This lady has died today after living a posh, eventful and long life.

Despite all controversies about the British royals, their public roles and riches, many people in the United Kingdom have had some genuine love for her as a person.
I doubt that her successors will ever gain similar sympathies. Indeed the UK may over time wean itself off from such an undemocratic, and very expensive, institution as the monarchy is.
Another recent picture from Britain, on the current cover of the New Statesman, depicts the other Liz at the bow of an ocean liner.

What will the people of the British Islands do when they find out that they are indeed on the Titanic with a captain who does not understand that the economic icebergs drifting in front of the ship are an imminent danger?
Posted by b on September 8, 2022 at 17:41 UTC | Permalink
next page »This means that Charles is now King. He is the imbecile who cheated on a hot babe like Diana with a hag named Camella.
Posted by: Elmer Fudd | Sep 8 2022 17:50 utc | 2
Will the kingdom end? No.
Will the vassal countries continue in place? Yes.
Will the UK weaken? Yes. Power has moved eastward.
Posted by: HelenB | Sep 8 2022 17:51 utc | 3
I can't stand the royals this ruritanian nonsense is in my opinion an affront to society, privileged from the moment she opened her eyes till she closed them. I'll never understand the fawning masses who support royalty.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Sep 8 2022 17:52 utc | 4
One theory of mine is that monoarchies that were headed by women during the 20th century, Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands, have tended to do well in terms of maintaining a mystique due to a lack of personal scandals and a general lack of any expression of political or personal opinions. Look at the scandals that have engulfed virtually everyone else in the British royal family, including expressions of either internally polarizing or diplomatically negative views. (Her sister and husband most prominently in terms of politics)
Meanwhile the ones headed by men were compromised by their monarch's scandals (The king of Belgium had an illegitimate child scandal) or poor standards set for the children/grandchildren, the princes of Norway have all married FHM models and have lost all sense of decorum and act like spoiled rich people. (The Norwegian king in particular is a bit dim too and doesn't hide it well)
Without her I don't see the British monarchy ever being the force it was before. You have to pretend the royals are something beyond mere rich people, she and the other long-standing female monarchs did this well, they were somewhat inhuman figures like national mascots or national grandmothers.
Can you tell me one thing about Queen Elizabeth? She liked corgis and... that's it. We don't know anything else about her. That kind of mystique is not just no present in the male monarchs, it's not really tolerated, you actually expect them to have firm views and to intervene in politics and society.
Charles is actually quite a good person to be king, he is the furthest person possible from the kind of psychopathic warlord who founded their line but he won't get any credit for it. And he will be too demystified, he'll just be a guy not 'the King'.
Posted by: Altai | Sep 8 2022 17:53 utc | 6
Very old woman died....
I feel more sorry for all the young men that die for UK in Ukraine.
Truss took the hand of the old queen and she died, now more people will die...
Only with a new King.
Posted by: Trond | Sep 8 2022 17:56 utc | 7
Charles was on the receiving end of a relationship with a woman with Borderline Personality Disorder.
As such I think he deserves some pity. He seems to me to be a slightly autistic person but not really evil.
His most witless son (Harry) is now on the receiving end of a relationship with a woman with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
For psychologists an interesting family.
Posted by: Moaobserver | Sep 8 2022 17:56 utc | 8
the place for royals are in the fairy tales for children, not in modern societies.
Posted by: denazi | Sep 8 2022 17:57 utc | 9
10 Downing Street & WH firmley condemned latest VVP atrocity ( Helped by his infamous Raspoutine) in the form of a psychic sneak attack on Her Majesty which resulted in her passing out today. The Queen is dead, long lives the king . RIP Liz2. Welcome Liz3 ( WW3 ?)
Posted by: Go Figure | Sep 8 2022 17:58 utc | 10
It may be expensive as an institution but, just given the $ brought in by tourism, it probably has been a money maker for the country up to now ... and there's something to be said about an external "head of govt" who can come in during moments of genuine crisis to rally the nation.
As for Charles, if he's smart, he'll abdicate in favor of his first son who is much more popular.
Posted by: Caliman | Sep 8 2022 18:00 utc | 11
For psychologists an interesting family.
