Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
August 28, 2022

The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2022-140

Last week's posts on Moon of Alabama:

Other issues:

Social Media Manipulation:


War crimes:

Use as open (Not Ukraine) thread ...

Posted by b on August 28, 2022 at 12:59 UTC | Permalink

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American assholes in that Foreign Affairs article end with this:

"To secure its interests in Asia, therefore, the United States must prepare for a war with China, whether tomorrow or two decades down the road."

They never relent. They need to be hurt and humiliated and neutralized.

Posted by: Wilbur | Aug 28 2022 15:07 utc | 1

thanks b... some interesting titled articles.. hopefully i can find time to read some of them...

Posted by: james | Aug 28 2022 15:22 utc | 2

"They never relent. They need to be hurt and humiliated and neutralized."

Posted by: Wilbur | Aug 28 2022 15:07 utc | 2

Fair point, but to be clear, the "they" that never relents are not the same as the "they" that get hurt/humiliated/neutralized. The former RARELY suffer the consequences of their Imperial delusions, while it's the plebes (willingly or otherwise) who pay the ultimate price - same as it ever was...

As for the "holocaust" tempest... IMHO perhaps the best approach is to ask oneself, when did pols/media/etc BEGIN lying to the masses (ie. manufactured consent) & go from there. One might find that this practice has been going on for decades, if not longer. YMMV

Posted by: ianMoone | Aug 28 2022 15:35 utc | 3

"They never relent. They need to be hurt and humiliated and neutralized."

Posted by: Wilbur | Aug 28 2022 15:07 utc | 2

Fair point, but to be clear, the "they" that never relents are not the same as the "they" that get hurt/humiliated/neutralized. The former RARELY suffer the consequences of their Imperial delusions, while it's the plebes (willingly or otherwise) who pay the ultimate price - same as it ever was...

As for the "holocaust" tempest... IMHO perhaps the best approach is to ask oneself, when did pols/media/etc BEGIN lying to the masses (ie. manufactured consent) & go from there. One might find that this practice has been going on for decades, if not longer. Food for thought, or not...

Posted by: xLemming | Aug 28 2022 15:37 utc | 4

Thanks again, b, for the weekly overview. Because this is the free-for-all section, I’d like to add a The Beaverton (Canadian fake news, satire) part with a few links. My comments are in the square brackets:

[Better dead than]
Catholic Church asked to keep in mind the good arson has done

“Sometimes arson can act as an early warning system of a greater threat,” observed amateur historian Spencer Brown. “Think of the Reichstag fire – how it was definitely a portent of the danger posed by communists – and the good things that flowed from that unfortunate event.”

[Glory to neoliberalism]
Brilliant strategy of hiring dozens of untrained employees somehow fails to boost productivity

“Both West and Prince lamented the loss of their previous staff, many of whom had moved on to better positions after being laid off early in the pandemic. “I know I’ve been saying for years that if servers don’t want to be paid in tips, they should find better jobs, but I always figured my own waiters would be too worn out to take that to heart,” added O’Neal.”

[Ye olde Toronto to London ratline… if only it were one-way]
Toronto man has visited friend who moved to London, UK more than friend who moved to London, ON

“Faskins has regularly spent thousands of dollars and taken weeks of his life to visit his U.K. based friend, despite the fact that he was actually closer friends with the one who moved a bit west of where he lives.”

Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Aug 28 2022 16:13 utc | 5

Intelligence operative confirms British gov’t is targeting The Grayzone (The Grayzone, Kit Klarenberg, August 24, 2022)

Posted by: S | Aug 28 2022 16:31 utc | 6

regarding indian punchline article, it seems to me the choice that people have to make is this :

do they support a government that wants to continue to put all their money in the military budget, or would they prefer to see the money spent on health care, housing, food and etc? that is the question in the usa in particular, but it seems ordinary people who go along with their 1 party system can only support the military budget and nothing else.... same deal here in canada for the most part... meanwhile the financial system continues to muddle along, until it doesn't... have to keep the 1% happy, ya know... don't change any of that.. war and more war is the recipe at the moment and many people seem to accept this...

Posted by: james | Aug 28 2022 17:27 utc | 7

censorship by algorithm....................

i enjoyed caitlin johstones article.. thanks... how the intelligence agencies are overshadowing everything that is going on now is the most important story of the day, especially in the usa... but instead we will not be discussing this most important topic of the intel agencies destroying freedumb and dumbocracy... we need to know all the other shit instead..

Posted by: james | Aug 28 2022 17:40 utc | 8

Democrats and Republicans Pretend They Have Massive, Unbridgeable Differences So They Can Unite Seamlessly on War (Michael Tracey, August 25, 2022)

It wasn’t always this way. In 1998, 19 senators voted against the accession to NATO of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic — not enough to prevent the proposal from obtaining the required two-thirds majority, but enough to at least prompt a reasonably robust debate, one which far exceeded the pittance that accompanied this month’s vote. Figures as high-profile as Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), Hillary Clinton’s predecessor, argued against NATO expansion on the floor of the Senate in extremely stark terms: Moynihan declared his opposition stemmed from a keen wariness about “the dangers of nuclear war in the years ahead,” and said NATO expansion needlessly “put ourselves at risk of getting into a nuclear engagement, a nuclear war, with Russia — wholly unanticipated, for which we are not prepared, about which we are not thinking.”

Moynihan’s primary sparring partner during that 1998 debate was none other than Joe Biden, then the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who appointed himself point-person for the entire process of shepherding NATO expansion through the necessary procedural formalities. In fact, Biden’s conviction in the eternal virtue of NATO expansion seems to be one of the few positions he’s held consistently over the course of his comically long, decades-spanning career. That first round of expansion in 1998, Biden declared at the time, would mark “the beginning of another 50 years of peace” — a prophecy that today some might quibble with.

Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was in the House at the time, not the Senate, and therefore did not specifically vote on the provision to amend the NATO treaty. But in 1997 he made a point to put some observations on the record concerning a concurrent measure that set the groundwork for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to join NATO (which ultimately happened in 2004, thanks to the friendly bipartisan cooperation of Biden and George W. Bush). Sanders asked on the floor of the House: “First of all, Russia clearly perceives that the expansion of NATO into the Baltics would be an aggressive, wholly unjustifiable move by the United States… since the Cold War is over, why are we militarily provoking Russia?”

Today, Bernie is essentially mute on the subject — except when he votes unfalteringly in favor of the latest NATO-related initiative, such as the Finland/Sweden measure this month, or the $40 billion Ukraine war funding bill in May. And for the most part, he can’t even be bothered to explain his reasoning — which in a way is understandable, since it’s not like there’s some steady drumbeat of “progressive” activists/media holding his feet to the fire on these issues.

The Washington Post was candid in 1998 about the reasons “approval was virtually assured” for NATO expansion, notwithstanding the minority of opposition led by Moynihan. “Pressure from ethnic constituencies and the prospect of new markets for the American defense industry at a time of shrinking US demand,” the newspaper reported, had already sealed the deal.

Posted by: S | Aug 28 2022 17:53 utc | 9

Rather wasteful, if you ask me.
USA Resps should be not exiled, but enlisted to CWA/PWA/whatever labour camps in USA would be named today

Posted by: Arioch | Aug 28 2022 18:00 utc | 10

You are right, I suspect that the power of the Security Services is actually greater in Canada and the UK (Australia too??) than in the USA where the oligarchs and their multinational corporations are a countervailing and dominant force.
In the UK and Canada the security services see their primary loyalty as being to the US oligarchy. Not even the City of London outweighs the influence of the US imperial authority in the UK.
At any rate-you are right and the resulting situation is very dangerous. The fate of Corbyn was an indication of how MI6 etc acted in the bidding of the US. And perhaps Dugina's demise could be an indication of the way on which, in nations losing their sovereignty, the secret police tend to fill the power vacuum.
The subject is not one much examined, since neither Marxists nor Conspiracy Theorists can fit the rise of the Ohkrana into their theorising without thinking. And thinking is verboten.

Posted by: bevin | Aug 28 2022 18:04 utc | 11

"The former RARELY suffer the consequences of their Imperial delusions, while it's the plebes (willingly or otherwise) who pay the ultimate price - same as it ever was..."
Posted by: xLemming | Aug 28 2022 15:37 utc | 4

Reading Jared Diamond many years ago Re: How Civilizations Collapse....His contention was that those that make the decision for all, also need to feel the consequences of their actions. If this connection is abrogated, insulated, or lost, there is no feedback for poor decisions...and events start to go off the rails...

Hence, it should come as no surprise that certain societies stand precariously, waiting only for the slightest nudge to topple over. The rats, as always, scurry away...

Posted by: AParadiseLost | Aug 28 2022 18:17 utc | 12

Reuters has a headline up saying that someone badmouthed Freeland but I am over my limit so can't read the details. Are Canadians fed up with their government?

Premier blackface is aghast.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 28 2022 19:12 utc | 13

@ bevin | Aug 28 2022 18:04 utc | 11

thanks bevin.. i see this collusion between intel agencies and corporations is very disturbing, mostly because i get the impression our politicians are all fine with it - in the name of slandering russia, china or any country that has an alternative concept of ''rule by corporations'', but also because these same intel agencies are catering to taking political sides in it all, as caitlins article highlights... we are so far removed from anything reflecting democracy or freedom at this point, the whole charade needs to be addressed.. but alas - the media is complicit in this as well, and pushing the same corporate and intel agency agenda!! i am not sure how any of it changes either..

@ psychohistorian | Aug 28 2022 19:12 utc | 13

us canucks have to be the most politically correct folks on the planet, lol... the '''attacks'''' on freelands character all go under the heading of ''public instances of threats and intimidation of women in public life... when you do that sales pitch, the taps are wide open, lol... here is how it works... csis - the canuck version of fbi, cia) help cbc reporters write articles tailored to what they want to push, while making sure the leading candidates that represent ''corporation incorporated'' are shown as victims of these appauling and offending attacks on these women via e mails and some such terrible ways... what is left out of the article is the fact freeland has pushed hard for sanctions on russia, since prior to 2014, and has pushed constantly for ukraine support... she is fairly open about her ukraine ancestry, but not about the fact her grandfather worked for the nazis in western ukraine, or that she is supportive of oun nationalists and a lot of other friendly stuff like that.. apparently some man yelled something at her when she visited grand prairie alberta the other day as well... meanwhile it is okay for her to support killing innocent russian speaking people in donbass or anywhere else cause.................. '' russia invaded ukraine feb 24th 2022''.. ya know... don't scratch beneath the surface of any of this.. the media as represented by the cbc won't... most canucks won't.... thus it is a clear attack on women!!! the western msm is so nauseating it defies any kind of logic...

Posted by: james | Aug 28 2022 19:58 utc | 14

"Are Canadians fed up with their government?"

