Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
October 29, 2020

Why Are These Anti-Russian And Anti-Chinese Narratives So Similar?

After more than four years of Russiagate we finally learn (paywalled original) where the Steele dossier allegations about nefarious relations between Trump and Russia came from:

A Wall Street Journal investigation provides an answer: a 40-year-old Russian public-relations executive named Olga Galkina fed notes to a friend and former schoolmate who worked for Mr. Steele.​ The Journal relied on interviews, law-enforcement records, declassified documents and the identification of Ms. Galkina by a former top U.S. national security official.

In 2016, Ms. Galkina was working in Cyprus at an affiliate of XBT Holding SA, a web-services company best known for its Webzilla internet hosting unit. XBT is owned by Russian internet entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev.

That summer, she received a request from an employee of Mr. Steele to help unearth potentially compromising information on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump ’s links to Russia, according to people familiar with the matter. Ms. Galkina was friends with the employee, Igor Danchenko, since their school days in Perm, a Russian provincial city near the Ural mountains.

Ms. Galkina often came drunk to work and eventually got fired by her company. She took revenge by alleging that the company and its owner Gubarev were involved in the alleged hacking of the Democratic National Committee. A bunch of other false allegations in the dossier were equally based on Ms. Galkina's fantasies.

Mark Ames @MarkAmesExiled - 18:39 UTC · Oct 28, 2020

So the Steele Dossier that kicked off 4 years of Russiagate hysteria among the US ruling class was cooked up by two Russian alcoholics from Perm. “Gogolesque” does not begin to describe the grotesque credulity & stupidity of the American elites.

The tales in the dossier were real disinformation from Russians but not 'Russian disinformation' of the American Newspeak variant.

The FBI, and others involved, knew very early on that the Steele dossier was a bunch of lies. But the issue was kept in the public eyes by continues leaks of additional nonsense. All this was to press Trump to take more and more anti-Russian measures which he did with unprecedented generosity. The accusations about a Trump-Russia connection were the 'Russia bad' narrative that pressed and allowed Trump to continue the anti-Russian policies of the Obama/Biden administration.

A similar string of continuous policies from the Obama/Biden administration's 'Pivot to Asia' and throughout the four years of Trump is the anti-China campaign.

We now hear a lot about Hunter and Joe Biden's corrupt deals with Chinese entities. These accusations come with more evidence and are far more plausible than the stupid Steele dossier claims. Their importance is again twofold. They will be used to press a potential President Joe Biden to act against China but they will primarily be used to intensify a public anti-China narrative that creates public support for such policies.

As Caitlin Johnstone points out:

I don’t know how or at what level, but we are being played. A narrative is being aggressively rammed down our throats about China in exactly the same way it was being aggressively rammed down our throats about Russia four years ago; two unabsorbed nations the US government has long had plans to attack and undermine.
Russiagate was never really about Trump. It was never about his campaign staff meeting with Russians, it was never about a pee tape, it was never about an investigation into any kind of hidden loyalties to the Kremlin. Russiagate was about narrative managing the United States into a new cold war with Russia with the ultimate target being its far more powerful ally China, and ensuring that Trump played along with that agenda.
If Biden gets in we can expect the same thing: a president who advances escalations against both Russia and China while being accused of the other party of being soft on China. Both parties will have their foot on the gas toward brinkmanship with a nuclear-armed nation, with no one’s foot anywhere near the brakes.

It is thus assured that the verbal attacks on China, the search for new anti-China allies like the Hindu-fascist India and the dangerous weaponizing of Taiwan will all continue under a Biden administration.

Posted by b on October 29, 2020 at 15:30 UTC | Permalink

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We'll assume this post's title is a rhetorical question. But if not, well a 'war economy', in which the USA has been mired for 80 some years, needs fear/threat/enemies to perpetuate its existence. This is the time when Oceania is in battle against both Eurasia and Eastasia. But no worries, WWIII is bad for business and when it comes down to it the profit motive will beat out ideology every time.

Posted by: gottlieb | Oct 29 2020 15:44 utc | 1

I disagree with the notion that a cloud is being arranged over a Biden Presidency.

IMO what is being arranged is a strengthened Trump Presidency. A quiet transition from "people's hero" to "Glorious Leader".

I predict that Trump wins the election by a landslide. Including winning the popular vote.

A strong, popular leader is instrumental to USA/Empire's Cold War against Russia/China. Especially if this Cold War turns hot.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 29 2020 15:46 utc | 2

I don't lump China with Russia, the internal/external conditions of those two countries are so vastly different.

We should never have considered Russia a threat after it ceded it's vast network of satellite countries. It has a stable population in a vastly under utilized landmass.

China on the other hand is still in a territorial acquisition spree; it's over-populated and it's landmass is over-utilized.

Posted by: S Brennan | Oct 29 2020 15:50 utc | 3

National Endowment for Democracy narrative managers setting up shop in Taiwan (maybe replacing their moribund Hong Kong offices).

This allegedly in response to the "increasingly aggressive campaign by the Chinese Communist Party to violate the global rules-based order."

Is it "liberal rules-based order" in the West and "global rules-based order" in the provinces?

Posted by: jayc | Oct 29 2020 15:54 utc | 4

thanks b... the usa is a nation that can't seem to change its basic stance which is one of demanding it rules the world, telling everyone else on the planet what to do and how to behave... that seems to be the extent of usa foreign policy... perhaps this is more wall st and the military industrial complex demanding it, then ordinary americans... either way, the result is the same, chasing after money via war and preparation for war.. protecting the supremacy of the us$ is an important part of it too.. i would like to think rationally analyzing it as you're trying to do would help... but frankly i think the usa is beyond help at this point...

Posted by: james | Oct 29 2020 16:00 utc | 5

"“Gogolesque” does not begin to describe the grotesque credulity & stupidity of the American elites."

Not at all. The "elites" know what's going on; it's being done for their benefit, after all. It's the "normals" who are being sheared of the little wool left on our backs. Just one more true grand larceny before the whole thing falls apart. And for this we need a real enemy. From the great

Posted by: Caliman | Oct 29 2020 16:04 utc | 6

There are two difference between China-gate and Russia-gate here.

1. The China allegations about the Bidens are as true as the Ukraine ones are or the Russia ones are or the MBNA ones were or many other Biden allegations are.
Trump's Russia-gate stories are only a small part of a mass black PR attempt on Russia going on over more than a decade. See the daft reporting on the Socchi games, the daft sports drugs campaign, the Skripals, MH17, the whole thing.

2. Russia-gate was in no ones special interest except the MIC and Nato (threatened with the competing idea of a European defence force which has been an active but low key proposal for the same period).
China-gate is in the interest of pretty much the whole of the US economy. Unless you believe that the US has the diplomatic skills to live in parallel with a superior economy, you have to accept that preventing China from gaining superiority is the only feasibly US policy.
Russia-gates were always unnecessary. China-gates make perfect sense.

Posted by: Michael Droy | Oct 29 2020 16:06 utc | 7

It's like living in a "B" movie. Probably many of the same sorts of people behind it too. The lack of imagination and knowledge in these propaganda narratives tells you a lot about the mediocrities behind them. In considering these US foreign policy excesses, real and imagined, I keep thinking at some point reality is going to raise its ugly head and Washington will collapse in a puddle of spite. I expect the next adminstration to be overwhelmed by its domestic problems, along with quite a few other countries. I look at what is going on in Western societies today and I think of the movie Brazil.

Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 29 2020 16:10 utc | 8

I think this stuff will matter more if Trump wins than if Biden wins. (I'm thinking 3:2 odds in favor of Biden, by the way).

If Biden wins, Republicans will make a lot of noise, but that's about it. Without a huge majority of Congress, they can't do even what little token effects Democrats had to "stop Trump". Then, whenever Harris takes over, she can just distance herself from the whole thing.

If Trump wins, however, the flag humpers in the administration will have the ammunition they need in the fight over Russiagate. Not to shut it down, but to take control of it for their own political ends, and perhaps take down someone famous in the media and intimidate the rest - in a replay of the post-9/11 Bush era (not that it ever stopped). So you can thank Democrats for handing them the setup to do all that, not to mention for nominating Biden, if that is the path we take.

More realistically, Trump still loses, but Dems might fail to get an effective majority in the Senate (something like a 51-49 majority might not be enough in practice, because the most conservative Democrats in the Senate vote Republican half the time.). Again it makes no difference for foreign policy, but it could really change how the country responds to economic hardship, now baked in due to the virus.

Posted by: ptb | Oct 29 2020 16:17 utc | 9

The MIC needs a Cold War to boost military expenditure. The bigger the boogeyman the more money will be spent the more profits will be generated.

They don’t want a hot war as all those profits are meaningless if you are reduced to ashes.

The last thing the MIC can afford is for peace and goodwill amongst nations to break out. There is absolutely no profit in that.

Eisenhower warned against the rise of the MIC for this very reason. If war is profitable then to keep generating more profits you need to keep on generating more wars.

