Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
May 18, 2021

Biden Continues To Support Israel's Warcrimes

Diplomacy is back!

‘Diplomacy is back’: New U.S. envoy takes U.N. role - Feb 25, AP
Thomas-Greenfield aims to restore U.S. place on global stage

Well, it wasn't back for long.

Israel-Palestine: US blocks UN statement for third time in a week - May 17, Al Jazeerah

A third United Nations Security Council emergency meeting in a week – amid the deadly Israeli offensive in Gaza – has again ended with no concrete outcome after the United States blocked a joint statement calling for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.


Biden administration approves $735 million weapons sale to Israel - May 18, Washington Post

The bulk of the proposed sale to Israel, according to three people based on Capitol Hill familiar with the notification, is of Joint Direct Attack Munitions, or JDAMS — kits that transform so-called “dumb” bombs into precision-guided missiles. Israel, which has purchased substantial quantities of JDAMS from the United States in the past, ..


Israel and Hamas trade attacks after Biden calls for ceasefire - May 18, CBS

Nah, just fake news. No ceasefire:

Alex Ward @AlexWardVox - 11:49 UTC · May 18, 2021

From @PunchbowlNews this AM:
“The White House readout said Biden ‘expressed his support for a cease-fire.’ But administration officials quickly clarified that Biden didn’t call for a cease-fire, just said he’d be supportive of one if it happened.”

Meanwhile, aside from killing hundreds of people and wounding many more Israel bombed Gaza's powerlines, several highrises, media offices, UNRWA schools, Gaza's biggest library and publishing house and damaged six hospitals and eight clinics including the only Covid-19 laboratory in Gaza.

Posted by b on May 18, 2021 at 15:42 UTC | Permalink

next page »

It's always an interesting discussion which is the dog and which is the tail, and who is wagging what. But it seems pretty clear who runs things. How odd that it is the small colonial regime that actually runs the Empire, thanks to the control of US media, and government by the power of American Zionism.

Posted by: gottlieb | May 18 2021 16:00 utc | 1

supposedly they've also been bombing southern lebanon. maybe to provoke a response so they can whine and bitch about what "victims" they are. or maybe going for a "three-peat" in qana?

we've all seen how they not only love killing children but also blaming their parents for raising them within missile range.

Posted by: the pair | May 18 2021 16:03 utc | 2

High time Hamas (maybe together with Hezbollah) took over the Negev Desert, so that they could avoid bombing or rocketing the Zionists in Palestine out of Palestine and into the sea from the densely populated 'Asa Strip. By now, all those who protet settler-state terrorist and all Jewish citizens above age 16 ho have not demanded punishment of the anti-Arab terrorist and Lynch mobs have all forfeited their tight to live in Palestine between the Jordan River and the Mediterranian Ocean) The Palestinians deserve the Negev since it also contains airfields they need to launch their coming air force from.

Posted by: Theo Oros אש תיצפ | May 18 2021 16:04 utc | 3

More of the same disgusting American policy of lip service and blocking resolutions.

Iran, Turkey, Syria, Hezbollah, Pakistan and Russia need to take this fight to “Israel’s’ doorstep and push them back to 67 amd maybe even 48 lines. That is the only way. Also, keep the rockets coming. These cowardly dual citizens will pack up, dust up their original passports and vacate. As long as the sirens are sounding, these ‘guests’ will not stick around to see the end.

Egypt and Jordan need to neutered. Way past that time.

Posted by: Alpi | May 18 2021 16:07 utc | 4

Is it possible that as Elijah Magnier is saying resistance has 6 month of supplies in terms of rockets and at some point Syria, Lebanon or Iran or all 3 might step in

Posted by: Svaya | May 18 2021 16:14 utc | 5

thanks b... you can't really expect much else from a lifetime political grifter... agree with @1 gottlieb and others here in their comments.....

Posted by: james | May 18 2021 16:18 utc | 6

@Posted by: Mario | May 18 2021 16:37 utc | 7

Can that be read some place else? I wouldn't click on that link you furnished if my life depended on it.
Or, how about one massive copy & paste to MoA, or even a selective copy & paste.

Posted by: librul | May 18 2021 16:41 utc | 7


The US enables Israel.

Everyone knows that one does not enable one's alcoholic relative.
Just because he says he wants and needs alcohol you know better than to enable.

How many zillion times have you heard someone say that they, "support Israel".
Feeding someones worst nature clearly is not *supporting*, it is enabling.
Giving Israel weaponry and diplomatic "support" so that it
can be a thief, murderer and oppressor is enabling the Zionist's worst nature.

Imagine how much better off Israel would be today
if the enablers had shut down the Zionist requests for conquest-enabling weaponry
and "support" in the UN Security Council decades ago.
Who knows, Israel might have fulfilled its promise by now and
become "a light unto the nations". Now it is filth.

The pro-Israel, so-called Christians quote scripture.
(roughly) "Those that do not support the Jews will be cursed".

Enabling is *not* supporting, it is in fact the opposite of supporting.
Thus the pro-Israel, so-called Christians are doing the opposite
of what they believe they are doing and are in fact
a curse to this country,
and I might add, a curse to Israel.

Posted by: librul | May 18 2021 16:55 utc | 8

There is no way this is going back to what things were before...

#Gaza: The Director of the Civil Defense in northern Gaza confirms that, since this morning, the occupation has fired 8 internationally-banned white phosphorous shells.


Posted by: Norwegian | May 18 2021 16:57 utc | 9

@ Norwegian | May 18 2021 16:57 utc | 11 who wrote about war crimes being committed by Occupied Palestine

I have been reading claims of uranium-based weapons and thermobaric technology involved also.

Sad commentary about how barbaric our species can be

Posted by: psychohistorian | May 18 2021 17:15 utc | 10

Can we quite with the border-line aneisemetic crap please, it's just more chaff to obscure the situation. This isn't about the Jews vs the Arabs or some shit, this is Settler Colonialism. jews lived in that area for centuries before the region was subjected to Western imperialism. That's what Zionism is, Western Settler Colonialism with a star of David painted on the side this time.

And yes Israel is an organ of the United States, the moon does mot orbit the Earth. Certainly some US factions own interests in the Eastern Mediteranian.

Posted by: Lonkal | May 18 2021 17:16 utc | 11

Thanks, mister "b", for this in-spyering set of comments in your sitrap! They inspire many to-the-point comments.
But at "professio vulgata": How the shit can the permanent state of conflict be interpreted?
My on solution to the conflict is inspire by a Norwegian right.wing populist party lady who has launched a campaignt called "Bring the Jews Home" (Bring judane heim), mostly obtaining support from Christian fundamentalists along the Southern and Western littorale of Norway. This would entail re-establishing the southern Kingdom of Judea in the SW counties of Agder & Rogaland, and that septitronalic Reich of Israel in Sunnmøre and soutwards. The intermediate county of Hordaland renamed and re-christiand "Samaria" and the former Hanseatic City Bergen becoming a Philistine or a Phoenician statlet --- posessing parallell charakteristica as the Punic Carthago.
I feel similar solutions as follow-ups to Jewish exodus could be established in Hyde Park and in the City of London or all along Wall Street and Central Park on Manhattan -- if not ultimately trans-colonizing good ole Birobidjan (on the China trade route!)
Deeply convinced am I that such a Jewish influx of real Germanians would after a few generations racially improve the impure Western Norwagians and and all sol folks in Harlem and Newark gangster tribes,

Posted by: Theo Oros אש תיצפ | May 18 2021 17:16 utc | 12

I just experienced Kashoggi-vu that strange feeling that we've been here before.

Israel blatantly destroys infrastructure giving the vaguest explanation that they were military targets, they destroy high rise apartment buildings and the other targets that MoA mentions. The MSM shows ZERO interest in that. Israel destroys a press tower an there is a surprising amount of interest and Netanyahu struggles to explain it because he is surprised (like MbS was) that he was actually challenged.
Here is the latest cover up ...
This remains nothing more than an assertion. It's like saying Kashoggi was a terrorist without providing any proof.

FOX Cons hate Biden Biden is giving Netanyahu everything he wants. He's letting him destroy the Warsaw ghetto but they are blubbering that 'he's not engaged enough, he's not supporting Israel'. What do they think Trump would do, join in on the bombing missions? These guys are really out of touch and pathetic.

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | May 18 2021 17:24 utc | 13

@Posted by: Lonkal | May 18 2021 17:16 utc | 13

"Antisemitism" is the Swiss Army Knife of words.

It is adaptable and useful, it can be used opportunistically in so many diverse situations.
Most often it is used to intimidate and silence and used as a political instrument.

You discovered a new blade in the Swiss Army Knife - "*border-line* antisemetic crap".

Posted by: librul | May 18 2021 17:27 utc | 14

Why bomb civilian infrastructure like apartment buildings, hospitals, power lines, etc.

1. Gaza is a prison and Netanyahu is punishing the prisoners.
2. 'To turn the people against Hamas'. This is a variation of 1, turning prison gangs against each other. If you listen to the hawks they accidentally reveal this mentality.

