Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
September 16, 2020

Now Trump's Middle East Event May Really Become "A Historic Moment"

ABC News: Trump plays global dealmaker with Israel and two Arab countries

In a historic signing ceremony hosted by President Donald Trump at the White House, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on Tuesday became the third and fourth Arab nations to move toward establishing full diplomatic relations with Israel.
avi scharf @avischarf - 11:33 UTC · Sep 16, 2020

Crazy story here:
Netanyahu's WH delegation requested an exemption, and received a major reduction in quarantine upon their return – 5 days instead of the 14 required for U.S. arrivals

Whacko - considering the total lack of distancing + masks yesterday

>>> Netanyahu's White House Delegation Pushed for Quarantine Exemption, and Got a Reduction

Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump - 12:18 UTC · Sep 16, 2020

A historic moment...

Noga Tarnopolsky @NTarnopolsky - 17:40 UTC · Sep 16, 2020

Multiple White House staffers have tested positive for #COVID-19 today one day after after Israeli PM Netanyahu, UAE FM Abdullah bin Zayed & Bahraini FM Abdullatif bin Rashid Alzayani met with them.


How long will it take for the herd that met in they White House yesterday to achieve immunity?

Posted by b on September 16, 2020 at 18:35 UTC | Permalink

next page »

It's a nothing burger. Trump blackmailed defenceless Gulf states into signing. It's very noticeable that Saudi hasn't been taken on board. That's because they have a large potentially rebellious population. see surrender of three Saudi regiments to the Houthis without fighting. They don't dare, if MbS wants to stay in power.

Posted by: Laguerre | Sep 16 2020 18:44 utc | 1

So b, it appears this administration .. with some help from the B side of the coin, has hit the pandemic trifecta! Initially, in down-playing the virus as a problem as it pertains to the U.S., then eluding to it being the just like the flu, and now appear to throw up their collective hands .. and goin "Hey all .. time to get our top herd 'immunized already -let make it a party-!"

Shootin crays seems Not a good strategy, where pachyderm survival is at stake!

... maybe it's a 'vaccine' party ...

Posted by: polecat | Sep 16 2020 19:03 utc | 2

As I have said many times, Trump is a canny politician. Unless the next photo shows the same people on ventilators, Biden and Harris are toast.

Posted by: Hal Duell | Sep 16 2020 19:39 utc | 3

Over on the old open thread I mentioned that at ZH today there is a posting about the head of US CDC testifying in front of the Senate and said that masks offer better protection against Covid-19 than vaccines.

I want to know what these folks are hopeful to become immune to? Maybe like prosecution for war crimes.

Writing about immunity, here in Oregon, one of the state R senators who refused to show up for a hearing to fund wildfire control so they didn't have a quorum, lost his house to the latest wildfires in Oregon...guess he didn't have immunity.

I cringe at the thought of Jared Kushner becoming the next Kissinger

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 16 2020 19:40 utc | 4

thanks b.... it is a load of political promotion b.s... but what i like about it is how the usa wants to promote the idea of fiefdoms finding common ground with one another.. that can't go un noticed! but they are missing one of their partners - ksa! all of them are oppressive regimes for different reasons... so nice of trump to bring them all together... meanwhile covid numbers in israel continue to go up..

it would be good if the whole white house goes for this so called herd immunity... they already have the herd mindset...

@ laguerre... how do you view bahrain and the general public mood their?? i always get the impression the place is on the edge of explosion.. i generally never hear much of anything out of this country, other then people protesting from time to time...

"On 11 July 2020, a government watchdog in Bahrain claimed that the confessions of two pro-democracy campaigners were extracted by torture. Mohammed Ramadhan and Husain Moosa from Bahrain were leading figures in the pro-democracy protests of 2011. They were arrested in 2014 and accused of killing a police officer.[213] On July 13, 2020, the highest Court in Bahrain overruled the previous judgment and upheld the death sentences for both men. The judgment was criticized by Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, the director of advocacy at the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy, who stated: “Today’s verdict is yet another dark stain in the struggle for human rights in Bahrain.”[214]" from wikipedia ..

Posted by: james | Sep 16 2020 19:45 utc | 5

14 days quarantine to 5?

So Trump could reduce the incubation and infectious period of the disease via sheer will?


Posted by: A.L. | Sep 16 2020 19:46 utc | 6

One day! ONE DAY?!??! The incubation period of this virus is ONE FREAKING DAY?

Posted by: Bill H | Sep 16 2020 19:57 utc | 7

No, the incubation period is not one day. Netanyahu and the two Emirate stooges may be taking the virus home with them from the White House. Is Trump infected?

Posted by: Quentin | Sep 16 2020 20:09 utc | 8

@ laguerre... how do you view bahrain and the general public mood their??

The problem of Bahrain is an easy one. The King is sunni, as was the preference of the British in colonial times, but the majority of the population is shi'a. The King survives, with the aide of the British and American military. If that aid didn't exist, the regime wouldn't survive.

Posted by: Laguerre | Sep 16 2020 20:13 utc | 9

FOX News shows their true colors the hosts of the various shows were so gleeful that it's a pity that they don't hear themselves.

One of 'the Five' pronounced that Iran, Syria, and Lebanon are now on their back foot so they better get with the program. Wow, such overt hostility and aggression on full display on what I thought was a day of peace. I didn't know that Lebanon and Syria were attacking anyone. In fact, they have been viciously gutted over that past decade. I'd even say that the same is true of Iran. Die enemies of Israel!

The attitude of the comments was basically, 'if an action doesn't help Israel then the U.S. shouldn't even consider it'. Now it makes sense why there was such open hostility to the JCPOA and such snarky comparisons to it. Trump's agreements help Israel prosper a little bit more therefore they are the epitome of good. Nothing else matters.

Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Sep 16 2020 20:14 utc | 10

@ laguerre... thanks... how much of this is about maintaining a divide between sunni and shite?? it seems like this divide needs to be continued at all costs.

Posted by: james | Sep 16 2020 20:26 utc | 11

Re: psychohistorian | Sep 16 2020 19:40 utc | 4

"I cringe at the thought of Jared Kushner becoming the next Kissinger."

I watched Judy Woodruff of PBS interviewing Kushner last evening. After talking for some time about the newest Middle east agreement which Israel will promptly violate, she then asked him about Trump's handling of the pandemic. Over and over she tried to get him to give relevant answers to questions on that topic, while I counted 17 out-and-out, rapid-fire lies, one after another after another.

Posted by: AntiSpin | Sep 16 2020 21:02 utc | 12

As I have said many times, Trump is a canny politician. Unless the next photo shows the same people on ventilators, Biden and Harris are toast.

