Ryanair Bomb Threat In Belarus - 'Western' Media Narrative Disagrees With The Facts
There is still a bit more to learn about the Ryanair flight 4978 from Greece to Lithuania which on May 23 diverted to Minsk after a bomb thread against the plane had been received by several regional airports.
The west has waged a media war over the case claiming that Belarus had invented the bomb threat to capture a Belorussian dissident who was on board. However it is clear that the bomb threat happened and that Belarus acted on it by the book. The quick implementation of a deceiving western narrative leads me to believe that the bomb threat was initiated by those who oppose Belarus. It was probably managed by one of those British narrative managers who also wrote the books for the Skripal and Navalny Novichok dramas.
But there are few actual facts to support the narrative. Its 'truth' must thus be constructed by bending the facts to fit the intended story.
An example is this Reuters report which was published on Friday:
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Belarusian air traffic control refused a request by a Ryanair pilot to contact the airline after being told of an alleged bomb threat, leaving him with no alternative but to land in Minsk, the Irish carrier said in a letter seen by Reuters.Belarus scrambled a warplane on Sunday and used the bomb alert, which turned out to be fictitious, to divert the flight, which was en route from Greece to Lithuania. When it landed in Minsk, a dissident journalist and his girlfriend were arrested.
In a letter to the Belarus transport ministry dated May 26, Ryanair Chief Executive described previous correspondence from Belarusian officials as "false and inaccurate" and said the plane had been "unlawfully diverted under false pretences".
"The pilot in command was left with no alternative but to divert to Minsk, when he was advised by Minsk ATC (Air Traffic Control) that there was a credible bomb threat to the aircraft, yet Minsk ATC refused to contact Ryanair, falsely claimed that Ryanair Ops would not answer the phone," the letter said.
The claims in bold are misleading or false.They are not supported by facts but fit the intended narrative.
A day earlier Reuters had published what it called excerpts from the transcript of the radio traffic between the Air Traffic Controller and the airplane. There is nothing in it about a refusal of a request by the Ryanair pilot to contact the airline.
Even in the complete transcript of the radio traffic, published by the Belorussian air authority, there is no request by the pilot to contact the airline.
Instead the pilot is asking the ATC to tell him the radio frequency for Ryanair company traffic. The ATC back office took a while to find it but after a few minutes the frequency was found and submitted to the plane:
Pilot: 09:34:49: Radar, RYR 1TZ.
Pilot: Could you give us frequency for (unreadable) company so that we would be able to (unreadable).
ATC: RYR 1TZ say again what frequency do you need.
Pilot: We just need to quawk with the operation of the company, if there any frequency for that (unreadable).
ATC. Do you need RYR operation frequency?
Pilot: That is correct 1TZ.
ATC: Standby please.
Pilot: 09:39:30: RYR 1TZ Any adverts?
ATC: RYR 1TZ Standby, waiting for the information.
ATC: 09.42.49: RYR 1TZ we have ground stuff frequency for Vilnius 131.750
Pilot. 131.75 and we have contact...(unreadable).
The above passages are not in the Reuters transcript excerpts.
The Lithuanian police questioned the pilot after the plane had reached Vilnius, its regular destination:
Those questioned include the captain of the aircraft who "made the decision [to change course to Minsk] after consulting Ryanair's management", according to [Rolandas Kiškis, head of the Criminal Police Bureau].
The ATC did not refuse any pilot request. Reuters is completely wrong in that. The ATC helped the pilot when he needed the frequency. The pilot then talked with his airline management and four minutes later decided to divert the plane to Minsk.
The "alleged bomb threat" was of course a real one even when it later turned out that there was no bomb on the plane. The bomb threat was not invented but received by multiple parties including in Lithuania. All such bomb threats against airplanes are taken seriously as they should be. There were more than 100 lives at risk.
But that the threat indeed existed at that time does not fit the Reuters narrative.
Now to the "scrambled a warplane ... to divert the flight" part which is also a lie. There was no warplane in the air when the pilot made his decision to divert the plane.
The Ryanair flight entered the airspace of Belarus at 9:30 utc and was immediately contacted by the ATC and informed of the bomb threat. Belarus launched a warplane only after the pilot, at 9:47 utc, declared Mayday and announced his intention to divert to Minsk:
Pilots of the Ryanair flight that made an emergency landing in Belarus after a bomb threat could have landed in Vilnius but opted to fly to Minsk, Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makey said in an interview with the Kommersant daily on Sunday."If the crew had opted to land in Vilnius, they could have easily cross the border and land in Vilnius. But they took a different decision and a fighter jet was scrambled after that to escort the plane," he said.
"First, a bomb threat was received and then air traffic controllers warned the crew. As was already said, it took 14 minutes for the crew to take a decision. They were holding talks both with the Ryanair executives and with the Vilnius airport. Notably, our military say that no fighter jet was in the air at that moment."
That the MIG was launched only after the Ryanair pilot had made his decision has previously also been claimed by President Lukashenko:
Belarus is accused of sending a fighter jet in order to allegedly force the passenger plane to land. Aleksandr Lukashenko dismissed the insinuations as an absolute lie. The MIG-29 was scrambled in accordance with the established procedure of the air defense forces and in order to ensure the safety of the flight. “It had to make sure that the aircraft with possible explosives on board (that was how we perceived it until we examined it) stayed on course. If something went wrong, the MIG-29 should have given the coordinates to our rescuers (helicopters first of all), who should have instantly arrived at the crash site. More importantly, this jet should have provided communication between the aircraft and the air traffic controllers if necessary. In case of any problems with landing, the jet was instructed to lead the plane to the Minsk airport runway,” the head of state said.Aleksandr Lukashenko added that the Belarusian fighter jet was scrambled after the passenger plane decided to land in Minsk and turned towards the Belarusian capital. “They should have thanked us for that. We had to do what we did to ensure safety in the air and most importantly on the ground. We did everything we could to save people,” he stressed.
I have seen lots of claims in western media that Belarus scrambled the fighter jet in order to divert the plane but no timeline or detail that would support that sequence exists. Belarus says the fighter plane was launched because the plane decided to divert. The Belorussian version makes way more sense than the media claim. There is nothing about a military jet in the radio transcript and none of the passengers that were interviewed claimed to have seen one.
Lukashenko also said this:
In the case with the Athens-Vilnius flight a bomb threat came from abroad - from Switzerland, the president said. The message was sent to the airports of Athens, Vilnius and Minsk simultaneously. Belarus promptly communicated the information to the crew of the plane in accordance with international rules.
There have been reports that no threat email was received in Athens but Lukashenko does not claim that it had been received. He says the email had been sent to three addresses simultaneously and that Belarus acted after receiving it. We know from the anti-Russian Dossier Center that Lithuania received the first threat email at 12:25 local time (9:25 utc). We know that a later second email with the same bomb threat was sent to Minsk.
The Lukashenko interview was published on May 26. He says that Minsk received the first email at 12:25 and acted on it. On May 27 the Swiss mail provider ProtonMail, used by the threat sender, made the claim that Minsk did not receive the first threat email. It continues to make that claim, which makes no sense, but is unwilling to explain what it is based on.
The ProtonMail claim is feeding the intended anti-Belarus narrative. That is probably its whole purpose.
Now on to the quote from the Ryanair letter: "Minsk ATC refused to contact Ryanair, falsely claimed that Ryanair Ops would not answer the phone".
The claim is a reference to the report on the incident published by the Aviation Department of Belarus which indeed seems to be wrong. It says:
Before this, the Minsk ACC Supervisor tried several times to call the representative office of Ryanair in Lithuania using the phone number provided by the aircraft crew, but he could not manage to contact any of the airline representatives.
There is no part in the radio transcript, which was published by the Aviation Department together with the above narrative, where the pilot provides a phone number for a Ryanair office. An air control offices should have flight operation contact numbers for all those airlines which regularly fly through its airspace on file.
The aviation administration of Belarus should clarify that point.
There are five major claims made in that one Reuters piece which are demonstratively false. They all support a false narrative. They all put Belarus into a bad light.
Meanwhile the only real information in the piece, about that Ryanair letter, turns out to be about a minor error in a report. Someone had a wrong phone number? Someone was not at his desk when the phone rang? It should be easy to clear that up.
Previous Moon of Alabama post on the Ryanair incident in Belarus:
- Lukashenko's Revenge (Served Cold) - May 24 2021
- Roman Protasevich - Arrested In Belarus - Is A Western Government Financed Neo-Nazi - May 26 2021
- By The Book - What Really Happened With The Ryanair Flight In Belarus - May 27 2021
- Ryanair Incident - Email Warning Received Before Plane Entered Belorussian Airspace - May 28 2021
- How ProtonMail Lost The Public Trust It Needs To Do Business - May 29 2021
- 'Like An Amoral Infant' - How ProtonMail Contributes To False Media Claims About Belarus - May 30
- Ryanair Bomb Threat In Belarus - 'Western' Media Narrative Disagrees With The Facts - May 31
Posted by b on May 31, 2021 at 17:36 UTC | Permalink
next page »Just had a thought for that poor pilot who's going through shit by sheer bad luck - because whatever happened, Western agencies will try to pressure him to tell their own version or to just shut up - assuming he's not already under lockdown in some place with no contact with the media.
Posted by: Clueless Joe | May 31 2021 17:55 utc | 2
Also worth pointing out that all Ryanair planes have inflight satellite telecoms. If the pilot could not get radio contact to Ryanair flightops. He could instead just phone them. and there would be no technical way for Belarus to block that call.
Posted by: kons | May 31 2021 17:56 utc | 3
of course the cost of making an inflight call on ryanair is probably as much as a Ryanair pilot makes in a month... so maybe the pilot couldn't afford to make the call
Posted by: kons | May 31 2021 17:58 utc | 4
Thanks, b. Indeed the email was clearly intended to smear Russia and Belarus, by claiming a Russia surname and Hamas connection, so it was from an anti-Russia source, likely US/Ukraine/Israel.
