Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
March 09, 2022

The Sanction Backlash Will Push The 'West' To Accept Russia's Demands

For years the U.S. committed policies that have left a lot of countries grumbling. Now, as the U.S. needs support to milden the consequences of 'punishing' Russia, those policies come back to bite. So will the secondary effects of sanctions the 'west' has imposed on Russia.

Today one report calls news of US controlled bio-weapon laboratories in Ukraine a 'debunked conspiracy' while other news says that Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland tells Senators that she is very concerned that 'research materials' from these laboratories could fall into Russian hands. If the 'research material' is not weapon grade why is she concerned about it?

That does not fit well with the ongoing anti-Russian propaganda campaign.

Nor do these maps.

The first shows the countries which banned Russian airplanes from their airspace. Russia in turn denied its airspace to operators from those countries. It will cost quite a bit for U.S. and EU airlines as their flight times and cost to and from Asia, which typically fly through Russian airspace, will now increase. Carriers from Asian countries will now easily out-compete U.S. and European airlines on these routes.


The second map shows those countries which enacted sanctions against Russia. The secondary effects of sanctions are likely to hurt these countries as much as they hurt Russia. The absence of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Central and South American countries is quite telling.

It does not look like 'the world' or the 'international community' is backing the 'west'.


The U.S. also sanctioned all imports of oil products from Russia. President Biden has blamed Russia for the price increase that will inevitably follow. I don't believe that mid-term voters will accept that reasoning. European countries can not follow that step as their economies depend of imports of oil and gas from Russia and will continue to do so for years to come.

In a move that must have been quite humiliating for the White House the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the UAE declined to take calls from the U.S. president. They want the U.S. to designate the Houthi movement in Yemen, which they have been unsuccessful to suppress, a terrorist group:

One hopes that the Biden administration does not fall for these disgusting bribery schemes but he has backed himself into a corner, cutting off Russian oil to punish Putin for a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with no alternative but to horsetrade with autocrats over the fate of Yemenis a half a world away. If this is geopolitics, heaven forgive us.

I don't think that the above is the only request the Saudis and UAE leaders will have. They are now in a situation in which they can demand ever more.

Likewise humiliating is the administration's opening of talks with Venezuela which it had sanctioned all around in its attempt to regime change the country. Caracas has released two U.S. nationals from prison. It is willing to talk. But before providing oil to the U.S. market it will demand the lifting of all sanctions and the return of all its assets the U.S. and UK have confiscated. Biden will have difficulties to find a Congress majority in support of such steps.

The return of the nuclear deal with Iran, which would enable more oil output, hangs in balance as Russia demands sanction exemptions for its trade with Iran.

The U.S. had attempted to press Poland to deliver its old Mig-29 fighter jets to the Ukraine. In Russia's eyes that would have been a direct Polish aggression against it. Warsaw found a smart way to avoid that. It offered to deliver the jets to a U.S. airbase in Germany. The tar baby would thereby stick to the U.S. itself. The Pentagon declined to accept that. The jet transfer is now most likely dead.

The U.S. and Europe are only starting to feel the secondary consequences of the all out economic war they hastily initiated against Russia. The war will cause recessions not only in Russia but also all over the 'west'. This while Russia has yet to announce its counter sanctions. There are many steps Russia could take to hurt the 'west' by withholding this or that resource. It is likely to start slowly to then increase the pressure step by step.

It seems that there was given no thought at all about the secondary effects the 'western' sanctions would have.

Meanwhile the Russian intervention in the Ukraine continues at a moderate pace. Russia is not in a hurry as Zelensky is making noise about 'compromises':

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky won't accept Russia's demands for ending the war unconditionally, but he's open to trying to find a compromise that could include not pursuing NATO membership.
Along with "cooling down" to the idea of joining NATO, Zelensky told ABC News that there's room for negotiating on the occupied territories and unrecognized republics.

Russia responded in kind:

Moscow is not aiming to overthrow the current leadership in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, amid the ongoing military campaign in the neighboring state.

“Its objectives don’t include occupation of Ukraine, destruction of its statehood, or the toppling of the current government. It’s not directed against the civilian population,” Zakharova told reporters at a regular press conference on Wednesday.

The spokeswoman reiterated that Moscow wants to defend the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, which broke away from Ukraine shortly after the 2014 coup in Kiev. She added that Russia seeks the “demilitarization and denazification” of Ukraine.

It will be interesting to see if the U.S. allows Zelensky to go further down that path. The secondary effects the sanctions will have for the 'west' are likely to eventually lead to that.

Posted by b on March 9, 2022 at 18:06 UTC | Permalink

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What the hell will the west do when the war is over and they've already committed themselves to a long economic war? How do you climb down from comparing Russia to nazi Germany in 1939? How do you climb down from not recognizing Russian Crimea when Ukraine itself does?

Posted by: Cesare | Mar 9 2022 18:14 utc | 1

Lots of people wonder if this is being pushed by WEF because on their Great Reset plan is to create a new "reserve currency" and to free the world elites from American dominance.

War Plans Were Leaked On Purpose By Russia 4 Months Ago — and that is why Dems kept predicting war

Posted by: Baba | Mar 9 2022 18:15 utc | 2

Now you can't view South Front in the US. It was blocked and you need a VPN to watch ir on Mozilla.

Posted by: opereta | Mar 9 2022 18:16 utc | 3

$13B for war in Ukraine while stealing $7B from starving Afghans ...

Are these people human-capable?

Posted by: AG | Mar 9 2022 18:18 utc | 4

Posted by: Baba | Mar 9 2022 18:15 utc | 2

I dont think the Russian and US governments give 2 shits about the WEF and great reset palaver. This Qanon level conspiracy theory is for the rubes.

Posted by: Boo | Mar 9 2022 18:25 utc | 5

i wonder how long ordinary americans will remain enthusiastic about this war as prices go up, and up, and up...

Posted by: pretzelattack | Mar 9 2022 18:25 utc | 6

Cesare, the short answer to your question is: they have no shame.
But to elaborate a bit, just look at what their boss (US imperialism) is doing right know, desperatly trying to renew dialog and business with the «devils of yesterday» Venezuela and Iran. So, the Western European governments just need to copy the Hegemon.

Posted by: MANUEL BAPTISTA | Mar 9 2022 18:31 utc | 7

State Dept couldn't get Mexico to join! Something of a surprise

Posted by: ptb | Mar 9 2022 18:32 utc | 8

FYI: yesterday the Swedish pm said we are not joining NATO any time soon as it would further destabilise Europe.

Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Mar 9 2022 18:35 utc | 9

I have no idea what this "Great Reset" bullshit is, but I am well familiar with Davos and how the WEF ruined it.

Some time ago I used to rent an ancient villa on the old town boulevard near the city's cathedral. It was a ruin and we were bohemians. Our landlady lived in the much finer villa next door, from which she ran a high class escort business. She was a somewhat famous domina and whenever our place needed maintenance she would send a bruised handyman over to make the repairs.

It was through this acquaintance that I learned what a remarkable windfall the WEF is for prostitution in Davos. It is like a world cup event.

Also, the inlaws live up the valley from Davos. The WEF has thoroughly destroyed that village.

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 18:38 utc | 10

Posted by: opereta | Mar 9 2022 18:16 utc | 3

Yup, gone in Europe too.

Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Mar 9 2022 18:38 utc | 11

The reason for the extreme hysteria and censorship is because war crimes are being uncovered in Ukraine, and people like Victoria Nuland and many others are scared sh**less as they await punishment.

Posted by: Norwegian | Mar 9 2022 18:38 utc | 12

@Jörgen Hassler | Mar 9 2022 18:35 utc | 8

FYI: yesterday the Swedish pm said we are not joining NATO any time soon as it would further destabilise Europe.
First good news from Sweden I have heard in a long time. For sure it would destabilize.

What NATO needs to do is dissolve ASAP.

Posted by: Norwegian | Mar 9 2022 18:41 utc | 13

…and The Cradle. For fokks sake!

Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Mar 9 2022 18:42 utc | 14

speaking of Ukrainian and US crimes, even Nuland has admitted some bioweapons research labs exist in Ukraine now. see

Posted by: pretzelattack | Mar 9 2022 18:42 utc | 15

Everytime Borrell opens his facial anus, the price of bread goes up.

Why we should countenance this gasbag having any sort of essential political role is beyond me.

I would hope for him to have a stroke, but it'd be pinned on Vlad the Invader.

Posted by: Misotheist | Mar 9 2022 18:44 utc | 16

Thanks for your report, b! At the end of the last thread, I relinked to Hudson's essays proving the sanctions target is Europe primarily then Russia secondarily and posited that the unelected NATO & EU stooges are allied with their counterparts in the Outlaw US Empire. One development that was too new for your article is the Russian revelation of Ukie battle plans for a March invasion of Donbass, which will be very hard to deny and counter in tandem with the biolab revelation. At Saker's, there're six items that deserve attention, IMO besides the one linked above; some will say more.

And thanks for posting those maps for they graphicly illustrate what I've been saying that only 1/8th of the planet is trying to defeat 7/8ths of the planet. IMO, unlike 1919 and 1944-5, the 7/8ths will not yield to the Imperialism of the Outlaw US Empire and will instead finally make it conform to global values.

Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 9 2022 18:44 utc | 17


“ This Qanon level conspiracy theory is for the rubes.”

I would agree but it looks like almost every conspiracy theory that we came across the last two years came out to be not a conspiracy theory but a fact.

Three days ago the “bio labs in Ukraine” was declared a conspiracy theory by the famous fact checkers. But yesterday the Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, said that Ukraine indeed had “biological research facilities “ and that she worried Russia may get them.

Then she said she she's 100% sure if there's a biological attack, it's Russia.

Not a conspiracy theory after all.

As for the great reset maybe the young leaders of the West don’t care about it but they look more than willing to implement a series of policies to achieve exactly what the WEF has been promoting for quite some times.

So yes the “brutes” as you so callously call them have every reason to question tf is really going on.

Posted by: DG | Mar 9 2022 18:44 utc | 18

Following WWI John Maynard Keynes tried to explain how the European economy was so bound together that the economic crippling of one key part of it, Germany by way of the Versailles Treaty, was bound to lead to general economic disaster.

Evidently, the US and its Eurominions took this so much to heart as a desirable general murder-suicide that they're not even waiting for the end of a war but jumping right to the project of destroying the globally intertwined economy by attempting to cripple one key part of it.

The wonderful irony is that Russia is in a much better position to survive this destruction while it guarantees the collapse of the empire and especially the empire's lackey Europe.

(Amazing how in just over a hundred years Europe has gone from world domination to the gates of a new dark age from which it likely never will emerge, as nowhere on earth has less of a future. Good riddance, for its despicable cowardly subservience to the empire.)

Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Mar 9 2022 18:45 utc | 19

Destroying Russia's oil sector I am not a fan of doing this but all the U.S. has to do is manage to increase global oil production by 5M bpd to counter all of Russia's exports.
1. Unleashing U.S. oil production +1M, 2. lifting sanctions on Venezuela +1M, 3. lifting sanctions on Iran +2M, 4. Increased oil production from Saudi Arabia / UAE ... ? Certainly 2M+

I can see why Neocons are having visions of the 1980's again.

Bio-weapons Yeah, Russia has a point here. If this was normal R&D for cures then it would be funded by the CDC and not the Pentagon. Oh, and why are we doing this outside the U.S. in a country like Ukraine, not exactly a Pharmaceutical giant. Because it's the type of research that is banned in the U.S. or doesn't want reported.

The onus is on the Pentagon to show why this is necessary.

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Mar 9 2022 18:47 utc | 20

I find the bioweapons lab revelation simultaneously frightening and hysterical. According to the Anti-war website, Nuland has acknowledged them and the Chinese are very concerned.

@pretzelattack #5

By growing number of comments by barflies, I'd say this is getting very curious by a lot of people .

Posted by: Michael.j | Mar 9 2022 18:47 utc | 21

I don't see how the Russians can continue to view Zelensky as a tenable partner in negotiations. So far he's shown zero good faith, 100% bad.

And if he did really want to negotiate, the choice for the Russians would be to leave him at large where he'd quickly be killed or otherwise sidelined and replaced, or to put him in protective custody at which point the Ukronazis and the West would disavow him as either kidnapped or a traitor and replace him anyway.

The fact is the Russians will not find a partner as long as the US can pretend the Ukrainian war effort is still viable and nazis still have the reach to kill any in-country western Ukrainian they want.

So regardless the Russians have no alternative to imposing their will completely by force and then installing a new government afterward.

Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Mar 9 2022 18:48 utc | 22

US did not put a ban on purchasing uranium from Russia so hopefully Russia will cut that off.
They have passed a law to nationalize assets of foreign companies that are pulling out and prevent them sacking staff ect.
A quick list.