Does anyone know how much a 'good' Hamas missile costs? I keep hearing the prison wardens yack about how Hamas should be spending more money on infrastructure rather than missiles (again, note the implication, we have to punish). I bet the cost of ONE high rise apartment building is worth many, many of those missiles, possibly the entire inventory used to date.

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | May 18 2021 17:32 utc | 15

Fervently hoping and praying that your original analysis of the resistance's strategy is correct and that we will finally witness the end of this genocidal apartheid state!

Posted by: RMY | May 18 2021 17:43 utc | 16

Christian J. Chuba @17

Cost is always just a function of labor, effort. How much effort would you invest in making missiles that memorialize your child that was murdered by vicious invaders? Could it be something you might be willing to put in a little overtime on?

It may sound rather trite, but the cost of some things cannot always be calculated in dollars or shekel, in simple replacement costs.

Posted by: William Gruff | May 18 2021 17:59 utc | 17

@ Mario 20
6 Ways to Cure Writer's Diarrhea
Focus on what you're writing about, and get to the point immediately. How do you know what's irrelevant?
Fix clumsy and overlong sentences.
Read it out loud.
Cut cliches.
Avoid adjective overdose.
Go easy on adverbs by making use of “power verbs.”

Posted by: Don Bacon | May 18 2021 18:27 utc | 18

Gottliekb @ 1, It's . pretty clear who runs things. <=not sure about that? USA governed America is one market the oligarch owned media controls, but neither immigrant rich Israel nor the Americans, nor the USA, nor the British, nor the French nor their government had a say: Israel is the place immigrants were directed to by force, fear and engineered propaganda.

A population suitable for the establishment and operation of a nation state, capable to control and defend private ownership of the ottoman Empire was necessary to satisfy the oil interest, the industrial interest and the high technology interest hell bent on exploiting the war spoils of the defeated Ottoman Empire.

Without a nation state to make laws and to field a standing military acceptable in international custom it would have been impossible to privately own or control the assets that generate profit from the rich treasures the Ottoman tradition guarded. . So immigrants were driven like cattle to the place. Eventually the place was organized into a nation state; herded immigrants became its citizens.

thank you Mario @ 20 I agree.. but Zionist and Zionism is not the underlying evil, its exploitive wealth-seeking that is calling the shots. and they are well hidden.

Posted by: snake | May 18 2021 18:27 utc | 19

Replying to Svaya @5:
"Is it possible that as Elijah Magnier is saying resistance has 6 month of supplies in terms of rockets..."

This might give you a bit of an idea. I cannot vouch for the source, but this guy was saying they had 20,000 in 2014:
"Finally, I was sourced by Palestinian sources, documentaries, interviews, etc..
Latest estimation of the Rocket numbers in Gaza was from back 2014, were it was said that Al-Qassam & Al-Quds Brigades alone had around 20k.. I would imagine that the number might have doubled."

Then there is a rundown of all the rockets:

Looks like they have a few to keep the IDF busy for a while...

Posted by: Aussie expat | May 18 2021 18:38 utc | 20

IMO, tragedies like this will continue until humans cease their reliance on Magical Thinking unless they vaporize humanity first. Insanity cannot be reasoned with.

Posted by: karlof1 | May 18 2021 18:41 utc | 21

Mario | May 18 2021 18:06 utc | 20

Thank you Mario. The full description that has been needed for some time, so that we can see what is going on.

Posted by: Stonebird | May 18 2021 18:41 utc | 22

Zionism is not dissimilar to Nazism. They both share the concept of the superiority of a race and its right to dominate the world by any means.
Nazism was destroyed , Zionism will be too. Both are abhorent concepts that must be eradicated for the sake of the human life on Earth

Posted by: virgile | May 18 2021 18:57 utc | 23

The vicious librul@16 imagines that charges of anti-Semitism are meaningless. The crazed Mario@20 makes librul look even dumber. The very first comment is nonsense about Jews controlling the media and the US government. Continuity in all religions is largely imaginary, where each succeeding generation keeps re-writing history so they imagine their predecessors were like them. The cults always change when the cult leaders change, die, whatever. Given enough time, the best way to start a new brand of your religion is to pretend you're restoring the original! See: All Protestant religions. Or if you only believe Protestants are the real deal, look at the career of Alexander Campbell, and sequelae Disciples of Christ, Christian Church etc.

PS Lonkal@13 has a typo, the Moon does orbit the Earth. But every claim the Earth orbits the Moon, that is, that Israel is the tail that wags the dog US, is spouting nonsense that happens to be an essential premise to anti-Semitism, including anti-Semitism that murders people en masse.

Posted by: steven t johnson | May 18 2021 19:10 utc | 24

Let's look on the bright side at the Israel/US assaults on Gaza. They are very much like what the US has done to other countries, especially Iraq and Syria, but they diminish Israel/US in the all-important world reputation department.
>There is much more and better reporting of the destruction and the casualties. For example, the number of children killed by US bombing (AKA "airstrikes") was never reported.
>Better reporting has resulted in more worldwide protests, including in the occupied territories.
>The US has been forced very publicly to support Israel's assaults. The two are tied together . . .in a bad way and there is no end in sight. "The US is back" has taken on a new meaning.
>China, with the new multi-polar world, is gaining against the US in world favoritism, while the US "rules-based international order" is gasping for air as Gaza destruction and casualties rule the news.

Posted by: Don Bacon | May 18 2021 19:22 utc | 25

"It' about time , it's BOUT SPACE":
It':about two spacers in the strangest race:
That 1960´69 US comedy comes to mind when watching the tragedy of the Zionist seøf-destruction and deconstruction of their narrative through their racial rantings and thair racist lawun-s ("ALl Jews and Arabs are created unequal, with certain un.negotianeble unrightghtful and lack of eqúalital rights nor lack of discriminatory treatment before the Law. Not aven racist apartheid South Africa reached this level of unequity before the final fall of that regime. (Maybe Saudi arabiah matces Isaël in this resoece´ct -- but they don not expel its arab muslims, after all!) .

Posted by: Theo Oros אש תיצפ | May 18 2021 19:23 utc | 26

At the risk of some 'border-line anti-Semitic crap':

Let's dispense with the word 'semitic' altogether as we all know a semite is someone from a certain region who speaks a certain set of languages: Arabic, Amharic, Tigrinya, Hebrew, Tigre, Aramaic and Maltese. One wonders how the word 'semite' has come to mean Jew, and then weaponized by Jews against those who criticize Jewish Power/Zionism. So let's dispense with the word Semite in the discussion. Instead let's say Anti-Jewish.

Zionism IS Anti-Jewish. Those who know the history, especially ultra-orthodox Jews, know that Zionism was created by the world's first 'self-hating Jews' embarrassed by their more religious brethren who clung to the old ways of funny hats and beards as Europe fell into clean-shaven modernity. This is why there is such a thing as a crypto-Jew; those who changed their names to hide their Jewish identity from the greater community that resented the 'stiff-necked' people who refused to mingle.

Considering the original anti-Jewish heart of Zionism, it is rather rich that Zionism uses Jews to hide behind as it creates an apartheid, Mafia state above the law, and impervious to justice as the real Zionist power in the world resides in the United States of America.

Hope I didn't cross any borders.

Posted by: gottlieb | May 18 2021 19:27 utc | 27

@posted some how, somewhere:

"the Moon does orbit the Earth"

That is the simple "truth".
Actually, both the Earth and moon orbit
their common center of gravity (barycenter).

So, instead of "the tail wagging the dog",
their center of gravity (power center of influence, that is)
is what the US/Zisrael dance about.

Posted by: librul | May 18 2021 19:31 utc | 28

@librul | May 18 2021 19:31 utc | 31

"the Moon does orbit the Earth"

That is the simple "truth".
Actually, both the Earth and moon orbit
their common center of gravity (barycenter).

That is true for ALL multibodies. But the Earth-Moon barycenter is always within the Earth (less than one Earth radius from the center of the Earth), so it is natural to say that the Moon orbits the Earth.

A counter-example is the planet Pluto (yes I know they have demoted it, but that is just rhetoric). Pluto has a large Moon called Charon, and their common barycenter falls outside the surface of Pluto, so Pluto-Charon is in fact a double planet

Next question: Do the planets orbit the Sun? Well, the solar system barycenter does not fall within the solar sphere, so the answer must be no :-) In fact, the Sun's orbit relative to the solar system barycenter is very complex and the barycenter is sometimes several solar diameters from the center of the Sun.

Posted by: Norwegian | May 18 2021 20:07 utc | 29

Israel is not killing the people in Gaza

says Christian Zionist Pastor John Hagee

Posted by: arby | May 18 2021 20:11 utc | 30

Q: According to Joe Sixpack and Wendy Winebox, what's worse than Palestinian women & children being killed?
A: Photos of their mutilated corpses.

Yep. That's how twisted our collective psyche has become. And that's why mainstream media won't show such photos; they dare not cross the public's Red Line:
"Killing innocent kids? — well... gee whiz... OK. But PHOTOS? — NEVER! Don't even THINK about assaulting our delicate sensibilities! We have MORALS, ya know!"

Personally I'd like to see photos such as the following broadcast around the world:
father grieving killed child.
The global public outrage it fuels might accomplish something that protest marches have always failed to do.

