying we did then, which had some of the senior E-7s rethinking retiring at 20 and remaining for the full 30 as they were very curious about what the future would bring. I left for Hawaii in 1984 and the IRR but was already aware of a lot. That the expectations voiced then understated what's now reality isn't really surprising. Rather, it was the POV that engaging in such work was somehow legal/constitutional, which it clearly wasn't, but that never was really discussed.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 23 2022 0:22 utc | 47

Five boxes of previously unknown transcriptions of lectures by G.W.F. Hegel have been found...

The fear is that someone might weaponise these new lectures...

Posted by: bevin | Nov 22 2022 23:22 utc | 40


Sounds kind of like the Hitler diaries.

Btw, I would not be too surprised if our current bunch of Rainbow Ferengis tries to 'improve' traditional Marxist understanding by a totally necessary 'new' interpretation of old Hegel himself. No better way to devalue the very foundation of any scientifically based criticism of capitalism.

What is still missing then is a hitherto undiscovered facsimile of the 'original' Critique of Political Economy, written by Supply Side Karl. :D

Posted by: Nobody | Nov 23 2022 0:38 utc | 48

Re: Hegel find

What is so frightening about Hegel?

He is not under your bed or a monster in your closet.

His thought is all around us everyday at every second.

No western philosopher has yet surpassed him and Russia reinvorgating his notion of world spirit is proof that we still have much to learn from him.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 23 2022 1:28 utc | 49

Tom_Q_Collins @ 26
The 'Killer Lights' by-line is not the meat of the interview and unfortunately may be a bit sensational taken out of context.
At the 22:53 mark Mr. Jabbi shows a slide of a multi-colour LED array mounted on one of these smart poles and claims they can emit an intense and very harmful light.
The main thrust of the interview is how these technologies such as facial recognition, digital ID's and digital currencies etc. are and will be used for behaviour modification of people.
They are part of the infrastructure of the 'digital prison' that will control all facets of human life as we know it if the WEF ilk get their way.

The best part of the interview imo is toward the end where he shares his view of what we can be done about this goose-step toward totalitarianism.

Hope that helps. If i had watched this three years ago i likely would have considered it good sci-fi. Now, not so much as i already see the signs of it here in Canada.

Posted by: simon crow | Nov 23 2022 1:48 utc | 50

@ Dani 64

Surveillance is 24/7 so time zones are irrelevant. Nationality in Global Terrorism is also irrelevant. The black clothed person described yesterday as machine-gunning surrendering Russian troops, is just as likely to be an Afghan hireling of the US as a Woden-woke Paedophile Azov.

The facilitators of the Sri Lanka massacre of practicing Christians are just as likely to have been Israeli zionists as supporters of Islamic State.

Soros and Zelensky have committed themselves to Nazism with a relish and zeal for genocide greater than the Third Reich.

In fact the word hybrid means the simultaneous use of incompatible systems.
If trade and consultation lead to harmony, hybrid means the deliberate disruption of both trade and peace. In Russia's case it is compelled to use asynchronous methods to give the exeptionalist Atlantacists a taste ofvtheir own medicine.

They don't like it up em. There's a fire exit sign over the exit. If Biden doesn't want a nuclear war, why is he bombing a nuclear power station? His words are shit.

Israel is the most racist, most apartheid, most cultist, most Pegasus spying, most armed country on earth. And they say that Putin is lying about Nazism in Ukraine. Israel is a Nazi Azov state. With Netanyahoo as its Fuhrer, and Trump as its
White Supremacist mate.

Posted by: Giyane | Nov 23 2022 2:28 utc | 51

@51 whoops sorry, posted on the wrong thread.

Posted by: Giyane | Nov 23 2022 2:46 utc | 52

Al Janoub Stadium in Qatar, originally known as Al Wakrah Stadium, site of the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Said to be inspired by the hull and sails of Arabian dhows, used by pearl fishers.

Looks to me like it was inspired by Love Goddess Inanna's Boat of Heaven.