Fuel and gas are the first big ones.
Cooking oil
Broken supply chains
Nickle = every thing made of stainless steel batteries ect.
Over flights = increase in air freight as well as passenger costs, and that is on top of the
skyrocketing fuel cost.
Billions of dollars in investments and assets foreign companies in Russia will have to walk
away from. Germany in the order of hundreds of billions I believe.

They are the bigger ones I can think of at the moment. Just freight cost will drive prices of everything up, then there is the fertilizer the west has already sanctioned itself out of. Fuel and fertilizer costs will drive the cost of all food items up before the increased cost of freight is added.

Be interesting to see what Russia adds to that. And just to make life a bit more interesting, the deranged yanks are threatening to sanction China if it sells the likes of computer chips to Russia.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 9 2022 18:48 utc | 23

B or somebody

Can you explain to me why any agreement with Ukraine would be any different from Minsk 1 or Minsk’s 2

The Ukrainians can say they agree - but what is the enforcement mechanism.

The UN endorsed Minsk and it became a weapon against Russia.

Maria Zakharova states what the war is not about - what is it about then if you don’t have a friendly government to enforce it - change the constitution etc

This whole affair is incredibly frustrating

Thank you

Posted by: James2? | Mar 9 2022 18:48 utc | 24

PS - this state of affairs, while a breath of fresh air in terms of the "rest-of-the-world" being unwilling to sacrifice themselves for the sake of defending someone else's empire, unfortunately leads to the situation where the US policymakers would be inclined to further escalate to save face. US has not so many options that would produce quickly recognizable results, besides additional violence. Hired guns and/or proxies can still be found who will do this, and it's tragically easy to maneuver the smaller European countries into the role of the sacrificial hostage.

Posted by: ptb | Mar 9 2022 18:50 utc | 25

Boo | Mar 9 2022 18:25 utc | 4

"This Qanon level conspiracy theory is for the rubes."

Things haven't been looking so good for you ivory tower dwelling Very Important Respectable Adult Serious People these last few years, have they?

Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Mar 9 2022 18:52 utc | 26

Below is the complete little Reuters lie about biological weapons labs in Ukraine

EU says Russia reports of biolabs in Ukraine likely disinformation

BRUSSELS, March 9 (Reuters) - The European Union said on Wednesday it doubted the credibility of Russian government claims it had uncovered a military biological programme in Ukraine, saying that Moscow had a history of spreading disinformation about biological weapons. read more

"The credibility of information provided by Kremlin is in general very doubtful and low," EU foreign affairs spokesman Peter Stano said.

"Russian disinformation has a track record of promoting manipulative narratives about biological weapons and alleged 'secret labs'," he said, adding that the EU was not aware of any Ukrainian laboratories not in line with international law.

In recent days, Russia has accused Ukraine of having tried to develop biological or nuclear weapons. On Wednesday, the Kremlin said Washington must explain "Ukrainian biological weapons labs".

A Ukrainian presidential spokesperson said: "Ukraine strictly denies any such allegation."

If another part of empire is admitting biological weapons labs then why this piece today?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Mar 9 2022 18:53 utc | 27

James2? | Mar 9 2022 18:48 utc | 23

This time the Russians would be physically present to direct enforce the agreement where necessary while forcibly preventing US-Nazi power from coming back in.

Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Mar 9 2022 18:54 utc | 28

pretzelattack @ 5
wonder how long ordinary americans will remain enthusiastic about this war as prices go up, and up, and up...

They will remain entertainment soaked, propagandized, and willing hand over their dollars to their masters.

Posted by: circumspect | Mar 9 2022 18:55 utc | 29

reply to 23

One fact that surprized me is that more than 25% of Ukraine are pensioners (!!). It's no wonder they have one of the worst average ages in the world. Add caregivers to that number. Then consider the mass exodus of young refugees ( who can leave, unlike the pensioners) and military action gets really difficult.

Posted by: Eighthman | Mar 9 2022 18:56 utc | 30

It's really boiled down to this, goyim don't want to die for the khazar khanate or zio eretz machinations. And it's all the Internets fault, ehud barak could have carried out another 911 like convincing false flag and have goyim fall for it, but its the damned net.

Posted by: Anon | Mar 9 2022 18:57 utc | 31

military action gets really difficult.
Posted by: Eighthman | Mar 9 2022 18:56 utc | 29


Au contraire. The remaining bitter young people make a fine army.

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 18:59 utc | 32

War Plans Were Leaked On Purpose By Russia 4 Months Ago — and that is why Dems kept predicting war

Posted by: Baba | Mar 9 2022 18:15 utc | 2

That there would be a war was predictable as the US was shipping lots of weapons to Ukraine and Ukraine seemed busy preparing for an attack.

A date in February was widely predicted as it was during the Olympic Games. The 2008 Georgia war had started during the Beijing Summer Games and the Maidan 2014 had its big escalation (the deadly shooting) during the Olympics in Sochi.

In reaction to the war preparations Russia put more troops at the border and threatened to intervene when the Donbass was attacked. That was the point that Biden went to Europe warning for a Russian invasion and having countries promise that they would sanction Russia if it did so. It was a clever trick as it a Russian intervention after Donbass could also be framed as an invasion and thus a reason for sanctions. It put Russia in a position where it had to choose between allowing Zelensky to overrun Donbass or being sanctioned.

Posted by: Wim | Mar 9 2022 19:00 utc | 33

"1. Unleashing U.S. oil production +1M, 2. lifting sanctions on Venezuela +1M, 3. lifting sanctions on Iran +2M, 4. Increased oil production from Saudi Arabia / UAE ... ? Certainly 2M+

I can see why Neocons are having visions of the 1980's again."

This is all possible over the course of about 2-3 years of heavy investment. There is no short term increase in production possible. Removing Russian oil will redirect it to China. So they need to receive Iranian oil to prevent a shortfall for US refineries. But Vene wont be able to up its output for a will either. Vene oil is essential cos its heavy oil. Like the oil the Russians were supplying. Incidentally the Russia oil was bought (10% of US demand) because the refineries in Tx used Venezuelan oil before those sanctions.

Moral of this story. You cant sanction everybody at the same time.

Posted by: Harry | Mar 9 2022 19:01 utc | 34

Having just been knocked out, and had its butt kicked ever so hard by Russia, the West lies discredited, deeply humiliated and pathologically hysterical for the whole world to see. Obviously, it is high time “the international community” be redefined… Nations are not kids. In today’s interconnected world, the idea of “punishing” nations with sanctions is passée. Insisting stubbornly to continue doing so is bound to be a most damaging, irreversible, strategic mistake on the part of any declining Empire.

