Another Day, Another False Scare Story
The Biden administration believes that everyone is stupid enough to eat the bullshit it produces.
Consider this latest nonsense:
The United States on Wednesday accused North Korea of covertly shipping a “significant number” of artillery shells to Russia to aid its war effort in Ukraine, a sign that Moscow is increasingly turning to pariah states for military supplies as the grinding conflict persists.The White House’s national security spokesman, John Kirby, said that it was unclear if the artillery munitions, which are being transferred through the Middle East and North Africa, had reached Russia. The United States does not believe that the additional weapons will alter the trajectory of the war.
“Our indications are the DPRK is covertly supplying and we’re going to monitor to see whether shipments are received,” Mr. Kirby told reporters on Wednesday, referring to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. “Our information indicates that they’re trying to obscure the method of supply by funneling them through other countries in the Middle East and North Africa.”
Russia and North Korea have a common border. Artillery ammunition is heavy and one needs lots of it. That is why it is preferable to transport it in bulk - by ship or railway.
Russia's and North Korea's railways are connected.

In 2019 Kim Jong Un visited Russia by train. While the passenger traffic had been closed down due to Covid quarantine measures it has recently been reopened. The U.S. has no means to know what products are in the boxcars and containers that travel across that border.
There are also ships. In 2017 the U.S. accused North Korea of exporting coal via Russia to third parties:
[T]he secretive Communist state has at least three times since then shipped coal to the Russian ports of Nakhodka and Kholmsk, where it was unloaded at docks and reloaded onto ships that took it to South Korea or Japan, the sources said.
Now tell me: Why would North Korea or Russia put any deliveries between them in jeopardy by transferring them via a third party far away from their areas of influence and operation?
They won't.
My hunch is that Russia does not buy ammunition from North Korea. But it could do so. North Korea has, in constant preparation for war, over decades accumulated lots of ammunition that is getting old and should be replaced by newer one. To sell off the old stuff for cheap would be a rational move. Russia is unlikely to need it but, if the price is right and the quality still acceptable, there is no reason to reject any such offer.
Most likely though the Biden administration is just making this up to somehow put Russia as well as North Korea into a bad light.
As the Russian president Vladimir Putin explained:
I already said that the dictate of the Western countries and their attempts to apply pressure on all the participants of international communication, including countries that are neutral or friendly to us, are achieving nothing, and they are looking for additional arguments to convince our friends or neutral states that they all need to confront Russia collectively.
The U.S. public and some dull inhabitants of U.S. colonies in Europe may well fall for such nonsense. But no one outside of that closed club will believe such claims without being shown some reasonable evidence.
There is of course none.
Posted by b on November 3, 2022 at 11:23 UTC | Permalink
next page »Great piece in Counterpunch called What Is To Be Done?
There’s some really bright people here, and some really destructive ones also.
My spouse succumbed to her cancer a couple of weeks ago.
Thank you to Uncle Tungsten, Peter AU1, and others, for the treatment advice that you shared, and the encouragement.
I think that were toast.
Now I give a dam, a whole lot less.
Lucky me?
Posted by: $outhpaw | Nov 3 2022 11:36 utc | 2
Even if their claim is blatantly "without evidence", the mainstream media outlets would never add that line when they're accusing Russia.
Posted by: holdmybeer | Nov 3 2022 11:39 utc | 3
Great piece in Counterpunch called What Is To Be Done?
There’s some really bright people here, and some really destructive ones also.
My spouse succumbed to her cancer a couple of weeks ago.
Thank you to Uncle Tungsten, Peter AU1, and others, for the treatment advice that you shared, and the encouragement.
I think that were toast.
Now I give a dam, a whole lot less.
Lucky me?
Posted by: $outhpaw | Nov 3 2022 11:41 utc | 4
[email protected] to you and your family.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Nov 3 2022 11:45 utc | 5
NK has compatible ammunition (if past use by date)and dire need for food.
Trade being worked out sounds reasonable and not in any way indication of shortage of military ware that the West wants to promote. While Russia and NK are very far away in terms of values, right now interests coincide. So why not?
Unlike US intelligence schemes, they'd probably be smarter than to work out a convoluted trade involving African geography for logistics
Posted by: YY | Nov 3 2022 11:54 utc | 6
LMFAO, that railway bridge was the first thing that came to my mind before even finishing the article.
While I am certain less than 2% of Americans even know that Russia and DPRK have a common border, it's also likely the geniuses behind this story didn't either.
Posted by: Et Tu | Nov 3 2022 11:55 utc | 7
Sorry about the double post.
I think I’ve got this error message stuff figured out, now.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t buy a round in appreciation of all our host b does, to counter the media whores.
How about some bailieys, on the rocks, or in some fresh ground, fresh brewed, Brazilian beans?
It’s happy hour someplace!
Posted by: $outhpaw | Nov 3 2022 11:56 utc | 8
[email protected] to you and your family.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Nov 3 2022 11:56 utc | 9
Yes, one doesn't have to invest a lot of time for research to notice that the vast majority of North Korean artillery are Soviet pieces or developed on their basis. As such, a vast majority of artillery shells will be similar, too. Trade may or may not be going on, and it won't take place in complicated sea routes or third countries but simply on rail tracks. Food and medicines may head the other way. Simple as that.
Posted by: unimperator | Nov 3 2022 12:12 utc | 10
This could be a legitimate story. Just like the west is cleaning out all it's old weapons and sending them to THE Ukraine, Russia and it's allies may be taking the opportunity to do some house cleaning as well.
Posted by: me | Nov 3 2022 12:19 utc | 11
While on the topic of questionable stories... here is one from Pepe Escobar.