Odd that there were two similar Ryanair threat-diversions, both Dublin-Krakow (one today). Maybe a competing airline involved.
Posted by: Joe B | May 31 2021 18:11 utc | 5
Can someone tell me how this differs from the Belarus incident:
Ryanair flight to Poland diverted to Berlin over 'potential security threat'
A Ryanair flight from Ireland to Poland made an emergency landing in Germany on Sunday over a possible threat on the aircraft, the airline confirmed to Fox News.The crew of the flight from Dublin to Krakow was told by German authorities about "a potential security threat on board," according to Ryanair, before the "captain followed procedures and diverted to the nearest airport, Berlin."
The statement by the airline did not confirm the exact nature of the threat. Polish outlet RMF 24 reported that it was a false alarm about a bomb.
Of the more recent Sunday incident, Ryanair said: "The aircraft landed safely and passengers were offloaded to facilitate extensive security checks of passengers and all baggage.""Once cleared by German authorities, passengers travelled onwards to Krakow on a spare Ryanair aircraft after a delay on the ground of approx. 8 hrs," Ryanair added. "Ryanair apologises sincerely to all affected passengers for this unavoidable delay, which was outside the airline’s control."
The only difference I see is that there was seemingly no one with an outstanding German arrest warrant on board.
Otherwise the Germans would have nabbed that person.
One more... in this https://crimereads.com/philip-agee/ summary, there is a mention of the time US govt forced down a plane from Cuba to Canada, carrying Agee's papers, when it flew over the US. They rifled the plane and took a bunch of stuff with them, never to be released. This was maybe 10 years ago. Nothing like western hypocrisy.
Posted by: GoraKoshka | May 31 2021 18:17 utc | 7
Mr. B
The propaganda emanating from NATO states against Russia, China, and Iran is truly a pointless exercise in the impossible dream of fomenting dissension and regime change in those countries. The trio, on the other hand, have the capacity to ruthlessly suppress any whiff of political stabity - and will do so.
Nor NATO states, whose propaganda invests them with all the virtues of the Shia Immaculates and the Catholic saints, are in a position to wage conventional war against these trio. That is, NATO propaganda cannot even mobilize its population to go and die in the forests of Ukraine and Belarus.
But they have no other vision to offer the world, their propaganda will peter out in its efficacy as Chinese dangle a positive vision of the world in front of everyone's eyes.
Truly stupid.
Posted by: Fyi | May 31 2021 18:20 utc | 8
Continued great reporting on this subject. After the initial head explosions in the 'west', the hue and cry is fallen quickly asleep. Your quick counter-narrative journalism to expose the plot as being other than the Establishment story-line is a service to humanity.
Because, yeah, it doesn't really make sense that Belarus had anything to do with this other than to react to a situation given them. Given the situation, and its possible variables, it's also hard to see, other than the obvious false-flag against Hamas, how Western Intelligence could have relied upon the scenario unfolding just as it did to assure success of its mission whatever it was.
As pointed out it makes no sense for Belarus to 'force down' an aircraft to arrest a zealot of minor importance unless he is a cog in a larger plot. By accounts, the Zealot certainly seemed to proactively panic at some point in fear of his capture - a sign of stupidity or part of a 'western' plot to elevate the Zealot - between a Guaido and Navalny et al, talent isn't as important as a pretty face.
So at this point, we know what? Something happened but we don't really know why and for whom. But we do know, thanks in significant part to the reporting of this blog's bartender that the Establishment narrative is a lie. And that in itself gives us partial answers to means, motives and opportunities.
Posted by: gottlieb | May 31 2021 18:21 utc | 9
No comment on Belarus' claims Russian oligarchs were behind 2020 provocations — Peskov
Translating from diplomatic-intelligence language: "Russia admits Russian oligarchs were behind 2020 color revolution attempt".
Looks like Russian capitalists are also salivating over all of that Belarusian Soviet infrastructure.
Mr. Vk | May 31 2021 18:24 utc | 9
If be so truthfully, they will have risked their lives for a pittance.
Retribution be coming to them without a doubt.
Posted by: Fyi | May 31 2021 18:29 utc | 11
Thanks for your outstanding sleuthing, b! Yet another BigLie form BigLie Media and its Western sponsors.
Apparently, there's a new Spy Scandal in Europe that Global Times insists not be ignored that strikes at the heart of the Ryan Air BigLie narrative. Here's the editorial's opening:
"The US has used Denmark's secret service to spy on leaders of many European countries including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, European media revealed on Sunday. Denmark is a close ally of the US. According to media reports, Denmark hosts several key landing stations for subsea internet cables to and from Sweden, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom."
@ b | May 31 2021 18:12 utc | 6
The difference :
this captain followed procedures...
Posted by: Rêver | May 31 2021 16:58 utc | 94
WTF? no nervous breakdown? No fury? no "forcibly"?
1/ Ooooh yes, Berlin.Freeworld. Alles In Ordnung!
2/ the captain followed procedures....So, Ryanair's procedures are well prepared.
3/ Why captain for AF4978 doesn't followed the same procedures?
Posted by: Rêver | May 31 2021 18:41 utc | 13
Cockpit Voice Recorder
If not saved in Minsk, probably "unfortunately" over-write during the Minsk-Vilnius flight
The CVR records the headset and microphone of all 3 ASP's and the ambient cockpit sounds all on separate channels. The recordings start with the first rise in engine oil pressure and go onto a 120 or 30min (as fitted) continuous loop tape until 5mins after last engine shutdown. In the event of an incident crews are advised to pull the CVR c/b after final stop to avoid automatic erasure. It is illegal to stop the CVR in flight. The CVR is located in the aft cargo hold.
Posted by: Rêver | May 31 2021 18:52 utc | 14
@ b | May 31 2021 18:12 utc | 6 who wrote
A Ryanair flight from Ireland to Poland made an emergency landing in Germany on Sunday over a possible threat on the aircraft, the airline confirmed to Fox News.
The only difference I see is that there was seemingly no one with an outstanding German arrest warrant on board.
Otherwise the Germans would have nabbed that person.
It immediately came to my mind that this was the very purpose of the Ryanair Ireland/Poland flight threat.....to prove Putin's point of "What's the big fuss about?"(my paraphrase)
The dog barks and the caravan rolls on.....how much longer can the shit show narrative hold up?
Posted by: psychohistorian | May 31 2021 18:52 utc | 15
Is Belarus just a Russian protectorate?
Posted by: Rêver | May 31 2021 19:03 utc | 16
thanks b... mostly agree with @ 2 clueless joe and @ 5 joe b... as for this latest episode with ryanair - regardless of the differences, one thought is that someone is out to get ryanair... this can't be good for their business moving forward, or can it?? @ 12 and 13 Rêvers comments seem relevant on this too..
Posted by: james | May 31 2021 19:29 utc | 17
From Xymphora's May 31 post on the Belarus fairytale...
"Does The West Counterintuitively Want Belarus To Become More Dependent On Russia?" (Korybko). In recent years, Belarus has always tried to play Europe off Russia. That game is over, and Russia is the only possible friend. You must have to take an IQ test, and fail, miserably, to be allowed to work in the State Department. This is the same thing they are doing forcing unlikely friends Russia and China together.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | May 31 2021 19:36 utc | 18
@ Rêver (15) & Hoarsewhisperer (17)...
It would be great if Belarus was a sovereign state and engaged with other nations based on its national interests. However, in the existing global geopolitical context it is defending itself using assistance from Russia. Its CHOICES under the Financial Empire dominated world are to survive as an independent state with help from Russia and China or become a suzerainty of the Empire to privatize its economy. The Empire is working very hard to CAPTURE Belarus and has a “liberation plan.”
One of Russia’s weaknesses is that it hasn’t successfully leveraged its financial system or strongly promoted SOVEREIGN MONEY (credit) creation. Russia comes across weak compared to China in the monetary sphere, while China is excelling in leveraging its capital and earned dollars in investments and acquiring assets. However, Russia and China are both promoting currency swap global trade model to replace the reserve currency international trade.
Belarus: a Russian protectorate or a sovereign state?
“Belarus is a geostrategically important territory for the Russian Federation, control over it gives Russia important military advantages and provides political leverage towards world powers and neighboring countries. Russia and Belarus are now actively building up troops and equipment of Unified Regional Group of Forces, creating a unified air defense system. Joint military exercises with Russia have become regular, the number of the exercises is rapidly growing, promoting operational harmonization of the Belarusian army with the Russian units...”
Posted by: Max | May 31 2021 19:47 utc | 19
From todays press conference Lavrov- Guterres.
"We will no longer allow a repetition of the tragedies that occurred in Iraq, in Libya, in the former Yugoslavia, when this* right was trampled on by our NATO colleagues in the most brutal and illegal way."
*The right to life.
Posted by: Paco | May 31 2021 20:01 utc | 20
Trying to piece this together is not easy. Too much crucial information is missing, or doesn’t fit protocol for a bomb threat against an aircraft transporting passengers. Adding guesses or bitching about Protonmail is not going to help us reveal which version of the events is true, and which isn’t. On the contrary, it serves as a diversion, IMHO.
It is true that many things witten in the (western) media are obvious lies, half-truths, or obfuscations. At this stage we know a number of things from the transcript, and this curious Khodorovsky outfit which was quick to state Minsk never received the original email, sent at 09:25, minutes before the Ryanair flight entered the airspace controlled by Minsk ACC. They imply that therefore ‘Minsk’ only knew about this threat because they were behind it. This is clearly false, since any party which had received this mail could have contacted Minsk ACC, which includes Vilnius ACC, the next center the aircraft would enter after being released by Minsk. These controllers do not need to call the controller next door, since they are in direct contact all the time, to coordinate requests from crews, about a change in altitude, or direct routings and such. If Vilnius ACC learned about a bomb threat against this Ryanair flight, it would have passed this information on to Minsk ACC, in order to reach the crew and inform them. As well as the company.
