Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
December 02, 2021

The 'Missing' Star Athlete Peng Shuai Is Not Missing At All

The New York Times has falsely claimed that the Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai accused her former lover of sexual assault. She did not do that.

In her post on the Chinese website Weibo (English translation) Peng Shuai only lamented that the relation with her old lover had come to an end. She did not accuse him of anything that could be considered an assault. The NYT made that up.

Peng Shuai did write:

Romantic attraction is such a complicated thing that explain it clearly. From that day on, I renewed my love for you. Throughout my time with you after that, purely based on our interactions, you were a very good person, and you treated me well. We talking about recent history, as well as ancient eras. You educated me on so many topics, and we had discussions about economics, politics. We never ran out of things to talk about. We played chess, sang, played table tennis, played pool and also played tennis together. We always had endless fun. It was as if our personalities fit perfectly together.

What an 'assault'!

Still the Times has continued to wrangle the non-issue into various 'news' pieces and editorials. It is obviously using it to bash China.

On today's front page we find this nonsense.

The women’s professional tennis tour announced Wednesday that it was immediately suspending all tournaments in China, including Hong Kong, in response to the disappearance from public life of the tennis star Peng Shuai after she accused a top Communist Party leader of sexual assault.

With the move, the Women’s Tennis Association became the only major sports organization to push back against China’s increasingly authoritarian government. Women’s tennis officials made the decision after they were unable to speak directly with Peng after she accused Zhang Gaoli, a former vice premier of China, in social media posts that were quickly deleted.

Peng Shuai did not disappear from public life. She has sent an email to the WTA which asked to respect her privacy. She has posted pictures of herself and video showed her taking part in a public tennis event and going to dinner in a public restaurant. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has held a 30 minute video conference with her and found her well and happily alive.

Despite that the WTA and especially Steve Simon, its chief executive, have instead gone public with the issue and continue to intrude her privacy.

The IOC in contrast has been discrete and has shown respect for Peng Shuai's privacy. A short clip of their video call was published with her consent.

And today the IOC announced that it had another video call with Peng Shuai:

We share the same concern as many other people and organisations about the well-being and safety of Peng Shuai. This is why, just yesterday, an IOC team held another video call with her. We have offered her wide-ranging support, will stay in regular touch with her, and have already agreed on a personal meeting in January.

Unlike the NYT and loudmouth Steve Simon the IOC knows how to behave itself:

There are different ways to achieve her well-being and safety. We have taken a very human and person-centred approach to her situation. Since she is a three-time Olympian, the IOC is addressing these concerns directly with Chinese sports organisations. We are using “quiet diplomacy” which, given the circumstances and based on the experience of governments and other organisations, is indicated to be the most promising way to proceed effectively in such humanitarian matters.

It is no wonder then that Peng Shuai does not want to talk with the WTA's Steve Simmon but stays in contact with the IOC.

The IOC again confirms that Peng Shuai is safe and well:

The IOC’s efforts led to a half-hour videoconference with Peng Shuai on 21 November, during which she explained her situation and appeared to be safe and well, given the difficult situation she is in. This was reconfirmed in yesterday’s call. Our human and person-centred approach means that we continue to be concerned about her personal situation and will continue to support her.

If the NYT were a decent paper it would stop its Peng Shuai campaign and delete its false claims of 'sexual assault' accusations and the 'missing' athlete.

But unfortunately it isn't.

Posted by b on December 2, 2021 at 11:30 UTC | Permalink


But of course, the narrative established by The New York Times and zealously followed by the Western MSM is all about shutting China out of international sports competitions and boycotting the Beijing Winter Olympics by dredging up and flaying to death any incident, especially one with virtue-signalling potential. In the process, dragging Peng Shuai's name through the mud and causing her even more embarrassment and shame. She most likely will never want to attend a major tennis tournament on the professional circuit outside China ever again, even if invited as a spectator.

Posted by: Jen | Dec 2 2021 11:43 utc | 1

I am starting to think the US establishment, its presstitutes, and allied organizations are trying to drive Ms Peng to suicide. No more WTA tournaments in China because of a relatively innocent post she made on social media that is being darkly twisted and the twisted version blown out of proportion? Ms Peng is very definitely feeling that the western attack on a sport she loves is her fault right now. She is feeling that she is the cause for the whole "misunderstanding" (protip: There is no "misunderstanding". The western presstitutes are fully aware they are manufacturing this narrative from whole cloth, and they don't care in the slightest about its impact on Ms Peng).

From Ms Peng's perspective the status and prestige of the sport she loves is being destroyed by a mistake she made, and it is harming not just her fellow Chinese tennis players, but her whole country. That is one hell of a burden.

And the western presstitutes like it that way.

Consider the jingoism bonanza the empire's propaganda arm will score if Ms Peng does commit suicide. Quite obviously they will crow, with no evidence whatsoever, that she was murdered by the Chinese authorities, just like they insist the Skripals and Navalny were attacked by the Russian authorities.

I hope the Chinese recognize the danger here and provide Ms Peng with adequate support though this tough experience.

Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 2 2021 11:59 utc | 2

#MeToo gone wild
WTA CEO says because of seemingly this, seemingly he is “greatly concerned about the risks that all of our players and staff could face”
What risks?

Posted by: nurse.comic | Dec 2 2021 12:27 utc | 3

Abuse of a young girl by the western media to enable the west to attack China with it's falsehoods.
It's a f**ing sick world !

Posted by: Henry Smith | Dec 2 2021 13:09 utc | 4

More China bashing. The U.S. has reached a point in its collapse that they are ungovernable and the story tellers are unbelievable.

However, I don't follow the Olympics much anymore. Top tier athletes are very good and impressive in their drive and discipline just like top tier beauties are at the miss whatever pageants: our attraction to both is hard wired but easily feeds our vicarious hunger to be like them instead of working with our normal selves. Russians, Cubans, Chinese, imperials, we all have that in us. I try not to be a fanboy though.

Posted by: migueljose | Dec 2 2021 13:23 utc | 5

She should go directly to New York and lodge a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the New York Times & WTA for harassment and emotional abuse.

I'd love to see them spin that - because of course they will.

Posted by: Julian | Dec 2 2021 13:27 utc | 6

Sad how the “Newspaper of the World” has fallen down to just being a propaganda machine.

Posted by: Jose Garcia | Dec 2 2021 13:28 utc | 7


Same as it ever was, no one fell down, they have always been a propaganda organ.

The Brass Nickel - Upton Sinclair written in the early 1900's.

Posted by: David F | Dec 2 2021 13:53 utc | 8

From the anti-China propaganda viewpoint, this Peng case is golden. One, it's China - everyone will assume it's too far, language too difficult, government so dictatorial, there's no way to follow up. Also, throw some METOO on it - it doesn't fly but no one will read the original email, they will stick with the excerpts and allegations in the WEst and assume that Peng just can't talk freely. Not only that, the vast majority of the Washington-critical youtubers don't want to touch this one either, as too many people get upset at "defending" against assault. I've seen some of this on my tennis facebook links - there just is no way to argue with these people. They believe they are on a crusade, even when Peng refuses to be their Christ.

