Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
December 25, 2021

Experts Warn ...

"Moscow likes to commit aggression when the world is not paying attention. It invaded Afghanistan during the Christmas season in 1979 and attacked Georgia during August vacation season," ambassador John Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine from 2003 to 2006, told Newsweek.


Check the date ... and maybe read John Kiriakou: Those Nasty Russians

Posted by b on December 25, 2021 at 10:21 UTC | Permalink


Oh come on, if we're reacting to Newsweek we might as well be quoting the UK Mirror. These are sh*trags with no credibility.

Merry Christmas, b and all those here who still observe this ancient pagan festival!

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 25 2021 10:39 utc | 1

Here's an excellent counter to Newsweek by Mike Madden, it also exposes the complicitness of the US media, where Russia is concerned.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Dec 25 2021 11:08 utc | 2

Clearly Putin got scared of the West's "sanctions from hell". Another victory against the Putlerg regime!


Posted by: Midville | Dec 25 2021 11:19 utc | 3

Haven't you heard yet? The arson attack on a Russian consulate is higly likely a false flag to justify an attack on Ukraine by those nasty Russians...

Posted by: signorRossi | Dec 25 2021 11:40 utc | 4

Four Star US General and Nato's Supreme Commander in Europe General To Wolters, is advocating that Bulgaria and Romania should be used to support Ukraine, in other words both countries will become staging posts if war breaks out between Russia and Ukraine, this war if it breaks out could quickly move West if European countries agree to this madness.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Dec 25 2021 11:47 utc | 5

US gas price tumbles on bearish winter outlook ...

Truthtellers @CNBC ...

The U.S. was right -- Europe has become a ’hostage' to Russia over energy, analysts warn | CNBC - Oct. 7, 2021 |

U.S. natural gas sinks, on track for worst month in three years | CNBC - Nov. 30, 2021 |

Benchmark Dutch front-month gas dropped below 100 euros a megawatt-hour for the first time in two weeks, falling as much as 26% to 98.58 euros after slumping 23% on Thursday. Prices, which hit fresh records earlier this week, are tumbling on hopes that increased LNG supply will ease the continent's energy crunch. [Bloomberg]

Opening the European LNG markets for huge profit ... can de warmongering on the Eastern Front ease now?

Posted by: Oui | Dec 25 2021 11:54 utc | 6

Warmongering inside U.S. Capitol … senators held hostage by nutcase Ted Cruz, awol in Big Texas freeze last winter.

Christmas holiday only after promise to add more sanctions on Russia in the New Year!

Democrats are threatening hardball tactics as they try to break a blockade by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) that has left dozens of President Biden's State Department nominees in limbo.

Asked about the potential of keeping the Senate in town next week to confirm nominations, Durbin added: "I hope we don't have to." 

Cruz has been holding up Biden's State Department nominees for months over a push to get a vote on, or implementation of, Nord Stream 2 pipeline sanctions. 

Posted by: Oui | Dec 25 2021 12:03 utc | 7

Meanwhile Central Kyiv celebrating Orthodox Christmas - Heard it all before

Posted by: Oui | Dec 25 2021 12:09 utc | 8

the newsweek article and all the other worrying might be a case of broken clock being right. the demands putin gave united states, like withdrawing all short- and intermediate-range missiles from europe, removing all nuclear weaponry from foreign countries, suggest he’s deadly serious and the situation is quite like the cuban missile crisis. he’s straight-up said he’s willing to use military force if the demands aren’t met.

it is to be hoped that any russian military action concentrates on ukraine, and that nato does not respond. full-scale nuclear war and the obliteration of much of the world are almost guaranteed in a european land war between the two. it’s the worst of worst-case scenarios, other than asteroid impact.

Posted by: Line Islands | Dec 25 2021 12:57 utc | 9

Posted by: Oui | Dec 25 2021 12:03 utc | 7

My opinion is that I have heard of only one action of Sen. Cruz that was selfless and intelligent, his vacation with his family in south Mexico at the time of "Texan freeze", and reluctance to return.

Assuming that the Senator did not live lights on, the best he could do is not to contribute to electricity consumption in Texas during this painful period. A lot of components of Texan power system like gas pipelines, certificates for a coal plant to operate in emergency etc. were unprepared for a mild wave of sub-freezing temperature, and what a Senator could do about it?

Judging from his stellar education, Cruz is highly intelligent, something that he has to hide very carefully to be electable. In almost every instance, he does it well. But "being AWOL during the freeze" was a rare slip. He kept his family warm without taking a single kWh from fellow Texans.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 25 2021 13:00 utc | 10

i checked the date ;-)
very funny, thank you -- and season's greetings.

Posted by: micha | Dec 25 2021 13:11 utc | 11

Moscow likes to commit aggression when the world is not paying attention. It invaded Afghanistan during the Christmas season in 1979 and attacked Georgia during August vacation season," ambassador John Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine from 2003 to 2006, told Newsweek.

In both cases, the actions were re-actions. In Georgia, it was a reaction to an artillery barrage on the main town of South Ossetia, with hundreds of victims. In Afghanistan, it was a reaction to a bloody coup, president was shot dead and replaced, Afghan communist party was sadly riven by an internal struggle between two factions. American ambassadors are not required to know anything, so they are highly qualified to provide expert advise to journalists who know even less.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 25 2021 13:14 utc | 12

Russians are really nasty sneaky busturds who play cheat all the time!
They should do the honourable thing and give Ukraine 1 month's warning!

Posted by: Surferket | Dec 25 2021 13:21 utc | 13

As usual, this is projection from the western psychopaths. They are dreaming of starting wars during holidays. In fact they already did, this Christmas they again started a war on their own citizens, but prefer to project the crime on "the Russians".

Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 25 2021 13:29 utc | 14

So that is why the West has done it's very best to cancel Christmas? Lockdowns, always wear your gas mask and make sure you have your booster shot?

Even the kids were on lookout for the red streak of Father Christmas flying though the sky. or was that Rudolphs nose?


On a sadder note perhaps I should signal the Settlers and IDF thugs who are trying, under cover of Christmas, to extend their ethnic cleansing to both Palestinians and Christians. Unremarked by the MSM. Sigh.

Posted by: Stonebird | Dec 25 2021 13:45 utc | 15

Yup on "check the date" and "read John Kiriakou." Fun watching folks even on this site get triggered rather than laugh given the irony of the facts.