Posted by: Hal Duell | Sep 16 2020 19:39 utc | 3

This is a duel of idiots. I am getting complacent. Bipartisan b.....t would happen in any case. Republican obnoxious innovations would be blocked by Dems (I guess...) and any Dem innovations would be blocked by GOP. With realistic expectation, Idiot in Chief will have somewhat limited scope of possibilities, perhaps a nuclear war --- are they THAT stupid? That said, military guys may support stupid s...t, but not mega-stupid. Usually. Hm... Anyway, if they were gung-ho for some mega-stupid stuff, Idiot in Chief would get convinced (anyone on the list: Biden, Harris, Pence, Trump), but seemingly, not vice versa.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Sep 16 2020 21:35 utc | 13

Bill H @ 7

There never was an incubation period. Works like any other virus. The fourteen day notion began when Wuhan residents went to countryside, got sick weeks after arrival. They must have brought it with them? No, it was already half way round the planet. Spreads just like a virus.

The idea this is a unique and special virus with dozens of totally original and unique features? Most creative virus evah!!! Must be true if the propaganda says it is true.

Posted by: oldhippie | Sep 16 2020 21:36 utc | 14

@ laguerre... thanks... how much of this is about maintaining a divide between sunni and shite??

More about specific interests. THe US/UK need the Bahraini regime, so support it.

Posted by: Laguerre | Sep 16 2020 21:47 utc | 15

I note that BigLie Media avoid discussing the chaos reigning within Occupied Palestine that's reported in this article I posted last Monday that drew no commentary. My prediction is the artificial settler colony won't exist when it's time for its centenary. One aspect of the sanctions on Iran is they've effectively shut-in much of their hydrocarbon production such that they'll have them to sell when all other Gulf sources are gone or almost done. So, when UAE runs dry along with Saudi, will Qatar, Iran and Iraq sell to them given the way they're now treated? Karma will undoubtedly exact a toll.

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 16 2020 21:51 utc | 16

Herd “immunity”? I think we want “thinning”.

Maybe that’s what you meant, b, you sly devil you!


Posted by: oglalla | Sep 16 2020 22:08 utc | 17

On Israel/Palestine my view is hardly admissible any more. It is that what Israel does is an empty show. No-one wants to fight for Israel if there's another serious war, like 67 or 73. They've all got their second passports, and they'll be on the plane if there's a serious war. Particularly the Russians.

Posted by: Laguerre | Sep 16 2020 22:15 utc | 18

Trump wants to win the elections via the Israeli Lobby.

That is - look at how useful i'm for you! Please, do something to secure my reelection!

Posted by: Passer by | Sep 16 2020 22:26 utc | 19

step 1. learn about biology, disease & viruses

step 2. learn some human history

step 3. read ‘We’ by Yevgeny Zamyatin

step 4. understand what is going on

Posted by: Rae | Sep 16 2020 22:31 utc | 20

These treaties are a very big deal, especially when added to the Kosovo-Serbia agreement. However he is doing it, Trump is bringing peace to the Balkans and Persian Gulf. The PLO leadership has repeatedly refused to make peace, and the Arabs are sick and tired of them. The KSA will be next, and soon. Even Turkey might join in.

If anyone ever deserved a peace prize, it is Trump.

Posted by: bob sykes | Sep 16 2020 22:36 utc | 21

Posted by: bob sykes | Sep 16 2020 22:36 utc | 21

Hooray for Trump says bob sykes, being paid to do so.

Posted by: Laguerre | Sep 16 2020 22:43 utc | 22

bob sykes @21

Let's see how that works out, bob...As Mike Tyson put it in a colloquial way, "everybody's got a plan until they get punched it the face."

Posted by: donten | Sep 16 2020 22:58 utc | 23

wasn't Boris Johnson on a respirator?

what's elementary self-interest ever had to do with anything? whiners! there's a chance they could all die just flying over here in order to bring middle east peace in our time, which happens at the snap of Trump's fingers (I mean the flying over here part...).

if the virus don't get 'em, the fates will find a way. has the logging slowed down in the Pacific NW due to the wildfires? has the hydrofracking? aren't all the bourgeois capitalist governments, in their competition, effectively adopting a "herd immunity" herd mentality? Assuming they hadn't done so from day 1, as the US policy has so obviously been from day 1.

Posted by: jason | Sep 16 2020 23:08 utc | 24

they are signing in their own blood, even pledging their firstborn, and more, for peace. with Zionism. it will be difficult to find compare in the annals of human bravery. beside, like, you know, the average kid throwing a rock at an IDF tank.

Posted by: jason | Sep 16 2020 23:12 utc | 25

on the bright least she didn't say "an historic".

Posted by: the pair | Sep 16 2020 23:28 utc | 26

14 days quarantine to 5?

So Trump could reduce the incubation and infectious period of the disease via sheer will?


Posted by: A.L. | Sep 16 2020 19:46 utc | 6
Quarantine. Q.U.A.R.A.N.T.I.N.E. Not incubation period.
No, quarantine period are established to screen and filter new foreign arrivals from the disease so that they don't bring or start new chain of infection within the country. The fact is that they should apply for everyone from the outside to protect the countrymen from disease from foreigners.
For Trump to grant special treatment that may be detrimental to his own countrymen says a lot on who he's pledge allegiances to.

Posted by: Lucci | Sep 16 2020 23:40 utc | 27

PCR tests are not evidence of infectious virus.

Of Ninety RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2–positive samples were incubated. Twenty-six samples (28.9%) demonstrated viral growth. There was no growth in samples with a Ct > 24 (RT-PCR cycle) or STT > 8 days (symptom onset to test )

Ct for PCR tests currently used in US for COVID are between 37-40

In the “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel“ file from March 30, 2020, for example, it says:
Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms”

Remarkably, in the instruction manuals of PCR tests we can also read that they are not intended as a diagnostic test, as for instance in those by Altona Diagnostics and Creative Diagnostics

On August 29 the NYT reported In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review and unlikely to be infectious.

Posted by: Kay Fabe | Sep 16 2020 23:47 utc | 28

5 days is something. Last month Azar and his gang invaded Taiwan and got complete exemption of 14 day quarantine. 0 quarantine. Running around the island for 7 days and no outbreak.

Posted by: Kay Fabe | Sep 16 2020 23:50 utc | 29

Trump's certainly adept at encouraging people to think the unthinkable. Who would have thought that anyone could have persuaded arabs and 'Israelis' to pretend to respect each other? I can hardly wait to see how smoothly the first Arab-Israeli Summit goes...
And I like the idea of using the Middle East as a petri dish in which to flirt with Jung's Union of Opposites daydreams.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Sep 17 2020 0:07 utc | 30

Seems like they're building a coalition to go after Iran and probably Syria and Lebanon. Pompeo has said that they are working with France to aid Lebanon under the contingency that their government starts persecuting Hezbollah.

