U.S. Asks China To Make More Nuclear Weapons
"We’ve called on China to conform its nuclear capabilities to the strategic realities of our time."
Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State, July 23 2020

Source: FAS.org - bigger
Posted by b on July 25, 2020 at 12:28 UTC | Permalink
next page »I can't imagine the headache their spokesperson and pr team to handle the idiotic blabbering of Trump and Pompeo. Must not be a fun job especially with what they're hired for.
Posted by: Lucci | Jul 25 2020 13:12 utc | 2
And put their small stockpile nukes on hairtrigger alert?
Is all this misrepresentatiom of nuclear weapons and the massive buildup of US nuclear weapons a return to the thinking that a nuclear war can be won?
As Voltaire put it "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”.
I'm the sociopath whisperer this means that Pompeo and the other Neocons really believe that the combined total of Russia and China's nuclear arsenal cannot exceed the U.S. total. Neocons really believe that the forces of evil are a unified entity against the sole force of good in the world which is the United States. The idea that Russia and China are normal countries with their own interest does not even cross what passes for their minds.
Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Jul 25 2020 13:54 utc | 4
Bulletin from Greg Mello at lasg.org
TODAY, Saturday, July 25, at 1 pm EDT, four historians -- possibly the best who could have been chosen for this role -- will discuss the decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a public webinar organized by Peter Kuznick at American University and co-sponsored by many organizations including ours.
Entitled "What Every Global Citizen Needs to Know About the Decision to A-Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki," the Zoominar is open to all. Webinar link and more info at:
In other news (According to Plumpeo) PLA Marines will be storming shores across the globe quite soon!
It is however a good idea to footnote his comments with the 'We lied, cheated, stole' (and murdered) addendum....
Posted by: Chevrus | Jul 25 2020 13:58 utc | 6
Not convinced nuclear weapons are in the cards for China..or any other aspiring nation state with rational leadership.
Expertise in biological weapons is everywhere, biological weapons are much more effective than nuclear weapons, .. cost nearly nothing to develop and maintain, can be developed in complete secret without visible infrastructure.. because it takes so few people to actually develop these weapons..
If I were in a nation state not among the first two on the left of your chart, I would laugh at those of the first two. for their expenditures. Just imagine the nuclear waste that lay somewhere within the nation states; nuclear waste and cost to contain it, just waiting to age enough to kill off their own people.
Posted by: snake | Jul 25 2020 14:00 utc | 7
Well for a fundies like Pompeo or Pence, nuclear confrontations are a win-win. Worst case they get to go to heaven a little sooner.
Posted by: ptb | Jul 25 2020 14:02 utc | 8
My post from the open thread ought better reside here (though uncle tungsten's comment could come here as well, and be perfectly at home.) Not to upstage a certain Alaskan lady, I see Los Alamos from my kitchen window.
uncle tungsten @ 81, thanks very much for this explanation of Xi's understanding of the importance of Chinese philosophical tenets, and in particular Confucian thought. What I most noticed when all the anti Russian rhetoric was being put upon the political scene in the US was how both Russia and China surpassed the US in compassion for the people they govern. Not too dissimilar from Christian morality in that, so the US track has been profoundly un-Christian in my own holding of that faith as originally practised by the earliest followers of Christ. His message was that of a merciful God who loves mankind, and that is the Christianity of Russian heritage.
When Snowden was given refuge at the Moscow airport, he was given Dostoievski's "Crime and Punishment" to read. I wonder if he did so. Dostoievski took his own faith from two centers: the homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, which are referenced twice in his final work, and which he based his character of Father Zossima upon. For some reason the only currently available English translation of the homilies is extremely expensive - but snatches of them can be found here and there online if one searches for them.
Dostoievski's second 'center' is the monastery of Optina, which has been brought back into existence. His description of the system of elders in "The Brothers Karamazov" is an important one. An elder is someone who takes your soul into his soul, has done so frequently enough to be able to understand the needs of a supplicant even before they try to express them. This is the secret also of good governance.
From Saint Isaac:
"Be persecuted, but persecute not;
be crucified, but crucify not;
be wronged, but wrong not;
be slandered, but slander not.
Have clemency, not zeal, with respect to evil.
Lay hold of goodness, not legality."
Posted by: juliania | July 25, 2020 at 13:26
Posted by: juliania | Jul 25 2020 14:23 utc | 9
I don’t think it gets enough mention just how dangerous Pompeo is to this entire planet. I’ve not seen a more hostile Secretary of State. I get Bolton was a maniac, but Pompeo seems even more insane. Trump doomed his presidency by surrounding himself with the most neocon cabinet I have ever seen. Everyone should really be grateful this mess of an administration hasn’t started a nuclear war by now
Posted by: DannyC | Jul 25 2020 14:25 utc | 10
FRA may become one of the First European G7/Nuclear Countries "Converted" into an Islamic-Majority-State in a Few Decades...
FRA's Extended Colonial Endeavors have become Gateways to Migranvaders; and the Trend of Demographics Shifting appears to be Irreversible.
So, what happens when FRA become the 2nd Islamic Nuclear State - one with Vested ME and African (CFA Franc) Interests?
Should NATO and EU be Disbanded to Allow Northern European States to maintain their Cultures and Countries?
Posted by: IronForge | Jul 25 2020 15:00 utc | 11
I am only done with the Govenor's introduction and I have this
It was President Nixon’s vision, determination, and courage that opened China to America and to the Western world. As president and for the rest of his life, Richard Nixon worked to build a relationship with China based upon mutual benefits and obligations that respected America’s bedrock national interests.
Remember again folks that we don't get to discuss private/public finance directly and have to BS around it with words like "....obligations that respected America’s bedrock national interests."
So China has not opened up its banking system to the West like this accusation is insinuating. It would be interesting to read the exact words of agreements supporting the "obligations that respected America’s bedrock national interests." claims.
More when I read the Pompeo part which will take fortitude.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 25 2020 15:09 utc | 12
@ Ironforge 11. France will not become an Islamic state. You have to live here to appreciate that.
Posted by: Beibdnn | Jul 25 2020 15:12 utc | 13
Personally; I think Sec. Pompeo is a pale copy of Avigdor Leiberman
Posted by: Michele Baillie | Jul 25 2020 15:21 utc | 14
I also think he will fight Israel's enemies to the last dead American.
Posted by: Michele Baillie | Jul 25 2020 15:22 utc | 15
Why are you all joking? It's going to happen:
To safeguard national security, it is time for China to build up nuclear deterrent
This is from May 2020, from the editor-in-chief of the Global Times (the extraofficial Chinese government tabloid). The goal, as the editor states, is to have at least 1,000 operational nukes "in a short time span".
It is going to happen. Westerners who think China will only watch while its BRI stands in Central Asia as a sitting duck for the American "tactical nukes" are delusional.