Posted by: Josh | Dec 2 2021 13:56 utc | 9

Uh, does no one find this graph from her Weibo post is troubling:

"That afternoon I was very afraid. I did not expect this to happen - someone helped guard outside (translator note: not very clear what she's trying to say here), because nobody would believe that a wife would allow this. About seven years ago, we had sex. Then later on after you got promoted to be a member of the Politburo Standing Committee in Beijing, you never contacted me again. I used to bury everything inside me. After all, if you didn't want to take any responsibility, why did you come back for me, and brought me to your home to have sex? It is true that I don't have evidence. It is also not possible to leave evidence. Later on you kept denying, but it is true that you were attracted to me first, otherwise I couldn't have been able to come into contact with you."

Posted by: Gulo | Dec 2 2021 14:03 utc | 10

One of the dumber propaganda attacks on China lately, yeah.

Tons of projection, like usual. "We'll give them their own Me Too problem."

Posted by: Bemildred | Dec 2 2021 14:18 utc | 11

True to its capitalist/imperialist DNA, which obviously controls it completely, the NYTimes has ALWAYS been mendacious, a model of smooth disinformation, whenever the empire required it. It's a delusion, a myth, to think the US media behaved much better in the '50s,'60s, perhaps in that meager postwar "golden age of Ed Murrow and Walter Cronkite. If it had, the Americans would not have sprouted McCarthyism at home, the ludicrously named House "Un-American" Committee, and a nonstop cascade of foreign policy crimes starting with the A-bomb being dropped unnecessarily, to Korea, Vietnam, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Chile, and numerous other incidents, too many to mention here. A well-informed public would not have accepted such obviously disgraceful and hypocritical policies, all based on that maximum American myth, its smug exceptionalism. Nor would they have elected the (again) uninterrupted chain of war criminals that pass for dignified US presidents. Equally possible, the US might have implemented socialistic reforms like Medicare for All, free college education, adequate labor protections, starting with job security, etc. long ago, thereby reducing the economic suffering imposed on its curiously docile population. ("Docile" in the sense they are brainwashed and conditioned to fight among themselves instead of against their exploiters at the top of the social heap).

Unfortunately, we cannot be surprised by such behaviour. This is standard fare for all capitalist media: the owners will not permit truths that can damage their privileged class position.

All class-divided societies have an inherent instability that can be managed only by lies (the official ideology) or outright fear/repression. Slavery systems of old, feudalism, and now the dictatorship of capital, all exhibit this trait. Genuine stability and social sanity can be attained only when a society rests on a just and equitable social order.

One thing is worth mentioning about capitalist media: while you can argue that ALL class-based systems distort the news to insure their own self-preservation, and media manipulation is almost inevitable, it is in rightwing (capitalist and fascist) media that you find the widest and most outrageous divergence from truth. Comparative studies of capitalist and soviet media have shown this to be the case.

What is happening today is that like all organisms, including social/political organisms which have a definite lifespan, the US empire is in free fall, decomposing before our very eyes, its population more confused than ever, its leadership (actually non-leadership) more inept and insane than ever, product of many generations of cynical and cold-blooded brainwash, in which leaders and masses have imbibed the same kool-aid. Today we witness the chaos and malaise fueled by the system's multitude of ills and contradictions, aggravated exponentially by the digital revolution and the insoluble ecological problem, against which the capitalist "medicines" have absolutely no effect. How could they? It may prove small consolation that these ills are now congregating around the system's deathbed to make sure the horrible patient does not survive. And it won't. The challenge for us is to let this indecent monstrosity die as quickly as possible without dragging us all to an undeserved and undignified grave.

Posted by: Cyranibus27 | Dec 2 2021 14:24 utc | 12

With "Israeli" Donor control in Western politics becoming more obvious and difficult to conceal, I can't help wondering if Steve Simon's family includes a few "Holocaust Survivors?" If so, it might help to explain his willingness to allow the Jew York Times to bounce bullshit off him.
It's cute, but dumb, of JYT to paint a picture of tennis players as a bunch of individuals so disconnected from one another that they couldn't find ONE female Western tennis star who is friendly with Peng Shuai and could allay their 'fears'.

It was smart of the IOC to FINALLY realise that using sport as a Political Football could drive audiences away. If they can muster the courage to tell politicians to keep their noses out of sport and STFU, they might renew my waning interest in the Olympics.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 2 2021 14:33 utc | 13

Let's be clear about this: if a sportsperson in China falls and breaks her leg right now, it will be blamed on the "Communist regime".

Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Dec 2 2021 14:35 utc | 14

@ Cyranibus27 #12
Well said.
".... the US empire is in free fall, decomposing before our very eyes, its population more confused than ever, its leadership (actually non-leadership) more inept and insane than ever,..."
. . .And we have yet another school shooting.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 2 2021 14:37 utc | 15

Posted by: Gulo | Dec 2 2021 14:03 utc | 10

How is it "troubling"? Troubling emotions or troubling legal issues? Billions of people have emotions, but this is not a good subject for international organizations. Legally, to me it is totally inconclusive.

From the anti-China propaganda viewpoint, this Peng case is golden.

Posted by: Josh | Dec 2 2021 13:56 utc | 9

Surely, the case is good enough to issue a number of paychecks and put some pins on the chart. WTA is "ours", IOC "not yet".

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 2 2021 14:49 utc | 16

mass-murderers controlling mass-media. we all are exposed to non-issues we don't know, rather than the issues we know. war after war, millions of death, yet all we are talking about is china *might* be doing something evil. you can make up anything at this point, consent has been manifactured, everything goes.

i live in ME, being totally ignorant about world affairs is a luxury to people here. i really feel sorry for you people, if they are able to propagandize us this much, you are @#$ed.

Posted by: throwa | Dec 2 2021 14:54 utc | 17

Global Times has set the record straight that WTA is posturing because there had been NO WTA matches in China in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID outbreaks all over the world. And it looks like even without pullout of WTA there'll NO WTA matches planned in 2022.

Posted by: Surferket | Dec 2 2021 15:10 utc | 18

re: the upcoming war with China, some good news:

no troops will be leaving from Joint Fort Lewis-McCord base any time soon. bridges washed out. i want to get a bunch of us to go blow some more water on the bridge. i suppose nature is doing that for us.

obviously the idea of the West "defeating" China in a war is a delusion of jingo retards. but you gotta sell the idea to keep the gravy train rolling. to sell things, you gotta believe your own bullshit or no one else will. and that's the problem w/these Gadarene pigs squealing about China as they rush the US off a cliff, haunted by the legions of dead.

they believe their own nonsense and thus will at some point act on it.

international sports are part of militaristic competition. that's not different in China. China should cancel the Olympics. it is not to their credit that they are hosting this pointless exercise in nationalistic chest-thumping.

but of course, like many a commentator around here, they view life as a trial by ordeal. the losers are the dead.