They tell me Scholz is going to China TO WORK OUT A PEACE DEAL WITH RUSSIA VIA BEIJING.
How explosive is that? Never forget, as I pointed out in one of my columns, that Berlin and Moscow were keeping a secret communication back channel right to the minute the usual suspects, in desperation, blew up the Nord Streams.
And more: the Scholz delegation may be trying to start a process of replacing the US with China as an ally. Never forget that the top BRI trade/connectivity terminal in the EU is Germany (the Ruhr valley).
According to one of my sources,”if this effort is successful, then Germany (EU), China and Russia can ally themselves together and drive the US out of Europe.”
Another source provided the cherry on the cake: "Olaf Scholz is being accompanied on this trip by German industrialists who actually control Germany and are not going to sit back watching themselves being destroyed.”
We can certainly hope that even half of this is true, and that a sensible deal can be reached ASAP.
The only problem i see, is that If Pepe knows about it, then one wonders how Baerbock and Habeck don't, and more importantly, the thousands of US spies in the BND, which means we can expect more than Nordstream pipelines to be blowing up in the near future if any of this is true. At the very least, one can expect a scandal targeting Sergeant Scholz, already a walking dead man, politically speaking... as for any secret BRI plans... let's hope they work out more peacefully than the Baghdad to Berlin railway did
Posted by: Et Tu | Nov 3 2022 12:29 utc | 12
Separately, the UK Ambassador to Russia was summoned to a meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister this morning.
From reports, it didn't last long.
Yet now nearly three hours after it finished, nothing from either side, no statements, no read outs,nothing.
Posted by: Orchard1 | Nov 3 2022 12:31 utc | 13
Can others here access comments 238 to 299 under the Ukraine Open Thread 2022-182 24 October 2022 ?
I see nothing between "Charly | Oct 24 2022 22:26 utc | 237" and "Down South | Oct 25 2022 3:53 utc | 301". Thanks
Posted by: petra | Nov 3 2022 12:32 utc | 14
A minor point is that N. Korean railways are standard gauge, and Russian are Russian broad gauge, so transhipment is not fully straightforward. There doesn't seem to be much cross-border traffic, according to Wiki, with a single through coach service from Pyongyang to Moscow. At least that shows there is bogie-changing equipment on the border.
Posted by: laguerre | Nov 3 2022 12:34 utc | 15
could i suggest that 'humbug' might be a better word to describe what our MoD is putting out.
humbug noun (DISHONESTY)
[ U ]
dishonest talk, writing, or behaviour that is intended to deceive people:
Posted by: Rob (South London ) | Nov 3 2022 12:34 utc | 16
Posted by: Et Tu | Nov 3 2022 12:27 utc | 15
I have been getting that feeling as well. "Germany" knows that the US will eventually loot up the whole lot for a nominal price. Germany also knows that Germany is doing poorly, and its eventual fate, due to various US enforced policies on the EU and Germany. They might be offloading some valuable assets before they inevitably sink due to pre-mentioned policies for a couple of reasons, namely the Chinese pay a very good price, and to indirectly spit on the US. Something like this may be going on.
If that is so, US will begin a destabilization program in Germany as a punish. But it will also mean that Germany becomes useless in any Nato projects for Ukraine. We'll see.
Posted by: unimperator | Nov 3 2022 12:41 utc | 18
Haven't we been here before? Remember the similar lie that China was supplying weapons to Russia, which was later admitted by the same liars as a psyop? Iranian drones have been the recent meme; and now North Korea! I wait to read that the Yemen Houthis are supplying arms to Russia.
It's clear that NATO is now in panic and preparing a ground to explain the inadequacy of its hardware to fight a real war. Afterall, Ukraine is receiving the best of the NATO's overpriced gadgets. And yet it (with its NATO experts and advisers) is losing the war.
I can imagine the Russian Defence Department laughing out loud on reading such balderdash.
Posted by: Steve | Nov 3 2022 12:42 utc | 19
Proof that Brandon don't have any maps in the WH.
NK has a physical land border with Russia. No need to "ship" anything around.
Posted by: Surferket | Nov 3 2022 12:43 utc | 20
@NoOne | Nov 3 2022 12:37 utc | 26
Telegram posts shows video clips. Imran Khan was injured (in leg) but is supposedly safe.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 3 2022 12:54 utc | 23
Remember the line from "Hunt for Red October" ONE PING ONLY
Posted by: SwissArmyMan | Nov 3 2022 12:55 utc | 24
$outhpaw thank you for sharing this. Sympathy and best wishes
Posted by: Tim | Nov 3 2022 12:55 utc | 25
I would use North Korean artillery shells if they weren’t just terrible, but they probably are.
CNN has skepticism about the report that Russian leadership is seriously considering nukes:
“The assessment, drafted by the National Intelligence Council, is not a high confidence product and is not raw intelligence but rather analysis, multiple people who have read it told CNN”
So they acknowledge it may not be true. In my mind particular people inside the government leak these reports for their own purposes which are just as often purely domestic and personal as anything else (getting money to your program / influencing other leaders / cultivating a reporter who depends on you )
Posted by: GoFast | Nov 3 2022 12:56 utc | 26
Steve | Nov 3 2022 12:42 utc | 29
"Haven't we been here before? Remember the similar lie that China was supplying weapons to Russia, which was later admitted by the same liars as a psyop? Iranian drones have been the recent meme; and now North Korea!"
Of course those all should be true. All these primary targets of the empire should be hanging together against the empire and collaborating on a military basis ever more closely, just on principle and as laying the groundwork for any future need whether or not Russia actually "needs" such help right now.
Thankfully at least the warming cooperation with Iran does seem to be true.
Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Nov 3 2022 12:57 utc | 27
Posted by: Et Tu | Nov 3 2022 12:29 utc | 17
I am going to bed sceptical about what Escobar's sources told him, although it would be a good thing. He notes himself that it is opposite to what Hudson writes about Scholz's message to Beijing.
Such a radical move does not seem likely that in the current circumstances and the very deep, decades-long, multiple connections of Germany to the US, and the EU to the US. Never forget that Germany is a wilful, crucial ally of the US in many of its dirty works. These connections are willy-nilly strong, because they bind them in a criminal enterpriset hat has benefited the wealthy until this day.
There are no obvious signs in Germany that the business section is terribly unsatisfied with what Sholz and his crew are doing.
Some contributors here living in Germany have remarked on that.
Would the US allow such a step? Not likely. Would they know, probably.
True, anything is possible. Let's wait and see.
Posted by: JB | Nov 3 2022 13:27 utc | 29
Imran Khan is in a stable condition, currently at Shaukat Khanum Hospital, Lahore.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 3 2022 13:28 utc | 30
Ah, winter almost upon us. The smell of cooked Nazis shall be very prevalent soon. On other topics, US trying to take out Imran Khan because he is still extremely popular and can foil their plans there. The North Korea story and Iran going to attack Saudi Arabia story are just noise before the dems get their butts kicked in the midterms.
How about Musk bowing down to the ADL? That didn't take long.
@southpaw, sorry for your loss.
Interesting times, what will the empire of desperation say or do next?
Posted by: Watzov | Nov 3 2022 13:29 utc | 31
Nuland ships Himars to Ukraine in crates labelled Grain for Africa. So it's easy for her to project her mad schemes onto Russia. How does one womean's psychosis translate into half a population being brainwashed into Nazism?
Is the brainwashing of US proxies by Nuland
not a big enough crime in itself to justify Russia defending itself by all available military means?
Posted by: Giyane | Nov 3 2022 13:33 utc | 32
Seems like there is merit to the Germany-China asset transfer stories. Biden administration seems to be in panic and warning Germany not to sell or transfer controlling interest to Chinese. Just as Blinken arrives in Germany - Scholz heading to China with a business delegation.
Posted by: unimperator | Nov 3 2022 13:35 utc | 33
Can others here access comments 238 to 299 under the Ukraine Open Thread 2022-182 24 October 2022 ?
I see nothing between "Charly | Oct 24 2022 22:26 utc | 237" and "Down South | Oct 25 2022 3:53 utc | 301". ThanksPosted by: petra | Nov 3 2022 12:32 utc | 19
I'm wondering whether the disappearance of those comments might be attributable to the Typepad migration/upgrade fiasco. Perhaps the restoration of the original MoA environment was flawed.
Posted by: David Levin | Nov 3 2022 13:38 utc | 34
@ Separately, the UK Ambassador to Russia was summoned to a meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister this morning.
From reports, it didn't last long.
Yet now nearly three hours after it finished, nothing from either side, no statements, no read outs,nothing.
Posted by: Orchard1 | Nov 3 2022 12:31 utc | 18
Perhaps not content with the US biolabs and countless other allegations falling completely flat and having zero impact on Western narratives, the Russians are waiting for Friday afternoon to make sure this story has the best chance to be completely ignored...
Posted by: Et Tu | Nov 3 2022 13:47 utc | 35
When you have little credibility .........a strategy of throwing anything and everything out there to see what will 'stick' is a reasonable choice.......particularly when you control 90% of the media and they need new 'content' every hour of the day!
Posted by: James Cook | Nov 3 2022 13:50 utc | 36
You will notice that all this bullshit from the US is designed for one bolster the declining morale of the ukrane army.
Thus we read such lies as..
("We're coming to the rescue")
("Russia is running out of munitions")
Posted by: HERMIUS | Nov 3 2022 13:51 utc | 37
It's only a matter of time until a European country splits with this insanity and makes a separate deal with Russia.
Switching alliances when wars go bad is what Europeans do.
Why do you think the 101st Airborne is there, to land behind Russian lines in Moscow?
The only question is, who will be first? Germany, Italy (they have lots of experience), France? Any ideas?
Posted by: Tom | Nov 3 2022 13:57 utc | 38
North Korea is under numerous UN sanctions stemming from their withdrawal from the NNPT and subsequent nuclear weapons and missile testing. Transshipping arms to Russia via connected railways would be immediately spotted and result in strengthening the UN sanctions against them. That would be the reason for hiding the shipments, if in fact (and thats a big if), it was occurring.
Posted by: Muthaucker | Nov 3 2022 14:00 utc | 39
Thanks b. … great map, by the way. … You’re / they’re not suggesting that ammunition is being shipped to places like Yemen and Libya are you?
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Nov 3 2022 14:03 utc | 40
@44: Hope they wake up and use China/Russia to get rid of the 5Eyes Mobsters.....
Posted by: NoOne | Nov 3 2022 14:05 utc | 41
As everybody can see, MoA has problems after the botched upgrade. In order to post without duplicate posts, you MUST follow these precautions:
1. Write your post
2. Press "Preview" to check that all is OK. Make changes if needed.
3. Press "Post" ONE TIME ONLY
4. Wait for error message to pop up, do NOT refresh page, don't touch the page at all. Press OK to remove error message when it appears after a couple of minutes. The post will still go through.
5. Important: Close the page immediately. Do NOT refresh the page.
6. Re-open the page in a new tab and wait ~5 minutes for your post to show.
I have done this several times now. It is cumbersome, but it works and duplicates are avoided. Hopefully, the problems will be resolved soon.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 3 2022 14:06 utc | 42
Anyone ever read Scoop by Evelyn Waugh? West is creating the comic book nonsense narrative for their idiot public: League of Justice vs The Legion of Super-Villains which the show runners are putting together as we speak.