Posted by: Louis Robert | Mar 9 2022 19:02 utc | 35

"State Dept couldn't get Mexico to join! Something of a surprise

Posted by: ptb | Mar 9 2022 18:32 utc | 7"

Fwiw it doesn't surprise me. According to the HTOE, Mexico gets to keep its oil to do as it sees fit, because as the US' southern neighbor, it has nuclear power and a 20M- large megacity. It needs to not chaotically collapse. Therefore it gets to say no to joining in.

These votes are a big signaling mechanism.

Posted by: reante | Mar 9 2022 19:04 utc | 36

@ Posted by: Boo | Mar 9 2022 18:25 utc | 4

The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory, you can download it from the WEF website, it is called Covid 19: The Great Reset

The basic premise is that the many global institutions of world have been greatly harmed and disrupted due to the measures put into effect by governments in response to Covid 19, so they lay out a plan to try and "fix" all the new problems caused by those measures. They also write about how those problematic Covid 19 issues can also bring in "new and better" ways for "global institutions" to help run the world. One of those ways is the need of a new Global Reserve Currency preferably digital so they can control it.

Posted by: Baba | Mar 9 2022 19:04 utc | 37

The jet transfer is probably face saving BS for NATO/US. They can't do sh*t. It's either WW3 or nothing. Their impotence is palpable.

Posted by: mikhas | Mar 9 2022 19:04 utc | 38

How about an ultracrazy move from Iran right in the present status of int'l affairs?
If the ayatollahs really wondered how get a full surrender from the west especially from Satan, they just
shut down the straits of Hormuz next weekend just to see how beyond the horns of the moon the oil prices would go.

Posted by: augusto | Mar 9 2022 19:08 utc | 39

Posted by: Baba | Mar 9 2022 19:04 utc | 36


If you control the market it matters not what the currency is.

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 19:09 utc | 40

I think the Nuland admission, for that is what it actually is, on the US usage of the Ukraine for bioweapons research, is a smoking gun admission. Unlike Iraq, where there were no "weapons of mass destruction", "cookies" Nuland admits, while sugar coating it, that they ordered the Ukrainians overseeing these labs to destroy all of the evidence of what was there before the Russians could get there. There are enough documents revealing what was going on that even successful complete destruction of the vials of bioweapons only proves after the admission, that the weapons existed. Also, we can guess that the destruction will have been less than complete somewhere and that these facts will leak out eventually. We can also suspect that with the Ukraine regime removed from these territories, those who worked in these labs will at some point gain the courage, especially since those living in these areas are primarily Russian speakers, to disclose what they saw, which will result in more damning evidence.
This shows the ultimate double standard: fake weapons of mass destruction are cause for invasion while invasions are evil if they disclose real weapons of mass destruction created by the yankee regime and its handmaidens. Meanwhile, Noodles Nuland's testimony before Rubio looks like classic projection: attack the Russians for creating the same false flags the yankee regime is intent on committing. We also don't know what happened to all of this crap. Will some of it be used for yankee ukrainian false flags? I agree with someone who described the "west*s" information war as a steaming noisome cloaca of filth.

Posted by: exiled off mainstree | Mar 9 2022 19:09 utc | 41

b is free to delete this should he deem it off-topic.

A satirical show on German state TV program ZDF called "Die Anstalt", which releases roughly one new episode per month, has just yesterday broadcast its newest episode which can be viewed online. This episode - for some reason - cannot be downloaded from the site directly and there is a specific statement that I haven't seen before on these episodes detailing that it's apparently only available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Here's a direct link to the video, which may work should the site above not display anything.

The video is of course about Russia and Ukraine and during it's 43 minutes of length there has been as far as I remember not a single mention of the shelling of Donbass, the Minsk agreements, Azov or other "fighters", the Maidan coup, the OSCE-documented bombings, Zelenskiy's "nuclear" comment at Munich, shelling of humanitarian corridors by Ukranian "fighters", forced recruitment of males and probably plenty of other things that interested souls may want to know about this.

What the honored viewers got instead was roughly ~25 minutes of jokes about Putin (with the promise of "donating" money to Ukraine for every joke cracked towards Putin during the episode), a shallow dive into Putin's past with an accompanying telediagnosis of his authoritarian tendencies, a "debunking" of some of his speeches leading up to the conflict that sounded like it was written for children, the obligatory recollection of Soviet misdeeds to defend NATO's quick expansion into Eastern Europe "who had to live constantly under the threat of "the Russian (post-soviet? lol) imperium". It contained many guest sketches from other popular cabaretists with the same stupid jokes - and a for me personally sad bit featuring Jochen Malmsheimer (~7:58), who appears to have fallen for much of the nonsense going around right now.

All in all this episode contained ~3 short sketches that did not mock or demonize Putin, Russia or the Soviets in any way - including a beautiful bit by MEP Martin Sonneborn (~30:58) recommending Z to not negotiate with Von der Leyen thru SMS messages (since she tends to delete them) and hoping that Ukraine can fulfill the high bar of European double standards set by Poland's refusal to let in non-white refugees from Ukraine.

Why the fuzz? This is the same show that in one of its first episodes, aired on the 23rd of Sep 2014, mocked the way the majority of German journalists and press mislead, distorted and lied - about the very same Ukraine conflict that escalated during the past two weeks! The full episode is here, and for anyone not willing to sit through the full hour here's the last big sketch of that episode in which press statements from that time are contrasted against what really had happened.

The show releases a document accompanying every episode in which they detail the sources used in preparation of the show - the document for yesterday's episode is here. It refers practically exclusively to German sources (which it almost always does, but among them, the same news sources that have been mocked before for their "reliability" towards things Ukranian). It refers - among many other funny things - to "sources" dating 22nd Feb and 7th Mar for the claim that it's ok to compare Putin with Hitler - and even a plain link to a Google Image Search for "Putin Hitler" to prove... what exactly?

Peak dumb in this episode is from 24:54 onward, where they play a clip of Putin slipping on the ice during a hockey match. They find it so funny they play it multiple times in a row. Wow! Great minds at work here! They probably still believe that the Kremlin must lie to Russians for them to think we... don't respect them all that much.

Posted by: pachinko | Mar 9 2022 19:12 utc | 42

Peter AU 1 @ 23:

You can add titanium to your list. That's needed in the manufacture of passenger aircraft. Think of which major US company will be in a flap now that Russia is restricting its sakes of titanium to the West.