On other related news, this interview strengthens my view that the European Peninsula will enter in a long period of decline, for the benefit of Australia:
US-Proposed Anti-China Coalition Exposes Rivalry Potentially More Dangerous Than Cold War
"European countries will resist cooperating. The American concern for China is primarily about the rise of China in East Asia, and the European countries have very little at stake in the security developments in East Asia. They are more concerned about European affairs and managing relations with Russia, which have deteriorated recent years. Secondly, they are more concerned with helping their own economies by taking advantage of the growth of China's domestic economy for their exports," Ross told Sputnik.[...]
"Germany is really the crucial factor. Germany will try to maintain a certain neutrality but that's going to become increasingly difficult in the years to come," Cafruny said.
I disagree Germany is/will be a factor, but I agree its position will "become increasingly difficult in the years to come". Make it a century.
Long story short, I expect the European Peninsula to be peripherized in the next century. The Pacific will become the next center of human civilization, in substitution to the North Atlantic.
The interviewees also talk about how this anti-China coalition could take shape. My view is this: it is not difficult to find a country that is or can be anti-China (you can appeal to racism, Christianism and other cultural-ideological narratives to ultimately make a country anti-China). The problem is in the fact that the USA simply doesn't have the resources to make them unconditional American allies for the long term (as was the case with post-war Western Europe and Japan). As a result, the USA is having to resort more and more on negative pressure (bribe local elites, constant regime change, constant black ops, civil war instigation etc.) to keep those countries in its sphere. The problem with this tactic is that it is not as effective as the "carrot+big stick" tactic.
But China's greatest triumph is, for sure, the fact that it has the larges proletarian class in the world, ruled under a socialist system. It is the proletarian class, and no other, which will make the revolution of our times. It is only the proletarian class who has the enlightenment necessary to keep human civilization moving forward in our times. And the USA (and the West) is de-proletarianizing, it is becoming a petit-bourgeoisie nation, a reactionary small and medium business-owners and self-employed "liberal professionals". It is the West - and not China - that is becoming a "Frankenstein".
"We opened our arms to Chinese citizens, only to see the Chinese Communist Party exploit our free and open society. China sent propagandists into our press conferences, our research centers, our high-schools, our colleges, and even into our PTA meetings."
A guy who looked Chinese made me a sandwich the other day. They're even infiltrating our subways to learn how to make sweet sandwiches of freedom and incorporating that intellectual property into the ccp! The bastards!
" So we can’t face this challenge alone. The United Nations, NATO, the G7 countries, the G20, our combined economic, diplomatic, and military power is surely enough to meet this challenge if we direct it clearly and with great courage."
"Maybe it’s time for a new grouping of like-minded nations, a new alliance of democracies."
"We have the tools. I know we can do it. Now we need the will. To quote scripture, I ask is “our spirit willing but our flesh weak?”
Chicken hawk speak. New nato???
" And here’s the good news of this. The good news is it does take American leadership often in these cases. To your point, they need to know that America will be there for them. I’ve seen the tide turn. In just – in just these three and half years of our administration, I’ve watched other nations have less timidity, become more prepared to stand up for their freedoms and for the freedoms of their people. We don’t ask them to do this for America. We ask them to do it for their country and for their nation – the freedom and the independence and to protect the rights of their people."
Hmmmmmnn. Me senses that the power of delusion runs strong with this one. He is a disturbance to the force!
Posted by: PleaseBeleafMe | Jul 25 2020 15:45 utc | 17
I read Pompeo's speech carefully and his statement "We’ve called on China to conform its nuclear capabilities to the strategic realities of our time." is bizarre no matter how one tries to fit it in.
Over-all the speech is totally nuts. I am sure that the CCP is widely distributing this speech throughout China. Especially the section where he brags that the Hong Kong rioters were proudly carrying the US national flag during their demonstrations. I have visited China a number of times over the past 40 years and have met not only party members but numerous others. They all have a strong sense of being Chinese that is rooted in 2000 years of their cultural history. They see that modern China is part of that tradition. There is absolutely no way that they would accept US patriotic symbols as a substitute for their own rich history.
Pompeo must know this. After-all his audience is not the people of China, but the rubes in the US he wants to whip up into a war fever against China.
Posted by: ToivoS | Jul 25 2020 15:53 utc | 18
So, US and Russia still have basically 87% of all nukes on the planet...
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Jul 25 2020 15:59 utc | 20
Because he is Secretary of State, he tries to speak in gobblygook. If he was Secretary of Defense, he'd just say, "Surrender or Die!"
Posted by: gottlieb | Jul 25 2020 16:06 utc | 21
@vk 16
The problem is in the fact that the USA simply doesn't have the resources to make them unconditional American allies for the long term (as was the case with post-war Western Europe and Japan). As a result, the USA is having to resort more and more on negative pressure
Yes, I agree that is the central issue at the moment. The corollary problem is that the methods of "negative pressure" are well developed and can genuinely screw up the world. While this is actually obvious to most of the world population, the difficulty is how a third country should do anything in a way that doesn't result in the country becoming a proxy battleground.
Posted by: ptb | Jul 25 2020 16:36 utc | 22
Pompeo's call for China to "... conform its nuclear capabilities to the strategic realities of our time" is a smart move on his part.
It highlights China's ambitions as a warning to Russia.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jul 25 2020 16:47 utc | 23
Lots of denunciation of Pompeo here - but Pompeo is just the leading tip of the whole corrupt and brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless, heartless, callous, cruel, harsh, cold-blooded, inhuman, barbarous, brutish, bestial, bloodthirsty, bloody, fiendish, sadistic, monstrous, villainous, murderous, homicidal, heinous, atrocious, diabolical US political establishment. Obama, Clinton, Bush I and II, Reagan, Carter and all their cronies including the staff of the Pentagon, the CIA, FBI, NSA and other assorted acronymics are, as someone above said "nuts". You have to go all the way back to Kennedy or maybe even Eisenhower to find a President who had some grasp of basic decency and morality (and even they were no benevolent angels). So calling out the latest incarnation is stupid. The whole lot, Democrat and Republican and etc., has to go. The USA needs a completely new political system.
Posted by: Jams O'Donnell | Jul 25 2020 16:48 utc | 24
dr strangelove is alive and well.... man, the usa is so out to lunch.... @ jams... i agree with you...
@ thanks juliania.. i enjoyed reading that...
Posted by: james | Jul 25 2020 16:57 utc | 25
@Tiovos 18
"...his audience is not the people of China, but the rubes in the US he wants to whip up into a war fever against China."
If you lived near Los Alamos, you would see how earnest this war effort is. AS a son of a paper clip "scientist", I am well aware of how demagogues are married to an all or nothing strategy, preferring to commit suicide rather than not at least try for the "BIG GAIN." In either case, it is indeed a "win-win", achieving a place in history, what seems to drive all narcissists? And what makes this so dangerous. Nuclear bombs are not really controlled by the "atomic football briefcase", a situation that makes Pompeous statement (first in class at West Point) all the more dangerous.