The Pitch: The Russian Hoard + The scimitar yielding Persians + The Yellow Peril (inscrutable Chinese + wacko outlier Rocketman Kim Jong-un) latest addition, "funneling [arms] through other countries in the Middle East and North Africa", Sept 11 nemesis shrieking turbaned ISIS Al-Qaeda suicide bombers galore. Can the Justice League prevail? Don't touch that dial... Same bat time same bat channel.
I'm sure N. Korea just like Iran is providing arms, they are friendly to Russia, this is their chance to cast off their chains, exit their exile, make some foreign exchange, and line up customers for their cheap and reliable product. The USA has never had a monopoly on arms sales, attaining that would negate the purpose, so USA getting their panties in a bunch is all about the comic book, pro-wrestling idiot narrative. Keep the tax payers paying and the voters believing.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 3 2022 14:11 utc | 43
@50: Hungaria allready does that.. More will follow! Watch Turkey(or whatever the New Name is). If they jump, it will be NATO's second Biggest Army leaving.
Posted by: NoOne | Nov 3 2022 14:11 utc | 44
@53 - offers you can’t refuse?? Aircraft carrier strike group in Halifax harbour plus…
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Nov 3 2022 14:15 utc | 45
We see that the Western financial and intellectual elites want nuclear war at any cost.
But, are they not gong to lose their assets and positions in that way (by destruction)?
Posted by: marko | Nov 3 2022 14:16 utc | 46
You dont have to wait for the error message to appear.
Hit post and close the tab or browser
You single post has been entered.
Then be patient
Posted by: JoeDontSurf | Nov 3 2022 14:24 utc | 47
Muthaucker @ 51
Transshipping arms to Russia via connected railways would be immediately
Why would this be any more spotted than putting the arms on container ships? N.Korea being the "world's #1 outlaw" could easily have any ships leaving their ports intercepted and searched. Train's more scenic too 😊
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 3 2022 14:31 utc | 48
The UK which appears to be involved in just about every attack on Russia's equipment and forces, has handed over underwater drones to the Ukrainian army.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Nov 3 2022 14:36 utc | 49
IAEA Inspectors Complete In-Field Verification Activities at Three Ukraine locations, No Indications of Undeclared Nuclear Activities and Materials
Posted by: Jax | Nov 3 2022 14:37 utc | 50
@61: i post, wait for error, close Error tab, refresh. Post comes up later. Opera Browser
Posted by: NoOne | Nov 3 2022 14:39 utc | 51
Kremlin makes a veiled threat to the UK to stop its nefarious activities in aiding Ukraine.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Nov 3 2022 14:41 utc | 52
@62: NK could ship it via China.... Why make it complicated?
Posted by: NoOne | Nov 3 2022 14:42 utc | 53
@ $outhpaw (2)
I'm sorry for your loss. Cancer is one of the harder ways to go out of life.
You stoked my curiosity with that reference to that essay by Paul Edwards. I stopped paying attention to Counterpunch because so many of the better writers, some of them personal friends, were forced out. A month or so after Alexander Cockburn died and the deputy editors rose to be the editors, Jeffrey St. Clair wrote an absolutely BS essay about the Ukraine. I was under the illusion that St. Clair was simply ill-informed, so I send him an email to correct his "facts". It had about six brief points with links for my sources. He replied with a very eloquent "Fuck you." Two words that said everything I needed to know about him. As far as I'm concerned, he works for the other side.
Now, about Paul Edward's essay. It's completely defeatist, hopeless, and ... irrational. Probably like so much on Counterpunch. Short of nuclear war, the US will survive as a nation because that's in the interests of its 310 million people. But what form it will survive in, well that's another matter. Don't look for any answers on Counterpunch because it became a sort of cesspool. The stupidity and foolishness of so many articles there, was one of many nudges that made me no longer consider myself "on the left". Nope, I'm just on the bottom, like 99% of the people. But things are looking up if you look around. Most of the world is doing fine ... as long as the nukes are not used.
Posted by: JessDTruth | Nov 3 2022 14:43 utc | 54
Aside from the people who are already all in with the war on Russia, only the anti-Communists are going to think trading with Korea is a bad thing. It seems far more likely this is not aimed at Russia but at Korea, a threat to harass all Korean shipping everywhere in the world. The accusation itself is supposed to be part of an alleged record of crimes. The Trump war on China continues (even if Trumpers don't credit their partisan foe Biden for it) and that is an anti-Communist war, which most definitely includes Korea. The liberals who share the anti-Communist obsessions of the Trumpers love to ignore the role of anti-Communism in the January 6 insurrection, imagining it's a conscious conspiracy for white supremacy and nothing else. But they won't criticize Trumpers for their own failings.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Nov 3 2022 14:44 utc | 55
It doesn't make sense. It's just your typical western media BS. Gringos don't have much clue about geography, so they don't know that N.K and Russia share a border.
Posted by: Carlos | Nov 3 2022 14:47 utc | 56
Poll: Germans increasingly believe Russian Propaganda (sic)
(from Handelsblatt Financial Newspaper) "Einer neuen Studie zufolge stimmen immer mehr Deutsche bestimmten Erzählungen russischer Propaganda zu. Die Aussage, der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine sei eine alternativlose Reaktion Russlands auf Provokationen der Nato, erhielt in der repräsentativen Studie des Center für Monitoring, Analyse und Strategie (CeMAS) Zuspruch von 19 Prozent. 21 Prozent der Befragten stimmten der Aussage demnach teilweise zu. Im April lagen die Werte noch bei 12 Prozent Zustimmung und 17 Prozent teilweise Zustimmung."
