Ukraine Open Thread 2022-130
Only for news & views related to the Ukraine conflict.
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Posted by b on August 14, 2022 at 12:24 UTC | Permalink
next page »The Guardian published a selfie video from Shitenskyy saying, in short, that they'll attack ZNPP and kill everyone working there and they'll also "block" the whole Russian nuclear energy.
During the 1 minute video he moves from saying Russia is inside the NPP to Russia attacks the NPP multiple times. He is high as hell. Go watch it, it's on all social media too
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 12:38 utc | 3
Qualcosa non torna, l'impressione è che sia tutto un gioco delle parti, tanto a lasciarci la pelle sono sempre e solo i poveracci.
Trovo assurdo che i russi continuino a rifornire di energia i paesi ostili,
Visto che il flusso di armi verso l'ucraina è pressoché ininterrotto,
Qui gatta ci cova
Posted by: Alessandro Cagliostr | Aug 14 2022 12:54 utc | 4
Catherine Viner is a disaster as editor at The Grauniad. She has made the rag complete Cultist like AppleTV. If you don't inject the drugs you cannot enter the paradigm.
As for The Rodent in Kiev - he has really run out of show runners
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Aug 14 2022 12:59 utc | 5
As for The Rodent in Kiev - he has really run out of show runners
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Aug 14 2022 12:59
You mean like this?
Posted by: Jpc | Aug 14 2022 13:02 utc | 6
The guardianistas have such hard ons for death and destruction it's actually quite alarming.
Wonder how long does that cheer leading last when it's landing on you and your family?
Posted by: Jpc | Aug 14 2022 13:12 utc | 7
@Alessandro Cagliostr | Aug 14 2022 12:54 utc | 4
Pecunia non olet
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 13:33 utc | 8
Re post no 6:
So the Guardian wants to march into Moscow and lock up Putin- feel free to go, dear military-political-universal expert from that "news" outlet....
Posted by: daniel_s | Aug 14 2022 13:35 utc | 9
Si che puzza, puzza di soldati e civili in putrefazione grazie alle armi fornite dai paesi ostili trasportate grazie al gasolio fornito dai russi,
Una presa per il culo,
Posted by: Alessandro Cagliostr | Aug 14 2022 13:43 utc | 10
Thanks for the link,
The Guardian : "Ukraine will target Russian forces at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, says Zelenskiy"
same vid here on youtube :
This is much stronger then the vogue footage fail and the Amnesty International condamnation,
when you keep posting video every moments while using too much drugs, fail will happen and this is what just happened : zel gone (way) too far, check the vid and pray or not, if you live in Europe...
Posted by: act | Aug 14 2022 13:59 utc | 11
"Ukraine will target Russian forces at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, says Zelenskiy"
That sentence requires serious textual analysis before psychoanalysis...............
Clearly Chernobyl left no lasting impression on the 7-year old Zelensky who would appear to be seriously deranged and manifestly desperate
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Aug 14 2022 14:24 utc | 12
Posted by: Alessandro Cagliostr | Aug 14 2022 13:43 utc | 10
Pero' un traduttore lo puoi anche usare ogni tanto oppure anche quello funziona a gasolio?
Posted by: LuBa | Aug 14 2022 14:28 utc | 13
The attack today included kamikaze drones.
At the same time US and Zely don't let IAEA inspect the npp.
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 14:37 utc | 14
act | Aug 14 2022 13:59 utc | 11
I think Zelensky has reached the teleprompter stage. Eyes fixed on one point. Is the teleprompter also high?
Jpc | Aug 14 2022 13:02 utc | 6
The gruardian is completely woke. It cannot be wrong, and there is no such thing as a change in thought processes. Since the days of Assange /Wikipedia and the data that it suppressed under the orders of the UK Government, it has become a rubbish source.
The final paragraph is calling more for assassination than "locking Putin up".
Now the US doesn't know how to change the course of the SMO, and the slow destruction of the exploitative system used by the west, so they expect to be able to find a "short-cut". Less super-dooper weapons and more "special squads and terrorists".
I suggest they send in the cookie monster as a last ditch effort. (Well, I'm sure they could find a ditch for her to fill up) (PS, a big ditch)
The total from the "butterfly mines" in Donetsk is now 41 including children.
Out of 375,000 tons of food exported from Ukraine, European buyers have already received 217,000.
Not the poor African countries about which the American zionist empire feinted concerns.
We may not be warm
but we got something to eat
Latvia is going full Ukraine (FU) and is trying to pas a bill that will stop Russian being used as a language.
Posted by: Stonebird | Aug 14 2022 14:41 utc | 15
Yes, it stinks, it stinks of rotting soldiers and civilians thanks to the weapons supplied by hostile countries transported thanks to the diesel supplied by the Russians,
A jack for the ass,
Posted by: Alessandro Cagliostr | Aug 14 2022 14:48 utc | 16
@Stonebird | Aug 14 2022 14:41 utc | 15
Not only language in Latvia. They also want to cancel the residence permit for "pro-Kremlin" citizens. Finland wants to stop visas, Czech will ban students from Russia and Belarus (those who already are there will have to be evaluated for pro-Putin behavior, including the family - though those people must be really strange to want to study in Czech republic) and Pooland proposed that EU closes the borders for all Russians.
Natoland knows sanctions didn't work and now they try to provoke the regular people against Putin. They do that while shooting at an npp. Great plan!
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 15:03 utc | 17
Patrick Lawrence: All Disquiet on the Eastern Front
What Big Volod says has to be right, of course, even if he wandered from television comedy into the Ukrainian presidency like a child lost in city traffic. If anyone has a sound, balanced idea of how to deal with Russia, it is Volodymyr Zelensky. Everyone knows this. When the Ukrainians admit, as they often do, that they consider Russians animals, not humans, we have to accept that they know what they are talking about. [more]
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Aug 14 2022 15:27 utc | 18
Is this latest Zelenski public insanity/delusion shaping up to give US/ZATO an excuse to remove him, or at least allow claims of "how could we have known he would blow up a NPP?". When Amnesty International starts hinting that Zelly may be less than squeaky-clean, even with the inevitable back-tracking, you know there are cracks forming in the US/ZATO propaganda edifice.
The NPP idiocy only makes the masses more likely to think the other rumours they have heard about the literal slaughter of Ukraine soldiers and civilians due to US/ZATO policy just MIGHT be true. The attempt to paint the Russian military as the bogey man has not fared well outside US/ZATO, and is even taking a fair beating in the US-vassal states. See how many Canadians post here at MoA.
As Kissinger said, "To be a US enemy is dangerous. To be a US friend is deadly." Like Saddam found out the hard way, doing as the US/ZATO wants works until you be come a "liability" for doing exactly what the US/ZATO handlers told you to. I think Zelly is too high/stupid to know he is the next Saddam. Another former "staunch ally" who has shaken hands with top US/ZATO officials. Saddam's most famous handshake was with Donny (Gilead/Tamiflu) Rumsfeld.
The usual US/ZATO trick is to get the locals to do the CIA/Mossad dirty work. But the top CIA/Mossad "approved" Ukie-nazis may have decided they LIKE the current arrangement, and will protect Zelly for as long as he is useful to them, US/ZATO agenda be damned. Where else would these miscreants find a ready-made, already placed, psychologically malleable coke-head who publicly plays victim in Vogue on-cue and cons idiots in the US/ZATO gov'ts to send literal $billions for them to launder, hide and otherwise steal.
The US can't suddenly dethrone Zelly to change horses midstream. Not after he appeared on the cover of Vogue, making him the darling of the celebrity class.
But the sanctions are boomeranging and the US/EU/ZATO public is not buying "it's all Russia and China's fault". As the COVID Plandemic becomes increasingly revealed as a conspiracy-truth, the more people in US/ZATO countries get the uneasy feeling their gov'ts will and did lie about anything and everything Ukraine.
Interesting times indeed.
Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 14 2022 15:33 utc | 19
This morning I did one of my periodic checks at for Ukraine news - just one of their usual mainstream slants was up focusing on the two shockers, the Znuclear plant shelling and the Crimea airfield explosions. The author averred that the first was of no consequence, but admitted it was unlikely to be caused by the Russians - a big admission in light of his otherwise extremely negative appraisal of Russian activity in Ukraine.