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Dec 2 2021 15:26 utc | 19

China recognizes that it has a media problem.
...from Global Times
China needs a voice that matches its national strength, international status: Xi

Why China's voice still weak?
. . .Analysts said that due to the cultural tradition of humility of the Chinese nation, China is not a country that loves promoting itself to other nations, and it doesn't like playing tit-for-tat with others and prefers to treat others with kindness. This is a key reason why China's voice in the Western-dominated global public opinion field is yet to match its national strength and influence.
. . .When the US and its allies have realized that they cannot bully China into submission through a trade war and military pressure, and failed in the competition with China in the performance of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, they have selected the battleground of public opinion, where they still have clear advantages due to the long-existing media hegemony owned by the West, said Chinese experts.
Although Chinese people, media and diplomats always pay efforts to introduce the truth and refute the lies, their voices are hardly heard since the West is controlling almost all major international media platforms, and this is how the media hegemony works when the West wants to crack down on its competitors, said Zheng.
...Xi called for using new concepts, domains and expressions to better tell China's stories and the spiritual strength behind the stories.
On CPC's publicity, Xi urged greater efforts to help foreign audiences understand what the Party is pursuing is nothing but the Chinese people's well-being. . .here

Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 2 2021 16:27 utc | 20

its the ''bash china'' chronicles! could change the name of nyt to bcc at this point... i agree with @ 1 jen and @ 2 william gruff on these finer points...

and i want to quote @ Cyranibus27 | Dec 2 2021 14:24 utc | 12 whose thoughts i share.

"What is happening today is that like all organisms, including social/political organisms which have a definite lifespan, the US empire is in free fall, decomposing before our very eyes, its population more confused than ever, its leadership (actually non-leadership) more inept and insane than ever, product of many generations of cynical and cold-blooded brainwash, in which leaders and masses have imbibed the same kool-aid. Today we witness the chaos and malaise fueled by the system's multitude of ills and contradictions, aggravated exponentially by the digital revolution and the insoluble ecological problem, against which the capitalist "medicines" have absolutely no effect. How could they? It may prove small consolation that these ills are now congregating around the system's deathbed to make sure the horrible patient does not survive. And it won't. The challenge for us is to let this indecent monstrosity die as quickly as possible without dragging us all to an undeserved and undignified grave."

ditto @ throwa | Dec 2 2021 14:54 utc | 17 viewpoint as well.. right on...

Posted by: james | Dec 2 2021 17:23 utc | 21

Dang it. It is obvious what must happen. Sanctions must be placed on Nord Stream 2.

Posted by: Erelis | Dec 2 2021 17:39 utc | 22

It's excellent to read the outrage expressed by mostly non-regular commentators on this issue. As I've opined many times recently, the Neoliberal driven Outlaw US Empire, its institutions and minions are essentially Anti-Human, and don't give a damn how many die to attain whatever is the goal of the moment.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 2 2021 17:47 utc | 23

And NOTHING can be done about it

If Peng Shuai called every member of the NYT and WTA, they would say she is being forced to do it.

If she traveled to the west and did it in person, they would say that the CHICOMs are threatening her family.

If her entire family came with her, they would claim she is suffering from PTSD and Stockholm syndrome, classic signs of an abused woman.

Mordor has no shame.

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Dec 2 2021 17:49 utc | 24

Christian J. Chuba @24--

Mordor has no shame.

Yes, as I've stated, it's Anti-Human despite being run by humans, just as Nazis are.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 2 2021 18:08 utc | 25

CNN, surprisingly, makes an effort to get to the truth.....

Posted by: dh | Dec 2 2021 18:11 utc | 26

They are NOT 'journalists'. They are narrative artists.

Posted by: blues | Dec 2 2021 18:18 utc | 27

Here in Canada too, all of the national Canadian TV news outlets have been devoting lots of attention to this US narrative. Meanwhile the news of China making another billion doses of vaccines available to Africa's peoples got no coverage at all even while they were discussing vaccine inequity, except for one:

Only the National gave a 2-second token mention by the anchor, and it's not mentioned in the main piece. Listen carefully or you might miss it:

Meanwhile the same show from our state news agency then devoted 30-seconds to propagate the NYT narrative on the tennis player:

The other Canadian TV news had even more on this tennis player fake news, in some cases reinforced with some refresher Huawei bashing, but zero mention of the billion vaccine doses for Africa when talking with great ostensible concern about vaccine inequity.

Guess this just a taste of the continued Orwellian propaganda we'll be subjected for the next four years given the US-announced $300 million USD per year for the next four years for anti-China narratives coordinated by the USAGM, U.S. Agency for Global Media. That $1.2 billion USD should fund a lot of Two-Minutes Hate sessions for the Oceania / North Atlantic Treaty Organization populations.

Posted by: Canadian Cents | Dec 2 2021 18:47 utc | 28

It appears that Der Spiegel has fully bought into the false NYT narrative.

Posted by: Beverly | Dec 2 2021 18:51 utc | 29

"....If the NYT were a decent paper it would stop its Peng Shuai campaign and delete its false claims of 'sexual assault' accusations and the 'missing' athlete...."

dream on..!! Because that would undercut their entire anti-chinese narrative, which is The Thing, they are deforming any 'facts' (or just making things up) to fit their narrative.

Where have we encountered this before, in spades, in the western media establishments?

I have to wonder...... why does all this kind of thing sound so familiar? so familiar in fact that it has become very boring

I for one am happy to see that the IOC is behaving as it should..... heck, they have to!!

Posted by: michaelj72 | Dec 2 2021 18:51 utc | 30

Here in the UK the state propaganda machine the BBC is still pushing the China bad story on the tennis player, its pathetic the NYT isn't alone in China bashing, most of the UK press is also on onboard with it as well.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Dec 2 2021 19:11 utc | 31

I have to disagree with the commentator advising China to cancel the coming Winter Olympics. Already I can see the opening ceremony with Xi and Putin on the podium, along with who knows who else (not Biden nor Johnson - that's a given).
The Olympics will be a huge success, akin to the last FIFA World Cup in Russia.
The abuse of Peng by the narrative artists in the West is an obscenity. Perhaps she could be invited onto the podium at the opening ceremony. Or, then again, perhaps she would rather just be left alone.
The only question I have for Peng is why in the world did you expose your privacy on social media? It's such a toxic platform. Best to shun it altogether.

Posted by: Hal Duell | Dec 2 2021 19:11 utc | 32

#6 Julian
I agree, file a liable/ defamation lawsuit & start a boycott of the WTA while she’s at it.

Posted by: Hannibal | Dec 2 2021 19:19 utc | 33

@32 "The only question I have for Peng is why in the world did you expose your privacy on social media?"

She was angry. She felt she had been abuse. We'll never know if she was or not.

I don't see how what happened is any of Steve Simon's business. The reason it's being blown up is because the guy is or was a CCP official.

Posted by: dh | Dec 2 2021 19:26 utc | 34

China should inform the WTA that as long as an obvious racist like Simon is in charge, they will not allow it to host any tournaments in China. Believe me, he'd be out on his butt once the players realize how much money they'll be losing.

