Media Again Falsely Claim That Joe Biden's Intervention In Ukraine Was Innocent
Yesterday the New York Post posted a bombshell report related to Joe Biden's corrupt interventions in the Ukraine:
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden, Joe's son, was hired as lobbyist by the Ukranian gas company Burisma while his father, then Vice President of the United States, directed U.S. foreign policy with regards to the Ukraine.
Joe Biden famously ordered (vid) the Ukrainian President Poroshenko to fire his General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin. He threatened to otherwise withhold a $1 billion loan to the Ukraine. Biden's pressure to fire Shokin came ten days after Shokin had confiscated several house of Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky. Shokin was eventually fired, the loan to the Ukraine was released and the corruption case against Zlochevsky was buried.
Joe Biden has denied:
- That he had talks with his son about Hunter's lobbying job for Burisma.
- That he had ever any talk with Burisma related people.
- That his insistence on firing Shokin was related to an investigation by Shokin into the owner of Burisma.
The emails the NY Post posted show that one of Burisma's managers thanked Hunter Biden for arranging a meeting with Joe Biden. The source of the emails is allegedly a laptop owned by Hunter Biden which was left at a repair shop.
Some Biden acolytes claim that the emails must have come from an alleged Russian hack of Burisma. But the NY Post also published private photos of Hunter Biden showing him smoking and passed out next to a crack pipe. The photos may well have been, as the Post claims, on a laptop Hunter Biden owned. It is extremely unlikely that they were hacked from Burisma severs.
The Biden campaign offered only a weak refutation of the NY Post claim that he met with the Burisma manager:
Biden’s campaign would not rule out the possibility that the former VP had some kind of informal interaction with Pozharskyi, which wouldn’t appear on Biden’s official schedule. But they said any encounter would have been cursory.
In an unprecedented manipulative act Facebook as well as Twitter censored links to the NY Post story:
Twitter prohibited its users from posting links to the Post story, while Facebook reduced how often the story shows up in users’ news feeds and elsewhere on the Facebook platform.
The New York Post, in an editorial responding to the companies’ actions, said: “Censor first, ask questions later: It’s an outrageous attitude for two of the most powerful platforms in the United States to take.”
Facebook, the world’s biggest social network, limited dissemination of the Post story within hours of its publication on Wednesday, according to a tweet by spokesman Andy Stone.Stone cited a policy saying that Facebook can temporarily take action against content pending review by news organizations and others in its third-party fact-checking program “if we have signals that a piece of content is false.”
Facebook's spokesman Andy Stone has previously worked for the Democrats:
He served as communications director for the House Majority PAC between 2012 and 2014; press secretary for Democratic California Sen. Barbara Boxer between 2011 and 2012; and press secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) between 2009 and 2011, according to his LinkedIn profile.
Facebook's 'fact checking' is done by the shady Atlantic Council:
Max Blumenthal @MaxBlumenthal - 2:25 UTC · Oct 15, 2020Replying to @andymstone
It seems relevant that one of Facebook’s key third-party fact checkers, the Atlantic Council, is funded by Burisma - the corrupt Ukrainian gas company that paid Hunter Biden $80k a month - DC’s Atlantic Council raked in funding from Hunter Biden’s corruption-stained employer while courting his VP father
Following the Streisand effect the censoring of the NY Post story by Facebook and Twitter has increased the distribution of its claims.
Many outlets reported on it. However a number of these also repeated false claims that Shokin was not investigating Burisma and its owner when Joe Biden pushed for his firing.
The Washington Post's 'fact checker' Glenn Kessler claims:
[T]he Americans saw an obstacle to reform in Viktor Shokin, the top Ukrainian prosecutor, whom the United States viewed as ineffective and beholden to Poroshenko and Ukraine’s corrupt oligarchs. In particular, Shokin had failed to pursue an investigation of the founder of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky.
The Stars and Stripes writes:
While Shokin had been investigating Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that Hunter Biden was on the board of, the investigation had long been dormant by the time the vice president was pushing for Shokin's ouster in early 2016, a former Ukrainian official told Bloomberg News in May 2019.
NBC News asserts:
But let's be clear: Shokin wasn't fired because of anything improper Joe Biden did, no matter how colorfully Biden recounted the tale in 2018. It's a point worth repeating, loudly, as Daniel Goldman, the former prosecutor who led the investigation for House Democrats, did on Twitter.Daniel Goldman @danielsgoldman - 12:36 UTC · Oct 14, 2020Let’s try this one more time: the Ukrainian prosecutor was fired because he was NOT prosecuting corruption cases and there was NO Ukrainian investigation into Burisma. In addition to there being no evidence to support the bogus allegations, the basic premise is simply false.
The claim that Shokin was not investigating Burisma and its owner is evidently false. As we have pointed out several times Shokin, the prosecutor, confiscated four large houses and a luxary car of Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky just ten days before Joe Biden started to press for his firing.
Ukrainian media at that time reported of the confiscation on February 4 2016:
The movable and immovable property of former Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine Mykola Zlochevsky in Ukraine has been seized, according to the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine (PGO)."The PGO filed a petition to court to arrest the property of the ex-Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, Mykola Zlochevsky, from which arrest was withdrawn, and other property he actually uses, namely housing estate with a total area of 922 square meters, a land plot of 0.24 hectares, a garden house with a total area of 299.8 square meters, a garden house in the territory of Vyshgorod district, a garden house of 2,312 square meters, a land plot of 0.0394 hectares, a Rolls-Royce Phantom car, a Knott 924-5014 trainer," reads the report.
The PGO clarifies that the court satisfied the petition on February 2, 2016.
Biden's call to Poroshenko during which he pressed for Shokin's firing followed on February 12 2016. At that time Burisma paid millions to the lobbying shop of Joe Biden's son.
That U.S. media continue to deny that Shokin was indeed going after Burisma's owner shortly before Joe Biden called for his firing is despicable.
Joe Biden's corrupt intervention in the Ukraine stinks to high heaven.
Similar must be said about the Biden family's shady business with Chinese companies.
Posted by b on October 15, 2020 at 15:46 UTC | Permalink
next page »What is really interesting is the provenance of this proof: a water-damaged laptop dropped off at a repair shop, then never paid for nor picked up.
Posted by: c1ue | Oct 15 2020 16:10 utc | 2
More concrete evidence that the corporate mass media is bluntly lying.
Can't wait to see how our resident Democrat Party spokesdonkey and the hysterical drug witch try to spin this.
Posted by: William Gruff | Oct 15 2020 16:11 utc | 3
It's only by chance of destiny that the Democratic elite is involved with schemes of corruption in ex-USSR and ex-Yugoslavia. It just happened that both regions fell when Bill Clinton - a Democrat - was in power. As a result, everybody who was close him at the time got rich and a permanent net of contacts with those regional elites.