Posted by: Mosby | May 18 2021 20:29 utc | 31

Those who argue that anti-Zionist is the same thing as antisemitism are doing Jews no favors at all. That Zionism is a vile, criminal enterprise is plain to see. To argue that Jewish identity and Zionism are inseparable is to tar the Jewish people with the crimes of Zionism. Anyone who would try to defend Zionism this way is the worst kind of antisemite because they are identifying all Jewish people with a murderous ideology.

The fools are not defending Zionism, rather they are condemning Jews.

Posted by: William Gruff | May 18 2021 20:31 utc | 32

Some posters here are hellbent on believing that “the Jews” control America, the world etc. They really do themselves no favours.

It’s true that the state of Israel and American Zionists (Jewish and Christian) have significant influence over America’s foreign policy in West Asia. Pro-Israel lobbyists, media personalities and politicians, with help from the Israeli state, have also managed to browbeat cowardly mainstream politicians in the UK and EU to toe the Israeli line.

This means ruling-class Zionists in those countries have influence over specific policy areas (i.e. relating to Israel); it does not mean “the Jews” control the USA or the world. Take the Nord Stream 2 fiasco, Russiagate, Brexit, COVID19 policies or any number of contentious political issues that have nothing to do with Israel, are there Jews in the background secretly pulling strings? Of course not.

But what about the media and the banking sector, idiots like Mario and librul will say, surely you can’t deny Jews call the shots in those industries? Sorry guys, influence does not equal hegemony and total control. The banking sector is controlled by capitalists (duh) and, for the most part, so is the North American and Western European media. Pro-Atlanticist propagandists, spooks, woketards and Zionists all have influence but, again, influence is not the same as hegemonic control. Even big state media outfits like the BBC and CBC are partially dependent on the market.

More “pure” state media organization, like Deutsche Welle, that aren’t market driven disseminate the same pro-capitalist, pro-imperial propaganda as the bigger corporate and state media companies. They are pro-Zionist and pro-Israel and they are not not controlled by Jews (or even Zionists).

Lots of these “da Joos control da world!” types are also Trump/MAGA bootlickers and nobody is more pro-Zionist than that crowd (which is closely linked to American Jewish and Zionists) but they conveniently ignore that. Or they are influenced by the cartoonish racists and antisemites at

Either way, they crave an ultra-simplistic worldview that ignores how political and economic systems actually work. They conflate anecdotes and quotes and their tunnel vision with proof. They are a gift to Hasbarists and anyone else who wants to exaggerate the influence of antisemitism.

Basically they are idiots in the truest sense of the word.

Posted by: Antibody | May 18 2021 20:32 utc | 33

Egypt is said to have proposed a cease fire from Thursday that Hamas has agreed to.

Posted by: Norwegian | May 18 2021 20:34 utc | 34

@20 Mario - TLDR. It's a blog comment, 500 words or less, if you would be so kind. Or post it in the form of a link

Posted by: ptb | May 18 2021 20:34 utc | 35

Whoops there’s a typo in my should be “American Jewish and Christian Zionists.”

Posted by: Antibody | May 18 2021 20:37 utc | 36

Mario's religious-focused narrative does a disservice.

There are many Jews that disagree with what Israel is doing. Attacking all Jews (no matter how the term "Jew" arose) only reinforces the Zionists.

And the Zionists (both Christian and Jewish) are as much, or more, creatures of US-UK Empire (to control the Middle-East) as they are of a depraved cult. Joe Biden explains it for you.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | May 18 2021 20:37 utc | 37

Could someone please trick DC's latest stunt double into saying his real name outloud, so he can go ahead and wink out of existance?
The headlines would almost certainly get better.

Posted by: Josh | May 18 2021 20:40 utc | 38

Killing civilians is barbaric. The business of shooting off bottle rockets is nothing but theater. Unfortunately the audiencia (US, EU, various muslin nations) don't give a shit. The palestinos must realize they are abandoned. Time to improve their aim. Technology is avilable to seriously inconvenience the isteali state. Two can play at the assasination Game. This is war. Can you say "Final Solutión"? All that is missing is the gas chambres.

Posted by: c | May 18 2021 20:56 utc | 39

Mr. Jackrabbit

I disagree, Mr. Mario, almost certainly a Catholic Christian, is laying bare that Zionist Jews and Judeo-Christians have been trying to hide for so long, viz a religious war for the control of Palestine.

Posted by: Fyi | May 18 2021 21:09 utc | 40

Mr. gottlieb

I do not think we can tell Jews what their religion's relationship to Zionism is or ought to be.

In my opinion, almost all Jews the world over are Zionists; some are hard Zionist and some are soft.

Posted by: Fyi | May 18 2021 21:12 utc | 41

Here, finally, is the real truth. Both the USSA (United Sadist Subjects of America) and ISRAEL (Island of Sodomized Rejects All Emotionally Lobotomized) are totally manipulated, tortured, and ruled by the same exact individuals. The latter being the NEOCONS (NEO Cult Of Narcissistic Sadists). They glory in the torture of their various subjects, and sexual assault on little children. You thought it was about religion? Haha.

Posted by: blues | May 18 2021 21:13 utc | 42

@ gottlieb | May 18 2021 16:00 utc | 1 (and many others)

It is bankers that control the western world and an unhealthily large proportion of those bankers are Jewish, all else follows from that. Do people imagine that white conservative Christians in the US would demonise themselves and their base? Do people imagine that 2/3 of the UK parliament are in 'friends of Israel groups' in order to suck up to 0.5% of the voters? Why else would practically the entire western media be so pro-Israel? I could make a list of anomalies as long as my arm but I am sure that most of you are entirely capable of making that list for yourselves.

Posted by: MarkU | May 18 2021 21:14 utc | 43

Josh | May 18 2021 20:40 utc | 41:

Who or what is DC?

Jackrabbit | May 18 2021 20:37 utc | 40:

Much as I enjoy your comments, I'm going to have to ask for some statistical justification for your claim that "many Jews that disagree with what Israel is doing." Exactly what are they disagreeing with, and how much? Maybe I've been hanging around the wrong crowd, but the typical reaction I hear is along the lines of "We don't like Bibi, but Israel's right to exist blah blah / evil terrorist Palestinians blah blah / [etc. etc. etc.]." Ask them if they think Palestinians deserve a state, and they'll say maybe -- as long as Israel decides what lands they get, maintains control over resources and air space, and limits Palestinian firepower to that the PA now possesses.

In short, I've found that most of the time, when you scratch an anti-Zionist, you find a Zionist.

Posted by: corvo | May 18 2021 21:15 utc | 44

@Posted by: Norwegian | May 18 2021 20:07 utc | 32

I'll remember that the next time I am trying
to parallel park my saucer.

Posted by: librul | May 18 2021 21:29 utc | 45

fyi @ 44 : "I do not think we can tell Jews what their religion's relationship to Zionism is or ought to be.

In my opinion, almost all Jews the world over are Zionists; some are hard Zionist and some are soft."

1st comment is a gigantic cop out and not worth replying to.

2nd comment: "no Israel without the Messiah." this has been THE position of Judaism since Masada. Zionism, in terms of Judaism, is idolatry. period.

Posted by: jason | May 18 2021 22:05 utc | 46
imagine, there was a time when you could hear in a pop movie in the US

No israel w/o the messiah.

of course most non-religious Jews have rather mixed feelings about Israel. the experience of anti-semitism has not driven them into the arms of Ben Gurion & co.

they say you can't poop in the same river twice but i'm sure we've all seen Netanyahu pass the Jordan 3 or 4 times now.

Posted by: jason | May 18 2021 22:12 utc | 47

Some posters here are hellbent on believing that “the Jews” control America, the world etc. They really do themselves no favours.
Either way, they crave an ultra-simplistic worldview that ignores how political and economic systems actually work. They conflate anecdotes and quotes and their tunnel vision with proof. They are a gift to Hasbarists and anyone else who wants to exaggerate the influence of antisemitism.
Basically they are idiots in the truest sense of the word.
Posted by: Antibody | May 18 2021 20:32 utc | 36

Sorry, 2/10. Can't you do better than a drive-by smearing?
There's a shared feeling among MoA visitors that governments in the Christian West are controlled by Billionaires - for the benefit of Billionaires. And they achieve this by bribing (renting, owning) politicians. There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that Billionaires got richer during the Covid Pandemic whilst the pauper demographic got poorer. I'm not saying Billionaires are greedy assholes, but their 'generous assistance' to paupers isn't setting records or dominating the Headlines.

I've just Googled >Number of Billionaires worldwide< and according to Google it's 3,288. Then I Googled >Number of Jewish Billionaires worldwide<.
Google wasn't so forthcoming, numerically, on this variation although the search result included this little nugget:

The Money Code: Become a Millionaire with the Ancient ... › audiobook › money-code-be...
Why are so many Jews millionaires? Jews are estimated to make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet approximately 25% of the world's billionaires are Jews.

Weird huh? Especially knowing that Billionaires are fond of owning politicians to pass and sanitise laws which favour Billionaires?

