NYT Investigates U.S. Jewish Billionaire Funding For Anti-Islamists - Then Distracts With Loads Of Anti-Russian Slander
A current New York Times report finds that the British anti-Islam agitator and grifter Tommy Robinson was financed by American Jewish billionaires who promote Zionist colonialism in Palestine.
For several years Robert J. Shillman, founder and chairman of Cognex Corporation, and Nina Rosenwald, an heiress of the Sears Roebuck fortune funneled a monthly check to Robinson via the exteremist Middle East Forum run by the notorious Daniel Pipes. Shillman sits on the boards of The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Rosenwald has served on the board of directors of many pro-Israel organizations and was vice president of Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). Another donor involved was the Jewish hedge fund manager Robert Mercer who gives to many extreme right causes.
As the Times summarizes it:
Mr. Robinson’s American connection was deeper than previously known. Interviews and internal documents newly released in court show how the U.S. research institute, the Middle East Forum, provided him with financial backing for three years, using cash from an American tech billionaire and Trump donor, while its president helped shape his message.
The details are quite intriguing and the reporting on the financial ties is well done.
But for the Times the fact that right-wing U.S. Zionists billionaires are financing proto-fascist anti-Islam movements in Europe is not the core concern.
Instead it uses a short visit to Russia Robinson made a year ago to smear and agitate against that country and its government.
That push of the story, not justified by any facts as we will show below, starts with the misleading headline:
U.K. Far Right, Lifted by Trump, Now Turns to Russia.
The anti-Islam agitator Tommy Robinson struck gold in America. Keeping it might require help from Moscow, where other British far-right activists are also finding friends.
The first part of the story introduces Robinson and lists his deep U.S. connections. It then turns to his short trip to Russia:
Now that Mr. Trump is out of office and the American money is apparently drying up, Mr. Robinson and some other far-right figures are turning to Moscow. Mr. Robinson, who is fighting a potentially costly libel case in London this week, did a media tour of Russia last year but three associates told The New York Times that part of his agenda was kept secret — to seek accounts with Russian banks.“Why else would you visit Russia?” said Andrew Edge, a former senior figure in the English Defence League and another far-right group, Britain First, who said that he discussed moving money to Russian banks with Mr. Robinson and Britain First’s leader, Paul Golding.
In many ways, Mr. Robinson is now useful to the Kremlin — which has often encouraged fringe political figures who might destabilize Western democracies — for the same reasons he was welcome in Mr. Trump’s Washington.
How please has a discussion about opening a Russian bank account, to move money from Britain because it is under thread of being impounded, related to being 'useful to the Kremlin'?
Hint - it isn't.
It follows another long section describing in detail Robinson's connections to the U.S. Zionist billionaires and his various crimes. It reports of a riot during a pro-Robinson / anti-Islam rally in London:
To British authorities, it was an alarming spasm of violence a short walk from Parliament. To the Middle East Forum, the rally was an unabashed success. The organization later proudly declared that it had sponsored the event in Mr. Robinson’s “moment of danger.” Mr. Pipes, the organization’s president, said his group was “vindicated.”In an interview, Mr. Pipes acknowledged that Robert Shillman, a wealthy Trump supporter, was a Middle East Forum donor, though he declined to disclose who paid for the rally.
Mr. Shillman, who has previously been publicly identified as funding another project with Mr. Robinson, did not respond to requests for comment. Mr. Robinson said he had never spoken to Mr. Shillman but wished he had been able to thank him for “all his shekels,” a reference to the Israeli currency that is also a turn of phrase sometimes favored by anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists.
Another dozen more paragraphs look deeper in Robinson's financing.
Then the story suddenly turns back to Russia:
Mr. Robinson had already been banned from many social media platforms when, in February 2020, he posted a new video on YouTube. Dressed in a gray three-piece suit, Mr. Robinson is seen strolling through Moscow.“Red Square’s beautiful,” he said. “I was surprised just how nice it is.”
“I might move to Russia,” he added.