Posted by: Caliman | Dec 2 2021 19:28 utc | 35

Sports car maker Porche is an WTA official partner. WTA partners

And Porche is doing very well out of China. This represents a 13 per cent increase for the sports car manufacturer

I think their hypocrisy is a real scandal here.

Posted by: Dim sim | Dec 2 2021 19:48 utc | 36

If one goes to the link that you've furnished, b, one gets the full whack of what she published in Mandarin, few respond to her statement, one posting furnishes a translation, another one (he claims to speak Chinese), says the English translation is not accurate, claims it's deliberately watered down.

Baron doesn't speak Mandarin, but the relevant segment of her statement (the one allegedly wrongly translated) says


Google translates it as 'forcing me to have a relationship with you', the one that questions the translation says the original is much stronger, it's 'almost at gunpoint'.

Is there anyone born in China who speaks Mandarin here? Perhaps he can help tell us whether the original is indeed as strong as the one questioning the English transition says it is.

Posted by: Baron | Dec 2 2021 19:52 utc | 37

Thank you.

I had no idea I was being lied to in this way about this.

Other things, yes, but not about this.

It is however another instance, and it is a rather exaggerated one. It uses the politically correct to manipulate us, toward international tension and military spending.

Posted by: Mark Thomason | Dec 2 2021 19:57 utc | 38

“As he gazed at it suddenly Sam understood, almost with a shock, that this stronghold had been built not to keep enemies out of Mordor, but to keep them in.”

Posted by: Rae | Dec 2 2021 20:09 utc | 39

As one amusing twitter scribe put it:

The inconsistencies of western propaganda.

The Xinjiang genocide, no cadavers,
no photos no video of it happening. Yet that’s evidence.

Peng Shuai seen in photos, emails sent, live video calls, dinner with friends, signing tennis balls at a tournament. That isn’t evidence.

Posted by: jayc | Dec 2 2021 20:15 utc | 40

Type "peng shuai propaganda" into the youtube search bar and all you will find is western media reports raising "concerns" about her whereabouts ... even 10 days after she's reappeared.

It goes on for dozens of pages, not a single alternative perspective.

The propaganda machine is so thorough and all pervasive that the average westerner (or Indian) has effectively only one view of "The Truth" on China.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2021 21:59 utc | 41

@baron 36
I would just say that an alternative verb such as 強迫 would more clearly convey that he forced himself on her. as it is, it reads to me as '(why did you) urge me / press me / prevail upon me to have a (sexual) relationship with you?'
if he were, say, her boss, the implications would be different. given the context, it could just as well mean Why did you press me, knowing I would not refuse you? anyway, i would not fixate on parsing particular lines; my overall impression of her post was emotional messiness and entanglement.

Posted by: mastameta | Dec 2 2021 22:10 utc | 42

Why all the concern about an affair between a Chinese tennis star and a CCP official? How does that affect China? Doesn’t seem that the bar is set very high in sexual matters involving US Presidents. It doesn't seem that the US is in any position to complain.

Everyone knows that Bill Clinton, President of the United States, got a BJ in the Oval Office of the White House. Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, sued Clinton during his presidency for allegedly exposing himself to her when he was governor in 1991. Kathleen Willey claims that Clinton fondled her breast and forced her hand on his crotch in the Oval Office in 1993, when she was a White House volunteer. Most seriously of all, Juanita Broaddrick claims that Clinton raped her during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas governor. Moreover it is common knowledge that Donald Trump is accused of rape in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman and that case in still pending. Is the pot calling the kettle black?

Posted by: Lawrence Miller | Dec 2 2021 22:15 utc | 43

Here's the cliff notes version. Mind you it was such a tabloid non-story over here i have to admit i did not dig deep into it, this is my understanding....

1.She had an affair with a public servant 2.The said public servant got promoted to a position where an extramarital relationship may be used as leverage. He broke it off.
3.said official retired.
4.said official tried to resume the relationship. (the is the "forced" bit) it's not at gunpoint, it's definitely lost in translation. In any case he's a tool to think he could just switch her on and off.
5.she felt used and spilt her guys in social media. Partly to get sympathy, partly to make it relationship impossible but mainly for her own PR.
6.she realized quickly it was a stupid thing to do (Might have also been "told" quietly)
7.she shut up and went quiet.
8.she's still around doing her own tennis PR gigs.

Its a big fat nothing burger.

Posted by: A.L. | Dec 2 2021 22:19 utc | 44

Sorry for the few autocorrect snafu above. But you'd get the idea..

Posted by: A.L. | Dec 2 2021 22:22 utc | 45

What I would say though, is this highlights the linguistics incompetence of the west and the over-reliance on machine translators.

One journo put 2 and 2 together and got 5,the rest of the herd ran with it lest they have nothing to file for the day to their CIA/NED overlords.

With the WTA its too late to back paddle and admit they were wrong so they do what they do and double down, went all in with the boycott. Even after she had reappeared. This does nothing but buy brownie points from the narrative machine.

Tennis is still very much a western sport. Asians in the sport will still be of novelty value only for another decade or 2 at least so the price to WTA isn't that great.

At the end all the details don't matter. Truth don't matter. For the serfs perception IS reality and this is just another brick on the road to demonize and manufacture consent.

Posted by: A.L. | Dec 2 2021 22:44 utc | 46

China should call it what it is, racism. WTA is a racist community and Steve Simons a white male pig who loves to dominate young female tennisplayers . IOC needs a strong warning to not associate with him. And no western diplomats at the Olympics, kick them out before they cancel.   If the personal costs outweighs the benefits it will stop soon and Simons will be flipped to a paria, a clear warning. Capitalism is best defeated with greed and egoism. 
Because it will not stop if you don't stand up against the bully and his minions. There will be a next lie of which you can not defend against without repeating the lie and feeding the troll. Everybody in the media who is spreading this lie is not a journalist, anyone in government or sports who is repeating this wants another war and kill all yellow people. It is no use to reason with them or look for a win-win. Threat them for what they are: racist greedy warmongers, to be ignored or swiftly neutralized.

Posted by: gary | Dec 2 2021 22:56 utc | 47

You just cannot keep the Guardian down!

TextPeng Shuai needs more than ‘quiet diplomacy’. If she can be silenced, no Chinese athletes are safe

Jessica Shuran Yu

As an athlete who spoke up about abuse, I am tired of seeing reputation being prioritised over safety
Peng Shuai needs more than ‘quiet diplomacy’. If she can be silenced, no Chinese athletes are safe

etc. etc. etc.

The motto of the Guardian when it was a newspaper

"Facts are sacred"

Heh heh.

Posted by: John Cleary | Dec 2 2021 23:06 utc | 48

@ mastameta | Dec 2 2021 22:10 utc | 41

Many thanks, mastameta, that cuts it for Baron (are you are a Chinese born Mandarin speaker?).

Posted by: Baron | Dec 2 2021 23:15 utc | 49

A Chinese friend called and explained what's going on: Peng wanted justice/revenge for being raped.

