Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
May 16, 2022

British Info-Warriors Kill Abroad And Sabotage Politics At Home

The British Guardian reports that 'black propaganda', issued by the British government, has helped to kill millions of people:

The British government ran a secret “black propaganda” campaign for decades, targeting Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia with leaflets and reports from fake sources aimed at destabilising cold war enemies by encouraging racial tensions, sowing chaos, inciting violence and reinforcing anti-communist ideas, newly declassified documents have revealed.

The effort, run from the mid-1950s through to the late 70s by a unit in London that was part of the Foreign Office, was focused on cold war enemies such as the Soviet Union and China, leftwing liberation groups and leaders that the UK saw as threats to its interests

The campaign also sought to mobilise Muslims against Moscow, promoting greater religious conservatism and radical ideas. To appear authentic, documents encouraged hatred of Israel.

Recently declassified British government documents reveal hundreds of extensive and costly operations.

This isn't all new:

The Information Research Department (IRD) was set up by the post-second world war Labour government to counter Soviet propaganda attacks on Britain. Its activities mirrored the CIA’s cold war propaganda operations and the extensive efforts of the USSR and its satellites.

The Observer last year revealed the IRD’s major campaign in Indonesia in 1965 that helped encourage anti-communist massacres which left hundreds of thousands dead. There, the IRD prepared pamphlets purporting to be written by Indonesian patriots, but in fact were created by British propagandists, calling on Indonesians to eliminate the PKI, then the biggest communist party in the non-communist world.

To run such campaigns, by issuing false reports or publishing faked documents, does not require much staff:

The IRD employed 360 people at its height in the mid-60s. However, its highly secretive Special Editorial Unit, responsible for the black propaganda effort, was much smaller. From its base in a nondescript office in Westminster, the unit used a variety of tactics to manipulate opinion.

You can be assured that such efforts continue today:

Though the IRD was shut down in 1977, researchers are now finding evidence that similar efforts continued for almost another decade.

“The [new documents] are particularly significant as a precursor to more modern efforts of putting intelligence into the public domain.

“Liz Truss has a ’government information cell’, and defence intelligence sends out daily tweets to ‘pre-but’ Russian plots and gain the upper hand in the information war, but for much of the cold war the UK used far more devious means,” Cormac said.

More devious than falsely claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction with the purpose of launching a war as the MI-6 did under its former directer Richard Dearlove?  More devious than running a 'Free Syrian Army' propaganda campaign as a cover for ruthless Jihadis? More devious than faking and promoting a 'dossiers' about the president of an allied country? More devious than running an Integrity Initiative to falsely propagandize Russia as an imminent danger to Europe?

I don't think so. Such stuff continues to this day and more is planned for the future.

For any nation the big dangers of such external operations is always that the same methods used in them can easily abused be for political purposes against internal 'enemies'.

Kit Klarenberg reports for the Grayzone that this is exactly what happened in Britain. Former MI-6 director Richard Dearlove and a few other insiders used leaks, false documents and propaganda to fire Prime Minister Theresa May and to install Boris Johnson in an effort to push for a hard Brexit:

Leaked emails and documents reviewed by The Grayzone have exposed the dimensions of a wide-ranging conspiracy managed by a shadowy cabal of hardcore Leavers to sabotage former Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal, remove her from office, replace her with Boris Johnson, and secure a ‘hard’ withdrawal from the EU.

The emails demonstrate that a group of operatives linked to the intelligence services and wealthy, reclusive pro-Brexit financiers spied on campaign groups, infiltrated the civil service, and targeted high-profile Remainers with reputational destruction. While the majority of British voters elected to assert their independence from the EU, this clique of mostly unknown influence agents sought to subvert the process and manage it according to their own elite interests.

Among their key objectives was to strengthen the security relationship between London and Washington, thus supplanting EU authority with more substantial US oversight.

The actors where all 'deep state' insiders:

The cabal appears to be led by Gwythian Prins, a member of the Chief of Defence Staff’s Strategy Advisory Panel, former NATO and Ministry of Defence advisor, and board member of pro-Brexit group Veterans for Britain

Prins’ bio on his speakers’ bureau advertises him as a “leading thinker on strategy” who has “worked with leading decision makers around the globe from business leaders all the way up to heads of state, helping them to improve their decision making by educating them on the complex psychological processes underpinning theses[sic] decisions.”

He is joined by former MI6 chief Richard Dearlove, who is frequently dubbed “C” in the leaked emails, a reference to the operational initial granted to all heads of Britain’s foreign intelligence service. At one point, Dearlove and Prins sought to recruit their apparent friend, Henry Kissinger, and his consulting firm as trans-Atlantic lobbyists for their version of Brexit.

These people are unscrupulous:

A leaked file authored in August 2018 by Prins spells out the cabal’s bold and malicious objectives in vivid detail. Motivated by a desire to “take the fight to our opponents, who are remorseless, by all necessary means,” its members sought to:

“Block any deal arising from the disastrous and craven Chequers White Paper; ensure that we leave on clean WTO [World Trade Organisation] terms; if necessary, remove this Prime Minister [emphasis added] and replace with one fit for purpose; cleanse the polluted civil service from top to bottom.”

Months later, in an email disseminating highly sensitive briefings for PM May on EU withdrawal, Prins instructed Dearlove: “Now kill her and it.”

The above named conspirators do not operate on their personal convictions but are mercenaries financed by shady billionaires:

Funding for what amounts to a covert political plot appears to have been furnished by wealthy backers including Tim and Mary Clode, an aristocratic husband and wife based in Jersey, a notorious British tax haven. 
Allegedly, Julian ‘Toby’ Blackwell, owner of the Blackwell publishing empire, also rustled up funds for the operation. An arch Brexiteer and multimillionaire who bankrolled numerous Leave entities, his Who’s Who entry lists his hobbies as “fighting Eurocrats and chopping firewood.”

The same people of course falsely claimed that the Brexit efforts the were secretly pushing were a 'Russian propaganda campaign'.

Britain is certainly not the only country where 'former' intelligence people secretly and openly run influence campaigns to push for certain policies. Just think of the 50+ former senior intelligence officers who falsely claimed that data from Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation.

I encourage everyone to read the Guardian piece and especially the the whole Grayzone piece and to judge on the evidence presented therein.

Posted by b on May 16, 2022 at 14:49 UTC | Permalink

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As an amazing coincidence I too have been writing about the British abroad, well in Ukraine. They are starting to evacuate the wounded from Azovstal - that's just breaking.

Posted by: John Goss | May 16 2022 14:54 utc | 1

That propaganda ain't "black." It's all white, all day, every day, yo.

Posted by: sln2002 | May 16 2022 15:00 utc | 2

When it comes to UK Government financed propaganda, let's not forget:
> Bellingcat;
> White Helmets;
> BBC.

Posted by: Henry Smith | May 16 2022 15:02 utc | 3

Posted by: Bloke from block 8 | May 16 2022 13:50 utc | 397

I'm not ready as yet to do a victory lap;
and I don't much care who's the financial backer of "" --one in 10M web-based sydicated story operators (Source: BUT I am intrigued to find it topping the first page of GOOG sesults KEYWORD "surrender". Every listing after that is a variation of "surrender is not an option".

The DPR announced the surrender of ten Ukrainian soldiers from Azovstal

Posted by: sln | May 16 2022 15:04 utc | 4

Someone at the BBC has a reminder set on their calendar to write another ridiculous story about "Havana Syndrome". Prior to Feb 24 these were coming out on average every two weeks for about a year.

Posted by: RootBier | May 16 2022 15:07 utc | 5

"For any nation the big dangers of such external operations is always that the same methods used in them can easily abused be for political purposes against internal 'enemies'."

it's not a "danger". it's inevitable. people who do these things don't give a shit about your citizenship, nationhood, or any of that crap. they don't stop being different people at the English channel than they are in Indonesia.

the western governments must be destroyed. no one is going to vote these people out of power.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 15:07 utc | 6

Is this the same guardian that has actively called for regime change in Russia and daily prints provably false statements and lies about the current SMO. ?

Black Pot and Black Kettle

Posted by: nobody | May 16 2022 15:21 utc | 7

Perfidious Albion is not an insult.

It is a sordid but well deserved reputation earned over hundreds of years.

Posted by: Ltexpat | May 16 2022 15:21 utc | 8

Why Russia must annihilate one and only one enemy to bring peace to Russia and to the world - evil England. .
Where are liar Blair bas-rd and his criminal ex foreign minister Jack straw ? Why are they freely roaming?

"After the arrival of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Kyiv, a possible meeting between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin has become less likely.
According to UP sources close to Zelensky, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who appeared in the capital almost without warning, brought two simple messages.
The first is that Putin is a war criminal, he needs to be squeezed, and not negotiated with him.

And secondly, if Ukraine is ready to sign any agreements on guarantees with him, then they are not.

