Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
June 30, 2022

No, NATO Will Not Get Ready For War

I had a good laugh when I read this nonsense:

NATO to boost troops on high alert to over 300,000 -Stoltenberg

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO will boost the number of troops on high alert by more than sevenfold to over 300,000, its secretary-general said on Monday, as allies prepared to adopt a new strategy describing Moscow as a direct threat four months into the Ukraine war.
Stoltenberg said NATO in future would have "well over 300,000" troops on high alert, compared to 40,000 troops that currently make up the alliance's existing quick reaction force, the NATO Response Force (NRF).

The new force model is meant to replace the NRF and "provide a larger pool of high readiness forces across domains, land, sea, air and cyber, which will be pre-assigned to specific plans for the defence of allies," a NATO official said.

NATO does not have 300,000 troops to put on high alert. The troops are controlled by member states and I see no willingness by any of them to shoulder the costs that a real high alert status would have. Units on high alert means that they fully manned with no one on vacation and with enough supplies ready to sustain weeks of battle. All of that costs money. Member states will instead designate existing units as 'high alert' ones and change nothing else in their usual equipment and training.

The statement is pure NATO public relations fluff. Stoltenberg did not even ask or inform member states before he made that announcement:

Stoltenberg’s announcement caught the top defense officials of many NATO members off guard, leading them to question which of their forces, if any, were being included in the 300,000 figure.

“Maybe it’s number magic?” said one senior European defense official, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk frankly about the confusion.

Several senior European security policymakers said they were taken by surprise, with no advance notice of the plan to expand NATO’s quick-response force from its current size of 40,000 in light of the Ukraine war and Russia’s ongoing military threats to NATO territory.

This was one of the ideas that are typical for NATO bureaucrats who live in their own fantasy world. They are the reason why the French president Macron has called NATO 'brain dead'. And no, it is really nothing more than an idea:

A NATO official, speaking on the condition of anonymity per the alliance’s ground rules, said that country-specific numbers still needed pinning down. Even the 300,000 total is theoretical for the moment: “The concept has not been fully worked up yet,” the official said. “We will have to do more to build up the model before we can work out what national commitments can be.”

Even so, German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht has already said her country will offer up 15,000 troops — a full division.

Lambrecht offered nothing. She will put the fake 'high alert' label on an existing division and change nothing else. That she did this is actually quite revealing. If Germany as one of the bigger NATO countries offers only one division size element where will the other 19 division size elements come from that are needed to make up a 300,000 strong force? Do they even exist?

NATO is just a shadow of its former self. Member states now have only a few troops that can be designated to work under NATO. Even those lack ammunition and depot weapons to make up for eventually losses. Some now even lack the industries to make more systems and grenades. They are also unable to make new ones that are fit for their purposes.

Neither of the big or small 'modern' weapons that were given to Ukraine has made a difference. The Javelins had empty batteries, the British NLAW anti-tank weapons were too weak to defeat Russian armor. Switchblade suicide drones are not controllable under Russian electronic warfare conditions. Stinger missiles have heat sensors that are too slow to acquire a fast moving target. The 'light' howitzer M-777 are too light for real battle conditions and tend to break.

NATO countries have put too much money into their air forces which will be unable to break through Russia's excellent air defenses. NATO's air defense is in contrast too weak. Just ask the Saudis how well their Patriot systems worked against Yemeni drones. Those systems can do nothing against Russia's medium range missiles. System like Iskander and Kalibr, of which Russia has many, are hard to find in NATO armies.

What is the last time NATO units have trained under electronic warfare conditions?

The New York Times interviewed nearly two dozen Ukrainian soldiers over the last several weeks who all pointed to similar problems: Russians jammed their radios constantly; they didn’t have enough communication gear; and they often had difficulty getting through to a commander to call for artillery support. Talking to units stationed nearby was also an issue, they said, which has led to Ukrainian forces occasionally firing on one another.
The General said that his two off-the-shelf radios were jammed constantly.

“They would use the stronger signal on the same frequency,” he said.

Troops in more specialized units have been issued U.S.-supplied encrypted radios and can speak to one another unhindered, one soldier said, but the radio’s high output means the Russians can find the locations they are broadcasting from.

“This is why we stopped communicating and only communicated the necessary minimum, such as if an evacuation was needed or an urgent help,” the soldier, who goes by the name Raccoon, added.

Materially NATO is not ready to fight. Politically it is also not ready.

John Helmer quotes excerpts from an interview with the former chief of staff of the Polish army, Miecyslaw Gocul:

You complain, and [NATO Secretary-General] Jens Stoltenberg has announced: “The NATO summit in Madrid will be groundbreaking. With a new strategic concept, we will make a fundamental change in NATO’s deterrence and defense.”

Before the NATO summit in Warsaw [in 2016]), at the Pact’s military committee, I asked Stoltenberg: what will be the guarantees for the eastern flank? He replied with a question: what else does Poland expect? I said straight out: security and prosperity, which is what the rest of us sitting at the table want.”

“Just like then, I hear the same slogans today, such as ‘do more with less’. There are also other fine-sounding calls, but these are only political slogans calculated for a positive public reaction and minimizing costs. They do not really bring about any political and military solutions.
Now the tension between Russia and Lithuania is growing, because the sanctions are blocking the Kaliningrad Oblast more and more. Could this be a hotspot?

If Putin wanted to start the war further and decided to cut a corridor through the Baltics to the Kaliningrad District at the Suwałki Gap, what forces could stop him? Could the forces of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland stop Putin? Not at all. Putin will not be stopped by the Americans, who are present on the eastern flank only in small numbers. I repeat, Russia talks and calculates only with strong countries and organizations. And NATO in our region is weak.

It indeed is. And except for few east European hot heads, everyone hopes that it will stay so. None of the bigger NATO member countries wants a large fight with Russia. That includes the United States. Why then prepare for it? Why buy weapons that will never be used?

On the other side Russia does not want anything from Europe. It does not have an ideology that seeks expansion. It wants to be left alone.

NATO is a cold war relict that was kept alive to give the U.S. some political advantages. Its real purpose has never changed: keep Germany down, Russia out and the U.S. in Europe. That will only change when western Europe starts to rebel against it.

Unfortunately the chances for that are low.

Posted by b on June 30, 2022 at 15:41 UTC | Permalink

next page »

NATO also updated its mission statement to read that Russia now poses the "most significant threat to Allied security," and said that strengthening relations between the Kremlin and Beijing "runs counter to our values.".

That's a classic of projection if ever there is.

Posted by: Jpc | Jun 30 2022 15:43 utc | 1

Ghost of Brussels sticks again!