It is my understanding from other sources that the company frequency provided (131.75) is in use at Vilnius. By the time the flight decided to accept the offer of Minsk ACC to divert to Minsk, they were within reach of Vilnius on VHF (131.75). Under the circumstances it is only reasonable to accept that the crew talked to the company in Vilnius. Ryanair isn’t talking, so this cannot be confirmed. Any Ryanair staff at Minsk would not be on duty, and the company frequency would be dead, if there was no Ryanair flight scheduled to fly to, or from Minsk. And I could be wrong, but according to the Ryanair website that company doesn’t operate to Belarus at all. On the other hand, it is strange that Ryanair would request the frequency of their own company, which should be readily available to them. Moreover, since this Boeing 737-800 is quite modern, they should have the means to communicate with the company through ACARS. (The company previously didn’t want the system to save money, so who knows?).
Although there is room for the conspiracy theory offered by the ‘west’ that Belarus (and Russia by extension) did an ‘Evo Morales’, to ‘show us how it is done’, since that Morales gaffe was a huge embarrassment. But if that would be the case, the country wouldn’t even think of inviting ICAO and other Civil Airline Organizations to come and check what went down. As I stated in a comment in the other thread, to disregard a bomb threat received by mail against an aircraft carrying passengers as a ‘hoax’, and refrain from telling the crew, requires some mighty big Cojones! If it is a madman after all, you’ll be liable, and likely never sleep again, or kill yourself.
But suppose, for a minute, that some Cojones-staffer at Vilnius actually suspected a set-up by the Belarus KGB, and intentionally never told Minsk ACC about the threat. They couldn’t be sure, but upon Mr./Mrs. Cojones receiving this first email, he or she immediately smelled a rat. Now, wouldn’t you want to do everything within your power to avoid a diversion to Minsk? Use the company frequency, or 121.5, the emergency frequency on standbye in every cockpit, to alert the crew to NOT divert to Minsk under any circumstances? But Mr. Mrs. Cojones instead retreated to the coffee-corner to wait for the flight to arrive? That’s the story? How about buying the Brooklyn Bridge?
@Posted by: Paco | May 31 2021 20:01 utc | 19
Related to that particular excerpt from Mr. Lavrov´s statements, see response by me to you in the MoA Week in Review thread, please.
Posted by: Asha K. | May 31 2021 20:22 utc | 22
Posted by: Paco | May 31 2021 20:01 utc | 19
And that is why Trump never started any new wars.
Posted by: arby | May 31 2021 20:29 utc | 23
The removal of fifth column representatives from aircrafts is becoming mainstream.
That is how Rozhin at Cassad introduces his article about a plane on the runway asked back, and a passenger kindly requested to get off the plane. In S. Petersburg, the ex director -since the joint was closed recently- of Khodorkovsky's shop Open Russia. The flight was bound for Warsaw, city that recently is in the news right and left.
Posted by: Paco | May 31 2021 20:31 utc | 24
Thanks, B, for your usual careful investigative journalism.
May I pedantically correct one minor grammatical flaw in your usually excellent English?
In "...through who's service..." the 'who's' should be replaced by the homonymous 'whose'.
Posted by: Coldish | May 31 2021 20:47 utc | 25
Michael O’Leary, CEO of Ryanair on 24 May 2021:
"I can’t say much about it because the EU authorities and NATO are dealing with it at the moment. (...) we have to do a detailed debrief today with the NATO and EU authorities"
Why did a civilian airliner allow a military alliance to debrief its employees? Ryanair is not even based in a NATO member country (at least officially Ireland does not belong to NATO).
Posted by: Brendan | May 31 2021 20:55 utc | 26
Here's what I made out from the Ryanair incident.
-Bomb threat was received, the plane threatened to blow up over Vilnius, Lithuania
-I don't know if you saw the flightradar.com data, but the plane was very nearly about to cross to Lithuanin air space. It had probably flown 95% of the distance over western Belarus
-The pilot could have flown to Vilnius, but instead decided to divert to Minsk, to avoid the potential blow up over Vilnius?
-Once again emphasize it was pilot's choice
-This then makes sense with what Lukashenko claims
Once again MSM is all over this, and as a result EU-lackeys are putting more sanctions on Belarus (and Russia). The end result was that CIA lost a valuable asset, and with that all their current regime change plans will probably revealed to the Belarusian authorities.
Posted by: unimperator | May 31 2021 21:03 utc | 27
@Posted by: karlof1 | May 31 2021 18:30 utc | 11
All this you mention, united to the current incursions by Morocco into Spanish sovereign territory, willingly launching a probable invasion of around 5000 takfiris, plus the about to start NATO maneuvers to be held in the territory of Morocco and occupied by this satrapy, Western Sahara, to which they are invited several EU conutrie, but also non-EU ones, and even some MEaster ones, but not Spain, in whose borders these maneuvers, allegedly on counterterrorism grounds, will be held, imo, clearly pints at NATO,i.e.USA ( may be even alligend with Perfifious Albion, that is Wall Street + The City of London...) trying to pit Europeans against each other.
As the US/UK do not achieve so far invading or regime changing another great Eastern European country, in enough short term so as to cover the inminent loses at both stock markets to come, they could well be thinking of invading and taking over a EU great one to loot this time as easier prey...
As Morocco is being benefitted over even NATO/EU old data allies, and this just has come to happen due the recognizing of Israel state and Jerusalem as its capital by the King of Marocco (v as a result of which it was the prize, conceeded by Trump of the unilateral appropiation of a territory the US clearly does not own ), it is to be suspected that Israel would be involved in one way or another.
If I were the Spanish Army, I would be thinking of a Plan B, just in case ( like considering talkings with new allies in the Mediterranean..), and will put in strict vigilance all those Israeli "security firms" who reside and make business into Spanish territory, not going to ocur to them to intervene at the set time as Troy Horses...
Recall the invasion and hijacking of the NK Embassy in Madrid just a few years ago...
Posted by: Asha K. | May 31 2021 21:20 utc | 28
For some propagandists, it was not enough to falsely claim that Belarus scrambled the fighter jet in order to divert the Ryanair plane. This is what the head of Belarus's "shadow government" said soon after the incident:
"According to the information available to the People's Anti-Crisis Administration, the Belarusian civil aviation authorities, in particular, the air traffic controllers of the Minsk-2 airport threatened to shoot down a civil Ryanair aircraft with passengers on board. For these purposes, a Belarusian MiG-29 military fighter jet was scrambled," Latushko said.
Posted by: Brendan | May 31 2021 21:22 utc | 29
Narrative management last week at Radio Free Europe included an aviation "expert" who made the following incorrect claims:
"But Cox said it was strange the transcript would make no mention of the presence of a fighter jet. Moreover, he asked, why would a military commander send a fighter jet in proximity to a passenger jet where a bomb was purportedly about to explode?
"If you’re the captain, and you saw a MiG pull up alongside, isn’t it likely you’d say something about it?" he asked. "And why would you put a MiG-29 up in there in the first place, when there’s a bomb on board? What are they going to do? Watch it explode?""
The narrative depends on the operative ignorance of the recipients.
Posted by: jayc | May 31 2021 21:25 utc | 30
@ Jake | May 31 2021 20:03 utc | 20
@ unimperator | May 31 2021 21:03 | 25
The facts are on flightradar24. The pilot just maintains FL390 even too much.
Three views, scroll down to vertical view
I don't buy anything about "the pilot probably thought the bomb was geolocalise or activated by altitude"
B737 are pressurized. Cabin Altitude [and cargo bulk] is not Flight Level. It's possible to down the plane to FL 100 and maintains Cabin Altitude in order the plane needs no more over-pressure [explosive depressurization is the real risk even with small "explosive devices".
And geolocalised device? Why does he/she approach Vilnius at the point to descend to final destination?
The procedure is not to investigate but to land. A plane has to be landed.
Like somebody aware of something and/or waiting for orders. The normal procedure is not to lose time, talking about color of alert or where does it come from. Belarus ATC made the conversation public while it's a strange one.
But he/she doesn't cross the border to Lithuania. He/she maintains FL390 and began to "carrousel" [maintain position as close as possible to Vilnius but on Belarus airspace. All of a soudain declared "Mayday" and diverte to Minsk.
Arriving in Vilnius, according to the Lithuanian police, he/she declared that the diverting was decided after contacting Ryanair.
I don't buy the Cojones staffer in Vilnius retreated to the coffee-corner. If there was a contact between Vilnius [ATC / Ryanair] and FR4978, the pilot was told not to enter Lithuania.
All is crystal clear for me.
Somebody decided to "deliver" the kid to Luka, making a lot of "mistakes" in order to focus attention to Belarus. Is the kid a bigger asset free or detained, tortured, Navalnyed and Skrypaled?
Are Belarus so amateurs ? Or playing the 12 band billiard of late Trump?
Posted by: Rêver | May 31 2021 21:27 utc | 31
Rêver | May 31 2021 18:52 utc | 13
So there is a possibility that the first warning would be overwritten if the delay in "turning the recorder off" was long enough?. ie. Did they keep it running IN Minsk, after landing, precisely for that purpose?
I reckon that in that carrying case Lukashenko had, was simply a copy of Potatohead Protasevich Laptop's hard drive. Lukashenko wanted to prove to Putin that he was Not responsible for the highjacking. He then got straightforward backing from Putin, who may have been suspicious earlier that Luka had done something stupid. (Putin doesn't like idiots.)
So Protosavich was thrown under a bus. This is to "justify" further sanctions of course, and is an admission that the usual NGO-cookie "regime" change wasn't working.
That the whole episode is part of a bigger agenda is becoming clear.