As Daniel Ellsberg has made clear
"The “nuclear football” carried by an aide near the US President at all times is primarily a piece of political theater, a hoax, to keep the public ignorant of the real problems of nuclear command and control".
I put myself through the agony of reading Pompeo's entire speech, and I cannot, for the life of me, fathom what he means by this statement regarding China's nuclear capabilities. I expect that people in Beijing are scratching their heads and saying, in Mandarin, "What the fuck?"
Posted by: Rob | Jul 25 2020 17:09 utc | 27
Rob @Jul25 17:09 #27
I cannot, for the life of me, fathom what he means by this statement regarding China's nuclear capabilities.
LOL. See my comment @Jul25 16:47 #23.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jul 25 2020 17:13 utc | 28
@Jackrabbit (28) Well, your guess is as good as anyone's.
Posted by: Rob | Jul 25 2020 17:19 utc | 29
see my #26
Is the United States a Failing State? A Failed State?
by Richard Falk July 22, 2020
Whether the BLM leadership of a movement alternative is robust and comprehensive enough to end American freefall will become clearer in coming months.
Posted by: erichwwk | Jul 25 2020 17:30 utc | 30
the only reality i'm aware of
is that the US is going bust.
although an orderly return to a new (Bretton Woods#2)
might prevent that
Posted by: chris m | Jul 25 2020 17:34 utc | 31
Pompeo is goading China to divert scarce resources to produce weapons it doesn't need. For those interested in China's defense posture, try reading this 3MB White Paper from 29 July 2019, "China’s National Defense in the New Era". For the really adventurous, here's a link I've provided before to the index of all of China's White Papers published in English. I rather doubt Pompeo's read any of them. Taiwan's reincorporation into China whenever that occurs will be the only time it might need to use its aircraft carriers as I doubt the very leaky US Navy will go to war with China over the Maritime Silk Road or South China Sea.
Posted by: karlof1 | Jul 25 2020 17:35 utc | 32
Pompeo is goading China to divert scarce resources to produce weapons it doesn't need. For those interested in China's defense posture, try reading this 3MB White Paper from 29 July 2019, "China’s National Defense in the New Era". For the really adventurous, here's a link I've provided before to the index of all of China's White Papers published in English. I rather doubt Pompeo's read any of them. Taiwan's reincorporation into China whenever that occurs will be the only time it might need to use its aircraft carriers as I doubt the very leaky US Navy will go to war with China over the Maritime Silk Road or South China Sea.
Posted by: karlof1 | Jul 25 2020 17:35 utc | 33
More examples of "negative pressure" over its provinces:
And here's how the USA co-opts the regional elites:
So, I reiterate the issue: the problem is not to convince a country to be anti-China, but to also convince it to be or stay pro-American.
Posted by: Rob | Jul 25 2020 17:09 utc | 27
搞 什么 鬼 is what they're saying.
Posted by: One Too Many | Jul 25 2020 18:50 utc | 35
Aha! I have finally deciphered the true meaning of Pompeo's cryptic message. As a devoted Christian end-timer, he feels that the more nuclear weapons there are in the world, the sooner will come the apocalypse and the second coming of you know who. It seems so obvious, but I wonder if the Chinese will be able to comprehend it, as it is a completely foreign and ludicrous concept to them.
Posted by: Rob | Jul 25 2020 18:57 utc | 36
I haven't read Pompeo yet and may not force myself to do so having read comments here.....thanks!
I agree with karlof1 that China will not take the bait to start a weapons war because that buys into the Western meme/narrative of a top dog maintaining control through superior weapons....and that is not the narrative that China lives by.
And that is why Pompeo and his ilk are shitting their pants. We are seeing a clash of narratives and China provides a much superior one than the barbarism of the West. They provide a civilization that supports their masses over the oligarchs in a mixed public/private economic environment and that example is damming to the West.
I love the smell of desperation in the air.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 25 2020 19:03 utc | 37
@ 36 rob... that sounds about right.... like i said.. the usa is out to lunch... off the charts whacko....
Posted by: james | Jul 25 2020 19:04 utc | 38
@One Too Many (35) "搞 什么 鬼 is what they're saying."
Thanks for providing the Mandarin translation. Very enlightening. ; >)
Posted by: Rob | Jul 25 2020 19:13 utc | 39
The panic within the US government, be it State Dept. and CIA or Pentagon and NSC, or in the neocon committees of Congress and Senate, or the globalist Liberals in the NGOs and Think Tanks, is very evident. The lashing out with InfoWar propaganda, sanctions, and threats are real expressions of the fear, justifiable, that they feel.
The fear comes from hypersonic weapons the Russians have and the Chinese have, which the US has no chance of equaling for 3-5 years (if both adversaries stand pat, which they won't and aren't doing). The lead is there and will be there to Russia's advantage for a decade or more.
This fear is doubled because the US has no leading edge missile defense system that can stop the missiles the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and North Koreans have. The Russians have the missile defense systems, and so do the Chinese, and soon the integrated network of S-400, S-300, radars and EW systems will cover North Korea and Iran, also. Russia is working with all of the neighbors to erect that dome over much of Eurasia. The S-500 coming at the end of the year will cover weapons from Space the US may have.
The US THAAD, Aegis, Aegis Ashore, Patriot and Iron Dome (Israeli)missile defenses do the US very little good against the weapons Russia, et al have.
The fear also comes from the leap in technology the Chinese have made in 5G, Big Data, AI, Space technologies, nanotechnologies, engineering, genetics, and all the sectors supported by STEM education and R&D. Not only are the Chinese patenting more inventions and discoveries and innovations, they have ten times as many young students, grad students and professionals as the US has. On many US patents are Chinese names, also. This knowledge race is already lost and the US knows it.
So, all that is left to the US to stop the pull-away by Russian military and Chinese science and technology is war——economic and limited kinetic war.
The trade war, tariffs and rebalancing of the trade deficit has no hope of working.
Now, the US is using market denial to China's biggest corporations, not only Huawei and ZTE. TikTok, Aliexpress, Alibaba, WeChat, Weibo, Baidu are all under attack to keep them out of the largest markets of the world.
The US cannot compete with Russia and China. Thus, full spectrum panic.
Global Dominance is gone for the US.
All that is left is fear and anxiety.
Posted by: Red Ryder | Jul 25 2020 19:21 utc | 40
@ Rob 36.
Pompeo and his cohorts in NO way are Christians.
Christ himself says the second coming is known to no one except God the Father.
The man? is seriously deranged. Fortunately other countries leaders know what they are dealing with.
I have no doubt that there are discussions between Russia Orthodox Church and Chinese scholars of Confucious so as to explain the insanity of the U.S. position.
Posted by: Beibdnn. | Jul 25 2020 19:22 utc | 41
I deeply appreciate your post.Thank you
Posted by: migueljose | Jul 25 2020 19:29 utc | 42
Didn't read the speech. I couldn't put myself through another load of verbal diarrhoea from this luantic.
