Russia Is Back! (Repost from Feb 12, 2007)
This is a re-post of a piece originally published on February 12, 2007.
With Putin's speech at the Munich Security Policy conference, Russia is back.
One wonders what took it so long. Yes, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the catastrophic neoliberal privatization of the Yeltzin years had taken their toll. But under Putin the oligarchs were finally told to behave and rule of law was restored. Increasing commodity prices allowed paying off Russia's international debt.
Still during the recent years little could be seen of Russia's international aura. Western financed NGOs stage managed one color revolution after the other. The EU swallowed the economic realm and in its steps, and against all past promises, NATO followed.
Now Russia said "'nuff". The last drop in the bucket were the U.S. plans to install parts of its missile defense system in eastern Europe. This neither makes sense to protect Europe, nor is it geographically relevant against (nonexistent) missiles from Iran or North Korea. The only plausible reason for these new weapons is to break the Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) balance that protected against a nuclear exchange during the cold war.
This and the accusations of human rights violations and autocratic behavior, of the U.S. imperialists and Abu Ghraib torturers, brought Russia back to the international scene.
Putin made clear that from now on, the rules are different and further unilateral behavior of the U.S. will not be condoned:
[W]hat is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making.
It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.
And this certainly has nothing in common with democracy. Because, as you know, democracy is the power of the majority in light of the interests and opinions of the minority.
Incidentally, Russia – we – are constantly being taught about democracy. But for some reason those who teach us do not want to learn themselves.
I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world. And this is not only because if there was individual leadership in today’s – and precisely in today’s – world, then the military, political and economic resources would not suffice. What is even more important is that the model itself is flawed because at its basis there is and can be no moral foundations for modern civilisation.
In conclusion I would like to note the following. We very often – and personally, I very often – hear appeals by our partners, including our European partners, to the effect that Russia should play an increasingly active role in world affairs.In connection with this I would allow myself to make one small remark. It is hardly necessary to incite us to do so. Russia is a country with a history that spans more than a thousand years and has practically always used the privilege to carry out an independent foreign policy.
We are not going to change this tradition today. At the same time, we are well aware of how the world has changed and we have a realistic sense of our own opportunities and potential. And of course we would like to interact with responsible and independent partners with whom we could work together in constructing a fair and democratic world order that would ensure security and prosperity not only for a select few, but for all.
This new assertiveness has immediate influence on possible Kosovo solutions, on the war on Iran and any roadmap non-steps in Palestine.
I for one welcome this development and hope especially that European countries will again recognize where their real interests are.
PS: I recommend to read the speech in full. It's good.
Posted by b on February 24, 2022 at 12:18 UTC | Permalink
next page »The West has been clever for so long and thinks that this makes others stupid in comparison. laozi makes clear that it is the clever who are stupid as does the wry 'too clever' remark of English origin.
Posted by: James Edwards | Feb 24 2022 12:46 utc | 2
Nice to hear him mention Palestine which also seems to be part of the overall plan
Israel also appears to not be paying attention.
Posted by: financial matters | Feb 24 2022 12:47 utc | 3
From ancient times, bread is key.
More Lethal Than Fossil Fuel
More than a quarter of the world’s wheat exports come from Russia and Ukraine.
Infographic: Russia, Ukraine and the global wheat supply | Al Jazeera - Feb. 17, 2022
Byline: Russia bans ammonium nitrate exports until April to support domestic farmers
Looks like Russia will go up to the Dnieper river. Take Mariupol and maybe even Odessa, commodities and energy prices are skyrocketing in Europe. here In Germany I don't give 3 months for inflation in the Weimar Republic style..
Posted by: Nick | Feb 24 2022 13:06 utc | 6
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Posted by: Claudio | Feb 24 2022 13:08 utc | 7
Neil Hauer
Russian troops have entered Kyiv oblast. The drive for Ukraine's capital has begun
Posted by: Greg Galloway | Feb 24 2022 13:09 utc | 8
Quick look at MSM this morning says West has learned nothing. Russia is still a filthy hole full of ungrateful untermenschen. Racism is wholly acceptable to the woke if directed at Russians.
Further lessons will be required. Some at this page are half awake. This page would by Western standards be an extreme outlier. Those who can understand as much as can be understood here are criminals, psychopaths and terrorists. So the lessons will continue.
Posted by: oldhippie | Feb 24 2022 13:11 utc | 10 works, can always use Yandex or Google to translate and hope for the best.
Posted by: William Haught | Feb 24 2022 13:20 utc | 11
financial matters | Feb 24 2022 12:47 utc | 3
Wrong. Israel has stated it's support for Ukraine and has condemned Russia. Bad move as they were also supplying arms to the Ultra-right wing, plus trainers/"experts" in NATO/US operations/command centres.
Immediate result (This is hearsay as not confirmed officially - but there has been an immediate reaction from Russia.). "Syria has been given the go-ahead to retake the Golan heights". (Difficult, but not impossible). Putin has said he will not "aid" Syria to do this but he will no longer stay their hand if they do.