Posted by: Down South | Oct 29 2020 16:28 utc | 10

Don't worry about the gibbering globetrotting genocidal Gujarati gangster government of Narendrabhai Damodardasbhai Modi in India. Its staggering incompetence is so extreme that nobody has anything to fear from it... except Indians. As the economy continues to implode, unemployment soars, the population explodes, global warming ravages the land, and disaffection grows exponentially, the Gujarati genocidaire only cares about further enriching his corporate owners Mukeshbhai Dhirubhai Ambani and Gautambhai Shantilalbhai Adani, who are Gujaratis just like him. A total coincidence, of course!

Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Oct 29 2020 16:37 utc | 11

A strong, popular leader is instrumental to USA/Empire's Cold War against Russia/China. Especially if this Cold War turns hot.

Jackrabbit @ 2

This made me chuckle. US is not a country to produce one of those, even during their "golden" years of WW2. If there happens to be one in the making, they usually quietly or not so quietly dispose of them (see JFK).

Posted by: Abe | Oct 29 2020 16:50 utc | 12

I disagree with b on using the Biden's corrupt deal with China to leverage an anti-China stance in a potential Biden-admin.

I chalk it up to b not fully grasping how horrifically corrupt are not only the Dim estab but also those that in the population that could vote him in.

Check any anti-Trump news outlet for a whisper about the Biden's dealings with the Chinese. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Nary a whistle. No reporting.

They are trying to bury this story. For b to say that these same outlet will somehow flip and fall-in-line with the anti-Chinese stance, it is an interesting stretch.

More likely Biden and the Dims will continue to shrug their shoulders, claim there is nothing there, there, and end the protectionist policy of Trump re: China.

You can keep selling stuff to Taiwan, but the insidious creep of the CCP into Hong Kong indicates that the CCP is willing to take the long road and game without a hot-conflict.

Although I admit it is difficult to predict what will go on with Taiwan ina Biden admin, I am fairly certain that Biden will do what he said and end the protectionist policies of Trump.

Which is a shame, because I can get behind this American-first economic policy while still believing that Taiwan is probably still at the mercy of China's greater ambitions.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Oct 29 2020 16:55 utc | 13

Trump proposed to ally with Russia against China. MAGA clearly implies the US was, is weakening, one way out (classical) is to ally (perhaps only lightly) with one of the other two strong powers. This was total anathema to part of the PTB, mostly represented (officially) by Dems. An all-out attack on Trump thus took place (before he was elected, because all was known) as a stooge for Russia, etc. Russia 3x, Russiagate, all of it clumsily made-up rubbish.

Surely now with Hunter’s lap-top and the exposé of Biden-China ties (pay to play at the highest level, potentially billions, not minor corruption chicken-sh*t..) it is possible to grasp that one faction of what some call the Deep State is more pro-China…i.e. the aspirations towards that type of society (I leave that aspect aside ..) and the opportunities for money extraction / deals - see tech etc. / also sales (MIC, etc.) favor China. The noise about Chinese incursions (Tibet, sea.. etc.), Chinese human-rights violations (Uighurs, etc.), and the OBOR initiative have always been somewhat glancing…more pro-forma than anything else..

It was the ‘Dem’ faction of the duopoly, Obiman + Biden who ‘did’ Ukraine, an anti-Russian move (on the face of it. Perhaps it was just an extraction scheme, Mafia style. Of course they had the keen involvement of Germany and support from France.)

I have boiled down complex issues to just one “narrative arc”, a simplification if you will, I am aware there is much more to it all…

Question. There is a well-know board on which sit, amongst many others:

Mary T. Barra (CEO Gen. Mot.)
Carlos Ghosn (Renault etc.)
H. Kruger (BMW)
Elon Musk

Henry Paulson
Lloyd Blankfein
Laurence Fink (Blackrock)
M. L. Corbat (Citigroup)

Tim Cook
Michael Dell (Dell co.)
S. Nadella (Microsoft)


Here is the Board of Trustees of Moscow University, Lavrov in first place:

I believe such minor examples are quite telling.

Yes the elites know what is going on. (Caliman 6)

Posted by: Noirette | Oct 29 2020 17:11 utc | 14

IMO, the current Imperial policy goals of the Outlaw US Empire will continue regardless who wins. IMO, the ultimate question is if the Empire has enough power to continue on its current track. As most know, I see a drowning empire trying to disrupt the rapid rise of two strategically bound nations and those allied with them. China just finished planning and publishing its 14th 5-year plan. This Global Times editorial is supremely confidant for good reason:

"The fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee is leading the country forward. China has the capital and ability to do so. In this turbulent world, the meeting has provided a practical and significant guide for our direction, goal and tactics. Despite the many problems, China's political philosophy can constantly generate positive energy to solve the problems, instead of letting the problems crush positive energy.

"At the moment, China is facing the most problems and challenges. However, the country is also the most confident now. Other countries have posed many difficulties, but they provide reference and proof that we are doing better. As the world suffers from shrinking demand and negative growth, we are demanding real and comprehensive growth to realize new achievements in six areas. The country is self-driven." [My Emphasis]

It's been announced that "The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will hold a press conference Friday to introduce the guiding principles of its fifth plenary session."

Here are two important articles related to China's next phase that demand reading, "China sets ‘pragmatic’ targets through 2035; and "CPC vows to grasp opportunities amid major strategic [development] period". I intend to use these and other items in a follow up to the article I wrote in anticipation of China's new phase while recapping the one just concluded.

As for Russia's direction, that was very clearly mapped out by Putin and Lavrov's recent Valdai Club speeches and Q & A sessions and other interviews over the past ten days or so. Compared to the drowning Outlaw US Empire, China and Russia combine to offer the world two not so different examples that are clearly superior to Neoliberal Parasitism. And the longstanding Imperial edict of the Outlaw US Empire saying no threat of a better example can be allowed to exist forms the basis for the confrontation. However, it's no longer just China and Russia that provide such threats as a majority of the world's nations want to join Win-Win and scupper Zero-sum. So the already joined contest between two differing ideological blocs will escalate until the drowning Outlaw US Empire finds it no longer possess the power to dominate outside its borders, but will still have its domestic populace to exploit until they too revolt.

Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 29 2020 17:16 utc | 15

The similarities are there, except that Trump's investigation had not one document of compromat even after 3 years, whilst Biden's already has many from day 1.

Yes, the deepstate attacks Russia from the left, and China from the right, but this does not imply that members of the body politic are not subservient to either side, ever.

Only that Trump was never a Russian stooge, nor did they ever hold compromising documents over him, whilst Biden seems the Cleon of the modern age, that his business partners say he is. Is this compromat? Maybe, but at the very least this is graft. And that should be enough to send him into the gutter.

Posted by: Ilya G Poimandres | Oct 29 2020 17:27 utc | 16

This is a good report as is usually the case here at MoA. Yet, there is nothing really new in this at all other than the details of how the Western empire goes about enforcing its will on the world.
Sense August 6, 1945 the Imperial policy has been "Global full spectrum domination." and to that end it was determined that Russia and China were to be considered one enemy and must be attacked simultaneously.
In the 75 years sense that date when the Western empire declared the world belonged to it and it alone to rule the Western empire has slaughtered innocent people across the globe tens of millions of them, additionally in the last 20 years alone the Western empire has displaced over 37 million people, kicked them out of their homes destroyed their towns and communities. For 75 years non stop slaughter of innocent people.
Western Liberal Democracy and indeed Western civilization itself is an utter and contemptible failure irredeemable in any form which we might recognize as "democracy'

Posted by: Babyl-on | Oct 29 2020 17:32 utc | 17

"China on the other hand is still in a territorial acquisition spree; it's over-populated and it's landmass is over-utilized..." S Brennan@3

Could you, perhaps, tell us the name of any territory acquired by China in the last 300 years? To describe China as being on a "territorial acquisition spree" you will have to produce some evidence.

Posted by: bevin | Oct 29 2020 17:39 utc | 18

re @17
Try 200 years: the mid C18th was indeed a period in which China expanded westwards. Since about 1780 however China was subjected to an uninterrupted series of imperialist landgrabs.

Posted by: bevin | Oct 29 2020 17:54 utc | 19

On an slightly off-topic but relevant sidebar regarding the ongoing stupidity of the neo-cons and the Merchants of Death, shortly after Putin's remarks regarding tending the planet earlier this week, (which in IMHO is huge coming from one so dependent on oil and gas production), the Guardian posted an article on October 27 on the new methane eruptions in the Laptev Sea in the Arctic. These are the type of eruptions forecast by Natalia Shakova in 2013, that she predicted could end in extinction. My hunch is that these two events are related.

There are some band-aids to partially remedy methane eruptions involving the increasing the albedo of the Arctic as ice continues it's decline and the water heats up from non-reflected sunlight. (See Peter Wadham's "Farewell to Ice" for the math). One such remedy currently in favor is Marine Cloud Brightening. The total cost of such a project may be sizable, due to it's scale.

My question to our neo-con friends: How are we supposed to develop a coordinated effort to save human civilization when we are busy making enemies to more than 50% of the same?

Posted by: Michael | Oct 29 2020 17:56 utc | 20

@ Posted by: NemesisCalling | Oct 29 2020 16:55 utc | 12

Oh, you're still talking like you're in control of your country? How cute.