As a loyal member, she did not wish to harm the Party or other officials' reputations. So she talked to senior officials and agreed to air her grievance as a personal communication publicly and for long enough to achieve its goal, without creating a running sore. They decided that five minutes exposure to her 500,000 social followers would suffice.

That ended her rapist's reputation nationwide and worldwide and made a social celebrity into a pariah who will die in infamy.

All the social status his gave to his family and clan is lost. They are ashamed to be related to him–but everyone knows that they are.

The Party (largely) stayed out of the dogfight, and honor was satisfied.

It's a family matter and foreigners have no business meddling in it.

They don't even understand it. Because they don't want to.

Posted by: Godfree Roberts | Dec 2 2021 23:25 utc | 50

Previous articles appearing in the Times about this affair allowed for reader comments. As one would expect, they were overwhelmingly in agreement that China is an evil, nasty country that oppresses its people unceasingly. Occasional opinions to the contrary were strenuously criticized. The tenor of the response by readers indicates that Sinophobia has become an emotionally charged topic in the US and is no longer amenable to logic and fact.

Posted by: Rob | Dec 2 2021 23:39 utc | 51

Good article by Danny Haiphong over at Mint Press:
Olympolitik: Fake Peng Shuai Scandal Fuels US Effort to Boycott Beijing Olympics

Haiphong makes clear that Peng Shuai is being used as a pawn in the Biden administration's drive to demonise China and call for an international boycott of the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing with global public support. Western mainstream news media outlets are part of that drive to whack the public into agreeing with and supporting the boycott.

"... The U.S. and its Western allies often refer to a “post-truth” society as being the [by-product] of the growth of right-wing politics. Yet the fake Peng Shuai scandal is indicative of how the entirety of the U.S. establishment and its allies have laid the material foundation for a “post-truth” era in the area of journalism. Not a single U.S. or Western-based corporate media source questioned the dubious claims surrounding Peng’s situation. The WTA and the corporate media simply ran with a sensationalist story without any verifiable evidence.

While fearmongering and sensationalism are key elements of the corporate media’s profit-driven news model, it would be a mistake to remove the Peng Shuai scandal from its proper geopolitical context. The United States is seeking to undermine China through an international campaign to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. U.S. President Joe Biden has stated that he is “considering” a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics. While the form of the boycott has yet to be determined, some have suggested that the U.S. may withhold sending an official delegate to Beijing but still allow its athletes to participate in the games.

The Peng scandal comes amid a flurry of anti-China propaganda that has directly targeted the Winter Olympics. According to journalist Alex Rubenstein, the campaign to boycott the Olympics is led by a consortium of NGOs that have received millions of U.S. tax dollars from the National Endowment Democracy (NED), a regime-change arm of the U.S. government. These organizations include the International Tibet Network, Students for a Free Tibet, and the World Uyghur Congress. The World Uyghur Congress received nearly $1.3 million from the NED between the years of 2016 to 2019 alone. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), along with several Republicans in Congress, endorsed the boycott campaign.

Prior to the Peng scandal, boycott campaign activists with the NED-funded International Tibet Network and Students for a Free Tibet interrupted the traditional flame-lighting ceremony for the Beijing games in Greece. National Basketball Association (NBA) player Enes Kanter followed up this action by pledging support for a boycott of the 2022 Olympics and releasing a set of sneakers that directly target China for allegations of human rights abuses. As Alan MacLeod’s investigation for MintPressNews revealed, Kanter is not only linked to the CIA-backed Gulen movement but also to the Zionist and neoconservative establishment in Washington. Thus, the U.S. establishment’s concern for Peng Shuai has little to do about her and everything to do with the larger campaign to delegitimize Beijing in the lead-up to the Olympics ..."

I expect also that in the weeks leading up to the Beijing Olympics the IOC will also come under increasing pressure and its most senior officials subjected to blackmail, even sanctions, if they persist with their current "quiet diplomacy" approach in handling the issue with Peng Shuai, to the extent that they may be forced to call off their meeting with Peng Shuai when they visit Beijing in January 2022.

Posted by: Jen | Dec 2 2021 23:50 utc | 52

@50 Not just the IOC under pressure Jen. MTA (Men's Tennis Assoc.) is being shamed into showing support along with US companies that don't show the correct attitude. Peng supporters would probably like a total boycott of the Olympics.

It would take a brave female tennis player to stand up and say "I don't give a damn about Peng's race or her love-life. I just want to play tennis."

Posted by: dh | Dec 3 2021 0:10 utc | 53

The sides have been made clear: Democracy vs Autocracy as determined by a for-profit Empire. We're at war. To participate in the Olympics is to condone autocratic oppression of human aspiration, not to mention inalienable rights, for liberty and justice for all.

Anything will do. Fauci is still pushing the dirty, disgusting wet-markets.

But don't worry, woke empire won't ever make it racist.

Posted by: gottlieb | Dec 3 2021 0:11 utc | 54

Can't Peng Shuai sue the WTO, NYT...? Americans love courts

Posted by: Man | Dec 3 2021 0:27 utc | 55

the WTA

Posted by: Man | Dec 3 2021 0:29 utc | 56


Google translates it as 'forcing me to have a relationship with you', the one that questions the translation says the original is much stronger, it's 'almost at gunpoint'."

Posted by: Baron | Dec 2 2021 19:52 utc | 36

I would translate it as "you pressed me to have an affair with you".

Keywords are 逼 and 发生关系. Both have several meanings. Context is important. 逼 means force OR press for something. In context, there is no way for the man involved to force the relationship absent violence or coercion, so in this case it's pressed. 发生关系 means "establish a relationship" or "have an affair". Given the context that the man involved is married, the translation would be "have an affair".

Thus the correct translation is "you pressed me to have an affair with you". It's a moot point because in the same post she said that she consented.

Posted by: Jake "the snake" Rob | Dec 3 2021 1:31 utc | 57

Without even reading the details of this story, it smacks of the ongoing crusade against Russia via banning Maria Sharapova in June 2016 from Tennis for a few years for a drug that was deemed a no-no just six months prior.

If anyone remembers, that timing was the start of Russiagate...I knew you would.

Pro-sports are a cesspit of one-sided international politics...the western-side.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 3 2021 2:52 utc | 58

If anyone remembers, that timing was the start of Russiagate...I knew you would.

Pro-sports are a cesspit of one-sided international politics...the western-side.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 3 2021 2:52 utc | 56

Agree, if they were to end commercial sports altogether, it would not bother me a bit. Less empty babble to wade through. Amateur sports is a different matter, but what we have now is very corrupt, because profit.

Posted by: Bemildred | Dec 3 2021 2:57 utc | 59

@35 Caliman | Dec 2 2021 19:28

Maybe increase the strength of that sauce.

Wotif the Chinese Gov. nicely informed the major sponsors of WTA that unless they stop their sponsorship they can forget doing any business in China, until Steve Simon loses his head.

It's called reverse sanctions.
What'd be the chances of that?

