Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
February 19, 2021

The No Change Presidency

After a month as president Joe Biden has already broken several major campaign promises.

There will be:

  • No $2,000 checks.
  • No minimum wage rises.
  • No student debt forgiveness.
  • No halting of deportations.
  • No end of the war on Yemen.
  • No return to the JCPOA.

As Alan MacLeod summarizes:

Biden began his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in June 2019 at a Manhattan hotel, telling wealthy donors that “nothing would fundamentally change” under his presidency. After one month in office, it appears as if that is one campaign promise he is likely to keep.

The U.S. will also continue its wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one.

Posted by b on February 19, 2021 at 18:46 UTC | Permalink

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I always thought that Biden's campaign slogan should have been a modification of Obama's "Hope and Change" slogan.

Biden's campaign slogan should have been: "No Hope and No Change."

Posted by: Mike from Jersey | Feb 19 2021 18:56 utc | 1

My guess for More Pointless War would be Ukraine.

Posted by: Eighthman | Feb 19 2021 19:04 utc | 2

Hasn't been any reversal of anything Trump did. Speaks volumes. Actually lends credence to the theory that there aren't 2 parties anymore ...if ever. Soon to b 3 parties just like Canada. Then u will have 3 parties doing squat....except for donors. Fun Fun....

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Feb 19 2021 19:04 utc | 3

We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one.

Europe. Because the US is losing its grip.

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 19 2021 19:04 utc | 4

@Norwegian. I'm guessing Texas :) But ya Europe. Ukraine specifically.

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Feb 19 2021 19:17 utc | 5

Biden will start a war when he gets tired of hearing from all the media that he is a sissy.

The trigger for the war will be a leaked Latvian secret service report that Ayatollah Rohani has called Biden a sissy.

Posted by: Leuk | Feb 19 2021 19:17 utc | 6

If you are American, do this little exercise: ask your nearest MMTer why did Biden refused to give the USD 2,000.00 checks and rise the minimum wage.

The resources at the disposal of the USA are dwindling. It will have to, at the same time, worsen the quality of life of its own people (working classes) while being even more aggressive on waging wars. And, contrary to the 1960s-1970s, it will now have to start to win those wars, otherwise the wealth will stop flowing.

Posted by: vk | Feb 19 2021 19:20 utc | 7

i think harris is president... they have succeeded in politically correct optics... if she goes to war, it will be for israel and it is whatever that means...

Posted by: james | Feb 19 2021 19:24 utc | 8

Biden has changed the US scheme for partitioning Yemen. Focus has shifted to enabling the UAE/Israeli proxy: the Southern Transitional Council. The failing Saudi scheme and Hadi were kept alive for the last year or so as a foil and distraction against the Houthis, but they're too incompetent and corrupt to hold anything. Israel/UAE revived Yemen's ISIS 2.0 to eliminate Saudi-backed al Qaeda opposition to the STC last year, and are now trying to save what's left of the Hadi corpse. They won't. That means the Houthis will head south after taking Marib to liberate Aden and the coast. The UAE/Israel/US can't have that, and nobody cares what the useless Saudis think.

Despite any appearances otherwise, Biden has kicked the Saudis to the side of the road and is fully on-board with the UAE/Israeli Yemen partition scheme. It's pretty obvious by the propaganda.

The UAE, Israel and the US have whipped the UN Security Council into a frenzy crying about the humanitarian disaster if the Houthis take Marib (= end of Hadi puppet regime). There's also been a months-long fuel embargo against north Yemen. Saudi and US navy has been seizing any takers that dare to reach Hodeidah. I suppose they figured it would punish the Houthis and hurt their military capability. It hasn't, but it is having the same effect as the last embargo: no fuel to run water supply or distribution, sewage treatment plants, hospitals or aid delivery convoys. This will be the second man-made cholera epidemic in Yemen. The last Yemen cholera epidemic they caused (without repercussions) was the largest one in mankind's history.

In a cruel twist of fate, the 'secret' oil embargo has only magnified the suffering of those 2 million IDPs in Marib. Little or no products are coming out of the Marib refinery or Safer. That's what prompted the Houthi to move on it. Of course they want the oil - they're dying without it, and so is everyone else in north Yemen. Biden might be forced to false-flag the Safer Oil Terminal to deny them any possible future export route. I see they have ramped up the rhetoric on how 'unsafe' the tanker is, so blowing it up and blaming Houthi inaction would be business as usual.

Loss of Marib to the Houthis *is* a catastrophe to the UAE/Israel proxy, the STC, because then they will get the Houthi's undivided attention. The UAE has been arming STC to the teeth to guard the Israeli/UAE war booty: Aden and the coastal ports. They were eventually going to have to march up to Hodeidah to take that port from the Houthis, too. If Marib isn't there to split the Houthi forces, then the UAE/Israeli STC isn't getting Hodeidah and [gasp!] they may lose the STC booty to a unified Yemen. The UAE/Israeli Socotra land theft is safe because the Houthis can't reach it easily and the UN will *always* back Israeli land theft.

Blowing up Safer or reviving ISIS 2.0 are not the least of Biden's options to 'protect Israeli interests' in Yemen. I fear for them.

Posted by: PavewayIV | Feb 19 2021 19:26 utc | 9

thanks paveway... good overview and probably quite accurate too..

Posted by: james | Feb 19 2021 19:31 utc | 10

The U.S. has rejoined the Paris Accords

One cannot claim nothing has been changed by the new administration. Many other reversals of Trump policies are underway, especially domestic ones including immigration, energy & environment, EPA regulations and public land use (e.g. mining leases cancelled). I suspect a repeat of the Obama betrayal will mainly be seen on the Wall Street / Financial front, which may be the most significant in terms of its effect on the average citizen.

Posted by: norecovery | Feb 19 2021 19:39 utc | 11

@ norecovery | Feb 19 2021 19:39 utc | 11
Its a giant grift, based on textbook pathological science.

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 19 2021 19:43 utc | 12

Where is the enchantress to explain bidens altruism?

Posted by: isitreal | Feb 19 2021 19:53 utc | 13

"Where is the enchantress to explain bidens altruism?"


Somewhere torturing children?

Posted by: Trond | Feb 19 2021 20:02 utc | 14

it doesn't pay to write articles today cuz things change so fast, everything is outdated in mere hours.
But I don't appreciate how the article is BS about the 2000. Biden cannot just issue checks. The checks will come out in March. This shows clear bias toward Biden and instead of information, the article becomes propaganda.
Also, Biden just agreed to join Europe in discussion about the JCPO.
And if Saudies are smart, they will see where the wind is blowing from, drop the dollar and unite with China. That will spell the death of USA. Saudies were useful for 80 years, but no more.
But yeah war is a-coming against Russia in Ukraine. Then Biden is put a full economic blockade on Russia as I explained what will happen in The Faker, sorry The Saker web site.

Posted by: Hoyeru | Feb 19 2021 20:02 utc | 15

LOL... the "Paris Accords" where there's no there there.