This is normal as there have been four IAF attacks aimed around Damascus in the last week alone. One of which was to take out Syrian air defenses, to be able to hit a designated target. (plus 3-5 Syrian soldiers dead).
The extension of hostilities to Syria and the Med (Ionian sea) is still on the cards.
Turkey-Erdogan has told the Russians they should stick to "international borders". (Like Turkey does in Syria?). Full PR syrup of fibs.
"The sh*t show still has further to flow" - to paraphrase Psychohistorian.
Posted by: Stonebird | Feb 24 2022 13:20 utc | 12
The third to last paragraph
This new assertiveness has immediate influence on possible Kosovo solutions, on the war on Iran and any roadmap non-steps in Palestine.
is not part of Putin’s speech.
It’s b’s writing that has accidentally got inside the quote.
Posted by: S | Feb 24 2022 13:30 utc | 13
"I for one welcome this development and hope especially that European countries will again recognize where their real interests are."
As long as the US calls the shots and Nato exist, European countries will act against their own peoples interests, just as Ukrainians did that led them to here. European countries need to kick out and stop listening to Washington, only then will things improve for the people of Europe.
Russia has the right to defend itself from Nato aggression, aggression channeled through Ukraine with the permission of the Ukrainians this makes Ukraine a legitimate target, frankly I'm surprised Putin waited until Nato was at the door to take significant action to save his country.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 24 2022 13:36 utc | 14
Karkhov in Russian hands.
Posted by: Greg Galloway | Feb 24 2022 13:39 utc | 15
Talking of things NATO.
Turkey is being very circumspect about it's position.
See Stoltenberg mention something about blocking the Bosporus.
Did he run this brain fart by anyone else first?
Posted by: Jpc | Feb 24 2022 13:42 utc | 16
Like the kid in the 90s' film Kolya exclaims, with unrestrained joy:
"Rrrrrrruski! Rrrrruski soldati!"
(Forgive my memory and shittily transliterated and incorrect Russian. The 90s were a long time ago.)
Posted by: Herr Ringbone | Feb 24 2022 13:44 utc | 17
(copied from other thread)
I expected an R2P style security mission, but not a full Georgia redux, not with the bigger map.
I supported recognition of DNR/LNR, but I can't say I support deep strikes in a country of this size. The US having done the same (and much worse) on a dozen occasions helps explain it, but doesn't make it right. The collateral damage in the economic sphere, likely to be widespread, seems to me as unnecessary. The economic effects of high gas/fertilizer prices would have done their work in a much measured way.
Hoping it ends with relatively little bloodshed.
Posted by: ptb | Feb 24 2022 13:53 utc | 18
Yesterday here: The invasion is a lie!
Today here: Russia has invaded! It's back!
Of course the author - having been hysterically wrong in just 24 hours - now celebrates the invasion.
People may die - but the author is so far gone he doesn't give a DAMN what the people actually living there want. Casualties - well so what. This piece doesn't mention them.
The author is morally bankrupt.
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:01 utc | 19
Stupid U.S. Senator stated that if Russia attacks U.K. electric grid via cyber, it could down power in Poland as well and that act could trigger USNATO Article 5.
LOL! As I stated yesterday, there are crazies in the U.S. government itching to get in the fight by whatever rathole they can squeeze into.
They just want to bleed the U.S. Treasury coffers dry; they just can't have enough of war. Then it would be nice if China obliges cashing in a chunk of U.S. debt to twist the knife.
U.S. lawmakers want a repeat of 2007 or worse.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 24 2022 14:04 utc | 20 - video, Ukrainian tank column running over civilian family car trunk
compare it with famous chinese tank column video from Tyan-an-meng times, bloody commie regime vs western cilized democratic one.
to add infamy, it's f-g WESTERN Ukraine -
no reason for sick f-rs brave defenders to flee in fear
no reason to despise eastern subhumans occupied ukrainians there
yet they still run over civilian cars instead of making short stop...
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 14:04 utc | 21
So remind me what did Nato do when the US invaded both Iraq and Afghanistan, was there a widespread outcry in the Western media calling for sanctions on the USA, (as they have with Russia) did the West flood Iraq and Afghanistan with weapons and cash, (as they have in Ukraine) did the West sent personnel to train the troops of these countries when they first invaded, (as they did in Ukraine) and what action did Nato take against the US when it murdered countless Iraqi and Afghan civilians including women and children?
We are dealing here with a gun for hire gang going by the name of Nato, and headed up by the chief villan the USA.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 24 2022 14:07 utc | 23
“ morally bankrupt “
Sez the poster whose moral accounts are filled with the equivalent of derivatives.
Posted by: William Gruff | Feb 24 2022 14:09 utc | 24
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:01 utc | 19
Did the western establishment give a single fuck about donbass inhabitants?