Machine Translation
"According to a new study, more and more Germans agree with certain narratives of Russian propaganda. In a representative study by the Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy (CeMAS), the statement that the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine was an unalterable reaction by Russia to provocations by NATO received approval of 19 percent. 21 percent of those surveyed partially agreed with the statement. In April, the values were still 12 percent agreement and 17 percent partial agreement."
Posted by: Exile | Nov 3 2022 14:49 utc | 57
It doesn't make sense. It's just your typical western media BS. Gringos don't have much clue about geography, so they don't know that N.K and Russia share a border.
Posted by: Carlos | Nov 3 2022 14:50 utc | 58
Protesters in Moscow with placards reading:
No to british terror
GB is the terrorist state
Terror attack in Sevastopol is britain's fault.
Posted by: ThusspakeZarathustra | Nov 3 2022 14:51 utc | 59
@ $outhpaw
I think your spouse might be the lucky one, at this point. Leaving is less painful,than being left behind.
Posted by: Anne B | Nov 3 2022 15:07 utc | 60
Stuff to watch out for will be KSA/Iran Relations after Netanyaho ( or as i call Him: Netayahoo] reigns with his Extreme Zionazis..
Posted by: NoOne | Nov 3 2022 15:08 utc | 61
I am sure the US is scavenging the Middle East and North Africa for North Korean artillery shells to aid its war effort in Ukraine. Artillery is an equal opportunity killer. It does not care which country the shells came from.
North Korea and much of the Middle East use Soviet caliber weapons and ammunition. These are most needed in Ukraine.
Some Western group did a study of used small arms cartridges found in the battlefields of Syria. All arms producing countries were present. A large part of the used rounds had come from Lugansk, from the Lugansk People's Republic. (Yes, the Lugansk People's Republic has an ammunition factory, Ukraine does not.)
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Nov 3 2022 15:14 utc | 63
I thought Russia and NK share a border , is int is easier and faster to just transport over their borders. This shows the quality of the idiots now working in the state and pentagon propaganda agencies.
Posted by: Kooshy | Nov 3 2022 15:18 utc | 64
Former Pakistani PM Imran Khan SHOT in leg in Vazirabad, Pakistan during rally. TG -> IntelRepublic
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 3 2022 15:18 utc | 65
>>>>> laguerre | Nov 3 2022 12:34 utc | 20
A minor point is that N. Korean railways are standard gaugeWikipedia reports that the track from Rajin to Tumanggang on the Russian border is dual gauge, standard and Russian broad gauge. Just outside Rajin the track to Tumanggang goes through a long tunnel and given DPRKs tunnelling skills it wouldn't surprise me if the gauge was changed there out of site of American satellites if necessary.
Posted by: Ghost Ship | Nov 3 2022 15:22 utc | 66
My spouse succumbed to her cancer a couple of weeks ago
Posted by: $outhpaw
So very sorry to hear, hope you are holding up OK. :)
Posted by: Doubting Thomas | Nov 3 2022 15:25 utc | 67
@82: Thx, i am now better informed than the US State Department..;-)
Posted by: NoOne | Nov 3 2022 15:30 utc | 68
Good advice posted by: Norwegian | Nov 3 2022 14:06 utc | 54.
I also suggest saving your comment, and if you go to the right side column on the opening page of the article you comment on, your name will appear there if your comment goes through. That way you don't need to clutter up the thread with tests.
Posted by: juliania | Nov 3 2022 15:40 utc | 69
If I was the Russians/North Koreans transhipping shells between the two countries, I'd openly load then onto ships in North Korea, then sail those ships up within North Korean and Russian territorial waters to Vladivostok where I would openly load then on to trains. First I'd set up an layered AD network and position Bastion anti-ship missiles along the coast.
Nothing feels as good as taunting US/NATO when they can't do anything about it.
Posted by: Ghost Ship | Nov 3 2022 15:42 utc | 70
@Tom 50
One or two brigade of poorly equipped American soldiers parked in a backwater like Moldova over 1,000 km from Moscow would be as helpful in an attack on Moscow by the US as an axe is to a school of fish.
Posted by: Hermit | Nov 3 2022 15:44 utc | 71
thanks b... another day, another attempt to stigmatize russia and north korea... next day it will be iran and venezuala, or whoever.... same bullshit - different day... people will eventually figure it out, or not..
Posted by: james | Nov 3 2022 16:16 utc | 73
Dying empire needs all these false scare stories to keep folks from learning about and discussing more important stuff.
Do barflys know that yesterday the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) voted down a Russian proposal to establish a commission to investigate claims of a joint US-Ukraine "military biological" program. US, Britain, and France voted against Russia's proposal but crucially China backed it, while ten rotating council members abstained, among the 15-nation body.
The RoW is not sidelined by false scare stories when death by biological warfare is the reality being denied by the is just not discussed in public forums
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 3 2022 16:17 utc | 74
@JessDTruth, all of them.
I don’t disagree with your assessment of Counterpunch.
I thought that the Edwards piece was the most honest assessment of the USA I’ve seen at Counterpunch, ever, so I thought that it was worth referencing.
Paul Haeder pointed out to me, how the Zionist part in this conflagration, is neatly overlooked.
I hope that you are right, and Mr. Edwards is painting with more despair than is necessary.
My 65 years in this USA have me thinking that he might be on to something.
Thank you to all the MoA patrons, for your kind words.