Posted by: Vintage Red | Nov 23 2022 3:10 utc | 53

@:,Vintage Red 53

My darling mum did an art degree in her 70s and was working on a needlework project of similar design that she was very pleased with, until I pointed out what it actually looked like. Oh, the rose-like innocence of a generation that has gone for good.

Posted by: Giyane | Nov 23 2022 3:26 utc | 54

Argh, those insufferable perfidious albions

Bloomberg, a former New York mayor who ran for president in 2020, apologised on Thursday at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore, a business gathering whose speakers included Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan and whose delegates included Chinese businessmen.

Boris JOhnson

Let’s look at Russia and China, the two former communist tyrannies in which power has once again been concentrated in the hands of a single ruler, two monocultural states that have been traditionally hostile to immigration and that are becoming increasingly nationalist in their attitude
Beijing and Moscow were “willing to show a candid disregard for the rule of international law
I will continue to make the case for freedom and democracy on the world stage

mofo really beleive in their own BS !

Posted by: denk | Nov 23 2022 3:42 utc | 55

It was a joke.
It didn't occur to me that any native English speaker would take it seriously. Take a bow!

Posted by: bevin | Nov 23 2022 3:53 utc | 56

@ karlof1 | Nov 22 2022 23:47 utc | 44

" ... many of those with top-secret clearances forgot they were mingling with those who weren't and as the night wore on the tales became more intriguing. We were essentially NSA ops, not US Army, except when on FTXs."

Yup, happens far more often then people realize. ;)

Rather, it was the POV that engaging in such work was somehow legal/constitutional, which it clearly wasn't, but that never was really discussed.

US spies on all of UK, for UK, passes them the analyzed collected product. NZ spies on AU, for AU, passes them the analyzed collected product. Supposedly no one ever breaks their own laws. Sure. BS. Every minute of the day 52 weeks of the year. NSA not long ago bragged they've achieved the goal of their motto: Collect it All. Analyze it All."

@ SwissArmyMan | Nov 23 2022 0:01 utc | 45

Plausible cover for what is merely ... monetary Tribute.

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 23 2022 3:54 utc | 57

@56 bevin

Yes, when you finished with, "weaponizing Hegel," I figured as much.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 23 2022 3:54 utc | 58

fnord | Nov 22 2022 18:24 utc | 10

Bush's the "new world order" is a spurious claim that amounts to nothingness. Bush senior wasn't a megalomaniac Neocon like Cheney. Nor GW a neocon - he was simply naive and out iof his depth being led by the nose.

The term has been misrepresented form the gte go ... G Bush din;t seek nor say "new world order"

What he said/meant was what's happening now is an opportunity to open up a new "world order" ... one reflecting the non-invasion of other smaller countries - that if we play our cards right since moving on from the cold war the "word order"of the past can and will change into something "new/different". More fair, more just less wars, less invasions and the use of military force.

I believe he was sincere about this possibility for a positive change in global affairs and as a result of that a world order that operates differently than the past 100-200 years - he saw kicking Iraq out of Kuwait as a good thing .... and that he didn't invade and take over Iraq as another good thing.

Unfortunately Bush didn't realise how successful the Neocons were going to be a decade later. GHW Bush in no way supported his son or the neocons and their bloody minded assault on Iraq and the entire middle east. GHW Bush was a supporter of his son did in office. The idea that GW was doing what his father wanted but failed to do is a load of cobblers.

So is this bs conspiratorial thinking over the "new world order" defines G Bush or his thinking.
It is a made up myth that will never be adequately corrected. Another example where Narrative has the power to override Reality far too often. /soap-box.

Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 23 2022 3:54 utc | 59

World War 4 is society vs government. Every national government is designed to control, regiment and adjudicate the population within their borders. Putin is the enemy of his people he has decided to feed his people into a war that is apparently a lot of casualties for no real gains, by any side just death and destruction.

What if thats the point? Reduce populations for better control, a relatively small amount of people can provide the necessary complexity to uphold the refined standards of our rulers.