This position of Johnson testified: the collective West, which back in February offered Zelensky to surrender and run away, now felt that Putin was actually not at all as omnipotent as he was imagined, and that right now there was a chance to squeeze him.

Three days after Johnson left for the UK, Putin went public and said talks with Ukraine "have reached an impasse."

It is the 'west' that is preventing Zelensky from suing for peace.

The 'west' has fallen for its own propaganda. It believes that the Russian troops near Kiev were defeated by Ukrainian forces. In reality they retreated in good order after the diversion they constituted was no longer needed. "

Posted by: Soi | May 16 2022 15:24 utc | 9

the First thing ( in fact the only thing) Russia must do is to kill as many English soldiers (and not only their hired mercenaries ), English spies masquerading as British and BBC journalists and mercenaries as possible as in shortest time. That will settle the problem of the world being destabilized by the England pirate island and there will be no more plotting for wars by English pirates. But Russia does opposite! It let English mercenaries escape safely from donesk (Debeltsov enckave) in Feb 2015!

Posted by: Soi | May 16 2022 15:25 utc | 10

Johnny Cash's cover of Nick Cave's "The Mercy Seat", with scenes from some classic James Cagney gangster films. What has changed since these movies were made? the entertainment industry, that's what. the state death camps have not changed.

the last scene of the music vid is fellow prisoners (I presume) reading the newspaper headline of the state murder of the Cagney character.

just a reminder that the whole shit show runs on slander. "I am the angel of poison," Mephisto in Mann's "Dr Faustus."

it's only because people's minds are poisoned that they can't look out their front door and taste, touch, and smell what they've been conditioned not to see and hear. Americans haven't yet even achieved the state of recognizing object permanence. and they never will, sitting in cars pumping gasoline into every molecule of existence. while armies of paid shills and liars (like Norwegian) tell them, no, you are not doing to your body, children, planet what your eyes tell you.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 15:32 utc | 11

Gee, Royalty, Spies, High Finance Creatures, and lots of grease involved in advocating Anti-Human and Treasonous policies. Seems par for the course, an Anglo-Saxon ritual if you will. Little actual change since Henry VIII. England's first Civil War clearly didn't create anything different--Royalty was reinstalled and it's been downhill ever since. UK citizens better beware as they're very likely to get singed by their government's war against Russia.

Posted by: karlof1 | May 16 2022 15:35 utc | 12

If this is true, or even partially true, these people are all traitors and should be arrested, tried and shot. Along with their sponsors.
I won't be holding my breath.

Posted by: pasha | May 16 2022 15:36 utc | 13

in a story perhaps more legend than history, Fabius Maximus acquired the name "Cunctator" because he "obeyed the gods" and not military advisors. how did he "obey the gods"? he paid attention to the weather.

hopefully russia pays more attention to its own history, incl its own "Cunctator," General Mikhail Kutuzov, than to the armchair morons calling for russia to escalate, incl use of nukes, etc. how poor are they who have not patience.

simply because the western powers are at war with themselves, as this article from the Guardian reveals. as does, of course, the coronavirus.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 15:41 utc | 14

rjbi.5 @6--

the western governments must be destroyed. no one is going to vote these people out of power.

Yes, that's what logically must be done. But it's not just the governments; it's also the media, the Big Banks, and almost every Billionaire that must also be purged if Pro-Human policies are to prevail in the 1/8th of the world occupied by NATO. On Sunday and again today, Russia has formally announced the West has declared war on Russia, although Putin said as much one month ago.

Posted by: karlof1 | May 16 2022 15:44 utc | 15

It's impossible for me to read Grauniad and keep my gorge down, so could someone with a stronger constitution than mine tell me whether the following suspicion of mine is warranted? -- namely, that Grauniad is publishing this to (1) presume journalistic credibility and (2) to imply that because of its journalist credibility (gaahh!) we should all assume that such shenanigans aren't going on in the 404 case?

Posted by: malenkov | May 16 2022 15:44 utc | 16

Prob not too much of a stretch to conclude that the same or worse has been and is being applied by the cretins in the US fourth branch of govt, the "intell community."

Issue is that these crimes will never be exposed because, wait for it,..NATIONAL SECURITY.

Posted by: Thomas | May 16 2022 15:45 utc | 17

@ malenkov | May 16 2022 15:44 utc | 16

i think the idea is to suggest this was in the deep past, lol.... it could never happen now... i can't think of a more corrupt system then what the uk, britian in particular is... royalty, jersey isles tax haven, city of london, and etc. etc.. it is one huge cess poll of corruption and deception.... i am like you.. i refuse to even open a link to the guardian.. that is being run by the intel agencies and vested moneyed interests...

Posted by: james | May 16 2022 15:56 utc | 18

Yes, the Empire’s poodle has a very loud bark, but it is just the poodle. My concern is that stories like this will be used to absolve the US of wrongdoing.

With that said, who wants to bet against the biggest uproar from this story in the Land of Perfidy being that less than effusive content was published about Israel? Priorities, priorities...

Posted by: William Gruff | May 16 2022 16:04 utc | 19

The English leadership class are a extraordinarily brutal and barbaric people.

Posted by: Exile | May 16 2022 16:04 utc | 20

“ for any nation these methods can be used for political purposes against internal enemies”

This is exactly what the Democrat party tried to do with the vaccination mandates. Biden in a prime time ranting speech with very fascist overtones called COVID a “ pandemic of the unvaccinated” seeking to generate public hostility against the leaders and people of the red states who had been resisting the mandates with much success. Fortunately like everything else Biden tries to do it failed miserably.
Now, we have learned from Russia that the democrat party leaders themselves including presumably Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama and Hillary were all investors along with Pfizer, Moderna and Gilead in illegal and unethical vaccine R&D in Ukraine. It is amazing that this information was so quickly squashed in the MSM.
These criminal psychopaths were literally mandating “vaccines” that they were personally profiting from. They were purposely under a experimental status to avoid liability. They used the Marxist Zionist media to hype the severity of COVID and thousands have now died or been injured by the garbage gene therapy.
When you connect the dots things seem to make a lot more sense. In China they would execute these criminals. What will happen to them here?

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 16:12 utc | 21

You’re delusional about Brexit. Virtually the entire British Establishment — the City (i.e. the financial world), the academy, the civil service, etc. opposed Brexit. The same is true of the GAE — the CIA, the State Department and all it’s offshoots right down to the Atlantic Council opposed Brexit.

If you don’t know that basic fact, I can’t take your analysis seriously. You’re as credible as CNN on the war in the Ukraine.

Posted by: Celt Darnell | May 16 2022 16:14 utc | 22

When it comes to UK Government financed propaganda, let's not forget:
> Bellingcat;
> White Helmets;
> BBC.
Posted by: Henry Smith | May 16 2022 15:02 utc | 3

> Nick Clegg, President, Global Affairs | Meta
> prorogation - "constitutional crisis" BREXIT litigation of the Crown in Parliament. har
> Cambridge Analytica - SCL Group
> BREXIT 2016 - "RUSSIAN interferenc"
> Tony Bliar
> Lend-Lease Act 1941. USD peg to GBP, 1: $4.00?!!
> 250 years of Thomas Babington Macaulay imperial historiography

Posted by: sln2002 | May 16 2022 16:16 utc | 23

About the Guardian.

Its two most popular journalist - Marina Hyde and John Crace- have refrained from writing about Ukraine.
(Give them a try)

Posted by: glupi | May 16 2022 16:17 utc | 24

karlof1 | May 16 2022 15:44 utc | 15
perhaps I should say "the state," not simply the public face of the crime syndicate, aka the "government".

someone posted at MoA, yesterday I think, a list of the R Catholic C's involvement in multitudes of international crimes, in the name of "anticommunism". there's not something different going on around the US flag-waving homefires with the social services, heavily dominated by the RCC in the US. "helping the homeless" or whatever is another feature of their capitalist self-promotion, obviously through their self-enrichment via the privatization of state assets. yes, they take over the schools because they worship Mammon, not b/c they give a shit about kids.

and thanks to their help, there are more and more homeless and diabetics everyday. that is not an accident. individuals and individual groups don't mean shit compared to what the system is objectively doing. try telling one of these dogooder do not a goddam thing busy, busy people this: your intentions, your actions do not change how the system operates, no matter what immediate and very short term benefits a person *might* get from the Twinkies and Ding Dongs being handed out. (hey you do gooders, where's all the opioids and meth coming from? China?!???? is the prison industrial complex part of the yellow peril as well?)