Posted by: Moaobserver | Sep 8 2022 17:56 utc | 8
Its the pedophilia that stands out for me. King Charles was best buds with Jimmy Savile.
Posted by: too scents | Sep 8 2022 18:00 utc | 12
Indeed the UK may over time wean itself off from such an undemocratic, and very expensive, institution as the monarchy is.
Undemocratic and expensive compared to what? The American presidency? Ursula von der Leyen and Her Friendly Friends? The French? The German suicide cult government? The collective West has a severe democracy shortage. At least Queen Elizabeth never wished a "winter of illness and death" on her subjects.
What will the people of the British Islands do when they find out that they are indeed on the Titanic with a captain who does not understand that the economic icebergs drifting in front of the ship are an imminent danger?
Probably the same as we always do: complain and do nothing. Nobody in Britain believes politics can "fix" anything anymore.
Posted by: ZX | Sep 8 2022 18:05 utc | 13
BREAKING: Juan Guaido declares himself the ruling monarch of the UK. Awaiting Joe Tzu's approval as we speak.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 8 2022 18:08 utc | 15
In that magazine cover, isn't Prince Charles supposed to stand behind Liz?
Posted by: dfg | Sep 8 2022 18:08 utc | 16
There's one truth; everyone dies. People might remember her, but she won't know. Hope the monarchy would fall, and the UK together with it.
Posted by: mnra | Sep 8 2022 18:10 utc | 17
The Brits doing whatever it takes to get dizzyLizzy Trusst off the front page - crown an old Charlie - fingers crossed to give MontyPython a rerun
Posted by: sadness | Sep 8 2022 18:10 utc | 18
the british monarchy is just part of the mind control system ruling over western populations. tune out.
Posted by: john | Sep 8 2022 18:11 utc | 19
As for Charles, if he's smart, he'll abdicate in favor of his first son who is much more popular.
Posted by: Caliman | Sep 8 2022 18:00 utc
Unfortunately, Flappy-ears Chuckie is anything but smart, he's a WEFer to the core. The reason Good Queen Liz had him "marry" Dianna was because the Russo-German royal/aristocratic lineages had become too inbred to ignore any further. Keep in mind, Chuckie kept on with Parker-Bowles all through that "marriage", the hand that steals from the cradle and all that. Their lives, the world's problem.
I had hoped Liz would have been smart enough to force Chuckie to sign to abdicating in favour of Willie as a condition of marrying Parker-Bowles, but unlikely given how Chuckie gave the last Speech From The Throne.
That said, Willie is a nice kid, but it is obvious who is the brains in that family, and it isn't him.
We shall see how much of Queen Vickie's Empire (Liz just slowed the decline) survives having an addlepated perv at the helm.
Posted by: Old canadian | Sep 8 2022 18:13 utc | 20
The Russian Orthodox Church would love to see the reinstallment of the monarchy, with - of course - Vladimir Vladimirovich being the first to qualify as the new Tsar of all Russians.
With regard to the house of Hanover (quickly replaced by 'Windsor' in 1917) one can only wonder why the empire where the sun never sets has been able keep up appearances so long. Perhaps 'keeping up appearances' is something where the British excel at. Anyway, may she rest in peace.
In Holland the popularity of King Willem Alexander & Queen Máxima received a big blow when he and his family planned to fly to their villa in Greece during one of the Covid lockdowns. Since then he's (his nickname is 'Prins Pils', because of his royal gift for beer drinking) wobbling in the polls to the danger zone.
Posted by: Oblomovka daydream | Sep 8 2022 18:23 utc | 23
The magazine cover with Liz Truss on the bow rails of the Titanic seems prescient as Britain sinks.
Posted by: Longtrail | Sep 8 2022 18:24 utc | 24
Today, the last person in Britain with any integrity, style, class, and self-discipline died. May her soul rest gently.
Her death strikes me as all the more sad because she had outlived her own country. Country and monarch were no longer a match. Charles or his sons will fit present-day Britain much better - in all its intellectual squalor, political viciousness, childish regression, and clueless idiocy.
I may hang a portrait of her on the wall.