Its the same thing that makes Biden stifle energy, that makes European governments rig the price higher and higher, while at the same time removing these products from poorer nations. The end result is always a weaker population. Already Serbia and turkey and Iran are being targeted to fight their neighbors. Don't be fooled the big lie is the nations are fighting each other
They're fighting us

Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Nov 23 2022 3:57 utc | 60

typo sorry

GHW Bush was NOT a supporter of his son's Administration and what he did as President.

YYMV but I have seen enough to convince me beyond doubt I got the right reading on history here.

Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 23 2022 3:58 utc | 61

If you are a professional football player Europe is the best place to go.
I imagine there will be a couple of Iranians flying out of Doha to contracts in Spain or France, Germany, Italy or the Premier League in England. Or will they be going to the MLS?
It will have been planned months ago.

Posted by: bevin | Nov 23 2022 3:58 utc | 62

`load of cobblers' Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 23 2022 3:54 utc | 59

Were you even born when the Gulf War went down? You may still find the video *To sell a war* on the internet. For starters. ...

Posted by: Laurence | Nov 23 2022 4:08 utc | 63

@ Laurence | Nov 23 2022 4:08 utc | 63

Load of cobblers too true, indeed. ;)

Posts endless filler, spams threads, in vain attempt to establish faux cred.

You will know them by who they interact with, amongst their socks n bots.


Posted by: Outraged | Nov 23 2022 4:23 utc | 64

algora blog has a great report on the midterm elections.

And lots more as usual.

A Chat With Craig Simpson features at Larry Johnson's blog - sonar21.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 23 2022 4:23 utc | 65

Argh, those strutting perfidious albonion ...!

Sunak's proposed meeting with Xi had been cancelled, due to scheduling problem...

My ass !

mofo sought an audience with the Chinese, slap Beijing in public and still expect a red carpet reception, such insolent prick !


We reserve our right to arm TW.
"We stand ready to support Taiwan, as we do in standing up to Chinese aggression,"

Posted by: denk | Nov 23 2022 4:26 utc | 66

Iraq wasn't a purely Bush-43 operation, as is commonly alleged. Operation Iraqi Freedom had strong support from the Dems, including Biden, and as evidenced by The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, signed into law by President Bill Clinton. . . "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq."

Posted by: Don Bacon | Nov 23 2022 4:35 utc | 67

... Yeah, the issues are clearly defined in this dilemma — one would think. ...


We risk paying a higher price in the most precious currency of all, human life, if we ...
... as they undertake their missions, they do so after months of careful planning. ...

... after months of careful planning. ...

after months of careful planning.

Posted by: Laurence | Nov 23 2022 4:41 utc | 68

Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 22 2022 19:28 utc | 16

Can you please give us a few hints about securing Bitcoin , as you say? I am a novice. Maybe put it in the “not Ukraine” section for me to find?

Posted by: Brother Ma | Nov 23 2022 5:32 utc | 69

Sorry , Old Canadian!

We are already in the “not ukraine” section. Hahaha

Posted by: Brother Ma | Nov 23 2022 5:34 utc | 70

@Giyane | Nov 23 2022 3:26 utc | 54

I wonder who will dispel the "innocence" of the Qatar monarchy?


Posted by: Vintage Red | Nov 23 2022 6:07 utc | 71

I read somewhere that the price cap on Russia oil is still a pipe dream and will be implemented Real Soon Now

It should be an interesting side show to the circus of a civilization war we are living through.....the best that private money can buy

Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 23 2022 7:15 utc | 72

Brian Berletic's Newatlas channel has a video on Thailand protests, which are of course Washington/USA funded "pro-democracy fighters". Everyone must now after decades of experience the US playbook is stll the same, and once you know a groups and people's affiliations, it's easier to label them third party external agents.

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 23 2022 7:43 utc | 73

The war against Empire widens, triggered by two most recent US directed terrorist attacks against NATO member, Turkey: ...