US is really scraping the bottom of the barrel and confused a moron for a statesmen.
If I was an alien from outer space this would be the best reality TV show ever.
Posted by: A.L. | Jul 25 2020 19:36 utc | 43
Now, the US is using market denial to China's biggest corporations, not only Huawei and ZTE. TikTok, Aliexpress, Alibaba, WeChat, Weibo, Baidu are all under attack to keep them out of the largest markets of the world.
Posted by: Red Ryder | Jul 25 2020 19:21 utc | 40
Won't be for too much longer, and they know it.
Posted by: A.L. | Jul 25 2020 19:39 utc | 44
"Why are you all joking? It's going to happen:"
Posted by: vk | Jul 25 2020 15:30 utc | 16
You must be addressing B, right? When I saw this headline, then the graph and then read and listened to the whole speech I assumed, clearly B was trying to be sardonic or facetious.
In the context of the whole speech it was a simple single throwaway scare mongering line. The whole substance of the speech was the 'trade war', tech transfers, i.p. industrial spying, supply chains, evens mentions Hauwei by name. And it was all wrapped in your usual false ideological bs; "freedom lovers vs the non freedom lovers."
Posted by: O | Jul 25 2020 19:42 utc | 45
"Pompeo is goading China to divert scarce resources to produce weapons it doesn't need."
Posted by: karlof1 | Jul 25 2020 17:35 utc | 32
No he wasn't it was a single throw away fear mongering line for general consumption that ' the evil untrustworthy CCP have unchecked nukes, mwwhaaa' nonsense.
Posted by: O | Jul 25 2020 19:48 utc | 46
@ A.L # 43 who wrote
If I was an alien from outer space this would be the best reality TV show ever.
I have been thinking about that quite a bit as a Sci-Fi sort. If I was an alien race checking out our solar system and saw what was going on, I would think that they would help the underdogs in our case...China/Russia. The aliens would give them just enough technology to tip the balance against the current private finance cult that runs the world.
The only way humanity is going to be able to go to the stars is to evolve past the anti-humanistic form of social organization that has a cult of humans own the lifeblood of all economic interchange. Maybe the aliens think we have potential.
Ad Astra!!!!
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 25 2020 19:50 utc | 47
Are these estimates credible? For example, given Israel's secrecy about its WMD program, isn't the estimate of its stockpile guesstimates only? In 1986, when Vanunu revealed that Israel had a nuclear weapons program, it was estimated that it had enough plutonium for 150 nuclear bombs. So, how can one know with any measure of likelihood, let alone certainty, that it has stockpiled fewer bombs today than China, or that that it has stockpiled 90?
Posted by: arteesahn | Jul 25 2020 20:11 utc | 48
@ Jams O'Donnell | Jul 25 2020 16:48 utc | 24
"The USA needs a completely new political system."
Yes we do -- we certainly do, and our Declaration of Independence enumerated that as one of our rights.
Unfortunately, when the founders, sometime later, were drawing up the Constitution, they somehow "forgot" to include that bit from the Declaration.
So we're stuck. We can accept the growing tentacles of fascism/feudalism, or we can try revolution and run the very serious risk of death for treason.
Posted by: AntiSpin | Jul 25 2020 20:14 utc | 49
"We opened our arms to Chinese citizens, only to see the Chinese Communist Party exploit our free and open society. by PleaseBeleafMe @ 17.. Yes we Americans did open our arms to China, but it was not Americans that moved the culture, business and industry that kept America flush over to ancient China. The USA camouflaged its Oligarch handlers, masqueraded them as Americans in order to con the Chinese.
As a consequence of WWII. the oligarch assumed control of the USA. The USA governs America. But control of the USA, does not make the Oligarchs an American no matter the nation state they call home.
The Oligarch in control of the USA encouraged laws that forced Americans to allow the Oligarch to package America's Industries and technical know-how, to deny Americans the lifestyle that made America great, and to ship in those crates marked monopoly(copyright and patent) on board, hands off, America's industrial and technological might in transit to China.
The Oligarch left American jobless, industryless and in ruin and they arranged monopolies for themselves, that prevented restarting the businesses shipped to China.
But the Chinese ignored the monopoly laws and promoted independent development in China. Basically the Chinese managed to do an in-place conversion of their backward society and to make China a modern highly competitive society. They did this by adopting to Chinese use, the materials found in oligarch owned copyrights and patents.
I can find no reason to help the copyright or patent monopoly owners retrieve their investments in China, after all it was the monopoly owners that devastated America.
Posted by: snake | Jul 25 2020 20:25 utc | 50
red ryder #40
hypersonic weapons do not change the nuclear balance equation directly. ICBM's (with their associated decoy measures) guarantee mutual assured destruction. What hypersonic weapons do is overwhelm the Aegis antimissile system that protects US aircraft carriers. Should a US aircraft carrier be sunk in some local 'engagement' in say the South China Sea, (with the loss of few thousand US sailors) the political pressure inside the US to respond with nuclear war may very well be overwhelming. That is the danger.
Posted by: ToivoS | Jul 25 2020 20:52 utc | 51
@51 toivos -and as we saw in ww2 - the americans - the only ones to use nuclear weapons on people - are crazy enough to continue.. thus the dr. strangelove analogy..
Posted by: james | Jul 25 2020 20:55 utc | 52
The saying, often attributed to Benjamin Franklin and the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad" is becoming more and more appropriate in describing the Trump government (Maximus Pompeous Crassus in particular) and the US and its fellow 5-eyes nations generally.
Posted by: Jen | Jul 25 2020 20:56 utc | 53
karlof1@ 32
So further adherence to the " spend themselves to collapse " doctrine......
Posted by: Digital Spartacus | Jul 25 2020 20:58 utc | 54
"We opened our arms to Chinese citizens, only to see the Chinese Communist Party exploit our free and open society. China sent propagandists into our press conferences, our research centers, our high-schools, our colleges, and even into our PTA meetings.
We marginalized our friends in Taiwan, which later blossomed into a vigorous democracy."
Reminds me Senator Coburn: "lesbianism is so rampant in some of the schools in southeast Oklahoma that they'll only let one girl go to the bathroom. Now think about it. Think about that issue. How is it that that's happened to us?" And now, on top of that, PTA meetings in these schools are infested by Chinese propagandists. The impression is that Pompeo is keenly aware about the danger to our precious body fluids
but he skips that point as the public is not ready to consider it.
But too early to lose hope! Taiwan example suggests that marginalizing China may lead to a "vigorous democracy".