Posted by: countrumford | Jun 30 2022 15:44 utc | 2

Thanks for the mention of JH.
John Helmer is undermentioned and underrated, yet highly informed.
Read his recent articles about the Skripals, for instance.

Posted by: bjd | Jun 30 2022 15:55 utc | 3

The West has forgotten that shortages are real, and that no amount of credit will conjure into existence things that do not exist.

Posted by: too scents | Jun 30 2022 15:55 utc | 4

thanks b....

nato is on the ropes! russia is giving them the ropa dope! this reminds me of the wizard of oz where alice meets the jerk behind the curtain... if the west is lucky they will see this too and drop the facade... i suspect the military and banking complex will want to soldier on, trying to make a killing while turning a blind eye to the killing there ambitions require.... more imf loans - wall st profit) more weapon shipments - military complex profit ) and more political posturing - paying homage to their corporate masters in these same industries... this is what the west has now become - a shadow of its former self.... the facade can't come down soon enough for this canuck.. stop the bullshit..

Posted by: james | Jun 30 2022 15:57 utc | 5

a repost

The NATO Response Force (NRF) was launched in November 2002 at the Alliance’s Prague Summit.
The brainchild of US defense leaders, the NRF was intended to strengthen NATO’s readiness and responsiveness as well as act as a catalyst for capability development (especially in Europe).
goals (never met)
2002 - 25,000 NATO Response Force (NRF)
2006 - 12,500
2009 - 13,000 Immediate Response Force
2020 - 5,000 Very High Readiness Joint Task Force
2022 - 300,000 ?? no way

Many European allies have long been reluctant to devolve authority to a US Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) to employ multinational forces in the absence of a decision by the North Atlantic Council (NAC). This is perfectly understandable—sovereign allies are unwilling to cede decisions to an unelected US officer over whether to engage in war. . .here

Posted by: Don Bacon | Jun 30 2022 15:57 utc | 6

Christine Lambrecht is as big a disaster as vdL and AKK - but Germany does not need competency in the Defence Ministry as it is simply there to pay over the odds for procurement rather like a Saudi prince.

NATO is a Country Club for draft-dodgers and "never-served". Boris Johnson has no ancestors who fought for Britain - his father never served nor did his grandfather - missed two world wars and Korea and Aden.

Liz Truss is motor mouth hoping Biden will notice her and give her Johnson's job. Wallace hopes for a Defence Contractor Stipend.

It is truly pathetic. Quite why Sunak funds this vanity ? He should quit and walk away.

It is fairly obvious these clowns will get a war and it might be internal. It is hard to see how Western Europe will keep functioning. In weeks key industries will be shutting down - glass, aluminium - process industries that cannot survive energy interruption. Quite where NATO thinks it will obtain ammunition or weapons - France makes 12 Caesars each year !

Russia will simply have to TOS Ukrainian forces in the cauldrons so no-one is left to operate equipment -

Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Jun 30 2022 15:58 utc | 7

The battle for the simple minded minions: sounds plausible, strong and looks like leadership.

Appearance is everything in this battle.

What will be interesting will the message they concoct to get out of this mess: It's all Putin's fault and it is Putin's tax is simple but just won't keep everyone happy forever.

Posted by: James Cook | Jun 30 2022 15:59 utc | 8

USA might make more aegis ashore and THAAD near Russian borders.

Posted by: Lucci | Jun 30 2022 16:00 utc | 9

"Russia now poses the "most significant threat to Allied security..."
It's getting harder to take these gravely intoned oracular predictions seriously. What other threats does NATO worry about? Not jihadis - it funds Al Nusra etc. and gives them work to do terrorising Yemen. Perhaps there's a risk of alien invasion from Beta Centauri IV? If NATO collectively hung up its spurs the entire continent would heave a sigh of relief and get back to peaceful horse trading. Or to the long overdue anti-neolib popular revolutions urgently needed in many countries.

Posted by: T Paine | Jun 30 2022 16:00 utc | 11

Smoke and mirrors!

NATO - "keep Germany down, Russia out and the U.S. in Europe." Agree.

And Germany has agreed to keep itself down!

I'm close to despair at the quality of European leadership - agreeing to shoot itself in both feet to keep the US neo-cons content.

Will a winter of discontent change things? Doubt it.

Posted by: Don Fireneach | Jun 30 2022 16:01 utc | 12

can't help but think of this.

in any case, most rich assholes in charge of anything are technologically illiterate and fascinated by shiny things. these crap weapons systems are basically iphones that blow up.

oddly, i see a lot of parallels with my SO's job. they flushed up to $1m on some garbage software called "salesforce" that requires hiring or training someone just to use it effectively. it's a cottage industry for scammers who can get up to $300/hr just for getting a dumb certification in those particular magic beans. and of course they worship their iphones and dream of buying teslas.

the "do more with less" is also a classic example of what an asshole boss would say and what i call "blood from a stone capitalism". these same dumb yuppies spent hundreds on "custom bespoke toasters" (wish i was making that up) and thousands moving to a smaller office space but when managers say they need more employees it's "blood from a stone" time and suddenly money is tight. their recent "slogan" is "this workload isn't your fault but it's your problem". sounds like they have a bright future at NATO when the real estate bubble they're fueling finally pops.

Posted by: the pair | Jun 30 2022 16:02 utc | 13

Good analysis, puts things in context, which is often/always lacking where Nato/EU/US announcements are made. The Nato/EU/US hallmark: bloviating.

Posted by: Ernesto Che | Jun 30 2022 16:03 utc | 14

There are a lot of WW3 prophecies... speaking of a "latter days time" of "three great wars". And of Russia as being God's scourge on a guilty world. I blogged on it: "WW3 - It's Going to be Worse Than Bad."

It's all but certain that Russia is going to be victorious in Ukraine. What happens next will likely happen fast.

In any event expect next year to be a lot different.

Posted by: Citizenfitz | Jun 30 2022 16:04 utc | 15

b; You are becoming a danger to those that wish to control your nation into a war they know they cannot win. Alina Lipp has been charged with the crime of being a journalist. I hope you are considering leaving before they jail you?
There is much fear about Deutschland re arming, and that in itself is a reason for Russia to take out those advocating terror for Russia. Your country has ignored reality as a vassal for the US for too long and the future looks like changes in almost everything. They will be forced to destroy it again. This time they can do it with finance, but that won't be all if there is any more crazy talk. The actions have already created a war declaration in the eyes of Russia.
good luck

Posted by: Tard | Jun 30 2022 16:07 utc | 16

European NATO isn't ready for a big showdown, yet they are escalating every proxy situation...