Posted by: Hosscara | Dec 3 2021 3:10 utc | 60

I do wonder if Peng intended to send the message as a PM to him and not to post it as a public post. That is what it reads like. And then 20 minutes later when she checks if he has responded to her 'private' message she realizes she has posted it 'public' and quickly removes it.

Any regular users of Weibo care to comment on how likely that is to happen when using Weibo?

Posted by: køns | Dec 3 2021 3:40 utc | 61

#58 Hosscara: Now that's thinking! I love it. Yes, China should get in touch with Shiseido and Porsche and SAP and the rest and let them know the antics of Mr. WTA President are not appreciated and it means business. Would fold like a wet napkin.

Posted by: Caliman | Dec 3 2021 4:39 utc | 62

@ Bemildred | Dec 3 2021 2:57 utc | 57 who wrote
Agree, if they were to end commercial sports altogether, it would not bother me a bit. Less empty babble to wade through. Amateur sports is a different matter, but what we have now is very corrupt, because profit.

I just read the the MLB has just locked out the players so you may get some of your wish replaced by the ongoing media coverage of the sub-shit-show posturing

Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 3 2021 4:55 utc | 63

Jake "the snake" Rob @55; mastameta @41:

LOL!!! You both did great jobs on interpreting the wording. I suspect you are both ethnic Chinese, as I am. But in this case Google's translation is proficient, although as you both pointed out Chinese words can be translated, as well as intended, to mean in different ways.

To focus on Peng's text is ludicrous. She was writing on social platform under lots of emotion and anger at that time, how would one deduce that she had used the precise wordings to capture the situation? How much of Peng's texts were revealed? How do we know that there were no occasions where she might had even begged to see Zhang Gaoli? As far as I'm concerned, she might actually have been the one in pursue of Zhang Gaoli, sort of power idolization type of puppy love. But western press won't ever consider such angles. They only are interested in demonizing China. It's customary for western press to quote out of contexts, spin quotes to lead readers to intended contexts, and sometimes outright making up quotes to suit a narrative. I'd say, just leave NYT/WAPO/Bloomberg et al alone. They only spew lies and fake news. Haven't we all learned this fact by now?

What happened between Peng and Zhang are nobody else's business but them two. What is disgusting is the way western press lied about Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tiananmen Square, Taiwan, etc. I mean, the blatancy of the lies, the ridiculousness of the lies, and the meanness of the lies tell me these institutions have no moral fibers whatsoever. They are absolutely no different from the western politicians.

Posted by: Oriental Voice | Dec 3 2021 6:06 utc | 64

I have to disagree with the commentator advising China to cancel the coming Winter Olympics.

Posted by: Hal Duell | Dec 2 2021 19:11 utc | 32

Yes, if certain forces have the 2022 Olympics cancelled, that would be one less world class sporting event synchronized with those "other people's little wars" that the NYT likes to promote.

Posted by: Tom | Dec 3 2021 6:32 utc | 65

@A.L. | Dec 2 2021 22:44 utc | 45

One journo put 2 and 2 together and got 5,the rest of the herd ran with it lest they have nothing to file for the day to their CIA/NED overlords.

Well that is the correct answer and shows that said journo is properly educated.

Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 3 2021 6:36 utc | 66

Peng's post was soppy, the NYTimes' preoccupation with it has been sordid. I imagine agents mobilized and pressures exerted on the Olympic organizations, to no avail. just throwing everything at the wall, hoping something sticks. it did work last time though, as they got Russia banned froma the Olympics, at least in name.

Posted by: mastameta | Dec 3 2021 6:43 utc | 67

Posted by: Oriental Voice | Dec 3 2021 6:06 utc | 62

It's terrible propaganda for the West. Any Chinese can read and understand the meaning of those Weibo posts. When the New York Times "translation" of the Weibo posts are translated back into Chinese, Chinese people know that the New York Times is lying. In recent years I get the sense that mainland Chinese feel that they occupy the moral high ground vs the West, which wasn't the case 20 years ago. And it's entirely because the Western media produces fake about news about China for domestic audiences that Chinese people themselves can see right through. The Western media has become the American Pravda.

Posted by: Jake "the snake" Rob | Dec 3 2021 6:54 utc | 68

The article makes it appear the IOC is such a wonderful organisation, in spite of its poor behaviour over the Russian "doping" scandal. Reading between the lines, the statements concerning Ms Peng they are making strongly indicate that they too are promoting the lie that she is in trouble and needs support, indicating the evil Chinese government is actually mistreating her.

The IOC and the WTA are merely two sides of the same evil, lying propaganda coin.

Posted by: Victor | Dec 3 2021 8:15 utc | 69

Wotif the Chinese Gov. nicely informed the major sponsors of WTA that unless they stop their sponsorship they can forget doing any business in China, until Steve Simon loses his head.

Posted by: Hosscara | Dec 3 2021 3:10 utc | 58

While I don't advocate punishing people or organisations who had no hand in the matter, reverse sanction may be the only way to make their case heard.

This reeks of the same stench as the xinjiang cotton fake news. China can never win in the court of international public opinion as it is indeed a kangaroo court. The west has control of international media and narratives.

China needs respond in a sphere where it does have control, i.e. Economic and trade. Unless there's a cost associated with these stunts, the punches will just keep on coming.

Posted by: A.L. | Dec 3 2021 8:56 utc | 70

Posted by: Oriental Voice | Dec 3 2021 6:06 utc | 62 -- "What happened between Peng and Zhang are nobody else's business but them two. What is disgusting is the way western press lied about Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tiananmen Square, Taiwan, etc. I mean, the blatancy of the lies, the ridiculousness of the lies, and the meanness of the lies tell me these institutions have no moral fibers whatsoever. They are absolutely no different from the western politicians."

This episode of baldfaced lying will reveal to more and more that Western leaders, led by the US, are unspeakabbly evil, and that their fake press is but their propaganda machine.

Already, as karlof1 @ 23 notes, there are many new commenters here expressing outrage at this NYT bovine excreta.

If they so obviously lie about a girl's heartbreak, how much more would they lie about Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tiananmen????

Posted by: kiwiklown | Dec 3 2021 9:21 utc | 71

The Groaniad is jumping sharks with this wind up.

“Jessica Shuran Yu was born, raised and trained in China and competed in the 2017 figure skating world championships for Singapore. She is now a student in the US studying to become a journalist”

Let’s get this absolutely straight ‘Jessica’ was born in 2020 in China - trained as a skater as a child in China presumably under her parents full approval but actually represented Singapore Singapore not China where her father was from!
She RETIRED at the age of 21 having last year spoken out of training abuse of athletes by coaches to turn them into elite sportspersons!
She apparently is in America as a ‘student’ now, to become a ‘Journalist’ - Georgestown? Another mockingbird hatchery? -
And she has her first byline in the Deepstate mouthpiece Groaniad today.