Mr. Robinson’s week in Russia was a full-throttle media tour, including a 30-minute interview with RT, the Kremlin’s English-language propaganda channel, as well as an appearance at a packed auditorium in St. Petersburg, where he gave a lecture titled “The Rape of Britain.”
In one interview, with a libertarian activist and Kremlin critic, Mikhail Svetov, Mr. Robinson explained that he had flown to Russia because he felt “silenced in the U.K.”
“I’ve come to seek a platform,” he said.
By rushing to Moscow, Mr. Robinson was perpetuating a myth on the Western far right that portrays Russia as a defender of white conservative Christian values and its president, Vladimir V. Putin, as a paragon of valor. Russia also gives a platform to Western extremists blocked from social media.
“By using Tommy Robinson, the Kremlin is obviously sowing chaos,” Mr. Svetov said in an interview. “But it’s only happening because Tommy is cornered.”
The last quote from Mikhail Svetov, a libertarian Kremlin critic as the Times notes, is interesting because it was Mikhail Svetov, not the Kremlin, who had invited Robinson to Russia to hold his "Rape of Britain" speech at Svetov's party congress:
[Robinson] posted pictures of his “lecture” at the Libertarian Party conference in St. Petersburg on his Telegram channel, with the words “Thank you Russia”. The party itself also tweeted pictures of him speaking to a packed hall. He was an odd choice of guest for a party, the leader of which – Mikhail Svetov – was one of the organisers of anti-Putin protests in Moscow last summer. But, if people on the fringes are likely to get together somewhere, it will be in Russia.
The fact that it was Kremlin critic Svetov, not the Kremlin, who brought Robinson to Russia is not mentioned in the Times report. It obviously does not fit the Times slant of the story which is the unsupported claim that the Kremlin sponsors European right wingers.
How else could the Times let the Svetov quote 'By using Tommy Robinson, the Kremlin is obviously sowing chaos' stand when it is so obviously false?
While in Moscow Robinson did the media rounds. But, unmentioned by the Times, his 30 minutes interview with RT was hostile and the host, RT’s Oksana Boyko who is herself married to a Muslim, attacked Robinson's anti-Islam positions again and again:
Boyko took issue with the idea that Islam is to blame for the grooming gangs that have come to light in the UK, arguing that the men involved are simply criminals that have distorted Islam. She said that it is dangerous to make generalizations about Islam, noting for example that it would be wrong to characterize all British citizens as rapists and plunderers, despite the British Empire carrying out unconscionable crimes against native populations in the past.
RT is 'Kremlin related' as it is funded by the Russian government.
But Robinson's media round in Moscow were organized by Edvard Chesnokov, a deputy foreign editor of Komsomolskaya Pravda, which is Russia’s largest tabloid and privately owned. It trends, like most tabloids, towards the rights and likes screamers like Robinson who generate sensational headlines. It is as much 'Kremlin related' as the New York Times is 'White House related'.
Towards the end of the story the Times' Russia angle of the 'U.S. Zionist billionaires finance anti-Islamists in Europe' completely breaks down.
Two people who talked with Robinson before he went to Moscow say that he thought about opening a Russian bank account. One person who was with Robinson in Moscow and another one who extensively talked with him afterwards say that he did not opened an account. Robinson himself confirms that:
In a phone interview that he filmed, Mr. Robinson joked that he had gone to Moscow to find a Russian wife, but denied opening or discussing opening any bank accounts in Russia, or holding assets outside Britain.He said he had simply accepted an invitation to speak in a country that welcomed him more warmly than his own.
“I wanted to go and see what Russia was like and try to understand the freedom aspect because our politicians and journalists go on about how Russians have no free speech, how Russians have no freedom,” he said.
“But I wanted just to let them know that we don’t over here, we have a facade.”
It is a message that the Kremlin’s propaganda networks dutifully conveyed.
The New York Times story is a weird composition. At its core is a solid investigation into Jewish billionaire financing of anti-Islamisms in Europe.
But artificially propped onto that is a very weak tale pulled from hot air and full of slander, lack of context and disinformation. It tries, unsuccessfully, to connect the U.S. financed rightwing protagonist to some assumed Russian government desire without providing a shred of evidence for that.