However, it seems the New York Post is really pro-Trump - at least in his anti-China stance. In the article titled "Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm" (linked at the end of this blog's post), it is revealed at the end of the article that the firm is actually from Hong Kong, and that its contact was a Hongkonger living in a mansion in Long Island, USA, and already had a criminal record in American territory and was deported to HK. In other words, the firm has nothing to do with the Mainland and, more importantly, with the CCP.
It's not traditional for an American news outlet to use the adjective "Chinese" to designate something or someone from Hong Kong. They usually make it very clear it or he/she is "from Hong Kong". Americans and the British don't consider Hong Kong as being part of China, even today. That the New York Post suddenly decided Hong Kong is part of China is in line with Trump's campaign against Biden that he's pro-China.
It appears Rudy G's hail mary has fallen short. Can't blame a guy for trying although it seems like a half hearted effort at best.
Posted by: Mike Adamson | Oct 15 2020 16:23 utc | 6
@2 c1ue
Do you think that Hunter is the type of guy who has his ducks in a row? On the ball?? A real go-getter?
Anyone that has come out of a spiritual darkness will willingly admit how doing the simplest things in life are the hardest to manage under the influence of whatever multiple addictions the guy obviously suffers under.
Spilling water on a device is easy. Dropping it off is easy.
But I will admit I would like yo know more details about this exchange. What store, etc.?
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Oct 15 2020 16:23 utc | 7
Not a single Amerikastani will choose whom to vote for on the basis of information. Amerikastani politics is tribal and Amerikastanis will vote according to the tribe they belong to, or not vote at all.
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Oct 15 2020 16:29 utc | 8
We've got a real ethical and moral race to the bottom going on in our politics. How low can we go?
Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 15 2020 16:50 utc | 9
The probability Biden did something illegal is small. The corruption of the system is so pervasive that the son's influence peddling is legal.
The real point, that Biden is a traitor selling out to foreigners, is straight forward BS, suitable only for simpletons. Just becasue reight-wing assholes pushed similar garbage about Clinton with Benghazi/emails/Clinton Foundation doesn't make it one bit smarter. That Biden is entirely undistinguished by anything whatsoever except being chosen VP is not really contested by even his supporters. The real case for Biden is he is not Trump. That case is only refuted by showing how Trump is effective, honorable, insightful, etc. Shady slanders about treason aren't that case.
The real case against Biden is that you cannot really vote against someone, you can only vote for.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Oct 15 2020 16:52 utc | 10
What has the world come to when the NY Post has surpassed the NYT and WaPo as a reliable news source.
Posted by: Joe | Oct 15 2020 16:54 utc | 11
Ruh-roh. I guess this is October Surprise #2, the first being the Curious Case of Trump's Covid. There was no push-back by anyone when DC was labeled a swamp of corruption. At this point 'draining the swamp' is as far away as a Kanye West presidency. We'll probably have October Surprises spurting over the landscape until Election Eve. The question of Biden corruption won't hurt as much as being caught lying about it. Will it make a difference? Yes. Trump's chance of winning just went from 10% to 17%. But with two+ weeks left, and huge early voting? We've seen two October Surprises launched by the Trump campaign. A thwarted third 'surprise' was the hope to release Barr/Durham report on the creation of Russia-gate. Barr has demurred. Will October be a one-sided affair, or are there any surprises left to spring from the Biden camp - and what if anything could possibly make a difference.
Posted by: gottlieb | Oct 15 2020 17:01 utc | 12
True, but... helping Tronald, B? Why would this be important now, exactly?
Posted by: pnyx | Oct 15 2020 17:08 utc | 13
As usual, there're heaps of corruption all over both factions of the Duopoly, and it worsens every election cycle. Two items caught my eyes this morning in my trip through my news feeds. Escobar's long election related article at Strategic Culture has much to chew on. Michael Klare's "Talking Tough & Carrying a Radioactive Stick" reviews the astounding number of provocations made by nuclear capable aircraft of areas surrounding Russia and China since TrumpCo's Nuclear Posture Review was done in Feb 2018.
As it stands now, I'll vote for Dario Hunter, the Progressive Party POTUS candidate as I can make no argument favoring either faction of the Duopoly.
neither of the two supersized warmongering bowls of crap should be within a mile of the presidency, and this is just more proof. the msm is shutting this story down just like it shuts down the assange story.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 15 2020 17:14 utc | 15
B is right, as usual, but it won't matter because elections are a referendum on the ruling party, not on the challenger. And ever since Watergate, Americans assume that all politicians are crooks.
Posted by: Daniel Lynch | Oct 15 2020 17:16 utc | 16
how about the idea that clinton, and biden are traitors pushing war with russia and making a little more on the side while pushing the real agenda. obama is slippier, no smoking guns tying that house on martha's vineyard to pushing the treasonous russiagate propaganda.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 15 2020 17:18 utc | 17
@9, well we haven't had a horse in the senate yet, although we have had a large number of horses' asses.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 15 2020 17:20 utc | 18
thanks b.. i agree with your quote here
"That U.S. media continue to deny that Shokin was indeed going after Burisma's owner shortly before Joe Biden called for his firing is despicable."
@ c1ue | Oct 15 2020 16:10 utc | 2... that is only part of it... bidens direct actions are the other part...
@ steven t johnson | Oct 15 2020 16:52 utc | 10.. quote "The probability Biden did something illegal is small. " right.... believe what you want to believe then... why not admit that regardless of which party gets in power, they are both corrupt to the core?? i am always amazed at those incapable of seeing this..
Posted by: james | Oct 15 2020 17:28 utc | 19
The importance of voting out the current Cretin-in-Charge for the causes of basic humanity and decent governance, among many others, remains; but the Dems surely don't make it easy, do they? Out of 20+ candidates, and just like last time, they picked the one most likely corrupted and most likely vulnerable to attacks from the Repubs. It's almost as if the people who pick the candidate want someone compromised and therefore controllable, just like the current president.
Reminded again of the Douglas Adams quote from the Hitchhiker series about leaders:
“The major problem — one of the major problems, for there are several — one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
Posted by: Caliman | Oct 15 2020 17:34 utc | 20
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
READ: Left-wing Radicals Post Online Guide to ‘Disrupting‘ the Country if Election is Close via @BreitbartNews . They know it is over for them. Law & Order will prevail, strong version!
Posted by: Mao | Oct 15 2020 17:37 utc | 21
"Don't publish the truth if it helps Trump!"
People should look long and hard at the implications that attitude has for "journalism".
Posted by: William Gruff | Oct 15 2020 17:48 utc | 22
Talking to two “liberal” friends last week discovered they were busy taking lessons to learn Ukrainian language. Which of course barely even exists as dialect and has no national literature. But liberals are in love with Ukraine and all it stands for. Whatever Joe Biden was busy doing if it meant he was standing shoulder to shoulder with Ukrainians then all is good.
Russia bad. Repeat ten thousand times. Ukraine dpubleplusgood. No questions allowed.
Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 15 2020 17:49 utc | 23
Posted by: james | Oct 15 2020 17:28 utc | 19
'i am always amazed at those incapable of seeing this.'