However, it also might show that the US/NATO is trying to up the pressure around "Eurasia". ie a push further North via Norway and Finland, into the Artic territories, the movement around Morocco and the Spanish terrritories (Africa is shaping up to replace the Middle East as the center of armed conflict. See the Mali coup => Macron flipping and their new Pro-Russian "Government". The Saudi takeover of an island in the Bab el Mandab as well as one more by the Emiratis, and Socottra by the UAE, Israel and probably the US)
More pressure? Pakistan (from b's link in the Week in Review) taking the place of Afghanistan as a way to block the BRI.
Zut, I was nearly forgetting Ukraine, which is imminently forgettable anyway. Zelensky must have gone for a swim, but I hope for his sake he wasn't supplied with concrete boots.
Posted by: Stonebird | May 31 2021 21:28 utc | 32
Maybe Lukashenko can get to the bottom of this----
He has been in power for 29 years---
Maybe the second half of his tyranny government, he gets some insight.
Being a brutal dictator does have some advantages.
Posted by: Duncan Idaho | May 31 2021 21:39 utc | 33
for some people, the end of the world really is not being able to fly to Cancun or Iceland or Bangkok whenever. sorry folks. w/the "rules-based international order" breaking down, we will see the "rules-based international order" breaking down. QED. international air travel being one of the 1st to go.
but it is all so curious how we will see collapse what never existed.
meh. unnecessary air travel is one of the biggest polluters. 99% of it is unnecessary. just wait till capitalists can't keep their satellites in orbit functioning. or the gas runs out. what will we ever do?
Posted by: rjb1.5 | May 31 2021 21:50 utc | 34
Interesting that numerous supporters of Roman P. were present at the Vilnius airport, not with hastily hand-written signs of support for their neo-nazi colleague, but with apparently professionally produced pre-prepared protest signage in both Russian and English.
Alas, who can any longer expect professional forethought from the UK/US dimwits running a false flag op.
Posted by: David F | May 31 2021 22:00 utc | 35
NED makes an ass of itself in Belarus.
The Grayzone 5 minute video fill your glass and savor this:
In a call with Russian pranksters who posed as Western-backed Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the longtime president of the US government's regime-change arm the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Carl Gershman, admitted to meddling in Belarus, supporting political figures, private companies, media outlets, and unions to try to overthrow President Alexander Lukashenko.
These neocons are really f'ing stupid.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | May 31 2021 22:45 utc | 36
All sovereign nations have ultimate authority over their own airspace. Period. All commercial, civillian, military, and any other types of flights, are allowed (or disallowed) by the sovereign power of the nation in question.
That being said, any bomb threat (whether genuine, or not) must be responded to as genuine, especially as concerns aviation. This is not a secret. It is, in fact, standard operating procedure for all serious national security services on this planet.
Take into acount TAA flight 800, downed by the US Navy over the east coast of the United States during the Clinton administration.
I believe that the Department of the Navy's official response was something along the lines of, "We shot that plane down because we said so. Go fuck yourselves.".
Ryan air will face a myriad of emails (proton or other) on bomb threats a aboard. They are on for a bumpy road!
They will accuse Russia, Bellarus, Iran or others but they will lose many worried customers.
Posted by: virgile | May 31 2021 23:34 utc | 38
Paco @19--
Thanks for reporting that presser. Here's the Russian language transcript, with the English posted by tomorrow, hopefully, for those unable to machine translate. Lavrov also made introductory remarks prior to his conference on EU-Russian relations. Perhaps read the second then the first. Clearly, the rhetorical level is much higher with Lavrov essentially accusing the EU of instigating the Ukraine coup and later of deliberate murder of innocents all connected to NATO expansion. The newest spy scandal has Biden deeply involved according to Snowden. So, the trenches and barricades are already being erected for Geneva in two weeks. It's possible Putin will do to Biden what the Chinese did to Blinken in Alaska.
Duncan Idaho #30
Rephrasing your post:
Maybe neo-cons can get to the bottom of this----
They have been in power for 29+ years---
Maybe the second half of this USAi tyranny government, can get some insight.
Being run by a brutal dictator does have some advantages.
Perhaps you might begin to see the issue and if not then consider the case of Konstantin Kilimnik, citizen of Ukraine and a key informant to the US embassy there.
Aaron Mate at Grayzone reveals the extensive lies, misinformation and malign practices. Do not expect any honesty from the US and its puppet reporting agencies in this case with the Ryanair flight.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | May 31 2021 23:38 utc | 40
Ryanair is Irish, isn't it? And it seems disproportionately targeted by bomb threats? And Ireland has been taking the EU lead in anti zio statements?
Cui bono? Who benefits from a crime?
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | May 31 2021 23:42 utc | 41
Ryanair just had another incident virtually identical to the Belarus at Berlin. Regarding the fighter jet syndrome in Belarus I can confirm that any plane that deviates from its' assigned path without permission will be intercepted; no one wants another 9/11 especially if the plane is under the suspicion of carrying a bomb.
Posted by: john mason | Jun 1 2021 0:16 utc | 42
to karlos, at @11 - for b
"Thanks for your outstanding sleuthing, b!...."
I honestly can't expect much from western governments and the mainstream propaganda I mean mainstream media system now but mis-information, lies, damned lies, and overly-biased reporting and editing.
I suppose perhaps it's nearly always been that way in my life but it's become increasingly apparent the last few decades. Hermann and Chomsky's book on Manufacturing Consent really helped to cue me in to the propaganda role of the major media. luckily we now have many more sources of good analyses
Posted by: michaelj72 | Jun 1 2021 0:33 utc | 43
Being a brutal dictator does have some advantages.
Posted by: Duncan Idaho | May 31 2021 21:39 utc | 30
This begs a question of comparative advantages of brutal dictatorships versus brutal democracies like Ukraine and Colombia. Actually, I am not sure if Ukraine is more brutal than USA and UK -- like what would England do if Scots would replicate Donbass.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jun 1 2021 0:37 utc | 44
Here's the entire quote by Lavrov, machine translated, about the most fundamental of human rights--the right to life--that Paco nodded to @19:
"I would urge not to forget about all other rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
"First of all, I would emphasize the right, which has not been mentioned today, the right to life. I hope that Western colleagues will remember that this is the most important thing for a person, whoever he is, wherever he lives. Let us no longer allow the tragedies of Iraq, Libya, the former Yugoslavia, when this right by our NATO colleagues has been trampled in the most blatant and illegal manner."
Bottom line--NATO/EU/Outlaw US Empire are collectively all War Criminals of the worst sort: Committers of Aggressive War.
Perhpas there be a standard that passengers on any plane forced to land for safety or maintenance should be treated by the standard of the destination airport. I could live with that.
Free the nazi and free Alex Saab.
Alex Saab, is the Venezuelan Minister the U.S. got Cape Verde to arrest for corruption in handling Venezuelan funds.
Wow, I mean just wow. The U.S. got a Venezuelan national arrested who didn't even touch U.S. airspace and for violating another country's laws. He was traveling to Iran to negotiate a food/fuel contract. Cape Verde detained him when his flight just stopped to re-fuel. He was not in Interpol.
Bret Baier show on FOX, a guest panelist went on a tare about how Biden should not even meet w/Biden because he was outraged over cut throat Putin orchestrating the arrest of this fine young man. I'm mentioning this because I got to see the rage in his eyes.
Good grief, Netanyahu just destroyed 9 high rise apartment buildings with a vague reference to 'military targets' / 'human shields' without offering any proof whatsoever. The IAF has never shown any pictures of Hamas firing rockets from Civilian areas, let alone using apartment buildings. They did show a picture of a school yard where they circled 3 white spots claiming that was a rocket launch site. All this proves is that launching missiles from the top of a high rise apartment building is extremely impractical.
So where is the rage in punishing the unnecessary punishment of civilians? 200,000 Gazans are now homeless but we applaud Netanyahu.
Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Jun 1 2021 1:08 utc | 46
karlof1@44: thank you, we are watching coriolanus. apt indeed are lavrov's words. indeed what greater right than that to life. again, thank you.
Posted by: emersonreturn | Jun 1 2021 2:34 utc | 47
Conspiracy theory?:
It occurs to me that the likes of Navalny/Protasevich are more valuable to the Empire if they are in jail in Russia/Belarus rather than running around as exiles. If nothing else, it becomes obvious that they are getting paid in the West, and they would give talks and interviews where they might blab their true political views. So the Empire had a motive to arrange this landing.
Posted by: Keith McClary | Jun 1 2021 2:55 utc | 48
Keith McClary #47
If you keep thinking like that you are sure to suffer a cerebral short circuit.
So are you proposing that all criminals perpetrating crimes against humanity be set free to do their tasks and appear on popular talk shows and reveal their bigotry and murderous impulses so that we might better understand their depravity?
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jun 1 2021 3:18 utc | 49
Biswaypriya Purkayast @ 40:
Be thankful Ryanair is only being subjected to bomb threats at the present time.
Another country several years ago that used to host a war crimes tribunal in its capital city had the experience of two passenger jets from its national airline disappear or crash in circumstances still mysterious and now highly politicised.
Posted by: Jen | Jun 1 2021 3:19 utc | 50
Nice work, but to be complete - and neutral - it would be interesting to make a post on the threat' email.
Indeed, the Delphi Economic Forum took place one week before the flight: the sender clearly targetet Mr Protasevich himself - no "bad luck to be on that plane" here.
Also, Hamas is not known for this type of action, and denied being the sender. To threat Lituania doesn't make much sense anyway.
It looks like a not very sophisticated set-up to have Mr Protasevich arrested...
Posted by: Olgart | Jun 1 2021 5:16 utc | 51
@Biswapriya Purkayast | May 31 2021 23:42 utc | 40
@Jen | Jun 1 2021 3:19 utc | 49
Very valid points indeed. Remember also when in 2011 young politicians in Norway supported boycott of Israel, a massacre happened and they were all gone. A senior from the same party is now "head of NATO".
Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 1 2021 5:29 utc | 52
Isn't it interesting how this Ryanair/Belarus affair has also managed to redirect focus away from the atrocities in Gaza? There is always this pattern of multiple objectives playing together.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 1 2021 5:35 utc | 53
Two comments did not get through yesterday, perhaps because they contained links, which I'm removing here. First:
Michael O’Leary, CEO of Ryanair on 24 May 2021:
"I can’t say much about it because the EU authorities and NATO are dealing with it at the moment. (...) we have to do a detailed debrief today with the NATO and EU authorities"
Why did a civilian airliner allow a military alliance to debrief its employees? Ryanair is not even based in a NATO member country (at least officially Ireland does not belong to NATO).
Posted by: Brendan | Jun 1 2021 5:51 utc | 54
For some propagandists, it was not enough to falsely claim that Belarus scrambled the fighter jet in order to divert the Ryanair plane. This is what the head of Belarus's "shadow government" said soon after the incident:
"According to the information available to the People's Anti-Crisis Administration, the Belarusian civil aviation authorities, in particular, the air traffic controllers of the Minsk-2 airport threatened to shoot down a civil Ryanair aircraft with passengers on board. For these purposes, a Belarusian MiG-29 military fighter jet was scrambled," Latushko said.
Posted by: Brendan | Jun 1 2021 5:52 utc | 55
Norwegian @ 51:
Thanks for the tip about Jens Stoltenberg. I wish he had stuck to driving taxis and making his passengers car-sick.
Note Brendan's comment @ 54 and in particular Pavel Latushko's claim that the Belarus government was prepared to shoot down the Ryanair passenger jet.
If Latushko keeps talking loudly enough, we might conclude that whoever was behind the Hamas bomb hoax threat was trying to test Belarus's ability to defend its borders. We might even realise that Belarus was supposed to shoot down the Ryanair jet just as you-know-who shot down MH17 nearly seven years ago.
Posted by: Jen | Jun 1 2021 6:38 utc | 56
@Jen | Jun 1 2021 6:38 utc | 58
Jens Stoltenbergs father, former Norwegian Foreign Minister Thorvald Stoltenberg was Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) on former Yugoslavia
From Wikipedia on Thorvald Stoltenberg
In "May 1993, the UN's co-chair at the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia, Th. Stoltenberg was appointed Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG). As such, he acted as head of the UN mission in the former Yugoslavia and served as the first point of contact for the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York. All contacts between UNPROFOR in Zagreb and the UN in New York had to run via his office (...) Mr Stoltenberg was responsible for the coordination of all UNPROFOR operations, which also entailed assessments of the political implications of operational decisions as well as the actions of the conflicting parties. In practice, this combination of tasks was impossible to juggle. A serious conflict is said to have occurred between Thorvald Stoltenberg and General Wahlgren's successor, General J. Cot of France".[4]
Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 1 2021 8:12 utc | 57
So there is a bomb threat causing the plane to deviate to Minsk. Protasevich gets arrested. The threat could have been sent by Belarus state or someone else. That could have been the whole story.
Instead you have western players, media and politicians trying very hard to find a smoking gun in the form of some incredibly stupid oversight from Belarus(all our adversaries have an exceptional capability at committing that type of mistake). There is a lot of backtracking towards the bland bomb threat summary but that won't reflect in the overall attitude towards Belarus government which gets more antagonistic, not less.
I've just read up on what the flemish public broadcaster writes about the issue. It's best described as "trying to do a good and complete job while being very prejudiced".
Posted by: Tuyzentfloot | Jun 1 2021 8:27 utc | 58
This story will disappear from the headlines now that it has served its purpose of smearing Belarus and encouraging sanctions. However it will not disappear completely because the United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is undertaking a fact-finding investigation into "the apparent forced diversion".
This was initiated when the Irish transport minister called for a transparent and independent investigation under Article 55E, which he expects to be completed around the end of June.
Article 55E gives the ICAO the power to investigate “any situation which may appear to present avoidable obstacles to the development of international air navigation; and, after such investigation, issue such reports as may appear to it desirable”.
That could turn out to be a cover up, like some other investigations by UN bodies, but it will have to present some established facts which have been obfuscated so far.
Posted by: Brendan | Jun 1 2021 8:59 utc | 59
As we know now for some time there is no limit to western governments' falsehood and deceit.
There fore,and especially since the overt murder of Soleymani and al-Muhandis,I judge it very unwise of Vladimir Putin to go to Geneva.To easy for the rulers of our world to get him killed there and put the blame on some chechen islamist.MSM will be happy and so will be the average murkan and brainless europeans.Please Vladimir,do not go there,I know you are a very courageous man and I'm sure you are well-protected but they are devils and masters of deceit.
Posted by: willie | Jun 1 2021 9:20 utc | 60
Jayc - Protocol for all potential terrorist incidents on passenger airlines regardless of a bomb or whatever is to escort the plane to prevent another 9/11 type crash by flying the plane into a building, population center, or nuclear power plant. All passenger aircraft are in a sense potential WMD and need to be prevented from executing something similar as what happened on 9/11. Every country uses this as SOP now.
Posted by: Old Microbiologist | Jun 1 2021 9:38 utc | 61
@willie | Jun 1 2021 9:20 utc | 62
I have had the same thought. I cannot see what the Russians can get out of such a meeting now. It is very suspicious why the US wants a summit. I can easily see one of the presidents not making it home again.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 1 2021 9:53 utc | 62
@Old Microbiologist | Jun 1 2021 9:38 utc | 63
All passenger aircraft are in a sense potential WMD and need to be prevented from executing something similar as what happened on 9/11.
Although I totally agree that all threats should be taken very seriously and all protocols must be followed (and I think Belarus did), it wasn't the planes that caused the buildings to disintegrate on 9/11. And yes, I am a structural engineer with background in Finite Element analysis.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 1 2021 10:00 utc | 63
Luka talked about the briefcase and confirmed that Roman and his girlfriend are small fry, he talked about general documents of strategic importance about the western border and thanked Putin for their continued interchange of information concerning the Union State.
Belavia and the sanctions were high in the agenda, trying to find alternative routes for the airline in order to keep the excellent pilots and workers.
Belarus has reacted to the info war and now they have a Telegram Channel for Luka by the name of Pul Pervogo, Пул Первого.
Posted by: Paco | Jun 1 2021 10:03 utc | 64
It was my intention to add to this discussion, but my comment ended up as the last contribution in the previous debate. I therefore repost it below.
‘To Assume’, makes an ‘Ass’ out of ‘U’ and ‘Me’. Each and every serious investigation into an event with multiple possible causes will require a disciplined approach to find out what happened. Which is why I previously emphasized the need to stick with the facts, and let them lead us, while refraining from giving in to this ‘need to KNOW’. There is much more that we do NOT know, but we bridge the gaps with assumptions. The risk is that once we formed an opinion, we miss certain facts which reveal themselves at a later stage, but which do not fit our narrative.
Because certain events have consequences, either in the real world, or manmade, because of sanctions, armed conflict, prosecution or public repercussions, we tend to look for shortcuts. While those complicit in what went down will try to steer us down empty rabbit holes. While we shouldn’t discard the possibility that the Belarus KGB was behind this Ryanair incident, it is less likely if they actively invite ICAO and other renowned organizations to investigate, if that is a serious offer. Those who do not ‘need’ an investigation, because they already ‘know’, on the other hand, are drawing attention to themselves.
While it is true that a number of parties desperately needed to shift the focus away from Gaza, and wouldn’t mind framing Hamas to be behind a bomb threat like this, it doesn’t necessarily point to specific state run parties, like the CIA, MI-6 or Mossad. Some ‘involved amateur’ could think of such a plot to be beneficial to his or her favorite cause, and act on it. Which includes activist organizations.
What we do know at this point, is that a shady organization fed by Mr. Khodorkovsky, arch-enemy of Russia under Putin, fed us the news about this second email, while it insisted that ‘Minsk’ could not have known about the first email. This is false, even if that first email was never sent to anyone in Belarus. Because Air Traffic Controllers are on an open line, and it would be standard protocol to pass on information about a bomb threat to the crew at the first available means, which would have been through Minsk ACC. Or security staff at Vilnius would have called their counterparts in Minsk. A bomb threat is serious stuff! Especially when not delivered in person, or by phone, so as to delay a flight, or something like that, but by email, or a written note. No way you can discard such a threat out of hand. Not even when the text looks ‘funny’, because some crazies, or ‘disturbed’ persons, are known to toy with bombs too.
It was in the news that Mr. Khodorkovsky killed his ‘Open Russia’ organization soon after the incident, citing fear of repercussions. And indeed, his St Petersburg operative was hauled from a plane as he was leaving the country, which is a fact. It happened. But why? Because the Kremlin took the cue from Khodorkovsky and cracked down on his network to boost his standing in circles working on regime change in Russia and Belarus? Or because they suspect Khodorkovsky and his crew to be behind this entire Ryanair scam? With the ‘added value’, from Mr. Khodorkovsky’s point of view, that his beloved Israel, the home of his former Yukos business partner, who also met with Litvinenko before the poor chap fell ill, and died in a London hospital, would be saved from answering more questions about Gaza.
Clearly the above is BASED on facts, and not in conflict with anything I know about the case at this stage, but it is only a ‘working theory’, and cannot be defended as ‘truth’. It is a plausible scenario, if Khodorkovsky and those around him wanted a high profile incident to trigger an avalanche of sanctions, while the pawn they used (with or without his consent) was not facing existential danger. Yet could be presented to the world as an honest journalist who risked being shot. At this stage this theory of mine is a perfect fit, but we need more FACTS to support it.
If this scenario is close enough to the truth, it could have been set in motion by private individuals, with, or without prior consent with western intelligence agencies.
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Jun 1 2021 10:37 utc | 66
Jake @Jun1 10:20 #67
It is a plausible scenario ...