So that was interesting. I am usually more interested in comments, and those did not disappoint. One expressed relief that New Zealand does not have nuclear power plants, so is not vulnerable to such scary attacks. Many filled in the gaps in the narrative with links to sites correcting same.
That brings me to my own observation: I think the West is taken aback by the nuclear plant shellings. I also wonder if this is not Zelenski's way of threatening his suppliers of weaponry -- and silence now is being caused by a serious rethink of what this entails on the part of Those Who Must Be Obeyed.
Posted by: juliania | Aug 14 2022 15:56 utc | 20
Posted by: Jpc | Aug 14 2022 13:02 utc | 6
Re the Grauniad piece, which I just read, well not all of it, it kept sticking in my throat.
What's very apparent as its hysterical tone shows, is that the cretin Tisdall, is first, desperately trying to convince himself that 404 will ultimately win if only we sell them enough weapons before they run out of Ukrainians to sacrifice on the alter of Capital.
I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people, voting for that idiot and hoping for change. Sounds like the US in some respects. He may actually believe what he is saying in the video. He is just repeating what he is being told by his handlers.
Tragic-comedy. The only thing missing is the big nose, makeup and a baggy multicolored suit.
Posted by: circumspect | Aug 14 2022 15:58 utc | 22
1- Western Europe should stop funding Eastern Europe if they continue their lunatic provocations against Russia
2- Leyen/Borrel should be deposed and replaced by true diplomats, that save what's possible to save of Europe-Russia relations
3- Western Europe should stop delivering weapons to NAZIS, condemn Ukraine's dictatorship, and block weapon deliveries from anglo-saxons through their territories
4- end the illegal sanctions and apologize to the Russian people, and to the anti-Nazi Ukrainians of the Donbass and all of Novorussia and Crimea
5- open Nordstream 2 and stop importing USA's LNG, close coal power plants, and stop the crazy anti-nuclear power plant "green" ideology
6- create European army, without USA interference, and start a forced NATO-exit for USA in Europe. Step one: get rid of USA bases/soldiers is Europe.
7- block Sweden and Finland from entering NATO. Apply sanctions to Turkey amd USA for their current invasion of Syria, theft of Syrian oil and cereals, and bombing of Kurdish people
8- threaten to cut finantial/humanitarian support to Ukraine if the regime keeps violating Mindk peace agreements (by bombing anti-Nazi Ukrainians in Donbass)
9- cancel Ukraine's EU process if it doesn't start peace negotiations with Russia
10- recognize Crimea selfdetermination referendum, recognize the independent Donetsk and Lugansk Republics
11- threaten complete blockade of Ukraine if they continue shelling a nuclear power plant
12- threaten to expell Poland and the Baltics from EU if they continue escalating the conflict (Kaliningrad, Schengen visas, etc) just to please their emperor overseas...
These are the first steps to end the War in Ukraine, save European economy, and actualy fight for Democracy and against imperialism (USA's NeoCon warmongers and corrupt "elite" sponsored by Raytheon, Lockeed Martin, and others).
NONE of these points will be implemented anytime soon. Therefore, Europe is doomed and Ukraine is no more.
I'm from Portugal and I support 100% the pro-Democratic and anti-Nazi people of Novorussia (South+East Ukraine). If the only way for them to get peace and get rid of Kiev's dictatorship and Nazi battalions, is the Russian intervention, then I cannot condemn the Russian actions.
If I was in Russia, I would support the SMO, but would be in the opposition against Putin, because I'm not a Conservative, and I'm Left-wing (the actual Left wing in economics (Social-Democratic Nordic Model, or what idiots in USA call "communism" and "far-left"), not the "left" wing in USA ('woke' fanatics that are all right-wing in economics, i.e. NeoLib).
Posted by: Carlos Marques | Aug 14 2022 16:05 utc | 23
Misster Ellen Sky high is as disposable a marionette as HH and almost every western corporate banker owned and run politician and general has been for decades , centuries now if you count the various Royal Houses. His eccentricities and green screens and current spate of vblogg clips are aimed at tempering the Narrative as it seems to be heading towards a swifter collapse than planned. No it ain’t going to be a endless money spinner.
The dumb comic looks like he is rehearsing his lines as many a actor and performer had to learn to do through lockdown. I’d even guess he doesn’t even realise it is being published.
The curtains are being pulled down to reveal that behind this seeming grand wizard there is a host of puppeteers slaving away pulling thousands of such strings.
The groaniard of la Viner (😜 ) from which I arose, has long shed its supposed neutrality. You don’t get direct articles by heads of the secret intelligence service ‘leaders’ and have a seat on the D Notice committee otherwise. It’s running now on the demented readership still buried in its shallow graves. I keep trying to pull a few out who seem to struggle a hand out every now and then. The rest are just going to find out way too late, it’s sad. But I’ll still carry on trying to be kind to them, like a drooling relative or friend or pet you once loved.
It’s anti Russian racism dog whistling isn’t new.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Aug 14 2022 16:40 utc | 24
The head of Ukraine's largest TV conglomerate says the door is wide open for Zelensky's return to its comedy channel. His experience throughout in running the UAF should stand him in good stead for a prime time slot.
Posted by: WTFUD | Aug 14 2022 16:42 utc | 25
Baltic midget states seem to be blind. They have Russian population on their territory which they are starting to abuse the same way Ukraine gov did since 2014. They should take a note what came out of it - or better said what came in - lot of angry Russian troops.
Posted by: Abe | Aug 14 2022 16:43 utc | 26
I have been giving serious thought over the past months about the Donbass, Crimea and the South and East of Ukraine and also the fact that the UAF is shelling, consistently and daily, civilians, using them as human shields and arresting anyone who speaks Russian or expresses even a pro-Russian opinion. Firstly, I am sick and tired of the industrial levels of propaganda and censorship of any other point of view other than the 'official' narrative which is total lies and distortion. There is no truth whatsoever in it. Secondly, whilst I get the issue of the GDP with regards to the East and South of Urkaine which is crucial, I mean really crucial, to the Ukranian economy, I am struggling to find reasons as to why the UKR Govt are so desperate to hang on to Donbass and south and east urkaine since they consider them to be ubermenscen not worthy of any consideration other than to be killed, tortured, starved, blockaded and treated as vermin. This smacks of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Why is the UKR Govt so intent on recapturing this territory when it is not interested in the Minsk Accords, when they are daily shelling and killing civilians in these areas and are banning the Russian Language and Russian language from these areas. The collective West seem to be unable to answer these questions. I have never, never, in my lifetime, seen such blatant excuse making to cover up for excessive UAF War Crimes, for the genocide over 8yrs of anything up to 22,000 Donbass inhabitants, of the torture by Azov of residents in these areas, of the almost near deification of a President who is a Nazi, a Tyrant and a ruthless Dictator and a coke addict to boot. My Goodness, I hope the collective West rot in hell and I live in the UK. Once I get my Pension I'm moving to a country in Africa which I shall not name (in one year's time) to escape this industrial level of censorship, propaganda and outright lies perpetrated by our Govt and the collective West. The British people deserve everything that's coming to them because they are totally ignorant, judgemental, don't question anything and are so self-absorbed they don't even want to know the truth. Thank God for Putin, Xijing Pin, the President of India, Imran Khan, Victor Orban, the President of Georgia and Vucic. I'm going to include the President of Austria here who is talking a whole lot of sense also. God knows that one day, in the very near future, when the Pan Eurasian Collusus Pompeo talked about recently is reality and it won't be so long coming and BRICS expands as does the SCO, the collective West will sooner, rather than later, be desperate for a trading relationship with Eurasia, China, Russia etc. The answer will be a resounding NO! A bunch of WEF fanatics who are, ultimately, going nowhere will have no answers other than an attempt to impose an uber collective West dictatorship which will fail. There can be no doubt, the stock markets are on the brink of collapse, the USD$ is in decline and will be eradicated by BRICS, the petro dollar is rapidly becoming worthless and the countries the USA has sanctioned will not give a damn about them as they are illegal. Go Dutch farmers, go!! Oust Rutte by revolutionary means, France, oust Macron in the same manner. The people of the UK will just be seduced by the propaganda, censorship and lies and do nothing until the Weimar Republic levels of poverty hit. Only then, will they do something. As Karl Marx said, the only revolution in the UK will be in Gardening!1 How true!!