By the way, Jews are not Semites, so anti-semitism is actually about Jews Holocausting (inflicting Collective Punishment upon) Semitic Palestinians since the end of their favourite Holocaust.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | May 18 2021 22:24 utc | 48

Posted by: gottlieb | May 18 2021 19:27 utc | 30

Why dont we just use their real name?
They are pharisees, nothing more nothing less.

pharisees are the enemies of God and the children of satan, it took 2 "world wars" to eradicate this knowledge from Europe.

The murcans dont count, they have been so "judeoxtianised" that there are very few Christians left there, 99% of murcans i have asked literally believe that there exist something called judeo-christian... They have been totally brainwashed by the pharisee schofield and his "translation" of The Holy Bible.

So i see no problems in ur comment other then you did not use their real name..

Posted by: Per/Norway | May 18 2021 22:41 utc | 49

for some odd reason I had never noticed that the US ambassador to the UN was black

which now further confirms for me that Caitlin was absolutely spot on (in Nov 2020), the biden-harris regime has one of the most diverse and inter-sectional (sic) administrations of mass murderers ever in US history.

I suppose we can all be grateful that Susan Rice didn't make the final cut - one less (female) mass murderer in that Rules Based Regime, though her comadre Samantha Power made it in as the head of the cia-front US AID.

Avril Haines, once under consideration as head of the cia, got booted upstairs to head the DNI. We can be extra glad that she's the first woman ever in that vital role in the Empire of Terrorism and Sanctions.

and that they are living up to expectations! as plainly visible for the whole world to see in the massacres in Gaza
Biden Will Have The Most Diverse, Intersectional Cabinet Of Mass Murderers Ever Assembled

Well you’ll be happy to know that the next US president and his crack team of ventriloquists are assembling a cabinet of mass murderers that’s as diverse, inclusive and intersectional as America herself.

It’s been obvious for a long time that Joe Biden’s cabinet would be packed with Obama holdovers, war pigs and whatever primary opponents he owes favors to, but now that he is the media-anointed winner of the presidential election we’re getting a bit more confirmation on who they’re expected to be.....

....Up for consideration as leader of America’s most sociopathic government agency is Obama’s former CIA Deputy Director Avril Haines, who protected all perpetrators implicated in a Senate report on CIA torture from suffering any consequences for their unspeakable brutality, and helped redact that same report....

Posted by: michaelj72 | May 18 2021 23:16 utc | 50

michaelj72 | May 18 2021 23:16 utc | 54

You mean the vixen rule the hegemonic roost?

Posted by: pogohere | May 18 2021 23:28 utc | 51

Mr. jason | May 18 2021 22:05 utc

I gather that you do not know many Jews.

For non-Christians, this discourse serves to illustrate the extent to which the Christians' obsession with Jews is still informing our world.

Posted by: Fyi | May 18 2021 23:40 utc | 52

It took some work to fight my way out of the google-translate Spanish frame to get to the English source of Mario's comment @7 and then again @20

It's from Biblicism Institute, always good for a no-holds-barred against the Pharisees:
How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered The West

I present the link simply because I had to work to get it. But I probably will read it too. I always find their stuff fascinating.

I think it probably tells the truth of things, except that it tends to be a little cut and dried, witness this:

To conquer the West, the Ashkenazim applied a simple two-step process:

1) morph themselves into God’s Chosen People;

2) take over the issuance of money.

So, it's true but I don't know to what degree anyone sat down and planned that whole script. On the other hand, it took no discussion for this to happen simply from the mutual attitudes of all the players along the way. And I guess the rabbis are the glue that holds the continuity over the millennia, among all those players. So maybe, yeah.

That god-forsaken, god-damned talmud. It should have burned long ago.


Is it my imagination or are we moving into a time when the discussion of the tribe of the jews is becoming more mainstream? Is this what always happens just before they get exiled from another land again?

My question is always, will the talmudists manage to hide behind the jews again this time? Or do we know better yet?

Posted by: Grieved | May 18 2021 23:49 utc | 53

corvo @May18 21:15 @47

Anit-Zionist Jews are very small in number. But there are many Jews that are highly critical of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. This is a matter of some concern to the Jewish state and Jewish Zionists who try relentlessly to convince all Jews to support Israel without question. They actually conduct frequent polls to understand Jewish opinion on the Israel:

Although 80% identified as pro-Israel, more than half of American Jews, some 57%, identified as “pro-Israel but also critical of Israeli policy.”
There was a split between those who are critical of “some” policies (28%) and those critical of “many” policies (29%).

Less than a quarter (23%) are “pro-Israel and supportive of the current Israeli government policies.”

Criticism of Israel by Jewish intellectuals is very powerful:

Why I am an anti-Zionist Jew

A worldwide coalition of Jewish groups has issued a joint statement condemning attempts to stifle criticism of Israel with false accusations of antisemitism.

Jews Against the Occupation

Ron Unz is Jewish and runs a popular blogging site that is very critical of Israel.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | May 18 2021 23:52 utc | 54

Many, many thanks to Mario @20.
Your summary was a most exciting and enlightening read.
You have educated me and given clarity to my Christian beliefs.
This morning I have also read Thierry Meyssan, who profers his own and always distinctive hypothesis on the perilous situation in Israel/Palestine.

Posted by: Australian lady | May 19 2021 0:07 utc | 55

Thierry Meyssan

Posted by: Australian lady | May 19 2021 0:11 utc | 56

By the way, Jews are not Semites, so anti-semitism is actually about Jews Holocausting (inflicting Collective Punishment upon) Semitic Palestinians since the end of their favourite Holocaust.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | May 18 2021 22:24 utc | 52

Attempts to solve dispute using dictionaries fail in many situation. Meanings of words evolve. For example, "villain" was coined from the Latin/French word for "village", so it meant a villager, and thus a despicable person (from the point of view of higher classes in the feudal system). Confusingly, "villa" could also mean a manor, and people living in manor were often noble.

Anti-semitism probably arose when the feudal caste system was eliminated around 1800 in Europe. Before, Jews in Central and Eastern Europe were one of low-born castes, and as such despised by the ruling class, surely no more than peasants (see "villains"), and often preferred to burgers as more obedient. That could be the origin of Jews being more related to banking than burgers in the states of Germany. Each caste and subgroup was subjected to various restrictions that were abandoned in the spirit of modernity (as understood ca. 1800), and that started various conflicts that lead to nationalisms etc. Another feudal aspect in Europe was religious intolerance that varied in the degree and scope, e.g. in Spain you had Roman Catholics and the others (infidels and heretics), in England, Protestants and the others (Roman Catholics singled out as the worst of them, particularly when Irish) etc.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | May 19 2021 0:15 utc | 57

21ST century sameo-sameo. A through white-washing of a modern-day settlers/vs. Indians confrontation in Palestine, with the same goal in mind. Eradication of the indigenous people of Palestine, committed against an unarmed (unless you count rocks and unguided fireworks.), by a modern army.

The silence here ( in the U$A) is criminal...

Posted by: vetinLA | May 19 2021 0:39 utc | 58

And nary a discussion about how this latest started. (settlers throwing legal residents out of their homes, and giving them to Israeli settlers.)

Posted by: vetinLA | May 19 2021 0:43 utc | 59

Posted by: | May 18 2021 17:27 utc | 16

You have succinctly nailed the hasbarist 'shut up' tactic with your witty comment:

"Antisemitism" is the Swiss Army Knife of words.

It is adaptable and useful, it can be used opportunistically in so many diverse situations.
Most often it is used to intimidate and silence and used as a political instrument.

You discovered a new blade in the Swiss Army Knife - "*border-line* antisemetic crap".

Some twerp used the anti-semolina trick on me recently. It didn't work. You have not lived until they try it. Trust me, it is exhilarating!

Did you notice Lonkal @ 13 also slipped in another tired old hasbara talking point?

"jews lived in that area for centuries before the region was subjected to Western imperialism."

Henry Cattan writes in 'Palestine in International Law'
" For nineteen centuries the Jews had almost ceased to exist in Palestine. Benjamin of Tudela, a Jewish pilgrim who visited the Holy Land about AD 1170 to AD 1171 found only 1,440 Jews in all Palestine; and Nahman Gerondi in AD 1267, found only two Jewish families in Jerusalem."

Posted by: Paul | May 19 2021 1:14 utc | 60

Australian lady @60 Thanks for the posting the link to Thierry Meyssan's article (you beat me to the punch there ^_^); it's a fascinating read, as his articles usually are. Meyssan offers a refreshingly dynamic, and nuanced take in the midst of "steady state" ideological thinking on this ongoing human tragedy.
Thanks for the updates, b.

Posted by: robjira | May 19 2021 1:30 utc | 61

Sorry, Librul,

Your name disappeared into cyberspace on my @64 post.

I appreciated your witty comment @ 16 and I now use it myself.

I also appreciated your comment @ 10 about enabling.

Posted by: Paul | May 19 2021 1:41 utc | 62

The Arab league supports Israel's bombing
At least this is the spin from the Neocon, Zionists. What I find interesting is that they consider Morocco a bell weather for the Muslim world. Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt - pfffft! It's true that our bribery and coercion has isolated the Palestinians more than ever but that will have the effect of driving them towards Iran. Who knows, they might even stop trying to fight Assad in Syria.

from the Guardian, "The relative silence has been led by states that made peace with Israel in the last year of the Trump administration and are now standard bearers of the so-called Abraham Accords.