I had already warned here that the NY Post was clearly an anti-China fake news tabloid. Their aim was to make the China (Hong Kong) connection with the Bidens viralize - not the Ukrainian ties one. We can deduce that by the fact the HK-ties leak came first (the day before) and Hong Kong becomes "China" in their headlines (the Hongkonger mogul has distant ties with a Mainland corporation, but the link is indirect).

But, alas, the USA's pressure on the propaganda front is a sign of weakness, not strength. The keyword here is: escalation. Can the West escalate from a propaganda warfare to a conventional warfare? During WWII, it was self-evident: the American elites produced anti-Nazi propaganda but the means to wage war in Europe were already there. That's not the case with China, or, for that matter, Russia today.

The same thing can be told about Europe: their anti-China propaganda can only serve to save their governments' asses on their failure in dealing with the pandemic, but not to really retaliate against China. You honestly don't expect Western Europeans to conscript en masse to go to war against China, do you?

Propaganda warfare can only do so much. After that point, either it materializes into kinetic warfare or it backfires on the government that initiated it in the form of demoralization (crisis of legitimacy, crisis of sovereignty). Soft power has not feet: it only projects your hegemony as long as it is on a very solid pedestal made of economic prosperity and military might - otherwise, it is just a legless cripple begging for money on the streets of London and New York.

Posted by: vk | Oct 29 2020 18:10 utc | 21

I seriously doubt this impacts a Biden presidency simply because it will soon morph into the Harris presidency. The India vs China might be the play here. I know she grew up in Canada, her dad comes from a wealthy Jamaican family, and her Indian mother raised her. So what exactly are her allegiances is anyone guess. Mine is political donors. As for the deep state, if their same old stick works, why change it up?

Posted by: Old and Grumpy | Oct 29 2020 18:15 utc | 22

Abe @Oct29 16:50 #11

This made me chuckle.

My thesis is testable to some degree. A Trump landslide (as I'm predicting) will indicate that my thesis has merit.

Do you have a counter-prediction? Are you expecting a Biden win?


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 29 2020 18:16 utc | 23

@ Posted by: bevin | Oct 29 2020 17:54 utc | 18

If you want to go back 200+ years in the past, then China is not the only expansionist menace. You have the USA itself (expansion to the West), France, UK, Germany, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Poland, Russia...

Posted by: vk | Oct 29 2020 18:17 utc | 24

Slightly related:

Glenn Greenwald wrote a piece critical of Joe Biden. The Intercept rejected to publish it (thereby breaking its contract with GG). Greenwald finally leaves:

My Resignation From The Intercept
The same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press generally have engulfed the media outlet I co-founded, culminating in censorship of my own articles.

Posted by: b | Oct 29 2020 18:18 utc | 25

Why do media corporations put out remake after remake of popular movies? Is it because they lack imagination, or is it that audiences prefer the familiar.
They use the same war propaganda time after time because the audience falls for it more easily if they've heard it before.
I agree with Michael, however, that we are in dire planetary straits at this point.
Apparently, our ruling overlords are putting in a Hail Mary plan to slow down the destruction of the ecosystem. I don't believe that it is the virus that made them screech the brakes on the global economy back in March. They have a plan to reset and scale back consumption.
We all knew it couldn't last forever, anyway, right?

Posted by: wagelaborer | Oct 29 2020 18:22 utc | 26

I'm not so sure about the overall conclusions, instead I'm sidetracked by the attempt to whitewash Russiagate. I guess they finally figured out they had to come up with some kind of lame excuse to brush it off.

"It wasn't me! It was some crazy drunk Russian woman from Perm! She was angry!"

Well that explains everything. They must have been so scared :D

Because that's what people do when they get fired isn't it? Instead of getting a new job (or drinking a bit more, or sliding down the slippery slope of society) they make up and tell stories about politicians in other countries. Not to blackmail anyone, oh no, only to try to tarnish the reputation of the old boss to get revenge. Stuff like this is why watching soap operas (including "Friends") is bad for you :)

"We need a scapegoat but we don't have any good ones available right now, however someone we know has an aunt in Perm who will do anything for money"

It still doesn't make sense but now instead of a problem that doesn't make sense they have a solution that doesn't make sense. They probably threw a party to celebrate how smart they were.

Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Oct 29 2020 18:23 utc | 27

"A narrative is being aggressively rammed down our throats about China": I usually respect Caitlin's work a lot but how does this jive with the MSM and Techno-platforms desperate attempts to block all circulation of anything to do with the Biden corruption scandals? Digging deeper into these issues is toxic not just for Biden, but for a significant segment of the neoliberal elite.

The economic elites need time to decouple their profits from China before any real head-to-head battle commences, Biden (or Kamala) will bark a lot but bite much less given the probable wealth-vaporization of increased hostilities with China.

P.S. the number of COVID cases in Sweden is exploding, so to quote one of my favourite movie reviewers (The Critical Drinker) can the Sweden trolls please "just go away now".

Posted by: Roger | Oct 29 2020 18:25 utc | 28

Noirette | Oct 29 2020 17:11 utc | 13

Interesting 1st list, I noticed Zuckerberg at the bottom. Seems they have all sides covered, even censorship and social intercommunication.

I also notice that "the usual regime change bis", does not exclude a shooting war in China. Who will fight the Chinese ? Why, all those submissive EU and US "covided" people will now be slimmed down, the infirm and feeble eliminated, and have virtually no other alternative to hunger, movement restrictions and boredom - than joining an army. Dissent is followed by an indefinite internement camp until they change their minds.

Those that consider themselves part of "The Ultimate Cats Whiskers" cannot pretend that they have any part of Chinese ancestory in their makeup. Physically impossible, or rather the physical differences cannot be hidden easily. So the only way for the "Evilites" to gain control is by elimination or submission of all alternative groups. (In this case it would entail ethnic cleansing or brainwashing of the leadership).

I think both the Russian and the Chinese have come to the same conclusion, that there is a war of survival over the long term going on. A shooting war is - for the Chinese, just another skirmish in a multi-generational effort. Something that has been devalorised for the EU masses, but not for the "Evilites". (The powerful "first" families and tribes are already in control since many generations.)

I think that the US is trying to use it's numerical advantage (Nukes() while the window of "opportunity" is still there. All the while changing the nature of their explosives to cut down on fallout. As an aside - in all those questions of "START2" and arms control, nobody questions why the 400 -+? nukes that Israel has are not included.


Posted by: Stonebird | Oct 29 2020 18:29 utc | 29

@bevin | Oct 29 2020 17:54 utc | 18

If Brennan means Taiwan, it has 4 times the population density of China. And of course HK is much higher.
Perhaps he is accusing China of some kind of neo-colonial hegemony over neighboring countries (although they are mostly already hegemonized by the USA).

Posted by: Keith McClary | Oct 29 2020 18:31 utc | 30

@26 roger

Yes, I agree.

b seems to think that selling arms to Taiwan somehow will outcompete all the western traitors begging to do business in China. This is a yuge slice of the pie when it comes to economic outward policy and is likely to outweigh the needs of the MIC in Taiwan.

Biden has said he will drop the protectionist policy re: int'l trade.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Oct 29 2020 18:31 utc | 31

bevin @17 - your response is right on. China has not (akin to Iran) been bounding around even its region grabbing "territory" or insisting on its dominance. I think the Brennan @3 is confusing Japan (and the US-UK) with China.

james @ 5 - YEP.

On NPR (only MSM I have contact with and that reluctantly - but hey, have to have an idea about what the latest, ongoing Newspeak the general pop is being fed, albeit that I yell at the radio [my late husband is surely happy he doesn't have to hear that] frequently)I've heard all but zilch about "China gate" (the emails etc making clear that the Bidens were knee deep in more $$$-shit). But the Russia did it theme never ever ends.

So too the now constant threnody (!) of Chinese (govt) "Agression" - in the, guess what, South China Sea. Ummm - isn't that in China's Back Yard? And what of the USA warships/military bases/missiles/military aircraft and on and on in that very region???? And there was I thinking that the atlas shows that the USA is thousands of miles (land or nautical, matters not) from the South China Sea. What of US Aggression there? Why is it STILL occupying Japan (Okinawa, actually)?? South Korea???

An small and interesting piece on Chinese investment yesterday (I think...time has no meaning now) in Colombia. A Metro (underground/subway) is being built in Bogota by the Chinese. The Colombians have, apparently wanted such for a long time...but no one (least of all the Yanks) has wanted to help them achieve this aim (less petroleum sold?). Until now.

But as one might guess from the deeply USian NPR (and deeply entwined with the Blue Faces of the Janus party) propaganda machine, any such Chinese investment in any country - and in the US Monroe Doctrine backyard - is decidedly dodgy. Colombians will be - they say - up to their eyeballs in the Chinese. Ummm - as if the World Bank and IMF are any better, indeed one might posit that they are worse.

Frankly, the west - all of it but most particularly the US/UK/FR and IS (not west but derivatively yes) - need to mind their own business; stop interfering in other countries societies, cultures, governments; stop killing, destroying, dominating other peoples in other countries. Just stop. And then defund their "MIC" top to bottom and use the funds to take care of their own peoples, societies.