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jul 25 2020 22:02 utc | 55
Jen @54
The Trump Administration and previous ones are enforcing the orders of the International Banking Cabal which is becoming increasingly aggressive and lawless, as they perceive serious threats to their hegemony. There is very little 'sovereignty' left. All Western governments are given their marching orders according to their assigned functions, or else they will be punished. It has now become a 'coalition of the unwilling.' Watch what happens to Germany re: Nordstream 2, as they're adamant about continuing the project to completion with Russia. Then there most likely will come "an offer you can't refuse" accompanied by a major 'terrorist' event. IMO that will be the acid test of European determination to resist The Cabal's edicts, and it's doubtful Russia would be able take counteractive measures. These Banksters are monsters that will stop at nothing including the use of nukes (and bio-weapons, as we are currently experiencing).
Posted by: norecovery | Jul 25 2020 22:07 utc | 56
So further adherence to the " spend themselves to collapse " doctrine......
Posted by: Digital Spartacus | Jul 25 2020 20:58 utc | 54
We're literally seeing a replay of the last years of the soviet system collapse, playing out in front of our eyes.
They've been trying to bait China and Russia into symmetric arms escalation hoping for a replay of the soviet collapse. But this time around China and Russia are wise enough to know symmetric escalation is a fools' errand
Leap frogging and asymmetric response is where its at.
The US just realised itself is the one taken its own bait, hook, line and sinker and spending itself into collapse.
What we have right now are desperate attempts to draw a hostile response from China. China will just stay the course, make some money wherever it can knowing USD as reserve currency will eventually finish and with that the US ability to use CTRL-P to bankroll its empire.
Posted by: A.L. | Jul 25 2020 22:07 utc | 57
Red Rider: The Russians have the missile defense systems, and so do the Chinese, and soon the integrated network of S-400, S-300, radars and EW systems will cover North Korea and Iran, also.
The Syrian experience, and Saudi experience, and American experience in Iraq show that top-notch air defense systems are too expensive to cover wide areas. American systems cost about 2.5 billion each, Russian may be twice cheaper. But the effective range is much smaller that the range of the missiles because you need multiple radars to detect stealthy or land-hugging object.
Russians were under multiple attacks in Hmeimim and there it worked OK, in west-central Syria it worked about 90%, but the remaining missiles made some damage. The performance near Damascus is far from 100%.
Saudis could not defend all their far-flung facilities, nor could Americans in Iraq. Perhaps if Saudis did not waste so much funds on attacking Yemenis they could cover oil-producing eastern region, for sure there are hard choices here.
Similarly, if USA were genuinely paranoid, 200-300 systems could cover the envelope of 48 states, but then there would be little left to project forces abroad.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jul 25 2020 22:16 utc | 58
About divine tactics, Franklin and Longfellow had education in Classics.
"Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad." Euripides (c. 485-406 B.C.)
Nihil novi sub sole (nothing new under the Sun) may be inaccurate, but finding examples when this adage is wrong is not easy.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jul 25 2020 22:21 utc | 59
ToivoS 51
Russia's new ABM missile launching. https://twitter.com/mod_russia/status/1135824445195587584
Once the missile is out of the silo it launches like a projectile from a reconciles rifle. Going by its range, it would have to be a large missile.
S-500s when they appear will likely be equipped with something like it. Then there is the lasers or energy weapons (new physics principles as Putin put it) Russia has already deployed.
It may not be that long before even ICBM's cannot break through Russia's defenses. On the other hand, I believe Russia is already deploying non nuclear Hypersonic glide missiles that can take out all US control centers.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 25 2020 22:30 utc | 60
Israel? and who's stockpile will we add that Israel count to? China and Russia and Israel = USA or more likely Israel + USA = the stockpile of the rest of the world? The UK? why bother.
Until Israel disarms its nuclear stockpile there will be no peace in the Middle East and so the rest of the world is threatened and held hostage to these evil weapons.
Pompeo is a dangerous and ignorant man leading dangerous and ignorant followers.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jul 25 2020 22:31 utc | 61
I'm nominating the person who typed the transcript of Pompeo's rant for the Nobel Prize for Irony. He/she documented every single blunder. I lost count of the number of sentences he messed up before he got to the end. There's only one explanation for this sort of inelegant goofiness.
He's too lazy/stupid to rehearse what he's going to say until he gets it right. The uncertainty this lack of preparation causes leads to the speech being delivered in a state of mild panic. The result is that he's distracted by thinking about what he's going to say next instead of what he's saying right now. i.e. he's reckless, incompetent and unprofessional.
I'd bet $1000 that Trump laughed himself to sleep that night.
If this is the best The Swamp can do, then their Glory Days are well and truly behind them.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jul 25 2020 22:36 utc | 62
Pompeo yelling his nonsense is the echo of the yesterday man, the faint receding shouting of the vagabonds as the cart rolls on.
The new sound is the comfort of knowing that we can evolve our economic and spiritual and political philosophies to the extent that power can be transfered from the monopolists to the masses. We have trialled it and succeeded more often than failed. See Cuba and China and many others.
Pompeo and his controllers live in great fear that the times have passed them by and THAT is what puts the shrill screech in his useless words. Pompeo - like the barking of the camp dogs as the fire is ignited for the calm evening gathering of the tribe for a collective meal.
It seems to me to be mighty important to watch closely and practice the political shapemaking that is being implemented in China, Cuba, Vietnam as therein lies resilient societal and economic and communal forms for our future.
The bar could do with more insight into the systems of the future rather than listening to the groans wailing of the failures.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jul 25 2020 22:47 utc | 63
Pompeo: "We know too that doing business with a CCP-backed company is not the same as doing business with, say, a Canadian company. They don’t answer to independent boards, and many of them are state-sponsored and so have no need to pursue profits." Canada? How the heck did we get into this? ... softwood lumber dispute anyone? Does someone who was on the negotiating team for CUSMA, known as USMCA south of the border, want to comment on this? For those who don't know, Canada is repeatedly accused by our southern neighbours of being too Commie. This is sarcasm by Pompeo, I believe.
Pompeo: "Indeed, we have a NATO ally of ours that hasn’t stood up in the way that it needs to with respect to Hong Kong because they fear Beijing will restrict access to China’s market. This is the kind of timidity that will lead to historic failure, and we can’t repeat it." Does he mean Canada again?? Time to call the Queen, and we'll tell this guy who is failing historically. :-) By the way, the two closest ports to China in North America are both in Canada: Vancouver and Prince Rupert. With a free trade agreement goods can travel easily across the border. This is why we take flak from the US on aluminum, for example. Recently implemented CUSMA may also be a factor in the UK-USA free trade agreement discussion. Just in case others aren't aware of these dynamics.
As Peter Donolo pointed out in 2018, although Washington claim to be aiming at Beijing, it's Canada that keeps getting hit.
Posted by: Anonymous | Jul 25 2020 22:57 utc | 64
That transcript is hilarious, full of little nuggets:
"We cannot repeat the mistakes of these past years."