Posted by: Keith | Sep 17 2020 0:37 utc | 31

Did not expect the coronavirus angle on the signing ceremony. Just when I thought it was safe to get back in the MoA waters … bam!

Well played, sir.

Posted by: David G | Sep 17 2020 1:21 utc | 32

AntiSpin | Sep 16 2020 21:02 utc | 12:

After talking for some time about the newest Middle east agreement which Israel will promptly violate …
How will Israel violate the agreement. I’m asking seriously: I’m not even clear on what they’ve actually committed to do, other than exchange embassies, and that I think they’re happy to do.

Posted by: David G | Sep 17 2020 1:28 utc | 33

I meant the first sentence as a question (and not a snarky one): How will Israel violate the agreement?

Posted by: David G | Sep 17 2020 1:31 utc | 34

re David G # 34 who foolishly asked:
How will Israel violate the agreement?
C'mon David G we all know the answer to that one as we have seen it repeated time and time again over the course of innumerable treaties contracts and agreements that the ersatz state of israel has used extreme duress to force Palestinians into signing.
Israel will break this agreement the same way as it has done all others by adopting, then enforcing policies that profit the zionist elite, make shitkicker zionists feel even more powerful over all the citizens of Palestine and degrade the way ordinary Palestinians consider their leadership.

That is a question which didn't need answering as anyone who spends just a few minutes researching the history of these so-called 'agreements' will learn that.
The question was so obviously pointless it is no wonder that even the poster asking the question recognises some may find it provocative.

On the other hand what is new? Just about every post here does little more than confirm what people already know about the nature of the world we currently live in.
Sure some details may be novel but essentially the actions published confirm existing knowledge.

Imagine if all the time and energy people put in here was actually spent in acts of resistance which subvert the zionist state of occupied Palestine, prevents the elites from profiting off MOA-ites, then others, so easily.

For example it would be trivial to design an app that would warn any consumer of a product or service that money from that transaction will be used to support the occupiers of Palestine. As well as identifying products manufactured on illegally seized i.e. stolen land, such an app could also identify those corporations that were major donors to israel and/or the pacs which pressure politicians into supporting the ongoing thefts, rapes & murders which are endemic in occupied Palestine.

But no, I'm sure that even those posters who have the knowledge and ability to design and build such an app will continue to spew their outrage in posts rather than set to bringing that, or any other of the myriad awful circumstances that destroy & demean our planet, undone.

No one should take these comments personally as I do sorta get it, but I also find this stasis incredibly frustrating.

Posted by: Debsisdead | Sep 17 2020 2:33 utc | 35

Well, it looks like Trump's legacy in the Middle East is now pretty much set in stone.

He will co-opt the Arab states (either openly, as here, or tacitly) to abandon the Palestinians to their fate, in the expectation that the Palestinians will give up in despair and sign a piece of paper in which they agree to permanent servitude to the Chosen People. Trump will then declare Peace In Our Time!!!!

Only..... the Palestinians will not agree to sign, and so the Israelis will go full monkey-shit on them, pogrom-style. The Palestinians will respond with violence, and it will go very, very badly for them.

The Israelis will be furious, because this will make them look bad. Which, of course, will be richly deserved no matter how much they play the victim.

Israel will then insist that the USA attack Iran, Syria and Hezbollah to drive home to the Palestinians that Resistance Is Futile when you go up against The Borg. Though, of course, they won't frame it in those words.

The Borg will, of course, do as it is told. Crash! Boom! Bang!

Win, lose or draw (most likely the latter) it will not matter. The USA's claim to Peace In Our Time! will be in tatters, the Palestinians will have suffered a genocide, and nobody will be able to pretend that zionism is anything other than a vile, racist ideology.

But, for now, Ivanka Trump gets to gloat. So there's that.

Posted by: Yeah, Right | Sep 17 2020 2:44 utc | 36

yankistan according to Reuters

"The United States said on Wednesday it plans to impose sanctions on those who violate a U.N. arms embargo on Iran, which Washington says will now stay in place instead of expiring in October as agreed under a 2015 nuclear deal."

according to AFP
"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted Wednesday the United States will enforce new "UN" sanctions on Iran starting next week, despite overwhelming consensus that Washington is out of bounds.

"The United States will do what it always does. It will do its share as part of its responsibilities to enable peace, this time in the Middle East," Pompeo told a joint news conference with British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

"We'll do all the things we need to do to make sure that those sanctions are enforced," he said."

Trump looks to be yankistan's Gorbachov, but rather than prevailing over the collapse of the US empire, he will prevail over its destruction.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 17 2020 2:48 utc | 37

There never was an incubation period. Works like any other virus.
oldhippie @8

Just to set the record straight: Incubation periods of different viruses

Posted by: Howard | Sep 17 2020 2:51 utc | 38

I guess that should've been 'preside over' @37 but same ending whichever term is used.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 17 2020 3:00 utc | 39

David G @ 33, 34:

When most nations establish embassies in one another's territories, the embassies usually represent their nations' interests in ways that benefit who they represent and also the interests of the host countries.

When some nations establish embassies in other nations' territories, they do so to actively spy on them and all the host nations' activities including activities and transactions they conduct with third party nations that arguably are not the concern of the nations the embassies are spying for. Plus the NGOs the embassies support may be required to adopt as their goal the overthrow of the governments of the host nations, and to tailor their activities and funding arrangements accordingly.

So for the UAE and Bahrain to establish embassies in Israel, and for Israel to establish embassies in those two countries, might not necessarily be as reciprocal as those actions appear on paper.

Posted by: Jen | Sep 17 2020 3:22 utc | 40

Jen @Sep17 3:22 #40

Occam's Razor says they've already been overthrown.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Sep 17 2020 3:45 utc | 41

"Don't cry for me Palestina" would do well around here.
The only special issue for this area is that it borders Israel, otherwise is a just another run-of-the-mill territorial conflict of which there are dozens in Asia alone. In Africa colonizers drew even weirder borders, using rulers a lot out of ignorance.

Posted by: Antonym | Sep 17 2020 3:49 utc | 42

it's just your basic faustian deal, by the guy who wrote the book 'the art of the deal'.... nothing out of the ordinary as we wind down near the end of civilization as we previously knew it... what's not to like about it from the devils point of view??

Posted by: james | Sep 17 2020 3:54 utc | 43

"Don't cry for me Palestina" would do well around here.
The only special issue for this area is that it borders Israel, otherwise is a just another run-of-the-mill territorial conflict of which there are dozens in Asia alone. In Africa colonizers drew even weirder borders, using rulers a lot out of ignorance.