That part is, down to the last line, completely baseless propaganda. It devalues the original investigation.
Posted by b on April 24, 2021 at 18:45 UTC | Permalink
Thanks b.
As Tancrede said
"If we want everything to stay the same, we have to change everything"Il Gattopardo (1963 film by Luchino Visconti) The Leopard/le guépard
@ james | Apr 24 2021 19:03 utc | 1
Anymore fake investigation, in order to stuck Tlaib and al., Muslims, and as soon as possible Latino and BLM to Russia, Russia, Russia narrative.
Zionists undercover, not really new
Posted by: Bernard F. | Apr 24 2021 19:25 utc | 2
Why else would you visit Russia?” said Andrew Edge. Well Mr. Edge, to see all the wonderful churches and their beautiful domes and spires. From the top of them Mr. Edge one can see all the turds the NYT have left scattered across the landscape, more than enough to fill the Albert Hall.
Posted by: Tom | Apr 24 2021 19:30 utc | 3
Editorial policy?
ie. Everything bad MUST come from Russia.
So the present wave of Anti-Islam and anti-Arab unrest in Jerusalem and Israel, can be put somehow on the doorstep of Russia?
Note the unrest involved storming the Al Aqsa Mosque and injuring more than 105 Palestians, plus the deliberate ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem, etc. Plus the lack of Vaccines or medecines in Gaza. (potential medical disaster to add to all the rest). All these and more should become known. When they do, as they are already reported in non Jewish owned media, must be "blamed" somehow on .........Russia, rather than taking any responsibility for their own actions. The anti-islamists will need a scapegoat, to "explain" their own brutality.
However, the slickness of the replies and reasons evoked for his trip to Moscow suggest that this could be yet another ploy to use against Russia. Pre-meditation. More to come?
Posted by: Stonebird | Apr 24 2021 19:40 utc | 4
I would also suggest to Mr. Edge to invest in the Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov's guide to Europe's and West Asia's cathedrals and churches to be better informed about such matters. Such beauty exists beyond Salisbury. Way more up to date than my 1987 Fodors guide to the USSR.
Horror of horrors, a rich Zionist funding enterprises that support the Apartheid Regime. Mr. Robinson was in "their face" regarding the Muslim rape gangs. I wonder if he has every been to Mr. Epstein's hideout.
Posted by: Tom | Apr 24 2021 19:49 utc | 5
If you dig deeper, I bet you'll find that those Shillman and Rosenwald characters are themselves second generation Russian transplants, so aha! it all makes sense - NYT forgot to add.
Posted by: Mao Cheng Ji | Apr 24 2021 20:01 utc | 6
Russia this and Russia that. Putin has weaponized football, again it seems. They must have an app for this weaponizing thing by now.
Jonny Tickle 9h
Putin asked Abramovich to withdraw from Super League because of Gazprom links to UCL, because the 2022 final is in Saint Petersburg, and because he wants Zenit to be in the continent's premium competition.
Sounds like an April fool's joke, but it's in SZ: https://sueddeutsche.de/sport/super-league-politik-1.5273477?reduced=true
The nefarious CIA plan, Tommy Robinson seeks asylum in Russia marries a Russian woman who bears a son names Navalnytwooski and starts the shitshow all over again. And Putin is still President.
Russia's Interior Ministry has handed *40 year* entry bans to 122 foreign nationals found to have participated in unauthorized protests in Moscow this year.
The restricted individuals won't able to set foot on Russian soil again until 2061. The President will still be Putin.
Posted by: Tom | Apr 24 2021 20:10 utc | 8
Approach anything written in the NY Times or the WaPo like you would a dog turd on the sidewalk.
Posted by: passerby | Apr 24 2021 20:28 utc | 9
Reading the NYT article that B linked to, I saw similarities between Tommy Robinson and Alexei Navalny: both attention-seeking grifters with a taste for the high life, and both willing to use other people without a thought for consequences that their actions cause. Perhaps when eventually Robinson goes to jail they can write boring letters to each other complaining about how their sponsors abandoned them to their fates.