Posted by: Anne | Oct 29 2020 18:39 utc | 32

Jackrabbit @ 22

I don't argue popularity, but strength. Trump is a weakling, both as a person and as a president IMO.

US presidential system won't allow true leaders but puppets (or easily manipulated persons), it is all I'm saying. Do we need more than last 4 years of Trump's reign as a proof?

Posted by: Abe | Oct 29 2020 18:39 utc | 33

Old and Grumpy - You are right on. Biden is not the intended president: Harris is and for all of the even wrong-er reasons. (Were that possible.)

Posted by: Anne | Oct 29 2020 18:44 utc | 34

vk @23 - It would seem that you have misread bevin. He does not say (write) that China has been busy gobbling up - or trying to - the countries around it. Actually history points to quite other, as bevin hinted at. It is China that was invaded, controlled - drug cartel-wise by the Brits - also invaded and controlled by the US, French and Japanese (all brutally).

Posted by: Anne | Oct 29 2020 18:48 utc | 35

Because the U.S. public is close to brain dead We can't detect obvious lies no matter how brazen.

Let's suppose I told you something was absolutely true and I literally started out by saying, 'Once upon a time there was an evil stepmother ...'. Or I told you about about a villainous neighbor while literally playing a sad song on a violin.

I do not consider myself a genius, in fact I was a neocon but good God, I could just tell I was being lied to just by the pattern of the stories. I didn't know what the truth was but I knew they were lying.

A doozy with FOX promoting genocide against Iran

FOX news does a story about the terrorist attack in France and in the very next segment without any commercial breaks they interview a Congressman about Iran. Now they did not say Iran was responsible but clearly this was a puppet show to make just that association. In addition to the standard blood libel, the Congressman talked about a tweet the Ayatollah made in 2014, so it was not as if there even was any newsworthy item to discuss about Iran. It was just to frame them for something they did not do.

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Oct 29 2020 18:48 utc | 36

"It is thus assured that the verbal attacks on China, the search for new anti-China allies like the Hindu-fascist India and the dangerous weaponizing of Taiwan will all continue under a Biden administration."
Can this now be taken as an admission that in the medium term Tronald's foreign policy is just as warmongering as that of the representatives of the other Janus face of the u.s. one-party system?

Posted by: pnyx | Oct 29 2020 19:15 utc | 37

@Posted by: Noirette | Oct 29 2020 17:11 utc | 13

MGIMO, if I am not wrong, is not Moscow University, which is more or less public one, but the school of IR and Government.
Thanks for bringing in to my attention the "Board of Trustees", since I would had never taken the trouble to look for.
I found myself at certain point valuing that it would be interesting studying at MGIMO, by its international recognized quality/prestige ( no need to know Russian since they teach in English, having franchises over there, one in Marbella, Spain, without going further...) but without knowing anything about this "board of trustees", I somehow had the hunch that, as happens in any country, IR & government studies are reserved "only" for very well connected people, or at least fellows of the most influyent think tanks or elite´s juniors...

Taking into account the board of trustees of the Chinese university, I fear we must conclude that all that people intermitently posting ( and labeled as trolls, and, consequently, banned with time, sooner or later ) here and at other blogs, who state that China and Russia are in cahoots with the US to keep the status quo alive, and that all these frictions are all but theater, could end being right...after all...since they are all those businesmen and bankers, and CEOs of hedge funds who dictate any country foreign policy.
At least we can conclude they are allied to keep financial capitalism alive

Anyway, cpaitalist allies does not imply they can not turn against each other ans seeing the board of MGIMO is totally Russian, it could sign at that Russia could be the main target of the decaying empire to seize assets...

The last Gogolesque situation on charge of reactionary forces in Spain also points at that. Yesterday, on direction by a Spabish judge, a team of Spanish Civil Guard detained three Catalan businesmen on the grounds of conspiring with Russia to advance Catalan independence, bring in 10-000 Russian troops into Catlaan soil, and trun catalonia into another Switzerland...

One, really, exhausted out of 7 months already of work olverload without prospects of bettemrent and with increasing lay out of staff due sick leave, does not know what to think...

Al these people what they want is tunring us majaras, out of pure exploitation and ridiculous fantastic narratives with which to justify their increasing authoritarian "rules based order" wit hwhich they think avoiding a popular totally justified upsrising, especially when they lockdown us into a curfew, in which what mainly is allowed is go to work in overcrowded public transport, while they go dinner the next day with another 150 elite guys, many without masks, in an event organized by the 4th power, the press....Only the so demonized by the same press Unidas Podemos, a mild left wing party in the coalition of government in Spain was absent...

As we talk about Russia, I inform you that "Dimitir", apart from a Russian name is an unkown, out of unused, unconjugated verb amongst Spanish elites...

Still, it is happening way too few...the people has proved being beyond goodness, owning Job like patience and definietley not devserving such ruling elites...

But there you have last Charlie Hebdo willing provocation... which unleashed another wave of terror in France... with which they will try to suffocate increasing popular discontent...and more to come as people is let to its own, evicted, bankrupted and may be even ill too...
Notice how the thugs running amok in Nice were of Turkish leaning...( how is that, when there is a lockdown in France? ),and since I guess we all agree in this forum Turkey commands the NATO proxy army to be used anywhere, it will not be only me who suspect that all these rifi-rafe amongst NATO members has a strategic significance...After all stirring up things amongst religions, precisely now, contribute to dispel rage from hunger, los of job, and for simply feeling scammed by tha authorities management of this pnever ending pandemic which in its second wave kills way less than in the previous one, only the helath systems are overwhelmed due that there is an overload of work unasumaible by a decimated staff by sick leaves not covered on the alibi that there are no people to hire... I fear it is only for that that we are again locked down...As a proof the fact that they who curtail our rights go dinning in groups of 150 and have no fear of being infected...

At certain point, the people will say enough is enough...only to find that, as happens in the knives of jihadist thugs, are they who are going to the streets...this tiem in the millions...
Where to flee whne the fat lady sings or the proverbial shit hit the fan?
One would have thought that to Russia...or China...but, in the end, where one is better than at home?

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Oct 29 2020 19:28 utc | 38

wagelaborer @24: "Why do media corporations put out remake after remake of popular movies?"

Because the brainwashing goes stale. The narrative changes.

Movies become static cultural artifacts that reflect the assumptions and narratives of the period in which they were created. This eventually can come into conflict with the narrative du jour. For example, older western (cowboy) movies tended to feature honorable "white hat" good guys who would never preemptively attack anyone or bully weaker opponents. Being that it has become difficult to conceal the fact that the United States bullies and preemptively attacks others around the world, particularly since America's war against Vietnam, this model of honor has to be redefined to justify behavior that Americans would previously consider appalling. The problem is that some of the cultural artifacts from bygone years have become iconic and are still available to the public. It would be difficult to erase them from American history. Since they showcase a definition of honor that the United States can no longer meet, or have other currently inconvenient narrative features, replacements must be produced to displace the uncomfortable narratives of yesteryear and reinforce the brainwashing of today. Thus another reason behind the boring and endless march or remakes other than just lack of imagination and fear of taking financial risks, though those last two do play a part.

Posted by: William Gruff | Oct 29 2020 19:39 utc | 39

FWIW Glenn Greenwald resigns from The Intercept

He writes

“ The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.”

Posted by: DG | Oct 29 2020 19:51 utc | 40

@ 30 anne ... right on to you as well.... i am surprised at how non objective national news outlets and etc - npr radio - are.... one would think they could entertain a modicum of objectivity, but as you point out - it is not possible it seems.. you have to cheer for team usa at every moment and forget about any objectivity or neutrality.. i guess you get turfed from the gig if you show any impartiality! i thought it was interesting to see glenn greenwald quiting the intercept finally today or yesterday... i guess the intercept is yet another voice that has been given over to goose stepping the official narrative....

i learned a new word from you today - threnody... i know this as a dirge, so that was a new one on me!

@ 17 bevin.... thanks for challenging that load of b.s from @ 3 s. brennan... i am curious if s. brennan comes back to answer...

Posted by: james | Oct 29 2020 19:53 utc | 41


The Dean of Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management from the website

is clearly a highly respected expert with a scholarly background from some of the best Institutions.

Given he is called on to give expert economic advice to the Chinese Government (or the newly minted US propaganda trope "the Chinese Communist Party")what else would you expect?

Hopefully, you hire the very best.

After all, China is an intensely business-oriented country. Supposedly, it's Government business dealings are on behalf of the people of China.

To what degree this is true, we don't know. But that is a matter for the Government of China to answer for.

Professor BAI Chong-En
Dean (2018-)
Dean BAI Chong-En's Bio (Click to download in PDF format)

BAI Chong-En
Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor

Professor BAI Chong-En is Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor and Dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University. He is also the director of the National Institute for Fiscal Studies of Tsinghua University. He earned his Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics and Economics from UCSD and Harvard University, respectively. His research interests include Institutional Economics, Economic Growth and Development, Public Economics, Finance, Corporate Governance and Chinese Economy.