Just as plausible as Richard Branson deciding, entirely on his own, to hold a concert for
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jun 1 2021 13:34 utc | 67
I would also suggest to b that he posts in MoA the ProtonMail link that was presented in another thread:
ProtonMail takes an explicit anti-Belarussian stance on the regime-change operation
Posted by: Constantine | Jun 1 2021 14:46 utc | 68
Just viewed the new The Kremlin Stories video on the Russia-EU summit, and there he was, second in line after Lavrov, robber of the Russian people Chubais, the only one fearmongering with a mask, as if signalling once more time that he alligns with the West... and look at the sight he dedicates to the camera, as long as Lavrov goes on enumerating the myriad obstructions to the build up of common relations...
Wondering whether they brought him there so that he realizes the feast has finally ended...
Posted by: Asha K. | Jun 1 2021 14:48 utc | 69
Posted by: Brendan | Jun 1 2021 8:59 utc | 61
It appears that icao.net server is down:
If there's any indication of how this investigation will proceed then this is it.
Posted by: One Too Many | Jun 1 2021 15:17 utc | 70
@ Constantine | Jun 1 2021 14:46 utc | 70... for the record, i posted in the comment section to that article a few days ago.. they are not accepting new comments, even though you can enter one, or they are taking a hell of a long time releasing what i shared to it from a few days ago...
Posted by: james | Jun 1 2021 15:20 utc | 71
Here in Norway, the State Radio Channel (NRK-the biggest local newscaster) today brought a 'documentary' report telling us the Minsk airport authority had let police enter the passenger jet to bring out the two suspects (the Polish-paid propagandist and his girlfriend) , -- and then let the rest of the passengers to remain inside the aircraft for several hours.. "IN THE DARK"! Somewhat strange because (A) it all happened in bright and broad daylight and (B) because a bomb scare would have required everybody to leave the aircraft at once (which was affirmed in other parts of that 'documentary report'- Have such trusty news mishaps co-occured in other NW European nations that Y'all know of, fellow barflies?
Posted by: Tollef Ås/秋涛乐/טלפ וש | Jun 1 2021 15:53 utc | 72
While Lavrov was talking to the EU, we should look at other statements connected with this event, some of which are compiled in this article at Strategic Culture by Brian Cloughley. What follows is the most salient section, and we should keep Lavrov's words in mind while reading:
"Mr Raab and Senator Sasse were joined by Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in attempts to link Russia with the air incident. It was reported that Mr Stoltenberg spoke 'on the deck of British aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth . . . during NATO exercises which include drills close to Russia’s border' saying that 'We know the very close relationship between Russia and Belarus and therefore it’s hard to believe that the regime in Minsk could do something like this without any kind of coordination with Russia.' None of those who assert that Russia was somehow involved has produced a shred of evidence to substantiate their 'belief', but their pronouncements have been given wide publicity in the Western mainstream media and are in consequence believed by an enormous number of people who are being prepared for another surge in confrontation with Russia. It’s all about Nato.
"The enlargement of the U.S.-Nato military grouping that began in 1999 continues to have the aim of expanding deployment of forces around Russia’s borders, in which it has largely succeeded. In order to bring what is officially called 'Nato’s Forward Presence' right up to Russia’s frontier in the region between Latvia and the Black Sea it is necessary to have Georgia, Ukraine and Belarus sign up to the North Atlantic Treaty.
"Georgia is already described by Nato as 'one of the Alliance’s closest partners.' It aspires to join the Alliance. The country actively contributes to NATO-led operations and cooperates with the Allies and other partner countries in many other areas”, and Ukraine is also a close military ally (although it hasn’t been invited to attend the Nato summit on June 14). On May 27 Radio Free Europe reported that Ukraine’s President Zelenskiy had 'alled on NATO to beef up its presence in the Black Sea region and asked Washington to back Kyiv’s bid for a NATO membership action plan at the summit' and while Nato was in any case in the process of expanding its operations in and around the Black Sea, it is likely the U.S. will indeed push for Kiev’s deeper involvement in confronting Russia.
"But Belarus is a problem for Nato, and Lukashenko appears to have had a policy of trying to have the best of both worlds, by playing off Nato against Moscow. The official Nato stance is that the relationship is 'based on the pursuit of common interests, while also keeping open channels for dialogue. Key areas of cooperation include civil preparedness and defence reforms. NATO works with Belarus to implement reforms in these areas, while continuing to call on Belarus to increase the pace of its democratic reforms.' But the airliner fandango has opened doors for future action that could bring Belarus into Nato." [My Emphasis]
I rather doubt Belarus will ever join NATO. It's clear to me that Lukashenko has given up whatever remains of the above policy toward NATO and the Union Treaty will see Belarus essentially return to the SSR status it had within the USSR. Fortunately, Belarus isn't anywhere close to being the basket-case the Ukraine became, mostly thanks to Lukashenko. And given the almost immediate attempts to implicate and smear Russia in this affair, it provides us with the motive for it all and points to the likely provocateur--Occupied Palestine/Mossad-CIA--as sacrificing a pawn to gain any sort of Geopolitical point is a well worn modus employed all too often.
Posted by: Brendan | May 31 2021 20:55 utc | 26
Why did a civilian airliner allow a military alliance to debrief its employees? Ryanair is not even based in a NATO member country (at least officially Ireland does not belong to NATO).
Because the plane is owned and operated by Ryanair's Polish subsiduary.
But you are right. Ryanair has become part of the conspiracy.
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Jun 1 2021 17:53 utc | 74
It is not just about Nato, but the MONETARY IMPERIALISM. What is the purpose of Nato? EU’s defense? Who are the threat to the EU? Any article on geopolitics that doesn’t state the overarching theme of “monetary imperialism” is missing the key driving forces and more likely a misdirection.
The Dollar Empire has been going after Non-$ countries (China, Russia, Germany, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Venezuela, Belarus ... – Non-$ BLOC) and not US$ countries (nations selling their resources in USD such as Saudi Arabia ...). Why? Non-$ need to be captured so they can be controlled for the dream of a global financial empire controlled by the Global Financial Oligarchy. This Empire craves Russia. Why?
The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) is 100% STATE owned and not private. It is “accountable to the President of the Republic of Belarus.” The Financial Empire wants to RESTRUCTURE Belarus by privatizing its central bank or bringing it under the ECB later and installing its lackeys to neoliberalize its economy. The Financial Empire wants to CAPTURE Belarus.
When discussing about any nation in the geopolitical context understand its central bank history and the monetary system, to grasp the driving forces. If a nation has a state owned central bank then the Financial Empire will work to capture it and bring it under its financial system.
Posted by: Max | Jun 1 2021 18:03 utc | 75
Max @77--
Thanks Max. NATO is essentially an enforcement arm of the Outlaw US Empire which aims at keeping the EU captured. But despite its method of organization, the EU isn't 100% captured. Lavrov again reviewed the legal context for NordStream 2 to show the attempts to undermine its completion cannot win and only serve to undermine the credibility of the EU, EUP, and those nations doing the work of the Empire. Given the extremely falsified nature of the USA's reported GDP and the massive negatives impacting it, the current trillion in upkeep for the Outlaw US Empire is now @1/15 of GDP or 7.5%, which is both destabilizing and unsustainable. The Unipolar Era of Super Imperialism has ended and is rapidly eroding.
karlof1 @78--
Thanks karlof1. I agree with you that “the Unipolar Era of Super Imperialism has ended and is rapidly eroding.” Yes, the EU, Japan, South Korea... aren’t completely captured. NATO is the mercenary arm.
Many Americans don’t approve of our nation being a suzerainty of the Global Financial Syndicate. We good Americans would rather be sovereign and compete on our ingenuity. The number of good Americans are increasing everyday! MoA Barflies and everyone need to please call this empire, “Dollar Empire” or “Financial Empire.” There are other nations involved in this empire’s core. This way we’re exposing its control mechanism. Monetary Imperialism is a better term that “Super Imperialism.”
It is good to see Sergei Lavrov, Wang Yi... raising issues. However, they’re not exposing the global geopolitical forces of monetary imperialism, global hierarchical structure, neoliberalization,... They’re are being defensive. It is time to expose the reality!
The Financial Empire is a global debt based financial system administered by the City of London and Wall Street, and enabled by NATO & Six Eyes (Five Eyes [USA+UK+Aus+Can+NZ] + Israel)?
The Global Financial Empire's hierarchical structure looks like the following:
– Core: SIX Eyes - Debt generators, negative trade balance (U$A, UK)
– Conquered: EU, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea – Debt distributors, positive trade balance (supporting the US$)
– Capital Resource Foundation: Russia, China, Brazil, Africa, Iran, ME – (Asset rich)
– Circumference countries: ROW
Posted by: Max | Jun 1 2021 20:20 utc | 77
Max. I think you are underestimating the long period of time that the Financial overlords have spent setting up the present situation.
Note that the City of London has moved the UK out of the range EU supervision. Switzerland (With the BIS) is doing the same. The US - I would really expect the Core financial structure (Delaware) to become isolated from the US "BidenGovernement" structure. The latter is bought and paid for anyway. The principal Banking/Finance centers are now freed from many "National/International" constraints.
Now that the dollar is doubtful as a solid longterm asset, I think the real financial power lies in the undeclared and hidden "parallel" system. - Derivatives and other means of speculation. But there is the problem. They always need a new "sucker", or in this case, a new "source" of real assets to divide up. Belarus, Russia and China come to mind.
Without a carcass to devour, the Hyenas go hungry. All those derivatives, daisy chain rehypothecations and other speculative communal debt systems, do not have enough real "collateral" in the event of a mutual feeding frenzy. As Psychohistorian says, " the shit show continues .... until it doesn"t".
In addition; It is said that there are not enough "real" assets in the whole world to cover the totality of debts that have been made. But until the supply of countries that have not been stripped and their populations dispossessed, ends, then the Hyenas can continue circling.
Watch Israel under the last few moments of Nero Netanyahu. An Airstrike on SAA near the Golan, An Undisclosed explosion at a major air/military base in Iran (Could be Israel/US, drone, stealth aircraft etc. but no official reports). He will do anything to keep power, and the Israeli miltary backs him in this.