Posted by: $outhpaw | Nov 3 2022 16:22 utc | 75
The idea that the Germans might be ready to do a deal with the Chinese intrigues me. With the Anglo-Saxons blowing up NS1&2 why shouldn’t they recall Talleyrand’s “treason is merely a matter of dates”. After all, he said it with reference to the actions of the King of Saxony. I suppose we’d say “timing” nowadays? They’d hardly want to forego the first mover advantage. When it comes to changing horses the Turks and the Saudis seem to be well down the road ahead of them.
Posted by: Guy L’Estrange | Nov 3 2022 16:25 utc | 76
Sorry for your loss, $outhpaw.
On German/Chinese relations, do recall the Global Times interview I posted yesterday showing a great deal of pushback at the Outlaw US Empire's attempt to ruin Germany and its people. Today, we have another Global Times item about Scholtz, "Scholz defends his China position, ‘hits brakes’ on EU’s extreme confrontational direction"; its opening paragraph:
"Amid pressure from the US and EU nations, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended his China position one day before his trip to Beijing, stressing that Germany doesn't want to decouple from China, and the country's rise did not justify 'the calls by some to isolate China.'"
Now that's pushback!! I also shared that GT item with Pepe at his VK. Do recall that Germany's an occupied nation whose main source for economic survival was just destroyed by its supposed allies. IMO, that act caused some very deep thinking by Germany's industrial capitalists since it was an act of war against them made by old enemies UK and USA. For those who missed the interview, it's here.
The GT item tells us Scholtz wrote an op/ed published by Politico and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung today. Here's the politico article. Here's an excerpt GT provides:
"'Of all the countries in the world, Germany — which had such a painful experience of division during the Cold War — has no interest in seeing new blocs emerge in the world,' read Scholz's article. 'Even in changed circumstances, China remains an important business and trading partner for Germany and Europe — we don't want to decouple from it.'" [My Emphasis]
It doesn't get more straight forward than that, IMO. The Outlaw US Empire's pukes won't like it, but then they shouldn't have waged almost open war on the most important EU nation.
The United States is intellectually bankrupt. No doubt the story about hundreds of thousands of artillery shells traveling by camel train or even truck through roving sands under palm trees by the oasis in north africa and middle east seems romantic and "plausible" to some higher ups at the CIA and in the Biden administration or "they would not have said it".
Unfortunately anyone who has an inkling of how the clockwork runs and who cares about the United States cannot get by the gatekeepers of ignorance. Biden or Trump do not like no one smarter than hims you gots leave now "you fired".
Meantime analysts at the CIA sitting in a black box.
Let us see that is two rounds per camel (i.e. 50,000 camels) traveling 20 miles a day. And there are several million camels in Africa so the story is definitively possible. Is that the information you needed boss?
Posted by: ATM | Nov 3 2022 16:37 utc | 78
@ $outhpaw with the death notice.....condolences to you for your loss
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 3 2022 16:51 utc | 79
Step up your game the record is 8, you are getting close!
Posted by: SwissArmyMan | Nov 3 2022 16:58 utc | 80
a german russo sino tripartite? this is funny; that guy pepe sure smokes some good shit.
Posted by: jayco | Nov 3 2022 16:58 utc | 81
Well, Scholtz still lies like a dog in his op/ed when it comes to Russia and its Ukraine SMO, and Xinjian. His words about Taiwan are also muddleheaded:
"The tense situation around Taiwan is also of concern. Like the U.S. and many other countries, we pursue a One-China policy. Part of this policy is, however, that any change to the status quo must be brought about by peaceful means and mutual agreement. Our policy is aligned with the aims of preserving the rules-based order, resolving conflicts peacefully, protecting human rights and the rights of minorities, and ensuring free and fair world trade."
Reunification of Taiwan with the Mainland doesn't alter the One China policy as he implies. He's also very captured by the Empire's Rule Based Order which as we know is complete bullshit. I guess he felt he had to throw the Biden pukes a bone while somewhat going off the reservation regarding China. IMO, it's very clear that Scholtz is fighting for his political survival, but he cannot win by continuing to Kow-tow to Imperial diktat. How is Germany going to be able to continue the level of trade with China now that its industrial base is savaged and leaving Germany? And with Nord Stream gone, there's no saving Germany's economy--the energy/fuel has no way of being applied where it's needed.
Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 3 2022 16:35 utc | 94
I don' t think Germany has an independent foreign policy. More likely in my view, Scholtz has been assigned this role by his masters, the foreign policy spooks. "Try not to lose China entirely, will you? We'll get back to you on that issue."
US obviously can't woo China, the loss of face would be annihilating, also domestic politics won't allow it. But there may still be some rational actors in the deep state.
Posted by: veto | Nov 3 2022 17:03 utc | 83
North Korea shipped the weapons via a secret tunnel that runs under the US base in South Korea. The whole world knows that except the USA🤣
Posted by: Oh my | Nov 3 2022 17:12 utc | 84
The point of such narratives (China is sending weapons, N Korea, Iran, Venezuela) is to put all the baddies in one basket, all colluding and conniving against the noble West, just so people can keep the geopolitical picture clear in their head.
Posted by: Webej | Nov 3 2022 17:16 utc | 85
Global Times tells it like it is, "Blaming China for stalled ties, US elites escape reality by self-deception":
When it comes to China, American political elites have apparently given up their ability to think. What they only focus on now is how to blame China. This is exemplified again in the Tuesday opinion piece by The New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman, entitled "How China Lost America."Friedman's article has a strongly whiny tone. He argues that Beijing is mainly to blame for its growing rift with Washington. The author particularly named four major trends in China that he claims worsened its ties with the US - the failure of the Chinese economy's opening-up, Chinese nationalism, a much more aggressive Chinese foreign policy, and the country's zero-COVID policy.