Posted by: Smuggle | Dec 25 2021 13:48 utc | 16

In my opinion NATO invaded the Ukraine in 2014 and since then is occupying it. For Russia NOT to station troops on it's border would be foolish. And fools they're not. From my understanding of International Law, if NATO deploys offensive weapons on Ukrainian soil, Russia has the right to a pre-emptive strike.

Posted by: Tony Vorsteveld | Dec 25 2021 14:08 utc | 17

Todays news: More than 10,000 Russian troops returning to bases after drills near Ukraine -Interfax.

Very clever movemnet from Russia!

Posted by: Mikkado | Dec 25 2021 14:11 utc | 18

Newsweek still exists?

Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Dec 25 2021 14:26 utc | 19

KSA is announcing a (ground?) offensive against Yemen, now that they can do it safely after the weapon shipment was seized.

Posted by: Tom2 | Dec 25 2021 14:40 utc | 20

Is this the 1950’s all over again? Back then, according to the powers that be, Russia was going to attack the US at any moment, any minute now and that we should be ready to dive right into a bunker when ordered. I’m still waiting for the attack.

Posted by: Jose Garcia | Dec 25 2021 14:58 utc | 21

Smuggle | Dec 25 2021 13:48 utc | 16

Is this what you mean? The Russians send Christmas greetings.

"One of the military field camps of the Russian armed forces. The personnel sends warm greetings to the optical reconnaissance satellites of the "partners" from the US and NATO. The message says "Dick".

Posted by: Stonebird | Dec 25 2021 14:59 utc | 22

China threatens to bombard US with Christmas decorations, LED lights and Santa Hats!

Posted by: dh | Dec 25 2021 15:13 utc | 23

KSA is announcing a (ground?) offensive against Yemen, now that they can do it safely after the weapon shipment was seized.

Posted by: Tom2 | Dec 25 2021 14:40 utc | 20

Saudis have been bombing, no evidence they are doing anything on the ground, OTOH it appears the Houthis are inside SA now, in SW where areas were once Yemen, which is what is freaking the Saudis out.

The Saudis did get an ammo dump in Saana a day or so ago. I'm not sure if the captured guns are real or theatrical.

I do take the sudden interest in talking about Yemen now as an indication that the Houthis are making progress.

Of course, this is all speculation.

Posted by: Bemildred | Dec 25 2021 15:21 utc | 24

Passing Bills (Banker friendly financial ones in the main ) quietly/unnoticed in the wee small hours over the festive period is the privilege/reserve of those pesky senatorial & congressional grifters/pimps on various Appropriation/Legislative Committees.

Posted by: WTFUD | Dec 25 2021 16:14 utc | 25

When the Saudis bombed Sanaa airport a few days ago, it was completely whitewashed by the MSM and even by the NGOs who used the airport as the sole point of entry of humanitarian aid (and staff) into the region. The interviews and articles I've seen/heard always spoke of the airport as "being closed".

Posted by: Tom2 | Dec 25 2021 16:18 utc | 26

I have a Christmassy Question -

Why is Jeff Bezos and The Board at Theranos, err Amazon, not doing time for Manslaughter; at least helping Police with their Enquiries ( 'cause I'm sure the Police in the US like here in the UK, The Serious Crime/Goon Squad are all over this, NOT )?

Is it because the Politicians have a nice 'nest egg' of Amazonian Plantation Shares.

Posted by: WTFUD | Dec 25 2021 16:23 utc | 27

The US is the most militaristic country on Earth nowadays. Even in North Korea you can't see coaches and other stuff in camo gear
Camo coaches all over the NFL

Posted by: My | Dec 25 2021 16:42 utc | 28

US always accuse other of what they themselves are doing. US started the Georgian war in 2008 during the Chinese Olympics and the bloody Nazi coup in the ukraine in 2014...

Posted by: mikhas | Dec 25 2021 17:03 utc | 29

Ahem! It's called NEWs$peak for a reason..

"READ Not About it!"

"Get your inflated $1.00 Hate-Filled $pew whilst it lasts."

Posted by: polecat | Dec 25 2021 17:03 utc | 30

.... during the Olympics in sochi, Russia.

Posted by: mikhas | Dec 25 2021 17:04 utc | 31

Posted by: Smuggle | Dec 25 2021 13:48 utc | 16
Yup on "check the date" and "read John Kiriakou."
Fun watching folks even on this site get triggered rather than laugh given the irony of the facts.

In high school English class my teacher handed out a pop quiz numbered 1 – 20.
#1 said “Read everything before doing anything.”
#2 Write your name in the upper right hand corner.
#3 thru #19 were various short answer questions.
#20 said, “Disregard #3 thru #19 and hand in to teacher at which time you may go.”

Lots of embarrassed know it all teen-agers that day. Even some 'A' students eager to ace the quiz.
(For my own self-respect I don’t recall my actions :-)

Posted by: waynorinorway | Dec 25 2021 17:41 utc | 32

I'm starting to think that after witnessing inevitable U.S. obstinance at January meeting, Russians may announce their withdrawal from the START treaty, adjust their military doctrine to hair-trigger posture with the advisability of nuclear response to any - even conventional - NATO provocation, and top it off with plans for a massive nuclear build-up, including deployment of tactical nukes in Belarus.
If Putin keeps talking about ever-rising NATO threat, yet keeps adhering to arms-control treaties designed specifically to limit Russian capabilities, then he will start looking like an extremely weak and ineffective leader. And I don't think that's how he wants to be remembered.

Posted by: Venom | Dec 25 2021 17:49 utc | 33

"It invaded Afghanistan during the Christmas season in 1979 and attacked Georgia during August vacation season," ambassador John Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine from 2003 to 2006"

Good to know he is not the only diplomat idiot or idiotic diplomat the USA sends out to regularly embarrass itself, and whose main object seems to be to falsify history.

Russia did not invade Afghanistan, they were there on the invitation of the Government at the time to fight against Islamists, who already at that time were supported by the USA through the CIA, and Georgia was "invaded" for a few days because pushed by the USA Saakashvili attacked Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia.
Even the EU had to acknowledge this in a final report and put the blame squarely on the Ex-president of Georgia.

