Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
November 12, 2020

Open Thread 2020-89

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Posted by b on November 12, 2020 at 14:26 UTC | Permalink

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After all it sounds like the dead folks in US are in majority, naturally they have elected one of their own for president.
it is a democratic and fair election

Posted by: kooshy | Nov 12 2020 14:37 utc | 1

Pathetic end for Germany:

Russia to Impose Restrictions on German Officials in Response to Navalny Sanctions

"I have told [German Foreign Minister Heiko] Maas - and I can be open about this as it is not a secret - we have seen that Germany has taken the lead in souring the [EU's] relations with the Russian Federation. This is a cause of concern for us, considering the leading role Germany has in Europe", Lavrov said.

Germany: Common European Security Cannot be Achieved Without Russia

Looks like the headline is wrong, as this is the quote from Heiko Maas:

"This is our chance to promote the idea of joint European security, the security that can be achieved without Russia or even against Russia," Maas said, adding that Europe had to agree on a common stance regarding Russia.

The key to understand why modern Germany behaves like that is to understand that Modern Germany is not the true Germany: it is an expanded West Germany.

As long as Modern Germany keeps behaving like Expanded West Germany, it will never make peace with Russia and will never give up its aggressive and virulent imperial ambitions.


China Has Breached Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong, UK's FM Says

Gonna cry?


Pompeo’s dirty smears will never obliterate faith in CPC

As I've been saying here for many years: it doesn't matter the variety of the postmodern zoo (center-right, center-left, transhumanist, libertarian, alt-right, far-right, anarchist, woke left, liberal, neoliberal, conservative, neoconservative, paleoconservative, leftist liberal, classical liberal, hegelian, neokantist, christian, etc. etc. etc.), you won't fool the communists. As the CPUSA members like to say: the communists are the real deal.


Recommended read of the week:

Opening Up New Frontiers for Marxist Political Economy in Contemporary China

This speech was made in November 2015 (!!).

Read it and admire (and learn) the foresight of Marxism.

Posted by: vk | Nov 12 2020 15:05 utc | 2

Russia will not lecture US on its electoral system, says Lavrov

Lavrov is right. Why help the enemy?

Posted by: vk | Nov 12 2020 15:35 utc | 3

On the general idea of leading/leadership, I thought it an odd experience to consider the following questions in rapid sequence and note any sensation that results at the end :

Who speaks for France?
Who speaks for Germany?
Who speaks for Great Britain?
Who speaks for Canada?
Who speaks for India?
Who speaks for United States?
Who speaks for Russia?
Who speaks for China?

Posted by: chu teh | Nov 12 2020 15:44 utc | 4

"The Black Revolution in the U.S. is proceeding according to script. We are into the 3rd act of it.

Act I was the Coronapocalypse setting the stage for vastly expanded government powers and the systemic undermining of the sitting President.

Act II was the summer of violence and fake polling data which created the illusion of a society at war with that same President for not addressing the needs of the people.

Underneath the headlines the forces arrayed against Trump were building the infrastructure to ensure that however the people voted on November 3rd, the outcome was pre-determined in their favor against him.

Act III is the election itself and the aftermath. The coup has begun. The pressure campaign to force the incumbent Trump, hated by the establishment, to concede has ratcheted up to eleven.

This is all very normal for color revolutions, just ask Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus or Viktor Yanukovich formerly of the Ukraine. We can’t ask Slobodon Milosovic. He dead.

But one thing happened they didn’t count on, Trump actually winning the election by margins in swing states that couldn’t be overcome without overt and blatant fraud..."

Posted by: gm | Nov 12 2020 15:50 utc | 5

Anyone heard from Jack Ma since CCP pulled the Ant IPO?

Posted by: Slater | Nov 12 2020 15:50 utc | 6

@ Posted by: Slater | Nov 12 2020 15:50 utc | 6

Rumor said he immediately flew to Beijing in order to apologize to the CCP.

The Ant IPO will still happen, but it is suspended indefinitely until it is adequate with the new anti-speculation law. Looks like Jack Ma pretended to open a flank on China's socialism through the capital accounts front, a la Comecon in the 1970s-1980s (which eroded the economies of the Warsaw Pact countries).

Posted by: vk | Nov 12 2020 16:00 utc | 7

"Brazil says China COVID vaccine trial can resume after suspension"

Apparently suicide was not one of the side affects after all.

Posted by: arby | Nov 12 2020 16:01 utc | 8

Pfizer's vaccine likely a fraud:

Pfizer CEO sells $5.6mn of stock on record surge the day he praised Covid-19 vaccine’s 90% effectiveness, denies insider trading

Even if it has the effectiveness it claims to have, it has to be stored in -80ºC containers, which effectively kills its viability as a mass product.

Posted by: vk | Nov 12 2020 16:09 utc | 9

It is funny to read stupidity from apparently or otherwise sane people : Trump denied the Pandemic and the one talking about "Coronapocalypse" probably blames the pandemic on Super-Powerful-Democratic-Black-deep-Government......who decided to incur on incredibly high loses of capital and fortune value for their supposed leaders : The Bankers and Corporate CEOs. What created the image of a Society at War was the Stupid Police killing citizens in front of cameras. It is of Repugnants to blame that Shit on Pollsters. Only Imbeciles can propose that Trump won the election or it was stolen from him......Only Imbeciles indeed.

Posted by: opereta | Nov 12 2020 16:17 utc | 10

US loses six soldiers in Egypt on a 'peacekeeping' mission. Surely Iran is to blame. :-)

Posted by: gottlieb | Nov 12 2020 16:24 utc | 11

Vaccines to avoid at all costs so far?
· Astra-Zeneca/Oxford
· Pfizer

Both seem likely to do more harm than good?

? ← those are question marks!

The following don't need any question marks.

Medicine to be highly skeptical against:
· Whatever they jacked Trump up on

Scary if it is bs that doesn't work.
Scary if it is something so insanely powerful that it works as portrayed.

Thus scary either way.

Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Nov 12 2020 16:26 utc | 12

@Posted by: vk | Nov 12 2020 16:09 utc | 9

I agree.

And then there is Moderna's case: Like Pfizer's product, Moderna's mRNA vaccine must be stored at dry ice-->liquid N2 temperatures.

Also, Moderna's CEO and top brass, like Pfizer's chairman, dumped a bunch of their stock after touting by FAKe media/Fake science ran up the stock price.

Forbes story Why Are Moderna Insiders Selling So Many Shares?

Posted by: gm | Nov 12 2020 16:32 utc | 13

@ posted by: opereta
You may want to tone down a bit on the insults and read up on the economic background story. The central bank financial system requires cyclic reset, the current cycle's end is overdue. The system was doomed long before COVID, it is a patient kept on life support by permanent injection of ever greater amounts of fiat money and by zero or negative interest. The "Great Reset" is inevitable and was planned all along. It could not be accomplished by the usual means of a great war this time. So COVID-19 is the backup cover story that allows the elites to destroy and reset the economy without taking the blame.
World Economic Forum: the Great Reset
As concerns the high losses - that refers to electronic money, not to real-world assets. It's a price the elites are willing to pay, there is no choice anyway.

Posted by: Matthias | Nov 12 2020 16:32 utc | 14

@5 gm

We can’t ask Slobodon Milosovic. He dead.