Posted by: urblintz | Feb 19 2021 20:11 utc | 16

Posted by: vk | Feb 19 2021 19:20 utc | 7

And, contrary to the 1960s-1970s, it will now have to start to win those wars, otherwise the wealth will stop flowing.

I believe the objective now is to prevent wealth from flowing East. This means that the definition of 'winning' the war may not be the one we intuitively may think of.

An obvious example which illustrates the strategy is the one of a functioning, promising nation with the highest standard of living on the African continent turned into a devastated stretch of rubble.

Another example is the success the empire is having in Syria. With large chunks of confiscated land and a state of durable smoulder everywhere else, we shouldn't expect the Eastern bloc to extend westward to the Mediterranean anytime soon. Nor should the empire fear the regional actors gaining sufficient economic and political mass to ever make an impression on the world podium and demand the return of occupied territories and repatriation of all refugees as required by law.

Posted by: robin | Feb 19 2021 20:11 utc | 17

Nothing changes because the only party in the USA is the Republican party.

It has two wings. The older conservative faction is fascist in character and supports all the well-known policies of privatization, corporatism, limiting public services, militarization, monopolization, censorship and repression of the left.

The younger wing is the "Justice Republicans". This group was previously known as the Democratic Party. It is also fascist in character and supports all of the policies that the conservative wing promotes, but adds an interest in non-class based social justice issues that do threaten the power of the elites that own the uni-party.

That nothing changes should surprise exactly no one.

Posted by: Meet the New Boss | Feb 19 2021 20:23 utc | 18

Where else could Harris, erm, Biden start a war? How about a border war between Colombia and Venezuela, or one between Venezuela and another neighbour opposed to the Maduro govt: Brazil or Guyana possibly?

Indeed anywhere where there is still a border dispute, even one long dormant, could be an excuse to ratchet up plans for a war, especially if potential exists to try to implicate Russian or Chinese interference.

Posted by: Jen | Feb 19 2021 20:26 utc | 19

The election of Joe Biden was never about changing anything. The entire platform of the Democrats was to deplatform Trump. Years of propaganda effort, and finally a conspiracy of tech and media to defeat the deranged moron, uh stable genius, by the short hairs. And now that it's been 'mission accomplished' it's easily revealed the Democrats have no plan but to continue the sellout to corporate supremacy and American Exceptionalism; for-profit empire.

America is Back (cough-cough) goes the cry from Bidenland as 'we' reclaim our rightful position as First Among Equals.

But what else can the last throes of empire do but kick the can, point the finger and pray like hell.

Posted by: gottlieb | Feb 19 2021 20:31 utc | 20

PavewayIV | Feb 19 2021 19:26 utc | 9

The UAE is dismantling Assab, (Port, 150 km North of Djibouti.) Shouldn't this mean that they are moving out of the area and going back home ? Could it be too expensive a war after all. Or are they simply concentrating at Socotra?

... at least 52% of the total population of #Yemen is in favor of the Salvation government and Ansar Allah.
“#Houthis”, “Shiite militias”, “coup plotters”, etc. are the titles used by these media outlets to portray Ansar Allah as a minority in the religious and political spheres of #Yemen, while at least 65% of the total population of Yemen resides in Ansar Allah areas and...

Both from IWN

Posted by: Stonebird | Feb 19 2021 20:34 utc | 21

No change presidency means that the USA will continue to steal from the poor. Someone should inform Ethiopia and Egypt about this reality.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 19 2021 20:41 utc | 22

As I reported yesterday, there most certainly is movement on the JCPOA issue. Today, Zarif responded:

"US acknowledged Pompeo's claims re Res. 2231 had no legal validity.

"We agree.

"In compliance w/ 2231:

"US unconditionally & effectively lift all sanctions imposed, re-imposed or re-labeled by Trump.

"We will then immediately reverse all remedial measures.

"Simple: #CommitActMeet"

So, Iran still demands the Outlaw US Empire come into "compliance w/2231," which entails the actions of lifting "all sanctions." Iran will then reverse its "remedial measures" to return to compliance, and only then can further negotiations begin. Zarif didn't mention the time deadline in his tweet but that still remains active. Please read the articles I linked to yesterday on the Biden Cheating thread which announce the most recent developments. However, this article is THE most important one since it spells out Iran's terms and includes how the Iranian Parliament's legislation sets a timer on it all.

I expect something to come out of DC later today as it cannot remain silent, nor can it procrastinate.

Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 19 2021 20:42 utc | 23

One of the biggest complaints about BidenCo is its lethargy/procrastination in removing destructive Trump appointees from their positions, with this article providing only one specific but crucial example.

Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 19 2021 20:51 utc | 24

"We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one."

Given the context of the past 20 years including the Bush, Obama and Trump presidencies and current geopolitical realities, I doubt Biden starts a war on par with Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and most certainly not on the level of Iraq. They will have to try hard to grow and harvest so-called low hanging fruit if they intend to engage in any real, direct, shooting military engagements much less invasions/occupations. I'm not saying that can't or won't happen - and I predicted a much wider scale military confrontation with Iran if Trump was re-elected. Maybe not an all out invasion which would never sell back home and would be a military and societal folly of epic proportions. But Trump did try with Soleimani, tanker seizures, and standard militaristic posturing and prodding, not to mention brutal sanctions.

Biden isn't as beholden to Israel (which isn't saying much since the rest of the gov't is) or Saudi Arabia (there is a "damning" report coming soon on the Kashogghi murder which allegedly ties it directly to MBS...duh) and most countries which are even possible military targets that represent a "threat" to US or Israeli interests have been thrown into chaos and instability (which was the real goal). China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran are off the table in my opinion.

Guess we'll have to wait and see. While the US corporate media were the main cheerleaders for the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, they sold Obama's wars much more subtly, often intentionally ignoring or burying stories that were contrary to that administration's image. That is the kind of treatment I expect from them for Biden if and when he starts a new war.

Posted by: _K_C_ | Feb 19 2021 20:57 utc | 25

Propaganda: ignore the strangulation, it's not WAR unless there's shooting.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 19 2021 21:02 utc | 26

The Harris/Biden presidency will not start any more wars just like the Trump presidency because we are in the throes of a civilization war already and it escalated to MAD phase in late Obama days.

Yes, there can be border skirmishes but no more invasions like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Russia has said that Iran is a strategic partner of Russia and I believe both China and Russia are protecting Venezuela to some degree.

The process of taking sides in this civilization war continues and as the membership of those sides firms up, the firming events at some point will precipitate the final act......extinction or capitulation.......I hope I get to see the final act and maybe experience a bit of the denoueument period.

It sure looks to me like empire is in crash and burn mode but we haven't reached the final act of this shit show yet.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Feb 19 2021 21:03 utc | 27

Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 19 2021 21:02 utc | 26

Of course. That goes without saying at MoA. Those who frequent this site understand the brutality of sanctions and embargoes. We also know they are acts of war. But I don't think that's what b meant when he said: "We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one." If so, what other countries are left to sanction? Keep in mind that "another one" means one that isn't currently sanctioned/sabotaged - which Biden will of course continue doing. So what countries do you think might be on their radar for new brutal sanctions?