Posted by: Peter Moritz | Dec 25 2021 17:58 utc | 34

As I said in a previous posting[s] which, in the spirit of the Day, I abbreviate here:

"In 1991, the USSR/Russia acceded to ALL OF THE WESTS STATED DEMANDS...we will lose the US empire because a bunch of nut-jobs won't take Да for an answer...Not since Athens war on Syracuse has an empire been so gleefully traded away for a war whose only possible justification is the unbridled vanity of an elite class of people completely insulated from the consequence of their actions."


BTW, NewsWeek is a terrible rag but..occasionally, it leads the news with some timely gems, [note the publication date]:

Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research - Fred Guterl 4/28/20

Perhaps Fred G, was old enough to remember how Fauci prevented the distribution of anti-viral treatments* for well over a decade during the HIV/AIDS pandemic, an action that led to the deaths of well over 1/2 million people. Unlike most Americans, I did remember Fauci so, when he popped-up on the screen in February 2020, I knew the world was in trouble. Fauci shouldn't be put in charge of flushing a single toilet and yet he controls a $50,000,000,000.00 budget, quite literally, the most powerful man in DC and has DC's D's wetting their pants with his every utterance.

*In truth, the angel of death did secretly distribute effective anti-viral treatments to the politically well connected.

Posted by: S Brennan | Dec 25 2021 18:07 utc | 35

The Russians will take over Ukraine to protect their security because the US is incapable of sticking to an agreement AND the illegal Ukraine Gov was installed by a US coup

The US is simply buying time w/ the Jan talks to bolster resources and inflict some type of further mayhem on the inevitable

fool me once...

Posted by: hvck | Dec 25 2021 18:10 utc | 36

it's all Kabuki

Posted by: ld | Dec 25 2021 18:10 utc | 37

Thanks for the chuckle, b. Definitely graveside humor. Watched the wife's favorite Christmas shows on the tube last night and noted all of them contained the message of PEACE and GOODWILL toward ALL. Too bad they were the animated types produced back in the 1960s during those years of turmoil and ferment within the Outlaw US Empire that have never really gone away or been healed. Judging by the actions of the generation targeted by those shows, they learned nothing from them as they're every bit as bloodthirsty and thieving as their parents were then.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 25 2021 18:14 utc | 38

At The Saker's, I made two comments in response to his two threads related to the potential replies by the Outlaw US Empire to Russia's proposals that I'll also share here.

This one's from "Meet the folks who make the Russians laugh and wonder." Both comments I posted using my karlof1 moniker instead of my usual Outlaw Historian for his site:

How many recall the story of Pinocchio? It was a puppet. Puppets don’t act on their own or have thoughts about anything. As such, all it could do is lie, which caused its nose to grow longer. Real life puppets don’t act much different from Pinocchio because they’re puppets afterall!!

When closely examined, The Outlaw US Empire’s been governed by puppets since the fall of Nixon, although some will argue for an earlier start. The Age of Neoliberalism ushered in the puppets whose strings were controlled primarily by Wall Street Neoliberals. And the Neoliberals have fortified their hold on power as the years passed by to the point where the Outlaw US Empire at the domestic federal end of governance is an Oligarchy structured as a Duopoly.

Putin understands this state-of-affairs as he let slip the fact that the only thing they care about is money–-profit over people is their highest value. But there’s the big problem of to whom to address Russia’s proposals? Biden is clearly the figurehead/puppet in charge; so, how would Putin look if he addressed Russia’s proposals to those his intel people say are the string pullers? Would it be more affective for Russia’s diplomats to talk over the puppets heads by addressing the string pullers despite their lack of official capacity to speak/act for the US government? It would rapidly get cumbersome since each official has multiple string pullers. Or perhaps that’s exactly what needs to be done–but would the public ever be allowed to know the names of the string pullers aside from us reading Russian press and government announcements?

Perhaps the Chinese could verify the puppeteers, and they could be seconded by Iran or perhaps the SCO or BRICS as collective organizations? IMO, doing something like the above would be a great method to “meddle” in Outlaw US Empire domestic affairs in an innocent manner: Look, we just need to know to whom we need to address our concerns.

This is from "So far – no reply, but lots of denials":

I’d like to recall, remind, introduce readers to my comment from yesterday about Putin et al having to deal with the puppet masters backstage who manipulate all the politicos we see on stage. Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, et al are all puppets and don’t act independently when it comes to Big Issues like those proposed by Russia. We, the audience, may have some inkling as to the identity of the puppet masters, but I’ll bet the USA’s national debt that the Russians know exactly who they are AND where they work, live, play, and have their hiding places. Recall Putin promising they will be targeted first–or maybe some didn’t know that. I’ll double-down on my bet that those puppet masters don’t like the idea of being vaporized whatsoever and will bend. Putin has famously stated What Russian would want to live in a world without Russia; well, I’ll double-down again and bet that the puppet masters feel the same about their priceless lives–even if they were to survive a nuclear war, what joy would there be living on a devastated planet with its beauty destroyed for generations?

Back in the 1980s, there was a song asking the question: Do the Russians love their children too? About two years ago, I wrote a short article asking if the puppet masters love their children for I could see this historical inflection coming. Now, it’s clear to see that some of the puppets don’t give a damn about their children, Zelensky being one major fool in that regard. Here’s a question we might discover the answer to: If Zelensky goes off the rails and tries to launch an attack on Donbass without the okay of his Master, will he be prevented by a 9mm through the skull?

Remember, the main point is Biden and his crew are the players on the stage, not those having genuine control. And IMO they know the Outlaw US Empire is militarily inferior at this time and in grave danger if ICBMs start flying cause Russia has anti-missile systems that work and weapons the Empire has zero defense against. No, I’m not going to toss my hundreds of billions into the air and say fuck it all. I want to play with that money and enjoy life, not be the first to die for what amounts to nothing.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 25 2021 18:31 utc | 39

- Mr. President! The enemy has revealed our intention to attack Ukraine at Christmas.
- WHAT ?!! Like they did in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020?
- Yes, Mr. President.
- I am going to look like a fool. A surprise attack is no longer a surprise attack if it is planned by the enemy. (In a bad mood) Withdraw our soldiers!
- Yes, Mr. President.
- I’ll take revenge... General! Plan an invasion of Ukraine for Christmas 2022.