Posted by: Antonym | Sep 17 2020 3:49 utc | 42

Had to be the most biased and ignorant comment as of yet.

Israel are modern colonialization via conquest of arms (is illegal under International laws supposedly after the founding of UN) whose expansion and wars (and warcrimes) are very much documented and widely known globally. The only country that are able to violate UN resolution at will without repercussions and whom have transparent backers from the west that are willing to bleed their own country for it.

Might you want to say or call the US behavior normal as well ?

Posted by: Lucci | Sep 17 2020 4:37 utc | 44

Debsisdead | Sep 17 2020 2:33 utc | 35:

Because I’m so foolish I still don’t think you explained how Israel will violate the agreement. If we’re talking about the Palestinians: Just going by news reports, not having read anything official, I see it contains a call for “a just, comprehensive and enduring resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, and that’s about it. That’s obviously a joke, but the operative word is obviously: clearly the Bahraini and U.A.E. monarchies don’t care at all about that. So I still don’t see how Israel will, as you put it, “break this agreement”.

Jen | Sep 17 2020 3:22 utc | 40:

Fair enough. Israel probably won’t be shy about using their new embassies as cover for any dirty business they have in mind. But do they have subverting the Bahraini and U.A.E. despotisms in mind? Doesn’t the political status quo suit them well? – and it’s only getting better.

I think if these Gulf monarchies come to regret the agreement it will be because their own people make them do so, but they must not be too worried about that if they took this step.

Israel and the Gulf monarchies have been close behind the scenes for a long time; now it’s out in the open. I see the “Accords” as reflecting their shared agendas, not as Israel and the U.S. having put one over on them.

Posted by: David G | Sep 17 2020 4:41 utc | 45

Jarvanka, king and queen of Israel, all they way to armageddon.

Posted by: Sabine | Sep 17 2020 4:53 utc | 46

Those wascally wascalls...

Posted by: Josh | Sep 17 2020 4:54 utc | 47

Thanks to Howard | Sep 17 2020 2:51 utc | 38 who stepped up to the bar with facts about incubation periods of different viruses. I like this about MoA that contributors step up, try to add value and go back to lurking or whatever.

I agree with others that this is more a (s)election oriented publicity stunting from the TV personality seeking re(s)election than representative of any real solution to Occupied Palestine.....lipstick on a pig just in time for the (s)election.

I see this overselling of Trumped up events as sign of desperation for narrative control. As the Covid-19 death numbers keep going up, the drought/wildfires in the West continue to wreak havoc on the whole US West coast and hurricanes batter the East coast, what better time to celebrate with much pomp and circumstance vacuous and forced support of Occupied Palestine after 72 years of said occupation.

Would we be having this discussion if finance was a public utility in the West? But keep tilting at windmills.....

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 17 2020 4:55 utc | 48

Kushner strikes me as a guy who has been trained by people who actually believe they create reality with words.
What I want to know is why don't the Jews just say "Yea we got the bigger guns, tough titties Palestinians, it's ours now." Why do the whole: "well if you read the third line of the fourth book, you'll realize this sand belongs to us." It makes no sense. Why try and appear legitimate? Just do what all other conquerers have done, and conquer. Why all the deceit? Pussies.

Posted by: Jezabeel | Sep 17 2020 5:07 utc | 49

To those that worry about the government of Occupied Palestine violating terms of the agreement below is the following quote from a ZH posting
The text of the UAE-Israel Normalization Agreement has been released by the White House. It’s four pages long and makes no mention that Israel is obligated to halt its annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territories.

How can the government of Occupied Palestine violate an agreement that has no teeth?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 17 2020 5:11 utc | 50

I don't consider it OT to report here that the TikTok deal is looking bad because it looks like China is refusing to sell off the IP algorithm core to the software.

Trump is now saying he will shut down TikTok which we know he can't do but he can make it unavailable in the will that sell in the coming (s)election in comparison to this made for TV Occupied Palestine lovefest?

Make the merry-go-round spin faster so we all turn into apple-butter is my vote.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 17 2020 5:25 utc | 51

@42 Antonym: "The only special issue for this area is that it borders Israel,"

That rather requires a border, does it not?

Posted by: Yeah, Right | Sep 17 2020 6:12 utc | 52

Follow the money. Bahrain and UAE princes just signed their death certificates. The US is exiting the ME, one body bag at a time. This deal is a military pact, one that will blow up in their faces with the first hostile act against Iran by either Israel or the US. At that point the subjects of these despots will become citizens, perhaps more than those who reside in old Blighty where the rule of law doesn't exist. Just ask Julian or any Irishman.

Who knows what the landscape of the ME will look like post Nov 3. Sure change likely wont be immediate, but the eye of Sauron will be scanning events much closer to home and will be more concerned with a growing colour revolution/civil war at home. When the US economy implodes, who will be Israel's enabler? Not China or Russia. I'm not sure if the dirham will be up the task of supporting the shekel. The Zionist regime will have to live within their own means, not someone else's.

UAE and Bahrain clearly can't think outside the box, much like KSA. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That insanity is fast draining their bank accounts. Oil down, tourism down, waging war in Yemen, Syria, all those "guest" workers" with no where to go. Then there is the little problem with minority and majority Shiite populations that need to be kept in line. Another win win for the Zionist regime. If the Zionist know one thing, that is how to keep the deplorables in line (and to beat up old ladies and children). Any unwanted housing you two need to be demolished? Have you come to the right not goy. Death is a big seller, AGAIN.

Posted by: Tom | Sep 17 2020 6:15 utc | 53

Let me be more specific about my perspective on this media more than meat support for Occupied Palestine

To Americans,
where 60% of businesses closed since March are permanent,
where the East coast is being hit by one of the most active Atlantic hurricane seasons on record and there are 3 more storms on the way, and
where the West coast is experiencing historic wildfires,
it looks like electoral politics as usual overriding urgent national concerns.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 17 2020 7:04 utc | 54

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 17 2020 2:48 utc | 37

Obama == Gorbachev -- The failed sanctimonious reformer
Trump == Yeltsin -- The drunk guy who auctioned off the rubble.

Or anyway, I pondered that question, and I think that's a better fit (except Trump is not addicted to acohol). But, it's an easy mistake to make.

Posted by: Bemildred | Sep 17 2020 7:07 utc | 55

Herd “immunity”? I think we want “thinning”.

Maybe that’s what you meant, b, you sly devil you!

Posted by: oglalla | Sep 16 2020 22:08 utc | 17

This comment goes to the heart of something I have been considering.
If Covid 19 is not coincidental, but something planned, was the thinning of the elderly the plan all along?
Consider, the elderly are a drain on social resources, a bigger drain on medical resources and have considerable wealth (taken collectively) locked up. And they are all past their economically productive use-by date.