Closest thing I can think of when it comes to war under Biden would be Reagan/Bush/Clinton (incl. Hillary)style coups and "behind the scenes" support for right wing death squads in Central and South America. Otherwise, I think the Biden administration sits back and supports Israel's invasion or destruction of Lebanon.

Posted by: _K_C_ | Feb 19 2021 21:07 utc | 28

thanks paveway@9. canthama has posted a similar view, slightly more optimistic, on taxis' site. we shall pray for the houthis, may china, russia, iran & hezbollah continue to help them. aden...(location location).

Posted by: emersonreturn | Feb 19 2021 21:15 utc | 29

Really, why would anyone be surprised that a candidate who did nothing to win the Presidency should similarly do nothing once elected?

Posted by: c1ue | Feb 19 2021 21:15 utc | 30

Really, why would anyone be surprised that a candidate who did nothing to win the Presidency should similarly do nothing once elected?

Posted by: c1ue | Feb 19 2021 21:15 utc | 30

Thanks for that. I'm sure I'll use that line whenever I can!

Posted by: tucenz | Feb 19 2021 21:29 utc | 31

Come on, you can do better:
"its wars"?
How about "Its unlawful, war crime, extra-constitutional wars of aggression".
The US military: most expensive, losingest military in human history. Hasn't won a war since 1945 unless you count Panama and Grenada.

Posted by: Stephen Laudig | Feb 19 2021 21:41 utc | 32

"America is back!"

So Biden is saying he Made America Great Again? Just by successfully scamming the election? Even if he never delivered at least Trump's MAGA referenced jobs and industry and economic growth. Biden's MAGA is just about tone and empty posturing. Which one attempted to deal with reality and which one is just delusion? I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader!

Posted by: William Gruff | Feb 19 2021 21:41 utc | 33

The core constituency of any US politician is old women. They are the ones who reliably get out and vote.

The old ladies are in love with Joe.The go into raptures at mention of his name. They are more in love with him than with Obama, than with Bill Clinton, maybe as much as with JFK. From retail political point of view Joe is on top of the world. Why would he change a thing?

Posted by: oldhippie | Feb 19 2021 21:46 utc | 34

Really, why would anyone be surprised that a candidate who did nothing to win the Presidency should similarly do nothing once elected?
Posted by: c1ue | Feb 19 2021 21:15 utc | 30

Many a true word is spoken in jest...
It'll be easy for the Biden Admin to start a new war with Jewed-up John (Assad Must Go) Kerry as USA's Climate Czar. The Climate Czar has a big say in Energy Policy which Trump interpreted as Stealing Oil. Kerry's appointment is unlikely to have been an accident.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19 2021 21:47 utc | 35

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19 2021 21:47 utc | 35

"...which Trump interpreted as Stealing Oil."


So are you saying that Trump didn't "steal oil" in and around Syria or are you simply commenting on his campaign messaging and not his proven history of stealing (no quotes needed and anyone can find the information) oil?

Posted by: _K_C_ | Feb 19 2021 22:03 utc | 36

PavewayIV | Feb 19 2021 19:26 utc | 9

Nah, there isn't the slightest chance of the Houthis moving in on Aden and the ports of the coast. Marib is about as far as they can go. South Yemen is so solidly Sunni that they prefer al-Qaida. It's why North and South Yemen existed, and never really fusionned.

Posted by: Laguerre | Feb 19 2021 22:11 utc | 37

IMO Biden's got two choices, continue the class war, or try to mitigate it, by helping the American working classes.

His epitaph is yet to be written....

Posted by: vetinLA | Feb 19 2021 22:12 utc | 38

Strategic-Culture Editorial on the topic:

"Biden’s Post-Trump NATO Reset Points to Failing U.S. Global Power in Multipolar World."

Key snippet:

"American hegemonic ambitions required to satisfy its corporate capitalism are dependent on a zero-sum geopolitics. The globe must divided into spheres of influence as in the earlier Cold War decades. There must be antagonism to thwart genuine cooperation which is anathema to American capitalism. Indeed, it can be said that the Cold War never actually ended when the Soviet Union dissolved more three decades ago. America’s imperialist ideology continued under new guises of 'fighting terrorism', 'democracy promotion and nation building', or more recently 'great power competition' with Russia and China.

"The bottom line is that NATO is more important than ever for enabling Washington’s global power ambitions given the demise of American capitalism and the rise of China and Eurasia. NATO provides a crucial political cover for what would otherwise be seen as naked American imperialism." [My Emphasis]

IMO, the socio-political-economic set of crises within the Outlaw US Empire will deter BidenCo from going to war elsewhere, especially if Dollar Hegemony's to be salvaged or at least delayed from ending soon. The one big change that Hudson will raise in his rewritten, third edition of Super Imperialism will be the Outlaw US Empire's loss of ability to have the world finance its Imperialism as was the case until 2008. That's why Stoltenberg's cost-sharing proposition is being warmly received in DC.

Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 19 2021 22:16 utc | 39

Biden is a tool. When he was vp he let China bumrush the sea lanes of South China Sea and now he wants to implement his "we are the world" policy.

He hasn't mentioned north korea nor the Iranian militia attack in iraq a few days ago.

His slogan should be 'America last'

Posted by: Dogon Priest | Feb 19 2021 22:59 utc | 40

'Then put a full blockade on Russia'.
Unfeasible, void of int'l support and counterproductive, Mr Reikeru.
'Saudi arabia was useful for 80 years."
Will go on being useful, mr Keiru. But much less maneuverable in two key items, namely :
confronting Iran and Oil policy.
Iran is not a toy any longer and the King finally has understood that
when it comes to oil , it makes more SENSE to cooperate with the moscovite " bbl fellow producer" in the oil scenario than bowing to the texans...

Posted by: augusto | Feb 19 2021 23:29 utc | 41

Stonebird@21 - "The UAE is dismantling Assab, (Port, 150 km North of Djibouti.) Shouldn't this mean that they are moving out of the area and going back home ? "

Doesn't it strike you as odd that such an insignificant bit of 'news' appears now? They (supposedly) pulled out of Yemen in mid-2019, but - look! - they moved some big boxes off the dock of their massive base. Wow! Dismantling? [chuckle] And who reported this blockbuster scoop? "...[PlanetLabs] satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press..." Hmmm... the AP is usually delivering a message, not reporting news. Now, the UAE may have moved some boxes somewhere, but isn't it a rather tortured conclusion that they are either dismantling the base or that it has anything to do with supposedly leaving Yemen? On the contrary, the UAE has every reason to remain in Eritrea at Assab *and* to ship more (military) equipment to the STC. Which explains why AP's cringeworthy 'dismantling' cover story/distraction comes out now.