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 28 2022 19:12 utc | 13

In a word, yes - some, but not enough, it seems. Here's a vid of the confrontation:

Posted by: xLemming | Aug 28 2022 20:05 utc | 15

China does socialism on a global scale, cancels the debt of 17 African countries:

China is breaking the rules of the Free Market. How are prices supposed to convey useful information if people are just giving stuff for free?

The article also reports on the pressure the US is exerting on African nations to stop trade with Russia, sometime with success (like in Uganda).

Posted by: Robert Macaire | Aug 28 2022 20:32 utc | 16

"Are Canadians fed up with their government?"
Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 28 2022 19:12 utc | 13

I suspect that they are arriving at that point. Pierre Trudeau's kid (Justin) came to the high seat, from initially working as a substitute Drama teacher. He was the strategic choice to get rid of the Neocon Prime minister Harper; so instead of voting for other Federal parties like NDP, or Greens, the unspoken consensus was to show Harper the door.

So now Canada has Justin. and Freeland.

Their supplication to the 800 lb gorilla from down south does not sit well with some citizens. We shall all watch and ponder on the events that are transpiring before us...

Posted by: AParadiseLost | Aug 28 2022 20:38 utc | 17

Posted by: S | Aug 28 2022 17:53 utc | 9

great post, with some very useful history. I've given up on Sanders, just another gatekeeper.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Aug 28 2022 21:22 utc | 18

@ AParadiseLost | Aug 28 2022 20:38 utc

Their supplication to the 800 lb gorilla from down south does not sit well with some citizens. We shall all watch and ponder on the events that are transpiring before us...

Ha! I remember a purported quote from a Shrub Bush favorite, Turd Blossom:

We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out.

Posted by: majoab | Aug 28 2022 23:15 utc | 19

as usual Caitlan J. nails it in a few words.

I have basically known much of this would be in the making since I was a very young teen during the Vietnam War, although it remains a fact that the sheer scope of the murder and mayhem of the US Empire has grown substantially since the Cheney-Bush-Rumsfeld regime used the 9-11 attacks to justify invading, occupying and bombing the shit out of both Afghanistan and Iraq; and then of course Barack Mr. Nobel Peace Prize Obama followed in their dreadful wake with the destruction of Libya, Syria and Yemen as well as other assorted horrors, including the actual murder of US citizens abroad via drone strikes. Trump-Pompeo et. al. essentially followed all their leads quite faithfully, greatly expanding the misery in the world with sanction-wars against many nations. And now Biden has brought us his own brand of Murder Inc. in the Third World, and sent us all to the brink of nuclear war in Europe and east Asia.
Once an empire, always an empire.
It’s Gross To Live Under The US Empire And Spend Your Time Criticizing Russia And China

"....As I learn more and more about global power dynamics and interact with more and more people around the world responding to the things I have to say, I find myself growing more and more disdainful of those who live directly under the thumb of the US empire and yet spend their time criticizing unabsorbed governments like Russia and China. It’s literally the most pathetic, snivelling, power-serving position anyone can possibly take at this point in history.

The US empire is indisputably the most murderous and destructive power structure on the world stage today. No other power has spent the 21st century killing people by the millions in wars of aggression. No other power is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases and working continuously to destroy any government which disobeys it. No other power is starving entire populations with economic sanctions, military blockades and brazen theft. No other power has been interfering in foreign elections anywhere near as often. No other power is terrorizing populations around the world with wars, covert ops, drone strikes, proxy conflicts, and staged coups and uprisings. No other power is using its military, economic, diplomatic and media dominance to bully the world into serving its interests. The US exports most of its tyranny outside its own borders (though certainly not all of it), but it is nevertheless plainly the most tyrannical regime on earth....."

also of interest:

Posted by: michaelj72 | Aug 29 2022 0:33 utc | 20

ZH has a "premium" posting up with the title

Zoltan: "This Is What The New World Order Will Look Like" After Europe's Minsky Moment "Where $2 Trillion Of German Value Depends On $20 Billion Of Russian Gas"

Why is it premium for someone to speak the obvious?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 29 2022 1:47 utc | 21

"...How it [Christianity] differentiates itself from eastern religions, in a similar vain as not requiring a traumatic rite-of-passage initiation (other than "confirmation") as in the case of other monotheisms, is that whereas eastern religions carry with it the possibility of birth into a lower caste for some reason unknown to the subject, Christianity stresses the absolute equality of every human soul and the lifting up of those born to lesser circumstances.

Posted by NemisisCalling on the Ukraine open thread

NemisisCalling - in Orthodox Christianity, there is not a process of 'confirmation' undertaken when children are at a certain age, rather, the need for them to attend confession with their parish priest is somewhat loosely that time in which a child's maturity can be assessed - and that can occur sooner or later depending on consultation with parents. It is a lovely thing I think that babies come forward with their mothers to receive Communion. And in processions at feasts, often the children lead out, each one carrying very carefully on a white napkin an icon or special object of the church.

The best of the ancient tradition is that Christians having themselves previously been baptized in other denominations are accepted as church members not by again undergoing baptism, but by participating in the second segment of the baptismal service called Chrismation.

For today, it being a major feast, it might be 'all quiet on the Ukraine front' due to the observance of that feast. The main hymn for it begins:

In giving birth you preserved your virginity,
In falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos...

So, we Orthodox are comforted by that sentiment, because the world really does need not to be forsaken.

Posted by: juliania | Aug 29 2022 1:50 utc | 22

@ Wilbur 1

Remember WW II: bad guy Adolf was played out against bad guy Josef - the problem was that good guy Franklin was too weak to keep his own club of bad guys in check.

If this round the U$ Cabal and the CCP could undermine each other into oblivion all the rest of us could live happily ever after.

Posted by: Antonym | Aug 29 2022 2:19 utc | 23


We live in a world where both the government's non-elected career officials and corporate/politically controlled media exclude the Russians. Provide us with 2% of the information. International news suppliers are spoon-feeding the world as per evil empire prime propaganda directives.

All elected western five-eyes ruling politicians are tightly controlled by the corporate shill/CIA spy-infested funded think tanks. Principally, of the type "Garbage in equals garbage out".

A coin has three sides. One is always deliberately hidden from public view in the west. Did we really win the cold war 1.0? Or did we lose instead? As was predicted by George Orwell in 1949.

As for the poor unfortunate assassinated fearless Russian Reporter. She sadly has become the new Five Eyes vilification and latest misinformation target of 2022. To obscure the truth.

After country 404. Where the possibility exists that up to 50% of the USSA war toy aid. Which has been sent or delivered to country 404. Has either been stolen and/or sold at the CIA instruction request to be sold on the CIA-controlled black market? For if Colombia stops the illegal cocaine trafficking. Where else will the CIA obtain the black funding?

In other news. The foolish former failed full of rhetoric, and purveyor of all useless lies. The previous vain publicity-loving ex-president of the Union of the Soviet States of Amerika. Still delights in fooling the fools. A target audience, who deeply desires to be fooled 100% of the time. Is now submitting fake redacted arguments. Thus begins a brand new definition of the word "Trumped"(see urban dictionary).

Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Aug 29 2022 5:06 utc | 24

More about Angelo Giuliano...... mixed race of Swiss and Italian.... lived in China and HK...

He is also an Opinion contributor of... HK Dot COM.....

Posted by: JC | Aug 29 2022 6:17 utc | 25

Unheard Voice - Stanford Internet Observatory
This information operation likely originated in the United States and targeted a range of countries in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Wait, I don't understand this. Twitter and Facebook took down the wrong side? And then Stanford publicly revealed that the ones taken down were a US covert influence intelligence operation? What went wrong? Has the Stanford Internet Observatory come under direct command of President Putin's covert asset Joe Biden (who under Putin's brilliantly devious coaching pretends to be an incoherent, senile, and incapable idiot) overruling the prerogative of the CIA and Pentagon?

I checked I.O. chief Alex Stamos's background: a quick search on Yandex seems to indicate a former senior officer of Facebook, with a record of supporting the eastablishment pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia narrative ...

But maybe Stamos was a KGB whoops FSB asset all along, and just as the US is on the verge of freefall decides to 'go native'?

Posted by: BM | Aug 29 2022 7:11 utc | 26

Posted by: BM | Aug 29 2022 7:11 utc | 26

From the NBC link:

As is often the case when Western companies identify influence operations on social media, Facebook and Twitter quickly suspended the related accounts, while their accounts on Dubai-based Telegram and Russia-based VK remained up. Telegram and VK didn’t respond to requests for comment. YouTube suspended at least some accounts tied to the campaigns, but also didn’t respond to a request for comment.

So, Facebook and Twitter removed the pro-US fake-persona accounts, but Telegram and VK didn't remove the accounts linked to the same fake personas! The message wasn't passed on, evidently. Youtube seems to have been confused about whatever message they got.

[I hadn't realised Telegram was linked to Dubai!]

Posted by: BM | Aug 29 2022 7:24 utc | 27

Sigh, looks like Jackson Hinkle is on the goblins list for deplorable to eat in transit.

So look here:

and paste this

The Dive With Jackson Hinkle

to get his channel

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Aug 29 2022 8:47 utc | 28

It should be no surprise that the US gave the top officials of Japan's Unit 731 sanctuary from prosecution for war crimes in exchange for passing over what they knew about biological weapons and their use.

Posted by: Arfur Mo | Aug 29 2022 9:03 utc | 29

Researchers discover sprawling pro-U.S. social media influence campaign - NBC News

It's called the NBC News twitter account and the accounts associated with it's staff.

Posted by: Altai | Aug 29 2022 9:10 utc | 30

Turkey has decided to increase transit fees (fees collected for providing lighthouse/medical evacuation etc. Services) through Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits from $40 million to $200 million annually. Annually 200 million tons of oil products are transported through the straits, 30% coming from Russia, 70% of Kazakhstan and 100% of Azerbaijan and Turkeminstan. The largest buyer is EU.

So 200 million tons of oil is equivalent to 1,26 billion barrels, an average price increase of $0.125 per barrel. While it may not sound as much, it's just one of those deaths by a thousand cuts contributing to economic mayhem for years to come.

Posted by: unimperator | Aug 29 2022 12:11 utc | 31

add: not all cargo through the Black Sea straits is oil products, so the actual price increase is higher depending on distribution of cargoes.

Posted by: unimperator | Aug 29 2022 12:13 utc | 32

Some leaders like Emmanuel Macron noted "the end of abundance", so some serious thinking on high level is necessary for the transition of societies to the lack of abundance, while avoiding consequences like mass unemployment, homelessness, despondency, substance abuse, crime etc. One answer is to adopt forgotten technologies and professions.

For example, back in 1950 or even 1970 in less abundant countries, there were many occupations related to repair of goods. Mending stockings, kitchen equipment, darning jackets, bicycle repair (as masses go to their destinations on cheap bicycles, nimbly avoiding potholes, boys on the road side are ready to quickly fix flat tires etc., this is actually a vignette from India), umbrella repair (no throwing out of umbrellas after a rainstorm), shoe repair, artistic darning and so on. Eating out and bathing once a week, and home cooking from ingredients (no ready-to-eat frozen packages). Warm underwear, socks, caps, sweaters, gloves without fingertips indoors in winter. Wet towels and fans in summer.