Posted by: Stonebird | Jun 1 2021 21:05 utc | 78
Max @79--
Most public figures are unwilling to talk beyond what they believe to be the level of public understanding on any issue, and such is certainly true for the subject at hand. However, there are times when discussing these issues with specialists at conferences, such as those at the Valdai Club, Lavrov, Putin and others display their understanding. Lavrov in yesterday's presser revealed such knowledge:
"Recently there was a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, and there were discussed issues including the fuller use of national currencies in calculations and in general the transition to currencies, which will not depend on the dollar, whose position has been brutally abused by the United States for many years." [My Emphasis]
The official English transcript softens the original Russian bolded above.
And when it comes to knowing history, those running the Outlaw US Empire are failures compared to their counterparts in Russia and China. The minds of most in the West are continually corrupted via propaganda and falsified history, which must always be taken into account when trying to motivate them to learn and thus change their politics. And that isn't an easy undertaking by any means since the vast majority are conditioned to not have the inclination to listen to opposing views even when factually based. it's called BigLie Media for a very good reason.
Stonebird @80--
The only way those assets can be acquired in usable condition is to somehow capture the target nation without waging too destructive a war, such as what occurred in Ukraine, Yugoslavia beforehand, and Libya afterwards. Hudson has said and written the following several times but not pounding-fist-on-desk-loudly: Central Bankers and Wall Street now do what goes for planning in the Neoliberal West. But he also notes that there are two competing structures--Outlaw US Empire versus EU--operating under different rules and cultures, the latter being very important since the living memory within Europe is far deeper and respected than that within the barely historically literate USA.
As for Occupied Palestine, its relevance is declining as the Oil Age nears its end. Look at this page and note the great contradiction and the BigLie it generated. Do look at the blue consumption line and contemplate why it's as stable as it looks. A recent survey of the Pacific Northwest's carbon emissions attributed 37% to transportation, which is supposed to drop to near zero by 2040. There goes the entire rationale for an Imperial settler enclave within Southwest Asia and the global unrest it generates.
Posted by: james | Jun 1 2021 15:20 utc | 73
Thanks for the notification. I was in the company's site and missed the original post. It would be an important addition to b's uploadsm as it decisively ends any discussion about a neutral stance on the part of ProtonMail. The latter is involved directly in the coordinated effort against Belarus.
What troubles me is the gross incompetence and inability of the Russian/Belorussian side to expose the plot in a more aggressive manner. For example, presenting the important role of ProtonMail in this affair and then revealing its direct support for regime-change in Belarus.
Posted by: Constantine | Jun 1 2021 21:58 utc | 81
Stonebird, thanks. Our thoughts are in alignment. The Financial Oligarchy has been working on this Empire for many centuries, starting with the first central bank in 1609 (Netherlands). This central bank was built on prior financial shenanigans of Europe. Also, this financial oligarchy has undergone a few contraction-expansion cycles. The Empire’s economic, social, and cultural as well as political dimensions over many cycles (1415–1980) have been described well by David Abernethy.
“The contradictions of empire eventually destabilized its system of global dominance. The more these contradictions were noticed by colonial residents, and the more troubled residents became because of what they noticed, the more vulnerable to collapse the system became.”
- David Abernathy, The Dynamics of Global Dominance
The UK is in sync with reality, shrewd and just wants to be a BROKER in the global financial arena. It doesn’t care about being the hegemon of the industrial arena or value creation. It has developed its niche, British Imperialism.
The Financial Empire’s existing plan is to capture all global natural resources with its fake money and then create a new global financial system based on those commodities (gold, oil, gas, minerals...). They call it RESOURCE ECONOMICS. They are aware that the existing financial system is failing and falling apart. They have given up the pretext of trying to continue it and hoping to transition to the new cycle. They’re working on creating new economic theories at INET. However, its patterns and ploys show it to be struggling and going the way of Titanic. Its mountain of debt will then fall like an avalanche. What happens in America?
China, Russia, Iran and hopefully Germany will refuse to be captured and become its vassals. " the shit show continues .... until it doesn"t".
Posted by: Max | Jun 1 2021 22:15 utc | 82
The Abduction of NEXTA by Israel Shamir is a good review of the arrest of terrorist Roman Protasevich.
This is excellent journalism and presented in an easy vernacular.
"After the plane landed, the passengers got off and were taken to the terminal. While they were waiting for the immigration inspection, Ms Sapega, the NEXTA guy’s girlfriend, took a photo of him on her smartphone and sent the photo to their mutual friend. He posted the photo on Telegram, saying their leader is in Minsk! This is how the Belarusian authorities learned that this person, who had long been wanted by police, was found on their territory. He was therefore detained. This is the story coming from Belarusian authorities, and it could be true (or not). In any case, there was no hijacking of an aircraft, no forced landing, no other questionable acts. Whether Belarusian authorities knew from the start that a wanted man was on board does not matter at all. After the publication of the photo of the man on Telegram, they could not even pretend that they did not know.
And what if they had known of the young man’s presence onboard? Even if it were so, they were still acting in their own right. Any country has the right to land any civil aircraft flying in its own airspace. This not only follows from the idea of sovereignty, but is also confirmed by practice."
Yes that sums the event up nicely. But Shamir drives another nail into the west's coffin with this polite comparison:
"Whom did the Belarusians detain? A Belarusian citizen named Roman Protasevich, the founder and head of the NEXTA telegram channel, who organized the riots in Minsk in 2020. I watched Roman P. in real time on my smartphone screen as he directed the riots in Minsk during the 2020 Belarusian events. The thought occurred to me then that Israel would have immediately sent a missile to this cosy studio if he were commanding rioters to attack Israeli police. If a missile is too strong a message, then several Israeli paratroopers would knock on his door. Such interference cannot be tolerated. What NEXTA did was an act of rebellion and sedition, and rebellious TV and radio stations are liable to be bombed. Like Israel just bombed the Associated Press and Al Jazeera offices in Gaza. Like the Americans bombed TV stations in Belgrade, Baghdad, and Kabul."
This is excellent journalism and sets a contrast for us to keep the enemy of humanity in focus.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jun 1 2021 22:32 utc | 83
karlof1 @81--
Good points. Thanks for sharing Lavrov’s quote. Russia has been speaking against the global dollar based financial system since 2007. It has published many articles on this dollar theme from various angles but not on monetary imperialism. Their diplomats and business elites do talk about the dollar system but not about the Global Financial Syndicate’s Monetary Imperialism. In order for their public figures to speak with impact their media (RT, Sputnik, Tass, Xinhua, CGTN...) need to lay the foundation and increase public understanding. They need to interview Michael Hudson, Norbert Haering, Tony Norfield... instead of distracting through bitcoin, gold standard,...
Some Americans that speak out against monetary imperialism are denied coverage in the mainstream media. Our establishment suffers from hubris and groupthink. They also have too much sunk cost. Maybe China and Russia are keeping quiet because they want to speak at the right time.
China’s “24-Character Strategy”: “Observe calmly; secure our position; cope with affairs calmly; hide our capacities and bide our time; be good at maintaining a low profile; and never claim leadership.”
Posted by: Max | Jun 1 2021 22:52 utc | 84
The role of Protonmail is overblown. I really don’t get it. There is a bomb threat, by email, targeting this Ryanair flight, received by Vilnius and other, at this stage, unknown recipients, which nobody denies. What do you do in such cases? You immediately inform the crew by the most expeditious means, which is through Minsk ACC, since Ryanair does not have these moderns communication suits to save on operating costs. It doesn’t matter whether or not anyone in Belarus received a copy of that initial email. Or whether it was sent through that same ‘Protonmail’ account, or not at all. Vilnius would have been obliged to make sure the crew was informed.
Somehow the fact that these countries are at odds with each other features prominently in our collective thinking. But those differences fall by the wayside the moment an open threat is leveled against an aircraft carrying a hundred passengers and crew. These ACC-centers talk with one another 24/7, without political oversight. It would be extremely negligent, and highly unprofessional NOT to pass on this information to this Ryanair flight. Whether it was effectively done by open line between ACC-centers, of by telephone, of smoke signals, is irrelevant.
The second mail is odd, but can be explained as a pre-established plan to screw Belarus by those who already knew this threat was a hoax, and desperately wanted to make it look like a KGB-operation.
Maybe mostly OT
@ Max | Jun 1 2021 22:15 utc | 84 with the repeat of my current MoA mantra....the shit show continues until it doesn't
Thanks for the hat tip and welcome to the bar. I have been reading your articulate contributions and they align with my thoughts as well.
This comment is also a brag about upping my activism. (which is a joke for such in much of the world but we all started somewhere). I reported before that I had a few I Support Public Banking yard signs made and have had one for a month or so in front of my house. In the past few days I have added standing in front of the local county courthouse which is on a "busy" Corvallis street between 5 - 6 pm with a stick held version of the yard sign. I have been surprised by the support I have received, have talked to a few people but haven't figured out what my response should be to those that point at my sign and shrug their shoulders like this is a non-issue or they are totally ignorant of the reality of private banking they live under....sigh
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jun 2 2021 1:30 utc | 86
psychohistorian #88
Sleepers awake. Most spend their life in waking sleep so the sign is obscure to them.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jun 2 2021 2:13 utc | 87
psychohistorian #88
Thanks. I have learned from your comments and our thoughts are along the same direction.
I have had a success rate of around 10% in waking up people to the subject of MONEY and the monetary system. I have pursued multiple approaches with the most success from direct conversations.