I suppose what the US wants isn't WWII or WWIII, but another WWI. The Jens Stoltenbergs of the world speed it along eagerly.

Posted by: ptb | Jun 30 2022 16:10 utc | 17

"The NATO Response Force (NRF) was launched in November 2002..."

NRF. Pronounced Nerf? OK, juvenile humour, but really, Nerf?

Posted by: T Paine | Jun 30 2022 16:12 utc | 18

Lots of well informed people have the opinion that the West can not loose Ukraine and it is clear that the West keeps escalating this war. The Western powers thought that the sanctions/economic war would do the trick. But it has failed and in a big way. I assume that b is correct in his assessment of NATO, so where does this leave us?

Russia not only has a top notch military machine, it also has doomsday weapons. Really not sure what will happen if both sides must win and no side can back down? To put a finer point on this, Russia has stated that a world without it is not worth having. If NATO is as weak as b says, then they either stand down or go nuclear. Or they use some new angle like bio-terror weapon, a disease that only that only kills Russians as an example, which either the West has or is still working on. In this case, we are back to the doomsday stuff. Oh well, life on this planet was great while it lasted. Have fun on the way out.

Posted by: meshpal | Jun 30 2022 16:14 utc | 19

@ Paul Greenwood | Jun 30 2022 15:58 utc | 7

thanks.. i always enjoy your overviews... what does TOS stand for in this instance?

Posted by: james | Jun 30 2022 16:17 utc | 20

Posted by: the pair | Jun 30 2022 16:02 utc | 13

Slack FTW!
when the FLorida Surfside caper and the Salesforce Tower converge, state appropriators are ready to the rescue of all that is holy in US America.

Posted by: sln2002 | Jun 30 2022 16:18 utc | 21

I think the chances of West Europe rebelling against NATO are high. They have over 400 million people. Britain is a moldering corpse. The US is a corrupt brothel. Russia will supply their energy needs. De Gaulle showed the way: Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals.

Posted by: Richard | Jun 30 2022 16:20 utc | 22

Why then prepare for it? Why buy weapons that will never be used?

Jobs saved or created!

Posted by: sln2002 | Jun 30 2022 16:21 utc | 23

Worth quoting: Is it only my impression that Jason Stoltenberg is an extraordinary Norwegian moron? He speaks English like a simple-minded high-school kid. All he says is scripted for his narrow, russophobic mind. Whenever he is pressed to say something of his own, he usually ends up saying either something extraordinarily banal or something truly stupid and irresponsible. As, for example, when he once said that Russia wants “less NATO,” but she will get “more NATO,” his facial expression confirming that he is indeed … a moron.

Posted by: Konrad | Jun 30 2022 16:22 utc | 24

@ the pair | Jun 30 2022 16:02 utc | 13

i think i like your analysis better, lolol!

Posted by: james | Jun 30 2022 16:23 utc | 25

We've all seen a similar movie before, the west is a clique when the US as the leader. The leader is declining after decades of decadence, the chickens have come home to roost and it's pulling everyone down with her. Those closest to her teat will suffer the most, those furthest, even outright hostile might actually be the safest.

Posted by: nonsensical | Jun 30 2022 16:26 utc | 26

I think the chances of West Europe rebelling against NATO are high. They have over 400 million people.
Posted by: Richard | Jun 30 2022 16:20 utc | 22


Most of the population of West Europe are somnolent lotus eaters.

It will take an unimaginable (for them) hardship to wake them up.

Posted by: too scents | Jun 30 2022 16:30 utc | 27

This is from Mexico's UNAM (largest U in newspaper) jornada....says Nato is launching a frontal war against China and Russia.

Posted by: Chrisinte | Jun 30 2022 16:40 utc | 28

Hardship is probably coming this winter. But population of EU will be locked inside for covid reasons with soldiers on the streets, Australia style. And a pfizer a month.

Posted by: rk | Jun 30 2022 16:41 utc | 29

Tomorrow is 1 July. The countdown to the coming winter begins in earnest. Still the masses of Europe have no idea where the gas and electricity for heating and light will come from and will increasingly realise that the ruling upper class personified by Mrs v.d. Leyen has no answer for them. The prognostications for my utility bill: up 130 percent since last year and rising. The great hall of the European Parliament will not suffer the consequences. Anyway, who are these unelected parasites who who earn multiples of the average salary with all kinds of valuable pers which the masses are denied, starting once again with the faceless mediocrity Mrs. v.d. Leyen. The countdown begins tomorrow at dawn. Scared? I am.

Posted by: Quentin | Jun 30 2022 16:51 utc | 31

How often have you seen 60 year olds up for a revolution?

The situation in europe is such that people are old and tremendeously decadent. A society that goes along with tortuering kids (thats what they did at least where i live during corona) in order that 85 year olds are not afraid of dying is already dead. The young once have not worked a single day before they turned 28, have enjoyed their lives in total safety, are therefore full of intelectual crap and cant handle a word honesty without getting a breakdown. Once they finaly start working they demand a salary of 3000 euro plus for 30h because they managed a bachelor degree in movie science hence knowing nothing, doing nothing, no work ethics whatsoever but full of recentment towards the people on which the whole system rests.

The whole productive part of the society is either done by 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants or people on the country side who still engage in real businesses instead of 'something in the internet' or pr or marketing.

No my friend, their wount be a revolt. We have 33 degrees celsius here today and people are too afraid to take their masks of. These people will just whatever is demanded.

The immigrants who tend to give a fuck about the system will take advantage and built mafia-like structures (with the help of the ever enlightened soroses of this world)

The other thing: nato is weak. But thats not even the thing. For the first month it would be europe respectively the forces who are in europe alone. And i doubt that given the missile capacities of russia the us could ship their forces accross europe without half or 2/3 of them getting sunk right away. So no, europe would not be a match for a russian army. Now the billion dollar question: if anybody with eyes can see that, why would you continue to poke the bear? The blockade of kaliningrad alone could have been the point of no return. So why do you poke the bear?

Posted by: Orgel | Jun 30 2022 17:01 utc | 32

NATO is just a PR show which culminated in this shitshow with Finland and Sweden. The US will throw these and other allies under the bus when the going gets tough. Their parallel universe is completely fake: these and other NATO clowns are posing for media with champaign glasses in their hands while the prime of their military prowess, Ukraine, is burning.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Jun 30 2022 17:03 utc | 33

NATO will crumble under its own weight. Stoltenberg will destroy it with hubris.

Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 30 2022 17:09 utc | 34

among the pundits,
the quirkiest of gods!