Did the MSM give a shit that FUCKING NAZIS shot their own nationals and that the current Kiev authorities were a product of this coup?
No, the DPR and LPR were demonized from the get-go simply for not being rabidly hostile against Russia (which is the point of it all) and not recognizing a putschist government intent on erasing a language from its own country.
Atlanticists didn't want to take the nazi garbage out - now they'll go out together hand in hand.
Posted by: Misotheist | Feb 24 2022 14:09 utc | 25
This is Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference.
It was Ukraine’s threat to acquire nuclear weapons that galvanised Putin to act now.
>>>The fight was inevitable <<<<
Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Zelensky said on Saturday:
Iwant to believe that the North Atlantic Treaty and Article 5 will be more effective than the Budapest Memorandum.
Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world’s third nuclear capability. We don’t have that weapon. We also have no security. We also do not have part of the territory of our state that is larger in area than Switzerland, the Netherlands or Belgium. And most importantly — we don’t have millions of our citizens. We don’t have all this.
Therefore, we have something. The right to demand a shift from a policy of appeasement to ensuring security and peace guarantees.
Since 2014, Ukraine has tried three times to convene consultations with the guarantor states of the Budapest Memorandum.
Three times without success. Today Ukraine will do it for the fourth time. I, as President, will do this for the first time.
But both Ukraine and I are doing this for the last time. I am initiating consultations in the framework of the Budapest Memorandum.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs was commissioned to convene them.
If they do not happen again or their results do not guarantee security for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and all the package decisions of 1994 are in doubt.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 24 2022 14:18 utc | 26
Good repost. Great read!
If only western leaders could be so eloquent and logical.
Does anyone think JB could write and deliver something like that?
14 years of trying to have a logical dialog about security and borders is ........if nothing else a sign of patience.
V Putin has and continues to prove that he deserves respect - perhaps that is precisely the reason why the west denies it to him?
Posted by: James Cook | Feb 24 2022 14:22 utc | 27
"Sez the poster whose moral accounts are filled with the equivalent of derivatives."
Reality. There is an invasion happening. The author is supporting it. After saying it was all a western lie.
People will die in the invasion. Not that William Guff cares about that. He cares mostly about being right.
It reminds me of the neocons who were shocked to find there was no WMD. Or the Trumpers who believe the lie that they won in '20.
The author now says he is glad the Russians are invading a day after saying the invasion was a western lie.
It's pathetic.
Funny - you don't bother to rebut the fact that a lot of people are going to die - not that those people did not want to be invaded.
I am sure you will be quoting RT back at me you fool. And you are a fool.
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:23 utc | 28
blocking the Bosporus.
Zelensky has called on Turkey to block.
I have not picked up if Turkey has made a response.
I’d reckon Erdogan will wait till his raised wet finger tells him which way the winning wind is blowing.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 24 2022 14:24 utc | 29
Brave "nationally-aware" patriot is online....
"I am , i used to serve in National Coprs. Dudes, do you like how it is going? Dudes all my brothers in arms and me, we already out of military, and you should do the same, ditch weapons, go home to your families, change to civic dress. Dudes, we were readying up for 8 years, then we were f-d up in two hours! How could it be? How could it be??? Dudes, you have your own heads, but what are you up to, die for faggot Zelensky and his thieves? I tell you, get rid of weapons and go home"
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 14:26 utc | 30
The head of Ukraine is a Jew - I don't think he is a NAZI.
Misotheist take your RT propaganda elsewhere.
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:26 utc | 31
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:26 utc | 31
So you claim Jews are somehow subhuman and incapable of being Nazi ?
They are not so they are capable
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 14:28 utc | 32
Thanks for reposting b
In Other news on earth
This is an intersting article from Startegic culture on the takeover of the planet. Not newsworthy here at MOA
Posted by: ld | Feb 24 2022 14:29 utc | 33
Stock market is down only 800 points.
Crypto crapped.
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 14:37 utc | 34
reprotedly many of Ukrianian MSM, who were busy rooting Russian language out, suddenly switched to Russian
Remember, "Ukraine is second France" ?
"Faithful Paris is ready to welcome our glorious Emperor"
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 14:38 utc | 35
NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:23 utc | 28
A pity you didn't put yourself where your dribbling mouth is and stand in front of the people they been killing as a human shield. Fucking dirt bag fuck off. Protecting those murdering bastards.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 24 2022 14:38 utc | 36
Zelensky joked: I will acquire nukes
Zelensky in exile: I will acquire taxi license
Zelensky joked: I will acquire nukes
Zelensky in exile: I will tell Polish jokes
Zelensky joked: I will acquire nukes
Zelensky in exile: I will be spokesman for running shoes
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 14:39 utc | 37
The head of Ukraine is a Jew - I don't think he is a NAZI.
Misotheist take your RT propaganda elsewhere.
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:26 utc | 31
Have you seen me calling Zelensky in particular a Nazi?
No, you haven't.
Then who are you replying to?