Professor BAI is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the “13th Five-Year National Development Plan” Expert Committee, the Chinese Economists 50 Forum, the China Finance 40 Forum, Chinainfo 100, and the executive committee of International Economic Association. He was a member of the monetary policy committee of the People’s Bank of China, a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution, and served as Adjunct Vice-President of Beijing State-Owned Assets Management Co.Professor BAI Chong-En
Dean (2018-)

Posted by: powerandpeople | Oct 29 2020 19:54 utc | 42

Off topic (apologies) but just breaking:

Glen Greenwald resigns from 'The Intercept', a publication he co-founded, because, according to him, The Intercept refused to publish of an article critical of the media that included critiscism of Joe Biden.

Unless he removed the bit critical of the candidate.

He has published it anyway,'contracts be damned' on a new site:

Posted by: powerandpeople | Oct 29 2020 20:18 utc | 43


As you are at this point the only known commenter admitted to comment at SST, lately allowed to post whatever you want there, I wonder whether you would dare to post the "Board of Trustees" of the Tsinghua University for Pat Lang´s consideration, so that by passing debunking, once for all, his continuous ancient and outfashioned narrative on "Chinese communists are coming", with which he tries to demonize any person in US, and world for that matter, politics who tries to turn a bit to the left and to some beneffit of the common people anywhere, as it is the case of AOC, so that keeping his privileges intact...

Posted by: H.Schmatz | Oct 29 2020 20:18 utc | 44

Abe @Oct29 18:39 #31

I don't argue popularity, but strength. Trump is a weakling, both as a person and as a president IMO.

I think you're confusing Trump the person with Trump the President.

As a person, Trump is weak. And his weaknesses make him easy to manipulate.

As the President, his popularity makes him strong - and this his ability to achieve such popularity is very valuable to a Deep State that is contemplating WAR.

US presidential system won't allow true leaders but puppets (or easily manipulated persons) ...

And Trump is also puppet. And like all recent Presidents he's also a team player (he participates willingly). And he is controlled not just by his own weaknesses but by the ability of the Deep State to remove him via 25th Amendment if need be. VP Pence (McCain's buddy), AG Barr (Bush associate), and CIA's Haspel (John Brennan's acolyte) are key to ensuring that Trump is controlled.

Supposedly NEVER TRUMP contingents keep Trump in a box of their making. Once one sees this, it's even clearer that the political games are nothing but a Deep State stratagem designed to help them take on Russia and China.

PS Consider: Biden was trusted to be part of the Obama 'control'. That shows how much the Deep State (the real Deep State, not the pretended super-partisan Deep State) trusts him. So why would they allow him to be trashed as he now? Because propelling Trump from 'popular hero' to 'Glorious Leader' is something that the Deep State finds valuable.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 29 2020 20:22 utc | 45

This guy is, as usual, more bullshit than fact as all U.S. political parties are Rothschild cabal playthings and ALL do that cabal's bidding. There is no war between them, just scripted media provocations and Soros hired thugs. Soros, too, is a Rothschild lackey. If this guy doesn't know these things he is a total ignoramus. But my guess is that he is a paid liar, concerning motives at least.
What is going on world wide ALL comes back to Devos and the big money boys. Politics is just a front for their greedy world control.

Posted by: nobody | Oct 29 2020 20:40 utc | 46

ot - @ H.Schmatz | Oct 29 2020 20:18 utc | 40.... my commenting at sst is a very fragile dance as i see it... i suspect it will be soon enough i will be banned, but for the moment this hasn't happened... i see it as a test of my acceptance of another persons viewpoint, even if i don't share that viewpoint.. i would characterize myself as having spent most of my life being overly attached to my viewpoints. .trying for some detachment doesn't come automatically, but i feel it is never too late to learn..

i think there are other commentators here who at moa post at sst.. yeah, right is one of them... i am not willing to do what you ask, but i appreciate you trying thru me!! like i say - i imagine i will be banned again soon enough for something fairly innocent on my part which i was oblivious too.. just watch, lol...

Posted by: james | Oct 29 2020 20:42 utc | 47

Jackrabbit @Oct29 20:22 #41

... propelling Trump from 'popular hero' to 'Glorious Leader' is something that the Deep State finds valuable.

And that should scare the bejesus out of us.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 29 2020 20:44 utc | 48

Jack Rabbit 22

Trump has a shot a victory because of the electoral college and mail-in voting. Pennsylvania could be in '20 for Trump what Florida was for Bush in 2000. The mail-in vote is heavily weighted with Democratic voting constituencies. Trump could have a significant lead on election night because the returns will be from conventional voters which will likely be majority Republican. Once the mail in vote is counted it will probably give the state to Biden. Trump has been laying the legal and propaganda foundation to invalidate the mail-in vote. He may succeed. Even if he doesn't, his supporters will be convinced the mail in vote was fraudulent. All hell will break loose.

There is nothing in the polling data to suggest Trump has a shot at winning the popular vote. The polls got that right in '16. He is doing considerably worse now than he did in '16.

Posted by: David | Oct 29 2020 20:47 utc | 50

Mr b I wrote a comment re Greenwalds resignation from the Intercept.

It’s gone.

Did I do something wrong or you deleted it?

Posted by: DG | Oct 29 2020 21:03 utc | 51

IMO Trump is addicted to inherited wealth, the more so because all of which was created by others. That wealth included knowledge of the dark forces being pre-requisite to accumulating and sustaining it. He is now an old man and can only justify his status using popularity and confidence that his approaching death will be a release into some imagined forgiveness and splendor . Thus he is trapped and controllable by other old, trapped men of similar zeal.

JFKennedy knew all about inherited wealth, but was not driven to accumulate more . Rather, he chose to put his attention on improving conditions for others. He also knew, via his father, that insidious, criminal networks had joined with government, at high levels and sufficient breadth and depth, that it might be too late to correct but must be somehow mitigated. He was trapped not so much from within but from outside interests. He actively resisted being controllable to the extent he had to be removed at all costs.

My prognosis's going to take some beyond-human assistance to correct course away from utter devastation; not impossible...even Charles Lindbergh spoke of its presence during his 22nd hour of that 1927 flight NY to Paris...tho it took until 1951 to get it into his The Spirit Of St. Louis

Posted by: chu teh | Oct 29 2020 21:12 utc | 52

Thanks B for reading the WSJ so I don't have to. The publication of this Steele dossier story tells us that the WSJ sees some merit in gaining some favour with the Trump Administration and is a curious thing to do on the eve of a election. Maybe they have some information about this election that they really should not have.

I hope you don't mind me opining that the story as written is most likely to be a complete fiction, designed to hide the real source of the fantasy story book that is the Steele dossier. The main mission here being to admit that the dossier was indeed a pack of lies but with the important corollary that J Steele did indeed do some sort of research to dig up the dirt on Trump. Heaven forbid that it ever was discovered that himself, Pablo Miller and Sergei Skripal made the whole thing up over a meal of Zizzi's garlic bread and risotto, washed down with white wine and a bottle of Vodka over at the Mill.

Posted by: Corkie | Oct 29 2020 21:13 utc | 53

There has not been an actual president since JFK and there never will be again, since the corporate take-over was completed in the 2000 installation of GW Bush, so we can all stop wasting words and emotions over this fake democracy.

Posted by: norecovery | Oct 29 2020 21:31 utc | 54

Hat tip to Jackrabbit, Karlov1 and others..

That does not quite scare the bejesus out of me as I,too approach [body]death"s door...and it remains closed. At least I have the little comfort of not being the 1st to have "gone on".

Posted by: chu teh | Oct 29 2020 21:34 utc | 55

There are 3 problems with the polling.

(1) Fewer people answer phones. Political poll response rates are below 10% (and that's overall, some demographic sections are way lower). It takes an unusual person to answer, one who is generally less suspicious, or one whose job/life forces them to answer calls from random numbers. The result is that polls really have to adjust for known demographic qualities: age, race, geography, education, and most importantly political party. Most don't do all of them, and political party in particular creates the next issue.

(2) A handful of states, most importantly PA and FL, have closed primaries. Thus independents (i.e. the swing voters) are forced to strategically register to whichever party had the more interesting primary. Except that most people don't bother to change it every time. So in PA for example, there are 5% or 6% more registered Dems, yet the state consistently goes down the middle. In particular we have lots of new voters in the past 4 years, and it's fairly certain 20-30% of the new ones who registered Dem did so because the 2020 Dem primary (Bernie) was obviously more meaningful than the 2020 Rep. primary which has an incumbent Prez. So then: some polls ask for the party registered, and others ask for self-proclaimed "what party do you consider yourself generally". With the latter, you get what looks like more independents. But polls with both types of party identification seem to adjust the party of the sample to the state registration stats, i.e. they spot Democrats 5-6% if we're looking at PA. It isn't necessarily dishonest, but they just don't have much else to go on other than the previous election's results, which is also an iffy assumption.