Posted by: Jo Dominich | Aug 14 2022 16:57 utc | 27
In German TV news today not a word about Ukraine! Ukraine wasn't even mentioned!
What does it tell us if a nuclear power plant that is being bombed is not mentioned?
Sylenski fallen from grace ? Or do you want to avoid panic and shaking your head?
Or no one in the government believes that Germans are so stupid and still don't believe Sylenski's speeches?
Posted by: mac99 | Aug 14 2022 17:04 utc | 28
Abe | Aug 14 2022 16:43 utc | 26
The Latvians have been abusing the 25-30% of the population which is Russian speaking for years-they are, for example, deprived of the vote, their schools are shut down and every May 9th, with the approval of the NATO allies, including the UK Canada and US, Soviet war memorials are desecrated. They are currently scheduled for total demolition.
I gather that Estonia and Lithuania are both equally bad- run by fanatical anti-communists and russophobes.
Simon Tisdall could run for office in any one of them.
Posted by: bevin | Aug 14 2022 17:08 utc | 29
I think the West is taken aback by the nuclear plant
Posted by: juliania | Aug 14 2022 15:56 utc | 20
I don't think so. Attacks seem to be nato's decision. The whole Ukr is made from puppets controlled by nazis, controlled by nato. If anyone does anything else they're instantly shot. nato fakes the news for Western msm that Russia is attacking the npp and prevents IAEA from inspecting the location. Seems like a well made plan.
They shoot at the used fuel storage. That radiation won't reach natoland (maybe Romania but they don't care - Romania already prepared iodine so they, as the good slaves they are, accept anything nato wants) and Russia won't be able to use the npp. Deaths will be a bonus for nato, the main idea now is to destroy what they can't steal.
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 17:10 utc | 30
Jo Dominich no. 27
I hope the African country you are going to doesn't have brit ex-pats. I know from experience they are worse than the brits in the UK. Good luck.
Posted by: ThusspakeZarathustra | Aug 14 2022 17:11 utc | 31
By the smell of burnt tyres I have the feeling that Zelensky's train has left the station, first it was Friedman dumping it on him, then CBS even if they corrected the tweet, now Newsweek, and slowly the rats are abandoning a sinking ship. He should run to Moscow, it is probably the only place where he would save his skin, to rest in a nice detention center, he could share chamber with another fallen sacred cow, nakhalny Navalny.
Posted by: Paco | Aug 14 2022 17:12 utc | 32
@Old canadian | Aug 14 2022 15:33 utc | 19
But the sanctions are boomeranging and the US/EU/ZATO public is not buying "it's all Russia and China's fault". As the COVID Plandemic becomes increasingly revealed as a conspiracy-truth, the more people in US/ZATO countries get the uneasy feeling their gov'ts will and did lie about anything and everything Ukraine.Very true. People must and will have to connect the dots. The truth is not selectable from a menu. Truth comes from evidence and reason.
Posted by: Norwegian | Aug 14 2022 17:14 utc | 33
Baltic midget states seem to be blind. They have Russian population on their territory which they are starting to abuse the same way Ukraine gov did since 2014.
Posted by: Abe | Aug 14 2022 16:43 utc | 26
Actually that is the reason for their craziness, a high percentage of Russians. They can abuse them anyway they like and then use them as human shield, Ukr style.
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 17:16 utc | 34
The thing with the Guardian’s Tisdall, and many others like him in the West’s commentariot, is a naive conviction in the force superiority of NATO which hinders the ability to apply escalation logics to battlefields.
NATO’s actual professional military people have been among the steadiest voices warning against direct conflict with the Russian Federation. In Tisdall’s imaginings, NATO could have / should have imposed a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine, and used that factor to essentially pummel the advancing Russian armies. It never seems to occur to him that the RF forces would fight to prevent a no-fly zone or that the RF forces were likely to prevail in such effort.
At the highest levels of NATO - beyond the bloviating politicians and opinion columnists - it is acknowledged that direct conflict with Russia might inadvertently expose Western armaments as overpriced and underperforming and effectively pop the bubble on a critical industry - the maintenance of which is the key “aim” for senior military officials.
Tisdall’s piece, though, is another reminder that the ongoing 8 year proxy war was and remains a regime-change operation directed at Putin, which has been visibly ineffective,
Posted by: jayc | Aug 14 2022 17:17 utc | 35
@Carlos Marques | Aug 14 2022 16:05 utc | 23
Agree on all points except "create European army" (#6). Replace it with "dismantle EU, since its only real purpose is USA interference".
Posted by: Norwegian | Aug 14 2022 17:18 utc | 36
bevin | Aug 14 2022 17:08 utc | 29
Yes, and it will only get worse with time, with rabid nazi elements and their masters get even angrier due to loss of Ukraine. Russia will not permit abuse of their people right over the border. Something will have to give in.
Posted by: Abe | Aug 14 2022 17:21 utc | 37
@Abe | Aug 14 2022 16:43 utc | 26
Baltic midget states seem to be blind. They have Russian population on their territory which they are starting to abuse the same way Ukraine gov did since 2014. They should take a note what came out of it - or better said what came in - lot of angry Russian troops.Obviously it is the same game, the US is using the Baltic midgets to provoke Russia, fight Russia to the last Latvian etc., with the 'added benefit' of them being NATO members, so when it blows up they will scream 'Article 5' and have their world war. This didn't work with Ukraine.
Posted by: Norwegian | Aug 14 2022 17:23 utc | 38
@37 Seems ethnic Russians can and do vote in Latvia (mainly for Harmony party). But they are still a 25% minority so lack real power.
Posted by: dh | Aug 14 2022 17:41 utc | 39
Posted by: Norwegian | Aug 14 2022 17:23 utc | 38
NATO are relying that Ukraine will be a "force-to-be-reckoned-with" by the time Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania force a war. NATO wants that Russia goes to war with them and now also Finland who joined in with this mining and denial-by-sea-missiles schemes.
Russia will finish off Ukraine and absolutely obliterate Baltic states if they force it. Thereafter if USA wants a game of nukes there is nothing to prevent it, but most likely US won't lift a finger for Estonia, Lithuania or Latvia after it sent all its crap to Ukraine.
Posted by: unimperator | Aug 14 2022 17:50 utc | 40
Norwegian | Aug 14 2022 17:23 utc | 38
I don't see how any of Baltic states can offer any meaningful military resistance. And Article 5 is not obligatory so they will only receive moral support from rest of NATO if Russia decides to roll in.
Posted by: Abe | Aug 14 2022 17:58 utc | 41
Russia does not shell the Khmelnitsky, Rivne, Chernobyl nuclear power plants, for some reason it shells the Zaporozhe nuclear power plant, and that too with Himars...well? 🤔
Posted by: rp | Aug 14 2022 18:04 utc | 42
Clearly, Biden’s offer of a military alliance not only had no takers in the Arab world but they seem petrified. If as the Bible says, there are three brands of deception — vanity, flattery, and blasphemy — and Satan uses all three, Biden’s offer contains elements of all three. And if the SCO offers an antidote to the poisoned chalice, why not?
Read on M. K. Bhadrakumar's take.
Posted by: rp | Aug 14 2022 18:08 utc | 43
that guardian article was quite revealing.... as i think stonebird mentioned - they totally got bought by the deep state a number of years ago...
@ juliania | Aug 14 2022 15:56 utc | 20
would be nice... i am not sure where everyone is at here with zelensky wanting to bomb the nuke plant... clearly the west doesn't give a damn.. or this is another last resort when all the other attempts at getting their kleptomaniac demands haven't materialized...
interesting note on intel slava -
"The collective West has sharply reduced the supply of weapons for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The corresponding data is provided by the columnist of the Ukrainian Forbes, Vladimir Datsenko.
According to his information:
▪️Artillery supplies fell the most: from 90 M777 units in April to zero in July.
The supply of equipment has significantly decreased — from 200+ units per month to zero in June and July.
Supplies of helicopters and long-range missile systems have decreased.
Since mid-June, the US and EU militaries have been complaining about a drop in their own defense capability due to assistance to Kiev.
Perhaps the answer to the reasons for the decline in supplies is simple — the arsenals are emptying.