"Could it be too expensive a war after all."

Why? They WON. At least they control the assets they have been eyeing all along: Yemeni ports, coastline overlooking Bab al Mandab and control of Socotra (guard/snooping station for entrance to Red Sea). Which happen to be assets Israel was particularly interested in controlling as well. What a coincidence! The only threats to that are the unlikely post-peace-treaty unified Yemeni government [insert screaming UAE ambassador here], or the UAE's STC proxy being steamrolled (again) by the Houthi after they take care of business in Ma'rib.

"Or are they simply concentrating at Socotra?"

Not much concentration required besides picking out a new site for the U.S. electronic surveillance junk already there and adding the Israeli stuff. The UAE already has the lease from 'the UN-recognized government' of Hadi, they have the locals paid off and they're buying up all the private land. Socotra is a done deal.

The news to me is Biden so publicly insulting and dumping MbS for his new business partner MbZ. $64 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia over five years, but now: No soup for you! Instead, $23 billion of arms for Israel's new BFF and Saudi rival: the UAE. Biden slaps MbS in the face while simultaneously stabbing him in the back. It's over for the Saudis in Yemen. Only question is how big of a war will the US covertly support to ensure UAE and Israel keep their war booty. The evil cabal may have to genocide a few million more Yemenis. They're OK with that.

Posted by: PavewayIV | Feb 19 2021 23:34 utc | 42

The Texas has been returning for 7 days the stone age . IF Germany wants destroy the Nordstream II project for American gas.. I wish they see what is happening in TEXAS.

Posted by: Nick | Feb 19 2021 23:39 utc | 43

We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one.

He actually started one already. It's called a war against his own people (~ half of the population, to be precise).
There is no need for a democratically elected president, for whom the majority of voters honestly voted, to sit behind several rows of high barbed wire fences guarded by thousands of soldiers. And if this happens, then not everything is okay. Not okay at all.

Posted by: alaff | Feb 19 2021 23:40 utc | 44

_K_C_ @Feb19 21:07 #28

I think there's a hyrid war on all countries that have:

  • a large Shia or Palestinian population;
  • a socialist/anti-oligarch orientation;
  • are simply not willing to be assimilated into the Empire;
  • allied with country(s) that fall into the above categories.

I count at least a dozen countries (along with the stateless Palestinians) that qualify.

And lets not forget the war on whistle-blowers, "populist movements", "conspiracy theorists" and other domestic dissidents. Example: white nationalists are fine when they support Trump's expanded military budget and denunciation of socialism but become an evil threat when they rail against his total support for Israel or demand answers as to why they are being de-platformed/canceled.

Those who claim (directly or indirectly) that Trump didn't start any new wars are (knowingly or unknowingly) minimizing the outrage of the Empire's many, and ongoing, hybrid wars for total global domination.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 20 2021 0:01 utc | 45

Tannenhouser (#3) said 'Actually lends credence to the theory that there aren't 2 parties anymore ... Soon to b 3 parties just like Canada. Then u will have 3 parties doing squat....except for donors.'

Might be true for the US one day, but here in Canada our third party is a centre-left alternative to the two centre-right parties...

Posted by: Jim | Feb 20 2021 0:02 utc | 46

Why would anyone be surprised that a candidate who did nothing to win the Presidency should similarly do nothing once elected? by: c1ue @ 30 <= based on the laws, decisions and lies in years since 1788 it seems obvious to me the less the USA does, the greater will be America.

Posted by: snake | Feb 20 2021 0:03 utc | 47

@44 alaff

I get what you're saying but I don't think the war is against one half versus another half. In my view the real war is from the top against all below.


On the US domestic scene, I happened to notice today that the Administration signed off on extending foreclosure forbearance until midsummer, but didn't extend the eviction moratorium past March.

I'm on the side of mortgage holders (i.e. small landlords), and forbearance is useful, but no extension for tenants? They are determined to clean the weak off the rolls, aren't they?

That's a 3-month margin for landlords to evict tenants, rehab the property and get it rented again at a a higher rent. Tight, but doable for small landlords (whom I regard as little different from the rest of the poor, by the way - rentier philosophies notwithstanding).


What the US always does supremely well is knock the weakest portion of society into the gutter through financial manipulations (recessions) and then sweep them all into a memory hole so they don't exist anymore. Those who survive don't notice the carnage and it is never mentioned, so life goes on as if there's a working economy.

There's a subliminal tacit agreement in US society, I think, not to mention the ones who fell by the wayside, in case this should plunge the economy into another fall. No one dares to talk about the weak who are lost. Some of the survivors glory in their survivorship, while others I suspect are simply afraid to call the airstrike down on themselves. No negative thinking, lest the magic runs out.

But it keeps the economy running, for a bit longer.

In light of the Romanoff recent articles, I think this dynamic fits the national psyche somewhere.

Posted by: Grieved | Feb 20 2021 0:05 utc | 48

@jim46. The orange house in Canada is in cahoots w whatever party happens to be in power at any given moment. It spouts
virtuous rhetoric at every opportunity, and then does what ever blue or red house tells it to. ALL three parties in Canada serve the same interests, and it isn't yours or mine. Ever. Look no further than each parties stance on Palestine. All three are beholden to Non sovereign interests. The Red house handed 2 elections to the Blue house under Harper by fielding unelectable candidates. Dion 1st and then Ignatieff. The blue house has done the same, second unelectable candidate being O'tool. The NDP is left in rhetoric only. Under its previous leader it may have had a chance at leading federally. Jagmeet hasnt a hope here, and he knows it, which why he pretends to be relevant with virtue signaling. Its all Kayfabe just like the states.

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Feb 20 2021 0:19 utc | 49

Rejoining the Paris accords does not constitute a change as it was purely cosmetic.

Posted by: ian | Feb 20 2021 0:21 utc | 50

Re: Jim #46,

Im not sure if the NCP counts as center left in any meaningful way compared to the Liberals or Progressive Conservatives. Nowadays, the NDP are mostly "Liberals" who weren't cut-throat enough to cut it in the Liberal Party. The Greens are at least slightly different from the Liberals & Conservatives in that they are fanatical in their devotion to "Green" policies. However, I would hesitate to call the Greens "leftist", as they every bit as Neo-liberal in their economic policies as the Liberals & Conservatives (just with a green veneer slapped on top) and pro-war as well, i remember during the last election I was considering voting green and saw their foreign policy boiled down to keep trying to overthrow of Assad and the mass settlement of Syrian refugees into Canada. Call me old fashioned, but I've always felt that sinking ships so you can praise yourself for rescuing the lifeboats is a repugnant morality. Perhaps one day Canada will have a political party worth voting for, but until that day I will keep casting my vote for Putin

Posted by: Kadath | Feb 20 2021 0:42 utc | 51

I love Biden and his quotes.

His "I will not make that (stimulus, minimum wage, student debt writeoff) happen" line is the best of 2021 so far.