Posted by: Bemildred | Jul 25 2020 23:55 utc | 65
Can b please write about what is really happening in Xinjiang with regards to the cultural genocide of the Uighurs? We have read and heard about the abuses from ex-detainees and foreign journalists. In one report, it is alleged that Chinese security officers slept with the wives of detainees while they were being incarcerated. China initially denied the existence of the camps, but later under intense international scrutiny, admitted that they exist. Surely, such abuses reminiscent of the holocaust deserve attention. Thank you, b.
Posted by: Martin Lee | Jul 26 2020 0:05 utc | 66
The loony right of the USA has destroyed its nation. Idiots with no strategic wit or wisdom like Kissinger and the Polish American Zbigniew Brzezinski were only capable of hate and revenge and greed based analysis.
Both were instrumental in opening the abyss for the greedy oligarchs of the USA to tumble into. Of course they were not alone. The entire modern day adviser class has been trained by these tools of short term ignorance.
That abyss consumed the wholesale deportation of the USA (and UK) manufacturing and fabrication wisdom of their underpaid and very clever scientists, their chemists, their material science, the brilliance of the shop floor work practice improvements - the entire cleverness of the working and professional classes was deported in exchange for thirty pieces of silver for the robber barons of industry and their ignorant investor class.
Vale smart arses.
Meanwhile many more millions of people had advanced their lot, have retained their collectivist modernity and now have some momentum to carry them through current difficulties and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever.
This benefit for millions is to be celebrated and it is for the losers in the UKUSAI and five eyed economy to find their way back to social betterment. They might start by collectivising their economy and service industries and banishing the narrow minded pretenders from their universities and lobby groups. I suspect that they will need a revolution in more ways than one as they are so obviously myopic.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jul 26 2020 0:11 utc | 67
Martin Lee #66
Surely, such abuses reminiscent of the holocaust deserve attention. Thank you, b.
Thanks Martin Lee, at first I thought you were referring to the crimes against humanity conducted by Israel against the Palestinians and Syrians and Lebanese people.
That would be a suitable inclusion to discuss as well.
Perhaps you have some references to include in your next post. I will compile some for the Palestinians and Syrians and Lebanese people subject to permanent crimes against humanity.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jul 26 2020 0:16 utc | 68
The UK propaganda piece the other day - Parliamentary Russia Report
was for this...
"(Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to overhaul the United Kingdom's treason laws, the Mail on Sunday newspaper reported dailym.ai/2OVs9br.
Johnson’s overhaul will see a new Treason Act, a new Espionage Act for tracking foreign agents and a rewriting of the Official Secrets Act to make it suitable for the digital era, the newspaper reported, citing Downing Street sources.
The newspaper described the overhaul as the biggest shakeup of the treason laws since 1695, saying it was being done to counter the threat posed by Russia and China."
Cold war / hot war whatever, five-eyes is gearing up for war
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 26 2020 0:16 utc | 69
Martin Lee #66
Here is my first link to an early crime against humanity that has seen little consideration in any court or United Nations forum.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jul 26 2020 0:23 utc | 70
... In one report, it is alleged that Chinese security officers slept with the wives of detainees while they were being incarcerated. China initially denied the existence of the camps, but later under intense international scrutiny, admitted that they exist.
Posted by: Martin Lee | Jul 26 2020 0:05 utc | 66
China admitted existence of camps where wives of detainees sleep with security officers? Can I get a link (no, I am not interested in having a date with an Uighur wife, just to broaden my knowledge).
Another concept that was raised here, "cultural genocide", is vague. For example, can Uighurs get education in their own language, and what is the proportion of that education (like percentage of classes in the native language), how it compares with other countries. What elements of their religion (if any) are suppressed? Are any symbols that are popular among Uighurs which are forbidden by the authorities? Can we compare the situation with Ukraine, where education in Russian will be soon abolished, use of many symbols is forbidden, and authorities intervene in religious matters, to mention just some "culturally genocidal" aspects?
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jul 26 2020 0:36 utc | 71
Posted by: IronForge | Jul 25 2020 15:00 utc | 11
The colonisers are being colonised.
That would just and fair redress. Syria, Algeria, Vietnam and all France' former colonial possessions had their cultures destroyed by the French.
Likewise, Britain becoming a virtual copy of Pakistan is just as well, since the Brits spent so much time and blood in that region of world they might as well save themselves the bother of the trip.
Posted by: Arch | Jul 26 2020 0:38 utc | 72
Martin Lee #66
South America suffers from the persistent crime against humanity perpetrated by the USA and that crime is meddling in other nations political affairs to install fascist and right leaning dictatorships that assault their citizens. Like this from the World Socialist Web Site.
We would not know of the crimes of the USA and its puppets were it not for the investigations and journalism of the World Socialist Web Site.
And there is the crimes against humanity and the Syrian people reported by Vanessa Beeley here.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jul 26 2020 0:40 utc | 73
Piotr Berman #71
China admitted existence of camps where wives of detainees sleep with security officers? ...... Can we compare the situation with Ukraine, where education in Russian will be soon abolished, use of many symbols is forbidden, and authorities intervene in religious matters, to mention just some "culturally genocidal" aspects?
The Australian security guards slept with detainees and wives in the covid quarantine hotels and then carried their surprise covid diseases back to their own high density shacks and spread it throughout the land. Its a common trait - incarceration then coercion.
But where is the proof in China? is that what the US embassy does there - invent reports, bribe the citizens, infiltrate agents provocateurs to create mayhem, destroy cultures through its malign interference.
One must wonder if falun gong is nothing more than a smart USA based infiltration / cult promotion / Avon pyramid sales racket as they practice back home among their pentecostal bretheren.
I note that the vigorous decimation of the early model ISIS attack in Chechnya and Russia has resulted in a stronger and more peaceful Chechnya culture today and an end to the horrendous attacks on civilians in those days.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Jul 26 2020 1:05 utc | 74
What is really happening in Xinjiang? It looks to me that USA et.al is financing and attempting to radicalize a segment of the population to foment violence and separatism. A new branch of ISIS or Al Qaeda dedicated to destabilizing a strategically important region of China.
Wherever the BRI is to go, expect Western funded extremism and insurgency. The use of force to prevent chaos is a necessity, a defensive reaction. The real crime is the purposeful creation of conflict in attempt to maintain hegemony.
Posted by: Haassaan | Jul 26 2020 1:23 utc | 75
Posted by: vk | Jul 25 2020 15:30 utc | 16 The goal, as the editor states, is to have at least 1,000 operational nukes "in a short time span".
I don't see the point (other than the one that applies to the US - they aren't made to be used - only paid for - which I imagine doesn't apply much to socialist China.)
China's 320 is more than enough to destroy the US - even if 75% of them are destroyed in a US first strike. Destroy the 50 Major Metropolitan Areas and it's over.
Yes, they could add some "tactical nukes" - but what's the point there? The US isn't going to invade China. There aren't enough US ships to require hundreds of nukes on cruise missiles. Maybe 50 or a 100.