Intel Slava Z

🇮🇷🇮🇶⚡The Iranian ambassador in Baghdad said he gave the government of Iraqi Kurdistan 10 days to disarm all paramilitaries that Tehran considers terrorist, under the threat of a large-scale operation.

Today, the command of the IRGC announced that air strikes on objects of the Kurdish forces will continue.

IRGC Ground Force cmdr. urges civilians to stay away from terror bases in Iraqi Kurdistan
Also covers report Re Iranian ambassador to Iraq.

Current ops by Turkey: in northern Syria on YPG/PPK(/US), & by Turkey: in northern Iraq on PKK(/US/Israel), ops by Iran in Iranian Kurd regions on PKK(/US). Threats of Ops by Iran on PKK(/US/Israel) in norther Iraq. Both RF in Syria & Iran re Iranian Kurdish region, have opened airspace to Turkey: aircraft.

... Earlier, Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Mohammad Kazem Alesadeq said the Islamic Republic had told officials from Iraq’s central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) that it was serious about its national security after a number of sensitive Iranian military centers had been targeted from the Kurdistan soil.

“Some of our vital military centers have been attacked from the Iraqi Kurdistan region’s soil and we have informed the Iraqi side, both the authorities of the Iraqi Kurdistan region and the central government in Iraq, of this issue. We [provided them] with maps and documents, and they understood this reality,” Alesadeq said in an exclusive interview with Iran’s Arabic-language television news network al-Alam TV." ...

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 23 2022 8:57 utc | 74

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 23 2022 8:57 utc | 74

Will Iran and Turkey make some kind of co-operation to squeeze the US backed kurdish terrorist elements out from both northern Iraq and Syria? Both have means and motive to do so.

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 23 2022 9:11 utc | 75

@ unimperator | Nov 23 2022 9:11 utc | 75

US has no insitu forces to seriously oppose or even viably defend seriously threatened minor bases & is very, very quiet re events. Kurdish region is very light US/Israeli SF, Spies, ELInt(Against Turkey:/Iran/Iraq/Syria/etc & SF/CIA/DIA/Mossad Instructors for various TLA Kurdish groups.

The Kurdish regions essentially straddle the Iraqi/Iranian/Turkey: borders.

Northern Syria is exposed to Turkey:, RF, Syrian SAA, Hezbollah & Iranian forces in Syria supporting Assad. RF has enforced No Fly zone outside US directly controlled areas & US has very modest bases with light forces in East & Sth East Syria adjacent to Iraq & Jordan borders, with their MSRs vulnerable & utterly dependent on road logistics for supply through Iraq to Syria, overland. IF Iraqi militias, Iranian affiliated or not scented blood(co-ordinated by IRGC), they could cut supplies & threaten isolation & prevent viable withdrawal of US light Syrian units, other than via Jordan or Air Evac (See: Vietnam/Afghanistan)

Very precarious & vulnerable position for US SF & Instructors, & CIA/DIA operatives & Instructors.

Does US really want to be entrapped & isolated ? Or escalate & go hot in this situ in Syria ? Seriously doubtful.

If they pull out, then it's road through Iraq, road into Jordan(Allowed ?) or Air Evac. That would only encourage further ops in Iraqi Kurdistan & Iranian Kurdistan in conjunction with Turkey: me thinks ...

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 23 2022 9:50 utc | 76

Were you even born when the Gulf War went down?
Posted by: Laurence | Nov 23 2022 4:08 utc | 63

Why do you ask?

Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 23 2022 9:50 utc | 77

Don Bacon | Nov 23 2022 4:35 utc | 67

Nah, without Cheney's zionist neocons nothing would have happened. everyone else just fell into line or were not bothered arguing the point.

of course no one in the USA supported Iraq or Suddam or was anti-war - laws or no laws. Same as no one supports Putin/Russia today either. It's not the issue, the US is always keen for war whatever the excuse.

The Neocons made up the excuses in spades. The media, the people, and the rest of the world are suckers.