Buying milk by bringing your own metal can to the store to be filled there. Almost total elimination of disposable containers. Agriculture going back to the age of the horse. Summer vacations with 50 km of your city home, perhaps on a farm (more farms in the age of the horse!).

Ban on new operating systems that do not run on 5 year old computers. Home electronics should be usable for 10-20 years. Ban on browsers and ads sucking megawatts and gigawatts from our computers. Actually, the need for advertising in post-abundant societies should be reduced.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 29 2022 12:28 utc | 33

Reuters has a headline up saying that someone badmouthed Freeland but I am over my limit so can't read the details. Are Canadians fed up with their government?

Premier blackface is aghast.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 28 2022 19:12 utc

Here's a typical boo-hoo poor-little-Freeland article from what passes for Canadian media.

We are beyond fed up with Ukie-nazi-enabler, WEF-board-member and Soros sycophant Freeland. But the Justin Castro Cabal think they can simply ignore the literal 10's of thousands of Convoy supporters that lined highways, bridges and reclaimed the Canadian flag and O Canada as OURS, not the property of the illegitimate gov't. In one of the coldest, longest winters in memory.

Illegitimate? Because Trudy, Freeland and Singh went behind the backs of the Canadian electorate and made a DEAL to hold power in a MINORITY go't. If the NDP was an actual Opposition Party, the Trudy Cabal would have been out on their collective ears at the first sign of the Covid Scamdemic mandates.

And they know that their reign of terror is over when the writ MUST be dropped, fake coalition or no. Unfortunately , that is Oct 2025 unless the NDP backbenchers grow a pair and oust Singh and his WEF minions. The Harper/Mulroney Cons also thought they could sit back with spineless O'Toole playing Mr. Dithers. Not so much.

600,000 Canadians paid $10 per for Conservative Party memberships to vote for the next Con leader. 300,000 are for Poilievre, and another couple 100,000 for Baber and Lewis. This will not be your Harper/Mulroney controlled ass-kisser Conservative Party anymore. The new Con members have handed Poilievre about $4million reasons why the Con old guard is not going to be able to control the Party purse strings anymore.

As the Dixie Chicks sang, we're "not ready to make nice, not ready to back down".

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 12:44 utc | 34

One answer is to adopt forgotten technologies and professions.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 29 2022 12:28 utc

You must be in the EU or some similar high-density region with a history of reasonable mass-transit. Next you'll be telling us to invest in a resurgent buggy-whip industry.

When the Rothschild-class are riding bicycles and eating bugs, I will consider it.

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 12:58 utc | 35

China's PlAN must be shaking in its galoshes after seeing footage of new UK aircraft carrier literally taking in water in its living quarters shortly after leaving the harbour. Mission aborted, LMFAO.

Guess she won't be threatening anyone around Taiwan for a while... which can only be a good thing since it's positioned in 'wong' sea for NATO navies...

Posted by: Et Tu | Aug 29 2022 13:17 utc | 36

Unheard Voice - Stanford Internet Observatory
This information operation likely originated in the United States and targeted a range of countries in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Wait, I don't understand this. Twitter and Facebook took down the wrong side? And then Stanford publicly revealed that the ones taken down were a US covert influence intelligence operation? What went wrong? Has the Stanford Internet Observatory come under direct command of President Putin's covert asset Joe Biden (who under Putin's brilliantly devious coaching pretends to be an incoherent, senile, and incapable idiot) overruling the prerogative of the CIA and Pentagon?

Posted by: BM | Aug 29 2022 7:11 utc | 26

My first thought about this incident was that the influence operation was created for the express purpose of having it taken down and for Stanford Internet Observatory to later "reveal" the instigator. All this in order to try to dispel that American social media sites suppress anti-government viewpoints almost exclusively. Granted, my suspicion is based primarily on the intelligence community's long being a source of propaganda.

Posted by: David Levin | Aug 29 2022 14:05 utc | 37

Posted by: BM | Aug 29 2022 7:24 utc | 27

I tried to reconstruct the vision of Macron and others, when you announce the end of "abundance", you need some profound changes to avoid terrible social effects of the transition. My sketchy plan was not entirely serious, but it would decrease energy consumption and preserve all necessities for healthy live.

Imagine all think tankers re-educated for energy-saving trades like sock repair (of course, the change would be much wider, but there could be bright sides).

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 29 2022 14:15 utc | 38

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 12:58 utc | 35

Sorry, above post was a reply to YOU. Concerning buggies, some people use them where I live, I guess the Amish can live in Canadian prairie too. But I did not see them using whips...

When "I was a wee lad", on the wall of post offices you could see instruction how to use telegrams, with an example "harking back to older, simpler times": "I am coming on Wednesday. Send horses to the station," send horses meant sending someone, perhaps a farmer neighbor who is not too busy, or your own cart and person, with a horse cart, sometimes for a considerable distance.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 29 2022 14:27 utc | 39

The Washington Post was candid in 1998 about the reasons “approval was virtually assured” for NATO expansion, notwithstanding the minority of opposition led by Moynihan. “Pressure from ethnic constituencies and the prospect of new markets for the American defense industry at a time of shrinking US demand,” the newspaper reported, had already sealed the deal.

Posted by: S | Aug 28 2022 17:53 utc | 9

Thank you, S. We can see how loaded the dice was even back then, though those in opposition to this were genuinely arrayed against it. Small in number, they yet did voice the opinions of a large portion of the populace, as was evident in the opposition to the Vietnam war - it wasn't just those who were in danger of being drafted, though that was where press coverage lay - it was an entire generation and their families who saw how wrong the arguments for war were, without realizing the doom which was already upon them.

I base this on my own small family experience as we headed west along the main highway out of Chicago in August, 1968. Streaming in the opposite direction, a long line of cars, vans, buses -- all kinds of traffic on their way to the Democratic convention. Which we later watched from afar, because the press was halfway decent back then, even caught up in what was happening, as these days a few brave souls still place themselves in harm's way.

How will either party mount a convention next time around? Peacemakers pinned their hopes on the Democrats then, and were visibly ignored. More than fifty years ago.

Posted by: juliania | Aug 29 2022 15:05 utc | 40

@Piotr Berman #33:

Ban on new operating systems that do not run on 5 year old computers. Home electronics should be usable for 10-20 years.

A sensible proposition even for countries that still live in “the age of abundance”.

Posted by: S | Aug 29 2022 15:10 utc | 41

China is breaking the rules of the Free Market. How are prices supposed to convey useful information if people are just giving stuff for free?

The article also reports on the pressure the US is exerting on African nations to stop trade with Russia, sometime with success (like in Uganda).

Posted by: Robert Macaire | Aug 28 2022 20:32 utc | 16

Thank you, Robert! This is how the next eyeopening phase of world government can proceed -- back then, as the most uncharismatic candidate, Nixon, was anointed, as the US manipulated its advantage in financial dealings, it was only the West providing the example of the 'power' of debt management. The enslavement of the many by the few was all about indebtedness. Not about country; not about family; not about morality. As psychohistorian keeps telling us, it's all about the money.

We oi polloi had no understanding of this, but it has been driven home to us as the system can only end as it is ending now. The example of debt forgiveness is going to be unavoidable - we've talked about it; now we are going to see it happening.

Over there.

Posted by: juliania | Aug 29 2022 15:24 utc | 42

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 29 2022 14:27 utc

Sure, we have Amish-style people living all over Canada, living the lifestyle they CHOSE. And many non-religious back-to-the-earth advocates as well... again they CHOSE it.

Quite another thing to have such a lifestyle arbitrarily imposed because the Rothschild-class thinks there are too many of us 8 billion people using up "their" resources too fast. Certainly conservation and wise use of resources is preferable to the "lifestyles of the rich and famous" for all 8 billion, but there has to be some middle ground. As but one example, I don't see you giving up your computer and/or cell phone anytime soon, but the industries that produce them are NOT environmentally friendly, no matter how pretty the store you buy it in is.

Anthropomorphic Climate Change? Sure... Don't forget, as little as 15,000 years ago, there were glaciers a mile thick covering huge areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Ergo, CLIMATE CHANGES, sometimes geologically quickly and drastically all on its own. And before that CO2 levels were often easily in the 1,000+ppm range, y'know, when all those huge dinosaurs and plants ruled the earth. CO2 is NOT a pollutant or toxic to HUMANS below long exposure at 2,000+ppm.

Virtually EVERY lifeform on earth depends on ample amounts of atmospheric CO2, below 150 ppm PLANTS DON'T GROW. Wake up, please. Greta is a child who only knows what she has been told, but anyone over the age of 18 should have the intellectual capacity and curiosity to not believe the WEF climate "science" carte blanche.

Population reduction? Demographers like Hans Rosling (RIP) convincingly show that the world population growth was soon going to be biologically levelling out, and by as soon as 2035 begin lowering total world population. But does anyone listen to the real experts, not paid-for WEF alarmists?

Again, when the Rothschild-class and their political/corporate sycophants are riding bicycles, driving buggies (and shovelling the resulting manure themselves) and ONLY eating food (or bugs) raised locally, in season, I will follow their lead. Industrial fake food is still fake food and a polluting industrial process.

But if it's just more "do as I say, not what I do" and covert/overt democide, they can pound salt and sand where the sun don't shine.

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 15:29 utc | 43

Intruding again with a couple add-on links from Montréal’s La Presse.

Demand for Persian rugs - video with scenes from a market in Tehran

TV series of the week is a tragi-comic one from Ireland with lots of dark humor: The Dry

Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Aug 29 2022 16:01 utc | 44

Surely, "the end of abundance" is a cruel case of "bait and switch". The decisions on banning oil imports from Russia were delayed to let Macron win parliamentary elections, and I doubt that he run on "finish the abundance" program.

Concerning "minimal necessary CO2 levels", at 310 ppm we were doing fine, now we have 410 ppm. Climate did change in the last 50 years. That said, "green plans" with gigantic magical asteroids will fail, trying to do more than possible guarantees failure.

Inducing ecological improvements with war was done, WWII did wonders for fish stocks in oceans, wolf populations, etc., but they had to be better ways. I hope that current "end of abundance" will lead to huge political changes in Europe, but where THAT will lead is a question mark.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 29 2022 16:03 utc | 45

Sorry, I overlooked autocorrect. Green plans have gigantic magical asterices, "details to be filled in", "the future costs of electricity storage" technologies", and counter-productive choices.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 29 2022 16:07 utc | 46

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 29 2022 16:03 utc

Still trying to square the WEF/Rothschild-class circle?

Huge asterices because real chemistry and physics, let alone human psychology, shows such plans are BS.