Posted by: Misotheist | Feb 24 2022 14:41 utc | 38
Feb 19
Russia will not attack the Ukraine and will not target Kiev unless Russia itself is attacked in significant ways.
Nuff said.
Posted by: Dacshund | Feb 24 2022 14:42 utc | 39
@Posted by: Dacshund | Feb 24 2022 14:42 utc | 39
Zelensky: I will acquire nukes.
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 14:44 utc | 40
"So you claim Jews are somehow subhuman and incapable of being Nazi ?"
Hysterical. Yes - I don't think a Jew is likely to be a NAZI. Maybe because of the fucking Holocaust.
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:45 utc | 41
No War 31
>>>…” The head of Ukraine is a Jew - I don't think he is a NAZI.
You seem spectacularly uniformed. You do know neo nazi groups have been operating in Ukraine since (at least) the 2014 US orchestrated coop?
You do know it was neo nazi groups who burned Ukrainians alive in the Odessa Trades Hall in 2014.
You do know know of the neo nazi parade thru Kiev in December in honour of stepan bandara birthday.
You do know who stepan bandara is, right?
If you did know this, than you would know Zelensky, while Jewish, has tolerated and nurtured neo nazis across Ukraine.
For extra points… which Ukrainian oligarch funds the neo nazis. And of which country is he a dual citizen
Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 24 2022 14:47 utc | 42
To the poster with derivative morality, you are a fraud, and your concern for lives is a fraud. There already were people dying. You only express outrage when it is your pet Nazis who are doing the dying.
Admit it, fraud poster, you are really only concerned that when the empire’s death squads are neutered that the dying will stop. You are the type who cries about the Contras being kicked out of Nicaragua and ISIS being kicked out of Syria. Until then your fraudulent voice is silent about the deaths.
We know what you are.
Posted by: William Gruff | Feb 24 2022 14:49 utc | 43
Reportedly, Russian tanks in Kharkov outskirts.
Scared locals run for their lives, highly likely
Joking about "buying diesel fuel of them" and "repainting lampposts". Bitter about "we were not guardign our bridges and faggots of "our" army blasted them".
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 14:52 utc | 44
Markets are down across the board from Asia, to America to Europe. Oil and metals up.
All this is very bad news for inflation-riddled economies.
Unless interest rates rise and talks to guarantee Russia's security are engaged, the global economy, especially in Europe, will suffer. Are we looking at recession or worse hard times?
USNATO took their games with Ukraine too far and their economies will suffer a world of hurt.
And forget about shipping more military equipment to Ukraine; airports are shut down and airspace closed.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 24 2022 14:53 utc | 45
The USA is the big winner out of this conflict and Europe and Russia are the losers, European leaders are too stupid to know what's good for them and their citizens I think.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 24 2022 14:58 utc | 46
A history lesson for the benefit of barflies.
Ever hear of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances?
Now you have.
Not joking, this is Zelensky, February 19. 2022:
Since 2014, Ukraine has tried three times to convene consultations with the guarantor states of the Budapest Memorandum. Three times without success. Today Ukraine will do it for the fourth time. I, as President, will do this for the first time. But both Ukraine and I are doing this for the last time. I am initiating consultations in the framework of the Budapest Memorandum. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was commissioned to convene them. If they do not happen again or their results do not guarantee security for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and all the package decisions of 1994 are in doubt.
Who put the bug in Zelensky's ear to talk about the Budapest Memorandum?
Here is WaPo, an unofficial channel for the Empire of Lies, February 1st, 2022:
“The agreement is not an official treaty. It is neither legally binding nor does it carry an enforcement mechanism."
And the What:
When the Cold War ended, Ukraine took possession of approximately 5,000 nuclear weapons from the collapsed Soviet Union that were stored on its soil, making it the country with the third most nuclear weapons on earth.“So it, the United States and Russia reached an agreement in 1994, known as the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, by which Ukraine would turn over its nukes in exchange for those security assurances,”
And did this go unnoticed at the receiving end of Zelensky's words?
Putin responded to the suggestion that Ukraine could pursue nuclear weapons by saying that “this is not just bragging.”“Ukraine has the nuclear technologies created back in the Soviet times and delivery vehicles for such weapons, including aircraft, as well as the Soviet-designed Tochka-U precision tactical missiles with a range of over 100 kilometers. But they can do more; it is only a matter of time. They have had the groundwork for this since the Soviet era,” Putin said. “In other words, acquiring tactical nuclear weapons will be much easier for Ukraine than for some other states I am not going to mention here, which are conducting such research, especially if Kiev receives foreign technological support. We cannot rule this out either.”
“If Ukraine acquires weapons of mass destruction, the situation in the world and in Europe will drastically change, especially for us, for Russia,” Putin continued. “We cannot but react to this real danger, all the more so since, let me repeat, Ukraine’s Western patrons may help it acquire these weapons to create yet another threat to our country.”