Which I think is Putin's weak spot, short coming. He does not stand a chance of getting through to a western world populated by complete idiots.

Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 23 2022 10:01 utc | 78

Outraged | Nov 23 2022 4:23 utc | 64

Poor diddums. Sniffle. Life's tough hey? Why not just have a lay down and give yourself some Peace Bro!

And do try not to criticize or put down other commenters as per Bs rules. Though I can sympathize that bad habits are touch to break.

Or you could just sue me for not rising to these "exceptionally high standards" you set for yourself!

Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 23 2022 10:12 utc | 79

So G7 is attempting to cap Russian oil price to $65 - 70. What will happen is G7 can buy their oil for something like $110, while Russia sells oil at $80 to China and India.

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 23 2022 10:53 utc | 80

@ unimperator | Nov 23 2022 10:53 utc | 81

Nutso. RF will sell the oil required to China/India/Iran or an OPEC+ member or other, as you suggest, they'll then onsell it to G7 plus costs & a 25%+ markup. G7 has no alternatives re sourcing supply

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 23 2022 10:58 utc | 81

So G7 is attempting to cap Russian oil price to $65 - 70.

and what did Glencore or Vitol say to that ? Does Goldman and JPM agree or are its traders hungry ?

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 23 2022 10:59 utc | 82

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 23 2022 10:58 utc | 82

So theoretically all G7 is limited to US, Saudi, Canada and Iraq for oil supply. This will push those fore mentioned oil price up, due to now supply side missing an additional 10 Million barrels, out of perhaps total 55 million barrels, or a little under 20 % of total. Meanwhile China and India will buy Russian oil at much lower prices than G7 buying US-Saudi-Canada-Iraq oil, and sell it at or near that price. This way the market balances itself once again.

Also, this will ensure that competitive advantage decreases within the G7, and increases in non-G7, all else being equal. If G7 "price cap" works in theory, it means that G7 will transfer wealth and competitive advantages to non-G7.

And this doesn't take into account oil traders at all, if one doesn't take advantage from arbitrage, someone else will. The Saudi energy minister said that there is no oil market without Russian oil, simple as that.

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 23 2022 11:12 utc | 83

@ unimperator | Nov 23 2022 11:12 utc | 84

'Tis as brilliant & cunning a plan as the self-destructive, self-defeating tranches of sanctions, what 8 or 9 now, which are crippling US, UK & EU, yet RF overall economy has gone gangbusters for last 10 months, with IIRC no foreign debt, new increased & growing volume exports & Billions upon Billions in new win-win projects/infrastructure, what a cherry on top. And the lights & heating in RF are doing just fine ...

Such 'winning'.

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 23 2022 11:34 utc | 84

via Peter Myers this recent documentary featuring many embalmers about the new wave of white fibres found in the blood. Depopulation?

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 23 2022 12:05 utc | 85

Great thread so far from usual contributors,

Two Curiosities that interest me in my quest to join the dots of history to make sense of how exactly we got here!

1. Concerning World Cup intrigues

The Salisbury Novichok fantasy was set up to inculcate the anti Putin/Russia minds of the Collective Consciousness of the world as it was going to become obvious to all who travelled to Russia to watch the festivities would find that it was a much nicer place, with nice ordinary people fully welcoming - which just about every single fan and actual sports journalists who reported from there testified.

If you remember the agitprop stonewaller and its masochist frontman was always happy to harp on and get his face slapped bloodily so that it could be bannered on the Integrity Initiated presstitutes.

Where are these brave lgbtq++ wallieors at Qatar? Having been pulled from the friendly Arab boy lovers front? On direct orders of their respective intelligence masters. That’s where.

So the reason of such corrupt bodies that control worldwide sporting events is or should be fully clear - they are just imperialist war fronts. One that can control the minds of millions- billions perhaps.