I won’t go through that article people can look it up themselves, but here is a story from the bbc last year during which she makes zero mention of sexual harassment to herself but rightly points out the many nations where athletes are abused

Born 2000 retired 2021! now a CIA Mockingbird - straight into the frontline making up lies for the MSM Narratives - poor kid ! This is unlikely to end well for her.

As for the Guardian I will say again it is a deepstate neoliberal /neocon rag that was pro slavery during the American Civil War, has been anti real Labour in the U.K. for the last hundred years except when that party was taken over by the Blairite Neocon/Libs and is now drumming for war! Again. There are half dozen articles per day with their Mockingbirds Bastards covering their various gullible readership groups. - idiots.

Posted by: D.G. | Dec 3 2021 9:43 utc | 72

Whoops typo in Posted by: D.G. | Dec 3 2021 9:43 utc | 70

Jessica was born in 2000.

Posted by: D.G.. | Dec 3 2021 10:26 utc | 73

@Oriental Voice
The Saker talks about how the Russian media's antidote to US-disseminated misinformation is just to show lots of it. they laugh at it together, incredulous how it defies both common sense and what they know from first hand experience. empire propaganda has gotten to that ridiculous point where it undermines itself abroad and only works on audiences at home.

china's great firewall did its work at the critical time when the messaging could still work its magic. after the trump era, it has become much easier to see thru. orange man was a boon.

Posted by: mastameta | Dec 3 2021 10:34 utc | 74

china's great firewall did its work at the critical time when the messaging could still work its magic. after the trump era, it has become much easier to see thru. orange man was a boon.

Posted by: mastameta | Dec 3 2021 10:34 utc | 72

Yes, that was always the one good thing about the Orange Man, he clarified the situation in a way nobody else could. But quite unintentionally. If he comes back to power, I think he will be just as bad, but bring no further clarification.

Posted by: Bemildred | Dec 3 2021 11:28 utc | 75

mastameta @ 72

I agree but like Russia, getting its own people to see through the BS is great, however it doesn't stop the serfs abroad from buying it, getting brainwashed and continue gearing itself up for what they belief is an inevitable and just war.

Posted by: A.L. | Dec 3 2021 11:31 utc | 76

The MSM are nothing but mere professional gaslighters. Don't really get the why of the Peng Shaui story. She really wasn't a household name here in the US. Perhaps something to do with the upcoming Olympics? The psychotic idiots in charge can't possibly want a war with China, can they? Or maybe it is a mere threat of war to facilitate an American collapse so as the likes of Paul Singer can short it, Soros can benefit from currency manipulation, the Gates Foundation can pick up more farm ground on the cheap, and Blackrock can acquire homes for nothing? Gosh I wish I had a flag decorated foam finger to wave around mindlessly right now.

Posted by: Old and Grumpy | Dec 3 2021 14:31 utc | 77

kiwiklown | Dec 3 2021 9:21 utc | 69

If they so obviously lie about a girl's heartbreak, how much more would they lie about Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tiananmen????

The western media have been lying forever. This is not a new phenomenon. The same level of mendacity was evident before, during and after WW2 and during the Cold War. I remember how the Russians went, in short order, from being "Communist Demons" to "Our Gallant Allies" to "Stalin's Minions, intent on World Domination" in much less than a decade!

The only way to understand the MSM is as the Propaganda-arm of the ptb.

Posted by: foolisholdman | Dec 3 2021 15:19 utc | 78

Very sad to see Novak Djokovich join the chorus by applauding the WTA.

Over the years, he was my least favorite of the Big 3, Nadal, Federer, and him. However, I came to the realization that Djokovich, while not as likeable as Federer or Nadal, was an amazing competitor, and had a great sense of humor which you could pick up on during his interviews. He became the superior and Tennis' finest player bar none.

The fact that he was Serbian, too, lent me to believe that perhaps he had a bone to pick with the NATO Establishment.

Well, I guess we all make mistakes. Maybe Djokovich will rescind his. One can hope.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 3 2021 17:20 utc | 79

nemesiscalling - i guess that is the court of public opinion at work.... he's probably is too busy playing tennis to pick up on the story line, but he still sees the need to open his mouth... that is quite common!

Posted by: james | Dec 3 2021 17:57 utc | 80

Posted by: mastameta | Dec 3 2021 10:34 utc | 74:

The Saker talks about how the Russian media's antidote to US-disseminated misinformation is just to show lots of it. they laugh at it together, incredulous how it defies both common sense and what they know from first hand experience.

But, but, but, doing so one busies oneself too much on cleaning up bullshits and be guilty of taking what the western MSM have to say too seriously. I'd rather just ignore them, while from time to time issue a few clarifications of facts to refute the false accusations. If the readership still buys the western mime, well, they are already sold and its pointless to win them over.

In my opinion, the western MSM, not just the US based ones but much of EU's too, has been losing world-wide credibility steadily over the past 2, 3 decades. But as foolisholdman said in post #69, spewing lies and make-up stories has been the standard modus operandi of the western MSM since as far back as before WWII.

I myself didn't come around to realizing their true color until I was about 45 years of age, and that's almost 3 decades ago. Yup! I'm kinda slow :-)

Posted by: Oriental Voice | Dec 3 2021 18:06 utc | 81

The anti-China fuss is getting more and more hilarious and silly everyday. The west is really, really running out of things to attack China. I am looking forward to the day when they complain that China is saving too many pandas, which will cause global warming.

I think we are very close to that day.

Posted by: d dan | Dec 3 2021 18:14 utc | 82

d dan @82,

oh they done that already. Didn't you miss their accusation that Chinese eating too well (or eating too much pork) is the reason behind the nascent global warming?

Posted by: Oriental Voice | Dec 3 2021 18:22 utc | 83

@d dan | Dec 3 2021 18:14 utc | 82 and @Oriental Voice | Dec 3 2021 18:22 utc | 83

The west:
- If I win, it's my own superiority.
- If I lose, it's all China's fault.

Posted by: LuRenJia | Dec 3 2021 19:00 utc | 84

LuRenJia @84: Haha, the following is what I wrote sometime ago:

China can never win:
If China keeps low profile: proof that Chinese is conformist and uncreative.
If China speaks up: proof that Chinese is aggressive and arrogant.
If China is lagging: proof of China's backwardness.
If China is catching up: proof of China's stealing and copying.
If China is leading: proof of China's threat and boastfulness.
If China tries to be Chinese: proof of Chinese inferiority.
If China tries to be Western: proof of Western superiority.

Posted by: d dan | Dec 3 2021 20:50 utc | 85

I vaguely remember seeing internet news links and even my local news covered it briefly about this affair. I never clicked on the links nor give much attention to anything that comes out of any Western MSM. Only the Weather channel gets my attention; every thing else is pure bullshit. I hope younger generations can see through the propaganda being peddled.

Interesting to see Surferket @18 mentioning that there is no planned events for 2022. Is the smear campaign a retaliation by the WTA against China's decision?

Like migueljose @ 5 mentioned, I went further in boycotting all things related to the Olympics. It's become far too political over the years which have directly went against the Spirit of the event. I don't even follow professional games any more. If one must support Sports then do so at the local level; just be mindful on who the benefactors are.