I see that Nina Rosenwald at least is indeed of Eastern European Jewish ancestry. That someone who might count Shoah victims as relatives can apparently see nothing wrong in funding the activities of someone who, at the merest sniff of an offer of money from someone else, would just as quickly smear Jewish people as he does Muslim people, boggles the mind. But that's not surprising she you consider that current US State Dept Under Secretary Victoria Nuland supported the Maidan coup in Ukraine in 2014 and most likely is one of the people pushing the Zelensky govt there to reopen hostilities in the Donbass region and Crimea.
Posted by: Jen | Apr 24 2021 20:57 utc | 10
Moscow is fighting back. Can't wait until Poland gets involved. Not only are Russia's missiles longer, wider and faster.
Rob Lee @RALee85
This is a real tweet from the Russian embassy in Belarus.
Posted by: Tom | Apr 24 2021 21:07 utc | 11
The leader of the Libertarian Party Svetov invited Robinson to give a speech at the party congress also organises demonstrations in support for Navalnyi who is anti-islam as well as Robinson.
Posted by: Pr | Apr 24 2021 21:40 utc | 12
Komsomolskaya Pravda... is as much 'Kremlin related' as the New York Times is 'White House related'.
Or maybe less so...
Posted by: farm ecologist | Apr 24 2021 21:43 utc | 13
You know Robinson is Irish right? Was it the Irish, from Pete King to Sean Hannity to Bill O'Reilly are always the ones with such venomous public hate attacks against Muslims? Why? Is it the love of the green? I think it is high time these questions are answered.
Posted by: Robert Browning | Apr 24 2021 22:09 utc | 14
"I see that Nina Rosenwald at least is indeed of Eastern European Jewish ancestry. That someone who might count Shoah victims as relatives "
"Rosenwald" is not an "Eastern European" name. It is German.
I very much doubt that Nina Rosenwald has Shoah victims as relatives----maybe tenth cousins a few times removed . . ..
She is the granddaughter of Julius Rosenwald, the founder of Sears Roebuck. He was born in Illinois. His parents were both German Jews. He located Sears Roebuck in Chicago.
Nina Rosenwald is the chairman of the Gatestone Institute, which is a right-wing outfit.
More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Rosenwald
Posted by: Jane | Apr 24 2021 22:19 utc | 15
It's interesting the whole Jewish Billionaire angle. The ambition of Billionaire-hood is a human sickness etched into the mists of time. I suggest confiscation of anything over 100 mil, but that's just me. On the other hand, it is non-Jewish billionaires who are the exception that proves the rule, so there you go. So when the word Billionaire is employed it should be assumed the person is "Jewish". And the Non-Jewish Billionaire, Elon Musk, should be duly noted.
As regards Russia - right? Russia has replaced Trump in the CIA media complex.
Posted by: gottlieb | Apr 24 2021 22:39 utc | 16
Tommy Robinson is an isreali agent, loyal to Israel than all the rest.
Posted by: Smith | Apr 24 2021 22:53 utc | 17
If you are so smart, how come you have so much money?
Posted by: Duncan Idaho | Apr 24 2021 23:35 utc | 18
what is interesting about the nyt article is summed up in one of the top comments to the article...
"This article is unusual in that it specifically details the funders who are supporting these criminals.
Shillman and Cognex - boycott their products and services.
The Mercers - should be protests outside their home and offices
Nina Rosenwald - the same
The Middle East Forum and Daniel Pipes - more expose work. What other criminals do they support?"
the fact that russia is cast in a negative light is very typical of the nyt! but what is missing is how the israel first and zionist agenda is completely ignored, except for those perceptive enough to see it for what it is - such as the comment i quote above from 'victor'.... how many ignoramus's actually read it? judging by the comments, a goodly number!
Posted by: james | Apr 25 2021 0:16 utc | 19
“Why else would you visit Russia?”
Let's see, tourism? A holiday? A media promotion tour? To meet a friend? To look for property to purchase?