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 15:02 utc | 47
@Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 15:02 utc | 47
Here is the link for the quotes:
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 15:03 utc | 48
Republicofscotland @46
True, but I don’t see that Russia had a choice. Europe had a choice and chose wrong, as is their habit lately, but the Russians were up against the wall and had few options left.
When the gang boss and his beta dogs have you cornered and you choose to fight instead of kneel, then you’d best punch really really hard. Hopefully that is the lesson Putin remembers from his youth.
Posted by: William Gruff | Feb 24 2022 15:09 utc | 49
Librul | 26.
See my comment at 26.
Agree it was the Munich Security Conference that was the catalyst/ tripwire for the action now.
It’s been planned as a possibility.
But Zelensky and his puppeteers thinking (lusting) for revived newks in Ukraine gave Putin a spine of steel.
Thanks for the WaPo link…. in the back of my mind I knew I’d seen reference to the Bucharest doctrine, and Zelensky comments at Munich made me start to sense a bit of a narrative forming.
Putin just said a resounding “nyet”.
Discussion and negotiations finished.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 24 2022 15:11 utc | 50
@Circe | Feb 24 2022 14:53 utc | 45
Reasoned.......however reading other comments only shows how divided we have all become from on another.
Reasoned thought and discussion is not possible in a divided world. That is why revolutions decimate the reasoned and promote the most extreme of views.
Reading widely this morning, there is much polarized rhetoric and fog of war.......
One last reasoned thought thou: We can only hope that Mr. Putin remains logical and reasoned and ends this quickly before the un-reasoned and illogical take hold and release chaos.
Posted by: James Cook | Feb 24 2022 15:11 utc | 51
The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi
Supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, NATO DEEP, Jefferson Institute and others
Switch to Ukranian page and suddenly....
"Ukrainian soldiers! Out grandparents were fighting nazi not for you to protect neo-nazi regime in Ukraine! We were giving oath to Ukrainian people, not to criminal junta robbing our nation!"
Chainging boots in the middle of a leap... They have no shame....
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 15:12 utc | 52
it's confirmed now, Russian Armor Is Crossing Dnieper River the road to Kiev is open
Posted by: Kadath | Feb 24 2022 15:13 utc | 53
I have no dog in this race. If I had to choose I would choose a multipolar world. So I consider myself completely neutral.
That being said. This is a masterful move by US empire. They poked the bear in all the right places and produced a lash out. The Russian move is a huge miscalculation. Now Europe belongs to US. They will move all their money to the US, they will buy all their gas from the US and will literally become US vassals.
Russia will not gain absolutely anything. They wont gain any security guarantees. And their economy will suffer greatly. So will Europe.
If Russia had such huge security concerns. They should have worked towards even more defensive weapons and a true alliance with China. Lets not forget they even have nuclear and hypersonic deterrent.
Instead they chose the cowboy path. They will absolutely lose more than they will gain. Dissapointed and sadenned.
Posted by: comandante | Feb 24 2022 15:15 utc | 54
@Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 24 2022 15:11 utc | 50
We agree that Zelensky was acting as a puppet of the Empire of Lies
when his strings drew open his mouth and he uttered the fateful threat
that Ukraine would acquire nukes.
It was "a bridge too far".
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 15:16 utc | 55
James Cook | Feb 24 2022 15:11 utc | 51
This has been coming for a long time, plenty of time or you to get to know Putin's character. He has been in the business of leading a nation four 22 years now - yep a few of hose years as PM.
He is unchanged in all that time.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 24 2022 15:18 utc | 56
At the risk of being a "broken record:";
I lay EVERYTHING that's ensuing at the feet of our latest empire, the U$A's, based on corporate hegemony.
Their absolute "blowing off" the legitimate Russian concerns, over NATO's Eastward expansion.
Could 100yrs. of pushing the world around, be ending?
Posted by: vetinLA | Feb 24 2022 15:18 utc | 57
@Republicofscotland 46. I guess you don't realize how much the USA economy depends on the European economy. No, China is the obvious winner in this crisis. If the European economy breaks the US cannot stand. Especially taking into consideration that the USA has stopped being industrial.
Posted by: Steve | Feb 24 2022 15:23 utc | 58
Ukrainians have money for Mercedez cars but not for roads...
Kherson region, the guy says he was asking locals "what those troops are" and locals were sure it was Ukrainian army taking defense positions, they did not even realized it already was Russian troops, so fast fled Ukrainian "knights"
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 15:23 utc | 59
Fabulous video of Russian and Ukrainian troops dancing together. It looks like the convoy in Ottawa. This is what normal people do if you leave them alone.
Meanwhile Zelensky and the generals keep urging Ukies to be dead-enders. Other videos show Pravy Sektor passing out carbines and ammo to civilians.
Posted by: oldhippie | Feb 24 2022 15:24 utc | 60
And of course we would like to interact with responsible and independent partners with whom we could work together in constructing a fair and democratic world order that would ensure security and prosperity not only for a select few, but for all.