Posted by: james | Aug 14 2022 18:09 utc | 44
August 9 Saky Event Assessment
Saky Air Base, near the village of Novofedorivka, Crimea, is operated by the Russian Navy. This airbase experienced multiple explosions on August 9th, 2022. The site of the airbase airport is 45.09292618398976, 33.587008454887524 (Google)
Google shows a second military airfield Aeroport Imeni A.koltunovoy at co-ordinates 44.69203910366254, 33.57033561670696. This appears to be fully functioning military field with numerous fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft on the aprons. It exhibits the ring road typical of military installations, ammunition storage bunkers, and hardened fully enclosed aircraft shelters.
Google also shows what appears to be an abandoned military airfield at 44.785669934319216, 33.572956716880064. This is midway between the other two.
Examination of the Saky facility shows the perimeter fencing to be incomplete with free access from adjacent public roads and no observable gatehouses. There are a series of disused hard-stands with protective berms to the east of the main runway with traces of a taxi way connecting these locations to the East end of main runway 22 L. There exists a second set of dispersed hard-stands with protective berms connecting to a semi-circular taxi way to the Northwest. A number of these hard-stands appear used to store junk.
A search of Saky imagery did not reveal any ammunition storage bunkers such as may be observed at Aeroport Imeni A.koltunovoy. The Saky facility does not give the impression of being an active military airbase; it looks to be a secondary facility lacking upkeep. The expected military security such as gatehouses and full perimeter fencing is not found. The Google imagery is dated 2022 date but gives no indication of the month.
To the Northwest of the flight line is another semi-circular taxi way. This appears to have its own perimeter fence. It also has a series of dispersal hard-stands protected by earth berms. The damage is concentrated in this area.
Google imagery shows base immediately adjacent to a civilian residential area. While this suggests ease of covert access, the reverse is true. The presence of civilians, long term residents presumably known to each other, and who know the normal patterns of neighbourhood activity, presents a threat to any sabotage group.
Historical records of SAS activity in North Africa (WWII) and at Pebble Island (Falkland Island conflict) suggests a team of between 12 and 45 men would have been needed. A sabotage group approaching by vehicle would stop and disembark the vehicle and then proceed on foot (If Paddy Mayne had been present he would have simply driven onto the airfield, destroying all aircraft from his moving vehicle before driving off). A group of men walking single file while carrying weapons and bulky packs would be suspicious. The same group moving in bounds down the street while maintaining an over-watch position and making maximum use of natural cover would be even more suspicious. Since Crimea hosts a pro-Russia population it is believed any suspicious behaviour would be immediately reported.
The explosions occurred at 3:20pm local time (12:20 GMT) but the placement of sabotage materials would likely have occurred at night. Darkness facilitates covert activity and a delay timer on the explosive device affords an opportunity to ex-filtrate before mayhem ensues. A 12 hour delay is excessive and gives the enemy an opportunity to locate and defuse the explosive devices.
The moon phase on the date of the attack was two days before full moon i.e. maximum illumination. A sabotage party would prefer to operate in the dark new moon period to permit maintaining concealment while the use of night vision equipment permits identification of opposing forces.
Video and still images show the local beach to be heavily populated by people on vacation. Someone needs to explain how a sabotage group could possibly arrive on a crowded beach while evading detection. The same imagery shows long rows of beach cabanas. These cabanas are sizeable structures large enough to contain sleeping arrangements but unlikely to contain toilet facilities. This implies a significant night time population on the beach some of whom would make a late night walk to the nearest toilet. This random movement creates a threat of discovery to any sabotage group arriving from the water.
The New York Times has reviewed satellite imagery of the Saki Air Base, collected by Planet Labs hours before and a day after the explosions. The pictures show what appear to be three large craters and at least eight destroyed aircraft, both Su-24 and Su-30 warplanes
Russian losses at Saky airbase updated with:
- 4 Su-30SM multirole aircraft (destroyed)
- 6 Su-24M/MR strike/tactical reconnaissance aircraft (5, destroyed, 1x damaged)
The SU-24 is an all weather attack aircraft produced until 1993. The latest aircraft are therefore 30 years old. The first production aircraft are today 55 years old. The aircraft reported destroyed are Su-24M(R), a dedicated tactical reconnaissance variant.
Tactical reconnaissance is also conducted by drones; drones are less likely to be detected by the enemy and have the capacity to loiter overhead for an extended period. It is therefore unclear why the UAF would risk military resources to destroy aircraft already being supplanted in the reconnaissance role by drones.
SU-30 and its enhanced derivative, dubbed SU-30SM2, is primarily aimed at meeting Russian Naval Aviation requirements.
The Su-30M2 is a long-range strike aircraft based on the Su-30 fighter design optimized for precision strikes on ground and naval targets.
Saky Naval Air Base is reported to have engaged in ground attack strikes in support of the SMO. This implies the use of aircraft, and personnel, not normally employed in the ground strike role. It also implies the need to store ground attack armaments at a base which may lack appropriate storage facilities and whose ground personnel may be unfamiliar with ground attack armament. It is also likely RF is drawing down its armament stockpile and using weapons made unstable due to aging.
Multiple news reports give significant photographic evidence of fire.
BBC reporting presents civilian video of the event as seen from the crowded beach front.
The BBC video gives evidence of the following:
1) Long rows of beach cabanas fronting the beach and making covert access difficult.
2) The size of the structures. Note the unit on the left of the frame. This structure sits ahead of a larger structure. The close caption translation has the little girl stating "the house will not protect us" confirming some "cabanas" are large house like structures.
3) The presence of large numbers of people on the beach.
4) The fact of an existing oil fed fire (the plume of black smoke moving to frame right) which is followed by an explosion plume of white smoke which rises vertically into the air to a height well above the black smoke. The colour and height of this plume suggest it is associated with an explosion not burning fuel.
The suggested sequence of events is: 1) Ignition of a fuel store on the airbase 2) The fuel fire "cooked off" stored armaments which exploded creating the dramatic white explosion plume; 3)The explosion distributed other armaments at random. These also cooked off and resulted in the dispersed craters seen in satellite imagery.
The damaged and destroyed aircraft are all naval variants. This serves to explain the fact of two closely situated airbases. The Aeroport Imeni A.koltunovoy is likely a VKS air defence airbase while Saky is a naval airbase. RF is a continental power and naval forces are not the foremost priority of continental powers. The decrepit appearance of the base, suggests this is a low priority underfunded facility. This interpretation is supported by the loss of the Moskva which, to a practised mariner's eye, appeared a decrepit derelict prior to its sinking.
The final item of evidence is the layout of the Saky airbase itself. Runways are always positioned with regard to the prevailing winds to give the benefit of natural wind speed to landing or departing aircraft.
Infra red imagery on Intel Slava shows the base before and after the explosions. The initial fire caused a grass fire that expanded to the Northeast in alignment with the Saky main runway. The same set of IR images also shows high heat in structures located both on the airfield and in the nearby residential area.
Saky is a Navy airfield hosting naval variants of the SU-24 and SU-30. It was in poor condition. Personnel and equipment unfamiliar with the ground attack role were pressed into service to support the SMO. It is likely they used expedient storage for ground attack armaments.
A large sheet metal structure (located top extreme left in the BBC website imagery for August 9th and 10th) and its internal contents became extremely hot due to the current hot and dry conditions across Europe.
The ambient heat, an errant spark, or careless machine operation, triggered a fuel fire. Armaments co-located adjacent to the fuel source, and already hot due to climactic conditions, then cooked off. These armaments may have been unstable due to long term storage. (In this respect the event is very similar to the 1967 Forrestal (CV-59) fire.) The initial explosion dispersed armaments across the base resulting in further cook off explosions and igniting a grass fire.
The frame front moved to the Northeast and aircraft in the path of the flame front were destroyed or damaged. Aircraft located on the main ramp were damaged due to secondary explosions caused by ejecta from the initial explosion.
The 404 government did not immediately claim credit for a sabotage attack.
Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, also suggested Russian incompetence as a possible cause of the blasts. but blamed RF carelessness.
The UK's Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, suggested that the fact there were two separate explosions points to an attack.
Russia has blamed the blasts on a fuel leak, or ammunition exploding in one of the two storage sheds, and said fire safety rules were being flouted on the base.
The RF is assessed to be correct in its reporting of the incident while the UK and Z regime seek a PR victory.
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 14 2022 18:15 utc | 45
No problem, US will send more. A few long range himars and drones is all they need for terrorism.
Slovakia will gift 11 mig29s to ukr.