Thank you for posting something equating poor, victim loser Trump with other poor victim loser: genocidal Milosovic.

I wouldn't go that far. However it's too ironic, how Trump ignores Covid-19 and its victims; the majority of the 241,000 Covid-19 dead being seniors, blacks and Latinos, Trump's least favorite demographics. Yes, Trump considers seniors, except himself and his financiers, a drag on the economy, even if he doesn't explicitly state it.

Posted by: Circe | Nov 12 2020 16:45 utc | 15

Bourgeois Germany is imperialist.
True Germany is a fiction akin to MAGA USA.

Growth of inequality is the desired outcome of market
Economy. Putting the market in charge of resource
Investment is simply capitalism. Zip stands for the destruction
Of socialism in China even if he’s deceived himself.

Posted by: Steven Johnson | Nov 12 2020 16:45 utc | 16


Slobodon Milosovic was actually cleared by the court at The Hague, many years after his death of course. He was a nationalist leader, so hated by the Western elites and thus tarred and feathered. Clinton should have been in the dock for his illegal bombing campaign, plus the NATO top brass. There were genocidal people on both sides, but the court could not find proof that Milosevic was one of them.

Posted by: Roger | Nov 12 2020 16:54 utc | 17

no matter who wins in the u.s., the virus numbers keep going up. it's not a didn't vanish after the election, and it may never vanish; eventually becoming something like the flu if/when we get a vaccine.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 12 2020 16:54 utc | 18

@Posted by: Steven Johnson | Nov 12 2020 16:45 utc | 16

Speaking of those uppity Germans....

Troop pullout from Germany likely to be quashed by Biden, analysts say

[...need to keep reminding them just who's boss...]to keep them from cozying up with the Russkies?]

Posted by: gm | Nov 12 2020 16:58 utc | 19

i'm sure both parties are largely satisfied with the result of the election, with biden apparently winning the presidency and the gop retaining control of the senate and house, that way both parties have an excuse for not doing what people want ("the other side won't let us!") and the looting can continue calmly.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 12 2020 17:03 utc | 20

Roger @ 17

Nice points! I'll add that the Dayton Peace deal only happened because of Milosevic. The Bosnian Serbs believed that he betrayed them.

I am curious why Milosevic's name has popped up. Which state(s) did he vote in?

Posted by: EoinW | Nov 12 2020 17:05 utc | 21

You may want to tone down a bit on the insults and read up on the economic background story. The central bank financial system requires cyclic reset, the current cycle's end is overdue.

You are just adding stupid on top of stupid.
The purpose of creating central banks was to tone down the cyclic resets and if you look at the economic history of the US
you will see that the boom bust business cycles were far more frequent and of much greater magnitude before the Fed was created than it was after.

The covid pandemic has resulted in real damage to capital that will last for years and from which capitalism may never fully recover. Businesses and factories will be boarded up and never recover or be replaced due to the decrease in aggregate demand which is the life blood of capitalism.

The whole story that covid is just another scam to benefit the rich and powerful in the capitalist west just does not stand up to close scrutiny.

Posted by: jinn | Nov 12 2020 17:07 utc | 22

When it comes to vaccines which will make billions in profits for Big Pharma, my advice would be for people to trust themselves - rather than complete strangers - and avoid ALL vaccines. Take responsibility for your own health rather than putting faith in Big Government to protect you. I know some people aren't blessed with good health so it's a difficult situation for them. However most of us are in good health and I hope we all stay that way naturally.

I had to laugh at the CBC comment section on a vaccine article. One poster objected to the vaccine. A woman responded telling him he was entitled to not take it, however he should expect to have all his social contacts restricted. it's ok not to take it but you will be punished for not taking it! I guess that's the Looney Left's idea of freedom of choice.

Posted by: EoinW | Nov 12 2020 17:13 utc | 23

Pfizer's vaccine likely a fraud:

Pfizer CEO sells $5.6mn of stock on record surge the day he praised Covid-19 vaccine’s 90% effectiveness, denies insider trading

Even if it has the effectiveness it claims to have, it has to be stored in -80ºC containers, which effectively kills its viability as a mass product. Posted by: vk @ 9

but I posted this earlier..

the Venezuelian Institute for Scientific Research has modified an apple peal extract that annihilates 100% of the coronavirus.. the molecule called TR-10 is a ursolic acid derivative, submitted to WHO, has been shown 100% effective at blocking virus replication.

Phytochemistry has blocked the replication that makes viral infections pathogenic..chew some gum with the modified ursolic acid derivative <=might save your life.. ? ask Maduro.. ?

Posted by: snake | Nov 10 2020 11:15 utc | 70

why is no one talking about something better, safer, and mostly likely easier to stomach than a vaccine.. a replication blocker means <=no effective viral infection <= hence no disease.

Posted by: snake | Nov 12 2020 17:20 utc | 24

More quotes from great Luongo piece above.

“Insurmountable election results??” Really? A few thousand votes separates Trump from outright sweeping all the battleground states whose vote totals are very sketchy and this is ‘insurmountable?’

This is what I mean by the pressure campaign having gone plaid. There is no responsible journalism left within the major media outlets.

Only those who were forced out on principle or corruption have the ability to speak their mind now.


“Insurmountable election results??” Really? A few thousand votes separates Trump from outright sweeping all the battleground states whose vote totals are very sketchy and this is ‘insurmountable?’

This is what I mean by the pressure campaign having gone plaid. There is no responsible journalism left within the major media outlets.

Only those who were forced out on principle or corruption have the ability to speak their mind now.


Never in a million years would I look to Megyn Kelly for the voice of rationality. But it looks like being excommunicated from the inner circle does wonders for one’s ability to tell the truth.

The division today was cynically stoked and nurtured for this current operation to effect this exact result. The bigger point Megyn doesn’t articulate is that this division is exactly the kind of ‘secondary goal’ desired if Trump prevails in the courts or through the Electoral College.

Regardless of the outcome that division cuts deep enough to ensure an America permanently weakened, ripe for a complete remaking into a hellish place. There is a full-court press on right now across the world to attack sovereignty of important states whose populations are dissident to The Davos Crowd’s Great Reset — notably the U.K., the U.S., Poland and Russia.


The media will never concede they were wrong, will never report on anything fairly. They are in on the grift. Looking for them to admit anything is a waste of energy and time. Simply turn them off and become #Ungovernable.

This is a psychological war now, designed to rob you of your reason and sap your willingness to fight by creating an overwhelming picture of Trump as the bad guy, Quixotically clinging to power we’re being told he’s already lost.

But Megyn Kelly is right in telling people that there will be no reconciliation without acceptance. And since, at its core, leftism is a religion without the ability to forgive, since it is vehemently anti-Christian, there will be no acceptance back into the fold, including for her.

It will be marginalization, retribution and continued vitriol of all Trump supporters and anyone not down with being reset into the grand vision of the New Soviet Green Man.

They haven’t even secured the presidency yet and BLM/Antifa are already turning on white Biden supporters who are urging peace.


Nothing shields you from the mob once the mob gets going. I hope this person’s conscience is clean that he did his part to stop Orange Man Bad because once this is over, that’s all he’ll have left.

Klaus Schwab told you this. You’ll Own Nothing and be Happy.

Or else.