Witness the sudden great victory of head choppers and terrorist central of Saudi Arabia being throw a bone to cover all that gory history as the Anglo American oil forces. Suddenly they are fluffy and plucky having beaten the favourites Argentina.
I want a word with that Argentinian coach and some of their players who may have been persuaded to render a service to their grand fascist overlords. In overnight turning nasty Saudis into underdog champions! Lols.

Russia (and Putin) must be forced to succumb to the centuries old avarice of the Slave and Money owners or else! (Again… every century some great European wide force is raised as mercenaries to attempt that great game at the cost of millions dead and a defeat).

The current escapade losing as it always does, has a long term aim at another attempt in a few generations, but that requires a folk memory to exist in children lied to from birth, of EVIL OTHER and a hatred of all Peoples who identify as Russian , the extremes of racism and cancellation not only of history and culture but language !

2. The ‘discovery’ of Hagels lectures from the early C19th, via a student who had a curious career and early death.

The curiosity for me here is that Marx was influenced by the ideas of the Young Hegelians.
In fact his own personal history and family ties appear to have been directed to form the new Narratives that would protect and cover the ancient Slave and Money Owners - through the creation of a new Good-Evil pseudo scientific religion - of Capitalism/AntiCapitalism - Economics / Political Economy that was carefully constructed using the natural young Thinkers that could be Educated into forming the credo that we have come to believe in for the last few centuries.

This was a direct result of the inability to control the scientific system and increasing knowledge in humanity as it had long done so by having claimed all geniuses into the existing systemised structures of Control. Mostly Monasteries. Or the Jesuits ‘give me a child at six and I’ll give you the man’

But with growing human population and the proliferation of printing press’s it became essential to build the new future monasteries- the universities and thence political systems to the new sees of Foundations such as Ford and Rockefellers to the modern day Soros and Gates. Yup Marx was just another link in that chain! As were most of the ‘great’ literaturists who sold new myths as propaganda that play out around us daily’ remember the Orcs and pale powerful elves of the West, are a creation of Tolkien as are many other Classic stories hammered into young minds who would grow into soldiers and managers of Euro centric Imperialism. Let’s not kid ourselves that American version is anything else except another iteration. It was created to be exactly that.

So I look forward to the ‘revelations’ of the ancient Hagellian lecture notes. With a cellar full of salt by my side.

Have a good day, good flies of the bar.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Nov 23 2022 12:34 utc | 86

The U.S. is in a very bad way spiritually. What spirit the U.S. does possess is completely and irreversably contaminated and is sinking - slowly draining the very live out of its inhabitants.

There was yet another mass shooting last night, just like the one the night before last, and another one the night before that. Coast to coast mass murder happening every day. Its criminal I tell you.

And if you don't get caught up in a mass shooting, there's always GTA. Nightly in LA and elsewhere.

And what about the all the daily commercial and residential breakins?

Totally out of control.

But the bad karma is being saved for those that profit from this mayhem.

It is really just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose.

Posted by: thecelticwithinme | Nov 23 2022 13:52 utc | 87

Almost irrelevent, but fun... TV began broadcasting a new historical doco series a few weeks ago. It's about Imperial Hubris and it's called Stuff The British Stole. Talk about shameless looting.

Episodes so far have covered the following loot and victims:
1. Koohinor Diamond - India.
2. Stone Of Destiny - Scotland.
3. Shellal Mosaic - Palestine (now in Oz's Naional War Memorial).
4. A large gilt and bronze Buddha recovered from beneath the ruins in the aftermath of the Boxer Rebellion - China.

Episode 4 was the most stimmulating so far. EVERY Chinese citizen who has attended school since the 1950s knows how sleazy, avaricious and bloodthirsty White Christian folks can be. So it's amusing that Whitey thinks there won't be a price to pay for treating China with contempt. Eventually.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 23 2022 14:16 utc | 88

You never get to see the Toxicology Report on any of these shootings. You never get to read what drugs the individual was using.

You never get to see who groomed them, who armed them, who triggered them........

Manchurian Candidate.........