John Helmer.
Dances with Bears

Posted by: Michael | Jun 30 2022 17:11 utc | 35

Posted by: james | Jun 30 2022 16:17 utc | 20

what does TOS stand for in this instance?

I think Paul was referring to Russia's military weapon:

Posted by: Seer | Jun 30 2022 17:13 utc | 36

@T Paine | Jun 30 2022 16:12 utc | 18

NRF. Pronounced Nerf? OK, juvenile humour, but really, Nerf?
I laughed as well. NRF = Norsk Rødt Fe (Norwegian Red Cattle). Stoltenberg would know.

Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 30 2022 17:20 utc | 37

@james | Jun 30 2022 16:17 utc | 20
TOS-1 "Sunfire" flame thrower as I understood.

Posted by: aquadraht | Jun 30 2022 17:23 utc | 38

May I just call attention to my Substack article last week, where I went into the question of rebuilding NATO capability in a little more detail?

Posted by: Aurelien | Jun 30 2022 17:28 utc | 39

@32 Orgel. Very nicely said.
What can potentially happen coming days ? I see the situation already untenable. Even though no one saying 'Give up' but western leadership's actions saying so.
I see a potential that an unruly subordinate of Zelly will breakup and potentially dethrone Zelly and will make up a treaty with Vlad. It will be in a losing terms but Vlad will show a lot of generosity to make the plan work. It will be a divorce with NATO for forseeable future for Ukraine.

Posted by: KD | Jun 30 2022 17:43 utc | 40

@ Aurelien | Jun 30 2022 17:28 utc | 39

In my #6 above I referred to a 2020 Atlantic Council opinion piece that said "Disband the NATO Response Force" and instead "The allies can make more efficient and effective use of their limited defense funds by focusing on building plug-and-play interoperability within their quick-response military formations." . . .here

Posted by: Don Bacon | Jun 30 2022 17:44 utc | 41

I love the logic of "NATO will not get ready for war". I mean, then what's the purpose of NATO? To get ready for birthday parties?

Defense is against an offense. IF an offensive occurs, then? Is it or is it not a war?

Posted by: Seer | Jun 30 2022 17:44 utc | 42

I wouldn't be so sure about NATO not getting ready for war: one of the main factors that contributed to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor was the oil embargo.

As winter approaches, desperation due to lack of natural gas would either cause either lead to a cessation of hostilities, or a major escalation. If past behavior is any indication of future action, the latter is more likely, and Sweden and Finland in NATO would open up a northern front.

Sure, NATO isn't combat ready to take on Russia and won't be for a long time, but the same can be said of the Japanese in WWII.

Posted by: Sid Victor Cattoni | Jun 30 2022 17:52 utc | 43

Won't happen. Nato nazis like azov will kill him instantly if he moves outside of plan. Not that a drug addict would sign a treaty anyway. It is possible nato wants to kill all regular army thinking it would be easier to organize terrorist attacks in the future. Or even attack Ukr, at least part of it, using poland or romania

Posted by: rk | Jun 30 2022 18:01 utc | 44

. . .from Foreign Affairs:
NATO’s Hard Road Ahead
By Charles A. Kupchan

NATO remains an essential pillar of an enduring transatlantic community of shared interests and values. It has amply demonstrated its relevance, efficacy, and unity in marshaling a resolute response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. It is now time for NATO to start moving toward a cease-fire and diplomatic endgame in Ukraine, in no small part to maintain transatlantic solidarity and guard against homegrown threats to liberal democracy that may pose an even greater threat to the Atlantic community than Putin. This pivot needs to be part of a broader effort to build a transatlantic architecture fit for purpose amid the interdependence of the twenty-first century. . . .here

CHARLES A. KUPCHAN is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University. He is the author of Isolationism: A History of America’s Efforts to Shield Itself From the World.

Hello Mr. Kupchan. . .I suppose your "cease-fire and diplomatic endgame" is going to be accomplished by liar Blinken assisted by Liz Truss and Ursula vd Leyen? . . .hahahaha

Posted by: Don Bacon | Jun 30 2022 18:02 utc | 45

Lack of natural gas or oil won't happen because of Russia. Your logic says that you cancel the contract for internet then complain there's no internet. Are you on white powders?

Posted by: rk | Jun 30 2022 18:05 utc | 46

Yahoo reporting that Biden announced Gas Pries will remain high till Russia is defeated in Ukraine.. Does he even know what he is saying ?

Posted by: sigmund | Jun 30 2022 18:08 utc | 47

"Why then prepare for it? Why buy weapons that will never be used?"

Because weapons sales are the whole point? Because they "know" it will never come to war ... that it's just a racket to transfer tax monies from the middle and upper middle classes to the 0.1%.

Now of course sometimes events outpace intentions and provocations meant as sales pitches (like Lithuania's current suicidal yapping) leads to action no one was looking forward to ... that's when toys and people get broken and empires (like UK and French ones post ww2) collapse.

Posted by: Caliman | Jun 30 2022 18:14 utc | 48


That's an informative article. Fluid style too.

Posted by: Citizenfitz | Jun 30 2022 18:15 utc | 49

@ Seer | Jun 30 2022 17:13 utc | 36 and @ aquadraht | Jun 30 2022 17:23 utc | 38

thanks you two...

Posted by: james | Jun 30 2022 18:17 utc | 50

@ Posted by: Sid Victor Cattoni | Jun 30 2022 17:52 utc | 43

NATO is certainly heading towards a war. The driving force seems to be to keep the 'western oligarchs' on top, and to prevent the rise of 'the Chinese'. Ukraine is at best an opening salvo. It is possible that if any historians survive World War III, that they may resurrect the name 'The Phony War' for this time before the World War completely erupts. The NATO pronouncements of hatred to the other side of the globe towards China show that this war is coming. The Chinese and Russians both seem to expect it. They'd like to delay, but NATO certainly feels that it is 'now or never', with never being unthinkable.

NATO is definitely heading for World War III. It is however very unlikely that they will be 'ready' for it. Given the slow turnaround times and extraordinary costs of their 'defense industries', it is unlikely that any of the lessons learned from NATO equipment in Ukraine will be in the hands of soldiers by the time World War III erupts. So, while NATO certainly appears to be heading for World War III, and with bells on, they won't be 'ready' for it.

BTW, at the beginning of World War II in the Pacific, Japan was very ready to take on 'the west'. Their Zeros outclassed any fighter plane around, both their dive bombers and torpedo planes were deadly, and the Yankee navy learned about night fighting and torpedoes from the Japanese cruisers and destroyers in places like Iron Bottom Sound. At the beginning of the war, the Yanks were flying planes called 'Buffaloes' that were accurately named, and their torpedoes tended to forget to explode, and it was Yankee steel that made the early deposits on Iron Bottom Sound. The Brits still used bi-planes as torpedo bombers.