(3) Many (most?) of the polls are sponsored by an organization with an agenda or at least a bias. When the pollster makes the results public (if at all) is typically the discretion of the sponsor. So there is some cherry picking, tho I don't think it is as bad as many suspect. But still it must be treated as another source of uncertainty. Things like 95% confidence aren't really valid if you hide groups of results you don't like.

Posted by: ptb | Oct 29 2020 21:42 utc | 56

link to censored Greenwald article at Intercept...if it works:

Posted by: chu teh | Oct 29 2020 22:10 utc | 57

S Brennan @ 3, Bevin @ 17, James @ 38:

China and Russia signed a friendship treaty in 2001 pledging co-operation and assistance in diplomacy and across several areas including economic and military assistance and in environmental technology (green or environmental science) and energy issues as well. In Article 6 of the treaty, both nations agreed to respect one another's borders and to preserve the status quo where there were unresolved issues.

On top of the 2001 Sino-Russian Friendship Treaty, both nations also signed an agreement in 2008 officially ending all territorial disputes between the two countries. With no exceptions, the border between Russia and China is fixed.

In addition northeast China (or that area historically known as Manchuria) is now a rustbelt area and is deindustrialising. People especially young people are moving away from this part of the country and into the cities farther south to find more job opportunities. According to this article, fertility rates in this part of Northeast Asia across all ethnic groups are the lowest in the world and this part of China is heading for demographic collapse.

Probably the only people in China and Russia who still have fantasies about seizing one another's territories in Northeast China and the Russian Far East are gameboys who spend too much time playing computer games or nattering with one another on their blogsites and who would suffer cardiac arrest the moment they step away from the screen (or who would suffer cardiac arrest anyway from playing games two or three days straight).

Posted by: Jen | Oct 29 2020 22:57 utc | 58

US economy and US life in general is wholly dependent on China. Face masks or pharmaceuticals, car parts or building materials, it comes from China. No, we cannot resume making these things in US, we do not know how. When 3M was told to get busy and make masks under Defence Procurement authority all they could do was refer to Chinese subsidiary. Clear enough it is the “subsidiary” that has the whip hand. What do we have for them? Treasury bonds? Or we can start handing over real estate. Maybe if we give them the West Coast they will supply us for a time.

One of the big stalls with the Foxconn-Racine plant has been there are no American engineers to hire. Just none. All Chinese staff would be easier. Or Chinese lords supervising American coolies.

US basically does not trade with Russia. They have unloaded US paper securities. All we get from them is service as a bogeyman. If we needed another bogey we could get that easy, make up some shit as always.

Russia and China are different.

Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 29 2020 23:13 utc | 59

It seems clear enough to me that the point that I was making was that China, far from being an expansionary power actually suffered from the predation of imperialists both in terms of the actual loss of territory (Manchuria, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc), in the imposition of unequal treaties and in the colonisation of neighbouring, strategically located, lands.
If you read the post to which you refer you will realise that we are in agreement. It is not necessary, simply because you regard yourself as a marxist, to attack those with opinions like yours: the bourgeoisie is quite capable of defending itself without its critics tearing each other to pieces.

Posted by: bevin | Oct 29 2020 23:37 utc | 60

The Chinese authorities have been prosecuting corrupt officials for many years. The prospect of certain USAi officials like the Biden family carpetbaggers and their Chinese associates being prosecuted in public courts in China with no plea bargaining and all those other niceties would be a delight for eyes and ears.

Be careful with those threats USAi, it could come back to haunt you.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Oct 29 2020 23:43 utc | 61

Jen @55: "Probably the only people in China and Russia who still have fantasies about seizing one another's territories in Northeast China and the Russian Far East are [silly pinheads]."


If the Chinese decide to build a ghost city huge planned urban development in Siberia, then the Russians will happily sell them the real estate to build it on. No matter how you slice it that is dramatically cheaper than a war. Furthermore, wars are always lose-lose. A simple real estate transaction would be win-win, which seems to suit both Russia and China these days. There is nothing in Siberia that can be seized in warfare that the Chinese cannot get for cheaper in win-win trade.

People who are incapable of understanding this have gotten their understanding of geopolitics from board games like Risk.

Posted by: William Gruff | Oct 29 2020 23:55 utc | 62

@57 donkey

God, you are still trumpeting the contradiction that the problem is internationalism but that nationalism isn't the answer.

Then what the fuck is the answer, donkey?

A protectionist nationalism does not mean that we are going after the jews, per se, but that we will do anything, including not trading with you at all, if you do not welcome the idea as a competing nation a mutually beneficial arrangement for not only the elites but also the average joe.

And then you have commenters like vk who espouse the stupid idea that Americans will go shoeless if we stop buying Chinese-made shoes.

No...the Chinese slaved themselves into an awesome arrangement they have now w/ increased standards of living. The elites convinced their labor force to sacrifice for future generations. And they did. And I don't want to take anything away from that. However, as an American, I note the calamitous effect the offshoring of our manufacturing has had upon our psyche, including the horrific consumerism which abounds with too much cheap goods.

America will not have to debase ourselves to the degree the Chinese have done in order to enjoy a resurgence of a manufacturing prowess. However, the longer we wait, the dumber we do indeed get.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Oct 30 2020 0:30 utc | 64

Corkie # 49

I hope you don't mind me opining that the story as written is most likely to be a complete fiction, designed to hide the real source of the fantasy story book that is the Steele dossier. The main mission here being to admit that the dossier was indeed a pack of lies but with the important corollary that J Steele did indeed do some sort of research to dig up the dirt on Trump. Heaven forbid that it ever was discovered that himself, Pablo Miller and Sergei Skripal made the whole thing up over a meal of Zizzi's garlic bread and risotto, washed down with white wine and a bottle of Vodka over at the Mill.

I am with you Corkie. That is about the strength of it. The WSJ is BS from front page to last.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Oct 30 2020 0:59 utc | 65

As Caitlin Johnstone points out: I don’t know how or at what level, but we are being played. <=Gee if Caitlin Johnstone does not know, no body does?

I posted seven levels of society controlled by different forces a few weeks back only 2 were public (the nation state franchisee and the governed..) the rest were privately owned and controlled Beginning with those in control at the global top (CFR for example) of the nation state franchise system, then the local oligarchs, then the nation state franchisee (local level of control called the state) and ending with the 92% owned by 6 person private media which is supported by the corporate system when it pays private media the deductible contribution called advertising.

Your life experience environment is completely controlled, you just don't know it, you don't need to know what is outside of your bubble..

Posted by: snake | Oct 30 2020 1:47 utc | 66

"the search for new anti-China allies like the Hindu-fascist India "

B, this is complete nonsense. The PLA has been aggressive along around Indian borders for many years and more so recently. They bought ports in Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Pakistan and are harassing the Bhutanese and Nepali borders too for land grabbing. If you want to use the label "fascist" then you have found the matching nation in PR China.

Narendra Modi is not fascist; he is weakly pro Hinduism and further just patriotic.
In India all Hindu temples are under state control while Mosques and Churches are not. For example the huge donations the Tirupati temple in the south gets every year are supervised by a secular non-Hindu committee.

PR China will suck Germany equally dry of industry as it did the US, assisted by local collaborators. Some people do anything for more personal profit.

Posted by: Antonym | Oct 30 2020 2:12 utc | 67

"We now hear a lot about Hunter and Joe Biden's corrupt deals with Chinese entities. These accusations come with more evidence and are far more plausible than the stupid Steele dossier claims."

I think Biden will buckle... sometime into his first year as president. He has groomed his family like a political cutout for the Sopranos: two corrupted brothers, their out of control kids, his own kids, Hunter being the worst but the whole family has been "all in" with Joe's show, dripping with money, privilege, power, sex, drugs, arrogance. There is too much seductive dirt there to keep hidden. MSNBC/CNN/ The View people will start leaking, gossiping, stepping back a bit as the sharper tongues move to finish him off. Karmic justice for a political whore.

Speaking of political whores, President Kamala Harris will be one to watch: there's something very sociopathic about her. Her life history appears similar to Obama's-- totally self-serving, using/sleeping with powerful people to get promoted, strongly attracted to power, money (Steve Menuchen), very carefully packaged. Her problem will be similar to her mentor, Hillary: no one really likes her but she thinks they do. I can't visualize her as president for long. She has no base. I might be wrong but she creeps me out and I'm guessing that I'm not alone. I think she'll go away pretty fast. We'll see.

Posted by: migueljose | Oct 30 2020 2:40 utc | 68

You can keep selling stuff to Taiwan, but the insidious creep of the CCP into Hong Kong indicates that the CCP is willing to take the long road and game without a hot-conflict.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Oct 29 2020 16:55 utc 12

I wouldn't call it insidious, more like organic, inevitable.

Posted by: Tom | Oct 30 2020 2:53 utc | 69


Keep an eye out for the new team that Trump appoints.

This will be the best clue as to the direction it is headed.

Posted by: jiri | Oct 30 2020 3:43 utc | 70

Posted by: snake | Oct 30 2020 1:47 utc | 64 I posted seven levels of society controlled by different forces a few weeks back only 2 were public (the nation state franchisee and the governed..) the rest were privately owned and controlled Beginning with those in control at the global top (CFR for example) of the nation state franchise system, then the local oligarchs, then the nation state franchisee (local level of control called the state) and ending with the 92% owned by 6 person private media which is supported by the corporate system when it pays private media the deductible contribution called advertising.