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 23 2022 14:18 utc | 89

Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 22 2022 19:28 utc | 16

Can you please give us a few hints about securing Bitcoin , as you say? I am a novice.
Posted by: Brother Ma | Nov 23 2022 5:32 utc


The easiest place to start is:

I find there is a fairly wide range of opinions within the Bitcoin-only (and maybe Lightning) community. There are a lot of archived articles.

One tip, when web searching for Bitcoin info, always put '2022' as the last search parameter, to reduce the number of stale or superseded pages found.

The basics are a quality non-custodial wallet for any Bitcoin not needed for transactions. No point having to be constantly accessing your cold wallet for day-to-day transactions. Use public keys ONCE. Most quality wallets now do this by default but not all.

Run your own node, so you can sign your own transactions without needing a 3rd party. Rather than use your regular computer, there are some inexpensive (about $400, give or take) turnkey hardware/software products in the that you literally just plug in (you need to confirm your internet connection is adequate).

Or if you are computer-handy you can save a few $$ and build your own node from a micro-computer like a Raspberry Pi. The learning curve is fairly steep if you're not at least passingly familiar with Linux and the Terminal Command Line Interface.

I am not going to provide specific security-focused sites, as they tend to also be selling their services as much as providing free, accurate information. Do your own research so you can trust what you find.

Bitcoin is trustless system, which in turn means there is no shortcut to figuring out your own "best" way to "Bitcoin". In general, for safe Bitcoining, strategies like CoinJoining/Whirlpooling, using Tor, Signal and a good VPN (yes, there are potential "leaks" in both) and generally not talking about your Bitcoin specifics on the open Internet (social media particularly).

And in general you should be using a more secure browser/search engine like Brave. It is a version of Chrome with the Google-data-scraping crap removed. Firefox is no longer a go-to, similar for DuckDuckGo.

Hope that helps.

Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 23 2022 14:23 utc | 90

The Salisbury Novichok fantasy was set up to inculcate the anti Putin/Russia minds

NO. It was not. There was a major military exercise in 2018 - Exercise Joint Warrior - on Salisbury Plain with 12,000 troops.

There was also a Chem Warfare Exercise based around Porton Down and the Salisbury Hospital which is closely linked to Porton Down.

The "nurse" who discovered the Skripals was none other than the Chief Nurse of the British Army - Colonel Alison McCourt.

Colonel Alison McCourt was appointed Chief Nursing Officer of the British Army on 1st February 2018. This followed a CBE for her work in charge of the field hospital set up in Kerry Town in Sierra Leone in October 2014 to fight the Ebola outbreak. She would have been acutely aware of the dangers of infection and contamination, and necessity for great care in approaching people displaying unusual symptoms and incapacitation. While the symptoms and treatment for Ebola and other “biological agents” may be different from those of nerve agents and related chemicals, the similarity in the precautions necessary is similar.
Reflecting this relationship it is no surprise to discover that Porton Down was closely involved in dealing with the Ebola outbreak and in “Operation GRITROCK” as the UK’s campaign in Sierra Leone was called. As commanding officer of this deployment and operation of the “22 Field Hospital”, Lieutenant Colonel McCourt would certainly have worked in close coordination with Porton Down, whose experience in dealing with Ebola dates back more than 40 years, at which time its function was research into Chemical and Biological Weapons, their development and countermeasures.

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 23 2022 14:25 utc | 91

P.S. And if you decide to build-your-own node, use a 2TB SSD external drive, the Bitcoin blockchain is now over 500GB, so recommendations of 1TB or less are outdated.

Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 23 2022 14:27 utc | 92

@ margot 179 (O/T in Ukraine thread )

Yes, even if it was fully owned by the. father. The village mentality of Herefordshire farmers to circumvent the divorce law injustice was to bed hop to their neighbour's .

Another unintended consequences of Thatcher's divorce reforms is that starty-eyed male takes out a joint mortgage with his new wife, and after she goes awol, he still has to pay the mortgage while other men molest his children in his house he bought for their protection.