Posted by: Leuk | Dec 25 2021 18:34 utc | 40

"They are chopping down the branch they're sitting on": Putin on attempts to derail NS2. But look who made the observation first. The most apt metaphor I've read in this entire affair.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 25 2021 18:37 utc | 41

I wonder if any UK naval ships are gonna dare go over the Crimean border during these next few weeks.......never know their stupidity especially with new Defence Minister Truss keen to show her enthusiasm for participating......

Posted by: Jonathan Jarvis | Dec 25 2021 18:38 utc | 42

@karlof1, I just wanted to thank you for your contributions to the discussion in this group. I enjoy your comments and links/refenrences you occasionally post, as much as I enjoy b's posting. I find your comments always enlightening. Compliments of the season to you and to all members of this forum.

Posted by: Steve | Dec 25 2021 18:55 utc | 43

Those wily Russians like to attack on holidays?

The jiu jitsu defensive move by a weaker power : Cancel Christmas to enjoy Peace on Earth.

Posted by: Jay-Ottwa | Dec 25 2021 19:09 utc | 44

Those wily Russians like to attack on holidays?

The jiu jitsu defensive move by a weaker power : Cancel Christmas to enjoy Peace on Earth.

Posted by: Jay-Ottwa | Dec 25 2021 19:09 utc | 45


(currently listening to suzan's 'oh happy day' link in the christmas thread)

Posted by: annie | Dec 25 2021 19:29 utc | 46

I second Steve's comment @ 43 and would like to thank karlof1 for his BTL contributions to MoA. I am not always able to read all of karlof1's comments and comment on them (and I don't always agree with all of those I do read) but I am sure I speak for many here when I say that his comments add welcome depth and additional perspective.

I only wish this WordPress platform allowed nested comments threads to make reading karlof1's comments and others easier.

Posted by: Jen | Dec 25 2021 19:43 utc | 47

Posted by: S Brennan | Dec 25 2021 18:07 utc | 35

As I said in a previous posting[s] which, in the spirit of the Day, I abbreviate here:

"In 1991, the USSR/Russia acceded to ALL OF THE WESTS STATED DEMANDS...we will lose the US empire because a bunch of nut-jobs won't take Да for an answer...Not since Athens war on Syracuse has an empire been so gleefully traded away for a war whose only possible justification is the unbridled vanity of an elite class of people completely insulated from the consequence of their actions."

I read your previous post. The section I put in bold caught my attention, but I was not sure whether you were quoting someone or it was straight from your tormented soul... OK, now I know.
Alright, so, it seems some of our barflies here are the stakeholders of the US empire!
And now they are concerned they will lose it.
Ah well, where is the tiniest violin when you need it to play Crimea River.
Look it from the bright side, your loss is the gain for the proletariat, so it is not that bad, right?

Posted by: hopehely | Dec 25 2021 19:49 utc | 48

It is a wonder Cristina Maza, if she is still writing for Newsweek, doesn't pull out that 2018 article every year and change some of the technical detail like names and dates to repost it and earn herself some extra Christmas shopping money.

This year it could be "China-Taiwan War: Beijing could launch armed attack over Christmas while the World is distracted, experts warn" with the former US ambassador to Ukraine replaced by a former US ambassador to Taiwan. The replacement ambassador could be persuaded to mouth Herbst's words with the necessary updates and tidy-ups and then the article would be good to go!

Posted by: Jen | Dec 25 2021 19:50 utc | 49

Peter Moritz @ 34 said in part;

"Russia did not invade Afghanistan, they were there on the invitation of the Government at the time to fight against Islamists, who already at that time were supported by the USA through the CIA, and Georgia was "invaded" for a few days because pushed by the USA Saakashvili attacked Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia.
Even the EU had to acknowledge this in a final report and put the blame squarely on the Ex-president of Georgia."

Thanks for that piece of reality.

karlof1 @ 38; They've learned only one thing; Peace isn't as profitable as War.

Posted by: vetinLA | Dec 25 2021 20:55 utc | 50

@ Posted by: Stonebird | Dec 25 2021 14:59 utc | 22

Saw that message to the spy in the sky crap being put out.
Cant wait to see all these illegal PMC bases across the world being lit up.

The message reminds me of the ‘Nuts’ response by the allied forces surrounded by the unsuccessful battle of the Bulge counter attack.

It does therefore seem to imply that this may be NatoFascisms last ditch attempt at EurAsia supremacy - with actual ditches! Which would easily form the graves of these who lurk in them with unattainable delusions.

Posted by: D.G. | Dec 25 2021 21:32 utc | 51

Yes 48,

Through your omnipresence, you have divined that I do not share the purity of your character; I understand, you find it shocking that I do not share your virtuous hatred of all things USA. Fair enough, still, it's poor gamesmanship to denigrate a "fellow traveler" who supports the reasonable position Russia has put forth vis-à-vis the Black Sea Region/Syria. I believe you have allowed your desire for perfection to be the enemy of justice.

FYI, [though surely, the perfection of your omnipresence makes it unnecessary], During the Soviet era, I was anti-Russian..until..Gorbachev came to the fore. When Gorbachev tried to make a deal with Reagan in Reykjavik, [and Reagan was ready to make that deal], neocons[R] working hand in hand with, the then ascendant, neolibs[D] discerned through a divinity, not unlike your own 48, that the deal offered was not made with the purest of intentions, as it also served the interests of the Soviet empire. How Shocking!

But my anti-Russian sentiment stopped some 45 years ago. So you confuse me when you say "only NOW [is Brennan] concerned"; by any stretch of linguistics, almost a half century has passed since the word "NOW" was contextually relevant.

The conflicts created with Russia since 1991 by Bill-Hill/Dick&Jr/Obomb-Hill not only disgust me, they do not serve the American empire's interests [and yes, it is an empire]. There was/is no excuse for Clinton's expansion of NATO, nor his starvation of Iraqi people, or, his instigation/expansion of the Balkan wars. There was/is no excuse for Bush's Iraq invasion. There was/is no excuse for a Nobel Peace Prize winner to start 3 war's, in Libya, in Syria, in Ukraine. The last three wars by Obama were accomplished with the strong "liberal" support, people who had, five years before, protested the Iraq Invasion swooned and sighed when a D president did the same damned thing thrice! I vocally opposed/protested all, both for their immorality and because I believed they hurt the interests of the United States of America. Very few in my country can say the same...for the simple reason, they put party-affiliation/ideology before honesty and patriotism.