The only place there should be an immediate "end of abundance" is for the Rothschild-class and their insane hoarding of wealth and power. The literal $trillions wasted BY THEM on destroying cultures and countries over the last 100 years could have provided for all 8 billion people. And since the PROVEN fastest, easiest way to reduce population growth is to raise the living standards of the poorest among us, the Rothschild-class made that 8 billion higher peak than if they had just shared with the rest of us instead of trying to kill us off.

The wars can stop TODAY. Literally. But it is not up to Putin, Xi or anyone outside the US/ZATO's realm to stop. History shows they can't. The post-USSR collapse was supposed to pay the "peace dividend". Which the US/ZATO "cold/proxy-warred" away.

"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." ~ Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild's wife

Apocryphal perhaps, but the reality of Rothschild-class actions since the late 1700's is proof enough.

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 16:34 utc | 47

And who pulled the 350ppm CO2 as "ideal" out of their collective asses? Maybe humans would be better off with levels around 600-700 (or higher?) ppm.

But the WEF/climate "experts" want to cut so much carbon from human use to reduce back down to 350 and beyond. Not that it would actually work.

Besides, if the long-running geological/orbit/wobble cycle holds, earth is actually entering the beginnings of another glaciation. Perhaps keeping the atmosphere in the "goldilocks zone" humans have enjoyed for about 12,000 years might be a good thing.

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 16:44 utc | 48

"Pressure from ethnic constituencies"
S | Aug 28 2022 17:53 utc | 9
oh ho, blame the minorities! i'm joking.

From my US POV, I assume you are referring to that murder hornets' nest of Cubans in Miami and such like, incl the Zionists everywhere. We'll have lots of fun Banderistas soon here in the US, drooling and yelping over more bigger missiles, reliable supporters of fascistic measures like having Desantis' armed thugs "monitor" polling sites, schoolrooms and uterine ultrasounds.

and just what are the Azov "It" killer clowns going to be useful for in an England that refuses to provide heat to the populace? a new "Freedom Brigade," to do things like make sure African "illegals" are rendered to Rwanda, while British "humanitarianism" ensures that the "good Nazis" make it safely to Airstrip One?

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Aug 29 2022 17:23 utc | 49

And who pulled the 350ppm CO2 as "ideal" out of their collective asses? Maybe humans would be better off with levels around 600-700 (or higher?) ppm.

But the WEF/climate "experts" want to cut so much carbon from human use to reduce back down to 350 and beyond. Not that it would actually work.

Besides, if the long-running geological/orbit/wobble cycle holds, earth is actually entering the beginnings of another glaciation. Perhaps keeping the atmosphere in the "goldilocks zone" humans have enjoyed for about 12,000 years might be a good thing.

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 16:44 utc | 48

Thank you. "Not even wrong" as they say. We would do far better to admit we have no idea what it might decide to do next and be more parsimonious in our meddling with it (the climate) until we better understand it.

Of course all the people who have been burning hydrocarbons like there is no tomorrow now want to hog the remainder too. If you really want to slow down fossil fuel use, start with the billionaires and work down, far and away the most efficient approach, yes.

Posted by: Bemildred | Aug 29 2022 17:52 utc | 50

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 16:34 utc | 48, 47, 43, etc

I like the cut of your jib, sir...

Posted by: xLemming | Aug 29 2022 18:11 utc | 51

US-China Tensions Over Taiwan Update (Aug 29, 2022) - US Warships in Taiwan Strait.

Last week I posted an interesting conversation between Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano.... yesterday posted Angelo Giuliano interviewed with ""

Brian Berletic

37,875 views Aug 28, 2022 Update on US-China Tensions Over Taiwan for August 29, 2022 The juicy parts are readers comments often more interesting...

Posted by: JC | Aug 29 2022 18:29 utc | 52

French re-education camps
China's robot industry hits $17 billion
1.7 billion tonnes of new oil in Xinjiang
Germany invested $10 billion in H1, up 55%
Baidu's superconducting quantum computer
10 exascale supercomputers by 2025
China pledges benefits for single moms
The worst heatwave ever recorded anywhere
The girl in the photograph
Media ignore massive S Korea anti-US protest
Heat-seeking radar's 300km range
The Jinmen Bombardment
Five Destroyers Under Construction
New rockets change face of war
Gregory Clark

Posted by: MD | Aug 29 2022 18:30 utc | 53

MD | Aug 29 2022 18:30 utc | 53
oh to live in such a small world. Soros did it!

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Aug 29 2022 18:48 utc | 54

MD | Aug 29 2022 18:30 utc | 53
like with Old Canadian and "the Rothschilds", such actors require lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of help. willing help.

it's like the simplicity of blaming "the Jews". oh wait....

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Aug 29 2022 18:52 utc | 55

@Aristodemos | Aug 29 2022 16:57 utc | 267 [from Ukraine Open Thread 2022-141]

"... "Spanish Flu" epidemic in 1918 ..."

The story I became aware of (that made the most sense) was the 1918 epidemic began in the USA and spread globally after WW1 with returning troop movements. It affected the fit and the young most due to healthy body reaction (cytokine storm).

There was a media silence imposed by the allied nations to suppress panic except in Spain where local political conditions allowed news of it to be broadcast in print and wireless. Hence it got the name "Spanish" by virtue of association through the media although it was virtually everywhere by the time it finished its course.

Posted by: imo | Aug 29 2022 17:26 utc | 270

This article cites documents at the National Library of Medicine indicating that the vast majority of deaths attributed to "Spanish flu" were actually due to bacterial pneumonia and that thousands of soldiers passing through Fort Riley (Kansas) in 1918 received an inoculation of bacterial meningitis (which can become bacterial pneumonia).

Posted by: David Levin | Aug 29 2022 19:28 utc | 56

@rjb1.5 #49:

From my US POV, I assume you are referring to that murder hornets' nest of Cubans in Miami and such like, incl the Zionists everywhere.

I’m not the author of the article. The article was written by U.S. journalist and commentator Michael Tracey. I simply quoted the paragraphs that I found insightful. I always use quotation marks or a block quotation (<blockquote></blockquote>) when quoting someone.

Posted by: S | Aug 29 2022 19:37 utc | 57

@Aristodemos | Aug 29 2022 16:57 utc | 267 [from Ukraine Open Thread 2022-141]

"... "Spanish Flu" epidemic in 1918 ..."

The story I became aware of (that made the most sense) was the 1918 epidemic began in the USA and spread globally after WW1 with returning troop movements. It affected the fit and the young most due to healthy body reaction (cytokine storm).

Posted by: imo | Aug 29 2022 17:26 utc | 270

I'm aware of a pair of documents from the National Library of Medicine that taken together support this view. One of them is a 2008 study that examined numerous autopsy series from 1918 and concluded that at least 96% of the so-called Spanish flu deaths were probably caused by bacterial pneumonia. The other is a 1918 paper by the director of a massive bacterial meningitis inoculation program at Fort Riley, Kansas that year. Unsurprisingly, neither paper mentions that bacterial meningitis can develop into bacterial pneumonia.

I've tried twice to post this comment with links, but it didn't get published. So, this attempt omits the links, but I will try to remember to make another attempt. Or, interested readers can obtain them from me directly through either of the email addresses given at my website.

Posted by: David Levin | Aug 29 2022 23:27 utc | 58

I was just wondering why Hamlet off studying Lutheranism at Wittenburg & learning about the "Diet of Worms" didn't pay too much attention to this in his studies:

"2 For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. 3 So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another man." (quoted from the 1599 Geneva Bible, the book of Romans in the Christian Bible, supposedly Luther's primary inspiration)

But at Wittenburg Hamlet did learn to say things like, "Frailty, thy name is woman."

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Aug 30 2022 2:13 utc | 59

oops, NIV not the 1599 Geneva edition, but whatever. makes the same point. in comprehensible English, too!

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Aug 30 2022 2:18 utc | 60

The CCP's fake natural "Siberian" crane birds scam, aimed at all tourists - domestic and international (WWF etc):

Is PaRadiCe as fake as the Ameri$an dream? Hard to find out due to 99.999% media & visitor control.

Posted by: Antonym | Aug 30 2022 4:12 utc | 61

ZH has a posting up with the title

US Embassy Anti-Air Defenses Activated Over Baghdad As Death Toll Rises In Night Of Chaos

In the article there are rumors that the US embassy has been evacuated by helicopter. The article also reports and shows pictures of Sadr supporters having taken over the Republican Palace and a picture showing them in the pool.

It is interesting how the article has a part where it says that Sadr forces are attacking Iran supporters as well but little details.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 30 2022 4:17 utc | 62

ZH has a posting up with the title

One Of China's Biggest Commodity Traders Faces Liquidity Crisis

The commodity trader is dealing in copper and as has been reported here before, the much manipulated commodity markets are under challenge as part of the overall financial war between public/private sovereign financial control. It will be interesting to see how theses markets will perform and conduct business when transparency and equal access are required.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 30 2022 4:25 utc | 63

@57 David Levin | Aug 29 2022 23:27 utc

Please make another attempt. It's only an algorithm you're up against, which is only a filter, the lowest form of discernment.

You can spell out a URL by putting spaces like "example . com" and suchlike. Should work.

I'm curious about that vaccination program and would appreciate knowing more.


UPDATE: I ran a quick search on "bacterial meningitis inoculation program at Fort Riley, Kansas 1918" and top of the returns was assurance from Reuters that fact-checking says it did NOT cause the Spanish Flu - in that direct of a statement, from several sources. All in the search results first page. So that's gold-standard confirmation that it DID.

Thanks for the tip. I had wondered.

Posted by: Grieved | Aug 30 2022 4:37 utc | 64

Interesting times.

With zero evidence provided about a stolen fraudulent election of November 2020. The red wankers demand a 2022 rerun. Given the opinion polls trends. The red-raging angry redneck legless horse still has zero chance of leaving the starting gate. Perhaps that dead horse may win the first-place prize at the glue factory.

Meanwhile back in the redneck state of Florida. The total number of fraudulent votes detected for the supposed corrupt Prez election 2020. Is far less than 100 votes. Votes for DJT Popular vote 5,668,731 Against DJT 5,297,045 Error rate is............
Question: How can one steal a Prez Election with a mere 100 votes? Or is DJT telling really big whoppers?

It truly must be a wonderful life. To tell oneself lies. Live in denial. Believe the mighty "MAGA" Messiah "DJT" tells no lies. Drive around in a classic Chyrsler 2 mpg truck. Slip sliding down the road with all four wheels spinning. With your head firmly planted in DJT's posterior./s

Fun quiz: Rubashkin, former business scam fraudster! Ran the largest Kosher Meat Packing Plant in the USSA. Employed children for peanuts. Employed undocumented South Americans throughout the meat packing plant. Paid his slave undocumented employees. A very generous $5-00 per hour. A truly great example of DJT's "MAGA"!/s

The unfortunate man. Was in fact convicted for his federal crimes. And sent to serve time, for his crimes.

At 7.01 pm December 20th, 2017. Rubashkin received a free get-out-of-jail Prez Pardon. Which current 2022 USSA Prez hopeful. Facing an insurmountable number of both State and Federal charges. Including civil litigation. Signed this Prez 'Get-out-of-jail' Card? Bonus point Who was the sitting USSA prez that year?

Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Aug 30 2022 6:02 utc | 65

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 29 2022 16:34 utc | 48, 47, 43, etc

What interesting lines of misinformation mixed well with conspiracy theories?

Alas, none pass the basic Occam's Razor test.

Can you explain the differences between the tourist pictures of Glacier National Park taken in 1900? Versus identical ones taken one hundred years later from the same vantage points.

Do your conspiracy theories explain why the Canadian Perma frost line is gradually moving north?

Do your conspiracy theories explain why 99.998% of the world's known glaciers are in retreat? Poor USSA Glacier National Park. Will change its name to "No Glaciers in this Park".

Or the massive retreat of the permanent ice line on Mt Kilimanjaro. When compared to photos taken in the 1900s. From the same vantage point. Upgraded to 5G cell towers dot the mountain. Tourists can now take the banned in USSA and Canada Hauwei 5G smartphone selfies all the way to the top. Such is the progress of modern telecommunications. Sold to the rest of the world. But banned in the USSA. As the phone server software is non-NSA COMPLIANT.

A true skeptic would say, Like all conspiracy theories. They are full of logic flaws, misapplied facts, logic bombs, and numerous fatal error loops.

Truly interesting use of tossing red herrings into the air. Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles and Their Role in Earth's Climate. Then claim carbon pollution is safe. Such a truly amazing leaping off the cliff self-destructing logic bomb.

Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Aug 30 2022 7:00 utc | 66

I’d like to consider a conspiracy theory about the circulation of the conspiracy theory that we’re all going to eat crickets… I’d suggest that the law of cui buno says it’s Big Agriculture (as in those who stand to lose profits if factory farms, soy and corn acreage are reduced) who might be behind it.

The world’s largest cricket production facility opened in London, Ontario, Canada. CBC followed the spread of conspiracy theories about it in this report:

Canadian cricket powder for sale: — there is some consumer demand for the stuff

That report links to an interview with the founder in which he makes a couple interesting remarks:
First he says they are marketing to the pet food market where there is very much high demand for this product. Not so much with human consumption (niche I presume)
And he takes issue with the assumption that insects are cheap:
“In Oaxaca, where chapulines, a certain kind of grasshopper, are regularly eaten, “a kilogram is more expensive than a kilogram of beef, chicken and pork combined. It’s a delicacy of the wealthy because of the labor and cost and seasonality.” “

Google tells me that the most common source of protein in pet food is factory-farmed chicken, lamb, fish meal and beef as well as (GMO) corn-gluten meal and soybean meal. I wonder which of these would be replaced by cricket meal??

I, for one, prefer spirulina in the world of alternative proteins.

Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Aug 30 2022 7:24 utc | 67

@57 David Levin | Aug 29 2022 23:27 utc

Please make another attempt. It's only an algorithm you're up against, which is only a filter, the lowest form of discernment.

Posted by: Grieved | Aug 30 2022 4:37 utc | 64

Trying again...

examination of autopsy series from 1918

1918 Fort Riley inoculation program

Posted by: David Levin | Aug 30 2022 13:33 utc | 68

I was wondering what is happening in Iraq, great comment on southfront:
Since 2013, this is the 7th time (!!) that Muqtada Sadr resigned and declared he’ll leave the politics for good and each time he ignored his own word with a little help from the chaos his followers created.

This time, something different happened: Ayatollah Ha’eri who was the 3rd spiritual and religious leader of the Sadr movement (after Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer Sadr and then his cousin, Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Sadeq Sadr -Moqtada’s father- both Martyred by Saddam) declared his resignation because of age and health issues and ordered his followers to follow Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (leader of Iran). Just like both leaders of the Sadr movement before him appointed their next before their martyrdom. This is a big deal which disarmed Muqtada completely, in addition to Ayatollah Haeri’s public criticism of him for creating unrest and divide in Iraq.

Since last year a lot of Iraqi Ba’thists (not to be confused with Syria’s Ba’ath party) gathered around Muqtada and entered his armed group, Saraya As-Salaam. These are the people who entered the Green Zone and started attacking people and buildings.

A few hours ago Muqtada gave a 60 minute ultimatum to his followers to get out of protests and stop interfering in the political process, threatening to leave the Sadr movement if they don’t follow. He also thanked PMU for their patient and not getting involved in the clashes and praised their wisdom (TV networks and media backed by Saudi money tried so hard to put Sadrists in front of PMU as their arch-enemy). At the moment the streets are calm and curfew has ended in all Iraq.

The pattern of this unrest suggested it’s a British conspiracy (with help from Saudi money, as usual), but they made multiple mistakes in their haste to divide Iraq. Ayatollah Ha’eri’s move defused it and created a stronger bound between Iraq and Iran.

As I said, Ayatollah it is a big deal. To better understand why you have to know that a practicing Shi’a follows a “Marja'” (source of imitation, the authority in the religious matters) and does whatever that Ayatollah orders in matters of religion and life, something like a Catholic follows the Pope. Now every religious and political follower of him has to follow Ayatollah Khamenei.

Posted by: gary | Aug 30 2022 13:48 utc | 69

it's like the simplicity of blaming "the Jews". oh wait....
Posted by: rjb1.5 | Aug 29 2022 18:52 utc

Nice try, slyly accusing me of antisemitism... I only apply the label the Jews hang on themselves. The Rothschild-CLASS is nearly exclusively from that SELF-LABELLED category. Along with a high percent of dual-citizenship (another CHOICE) US elected and appointed public servants. If they all self-identified as one-eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eaters, would it make a difference if their ACTIONS were the same? And in case you choose to play this old game further, a SEMITE is someone who speaks a SEMITIC LANGUAGE.... LIKE ARABIC. The Jewish ZIONISTS love to play that old sleight-of-hand to claim antisemitism can only be aimed at Jews. Have openly been at it since the mid-1800s, so have lots of practice training the media and the public to do the same.

I have no problem with people-you-meet-everyday Jews, or for that matter the other Abrahamic religions, Muslims or Christians. Believe what you CHOOSE, but that right ends where such ideologies are forced on others or non-believers are discriminated against in all the usual ways. I'm not easily offended, but insinuating I am a bigot is unacceptable.

I have serious concerns with the Chinese Social Credit System being applied beyond their borders as this US/ZATO vs. Russia/China kerfuffle potentially resolves with China wagging the Globalist tail, rather than the WEF-cabal. I'm anti-Chinese too? Nice try.

What interesting lines of misinformation mixed well with conspiracy theories?
Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Aug 30 2022 7:00 utc

So plants don't primarily need CO2 to grow/thrive? That is Biology 101. Lower CO2 levels force the plant's somata to enlarge, increasing their moisture losses. Moisture which the plants need TO GROW. Therefore increased moisture/irrigation required to maintain yields. BUT BUT BUT there are droughts... so the plants are even MORE vulnerable to drought at lower CO2 levels. Pretty basic eh? Those conspiratorial plants, daring to respire according to biological laws, not human ideology.

Glaciation (or the lack of) is a SYMPTOM of the eons-long, mind-bogglingly large, complex and chaotic planetary and atmospheric CYCLES, so there is lag. Which means some metrics (like average air temperatures) will temporarily overshoot the underlying mechanisms. Think about why the highest summer and lowest winter temperatures lag the solstices by a month or so... every year. But we all know winter is coming... just not exactly when and how cold/snowy.

It appears via actual ice core etc. data that the earth is currently at the "top" of a natural INTERGLACIAL warming cycle, which began about 12,000 years ago. Most of human civilizational/technological development happened in the last 6,000 years. WHEN the earth eventually cools, funny thing, the climate will change... and would have even if zero humans were present on the planet. Humans REALLY need to get over themselves.


I’d like to consider a conspiracy theory about the circulation of the conspiracy theory that we’re all going to eat crickets
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Aug 30 2022 7:24 utc

Too easy. As if Kidman and her Hollyweird compatriots know anything much about anything... beyond what she gets told in her aristocratic bubble, or via her Fakebook/twit feed.


"There are none so hopelessly enslaved as those who mistakenly believe they are free." Goethe

This is especially true when we are immersed in totalitarian self-serving indoctrination and bafflegab from our earliest experiences with authority. FREE public schools (not the UK misnomer) were purportedly about ensuring a sufficiently educated populace as the baseline for functional democracy and a productive workforce. But hidden in that idea was the opportunity to ensure conformity of thought and deed. That "opportunity" has been exploited to the maximum, with media and gov't colluding to extend that "education" beyond schooldays to the fake news spewed and censorship enforced by secret gov't/0.001% edict.

Look into the Fabians, the Rhodes Scholarship and their ilk. Y'know, the same modus operandi as the WEF Young/Global Leaders and Global Shapers are now using to deliberately infiltrate governments, rival NGOs and corporations.

"We penetrated the Canadian government"-Klaus Schwab (a blood Rothschild on his mother's side)

Kinda awkward when conspiracy "theory" becomes conspiracy FACT.

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 30 2022 14:00 utc | 70

My @ 67

Cui typo? That’d be me — sorry that should read cui bono

History and the future they say, or so the saying goes—

Oprah and the beef industry

Mother Earth News talks spirulina in 1982 (than primarily a Mexican industry)

Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Aug 30 2022 14:18 utc | 71

Did everyone enjoy their summer energy price vacation (In the US at least, and only relatively)?

Crude oil supplies in 2022 vs. previous years

As you can see, something is going to break...

UK day ahead wholesale electricity prices, historical

Doomberg graph of German baseload electricity prices

Nice parabolic curves...
Does anyone think the West is winning the economic war?
Certainly not I.

And no, the futures markets are showing the same thing. What the inexperienced don't understand, is that the companies that use these forward contracts don't buy THAT far ahead of time because the time value cost is enormous.

Even more amusing: I attended a focus group last night which was looking at marketing by energy companies.

They did try to be objective - asking my group of about 10 people (there were at least 2 groups since I saw another one coming in after us) what were the biggest corporations in the area, and what were these corporations doing for the local communities.

But ultimately it was about energy company marketing. What was shown was 3 examples. I won't detail them because of the NDA, but 2 of the 3 involved environmental donations.

Both of these were clear 1st world, PMC type messaging: 1 involved the word "mangroves" and the other involved "clean" "sustainable" energy.

Yep, that's where the oil company money is being spent: on environmental NGOs and greenwashing.

But what was even more sad was the prominence the tech companies in the Bay Area had vs. the actual energy companies that have been around for far longer.

The tech companies - if any 1 or 10 magically disappeared, nothing would break.

The energy companies? not so much.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 30 2022 14:23 utc | 72

More energy fun

Twitter source

Wien Energie, Austria's largest energy supplier, is insolvent — requires 1.7 billion euros to remain liquid, according to local media.