I could see putting a few hundred more on nuclear warheads on IRBMs on nuclear subs - to match the US threat there. Or a few hundred to be carried on fighter-bombers if you *really* think you need an entire "nuclear triad". Maybe that would justify another 1,000 warheads in total.
All in all, it seems like US overkill. The bottom line of nuclear deterrence is this: someone uses a single nuke on you, you destroy their country. That may limit your strategic options for "finessing" a nuclear exchange, as nuclear strategists like to fantasize about - but it's worked for the last half a century.
Be like Iran. Don't waste money on weapons you can't use and will be attacked for trying to develop before you can use them at all.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Jul 26 2020 1:25 utc | 76
The clown is just a troll crapping on about wanting b to write a propaganda piece.
Sunni Uighurs CIA/wahhabi clerics are interested in them, and being a Turkic people are part of Erdogan's greater Turkey that surpasses its physical borders.
China is pushing traditional cultures with many registered as intangible cultural heritage at unesco
Uighur folk songs were registered back in 2005.
I saw a bit of a doco a few years back and the locals had spotted some Wahhabi types out in the hills. The police or army went after them on horseback. No video of them being tracked down but they got caught up with and removed after a bit of a shootout.
As well as Keeping CIA and Erdo out, China will be building, creating infrastructure and roads ensuring there is work and jobs so western China is not left behind in poverty.
Now the freaks in yankistan are sanctioning any goods that come from the area to try and ensure the Uighurs have little employment prospects.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 26 2020 1:38 utc | 77
China initially denied the existence of the camps, but later under intense international scrutiny, admitted that they exist. Surely, such abuses reminiscent of the holocaust deserve attention. Thank you, b.
Posted by: Martin Lee | Jul 26 2020 0:05 utc | 66
The Uighurs are getting infinitely better treatment in China than the squalor, theft and ethnic cleansing inflicted upon the victims of 'Israel's' Palestinian holocaust - for 70+ years with no end in sight...
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jul 26 2020 1:55 utc | 78
The black flag in China. Footage from many attacks including the knife attack at the train station.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 26 2020 2:09 utc | 79
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 26 2020 1:38 utc | 77
The clown is just a troll crapping on about wanting b to write a propaganda piece.
Oh you mean we all need to read about lazy propaganda gems like passing off a Brazilian shoe factory as a Uighur forced labor camp?
Western "credibility" on Uighur reporting is them pissing in our ears and telling us it's all rain.
Posted by: J W | Jul 26 2020 2:16 utc | 80
uncle t - piotr... ditto peters first comment @77.... that is very clear...
@ 59 piotr... thanks for that background on the classics for those quotes... much appreciate...
Posted by: james | Jul 26 2020 2:35 utc | 81
And this shit.
"Federal authorities seize shipment of human hair extensions believed to have been made in Xinjiang prison camps"
The video I linked above is well worth watching. So similar to what happened in Chechnya, Syria and elsewhere. The CIA freedom fighters of Afghanistan were so successful they sent them everywhere as nucleus of new groups. The major growth was post 9/11 and yankistan's war of terror.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 26 2020 3:03 utc | 82
@ Peter AU1
Cold war / hot war whatever, five-eyes is gearing up for war
I think what you are seeing is an internal Anglo vs. Anglo power play, perhaps more visible from the northern hemisphere. Brexit is a factor. Not sure how the lines are drawn but Britain's Royals appear to be on the opposite side of the POTUS (don't think it matters if it's Trump or not). From my Canadian perspective, there is definitely no consensus among the five to target an outside other, like Russia or China.
Also, in that interview with Peter Donolo that I posted @64, Donolo says, "they get a cough, we get pneumonia" in reference to stock market fluctuations. This is from 2018. Interesting choice of metaphor.
On the international travel front, some parts of the world are opening up to Commonwealth members. Russia announced it will resume regular and charter flights to UK, Turkey and Tanzania. Jordan is allowing visitors from Canada, China, Georgia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Thailand and some other countries but no Arab ones. I'd expect the Queen and Prince Charles are responsible for some of this?
Posted by: Anonymous | Jul 26 2020 3:07 utc | 83
Posted by: J W | Jul 26 2020 2:16 utc | 80
Just looking at the color and texture of the hair on those women in the photo is a dead giveaway.
Posted by: One Too Many | Jul 26 2020 3:07 utc | 84
Anonymous 83
I have thought there is a bit of a power struggle between anglo five-eyes and US nationalists that are behind Trump.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 26 2020 3:23 utc | 85
It's a clever diplomatic veiled message. He's intimating that the US has demanded that China surrender its nukes. Otherwise it simply makes no sense at all.
Posted by: gAdolphMissFitler | Jul 26 2020 3:42 utc | 86
uncle tungsten @ 63 -- "Pompeo.... is the echo of the yesterday man.... receding.... as the cart rolls on.... like the barking of the camp dogs...."
With apologies to The Beatles, this lowlife is representative of the Fool On The HILL, barking as the Silk Road caravan bypasses the camp of the Nowhere Man.
An idiot cannot help being stupid, and does not know it too. That I can accept, understand, empathise with.
A bastard is one who, like pompous pomeranian, knows he is lying, but, for a fistful of dollars, goes on lying anyway.
And that is not only deplorable, but despicable.
Posted by: kiwiklown | Jul 26 2020 3:46 utc | 87
AntiSpin | Jul 25 2020 20:14 utc | 49
O! thanks so much for that 11th Commandment!. I have long hoped someone would enumerate the other 5...all we have are the 10 left after that klutz Moses dropped 5. At least Mel Brooks deserves credit for documenting that there were 15. See his documentary History Of The World for the facts.
Anyone have a clue to the other 4?
Posted by: chu teh | Jul 26 2020 4:04 utc | 88
gAdolphMissFitler @Jul26 3:42 #86
Not necessarily surrender but definitely curtail. Probably demanding restrain in a number of dimensions such as number and technological capability.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jul 26 2020 4:05 utc | 89
Martin Lee @ 66 - - - ".... abuses reminiscent of the holocaust deserve attention."
uncle tungsten @ 68 -- ".... crimes against humanity... by Israel...."
Yes, Martin, we should also discuss Israel's cultural genocide of the Palestinians, whom they shoot like dogs, even the children.
As well, why Israel claims it is "anti-semitic hate speech" to question their alleged "6 million holocaust deaths".
Come to think of it, the Russians lost 20 million people (or was it 25 million?) in the same war, and they do not stop discussion by yelling "anti-russian hate speech"?
Surely, these disparities also deserve attention for those with an eye on fairness?
Posted by: kiwiklown | Jul 26 2020 4:19 utc | 90
Martin Lee @ 66 - - - ".... abuses reminiscent of the holocaust deserve attention."
uncle tungsten @ 68 -- ".... crimes against humanity... by Israel...."
Yes, Martin, we should also discuss Israel's cultural genocide of the Palestinians, whom they shoot like dogs, even the children.