Posted by: Jen | Mar 9 2022 19:13 utc | 43

the ukies should just do what they could have done 8 or 9 years ago and choose integration with russia and other non-blob countries over suicidal attempts at joining NATO or strapping themselves to the anchor of the EU. never understood the "logic" of siding with culturally, ethnically and linguistically foreign countries miles away over their next door neighbor but i guess i'm not a "strategic genius" like the 2014 coup plotters.

and as long as i'm pipe dreaming - maybe give back some western areas to their original countries. a chance to play nice and also wash their hands of the banderatards in the region. it would be like reverse imperialism: "we don't care if you want this land - just take it already." then again those countries are in NATO so maybe not.

Posted by: the pair | Mar 9 2022 19:13 utc | 44

Re my comment @ 42: "Sales", not "sakes".

Posted by: Jen | Mar 9 2022 19:14 utc | 45

The Mercator projection exaggerates the US support.

New Zealand has also closed its airspace - Putin must be quaking in his boots.

Posted by: Keith McClary | Mar 9 2022 19:15 utc | 46

Bioweapons conspiracy theory guys, guys these are perfectly normal R&D centers to cure disease and nothing else. Why wouldn't the Pentagon take advantage of all of these highly skilled research scientists in Ukraine who would otherwise be doing nothing. Ukraine is a hub for bio-medicine.


Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Mar 9 2022 19:17 utc | 47

Looks like diesel will hit the $5/gal average by Friday; it's $4.883 today. In California, that price level is well back in the rearview mirror and is at $5.989 today, with many locations already over $6. California was once an oil producing state, and it still is, but is way short of being able to supply demand nowadays. I imagine many marginal wells extracting only a few barrels a week are now working, and there are many of those. Gasoline is just as bad, averaging $5.573/gal, national average being $4.252. I should note that in many states the minimum wage is the same as the Federal--%7.25/hr--and many still drive massive SUVs because they're cheap to buy for those making that wage--but expensive to drive. Then there's commuting from beyond the exurbs where the only affordable housing is that takes 2-3 hours oneway and 150 or more miles daily--and that's been the norm in California for decades, although the minimum wage is $14-15 depending on business size. A 150 mile commute in your 15mpg SUV will take 10 gallons daily, or close to $60 or 4 hours of work, and that cost will continue to rise--many project $10/gal gas by Summer. And diesel will be even more dear.

During the last major oil/gas price rise, carpooling took off as did communter vans & buses. Such measures will again be employed, but that allows for people to be together and talk, something the Neoliberal Parasites don't want to happen and hope they stay glued to their phones. History shows a political backlash will occur since the rise is artificially induced. Biden's toast, but none of the Congrescritters deserve reelection either as they're just as responsible. November seems so far away....

Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 9 2022 19:21 utc | 48

pretzelattack @ 5

Past 48 hours and this morning in particular the blue and yellow flag is everywhere. Anybody who has a Black Lives. Matter sign in the front window or front yard, or a Biden bumper sticker, and quite a few who never did any of the above are all showing the blue and yellow. Retail businesses have the flag in front window and will not lose even one customer from that. When gasoline is $10 and food is limited availability as well as high-priced it will still all be Putin’s fault.

This is a population that was eager to put a diaper on their face and untested unknown substances in their arm. This is a population that refuses to know anything but believes everything they are told. Cattle can be stampeded, they never stampede all on their own.

Posted by: oldhippie | Mar 9 2022 19:23 utc | 49

I should be an optimist for a change.

First the US pushed Russia and China together, now the US is pushing Europe towards Russia and China :)

Europe doesn't really have any choice.

Afro-Eurasia :D

Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Mar 9 2022 19:23 utc | 50

The onus is on the Pentagon to show why this is necessary.

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Mar 9 2022 18:47 utc | 19

Easy answer for the Pentagon: war on terror 2.0. The Covid terrorist without a boxcutter, that mother nature unleashed in us because she woke up on the wrong side of the bed one day, caused some serious political instability in the good ol us of a. Answer: antivirus weapons systems!

And/or if the Pentagon thinks china what done it, the Covid, then the answer also is: antivirus weapons systems.

Oh, and cheap labor, and contractors being able to tap into R&D tax credits.

Posted by: reante | Mar 9 2022 19:30 utc | 51

"These days have confirmed our long-standing concerns, which we have voiced repeatedly and not for the first year, regarding the development of the United States on the territory of Ukraine of relevant biological materials for military purposes under the auspices of the relevant US special services," the diplomat said. "This was confirmed based not only on the materials and data that were obtained promptly on the territory of Ukraine, not only from the statements of the relevant departments of Ukraine, it was also confirmed directly in Washington during the speech of US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland."

Thanks Jen I think there is a number of other minerals and gasses as well but I'm not sure how much or how quickly they will effect the consumer. Titanium... perhaps Boeing and Airbus wont need so much now :) I know a few years back, Boeing was stock piling titanium forgings it imported from Russia. I don't know how much it has in stock now though.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 9 2022 19:32 utc | 52

i wonder if people could be propagandized into wearing those pins that look like modified swastikas. sadly, i think that is quite possible.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Mar 9 2022 19:33 utc | 53

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 9 2022 19:32 utc | 51

Titanium is huge in medicine.

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 19:38 utc | 54

The Hill reporting 1 hr ago EST: the Blinking one welcomes UAE support to increase oil production.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday welcomed statements from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that the country supports increasing oil production to offset rising prices as the U.S. and its allies seek to alienate Russia from the oil market over its invasion of Ukraine.
Blinken called it “important” for OPEC+, a grouping of oil-exporting nations, to increase oil production to “stabilize global energy markets, to make sure that there remains an abundant supply of energy around the world.” 

Why is Russia not a member of the OPEC Cartel? Yet, it has what Forbes consider a veto.

@ Peter AU1

Re shipment of uranium. As per piece on Yahoo, a carve out was being sought US Energy companies to avoid rolling blackouts.

Shipments however may be impeded by port closings.
WSJ: Hundreds of Ships trapped by Ukraine War

Posted by: Likklemore | Mar 9 2022 19:38 utc | 55

330 bioweapon labs globally are 330 too many. And we know they are up to nothing good. Neoliberalcons--Anti-Humans one and all.

Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 9 2022 19:39 utc | 56

For anyone interested, I started a blog exposing all of the Ukrainian bullcrap from a Hungarian perspective. Our views are very similar to Russia in this regard. Worth a read if you translate what I say.

My first entry Matrix of Lies - Why is there an unhealthy obsession with Ukraine among Americans?