Looks like there's panic at the troll farm this morning. Similar to what we're seeing from 'big tech'. Is there any connection between the two? Same bosses, maybe?
Posted by: dh-mtl | Oct 15 2020 17:51 utc | 24
"Following the Streisand effect the censoring of the NY Post story by Facebook and Twitter has increased the distribution of its claims."
That was completely predictable.
It was also predictable that the CIA blowing the whistle (a little more than a year ago) would have the effect of harming Biden's reputation far more than it hurt trump.
It was also predictable that after Biden's reputation was damaged the Democrats would double down on Biden and thus choose the only candidate (besides Hillary) that could lose to trump
I also predicted the day i heard that the CIA had blown the whistle revealing Biden's corruption to the sheeple that read and rely on the MSM that the evidence that would confirm the Biden corruption would magically appear right before the election.
I would not be surprised if more revelations about what is on Hunter's laptop are forthcoming.
Posted by: jinn | Oct 15 2020 17:52 utc | 25
have to agree the “computer repair shop” angle is highly unlikely. all data is swept up and held - I assume accessing specific information is not insurmountable. The NY Post story is probably sourced to a leak - which is how it’s done nowadays. Just like Trump’s taxes.
Twitter/ Facebook censorship is now fact of life. this effort was result of pressure by Democrat politicians egged on by liberal intelligentsia and Dem-linked MSM (ie NY Times). The infantilization of western culture and politics is a long-term trend.
Posted by: jayc | Oct 15 2020 17:53 utc | 26
@William Gruff | Oct 15 2020 17:48 utc | 22
"Don't publish the truth if it helps Trump!"People should look long and hard at the implications that attitude has for "journalism".
For some people objective truth has zero value, so don't expect them to worry about those implications.
Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 15 2020 18:01 utc | 27
23# oldhippie
Maybe your "liberal" friends found themselves an interesting job in becoming trainers to ukranian nato-led groups of thugs.They move them all over the world to do some interesting sightseeing and making fun with war-savvy foreign thugs like Free Syrian Army and jihadi's and hongkong cockroaches.All in the best possible taste of MI6.In the repression of the Yellow Vests foreign speaking dressed up as French intervention teams ; armoured police with unpolicelike methods were overheard,provocateurs were filmed.People tend to forget.
Any more information available about the first days of the BLM?There was talk about pallets and piles of bricks .
Later on in Kenosha talk about several limo's unloading people,the fabulous lighting,could it have been a setup that cocked up because of a naive teenager wanting to do his best ?Are there follow-ups on those allegations or reports?
Posted by: willie | Oct 15 2020 18:20 utc | 28
@ 20 Caliman:
Well summed up. I did vote blue, ballot already mailed in receipt duly recorded at county election office, but they don't make it easy, do they? I had to do the proverbial and figurative nose-holding to do it in 2020. This year, it was more like full, level-4 hazmat prep even to vote by mail. I guess that fits with the pandemic theme, too. I wanted to turn the ballot around the same day because I didn't even want it under my roof soiling my house, but it was actually the next day when I completed and mailed it. I have never felt so dirty and disgusted about voting. I may not even be alive by 2022, but I don't know how or if I will go beyond this and vote in the midterms.
Posted by: Prairie Bear | Oct 15 2020 18:24 utc | 29
October surprises (so far):
- Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Despite screwing the Palestinians; occupying parts of Syria; assassinating a foreign leader; renegging on a peace agreement with North Korea; and toughening sanctions on Iran during a global pandemic.
Trump beats Covid. USA! USA! USA!
He didn't need to go to Walter Reed Hospital, but did so for effect. And information about his condition is tightly controlled. Did he really have it?
- Pelosi holds up Covid-related economic stimulus/relief for individuals
Trump seems generous in comparison (he's not).
- Hunter's laptop, supposedly abandoned, is given to the FBI.
Pundits and Pearl clutchers will look no further as it fits with the narrrative.
<> <> <> <> <>
The 2020 election has effectively made into a MAGA referendum. Vote Trump if you want war to save America from her internal and ex./sarc
Both of the Deep State's Duopoly Parties want to Trump to be re-elected. TINA!
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 15 2020 18:33 utc | 30
October surprises (so far):
- Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Despite screwing the Palestinians; occupying parts of Syria; assassinating a foreign leader; renegging on a peace agreement with North Korea; and toughening sanctions on Iran during a global pandemic.
- Trump beats Covid. USA! USA! USA!
He didn't need to go to Walter Reed Hospital, but did so for effect. And information about his condition is tightly controlled. Did he really have it?
- Pelosi holds up Covid-related economic stimulus/relief for individuals
Trump seems generous in comparison (he's not).
- Hunter's laptop, supposedly abandoned, is given to the FBI.
Pundits and Pearl clutchers will look no further as it fits with the narrrative.
<> <> <> <> <>
The 2020 election has effectively made into a MAGA referendum. Vote Trump if you want war to save America from her internal and ex./sarc
Both of the Deep State's Duopoly Parties want to Trump to be re-elected. TINA!
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 15 2020 18:34 utc | 31
pretzelattack @Oct15 17:14 315
msm is shutting this story down just like it shuts down the assange story.
Their supposed attempt to shut down the story has only added to the story.
VOTE TO SAVE AMERICA! (from her internal and external enemies)/sarc
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 15 2020 18:41 utc | 32
@ dh-mtl | Oct 15 2020 17:51 utc | 24... big tech and same bosses - may as well be.. the boss is NSA-CIA... this attempt at narrative control is quite fascinating...
i agree with what @ jinn | Oct 15 2020 17:52 utc | 25 says... they can't control it... they just make it worse...
Posted by: james | Oct 15 2020 18:53 utc | 33
Trump and Nobel Peace-Prize
Trump has also: supported a coup against the government of Venezuela; terminated peace treaties (including JCPOA); greatly increased defense spending; militarized space; and sought to bomb Iran in retaliation for the downing of a US drone (Russia wouldn't allow it).
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 15 2020 19:11 utc | 34
it's not supposed jackrabbit, they aren't reporting it. blanket media silence. and the average american, i would wager, is not aware of what's going on. same playbook as iraq, with many of the same actors and all of the same corporate media.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 15 2020 19:29 utc | 35
i see the bootlicker brigade is back, pretending that blm and antifa is behind the violence when it is crystal clear that it is jackbooted government thug cops who murder people in broad daylight, with the support of both parties, that are kicking off the resistance. and pretending that right wing militias are not a threat. trump is going to lose due to the virus and the economy, and some of these right wing scumbags will carry out a campaign of terror attacks in response. hope there are no more ok cities.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 15 2020 19:33 utc | 36
In reply to Biswapriya Purkayast | Oct 15 2020 16:29 utc | 8
Amerikastani politics is tribal and Amerikastanis will vote according to the tribe they belong to, or not vote at all.
We're a significant 'tribe' as well. Non voters are a huge block of USians who for many reasons refuse to validate the corrupt system.