Posted by: Smith | Feb 20 2021 0:45 utc | 52

Just the latest in a long list of no-change presidencies. Obama tinkered, Trump tinkered, and nothing fundamentally changed as usual.

Posted by: Dave | Feb 20 2021 0:52 utc | 53

Re #46 and #51

I agree with Kadath that the Greens, under Annamie Paul, are neoliberal and not at all antiwar. Ms Paul seems to unquestioningly accept all the Sinophobic and Russophobic propaganda peddled in our Canuckistan media. I was really hoping that Dimitri Lascaris would win the leadership but "Democratic" (DNC) style rigging, including by the outgoing leader, ensured that Dimitri would not succeed Elizabeth May.

Posted by: spudski | Feb 20 2021 0:53 utc | 54

Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 19 2021 22:16 utc | 39

Thanks for your posts, that's what I see too. They found another slice of the salami. I've seen a few other rhetorical touches that suggest they are heading towards less "kinetic" options, and Iran is aware of the situation. They took the bait. Psaki has said that is all we are going to do before talking. Zarif says "we agree", but all the stuff Trump did must be undone. Which would seem like a congenial choice for Biden to consider. But I don't suppose everybody is going to take this lying down. But this all does suggest a dose of reality is at work, which would be nice. I notice the Bidenites want China and Russia in the talks too.

Posted by: Bemildred | Feb 20 2021 0:55 utc | 55

Libyan officials call on West to assist in ousting Russian forces

The Libyan government has called on the United States and its Western allies to assist in ousting all Russian forces, including Wagner group mercenaries deployed in the war-torn country.

In exclusive comments made for a recently published white paper, "Biden Administration Options for and Benefits of Countering Russian Influence in Libya," Libya's Defense Minister Salah Eddine al-Namrush said: "The Russian influence in Libya is expanding well beyond military occupation. This expansion is now taking the form of political and media meddling. Our planned elections are in danger and can only be protected by a robust and activist strategy that would involve support from our allies in the free world.”

Libyan Presidential Council member Mohammed Ammari also said: “I am certain that the Wagner Group will not abide by any agreement to withdraw from Libya. The Wagner Group provides the Russian government with the power and means to influence Libyan political, military and economic policy. The Russian expansion is not only a threat to Libya but also a threat to European and American national security. Our allies in Europe and in the United States should support our efforts to remove the Wagner Group by all means possible and at the earliest opportunity.”

Posted by: Mao | Feb 20 2021 0:58 utc | 56

Hours after being inaugurated, President Joe Biden reentered the United States in the Paris Agreement, as he had promised to do. The reentry takes effect on February 19.

Posted by: Mao | Feb 20 2021 1:03 utc | 57

China May Ban Rare Earth Tech Exports on Security Concerns

Biden to order review of U.S. reliance on overseas supply chains for semiconductors, rare earths

Posted by: Mao | Feb 20 2021 1:10 utc | 58

Munich Security Conference 2021(video conference): SleepyJoe, no comment, he can't remember his speech anyway.
Obvious stoned Stoltenberg reports about NATO's low-carbon warfare! LOL!
U.v.d.Lying, no comment! Sic!
Looks like dancing vampires:
Lisa Fritz Kabarett, sorry German only.

Posted by: Wolle | Feb 20 2021 2:29 utc | 59

Ok this senile prick is just making me sick at this point, not that I had much hope to begin with but this is just too much, too brazen. Oh I'm the president now so fk you. Why do people still fall for these lies and flip flopping? It's just an incredible testament to the most sophisticated propaganda model in human history.

Posted by: David Johnston | Feb 20 2021 2:33 utc | 60

Re: "China May Ban Rare Earth Tech Exports on Security Concerns"

-Mao | Feb 20 2021 1:10 utc | 58

This so-called rare earth (RE) element shortage is a false narrative pumped out by the fake media, controlled by the US -asset-liquidating vulture GloboCapitalists.

There are lots of mothballed US/North American RE mines/deposits that were shut down/abandoned/undeveloped, for cheaper Chinese sourced (cheaper labor/dirty coal energy-powered/pollution friendly) RE mined resources.

The Vulture GloboCaps just don't want to pay the extra out-of-pocket to mine RE domestically.

That would cut into their profit margins...[just like in Texas...]

Posted by: gm | Feb 20 2021 2:42 utc | 61

Well, NATO is sending 3,500 new troops to... Iraq.

increasing its invasion force from 500 troops to 4,000. So maybe that's an indicator where the next 'war zones' are going to be: Iraq and Syria... Again

Gotta keep a hold on that Syrian oil and the better part of the Syrian northeast as well, which can easily be used as a springboard (along with the al-Tanf area) to mount/support either frequent ISIS and/or al Qaeda, etc attacks on the Syrian government and people.

Posted by: michaelj72 | Feb 20 2021 2:58 utc | 62

And after endless debate, the simple question is; How much improvement in the lives of workers across America, will Biden's owners let him tinker with? After all is said and done, that's the key to any president's term.

We'll see. Take a deep breath and pay attention to what's done, not what's said, especially in the empire's MSM.

Posted by: vetinLA | Feb 20 2021 3:06 utc | 63

@urblintz, @Ian,

So true. Radoslav Dimitrov captured the reality so well in his concept of "Empty Institutions" designed not to make any real policy progress, but rather to provide performative political art on a regular basis to distract from the actual lack of real progress. I have linked to his paper below:

Posted by: Roger | Feb 20 2021 3:09 utc | 64

I wonder about this "immigration" issue in the US.
Why does this pop up all time?
I mean the US is in a recession, with millions unemployed, why is it important to have even more unemployable people come into the US? There are basically just low paid service jobs available (less than $14 hourly), I ask why?

Posted by: Den lille abe | Feb 20 2021 3:17 utc | 65

Canada = New Ukraine.
Good luck with that.

Posted by: Den lille abe | Feb 20 2021 3:24 utc | 66

We are left to guess where, not if, Biden will start another one

My guess is somewhere in Africa first as a primer.

Posted by: Lalimba | Feb 20 2021 3:29 utc | 67

Below is a quote from Biden's speech to the Munich least he agrees with my civilization war context....

"We are in the midst of a fundamental debate about the future direction of our world. Between those who argue that — given all of the challenges we face, from the fourth industrial revolution to a global pandemic — autocracy is the best way forward and those who understand that democracy is essential to meeting those challenges."

"Historians will examine and write about this moment. It's an inflection point. And I believe with every ounce of my being that democracy must prevail."

When is the world going to call BS on the democracy term applied to a society that has its money system controlled by a cult of private individuals? The longer humanity continues to live the myth/lie of democracy in the West, the more likely our species will go extinct because we are unable to evolve beyond barbarism as our form of social organization.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Feb 20 2021 3:42 utc | 68

No offense to anyone (or their imaginary friends),
What are these silly bitches going to do when the music stops?
Just sayin'...