Some of the more intelligent Japanese leaders were worried about what would happen once the industrial might of America got turned on full force, and later, that was what defeated the Japanese. But in terms of the military situation at the beginning of the war, Japan appears to have been quite confident in their military, even if they thought their best hope was to try to score a victory within the first year or so.

Interesting how each war appears to begin with 'the west' realizing that all of the fancy gear from the 'defense industries' was overpriced junk that needs urgent replacement? If we learned from that, we'd have poorer oligarchs, so of course learning is forbidden.

Posted by: Vinager Joe | Jun 30 2022 18:30 utc | 51

As far as rebuilding NATO's capabilities. Every time I hear that, I think about the non-military part of the US federal budget. Already unlimited military expenditure is impacting domestic programs, especially in the quality of life area. The social welfare portion, such as it is, sounds like it is vulnerable. Europe, it's a straight up either-or, to get more guns they will have to reduce social spending.

Much of the current policies seem like an attack on welfare by absorbing budget resources - unlimited immigration, privatization, expansion of the identity commissariat, etc - the blank check approach to weapons and military posturing fits right in.

Posted by: jhill | Jun 30 2022 18:33 utc | 52

NATO... 'diversity' I can see the Russian's running in terror as the rainbow hordes charge in red high heels and erect bayonets waving rainbow flags.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jun 30 2022 18:37 utc | 53

Michael says "A world without American Hegemony is a world worth having"

Posted by: Michael Hogan | Jun 30 2022 18:51 utc | 54

highly likely readiness

The new force model is meant to replace the NRF and "provide a larger pool of high readiness forces

And some magic weapons too?
Better drop that rock, Jens

Posted by: La Bastille | Jun 30 2022 18:54 utc | 55

Worth quoting: Is it only my impression that Jason Stoltenberg is an extraordinary Norwegian moron? He speaks English like a simple-minded high-school kid. ... Whenever he is pressed to say something of his own, he usually ends up saying either something extraordinarily banal or something truly stupid and irresponsible. ....

Posted by: Konrad | Jun 30 2022 16:22 utc | 24

I made a very similar observation recently. Almost all footage of Stoltenberg shows him very carefully made up and scripted. Just occasionally there are clips of him out of make-up and responding to questions in an improvised manner or even walking about - the spectacle is genuinely disturbing.

I’d go as far as to say that there is probably something neurologically wrong with Stoltenberg. Possibly stroke damage or a neuro-degenerative condition that’s being covered up by quite extreme management of his public appearances, all, presumably, to keep a pliant, near-simpleton gimp as titular head of NATO.

Posted by: anon2020 | Jun 30 2022 18:54 utc | 56

"NATO is a cold war relic that was kept alive to give the U.S. some political advantages. Its real purpose has never changed: keep Germany down, Russia out and the U.S. in Europe. That will only change when western Europe starts to rebel against it.

Unfortunately the chances for that are low."

Ha, that's it! That last sentence is the meat of this whole article for me. Western Europe has become a docile colony of the USA. And I don't see that changing very soon.

Posted by: Steve | Jun 30 2022 19:01 utc | 57

Is Kleine-Brogel a high readiness NATO base?

Posted by: La Bastille | Jun 30 2022 19:09 utc | 58

@T Paine | Jun 30 2022 16:12 utc | 18

Yes. Nerf.

1. (transitive, slang, video games) To cripple or weaken an element of a video game during its development (such as a character, a weapon, a spell, etc.).
2. (transitive, slang) To arbitrarily limit or reduce the capability of.

@Don Bacon | Jun 30 2022 18:02 utc | 45

> NATO remains an essential pillar of an enduring transatlantic community of shared interests and values

Is that how Ukie think tankies spell "crackpot religion"?

@anon2020 | Jun 30 2022 18:54 utc | 56

And then, and arguably more importantly, the central bank of Norway. Neoliberalization requires a special kind of brain damage.

Posted by: sippy the shot glass | Jun 30 2022 19:11 utc | 59

Posted by: Richard | Jun 30 2022 16:20 utc | 22

When I see this stuff I become very puzzled. Why exactly should Russia trust the Europeans ever again? Any rapprochement with renewed energy and raw materials exports from Russia, in effect subsidies to European industry, would simply amount to a breather for Europe to rearm to destroy Russia, just like the post-war era was revealed to have been.

The Germans have gone through three dramatically different political regimes over the last 120 years, and every one ends with them reviving their dream to destroy, mutilate and loot Russia. (In no way am I suggesting that they are worse than the Anglo-Saxons, by the way.) Only the banner under which the crusade against Russia is undertaken changes. Even Lavrov has recently come around to say - inexplicably late, since he's not mentally retarded, but better late than never - that Russia "will never again trust the West".

Why would Russia ever want a "Europe from the Atlantic to Urals" after what Europe has revealed about itself? I am baffled by the entitlement (in most cases unconscious, I think) that this expresses - that Europe can whenever it feels like it just reverse course and receive cheap raw materials and energy from Russia again, as if nothing had happened.

Posted by: Unnamed | Jun 30 2022 19:16 utc | 60

@ Unnamed |Jun30 2022 19:16utc | 60
Don't worry about "Europe from the Atlantic to Urals".

Russia will just unite european nations "from the Urals to Atlantic" and enlarge it up to Vladivostok

Posted by: La Bastille | Jun 30 2022 19:26 utc | 61

anon2020 @ 56
I’d go as far as to say that there is probably something neurologically wrong with Stoltenberg. Possibly stroke damage or a neuro-degenerative condition that’s being covered up by quite extreme management of his public appearances, all, presumably, to keep a pliant, near-simpleton gimp as titular head of NATO.

Sort of like the President of the USA? Does he need a cue card to tell him when to sit down? At least Nero knew how to play a fiddle.

Posted by: circumspect | Jun 30 2022 19:33 utc | 62

b stated that:

NATO does not have 300,000 troops to put on high alert. The troops are controlled by member states and I see no willingness by any of them to shoulder the costs that a real high alert status would have. Units on high alert means that they fully manned with no one on vacation and with enough supplies ready to sustain weeks of battle. All of that costs money.....

I kinda believe this is the leitmotif for NATO members to increase their defense outlays to 2+%, as Trump demanded in his waning days in office. Stoltenberg is simply using this Russian SMO as the excuse to comply with what the Empire wants.