I liked those posts of yours. I agree with your layout, although I'm not entirely sure it's a real "hierarchy" in practice. I suspect a lot of those levels are fighting each other. Like most primate behavior, people tend to submit to the ones above them, and stomp on the ones below them. That's normal human hierarchical behavior. But the people at every level still dislike being where they are. So they don't always go along with "the program." And their motivations for doing so, at least at a superficial level, tend to vary. But in the end, it boils down to fear, and at the deepest level, the fear of death (or ostracism, which is the ancient equivalent.) Read Alan Harrington's, "The Immortalist." The most important book ever written, in my opinion.

Johnstone's problem, like most people, is that they may *think* they're being played - but they don't really understand the *depth* to which they're being played.

"Your life experience environment is completely controlled, you just don't know it, you don't need to know what is outside of your bubble.."

My bubble was cracked almost from kindergarten. My earliest memory is being beaten up on the way home from school - by the two sons of the mayor of Bristol, CT. That was my first introduction to the state. Followed by being chewed out by the pastor at the church for not interfering with some *other* kids actions. That was my introduction to religion. Followed by being singled out by a teacher to go stand in the rain because I didn't obey her fast enough. That was my introduction to the education establishment. Then came the US Army and Vietnam. I could go on, but you get the point. I've always been one of those people who somehow didn't manage to "get with the program." And that attitude is now literally at monstrous proportions.

Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Oct 30 2020 3:50 utc | 71

Speaking of Biden, if he wins, anyone want to guess that the Republicans go after him the same the Dems went after Trump for four years, i.e., constant stream of damaging leaks, followed by a drive for impeachment, somehow force him to step down so Harris takes over?

Not saying it could, can, or will go that way, but it seems a likely possibility. What do the Republicans have to lose? This is why I think even a Biden landslide win will be contested by Trump and the Republicans.

Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Oct 30 2020 3:53 utc | 72

Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Oct 30 2020 3:53 utc | 70

I believe this is the modus operandi for political parties these days. In the past elements of this was present, but not to the level of dysfunction we currently are observing.

Posted by: One Too Many | Oct 30 2020 4:24 utc | 73

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Oct 29 2020 18:48 utc | 34

CBC "As it Happens" did the same thing today with a news item about a relative of two of the passengers that died on the a/c accidently shot down in Iran.

"An Ontario man who lost his wife and daughter in the Ukraine International Airlines crash in Iran says he's being targeted with threatening messages, after he criticized Iran's response."

CBC, Lets get a story about Iran in the same show as a item about the Nice atrocity.

"An attacker kills three people in Nice, France — less than two weeks after a Paris schoolteacher was killed in a similar attack. An ally of President Macron tells us what the country needs now is de-escalation." Lets get our two minutes of hate against Iran in there CBC and some idiots will link the two stories.

Posted by: Tom | Oct 30 2020 4:40 utc | 74

Posted by: Jen | Oct 29 2020 22:57 utc | 55

Thanks for that reminder.

Posted by: Tom | Oct 30 2020 4:55 utc | 75

This is just a tale about garden variety corruption and coverup. It needn't have any legs, though it probably will. I don't give a damn if Hunter Biden made $50,000, $500,000, or whatever. Strnagely those making the MOST of this story are not the usual consent manufacturing mainstream media, but the allegedly antiwar chorus, Moon, Caitlin, Glen, and so on, as well as tabloids and GOP media.

The Russiagate narrative was far grander. We were being continuously controlled (and still are) by Russian operatives. Within this framework, and endless variety of stories could be advanced, including pee tapes. All the leading and more prestigious Blue Media was behind it.

But, Moon apparently predicts Blue Media will turn around on Biden Inauguration and pester him endlessly with additional details of a story they are actively trying to bury now.

Faulty prediction.

Posted by: Charles Peterson | Oct 30 2020 5:41 utc | 76

@chu teh 48

He also knew (JFK), via his father, that insidious, criminal networks had joined with government, at high levels

Of course he knew; JFK and his father joined hands with the 'Insidious criminal networks' to win the election in 1960.

@norecovery 50

There has not been an actual president since JFK and there never will be again

The mythical JFK worship persists. They're all rotten to the core.

Posted by: mylar | Oct 30 2020 5:44 utc | 77

oldhippie @ 56

One of the big stalls with the Foxconn-Racine plant has been there are no American engineers to hire. Just none. All Chinese staff would be easier. Or Chinese lords supervising American coolies.

Our schools are centered around cranking out bullshit artists, basket weavers, social experts, and conformists to state policies. Good luck finding an electronic board designer. Plenty of engineers can be found in the defense and oil industries.

Children are trained to be tame by the system. That way the system can shit on a plate, dress it up with a sprig of parsley, tell you its food, and watch you eat.

Once they have the populace there they have no worries. Getting closer every day.

Remember that old Steve jobs McIntosh add? What a fucking classic. Jobs vision of computing and the internet vs the system. He died and they will win.

Posted by: circumspect | Oct 30 2020 6:12 utc | 78

Russia is Guilty

Posted by: Mao | Oct 30 2020 6:21 utc | 79

The Russia and China narratives are not similar nor are they the same. While both American narratives,share similar muddled thinking, the sources and reasons are totally separate and are contrasted in one being real and the other being fiction. While one could argue about the degree or the origins of China's hostile expansionist activities, they are real. The problem with the critique of USA foreign policy is that for 95% of the time (Mid-East. E.Europe, Latin America) the criticism is justified and at the very least can be shown to be failures in their objectives and execution. These examples would suggest that China threat is not real. This would only be the case if one is blind to what is going on in the world (even as inadequately reported by the poor media) and are naive as to believe that the CCP is a benign force for humanity.

Posted by: YY | Oct 30 2020 7:11 utc | 80

donkeytale @72

I don't think the CCP needs any reminders as to the nature of class struggle. One of the strongest aspects of the Chinese Marxist tradition is the realization that class struggle does not cease with the conquest of State power, it simply shifts its focus from society at large to the State itself. The CCP has done remarkably well institutionalizing the conflict with the 'capitalist roaders' within its State and Party apparatuses. The US foreign policy elite believed that it would be a simple matter to peel away the capitalist roaders but the CCP has indeed used anti-Imperialist nationalism masterfully to preserve Party unity. Even the capitalist roaders retain enough Marxism to understand the US will not allow a strong capitalist China to emerge as an Imperial competitor, and thus see their interests better served in continuing within the current system. A reckoning is inevitable in the long run, but the struggle against US Imperialism pushes this far into the future.

As far as nationalism goes, it's meaningless to speak about it in the abstract, a nation state's position in the world market determines whether its nationalism is potentially progressive or reactionary. In the Imperial core, nationalism will always tend toward fascism and the subordination of working class interests to the needs of Empire, whereas in the exploited periphery any attempt at economic or political self determination must necessarily come up against the reality of Imperialism and thus has progressive potential. However in the Neoliberal era, with declining living standards for workers in the Imperial core and the cannibalizing of productive infrastructures, there may be a potential for a progressive nationalism to emerge to emerge that seeks to reverse these trends.

Posted by: Paora | Oct 30 2020 7:11 utc | 81

insane number of people still cannot accept that trump will lose badly 2020 , the mindset of trump suppporters are plain insanity just like how fuehrer bunker must be in the last days.. they cannot accept reality of the grim situation..

funny watching jackrabbit show his real colours , after pretending so long he showed his love of trump in predicting trump landslide with zero backing / data.

i guess the 2020 trump defeat will be contested by trump himself and this will led to a mess of civic disorder. Trump is a coward and he will succeed in grabbing the power if people in his circle near him support him.

i do hope trump cheat and do not accept biden's victory.. i do hope this happens..

there's nothing better than watching US implode on itself after electing orange clown 2016

Posted by: milomilo | Oct 30 2020 7:18 utc | 82


James , you do know SST turned into a trump supporting website for a long time now , and the comments there are full of crazies.. There's endless anti biden pro trump articles and the colonel himself go against those who post objective comments that criticize trump.

it's like the colonel gone senile or just dropped his pretense / mask of fairness and now what we saw is the real colonel.. a racist southern white dude

Posted by: milomilo | Oct 30 2020 7:21 utc | 83

milomilo | Oct 30 2020 7:18 utc | 81

"insane number of people still cannot accept that trump will lose badly 2020 ,

i guess the 2020 trump defeat will be contested by trump himself and this will led to a mess of civic disorder. Trump is a coward and he will succeed in grabbing the power if people in his circle near him support him.

i do hope trump cheat and do not accept biden's victory.. i do hope this happens..

there's nothing better than watching US implode on itself after electing orange clown 2016"

You're all over the place there. You hate Trump and want him to lose and he will lose badly yet even though he's a coward who lost badly he'll fight and win and that will be a good thing because it will hasten US implosion so you like Trump and want him to win.