Wien Energie is reportedly not able to deposit over 1.7 billion euros as collateral next week due to skyrocketed wholesale power prices. The federal government has to step in.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 30 2022 14:35 utc | 73

Taiwanese military opened warning fire in the direction of a Chinese army drone on approach to the Kinmen Islands. The drone flew away, according to the Taiwan Central News Agency

Posted by: rk | Aug 30 2022 15:54 utc | 74

Re : Pakistan floods ?

Anyone know anything about this ? My stepfather said he saw it on « the news », folks scrambling and scrounging in the disaster area, and apparently « the president » is asking for 160 million dollars or something.

I immediately thought « I bet Pakistan doesn’t need that money, and already have it, but it’s just a ploy to get money from US govt, for continuing to do their bidding.  A little pocket money for the elites. »

Am I just paranoid ?

Posted by: Featherless | Aug 30 2022 18:27 utc | 75

Where is Hunter?

Yesterday someone opened a Twitter account under the name of Hallie Biden. She claims to be "My beloved Beau’s widow and crackhead Hunter’s ex". Her tweets contain extraordinary, but quite believable claims:

Bill Clinton raped me

I actually have 25+ victims who allege they were raped sexually assaulted and threatened by Joe Biden. They all want a voice and a platform. Pls RT to help spread the word and say their names I’m his daughter in law. He has hurt so many innocent girls

Joe Biden raped me. Please RT to share this. Our President is a serial sexual predator.

I’m scared of my own father in law. He touched me inappropriately ever since I’ve known him. Joe Biden is a monster. He has raped countless women then threatened the women he abuses. He is a serial abuser and my personal rapist.

The code word they used was “Snowden”. They want to Snowden Trump and that’s what is in the unsealed indictments. He better get out of the country and quick. Russia won’t extradite you…. Trump is my hero.

Hillary actually has personally ordered the deaths of dozens of people. I’ve heard people in the WH talking about “targeting” Trump (code language). I pray for his safety everyday. And Epstein was killed by the Clintons.

There’s already a written up indictment they’re just planning to set up the National Guard to quell any unrest. But my father-in-law actually requested that Trump being dragged out of Mar-A-Lago in handcuffs be nationally televised and he’s preparing his press conference.


So on election night when I knew something was very wrong Jill Biden was on the phone yelling at state legislators and the people who tabulate the votes to stop the count. Because there was a deal worked out: if Trump got too far ahead, stop the count to rush in fake ballots.

President Trump won that election and my entire family knows it.

The account now has 13.2K followers. The account may be a hoax. Google does not find any informed discussion on this topic. I find it a bit weird.

In the meantime, Hunter Biden and his laptop are dominating the US news. Here are the latest articles by the New York Post.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Aug 30 2022 20:33 utc | 76

Oh no, another one dies, rest in peace Mr Gorbachev!

Mikhail Gorbachev, the first and only president of the Soviet Union, has died at the age of 91. His supporters credit him with having played a key part in bringing an end to the Cold War, while opponents accused him of aiding the fall of the Soviet Union.

Posted by: Zanon | Aug 30 2022 20:38 utc | 77

general interest: a few covid articles around Jeffrey Sachs interview a week or so ago.
(this is the source material for the others)

Jeffrey Sachs on Ukraine:

This is a well respected, mainstream generally left wing author. His role in covid is introduced in the Current Affairs piece:

"Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as the chair of the COVID-19 commission for leading medical journal the Lancet. Through his investigations as the head of the COVID-19 commission, Prof. Sachs has come to the conclusion that there is extremely dangerous biotechnology research being kept from public view, that the United States was supporting much of this research, and that it is very possible that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, originated through dangerous virus research gone awry.

Prof. Sachs recently co-authored a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences calling for an independent inquiry into the virus’s origins. He believes that there is clear proof that the National Institutes of Health and many members of the scientific community have been impeding a serious investigation of the origins of COVID-19 and deflecting attention away from the hypothesis that risky U.S.-supported research may have led to millions of deaths. If that hypothesis is true, the implications would be earth-shaking, because it might mean that esteemed members of the scientific community bore responsibility for a global calamity. In this interview, Prof. Sachs explains how he, as the head of the COVID-19 commission for a leading medical journal, came to the conclusion that powerful actors were preventing a real investigation from taking place. He also explains why it is so important to get to the bottom of the origins of COVID: because, he says, there is extremely dangerous research taking place with little accountability, and the public has a right to know since we are the ones whose lives are being put at risk without our consent."

Posted by: Scorpion | Aug 30 2022 21:53 utc | 78

An interesting and sad case of "Stupid is as Stupid does".

Here a group of nine blind "anti-vaxxer" fools received a legal bill from Oz High Court. A schedule C special AUD$213,023-00 USD146539.59, RUB8951950.74). This does not include the "QC" Fees for day appearance plus the instructing barrister day fees as well. lmao.

The actual source of information used by this group of brainwashed fools came from "QAnon"!

That which is too good to be true. Usually is! That is 99.9985% of information to be found on Face(waste of time and effort)Book! Plus all information from QAnon. QAnon is the world's least reliable source of information.

That which is too good to be true. Usually is!

Truth is stranger than fiction-Mark Twain

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on!- Winston Churchill

Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Aug 30 2022 23:46 utc | 79

Yesterday someone opened a Twitter account under the name of Hallie Biden. She claims to be "My beloved Beau’s widow and crackhead Hunter’s ex". Her tweets contain extraordinary, but quite believable claims:


The account now has 13.2K followers. The account may be a hoax. Google does not find any informed discussion on this topic. I find it a bit weird.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Aug 30 2022 20:33 utc | 76

I agree that the claims are believable. I also agree that this is weird, for two reasons:

1) Someone who belongs to such a powerful and malevolent family nonetheless put herself in apparent jeopardy by making these claims publicly.

2) No administrator disabled that account within half an hour of its being established. This suggests to me that those who are really running the US government (and who give social media their marching orders) want to spur more public opinion against Biden so that he would have to leave the White House before the end of his term.

Posted by: David Levin | Aug 31 2022 0:20 utc | 80

Kinda awkward when conspiracy "theory" becomes conspiracy FACT.

Posted by: Old canadian | Aug 30 2022 14:00 utc | 70

Interestingly tragic.

Sadly does your "Facebook" armchair science explain the following reality concerning the planet called Earth? Variation in various GHGs. Ice core sample atmospheric gas measurement data. show a very consistent measurement prior to the industrial age. from around 200 ppm to a high of 285 ppm CO2, under 400ppb low to a high of 700 ppb CH4(methane)

Current direct measurements CO2 post-1950 this year show 416.31 ppm up by 4.7(1.09%) from the previous year's same date.
Current direct measurement CH4 post 1950 April 2022 show April 2022: 1909.9 ppb April 2021: 1891.2 ppb source of these gases industrial(man made)

The problem is whilst Face(waste of time and effort)book very bad selective nonpeer reviewed lay person armchair science of nonsense focuses on CO2. There exists other types of manmade GHGs they prefer to ignore. For explosive CH$ one molecule heat absorption equals 25 times that of a single CO2 molecule.
hear is a more complete list of GHGs pollutants
1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
2. Methane (CH4)
3. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) car(ICE) 25%/farm pollutant 75%
4. Dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2) Freon-12 Banned in 1994 limited in use to two specific tasks
5. Chlorodifluoromethane (CHClF2)
6. Tetrafluoromethane (CF4)
7. Hexafluoroethane (C2F6) semiconductor industry, and is sourced from byproducts of aluminum production processes. It has a 10,000-year atmospheric lifespan and a global warming potential of 9,200 Prior to industrialization, this gas did not exist in the atmosphere. Humans may suffocate around this gas, if exposed to high concentrations.
8. Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)
9. Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3)
10. Ozone (O3) Tropospheric ozone, however, is a greenhouse gas mix with Carbon monoxide equals photochemical smog.
11. Water Vapor (H2O)
CO2 from fossil fuel consumption is the best known source of greenhouse gas, though certainly not the only one.

Would I believe 99.9985% of the information on Face(waste of time and effort)book? Not unless that information originates from fully accredited well known and documented scientific research institutes. For example Academy of Science Russian Federation.

Not one science misinformation data supplied by conspiracy "that which is too good to be true" theorists on Wastebook can pass Occam's Razor Test.

There exists currently 217 fallacy arguments denying climate change. Every current documented fallacy argument of denial. Is debunked
Your myth Increasing CO2 has little to no effect

"While major green house gas H2O substantially warms the Earth, minor green house gases such as CO2 have little effect.... The 6-fold increase in hydrocarbon use since 1940 has had no noticeable effect on atmospheric temperature ... " (Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide)

Simplified version: An enhanced greenhouse effect from CO2 has been confirmed by multiple lines of empirical evidence.

Whilst we all love conspiracy theories. 99.9985% of said theories suffer from logic bombs the size of the "Gulf Of Mexico".

Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Aug 31 2022 2:49 utc | 81

The bystander reaction to a publicly ongoing crime in India is that most men will immediately jump in to assist - as they expect others to do the same when they are the victim. How 180 degree different in China thanks to the CCP regime:
Women and kids watch out there!

Posted by: Antonym | Aug 31 2022 6:17 utc | 82

@ Antonym | Aug 31 2022 6:17 utc | 82

you are a one trick pony antonym.... you are blinded by your hatred of china...

Posted by: james | Aug 31 2022 16:14 utc | 83

@ James 83

Did you watch those private mobile video clips from China? Probably not, a real blind CCP groupie.
I don't hate the Chinese at all, just Xi Jinping and his ilk.

Posted by: Antonym | Aug 31 2022 16:26 utc | 84

@Bad Deal Motors On #81
You continue to repeat what you are told as opposed to understand what is actually there.
Pure greenhouse effect from CO2 doubling would only increase temperatures by 0.8 to 2 degrees C.
All of the IPCC projections assume a net positive climate feedback - hence the much larger temperature projections.
This assumption is not backed by any form of precedent or verifiable science.
The net global temperature increase since 1880 or so is 1.3 degrees C even as CO2 went from 291 in 1880 to 421 today.
The world does not have enough fossil fuel reserves to go from 421 to 842 - which is what the next doubling of CO2 would require.
Thus you are doing nothing but fighting a straw man.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 31 2022 16:26 utc | 85

And yet again - more proof that those who actually see unfolding events clearly are not in the US leadership or on the "progressive" or "liberal" side, but are conservative:

Neronian Ruling Class Fiddles While West Burns

West is on the brink of economic catastrophe because of self-defeating energy sanctions on Russia


Yesterday in Rome, I talked to a couple of Poles who are terrified of the coming winter. If you are Polish and have the possibility of burning firewood, you are stocking up on it. But very many Poles do not. Nor can they burn coal in their flats for heat. What are they going to do? They're not sure.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Russia is rolling in cash from selling oil and gas in this current market. David "Spengler" Goldman states the obvious -- which is by no means obvious to European and American leaders, but which is already becoming painfully clear to ordinary Europeans:

Capital Economics estimates that Russia can sell 1/5 of its pre-war volume of hydrocarbon exports and make the same money. The Russia sanctions have to rank as the biggest own goal in living memory.