According to The 100 Million Project, "...dispel outdated assumptions about non-voters. These are our fellow citizens, and they come from every walk of life. But there are some factors that unite them, which we examine in this report. By bringing to life this diverse group and their views on politics, the study acts as a clarion call to energize a new generation of engaged citizens..."
They haven't provided a decent incentive to vote.
Posted by: Curmudgeon | Oct 15 2020 19:41 utc | 37
james@19 quotes me for some reason. Inasmuch as I say the system, which includes both parties, is so rotten what should be corruption has been legalized, and condemn both parties for crying "treason!" against both Clinton and Trump, then the professed "amazement" that I and others don't see that both parties are corrupt dismissing the latest round of this BS about how leading US politicians are traitors, traitors, traitors is wrong....implying without being so honest as to say outright, Biden really is a traitor! Like Clinton! But not like Trump! If there's anything but Trumpery there I've missed it.
Again, there is absolutely nothing good to say about Trump that isn't a pack of lies (mainly drivel about the Deep State and economic nationalism.) Neither is there anything good to say about Biden except he's not Trump. Unfortunately you cannot actually vote against Trump, you can only vote for Biden. Biden may be a blank, but any blank check voters hand him will be cashed by someone. We see here the genius of the system in full play: Most of us are effectively disenfranchised before the vote because it has been arranged that we have no one to vote for. Vote suppression, mail in ballots, all that is not even required to rig the election.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Oct 15 2020 19:50 utc | 38
What nobody ever talks about is the why of Hunter Biden's association with Burisma, Devon Archer, and Stephen Kappes (former Deputy Director of the CIA). I wrote the following here at MofA 6 1/2 years ago. Its worth revisiting to put the current kerfuffle in context:
While the Hunter Biden story is definitely important, we mustn't let its sensationalist appearances override a much more important story.One of Hunter and Joe Biden's buddies is Devon Archer -- who also was a chairman on John Kerry's presidential bid, a rich bundler with ties to the Heinz family. Devon Archer was just appointed to the board of Burisma along with Biden.
Archer's importance? He sits on the board of DiamondBack Tactics, which is a part of the military-industrial complex of corporations funded by Torch Hill -- a ready made security, weaponry, and mercenary outfit ready to roll.
And who is the Chairman of DiamondBack? None other than former CIA Deputy Chief Stephen Kappes. Kappes was the man who ran the extraordinary (and illegal) rendition program in the early-mid 2000's. He was convicted in Italy of the kidnapping of an Egyptian Muslim cleric in 2009. Kappes has had his hands in all the goings on in the middle east and eurasia for decades, running and setting up many CIA stations, including Moscow, Frankfurt, Pakistan and Pakistan.
Want to know what's going on? Follow the money -> Burisma ownership eventually leads to Privat Holdings and Ihor Kolomoyskyi. And the team of Kappes, Biden and Archer, via Burisma, ensures that U.S. oligarchical goals are being furthered. Burisma is just a shell for the CIA to operate out of.
I don't see any reason to revise my assertion that Burisma is a CIA shell company, and Hunter Biden was just assisting his dad and the CIA in its nefarious activities. And that is why the truth has been, and will continue to be buried.
Posted by: JC | Oct 15 2020 19:59 utc | 39
In reply to steven t johnson 38
"...what should be corruption has been legalized, and condemn both parties for crying "treason!" against both Clinton and Trump, then the professed "amazement" that I and others don't see that both parties are corrupt dismissing the latest round of this BS about how leading US politicians are traitors, traitors, traitors is wrong....implying without being so honest as to say outright, Biden really is a traitor! Like Clinton! But not like Trump! If there's anything but Trumpery there I've missed it. "
The problem with that, charging them with corruption and treason, is we don't have a viable alternative. It's like you can't fire the help without understanding how to do what they do for yourself.
We're using a sort of containment strategy. Assuming we have to put up with corruption, we try to ensure a minimization of its effects on us.
Posted by: Curmudgeon | Oct 15 2020 20:00 utc | 40
"...there is absolutely nothing good to say about Trump that isn't a pack of lies..."
Is it a lie to say that Trump isn't Biden?
Is it a lie to say that Trump openly and bluntly criticizes the corporate mass media?
Is it a lie to say that Trump scrapped the TPP?
Is it a lie to say that Trump ridicules identity politics and thus weakens its ability to silence critics?
Is it a lie to say that Trump is forcing the international community to critically re-examine their relationship with the American empire?
I don't think these things are lies, and I do think they are good for humanity.
Funny how Trump Derangement Syndrome victims always seem to be completely unaware of their derangement. The syndrome must create its own blind spot.
Posted by: William Gruff | Oct 15 2020 20:12 utc | 41
@ steven t johnson
"Biden may be a blank, but any blank check voters hand him will be cashed by someone."
Would that be Kamala Harris, backed by Clinton/Pelosi?
Fascinating show! Nineteen/twenty sleeps to go.
Posted by: Hal Duell | Oct 15 2020 20:18 utc | 42
Unsurprisingly the journalist responsible for the Hunter Biden nothingburger is linked to Breitbart. Breitbart-style right-wing propaganda is not even muck racking, so much as aping that style through lies and deception in order to keep their right-wing readers scared shitless of any alternative to the GOP. Older folks might remember "Bureaucrash" which similarly aped the Yes Men. I don't know if Bureaucrash is still around, but the biggest name inheritor of that kind of project is "Project Veritas" by rich kid James O'Keefe who avoided a wiretapping charge over his attempted wiretapping of Senator Mary Landrieu because one of his co-conspirators was a local attorney's son. This is not to imply guilt by association, but I am always suspicious of right-wing journalism because the milieu of right-wing journalists is devoted to their political project to the point that they're almost practicing their own idea of taqiya in their endeavors.
How much effort are we supposed to go through to connect the dots between an investigation of Burisma's former head, an apparently "cursory" interaction between that former head and Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden's presence on Burisma's board? Without evidence, are we supposed to assume - in line with a far right conspiracist narrative - that the cursory interaction was the former head of Burisma calling in a favor? Given that the investigation was centered around happenings that occurred before Hunter Biden was on the board, what benefit would Joe Biden personally have gotten from squashing the investigation?
Posted by: fnord | Oct 15 2020 20:55 utc | 43
JC @Oct15 19:59 #39
Good sleuthing!
There's been plenty of suspicion that CIA was connected to Burisma but your comment essentially confirms it.
Normally Biden and his son's mistakes would be covered up/hushed up. But the Biden's are being roasted so that the Deep State can re-elect Trump.
I should dig up my old comments from years ago about Deep State wanted to elect Trump and Hillary throwing the election to Trump. (I just don't have the time right now.) It should be more clear now after what we've seen from the Democratics over the last 12 months.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 15 2020 21:02 utc | 44
It turns out that the MSM presstitutes usually succeed to hide the gun and wipe out the smoke.
Who will be the next domestic lobby man for teh POTUS.