That is some high level comedy right there. Almost as funny as when US politicians say similar things.
A multipolar world - where you need to be worried about more than one empire trying to swallow you up.
Posted by: just another vet | Feb 24 2022 15:27 utc | 61
In the last few minutes the stock market and crypto
have moved upwards. What gives?
Did I miss a headline?
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 15:28 utc | 62
Ze now threatens everyone to repeat Chornobyl nuclear blast.
Why shouldn't we just let Ukrainian to gain nuclear bombs, indeed?
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 15:29 utc | 63
Librul | 62
I guess some a “buying when there’s blood in the streets”
Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 24 2022 15:31 utc | 64
I think Ze has reached his tie-chewing equivalent.
We are creating an anti-Putin coalition. I spoke with
about concrete sanctions and concrete assistance for our military. We are waiting for decisive action.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 24 2022 15:37 utc | 65
Ukrainian Navy are asked to switch sides and contiunue serving as Russian Navy
that is one hell of being sure
it was one thing to offer this career continuation in 2014, another today
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 15:40 utc | 66
No War, is the product of american ignorance I see it all the time everywhere! Just look at Bernie Sanders calling Putin and dangerous liar! No War, is a product of Russia being our enemy of choice. WW2 we nuked Japan 2 times civilian cities at that. Every American was taught it was the only way to end the war. The war was over the Japanese had said they would surrender the bombs were dropped to send Russia a message! Then the real killing started the Americans were warned about communism and the world watched as the USA went on killing spree in Korea Indonesia Chile Brazil Nigeria Guatemala Haiti Philippines Vietnam Cambodia Laos. When communism stopped working after we bought the Russia election it was terrorism to get oil from everyone and control the dollar. No WAR has no clue about any of this because he has been raised on 007 getting those bad bad Ruskies. He thinks that the Ukrainians welcomed Victorian F-the EU. To Ukraine because they want to protect them from those bad guys and instal Nazis to take care of things. American education is propaganda The greens in the us will not take about the pentagon the largest polluter IN THE WORLD and the CIA the largest criminal enterprise in the world.
Posted by: Susan | Feb 24 2022 15:41 utc | 67
My prediction: The self-propaganzed EU elites will grudgingly accept reality and keep buying Russian gas and other raw materials, they will keep ordering Chinese goods and use cheap Chinese labour. The economy simply depends on that. Its a matter of economic survival.
That is the lesson for everybody: You can talk yourself into believing in a rules based intl order, in universal human rights - limitations you dont accept for yourself - and then you realize that somebody else is wielding a bigger stick and you have to take his interests into account. The EU states will be working on new energy sources, but if you dont want nuclear energy, refuse coal and only see gas a bridge technology, until you have enough solar and wind tech built, you are left without options.
Posted by: Arne Hartmann | Feb 24 2022 15:42 utc | 68
@Posted by: Melaleuca | Feb 24 2022 15:37 utc | 65
"Tie chewing equivalent".
How about a tie for Brandon:
The tie has an image of Zelensky wearing a tie
that has the famous image of Saakashvili eating his tie.
Now if we could get an image of Brandon wearing that tie in the Rose Garden.
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 15:44 utc | 69
Posted by: oldhippie | Feb 24 2022 15:24 utc | 60
I don't believe it.
1. Nothing markjedl Ukrainian or even markedly Russian
2. Mountaneous horizon while Ukraine is mostly steppes
3. The dance both musical and movements seems neighther Russian nor Ukrainian, instea it sounds Caucasian to me. Probably Lezginka or something like that. Georgia, Checnya, etc.
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 15:44 utc | 70
I guess the comedian doesn't realize he is president and is still trying to be funny.
Володимир Зеленський
We will lift sanctions against all Ukrainian citizens who are ready to defend our country with weapons in their hands as part of the territorial defense.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 24 2022 15:45 utc | 71
Posted by: librul | Feb 24 2022 15:44 utc | 69
Stolypin's tie would suit him too. Though he is definitely should not be first in queue to try one.
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 15:45 utc | 72
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 24 2022 15:45 utc | 71
Everyone who loves me - go down after me!
"Ukraine is second France" (tm)
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 15:47 utc | 73
Ann Coulter nails it. Stop talking about Ukraine and forget NATO. I'm surprised by this rolling reaction !
Posted by: Eighthman | Feb 24 2022 15:53 utc | 74
NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:01 utc | 19
Where were your hysterical denunciations when ethnic Russian citizens of Ukraine in Donbass were being subjected to daily artillery bombardment by the Ukrainian army? Where was your moral outrage when Ukrainian nationalists burned 48 people to death in the Trade Union building in Odesa? Russia and Ukraine lived in relative peace for years and years until the West helped a clique of ideologically anti-Russian politicians to power after the Maidan "revolution" in 2014.