The choice was struggle sessions or Trump rallies. I told you months ago you would be faced with the Hobson’s Choice of accepting their dystopic future or having your house burned down.

Millions chose poorly last week and they will have massive buyer’s remorse as the plans are rolled out and they are sacrificed.

Don’t believe me? Ask Ukrainians if they are better off six years after their color revolution or not? That one was successful.

Posted by: gm | Nov 12 2020 17:25 utc | 25

Of course dead people voted for the dead guy. Who else can represent their interests?

Posted by: William Gruff | Nov 12 2020 17:30 utc | 26

Nothing to see here!

The Hezbollah-backed government resigned after the Beirut blast. Now Lebanon is ready to make deals with Israel (with USA mediating, LOL):

Lebanon, Israel hold second round of maritime demarcation talks

Lebanon and Israel, still technically at war and with no diplomatic ties, launched a second round of maritime border talks under United Nations and United States auspices to allow for offshore energy exploration.

After years of quiet US shuttle diplomacy, Lebanon and Israel this month said they had agreed to begin the negotiations in what Washington hailed as a “historic” agreement.

Lebanon, mired in its worst economic crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war, is looking to settle the maritime border dispute so it can press on with its offshore quest for oil and gas.

... Claudine Aoun, daughter of Lebanese President Michel Aoun, told Al Jadeed TV that peace with Israel would be conceivable if outstanding issues were resolved.

The armed movement Hezbollah, a major force in Lebanese politics, has criticised the maritime talks.

Meanwhile investigation of the blast is blocked/stalled:
Lebanon: Flawed Domestic Blast Investigation


(Re-posted from previous Open Thread which is now dead)


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Nov 12 2020 17:34 utc | 27

I'm greatly relieved that the Pfizer/BioNTech mutation machine will be rolled out in Britain first. It will be far easier to isolate that island than it would a continent when the "vaccine" turns the population into undead flesh-eating ghouls. There is also the benefit that Britain is now the world's most dispensable nation. What is the value in a former imperial hegemon that is today only a lapdog for the current imperial hegemon? What use can humanity have with the empire's pet foufou dog?

It is good to see Britain taking it in the neck like that for the rest of us. Being the lab rats means they are not entirely useless.

Posted by: William Gruff | Nov 12 2020 17:47 utc | 28

Mr Wabbit @27

Makes tha wonder, don't it? Huge blast destroying most of that seafront property (surely bourgeois property given its location) and over 200 deaths...and then "Israel" pops up and begins chats with the NON-Shia (Bet you any brass you care to raise) parts of the Lebanon regime (certainly the Maronite segment)...Hmmm

The Maronites (bourgeois to their toenails), and the Sunni (trad loathers of the Shia - whatever branch) want rid of Hezbollah - yet it is Hezbollah that has saved their skins, their lands, time and time again. But - hey Hezbollah - Shia and friendly with those poor, benighted and western ignored Palestinian refugees... (Hezbollah have morals, consciences unlike others I can conjure to mind)...

Posted by: Anne | Nov 12 2020 18:03 utc | 29

i always appreciate a sense of humour - something some people at moa have...

@ 27 jackrabbit / 30 anne... i was going to ask what this 'great reset' is supposed to mean, but i see they have pulled it off in lebannon, so i suppose i have no need to ask the more general question...

@ Matthias | Nov 12 2020 16:32 utc | 14
"what do others think this' great reset' is supposed to mean?? it seems like a likeable catch phrase that can be dangled out in front of innocent people to suggest a particular conspiracy or something along those lines... is that all it is? that is what it looks like to me... or is it more like the 9-11 patriot act which was used to ramp a ton of invasion of privacy tools down the worlds throat?? the way i see it - that is all happening and will continue to happen anyway... that ain't much of a 'great reset' but more of the same... kind of like a circe post - no need to read or hear about any of it..

Posted by: james | Nov 12 2020 18:11 utc | 30

I bet Hunter Biden is pissed his dad won. Now Hunter is gonna be investigated leading to god knows where. If only his dad had just lost the race, the family would've gotten off scot free.

Posted by: M | Nov 12 2020 18:12 utc | 31

Mr Gwuff @29

As a poor working class Brit (by origin) of northern English origins - ta very much. We've already endured at least two and half centuries of bourgeois, aristo oppression - and then Thatcher the Snatcher thereafter. We (lower working class northerners) did not want to be an empire, just able to keep bread on the table... and that was definitely not always possible... (short time/lay offs/ Enclosures - affecting much of the country's plebeians)... And since the Snatcher - nowt but job losses, austerity and rural housing grabolas by the townie bourgeois wanting holiday homes/retirement homes (began in early 1970s). These arses also wanted NO more council housing (social housing), an end to smelly piggy wigs, moorjocks wandering into their gardens and noshing on their flowers, lying in the middle of the moorland roads....And now my sibs and their families are to be punished again??

Posted by: Anne | Nov 12 2020 18:14 utc | 32

@ anne... are you the same anne who used to post at mondoweiss? just curious... i don't frequent phils site much of any, anymore..

outdoor dining... seems like a joke to me this time of the year... this video gets it - new york nov 11th...

Posted by: james | Nov 12 2020 18:19 utc | 33

usps seems amazing and must be the fastest and best post service in the world.
thousands of ballots was returned b4 they got sent and 10s of thousands was returned THE DAY AFTER it was sent. I wish the Norwegian Postverket was so quick🤷‍♂️

Posted by: Per/Norway | Nov 12 2020 18:30 utc | 34

james@34 I have posted at mondoweiss - but of recent under a mix of my late husband's name. I think - (Gor Blimey!) toward the end of their original set up - for about a month, let's say - I posted under Anne.

I don't often visit nowadays - all too bloody depressing (and how much worse for those on the sharp end?!). Occasionally visit E I but equally as darkening...

Posted by: Anne | Nov 12 2020 18:30 utc | 35

Posted by: jinn | Nov 12 2020 17:07 utc | 22
You are one of the reasons the world as we know it is f#cked.
It do not matter if you truly believe the garbage you write or get paid to write it.
I wish you all the best as i roll my eyes @ another "useful idiot" for the billionaire class and class traitor.
The corona hoax was good for one thing at least, i am off the fence on the need for an armed revolution in the entire nato sphere and pray for it to happen often.

Posted by: Per/Norway | Nov 12 2020 18:47 utc | 36

@Posted by: Anne | Nov 12 2020 18:03 utc | 29

If that is so, the Maronites will end with nothing, dispossesed and ensalvized, as it happened to the kurds, after allying the US againt their nationals in Syria..

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 18:54 utc | 37

@Posted by: Anne | Nov 12 2020 18:14 utc | 32

May be not, what´s your opinion on this guy?

If we are to reset, why they are going to rebuilt only the reaction and for the rest the apolitical mass who has no say/representatives?

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 19:01 utc | 38

@17 Roger

Slobodon Milosovic conveniently died before the trial was over, therefore the verdict could not be rendered. There was plenty of proof of his war crimes, and much has been written on the matter and frankly you haven't a damn thing to prove otherwise.

Posted by: Circe | Nov 12 2020 19:01 utc | 39

@ Circe | Nov 12 2020 19:01 utc | 39

Nonsense. Surprise, surprise.

It's all to be found in the verdict against one Radovan Karadzic.