Something the great Russian authors figured out (at least by "Dead Souls"), during the transition from "the medieval" to "the modern", is that the real enemy is the bureaucrat. No matter what, in order to keep his place, the bureaucrat does nothing but mouth the mission statement of his agency or department and attempt to show w/every breath (and now every post and tweet) that he affirms the values of his employer. This condition is in a very advanced state in the US, because people cannot identify w/their broken diseased families, so they identify w/their jobs. And so people are in a constant state of terror of losing their jobs and do nothing but act out a Stockholm syndrome of seeking "reconciliation" with and "approval" from the "abusive father".

this may be one reason why further revelations of rampant state criminality elicit not even a yawn from the populace. If not numbed and catatonic, people who, by whatever measure, are "successful" are grateful that the violence of the state is being directed against someone else. It's ok as long as big daddy is whacking someone else.

The illusion, delusion really, of the omnicompetent state is very comforting in its own way, one that people grasp like a life preserver, but the state is certainly in control of what gets published in "the Guardian" and the like. The NYT is publishing stories on the tens of thousands killed by US drone warfare over the last two decades and the like, right now.

why? to rally the people to prevent such crimes in the future? or to condition us to accept their necessity?

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 16:21 utc | 25

I have no doubt that the British security services are behind a lot of disinformation, including this. Before she was PM, Theresa May was one of the longest serving Home Secretaries, notionally in charge of the Security Services. In fact she was being ‘run’ by them, in the form of her Permanent Secretary Mark Sedwill, a major league spook. When Cameron stood down after the Brexit referendum, Gove duly stabbed Boris in the back and the Times (which along with the Guardian is well known to ‘co-operate with the security services) did a hatchet job on Angela Leasdom - the Brexiteer candidate - leaving the way open for Theresa May to become PM and Sedwill to become head of the Cabinet Office and head of the security services and continue to ‘run’ her. THIS was the coup. For the next three years, Sedwill and the Remainiacs did everything they could to prevent Brexit happening, with the connivance of almost the entire British establishment, and the US, who wanted the UK to run Europe on their behalf. In a moment of Hubris, May/Sedwill called an early election, almost lost and was forced to step down. Boris saw which way the political wind was blowing and won the mandate - defeating arch Remainers Jeremy Hunt. No surprise the Times are pushing Hunt as a candidate again, along with trashing Truss (not difficult) and Sunak as well of course as Boris.
Sedwill was forced out by Dominic Cummings and now works for (couldn’t make it up) the Rothschilds as well as running a think tank that promotes the aims of the defence industry. As they used to say in Sherlock..Mycroft is as dangerous in his own way as Moriarty

Posted by: Mark T | May 16 2022 16:40 utc | 26

Obamavirus | May 16 2022 16:12 utc | 21
man the replacement of people like you with a bunch of Mexicans and Somalis cannot happen fast enough.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 16:42 utc | 27

Go eat a bag of dicks.

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 16:47 utc | 28

financed by shady billionaires:
Funding for what amounts to a covert political plot appears to have been furnished by wealthy backers including Tim and Mary Clode, an aristocratic husband and wife based in Jersey, a notorious British tax haven.

Appropriate enough link. There have been persistent suggestions that the push for Brexit was motivated by EU efforts to regulate tax havens, and the desire of the City of London, tax haven operators and users. Some of the most influential tax haven users pushing for Brexit and pushing against tax haven regulation by the EU are likely to be miscellaneous billionaires (especially any with illegal activities such as money laundering). One can well guess that the Clodes may be operators (by which I mean operators of funds, services for funds etc). One is tempted to suspect that their principle motivation may more likely have been personal financial advantage than geostrategic interests, although they might have used US-related geostrategic arguments as a cover for their own raw personal financial greed when dealing with their mercenaries such as Dearlove. In terms of abuse of powers and criminal intent, that is arguably even worse.

Posted by: BM | May 16 2022 16:47 utc | 29

On Sunday and again today, Russia has formally announced the West has declared war on Russia, although Putin said as much one month ago.
Posted by: karlof1 | May 16 2022 15:44 utc | 15

That is BIG. Does that mean fireworks? Any direct action by Russia against NATO is an escalation, and is likely to lead to a further escalation by NATO. In my opinion there are two scenarios. The first scenario is that Russia does a limited strike/strikes in retaliation for the role of NATO so far (sponsorship of the war against Donbass, attacks against Russia, direct role of NATO officers on the battlefield, provision of targetting data, training, weapons, etc), with a warning that considerably bigger strikes could be forthcoming if required. The second scenario is that Russia - in her own time and when she is ready, will issue all-out mass standoff strikes to disable NATO military capabilities.

Posted by: BM | May 16 2022 16:59 utc | 30

Posted by: BM | May 16 2022 16:47 utc | 29

An interesting point. There is this documentary called The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire. It does not argue for a connection between the Brexiteers and the "second empire". However, if you put it like that, nothing would make more sense.

Posted by: Jonathan W | May 16 2022 17:03 utc | 31

This kind of analysis always seems to leave out what I happen to think is the world's preeminent spreader of lies and propaganda, perhaps second to the USUK alliance: Israel.

Even Russiagate - if it was properly investigated - would have led back to predominantly Israeli interference.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:12 utc | 32

Interesting that the Guardian article was published just a day or so before the Grayzone one. I've read that MI6 influence in the Guardian is very strong and I suspect their article was put out to diminish/divert attention from 'Operation Surprise: leaked emails expose secret intelligence coup to install Boris Johnson'

Posted by: Ruth | May 16 2022 17:18 utc | 33

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 16:12 utc | 21

Marxist Zionist, lol. I presume you supported Trump and before that, Republicans. If there was one man and one party historically captured by Zionist interests, it was Trump and the Republicans. Not to say that the Democrats (and Labour) haven't also been corrupted in recent years, that is.

I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics it takes for you to square that circle since as a supporter of Trump and Republicans, one must also prostrate oneself to far-right Israeli Zionists and their settler colonial apartheid state that exerts more control over the US and UK governments than you'll ever be able to publicly admit.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:18 utc | 34

Obamavirus | May 16 2022 16:47 utc | 28
you are deep.

what year did the obama presidency end?

under whose presidency and in what year of that president did the coronavirus emerge? and when have USG policies re the coronavirus deviated one micrometer from that person's policies?

it's so funny that white trailer trash like you think that you are the pinnacle of human civilization, living in terror that someone would come along and replace you.

i never met an illegal who was such a piece of filth as most americans are. replacement would be a blessing.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 17:20 utc | 35

Posted by: Ruth | May 16 2022 17:18 utc | 33

Indeed, the Grauniad - once Britain's leading opposition paper - was completely taken over by MI6 in the wake of the Snowden leaks. Ever since it's 99% unreadable security state and "defence" dreck with a few fig leaf articles every now and then to try and paper over their new mission.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:20 utc | 36

They're openly advertising it now:

Seriously, watch this recruitment video for the 4th Psyop Group. WTF are they going for here?

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:28 utc | 37

Asia Times runs (uncritical) article on US Senate Armed Services Committee briefings last week featuring top spooks. A re-defined “axis of evil” is identified, as well as Global South targets for regime change (following Pakistan):

“The two top intelligence agency heads – civilian and military – put China atop a list of four countries they viewed as effectively joined in an anti-Western crusade. China was followed by Russia, Iran and North Korea…

In the US view, an implicit duel – pitting China, Russia, Iran and North Korea against the US, NATO, the European Union and Japan – has the makings of global warfare.

Major democratic countries have yet to take sides. Haines singled out India, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa and some unnamed “Global South” countries as laggards.”

Posted by: jayc | May 16 2022 17:28 utc | 38


You keep insinuating that I don’t recognize Israel Likud influence on the Republican Party. You must have missed a recent post of mine where I said that my opinion was that Trump had a personal interest in Israel that wasn’t really shared by his supporters. I said then that the influence had a marginal effect on his presidency. I don’t think the Jerusalem embassy or the verbal blessing of never built new housing in Golan had any real effect. however, a new intifada was prevented by Trump one in which Hillary had promised the Israeli oligarch Haim Saban that she would “ be OK with 20,000 Palestinian deaths in any such uprising” This was reported in the media in 2016. Obviously, the Zionists play both sides. Look at the pathetic clapping seals in Congress. Please do not forget that there are liberal Israeli Zionists.

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 17:33 utc | 39

Fresh off the keyboards..

I stated in previous posts, the best plan for Russia would be to aim for 1 Nato country to veto Finland and Sweden accession. It would also offer a much needed face saving 'golden bridge' to US/EU.

Turkey is the obvious ideal candidate, though given Erdogan's record, i am sure side bets on Hungary and Croatia are already being worked on

Posted by: Et Tu | May 16 2022 17:34 utc | 40

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 17:33 utc | 39

Like I said, mental gymnastics to apologize for Trump's utter fealty to Israeli Zionists. His entire cabinet were basically dual citizens, dude. You also left out the assassination of Soleimani. And if you don't think that Trump didn't make it his mission to crush the Palestinian statehood movement, I don't know what to tell you. The embassy move was huge symbolically and in the real world.