Posted by: Albert Balog | Mar 9 2022 19:39 utc | 57

Russia & China should synchronize their retaliatory sanctions. China should pick up the phone & call all western companies like Volkswagen, Coca Cola, Maersk etc to immediately resume services to Russia or lose the China market.

Posted by: Jens Sorensen | Mar 9 2022 19:43 utc | 58

Russia & China should synchronize their retaliatory sanctions. China should pick up the phone & call all western companies like Volkswagen, Coca Cola, Maersk etc to immediately resume services to Russia or lose the China market.

Posted by: Jens Sorensen | Mar 9 2022 19:43 utc | 59

The attention span of the MSM and its readers is a factor too. Relentless high-intensity info wars have shock value at the beginning but you have to be able to dial down to have something in reserve. There's also other news; people look at Ukraine news because they are bored by local news but over the long term politics is local (according to Tip O'Neill) and that's what people care about. For example, the floods in eastern Australia and the electoral catastrophe this represents for the Morrison govt here have pushed Ukraine to p.4 at best. Most Aussies don't know where Ukraine is and couldn't give a shit, especially when Lismore looks far worse than Mariupol (nature is much better at indiscriminate destruction—maybe we should put sanctions on the weather?). At the exact 2-week mark the info war has dissipated at least 50% of its force. By the end of March 80%. By then the economy is in the toilet from sanctions, but the causal line between bad Putin and bad energy costs will become meaningless as local voters look to local leaders to solve the problem. Ukraine is just a name on a map, and one loses track of who was guilty of what but what does that matter to me? It's just speculating about somewhere a million miles away populated by unpronounceable names written in an unintelligible script. I need fuel price relief here now.

The Russians are right not to be spooked by the meme war. Social media is the land of ADD. "Haven't we seen this one? What else is on?" Meanwhile the Russians, Persians and Chinese play a long patient game...

Posted by: Patroklos | Mar 9 2022 19:47 utc | 60

@the pair
I am not surprised. Those ukros thought the EU was going to be “manna from heaven” ie live off the sweat and labour off the EU Europeans,p; after all , they saw all the Moslem “refugees” do that within a year of the Maidan Steal.

Also the die-hard Ukros are Galicians; wannabe Austro-Hungarians aka Germans .lol

Posted by: Brother Ma | Mar 9 2022 19:49 utc | 61

Pam an Russ Martins report:

Deutsche Bank Has Lost 38 Percent of Its Market Value in a Month; That’s a Big Problem for Wall Street and the Fed

Deutsche Bank (symbol DB on the above chart) closed at $16.50 on the New York Stock Exchange on February 10 of this year. It closed at $10.23 yesterday – a decline of 38 percent in a month’s time. That’s a big problem because Deutsche Bank is heavily interconnected to Wall Street banks via derivatives. According to Deutsche Bank’s most recent annual report, as of December 31, 2020, it held $35.4 trillion in notional derivatives.


In June 2016, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a report with a finding that Deutsche Bank posed the greatest threat to global financial stability than any other bank because of its interconnections to Wall Street mega banks and large banks in Europe. (See graph below.) The largest bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase, was shown as one of the banks with the largest amount of exposure.

... continues

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 19:52 utc | 62

Americans drive 2- 3 hours everday to work , one way? Comeon ! Pulling our leg.

Posted by: Brother Ma | Mar 9 2022 19:53 utc | 63

Notice to all Foreign Companies that exited Russia- Declare Yourselves.

Gov't Commission Backs Tools to Nationalize Assets of Foreign Firms If They Permanently Exit Russia

Russian authorities have already taken a series of steps aimed at easing the economic impact of Western sanctions pressure, including a requirement for companies to sell 80 percent of their foreign currency, and a presidential decree allowing overseas creditors to be temporarily paid back in rubles.
A Russian government legislative commission has put together a second package of proposed measures in support of the economy, including the creation of a mechanism for the nationalization of the property of foreign firms which decide to leave the country, United Russia, Russia’s ruling party, announced on its Telegram page on Wednesday.[.]

Posted by: Likklemore | Mar 9 2022 19:53 utc | 64

Wonderful (short) speech by Clare Daly. We have to go to Zimbabwe to find it!

Makes me proud to be Irish.

Posted by: John Cleary | Mar 9 2022 20:02 utc | 65

to cesar@1: the midterms. big retirement turnover in the House.

to Dutchman @18: Europe is re-capitalizing with a huge bond issue.(if i understand this
@ theDuran)

to Chuba @19: oil isn't just oil. it's v technical. diesel, which is heavy crude and delivers everything, is a huge supply shock.

Dutchman @21: "So regardless the Russians have no alternative to imposing their will completely by force and then installing a new government afterward."
the Russian way of war has been previewed in Syria. very few sources understand this.
readers here should pay attention to theDuran which is back on u-tube. (to James2@23)

the comments section here should be WAY better than this.

Posted by: Bogdan | Mar 9 2022 20:02 utc | 66

to cesar@1: the midterms. big retirement turnover in the House.

to Dutchman @18: Europe is re-capitalizing with a huge bond issue.(if i understand this
@ theDuran)

to Chuba @19: oil isn't just oil. it's v technical. diesel, which is heavy crude and delivers everything, is a huge supply shock.

Dutchman @21: "So regardless the Russians have no alternative to imposing their will completely by force and then installing a new government afterward."
the Russian way of war has been previewed in Syria. very few sources understand this.
readers here should pay attention to theDuran which is back on u-tube. (to James2@23)

the comments section here should be WAY better than this.

Posted by: Bogdan | Mar 9 2022 20:03 utc | 67

Wonderful (short) speech by Clare Daly. We have to go to Zimbabwe to find it!

Makes me proud to be Irish.

Posted by: John Cleary | Mar 9 2022 20:03 utc | 68

pretzelattack @ 52

Haven’t seen the wolfsangel worn yet. The tryzub, or Trident of Volodymyr, is being worn as a lapel pin, as a t-shirt, as an embroidered patch.

Posted by: oldhippie | Mar 9 2022 20:03 utc | 69

Wonderful (short) speech by Clare Daly. We have to go to Zimbabwe to find it!

Makes me proud to be Irish.

Posted by: John Cleary | Mar 9 2022 20:03 utc | 70

pretzelattack @ 52

Haven’t seen the wolfsangel worn yet. The tryzub, or Trident of Volodymyr, is being worn as a lapel pin, as a t-shirt, as an embroidered patch.