Posted by: Hal Duell | Sep 17 2020 7:22 utc | 56

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 17 2020 2:48 utc | 37

Obama == Gorbachev -- The failed sanctimonious reformer
Trump == Yeltsin -- The drunk guy who auctioned off the rubble.

So who is gonna be Putin? Senator Cotton from Arkansas?

Posted by: Sabine | Sep 17 2020 8:49 utc | 57

@ Jezabeel 49

I don't believe Israelis care much about Palestinian opinion insofar as they see them as utterly powerless. On the other hand, what does matter, is public opinion in those countries that actively support the colonial project. Here, the general public has forfeited any say in matters pertaining to Israel (and just about anything related to foreign policy, I would add) with the tacit understanding that nothing ostensibly criminal is done in their name. Do as you must, but do not make me look ugly.

Shaping the narrative is of the utmost importance.

Posted by: robin | Sep 17 2020 9:34 utc | 58

Posted by: Laguerre | Sep 16 2020 22:15 utc | 18

agree. The deal is a big deal actually. Because it opens Israel to UAE investment and - if I know business - this will involve many people speaking Arabic. It will involve a lot of prestige stuff like mosques and culture, plus a new type of corruption. Investment needs manpower - even if most will go into technology - manpower is in the Palestinian territories/Gaza and in Jordan.

It is investors who have the power. With this deal the zionist project is toast. Netanyahu will be gone. You cannot have apartheid asking for money from people you don't respect.

Political solutions will go where the money is.

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 9:37 utc | 59

China by the way has a vaccine against Corona-Virus.

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 9:50 utc | 60

MBS needs to appreciate the wisdom of building a Trump Tower next to the holy shrine in Mecca. It may well assist in solving his problems. Perhaps these guys could even manage the visitor rate if the franchise was profitable. Hell they sure have got a captive audience in the USA.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Sep 17 2020 10:09 utc | 61

somebody #60
"You cannot have apartheid asking for money from people you don't respect."

Thanks but I nearly choked on that one. Try explaining that to the goyim in the USA who are staring at Israel with the finest medicare for all that money can buy and they are being bankrupted for a plaster at a clinic.

Posted by: uncle tungsten | Sep 17 2020 10:14 utc | 62

re somebody #
My favourite part in the article you linked to was:
"“It further reinforces the country’s unique role in having a close strategic relationship with the world’s two leading geopolitical rivals — China and the United States.”"

Enjoy it while you can UAE but pretty soon you're gonna have to make the big call, cos if word gets properly out that you have assisted China to get their vaccine first before amerika or any tolerated whitefella run joints such as england, that island you stole from Yemen which you have been forced to share with the zionist government of occupied Palestine, will be 'given' 100% to the zionists. Down the gurgler will go the "rights' for underwater hydrocarbons that the UAE set its heart upon.

It is amazing that the wealthy elites in UAE & Saudi try to ignore rule number one which is, that no unwhite nation is ever safe, the wind can turn around and blow from the opposite direction in an instant. I would say "just ask Saddam Hussein" but cannot as the amerikans had him killed for the crime of not being a whitefella whilst getting in the way of the borg. The fact that he sacrificed a million Iraqis as he was doing as per instructed by D Rumsfeld and going to war with Iran counted for nothing once amerika decided Saddam's usefulness was over at a time when amerikan big energy needed more free oil.
Don't believe? Just ask Qatar about when it comes down it, amerika can be one day chicken, next day chickenshit,

Posted by: Debsisdead | Sep 17 2020 10:50 utc | 63

Hal Duell @57: "If Covid 19 is not coincidental, but something planned, was the thinning of the elderly the plan all along?"

It is extremely improbable that the pandemic hitting the US and Europe as hard as it has was planned. Though there is lots of talk about the big capitalist fish gobbling down the small capitalist fish and further concentrating wealth, it must be recognized that those small capitalist fish getting taken over are not profitable now, and likely never will be again anyway. Because of this that wealth concentration doesn't really add anything to the big capitalists' bottom line. If there was any plan to spread the pandemic in the West then boosting the profit ratios of the big businesses would have been the key reason, but despite all of the cash splashed around the profit rates are not going up. As flawed as the fundamental economic understanding of the strategists for big business is, I still cannot come up with a scenario that they might have gamed in which they would have profited from the western economies being ravaged by pandemic. Sure, a few individual players will see a windfall, but the big capitalists in general, and big finance in particular, are faced with a massive increase in financial overhang at the same time that consumer activity is way down, and probably down for the count.

So the pandemic hitting the West was certainly not planned. It was expected that China would be able to contain the pandemic like they did with SARS Mk I. Furthermore, the hubristic West was overly confident absolutely certain that they would be able to beat any leakage of the pandemic that escaped Asia. We've (Americans) got the best healthcare in the world, after all, right? We certainly pay ludicrous amounts for it.

Finally, starting the pandemic in China doesn't make much sense if the target was America's and Europe's own domestic populations.

Most likely the obvious efforts to kill off the elderly that we have been seeing by sending infected patients to managed care facilities was just opportunism. It was just vile scum taking advantage of the confusion surrounding a bad situation to fix what they see as a problem.

Just so that you know, if this had happened in China then there would be trials and executions of those responsible. They don't screw around with crimes as heinous as what we've seen in the US and Europe.

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 17 2020 11:16 utc | 64

In reply to psychohistorian | Sep 17 2020 7:04 utc 55

I think the "East Coast" is missing the mark, at least so far. It's the Gulf under assault by those hurricanes. Here in Carolina it has been unusually peaceful aside from media hype. So far...

Posted by: Curmudgeon | Sep 17 2020 11:23 utc | 65

Bahrain was taken from Iran during the Shah period.

It was supposed to have a plebiscite to determine to whom it should go.

The Brits and KSA intervened and imposed a "King". This potentate has no legitimacy.

That's why the place keeps erupting.

Like Chagos, it's of strategic importance.... to NATO that is... the population be damned...


Posted by: Dr. George W. Oprisk | Sep 17 2020 11:32 utc | 66

Is this entertainment or ecstasy? Right here some thick as two short planks dingbat by the name of Duncan Trussell winds up Dore with his lesser of two evils gibberish that Jimmy gets cranked into making one of the most onto it observations on amerika's political situation that the world has ever seen/heard.

Posted by: Debsisdead | Sep 17 2020 11:34 utc | 67

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 17 2020 11:16 utc | 65

It was planned in the way that they made an issue of an illness that - before - would have been accepted as the natural end of life.

It is a business model: The number of ill people does not grow, so pharma has come to an end in growth. The only way to grow is to cure healthy people.