When standing in a line, I ask an individual (front or back of me) who is not on the smartphone, a simple question, “who creates money in our nation?” Most likely they will answer it incorrectly (government) or say I don’t know. I then ask, “what does it say on the top of the dollar bill?” They will respond most likely, “In God We Trust.” (that is on the back). This gets the conversation started, in which I share that majority (90+ %) of our money is created by the private banks, the Constitution (Article 1 section 8), the First Bank of the U$A, Second Bank and the Fed (1914). Many agree that we’re living in a private plantation, politicians are corrupt & captured, our nation is lost... Only a few disagree. I direct them to the Andrew Jackson’s veto message for the Second Bank, Public Banking Institute, Victoria Grant speech at the PB event... Most people have thanked me for starting the conversation and have enjoyed it. When engaging with folks at a store many have thanked by not charging. A front desk person at the AAA office didn’t charge me $35, coffee shops have given cappuccino drinks for free, store managers at shopping mall have given discounts of 20% without sale... It has been a joy! FYI, I am an extrovert with lots of consumer research and business experience, and pleasantly engage.
I had created a flier on the topic of money with answers to the previously mentioned questions along with web links. It was well received. I went to the UPS store to make copies and asked the store owner to review it to see if it is helpful. He liked it very much and didn’t charge me for 50 copies. Also, he on his own offered to help me by letting me make as many copies as I would like. I have made around 300 copies and distributed them at events. Hope this helps.
Posted by: Max | Jun 2 2021 5:11 utc | 88
@ Max | Jun 2 2021 5:11 utc | 90 with the response
I am in the process of learning how to interact with people after projecting mental health hurt for 70 years...daunting task...and now I have symptom free mental health which lots of others don't and I am quite perceptive of it now...grin
At the bottom of my I Support Public Banking sign is a link to www.publicbankinginstitute.org which you should contribute your flier information to or include in it...which you probably do already....
Glad to read about your positive interactions with folks about money. I try to explain to people the two major "use cases" for money, trusted/stable medium of exchange and store of value. I am intrigued by China's time limited digital yuan as a potential trusted/stable medium of exchange but haven't read of anything comprehensive about the "store of value" nut and would be interested in your thoughts over on the Open thread...hijacked this one enough
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jun 2 2021 5:29 utc | 89
Max | Jun 2 2021 5:11 utc | 90
re Our USD money and where it comes from...That is effective communication.
A related story. I was always bothered by the word "finance" and its various forms because my inserted understanding often yielded confusion. So rather belatedly, I finally wen to the dictionary and yes, my understanding was pathetically faulty.
The basic definition is simply...finance is "the management of money in all its forms and, often, involving large amounts".
That quickly cleared up a cloud of confusion. When I mention it to others there is often a similar effect of brightening up.
I often assigned my own "definition" to words and only in my 30s began to use dictionaries! I had very effectively handicapped myself.
Posted by: chu teh | Jun 2 2021 6:02 utc | 91
In the global resistance to the death cult of the Dollar Empire (private finance, neo-liberal economics), such countries as Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela could give some hope to the people in the West, that have begun to question the circumstances' that they find themselves in today. Successful resistance becomes the threat of a good example. However people can amplify that threat to the powers that be, the more likely we get the change we want to see. Some years ago Max Keiser (Keiser Report on RT) used the term GIABO to identify a central part of the resistance : the Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation. Public banks, like the one in North Dakota, are a solution to the problem.
Posted by: Michael Crockett | Jun 2 2021 7:17 utc | 92
Western media not agreeing with the facts is one thing, but the president of the European Parliament asking to post pictures of Roma in all European airports "as a mark of solidarity and to show that we will not fail him" is just beyond me. Maybe the EP is a nazi institution since there are so many instances of who this boy really is that it is impossible Sassoli is not aware.
At the same time in Lugansk a formal request to interrogate Roma to find out about his "adventures" in Donbass has been sent to Belarus to which Luka agreed, please come and talk to the boy, implicitly recognizing LNR and DNR. Luka also talked about the impossibility of going to Crimea for vacations as Belarusians use to do by rail or plane through Ukraine, so the technical aspects of Belavia flights to Crimea are being worked out, i.e., Crimea recognized as part of the RF. Bravo European politicians, bravo State Dep. you pushed Luka east and the Rubicon is about to be crossed.
To show the finger to Sassoli wanted posters of Roma are being posted in Donbass
Posted by: Paco | Jun 2 2021 9:59 utc | 93
@Paco | Jun 2 2021 9:59 utc | 95
Maybe someone could help alleviate European Parliament President David Sassoli's confusion by emailing him photos of Protasevich in Azov uniform via his Spokesperson
Roberto CUILLO
Spokesperson of the President of the European Parliament
[email protected]
Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 2 2021 10:29 utc | 94
karlof1 | Jun 1 2021 21:57 utc | 82
"As for Occupied Palestine, its relevance is declining as the Oil Age nears its end."
Ahh non.
The "Israeli" field (Leviathan) is off Gaza. In fact it is within PA "territorial" waters if they had any say in the matter. Israel has just made agreements for a transMed pipeline to the EU, via /CyprusGreece, as it wants to become a GasOil hub in it's own right. (Some 2'500 km and very deep). Cutting out Turkish ambitions to do the same. (Other possible sources/clients are Egypt, and Syria as the one having it's assets stolen.)
Don't forget the unexploited fields under the Golan heights, and a Russian company is to probe the "levantine basin" off Syria for yet more sources.
There is a lot more still to come.
The US "exports" seem to include refining crude Oil into consumer products. How much of the final total is made up of Iranian Oil (2m/b, stolen and "sold"), Syrian Oil, and other normal import/export scenarios. (Mexico). ie. Part of the total "exports" claimed are simply refined through traffic. BUT, it looks good on paper !
Posted by: Stonebird | Jun 2 2021 10:56 utc | 95
Max | Jun 1 2021 22:15 utc | 84
"The Financial Empire’s existing plan is to capture all global natural resources with its fake money"
So far so good, but.....
"...and then create a new global financial system based on those commodities (gold, oil, gas, minerals...). They call it RESOURCE ECONOMICS. They are aware that the existing financial system is failing and falling apart. They have given up the pretext of trying to continue it and hoping to transition to the new cycle."
TWO new systems. One, according to the "reset" is issuing "debt" (virtual), which is then generously allowed by the Financial system to be used as a means of payment. ie Keeping debt as a new monetary form. This does not answer the question of the "ownership" of assets and resources, which, I presume, would be restricted to a very select 1%. (The second system).
Debt can be issued indefinitely and in vast amounts because it has to be supported/paid by others. The resources no longer "back-up" a currency. They would become the exclusve property of the upper echelons of the "World Ownership Cartel" (WOC).
"Its mountain of debt will then fall like an avalanche. What happens in America?"
Nothing. They simply claim that the massive unpayable debt is that of the "American people" (or EU or, UK etc).
- Then claim that all those countries are bankrupt and that "experts" (themselves) are needed to run the system.
For this to happen they need to control all the worlds production of resources. If "Money" is needed to buy things then future "sheeple debt" lacks conviction. So we end up with the Military solution, don't we?
Posted by: Stonebird | Jun 2 2021 11:32 utc | 96
Jake wrote Jun 2 2021 0:36 utc @87:
It would be extremely negligent, and highly unprofessional NOT to pass on this information to this Ryanair flight. Whether it was effectively done by open line between ACC-centers, of by telephone, of smoke signals, is irrelevant.
That is correct.
The fact that the first email has not been released to the public suggests that there was no CC'd first email sent to Minsk. The message had to be delivered to Minsk in some other way or Belarus would be showing it to the world as evidence that they received it.
Posted by: jinn | Jun 2 2021 12:18 utc | 97
Western--and American in particular--media narratives are designed to deceive, obscure, and distort facts.
That is not a bug. That is a feature.
The United Spindoctors of America in particular has made media manipulation a way of life.
The Americans are the greatest liars, deceivers, and manipulators on the planet--first and foremost in their fundamentalist religious belief that the USA is the "Land of the Free."
Posted by: ak74 | Jun 2 2021 12:49 utc | 98
Max @90 wrote:
I share that majority (90+ %) of our money is created by the private banks
But is that really true? It certainly seems to be the story that financial oligarchs want you to believe.
But look at the facts:
The US banks have currently almost $11 trillion in loans to bank borrowers. As you have been told those loans created deposits and you believe those deposits created by bank lending to be 90% of the money supply, but is your belief correct?
Here is another fact:
Every day about $3.5 trillion are transferred by FedWire. Do you believe that more than the entire money supply is changing hands every 3 days?
The fact is there is a whole lot more money in the system than your little story accounts for. What your story really does is obfuscate and hides what most of the money supply actually is and how it is created.
Posted by: jinn | Jun 2 2021 12:51 utc | 99
Although I totally agree that all threats should be taken very seriously and all protocols must be followed (and I think Belarus did), it wasn't the planes that caused the buildings to disintegrate on 9/11. And yes, I am a structural engineer with background in Finite Element analysis.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jun 1 2021 10:00 utc | 65
But you didn't read, or couldn't understand the NIST report written by real engineers..?
NIST investigated and reported on the WTC collapse, and specifically addressed many unfounded claims and falsehoods made by Trufer ignoramuses.
Their report gave a plausible explanation of the mechanism by which impact by aircraft caused the WTC collapses. It's (apparently) easy to forget that it wasn't necessary for WTC to collapse in order to justify the Fake War On Terror. The collapse was a 'bonus'. The fact that it took place on American soil, and was attributed to "foreign foes" was quite sufficient.
The real con was outright rejection of the notion of a Police Investigation to track down the perps. And it's pretty obvious why that SOP was rejected. A Police Investigation with Extraordinary Powers would almost certainly have tracked down the REAL perps. But that was all decided by Neocons behind closed doors...
It's also easy to forget that if thousands of real engineers disagreed with NIST's conclusions, they could've and would've objected and demanded a proper investigation. But they accepted the findings as logical and genuine.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jun 2 2021 14:32 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Not hard to believe the behaviour of Proton mail knowing the ownership (CIA) of its predecessors + the extreme Russophobic mindset of the Swiss.
Posted by: robert wydler haduch | May 31 2021 17:50 utc | 1