Many hard working electricians get one week every year shagging in Thailand as a poor substitute for a family. This is life in broken Britain.

Posted by: Giyane | Nov 23 2022 14:52 utc | 93

Some insights about the air component.

Posted by: Matties | Nov 23 2022 14:57 utc | 94

(A good cause, Information Clearing House is in need of money.)
Posted by: bevin | Nov 22 2022 23:28 utc | 41

Good one. Even if half of what is in there is true than he is a "Special".

I suspect he was given a "independent mined" script to play in Florida during Con-19.
He brings to mind two other political actors, Crenshaw and Tootsie Gabbard.

Crenshaw gives off that air of a pirate fighting for the common man in Texas.

While Tootsie fits all demographics

"It's a Theater and You Don't Have a Front Seat."

Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 23 2022 14:57 utc | 95

It's about Imperial Hubris and it's called Stuff The British Stole. Talk about shameless looting.

Episodes so far have covered the following loot and victims:
1. Koohinor Diamond - India.
2. Stone Of Destiny - Scotland.
3. Shellal Mosaic - Palestine (now in Oz's Naional War Memorial).
4. A large gilt and bronze Buddha recovered from beneath the ruins in the aftermath of the Boxer Rebellion - China.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 23 2022 14:16 utc | 89


5. Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger (131) - Germany

Just kidding. :)

Posted by: Nobody | Nov 23 2022 15:04 utc | 96

It's about Imperial Hubris and it's called Stuff The British Stole. Talk about shameless looting.

Episodes so far have covered the following loot and victims:
1. Koohinor Diamond - India.
2. Stone Of Destiny - Scotland.
3. Shellal Mosaic - Palestine (now in Oz's Naional War Memorial).
4. A large gilt and bronze Buddha recovered from beneath the ruins in the aftermath of the Boxer Rebellion - China.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 23 2022 14:16 utc | 89


5. Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger (131) - Germany

Just kidding. :)

Posted by: Nobody | Nov 23 2022 15:04 utc | 97

The Salisbury Novichok fantasy was set up to inculcate the anti Putin/Russia minds

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 23 2022 14:25 utc | 92

That part worked great, but then anything they put on him seems to work with the Sheep.

But the bad karma is being saved for those that profit from this mayhem.

It is really just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose.

Posted by: thecelticwithinme | Nov 23 2022 13:52 utc | 88

I hope they start with Kissinger and Cheney, who are still alive.


Witness the sudden great victory of head choppers and terrorist central of Saudi Arabia being throw a bone to cover all that gory history as the Anglo American oil forces. Suddenly they are fluffy and plucky having beaten the favourites Argentina.

I want a word with that Argentinian coach and some of their players who may have been persuaded to render a service to their grand fascist overlords. In overnight turning nasty Saudis into underdog champions! Lols.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Nov 23 2022 12:34 utc | 87

Huuuummmmmm. I didn't think of this angle. You just might have something there.

I watched the match and especially Messis's activity. The guy seemed to me like he was not even on the field. Ah the joys of conspiracy mindset. Lets see what else we'll be served.

Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 23 2022 15:18 utc | 98

Posted by: Nobody | Nov 23 2022 15:04 utc | 98

I think that's in the £50m aid package Sunak pledged to Ukraine a few days ago.

Posted by: Jun | Nov 23 2022 15:48 utc | 99

Below is the title of a ZH piece followed by a quote that asks a very good question

Credit Suisse Craters To Record Low After Revealing Staggering $88 Billion Bank Run


In conclusion, the dismal Credit Suisse news provides a handy comparison between the fiat and crypto regimes:

FTX was hit with record bank run, and filed for bankruptcy in days, with no central bank to bail it out.

Credit Suisse hit with record bank run, and both the SNB and Fed rushed to bail it out.

One wonders which system is a better representation of what true capitalism should be like...

I would just add that in either case, fiat or most crypto, are "owned" by Hand, The Invisible instead of sovereign nations

Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 23 2022 16:04 utc | 100

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