The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, which all recently normalised ties with Israel"

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | May 19 2021 1:47 utc | 63

One thing that's encouraging is that some of the usual stenographers seem to be regaining their objectivity and journalistic integrity. To wit:

Palestinian Journalist: Israeli Media Incites Mob Violence, Ignoring Settler Attacks

Israeli official says civilian deaths in Gaza are unintentional and tragic

Let's hope this trend continues and expands.

Posted by: farm ecologist | May 19 2021 2:43 utc | 64

CBC also broadcasted an excellent interview with Daniel Levy, president of the U.S. Middle East Project and a former senior advisor in the office of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

Some choice excerpts -

How unacceptable it is that we have these recurring rounds of destruction against the backdrop of a permanent occupation and the best we can get from the international community is a mealy mouthed both-sidesism, which guarantees the continuation of this conflict and guarantees the continuing deterioration of circumstances of existence primarily of Palestinians.

... if one starts to hold Israel accountable, it's maximum impunity is no longer the order of the day. Then Israelis will have to ask themselves, do we want to continue this occupation, this matrix of control with the costs that come with it? Because as long as there are no cost and consequences, let's have no expectation of a change of behaviour on the Israeli side.

We have to send to the idea that there are people whose rights are being denied on a daily basis. And if we can just begin to address what it means to live under a blockade in Gaza, of course, also the rights of Israelis to live free from rocket attacks. What it means to live under a blockade in Gaza, what it means to have your home constantly under threat of demolition, threat of being evicted, what it means to have your lands under threat of being seized, what it means, not being able to move freely. And we address those things and we hold Israel to account for those policies. Then you might see a shift and then we can circle back to talking about peace, but not when there is such an asymmetry of power and no recognition in international approaches to this conflict that you have an occupying power and an occupying people, and If you put some down on the scales to support the powerful party, then you get what Human Rights Watch and what the Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem and what Palestinian groups for many years have called a system of apartheid.

The segment on Gaza can be found here, starting about 22 minutes in.

Posted by: farm ecologist | May 19 2021 3:00 utc | 65

Stephen Gowans (author of 'Washington's Long War on Syria') makes a pretty convincing case regarding the relationship between Zionism & Judaism and US imperial policy & tbe Israel lobby. Maybe a little reductionist for my taste but here is an interesting discussion with Gowans: America's Inforcer in the Middle East

Posted by: S.P. Korolev | May 19 2021 4:19 utc | 66

So a frightened Biden was caught without his teleprompter or his handlers and then panics.
He doesn't have the courage of his convictions to even take a question at his photo opportunity.

Posted by: Paul | May 19 2021 4:29 utc | 67

These situation reports usually come out a few days after the events.

While the Occupation is business as usual for Israel,
there should be no business with Israel
In Occupied Palestine
Zionism in practice
Israel’s Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land
(Compiled by Leslie Bravery, Palestine Human Rights Campaign, Auckland, New Zealand)
12 May 2021 {Main source of statistics: Palestinian Monitoring Group (PMG): NB:The period covered by this newsletter is taken from the PMG's 24-hour sitrep ending 8am the day after the above date.}
We shall always do our best to verify the accuracy of all items in these IOP newsletters/reports wherever possible [e.g. we often suspect that names of people and places that we see in the PMG sitreps could be typos; also frequently the translation into English seems rather odd ~ but as we do not speak Arabic, we have no alternative but to copy and paste these names from the PMG sitreps!] – please forgive us for any errors or omissions – Leslie and Marian.
5 Palestinian

5 Palestinian
ceasefire violations

110 Israeli
air strikes –
3 Israeli attacks

113 Israeli
ceasefire violations

8 raids including
home invasions

34 dead – 190 injured

2 acts of

12 taken prisoner

Night peace disruption
and/or home invasion in
7 towns and villages
Home invasions: 02:45, Nablus.
Peace disruption raids: 05:30-08:15, Qalandya UN refugee camp - 23:45, Abu Dis - 04:40, Abu Shukheidem - 05:00, al-Mughayir - 22:40-01:30, Far'un - 22:20, Marah Rabah - 04:35, al-Khadr.
Ceasefire violations – 5 Palestinian attacks, total: 437 missiles
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian 239 missiles: Northern Gaza – from 08:00, 12 May until 07:00, 13 May, a total of 239 missiles were fired from Gaza across the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian 125 missiles: Gaza – from 08:00, 12 May until 07:00,13 May, a total of 125missiles were fired from Gaza across the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian 22 missiles: Central Gaza – from 08:00, 12 May until 07:00,13 May, a total of 22 missiles were fired from Gaza across the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian 26 missiles attack: Khan Yunis – from 08:00, 12 May until 07:00,13 May, a total of 26 missiles were fired from Gaza across the Green Line.
Ceasefire violations – Palestinian 25 missiles attack: Rafah – from 08:00, 12 May until 07:00,13 May, a total of 25 missiles were fired from Gaza across the Green Line.

08:00 on 12 May until 07:00 13 May: 107 air strikes, with 195 missiles killing 33 people (including women and children) and injuring 146. There were 26 homes destroyed, as well as other buildings.