Many thanks to you, B, for this orbituary!
Posted by: Scotch Bingeington | Sep 8 2022 18:26 utc | 25
It is hard for me to find anything royal in using Princess Diana for little more than a brood mare to reinfuse the bloodline. It took 45 minutes in the middle of Paris for an ambulance to arrive in that tunnel. The whole Monarchy thing being based on bloodline, basically worship, is Eugenic Occultism, the Old Testament. Hygienic Occultism is the New Testament. The horrors resulting from the Eugenicist's, Margaret Sanger included are well documented.
Posted by: George Abernathy | Sep 8 2022 18:28 utc | 26
Agree with @ 13 on the cost and freedom issue. I believe the democracy-funding gazillionaires of the free market are the leaders in hatred for the British monarchy.
As someone who lives in Canada (even if it’s in Montréal), I say it’s much better for the Commonwealth for Charles to become King. You need a Monarch who’s capable of being feared, and dividing the Monarchy between the Queen and the Prince is a bit suggestive of weakness. Queen Liz was loved, all the polls say that in Canada, but the gazillionaires are always drooling at this very resource-rich door — political realities will prevail. Long Live the King!
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Sep 8 2022 18:28 utc | 27
Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 8 2022 18:08 utc | 15
Ha, nice one!
I think both have an idiot's face, wouldn't you say? Some similarity...
Posted by: Scotch Bingeington | Sep 8 2022 18:29 utc | 28
Wikileaks files on the Royals.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 8 2022 18:29 utc | 29
The queen is dead, boys and it's so lonely on a limb
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 8 2022 18:30 utc | 30
The big difference between the UK (Europe) and the Titanic? The lights were still on when the Titanic went down.
Posted by: nook | Sep 8 2022 18:31 utc | 31
No worries, we're on same boat at the britons. We're going to sink all together
Posted by: w | Sep 8 2022 18:31 utc | 32
@Posted by: Moaobserver | Sep 8 2022 17:56 utc | 8
Harry is the son of Diana's bodyguard, she decided after a while that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Harry's wife is full on NPD! I keep getting adverts on youtube for her new bullshit show, what a horrible woman, facile ...
So we get Liz (I am a fucking idiot) Truss as PM, Charlie (I like talking to plants and am generally utterly witless) as King, and Camilla (BPD marriage-wrecker) as Queen/Princess Consort. The British Empire sinking beneath the waves in the most inglorious, sad, embarrassing way - such a fitting end! By the end of next year what was left of British manufacturing will have died under astronomical energy costs and the "City" will be decamping to more stable kleptocrat-loving places.
The Scots and Northern Irish (where the Papists have at last outbred the Anglicans) will be trying to get off the sinking ship as fast as possible ....
Dear B. Thanks for the great picture and your warm obituary. Just imagine how Philip welcomes his Liz. Just image why Liz passed away. This is love. Make Love Not War. Let's stop this nonsense! Peace.
Posted by: Oscar | Sep 8 2022 18:36 utc | 34
Lest we forget, queen Elizabeth knew how to salute at a young age: nazi salute
Posted by: xor | Sep 8 2022 18:39 utc | 35
Posted by: George Abernathy | Sep 8 2022 18:28 utc | 26
It is hard for me to find anything royal in using Princess Diana for little more than a brood mare
What should they have used her for? Her brains?
Posted by: ZX | Sep 8 2022 18:46 utc | 36
@ Tom Q 15
How dare you!!….you ungracious plebeian lower orderer!
We Saxe-Coburg-Gothas will never let Johnny Foreigner rule Britain!
Posted by: Prince Andrew | Sep 8 2022 18:47 utc | 37
20 years ago, a friend of mine had lunch with Prince Charles in London. She sat next to him and had a chat. She told me that he was introverted and uncomfortable in his conversation. It is too long ago to remember her exact words but it was not positive.
It is a whole other world with royals: my friend was outranked by two other people for the seating at this event. I can’t remember if it was right or left of Charles, but it seems important to them. In any case, since the two ahead of her were equally ranked, neither one sat next to him and instead she took the spot.
I also remember that the thinking back then was that he was not to become king.