Of course there are liberal (and Democrat) Zionists. It's just that the DNC hasn't always pledged total fealty to them and catered to Christian Zionism; it's a somewhat recent development and you won't find politicians in the GOP willing to speak out against Israel at all; not even the Pauls (in any meaningful manner). Here in Texas, you can't even be a public school teacher if you support BDS in your non-professional life.


Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:40 utc | 41

“be OK with 20,000 Palestinian deaths in any such uprising”

When you use quotes, it should be something that someone actually said, verbatim. I'm no fan of Killary or the Democrats, but I can't find any such quote. What is your source for it? Frankly it sounds a lot more like something Trump or Kush might have said in private.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:46 utc | 42


You may or may not have heard that Trump wasn’t exactly a favorite of the RINO party. ( sarc) Hence his appeal among 75 million US voters and counting. Including me. I despise GW Bush. I attribute his cowardice to the deaths of millions in Iraq. Today, There are only 57 house republicans and Senator Paul who are standing against the corruption and geopolitical designs of the Zionists on Ukraine. I stand with them. To my knowledge, I am the only person here that has said that a new Israel in Ukraine is the ultimate objective of the Zionists.

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 17:47 utc | 43

Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:28 utc | 37
thanks for the video. quite disturbing, but part of the psyop is perhaps that there is no action, belief, value, gesture that is outside the stage they are trying to manufacture. but is that true?

Julia and Winston, is it true that "all the world's a stage"? i'm quite sure the producers of this video view their own sex lives w/one eye on the boss's frown or smile. "am i doing it right???" becomes a dominant question when "all the world's a stage."

and just because it's fun how people use the bard: Jacques ("as you like it") is a repressed, depressed incel who runs off to join the monastery, whose name means "jakes", outhouse, craphole. "his hose well kept, a world too wide for his shrunk shank". these psyop people are cowards. life's a duel, right? market competition, right? sitting at their computers making videos, all their stage a desk and chair and keyboard?

i got a psyop for them all: someone will give you some baby formula one day, and drive a tent peg thru your nightmares. Blessed Jael.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 17:55 utc | 44

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 17:47 utc | 43

More twisting and drawing false inferences. Rand Paul's objections to sending more money and arms to Ukraine have absolutely zero to do with Zionism. Gimme a break.

No, you're not the only one who has pointed out that Zelensky openly said he wants post-invasion Ukraine to look like Israel. We all know he means more than just a racist (against Slavs), apartheid settler-colonial security state.

The same goes for all Republicans who'd positively love to see Ukraine become Israel 2.0.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:56 utc | 45

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 17:55 utc | 44

I couldn't help but notice the similarities between that 4th Psyop Division's recruitment ad and the trailer for "Westworld" season 4.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:57 utc | 46

The hit job on Corbin was brutal - and announced by pompous for those paying attention. Starmer is a spook.

Posted by: c | May 16 2022 18:02 utc | 47

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 17:20 utc | 35

it's so funny that white trailer trash like you think that you are the pinnacle of human civilization, living in terror that someone would come along and replace you.

i never met an illegal who was such a piece of filth as most americans are. replacement would be a blessing.

Hey! I resemble that remark! Careful of painting all trailer-trash as bad! :-)

Another good time to remind people to be careful of human hubris and the sense of "superiority." Also, we need to take into consideration just how insecure people are (sadly, societal conditioning): I think we need to apply ourselves to helping reduce insecurities.

Posted by: Seer | May 16 2022 18:03 utc | 48

This whole 'Brexit was a con' thing is silly. The national-security people were full-on anti-Brexit. Arch pro war with Russia commentator Paul Mason lost his entire mind over Brexit.

The rest of Europe has no sense of how much immigration Britain had due to the expansion of the EU eastward because the rest of Europe except Denmark and Ireland put in place a 5 year moratorium on the right to work. This meant that Britain and Ireland got the full whack of the largest migration in Western history. The rest of Europe has no sense of 'EU immigration', it just isn't as significant, do they don't understand or sympathize with the working class revolt against EU membership.

That is what sunk the EU in the referendum, the defection of the working classes in large parts of the country due to EU migration.

Leaving the EU came with so much possibility that sure there were people who thought it necessary for some plan or other. But plan A with the EU was hardly a vision of anti Washington consensus. All Britain did in the EU was sabotage everything France and Germany wanted to do. They're gone now, be happy.

Almost all the staunchest anti-Putin pro war voices in Britain were all hardcore 'Remainers', like Mason.

Posted by: Altai | May 16 2022 18:05 utc | 49


Ron Paul was the only person in the House of Representatives to put forward bills year after year to audit the Federal Reserve. The central nexus of global Zionism. Ron is Rand Paul’s father and I would surmise that they share a philosophy that is skeptical if not outright hostile to Zionism. Ok thanks for the conversation but I’m not one to post a hundred times a day.LoL

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 18:08 utc | 50

Hold on a minute. The British population voted to Leave the EU. The Establishment wanted to reverse that democratic decision of the people. So, it could well be argued that Dearlove et al were fighting to preserve the vox populis. And that the enemies of the people were actually those they fought to thwart the common man's voice - the May faction.

Posted by: Henry Neild | May 16 2022 18:10 utc | 51

Posted by: Altai | May 16 2022 18:05 utc | 49

And the great irony is that this mass migration was in large part due to displacement from Britain's participation in all those wars of choice in the ME and Africa. In that regard, many other countries in EU paid a higher price because their direct participation was far less than Britain and France. If the EU was worth a darn, they would have mandated which countries get how many refugees based on the part they played in Uncle Scam, the French and sLimey's adventures in those places. The UK deserves way more than it got and that goes triple or quadruple for the US.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 18:12 utc | 52

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 18:08 utc | 50

As much as I support the push to audit the Fed, and I do, the central nexus of global Zionism and other globalism is the City of London and Wall Street.

But whatever, have a good day.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 18:14 utc | 53

i got bad news for these Maximus Pompeus assholes who openly brag about their comfortable lazy stroll down the dark side:

love power.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 18:17 utc | 54

Celt Darnell@22
Apart from your ridiculous descent into abuse, what you say is both true and worth repeating.
In fact The Establishment was split on the Brexit issue. The split was almost generational, with the older aristocrats and Civil "Servants"(a joke in the UK) tending towards Brexit, solidarity with the "cousins' at the CIA, the Ivy League and the east coast.
There was also a city-country split too, with the country dwelling ruling class types being more inclined to Brexit than their urban peers.
The younger, more progressive Blairite types, and the Tories of Ted Heath's way of thinking- and this included the great bulk of those still employed in government- forming a majority and being much better at communicating with the middle class, academia and the BBC/Guardian crowd. Plus of course seven or eight out of ten MPs- these are the people that Celt refers to.
It is interesting that the rich backers of the Brexiteers are fairly obscure and unrepresentative of the Ruling Class.

And Celt is right too, about the misunderstanding of this issue which is common.
Voting to leave the EU was a decision that all sorts of people took for all sorts of reasons but in a referendum if nowhere else in UK politics, what motivates the greatest number is what matters most. And the great mass of those opposing the EU- outside of Scotland and Northern Ireland where there were special local issues- did so from the traditional left wing Bevanite/Bennite position.
The EU is constitutionally committed to Thatcherism in the economy and imperialism.
Half of the Corbyn platform would have run into EU vetoes, which was another reason that the Blairites fought against Brexit.
The idea that the Brexiteers were ultra imperialist or racist is evident nonsense- many were and I knew a few of them, but they are not a representative crowd, quite the contrary, they were rich and, as we can see from Johnson, ultra Thatcherite.

The mass of the Brexit votes came from a working class which had seen a coincidence between joining the Common Market and the decline of living standards, Unions, social services including the NHS, housing conditions, wages, pensions and the rise of precarious jobs, insecurity, paying school fees (or accepting a second class education) University Tuition (which as in the US is a major barrier to social mobility recently erected. Between 1944 and the 1990s enormous numbers of young people were supported financially at University.
At any rate Celt Darnell is right- and the current behaviour of the EU demonstrates it. No, Johnson's government is no better but the way of getting rid of him and his policies is clear, if not easy. The EU however is impossible to reform, it is, like NATO, a US imperial institution and it is beyond democratic control. These are all points that have been made clear by Wolfgang Streekt, whose Return of the King created such a furore from the cheap seats last week.
It might be easier however to ask a citizen of Greece.

(If Obamavirus is not a troll he has the same effect as one. Interrupting sensible and potentially productive discussions and tempting people to point out what an idiot he is.
That is all he gets from me today. )

Posted by: bevin | May 16 2022 18:33 utc | 55

We ought to bring back the death penalty, by "firing squad" preferably.

Posted by: Rexl | May 16 2022 18:45 utc | 56

Posted by: Henry Smith | May 16 2022 15:02 utc | 3

When it comes to British misinformation let's not forget the Guardian itself!