@ Caliman #20
“To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem”
Posted by: Chevrus | Oct 15 2020 21:48 utc | 46
Censorship of political speech just before an election is as dangerous to democracy as anything possibly could be.
It is far more dangerous than Putin buying a few Facebook ads.
Keeping things in perspective, Democrats are willing to toss democracy, just so long as they can get power. That is exactly what they accuse Republicans of doing. And of course, Republicans would, even if this time it is Democrats doing it.
Posted by: Mark Thomason | Oct 15 2020 21:49 utc | 47
pretzelattack @35
they aren't reporting it. blanket media silence. and the average american, i would wager, is not aware of what's going on.
You would lose your wager.
WaPo is whining that everybody has to be reporting it
Posted by: jinn | Oct 15 2020 22:06 utc | 48
I'm more concerned about Twitter & Facebook & social media in general.
If Trump is half way comperent, he would assume direct control of them now like China does with TikTok.
Posted by: Smith | Oct 15 2020 22:10 utc | 49
This stinks in a very familiar way to the Clinton Foundation corruption of 'pay to play' that Wikileaks published just before Trump got elected in 2016 (among the many others). A whole new dimension of corruption and collusion is emerging. The fact even Facebook and Twitter are now prepared to act so shamelessly and overtly is highly alarming, not just disgusting.
I will not at all be surprised if US voters go for another middle finger vote. Many will find it a tough choice between organised corruption or chaotic populism.
Posted by: Et Tu | Oct 15 2020 22:11 utc | 50
Pozharsky and Burisma, and karma to the rescue but to be unnoticed by US voters. The root for Pozharsky is fire, like burnt out, and Burisma is drill, drilling, like the ineffable Sarah Palin from Alaska, from her window she could see Russia so she new a lot about the russkies, drill baby drill. So drill and fire plus Biden on tape as Satrap Major conditioning a billion buck loan on firing some functionary on a far away land. And that seems to be quite normal for the american voter. Probably that’s the reason why the candidates for the election are no candidates at all. You do not have an election.
Posted by: Paco | Oct 15 2020 22:32 utc | 51
There's been plenty of suspicion that CIA was connected to Burisma but your comment essentially confirms it.
All the oligarchs in Ukraine are connected to the CIA now. Those who refuse, they are no longer oligarchs in Ukraine.
Posted by: jinn | Oct 15 2020 22:51 utc | 52
Jackrabbit @ 44:
Normally Biden and his son's mistakes would be covered up/hushed up. But the Biden's are being roasted so that the Deep State can re-elect Trump.
Yes but:
A] they were never mistakes
B] nobody will go to jail
C] the Bidens will make tons of money writing books and giving speeches and being put on more corporate boards.
Posted by: jinn | Oct 15 2020 22:57 utc | 53
Paco @51--
You're almost correct. We have an election for the two executives atop the federal government, but we don't have any real choice when it comes to candidates as those are carefully controlled, and that is the most distinctive way in which the Outlaw US Empire fails as a democratic-republic and is instead an authoritarian form of government at the federal level. This was made possible by the overthrowing of the Articles of Confederation and replacement by the 1787 Constitution which allowed for the continuation of governance by the Aristocratic Class. By the time universal suffrage was enacted after WW1, the misallocation of wealth had already allowed the Creditor Class to gain control of the federal government. That Class has maintained its control except for the short interruption by FDR. The secret for the Class's ability to stay in control is rather simple--Divide and Rule--as it also owns the methods to exert control. Much the same exists within the EU, which is why it acts in such close lockstep with the Outlaw US Empire.
The formula for the world's people to gain their freedom is rather simple: They must overthrow the Creditor Class and never allow them to gain power again by socializing all institutions. The hard part is getting the people of the planet to realize that is what's required and then going about its implementation.
@ steven t johnson | Oct 15 2020 19:50 utc | 38.. thanks for your response... i just see both choices are bad choices for the usa.. but then i see the usa as an empire in fast decline.. maybe there is a slight difference in which one of these 2 candidates is going to take down the usa faster.. that is about it in my mind.. and fwiw i do agree with some of what @ 41 william gruff says and what all of @ 52 jinn says.. bottom line biden is no shining example of purity, not that you were implying that either.. the whole usa political system is corrupt beyond repair as i see it... i would like to be wrong too!
Posted by: james | Oct 15 2020 23:05 utc | 55
Posted by: c1ue | Oct 15 2020 16:10 utc | 2 What is really interesting is the provenance of this proof: a water-damaged laptop dropped off at a repair shop, then never paid for nor picked up.
I have to say that, while I don't believe Biden is innocent of *anything*, this provenance reeks of Deep State intervention in support of Trump. OTOH, stranger things have happened in IT repair. However, since my interest is limited - translation: who gives a shit? - I'll leave it at that.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Oct 15 2020 23:27 utc | 56
Re Twitter and Facebook. We know the CIA helped create Google in order to do the social monitoring and control that the CIA can't do legally. Facebook ditto. Not sure about Twitter's connection to the CIA, but, hey, I'm sure it's there, too.
As an aside, Twitter is having an outage right now. My guess is too many people are posting about the Biden emails, so they shut it down for a bit. Or some hackers decided to take them down for their censorship.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Oct 15 2020 23:29 utc | 57
Richard Steven Hack @Oct15 23:27 #56
The provenance gets even more shady with Rudy Guiliani's involvment.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 16 2020 0:05 utc | 58
Richard Steven Hack @Oct15 23:27 #56
c1ue @Oct15 16:10 #2What is really interesting is the provenance of this proof: a water-damaged laptop dropped off at a repair shop, then never paid for nor picked up.
The provenance gets even more shady with Rudy Guiliani's involvement.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 16 2020 0:07 utc | 59
Anyone who imagines that these revelations will matter, just needs to read this thread where responses of amerikans all seem to fit into three equally stupid categories.
The bulk of the responses don't objectively analyse what this cesspit of greed & larceny means for their country, because the responses are first filtered through a really fucking useless partisan subjectivity. When both 'parties' have identical policies, thoroughly corrupt leadership and a primary aim of deceiving citizens WTF does this tribalist support for a particular party indicate apart from exceptional stupidity on the part of the partisan?
The people who consider themselves left of center, question, without any evidence at all to support their delusion, the provenance of the emails, when the story appears to anyone with half a brain to be both easily checkable and an entirely probable occurrence in a 2020 capitalist society.
Which brings me to the second and smallest 'cohort', the conspiracists, they not only question the provenance of the info, they in time honoured fashion drag in their favourite nemesis, the CIA, now as one who has seen all the truly foul shit that mob of criminals get up to, I'm not averse to throwing shit at those arseholes, but trying to involve those pricks in something so small-time and tacky as this is ludicrous, sheer fantasy.