Being in the UK when Princes Dia was killed. The queen did not want much of a funeral, but the public insisted and businesses even closed on their own accord. The royals were on thin ice bacj then and they organized a PR campaign to get back to good graces of the public.
Posted by: meshpal | Sep 8 2022 18:48 utc | 38
I still remember she was in Kenya when her father King George 5 died... we as British subjects celebrated.... we were given each an aluminum medallion with ribbon to pin on our shirt.....
Good gracious... the Britannia finally starting to demise... even her colony India become the world's fifth largest economy.... I'm glad to live to see it happens... I'm waiting for the US next...
Posted by: JC | Sep 8 2022 18:49 utc | 39
Will it be a union jack or a swastika at half mast over buckingingham palice ?
I'm not even jokeing.
We live in strainge times.
The USA now is hollywood fiction,
The british Royals are clever brand marketing to hide the evil truth.
"Public perseption management"
(Liz Truss)
If we want reality and sanity Putin / Russia are the people to support.
Posted by: Mark2 | Sep 8 2022 18:51 utc | 40
Betty didn’t survive the visit of Lizzie ‘burden’ Truss as her latest and as worse as any of her PM’s. Bearing the Black Spot as is the won’t amongst the pirate classes.
It’s been a shitfest since Thatcher for Madge.
News was delayed waiting for Harry to arrive.
Did he?
He may have not wanted to be in the same room with his uncle Randy Andy juvenile shagger. His Bro the future king William seemed perfectly happy having him in the front seat driving into Balmoral! No moral more like.
Still let’s get on with footy , it’s more important than life or death after all for most of us Brits.
New Head of State without election by us bleaters about actual re-elected long term leaders.
Fuck em.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 8 2022 18:52 utc | 41
E-LizardBeast has shed her outer humanoid skin. Her inner reptilian being has been beamed back up to the Mothership.
With his unpopularity, King Chuck III is carrying on the tradition of his previous two namesakes. (Chuck #1 was decapitated.)
Posted by: Leif Sachs | Sep 8 2022 18:55 utc | 42
Edward VII and, in turn, his son, George V, were members of the German ducal House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha by virtue of their descent from Albert, Prince Consort, husband of Queen Victoria, the last British monarch from the House of Hanover. King George's first cousin, Nicholas II was the Emperor of Russia. The King and his family titles held under the German Crown.
On 17 July 1917, king George V changed the name of his "house" to Windsor House by a royal 'proclamation' a name change, but the blood didn't change. The one, who died today had at least, English, Danish, German and Russian blood in her. The one who became King has in addition Greek blood, maybe some mixed blood diluted in the course.
Posted by: mnra | Sep 8 2022 18:56 utc | 43
Truss - The geography professor with a hand that is the touch of death. British so called intelligence puts a report on Ukraine on the social media each day. Intelligence? It should be called the Truss report.
The monarch. House of lords... knights. The mighty Truss now runs Camelot.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 8 2022 18:57 utc | 44
People claiming to be better then others is universally disgusting… I have zero sympathy for any of these people…
Posted by: Mikko | Sep 8 2022 18:59 utc | 45
poor zelensky, this means he will be off the front pages for at least 2 weeks (unless they invite the slime ball to the funeral) Then there will be a coronation for whomever succeeds Queeny baby! Hard times coming for the cokedhead attention seeking media hog.
Posted by: Geraldo | Sep 8 2022 19:06 utc | 46
Sorry to see her go but she had a god innings as they say in good ol Blighty
However my own abiding memory is of how she did Gough Whitlam the elected premier of Australia dirty in 73 (i think) Had him hounded out of office with just a phone call
She was certainly part of the cabal
Posted by: DaVinci | Sep 8 2022 19:06 utc | 47
Now I really am convinced 2022 is THE watershed year in the long post-war century. ER II's reign coincided with the rise and decline of US global hegemony.
Now Liz Truss ascends... God help us.
Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 8 2022 19:10 utc | 48
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 8 2022 18:57 utc | 44
...Truss - The geography professor with a hand that is the touch of death...
Peter and the rest of British's MoA here... please dun get upset,,, when I'm overjoy...