As rich as the West is, it can't keep its people warm in the winter by burning cash. And so, European households are now being forced to ask if freezing in the dark for Ukraine is something they really want to do.


"Democracy! Whiskey! Sexy!" 'Memba that? I do. George W. Bush and his government led the United States into this catastrophe. We spent blood and vast sums of treasure for this. Because see, we are America, we are the West, and as Karl Rove told the New York Times on background back in 2004, "We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality."


Never, ever forget who has caused these catastrophes: the ruling class of most Western countries (Hungary is a notable exception). It was the United States leadership -- primarily the Republicans, but most Democrats went along -- that led us into the humiliating defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq. (I don't have any time for Republican partisans today who blame Biden for the shitshow of Afghanistan; I'm happy to give him grief, but we can't forget that Afghanistan was unwinnable, if by "winnable" we mean establishing a stable liberal democracy.) It is the Biden Administration, aided by Republicans in the Senate, that has been pouring money and weaponry into Ukraine, and it is the US political leadership, as well as the European Union leadership, that has pressed this catastrophic policy of energy sanctions on Russia -- a policy that is now going to immiserate Europeans this winter, and destroy their economies.


Victor Orban quote
Western strategy in this war is based on four pillars. It is a sensible strategy on paper, and perhaps even has numbers to back it up. The first was that Ukraine cannot win a war against Russia on its own, but it can do so with training from the Anglo-Saxons and with NATO weapons. That was the first claim.

The second strategic claim was that sanctions would weaken Russia and destabilise the leadership in Moscow.

The third strategic element was that – although they would also affect us – we would be able to deal with the economic consequences of the sanctions, so that they would be hurt more and we would be hurt less.

And the fourth strategic consideration was that the world would line up behind us, because we were in the right.

As a result of this excellent strategy, however, today the situation is that we are sitting in a car with four flat tyres. It is absolutely clear that the war cannot be won like this.

The Ukrainians will never win a war against Russia with American training and weapons. This is simply because the Russian army has asymmetric superiority.

The second fact that we must face up to is that the sanctions are not destabilising Moscow.

The third is that Europe is in trouble: economic trouble, but also political trouble, with governments falling like dominoes. Just since the outbreak of the war, the British, the Italian, the Bulgarian and the Estonian governments have fallen. And autumn is still ahead of us. The big price rise came in June, when energy prices doubled. The effects of this on people’s lives, which are creating discontent, are only just beginning to arrive, and we have already lost four governments.

And finally, the world is not only not with us, it is demonstrably not with us. Historically the Americans have had the ability to pick out what they identify as an evil empire and to call on the world to stand on the right side of history – a phrase which bothers us a little, as this is what the communists always said. This ability that the Americans used to have of getting everyone on the right side of the world and of history, and then the world obeying them, is something which has now disappeared. Most of the world is demonstrably not on that side: not the Chinese, the Indians, the Brazilians, South Africa, the Arab world, nor Africa. A large part of the world simply refuses to take part in this war, not because they believe that the West is on the wrong side, but because for them there is more to the world than this war, and they have their own problems that they are wrestling with and want to solve. It may well be that this war will be the one that demonstrably puts an end to that form of Western ascendancy which has been able to employ various means to create world unity against certain actors on a particular chosen issue. That era is coming to an end and, as they say in the bombastic language of politics, a multipolar world order is now knocking on our door


Do you get it? Do you see how we are being lied to? Do you see what our political leaders -- Democrats and Republicans both -- and in the media, and in cultural institutions, are doing to us?

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 31 2022 16:33 utc | 86

@ Posted by: c1ue | Aug 31 2022 16:26 utc | 85

The IPCC reports examine the evidence of climate feedback loops and the overwhelming evidence is that they are positive on the aggregate.

For anyone interested in the actual science of this, not just rhetoric around scientific practice:

And then the IPCC report itself which details its findings on positive feedback loops:

Posted by: fnord | Aug 31 2022 16:47 utc | 87

@ Antonym | Aug 31 2022 16:26 utc | 84

i didn't and i won't... i look at who is posting and all you have ever posted which is hatred towards china... i can't support your position here... if someone came and all they did was make posts of hatred towards india - i would do the same thing... i can't support any attitude that is totally one sided which is how i see your all of your posts as being... no offense, but i would do the same to any poster who i saw operating as you have done here at moa in your obsession against china..

Posted by: james | Aug 31 2022 18:01 utc | 88

@86 c1ue | Aug 31 2022 16:33 utc

Thank you. I'm always interested to see what the American Conservative thinks about things. And I've seen disparagement of Dreher but I always liked his writings, such as I've read.

That's a very straight-talking article, and his cite of Orban's speech meshes completely well. The Tucker Carlson commentary he links is also incredibly straight-talking.

And the point he makes, which I assume is also a point you would agree with, is that when the media is monolithic and weaponized to present a narrative and nothing but the narrative, then we end up where no one knows what's really happening...

...until it hurts bad enough to ask why.


It will be a tragedy that we witness in Europe over the coming months, and one wonders what we in the US may learn from it, as well as how much of that disaster will touch us here.

To restate that last paragraph the way I really see it: how will the people of Europe destroy their slave-masters, and how will the US population do the same? What are the triggering tipping points? What are the actions that succeed and those that fail?

How to make them pay for what they're making us pay?

Posted by: Grieved | Aug 31 2022 22:13 utc | 89

@Grieved #89
The key takeway I hope people take away from the article is that it clearly and correctly places blame on both Republican and Democrat past Presidents.

It also clearly points the finger toward a complicit media in the fog surrounding us all.

As for whether Europeans or Americans will act, the answer is yes.
But when, less clear and how - is the 64 dollar question.

This article talks about 5 lessons from history

Lesson #1: People suffering from sudden, unexpected hardship are likely to adopt views they previously thought unthinkable.

One of the most fascinating parts of the Great Depressions isn’t just that the economy collapsed, but how quickly and dramatically people’s views changed when it did.

Americans voted Herbert Hoover into office in 1928 with one of the biggest landslides in history (444 electoral college votes). They voted him out in 1932 with a landslide in the other direction (59 electoral college votes).

Then the big changes began.

The gold standard, gone. Gold actually became illegal to own.

Public works, surged.

Attempts to provide taxpayer-funded old-age pension insurance made no progress for decades, with supporters arrested on the Capitol lawn during the most serious push after World War I. The Depression practically flipped a switch: a fringe idea was suddenly embraced. The Social Security Act was passed in 1935 372 to 33 in the House of Representatives, and 77 to 6 in the Senate.

On the other side of this was an alleged coup by wealthy businessmen to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt, with a Marine General named Smedley Butler taking his place as dictator, similar to fascist trends sweeping Europe at the time.

These are not the kind of things that occur when people are sleeping well and have stable jobs. It’s not until your life is upended, your hopes dashed, your dreams uncertain that people begin taking ideas they’d never consider before seriously.

Nowhere was this more powerful than in Germany, where the Great Depression was preceded by a devastating hyperinflation that destroyed all paper wealth.

The book What We Knew interviews German civilians after World War II, seeking to understand how one of the most civilized cultures turned so sharp, so quickly, and committed the worst atrocities in history:

[Interviewer]: At the beginning of this interview, you said that most grown-ups welcomed Hitler’s measures.

[German civilian]: Yes, clearly. One has to remember that in 1923 we had the inflation … nobody had anything, everybody was unhappy. Then Adolf came to power with his new idea. For most that was indeed better. People who hadn’t had a job for years had a job. And then the people were all for the system. When someone helps you get out of an emergency situation and into a better life, then you’re going to give them your support. Do you think people would then say, “This is all such nonsense. I’m against that”? No. That doesn’t happen. How things were done later on is something else. But the people at that time were happy, even full of enthusiasm, and they all joined in.

These are some of the most extreme examples that exist. But the idea that people who are under stress quickly embracing ideas and goals they never would during calm times has left its fingerprints all over history.

The other 5 lessons are much weaker:

Lesson #2: Reversion to the mean occurs because people persuasive enough to make something grow don’t have the kind of personalities that allow them to stop before pushing too far.

Tries to say that determined people are what is needed to build and also what causes problems later. Ignores the real issue of psycho- and socio-pathy, as well as criminogenic enterprises and sectors.

Lesson #3: Unsustainable things can last longer than you anticipate.

Meh. No different than theoretical statistics not working well, in most cases, with real world gambling...

Lesson #4: Progress happens too slowly for people to notice; setbacks happen too fast for people to ignore.

This is actually a great point, but the example used is horrific: the airplane. Warren Buffet has said that the world would be far better off, financially, if someone had gone back and shot the Wrights before their plane took off. The airplane sector has consistently been a black financial hole...but its ongoing existence is well explained by its utility to the rich and powerful.

Lesson #5: Wounds heal, scars last.

Another decent point but followed with a series of really bad examples, with the Silent Generation behavior being the only one that is remotely valid.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 31 2022 22:49 utc | 90

The IPCC reports examine the evidence of climate feedback loops and the overwhelming evidence is that they are positive on the aggregate.

Posted by: fnord | Aug 31 2022 16:47 utc | 87

In my experience, an organization that was founded to study an issue will never state publicly that the issue has been solved, unless it also states that the organization now has to study an issue that's at least as significant as its original concern.

Thus, it's virtually guaranteed that the IPCC will perpetually assert that climate change exists. This of course doesn't mean that climate change doesn't exist. Rather, it means that the opinion of the IPCC on the matter isn't worth the powder to blow that opinion to hell.

Posted by: David Levin | Aug 31 2022 22:53 utc | 91

@fnord #87

Not the least bit clear what your point is. I have always referenced what the IPCC says.

The issue with the IPCC's assumption of net positive feedbacks is that this is not based on numerical or any other form of falsifiable or provable science, but on theory.

And the problem with this theory is that positive feedback systems are inherently stable and always prone to wild swings.

The actual climate, in contrast, is not.

The fact is that the daily temperature swings are far greater than even the worst case IPCC scenarios. If the climate is controlled by positive feedbacks, why do we not see wild swings?

The sad reality is that the "science" of climate science is far more like the "science" of string theory: unprovable, unfalsifiable, unrelated to the actual world in any way that anyone can find.

And we are to base generations of behavior on this? When they can't even get decade or bi-decadal predictions right?

The models built on IPCC "science" are almost all running super hot compared to reality - the sole exception is the Russian one.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 31 2022 23:01 utc | 92

More fun with conservative thinking:

Why Not A Jubilee

This crisis will not be resolved entirely (not even mostly) by unburdening debt-laden, low-wage, white-collar workers who were duped into thinking that their only chance for success was to buy into the government-university cartel; but neither can they be written out of the solution. What is required is a top-to-bottom, coast-to-coast revision of our society’s relationship to money, to debt, to value, and to ownership.