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 11:59 utc | 68

@bob sykes | 21
Would be very interesting were Turkey to jump on the bandwagon given that these latest moves are very much seen as a counter to Turkey's increased influence.

@Laguerre | 9
Spot on regarding Bahrain.

Posted by: AtaBrit | Sep 17 2020 12:15 utc | 69

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 9:50 utc | 61

Just like the Russian vaccine the one from Sinopham is based on proven adenovirus vectors, not monkey adenovirus or mRNA. Of course the MSM will portray both the Russian and Chinese vaccines as "unsafe" or may have "long term side effects" without a shred of evidence. Have to keep that Moderna and AstraSeneca stock riding high, even if it means a sacrifice to the golden calf.

Posted by: One Too Many | Sep 17 2020 12:38 utc | 70

somebody @69

Sure, as I said some players in the capitalism game reap a windfall from the pandemic, but it is at the cost of wrecking the rest of the economy, so it being intentional makes no sense (except as an economic attack on China that was supposed to stay in China).

For example, Boeing is a big player in the capitalism game, but the pandemic is killing them. The glory days of big airliners are over, and for good. Sure, Boeing gets a bailout, but that is not going to save their commercial airliner side. America's consumer market is never going back to pre-pandemic levels of activity. Hotel and cinema chains are falling like flies, theme parks and resorts are up against the wall, malls are getting crushed. Overall we are talking about $trillions in economic activity that are going down the drain and most of that will never come back.

If it were just mom and pop shops that were taking it in the neck from the pandemic then the argument that it was launched domestically to help big pharma would make at least some sense, but big pharma isn't the only big player in the economy, and most of the other big players are hurtin` for certain.

No, big pharma is just taking advantage of a bad situation in order to boost profits. The bad situation wasn't engineered for them.

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 17 2020 12:46 utc | 71

interesting article by F William Engdahl

Posted by: Down South | Sep 17 2020 13:03 utc | 72

The deal is a big deal actually. Because it opens Israel to UAE investment

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 9:37 utc | 60

Actually does the Gulf have any money left? Saudi is definitely short on their budget. Iraq, in spite of 2 million bpd, is unable to pay its salaries and pensions. That'll be the Gulf Sheikhdoms too soon, what with the low oil price. Everybody is running on empty.

Posted by: Laguerre | Sep 17 2020 13:17 utc | 73

Posted by: Sabine | Sep 17 2020 8:49 utc | 58

"So who is gonna be Putin? Senator Cotton from Arkansas?"

I don't see any at the moment, Putin is an unusual person. Did Putin look like Putin before he became Putin? I think we still have suitable people here, but they are not in the public eye these days. We need someone who understands the importance of human capital, who cares about something besides money. This is not the big trend here at the moment. Right now it's more of a a knife fight among the unworthy. But that cannot go on forever, can it?

Posted by: Bemildred | Sep 17 2020 13:18 utc | 74

Posted by: Laguerre | Sep 17 2020 13:17 utc | 73

Government's are running on empty, investors made a lot of corona money - investors in tech and biotech/pharma for example.

"Problem" for investors is they need industry 4.0 for profits, which consumers don't want and don't need. They are trying to force governments to buy the stuff - artificial intelligence, biotech, weapons, the "green new deal", which has got nothing to do with ecology. The consumer now is the state.

So yes, UAE is keen to invest.

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 13:31 utc | 75

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 17 2020 12:46 utc | 71

Pharma, biological warfare (there have been exercises on pandemics since the anthrax scare in 2001, and the anthrax was proven to come from a US laboratory then), and tech companies (social distancing, e-learning, e-government).
They practiced from bird flue, swine flue, Sars, Mers to now Sars-Cov-2.

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 13:37 utc | 76

Howard @ 38

In spite of having egg on my face - or should I say shit on my face - I will respond.

Read your linked blog post. Had I said like any coronavirus or cold or flu virus I would have been closer to correct. Reading the responses to that blog post it is plain that even for well known, long studied viruses our existing knowledge is slim. The fourteen day incubation period for covid was established back in January and has been cast in stone. It does appear to be based on anecdote. Most of what we we know for sure about this virus is just not so. And then we make decisions based on that knowledge.

Talking to practitioners who get to treat patients and take responsibility for it, they are all tearing out their hair as they stumble along in darkness. For political purposes there is certainty. I believe none of it.

Posted by: oldhippie | Sep 17 2020 13:47 utc | 77

Posted by: Debsisdead | Sep 17 2020 10:50 utc | 64

Trump had a deal with China in February just before the Covid-19 "outbreak" ie the WHO calling it a pandemic.

The deal meant China would buy from the US as much as the US would buy from China.
This would have kept US economy growing, which Trump needed in the election year. Some people decided to convince WHO to call a pandemic which it can on the sole foundation that a virus spreads worldwide - without assessing how deadly it is to populations.

UAE's connection to China is safe: Either Trump wins and then there is the deal, or Trump loses and then globalisation is back. China wins both ways.

Europe will lose a lot of business with China (as they have to buy from the US) if Trump wins.

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 13:48 utc | 78

Howard @ 38
Posted by: oldhippie | Sep 17 2020 13:47 utc | 77

RE: incubation periods:

1.) The Chinese medical people, IIRC, put the COVID9 incubation period at 2-14 days, or something like that. I expect that it's highly variable. Depends on lots of things. Lots of people just throw it off, what about them? Where do they fit?

2.) At the same time, one day is very short, and it is only when you realize which way the infective risk runs that you can see that the question does not apply.

3.) Also, the infection then, is already there, in the White House, undetected ...

Posted by: Bemildred | Sep 17 2020 14:17 utc | 79

Hal Duell @Sep17 7:22 #57

... was the thinning of the elderly the plan all along?

William Gruff @Sep17 11:16 #65
So the pandemic hitting the West was certainly not planned. It was expected that China would be able to contain the pandemic like they did with SARS Mk I.... Finally, starting the pandemic in China doesn't make much sense if the target was America's and Europe's own domestic populations.

If the pandemic was planned then the primary goal wasn't to kill elderly people but to smack-down China. Then, the pandemic's Chinese origin makes sense as China would be blamed (as it has been).

Empires are not shy about mass causalities when they believe it necessary to advance their interests. British famines in India and Ireland are examples. Deaths of the elderly (and minorities) were a small price to pay to turn the Western public against China and prepare them for war. But that's still not enough. Financial hardship is likely to intensify as the economy drags due to the pandemic.

Gruff's assertion that China was expected to contain the virus "like they did with SARS Mk I" is factually incorrect: USA officials were briefed in late Jan/early Feb that the pandemic would come to the US. And USA classified all discussions related to the virus in late January - why would they do so if the virus was expected to be contained?