King Charles 1st was hanged.... now, will King Charles 2nd be hanged too if and when the divided British house... Wales, Scotland and Ireland) turn against the crown?
Posted by: JC | Sep 8 2022 19:19 utc | 49
@ DunGroanin 41
‘Randy Andy juvenile shagger’
I learned from the master, my dear old papa….
….and Aunty Margaret.
Posted by: Prince Andrew | Sep 8 2022 19:21 utc | 50
My Grandfather served as a Palace Guard and all members of our family met her at some point. I know some people will have other impressions,but mine are very positive. It's appropriate that the heavens are weeping here.
RIP and thank you for your service.
Posted by: Bob | Sep 8 2022 19:21 utc | 51
The Queen is dead!
Long live Andy Warhol, Rock n'Roll, innovative approaches as well as a little bit of jazz and bluegrass!
The criteria for understanding life: If one is not capable of invigorating or imagining what your life can be on the day the Queen is dead - then you are useless!
Posted by: Andrew | Sep 8 2022 19:27 utc | 53
So, climate cult Charlie becomes King the day after Liz Truss announces the end to the ban on Fracking.
Thankfully, parliament asserted it's supremacy over the monarchy after we lopped the head of charlie's namesake a few hundred years ago, so I doubt he'll be attempting any royal proclamations to limit Liz's leap towards energy independence for the UK.
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Sep 8 2022 19:32 utc | 54
Her death will mark the end of Glorious Revolution. British subjects will finally burst into streets in remembrance of Oliver Cromwell.
Posted by: Milos | Sep 8 2022 19:36 utc | 55
Will the 77th Stan down from active duty btl?
It’s tradition innit!
For idiots who don’t know Charles the Turd is already the monarch at the point of previous one’s death. Investiture is the formality.
He won’t last very long and William the whatever will be next.
Randy Andy is going to base his comeback into ‘public affection’ on the back of the show over the next 10 days.
All will be memory holed.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 8 2022 19:38 utc | 56
This Royal Witch is dead! Long live the Royal Witch . . . in Hell!
As someone on RT asked, has this "lady" worked a single day in her fucking existence?
Feel sorry for her?
How about the millions that have died and suffered because of this Royal Bitch?
Posted by: Sam Smith | Sep 8 2022 19:46 utc | 57
Posted by: JC | Sep 8 2022 19:19 utc | 49
Charles the 2nd has long died. He came to power after Oliver Cromwell was kicked out
The new king is Charles 111
Posted by: DaVinci | Sep 8 2022 19:48 utc | 58
Fuck Britain and the monarchy. Starting with her, whatever vestiges of British prestige when down the shitter starting with ww2 and suez and continued to the totalitarian nightmare Britain is today. The commonwealth serfs showed their totalitarian, spineless edge during covid proving the serf they are. They have no freedom outside of whatever the house of lords gives them. Sick to death of American obsession with people we fought twice and sent the monarchist scum back to England and Canada. Whatever idiot they get to manage this commonwealth will be no better than a mascot of a third rate football team.
Posted by: Thgref | Sep 8 2022 19:52 utc | 59
john | Sep 8 2022 18:11 utc | 19
the british monarchy is just part of the mind control system ruling over western populations
No 'john', it's just a hierarchal structure as old as the hills that can be dumped at any time, you know, like the Russians and the Chinese did a hundred years ago or so. Here in Italy they terminated their monarchy in 1946 by popular referendum.
In the meantime change your moniker...I've been commenting around here long enough for you to have noticed.
Posted by: john | Sep 8 2022 19:53 utc | 60
Disagree that the Royal Family is expensive. the civilian list is 1/100th that of the White House household and travel budget.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 8 2022 19:59 utc | 61
Expensive institution? Undemocratic? You mean as opposed to splendid TODAY'S almost every single government in the world? With endless election cycles that exist only to launder money and bring more dangerous mediocrities to the surface of the swamp? The money these phony elections cost makes monarchy quite reasonable. When are you silly folk going to realize that human nature is what it is - unchangeable and immutable. Utopia only exists in 3rd fantasies.