In reality, short of some extraordinary landslide which even the most demented partisans can't deny, there's never going to be a clear, generally accepted winner and loser from this election. The two factions each will fanatically insist their guy won, refuse to concede, and it will be an extra-electoral lawfare-waging, perhaps street-fighting political struggle to occupy the White House.

Posted by: Russ | Oct 30 2020 7:57 utc | 84

@oldhippie | Oct 29 2020 23:13 utc | 56

US basically does not trade with Russia.

I think I heard somewhere that the US is buying heavy oil from Russia, the kind of oil that for some reason is hard to get from Venezuela, at the same time Germany is being hounded for importing gas from the same source. Is that not correct?

Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 30 2020 8:59 utc | 85

Andre Martyanov thinks the USAi are ridiculous.

And I am inclined to agree - I'll huff and puff and blow your house down. Blow hard you klutzes.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Oct 30 2020 9:12 utc | 86

Sergei Skripal is likely to have also played a role in this ridiculous farce. Don't forget that his MI6 handler was Pablo Miller: Steele's fellow director at Orbis. Skripal was himself the victim of ANOTHER comic opera of chicanery (the Novichock affair, which took place in Miller's home town of Salisbury where Skripal also had a house). All this happened while the Steele Dossier farce was in full swing - which is suspicious in itself.

ALSO NOTE: If Biden fails to get in it will be interesting to see what happens to Steele & Co now that Boris Johnson - the feckless jester of a British PM - is knocking daily on Washington's door proffering his Brexit begging bowl. Trump is far less likely than Biden to oblige with a generous ladle of slops. And Steele may then find that the British establishment forgives failure and incompetence the same way a James Bond villain does. It will serve him right to be fed to the sharks at the playful whim of is masters. Maybe, for added amusement, he will have an equally public and ridiculous demise as Skripal? Like that young MI6 fellow who 'committed suicide' a few years back by taking an overdose and then locking himself in his own suitcase?

Posted by: Cornelius Pipe | Oct 30 2020 10:12 utc | 87

YY @80 "The Russia and China narratives are not similar ...the sources and reasons are totally separate and are contrasted in one being real and the other being fiction. While one could argue about the degree or the origins of China's hostile expansionist activities, they are real."

YY (if that is your real name), what expansionist activities are you talking about.

Their claims on the unpopulated atolls in the South China Sea do not impact the U.S. I listen carefully to the talking heads on FOXCNN and the think they talk about most is that ... 'China wants to displace the U.S. as the world's superpower' or 'China's menacing 2045 plan' or 'One belt road'. Our real problem with China has to do with our fear of losing power. The Uighurs and South China Sea are just fig leaves to justify what would otherwise be transparent aggression against them.

Think about it, what is easier to sell, 'We are going to impose a global trade embargo against China so that we can deprive them of economic growth and keep them poor' or 'We are imposing sanctions because of Hong Kong, Uighurs, and freedom of navigation '

We bomb, threaten, and embargo other countries. China invests in them. When has China ever imposed the kind of merciless sanctions that we have imposed on Syria, Yemen, Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela?

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Oct 30 2020 12:43 utc | 88

Pse forgive my being off topic...but does anyone know what happened to Ziad Fadel's Or Canthama....and the rest of the gang?

Posted by: Guy Thornton | Oct 30 2020 12:53 utc | 89


Glenn Greenwald on resigning from his own publication due to censorship

Glenn Greenwald sums up the sorry state of our "Republic" (security state).

Posted by: librul | Oct 30 2020 13:27 utc | 90

Posted by: Guy Thornton | Oct 30 2020 12:53 utc | 89

SyrPers has been down for a while, there are rumors of it coming back, but nothing I know of so far.

Canthama can be found here: Canthama

Spriter is out there too, he crops up on Canthama now & then.

Sometimes they interact with Magnier on twitter.

Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 30 2020 13:30 utc | 91

To me, the complicated thing about China is that China is our #1 trading partner. We have a -$375,576 trade deficit with China. It appears to me that some years ago greedy USA companies decided they no longer wanted to pay union wages to Americans and moved their manufacturing facilities to China where they have been ever since. Look at the labels of many, many things that you buy. "made in China" So now, the former American now international companies make their stuff in China and ship it to our country where we buy it. I understand that the steel industry is dead in our country and I have been told that when they made a second Bay Bridge from SF to Oakland, California, they bought the parts of the bridge made of steel from China and shipped it over here. I always thought that was nutty. Also, if you buy a cute little Ralph Loren dress for a little girl and pay $58. for that dress, remember that that dress was made in China. And Ralph Loren is as American as blueberry pie. Just look at his ads. That dress was made in a factory in China just like the 100% cotton dish towel you buy at the Dollar Store. I happen to think that is a good buy. The point being that it is not "China" exactly; it is that what were our own companies that - even apple, I think - make stuff in China. We are frequently hearing about the slave labor conditions of factory workers in China, who get 1/2 day off per year or something. Well, we contribute to that because we buy the products. IMO, we are being played big time. Also, think pharmaceuticals. We buy them from China. And socks. It seems to me that our current president has been working to change this trade imbalance and bring American companies back to America. Do you think they want to do that? Haha. So, how are we ever going to go to war with China - like bomb china? - when? In the meantime real Chinese companies are buying up industries right here in the USA. I think in the end the Chinese do not want to go to war with us; they want to own us. It seems Mr. Biden has been contributing to that process.

Posted by: lizzie dw | Oct 30 2020 13:35 utc | 92


I have read about individual shiploads of Russian oil. It is something not well reported nor would any expect it to be well reported. Doubt that it would be heavy oil. At bottom of market producers were paying to have heavy oil taken away.

If you think those oil shipments add up to significance, or are within three orders of magnitude of the trade US does with China, be my guest.

Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 30 2020 13:37 utc | 93

Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 30 2020 8:59 utc | 85

Generally we buy natural resources we can't get elsewhere and heavy rocket engines from Russia, though I believe that is coming to an end now, at least that's the plan, we are going to put people on Mars see?

We used to get heavy oil from VZ to mix with the fracking product. We get it from Russia now because we are sanctioning VZ.

Yes, we want you to buy our compressed expensive gas and not Russian cheap gas. Basically, you should just give us a lot of money. We need money. We take gold too.

Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 30 2020 13:57 utc | 94

@oldhippie | Oct 30 2020 13:37 utc | 93

I have read about individual shiploads of Russian oil. It is something not well reported nor would any expect it to be well reported. Doubt that it would be heavy oil.

From Reuters August this year

Russia continues raising fuel oil exports to United States
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has continued increasing fuel exports to the United States, raising them by 16% in July from June, to 1.078 million tonnes, replacing crude oil supplies from Venezuela, Refinitiv Eikon and traders’ data showed on Thursday.


As many U.S. refineries historically process heavy crudes, the United States has increased purchases of fuel oil, including from Russia. Supplies by Moscow doubled to 11 million tonnes last year from 2018, according to Refinitiv Eikon data.


In January-July, Russia have supplied 6.4 million tonnes of fuel oil to the United States, on track to match record-high volumes of 2019, the data showed.

The hypocrisy is total.

Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 30 2020 14:12 utc | 95

Norwegian @ 95

One ton of oil is roughly 7.33 barrels. You think those are significant quantities? Trivia contest.

Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 30 2020 14:24 utc | 96

Russ @ 84
In reality, short of some extraordinary landslide which even the most demented partisans can't deny, there's never going to be a clear, generally accepted winner and loser from this election. The two factions each will fanatically insist their guy won, refuse to concede, and it will be an extra-electoral lawfare-waging, perhaps street-fighting political struggle to occupy the White House.

That is what it looks like. It appears that Trump will lose even worse in the high population centers with the popular vote but the swing states may keep it close in the electoral college. Its a tossup and its is almost guaranteed to be a civil battle across many lines.

The Trumper has the Supreme Court covered. Biden has the popular vote. The Trumper may take enough of the swing states to eke out a win. Batten down the hatches.

Posted by: circumspect | Oct 30 2020 14:48 utc | 97

Russ @ 84
In reality, short of some extraordinary landslide which even the most demented partisans can't deny, there's never going to be a clear, generally accepted winner and loser from this election. The two factions each will fanatically insist their guy won, refuse to concede, and it will be an extra-electoral lawfare-waging, perhaps street-fighting political struggle to occupy the White House.

That is what it looks like. It appears that Trump will lose even worse in the high population centers with the popular vote but the swing states may keep it close in the electoral college. Its a tossup and its is almost guaranteed to be a civil battle across many lines.

The Trumper has the Supreme Court covered. Biden has the popular vote. The Trumper may take enough of the swing states to eke out a win. Batten down the hatches.

Posted by: circumspect | Oct 30 2020 14:50 utc | 98

I think tonnes are 1000 kilos.
6.4 million tonnes works out to 47,000,000 barrels.

And 1.078 million tonnes is getting to be size.

"States, raising them by 16% in July from June, to 1.078 million tonnes, "

Posted by: arby | Oct 30 2020 15:02 utc | 99

YY @ 80

"China's hostile expansionist activities, they are real."

Now that is strong evidence. "they are real". Is that the best these posters can come up with?

Posted by: arby | Oct 30 2020 15:08 utc | 100

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