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Apr 25 2021 0:26 utc | 20
"Shillman" ... a name appropriate to his occupation.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 25 2021 0:32 utc | 21
The fact that it was Kremlin critic Svetov, not the Kremlin, who brought Robinson to Russia is not mentioned in the Times report. It obviously does not fit the Times slant of the story which is the unsupported claim that the Kremlin sponsors European right wingers. <= excellent detective work.
now we face a different problem.. the embedded redirect secret has been revealed.. but there is no access to the privately owned main stream media to tell people about the findings. ?
Posted by: snake | Apr 25 2021 1:46 utc | 22
However it is twisted or turned, about 30 Koran sections encourage murder, torture, looting and slavery of "infidels" plus the biggest misogyny making it the best ideology to shield sociopaths and psychopaths, beating the Old Testament by far. Only Mein Kampf parts are worse on select groups with its Untermenschen.
Posted by: Antonym | Apr 25 2021 1:52 utc | 23
Posted by: Antonym | Apr 25 2021 1:55 utc | 24
let's face it:
the MSM is under the absolute thumb of jewish interests since at least 80 years. the narratives are spun to preserve and propel zionist interests.
WE GENTILES must acknowledge the fact that we have been caught with our pants down.
Even if we win the war we will be the losers if we cannot eradicate the zionist grip on the MSM
Posted by: CarlD | Apr 25 2021 2:04 utc | 25
Accusing Russia of supporting various forms of right wingers, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, etc. has been going on for awhile now. Russia was implicated as behind the Charlottesville, Virginia protests where a woman was run down and killed. The charge was made in the mainstream press such as on CNN and in democratic party partisan websites and organizations.
The charges were so ludicrous that the Moderate Rebels created a funny mock documentary in the voice of Ken Burns how Putin turned American into a racist country.
Russia's Plot to Make America Racist
Posted by: Erelis | Apr 25 2021 2:21 utc | 26
The American Alt-Right indeed has a fascination with the Russian Federation (the Deus ex Machina with which the conservative Christian whites will destroy the Yellow Horde/China). But it is wrong to state the Alt-Right is dominant in the Russian Federation (even though Dugin is a significant force there). One thing doesn't necessarily have a connection with the other.
Looking forward to the willing American lapdogs who will get Kurded again and again.
Posted by: J W | Apr 25 2021 3:11 utc | 28
>Shillman sits on the boards of The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, and the David Horowitz Freedom Center
>fucking SHILLMAN
ya gotta be kidding me
Posted by: Sandy | Apr 25 2021 3:30 utc | 29
@ Antonym | Apr 25 2021 1:55 utc | 24 & 23.
WHY so much hate?
At the beginning was:
Surah Al-Alaq
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulRead: In the name of thy Lord Who createth, (1) Createth man from a clot. (2) Read: And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous, (3) Who teacheth by the pen, (4) Teacheth man that which he knew not. (5) Nay, but verily man is rebellious (6) That he thinketh himself independent! (7)
Always go to original not "usefull MSM-Wikipedia" for Dummies.
Using own brain is something useful too. Thanks to b. and all barflies for helping each other to do so on the long run.
Have a nice day.
Posted by: Bernard F. | Apr 25 2021 4:36 utc | 30
Tommy Robinson is a normal English working class dude. He has had first hand experience with the social consequences of mass immigration in his neighnbourhood which led to his politisation. (Note: Non-violent democratic activism is not a form of "fascism".)
Robinson doesn't seem to care for and oribably doesn't understand geopolitics. Israel is just a another country as is Russia. I doupt that he fully understood who's money he took.
Both his openness towarda Russia and the welcoming attitude of Russian representatives are probably genuine. And why not? The Russians have no reason to meet a political activist with hostility who doesn't harbor any anti-Russian sentiment - just because the British upper class hates and despise him.
Posted by: m | Apr 25 2021 4:55 utc | 31
The Jew York Times investigating Jewish Billionaires is a story all on its own.
Apart from any 'findings' trickling down from such an investigation, it smells of desperation.
What proportion of the World's Billionaires are Jewish?