A good monarch - well brought up by a family and an elite in the centuries old business of well-bringing up their progeny - is by far the best government every invented. The Borbone in Naples and the Romanov in Russia, for instance. Elizabeth and her Hanoverian family? Like everything about England, they stink.
Posted by: res | Sep 8 2022 20:08 utc | 62
"Indeed the UK may over time wean itself off from such an undemocratic, and very expensive, institution as the monarchy is."
I don't understand the fetish with democracy. Let's say for the sake of argument that the 2020 election was free and fair, no fraud, more people voted than ever before, etc....
The end result was Joe Biden.
I judge a process by the results it achieves.
Posted by: ian | Sep 8 2022 20:10 utc | 64
Long Live The King, There Will Always Be An England, The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire, Rule Britannia, Tally Ho and all that...
Good place for this:
The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968) title sequence
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 8 2022 20:12 utc | 65
Even the British screw up a revolution with dumber replacements that turn out to be worse monarchs than the first. How the British followed that ethnic cleansing psycho Cromwell is beyond me. Maybe if they had competent leadership and real choosing, they wouldn't have invited a foreign monarch to take over. Though being ruled by foreigners like William seems to be a knack for the british.
Posted by: Thgref | Sep 8 2022 20:14 utc | 66
Before Epstein didn't kill himself he enjoyed holidaying at Balmoral with his procurer girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell. As did Saville before him. You would think MI6 would have had a word in Her Majesty's ear about the company her husband and sons chose to keep...what a festering sac of pus covered by a sticky plaster this all is.
Posted by: Juliah | Sep 8 2022 20:21 utc | 67
A British Monarch Dies. An American President orders flags to be at half-staff.
Damn, guess that whole Revolution thing was for nothing, yeh?
I don't know for certain, can't quote someone's old diary or nuthin, but I rather suspect that once upon a time in America that the news of a death of a British Monarch would have been the cause for celebration and a round on the house.
Guess the Tories won the American Revolution after all. Its just that with typical British planning, it took a lot longer than they had planned. God Save The King.
Posted by: Thom Payne | Sep 8 2022 20:21 utc | 68
Timely, just as UK's hitting the fan. And Gorby passing on at the age of 91 in 2022 was also Timely.
Posted by: Charles Peterson | Sep 8 2022 20:25 utc | 69
@ 8 Moaobserver
You're dead wrong, it's not Harry but William who's the gormless, witless turnip head.
Posted by: WTFUD | Sep 8 2022 20:27 utc | 70
The very expensive royals were in recent decades on balance a net profit generator through the tourism their estates and personal mystique attracted. Charles III may be the flop that kills that golden goose once and for all.
Posted by: Cato the Uncensored | Sep 8 2022 20:31 utc | 71
You're dead wrong, it's not Harry but William who's the gormless, witless turnip head.
Posted by: WTFUD | Sep 8 2022 20:27 utc | 82
They're neither of them the brains of Britain.
Nor was their grandma.
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Sep 8 2022 20:33 utc | 72
@ WTFUD 82
Spot on. William takes after daddy. Harry’s daddy on the other hand….
Posted by: Prince Andrew | Sep 8 2022 20:37 utc | 73
Posted by: nook | Sep 8 2022 18:31 utc | 31
OK, that was good.
Posted by: John Kennard | Sep 8 2022 20:40 utc | 74
@ 86 Prince Andrew
Point is Andy, Harry was most uncomfortable in that environment, being dictated to by a band of paedophile deep state uncivil servants, while William was/is a deep state dream.
Posted by: WTFUD | Sep 8 2022 20:45 utc | 75
Not many people rated the then Prince of Wales, Edward, when he came to the throne in 1901 on the death of his mother Victoria, yet the Edwardian era was, in its own way, quite remarkable. I rather think Charles III ought not be underestimated too much, just yet. The timing, if nothing else, is fortuitous: a coronation in about 12 months' time will do wonders for the economy and will draw the news focus from anything and everything else if history is anything to go by. Of course, the biggest bonus now is that Harry and Harry's wife will be utterly sidelined.
Posted by: JamesH | Sep 8 2022 20:47 utc | 76
@ ian | Sep 8 2022 20:10 utc | 76
What are you calling "democracy"?