Friedman's article is clearly barking up the wrong tree. Under the strong influence of US' political correctness that champions bias against China, Friedman's arguments are, as expected, biased and without proper reasoning. If he wants to find the culprit for the deterioration of China-US relations, shouldn't he just ask White House officials and his country's political elites?
Of course, Friedman's only one puke, but he's likely writing his drivel at the behest of other pukes:
"As one Chinese netizen pointed out, if China 'lost' the US only because it insists on developing independently and safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity, then there is no point in maintaining such a relationship."
And that brings me to the issue raised by Scholtz and the pukes running the Outlaw US Empire who are deathly afraid of the world separating into two blocs, something which has already occurred that they are clearly blind to thanks to their arrogance. Or perhaps it's because they know they're in the wrong bloc, the one going downhill into the sewer it made for itself via Neoliberalism and its Woke partner. The op/ed raises a very important point:
"If any US elite tries to push for a decoupling' with China, then they are just isolating themselves from the majority of the US public that wants better bilateral relations with China.
"In fact, in terms of China-US ties, the US is no stranger to an argument about if one lost the other. After the Communist Party of China took control of most parts of China in 1949, the 'loss of China' suddenly became a hot topic in US political circles, with elites and politicians trying to find who to blame."
Yes, only a few of us historians likely remember the very loud and vicious argument that began in 1949 and has colored the Empire's policy ever since. Do note the colonial mind set in the notion that the USA "lost China," a mind set that's very much alive today.
jayco@ 102
a german russo sino tripartite? this is funny; that guy pepe sure smokes some good shit.
Pepe’s shtick is an upbeat multipolar triumphalism, a "sneak" peek at the successes to come. I’m not sure how he’s paid in this modern digital nightmare but I’m guessing by number of clicks. If he put aside the chillum and glass of raki and started writing pragmatic pieces like everyone else the clicks would drop. That said, I like reading Pepe, he broadened my geopolitical perspective and I need the dose of triumphalism.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 3 2022 17:29 utc | 87
Posted by: NoOne | Nov 3 2022 15:08 utc | 77
Yeah Bibi's return does not bode well, but it will be from the north that, as always, the problems for the zionist state will come.Bibi and his talmudic company wants to steal the Lebanese gas at all costs and there will be consequences..My expectation is a hell of missiles on the occupied lands.
Posted by: LuBa | Nov 3 2022 17:30 utc | 88
I wouldnt be so sure about Scholtz. It seems to me, from a somewhat close (austria) view that Scholtz took until now to figuere out the rules of the game.
Since merkel took him to the g7 meeting to explain the game to him. (Right after he was elected) it seems to me that he had trouble understanding what was going on.
He is a little like the dumb mafioso in a 70s movie. He was steeling money and blackmailing little fish and suddenly finds himself at the table with all the bosses.
There are moments when you can see that he is confused because he found out that his friends are actualy the problem. When he points to putin as the cause of all evil for example, you can feel that he doesnt believe it. (Very different to the green talking faces)
I do think that he is slowly (he isnt bright after all) but surely realizing that he is the big guy in the german government.
Once he realizes that he actualy has power he may be a force for good (in the sence that he may become a problem to the rest of these idiots).
So lets wait a bit.
Posted by: Orgel | Nov 3 2022 17:41 utc | 89
My condolences. Having lost my better half eight years ago, I could tell you, the pain doesn’t go away. It just gets duller.
I hope in time you’ll recover from your loss.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Nov 3 2022 17:45 utc | 90
@ karlof1 | Nov 3 2022 17:01 utc | 96
Don't bet to much on Olaf. He can screw anything. The whole economy of Germany is destroyed by Scholz and Baerbock. They achieved the destruction of what remain of Merkel's mercantilism after the Covid Hysterie.
They can't even read a graph, really impressive on Cassad
SPD and GreenParty are genuine avatars of political leader. They don't lead and even don't hear the screaming economy and populace. Just obey US Metaverse.
Interesting are the weekly protest, even in small towns. Those "march" are on the model of 1989 in East Germany. You can take a look on Fernglas Ytube canal ( last one of yesterday here:
Tomorrow, Scholz will probably try to lecture China "from a position of strengh"....
Posted by: Weimar | Nov 3 2022 17:55 utc | 91
veto @83--
Thanks for your reply. You raise a good point that's somewhat confirmed by this last Global Times op/ed related to Scholtz's visit, "US in no position to dictate China-Germany business cooperation", which despite its title we learn this:
The US cautioned Germany against allowing Chinese shipping firm Cosco to obtain a controlling stake in a container port in Hamburg, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing "a senior US State Department official."The report comes days after the German government approved the sale of 24.9 percent of the terminal to Cosco last week and just days before German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is due to arrive in Beijing for his first visit to China, for which the German business community has high hopes to advance practical cooperation between the two countries. By making public the intervention in the deal at this time, US officials are clearly and bizarrely trying to boast their influence over Germany and seeking to dampen the vibe for the German Chancellor's trip.
It's unclear whether the US' intervention played any role in Germany's decision to limit the deal to a 24.9 percent stake compared to its original agreement of a 35 percent stake. What's clear is that the US, in its conquest to force allies and alike into following its lead in containing China's development, is increasingly shameless about its selfishness and disrespect for its allies. As if intervening in Germany's decision on a business deal is not disrespectful enough, US officials are now trying to make Germany look bad by publicly suggesting Berlin had heeded their call of "caution."
Scholtz mentions this sale in his op/ed:
"With Chinese investment in Germany, too, we will differentiate based on whether this business creates, or exacerbates, risky dependencies. That was, incidentally, the yardstick applied by the federal government to the purchase of a minority stake in a terminal at Hamburg port by the Chinese shipping firm Cosco. Clear conditions were imposed, and the terminal will now remain fully under the control of the City of Hamburg and the port operator."