Posted by: Josh | Feb 20 2021 3:44 utc | 69

Then there is the projection from US Senator Tom Cotton

The Chinese Communist Party has lied, stolen, and killed its way to the top. America needs a plan to beat this new Evil Empire.

It is unfortunate that so many Americans are swayed by rhetoric like this.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Feb 20 2021 3:51 utc | 70

The world is like an onion, it has layers. Where Trump attacked everything Obama, Biden is attacking everything Trump plus his supporters and, while the MSM is mostly silent on this, about half the USA is gearing up for a civil war. Meanwhile the international wars have been increasing, just not so visibly. Don't forget the digital wars, the apparent biological wars, the propaganda wars, the food wars, and etc. And while most people just recognize the shooting wars the oligarchs, through the military-industrial-congressional complex and other world governments, are playing a global game of Monopoly against each other where even superpowers are but pawns. WWIII started years ago, it's just that most people don't recognize it as such because it's not state actors calling the shots, it's oligarchs who are, in essence, ghosts because we can't see them.

Posted by: Glenn S Olson | Feb 20 2021 4:17 utc | 71

@ psychohistorian | Feb 20 2021 3:51 utc | 70 quoting US Senator Tom Cotton about calling China "new Evil Empire".

I didn't think about it but would someone ask Tom Cotton to describe the old/existing Evil Empire......grin

Posted by: psychohistorian | Feb 20 2021 4:29 utc | 72

"The USA has lied, stolen, and killed its way to the top. China, Russia, Iran, etc needs a plan to beat this Evil Empire."

fixed it for you pschohistorian!

@ 54 spudski.. ditto your comment.. canada isn't far behind in this democracy charade..

Posted by: james | Feb 20 2021 4:29 utc | 73

GSO @ 71 said;

"And while most people just recognize the shooting wars the oligarchs, through the military-industrial-congressional complex and other world governments, are playing a global game of Monopoly against each other where even superpowers are but pawns. WWIII started years ago, it's just that most people don't recognize it as such because it's not state actors calling the shots, it's oligarchs who are, in essence, ghosts because we can't see them."

This is obvious to anyone paying attention, so, you'd think more folks would get it.

Well stated GSO, thank you....

Posted by: vetinLA | Feb 20 2021 4:47 utc | 74

One thing the new admin. should address, is the clown heading up the US postal service. The only way Biden can approach DeJoy, and fire him, is by terminating his board of directors first, and then firing his sorry butt for dereliction of duty.

Posted by: vetinLA | Feb 20 2021 5:21 utc | 75


No change in sight there either according to the hearings reported by Wall Street On Parade.

Citadel Securities has also been fined and censured by multiple regulators for trading ahead of customers’ orders for its own account and failing to properly report trading data to the SEC.

One thing Ken Griffin is clearly highly competent at is spreading money around Washington. As we recently reported, Griffin personally wrote out checks totaling more than $61 million to PACs and Super PACs working exclusively to elect Republicans to Congress in just the most recent election cycle.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 20 2021 7:12 utc | 76

@_K_C_ | Feb 19 2021 20:57 utc | 25

Biden isn't as beholden to Israel (which isn't saying much since the rest of the gov't is) or Saudi Arabia

What makes you think Biden isn't beholden to Israel?

Here's what he says himself

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 20 2021 7:38 utc | 77

Posted by: psychohistorian | Feb 20 2021 3:51 utc | 70

I watched Biden, Macron and Merkel at the Munich Security Conference and this are some of my impressions:

On with the Munich Security Conference, no other than Bill Gates himself, as the host introduces him, and then a question concerning among other things the “equitable distribution” of vaccines, yes, equitable distribution and Bill Gates in the same sentence. And to such incisive question Bill replies “trillions of dollars” of damage, without mentioning people, all is dollars, and so much so that then he talks about “the small number of billions to insure ourselves”. Strange movie, to say the least. A minute and a half was more than enough to listen to that strange being and I was wondering why that snake oil pusher is invited to an event at the same level that world leaders.

Merkel, since she is translated it is not as easy to see the little details that reveal so much, but she only mentioned democracy once, then like the governess of the richest shop in the neighborhood she went on reading the shop’s books so as to prove to her masters that she is a good manager and that she is slowly paying the required ransom of two percent to NATO

Macron vows for democracy with results, we need good managers on the same track as Merkel before the master. Then he threw the concept of “sovereignty freedom”, so as to emphasize we are dependable poodles but we have to look free and tough at it. Then he went on to emphasize how the vaccine war is so important to win the hearts and minds of Africans so as to diminish the Russian and Chinese presence in the continent. But there is a great difference between Macron and Merkel, France includes his own military expenses as part of that two percent ransom, calls for European military autonomy, a no no in Washington and declares Russia “the key” for European security, again, a no no for the masters, takes a swipe at NATO for some members lack of solidarity referring to Turkey without mentioning it by name.

It would be interesting to count how many times Biden pronounced the word “democracy”, just in his closing statement at least five times, and listening to that word repeated so many times coming from someone that won an election in a contested manner is ironic to say the least. The US has to change its discourse and stop devaluing the word democracy and appealing to God’s blessings so much, Hollywood took over and US politicians behave like actors, not leaders.

Those are some impressions of an otherwise flashy event, kudos to DW, technically impressive since they put the translators track in one channel, and that allows to listen to the speakers without the interference of two talking at once, or to the translator only when Merkel spoke since German is not my cookie, unfortunately.

Posted by: Paco | Feb 20 2021 8:04 utc | 78

Josh | Feb 20 2021 3:44 utc | 69

you should listen to the whole song. I think you will be surprised.

Posted by: dan of steele | Feb 20 2021 8:05 utc | 79

@Wolle | Feb 20 2021 2:29 utc | 59

Obvious stoned Stoltenberg reports about NATO's low-carbon warfare! LOL!

Yes, that Quisling manages to put two giant murdering grifts into a single sentence with ease, and lie about it at the same time. I am wondering if Gruff had a point in a previous thread about, shall we say "personal videos" that might exist, the way he is behaving.

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 20 2021 8:16 utc | 80

re Norwegian @ # 77 who deliberately chose to misquote _K_C_ @ # 25 when he said "What makes you think Biden isn't beholden to Israel? immediately after he had copypasta'd KC's post "Biden isn't as beholden to Israel (which isn't saying much since the rest of the gov't is) ".

I'm not highlighting this to have a go at norwegian, I raise this minor example of Norwegian choosing to twist K-C's original post into a rhetorical question 100% at odds with K-C's actual post, because I for one am getting really bored with posts at MoA that attempt to aberrate another's post - possibly as a way to 'prove' a (imo non-existant), point.

K_C made it clear in #25 that he didn't reckon Biden wasn't in either zionism's or Nuttyahoo's back pocke,t (and there is a difference), but that as deep in the zionist/nuttyahoo pocket bidencorp was & is, he reckoned that it wasn't as deep as orangeutan had been.