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 18:24 utc | 46
@40 "Russia will finish off Ukraine and absolutely obliterate Baltic states if they force it."
If the Baltic States, including Finland, do get 'obliterated' NATO will want to drag Denmark and Sweden in so as to close the Baltic to Russian shipping altogether. Hard to imagine things getting to that point.
Posted by: dh | Aug 14 2022 18:28 utc | 47
@Sushi | Aug 14 2022 18:15 utc | 45
Very interesting. It seems the black sea fleet has collected multiple idiots, at both low and high level
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 18:31 utc | 48
@ Sushi | Aug 14 2022 18:15 utc | 45
thanks sushi.. much appreciated..
Posted by: james | Aug 14 2022 18:36 utc | 49
Sushi | Aug 14 2022 18:15 utc | 45
Very clear Suchi. Thanks for the info.
If some ammunition had been stored there for a very long time, as seen from the dilapidated condition of the airfield before the explosions, then it could easily have been an "accident" by oversight.
My father spent WWII "turning" grenades over, very carefully, once a week, to see if any of them had leaked Nitro-glycerine. Those that had the tell-tale drops (on the outer surface) were disposed of.
So here, if "soviet-era" ammunition was being stored or was "left-over", then something similar could easily have been the cause.
Posted by: Stonebird | Aug 14 2022 18:46 utc | 50
dh | Aug 14 2022 18:28 utc | 47
How, by force? Using what? Closing the passage is crazy talk from Estonia. They only want to please their master by buying more weapons
Posted by: rk | Aug 14 2022 18:46 utc | 51
"Trump's supporters will never believe the FBI investigation against Trump is a pure legal case. Just as Trump claims, his supporters will only believe this is a persecution and witch-hunt launched by the Democrats and the Biden administration. No matter how and what the mainstream US media and the Democrats say, it's impossible for them to convince Trump supporters, a huge amount of US voters, to peacefully accept the result if Trump has been sentenced to prison or has been banned from running for election again." - Lü Xiang
Posted by: rp | Aug 14 2022 18:51 utc | 52
Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 14 2022 15:33 utc | 19
See how many Canadians post here at MoA
I happen to have been keeping an informal tally.
I now count in excess of 30 Canadians posting on MoA on a regular basis. This strikes me as a significant contingent.
For many of them I can identify the province of residence and in a number of cases the city.
I am not revealing the MoA handles but was a little taken aback by the ease with which a state agency might begin to target those who fail to repeat prescribed "truths."
Just for the record, I am an infirm and near blind Brazilian national located on the island of Lihou who needs to hand crank his Internet connection.
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 14 2022 19:01 utc | 53
rk @ 30
Deaths will be a bonus for nato, the main idea now is to destroy what they can't steal.
What they cannot accomplish thru their bio labs they can accomplish with radiation.
Sushi @ 45
Thanks for the assessment. By look of the photos they could have been storing munitions in one 3 sided open revetment facing the opening of the revetments of the jets. It looks like 3 possible ammo storage areas blow up. 2 separate sets of buildings and one open storage area in a revetment.
It looks like an accident with multiple ammunition storage area cooking off and taking out the jets. Bad layout. They should be driving the munitions in for loading from another area.
Posted by: circumspect | Aug 14 2022 19:05 utc | 54
I am not a Muslim, but I am for Iran to acquire nuclear bomb/missile capacity. It'd acquire that capacity anyway, whatever the US illegal sanctions. With all the might the US claim to have, it didn't attack North Korea.
North Korea has conducted six nuclear tests, first in October 2006 and then in May 2009 and four nuclear tests in February 2013, January and September 2016, and September 2017. The exact size and strength of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal are unclear. Its alleged that North Korea has tested more than 100 ballistic missiles with the ability to carry nuclear warheads, including short, medium, intermediate, and intercontinental-range missiles and submarine-launched ones.
Since 2018, after Trump talks, North Korea hadn't tested any nuclear explosions, but could have started again in 2021. Its alleged that North Korea has 40-50 nuclear weapons, and might have more than 200 by 2027.
Once, Iran achieves that ability, US will stop blackmailing Iran. Now, that Iran has one satellite Khayyam-1 in orbit with the help of Russia, and will have 3 more in the near future, Iran would be able to spy on the US/NATO as it likes, when it likes.
Posted by: rp | Aug 14 2022 19:12 utc | 55
Posted by: Paco | Aug 14 2022 17:12 utc | 32
Re the change in news coverage of Z.
We are forever getting closer to the US mid-terms. Joe Tzu promised victory and that will be shown to be a failed promise come November. So the Big Guy needs to change position and the likely defence will be "We were misled by a coke head. Just like my son Hunter. Completely irresponsible and untrustworthy."
I suspect the Vogue cover story is a direct result of Z sensing a change in the wind direction. Makes it difficult to off the dude if he has just appeared Vogue.
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 14 2022 19:19 utc | 56
>> Posted by: Sushi | Aug 14 2022 18:15 utc | 45
Great summary and analysis, much appreciated.
Posted by: anon2020 | Aug 14 2022 19:23 utc | 57
@ Sushi | Aug 14 2022 19:01 utc | 53
lol... i like how you can switch from dead serious to being funny and not sure how many can tell the difference! i am pretty sure you are a canuck, but it is okay.. you don't have to reveal yourself here.. cheers james - ps, off to the blues festival here today..
Posted by: james | Aug 14 2022 19:39 utc | 58
@51 'Closing the passage is crazy talk from Estonia.'
I agree. Estonia will do nothing unless they get support from Finland. Attempting a blockade of St. Petersburg is madness and I don't think the Finns are that crazy. I don't know what the Baltic states hope to gain from all the tough talk.
Posted by: dh | Aug 14 2022 19:51 utc | 59
"...Tisdall’s piece, though, is another reminder that the ongoing 8 year proxy war was and remains a regime-change operation directed at Putin, which has been visibly ineffective,.." jayc@35
Tisdall has been channeling the same Blairite comprador imperialism for at least 25 years. In that sense all the talk about how 'The Guardian has changed' is mistaken. What has changed is the tolerance and sophistication of its Establishment masters: they no longer pretend to be happy to listen to dissenting opinion.
They are all for criminalising dissent and, now that they have the power, through various internet activities, to surveil millions at a time, they believe that they can shut down all opposition. A brief glance at Patel's recent legislation, which essentially brings the UK itself, back into the same police system that it left in the Empire (most of the Indian and Israeli laws used to suppress opinion are part of the legacy inherited in 1948), and at the current proposals for example to criminalise opinions critical of the UK, will confirm that.
The Guardian began, in Manchester, as a voice against the working class, and that was, if memory serves, 199 years ago. It hasn't changed, though its staff (Luke Harding eg and Tisdall ) gets worse. It is a perfect indication of what happened there that this once haughty voice of the world's most powerful bourgeoisie is now edited by a silly Broadway scribbler who still gets dizzy at the thought that she used to live in Manhattan.
Posted by: bevin | Aug 14 2022 19:52 utc | 60
rk | Aug 14 2022 17:16 utc | 34
Then all countries that abuse local Russian population will get Ukraine treatment.
NATO tried to remake 1940, but Russians were ready this time, and jumped straight to 1944 remake - red tide obliterating one after another nazi/fascist state toward west.
Posted by: Abe | Aug 14 2022 20:11 utc | 61
British paper says Russia patrol boat of Vasily Bykov type has exploded and is on fire. There is video of it on the site. Newpaper cites OSINT specialist saying it was hit by Ukro missiles off Sevastopol.
Posted by: Brother Ma | Aug 14 2022 20:18 utc | 62
With the Trump Mar-a-lago debacle in the US, by November this year, maybe a civil war might start in the US. It'd be quite hard to convince the huge amount of Trump supporters on a ban for Trump to run again. Even though secession is sort of illegal, who is going to stop US states breaking away? The national guard? Nothing is permanent, so there's chance for the US to break into 5-6 portions. Biden's foolish attack on Trump might help that happen.😏
Posted by: rp | Aug 14 2022 20:21 utc | 63
With the concession that I am possessed of zero military expertise, I ask the following question -- in that the Allied forces have broken through the fortified defence at Pisky and thereby have flanked the Ukr forces to their left and right, why hasn't this advantageous situation been taken advantage of by blitzing both sides if the defended wall while attacking those positions from behind?