Posted by: Hmpf | Nov 12 2020 19:08 utc | 40

@33 james,

No it can't be the same Anne as that Anne was part of the Mondoweiss team.

Posted by: Circe | Nov 12 2020 19:09 utc | 41

Snake, multiple posts

I am real sympathetic to the ursolic acid hypothesis but cannot find much info. Not surprised that information is relatively unavailable.

Simpler, more familiar, *almost* without complications is Vitamin D. Any who can be bothered to do a search will get hundreds of hits showing that having sufficient Vitamin D in bloodstream cuts the chance of catching covid by 50% using ultra conservative assumptions. D is also shown to be useful in treating covid. And is either free or very cheap. Free means going outside and getting some sun. Which raises about only possible objection to the surfeit of studies: maybe those who partake of sunshine are just more healthy. The mandates to stay inside and cower of course will limit sun exposure.

Does anybody remember the springtime meme about Rzero or retransmission rate? Get the rate under 1 and the disease will die off. Scare propaganda had covid as the most infectious disease ever, with R values of 2.5 or 5.7 or whatever today’s flavor. In the fullness of time the rate has been about 1.2. If re-transmission could be slowed even fractionally the problem would just go away. So simple stuff that cuts infection by 50% would be enough. If half the population would do the simple stuff that would be enough. We won’t do simple stuff.

To overdose on D requires massive quantities. There is a thesis that those few who have very good blood levels of D and lots of D in storage (it is stored in body for two to three months) can be harmed by long term usage of megadoses. For most, overdose means truly massive megadoses for very long terms. The fact that it is stored means most could simply take a large dose once a month. Or every other month.

Or you could go get some sun. A day in the sun is hundreds of thousands of units of D. That can be hard to arrange in northern hemisphere winter, then supplements make sense.

What makes no sense is what we have done so far. Repeating the experiment and expecting different results won’t work. We are entering the phase where the psychological trauma is going to be unbearable.

Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 12 2020 19:10 utc | 42

In regard to The Great Reset meme currently being promoted, I suspect it is more than just an empty plackard being dangled in front of the great unwashed. Build Back Better is the tagline being promoted by the WEF, Bo-Jo, and Biden. The UN and the WEF signed a paper of cooperation which includes the Reset and Agenda 2030. Technocracy and Transhumanism arent mere illusions, they are tools to turn the plebes into robotized slaves. Does this sound extreme? Yes it does, but that does not mean "it cant happen here". The past 20 years or so have been loaded with predictive programming and incremental ratchetting up of force combined with erosions of liberty and privacy. Does anyone seriously believe that an rushed experimental vaccine containing messenger RNA is being rolled out to save us from a deadly disease? What about the regular update boosters with more cell programming goodies in them? Whatever the severity of the crisis in public health really is, the measures being taken are far and beyond this and very likely about something else entirely.

Posted by: Chevrus | Nov 12 2020 19:15 utc | 43

@Posted by: james | Nov 12 2020 18:11 utc | 30

The "Great Reset" will be about that, after the fall of the fiat dollar paper, we, average citizens will osat whatever we would have of value, our savings will be erased on the grounds of the lose of value of the dollar and curencies related in the markets, like euro. Any real state will lose as well most of its value, already happening in Toronto, btw. Some of us, if this happens quite fast, in the next months or so, could end owing more than our property is valued in the market, and that after having passed last 20 years paying a celarly inflated prcie for a simple working class apartment.
Wages will be devaluated as well.

Thus, you will end losing your capapbility to purchase, at least at the levels kown until now.
To avoid you being aware you have been plainly robbed in your very noses while the pandemic was running free, they will try to convince you that you really do not need all those things ( and really do you not need them, but they passed the last century making you believe you did...)and that after all, owning nithing now you contaminate less and thus do not have to pay so much carbon taxes as the rich who still will be bale to travel, drive theiur cars and eat as much meat as they would wishm as they will not lost neither their propierties nor their money, since having pre-warning from TPTB, like the guy at the head of Pfizer...

Greta was trying ot make you keen on wwearing the same clothes for a month and not bathing you so much so as to not waste water and consum energy which contaminates a lot, since we masses are many...If Rothschild, whose ship she traveled to MYC into, takes a bath, that is right.

Well medieval conditions for us and for them.

Also, they are davancing that some "cities" ( like the "Citu of London" do not tell me...)may advance more than other parts of the countries and that may imply they secession from the rest of the nation. Rumor has that these "privileged cities" will have a corporate CEO at the helms, unelected, if not by the board of the corporation/main stakeholders which will display an authoritarian rule with mandatory vaccines, absolute censure of information, absolute control of means of exchange by difital money, widespread suveillance even at places you now do not even imagine, to rule over those wanting to live there, and there will be ones, especially young people, who want to get out of the lands of misery and plague...

This is "Hunger Games" and "Mortal Engines" all in mix...What do you think they briadcast these films for, so as that the young go preparing/mentalizing...

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 19:19 utc | 44


And james it's Annie Robbins you're confusing Anne with! Annie is from California and was Writer-at-large at Mondoweiss and this Anne doesn't hold a candle to her in the integrity department.

Posted by: Circe | Nov 12 2020 19:24 utc | 45

Here is a thought and maybe another poster has already posited it:

There is an offer on the table from the establishment to those in power currently, excluding Trump, who still control the levers for the next 60 days.

The offer is this: we will start beating the drums that Trump is a loose-cannon and is about to "lash out" in a tantrum because he lost and for sure will start a war.

So we will scream this narrative loud and far to ready the public when you in power still, the senate and the vp, utilize the 25th amendment and get him out.

Tempting, isn't it?

At this point you have the gop senators and congressmen, as well as the vp, trying to make the right call:

Do we play ball with the incoming admin and revert back to the Good Ol' Party of RINOs and globalists, being thrown a bone here and there by the estab to make it seem that these GOP are working hard for their constituents?


Do we keep going on the DJT-train? Do we heed the call of the phenomenon and take the reins?

To me the answer is simple and their choice will loudly proclaim them as either cognizant of this historical force or, with the other choice, completely tone-deaf and will be purged promptly with a reckoning they were unable to see coming.


The table is set. The bait has been placed in the trap.

I'm picturing a Tom and Jerry cartoon where Pence is Jerry, peeking out of his hole smelling the cheese that Tom (Brennan and co.) has lured in front of the mouse's eyes on a fishing pole.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 12 2020 19:28 utc | 46

@32 Anne

I sympathize. I have dear people there, and perfectly positioned to be forced into vaccination by the health service.

I hope, instead for scandals to hit first that throw the western vaccines into doubt. Forlorn hope, perhaps.

Posted by: Grieved | Nov 12 2020 19:55 utc | 47

has anyone considered issuing license to people to be eligible to be a politician?. Min requirements a Phd from Poduck high school to take the test (geography, history, spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, diplomacy and prove fluency in at least 6 foreign languages), and to be eligible for the license after passing the test, they would need to prove they have not told a lie or been involved in, or helped to plan a corrupt act in the ten years before the date on the license application.

maybe that is the revolution we are looking for.. A politician ethics board would administer the test, investigate license applicants, issue licenses issue and enforce rules of practice.

Posted by: snake | Nov 12 2020 20:00 utc | 48

The Chinese Communist Party just showed Jack Ma — and the rest of us — who’s boss

You're goddam right.