Posted by: Patroklos | May 16 2022 18:53 utc | 57

"They used the Marxist Zionist media"

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 16:12 utc | 21

Will you ever quit the illiterate Americ**t bulls**t?

Or is it the entire purpose?


> In China they would execute these criminals. What will happen to them here?



Posted by: Arganthonios | May 16 2022 19:15 utc | 58

Posted by: bevin | May 16 2022 18:33 utc

Good summary. Would like to add that Brexit also revealed that left and right do not exist. It is top down.

Do you occasionally post at Skwawkbox?

Posted by: Never voting labour | May 16 2022 19:15 utc | 59

[Honestly] Can someone provide a reason why being a member of the EU is a good thing when we're clearly seeing what a mess it is vis a vis Ukraine and Russia?

The methods undertaken by the British are clearly bad, but are the results necessarily bad?

It's almost schizophrenic. Failing democratic process to maintain sovereignty. If it were a proper democratic process that ditched sovereignty, would that be better?

Rock or "hard place"?

Not meaning to be flip or take sides, but it's just such a mess that it's really hard to make heads or tails of all this*.

* Other than to note that backroom deals and nasty politicking that skirts around the democratic process has occurred, something that seems so common, unfortunately, that being surprised just seems like an improper reaction [I think most are jaded enough to know this is the reality- yeah, it's in-your-face to levels perhaps not seen before, but I think the entire process and notion of sovereignty needs more exposure so we can attempt to reduce our tendencies to end up "surprised"]. How do regular people "check power" such that they themselves don't corrupt the process (and undermine themselves)?

Posted by: Seer | May 16 2022 19:16 utc | 60


We went over this last week. Can you please come down to us from your ivory tower? Marxism in media today is within the context of Cultural Marxism. Are you in US? If you are then you have probably noticed that everything and everybody on tv today is black or jew or immigrant. The majority of people who are white have been made practically invisible. This also comes with a particular liberal politics, woke, BLM pro transgender. The minority have been agitated by the media to believe they are in a state of revolution against the majority white, conservative America. Get it?

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 19:30 utc | 61

I just read one book about relations between the U.S. and Germany in the leadup to Pearl Harbor, and have started reading another one. Hitler's response to FDR's undeclared war on Germany was to encourage Japan to attack.

Could that be about to happen again? Once the U.S. and NATO are sufficiently committed to fighting in Europe, that would be the time for China to attack in Asia.

Posted by: Lysias | May 16 2022 19:47 utc | 62

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 19:30 utc | 61

I think you're insecure. Exactly what is the root is something that you'll have to dig for.

There's no "pure" race. There has NEVER been a "pure" people. POWER has ALWAYS used race and differences to create a chasm between the ruling and working classes. Got nothing to do with any ism.

You come here with a pre-loaded username. You're literally wearing it on your sleeve. It lashes out in name-calling (not that I give an F about Obama or any other clowns), but it's quite telling and childish. That you constantly get into spats with folks here also is telling that your approach to everything is from a starting point of hostility. Again, I think you need to assess yourself: yes, you may very correct in lots you say but communication is about sharing and the _feel_ from you is more of shoving stuff down others' throats. Maybe this isn't the place for you, the place to spread your message (whatever that is).

From true white trailer trash (me) to a perhaps another: Seek help.

Posted by: Seer | May 16 2022 19:55 utc | 63

Interesting subject, great post. Wonder if there’s enough info out there to at least sketch UK involvement in Ukraine: exploding ships, exploding UK ammo dumps, exploding transport planes, exploding Odesa airports, exploding Odesa hotels. Things exploding, basically.

And, presumably, a list, somewhere in RF, keeping a neat and tidy account, a retribution “balance”.

Posted by: anon2020 | May 16 2022 19:57 utc | 64

You should never underestimate the pure EVIL within the British Establishment. They are masters along with their Zionist buddies of brutality and genocide.

Posted by: WTFUD | May 16 2022 20:19 utc | 65


I don’t start arguments with other posters. I only respond to them if they have a question or say something personally offensive about me not my posts. Your psychological analysis of me is ridiculous and not appropriate for a website blog where anybody is welcome to come and post opinions. I post here because I have a point of view that there is an emerging link between the virus, cultural Marxism in media, the stolen election, the Biden regime war on Ukraine and overall Zionist machinations. The story is evolving everyday. You are free to ignore my opinion.

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 20:21 utc | 66

FDR's undeclared war on Germany was to encourage Japan to attack
Posted by: Lysias | May 16 2022 19:47 utc | 62

I'm sure Japan neither needed nor sought da Führer's permission. They were all about recouperating ancient imperial ground around the Pacific--which US commerce facilitated. 1941 was a big year for FDR "provocations" at home (circumventing the Neutrality Act) and abroad (originating loans to bankrupt European states). Do either of those books mention the Lend-Lease Act? UK, GR, NO, CHINA, RUSSIA were the only beneficiaries that year, March - Nov. What set off Japan that year was FDR's executive orders
July 26, 1941 United States ["]freezes["] Japanese assets
August 1, 1941, The US oil embargo
JYP kept a copy.
of which Document 1: B02030753200 File of Important Materials Relating to Diplomatic Relations with the United States, Vol. 3 - Speeches, Statements, and Related Documents since February this Year - Images to 9

Next thing ya know, kamekazis o'er Hawaii December 7. Declaration December 8.

Do you honestly expect China to attack US territory over more US military installations on Taiwan after all these years? I don't think that's going to happen. von Clausewitz might, but Sun Tzu would not approve.

Posted by: sln2002 | May 16 2022 20:33 utc | 67

Whether or not Japan needed German permission for their attack on the U.S., they certainly sought German approval, through their ambassador, Oshima. Not only approval, but a commitment to go to war with the U.S. Which they got, from Hitler himself. And four days after Pearl Harbor, on Dec. 11, 1941, Germany in fact declared war on the U.S.

Posted by: Lysias | May 16 2022 20:53 utc | 68

Whether or not Japan needed German permission for their attack on the U.S., they certainly sought German approval, through their ambassador, Oshima. Not only approval, but a commitment to go to war with the U.S. Which they got, from Hitler himself. And four days after Pearl Harbor, on Dec. 11, 1941, Germany in fact declared war on the U.S.

Posted by: Lysias | May 16 2022 20:53 utc | 69

sln2002 @67--

Okinawans are on the peace path, and a movement aimed at complete independence from Japan and the US Military is rapidly gaining strength. Okinawans want no part of Japan's escalating tensions with China at the behest of the Outlaw US Empire. An activist cited in the linked article:

"Moreover, in order to realize its own interests, the Japanese government ignores its own history of aggression and pushes forward to build a military base on the Ryukyu Islands by claiming that it is necessary because China will attack. The Japanese government's actions were 'despicable and shameless,' Takayama said.

"He believes Okinawa is still a military 'colony' of Japan and the US until now and Okinawa is likely to be dragged into the war because of the US military base. He explained that the US military base makes Okinawa an automatic target in the event of war."

Yes, Okinawa would become a target in any Outlaw US Empire intervention against China since that's where the great mass of bases are located.

Posted by: karlof1 | May 16 2022 21:00 utc | 70

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 20:21 utc | 66

Seriously, you already forgot what you did yesterday? Myself and another (or two) commenters pointed out that Rush Limbaugh wasn't exactly a great and honorable individual to put forth as some sort of role model or example to strive for since he was likely traveling to 3rd world countries for sex with minors. You seemed completely unaware of that as though you didn't actually know anything about the man, and in response rather than 'answering a question' you called us "bots", Marxists (n a bad way), etc.

No matter, I just wanted to see if you recognize the hypocrisy in your @66.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 21:11 utc | 71

Okinawans are on the peace path, and a movement aimed at complete independence from Japan and the US Military is rapidly gaining strength. Okinawans want no part of Japan's escalating tensions with China at the behest of the Outlaw US Empire. [snip]

Posted by: karlof1 | May 16 2022 21:00 utc | 70

I don't think the Okinawans were ever not "on the peace path"; certainly they've suffered from the environmental and sexual depredations of the US Armed Forces for decades and would be only too delighted to see the Americans leave.

Not that it makes a bit of difference. Okinawans aren't ethnic Japanese, so it's no surprise they're regarded as at best second-class citizens -- and the USA certainly doesn't care about them.

Posted by: malenkov | May 16 2022 21:32 utc | 72

Never voting labour@59
Yes, I do. I've seen yours too, if I'm not mistaken.

Posted by: bevin | May 16 2022 23:20 utc | 73

"We went over this last week. Can you please come down to us from your ivory tower? Marxism in media today is within the context of Cultural Marxism. Are you in US? If you are then you have probably noticed that everything and everybody on tv today is black or jew or immigrant. The majority of people who are white have been made practically invisible. This also comes with a particular liberal politics, woke, BLM pro transgender. The minority have been agitated by the media to believe they are in a state of revolution against the majority white, conservative America. Get it?"