We have:
- Rigged media coverage, polling, nominations, debates
- Hardly any transparency in the drafting and passing of laws
- Secret law in secret courts
- Statistically zero public opinion impact on legislation
"Democracy" hasn't been tried since some native American tribes practiced it.
Posted by: dfg | Sep 8 2022 20:51 utc | 78
Juliah @ 79
what a festering sac of pus covered by a sticky plaster this all is.
Brilliant and eloquent. There is, the Royals in a nutshell. Here it is crude, long and drawn out [NSFW/+18 and you have to tough it out for the punchline]:
Gilbert Gottfried's Funny Joke: The Aristocrats
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 8 2022 20:57 utc | 79
Posted by: DaVinci | Sep 8 2022 19:48 utc | 61
Cromwell wasn't kicked out, he died:
"If the whole power was in the Presbyterians, they would force all men their way, and the Fifth Monarchy men would do the same, and so the Rebaptised persons; and his work was to keep several judgments in peace, because, like men falling out in the streets, they would run their heads one against another; he was as a constable to part them and keep them in peace." (Firth)
The three great lessons of the Commonwealth were:
(1) You can't make a republic without republicans.
(2) An unlimited number of bishops is worse than a dozen or two.
(3) Never cross Oliver Cromwell.
He was a brute executive.
Posted by: John Kennard | Sep 8 2022 21:17 utc | 81
Posted by: DaVinci | Sep 8 2022 19:06 utc | 47
The old slapper was part of the coup against the elected Whitlam government in 1975. Her representative Kerr got approval for the coup from her right-hand man, Sir Martin Charteris. Unmourned by republicans in Australia and remembered for the devious autocrat she was. Spare us the colonial tears. Good riddance.
Posted by: Paul McGrory | Sep 8 2022 21:19 utc | 82
So when will BoJo admit that his "let 'er rip" Covid policies led to the Queen's death. Will there be an investigation into who actually brought her the virus?
Posted by: Henry Moon Pie | Sep 8 2022 21:21 utc | 83
Vladimir Putin has sent King Charles a condolence message:
Posted by: Gt Stroller | Sep 8 2022 21:22 utc | 84
Posted by: Thgref | Sep 8 2022 19:52 utc | 63
Fuck Britain and the monarchy......... Starting with her, whatever vestiges of British prestige when down the shitter starting with ww2 and suez and continued to the totalitarian nightmare Britain is today....
Well said, 100% concur.... I hope b allows us MoA’s to show our rages and anger at the House of Windsor...I'm probably the oldest or one of the oldest MoA here...... glad to live long enough to witness the beginning the end of the Anglo-Saxon... I've been around.. still has a niece in Scotland and one in HongKong... The first places I landed after I left home was HK.... my goodness how the Hongkies suffered... especially the poor in rented bed-space cages...... costing HK$20 buck per month... now cost even more from my HK’s niece she is a millionaire... her hubby making and selling vegan “pow” or “muntow in Shenzhen.........
Posted by: JC | Sep 8 2022 21:23 utc | 85
I expect Charles will do the king thing for 5 to 10 years. After waiting all that time you would at least want to experience it.My attitude towards Charles is pretty ambivalent,he never really made an impression. It appears Harry inherited his taste in women....Harry dude,you passed up a Swedish underwear model for THAT! Never met William,although I might during the investiture.
Posted by: Bob | Sep 8 2022 21:26 utc | 86
She was born into a role she did not choose. Most of us at least get to choose or fall into (sort of) what career we want to have.
Having said that - royalty is an anachronism in these days and ages and I will be happy to see them all sink out of sight.
I cannot see Charles III as head of any nation let alone dozens of them.
Posted by: digital dinosaur | Sep 8 2022 21:28 utc | 87
@ Pdidds 93
Sleepy Joe ain’t got long to go. When the Pepsi Cola party gets eviscerated by the Coca Cola party in the mid terms that’ll probably put the tag onto the toe.
Posted by: Prince Andrew | Sep 8 2022 21:37 utc | 88
It's never made sense to me , the British public fawning over these good for nothing freeloaders , when in fact they represent everything that the poor and middle classes are up against .