If it's more than 1%, is it mere coincidence, or are Jews just better at buying 'Law-makers' than everyone else? Monopolies aren't cheap but the politicians legalise them are - relatively speaking.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 25 2021 5:00 utc | 32
@ Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 25 2021 5:00 utc | 32 who wrote
The Jew York Times investigating Jewish Billionaires is a story all on its own.
I agree...WTF? You write that it smells of desperation and I agree with that perception also....is this filler so they don't have to report their Occupied Palestine losses or the genocide in Gaza?
The revolution will not be televised because the media owners don't want to show their side losing...
Another week of the shit show that won't end...
Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 25 2021 5:17 utc | 33
@ Bernard F. 30
Why so much hate from those claiming Islam is peaceful and next demanding this man be beheaded?
This man was the former UP Shia Central Waqf Board chairman Wasim Rizvi, a Koran expert.
95% of Muslims are peacefully born into this cult but the 5% socio- & psychopaths manage to get legal cover from this ideology due to those text pieces. Who inserted these and when stays a mystery as Mohamed himself was illiterate and all this happened after his early demise.
Posted by: Antonym | Apr 25 2021 6:02 utc | 34
@ m
What is a normal English bloke doing military training in Israeli army, posing with them and declaring his allegiance to them?
Not so normal.
Posted by: Smith | Apr 25 2021 6:55 utc | 35
@36 Smith
The Israeli military doesn't accept foreign non-Jewish volunteers for military training.
According to his Israeli host they happaned to come along a military column at which point Tommy Robinson politely asked the Israeli officer in charge if he can pose for some photos. There is no way to verify this story but it is consistent with Robinsons behaviour during the recent trip to Russia.
Posted by: m | Apr 25 2021 9:16 utc | 36
Who benefited most from the Trump presidency? Israel or Russia?
How can Mr Netanyahu be best buddies with Trump and Putin at the same time?
Is Israel playing both sides by using proxies in both countries eg cyber attacks, 2016 US elections etc?
Posted by: Stranger | Apr 25 2021 11:48 utc | 37
*** Sympathy for the Devil? ***
Have you ever pondered whether or not some billionaires are less free than the rest of us?
Billionaires in general not specifically Jewish billionaires.
Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg to name two.
Sure they have gilded cages but are they free?
They are totalitarians and feed the military-industrial-complex.
Zuck bought the Washington Post as a mouthpiece playground for his overlords, the CIA.
Sure, one hand washes the other, but did Zuck actually have a free choice?
I just wonder.
If the Five Eyes (six, actually, counting Mossad) control a core group of billionaires
they then have severe leverage over other billionaires through business "persuasion".
(does this all smell like a mafia?)
*** Sympathy for the Devil? ***
Isn't that interesting - Six Eyes - with one being hidden.
Posted by: librul | Apr 25 2021 12:14 utc | 38
@Posted by: librul | Apr 25 2021 12:14 utc | 39
Meant to also say:
"Becoming a billionaire puts a target on your back.
The Six Eyes want to own you.
Sure, you might want to be a billionaire,
but be careful what you wish for."
Posted by: librul | Apr 25 2021 12:23 utc | 39
Zuck bought the Washington Post as a mouthpiece playground for his overlords, the CIA.
Posted by: librul | Apr 25 2021 12:14 utc | 39
It wasn't Zuck. It was Jeff Bezos, which why Pat Lang over at Turcopolier refers to WaPo as Bezos' Blog (easy way to remember it).
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 25 2021 13:13 utc | 41
librul @39
There are some mistakes in your post.
- Jeff Bezos bought the
WashingtonBezos Post. Zuckerberg doesn't need his own multi-million dollar blog because he has the tools to directly control public discourse already. - You have the relationship between the billionaires and the CIA/transnational mega-mafia backwards. The CIA and their "posse" are the enforcers for the capitalist empire. They work for the billionaires.