Interesting to see what Turkey will do. Being the biggest contributor of boots-on-the-ground NATO members, are they going to increase their troops-on-alert counts by seven fold? Turkey just caved on Finland/Sweden, let's see if they have the backbone to buck this call.

Posted by: Oriental Voice | Jun 30 2022 19:40 utc | 63

Some of the more intelligent Japanese leaders were worried about what would happen once the industrial might of America got turned on full force, and later, that was what defeated the Japanese. But in terms of the military situation at the beginning of the war, Japan appears to have been quite confident in their military, even if they thought their best hope was to try to score a victory within the first year or so.

Posted by: Vinager Joe | Jun 30 2022 18:30 utc | 51

This is echoed in The Reluctant Admiral (by Agawa, translated by Bester), which reports Yamamoto's telling Japan's head of state that the Japanese navy could fight effectively for a year and a half before it would be crippled by lack of resources, and this turned out to be accurate practically to the day. Yamamoto (the subject of the book) also argued strongly for suing for peace shortly after Pearl Harbor, based on his (correct) assessment that Japan's position would only deteriorate if it kept fighting. (Incidentally, I've been lauding this biography for eons and suspect that many MoA readers would enjoy it.)

Posted by: David Levin | Jun 30 2022 19:45 utc | 64

I dunno, Turkey seems to be coming out ahead of everyone else here. They become the main bridge in and out of EU. Their economy gets rescued. They get discount energy from RF, compared to EU. Without having to do anything at all, their increases in relative significance in their neighborhood, because NATO is depleting their stocks to feed the bottomless hole they are now tied to, and Russia's forces are also partially tied down dealing with the situation.

Posted by: ptb | Jun 30 2022 19:46 utc | 65

@65 typo ... their *military* increases in relative significance...

Posted by: ptb | Jun 30 2022 19:47 utc | 66
Steve Kirsch, California tech entrepreneur and founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), has estimated that the shots have left as many as five million Americans unable to work, 30 million injured, and more than 750,000 dead, as of June 24, 2022.

Perhaps the reason USDOD cannot make it's recruiting quota(s) is to be found in the above...

I note that all the NATO/G-7 countries fully embraced the mRNA "vaccines".


Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Jun 30 2022 19:47 utc | 67

@ Aurelien 39
Excellent summary of all the reasons why NATO is just blowing smoke. And you don't even consider Western youths' poor fitness and educational levels.
Russia, on the other hand, because of its obsession with WW2, does have all these capacities.

Posted by: Patrick Armstrong | Jun 30 2022 19:54 utc | 68

Maybe more to the point.
His puppet masters don't.
And that's far more telling Sigmund.

Yahoo reporting that Biden announced Gas Pries will remain high till Russia is defeated in Ukraine.. Does he even know what he is saying ?

Posted by: sigmund | Jun 30 2022 18:08 utc | 47

Posted by: Jpc | Jun 30 2022 19:55 utc | 69

@ Steve 57
Cold and hunger might do it. We'll see.
The other possible changing factor that, as time goes on, the USA looks less and less successful.

Posted by: Patrick Armstrong | Jun 30 2022 20:05 utc | 70

Great many thanks, B, for this excellent essay of yours! Lots of enjoyable comments, too.


"The countdown to the coming winter begins in earnest. Still the masses of Europe have no idea where the gas and electricity for heating and light will come from..."

True, I'm afraid. 2 weeks ago, my brother gave me a little gas lantern as a gift. You know, runs on those smallish camping gas cartridges. And just by coincidence, our local DIY store has suitable cartridges on sale as of this week. It's only 200g of gas in them, but they're only € 1,50 each. So I'm stocking up on those, buying only 2 at a time so noone will ask questions. Who knows, they might come in handy.

Posted by: Scotch Bingeington | Jun 30 2022 20:09 utc | 71

Oops, @ Quentin | Jun 30 2022 16:51 utc | 31 ;-)

Posted by: Scotch Bingeington | Jun 30 2022 20:10 utc | 72

.... Sort of like the President of the USA? Does he need a cue card to tell him when to sit down? At least Nero knew how to play a fiddle.

Posted by: circumspect | Jun 30 2022 19:33 utc | 62

Agreed, air-hand shakes all round =)

A Joe Tzu / Jens Tzu double bill, the impending singularity of western socioeconomic decline made flesh.

We’re screwed, aren’t we?

Posted by: anon2020 | Jun 30 2022 20:20 utc | 73

Ostro Number 4: you speak of "Russian Crimes" to come. Have you heard anything about Polish crimes against the Ukrainians, or Ukrainian crimes against the ethnic Russians? (In the last eight years for example.) Why would you think that Russia is out to conquer anything which is not actually Russian today rather than defend itself against what is obviously NATO aggression?

Posted by: Nemo | Jun 30 2022 20:27 utc | 74

My take, for what it is worth (not very much!) is that nato is blowing this particular trumpet because the general apprehension is that Russia will be wrapping up this special operation fairly soon. So that when that happens, nato will be blowing the tinny second trumpet to say - "See? They backed down!"

It's not quite rushing to the front of the ongoing parade, but it is par for the course.

Posted by: juliania | Jun 30 2022 20:28 utc | 75

@Unnamed (60)

Why exactly should Russia trust the Europeans ever again?

Well, gee, could it be that Russia knows that present-day Europe has been occupied by the USA since 1945 (in the case of the Western portion), is run by CIA stooges and has no independent foreign policy? Was the purpose of NATO to keep the Russians out and the Germans down, as pointed out in this very article?

Posted by: joey_n | Jun 30 2022 20:32 utc | 76

Posted by: Konrad | Jun 30 2022 16:22 utc | 24

Jens Stoltenberg and not Jason Stoltenberg is one the most stoopid dog I ever come across.... and thank goodness he is a white skinned man from Norway (Norwegian...) love to see him remain as NATO chief I'm sure China Xi Jinping would love to wrestle with him......

China a century of Humiliation and continue to this day... does anyone really believed Xi Jinping is that stoopid and believes the fucking games being played "rules-based international order".....? Anyone heard of Eight-Nation Alliance during the "Boxer Uprising, the Boxer Insurrection, was an anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising in China between 1899 and 1901, toward the end of the Qing dynasty." It was Germany, Japan, Russia, Britain, France, the United States, Italy, and Austria-Hungary.

I believe the "Eight-Nation Alliance" now replaced by NATO, AUKUS, Quad, 5Eyes and so forth minus Russia.... anyone heard of..."Treaty of Aigun.." (do DuckDuckGo search... Yes, Russia was also one of the nation that Humiliate China and took much of China Far East rich forests and minerals...... whereas it contains much petroleum China now buying or will be buying from Putin's Russia... and the island of Sakhalin belong to China.... and much of Mongolia too...