Posted by: Ian2 | Dec 4 2021 1:21 utc | 86

five genociders

BOycott the 2022 genocide Olympics in Beijing

They tried that with the 2008 OLympics as well remember ?

And the gold medal for China-bashing goes to…

Posted by: denk | Dec 4 2021 3:57 utc | 87

HIllary Clinton

Women's rights are human rights

The Ryukyuren have been crying themselves hoarse for 60 years ...

gringo rapist go home

gringo occupying force have been raping
Ryukyuren daughters since ww2.

Where'r these white knights ?
Especially the FUKUS led five liars,
Clinton in particular ....???

NObody seem to hear Ryukyuren's cry .

The Ryukuren sent a delegation to Washington to plead their case.
tHEY WERe told the CONgress were having a break in the Rockies.
What about the potus ?

Oh he's having lunch with HMDL in the WH.

The distraught Ryukuren took the next plane home.

Perhaps buoyed by Clinton's crusade for women's right, the Ryukuren pinned their last hope on the dowager.
They sent a letter to the witch.

An excerpt]

We do not need to remind you that Okinawa is not your territory. Your fifty thousand military members act freely as if this is their land, but, of course, it is not. Please remember that we, the Okinawa people, own “the inherent dignity” and “the equal and inalienable rights of all the members of the human family,” which is stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, just like your family and friends do.

No response,
Leaked doc shows that the witch threw the letter into the waste paper basket.

The rape of Ryukyuren continues....

Posted by: denk | Dec 4 2021 6:17 utc | 88

Posted by: foolisholdman | Dec 3 2021 15:19 utc | 78 -- "The same level of mendacity was evident before, during and after WW2 and during the Cold War."

Thanks for replying.

I see your point, although I would say that the West's fake press is not so much mendacious as evil.... unspeakably e.v.i.l.

I do hope that more and more, especially younger readers see through the West's evil, and that is why we ought to shine light on their subterfuge: they are actually conducting warfare by pretending to be journalists.

Posted by: kiwiklown | Dec 4 2021 8:32 utc | 89

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 3 2021 17:20 utc | 79
(Very sad to see Novak Djokovich join the chorus by applauding the WTA)

It was disappointing but it shouldn't have surprised anyone.
Hi-profile sport stars in the Freedumb loving West have to tread very carefully when making public statements. One slip of the tongue and they can banished from their privileged position on the Sports Gravy Train.

One doesn't need to think back very far to recall an example of a sport star being severely reprimanded for making politically incorrect public remarks on a variety of Hot Topics.

Sports Stars are Sports Slaves and disobedience is always punished.
Novak Djokovich may or may not believe the remarks he made, but there is no doubt whatsoever that he knew the possible consequences of refusing the WTA's 'request' to speak out.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 4 2021 9:20 utc | 90

An amusing reminder from up-thread...

Surely, the case is good enough to issue a number of paychecks and put some pins on the chart. WTA is "ours", IOC "not yet".

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 2 2021 14:49 utc | 16

Sad but true.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 4 2021 9:46 utc | 91

It is this site which is entirely mendacious. Why not report the entire post that the player wrote instead of just the parts that meet your false narrative: weibo post

Too scared of the truth??

Posted by: JAK R. KING | Dec 5 2021 0:36 utc | 92

Posted by: JAK R. KING | Dec 5 2021 0:36 utc | 92

Why not read everything b wrote and linked before commenting?

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 5 2021 12:36 utc | 93

«How do we know that there were no occasions where she might had even begged to see Zhang Gaoli? As far as I'm concerned, she might actually have been the one in pursue of Zhang Gaoli»

There is a simple explanation, look at what she wrote elsewhere and the timing:

“About seven years ago, we had sex. Then later on after you got promoted to be a member of the Politburo Standing Committee in Beijing, you never contacted me again. I used to bury everything inside me. After all, if you didn't want to take any responsibility,”

So she really liked him and became very sad that when he became a national political figure he dumped her instead of taking responsibility.

«why did you come back for me, and brought me to your home to have sex? It is true that I don't have evidence. It is also not possible to leave evidence. Later on you kept denying,»

He kept denying that hey had sex, and that he had tried to resume that affair, but she the is upset by his denial, and claims that he really likes her:

«but it is true that you were attracted to me first, otherwise I couldn't have been able to come into contact with you»

Note that here she is saying that she took the initiative to contact him again, and that her being able to contact him (despite him being part of the party elite) means a lot. Wikipedia notes: “According to online sources in Fujian, Zhang was said to have cut most ties with his siblings after he ascended to higher positions in the world of politics”.

Now the critical detail: Mr. Zhang recently retired from national chinese politics.

So the story revolves around his political career, and there is here a very important point: the elite of the communist party are somewhat puritanical and feminist, and for Mr. Zhang to dump his wife for a mistress while being a national political figure, as he was member of the Politburo standing committee between 2012 and 2018 (the seven years she mentions) would have been very bad.

So he did what men do: he dumped the mistress he liked when he got to the top, to protect his career, and when when he left national politics she tried to get him back, they had sex, he pushed her to resume their affair, and then dumped her again when she refused.

Obviously she expected that as he is retired now he would finally divorce his wife, and marry her to take responsibility, but all he wanted to do was to keep her as his mistress. That's why she is angry.

Posted by: ItsComplicated | Dec 8 2021 13:42 utc | 94

«Obviously she expected that as he is retired now he would finally divorce his wife, and marry her to take responsibility, but all he wanted to do was to keep her as his mistress. That's why she is angry.»

This is quite explicit in what she wrote:

“You said in your position, it is impossible to divorce. If we met in Shandong [...] you would have been able to divorce, but not now.”

Obviously he is a charming man, with a top prestige, and made her feel important as in:

“On the inside, I am extremely deprived of love. In the middle of all of this, I never thought I was a good woman. I hated myself, I hated why I came to this world. You told me you loved me, very very much, and you said you hope in the next life, we can meet each other around the age of twenty, or eighteen. You said you were lonely. You pitied yourself for being alone.”

That is what happens to many mistrsses: they hold out for years hoping that their wonderful married man will eventually divorce and marry them. At least mr. Zhang told her very clearly that in his position he could no marry her, many married men tell their mistresses they will do it "next year" every year.

Posted by: ItsComplicated | Dec 8 2021 14:03 utc | 95

Obviously she expected that as he is retired now he would finally divorce his wife, and marry her to take responsibility, but all he wanted to do was to keep her as his mistress. That's why she is angry.

Posted by: ItsComplicated | Dec 8 2021 13:42 utc | 94

Yes, that is what I see, the way you describe it, no victims, social climbing and all that, happens all the time.

The gentleman "had" to dump her, or go back to private life, but he might have been more polite about it. And she might have been more realistic about her prospects.

One of the first things I noticed what I started working in "Defense" here was they were all screwing each other and it was all about the money. CCP is right to frown on that sort of thing.

Posted by: Bemildred | Dec 8 2021 14:12 utc | 96

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