Posted by: oldhippie | Mar 9 2022 20:04 utc | 71

Make no mistake, OPEC producers will break discipline and over produce their quotas; that's a lot of money; discipline has always been tough when prices are high; I'm not saying this will cover the loss of Russian supplies, but it will help. It will all be quiet as the commodity speculators can't so easily wind down their contracts even as these excess sales drop the spot price moving us into contango. Contango means the party ends; how long that can last is as question of how much USD we can burn.

Posted by: ScottinDallas | Mar 9 2022 20:05 utc | 72

Looks like RUS might Section Off the Entire Russian-Speaking Oblasts into LDPR - then let Kiev-Lvov Carry On with the Remainder.

I heard others expecting Lvov to be Cut Off Somehow.

Either way, the Ethnic-Russians will hopefully see better times going forward.

Best Wishes.

Posted by: IronForge | Mar 9 2022 20:07 utc | 73

Third time lucky. I have been getting a 503 error with this post. It may be too accurate.

Peter AU1 | Mar 9 2022 18:48 utc | 22
One more for your list. This may be already happening, which would be the end of "Intellectual property rights". This is a massive money "earner" for the US and has been used to slow or disrupt development of other countries for many years.

If Russia now decides to simply not follow those imposed "rules" as the situation now warrants an increase in local production (i.e. chips)? Over the long term it frees the Russians to improve their own industries without constraints, allows reverse engineered electronics and other useful items, and saves money as well. Must be tempting

Posted by: Stonebird | Mar 9 2022 20:08 utc | 74

In response to Cesare's question how do Western governments climb down:
They would have to manufacture consent in Russia's favour.
Should be interesting.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward | Mar 9 2022 20:12 utc | 75

@karlof1 Americans drive 2- 3 hours everday to work , one way? Comeon ! Pulling our leg.

Posted by: Brother Ma | Mar 9 2022 19:53 utc | 62

I don't know about the California megasprawl, but here in the Colorado foothills, 60- and even 90-minute commutes are common.

That said, I wish I shared karlof1's optimism but I don't. He sees carpooling and ride sharing as an opportunity for people to learn from each other; I think it just as likely to lead to reinforcement of previously held positions if unanimity is already shared among the riders, or if minority voices are uncomfortable speaking up. And as far as the midterms are concerned, I foresee some change of faces (mostly retirements; there aren't many competitive districts), but when it comes to anything related to the MIC, rest assured nothing will change.

Posted by: malenkov | Mar 9 2022 20:14 utc | 76

Biden seems to be saying its just a matter of logistics to get those MIG jets operational by ulkr pilots and to avoid backlash to YSA ..Norway says is at maximum gas production...gonna take a while to get more UK gas oil up on the surface UK Truss confirms the Great Game against Russia is reactivated and continued ...meanwhile sanctions and inflation-so far estimated- gonna cost each UK household extra £2500 a year thats 75 billion . probably expect more as the freedom of Ukraine and confront Russian Putin limitless ambitions are worthy of any cost so they are trying to persuade gods .

Posted by: JJ | Mar 9 2022 20:16 utc | 77

Brother Ma @62--

For many years, I lived in California and watched the suburbs grow farther and farther away from the primary job base locale, Silicon Valley being the prime example, but also San Francisco. To find affordable housing, meaning under 200K, workers needed to go as far East as Stockton or Modesto, Merced, and other formerly agricultural centers where farmland became suburban-exurban sprawl. Do a search San Jose to Modesto and you'll get results anywhere from 90 minutes to two hours--and that's without commuter jam traffic which often doubles that time. Los Angeles is very similar as people have moved East into the desert to find cheap housing and commute 2+ hours oneway--and they drive NASCAR crazy ignoring speed limits. And people in search of even more affordable housing are moving even farther East to Las Vegas. I'm not pulling anyone's leg. My longest commute was from Campbell to Fremont, California back in the early 1980s at 45-60 minutes oneway on my Honda 750F-2. Today, the 3bdrm 2ba San Jose tract house we moved from 20 years ago costs over $1 million--it was built in 1967 and sold for $27,000. Yes, I agree, it's crazy!

Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 9 2022 20:19 utc | 78

Stonebird | Mar 9 2022 20:08 utc | 73

Intellectual property rights. Yep I had forgotten that one. Russia has passed a law allowing Russian companies to ignore that. European and American companies will take some good sized hits with that.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 9 2022 20:22 utc | 79

Baba | Mar 9 2022 18:15 utc | 2

2 decades ago, after 9/11, when Dubya said "They hate us for our freedoms", I thought it was one of the dumbest things I had ever heard. Now I'm wondering if he had been briefed that 9/11 was a WEF operation, and he was correct in his somewhat addled worldview.

Posted by: Eric Blair | Mar 9 2022 20:23 utc | 80

too scents | Mar 9 2022 19:52 utc | 61

"According to Deutsche Bank’s most recent annual report, as of December 31, 2020, it held $35.4 trillion in notional derivatives.

JPM is one of the largest holders of derivatives.

Could be a sign that the "daisy-chain" derivatives market is unravelling. Margin calls and the complete ignorance about the "owners" of the original collateral makes the whole thing a ponzi "musical chairs".

PS There is not enough "collateral" in the entire world to cover all the debts made. Don't know where I heard that, but I believe it.

Posted by: Stonebird | Mar 9 2022 20:23 utc | 81

I watched the evening news on Russia's number 1 channel. Two major propaganda themes: 1) US biolaboratories in Ukraine. 2) Ukrainian attack plans for February 28, 2022.

The order to prepare National Guard units for attack was released by Russian MoD and made available on their Telegram channel:

❗🇷🇺 The Russian Ministry of Defenсe got original documents of the combat order of the National Guard proving that Ukraine was preparing an offensive operation against Donbass in March of this year.
#MoD #Russif #Ukraine

Russia claims to have the original signed documents. I do not know if the documents are authentic, but I find them at least as convincing as the document allegedly signed by Stalin in 1940 ordering the execution the Polish officers in Katyn. The later document was "found" by Yeltsin in a secret safe in the Kremlin in 1991.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Mar 9 2022 20:24 utc | 82

malenkov @75--

Thanks for your reply. I lived and worked in Castle Rock for awhile during the late 80s into the early 90s and watched everyone zooming up and down I-25 to Denver and the Springs. I sorta share your pessimism on human interactions but not totally. The four years I lived on Oahu I didn't own a car and used The Bus to get everywhere I needed to go; but within the Outlaw US Empire, that's almost unique.

Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 9 2022 20:27 utc | 83

get those MIG jets operational
Posted by: JJ | Mar 9 2022 20:16 utc | 76


NATO jets meet BASF Ludwigshafen, the giant argo-chemical plant 100% powered by Russian gas that drives world agriculture.