Ceasefire violations: Air strikes 34 – 64 missiles – 8 killed – 60 injured – 8 homes destroyed: Northern Gaza – 34 air strikes, with 64 missiles killing eight people (including women and children) and injuring 60, as well as the destruction of eight homes and other buildings.
Ceasefire violations: Air strikes 52 – 95 missiles – 10 killed – 54 injured – 11 homes destroyed: Gaza – 52 air strikes, with 95 missiles killing ten people (including women and children) and injuring 54 people, also destroying eleven houses, the al-Shorouk Tower and other buildings as well as damaging UNRWA properties.
Ceasefire violations: Air strikes 5 – 7 missiles – 5 killed – 13 injured – 1 home destroyed: Central Gaza – 08:00 on 12 May until 07:00 13 May: five air strikes, with seven missile-strikes killing five and injuring 13 people. One house and another building were destroyed.
Ceasefire violations: Air strikes 13 – 24 missiles – 7 killed – 16 injured – 3 homes destroyed: Khan Yunis – 08:00 on 12 May until 07:00 13 May: 13 air strikes, with 24 missiles, killing 7 and injuring 16 people. Three homes and other buildings were destroyed.
Ceasefire violations: Air strikes 3 – 5 missiles – 3 killed – 3 injured – 3 homes destroyed: Rafah – 08:00 on 12 May until 07:00 13 May: three air strikes, with five missile-strikes, killing three and injuring three people. Three homes and other buildings were destroyed.
Economic sabotage: Gaza — the Israeli Navy continues to enforce an arbitrary fishing limit.
Ceasefire violations – Israeli Army and Navy attacks: Gaza – 08:00 on 12 May until 07:00 13 May: Israeli Occupation forces, including gunboats, shelled and opened fire on the area.
Ceasefire violations – Israeli Navy attacks: Central Gaza – 08:00 on 12 May until 07:00 13 May: Israeli Occupation forces ,including gunboats, shelled and opened fire on the area.
Ceasefire violations – Israeli Army attacks: Khan Yunis – 08:00 on 12 May until 07:00 13 May: Israeli Occupation forces shelled and opened fire on the area.
Israeli Army attack – 2 wounded: Jerusalem – 05:30-08:15, Israeli Occupation forces, firing live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, raided the Qalandya UN refugee camp, wounding two residents: Muhammad Khalil Muhammad and Muhammad Hammad.
Israeli Army attack – 1 wounded: Jerusalem – morning, Israeli forces, positioned near the Nabi Musa road junction, opened fire on, wounded and took prisoner a man: Amer Abd Hamed Al-Khatib.
Israeli Army attack – 1 wounded: Tulkarem – 09:45, the Israeli Army opened fire on and wounded a man, Abd al-Karim Ahmad Jamil Ghanem, near the town of Deir al-Ghusun.
Israeli Army attack – 5 wounded: Tulkarem – 22:35, Israeli Occupation forces, near Zita, Baqa al-Sharqiya and Nazlet Issa, opened fire with live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, towards protesters, wounding five people, three of whom were: Mamoun Helmy Nasrallah,Ameer Muntassir Bouguena and Majdi Abdel Nasser Al-Ashqar
Israeli Army attack – 1 killed: Nablus – evening, Israeli troops, near Tel village, opened fire on and killed a resident: Muhammad Omar Saeed al-Najjar.
Israeli Army attack – 12 wounded: Nablus – 22:20, Israeli Occupation forces fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, near the Bita road junction, the entrance to Huwara, the villages of Burin and Urif and the entrance to Deir Sharaf. The attacks wounded 12 people, ten of whom were: Aysar Ammar Abdo (17), Majd Ismail Qadoos, Yahya Muhammad Odeh, Amir Salama Yumak, Ahmed Diaa Odeh, Syed Khaled Jamous, Youssef Dhaifallah Hamayel, Mohamed Abdel Hakim Nada, Khaled Shady Dweikat and Ahmed Arab Sharafa.
Israeli Army attack – 12 wounded: Hebron – 17:15, in the Bab al-Zawiya district, the Israeli Army fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters at protesters, wounding 12 and causing several tear gas casualties. One of the wounded was taken prisoner. Those wounded are: Usama Munther Fannoun, Muhammad Al-Fakhoury, Abdullah Basem Al-Zuhur, Yahya Abdel-Qader Jaafra, Muhammad Yunus Freijat (bullet wound to the head), Abdullah Ismail Al-Karam, Ramzi Saeed Arfaiya (15), Obeida Hussam Abu Dawood, Yasser Majed Masalmeh, Muhammad Nour Al-Fakhoury, Ala al-Din Muhammad Sharbati (15) and Wassim Sami Saada.
Israeli Army attack – 3 wounded: Hebron – 22:30, Israeli Occupation forces, positioned near the entrance to Bani Naim, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, wounding three protesters: Muhammad Essam Manasrah (15), Iyad Sultan Manasrah and Abdel-Rahman Harahsheh. There were also several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attack – 1 wounded: Hebron – 22:55, Israeli troops, positioned near the Zif village road junction, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, wounding a resident: Hamada Abd al-Wahhab Abu Aram.
Israeli Army attack – 3 wounded: Hebron – 23:40, Israeli Occupation forces, positioned near the entrance to the town of Beit Ummar, fired live ammunition and rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards protesters, seriously wounding a 14-year-old boy, Wadih Rashid Khalil, besides wounding two other people: Ashraf Nizam Hebron, and Ali Sami Abu Ayyash. There were also several tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army attack – 1 wounded: Hebron – midnight, the Israeli Army, positioned near the entrance to Sa'ir, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, critically wounding a 15-year-old boy: Wissam Shady Jaradat.
Israeli settlers attack shepherds – pastoral sabotage: Hebron – 17:00, armed Israeli settlers, in Maghair al-Ubayd, south-east of Yatta, opened fire on a number of shepherds grazing their flocks.
Home invasion: Nablus – 02:45, Israeli Occupation forces raided Nablus and searched a home.
Israeli Occupation population-control – mosque violation: Jerusalem – 22:40, the Israeli Occupation issued an order, banning a resident, Ashraf Al-Salaymeh, from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque for a period of 15 days, as a condition for his release from captivity.
Israeli police: Jerusalem – 11:30, Israeli Occupation police raided the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jerusalem – 22:35, entrance to al-Zaim: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – 1 wounded – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jerusalem – 23:00, al-Tur neighbourhood: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters – one person, Nadim Ali Al-Ladawiya, wounded.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jerusalem – 23:45, Abu Dis: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jerusalem – 23:50, Sultan Suleiman Street: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – UN refugee camp – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jerusalem – midnight, Anata, Hazmat and the Shuafat UN refugee camp: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jerusalem – 00:10, entrance to al-Issawiya: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jerusalem – 04:10, village of Qatana: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – 2 wounded – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Ramallah – 22:10, northern entrance to al-Bireh: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters wounded two people: Muhammad Ibrahim Sawalmeh (16) and Muhammad Usama Abdul-Ghani Al-Saghir.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Ramallah – 22:30, entrance to Aboud: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Ramallah – 22:55, entrance to the village of al-Janniya: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Ramallah – 22:55, Deir Birzeit road junction: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Tulkarem – 22:30, al-Shuweika district: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters fired at protesters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Tulkarem – 02:10, eastern entrance to Anabta: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters fired at protesters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Qalqiliya – 21:25, Eyal crossing: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters fired at protesters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Qalqiliya – 22:30, entrance to Azun: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters fired at protesters.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Qalqiliya – 00:40, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters fired at protesters. Tear gas casualties.
Israeli Army – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Qalqiliya – 02:25, Jayus: rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters fired at protesters.
Israeli Army – stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jericho – 22:20, northern entrance to Jericho: stun grenades and tear gas canisters fired at protesters.
Occupation settler violence: Jerusalem – 08:00, a settler assaulted a woman, Sahar Nasser Ghaith Abdin, as she was leaving the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Occupation settler violence: Jerusalem – 15:40, groups of settlers assaulted villagers in al-Issawiya.
Occupation settler violence: Jerusalem – 23:00, groups of settlers assaulted people in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood.
Occupation settler vandalism: Jerusalem – 23:00, settlers attacked Palestinian homes in the Abu al-Hawa, Abu al-Laham, al-Tur and al-Suwana neighbourhoods, also smashing the windows of vehicles.
Occupation settler violence: Jerusalem – midnight, armed settlers attacked people in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood.
Occupation settler arson: Jerusalem – 00:10, Israeli settlers set fire to a car-wash facility in the village of An Nabi Samwil.
Occupation settler vandalism: Jerusalem – 03:20, settler militants smashed the windows of vehicles passing through the al-Zaeem checkpoint.
Occupation settler vandalism: Ramallah – 21:55, settlers from the Beit El Occupation settlement stoned passing vehicles at the al-Mahkama checkpoint.
Occupation settler vandalism: Ramallah – 22:30, militants from the Halamish Occupation settlement stoned passing vehicles.
Occupation settler vandalism: Jenin – 14:50, settlers stoned passing vehicles.
Occupation settler vandalism: Tulkarem – 00:50, Einav checkpoint: settlers stoned passing vehicles.
Occupation settler arson attempt: Nablus – 09:15, settlers tried to set fire to two vehicles, near the village of Douma, but were prevented from doing so.
Occupation settler arson: Nablus – 18:55, Israeli settlers set fire to a house on the outskirts of Burin village.
Occupation settler land-grab: Salfit – 16:25, Occupation settlers built a settlement service road on privately-owned Palestinian land in Wadi Qana.
Occupation settler vandalism: Hebron – 20:10, militants from the Kiryat Arba Israeli Occupation settlement stoned a Palestinian home.
Occupation settler vandalism: Hebron – 00:25, Tarqumiya crossing: settlers stoned passing vehicles.
Raid: Jerusalem – 23:45, Israeli Occupation forces raided Abu Dis.
Raid – 1 taken prisoner: Ramallah – 04:40, Israeli forces raided Abu Shukheidem village, taking prisoner one person.
Raid – 7 taken prisoner: Ramallah – 05:00, the Israeli Army raided al-Mughayir village, taking prisoner sevenpeople.
Raid: Tulkarem – 22:40-01:30, Israeli troops raided and patrolled the village of Far'un.
Raid: Bethlehem – 22:20, Israeli soldiers raided and patrolled Marah Rabah village.
Raid – 2 taken prisoner: Bethlehem – 04:35, Israeli Occupation forces raided al-Khadr, taking prisoner two people.
Restrictions of movement (24): 00:20, Qalandya checkpoint closed - 09:30, between the villages of Ras Karkar and Deir Birzeit - 09:30 and again at 18:00, entrance to Ras Karkar village - midnight-03:40, entrance to Deir Abu Masha'al village - 17:00, Kedumim settlement road junction - 17:20, entrance to Azun closed - 16:25, entrance to Qusra - 20:25-03:10, Beita road junction - 17:50, western entrance to the town of Kafr al-Dik - 20:35, entrance to Qarawat Bani Hassan - 22:45, entrance to Marda village - 23:25, entrance to Deir Ballut - 16:55, entrance to Kafr al-Dik closed - 15:35 and again at 21:05, northern entrance to Jericho - 08:05-10:00, southern entrance to Bethlehem - 10:15-15:20, Aqbat Hasna - 23:25, entrance to the village of Marah Rabah closed - Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing closed - al-Mantar-Karni crossing closed - al-Shujaiyeh crossing (Nahal Oz) closed - Sufacrossing closed - al-Awda Port closed.
[NB: Times indicated in Bold Type contribute to the sleep deprivation suffered by Palestinian children]
If any of our subscribers should like to reproduce complete, in full and unedited, these In Occupied Palestine daily newsletters that would be very welcome!
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Posted by: Paul | May 19 2021 4:36 utc | 68

Lonkal | May 18 2021 17:16 utc | 13

if I recall it was Bibi who stormed congress like he owned the joint and was adored with 26 nauseating standing ovations.
All of congress must sign an oath of fealty to Israel... you cannot even do business in the state of texas unless you sign it. That power is levied against every politician/professor/businessman in the western world.
I worked in a University for years and I assure you, the Jews hold disproportionate power of who can speak what is said and careers have ended for teaching the truth.

It sure sounds smells looks and acts like the Boss

Posted by: ld | May 19 2021 5:33 utc | 69

Great Reset. Current world powers are doing nothing but evil. Politcal powers as of now are committing evil rather than stopping it. They've had their chance and choose greed over morality. There can be no rationalizing in the future, choices have been made. May redemption come to those who've opened their mind and chose the right side. There's been no greater test of pharisees vs. morality and the vast majority of the world's population, and all those in charge are in for one hell of a future. Glenn Beck is a prime example, so knowledgeable, such a great communicator, so eloquent, but completely deluded by modern "christianity" and usa evangelism, that he is blind to his own judgement by the lord he believes he worships. It's sad, but everyone has the same eyes. Evil will not prevail and regardless of one's staunchest perceived holiness, righteousness is the remaining decent world's populations only hope. I'm not some religious person I've only ate some shrooms but the great reset is going to be far more than the elite have planned.