Posted by: Obamavirus | May 16 2022 19:30 utc | 61

"We went over this last week"

Yes, and despite having it explained in unambiguous terms, you continue to ineptly use fantastical terminology that has jack sh*t to do with what you're talking about, to keep muddying the waters and smearing marxism, so here we go again.

"Can you please come down to us from your ivory tower?"

To you and who else?

Do you see anybody else around doggedly insisting on saying that anxious corporate virtue-signalling is Marxism?

"If you are then you have probably noticed that everything and everybody on tv today is black or jew or immigrant. The majority of people who are white have been made practically invisible."

Wow, the color of people on TV. What a concern. Not.

Funny how whites cannot be inmigrants according to you. Ah, I guess that's why the word expat was invented?

TV channels are overwhelmingly corporate. Private property. Private property doesn't promote marxism, except in extremely marginal amounts, because one of the central tenets of marxism is the abolition of private property of the means of production. Therefore a mainstream commercial channel will never promote marxist ideology, it would be shooting itself in the foot, it goes against the class interest of the decision-makers and beneficiaries of such entities.

TL;DR: Why the f**k are you pinning on marxism the decisions of bourgeois media? Are you daft?

"The majority of people who are white have been made practically invisible. This also comes with a particular liberal politics"

Liberalism is the school of thought to which Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and John Maynard Keynes belong.


Liberalism and Marxism are for the most part radically oppossed:

"Liberalism has drawn both criticism and support in its history from various ideological groups. Less friendly to the goals of liberalism has been conservatism. Edmund Burke, considered by some to be the first major proponent of modern conservative thought, offered a blistering critique of the French Revolution by assailing the liberal pretensions to the power of rationality and to the natural equality of all humans.[194]

Some confusion remains about the relationship between social liberalism and socialism, despite the fact that many variants of socialism distinguish themselves markedly from liberalism by opposing capitalism, hierarchy and private property. Socialism formed as a group of related yet divergent ideologies in the 19th century such as Christian socialism, communism (with the writings of Karl Marx) and social anarchism (with the writings of Mikhail Bakunin), the latter two influenced by the Paris Commune. [...]

Marx rejected the foundational aspects of liberal theory, hoping to destroy both the state and the liberal distinction between society and the individual while fusing the two into a collective whole designed to overthrow the developing capitalist order of the 19th century."

[From article linked above, my emphasis]

TL;DR II electric bogaloo: You have no freaking idea what you're talking about, or you just want to smear and confound

"The minority have been agitated by the media to believe they are in a state of revolution against the majority white, conservative America. Get it?"

And what on this cursed earth does any of this have to do with Marxism?

Without even getting into your concerns' validity or lack thereof?


As described, it has jack squat shit to do with marxism.

-It doesn't follow marxist political theory
---It doesn't hinge on class as the analysis and mobilization keystone.

-It doesn't follow marxist economic theory
---It's entirely tangential to economic theory.
---It's the product of private, commercial entities.

-It's not based on marxist principles and values
---It doesn't follow a dialectical, historical, materialist perspective.
---It doesn't have the interests of the working class as working class front and center.

-It's not performed by marxist entities
---It's the product of privately-owned commercial entities; not labor unions, revolutionary parties, or worker's councils.

-It doesn't lead to marxist objectives
---It doesn't deal with abolition of private property of the means of production and class society.
---In any way.

-It doesn't have marxist targets
---It doesn't oppose the bourgeois class for its economical exploitation


You can call gasoline "car water" all you want - IT DOESN'T MAKE IT WATER.

It doesn't make gasoline do what water does.

It doesn't make gasoline come from where water comes.

It doesn't change the substance of gasoline into the substance of water.

You're just calling it a stupid name.

Get it?

Posted by: Arganthonios | May 16 2022 23:33 utc | 74

To omnivirus: Trump was much more to Israel than you imply. His father made his money being with the new York Jewish crowd who basically owns new York. Prior to becoming a politician he said if he ever did; he would be a republican because they are dumber than democrats.

Trump was /is first and foremost a Jew and moving that embassy means nothing to Americans because you are dumb, but it means a whole lot to the world.

Now celt Darnell told you that USA did not want Brexit, but he is wrong. That was just smoke and mirrors as most things are. USA was 100% for Britain leaving for they needed an attack dog, which is exactly what they got.
We in the west live in a fake world and most things are actually lies. Many people are waking up to the fact and it is a very hard thing.

Both parties in America are both controlled by the Zionists. They both vote for all the wars and they both support any brutality Israel ever does. The only difference is that the democrats gets coloured votes by trying to be a little decent to poor people.

Biden's build back better was shelved, replaced by 40 more billion to Ukraine, never mind the 750 billion to buy food for the 800 bases around the world. Priorities.

The trailer trash that will elect Trump are just ignorantly stumbling around looking for a saviour and they might as well get the Nazi Jewish clown zelinsky.

All the things the article refers to about the British evil deeds have long passed on to America and tweeked by the Jews.

Posted by: Karl luck | May 17 2022 0:04 utc | 75

They've supposedly fomented every war in Europe, since the French Revolution.

Posted by: James Owen | May 17 2022 0:26 utc | 76

I encourage everyone to read the Guardian piece and especially the the whole Grayzone piece and to judge on the evidence presented therein.

The emails allegedly exchanged among Brexit conspirators SMELL. For example, "C" - (former) head of MI6 - is said to have advised using protonmail for security. This seems highly amateurish. Participants in such a delicate, high-level operation would presumably want to hide above all the FACT that they are communicating with each other, even through protonmail.

A truly secret conspiracy would likely eschew use of the Internet altogether, but perhaps the thinking was that only tactical security was required since the operation would be completed before the opposing side could take substantive action against any conspirators.

Many other points seem altogether too neat. For example, Evelyn Farr aka Caroline Bell supposedly feeds the cabal top-secret documents, in part because her mother was a member of SIS (part of MI6). While it is undoubtedly true that MI6 is very much an old-boys club with somewhat hereditary membership, this particular conjunction seems a tad too fortuitous.

Minor details also seem questionable, including the relatively modest sums allegedly expended. Also, one would expect more explicit discussions of future jobs and other bennies for cabal supporters.

The real and predictable effect of Brexit was to strengthen German control over the continent through the EU and and other opaque mechanisms. This in turn facilitates control over the rump EU (and continental NATO members) through a few well-placed individuals in Berlin, Brussels and Paris. WAS BREXIT ENGINEERED BY THE EU ITSELF (with UK, German and U.S. support) TO CONCENTRATE MORE POWER IN BRUSSELS?

Posted by: Anonymous | May 17 2022 1:16 utc | 77

The UK and US Right have extensive links aimed at overtaking the political landscape in both countries. A pressure group called Atlantic Bridge was founded in 1997 intended to build and maintain the economic and military links fostered by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. In 2007 the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) set up a US nonprofit called the Atlantic Bridge Project, in order to "foster positive relationships between conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic." Atlantic Bridge fell into disprepute in 2011 after its head and then UK Defense Secretary Liam Fox was found to have been implementing a "shadow foreign policy" involving corporate lobbyists and military contractors using dark money donated to Bridge in its legal role as a charity. Understand, this is high level conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic running covert foreign and domestic policy changes in tandem.

Atlantic Bridge returned in 2016 with key Conservative players working seamlessly together to back Donald Trump: Steve Bannon, Raheem Kassam, Nigel Farage, Liam Fox, Jeff Sessions, Sen Jim DeMint and Robert Mercer. Organizations aside from ALEC included the Heritage Foundation, Cambridge Analytica, UKIP and the Henry Jackson Society, a UK right wing anti-Islam think tank. The extent of these conservative political links, which continue to this day, is truly staggering. The UK and US Conservatives are linked and of a common mind to own US and UK governments totally. Remember, Steve Bannon was a major supporter of the Jan 6 2021 attack on the US Congress. Voting rights mean nothing to these people. Political control is everything.


Posted by: Damien | May 17 2022 1:35 utc | 78

Weird things are happening to this website. I'll keep my comment brief, not having been able to read all other comments. In case it hasn't been noted Robert Conquest was one of the IRD's great propaganda triumphs. I have an early IRD book- restricted circulation authorised eyes only- dating back to 1948.
Anyone who wants to read it can: it was published three years later as RH Carew Hunt's The Theory and Practice of Communism.

Posted by: bevin | May 17 2022 1:52 utc | 79

@ bevin | May 17 2022 1:52 utc | 79 quote :

"Weird things are happening to this website."

true, but they appear to be inconsistent as well which makes it confusing... i got the error code earlier today.. said the problem was at moa.. maybe b will comment on this...