Additional info.... Indians has always considers themselves as White don't believe me go live in Singapore and see how the Indians treat the Chinese there... White men trust Indians more than Chinese.. Indian more obediences Look at Google or Microsoft.. their CEOs...... BTW my kid an engineer in CA she was send to Bavaria Germany help to startup and trained the office there... they hired an Indian lady Human Resources (H2 visa) back at home office... directly from India... my kid was booted off and replaced by an Indian H2 visa... ... within mths...

Posted by: JC | Jun 30 2022 20:34 utc | 77

juliania | Jun 30 2022 20:28 utc | 75

Aurelien @39 link is worth a read.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jun 30 2022 20:44 utc | 78

Lord help us all. UK General Sanders the other day called for a full scale rearmament sufficient to fight a major land war in Europe. It's the 1937 moment. (Of course in 1937 the UK didn't have nukes.) Let's pretend the UK and other NATO countries, including the US, were willing to pay for the kind of forces fielded during the Cold War. Does anyone really think that any nation would be willing to pay the cost in blood that a war with Russia would demand? The US just quit a war in which we hadn't lost a man in over a year. I think this is even true in the Ukraine. People talk about the Ukraine losing 200 men killed in a day - a lot worse than anything the US has faced since Okinawa. But the Red Army lost 7,000 soldiers (not civilians) killed every day for four years during WWII. No Russian general today could operate like Zhukov. Nor are civilian losses in the Ukraine high using the grim math of war. Where's the equivalent of "carpet bombing" we saw in places like London, Stalingrad, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Tokyo and Yokohama during WWII? Nations don't have the stomach for that kind of destruction. And Russia has no desire whatsoever to deliver it, any more than Russia has desire to recreate the Czarist empire. Of course the US has already gotten rid of the ICBM Defense Treaty in 2002 and dumped the Intermediate Range Missle limitation treaty during 2019. (That was Pompeo - I doubt Trump knew anything about it.) So there are people "thinking the unthinkable" - let's hope they only think. And let's hope NATO realizes the potential dangers if they allow Zelensky to drag them into this war.

Posted by: Eric Bergerud | Jun 30 2022 20:47 utc | 79

Nice summary. NATO talks a lot of shit for being a cripple. Based on Putin’s direct response to Sweden/Finland, which wasn’t the rage the US/UK hoped for, I conclude that Russia is essentially ignoring NATO now.

He said it doesn’t really matter for Russia. Russia will match whatever force dispositions NATO places. And we all know that will be much easier for Russia than NATO. I’d also point out that some of these “rapid” reaction forces seem to have up to 90 days to deploy in the NATO doctrine I’ve read. Pointless. And you can rest assured that Russia is well informed of NATO doctrine. Beyond that, Russia just proved to itself that it can attack probably the strongest army in Europe, at 1:1 with Russia’s 1 being a collection of militias, national guard units, PMCs and regular army. Lithuania with a full Russian compliment and less requirements on civilians/infrastructure doesn’t look good for Nato.

Posted by: Lex | Jun 30 2022 20:55 utc | 80

sigmund @47--

Yahoo reporting that Biden announced Gas Pries will remain high till Russia is defeated in Ukraine.. Does he even know what he is saying?

Ya know, that might be the only prediction he gets correct since Russia will never be defeated in Ukraine.

Posted by: karlof1 | Jun 30 2022 20:59 utc | 81

the facade can't come down soon enough

I feel you, as I’m sure many here do. Even if the bullshit has been to our own benefit to the tune of a lifetime of easy living.

History teaches us, however, that it is extremely unlikely for an Empire to fall quickly. And in the unlikely event that the fall happens in the kind of time span some people are dreaming of… that would be a very bad thing for everyone.

Stoicism is your friend. Ask the Russians and Chinese.

I’ve taken a much calmer approach with Ukraine than Covid when talking to humans in person. Short, calm statements - no repeated rhetoric or intense arguments - add a bit of humour, agree that we are lucky. Don’t make the topic religious or taboo. It has started to pay dividends with how silly March headlines now look.

Posted by: Rae | Jun 30 2022 21:07 utc | 82

I just finished reading Richard Overy's new book "Blood and Ruins: The Last Imperial War 1931-45". As the title indicates, Overy believes WWII began with Japan's attacks on China starting in 1931 and over time spread to the rest of the world.

Similarly, the fighting now taking place in Ukraine may over time spread all over the world. The contemporary quasi-alliance between Russia and China does look very much like the quasi-alliance back then between Germany and Japan.

Posted by: Lysias | Jun 30 2022 21:08 utc | 83

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jun 30 2022 20:44 utc | 78

Thanks for the heads up, Peter. It's a well reasoned article. My post was to see the charade (rhymes with 'parade'!) as something like what the Iraqis were saying publicly back when the US invasion was on their very doorstep, only nato's claim seems not only a desperate ploy to keep the weapons gambit in play (as others have mentioned) but also so as to be able to counter Russian success with a "See, we scared them so they wrapped it up and went home!"

I have no idea if the rest of the gang and hangers on will swallow that scenario, but the Important People seem to be swallowing everything else. Thanks to b for providing more palatable nourishment!

Posted by: juliania | Jun 30 2022 21:12 utc | 84

@Vinager Joe #51
I would suggest reading Stinnett's "Day of Deceit"

Essentially Stinnett lays out a very coherent and convincingly documented timeline where the US sought to provoke an attack by Japan via provocations and an oil embargo.

Posted by: c1ue | Jun 30 2022 21:12 utc | 85

@David Levin #64
I guess the question is: what would Yamamoto have preferred Japan to do?

The oil embargo placed on Japan was literally strangling its economy - as Japan has no energy resources on its own land.

And while the US in 1945 was an industrial power - it is far less clear that the US of 2022 is still an industrial power without Chinese manufacturing inputs.

Posted by: c1ue | Jun 30 2022 21:14 utc | 86

It's going to be really funny watching arrogant Europeans freeze to death this coming winter, and then watch their parasitic economies fail and never recover. They've been getting a free ride off of the global south for centuries, but that time will soon come to an end. I have doubts that even severe reduction in their living standards will do anything to reduce their arrogance, though. Only a large scale denazification operation by China and Russia could accomplish that.