Posted by: Dumbass | May 19 2021 6:38 utc | 70

@23 Quite a few missiles but but still after 12 days there are only 12 Israelis dead ? At this rate, for 7.5 millions jews, it will take an additional 20547 years to win the war, that's an impressive farsight.

Posted by: murgen23 | May 19 2021 6:47 utc | 71

The diversity of understanding this list suggest possibility that fact limited debate might be used to reduce misunderstanding between various factions, and at the same time to make hypothesis out of the claims which cannot be factually supported into a set of hypothesis <-which can be tested.

Over the next few months it might be possible to establish the truth..Does Israel control the USA? Is Putin a Zionist? Are the Jews responsible for Israel? Who organized the deep state? Is there really a difference between Zionism and Jews? Can the hidden few be identified by name, rank and serial number? Is the nation state system a Zionist invention? can Humanity get out of the clutches of the few?

I propose a start hypothesis:

Immigrants to Palestine (between 1897 and 2020) were Jews? <= prove this wrong.

Posted by: snake | May 19 2021 7:50 utc | 72

Posted by: snake | May 19 2021 7:50 utc | 77

Immigrants to Palestine (between 1897 and 2020) were Jews? <= prove this wrong.

The question is meaningless. A straw man.

The Jews are a side show.

The real question to ask is: Who was Lord Balfour, what was his relationship to Lord Rothschild and what has WW1 got to do with it?

Begin here:

Posted by: Arch Bungle | May 19 2021 8:12 utc | 73

58 - I tend to wonder what Unz's game is. Some of the articles on his site and a great deal of the comments are into Holocaust denial, open admiration for the Third Reich etc. There is a good deal of unabashed hatred for Jews expressed on his site.

Posted by: Waldorf | May 19 2021 9:59 utc | 74

Has the bombing stopped or the media just stops reporting?

I don't even see the news on RT anymore.

Posted by: Smith | May 19 2021 10:29 utc | 75

@ Waldorf

There are many kinds of german national socialists, some who claimed to hate jews but ended up working with zionists when they got airlifted to America or Canada, some were actually serious and went to Egypt and Syria and fought against Israel until the end of their lives.

Posted by: Smith | May 19 2021 10:32 utc | 76

Arch Bungle | May 19 2021 8:12 utc | 78

I agree with Arch here. The movement of "populations" is mainly organised by the top, not by a low level "spontaneous" movement. In spite of what the myths would tell us. It is time to look underneath the usual "causes".

The excellent post @20 by Mario - which everyone should copy and save for future reference, is the starting point needed. Using the term "Pharisees", instead of "Jews" or "Zionists", eliminates many of the problems finding a collective noun for evil. It includes Bankers and what is probably most of the "Deep State", and excludes the Anti-Pro-Semolina, and clarifies the religious part of the delibrate semantic confusion normally offered. (confusion between "people" and religion?)


Just a byline; Taking 43 as the figure, and applying it to Daniel's or revelations prophetic - "Time, Times (T squared) plus half a time" for the "end of time", (The end of the old and the beginning of a new period) => 43 + 1849 + 21.5 = 1913.5 or more or less the start date of the Fed in the US. Alternative number; 44 + 1936 + 22 => 2002. Nearby to 9/11 in 2001? I wonder why? Numbers can be strange things.

Posted by: Stonebird | May 19 2021 10:48 utc | 77

It saddens me to see that some hasbara troll succeeded in diverting the argument on this thread for a time by raising the antisemitism lie.
Those deceitful pigs who try and bolster the criminal zionist state forever try that one on and here at MoA where we are politically mature enough to ignore such tosh it is important we do so.
Judeophobia is a euro-amerikan issue it has never been the motivator for palestinians or the wider ME arabic & farsi speaking communities.
The fascists who backed hitler & co were euros - ME resistance to the invasion & looting of Palestine has always held anti-imperialism as being central to their resistance. Palestinians don't give a flying f**k about the religion or race of the scum who murdered & raped Palestine's indigenous population, it doesn't effect the crime in any way. These zionists drove hundreds of thousands of Palestinians off their land then filled the joint up with euros blatantly sequestering land from 1948 onwards.
If someone steals from you or rapes your mother to scare your family away would you spend time discussing what superstition they claim to hold dear or, would you be too busy with the foul crimes those low lifes committed to consider their nonsense excuse?

Even here in Aotearoa some young people have been indoctrinated by propagandised history texts to believe that WW2 was fought over what the nazis did to jews, that when you show them primary sources describing how both england & amerika put maximum effort into keeping jewish refugees from nazi states out before the war, then once it began, keeping what they knew about nazi treatment of jews hushed up because they didn't want to get distracted by Joe Public away from the task of defeating the nazi's military.
several million jews got killed by that nazi scum, euro 'gypsies' (more correctly romany people) communities were also wiped out. Worst of all was what happened to the people of the USSR - 20 million soviet civilians plus about another 5 million military were butchered by the nazis, yet if one can only access western media, one would conclude that jews were the only victims of nazi swine during ww2.

Arseholes trying to disrupt MoA conversation with blatant trolls such as the nonsense Lonkal@| May 18 2021 17:16 utc | 13 tried to peddle should be ignored because responding to their bulldust is what they are aiming for.
Over the last 2 decades b and others have worked hard to ensure that discussion of the invasion of palestine is not disrupted by racists and apart from that mark2 idjit who followed the DNC whore around as if she was in heat, there have been very few maybe even no posts aiming criticism for Israel's butchery on the invaders' 'jewishness'.

But on that topic I am obliged to point out that the behaviour of some englander jews & their gentile enablers towards Mr Corbyn, where they falsely accused Mr Corbyn of antisemitism is yet to be punished - it will be. In the meantime the fact that england's jewish leadership saw no problem with such false accusations should convince anyone with half a brain to conclude that if jewish leaders are prepared to treat so-called 'antisemitism' as just another tool to guilt out whitefellas whilst they reap political dividends, then the rest of us are obliged to regard 'antisemitism' as just another bullshit political construct.

Posted by: Debsisdead | May 19 2021 11:46 utc | 78

steven t johnson | May 18 2021 19:10 utc | 27

"every claim the Earth orbits the Moon, that is, that Israel is the tail that wags the dog US, is spouting nonsense that happens to be an essential premise to anti-Semitism, including anti-Semitism that murders people en masse."

It may be nonsense, but I don't see what it has to do with anti-Semitism.

Is opposing the policies being conducted by the Netanyahu regime anti-Semitism? If another regime in another country - say Cuba - were doing it, would opposing those policies be "anti-Cubanism," or racism? It the US were enabling Cuba as it enables Israel, would not the US be accused of being the dog wagged by the tail Cuba? Is opposing the US's and France's enabling of the war crimes committed by the Saudis in Yemen anti-Islam?

I don't follow your logic. Please explain.

Posted by: Gene Poole | May 19 2021 12:57 utc | 79

@86. Well said.

Posted by: c | May 19 2021 12:57 utc | 80

From FARS Arab Media: Palestinian Resistance Rejects “Money for Ceasefire” Proposal
To quote Golda Meir, the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
I condemn the IDF war crimes but to reject a ceasefire just because you don't get everything you want? That IS a missed opportunity. It wasn't as if the IDF was requiring full occupation of Gaza, they just wanted an actual ceasefire w/o preconditions.

BTW I condemned the Israeli rejection of the first Hamas ceasefire proposal on 5/12 as well.

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | May 19 2021 13:50 utc | 81

Looks like the situation is getting hotter

“ Four rockets fired from south Lebanon towards Israel: military source”

Posted by: DG | May 19 2021 14:16 utc | 82

librul claims the Moon orbits the barycenter of the Earth-Moon system instead of orbiting the Earth. What librul omits is that the barycenter is inside the Earth, which means...the Moon orbits the Earth. This deceptive quibble most certainly does not refute the simple fact that Jews do not control the media, the world financial system or the US government. Saying the Moon orbits the Earth is a metaphor for how Israel is de facto a part of the US (which does give it more influence than Palestine, which isn't.)

gottlieb may be ignorant the term "anti-Semite" was coined in nineteenth century Europe, which didn't have many Semitic language speakers (not even Hebrew, by the way.) Jews were labeled Semites by anti-Jewish agitators and politicians to imply European Jews were a different race, instead of fellow Austrians or Germans mostly of a different religion, whose descent was largely untraceable and mostly intermixed with the rest of the population. The nineteenth century was the era when pseudoscientific racism was developed. The term "anti-Semitism" is used for anti-Jewish ideology for the same kinds of historical reasons the terms "left" and "right" are still used: Although the specific origins are outdated, the phenomenon still needs a name and this will serve.