Putin is a patriot who is trying to do the best he can for his country/empire, I understand & respect that. I am a patriot trying to do the best I can for my country/empire, both of us have our flaws, our "tormented souls" as you so glibly say 48. Well, let this "tormented soul" leave your venality unrequited, rather, on this day, let me wish you a Merry Christmas instead.

Posted by: S Brennan | Dec 25 2021 21:57 utc | 52

Can karlof and other Russia-watchers shed some light on Putin's domestic political situation? What sort of pressures does he face internally? It would be interesting to know to what degree pulling the trigger on Ukraine would help him politically in Russia. For example, is his foreign policy broadly popular at home? Is there a pro-western neoliberal rump he worries about? Any pointers to good blogsites gratefully received (Martyanov?).

Posted by: Patroklos | Dec 25 2021 21:59 utc | 53

It looks like New speak magazine is having a touch of projection.

It is the Bandit State that uses the cover of Christmas and other holidays to commit their premeditated crimes, like the long US college summer holidays were used to attack Lebanon in 1979, remember the Sabra and Chatila massacres?

This recent report shows them at it again:

Don't look for this report on your TV or local MSM.

Posted by: Paul | Dec 25 2021 22:02 utc | 54

Russia just withdrew 10,000 troops; now it's NATO'S turn to withdraw their 10,000. Face saving time for NATO

Posted by: Maximus | Dec 25 2021 22:34 utc | 55

Posted by: S Brennan | Dec 25 2021 21:57 utc | 52

Through your omnipresence, you have divined that I do not share the purity of your character;

No. I have divined that we do not share domains of concern: not only that we are not on the same page, we are on opposite pages.
Quite surprising that an American Royalist hang out in this joint, full of Reds & Commies. Isn't Pat Lang's bar more fitting for guys like you?
Well, let this "tormented soul" leave your venality unrequited, rather, on this day, let me wish you a Merry Christmas instead.

Venality? See, you activated my omnipresent divinator again.
1. The condition of being susceptible to bribery or corruption.
2. The use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.

So it makes no sense, unless you thought that 'venality' refers to a venom, like being venomous / malicious, but as you see it does not.
So if you tried to insult me it backfired.
Why didn't you just tell me to f* off, that is what you wanted to say, right?
Merry Christmas to you too.

Posted by: hopehely | Dec 25 2021 23:15 utc | 56

Euro-puppet Josep Borrel whines on his private blog why is EU not included in negotiations between Russia and US/NATO about situation in Europe.

Because you are a puppet, Borrel. A simple answer for you. You were just put in your place by your "partners" and told where you belong. No amount of ass kissing claiming how "like minded" you are to your "partners" is going to change that.

Posted by: Passer by | Dec 25 2021 23:39 utc | 57

holiday in cambodia, man, shit. uncle sam and his projector.

in the "100 years ago today in history" category, which country were the "Great Powers" handing the island we call "Taiwan" over to?

if you said Imperial Japan, ding ding ding! give yourself a gold star.

in Eurasia, where Nazi Germany failed, a fatter America may dare!

Posted by: rjb1.5 | Dec 26 2021 0:01 utc | 58

@57 It could be that the EU wants a veto on any compromise between US/NATO and Russia regarding the situation in Donbass. But we can't be sure of that. Perhaps Borrel has something useful to offer. The EU is still headquartered in Brussels. Not Warzaw or Vilnius. Excluding the EU from talks may not be very smart.

Posted by: dh | Dec 26 2021 0:02 utc | 59

Re. the war in Georgia, perhaps this will help.

In fact Russia became very interested in Bandit State drones. So interested they sent paratroops to drop in unexpectedly and captured the entire Georgian airfield they were operating from. Drones, computer codes, equipment and 'advisers' were rounded up for analysis. Australia suspended the purchase of Bandit State drones immediately.

Russia took note of Israeli drones having seen them in action in Georgia in 2008

Russia became interested in Israeli drone technologies after it had countered Israeli-made drones operated by Georgia in the days of the 2008 Russo-Georgian war when Russia itself had to resort to sending fighter jets or even bombers to collect intelligence data or adjust artillery fire. In the subsequent years, Russia managed not only to purchase drones of several types in Israel, but Israel also built its drone factory in Russia so that Russia itself started manufacturing licensed Israeli drones.

Posted by: Paul | Dec 26 2021 0:03 utc | 60

So if you tried to insult me it backfired.
Why didn't you just tell me to f* off, that is what you wanted to say, right?
Merry Christmas to you too.
Posted by: hopehely | Dec 25 2021 23:15 utc | 56

For all I know, Brennan could misuse word "venality", but it is also possible that he suspects that you, hopehely, are not driven by personal animus but you work as a troll, perhaps on multiple websites that require disruption.

Concerning American Empire, the population of the core part, USA, experiences problems that are not adequately addressed by the political system, if you believe sociological studies. For example, there is a bunch of wasteful directions in budget spending, including vastly excessive and under-performing spending on health and defence, together more than 20% of GDP. Comparing American spending with Australians shows that similar or better health outcomes are achievable at 40% of the cost, and single payer approach has a huge potential of lopping at least 20% of the current costs. Of course, extremely rich aggregate of individuals and corporations has a vested interest in status quo, and they prevail.

Military spending are smaller, but even less effective. NATO became an inefficient machine to clobber and bully small countries at enormous cost. Faced with Russia that is vastly outspend by the combo of USA and NATO allies, we do not see ANY military supremacy. 10 times larger spending, perhaps 5 times larger on PPP basis, do not convey a clear advantage. It is reasonable to conclude that the same level of "national security" could be achieved by NATO after reducing spending to 1%, cutting fraud and waste, eliminating useless missions and goals, using diplomacy in productive rather than destructive directions, i.e. positive sum of gains.

Then there is a question of industrial/economic policy. From the point of an inhabitant of American heartland, this is the most monumental failure of "bipartisan" misdirected policies. Together, this is enough to suggest a "lost Empire".

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 26 2021 0:16 utc | 61

a different day, but the same bullshit.. apparently propaganda works and can stop wars from happening, lol....

Posted by: james | Dec 26 2021 0:20 utc | 62

Posted by: dh | Dec 26 2021 0:02 utc | 59

The EU self-excluded itself from the talks, like a good puppet.