Posted by: chet380 | Aug 14 2022 20:31 utc | 64
the west is behind the targeting of the plant. they have bunkers. we don't.
Posted by: polarbear4 | Aug 14 2022 20:35 utc | 65
@Sushi | Aug 14 2022 18:15 utc | 45
Very good analysis, thanks. It sounds like the most likely explanation.
Posted by: Norwegian | Aug 14 2022 20:56 utc | 66
Yes, it stinks, it stinks of rotting soldiers and civilians thanks to the weapons supplied by hostile countries transported thanks to the diesel supplied by the Russians,
A jack for the ass,
Posted by: Alessandro Cagliostr | Aug 14 2022 14:48 utc | 16
Thanks for the translation, now I must try to figure if you are a troll or not. So, should Russia stop selling diesel, and other fuels? What is your point?
Posted by: Guernica | Aug 14 2022 21:00 utc | 67
Gleb Gerasimov sent me this on the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant, Ukraine
I keep seeing NPP and Europes largest, but it is a NPP complex. (Nit picking, I know)
What I have read is that if a reactor was to spike out of control, their SCRAM is pretty much fool proof. However once scrammed in that manner, the reactor is never able to restart.
The 2 (or 3) big problems is a 1. loss of power. 2. Loss of cooling to spent nuclear rods in water pools, and 3. How thick, secure is the steel casked spent fuel. Holtec crap standards or a more sturdy version.
The above source has 4 years for first able to dry cask, others say 3 or 5. Much of the oldest fuel went to SU and RF for re-processing. It appears that dry casking has been done at a higher rate than most usOfa npp's. But I am sure that there are spent fuel cooling tanks that need constant circulation and replenishment of water.
I believe the newest rods are from Westinghouse. My understanding is that if the newer rods meet air, they will ignite, UR is one of the most pyrophoric elements around, burns at an incredible temp and has incredibly small ash particles, as small as 0.3 - 0.1 microns. (Rokke, Livermore labs) And all those fission fragments. Two words, Brownian motion, and then bio-accumulation.
Talk about negotiating with the psychopaths in Urkraine and their NATO partners is worthless imho.
I am sure there are reasons that RF does not use heavy bombers combined with kalibers and iskanders, and artillery to bomb the bejesus out of the main artillery to nearby northern areas. A whole week if needed. Since late February my number one desire in the SMO is the cessation of the bombing of civilians in Donetsk. The cessation of attacks on nuclear power plants has superseded that.
I am sure that there is some sort of down side to adding Tupolevs into the mix and that the AFU can go to more distant sites, use more drones, and it seems the UK might be sending in ATACMS for Himars even as we peruse here.
It appears that tptb in the usOfa are ready to not only fight to the last ukranian, but they want to shit on the Black Sea with radiation. It does not get any more demented than that.
Posted by: paxmark1 | Aug 14 2022 21:07 utc | 68
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 14 2022 19:01 utc | 53
I also am pleasantly surprised by the large contingent of Canucks here. It makes me rethink my opinion of Canadians being much too nice and earnest for their own good.
I am also from a former Dominion , and like truth and peace in the world. Good to see that many Canadians do not fall for the ordure spread out by their Southern Neighbour .
Pity the British weren’t able to retake the 13 States all those centuries ago. I like to think that if they had , we would have had much more peace now.
I am not churchy, but Jesus did say, “Be as gentle as doves and as wise as serpents” .
Our resident Canadians match that to a tee and that is good thing. Go Canada.
Posted by: Brother Ma | Aug 14 2022 21:19 utc | 69
B, I think you should wait with eating crows or other small birds, because that story about Russia buying 1000 drones from Iran doesn't add up.
In particular: Russian Air Force is currently operating ~2200 fixed wing aircraft and about 1500 helicopters. WHERE are they going to cram 1000 large drones over the next few years? They have about 1000 Orlans, yes, but Orlans are man-sized while the Iranian drones they will supposedly buy are very large. You can't launch Shahed 129 from a 2-meter rail, you need a proper ground crew with a runway for it. How many more men will the Russian Air Force need to enlist to have that happen? And what will they do with those drones, anyway? They have tons of satellites that can do recon, and also they have tons of stand-off munitions to strike, what do they need drones for? They can't possibly be for counter-insurgency because Americans proved you can't win against an insurgency with drones - so what would their purpose be?
Not to mention that over the last ~12 years, Russian Air Force procured about 650 aircraft of all kinds. How will they ramp that up several times over?
Posted by: rert | Aug 14 2022 21:19 utc | 70
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 14 2022 19:01 utc | 53
I happen to have been keeping an informal tally.
I now count in excess of 30 Canadians posting on MoA on a regular basis. This strikes me as a significant contingent.
For many of them I can identify the province of residence and in a number of cases the city.
Sushi, you can add one more Canadian to your informal tally. Infrequent poster from Southern Ontario here.
All the best.
Posted by: Peter Hegger | Aug 14 2022 21:20 utc | 71
For everyone who insisted on the absurd fiction that HIMARS struck the prison at Olenivka - here is what a GMLRS rocket impacting a brick building actually does, from today's strike on the Wagner HQ in Popasna:
Supposedly, its location was revealed by an embedded journalist filming the address while Prigozhin visited the site, although there's no indication that he was there when it was hit. Reportedly there were many killed and wounded.
Posted by: Yenwoda | Aug 14 2022 21:28 utc | 72
Yes, it stinks, it stinks of rotting soldiers and civilians thanks to the weapons supplied by hostile countries transported thanks to the diesel supplied by the Russians,
A jack for the ass,
my opinion: the west lives and thrives on cheap energy from russia, if the flow stops, the west stops, no money for the Ugronazis, no weapons,
inexplicably russia continues to supply its enemies, this presupposes an under-the-table deal with the americans and the war in ukraine is a big show, the dead a price to pay to satisfy their purposes,
you may think i'm a troll
but I would never give a stick to my enemy knowing that he will use it to hit me.
Posted by: Alessandro Cagliostr | Aug 14 2022 21:33 utc | 73
But these are not Wagner troops laur sleeve insignia!
Posted by: mac999 | Aug 14 2022 21:37 utc | 74
The Russian forces took Energodar NPP on the 28th February and since then it is under their control. The rhetoric maintained by the West/Ukraine that Russia is bombing themselves, where they are since 28th February is just nonsense.
Posted by: rp | Aug 14 2022 21:38 utc | 75
Mercouris at The Duran is horrified at the suggestion of a British writer that the west should assassinate Putin.
If they haven't tried to do so already I am sure they are working on it.
The CIA tried to do so with Fidel Castro (over 600 times!!!) and are probably still trying even though he is dead.
Posted by: digital dinosaur | Aug 14 2022 21:47 utc | 78
Current momentum will see Donbass liberated mid to late August. In the last few weeks alone there must be upwards of 20k KIA (many among the UAF elite Nazis )- wounded and desertions
The Military Summary gave the reason to the question I put forward regarding holding Referendums when civilians were in danger. He states that an early Referendum will enable Russia to draw upon conscripts, thus releasing troops for the frontlines/mobilisations.
Posted by: WTFUD | Aug 14 2022 21:50 utc | 79
He states that an early Referendum will enable Russia to draw upon conscripts, thus releasing troops for the frontlines/mobilisations.
Posted by: WTFUD | Aug 14 2022 21:50 utc | 79
When you sleep with a Banderaland woman, such suggestions would come. A camouflaged ukrop.
Posted by: rp | Aug 14 2022 21:56 utc | 80
The New York Times has reviewed satellite imagery of the Saki Air Base, collected by Planet Labs hours before and a day after the explosions. The pictures show what appear to be three large craters and at least eight destroyed aircraft, both Su-24 and Su-30 warplanes
Russian losses at Saky airbase updated with:
- 4 Su-30SM multirole aircraft (destroyed)
- 6 Su-24M/MR strike/tactical reconnaissance aircraft (5, destroyed, 1x damaged)
The SU-24 is an all weather attack aircraft produced until 1993. The latest aircraft are therefore 30 years old. The first production aircraft are today 55 years old. The aircraft reported destroyed are Su-24M(R), a dedicated tactical reconnaissance variant.
Tactical reconnaissance is also conducted by drones; drones are less likely to be detected by the enemy and have the capacity to loiter overhead for an extended period. It is therefore unclear why the UAF would risk military resources to destroy aircraft already being supplanted in the reconnaissance role by drones.