Debsisdead disgracefully calls Lonkal a troll and accuses Lonkal of working for a foreign power. Anyone whose read much discussion on the internet should know such accusations are almost guaranteed proof of the intellectual bankruptcy and shameless dishonesty *of the accuser.* Being anti-Zionist has nothing, nothing, nothing to do with crazed BS about how Jews control the US government (the Earth orbits the Moon, the tail wags the dog, etc.) the media machine that propagandizes the sheeple, the banksters that run the Deep State, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam. All that is mad dog right wing politics. As I said, all that is the kind of anti-Semitism that does end up with mass murders. The vicious twaddle from a Mario is the trolling, not of the commentariat, which is largely anti-Semitic, but of humanity at large. MoA as a happy refuge where the fake left reactionaries can stroke each other with mutual self-congratulations over their perspicacity, their moral heroism, their superiority to the common ruck.

Gene Poole says, please explain. But Gene Poole uses the example of Cuba "doing it." But Cuba is indeed accused of "doing it" and the opposition to Cuba's hypothetical "doing it" is an -ism: Anti-Communism. Anti-Communism is a deranged, vicious ideology very much like anti-Semitism, so I'm not sure how Gene Poole's example helps illuminate the issue. Worse, Gene Poole hypothesizes US support for Cuba's doing, to claim that this imaginary example shows how the tail can wag the dog. Sorry, no, Israel doesn't dominate the US government, but Christian Zionism, religious bigots who believe the Jews will be slaughtered in "Israel" until 144 000 convert to Jesus worship, are very powerful in the US government. They are not actually friends to Jewish people, since many of them are anti-Semitic in the poliical sense, by the way. But Christians who believe God created Adam and Eve will believe the Holy Land is Jewish property too. Then to prove the total confusion, Gene Poole manages to ask how opposing US enabling of Saudi's war against Yemen is...anti-Islam? US support for Saudi is support for a particular brand of Islam, the wahhabi version. But that's corruption of Islam to prop up the Saudi monarchy. And US support for more wars against Muslims, as in Yemen, is divide and rule tactics. US enabling of Saudi's war is anti-Islam. Opposing US enabling *as* anti-Islamic would be a serious hypothetical. (I think secularism is the positive program to support, sorry, Juliania.) Being against Zionism is one thing. Believing the Jews control the media, the banks, the government, the Deep State---or, a one-time favorite here at MoA, run a pedophile blackmail ring that controls the Democratic Party *BUT NOT TRUMP*---those are not anti-Zionist politics. They just pretend to be.

Posted by: steven t johnson | May 19 2021 14:19 utc | 83

@82 Has the bombing stopped or the media just stops reporting? keeps on reporting. The main battle is in the jewish only state and the occupation of the west bank. De bombing of Gaza is just a deflection of the israeli civil war.

Posted by: gary | May 19 2021 15:02 utc | 84

@Smith | May 19 2021 10:29 utc | 82

Has the bombing stopped or the media just stops reporting?

I don't even see the news on RT anymore.

There are some interesting summary reports in the comments by "Anonymous" over at The Saker. It looks like the fighting is indeed ongoing and there is a media blackout.

Posted by: Norwegian | May 19 2021 15:23 utc | 85

Is American falling back?

Washington Tries to Make Others to Pay the Price for its Own Military Adventures

It would be one thing if these provinces were more prepared to deal with Russia-China and the American economy were better than ever - that would be the universalization of Liberalism. But the polar opposite is the case: the provinces are less prepared than ever, and the American economy is clearly at least one level below its apex of 1996-1998. America delegating its defense obligations to its border provinces (Japan, India, Germany, Poland, Australia) clearly points to a direction of shrinking, not expansion, of the Empire.

P.S.: the author of the article calls the Invasion of Iraq of 2003 a "defeat". I disagree. I think the Invasion of Iraq was the last great, absolute victory of the American Empire; it just happened that what it wanted was not what it needed, and the whole thing backfired a decade later, but all its military objectives were achieved.

Posted by: vk | May 19 2021 15:28 utc | 86

@ 47 corvo.... my personal first hand experience is much the same as jackrabbits.... it has become more this way the past 20 years..

Posted by: james | May 19 2021 15:30 utc | 87

that is now @ 45 corvo..

Posted by: james | May 19 2021 15:31 utc | 88

@ vk 90 the Invasion of Iraq was the last great, absolute victory of the American Empire
No. Operation Iraqi Freedom stupidly changed US ally Iraq into an ally of Iran, so it was a victory for Iran and a defeat for the US. Example: the rocket strikes against US forces in Iraq. . . .IOW military successes may not translate into victory.
Sun Tzu: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Posted by: Don Bacon | May 19 2021 15:37 utc | 89

@ Posted by: Don Bacon | May 19 2021 15:37 utc | 91

The objectives of the USA in Iraq was to topple Saddam Houssein and take over the oil. Both objectives were quickly achieved, still during George W. Bush's lifetime in the WH. Now, you can claim the Pentagon's High Command Office is dumb - but that's another discussion. Fact on the field is that American generals, blessed by the American people itself, established the strategic objectives for their nation for the Invasion of Iraq and achieved them in very short time.

The USA owns 70% of the Iraqi oil wells today, as a result of the Invasion.

Let's not forget that a crushing majority of the American people was in favor of the Invasion of Iraq and an almost unanimity in favor of the Invasion of Afghanistan. People like to, in hindsight, call George W. Bush "very dumb", "one of the worst POTUSes in American History" etc. etc., but fact is it was basically a free reelection situation and W. Bush took it.

It's ironic that the two most catastrophic foreign policy decisions by the American Empire in the 21st Century were taken directly by the American people, not by some obscure bureaucratic/deep state elite. Or maybe it's not ironic, maybe it's just the logical end of the American system. Maybe the American people is not what if thought it was, maybe it is really dumb. Maybe the POTUSes are dumbing themselves because they are trying to speak to the intellectual level of their own people, not vice-versa. If true, this would be the classical Hegel reinterpretation of the Sphinx's Enigma: the American people spent so much decades searching for the guilty for all its problems overseas and in Washington D.C., when the guilty was itself.

Posted by: vk | May 19 2021 15:56 utc | 90

@all -

there is a troll who tries to post under multiple names (Bernard F. / Djazair / Assurancetourix etc.).

I have deleted the comments of that person and will continue to do so.

Posted by: b | May 19 2021 16:15 utc | 91

no more a troll than legions of other trolls, he tried to post under different names after being censored.... how many more will have to leave to the next whiskey bar?

Posted by: Mina | May 19 2021 16:23 utc | 92

The Satmar Hassidim (the largest Hassidic dynasty by numbers) not only are opposed to Zionism, they consider Israel to be literally Satanic and will have nothing to do with it.

Posted by: Feral Finster | May 19 2021 16:29 utc | 93

re: Diplomacy is back[?]
good news from Korea
US will build on Singapore agreement with North Korea: Campbell

The U.S. administration of President Joe Biden will build on a 2018 summit agreement with North Korea, White House Asia czar Kurt Campbell said Tuesday, extending overtures to Pyongyang after completing a monthslong policy review on the North.
"Our policy review took a careful look at everything that has been tried before. Our efforts will build on Singapore and other agreements made by previous administrations," Campbell, White House policy coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, said in a written interview with Yonhap News Agency.
It marks the first time a ranking U.S. official has said on the record that the Biden administration will inherit the denuclearization agreement signed in Singapore by former President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in June 2018.
Under the landmark agreement, Kim committed to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the two sides also agreed to establish new relations and a lasting and stable peace regime on the peninsula. . . .here. . .

If they follow through, it would be a victory for South Korea's President Moon, and for peace.

Posted by: Don Bacon | May 19 2021 17:06 utc | 94

For the latest updates on kinetic exchanges between Hamas and the IDF I have found these two links to be perfectly in sync and leading the mainstream news agencies (like TRT and Aljazeera) by at least an hour on average:

Al Manar:

random dude on twitter:

Posted by: Arch Bungle | May 19 2021 17:11 utc | 95

@ vk 92 the two most catastrophic foreign policy decisions by the American Empire in the 21st Century were taken directly by the American people
No, that's just more of the "sheeple" hogwash. The American people are the victims of fake news and haven't taken a "decision" on anything. It's all handled by a corrupt government especially Congress, which four out of five citizens disapprove of. . .here

Posted by: Don Bacon | May 19 2021 17:16 utc | 96

@ Posted by: Don Bacon | May 19 2021 17:16 utc | 98

So, why was George W. Bush reelected?

All the polls of the time indicated the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were immensely popular among the American people. Anti-war American existed at the time, but were an insignificant minority.

I'm talking about 2001-2003. After 2012, the damage was already done. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission and all of that.

Posted by: vk | May 19 2021 17:23 utc | 97

@ vk All the polls of the time indicated . . .blah blah
Polls also indicated that Hillary would be president.

Posted by: Don Bacon | May 19 2021 17:28 utc | 98

@vkSo, why was George W. Bush reelected?
Because Kerry agreed with him on war, while sidelining Nader.

Posted by: Don Bacon | May 19 2021 17:30 utc | 99

It's worth remembering -- or noting -- that most US presidential polling is meaningless, because the great majority of polls assume, incorrectly, that the president is elected by majority vote. To say "54% of eligible voters support Candidate X" is irrelevant if Candidate Y wins a majority of Electoral College votes.

Just one of countless ways in which US political discourse is dumbed down.

Posted by: corvo | May 19 2021 17:53 utc | 100

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