So why attempt to turn a simple and thus far only somewhat demonstrable fact, into something akin to "K_C said the zionists don't own biden?".

For me it is typical of what occurs when we humans get drawn into the original mistake, that is imagining words (ie what some human says) are in any way comparable to what a human actually does.

Over the last coupla weeks I made a few posts pulling up a coupla posters who pull this shit much more egregiously and frequently than the norwegian does, before I decided that no one pays attention when an issue is so obviously subjective (ie defending one's own credibility to an audience so short on real experience of deconstructing each others' words & the implications of doing so) plus far more importantly, a group wich is still languishing under the misapprehension that words even matter.

Actions are what matters - if a poster wants to make what they believe in somehow 'matter', that is draw attention to an issue, talking about it / writing about it just isn't worth the energy - acting out & demonstrating the issue in action is the only strategy which works.

So WTF do so many of us still attempt to get some issue across by misrepresenting another's view?

Posted by: Debsisdead | Feb 20 2021 8:54 utc | 81

Posted by: psychohistorian | Feb 20 2021 3:51 utc | 70

Then there is the projection from US Senator Tom Cotton

The Chinese Communist Party has lied, stolen, and killed its way to the top. America needs a plan to beat this new Evil Empire.

It is unfortunate that so many Americans are swayed by rhetoric like this.

Unfortunate but understandable when you consider how so many people have surrendered any independent thinking for manufactured automatism.

Dogon Priest's post above is illustrative of the droning noise that every draftee of the great sectarian war is subjected to. Let's imagine the typical responses from those who look at the world exclusively through the prism of the sectarian divide:

Posted by: Dogon Priest | Feb 19 2021 22:59 utc | 40

Biden is a tool. When he was vp he let China bumrush the sea lanes of South China Sea and now he wants to implement his "we are the world" policy.

He hasn't mentioned north korea nor the Iranian militia attack in iraq a few days ago.

His slogan should be 'America last'

- Case 1. Coke hater
"Oh puh-lease, that is simply not true. You lie, just like YOUR beloved Trump. Dear god I hate Trump. Hate Hate Hate. Oooh I'm so angry I can't poo. I sure hope the new administration shows those Trump lovers just how wrong they are. You go Joe, stand tough!"
[I support american belligerence, whatever and wherever it may be]

- Case 2. Pepsi hater
"Of course Biden's a tool. A CCP-appeasing socialist tool. I called it long ago. Just look at China today. And also Iran and North Korea, of course, betcha sleepy joe's just gonna let them do the, uh, you know, stuff that they do. This is no time to be turning soft. Get out there and git'er done!"
[I support american belligerence, whatever and wherever it may be]

Posted by: robin | Feb 20 2021 9:02 utc | 82

PavewayIV | Feb 19 2021 23:34 utc | 42

I had figured out that all they were doing is changing the decor. But I wondered if this was to put a useable port further out of reach of Houthi missiles. Who have made some advances in long distance missile attacks, but don't seem to have tried to hit Assab yet.

"The news to me is Biden so publicly insulting and dumping MbS for his new business partner MbZ. $64 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia over five years, but now: No soup for you! Instead, $23 billion of arms for Israel's new BFF and Saudi rival: the UAE."

A possible answer to that is the Saudis are starting to need money. They are not getting nearly as much revenue from Oil. (OPEC). Which is now controlled by the Russians anyway, since MbS had to back down from trying to force prices higher. If they need money, as opposed to having it on tap, then there is less for "private initiatives" to payouts for US officials. In the UAE it is Abu Dhabi which is the key (used to tell Doha what to do and even bailed them out at one point). American/Israel "oversight" of Saudi is a given whereas the UAE is the newbie, with increased Israeli presence. Now being reinforced by their arms. (New Is order for F-35's to bring that to 75 units) Is Israel now moving to set up it's own empire? Or simply making it's "attackable" area larger. (Bomb Syria, now bomb Houthis using mainly-stealth planes?)

The Russians using a port (Port Sudan?) being set up for them further west along the Red Sea, could also have a long term strategic influence on the Yemeni conflict. Africa certainly.

Posted by: Stonebird | Feb 20 2021 9:34 utc | 83

@Debsisdead | Feb 20 2021 8:54 utc | 81

re Norwegian @ # 77 who deliberately chose to misquote
I am sorry, but you claiming to be a mind reader isn't convincing, and your assertion isn't true. It is not honest to project intentions you have no knowledge of.

re Norwegian @ # 77 who deliberately chose to misquote _K_C_ @ # 25 when he said "What makes you think Biden isn't beholden to Israel? immediately after he had copypasta'd KC's post "Biden isn't as beholden to Israel (which isn't saying much since the rest of the gov't is) ".

It isn't even clear what you claim is a "misquote", when my quote was verbatim from _K_C_s post. He claimed "Biden isn't as beholden to Israel", here is the full _K_C_ paragraph from #25 if you think it is more appropriate:

Biden isn't as beholden to Israel (which isn't saying much since the rest of the gov't is) or Saudi Arabia (there is a "damning" report coming soon on the Kashogghi murder which allegedly ties it directly to MBS...duh) and most countries which are even possible military targets that represent a "threat" to US or Israeli interests have been thrown into chaos and instability (which was the real goal). China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran are off the table in my opinion.
I am countering that by pointing to Bidens own statement that he is a Zionist, and thus clearly beholden to Israel. In Biden's own words
Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Jew To Be A Zionist"

So I am countering _K_C_ statement by actual facts, and you call that a "deliberate misquote"?

I'm not highlighting this to have a go at norwegian

That's a rather strange way of putting it.

I'm not highlighting this to have a go at norwegian, I raise this minor example of Norwegian choosing to twist K-C's original post into a rhetorical question 100% at odds with K-C's actual post, because I for one am getting really bored with posts at MoA that attempt to aberrate another's post - possibly as a way to 'prove' a (imo non-existant), point.

The way I see it, you are guilty of exactly what you accuse me of, and it is not just "boring", it is dishonest.

K_C made it clear in #25 that he didn't reckon Biden wasn't in either zionism's or Nuttyahoo's back pocke,t (and there is a difference), but that as deep in the zionist/nuttyahoo pocket bidencorp was & is, he reckoned that it wasn't as deep as orangeutan had been.

All I did, and I really don't see why I have to point this out again, was to show Biden declaring himself a long time Zionist, so it is clearly countering _K_Cs reckoning. That is called "debate" in my circles. If you disagree with me you are welcome to provide your own perspective and facts, but attributing false motives to me by claiming to be a mind reader is deeply dishonest, offensive and frankly stupid.

Since mind reading is ok with you maybe I should try it as well and say you are attempting some kind of gate keeping here? Surely not, because open debate with direct quotes and links to facts are just fine with you?

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 20 2021 9:40 utc | 84

Posted by: Paco | Feb 20 2021 8:04 utc | 78

Thank you for your comments.