SU-30 and its enhanced derivative, dubbed SU-30SM2, is primarily aimed at meeting Russian Naval Aviation requirements.
The Su-30M2 is a long-range strike aircraft based on the Su-30 fighter design optimized for precision strikes on ground and naval targets.
Saky Naval Air Base is reported to have engaged in ground attack strikes in support of the SMO. This implies the use of aircraft, and personnel, not normally employed in the ground strike role. It also implies the need to store ground attack armaments at a base which may lack appropriate storage facilities and whose ground personnel may be unfamiliar with ground attack armament. It is also likely RF is drawing down its armament stockpile and using weapons made unstable due to aging.
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 14 2022 18:15 utc | 45
While that all looks sound and neat, it essentially is still just truths (wikipedia sources re the plane types) mingled with assumptions, not least from sources that are by no means known for being correct.
While you might well be able to assume the type of plane seen in the satellite images, in this case Su-24s and planes that might be Su-27 or Su-30, giving the exact specification is nigh impossible. What this twitter channeller and his website* does is a lot of guess-work, in this case speaking of 4 Su-30SM and 6 Su-24M/MR. While it might be known what sort of planes the Russian Aerospace Forces or Navy uses, you can`t simply go on and say that those on the sat-images are exactly that. When you double check his list in the link below, various samples listed yield the same photographs of fully burned wrecks or debris falling from the sky, which essentially can by anything from either war party.
And what analysts from the NYT (of all people) think or have concluded from the sat images is well, hardly anything better than what the British Security Service thinks.
The above is not to say that nothing was destroyed up at Saky Airfield, but one should be wary to determine what exactly happened and what was destroyed.
Posted by: CM of Berlin | Aug 14 2022 22:02 utc | 81
Yenwoda | Aug 14 2022 21:28 utc | 72
mac999 | Aug 14 2022 21:37 utc | 74
In case anyone missed it: Yenwoda's video "...from today's strike on the Wagner HQ in Popasna..." mac99 is pointing out a soldier walking past the camera at :19 prominently displaying an American flag on his sleeve. I never knew Wagner mercs were so patriotic! Thank you for your service, Wagner... and God Bless America! lol.
Posted by: PavewayIV | Aug 14 2022 22:11 utc | 82
Here is some news on Ukrainian war crimes:
Given that 'news' is something someone wishes to suppress this qualifies as news.
Posted by: Paul | Aug 14 2022 22:13 utc | 83
Perhaps the answer to the reasons for the decline in supplies is simple — the arsenals are emptying.
Posted by: james | Aug 14 2022 18:09 utc | 44
Another possibility is that the Biden administration is preparing to dump Zelensky, as some comments above, including the Newsweek Week article, suggest. Just a thought.
Posted by: Guernica | Aug 14 2022 22:22 utc | 84
PavewayIV Thanks
A primitive hoax.
But such an obvious fake that it's awesome how stupid they think we are
Posted by: mac99 | Aug 14 2022 22:31 utc | 85
Re: Popasnaya
Yenwoda | Aug 14 2022 21:28 utc | 72
mac999 | Aug 14 2022 21:37 utc | 74
PavewayIV | Aug 14 2022 22:11 utc | 82
This video is fake.
ТРУХА⚡️English @TpyxaNews on Twitter"Wagner" Russian mercenary base after HIMARS strike — Popasna, Luhansk region
It is from a Russian hit on an Ukrainian mercenary base. I first saw it about a month ago.
Here is some authentic video of the aftermath of the HIMARS strike on Wagner base in Popasnaya
Really not a great idea posting happy smiles onto the net.After the attack on the Wagner headquarters, where E. Prigozhin was before
The footage went on the Web, including from the Ukrainians, so we publish it.
There are reports of several wounded and, apparently, one dead. Thank God there are no big losses.They say 1 is not a big loss, well it's an unnecessary loss, just because of a few smiles and a photo opportunity.
Source of photos (Wagner-linked Telegram channel):
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Aug 14 2022 22:34 utc | 86
Original coat of arms of the Wagner group
Posted by: mac999 | Aug 14 2022 22:37 utc | 87
act | Aug 14 2022 13:59 utc | 11
you rite to lifers, keep anne heche on life support! pull the plug on this guy!
Posted by: rjb1.5 | Aug 14 2022 23:00 utc | 88
Outlaw US Empire escalation using Baltics as proxy began with blockade of Kaliningrad transport followed by Latvia's trial balloon of calling Russia state terrorism sponsor, which is also being considered by US Congress as I related yesterday. Those hoping Baltics will be "obliterated" are quite wrong and are likely ignorant of the Russian laws aimed at protecting out-of-country compatriots. Any attacks on the Baltics will follow the example made in Ukraine. Why they remain when so many opportunities are available within Russia is a perplexing question. Perhaps the "This too shall pass" sentiment remains very strong. It would be excellent to hear some testimony from ethnic Russians living in the Baltics on this issue.
Domestically within the Outlaw US Empire, the very notable decline in media trust across the political spectrum is actually good news as fewer and fewer believe the Establishment Narrative. The same is true for the very huge lack in confidence in the federal government as pocketbook worries spike. Those sentiments are reflected in this Gallup Poll published July 5, with the results likely lower now that another month has elapsed with zero improvement.
I haven't provided anything from Shadowstats since last month, so here's a snippet:
• FLASH (August 7th - Updated from August 5th): What was not headlined in the Payroll Employment “Recovery” was that the seasonally adjusted recovery gain was just 0.02% (which rounds to 0.0%) or 32,000 +/-116,000 jobs [90% confidence interval], in the context of heavily shifting and suspect seasonal adjustment revisions, and subject to pending Benchmark Revisions on August 24, 2022 and February 3, 2023.Yet, the headline July 2022 Payrolls also held shy by about 3.6% (-3.6%) or by 5.8 (-5.8) million jobs of where they would be, had the U.S. economy continued its relatively stable trends in place before the externally driven Pandemic shut it down.
• FLASH (August 5th): A separate, but related issue, which should be of some concern to those following the health, stability and general condition of the U.S. Economy (i.e. a nascent new Recession) and related labor conditions, is that the total Civilian Labor Force (Employed plus Unemployed persons) is in decline; where the seasonally adjusted 163.96 million in July 2022, was down from a near-term peak of 164.41 million in May 2022, which had rallied off the Pandemic Trough of 156.36 million in April of 2020, after having collapsed from a Pre-Pandemic Peak of 164.58 million in February 2020.
• How can the U.S. Economy be fully “Recovered” and booming, as so heavily touted by the Federal Reserve in its hiking of Interest Rates, given the headline contraction in First-Quarter 2022 GDP, along with strong indications for a contraction in Second-Quarter 2022 GDP [a formal recession]?
• FLASH (August 5th): Separately, what was not headlined with the U.3 Unemployment Rate, where it dropped to 3.46% in July from 3.60% in June, is that the broader, headline U.6 Unemployment (including those marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part-time for economic reasons), increased from 6.67% to 6.73%, while the still-broader ShadowStats Alternate Unemployment Rate (including long-term discouraged workers) widened to 24.4% from 24.3%.
There's a big government disconnect within the second bullet point that tells us they're lying about the unemployment rate. Worldometer says US population is 335,155,993 as of today, while BLS cited by Shadowstats says the workforce is just under 164 million, meaning over 50% of the population is either retired, in school, or not seeking employment. So, which unemployment number do you believe: BLS 3.46% or Shadowstats 24.4%?
How much longer can the Neoliberal Parasites running the federal government continue plundering US citizens? IMO, the cover-up must escalate for it to continue at its current pace. Thus, the escalation we're seeing in the Baltics as Ukraine will be used up by November elections and something new needs to be ready to take its place. As I wrote back in February, Ukrainians will be exhausted first, then a cascade of different Europeans will follow beginning with the Balts.
If I was in Russia, I would support the SMO, but would be in the opposition against Putin, because I'm not a Conservative, and I'm Left-wing (the actual Left wing in economics (Social-Democratic Nordic Model, or what idiots in USA call "communism" and "far-left"), not the "left" wing in USA ('woke' fanatics that are all right-wing in economics, i.e. NeoLib).