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 20:27 utc | 84

According to the Russian MoD Ukrainian nationalists committed an extremely dangerous provocation: they attacked the facilities that provide energy to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant...

This is the nuclear provocation the Russians have been warning since days ago.

It is obvious that the Biden administration and its nazi thugs are willing to use the nuclear option in Europe in front of the growing resistance in the EU to immolate themselves on behalf of the US.

The nazis know they have no scape, and neither Biden nor Nuland give a damn about destructing Europe as the last time.

Posted by: Givi | Mar 9 2022 20:30 utc | 85

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 19:52 utc | 61

Thanks for this. There you have it folks: DB has $35T in derivative exposure. My god... 35 Trillion. Let's see if this whole controlled demolition isn't cover for a managed liquidation of all toxic assets. If there is a 'reset' it's finance looking for a way to wipe the slate but not before securing positions and finding a fall guy. First covid, then Putin. But the clock's a-tickin'! Chop chop! You only get one pandemic and one Russia to blame boys!

Short DB.

Posted by: Patroklos | Mar 9 2022 20:37 utc | 86

Also the die-hard Ukros are Galicians; wannabe Austro-Hungarians aka Germans .lol

Posted by: Brother Ma | Mar 9 2022 19:49 utc | 60

Austro-Hungarian remnants are a fucking blight

Posted by: Misotheist | Mar 9 2022 20:38 utc | 87

The alleged Russian attack on the Mariupol maternal and child hospital is a big LIE. In an interview here, YESTERDAY, a civilian from Mariupol indicates that the mother and child hospital was evicted AT THE END OF FEBRUARY and members of Azov settled there.

Posted by: Givi | Mar 9 2022 20:38 utc | 88

Misotheist #15

I would hope for him to have a stroke, but it'd be pinned on Vlad the Invader.

After all the sh!t Borell dumped on Russia, I reckon Vlad would wear it as a badge of honor ;)

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Mar 9 2022 20:39 utc | 89

Givi @ 84

Early reports. No one needs panic yet. The shuttered reactors need power to remain cool. Official information is the backup generators are functioning and have diesel on hand for 48 hours. A 750kw power line to the shuttered NPP was cut and repairs can’t happen until fighting in area stops.

The real estate around the NPP is and has been in Russian hands. They can get diesel delivered. No word given on how far away the power was cut. My guess (I said I am guessing, I may be wrong) is this was the work of a small sabotage team, not the result of a large scale battle. Please note grid power is up in Kiev.Grid power has never been interrupted.

This is the war where the power is on, the water is on, the heat is on, the phones work, the internet works. This is not an American style war.

Posted by: oldhippie | Mar 9 2022 20:39 utc | 90

Drone footage has surfaced showing what are believed to be Azov troops on the roofs of high-rise buildings in Mariupol that are occupied by civilians. Aerial images also show heavy military equipment 'hidden' in the same area.

Posted by: Givi | Mar 9 2022 20:44 utc | 91

Addendum to the Deutsche Bank situation:

This quote is amazing:

"Deutsche Bank, a large German bank, was among the global banks bailed out by the Fed during the financial crash of 2008 as well as during the (still unexplained) liquidity crash that saw the Fed pump trillions of dollars in cumulative loans into global banks from September 17, 2019 through July 2, 2020."

* Still unexplained. WTF?
* Gee, what else was happening between Sept 2019 and July 2020? Oh yeah, a managed decoupling of the financial and real economies because of the 'pandemic emergency'.
* DB split its good and bad assets into two halves (partitioned across a good bank and a bad bank).
* One of those is going to go Lehmann and the fallout will be blamed on the 'worsening economic situation in Europe due to Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine'.
* DB is so entangled with the Fed, GS, JPM, etc. They want to 'WTC 7' its ass.

Posted by: Patroklos | Mar 9 2022 20:50 utc | 92

oldhippie | Mar 9 2022 20:39 utc | 89

The place now is just cooling ponds for used fuel rods. Power is used to circulate the water but even if the water stops circulating it is still okay apparently.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 9 2022 20:57 utc | 93

Yoon wins S. Korea.

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 21:00 utc | 94

John Cleary #64

Wonderful (short) speech by Clare Daly. We have to go to Zimbabwe to find it!

Makes me proud to be Irish.

That was an excellent speech indeed. Made my day :)

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Mar 9 2022 21:00 utc | 95

Very important piece of the energy puzzle:
1) - USA is using a lot of nuclear power. That's why electricity in USA is so cheap
2) But wouldn't stop buying Russian uranium -
3) - 16% is Russian, 22% Kazakhstan ("Extending Russia", does anyone remember it?), 8% Uzbekistan

NPP reactors are usually reloaded once a year and the loading of each reactor is spread through the year depending on local plant/grid specifics. If nuclear fuel supply is disrupted the electricity generation will suffer at least temporary (there are very few countries that mine uranium).
I wonder why this is not in the USA news?

Posted by: zloster | Mar 9 2022 21:00 utc | 96

Yoon wins S. Korea.

Posted by: too scents | Mar 9 2022 21:00 utc | 93

Truly horrible news.

Posted by: malenkov | Mar 9 2022 21:03 utc | 97

Givi | Mar 9 2022 20:38 utc | 87

No need for caps. Its quite obvious its bullshit. No beds in the rooms.

Even got the beginnings of the Ukraine white helmets.,556

In the linked pic, there's two possibly three wearing a shoulder patch with a star on it. Does anybody recognize it?

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 9 2022 21:10 utc | 98

farm ecologist |Mar 9 2022 15:08 utc | *601* |Mar 9 2022 15:08 utc |*601* asked: Does anybody have sources for this, especially the Canadian connection?

For starters:

How the Harper regime's propaganda go to gal on Ukraine could fit into the Liberal party is anyone's guess[first letter: I-----]

Further reading:

• Israel opens NATO mission
• The history of Zionist collusion with Nazis

Posted by: Laurence | Mar 9 2022 21:16 utc | 99

pretzelattack | Mar 9 2022 18:42 utc | 14

Indeed! I imagine that President Putin will be sending the "young Ms. Nuland" a thank you card for giving another justification for invasion. It worked in Iraq. This just gets curiouser and curiouser.|

On another note the Pentagon just released a paper on weaponizing emotional thinking for controlling populations. This has been known for a long time by politicians and in the run up to every other war, but it's worth reflecting upon in MICAMATT's current industrial endeavors.

Posted by: Michael.j | Mar 9 2022 21:18 utc | 100

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