Granted that the capitalist oligarchs are far from a monolithic organization and are better thought of as economic warlords who will cut each other's throats if it turns them a profit. When profits are tight they will turn on each other. There are power struggles and faction fights among them to see whose vision dominates the tools of the state and their enforcers in the transnational mega-mafia. This might occasionally result in an oligarch getting sanctioned or even pushed out of the old boy's club altogether, but it is a mistake to assume that the direction for these actions comes from the CIA & Co. That is not how dog pack politics works. The billionaires are the alpha dogs and the CIA/Five Eyes are their beta dogs: slavishly fawning over those at the top of the economic heap while snarling at those below. They will never bite one of the top dogs unless that particular dog has already been excommunicated from the pack.
Posted by: William Gruff | Apr 25 2021 13:32 utc | 42
Mr. Antonym
Islam is a Religion of Peace as well as War. Peace is preferable but, regrettably, at times, war becomes necessary.
The "peace" of Islam is an interior experiential sense of concorde in which the believer has resigned himself to the ambiguity of where his Volition ends and God's volition begins.
As to your question, "why so much hate?", you should ask them.
Posted by: Fyi | Apr 25 2021 15:08 utc | 43
Yes, thank you, everyone,
I was thinking of the owner of WaPo and said Zuck when I should have Bezog'd.
Jeff Bezos - "owner" of WaPo. (pre- first cup o joe error)
As to the rest of @39...the question of who works for whom is so complex that
generalizations will necessarily fall short. My core point was that billionaires
are not necessarily free. If I were to become a billionaire I would follow my better nature
which does not include being a totalitarian and supporting the blood soaked MIC.
Perhaps, though, Bezos and Dorsey also thought better of themselves at one time.
Posted by: librul | Apr 25 2021 15:14 utc | 44
Mr. Stranger
Trump advanced the cause of Judeo--Christians in foreign affairs.
He also helped marginalized ex-Proletariat Americans in their finances.
He attracted non-Whites to vote for him: African-Americans and Latin-Americans.
He also helped Sunni Muslims and Jews against Shia Muslims, Druze, Alevi/Alawite, and assorted non-schismatic Christians in the Middle East.
His response to COVID-19 destroyed his re-erection chances. He was looking to hit Iran militarily to compensate for that, but Iranians were ready to escalate all the way to a full war.
Posted by: Fyi | Apr 25 2021 16:21 utc | 45
Jane @ 16:
A lot of people with Eastern Eoropean Jewish backgrounds do have German surnames, especially if they came from areas that used to be part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. That empire enacted a law in the late 19th century requiring all its subjects to adopt German surnames. At the time German was considered a prestigious language, a language of culture and science, and people in the empire wanting to advance their careers found adopting German culture and language expedient.
Posted by: Jen | Apr 25 2021 20:00 utc | 46
Ms. Jen
It was a good country.
Yugoslavia tried to be like her after World War II and she was also a good country.
Posted by: Fyi | Apr 25 2021 20:04 utc | 47
The billionaires are the alpha dogs and the CIA/Five Eyes are their beta dogs: slavishly fawning over those at the top of the economic heap while snarling at those below. They will never bite one of the top dogs unless that particular dog has already been excommunicated from the pack. Posted by: William Gruff @ 43
Yes in which nation state is A central located.. ? How many people are full blown Alpha.? Where are the central offices located in each nation state? Who mans these offices ( I suspect they are in privately owned corporate board rooms)? How can alpha central be defined into recognizable components and made subject to direct analysis? Needed is in sequence narratives that incorporate the understanding that is developing, and needed also are identifies of these these scoundrels which allows assignment to each of expected behaviors. Light at the end of the tunnel will be found as the masses begin to understand the problem.
Posted by: snake | Apr 25 2021 20:36 utc | 48
The comments to this entry are closed.
that's quite fascinating b.. thanks for sharing this... i find the fact the nyt would they would even focus on an" investigation into Jewish billionaire financing of anti-Islamisms in Europe" quite odd and revealing... when you strip away the bullshit, what is the agenda going on here?? someone on the inside doesn't like someone else on the inside?? it seems weird... of course the russian angle is a complete distraction which one would automatically assume for the nyt... i will look at t his further after i get back from the recording session..
Posted by: james | Apr 24 2021 19:03 utc | 1