<> <> <> <>

Note: Guff is also CERTAIN that the 2016 Presidential Election wasn't rigged to elect Donald Trump. He claims it was rigged to elect Hillary.

And yet, like faux populist Obama, faux populist Trump has done everything that the Deep State would want.

While I'm accused of believing that Deep State plans and manipulations are always successful, my critics appear to believe that Deep State plans and manipulations always go awry. They see the Deep State as "incompetent".


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Sep 17 2020 14:19 utc | 80

Who can believe KSA is out of it? It has opened its airspace to all Isr flights. Sounds like enough of a gesture.

Posted by: Mina | Sep 17 2020 14:29 utc | 81

All that fuss to trade stones and weapons

Posted by: Mina | Sep 17 2020 14:34 utc | 82

Posted by: Jackrabbit | Sep 17 2020 14:19 utc | 80

Obviously there is not one "deep state" but two US cliques fighting each other tooth and nail.

Posted by: somebody | Sep 17 2020 15:14 utc | 83

Note: Guff is also CERTAIN that the 2016 Presidential Election wasn't rigged to elect Donald Trump. He claims it was rigged to elect Hillary.

And yet, like faux populist Obama, faux populist Trump has done everything that the Deep State would want.

While I'm accused of believing that Deep State plans and manipulations are always successful, my critics appear to believe that Deep State plans and manipulations always go awry. They see the Deep State as "incompetent".


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Sep 17 2020 14:19 utc | 81

The creature that can predetermine everything called the deep state is as illusive as a Bigfoot or more exactly doesn't really exist as you might thinking. No it made more sense that everything that happened is dynamic in which some people F—up could have coincides with some people that got lucky.

So Democrats after two consecutive Obama terms may have given them more entrenchments for rigging the elections or running the major policies and Trump having never hold any government office to be really an outsider.
Moreover it's hard to calls what Trump has done during his terms as what the so called Deep state wanted having done so many F up.

Posted by: Lucci | Sep 17 2020 15:56 utc | 84

"...faux populist Obama, faux populist Trump has done everything that the Deep State would want." -bunny

Bass-ackwards logic. Just because Trump does what the oligarchy wants doesn't mean he is who the establishment had chosen to be their public face.

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 17 2020 16:36 utc | 85

Just because Trump does what the oligarchy wants doesn't mean he is who the establishment had chosen to be their public face.

Trump is not the establishment's public face. That is ridiculous.

The establishment does not want a public face. They want you to believe they are not controlling things. They want you to believe that Trump is the anti-establishment candidate who is returning power and control to the people. The fact that the oligarchy is getting what it wants thru trump (you admit that) is evidence that the belief that Trump is anti-establishment is baloney.

Posted by: jinn | Sep 17 2020 19:11 utc | 86

jinn @87

I have never claimed that Trump is anti-establishment. I have claimed from the beginning that Trump was an establishment candidate running as a foil; a "heel"; a bad-man candidate to make Clinton look good. He was an actor playing an overly exaggerated role as the caricature of a heartless, greedy, and narcissistic Republican. He was intended to lose badly soas to discredit the anti-war crowd, as well as to morally crush the anti-politically-correct crowd in order to smooth the path to domination of society by neoliberal identity politics. With Trump defeated the opponents of identity politics would be subdued and be susceptible to narratives that they were a tiny minority of "deplorables" who should just hide themselves away and wait for extinction of their cro-mag views. The anti-war crowd would be silenced thinking that a huge majority of Americans supported no-fly zones in Syria. Clinton's victory was supposed to lead to a new era of unchallenged identity politics and equally nonsensical "humanitarian warfare". It didn't work out, but certainly not because Trump was legitimately anti-establishment.

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 17 2020 19:57 utc | 87

somebody @Sep17 15:14 #84

Obviously there is not one "deep state" but two US cliques ...

No just one. Clinton, GWBush, Obama, and Trump policies are consistent with ONE Deep State.

The Empire is a bi-partisan affair.


Lucci | Sep 17 2020 15:56 utc | 85

Moreover it's hard to calls what Trump has done during his terms as what the so called Deep state wanted ...

I'm not surprised that you don't given any examples.

Maybe you can explain why Trump has nominated close associates of this supposed enemies to powerful positions, like: VP Pence who was close to John McCain; CIA Dir Haspel who was publicly supported by John Brennan; and Atty General Barr who is close to the Bushes and Mueller.

I never said that they never F-up. I said that my critics claim that I say that as a strawman.


William Gruff @Sep17 19:57 #88

Trump was an establishment candidate running as a foil; a "heel"; a bad-man candidate to make Clinton look good.

Your view makes no sense. When preparing for WAR you want a popular leader.

The populist outsider HERO must beat the establishment candidate to prove himself and win the hearts of the people.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Sep 17 2020 20:18 utc | 88

The bunny talks nonsense. There would have been war with Syria even before the inauguration if Clinton had won. The fanfare for the common woman was cued up are ready for heavy rotation on all channels. As far as individual Americans would be able to tell, everyone in the world except themselves would adore Clinton, and with Clinton winning big in the election, they would keep their dislike of her to themselves.

But Clinton lost and the US didn't get its no-fly zones in Syria, so the bunny's ridiculous claim that somehow the establishment thought a Trump win would get them the war they wanted isn't matched by actual events in the real world.

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 17 2020 20:31 utc | 89

Gruff said:

Trump was an establishment candidate running as a foil; a "heel"; a bad-man candidate to make Clinton look good.
The voters that elected trump saw it exactly the opposite. They saw trump as the good guy and Hillary as the villain. the FBI did their part to reinforce this view by reminding the public every month or so before the election that Hillary was the subject of various criminal investigations while not saying boo about investigating trump.
He was an actor playing an overly exaggerated role as the caricature of a heartless, greedy, and narcissistic Republican.

That is not the way the voters that elected trump see it. You have been listening to the fake news but the voters that elected trump have not...

to morally crush the anti-politically-correct crowd in order to smooth the path to domination of society by neoliberal identity politics. With Trump defeated the opponents of identity politics would be subdued and be susceptible to narratives that they were a tiny minority of "deplorables" who should just hide themselves away and wait for extinction of their cro-mag views.


HA HA you really drank all the kool-aid.
the establishment doesn't give a hoot about identity politics or political correctness. Those are just scams. The establishment has the voters right where they want them divided over issues that does not affect the establishments control.

Clinton's victory was supposed to lead to a new era of unchallenged identity politics and equally nonsensical "humanitarian warfare".

unchallenged political dogma is the last thing the establishment wants. Gridlock is what they have been cultivating forever. Gridlock is the key to fending off any attempts to change the power structure.