"The European Union’s statement on its readiness to discuss European security with Russia within the Russia-NATO Council format indicates that it is under complete control of NATO in what concerns military security, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said on Sunday."

Posted by: Passer by | Dec 26 2021 0:54 utc | 63

@karloff 39:

Technically Pinochchio was a marionette, not a puppet. Puppets are hollow and worked from inside. Marionettes are solid and manipulated by (highly visible) strings.

Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Dec 26 2021 2:27 utc | 64

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 26 2021 0:16 utc | 61
For all I know, Brennan could misuse word "venality", but it is also possible that he suspects that you, hopehely, are not driven by personal animus but you work as a troll, perhaps on multiple websites that require disruption.
Nope, I think he suspects that I am driven by an animosity towards people like him, and he is right on that.
That I work as a troll and disruptor, that is what YOU think, so don't project - unless you both are the same guy, but I doubt that.

Concerning American Empire, ..
... Together, this is enough to suggest a "lost Empire".

Yeah, sure, whatever. The point is: do you like it, or your heart is sinking because the empire is lost?
Brennan hates it, because he is losing HIS empire. Is that YOUR empire too?

Posted by: hopehely | Dec 26 2021 2:47 utc | 65

The people who run the West are bullies/cowards. They'll attack anyone who cannot fight back - Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya. Syria would have made that list had the Russians not stood up to them. They backed off Iran even after the Iranians attacked a US military base. If that wasn't enough of a sign as to what a "Paper Tiger" the US military has become, they couldn't even work up the courage to go after Venezuela.

Our psychopathic rulers have run out of small countries they can shock and awe. The only societies they can still smash risk free are their own. Which is why we've been the target of their insanity the past 21 months.

They are not going to take on the Russian military.

Posted by: EoinW | Dec 26 2021 4:31 utc | 66

@53 patroklos - donbassinsider is good. newkremlinstooge - hat tip to jen- there is a blogger named shari from ukraine who resides in spain. he i good. but MoA is the best! Merry Christmas everyone

Posted by: lex talionis | Dec 26 2021 4:44 utc | 67

I’m usually critical of the MSM but I think they got this one right. Just look how the soviets chose to be invaded by nazi Germany on June 22. How about that for using midsummer as distraction!?

Posted by: Jörgen Hassler | Dec 26 2021 6:15 utc | 68

Patroklos @ 53:

I am not sure that Putin deals much with domestic policy or the day-to-day running of the government. His prime minister (Mishustin), various deputy prime ministers and Cabinet ministers take care of domestic policy and decision-making. This is perhaps why the only other major Russian politicians who pop up on MoA comments forums are Sergei Lavrov (Foreign Minister) and Sergei Shoigu (Defence Minister).

COVID-19-related issues such as lockdowns, mask-wearing and vaccination drives tend to be the work of regional (oblast) govts, equivalent to states in Australia or provinces in Canada, or city govts in the case of large cities like Moscow and St Petersburg. The current mayor of Moscow is Sergei Sobyanin.

US-born journalist Riley Waggaman who now lives in Russia, has a blog on Substack platform critical of Sobyanin's lockdowns and mandates regarding COVID-19. Even if you do not agree with Waggaman's opinions, you should try reading what he says about the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions that Sobyanin has pursued. Waggaman has also criticised the Sputnik V vaccine (and its side effects) and the Gamaleya Institute that developed it.

As for a political opposition, the main one is the Communist Party (I'm not sure who its current leader is). Zhirinovsky, I don't hear so much about him currently. If there is a neoliberal, pro-Western opposition, it seems to be fragmented and existing in pockets in govt and academia. As you know, Alexei Navalny is in jail and he was never all that popular anyway. Elvira Nabiullina (Central Bank of Russia head) has been fingered as a neoliberal. Alexei Kudrin (consigned to govt auditor inspector-general; Putin keeps his enemies close to him to keep an eye on them!) definitely is. If anything, the main problem is that Putin overshadows everyone in Russian politics; there really isn't anyone young (aged in 40s or 50s) in Russian politics at present with the intelligence or personality who can succeed him.

You could always follow TASS or read the English-language posts put out by the President of Russia's website.

Posted by: Jen | Dec 26 2021 6:19 utc | 69

@66 EoinW

Yes. That's a perfect observation. This is the heart of the dynamic in play. Thank you for stating it so clearly.

Every nation that has punched the bully in the face has lived free of torment ever since.

And as you say, the domestic population is all that is left for the bully to torment. But there are those in these populations who have decided, and will decide, that a life is not worth living unless you can punch a bully in the face. So it is not risk free for them. They just don't understand the risk yet.

I have the sense they are tapering the pandemic, and tapering the oppression. I know it looks like it's increasing but I suspect if we could measure it, we would see that it is winding down.

Well, this gave them time to run their experiment and to measure its results. It gave the people time to sharpen their swords.

Maybe now, maybe later. But soon enough, the battlefield will appear.

Posted by: Grieved | Dec 26 2021 6:25 utc | 70

Kindly please, go F yourself ... hopehely, You're crude, rude and uncultured. An obvious troll.

Posted by: FiveGunsWest | Dec 26 2021 6:46 utc | 71

@EoinW | Dec 26 2021 4:31 utc | 66

Our psychopathic rulers have run out of small countries they can shock and awe. The only societies they can still smash risk free are their own. Which is why we've been the target of their insanity the past 21 months.

They are not going to take on the Russian military.

Very well stated, I fully agree.

Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 26 2021 8:40 utc | 72

Grieved #70

"I know it looks like it's increasing but I suspect if we could measure it, we would see that it is winding down."

My employer informed staff on Christmas Eve that proof of vaccination or negative weekly tests are mandatory beginning January 8. Nearly half the staff of 500 is not vaccinated/boostered. The mandate will be a shit-show to administer, especially if my employer does not provide and pay for testing on-site.

Imagine what it will be like for companies who employ thousands. If the courts don't again stop the mandate, perhaps some of these companies will begin punching the bully.

Posted by: Gulo | Dec 26 2021 8:42 utc | 73

Talking about Russian tactics to come (which we weren't), there is one "system" as hinted at by Putin, that could be interesting.