As well, why Israel claims it is "anti-semitic hate speech" to question their alleged "6 million holocaust deaths".
Come to think of it, the Russians lost 20 million people (or was it 25 million?) in the same war, and they do not stop discussion by yelling "anti-russian hate speech"?
Surely, these disparities also deserve attention for those with an eye on fairness?
Posted by: kiwiklown | Jul 26 2020 4:19 utc | 91
kiwiklown @Jul26 3:46 #87
IMO it's a mistake to see him as a fool or an idiot. You may dislike his willingness to lie, cheat, steal, but you can't easily dismiss the fact that the strategy USA has pursued since 2014 has been well planned and orchestrated. The Empire is not giving up and not declining fast enough that it can't challenge the upstarts.
"USA/Empire in decline" due to decadence of "late-stage capitalism" is a misleading meme. There may be some truth to it, but it is exaggerated - much as "Erdogan is turning east!" exaggerated Erdogan's preference for Russia. USA/Empire has adjusted quickly and that has been 'greeced' by more payoffs to oligarchs (tax cuts, etc.), immense propaganda, and a more divisive politics to keep the rubes entertained.
Prediction: We'll be chewing popcorn and yak-yakking at the moa bar for years to come.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jul 26 2020 4:28 utc | 92
Richard Steven Hack @ 76 -- "All in all, it seems like US overkill."
Overkill... overbill... same difference to the elites who claim that 500,000 children killed was "worth it".
To them, it is all about the skim... the flow... the overkilling overbilling.
Posted by: kiwiklown | Jul 26 2020 4:33 utc | 93
Peter AU1 @ 77 -- ".... China will be building, creating infrastructure and roads ensuring there is work and jobs so western China is not left behind in poverty."
To improve the Uighurs' lot is the only wise way towards long term peacability.
You don't get equality by bringing down others to your poverty, but by helping them help themselves to rise to your level of abundance.
It is also the compassionate, humane, communitarian way of the East: I can enjoy my prosperity only if my neighbours also have prosperity.
Which is way, way better than what Native Americans get from the Indispensable Exceptionals.
Posted by: kiwiklown | Jul 26 2020 4:56 utc | 94
Posted by: Martin Lee | Jul 26 2020 0:05 utc | 66
What's your position on the cultural genocide being carried out in the Israeli run concentration camps of Gaza and the West Bank?
6 million or more Arab Palestinians under colonial suppression but not a word from you. Rumours of 'genocide' in Xinjiang and the West goes barking mad - while simultaneously butchering muslims in their millions.
Posted by: Arch |
Posted by: Arch | Jul 26 2020 5:34 utc | 95
OT, why is your PM Jacinda Ardern so sweet praising China, but stick a knife at China back banning Huawei's 5G and still remains a 5eyes.... I understand last year China stopped import NZ’s prized export - lobsters and she hastily makes a trip to court Xi Jinping?
The same can be said about Scott Morrison, take every opportunity to bash China and lately turns 180 degrees and said 'there is no legal basis' for Beijing's disputed territorial claims in the South China Sea?” This is madness!
Hey, I’m not attacking you but from puzzles to extreme frustration they wanna China business or rather depending on China vast middle-class purchasing power, while supporting Trump to kill the golden goose? BTW, did you know beside Vietnam, she too reclaimed some of the SC Sea islands etc.. How come nobody care?
Thank you. :-)
Posted by: JC | Jul 26 2020 5:41 utc | 96
Posted by: kiwiklown | Jul 26 2020 4:56 utc | 94
Missing The OT address to kiwiklown
Posted by: JC | Jul 26 2020 5:44 utc | 97
On M. Pompeo
Hat tips to:
IronForge | Jul 25 2020 15:00 utc | 11 FRA's Extended Colonial Endeavors have become Gateways ...
Arch | Jul 26 2020 0:38 utc | 72...The colonisers are being colonised.
uncle tungsten | Jul 26 2020 0:40 utc | 73...to install fascist and right leaning dictatorships...
and others here at MOA whose keen observations reward my senses .
I posit that by turn of the 19th to 20th century, other keen observers saw that the USA was rising so fast in population and resource wealth including petroleum and demonstrated skill-sets that, combined with their natural [oceans, etc barriers to foreign attacks, the conclusion seemed that USA would come to dominate overwhelmingly in world affairs.
Thus the European powers-that-be faced this conundrum: How not to lose control and their own momentum in dominating/controlling the world affairs? There was no practical way to employ war to that end. Bribery and humiliation and diplomacy would be futile if not downright embarrassing. How to take control of USA?
Perhaps, just possibly maybe, there was a certain way to do it...if somehow, the USA"s money system could be covertly co-opted. But ever so subtly that after a brief period, it would be too late to stop the subversion of USA money-policymaking.
Ahah! Create a Federal Reserve system that overtly was American-run, yet covertly would be beholden to the "higher authority"of an International Banking Syndicate. In short, a bankers' coup wherein the American partners would be full partners and EVERYONE [of us international-banker class] WINS..[Rockefeller [Std.Oil] was already in banking with JPMorgan] No other proposal was so likely to work.
[Insert here the facts of the Jekyll Island events.]
And there you have a possible explanation of world events. The German-American banker Warburg et al promoted Woodrow Wilson and controlled him and his ego/desire for high-office; a wannabe ruler selected for his secret faults that made him controllable.
Wilson in a clever election to state governor and then in a wildcard 1912 election became US President and signed the Fed Reserve Act.[a former President T. Roosevelt, was the wildcard that split the Rep vote so the Dem would win].
The ultimate quest was and remains global control. No industrial w3annabe can have it. No religious wannabe either. International Banking can and does subsume all.
The brilliant and accomplished intellect M. Pompeo , among stars of great learning abilities, are unfortunately corrupted by the burden of mountains of false data and dictums instilled into their young "clean-slates", before they are tasked to "think for themselves"....in short, they have been disabled. All that false data, so carefully instilled, automatically warps their "think".
Mine, too..
Posted by: chu teh | Jul 26 2020 6:06 utc | 98
JC "Jacinda Ardern so sweet praising China, but stick a knife at China back banning Huawei's 5G and still remains a 5eyes"
Five-eyes is not something any government can opt out of. Any that think about getting out will be regime changed.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 26 2020 6:08 utc | 99
This Martin Lee is a full troll. the name Lee may suggest he's Chinese and if so he's just another Chinese House Negro I was taking about.
They act all keen for knowledge and want to know the truth but once someone takes the bait they'll unload with all the standard fascists, commie, organ havesting and holocaust rubbish.
But for those who haven't seen this, here's a very good primer against the establishment bs on the ugiher, rescued from twitter censorship by Caitlin Johnstone. you don't need to log in to read it.
Posted by: A.L. | Jul 26 2020 7:22 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Of course, it wouldn't be fair until everyone gets the same amount of nukes...Per capita.
Posted by: J W | Jul 25 2020 13:07 utc | 1