Posted by: jinn | Sep 17 2020 21:36 utc | 90

William Gruff @Sep17 20:31 #90

A "no fly zone" in Syria was impossible as it would mean war with Russia. Hillary knows this as much as anyone.

The strategy in Syria since 2015 (as verbalized by the Deep State's previous functionary Obama) has been to make Syria into a quagmire for Russia .

That strategy continues with measures like: USA occupying Syrian oil fields, continuing hostilities via HTS and SDF proxies, sanctions, and no reconstruction funds.


Posted by: Jackrabbit | Sep 17 2020 22:30 utc | 91

William Gruff deliberately skews the discussion off topic cause this topic makes his Trump-god look as disgusting as he actually is: a Zionist ass kisser.

By the way, it's Saudi Arabia that sent military reinforcements into Bahrain to crush Shia protests, not the U.S. or U.K. Saudi Arabia is the Arab military wing of the IDF. That's why SA was all over Syria too. They've been the best collaborators Israel has. Lots of Palestinians lost their lives thanks to the Saudis enduring collaboration with Israel. Power corrupts absolutely and Israel and Trump are keeping the Saudis in absolute power. Jeopardy question: What's a nuke good for? Top answer: Permanent peace. Next best: Eliminating filth.

Nice fantasy, but pity the Palestinians and Iranians are in that region too. They're doomed, especially with Trump and his Make Zionism Greater Than Ever peace is war Plan.

Trump wants a Nobel Prize on the cheap like Obama got.

Posted by: Circe | Sep 18 2020 3:49 utc | 92

They're doomed, especially with Trump and his Make Zionism Greater Than Ever peace is war Plan.


Posted by: june | Sep 18 2020 5:58 utc | 93

Nice fantasy, but pity the Palestinians and Iranians are in that region too. They're doomed, especially with Trump and his Make Zionism Greater Than Ever peace is war Plan.
Trump wants a Nobel Prize on the cheap like Obama got.
Posted by: Circe | Sep 18 2020 3:49 utc | 93

Hate to rain on your parade, but Trump is helping 'Israel' to make Zionism stupider than ever. He's feeding their own Jerusalem codswallop back to them and they're falling for every meaningless and illegal cheap trick he's offered them. They're obviously reckless and stupid. Trump's just plumbing the depths of their self-worship malaise, aka Malady d'Amour...

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Sep 18 2020 6:58 utc | 94


but Trump is helping 'Israel' to make Zionism stupider than ever. He's feeding their own Jerusalem codswallop back to them and they're falling for every meaningless and illegal cheap trick he's offered them.

BS. It's the old '3-D Chess' diversion again, designed to hide Trump's pandering to Israel.

Posted by: steve | Sep 18 2020 10:45 utc | 95

Below is a quote on the lack of enthusiasm for the abraham accords in europe ...

Major breakthrough for Israel, but it remains silent in Europe

"The Palestinian story, which propagates that the Muslim world should be in constant conflict with Israel until the Palestinian issue is resolved, is unfortunately being adopt by many Europeans. Even while Arab countries understand that this is unworkable, and they normalise relations with Israel. The Eu is going one step further, with resolutions that make further improvement of EU-Israeli relations dependent on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With this the EU gives the Palestinians control over relations between the EU and Israel. Another example is the negative reaction of a spokesman of the European Commission to the intentions of Kosovo and Serbia to open embassies in Jerusalem. This notion of automatic support for the Palestinians, even after they rejected the US peace plan, in practise pushes them away from dialogue and compromise. And with that, the unnecessary suffering of the Palestinian people is prolonged, resulting from the incompetence of their own leadership."

Then we have a gentle "reminder" from US state department to be concerned about amonium nitrate stockpiles in europe ...

On AJC Webinar State Department Official Reveals Extent of Hezbollah Terrorism in Europe

It reads like a little nudge is needed, why isn't Europe showing enough enthusiasm yet? I wonder ..

Posted by: newsomniac | Sep 18 2020 11:30 utc | 96

@95 Hoarsewhisperer

Hate to rain on your parade, but Trump is helping 'Israel' to make Zionism stupider than ever. He's feeding their own Jerusalem codswallop back to them and they're falling for every meaningless and illegal cheap trick he's offered them.

So Trump bootlickers William Gruff and Hoarsewhisperer (the most obvious and shameless) have the following strategies to kill a topic that makes Trump look like what he is; a Zionist puppet and ass-kisser.

Ignore topic. Off topic. Make it appear like Trump is a genius chess player doing the reverse.

B's strategy is more subtle.: Pompeo's behind it. The Trump administration is behind it, as in not quite Trump himself. And the distraction in poor taste: Oh, look here, they're not wearing masks in the midst of a pandemic cause they're trying to achieve herd immunity! Don't look over there where asshat Trump is signing away Palestinian rights and pre-67 legal property with the bribe that influences the greatest Arab betrayal of the Century!

It all begs the question: Are you trying to undermine our intelligence or just pass on really slamming Trump's historic deal to screw the Palestinians in a way no previous President has attempted to do and expose him for who he's been all along? Uh...Pathetically, sadly both!🙄 👎

Posted by: Circe | Sep 18 2020 12:28 utc | 97

bunny @92: "A "no fly zone" in Syria was impossible as it would mean war with Russia."

That is not what the PNAC faction believes. They believe Russia is bluffing; all bark and no bite. They believe that the Soviet Union rolled over because Ronald Reagan called their bluff. They believe that Russia will do the same when push comes to shove. They think Trump is not pushing and shoving Russia hard enough, that's all.

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 18 2020 12:28 utc | 98

jinn @91: "That's not the way [someone or another] sees it..."

Of course not. What most Americans think they see and what is reality are sets that do not intersect so often these days.

That said, getting the population to embrace identity politics is a key goal of the establishment. If you are imagining that embracing identity politics will lead to elimination of conflict, then you understand nothing of relevance about identity politics.

Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 18 2020 12:38 utc | 99

@99 William Gruff

Allow me to cut straight through your crock and bull.

Zionist Trump aka Comrade Trump is really great for Russia and Israel. Coincidence? Fat chance!

Boy, those million Zionist Russians squatting on the West Bank of Palestine got a really great package deal with Trump! Be nice to Russia and give Israel everything it wants: Golan Heights, Jerusalem, West Bank, a herd of Arab donkeys, no JCPOA, more Iran name it!
Putin's loving Trump too! Everybody's happy! Yay!😆

I wonder if those Russian squatters still get to vote in Russian elections? If not, maybe Putin and Bibi will arrange something on the side. 😉

Corruption with a capital "Z".

Posted by: Circe | Sep 18 2020 13:07 utc | 100

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