It makes much more sense that the involvement of Devon Archer (a man not averse to trousering a fat wedge) and by extremely distant connection Steven Kappes, was at the insistence of old man Biden, who, far more knowledgeable about his son's predilections than anyone else, needed someone close to the action with the contacts to ensure, that if hunter-baby slipped off the rails, he could straighten things out and alert the old man.
The last group, the hee-haw "see I told you so, dems are all crooks" rightist types celebrating this disgusting revelation as they view it through their own blinkered, subjective & stupid rethug partisanship are the worst of all.
No amerikan should celebrate this, this should be a day of national shame - not just because it shows biden to be a crook, but also because in recent days, orangeutan's son in law Jared Kushner has been shown to have been perverting & corrupting the covid 19 supply chain by using federal facilities to organise & obtain much needed PPE, then inserting a few select private corporations he is acquainted with to step in collect the PPE as it arrives in amerika (on federal government funded transport), then triple (and more) the price as they sell the gear back to public health authorities.
There are no 'good guys' in any of this, both gangs are corrupt stinking low lifes, those who complain about the lack of objective news then filter all 'news' through their own subjective lens, are no less hypocritical than the types they claim to deplore.
Posted by: Debsisdead | Oct 16 2020 0:09 utc | 60
Joe @ 11:
What has the world come to when the NY Post has surpassed the NYT and WaPo as a reliable news source.
The world will soon reach that level that was satirised in "Men In Black" when Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) advises Agent J (Will Smith) to read The National Enquirer (tabloid rag famous even here in Australia for "Two women give birth to same baby"-type headlines if only by hearsay) for "best investigative reporting on the planet".
Posted by: Jen | Oct 16 2020 0:09 utc | 61
jinn @Oct15 22:57 #53
Yes but: ...
Just like Hillary (and Bill).
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 16 2020 0:10 utc | 62
Debsisdead @Oct16 0:09 #60
the conspiracists, they not only question the provenance of the info, they in time honoured fashion drag in their favourite nemesis, the CIA, ... but trying to involve those pricks in something so small-time and tacky as this is ludicrous, sheer fantasy.
You are thinking that the info on the laptop is what's important instead of the timing of a seemingly shocking reveal that will ultimately result in no prosecutions.
It makes much more sense that the involvement of Devon Archer ... and by extremely distant connection Steven Kappes, was at the insistence of old man Biden, who, ... needed someone close to the action with the contacts to ensure, that if hunter-baby slipped off the rails, he could straighten things out and alert the old man.
I really don't buy the excuse that you offer (nice try, tho). It strains credibility when we can see that Biden is connected enough to what's going on without taking such extraordinary measures. And Devon's involvement is better explained by his connection to John Kerry while Kappes involvement is better explained by CIA's wanting some degree of oversight.
... both gangs are corrupt stinking low lifes ...
There's only one gang. It runs the Duopoly and the media. And the Empire.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 16 2020 0:32 utc | 63
see - more subjective nonsense from rabbit, who is unable to view anything outside of his damn near psychotic conspiracy lens
Life isn't one grand conspiracy, cock-ups play an even bigger role.
As if the spooks would allow a loose cannon like hunter biden so close to an operation - maybe 50 years ago but nowadays those scum turn an agency proctologist onto anything that sails close to their interests.
No wonder recent exposes of them are so rare, everybody is living in the past as if its all pre Church swashbuckling days, meanwhile the cia is regularly murdering & maiming innocents all over this planet and getting away scot-free.
Posted by: Debsisdead | Oct 16 2020 1:50 utc | 64
As if the spooks would allow a loose cannon like hunter biden so close to an operation
What operation do you think Hunter was allowed to be close to?
All Hunter did was accept an offer to be paid $50k/year for a 5 year gig. In exchange all Hunter had to do was show up twice a year at a board meeting held at various resorts in Europe.
Even someone incompetent and irresponsible (or loose) could manage that.
Posted by: jinn | Oct 16 2020 2:14 utc | 65
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 16 2020 0:07 utc | 59 The provenance gets even more shady with Rudy Guiliani's involvement.
Yup. I know IT repair guys have a history of going through people's computers and backing up their porn and the like, but what IT guy goes through a laptop's hard drive actually looking for Biden corruption - or even being able to recognize it if he saw it? Then he turns it over to his "acquaintance" Guiliani?
Here's Fox News (yeah, I know) story on this guy. The entire narrative reeks of total bullshit. He claims he has bad vision so he can't be sure it was Biden who dropped off the laptop? Yet he's doing PC repair? WTF?
Something is seriously wrong here.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Oct 16 2020 2:45 utc | 67
What is really interesting is the provenance of this proof: a water-damaged laptop dropped off at a repair shop, then never paid for nor picked up.
Posted by: c1ue | Oct 15 2020 16:10 utc | 2
Yeah totally unbelievable. That's the kinda stupid forgetful dumbass stunt one might expect from some random lowlife crackhead, but very certainly not from the brave upstanding incorruptible son of the Democratic party presidential candidate
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 2:45 utc | 68
"very certainly not from the brave upstanding incorruptible son of the Democratic party presidential candidate".... who is in no way any sort of crackhead
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 2:54 utc | 69
RE: Hunter's fake laptop:
It would not be impossible to make a fake laptop with Hunter's stuff on it, at least good enough for propaganda purposes. NSA would have all his stuff, right?
I don't have an opinion as to which it is, but I do think it's possible, everything on a computer can be modified. It would be a lot of work to get right.
Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 16 2020 2:55 utc | 70
With a crackhead fortunate-son (by far the dumber of his two offspring by all accounts) is there really any need to posit fakery?
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 3:07 utc | 71
Posted by: Debsisdead | Oct 16 2020 1:50 utc | 64
"Life isn't one grand conspiracy, cock-ups play an even bigger role."
Why look for conspiracy when stupidity (read Hunter Biden) is rampant. Goethe
Posted by: Tom | Oct 16 2020 3:12 utc | 72
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 3:07 utc | 71
There is no need to posit fakery, but it is quite reasonable to consider it. I mean that is how we do our politics here these days.
Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 16 2020 3:18 utc | 73
Quote Tweet
Data Doctor
· 13h
Replying to @mtaibbi
Even more ominous is that the Post refused to fact-check this story just days before the election. Have you read Beast's take-down? They say the files were placed on the drive two months after it was received at the repair shop.
Matt Taibbi
So a laptop with video of the candidate’s son smoking crack while having sex was left for repairs, but after that someone uploaded fake correspondence on the device?
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 3:49 utc | 74
Tom @Oct16 3:12 #72
Why look for conspiracy when stupidity ... is rampant.
Well Tom, releasing damaging information about a political opponent soon before an election isn't stupid. What does seem to be rampant however is attempts to cover up, excuse, and misdirect.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 16 2020 3:50 utc | 75
There is no need to posit fakery, but it is quite reasonable to consider it. I mean that is how we do our politics here these days.
Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 16 2020 3:18 utc | 73
Fair point. Particularly so if one had never had any acquaintance with crackhead trustfund kiddies. Leaving expensive computers in a repair shop and then forgetting all about it, or just not bothering to return and collect the repaired items and buying the newest model instead, is exactly the sort of irresponsible idiotic caper you'd expect from a crackhead trustfund kiddie.