Posted by: james | May 17 2022 2:12 utc | 80

Posted by: james | May 17 2022 2:12 utc | 80 and bevin

No issues here, but I recall a day when about 1/4 of my comments here disappeared into the ether. Almost stopped trying. Know you're talking about a different kind of issue though.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 17 2022 4:25 utc | 81

Did? Do! That is what the British are all about. The removal of that island from the surface of the earth, could be of some value.

Posted by: g wiltek | May 17 2022 4:55 utc | 82


do not forget Bletchley Park, one of the most evil projects of the UK disinformation machine.

Bletchley Park was (is ?) used as a cruel propaganda machine against Germany as William Toel wrote.

Posted by: Wizard of Goch | May 17 2022 5:51 utc | 83

Yeah b is being hit. Though it's a bit hit and miss. He seems to have the misinformation department a bit confused.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | May 17 2022 6:02 utc | 84

The Empire is alive and well and the cause of almost all evil and hate in the world. The Empire uses hate and death as currency to advance its agenda.

What Russia needs to do is make it absolutely clear that if the Empire crosses its red line, the first casualties will be the hereditary oligarchs that rule the Empire. I would make it extremely clear to UK (and similar to all the other European monarchies) that the first targets will be Buckhingham Palace and the other dozens of "Windsor" palaces, and they will not only be struck by nuclear weapons, but struck again, and again, and again, so that all their dungeons and catacombs no matter how deep will be forever destroyed, and thereafter all UK population centers will be struck by 100s more of thermonuclear weapons after which the entire island will be cleared of its human trash by a nuclear-weapon induced tsunami so that no single Brit will survive. The Brits - the world's greatest and most unrepentant savages, cutthroats, murderers, rapists, pirates and general scum - will finally reap the karma they have sown in their centuries long spree of the most horrific and monstrous crimes ever committed against humanity.

And once that is made crystal clear, then start sinking British ships and blowing up all British military assets abroad from their Savage Death Island until those barbaric, violent savages can no longer do the unspeakable harm to humanity and this planet that those monsters have done for centuries. Stay on your own island or die, you miserable wretched wastebin of humanity!

Time to end the damnable Empire, Russia! End it now!

Posted by: CalDre | May 17 2022 6:05 utc | 85

Prins? Surname is Jewish-sounding and he looks such as well. I would not be surprised he is and a Zionist to boot. They seem to have all the Anglosphere governments in a choke-hold.

Posted by: Brother Ma | May 17 2022 6:40 utc | 86

@Brother Ma #86

[Jews] seem to have all the Anglosphere governments in a choke-hold.
Clearly there is a strong alliance between the Black nobility and the Great Sanhedrin, but don't be so quick to conclude the Jews are at the top of the alliance. There is certainly a massive and sustained propaganda campaign to paint the Black Nobility as "figure heads", and to spin their sovereign constitutional powers as "symbolic". The picture is further obscured by the fact that the Black Nobility works through secret organizations / cabals (Freemasonry, etc.) while the "organized Jews" work much more openly.

But if you look really close, and also think about the logic of military power versus gold (it may be true that he who has the gold makes the rules, but he who has the military gets the gold), the evidence points strongly toward the Black Nobility retaining their centuries-long role as the heads of the Empire and the rabbis being their willing accomplices.

End of the day, though, it doesn't matter who, precisely, is on top: what matters is that the Empire be totally, utterly, and irretrievably destroyed.

Posted by: CalDre | May 17 2022 6:50 utc | 87

@rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 15:32 utc | 11

armies of paid shills and liars (like Norwegian) tell them, no, you are not doing to your body, children, planet what your eyes tell you.

What the hell are you on about? You are spreading false and malicious accusations, and you must apologize.

I am guessing your cognitive dissonance is getting the best of you.

Posted by: Norwegian | May 17 2022 7:08 utc | 88

@Tom_Q_Collins | May 16 2022 17:28 utc | 37

They're openly advertising it now:

Seriously, watch this recruitment video for the 4th Psyop Group. WTF are they going for here?

So they have finally implemented the Two Minutes Hate to get their war and at the same time telling the proles that the Party is watching them.

Posted by: Norwegian | May 17 2022 7:23 utc | 89

There has always been a cross Atlantic cabal linked by the Zionist cause. Tory or Labour , it’s ended up being overtly ‘Israel first’ in recent decades. Alongside this is the deep rooted racism born of Imperialism which brought Malcolm X to Smethwick a week before he was shot dead!
Am interesting history of English neo-nazism and the cabals within the Labour Party of Morrison , grandfather of Mandleson - architects of post war and post Thatcher Labour PR electioneering, to preserve the bs of a two party system working for the single deepstate and its globalist imperialist mandate for decades and even centuries. Willing and able sociopaths readily recruited into its ‘business’ as tge CEO’s and COO’s in a long list somehow connected to each other all the way back to the EIC - East India Company.

Just some connections thrown up by the only passage in the Guardian article that was of new interest to me:

‘In 1964, the Conservative prime minister, Alec Douglas-Home, told the IRD to target Ghana over fear that its mercurial president, Kwame Nkrumah, was tilting towards Moscow. Months later, the new Labour foreign secretary, Patrick Gordon Walker, encouraged the Foreign Office to maintain a “black propaganda potential and from time to time produce black material”. Walker was particularly interested in fomenting racial tensions between Africans and the Chinese.’
There you have it

Anti Russia, China, Iran. Africa ...etc

There is nothing new under the sun that once never set on the imperial dream - which now lies shattered like azovstal and there is nowt to do except watch the dreamers who are responsible for so many nightmares climb out of their fortress dungeons as the Morlocks of HG Wells instead f the Elohim they imagine themselves to be.

The Empire is dead dead dead and the zombies are being dragged out into the sun to be seen for the decrepit dead dinosaurs they are.

Free at last , MLK, Malcolm X and the slaves and oppressed masses of history finally FREE AT LAST.

Posted by: DunGroanin | May 17 2022 7:40 utc | 90

The illusion, delusion really, of the omnicompetent state is very comforting in its own way, one that people grasp like a life preserver, but the state is certainly in control of what gets published in "the Guardian" and the like. The NYT is publishing stories on the tens of thousands killed by US drone warfare over the last two decades and the like, right now.

why? to rally the people to prevent such crimes in the future? or to condition us to accept their necessity?

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 16:21 utc | 25


Posted by: Scorpion | May 17 2022 7:44 utc | 91

why? to rally the people to prevent such crimes in the future? or to condition us to accept their necessity?

Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 16 2022 16:21 utc | 25

A really insightful post re bureaucrats and all the last comment about the violence being conditioning, I feel this about all media violence especially hollywood.
Reading through your other posts I am wondering if you are drinking truth serum today? LOL you aren't mucking about with the honesty!
(except no idea what you meant by the Norweigan reference)

Posted by: K | May 17 2022 8:10 utc | 92

I salute this community. I am Japanese.

I know you are not interested in this, but let me talk about Japan.

Japan will not be able to participate in World War III.
Japan does not have the military capability to attack other countries today. Manpower, weapons, ammunition, production systems, and spirit are all unprepared and cannot be corrected in a short period of time.
Something like our military is only meant to protect the island for a few days. (And soon we will run out of ammunition)

Also, the memory of the two nuclear bombs and the "War Guilt Information Program" worked very well.
Almost three generations later, the Japanese still loathe war and are very afraid of nuclear weapons.
We know better than any other nation what they can do.
We also know what a massive air raid can do.

My late father was a survivor of the Tokyo Air Raid. He was 8 years old at the time and remembers the day of the apocalypse when a formation of B-29s covered the sky. The Americans dropped bombs on children. They bombed around them so that they could not escape the flames. They killed civilians in a really efficient way. More than half of my father's friends were missing (their bodies were never identified) and my little aunt was dead. She was a baby.

Don't get me wrong. I don't blame the US. Massacres and invasions are relative, and nations are like that.
At the same time, I also detest what Japan has done in the past (which is why the right wing in Japan is usually so detested).

The US government has been trying to militarize Japan again for the past few decades or so, and wants to use it as a sentinel.
However, even twelve years of a stupid far-right controlled by the CIA and a Christian cult (KCIA) as prime minister has failed to change the Constitution, which forbids war with other countries.

The very common Japanese feeling is that war is doomed. We believe that war = catastrophe and that war changes us for the worse.
This aversion would be a very different feeling from those in countries that are at war every decade. (No sarcasm intended.)
Since the "War Guilt Information Program," modern history education has been taboo in Japan, and historical memory of the wars prior to World War II has been lacking.
As a result, we fundamentally do not know the case of Japan's victory in the war. It is just a string of one line in a textbook.

Thus, the American organized Quad is missing one substantial apex.
All we can do is provide a little logistical support and play the role of the "unsinkable carrier" of the Korean War era, and even that will probably be met with fierce domestic opposition. Unlike before, the other side has nuclear weapons.
At that time, I think there will be a huge backlash like in the 1960s about the state of being occupied by the US.