Posted by: vk | Nov 12 2020 20:20 utc | 49

@14 Matthias

The system can have a deflationary collapse, and all the fraud and nonsense that has been engendered collapses with it, but that destroys the basis for the 1%s illusory wealth, The Great Reset is to keep the fraud alive and destroy the rest of us.

Posted by: TJ | Nov 12 2020 20:27 utc | 50

@45 Circe

You are truly a cunt!

Posted by: jason | Nov 12 2020 20:36 utc | 51

jason @51

Nah, she's just a psychologically damaged TDS victim with the emotional development of a six year old. That's a common disability among Millennials these days.

Posted by: William Gruff | Nov 12 2020 20:53 utc | 52

@51 jason and @52 Gruff ("Gruff" is right!)

It seems logically possible that you're both on to something.

Posted by: spudski | Nov 12 2020 21:00 utc | 53

Eight min long Alex Christoforou YT:

'Great Reset Architect Klaus Schwab says 'nothing will ever return to normal'

Posted by: gm | Nov 12 2020 21:01 utc | 54

Surprisingly uncommented in this and other pro-Trump military blogs, the new war on Ethiopia...The last great African nation and civilization still to be conquested by Western powers, and how an unelected "presidente encargado" sold it out, after coming back from studying in the US...Widespread violence and divide, unsresolved strange assassinations, political strife and dictatorial ways have spread during his 2 years tenure in what was one of the most stable fro ages mosaic of ethnicities and thus prosperous nations left in African continent, and how he is more than probably to ally with a known dictator to strangle the brave resistancei n the Tigray Region.

Regime-Change Mission in Ethiopia by Nobel Peace Laureate

Notice how they are trying to monopolize water, apart from oil...

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 21:05 utc | 55

snake #24

the Venezuelian Institute for Scientific Research has modified an apple peal extract that annihilates 100% of the coronavirus.. the molecule called TR-10 is a ursolic acid derivative, submitted to WHO, has been shown 100% effective at blocking virus replication.

Phytochemistry has blocked the replication that makes viral infections pathogenic..chew some gum with the modified ursolic acid derivative <=might save your life.. ? ask Maduro.. ?

Posted by: snake | Nov 10 2020 11:15 utc | 70

why is no one talking about something better, safer, and mostly likely easier to stomach than a vaccine.. a replication blocker means <=no effective viral infection <= hence no disease.

snake I thank you for the alert but I DO NOT THANK YOU for the absence of a link.

Please show some consideration to us all and post links to journals etc that might be significance.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 12 2020 21:06 utc | 56

Here goes Obama hyping his new book *and* pushing the deep state's black color revolution against Trump deplorables (all ~75M of them).

Daily Mail story

Posted by: gm | Nov 12 2020 21:15 utc | 57

Some readers here might be interested to follow the imminent release of the long-awaited findings of an inquiry here in Australia into alleged war crimes committed in Afghanistan by our Special Air Service (Australian Special Forces). It will be a case-study in laying the blame on a 'few bad apples' while scrutiny into systemic and widespread use of violence and summary execution against local combatants—tacitly endorsed at the highest levels—will be hamstrung. We have been told by Prime Minister to expect confronting revelations. Those of us who are historians will simply note imperial 'business as usual'.

Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 12 2020 21:18 utc | 58

That should read "non -combatants"

Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 12 2020 21:20 utc | 59

@39 Circe

Slobodon Milosovic conveniently died before the trial was over, therefore the verdict could not be rendered.

You are quite the ghoul:

Hague Tribunal Exonerates Slobodan Milosevic Again

Eleven years after his death, a second trial chamber at the UN War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague has concluded that Slobodan Milosevic was not responsible for war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Milosevic died in the Tribunal’s custody before the conclusion of his own trial. He was found dead in his cell after suffering a heart attack in the UN Detention Unit two weeks after the Tribunal denied his request for provisional release so that he could have heart surgery that would have saved his life.

Not surprising coming from an Iraq War white washer.

Posted by: Tobin Paz | Nov 12 2020 21:21 utc | 60

Complaints that China has breached the 1984 Joint Declaration rely on a partial reading of a key sentence (the second sentence below):

(2)  The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be directly under the authority of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will enjoy a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defence affairs which are the responsibilities of the Central People's Government.

The expressed exception is always left out. Views expressed by an op-ed analyst in RT yesterday are rarely found in the western press:

"The charges of foreign collusion are not false or trumped up. One of those disqualified, Alvin Yeung, has traveled to the US and asked for sanctions to be implemented on Hong Kong. Such an act with a hostile country would be instantly career ending if done by a member of the US Congress or the UK’s House of Commons."

Posted by: jayc | Nov 12 2020 21:28 utc | 61

It seems that, while in the US they seem to be fighting each other, as happened with the Navalny issue, the EU makes its best to positioning itself as dign heri fo the possible dying Empire, and thus prorogates sanctions agsint Venezuela, in the middle of second wave of the pandemic...and close to Christmas too...

To be recalled next time this people tear down their clothes on basis of respect of Human Rights anywhere in the world...

It is not only Klaus Schwab who is taking way too much advantage of this pandemic...

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 21:32 utc | 62

New terrorist attack in Yeddah...

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack in Jeddah where the armistice of the First World War was commemorated.

If they do not like celebrating the armistice of WWI, who could be behind?

It seesm that after the peace agreement in Nagorno Karakbakh, some people got unemployed, but they were fast found another quehacer...

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 21:39 utc | 63

Hey, Circe, if Julian Assange die too, locked up during his kangaroo court trial, will that be "convenient" also?

Posted by: Abe | Nov 12 2020 21:40 utc | 64

New Pentagon Top Adviser Wants US Troops Out Of Syria "Immediately"

Too bad Trump didn't surround himself with people like this Douglas Macgregor sooner, instead of the likes of Pompeo, Abrams, etc.

Posted by: Canadian Cents | Nov 12 2020 21:44 utc | 65

Escobar noted the Schwab declaration at his FB to which I wrote:

"Perhaps now more will realize the parasitical nature of the Neoliberals and their central bankers, look over at China and realize its rise is happening with its central bank being used as a tool by the CPC instead of the bank running the state so it can avoid regulation and working for the entire population."

As always, it's The Class War between Creditors and Debtors, ongoing since @2500BCE and is the genuine Roman Heritage.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 12 2020 21:50 utc | 66

I don’t know but I love to know why the dead folks in US prefer to vote for Democrats specially in this recent election, and if dead souls have gender what was the gender vote among our dead voters.
Was there any pulling of dead before the election or was there any exit pull of the dead’s ?
Anybody can shit light on this ?

Posted by: Kooshy | Nov 12 2020 21:50 utc | 67

james #30

"what do others think this' great reset' is supposed to mean?? it seems like a likeable catch phrase that can be dangled out in front of innocent people to suggest a particular conspiracy or something along those lines... is that all it is? that is what it looks like to me... or is it more like the 9-11 patriot act which was used to ramp a ton of invasion of privacy tools down the worlds throat?? the way i see it - that is all happening and will continue to happen anyway... that ain't much of a 'great reset' but more of the same... kind of like a circe post - no need to read or hear about any of it..

JFK drive in Dallas was a great reset, Mahatma Gandhi assassination likewise, Jeremy Corbyn dumped out of UK Labor - similar.