While I sympathize with China's position on trade with EU and elsewhere, IMO China fails to realize that the energy crisis will be far worse economically for Europe than Covid. IMO, the industrialists accompanying Scholtz will likely be seeking deals to relocate their operations to China as their future prospects for survival in Germany are extremely bleak; their losses over 18 months of forced inactivity while having to pay their debt obligations are realities none can escape. And no amount of Chinese investment in Germany can alter that reality.
The tactic of pathological lying the Anglo-Dutch-Americans deploy to distract from their systemic bankruptcy is in fact satanic.
I do think that he is slowly (he isnt bright after all) but surely realizing that he is the big guy in the german government.
Once he realizes that he actualy has power he may be a force for good (in the sence that he may become a problem to the rest of these idiots).
So lets wait a bit.
Posted by: Orgel | Nov 3 2022 17:41 utc | 89
Wrong...Scholz does NOT have this power!
Should Scholz speak a word of power, coalitions would break up immediately....there would have to be elections.
And since FTP / Greens / SPD are hanging on to this power, that would happen that people in the US are afraid of (Trump is coming back)
In DE there is a real danger that over 30% would then choose AFD.
Scholz must cuddle before his partners in the government!
Nothing with "strong man" he only represents to the outside.
And then there's the prosecutor's office and his past + CIA and neons in the US.
Posted by: mo3 | Nov 3 2022 18:18 utc | 94
I do think that he is slowly (he isnt bright after all) but surely realizing that he is the big guy in the german government.
Once he realizes that he actualy has power he may be a force for good (in the sence that he may become a problem to the rest of these idiots).
So lets wait a bit.
Posted by: Orgel | Nov 3 2022 17:41 utc | 89
Wrong...Scholz does NOT have this power!
Should Scholz speak a word of power, coalitions would break up immediately....there would have to be elections.
And since FTP / Greens / SPD are hanging on to this power, that would happen that people in the US are afraid of (Trump is coming back)
In DE there is a real danger that over 30% would then choose AFD.
Scholz must cuddle before his partners in the government!
Nothing with "strong man" he only represents to the outside.
And then there's the prosecutor's office and his past + CIA and neons in the US.
Posted by: mo3 | Nov 3 2022 18:19 utc | 95
Pfthtfth! Scholz ?? After he returns from faking sovereignty in Beijing, he’ll return to sucking English-American cocks like his predecessors.
That’s my professional assessment.
Posted by: klik | Nov 3 2022 18:24 utc | 96
karlof1 @ 103
Well, Scholtz still lies like a dog in his op/ed when it comes to Russia and its Ukraine SMO, and Xinjian. His words about Taiwan are also muddleheaded
I could never find the exact word for Scholz face whenever I see a picture of him, stupid is a bit to broad or generic. Muddlehead is exactly the term I was looking for. The guy has a permanent muddleheaded look on his face. I bet his grandpa called him, "hey, muddlehead..."
LuBa @ 88
Yeah Bibi's return does not bode well... Bibi and his talmudic company wants to steal the Lebanese gas at all costs and there will be consequences...
He's 73, he will get his war with Lebanon before he leaves politics or will at least see it before he leaves this earth. He's tried everything maybe a war with Lebanon over the oil rights is his latest way into his big war with Iran.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 3 2022 18:25 utc | 97
Pro tip for some of the (former) writers hanging around this space: toss your style guides.
Yes, I know to appeal to partisan readers, it was important to assert political opponents/policy makers were:
- panicked, desperate
- stupid, ill informed
- superficial, cynical
- etc
But hey, this is moa so you can drop that pretense and directly address the matters at hand - were all big boys and know the inside games.
I would say first and foremost, the creation of any central bank has a certain projected use date. When fed.res was established in 1913, it wasn't expected to enjoy a 1,000 year Reich.
So, when we see various pieces being moved around, one should be aware that it really is strictly a matter of business. Our task is to understand what's happening and take appropriate positions
As the scaffolding is erected to prepare for a global shift, the danger isn't really the emotional response of supposed losers, but the add on effects of their sabotage efforts to ensure their former homes don't pose future challenges
By which I mean the prior hosts that have been polluted and undermined by decades of cultural enrichment by far and away represent the biggest threats to remaining populations.
So as we game play this, the obvious capital flows, infrastructure projects, housing construction, engineering programs, etc are easily identifiable wins
The open question is how to profit from the coming civil wars. Not necessarily arms deals, but anticipating the direction and impact of mass migration
Do Germans move to turkey or Russia? Do Americans move to Mexico and s America? Or does the US simply divide and people concentrate in their respective regions?
These are the interesting speculations that pose a fun challenge to study, watch, think thru and position.
Posted by: B9k9 | Nov 3 2022 18:30 utc | 98
#40: “great map”
The first thing I noticed about that map is that it’s at least eight years out of date, judging only by the color used around Sevastopol, never mind Donetsk and Lugansk.
Posted by: Dalit | Nov 3 2022 18:33 utc | 99
Posted by: Guy L’Estrange | Nov 3 2022 16:25 utc | 76
I believe there is a secret peace treaty between the US and Germany that includes military occupation by US army for 100 years, i.e. up to 2045.
Until then no way Germany can leave the anglo-saxon orbit.
Posted by: Greg Galloway | Nov 3 2022 18:36 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Sure "Ursel vom Leiden" will use the Claim in Her next Speech to EU Parliament....
Posted by: NoOne | Nov 3 2022 11:31 utc | 1