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 3:55 utc | 76
I checked it out when its name first appeared in the news and the only "asset" it appeared to have was a drilling right on one lone site somewhere in Ukraine.
The most obvious explanation for its existence was as a commercial vehicle for the purpose of funnelling money onto the pocket of a Biden family member
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 4:01 utc | 77
Couple things:
jinn #25 - Could not agree more or strongly enough. This was all part of the fix. And more revelations from this mysteriously sourced laptop will indeed continue to come out, and will continue to be "censored" (by censoring it they understand it will gain way more traction than it ever would without the added sensation of it being censored). This was soooooo predictable.
Gruff #numerous - I still enjoy and agree with your posts. I've spent a long time lurking here prior to really commenting (since the bilmon days and transfer anyway) but it's getting kinda old with the attacks on the easiest people, literally, who comment here, to attack. We all find the hysterics of Circe off putting and, while I actually agree with donkeytale quite often too, I see how 'his' style and repetitiveness might become annoying. Anyway, I would just like to say that I don't think it befits or behooves you to waste your time sniping at easy targets or grabbing the low hanging fruit. It lowers the level of the overall discourse below what the aforementioned commenters' style already kind of does. I said style because both Circe and donkeytale make good points sometimes, so it's not necessarily the content of their contributions that bothers me (surely others will have different opinions), but rather the 'tone' and 'volume' (and certainly in one case, delusional quality). Anyway, this isn't intended to be an insult, rather a plea to reset the discourse and ignore what you already know is going to be written and largely ignored.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 4:02 utc | 78
While I'm here, I figured I'd point out that while it's obvious that the Bidens have engaged in corruption with respect to the Ukraine and Burisma (and probably other stuff), it should also go without saying that Trump and his family are likely far worse in terms of business dealings and self-serving/family-serving levers being pulled while he's in power. This isn't a Democrat or Republican thing except in as much as it's an American government and power thing, and pretty much always has been. The difference is when Prescott Bush and the Dulles family were actively aiding Nazis and playing both sides, we didn't have the benefit of being so immediately connected by way of the Internet and the 24 hour "news" cycle.
Yeah, so Americans have two choices for President this year, as they do every year: Corrupt Party A (the Red team) and Corrupt Party B (the Blue team). Yawn.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 4:07 utc | 79
jinn #25 - Could not agree more or strongly enough. This was all part of the fix. And more revelations from this mysteriously sourced laptop will indeed continue to come out, and will continue to be "censored" (by censoring it they understand it will gain way more traction than it ever would without the added sensation of it being censored). This was soooooo predictable.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 4:02 utc | 78
These "3 and a 1/2 D" Chess deconstructionist attempts really aren't your forte, are they?
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 4:14 utc | 80
I couldn't be less concerned with your opinion given that I'd bet my mortgage on the fact that you buy into at least 95% of the Qanon bullshit. Am I wrong?
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 4:18 utc | 81
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 3:55 utc | 76
Yours is a fair point too. Hunter has quite a record. I've never been fond of speed or hookers myself, though I do like nicotine as a stimulant. Guys like Hunter I tend to feel sorry for, though I know they are assholes to other people. My son struggled with booze, and so have I, though that is long past now. We've always had a lot of drunks here in USA, nobody bats an eye about that. I think it's a class issue really, rich drunks and drug users are OK here. If you're not rich, they kneel on your neck.
But I have no doubt Biden's enemies would use Hunter to get at him, or vice-versa for that matter. I just don't want the laptop taken as some kind of proof, we've had enough of that kind of proof already. You can't be too cynical.
Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 16 2020 4:19 utc | 82
I don't even know what a Qanon is. Keep this up and you'll be homeless before close of business Friday
Posted by: Trident | Oct 16 2020 4:21 utc | 83
@ Richard Steven Hack -
Yep, and he wasn't exactly wearing glasses in the Fox News story you linked. A "condition that affects his vision" - LOL how convenient. Did the intrepid Fox News "journalist" press him on this claim? We don't know but are left to assume they didn't. So he has really good (aided?) vision when he's undoing all those small screws and reading tiny print on a memory chip or ckt board and such, but when he's giving interviews and taking deliveries from customers, he can't really see much at all. Due to a "condition."
And then there's all the other stuff associated with this wild tale. Yeah yeah, we know people like Triden who have the "other" form of Trump Derangement Syndrome coupled with the other not so atypical syndrome known as "Democrats are Corrupt Satanists Trafficking Children and Trump Will Expose Them All, Just Give Him Time" think that someone like Hunter Biden the drug addicted nutjob would just drop off a laptop full of the most compromising informaiton possible at a local PC repair shop, the owner of which he had no acquaintance with (rather than a close acquaintance or firm like, say, Crowdstrike) and then just forget the laptop entirely or decide not to go pick it up because maybe the random dude might recognize him and he dropped it off in an alcohol/drug induced haze not realizing that there was a treasure trove of compromising information on it because he's THAT fucking incompetent at life and only the Blue team has people that dumb working for it.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 4:28 utc | 84
Triden @Oct16 4:01 #77
The most obvious explanation for its existence was as a commercial vehicle for the purpose of funnelling money onto the pocket of a Biden family member.
This is the pro-Trump narrative. The spotlight on Biden corruption is being used by the Deep State to re-elect Trump. Making lemonade out of lemons.
Trump must be viewed as the people's hero if he is to lead them to war.
<> <> <> <> <>
Burisma was founded long before Hunter joined the Board. Hunter joined the Board in April 2014, immediately after the Ukrainian coup.
I've read that Burisma sought to use USA fracking technology in the Dunbas where there is a great deal of gas that can be generated via fracking. But the Dunbas rebelled and broke from Ukraine. As did Crimea, the other territory with any real value. They are both now in the Russian orbit. The West was left with a country that required massive financial support.
So Burisma isn't a shell company that just "funnels money" and Hunter's role was to represent CIA/USA interests as the enormous revenue that was anticipated after Ukraine was "liberated" was directed to various projects/pockets.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 16 2020 4:33 utc | 85
First off, can you make up your mind? Is it "Triden" or "Trident"? I'm just curious.
Secondly, my comments on the Kenosha shooting were specific to the way ONE particular outlet misrepresented a photo that was widely circulated in order to create the impression that MULTIPLE people attacking Rittenhouse in the street were brandishing fire arms. In fact there was ONE, and he was shot (and killed I believe).
But thirdly and most importantly you just totally destroyed any credibility you might have thought you had by admitting that you were around during the Rittenhouse thread, what, months ago (?) and clearly remembered my comments and know the score, so to speak, but claim to NOT KNOW what Qanon is? Absolutely laughable. Why don't you settle on a name so that the rest of us can keep track of *your* comment history and we know which threads you're participating in or lurking on?