There was peace until these people came with their dreams of creating an ethnically and linguistically "pure" Ukrainian nation. Their hateful policies have led to death, division, poverty and war in Ukraine. They and their sponsors in the West bear the full responsibility for all that has happened in that country since 2014.
Posted by: Jay | Feb 24 2022 15:53 utc | 75
My city's (Glasgow) council wants to cut ties with Rostov on Don which it was twinned with in the 1980's to stand in solidarity with Ukraine.
So in effect the city council wants to cut ties with a country that saved us from the Nazis, to stand shoulder to shoulder with a country that embraces Nazism.
Lets not forget that along with the USA, Ukraine also didn't vote against the promotion of Nazism at a recent UN meeting where a resolution was passed not to promote Nazism.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 24 2022 15:56 utc | 76
President: The army and national solidarity are the mainstay of Ukrainian statehood
I can only agree.
The speed of defense collapse clearly shows the depths of national solidarity with Kolomoisky-Zelensky clan
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 16:06 utc | 78
Western media now reporting that the stand-up comedian posing as the president of Ukraine is saying that Russian forces are battling Ukrainian troops around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and that Russian forces want to seize the plant.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 24 2022 16:06 utc | 79
Hysterical. Yes - I don't think a Jew is likely to be a NAZI. Maybe because of the fucking Holocaust.
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:45 utc | 41
Not a flag waving 1933-45 National Socialist as such, but certainly Jews can be rabid fascists, as we've seen from the Israeli land grabs, occupation and mass murder of Palestinians and Lebanese in recent decades. "NoWar" doesn't seem to mind ethnic Russians being slaughtered, something he shares with the Azov/Right Sector actual Nazis.
Posted by: Nick | Feb 24 2022 16:10 utc | 80
Shoigu orders that Ukraine soldiers surrendering be treated with respect and has made corridors for them to leave.
Posted by: Eighthman | Feb 24 2022 16:12 utc | 81
I think it can be said with certainty now that the allegiance between China and Russia has been well solidified by the recent events in Ukraine, by virtue of the fact that no warming of Russia-US or Russia-EU relations will occur for the coming decades.
(Yes, decades, because the Anglo-European empire never forgets!).
Those who have been calling for bringing Russia over to the side of the West (e.g Mearsheimer?) in order to form a united front against China will be immeasurably disappointed.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 24 2022 16:13 utc | 82
Ukrainian artillery is shooting over the borderline at Russian civilians in Belgorod region.
One could think they could be busy intercepting Russian columns entering depths of Ukraine, but what can we know about "noble knighthood" strategy...
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 16:14 utc | 83
Posted by: YourMom | Feb 24 2022 16:11 utc | 81
The Comedian needs a new moniker
How about "Kiev Chicken" ?
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 24 2022 16:15 utc | 84
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 24 2022 16:15 utc | 86
KFC, Kievan Fighting Chicken
Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 16:18 utc | 85
Posted by: NoWar | Feb 24 2022 14:45 utc | 41
Hysterical. Yes - I don't think a Jew is likely to be a NAZI. Maybe because of the fucking Holocaust.
So the Azov battalion is a figment of all our paranoid imaginations then?
And those statues to Stepan Bandera are nothing but an Onion Report?
N**ger Puhleez!
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 24 2022 16:19 utc | 86
Meteorologically, the invasion came too late, north Ukraine has +2C, the fastest advance is actually from Crimea. Tactically, airborne troops secured the bridge on Dnieper, land troops connected with them afterwards, Dnieper crossing occurred very far from Kiev. Mind you, this tactic decreases the reliance on solid ground, but requires a very light defense -- otherwise the airborne troops could be surrounded before the land troops join them.
Similar tactic was described on both banks of Dnieper in Kiev area, separate advances on the side of the river.
Kharkiv is also "almost surrounded".
Small changes in control on the eastern end of Ukraine.
It is already night in Ukraine, but quite a few changes may happen by morning.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 24 2022 16:28 utc | 87
"Stock market is down only 800 points.
Crypto crapped."
Interesting. I thought Bitcoin was supposed to be the ultimate hedge when SHTF.
Posted by: ian | Feb 24 2022 16:31 utc | 88
Well, America finally got the invasion/war that it wanted.
I hope that the USA is now happy.
And make no mistake: Despite its phony denunciations and insincere pearl-clutching about this Russian military operation, America DID WANT this attack to happen and has been trying to provoke it all along.
The Americans (and its Anglosphere allies) will deny all of this until Doomsday, but they are lying through their teeth.
In general, the Anglo-American geopolitical game has been to sow conflict in Ukraine and bait the Russians into an attack, which would cause Europe to embrace their American overlord/protector more tightly and, most importantly, create divisions between Europe and Eurasia in general (not only Russia but also China).
As was once admitted by NATO's first Secretary General, Lord Ismay: NATO itself was designed “to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down” in the First Cold War.
Today, this Ukraine conflict is designed to keep the Europeans within the Anglo-American Axis as part of a New Cold War, which has now fully come out of the closet.