Harris/Biden psuedo presidency elect could be a great reset to war as usual and direct predatory practices on all but the 1%. But then Trump is carrying out a great reset as we speak - perhaps the only reset that counts in the USA just now. Biden being caught out with his and family hands in the till is a great reset in slow motion. No surprise for others (circe excepted) but those grubby little fingers are everywhere - just like Les Wexner and Ghislain Maxwell. Perhaps the Epstein great reset is a precedent here.

Whitney Webb reports on the weavers of a great reset here.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 12 2020 21:56 utc | 68

Of course dead people voted for the dead guy. Who else can represent their interests?

I think I will listen to some old Grateful Dead music when I get home. If I didn't have to drug test i would twist one up as well.

Posted by: circumspect | Nov 12 2020 22:03 utc | 69

Slobodan Milosevic was not cleared, or exonerated by the the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavija). He died just before the end of his trial. That is unfortunate, because he would have certainly been convicted. The relevant decision in his case is the Decision on motion of acquittal, delivered after the prosecution case. The judges decided, based on the presented evidence, that all charges, including the genocide charge, can proceed. Legally, that is the relevant decision.

The assertion that the ICTY exonerated Milosevic was launched by someone who is not versed in the law and is also biased. The assertion was embraced by all those who have chosen what they want to believe, as opposed to facts, that is the literally enormous amount of evidence, including contemporaneous documents of the highest level state organs of Milosevic's Yugosllavia/Serbia. The evidence against Milosevic is rock solid, and it is available for everyone to see on the ICTY website. Feel free to dig in!

I am from the former Yugoslavia. Milosevic destroyed my beautiful country which did not have problems that could not be resolved. It is an unspeakable tragedy that should never have happened. All the states that came out of the former Yugoslavia are actually big, black holes with no bright future in sight. Thanks to the ICTY, in which I worked for 13 years, I know what happened to my country, and why.

Please do not throw around unsupported assertions about the destruction of my country, or any country. The truth has been established in a credible judicial process according to the highest standards today. The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an amazing country which offered a model for a better world. It just needed more time. Milosevic wanted to make Serbia Great again, and Yugoslavia had to be destroyed, but Serbia is smaller than it was when Milosevic embarked on his project of expanding it into Croatia and Bosnia. Lots of lessons for interested learners.

Posted by: JB | Nov 12 2020 22:15 utc | 70

Looks like Circe in full crusading zeal has mixed up our regular barfly Anne who grew up in the UK with the Mondoweiss writer Annie Robbins who grew up in northern California.

Talk about shooting your mouth off or shooting yourself in the foot ... it being in your mouth, of course.

Posted by: Jen | Nov 12 2020 22:29 utc | 71

You are probably right JB@70, that Milosevic would have been convicted- the entire process at The Hague was clearly unjust, the sort of court that gives kangaroos a bad name.
But as to his being guilty of 'genocide' or wrecking Yugoslavia, of that there is no evidence at all. Yugoslavia was wrecked by NATO led in this instance by Germany anxious to recreate the relationship it had forged with the Croat and Muslim fascists in the World War.
Diane Johnstone's book Fools Crusade is an excellent introduction for anyone who still believes the NATO narrative, which I gather is one that you spent 13 years feasting off.

Posted by: bevin | Nov 12 2020 22:33 utc | 72

In these days of "winners" and "losers", of "majorities" tried to be turn into "minorities", broken dreams, times of bulldogs, brokered ceasefires and new started wars, and, again, scarcity, to be soon unleashed on us, a new overview of "the banality of evil", a justified revival on losers´literature, a review on The Path of The Loser by Bukwosky...

Too many or the overwhelming force of evil

The Path of The Loser led me to a United States of material scarcity, broken by a crisis similar to the one that hits us every day. Neighborhoods where neighbors who worked were counted on the fingers of one hand; boys looking for life amid constant violence, from domestic violence to that exercised by the educational system; moral repression and cheap liquor. A literary universe that anticipates contempt for that ghost called a professional career, for the most absurd social conventions and the American dream.

In The Path of The Loser I found, above all, sincerity, that ability to narrate from fiction while being honest, fleeing from artifice, leaving condescension aside. When the one who tells is one of our own, there is no room for tears and charity for the disinherited poor, that vision of a progressive intellectual who cares for the unemployed in a very similar way as he does for the fish in his aquarium. This literary philosophy, the only sensible one if we place ourselves in realism, is neither complacent nor friendly, but it transforms the problems of those who are expelled to the margins into an accurate response full of attitude.

This book especially has a breathtaking and astounding passage, one of the best scenes I have ever read in a novel. Described with that minimal but essential choice of details, which implies so much in so little (..)

The young Bukowski, just a child, arrives alerted by some friends to a playground where the bulldog of one of them has a small cat cornered. He realizes that the situation is not accidental, that his friends have placed the baby feline there so that the bulldog can tear it to pieces; it has no chance.

"What did the boys need this for? It was not something where courage had a place, it was a dirty game. Where were the older people? Where were the authorities? They were always everywhere accusing me. And now, where were they?"

The child recognizes in the following paragraph his cowardice to stop the predictable carnage, but above all the feeling of knowing that something is wrong and still lacking the courage to avoid it.

After unsuccessfully asking his friends to stop the show, he hears a noise behind him. It is about a couple of neighbors, adults, who are still watching, doing nothing:

"There were too many ... The cat was not only facing the bulldog, it was facing the whole of humanity."

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 22:40 utc | 73

Global Times lays down the Law to those nations who still think they can separate Hong Kong from China:

"[I]it is necessary to get to the point clearly that all parties need to know the logic of what will happen next and the possible consequences. Hong Kong is part of China - no institution or political or legal practice in Hong Kong can challenge this ultimate constitutional principle, and all parties should comply with it. The opposition in Hong Kong should understand that the high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong is granted by the central government and the practice of autonomy cannot become a confrontation with the central government. No external force can become a lever to help the opposition to challenge the central government constitutionally. [My Emphasis]

"Neither the election of a chief executive who confront the central government, nor the formation of a legislature that is capable of paralyzing the SAR government in its Basic Law duties, will be allowed. These are far from the initial intentions of the 'one country, two systems' principle, and these contents cannot possibly be contained in the Basic Law.

"If the Hong Kong opposition has such misreading, they should correct themselves immediately. Those who persist in wrong understanding and practice so-called 'democracy' according to their own perception are bound to be restrained, and the obstinate ones are bound to pay the price. Some of the Hong Kong opposition brazenly colluded with the US and UK forces to demand Washington and others take action against Hong Kong, which will be defined as a betrayal of the country as well as Hong Kong by both China's value system and legal system. People with such delusion still wish to participate in the establishment of Hong Kong, become an influential member of legislative council and enjoy high remuneration - how could that happen?

"One question for the US is: If American taxpayer-funded politicians openly ally with China or Russia, asking them to interfere in US elections and sanction US government officials, can their own moral and legal system allow and encourage it?

"We also want to ask, if there is a group of people in the US Congress who openly break the rules of procedure to block the functioning of the Congress and paralyze the government's operation ability, will the US society applaud and label it as 'just'?" [Actually, such tactics are used often usually with little damage done to the offenders.]