It is worth recalling, in the grand scheme of human events, how abnormal our status quo really is. For the vast majority of history people have understood that usury is not just immoral but profoundly dangerous. It is the kind of thing that kills civilizations.

Since time immemorial, protections against it have been written into law. It is condemned in Scripture in no uncertain terms. But the Bible goes further than just denouncing the sin of usury. It mandates a jubilee year, once after every 49—seven Sabbath cycles of seven years, roughly every generation—in which, among other things, debts are forgiven. God is wiser than man, and the rules He gave to Moses are both just and good.

Yes, the conservatives are talking jubilee while the "liberals" and "progressives" are not.

LOL Hudson.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 31 2022 23:05 utc | 93

And the problem with this theory is that positive feedback systems are inherently stable and always prone to wild swings.

The actual climate, in contrast, is not.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 31 2022 23:01 utc | 92

Yes, that is exactly why I don't believe in "climate science". It is contrary to observation, the global climate has maintained an equilibium compatible with life for quite a long time, and that is most unlikely to be accidental.

A simple example of negative feedback was mentioned here, with more CO2, plants grow faster and sequester more CO2.

Positive feedback is always "unstable", I think that was a typo.

That idea, that positive feedback systems (unless balanced) are always unstable, has consequences for un-restrained economic growth too, which for some reason nobody wants to talk about.

I view government as the necessary negative feedback mechanism to keep an economy in balance.

Thank you for your comments.

Posted by: Bemildred | Aug 31 2022 23:19 utc | 94

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock :

« If I give the promise to people in Ukraine – ‘We stand with you, as long as you need us’ – then I want to deliver. No matter what my German voters think, but I want to deliver to the people of Ukraine,” Baerbock said at one point.

“I have to be clear that this holds on as long as Ukraine needs me,” she said, referring to the EU embargo against Russia. »

Wow, what a Patriot.

Posted by: Featherless | Sep 1 2022 1:38 utc | 95

« We are facing now wintertime, when we will be challenged as democratic politicians. People will go in the street and say ‘We cannot pay our energy prices’. And I will say ‘Yes I know, so we help you with social measures.’ But I don’t want to say ‘Ok then we stop the sanctions against Russia.’ We will stand with Ukraine, and this means the sanctions will stay also in wintertime, even if it gets really tough for politicians,” Baerbock concluded. »

She will stand strong, even if gets tough for politicians. Never mind the German People.

Posted by: Featherless | Sep 1 2022 1:41 utc | 96

c1ue | Aug 31 2022 22:49 utc | 90

This is wonderfully written.

Posted by: Maxx | Sep 1 2022 2:24 utc | 97

james | 88

Factless opinions are so woke.

Don't be scared to look outside of your own fish bowl when you actually can, friendly advice. If you are in PR China you can't alas.

Posted by: Antonym | Sep 1 2022 5:05 utc | 98

@ james 88

i can't support any attitude that is totally one sided which is how i see your all of your posts as being... no offense, but i would do the same to any poster who i saw operating as you have done here at moa in your obsession against china..

In that case why are you here at the Walhalla of anti-US voices? LOL!

Posted by: Antonym | Sep 1 2022 5:33 utc | 99

Some historical / research info on the difficulties of understanding the meaning of, and the role of "Neoliberalism" in the world today - including that it manifests as Russia being distinctly anti/non-Neoliberal and China only partly so, and the West overwhelmingly so.

Referring to comments on including :

Craig Murray: Marx Was Right Posted by: bevin | Aug 31 2022 21:21 utc | 150
and Posted by: bevin | Aug 31 2022 21:38 utc | 158
and Posted by: Nobody | Aug 31 2022 21:58 utc | 163
"With respect to Ukraine and the neoliberal project's inability to do anything without war..."
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Aug 31 2022 22:14 utc | 166
"It's official. Craig Murray is a total idiot.
Posted by: Scorpion | Aug 31 2022 23:03 utc | 171
"In what way does the word 'neo-liberalism' have anything to do with deliberately concentrating wealth amid general poverty? Is it a deliberate con? Or what? What's 'liberal' about that, or 'neo' for that matter? "
Posted by: Scorpion | Aug 31 2022 23:07 utc | 173
"IMO the gibberish comes from who ever is using the language, either intentionally to disinform and confuse or unintentionally due to poor education or having been propagandised for a lifetime. Using language correctly is like everything else in life. I appreciate the posters here who attempt to define the terms we throw around. [...]"
Posted by: K | Aug 31 2022 23:17 utc | 175
" It's perfectly easy for me to understand. I'm not sure what the disconnect is. The neoliberal economic and political order that took off w/ Reagan and Thatcher is designed to concentrate wealth in as few hands as possible through the mechanisms Murray both describes and alludes to. "
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Aug 31 2022 23:18 utc | 176
"Sociopaths are functionally a different species, as alluded to in Peter Watts book “Blindsight”. They must be identified and isolated as such if humanity is to have a future. "
Posted by: Moaobserver | Aug 31 2022 23:25 utc | 177
" Going to comment on political terminology, but where it belongs on the open thread "
Posted by: watcher | Aug 31 2022 23:30 utc | 179
and Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Aug 31 2022 23:36 utc | 181
" Well first, I think the word 'neoliberal' is wrong, at least the way he defined it (ie neo and liberal do not mean what he says the word means) but which I think is right (in terms of how the word is used). "
Posted by: Scorpion | Sep 1 2022 1:06 utc | 188

1) Basics Neoliberalism explained 4mins

2) How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Meltdown (w/ Philip Mirowski)
@4:40 [...] the labels that Americans use are amazingly confused about politics you know what is a liberal what is a libertarian and of course what is the neoliberal so let's let's try to make it a little bit more clear is that eventually what happens in neoliberalism was it's a it's a political position that does not believe in laissez faire anymore it believes in the market but it believes that you have to have a strong state and that the neoliberal have to take over the strong state to impose the kind of market society that they think would be ideal [...]

3) The Neoliberal Optimism Industry gaslights us into complacency and political impotence. Today, we’ll be speaking with Dr. Jason Hickel, anthropologist, author, and fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
" So we’re all concerned about global poverty and human suffering, etcetera. But what’s really causing these problems? So the aid discourse makes it seem as though what’s needed is like little technocratic fixes here and there, some more malaria bed nets here and there, but it distracts our attention away from the fundamental structure of the international economy and you know, the rules that govern international trade and that’s really what needs to be addressed because effectively if you look into the way that that system operates, it’s effectively designed in such a way that facilitates the siphoning of wealth and cheap labor and resources from the South to the North."

4) @jasonhickel Professor at ICTA-UAB and Visiting Senior Fellow at LSE • Author of THE DIVIDE and LESS IS MORE • Global inequality, political economy and ecological economics

5) Glenn Greenwald: The Neoliberal War on Dissent in the West February 22, 2022
Those who most flamboyantly proclaim that they are fighting fascists continue to embrace and wield the defining weapons of despotism
"Indeed, to suggest that a Western democracy has descended to the same level of authoritarian repression as the West’s official enemies is to assert a proposition deemed intrinsically absurd or even vaguely treasonous. The implicit guarantor of this comforting framework is democracy. Western countries, according to this mythology, can never be as repressive as their enemies because Western governments are at least elected democratically."

6) The Road from Mont Pélerin: the Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective, edited by Philip Mirowski, of the University of Notre Dame, and Dieter Plehwe, of the Social Science Research Center in Berlin.
"What Hayek had in mind was an association of scholars involved in “an international academy of political philosophy.” What he produced was something more. From a tiny band of dissidents, apparently without influence in a sphere of public policy world then dominated by economists John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter, Gunnar Myrdal and political scientist Harold Laski, members of the society grew in stature and influence until they, not the planners whom they criticized, had become the source of the dominant political orthodoxy in much of the world."

7) The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective
Identifying Self-Conscious Neoliberals in Time and Space: Studying the Mont Pèlerin Society
Neoliberalism must be approached primarily as a historical “thought collective” of increasingly global proportions.

8) Prof. Philip Mirowski - Life and Debt: Living through the Financialisation of the Biosphere
"Let me put it this way. For neoliberals, income is always going to be unequal and the more unequal, the better because that just gives people more incentive to struggle and try to climb the greasy pole and all the rest of it. Inequality is a necessary side-effect of capitalism for these people. If it's true for income, it's true for knowledge too. Chew on that.
Most people will be stupid. A number of them say this and write it. Most people will be stupid.
It's just the way it is."

9) This article examines the theories and practices of neoliberalism across thirteen aspects of
(‘things you need to know about’) neoliberalism. They include the argument that
neoliberalism is not reducible to a cogent ideology or a change in economic or social policies,
nor is it primarily about a shift in the relationship between the state and the market or
between workers and capital in general, or finance in particular. Instead, neoliberalism is a
stage in the development of capitalism underpinned by financialisation. Neoliberalism by its
nature is highly diversified in its features, impact and outcomes, reflecting specific
combinations of scholarship, ideology, policy and practice. In turn, these are attached to
distinctive material cultures giving rise to the (variegated) neoliberalisation of everyday life
and, at a further remove, to specific modalities of economic growth, volatility and crisis.

1. Neoliberalism masquerades as populist philosophy about knowledge and society: elevating a cosmos over any taxis.
2. But in reality neoliberals are elitists. When they really want to organize something, the
command hierarchy appears.

Neoliberalism, higher education and the knowledge economy: from the free market to knowledge capitalism

2007 Philip Mirowski "The Global Restructuring of Science as a Marketplace of Ideas"

Naomi Klein on Global Neoliberalism | Big Think 2012

Philip Mirowski -
" Neoliberalism is the idea that the market knows more than any of us, it's smarter than any of us. The real neoliberal prescription is to let the market do its thing over time.- Political understandings I would argue of nature and society come first. Science doesn't naturally support anything. There's neoliberal science and then there are other kinds of science."
"I think we or the left or whoever have to have an alternative to this idea of the market as an invariant natural information processor more powerful than any human cognition. If you can't crack that - see this is weird - that's not the thing that people most often think of when they think of this. If you can't crack that, I don't see how you can have a plausible, alternative, well-developed
political program which has short-term things, medium-term things and long-term things.
"I know you want the answer, right? I'm just trying to get you there first to see how strong they are. How's that for an answer? "

1997 Noam Chomsky - Neoliberalism & the Global Order (Full Talk - Original Upload)

2014 "Noam Chomsky": Why you can not have a Capitalist Democracy!

While Trump attacks the overt (Democrat/Clinton/Obama) Neoliberals doesn't change the fact that Trump Ideology is itself Neoliberal to the core! Neoliberals love contradiction, and confusion, and the "marketplace of ideas" fighting against each other. You can't get more "elitist" than Trump the Billionaire (can you?) sewing discord amongst the "unwashed masses".

2017 Donald E. Pease: The Cultural Fantasy-Work of Neoliberalism
"Neoliberalism, Its Ontology and Genealogy: The Work and Context of Philip Mirowski."

Posted by: SeanAU | Sep 1 2022 11:25 utc | 100

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