Using the NATO system of having large "exercises" and "rotations" of troops to make semi-permanent increases in the threat level around Russia. Surely all the Russian military have to do is to do the same?

Keep up the "threat level" the MSM have "created" for themselves, but move and rotate large numbers of troops within their own borders on an irregular basis.
They are inside the circle - so have less distance to move, Just keep NATO and the others running around on the outside.

Not reactive, but pro-active.

The biggest danger I see in the future is the use of the "medical emergency", to implant "Doctor driven directives", as a way to control actions by Governments. This already applies to Uzebkistan as well as Russia. Who can fight a war when the soldiers or navy personnel have been told to isolate and stay in bed?

At the moment a "medical emergency" is being used by Macro to cement his authoritarian control, which shows that the imposition of Fascism is yet to be limited.

(For those that do not know, France bought massive amounts of Fizzy Vaxx's for undisclosed sums, and now Macro has decreed that booster vxx's should be every three/four months, maskies worn outside, tests for 24 hours of "liberty" to visit loved ones et. "Obligations" WORSE than ever before. But this subject (Control) needs enlarging as it will become the major point of revolt in the new year).
Subject best left for after the celebrations.

Posted by: Stonebird | Dec 26 2021 9:21 utc | 74

Posted by: Jen | Dec 25 2021 19:43 utc | 47

I only wish this WordPress platform allowed nested comments threads to make reading karlof1's comments and others easier.

I'm not sure I'd want that. The current "stacked system" at least makes it easier to keep up with new comments and discussions. Am I the only one who finds nested comments more difficult to follow?
The American Conservative used to have a similar "stacked system" not unlike this one up until they switched to Disqus in 2019. This made it more difficult to keep up with new discussions, so much so that I stopped reading TAC in 2020.

Posted by: joey_n | Dec 26 2021 10:51 utc | 75

@joey_n | Dec 26 2021 10:51 utc | 75

Am I the only one who finds nested comments more difficult to follow?

Not at all, I prefer the current system. Its simplicity is its strength. When moving between different devices you can simply memorize a number (unless it is a heavily censored thread).

Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 26 2021 11:32 utc | 76

KSA is announcing a (ground?) offensive against Yemen, now that they can do it safely after the weapon shipment was seized.

Posted by: Tom2 | Dec 25 2021 14:40 utc | 20

As far as I know Saudi is incapable of mounting a ground offensive in Yemen. Although I haven't looked at the situation recently, I doubt if things have changed. There's no desire to fight among the Saudi troops. They would have to import mercenaries, and that wouldn't look good, if the mercenaries weren't Muslim. And the efforts made weren't successful.

Posted by: Laguerre | Dec 26 2021 12:03 utc | 77

One of the main tools of disseminating proper information, one that has a benign effect on the feeble minds of the people, is erasing facts that divert those feeble minds from proper conclusions.

However, some people pay for news to run businesses, so usually Business Section is more complete. After all, business people are not feeble minded, so they can withstand more facts. Recent review of energy situation in Europe in NYT:

Tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine make it very unlikely that the giant Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany will open anytime soon and bring relief.

On a call with reporters on Tuesday, Karen Donfried, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, said Washington considered Nord Stream 2 “a Russian geopolitical project that undermines the energy security and the national security of a significant part of the Euro-Atlantic community.”

Ms. Donfried said the United States was working closely with the new German government to strengthen Europe’s energy security. Attracted by high prices, energy companies are instructing ships carrying liquefied natural gas to change their destinations from Asia to Europe, but even that switching may not be enough to replace Russian gas or significantly ease the crunch.

“The market knows there is more L.N.G. coming,” said Laura Page, an analyst at Kpler, a research firm. “But it doesn’t seem to be having any impact on sentiment.”

Europeans apparently concluded, with American advise, that they avoid "undermining of their security" by paying several times more for electricity, creating shortages of fertilizers and basic metals needed for industrial production, assuring downturns in both agricultural production and industrial production, creating huge growth inflation in 2022, and making jokes about crazy policies of Erdogan: tries to be a crazy guy! we will show him who is more crazy!

Some experts say that even with no other overt symptoms, COVID-19 can damage brains with numerous tiny blood clots. Others say that the brain damage symptoms appeared before the pandemic, so another infection affected Eurocrats. Detailed reliable medical analysis can take years.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 26 2021 13:36 utc | 78

.. Together, this is enough to suggest a "lost Empire".
Yeah, sure, whatever. The point is: do you like it, or your heart is sinking because the empire is lost?
Brennan hates it, because he is losing HIS empire. Is that YOUR empire too?

Posted by: hopehely | Dec 26 2021 2:47 utc | 65

I live in what I called the core part of empire. I have a stake in the core remaining reasonably prosperous and solving its problems in rational way. I have no stake how many flags the empire puts on the world map, and how many it removes.

If the core collapses, my retirement savings will be wiped out, I will be reduced to hope to remain in good health, so after renting a dwelling in a cheap little town, I will have enough muscle to bring cheap food home on bicycle. Plan C is to enjoy life while eating refried beans and pancakes, ingredients available even in a crummy food store, with occasional onion or orange (so far, cheap source of vitamins).

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 26 2021 13:59 utc | 79

Grieved | Dec 26 2021 6:25 utc | 70

Thanks! It's nice to be back(PC technical issue, I guess).

You are correct it isn't risk free. They're just hoping it's risk free. Or the least risky option and, as bullies, they must go after someone.

I mentioned Paper Tigers as if they're harmless. Actually they are quite dangerous - like a rabid dog. The US military and IDF have enormous resources to destroy things. I'd say our rulers also have the ability to completely destroy the societies they run. Build Back Better implies an intent to first wreck everything. They appear to still be on schedule for that accomplishment.

Lots of mixed messaging on the state of their pandemic. I appreciate the optimism that it might be winding down. Now WW2 was winding down in 1945 yet thousands of people still lost their lives before the insanity concluded. There could be plenty of orgies of insanity to break out before this passes. Living in Eindhoven at the end of 1944 must have been a great relief. But if you lived up the road in Arnhem you likely lost everything, including your life. Wrong place at the wrong time is very unlucky. Too bad we can't all wait this out in a US red state.