Posted by: Bulk Bogan | Jun 30 2022 21:14 utc | 87

It's very difficult for nations under high fiscal duress to properly equip a military when there's no ready existential threat visible. NATO nations when adhering to the several OSCE Security Treaties had nothing to fear, but they broke the treaties at the behest of the Outlaw US Empire and now face the consequences of their actions. Essentially, the situation remains the same as it was in December for those nations. The easy solution is for them to leave NATO and resign the treaties they broke; and Russia will say thank you and sign a reciprocal treaty. The Big Problem is too many have swallowed all the Lies and essentially have undying faith in what is actually a False God, or the Devil if you like. And that means it's up to the masses to exorcize then oust them.

Posted by: karlof1 | Jun 30 2022 21:20 utc | 88

The excellent American-Japanese coproduction about Pearl Harbor "Tora Tora Tora!" portrays Yamamoto as saying much what David Levin reports.

As a veteran of U.S. military signals intelligence (active duty Air Force and then Naval Reserve), I regret the role of U.S. Navy signals intelligence in killing Yamamoto. If he had been allowed to live, he might have been able to bring the Pacific War to a swifter conclusion.

Posted by: Lysias | Jun 30 2022 21:22 utc | 89

I've been reminded of a line from The Blues Brothers: "It's hard to eat corn on the cob with no f**king teeth".

In the same vein, it is hard to project power with no f**king aircraft carriers. Or to put it another way, a war with NATO would be worldwide, not restricted to the Russian border.

Do we really think the USA is willing to give up all its naval assets just in time to attack China?

I should point out that by following the thinking here I was also convinced that Russia would never invade the Ukraine so I may be 100% wrong on this too. I just don't see NATO actually engaging Russia directly: the costs outweigh the rewards by too much. However, western politicians don't show much ability to calculate risk vs reward, other than as a personal grift benefit.

Posted by: Occasional poster | Jun 30 2022 21:23 utc | 90

Are you on white powders?

Posted by: rk | Jun 30 2022 18:05 utc | 46

Nope. Slurping at the Funny Money Clown Show Trough.

Never look a gift horse in the mouth; sniffing the nether regions is my way or the high way. Joe Tzu.

Posted by: Scorpion | Jun 30 2022 21:27 utc | 91

I’d go as far as to say that there is probably something neurologically wrong with Stoltenberg. Possibly stroke damage or a neuro-degenerative condition that’s being covered up by quite extreme management of his public appearances, all, presumably, to keep a pliant, near-simpleton gimp as titular head of NATO.

Posted by: anon2020 | Jun 30 2022 18:54 utc | 56

Lying short circuits connection between head and heart diminishing expressive powers and functional IQ. Witness current Western leadership in Intelligence, Media and representative Leadership.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

That's why I always say: if in doubt.... You know the thing! Joe Tzu.

Posted by: Scorpion | Jun 30 2022 21:35 utc | 92

Yes, FDR provoked the Japanese to attack. But his primary purpose was to get the U.S. into the war against Germany, which he and his advisers considered a much greater threat. With the German declaration of war on the U.S. on Dec. 10, that aim had been accomplished. Thereafter, the war against Japan was a distraction.

If Yamamoto thought Japan should have sought a compromise peace six months after Pearl Harbor, I'm not sure such an effort would have been wasted. True, the U.S. populace was infuriated against Japan, but the leaders knew what had really been going on. And, without the Pacific War, Germany, the greater threat, might have been defeated a year sooner.

For example, D-Day, the landing in Normandy, was postponed for months because of a shortage of amphibious landing craft. Without those craft being needed for landings on Pacific islands, D-Day could have happened a year sooner.

Posted by: Lysias | Jun 30 2022 21:38 utc | 93

What a magnificent piece from b, at the point where fluff takes aim at reality. The problem for Empire will be learning that fervent belief doesn't make it so, that offhandedly changing labels changes nothing.

To make Russia's terrible label ("most significant and direct threat") seem darker still, MSM accounts add a pinch of counter-historical perspective such as "it was a sobering about-face for an alliance that a decade ago called Moscow a strategic partner" (from Yahoo).

Lookout! Maybe NATO plans a sneak attack while Russia rolls on the floor laughing.

Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jun 30 2022 21:51 utc | 94

The contemporary quasi-alliance between Russia and China does look very much like the quasi-alliance back then between Germany and Japan.

Posted by: Lysias | Jun 30 2022 21:08 utc | 83

I remember reading a long time ago that the Russia-China alliance has been deliberately structured as symbiotic in that neither can either survive or thrive without the other. Maybe it was Pepe Escobar writing at Asia Times in the early Noughties...

Posted by: Scorpion | Jun 30 2022 21:59 utc | 95

@Lex, #80:

Based on Putin’s direct response to Sweden/Finland, which wasn’t the rage the US/UK hoped for, I conclude that Russia is essentially ignoring NATO now.

Of course Putin's cool about Sweden/Finland joining NATO. There is nothing he can (nor want to) do anyway. If necessary, sometime in the future, Russia will just have to do more SMOs as it is reluctantly, albeit successfully, doing now.

The naivete of the West these days is their penchant for the dramatics in oratory, even if devoid of substance. They thought such dramatic antics will scare their opponents into cowering. Stoopid!!! But I guess such utterances sell in the West, and make the utterers look good in their MSM. Hence such zealous penchants.

Posted by: Oriental Voice | Jun 30 2022 22:10 utc | 96

The Big Problem is too many have swallowed all the Lies and essentially have undying faith in what is actually a False God, or the Devil if you like. And that means it's up to the masses to exorcize then oust them.

Posted by: karlof1 | Jun 30 2022 21:20 utc | 88

In an old edition of a book of quotations I had years ago (before a fire) the first entry by Pharaoh X was "wisdom through suffering entereth."

That first, I trow.

Know your enemy so to Hunter go the spoils!
Joe Tzu

Posted by: Scorpion | Jun 30 2022 22:19 utc | 97

Finland and Sweden don't matter. Each country only has the population of medium sized cities. Russia could end both nations permanently with a half dozen nukes in less than an hour.

Posted by: Bulk Bogan | Jun 30 2022 22:29 utc | 98

"If you're reading this you are holding the cue-card the wrong way round again"

Joe Tzu

Posted by: MarkU | Jun 30 2022 22:31 utc | 99

To wrap up our little discussion of Jens Stoltenberg (not Jason, as I called him erroneously):

When will this great Norwegian moron be sent to Svalbard to spend the rest of his silly life digging trenches in the snow? He will help protect Svalbard against invaders from outer space, and he will no longer threaten the security of Europe with his endless, moronic russophobic rants.

Thanks for your contributions.

Posted by: Robert Konrad | Jun 30 2022 22:40 utc | 100

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