Posted by: Buford T. Justice | Sep 8 2022 21:39 utc | 89
'Wean itself off of undemocratic institutions' - you mean like having a State Church?
Western commentators are horrified by Putin's embrace of Russian Orthodoxy calling it the 'unofficial' state church but are thrilled with all things U.K.
Posted by: Christian Chuba | Sep 8 2022 21:41 utc | 90
I see few are well informed about the last 100 years of UK history. She was a Plunderer like those whose footsteps she followed.
Rumor has it that she had died already time ago, and they just kept this news for a more convenient moment...
Highly likley in the land of intrigues...
Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Sep 8 2022 21:47 utc | 92
Did Putin kill her? Sorry far west here in Vendée, France. I don’t follow our media but l suspect they accused him didn’t they?
In any case we still remember our good king Louis XVI here so the English can mourn whoever. Happy to pray for a good soul
Posted by: Lisle-Boisseau | Sep 8 2022 21:47 utc | 93
Somehow Elizabeth II. was part of the 2oth Century. Her coronation was the first event televised worldwide.
Of course, she was a national symbol of the UK, like Stalin was for the USSR.
Posted by: aquadraht | Sep 8 2022 21:53 utc | 94
JC | Sep 8 2022 21:23 utc | 98
The democracy of Hong Kong under British rule...subject of the monarch - chattels of the monarch.
I'm anglo apart from a touch of northern Ireland. All my for bears where shipped out her 170 years ago when mighty Britannica offshored its poor. Apart from one convict. He was a groom, not as in Joe Biden grooming of children though. He looked after horses and drove coaches but had a bad habit of making off with the horses.
As an Australian, the countries and peoples to the north of us are our neighbors and trade partners. But true to anglo standards we have the foreign monarch as head of state - now being the dick endowed with ears - and the dumbest and most fanatical anglo supremecy are raised to the highest positions.
If the US survives the fallout of Europe economic collapse, then my country will go to war with China when US gives the order to do so. Those who go off to certain death be it friends or family I will have no sympathy for.
Your perspective, your background. So many people from different parts of the world and the lives they have lived. It is what keeps me coming back here. Hope you stay well and keep posting.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 8 2022 21:54 utc | 95
Anglicans are outnumbered not only by Catholics in Northern Ireland, but also by the most numerous Protestant sect, the Presbyterians.
Posted by: Lysias | Sep 8 2022 22:03 utc | 96
Chessmaster | Sep 8 2022 20:22 utc | 108
Slogans are not a substitute for rational arguments.
Peter AU1 | Sep 8 2022 20:36 utc | 112
I’m afraid I’ll never get over Macho Grande.
Posted by: ZX | Sep 8 2022 22:14 utc | 97
Posted by: digital dinosaur | Sep 8 2022 21:28 utc | 100
Having said that - royalty is an anachronism in these days and ages and I will be happy to see them all sink out of sight.
I don't care either way about the monarchy, but lots of things are anachronisms, that doesn't mean they're bad.
In fact, our experience over the last century should've taught us that the new things which replace them are usually worse. Mid-20th century scientific brutalitarian regimes were not better than the feeble democracies or feudal autocracies which they replaced, and the internet 2.0 is a lot less free, open and interesting than the internet 1.0
As for Elizabeth, as with anyone I suppose. We will all die one day, we are all merely renting space on this planet, however high or low our social station. We will all be judged by a higher power. You'd have to be a very bad person for your passing not to be a sad event, something we should all empathise with. The Queen wasn't a bad person by all accounts. Her replacement is unlikely to be an improvement.
Posted by: ZX | Sep 8 2022 22:15 utc | 98
Geraldo | Sep 8 2022 19:06 utc | 46
Nobody has heard from Zelensky in quite a while
Posted by: Carmell | Sep 8 2022 22:34 utc | 99
The Queen is dead! Long live the King, Tampax Rex!"
My sympathies to the bereaved.
I will avoid TV and radio even more.
Posted by: tucenz | Sep 8 2022 22:37 utc | 100
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King Charles III is from the brood of two cousins.
Posted by: too scents | Sep 8 2022 17:47 utc | 1