English language Chinese media can't make it more clear to the Outlaw West as they've used up almost the entire bucket of rhetorical means to make the Outlaws understand and really only have "Fuck Off and Die" remaining. Maybe China ought to stop sending those container laden trains to Germany daily and let them sit idle for a few weeks for that seems to be the only language that particular Outlaw understands.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 12 2020 22:41 utc | 74

It's friday in Aotearoa & Friday means art at MOA, so taking up on Circumspect's suggestion here is a song from American Beauty, one of my favourite dead albums. As for twistin one up it is still morning here much to be done and nowadays this old brain struggles to multipurpose at the best of times.

Posted by: Debsisdead | Nov 12 2020 22:45 utc | 75

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 12 2020 19:28 utc | 46

Yes, I have also noticed a slew of stories, many from "unnamed officials", of how President Trump is planning a Götterdämmerung, a Twilight of the God(s) with fire and brimstone reigning down on Iran and others? Is he though? We have had heard or read many lies from these same sources (bounty on US troops being one) that our first reaction should be one of skepticism. His firing of Esper and the advancement of Christopher Miller who has just brought on as his senior adviser Ret. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor are a team that want troops withdrawn from Syria, South Korea and Afghanistan. This seems to have set all those warmongers hair on fire. How dare the President "rush" to pull troops out of Afghanistan. No wonder all those Satraps rushed to prematurely anoint Biden as Emperor. NATO rushes to embrace Biden as he will deal with the "Russian" threat. Out with the brashness and vulgar Trump, and in with the soft soothing words of VP Harris will bring more peace and democracy to the world.

Donald Trump may be late in bringing the troops home, but better late than never. Is it a legacy for his run for President in 2024 if justice doesn't prevail with the Election fraud committed by Biden's team (that's if the cheese burgers and fries don't kill him before then). Or is it a "Plan B". Rumors have it he is trying to get more classified documents released such as those to do with Russiagate. No wonder Brennan and Haspel are squirming. Anyone out there still wondering who would is the "Peace Candidate"? Anyone still wondering why the Deep State would turn the latest Presidential election into the gold standard of corruption if it is mere Kabuki theater? The PTB sure seem to want to get rid of Trump. That point alone should have us praying for President Trump in his fight against this coup. And who knows, if he prevails he may actually move on the social media giants that have been censoring anything they don't like, because they have attacked him personally. We certainly can't expect a Biden administration to do anything about it because they have gained from it.

Posted by: Tom | Nov 12 2020 22:47 utc | 76

@ Hmpf post 40

Correct Milosovic conveniently died when he was winning his case. I remember it being said that the medication he was using for his heart condition had two ingredients missing, I wonder why.

From Wiki.

On 24 March 2016, the ICTY issued its judgement in the separate case against former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić, in which it concluded that insufficient evidence had been presented in that case to find that Slobodan Milosevic "agreed with the common plan" to create territories ethnically cleansed of non-Serbs during the Bosnian War of 1992 to 1995. The judgement noted "Milošević's repeated criticism and disapproval of the policies and decisions made by [Karadžić] and the Bosnian Serb leadership" and, in a footnote, the "apparent discord between [Karadžić] and Milošević" during which Milošević "openly criticised Bosnian Serb leaders of committing 'crimes against humanity' and 'ethnic cleansing' and the war for their own purposes."

Posted by: deal | Nov 12 2020 22:53 utc | 77

Jen @ 71
Ha ! Talking of foot in mouth ——-
Perhaps you should re-read Circe’s comment.
I think you owe her an apology.

Posted by: Mark2 | Nov 12 2020 22:54 utc | 78

@71 Jen

You're the one with the reading comprehension issue, missy, it's james who asked if she was the same Anne at Mondoweiss and I enlightened him about Annie Robbins role at Mondoweiss. I'm the one who wrote she's from Cali! Don't try and sass me! I could never confuse the two; this Anne here being, well...not quite up to par with Annie.

Next time stick your nose where you usually do...up the Trump derriere.

Posted by: Circe | Nov 12 2020 22:57 utc | 79

I have always wanted to travel to Ethiopia, but went postponing the travel, as gave me a pain passing the whole summer working so as to save all my holidays to travel there in October, when rains season stops. Along these past years, as I became immersed more into researching geopolitics, I have been chosing countries to visit as they were entering, to my hunch, in the path of war, or, at least, regional instability. It is this way that still managed to know, before it was too late, astounding places like Lebanon, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Georgia...all worth the title of world heritage, holding great unforgetable remains of ancient culture and human civilization...

Ethiopia, it is obvious, I postponed it way too much, after all i can not afford but one travel abroad a year... May be it is that I am already getting old, i mean for my laziness, as it was obvious it was urgent to do it after the assassination of the engineer of the Great Renaissance Dam...
Thus, it is possible that I must finally stay without travelling there, except through literature ( which may well be the last resort for travelling for those of us who will get placed at the bottom of the food chain...)
As some guys here use to recommend books, in case you know nothing of the history of Ethiopia, there is novel well worth the time, in which perennial unresolved health problems of the African continent, colonialism and the people´s liberation movements happen in the middle of a very human tragedy that is life...

Hijos del Ancho Mundo by Abraham Verguese, not sure if it exist in English version, could not find it...

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 23:15 utc | 80

Donald Trump may be late in bringing the troops home, but better late than never.

withdrawing troops from Afghanistan may well be exactly what TPTB want.

The Afghans (including the Taliban) do not want the US to leave their country. The flow of US$ into the country (including the flow of heroin$) is what the Afghans have lived on for many decades. Its not like the Afghans don't have control of their own country. They have complete control of all the parts of the country that they want to control. They are perfectly happy to allow Americans to control small parts of the country as long as the $$$ keep flowing into the whole country.

The US power elite may have figured out that just like every other power that has ever tried to occupy Afghanistan that it is a black hole that sucks the life out of the power trying to conq

Posted by: jinn | Nov 12 2020 23:34 utc | 81 it was obvious it was urgent to do it after the assassination of the engineer of the Great Renaissance Dam...

Related to this, it has been my observation that fater the first triggering event, it is a matter of no more than two or three years that may be all the hell breaks loose and you will not be able to get there without incurring in too much risk, as an average tourist, which is like I go...

The triggering event totally planned by the strategists behind to unkeash the desired outcome, which they need developing a couple of years or so, during which enough grudges and nonsensical violence is created out of nothing and enough agents ae being placed in the critical points ...

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 23:40 utc | 82

@64 Abe

Are you really comparing Assange with Milosevic? Assange might be really offended.

@60 Tobin Paz

I have always been AGAINST the Iraq War and turned against Obama from the start for not requesting Attorney General Holder prosecute Bush, Cheney and Wolfowitz for starters for fabricating intelligence and waging war illegally amongst other numerous Iraq-related war crimes.

Never mis-represent my opinions again, moron!

Wow, I'm not free to state that I could care less what happened to Milosevic without being attacked with lies about my opinions and repugnant braindead gutter filth that I won't even dignify thrown at me?

I don't give a damn if he was cleared! The buck stops with the guy at the top who has the power over the military! And then you scream about the atrocities of U.S. wars as if Serbian atrocities were kinder and gentler.

Don't throw your self-righteous garbage at me when you have ZERO integrity.