One problem is that the Japanese are fundamentally uninterested in being outside the islands.
Because of the language barrier, American propaganda is reported as it is, and most Japanese believe it as it is, but because of this lack of interest, there is no particular desire to support the US or to fight on its side. (So we cannot understand how the Germans feel today.)

Memories of the war remain inconspicuous but deep, and while we enjoy Hollywood movies, we also do not believe that America is absolutely justified.
(When Indians, Nazi Germany, Middle Eastern terrorists, the Russian mafia, aliens, Klingons, and Mordor appear as antagonists, we see our grandfathers in them. (We know Superman, Batman, and Captain America used to beat up our grandfathers.)

We have a taboo against revealing our true feelings. For the Japanese, standing out means danger.
It is both culturally and practically life threatening. To varying degrees, the situation is not so different from Ukraine after 2014.
The Japanese police are good as ruthless observers, not protectors of us.

The US left the ruling structure of the Japanese empire intact. The US was not a liberation army. Ironically, as the slogan goes, we have always been Ukraine.
(Well, never mind. We've been that way for a thousand years, so we're used to this.)

So if you have a Japanese acquaintance, don't ask him or her what he or she really thinks.
He or she will be wary that you are a spy for the authorities.

Thanks for reading.

Posted by: sam | May 17 2022 8:48 utc | 93

"You can be assured that such efforts continue today:"

Posted by: Henry Smith | May 17 2022 9:02 utc | 94

Excellent post, b. Read everything you recommended, including links.
The Guardian report on the "black propaganda" practices of the Information Research Department of the British Foreign Office appears very incriminating. The article summarises information from a soon-to-be-released book, but the author, a Mr Cormac, reassures the reader that Liz Truss has a "government information cell" which is nowhere near as devious as its Cold War predecessor. Hmmmmm. I have a feeling that Ms Truss is to succeed Mr Johnson. It is her responsibility as F.M. to select the head of MI6. After reading Kit Klarenberg's Grayzone piece one can only conclude that she has been groomed for her role and is totally controlled. (I can't help but think that women are more amenable to this). Thus: the politicians are cultivated by an elite coterie of influencers- aka spies, and their recommendations for senior positions in the bureaucracy are devised and formented by these elites. A vicious circle, but cozy with each other, old chap.
Brexit? Hard soft or remain is not as consequential as playing for time to machinate and manoeuvre themselves into their preferred power structure, which is deep of course. I see no role for the citizenry of Britain in any of this. They have been consigned to cognitive purgatory.
Thanks b. for calling attention to the I.R.D.'s role in the genocide of the PKI (Communist Party of Indonesia) and their sympathisers in 1965/66, amongst other more recent black propaganda atrocities. The 500,000 deaths is very conservative. Could be up to double that figure. I have travelled extensively in this neighbouring country and am very aware of the horrors. The ghosts of the murdered haunt the landscape. But this is the first time I have heard of the GCHQ Singapore activities of the British spies. The American spies provided the lists of those to be slaughtered. Very methodical, very efficient. And a crime against humanity of the highest order.
A Preliminary Analysis of the October 1st Coup in Indonesia by Benedict Anderson and Ruth McVey, from Cornell S.E. Asia program, provides much documentation of this history, but no conclusive hypothesis. (
Talking of books and spies, Kit Klarenberg sites Master and Commander-the film- as the source for "Operation Surprise", but these operation naming elites are sure to have been persuaded by Patrick O'Brian's book of the same name, which was the first in a marvellous series of 13 books. (Have read them all!) Patrick O'Brian was a friend of the poet and spy Pablo Neruda, who could be the inspiration for the fictional doctor/spy Stephen Maturin in the series.
I have taken note of the riposting of some commenters. Obamavirus seems an authentic commenter, and yesterday William Gruff had a delightful comment on trolling and Circe. (Yes, I recall a Circe emoji orgy when the Dems "won" in 2020). Trump still has that effect on otherwise reasonable sounding people. There is a quote from the British Information Research Department that seems pretty apropos so I'll repeat it:
"To be authentic, documents encouraged hatred of Israel".

Posted by: Australian lady | May 17 2022 9:50 utc | 95

John Helmer wrote in October 2019-


Dominic Cummings, presently a powerful and wealthy 47-year old special advisor to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was hard at work in Moscow and Samara for three years, between 1994 and 1997. He has acknowledged himself that “I worked in Russia 1994-7 on various projects.” This was no news to the Russian authorities then or since; it is also an advertisement to British critics and media investigators in London that however much Cummings’ role in plotting the Brexit referendum and Johnson’s no-deal ultimatums have antagonized many, Cummings once, and still now, enjoys the protection and confidence of the British secret services.

The three Cummings years in Russia were a period of fierce undercover combat between MI6, the British foreign intelligence agency, and Russia’s reviving foreign and counter-intelligence services, successors to the Soviet KGB — the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service), led by Yevgeny Primakov, and the FSB (Federal Security Service) under Sergei Stepashin and Mikhail Barsukov...

Posted by: Browser | May 17 2022 10:11 utc | 96

Obamavirus" Well done on patiently holding your own against some real anti-white trash. As for CalDre and his call for genocide against the British people, GFY.

Posted by: ADB | May 17 2022 11:27 utc | 97

RE Anonymous:

It might help if you read the entire email trove we have in our possession, but it's not surprising that they used Protonmail. This was a bunch of old, technologically illiterate and really quite stupid people who thought they could say literally anything via encrypted email and it would never be read or intercepted. Gwythian Prins constantly stresses that Proton is "unbreakable" and mentions MI6 uses it (and the notoriously leaky WhatsApp...). I've previously identified spies based on their Facebook/LinkedIn postings alone, and had people threaten me with criminal charges for hacking into their emails/social media accounts/computers for publicising information anyone can find via a rudimentary Google search. The internet remains not well-understood by an enormous number of people, intelligence operatives among them.

There's plenty of stuff that we haven't published/don't intend to which covers most of the rest of your gripes and suspicions. It's an archive of tens of thousands of emails running to gigabytes in size, sent to and from a large number of people. This takes time and effort to go through - we'll get there eventually. Nonetheless, Farr's mother was Ann Katherine Swynford Lambton, who has long-been suspected of intelligence involvement. Prins sheds some light on her:

"Her mother, who brought her up alone, was most likely ‘one of yours’. Multi-lingual, drop dead gorgeous. Tap on the shoulder in Oxford. After Oxford she worked in the Middle East section of GCHQ, then [was detailed?] to get close to and work with an Iranian diplomat which led to her working for three years in the Iranian Embassy in London, just before the Mossadegh Coup. She then next appears in the London Diamond Trading section of Hambros Bank (diamonds, dirty money, Russians etc?) Eve thinks she was deployed there to have surveillance over her father, who was dashing, ice-cold and having conceived Eve then vanished from their lives for sixteen years. She didn’t meet him until she was sixteen.

To me this all begins to make sense: her brains from her mother. Her ice-cold steel from her father. Her independence of mind from both."

Posted by: Kit Klarenberg | May 17 2022 12:29 utc | 98

Posted by: sam | May 17 2022 8:48 utc | 93

"So if you have a Japanese acquaintance, don't ask him or her what he or she really thinks.
He or she will be wary that you are a spy for the authorities.

Thanks for reading."

Thank you for posting. You might like to get hold of Stinnett's Day of Deceit to learn a little bit more about Pearl Harbour.

Name me an old culturally rich people without atrocities in the bloodline. There are none. Our side fire-bombed our enemies mercilessly and then used - and still use atrocity propaganda - to portray ourselves as the good guys and our victims, which include your people, as evil subhuman monsters who should feel guilt and shame in perpetuity. Not only our grandfathers but our fathers and ourselves are guilty and should feel shame for such past holocausts (sacrificial death by fire) and current covering up of such atrocities.

In Dresden the fires raged so hot that the pavements turned to glass. Bodies were vaporized leaving only a shadow in that glass. Most died from lungs shooting out of their mouths due to the vacuum created by so much fire consuming oxygen. In Hamburg and Dresden people in underground airtight shelters, called 'gaskammer' or 'gas chambers' were literally roasted alive in what became ovens, their dried out corpses without moisture, only charred skin stretched over bone.

Many burst into flame when the doors were opened the day after... So hot still the ingress of oxygen caused spontaneous combustion. So our grandfathers have much to answer for though we have avoided doing so by telling stories about how inhuman our enemies were and using thousands of affidavits to brand them as war criminals, nearly all of which years later revealed to be false requiring the overall narrative to change considerably over the years in terms of where and when and how such things took place, all the old stories buried by our narrative shapers.

The Japanese are an exceptional people and it is high time you embrace your grandfathers again with tears of pride mixed with joy!

As to war, have to become a free, sovereign people again. Time for another Shigunate?

Posted by: Scorpion | May 17 2022 12:50 utc | 99


Posted by: Scorpion | May 17 2022 12:53 utc | 100

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