Another tell about how the dance with Russia/EU is going:

State Dept Not Proposing New Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2, Focusing on Sanctioned Fortuna Vessel

Posted by: Bemildred | Feb 20 2021 9:54 utc | 85

Norwegian | Feb 20 2021 9:40 utc | 84

it is a subtlety, _K_C says Biden is not as beholden to Israel. He never denies that Biden is a zionist.

In the USA you must declare your undying support for Israel to ever hold public office. The path to success in US politics is loving Israel more than the US and politicians regularly offer to send US soldiers to defend Israel.

that is how it works. I am of course labeled antisemitic for writing this as it is now common to associate anything less than loving said about Israel to be labeled as being hatred of jews.

Posted by: dan of steele | Feb 20 2021 10:06 utc | 86

Navalny to the slammer for two years and eight months, in his closing words he quoted the New Testament and…. a famous sentence from the late great Balabanov’s film, “Brother II”, of course he did not mention the beginning of the quote, “hey american, tell me…”.

Tell me, American, where is the power? Is it in money? My brother says money is power. You have a lot of money, so what? I think that truth is power: whoever has the truth, he is stronger!

The best of Russian movies, Aleksey Balabanov director, Sergey Bodrov actor, the true picture of the 90’s disaster in Russia, whatch them if you have the time.

In half an hour the second court appearance, defamation of a war veteran.

Posted by: Paco | Feb 20 2021 10:44 utc | 87

Sky News Australia breaks ranks on Biden's suspected dementia

Posted by: JohninMK | Feb 20 2021 11:27 utc | 88


Socotra is a done deal

When I was a young man, Socotra was my desert island. I mean, the one to be stranded on. Washed up on the sand, I'd raise my head and open my eyes to a new, strange world.

Even then it was one of the most unique and pristine places on the planet.

Now I see the multi-coloured gasoline sheen in the bays, the burn pits behind the dunes. I hear the constant hum of diesel generators, and all the comings and goings from the heli-pads.

Done deal indeed.

Posted by: john | Feb 20 2021 11:52 utc | 89

Bemildred 85

It seems that, regardless of the sanctions upon it, Fortuna has been laying pipe in the middle of the Baltic for the last 3-4 weeks.

Posted by: JohninMK | Feb 20 2021 12:31 utc | 90

Where? It's quite obvious isn't it?


Posted by: Julian | Feb 20 2021 12:33 utc | 91

The USA under Biden has joined COVAX.

Posted by: m | Feb 20 2021 12:55 utc | 92

Posted by: JohninMK | Feb 20 2021 12:31 utc | 91

Yes, it is a gesture, a displacement of the sanction to a place where it will have no effect.

There are a lot of other funny things going on in the bushes right now, like this:

Israel said to purchase Russian COVID vaccine for Syria in exchange for captive

This woman supposedly wandered across the border into Syria and was captured. The Russians have been working to find Israeli bodies in Syria lately. Two Syrian Druze from the Golan were released from Israeli prisons. THe woman was flown home through Moscow. Nobody says who the woman is, or why all this effort is being made to get her back. Meanwhile Russia, Iran & Turkey have just said Israel must stop bombing Syria.

Posted by: Bemildred | Feb 20 2021 13:02 utc | 93

Mega-thread breaks down where all of the Covid-19 relief money in the House bill is going (HINT: NOT TO YOU)

Posted by: Dogon Priest | Feb 20 2021 13:06 utc | 94

Well, there are some changes actually.

Trump signed a peace deal with the Taliban which stipulated US troop withdrawal by 2021. (We can obviously debate whether that was ever going to happen...)

Biden cancelled it within 2 weeks of taking office.

Posted by: Et Tu | Feb 20 2021 13:07 utc | 95

robin @Feb20 9:02 #82

Coke hater ... Pepsi hater ...

Exactly right and well put.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 20 2021 14:17 utc | 96

'America is back' - Biden heralds multilateralism at security forum

No wonder Biden won't change anything. With a slogan like that, it is clear he pretends to "go back to the good ol' times".

Biden's slogan ("America is back") is very interesting from a historical point of view:

1) it highlights the fact that the American Empire has reached its apex and can't expand anymore;

2) it highlights the fact that the American people are now an essentially reactionary people, which means that it perceives their Empire as the absolute maximum humanity can ever reach (End of History) and, therefore, that the world must not change anymore because every change that happens from now on will be for the worse; and

3) it highlights the fact that the American people is wrong on 1 and 2, and that the world is indeed changing, and changing for the better, and that the American Empire is not part of that picture. Hence the rhetoric of "going back to the good ol' times", that we can also observe in some Roman emperors of the Third Century, who tried desperately to restore Roman Paganism by persecuting the Christians.

Also notice that Biden didn't offer anything material to the Europeans in the Munich Security Conference. He merely stated it should be a "principles based" renewed alliance. This, combined with Stoltenberg's announcement that the European members should spend 2% of their GDPs on NATO immediately, sends the message that the resources of the American Empire are indeed running out, which means the patronage system that worked so well during the First Cold War is collapsing.

The problem here is that you can't defend yourself while keeping your welfare states with "principles"; you need material resources. If the USA stops giving Western Europe (specially the richer members, which are accustomed with high standards of living since the post-war period) the tons of resources it was giving 60-70 years ago, they will abandon it like a gold-digger abandons her rich husband after he goes bankrupt.

Posted by: vk | Feb 20 2021 14:44 utc | 97

Venezuela. It's close; it has lots of oil, and we will be poking Iran in the eye.

Posted by: lizzie dw | Feb 20 2021 14:44 utc | 98

After reading these perceptive comments, I think there are a few points to be made:

1) Biden isn't much more than a teleprompter reader. In his Town Hall (CNN) he seemed to say that he wakes up in the morning not knowing 'where the hell' he is. Still, he has a impulse towards diplomacy.

2) Saying "multilateral" is almost the same as "multipolar". This is significant.

3) I surf certain sites to get a sense of where the Deep State ("the Blob") is going. National Interest, Yahoo, Business Insider. They are drifting towards an attitude of discreet compromise. I don't see as much jingoism and their arrogance is tempered.

4) Nobody is talking about the loyalty of the US military ! White Supremacy? Gang influence? Vetting the National Guard? Who knows? This issue came up big time in Vietnam and is kept out of history books. Who will risk their life in lost wars?

5)Russia wants to go crypto. Everyone thought Medvedev was joking years ago when he said they wanted the Ruble to be a reserve currency. He wasn't kidding.

6)Without dollar dominance, the US Empire collapses. "Experts" keep repeating that no one currency can replace the dollar. The foolishness here is that, in a computer age, a lot of currencies can replace the dollar. And THAT is a written goal of China in their huge free trade pact.

Posted by: Eighthman | Feb 20 2021 15:02 utc | 99

JohninMK | Feb 20 2021 12:31 utc | 91

It had to stop for a bit because of bad weather. (And that means really bad weather !) But has since restarted.

Posted by: Stonebird | Feb 20 2021 15:29 utc | 100

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