I just read a post which suggested that the powers that be are busy trying to decide who takes the Evergrande losses. What troubles me about all we've been through is: why did they put us through it? They run society completely and are the richest members in that society. They must have a good reason for wanting to dismantle that society. I can't help but think this is Stage One of an economic collapse. In which case, worse is still to come. I'm not sure if the controlled anarchy we've been subjected to by medical tyrants and psycho politicians will be better or worse than the actual anarchy of a social collapse.

Such holiday sentiments. Sorry about that.

Posted by: EoinW | Dec 26 2021 14:56 utc | 80

Herbst is a member of neocon warmongering Atlantic Council, but is only identified as 'a former ambassador'.

Posted by: Black Cloud | Dec 26 2021 15:31 utc | 81

EoinW | Dec 26 2021 14:56 utc | 80

"They run society completely and are the richest members in that society. They must have a good reason for wanting to dismantle that society."

Slaves can be traded or sold, and must be content with their situation. They do not have rights or possessions, or a society of their own.

Countries? Assets to be stripped.

Medical tyranny? Means to an end.

Vaxx passes. Chains.

As you say the next sequence is certainly planned, which is one reason why the "Davos" meeting has been put off until June/July. A backlash that could spoil their party is the real possibility of personal physical violence aimed at them.

I agree with Grieved and his idea that "natural goodness" will be our saving grace, as this has existed from the moment, we as a species, became social for survival. It is one more reason that "family, friends and religion" have been denigrated to such an extent by those that think that they have the "right" to do as they please. Even Love, the spiritual mainstay of humanity, is degenerating into "woke" or TikTok.

"Belief in a better world", is common to all those at present struggling. But, you cannot get what you do not believe in. So those who only value the material, will find their mental stability shaken to it's roots when there is an economic collapse.

PS: Even the "Karens" I meet occasionally in the neighbourhood, are only trying to shore up their own faith in the Status Quo continuing. A status quo which confirms their estimation of themselves.

Posted by: Stonebird | Dec 26 2021 16:02 utc | 82

It appears that HMG may be taking note of warnings from the Russian Foreign Minister

Posted by: Paul Cockshott | Dec 26 2021 16:34 utc | 83

Stonebird | Dec 26 2021 16:02 utc | 82

"natural goodness". That's a great sentiment to embrace. I appreciate the positive thinking.

I celebrate all holidays. I'm not Pagan but love Halloween. I'm not Christian yet Christmas is my favourite holiday. Heck I even celebrate Washington & Lincoln's birthdays! I see holidays as an excuse to celebrate life.

Thus it is no surprise to see these "people" rush to cancel every holiday. Shows how anti-life they are.

Posted by: EoinW | Dec 26 2021 18:04 utc | 84

Jen | Dec 26 2021 6:19 utc | 69

There are a couple of Governors who are charismatic and competent, and young enough to follow Putin. Putin has no desire to create a gerontocracy like the latter days of the USSR. I suspect that Putin will stand for re-election in 2024, but will hand-over to his chosen successor a few years before his term ends.

Posted by: Cossack | Dec 26 2021 18:56 utc | 85

EoinW | Dec 26 2021 18:04 utc | 84

I suspect that the Tinpot dictators want to control the "pleasures" that we will be allowed as a form of coercion.

In the middle ages and before, they had a vast array of "holidays", all religious, but used as a means of not collapsing peasants under the weight of work. (Sundays could also be work days if the harvest merited it.) Even just after the war there were 13 official days off in France for "religious" purposes.

So is the new "reset" a means to levitate Corporations to new sanctified positions and set up Oligarchs as the new Bishops? The Malls the new Cathedrals of consuption? "Peasants bow down" - or at a minimum prostrate yourselves in front of the munificence and magnificence personified by the *Bishop* in his yellow Lamborgini. I could point to the attempt by Space X to reach the stars, as a supreme example of how the new priesthood is doing it's utmost to keep us amused.

So how about a movement to bring back ALL the medieval holidays?

Failing that, to stop working for others?

Posted by: Stonebird | Dec 26 2021 19:33 utc | 86

Cossacks @ 85:

Thanks for your reply. I am aware Putin is creating a succession strategy. Very likely that strategy will be based in large part on observing current oblast governors and mayors of major cities and encouraging them to enter national politics at the next parliamentary elections.

It does seem very likely that if he does stand for re-election, it will be for one term only. I hadn't considered the possibility of his stepping down before finishing his next term: I had always thought Putin was someone who would commit to sticking out a course of action and preparing (physically, mentally) for that commitment, unless of course circumstances beyond his control prevent that.

Posted by: Jen | Dec 26 2021 20:00 utc | 87

I support Stonebird's suggestion @86 to bring back all mediaeval European holidays as some of these holidays encouraged trade fairs in local communities that in turn encouraged local travel and tourism. The earliest forms of tourism as an industry in Europe were in fact religious pilgrimages, especially those that took place over well-defined routes over several days and might involve hundreds of people travelling in community groups. Pilgrims needed places where they could rest along the way, and towns along their routes benefited from the business they brought, to say nothing of the social and cultural changes that would have followed.

One possibility is to have a day every calendar month designated a public holiday. Days on which a full moon occurs might suit.

Posted by: Jen | Dec 26 2021 20:17 utc | 88

A great many thanks to Jen and Steve for their gracious comments regarding my humble contributions, and for those who echoed the same!! The learning system I was taught encouraged discussions with as many differing schools of thought present as possible to thus arrive at the best possible analysis. And thanks to the variety of trolls that frequent MoA, we know we're barking up the correct tree based on their protestations and attempts to undermine the discourse.

Patroklos @53--

As with Iran's Supreme Leader, Putin as President sets policy goals and is what might be called the General Manager of Russia's government, as he also supervises the regions and special enclaves like Kaliningrad and Sevastopol. Every political party in the Duma is on-board with Putin's domestic, People-Centered Development policy. The only friction I see exists in foreign policy with some parties wanting a more aggressive posture versus the West/NATO; there are also a few Sinophobes inhabiting the Nationalist Parties that are afraid China will gain too much ascendency over Russia's Far East. The essential key to determining Putin's relationship with the government and Russia's public is in his many public appearances, speeches and reviews of his managerial meetings, much more of which is available on the Russian language portion of the Kremlin website, just as more is available from the Russian side of the FM's website. IMO, it's clear Putin seeks to establish a planned continuity that will carry on long after he retires and passes.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 26 2021 21:25 utc | 89

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