Posted by: Circe | Nov 13 2020 0:06 utc | 83

hi everyone, especially new (relatively) people, i am not Anne, i am annie (always lower case), annie robbins from california, on staff and a writer for mondoweiss [as well as commenter/moderator there] for almost 10 years. i am no longer on staff nor do i comment here nor there, much. but pre (as well as during and after) mondoweiss i was here, always & every day, from before the transition from billmon (2003 or thereabouts). this is my original and always will be my internet home. i'm just annie, always lowercase, always with an *i*, not anne or Anne. i'm always here, i just don't comment very much anymore. thank you. peace, and FUCKING YES REVOLUTION. ❤️

Posted by: annie | Nov 13 2020 0:07 utc | 84

Thanks Annie yaa I love you style,
Please come back we need you.💚🔥

Posted by: Mark2 | Nov 13 2020 0:11 utc | 85

@76 Tom
Interesting! Been too busy for reviewing the new military appointees until I read your post. It looks like this is a last ditch attempt by Trump to get troops out of Afghanistan and Syria...

Posted by: Haassaan | Nov 13 2020 0:16 utc | 86

"withdrawing troops from Afghanistan may well be exactly what TPTB want."

Posted by: jinn | Nov 12 2020 23:34 utc | 81

Well, they have had, what 19 years years to do that and now that President Trump makes another push for it, all hell breaks loose from the forever war team, you know that team of Democrats and RINO's who are now vying for a spot on Biden's team of psychopaths for war. The we came, we saw and aren't leaving team.

Posted by: Tom | Nov 13 2020 0:20 utc | 87

""withdrawing troops from Afghanistan may well be exactly what TPTB want."

Posted by: jinn | Nov 12 2020 23:34 utc | 81"

You have got to be kidding. lol

Posted by: arby | Nov 13 2020 0:28 utc | 88

@81 Jinn

"withdrawing troops from Afghanistan may well be exactly what TPTB want."

Anything is possible, but given the pushback that is taking place (quietly of course, lest the masses get awoken) that is seriously doubtful.

Afghanistan can be likened to one of the central squares on a chessboard...control of central squares is vital as it reduces the mobility of your opponent and lays ground for offensive action.

China has a border with Afghanistan, as does Iran...were Afghanistan to free itself from USA occupation, it would make a great conduit for the BRI.

That is without getting into Afghanistan's role in opium trade and the related black budget, nor its wealth in rare minerals. One might say for the Hegemon to remain the Hegemon it needs to control Afghanistan.

The problem for the hegemon is Afghanistan is expensive to hold on to...and this is without Russia, Iran or China putting any effort in to chase US troops out via arming and training proxies...that could be done quickly, and I am guessing the groundwork is already in place.

Posted by: Haassaan | Nov 13 2020 0:32 utc | 89

hi, annie.

Posted by: beq | Nov 13 2020 0:36 utc | 90

Well, they have had, what 19 years years to do that

Well sure but you need to remember the story of why we were there in the first place.
They can't just dump all the BS that they have been feeding us for nineteen years and say "never mind" like Roseanne Roseannadanna.

As for the warmongers who support attacking Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc that was done to send a message to any country that does not want to knuckle under to the $$$ hegemony and thinks about trying to escape it.
That messaging does not apply to the Afghan war. That war sends the exact opposite message.

Posted by: jinn | Nov 13 2020 0:46 utc | 91

China has a border with Afghanistan, as does Iran...were Afghanistan to free itself from USA occupation, it would make a great conduit for the BRI.

At this point TPTB are thinking about freeing themselves from Afghanistan. You don't know what is happening there if you think Afghanistan is trying to free itself from USA occupation. As I said the Afghans control all the country that they want to control. The US can have Kabul and Khandihar and the Bagram airbase.

Posted by: jinn | Nov 13 2020 0:52 utc | 92

Posted by: jinn | Nov 13 2020 0:46 utc | 91

"As for the warmongers who support attacking Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc that was done to send a message to any country that does not want to knuckle under to the $$$ hegemony and thinks about trying to escape it.
That messaging does not apply to the Afghan war. That war sends the exact opposite message."

Like Korea or Vietnam or even Iraq II, the message sent to the Afghanis is the same as that sent to Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc

...Just to fight the USA to a standstill requires taking casualties in excess to 100:1 ratio, the majority being civilians...the entire infrastructure is destroyed...chaos reigns supreme which allows groups like ISIS and other Western funded proxies to get a foothold...

Even in the case of "victory" or "draw" the message is clear that a very high price will be the case of Korea perhaps the worse genocide of the century...

Posted by: Haassaan | Nov 13 2020 0:57 utc | 93

"As I said the Afghans control all the country that they want to control. The US can have Kabul and Khandihar and the Bagram airbase."

That is not true. What the USA occupies is enough to prevent Afghanistan from functioning. East to West or even North to South traffic/trade is impossible. Under current conditions Afghanistan cannot normalize relations with Iran or China. The USA holds unto what they hold onto because it allows them to control the country with minimal investment....TPTB NEVER LEAVE on their own accord...

Thinking tangentially, Trump might want to leave Afghanistan so a war against Iran is possible...currently Bagram would be hammered by Iranian missiles, and American Troops would be isolated and destroyed by Iranian proxies...or the Iranians themselves...looking at the glass with Anti-Trump eyes one could conclude that the removal of troops from Afghanistan and Syria is prepping for war with Iran.

Posted by: Haassaan | Nov 13 2020 1:04 utc | 94

@ Anne | Nov 12 2020 18:30 utc | 35... thanks anne!

@ 41/45 circe... thanks... never miss a chance to go negative do you??

@ H.Schmatz | Nov 12 2020 19:19 utc | 44... thanks! interesting conjecture but i see it as all conjecture either way.. some of it is on track to happen anyway, so i don't know i would call it the 'great reset' so much as just the same ongoing dynamic with where we are headed...

@ uncle tungsten | Nov 12 2020 21:56 utc | 68 thanks... the way you state it makes it sounds like a regular event and not something ''great'', lol... i will see whitney webbs article.. thanks for sharing..

@ Jen | Nov 12 2020 22:29 utc | 71.. i think that might be me that was asking in the form of a question@33.

@ annie | Nov 13 2020 0:07 utc | 84.... thanks! that settles it then, lol.... please do post more often.. i thought i had seen you around here.. it has been a long time since i visited or posted at mondoweiss.. i apologize for asking a simple question at moa, but i appreciate everyones response either way!

i have been trying to post less and have been preoccupied with other stuff.. i appreciate everyone's response here..

here is a bill charlap recording that was shared to me earlier today... easy listening jazz piano type thing.. released feb 2020...

Posted by: james | Nov 13 2020 1:10 utc | 95

From Automaticearth to go with my post at 76. Autoearth says it better than I did, with more depth and sardonic humour.

Posted by: Tom | Nov 13 2020 1:26 utc | 98

hi, beq, always and forever wonderful❤️
thank you Mark2. sweet. maybe.
james, no apology necessary! thank you.

and hats off to b! what would we all do without you.
thank you❤️ thank you🔥 thank you❤️
Free Palestine 🇵🇸

Posted by: annie | Nov 13 2020 1:27 utc | 99

Posted by: Tom | Nov 13 2020 1:26 utc | 99

Gracias! Good article...nice find!

Posted by: ArthurDent | Nov 13 2020 1:39 utc | 100

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