Posted by: Carlos Marques | Aug 14 2022 16:05 utc | 23
The social-democratic nordic model is not left wing, it supports nato and imperialism. Social-democracy is cooperating with the neocons against Russia. In capitalist countries democracy is an empty word, for the power is no more political, but economic. The only meaningful opposition party in Russia is the RFCP. This party was the first to introduce a bill in the Duma for the recognition of both Donbass Republics as independent States.
I am glad that you are not a Russian, nor in Russia.
Posted by: Olivier | Aug 14 2022 23:14 utc | 90
Perhaps the Russian population in the Baltic states should start doing what Israel does in Palestine: build their own state. That would be fun to watch...
There are around 24% Russians both in Latvia and in Estonia. Russia should start funding a massive program to make Russians the ethnic majority, and then lead those countries out of EU and NATO, and then into EAEU and CSTO, or even into Union State (like Belarus).
All it takes is 700k Russians entering Estonia and 1M entering Latvia (or fewer than those if we consider the amount of abstention in elections in the Baltic states). Then wait 5 years for citizenship, and vote, according to the interests of motherland.
I'm sure the Kremlin can find 1.7M Russians (or Ukrainian refugees that are pro-Russia and would find it easier to enter the Baltic countries if the Russian visas really are blocked) willing to implement such a plan in exchange for a few extra $motivation$ on top of the motivation they already have in this moment of Western attack against their motherland.
Let's imagine a $motivation$ of 500€/month forever (on top of the salaries those Russians/Ukrainians find in the Baltic states). That would be an expense of 10 billion/years, or just 0.5% of Russia's GDP. If I was in the Kremlin, this operation would have started already the day Kaliningrad was blocked. It's an investment that will pay for itself in the long run.
This leads to Lithuania. Since there are only 5% Russians there, and a much bigger population (like Estonia and Latvia combined), the strategy would be different. Just concentrate the new arriving Russians in that sweet corridor between Belarus and Kaliningrad. Then do to Lithuania what Kosovo is doing to Serbia. #KarmaForNATO
Probably there is someone already thinking about this both in Russia and in the Baltic states, and only that can explain why the Baltic governments decided to start talking about the cancellation of visas for Russians, using Ukraine as an excuse.
In the end, this is similar to what Russia is doing in the liberated territories of Novorussia: the pro-Nazi/pro-NATO/pro-West Ukrainians have already ran away, so now it's the time to make those sweet referendums with all the pro-Russian residents that stayed courageously in Kherson, Zaporizhia, and Kharkiv during the conflict/SMO, and after 8 years of waiting for Russia's intervention.
And in addition to those civilians, we have to add those that are already coming back to those territories, after seeing Russians are the good guys in this conflict, and establish better living conditions that the Ukrainian dictatorship. And this is why Zelensky+Nazis are now shelling the nuclear power plant: to try to terrorize those civilians before the inevitable (selfdetermination referendum) happens.
Posted by: Carlos Marques | Aug 14 2022 23:15 utc | 91
you, Sir, are off the hook. Thanks for your clear-headed assessment of this story. I will look for your contributions in the future.
Posted by: sumbody | Aug 14 2022 23:17 utc | 92
@Petri, @Paveway, yep. Think you guys are right, apologies for sharing bad info and good eye. Saw that was retweeted by an OSINT account that is usually solid but not in this case.
These images of the damage from RSOTM look more legit:
Posted by: Yenwoda | Aug 14 2022 23:50 utc | 93
Posted by: james | Aug 14 2022 19:39 utc | 58
Observing our present history it is difficult to tell if one should seriously laugh or maniacally cry. Both at once is at times appropriate and necessary.
As to my identity, I suffer from multi-phasic posting personality disorder. If I ever write something which "Those Who Must Be Obeyed" find objectionable, I will defend myself by turning in the alter ego and serving as a witness for the prosecution.
Time for the blues:
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 14 2022 23:57 utc | 94
Posted by: Peter Hegger | Aug 14 2022 21:20 utc | 71
You are number 35.
Welcome to the bar. The first wee dram is on me.
Time for a little F-demented. Beats the hell out of the F-35!
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 15 2022 0:07 utc | 95
Posted by: Yenwoda | Aug 14 2022 21:28 utc | 72
At 0.19 I see the stars and stripes.
Don't think Wagner would wear that emblem.
I think you got it wrong again Yenwoda.
But I suspect the death count maybe correct.
Hendrix was right:
The multi-polar jam begins
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 15 2022 0:20 utc | 96
From the Week in Review:
With New Weaponry, Ukraine Is Subtly Shifting Its War Strategy - New York Times> While the approach has been aided by the long-range Western weapons, it has also been encouraged by Western officials. Mr. Reznikov, Ukraine’s defense minister, said this week that the American and British defense ministers had both offered him a piece of advice: “The Russians use meat-grinder tactics — if you plan to fight them with the same tactics, we will not be able to help you.” <
What tactics is the US proposing instead? Brinkmanship and nuclear terror?
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Aug 15 2022 0:42 utc | 98
@96 Sushi
Great cover of All Along the Watchtower!!!
Posted by: TheHourIsGettingLate | Aug 15 2022 0:51 utc | 99
Posted by: CM of Berlin | Aug 14 2022 22:02 utc | 81
This one is for you:
Posted by: Sushi | Aug 15 2022 0:53 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
14.08.2022 (12:45)
Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.
As a result of the Russian Armed Forces' offensive actions Udy in Kharkov Region has been completely liberated.
High-precision strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces against a temporary deployment point of 66th Mechanized Brigade near Djerzhinsk in Donetsk People's Republic have destroyed up to 40 nationalists and 9 pieces of military equipment.
As a result of Russian Aerospace Forces strikes against manpower and military equipment concentrations of 63rd Mechanized Brigade of AFU near Belaya Krinitsa and Belogorka, Kherson Region, 35 nationalists and 15 units of armoured vehicles and equipment have been destroyed.
Concentrated strikes on positions of 53rd Mechanized Brigade of AFU near Sribnoye in Donetsk People's Republic have destroyed up to 200 nationalists and 15 pieces of military equipment.
More than 200 servicemen of 56th Mechanized Infantry Brigade of AFU have refused to perform combat tasks near Opytnoye and Pervomaiskoye in Donetsk People's Republic and voluntarily abandoned their positions due to heavy losses.
For example, the brigade's third battalion, which was operating near Mar'inka, had about 140 of its 580 men on its payroll.
Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery strikes continue against military facilities in Ukraine.
1 radar detection and targeting station near Peresadovka in Nikolaev Region, 1 fuel depot near Slavyansk and 2 ammunition depots near Zvanovka in Donetsk People's Republic and Iskrovka in Kirovograd Region have been destroyed.
In addition, 2 missile and artillery weapon depots of 58th Motorized Infantry Brigade in Artemovsk, Donetsk People's Republic, and 63rd Mechanized Brigade near Bereznevatoye, Nikolaev Region, have been destroyed.
5 command posts have been hit, including those of 43rd Airborne Brigade in Velikaya Novoselka, artillery group of 79th Airborne Assault Brigade near Chasov Yar in Donetsk People's Republic, headquarters of 247th Battalion of 127th Territorial Defence Brigade in Kharkov, 4 temporary deployment points of 113th Territorial Defence Brigade units near Zolochev in Kharkov Region, and 151 areas of manpower, weapons and military equipment concentration.
In the course of counter-battery warfare 1 platoon of Grad MLRS near Artemovsk, 1 artillery platoon of Giatsint-B guns, and 7 platoons of D-30 howitzers have been suppresed at the nationalist firing positions in Zvanovka, Kuz'minovka, Seversk, Pereyezdnoye, Vesyoloye and Vyemka in Donetsk people's republic.
Russian air defence means have shot down 2 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Lisichansk in Luhansk People's Republic, and Glubokoye in Kharkov Region.
1 Tochka-U ballistic missile over Lisichansk in Lugansk People's Republic and 15 shells of MLRS near Lisichansk in Lugansk People's Republic, Antonovka and Novaya Kakhovka in Kherson region have been intercepted.
In total, 267 Ukrainian airplanes and 148 helicopters, 1,738 unmanned aerial vehicles, 365 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4,303 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 798 multiple launch rocket systems, 3,298 field artillery and mortars, as well as 4,888 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.
Posted by: Summary | Aug 14 2022 12:26 utc | 1