Yep, you're a Trumpster - it's obvious. Why deny it? I'm not exactly defending Biden here, but you're apparently not bright enough to realize that.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 4:41 utc | 86
--- and speaking of "derangement syndrome" . . . .
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 4:42 utc | 89
Triden/Trident - So that we may nip this in the bud, and so that I can keep my participation on this thread as close to possible to my optimal, self-limited 3 comments (I hate when people railroad or shitstorm a thread even when I agree with them), can you provide some background on how it is that you, a person who is clearly up to speed on the minutiae of American political conversation, down to a very specific discussion on a particular event in Wisconsin, and who is very opinionated about the Blue team in the current election, has no idea what Qanon is, given that the theory has been out in the wild now for well over 3 years and recently VERY well covered in many places? I'm genuinely curious. How could anyone who knows or cares about American politics and the Trump/Biden fake choice - and clearly suports Trump in the election NOT know what Qanon even is???? Like I said - laughable and credibility destroying unless you can convince me that you live on an island off the coast of Chile and only have Internet access once every 18 months.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 4:51 utc | 87
The only thing i know about Qanon is that it gets referred to a lot by idiots on the web
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 4:56 utc | 92
OK, this is the last thing I'll say about it. You're right - it's idiots on the web who push (not refer to) the Qanon theory. And it's still obvious that you were lying the first time. Come on - please tell me - how much of what "Q" says do you believe and how much do you think is nonsense?
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 5:01 utc | 88
Nobody cares abt Hunter Biden and his dealings in Ukraine.
Compared to Trump's massive corruption and tax cheating, his Trump charity misuse crimes, his Trump university, his 6 casinos abused n bankrupted, his listed company bankrupted at the expense of his investors, Joe Biden is like an angel.
Going on and on abt Joe Biden's son trying to do a bit of influence peddling as a lobbyist compared to how The Trump family has run the Whitehouse as a massive shitshow of bribery and corruption from foreign bribers, is a losing angle in this election.
Posted by: GreatSocialist | Oct 16 2020 5:03 utc | 89
Triden @Oct16 4:42 #89
and speaking of "derangement syndrome"
It seems that Triden hasn't heard of the "illusion of democracy".
Probably as ignorant of "SuperPACs" as he is of "Qanon". LOL.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Oct 16 2020 5:03 utc | 90
Senate Judiciary To Subpoena Jack Dorsey After Twitter Suspends Trump Campaign, House GOP Accounts Over Biden Scandal
Thu, 10/15/2020 - 14:45
After yesterday's cross-platform social media embargo on a New York Post exposé detailing explosive evidence against Joe and Hunter Biden, Twitter is at it again on Thursday - suspending the Trump campaign's official account for sharing a video accusing the former Vice President of being a "liar who has been ripping off the country for years."
Update (1115ET): Senators Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz have reportedly confirmed that the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Tuesday to issue a subpoena of Twitter's Jack Dorsey.
Posted by: Triden | Oct 16 2020 5:25 utc | 92
Cicada 3301 is a more interesting hoax than Qanon.
Triden @98 That's the section 230 battle. When they're finished mangling it, the politicians will have more absolute control of the internet, more specifically what they like to call social media. More like anti-social media.
Posted by: Curmudgeon | Oct 16 2020 5:35 utc | 93
So exactly the point that was made and with which I agreed. By Twitter and Facebook "censoring" the NYPost article and the "hacked" materials, now we have a Senate hearing scheduled and much right-wing online news associated with it making the rounds. Nobody with a functioning brain ever said that the right wing alternative news media didn't hold a certain degree of sway over the normal center-right corporate news media. Never mind that it conveniently only came out a few weeks before the election; "October Surprise" if you will. Never seen that before! This must be Q making good on his promises! Notyawn.
Cicada - now that's a rabbit hole I'll have to dip my foot into. I will be doing so shortly.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 6:06 utc | 94
I hope you find it entertaining.
It's not in my records, so I can't say for certain, but I seem to remember a similar 'deep state conspiracy theory' akin to Q during the Obama administration. Maybe I'm just confusing it with those Occupiers. Taking up space, that's what it's all about after all. It's like getting tattooed, no particular purpose, just taking up space.
Posted by: Curmudgeon | Oct 16 2020 6:10 utc | 95
Curmudgeon - Yes, it's all a distraction from what's really happening. I really can't understand why more people don't get it. Other than that the average IQ is probably really 100 in the US.
Debisdead - Yep, as usual Dore gets it perfectly. And in saying so, I must call out that I've been accused of "TDS" here by a real afflicted person suffering from TDS and using multiple fake names over and over again while monitoring MoA threads and taking notes. Oh well, such is life.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 6:16 utc | 96
I really wish Dore would call out the CORPORATE ownership of the platformss and the narratives. He tends to call out individuals (correctly of course) but he misses the major point. Private finance and corporate entities control the news we hear whether it's pro-Red or pro-Blue. Dore rarely seems to call this out. He focuses on "the left" or "the right" - the West is a corporate owned entity. And it all leans right (which Dore gets right) but he doesn't really do a great job of making it clear. Good morning, all.
Posted by: _K_C_ | Oct 16 2020 6:28 utc | 97
Oh, and MM just released her latest "Shadowgate" on YouTube. No need to link here, easy to find at this point.
Posted by: Curmudgeon | Oct 16 2020 7:19 utc | 98
That the Biden’s are corrupt isn’t news. We’ve known this for a long time. Biden confessed on camera to withholding $1B in aid until the chief prosecutor of Ukraine was fired. The real quid pro quo. What happened? Nothing.
What is interesting about this story is the unprecedented attempt by Twitter and Facebook to suppress this story. Any figment of impartiality has been blown to shreds. Conservatives had been Compton bias, de platforming, de-monetisation (Youtube) for months and their claims were simply dismissed. Not anymore.
If Trump wins some severe regulations are on their way.
Posted by: Down South | Oct 16 2020 7:30 utc | 99
As a rule I don't buy into the more schematic Machiavellian conspiracy theories. (It's clear that almost everything can be explained by the formal educational/indoctrination system, careerism and inertia, all this in the context of the banality of evil.)
But the fact that the likes of twitter and facebook seemingly can act in such an openly aggressive way so directly against the president of the united states with evidently zero fear of reprisal is strong circumstantial evidence that all of them - Trump, twitter etc - are engaged in some kind of pantomime, scripted by some entity that gives the cues to them all.
The comments to this entry are closed.
I just wanted to pop in and say to all the frothing tds-adherents among the patrons how important it is to vote for "Quid-pro-quo-Joe" this Halloween.
It is the only way we can get the first leader in U.S. history to openly flout our corruption-laws for the good of his degenerate offspring.
This is a monumental accomplishment and will help pave the way for a return of our international reputation signalling that the Federal Gov't is OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Yee-haaaaawwwwww!
Get those hard-working Trump kids the f$%@ outta there! Their noses to clean! Lol.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Oct 15 2020 16:07 utc | 1