You have to give the Americans (and their British cousins) credit. They are truly the world's leaders in terms of geopolitical machinations and manipulation.
Bravo--you now have your New Cold War.
America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia
Posted by: ak74 | Feb 24 2022 16:34 utc | 89
So are we supposed to be supporting Russia today for their invasion that wasn't going to happen? Because Ukraine is corrupt? Or because it has fascists? Both? Thank goodness there is no corruption in Russia. Or fascists. So Ukraine bad, Russia good. Got it.
As for propaganda, only the West uses it, right? Not Russia? So trust Russia only, because they would never lie. Check.
Or, maybe the Russian government is just as full of sh*t as every other party involved? Could be.
And maybe, just maybe there are no 'good guys' here to cheer for. That this is just another case of the powerful playing the rest of us for their own purposes. People die, things get blown up, money gets made, some borders shift around, the rich get richer and the rest of us get f*cked.
Same as it ever was.
Posted by: just another vet | Feb 24 2022 16:36 utc | 90
@Posted by: Arioch | Feb 24 2022 15:29 utc | 63
This clown menacing with going nuclear in the very MSC with nobody in the West rising its voice is what determined Putin´s offensive, I fear, in the first place.
Posted by: Givi | Feb 24 2022 16:37 utc | 91
@Posted by: comandante | Feb 24 2022 15:15 utc | 54
And allow the Donbass civilians being slaughteredc or wiped out again.
We will all lose, as wlays, except "America", until we awake and take over our own nations.
Material is not longer worth when what is at stake is human dignity and decency, soemthing absebt from our nations for dcecades but especially through tghe past two years.
I far prefer not being able to drive my car because of high oil prices due the liberation of Donbass than due the especulation and general robbery planned by Davos through its Great Reset.
We had already estratospheric gas ans electricyt piorces due the pandemic shenanigans, which is not but the hugest transfer of wealth from working and middle class to the financial elite.
Posted by: Givi | Feb 24 2022 16:45 utc | 92
Russia made a complete fool of themselves, what is funny too is what a mess their intelligence service are, US and Nato found out early on, obviously, that Russia was about to invade, use false flag and having a kill-list.
Now the Russian stock market down about 50% past days!
I would not be surprised if there is a coup in Russia, Putin have become a real thuggish dictator, for what reason I do not understand.
Posted by: Zanon | Feb 24 2022 16:45 utc | 93
More limericks
There was an old fella called Vlad
Whos gas was the best to be had
He sold to friend and to foe
‘till he met a fella called Joe
Who roared ‘stop it, you’re driving me MAD’
There was an old fella called Joe
Who used to be running the show
When things turned around
And he was losing his ground
Vlad said ‘sorry, you reap what you sow’
Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Feb 24 2022 16:46 utc | 94
Great piece. I read Putin's speech and it's brilliant.
What's the difference between Russia and China, and the West?
Russia and China have leaders. The West has politicians.
Posted by: pasha | Feb 24 2022 16:48 utc | 95
librul @ 62
It helps to have trillions that you don’t want to spend on social programs. (at least temporarily)
Posted by: financial matters | Feb 24 2022 16:51 utc | 96
Have just reviewed a long Twitter unroll to the effect that a perhaps under appreciated factor here was the sprouting of US biowarfare labs all over Ukraine, which overlay pretty well with the map of military targets hit.
Posted by: Paul Damascene | Feb 24 2022 16:52 utc | 97
Russian language students, here you have an academic bestowing for free a master class, about complainers, noise, broken glass, explosions. Well he says, eight bloody years people in Donbass were suffering it and no one among you sissies said anything about it.
Posted by: Paco | Feb 24 2022 16:53 utc | 98
"The economic effects of high gas/fertilizer prices would have done their work in a much measured way".
@Posted by: ptb | Feb 24 2022 13:53 utc | 18
Yeah, but that would had harmed mainly European civlians.
What part of Putins´speech on that the operation aims at causing to harm to civilians did you not read?
Posted by: Givi | Feb 24 2022 16:53 utc | 99
Have just reviewed a long Twitter unroll to the effect that a perhaps under appreciated factor here was the sprouting of US biowarfare labs all over Ukraine, which overlay pretty well with the map of military targets hit.
Posted by: Paul Damascene | Feb 24 2022 16:52 utc | 104
Yes, Russia has been keeping surprisingly quiet about those bio labs, but it has got to be the top priority on Putin's mind - not just in Ukraine, either.
Russia has plans for dealing with thise, no question about that.
Posted by: BM | Feb 24 2022 16:55 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
thanks for reposting this. I especially liked the sentence
"Now Russia said "'nuff". The last drop in the bucket were the U.S. plans to install parts of its missile defense system in eastern Europe"
The U.S. didn't learn a goddamn thing from the Cuban Missile Crisis, and has once again brought the world a risk of nuclear war to maintain the advantages of being the hyperpower.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 24 2022 12:33 utc | 1