The MoA Week In Review - Open Thread 2020-11
Last week's posts at Moon of Alabama:
- February 4 - Putin Prepares To Release Iowa Caucus Results
Yesterday’s Gone: Iowa Was Waterloo for Democrats - In a fiasco for the ages, the blue party faceplants in Iowa - Matt Taibbi / Rolling Stone
> After a vote in Iowa that reeked of third-world treachery – from monolithic TV propaganda against the challenger to rumors of foreign intrusion to, finally, a “botched” vote count that felt as legitimate as a Supreme Soviet election – the Democrats have become the reactionaries they once replaced.
Coinciding with the flatulent end of the party’s impeachment gambit, and the related news that Donald Trump is enjoying climbing approval ratings, the Blue Party was exposed as an incompetent lobby for doomed elites, dumb crooks with nothing left to offer but their exit. <
From April 16 2019
‘Stop Sanders’ Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum - NYT
> The matter of What To Do About Bernie and the larger imperative of party unity has, for example, hovered over a series of previously undisclosed Democratic dinners in New York and Washington organized by the longtime party financier Bernard Schwartz. The gatherings have included scores from the moderate or center-left wing of the party, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California; Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader; former Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia; Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., himself a presidential candidate; and the president of the Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden. <
Here Are The Billionaires Backing Pete Buttigieg’s Presidential Campaign - Forbes
> Forty billionaires and their spouses have donated to Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign, according to an analysis of federal election filings, making the South Bend, Indiana mayor a favorite among America’s richest people. <
- February 6 - Democrats Deserve To Lose Unless They Change
- February 6 - Bad Weather, Pilot Error Likely Caused The Pegasus Airline Accident - But Why Did The Plane Break Up?
Use as open thread ...
Posted by b on February 9, 2020 at 15:36 UTC | Permalink
next page »Climage change fun:
Willis Eschenbach breaks down Sea Level Rise Acceleration (or not)
I see that the merchants of hype are at it again. The scary headline says “Report: Sea-level rise ‘accelerating’ along U.S. coasts, including in the Bay Area“. And in the text, it says “The Bay Area was home to two of those stations: one in Alameda and one in San Francisco, which both recorded a year-over-year rise.” Of course, they blamed the usual suspect, global warming.
Actual sea levels records are shown.
Then the "report" behind the headline is examined - it turns out that the authors had employed:
1) Throw away all of the data before 1969.2) Calculate a quadratic (accelerating) fit to the data.
3) Subject it to bootstrap and Monte Carlo tests to see if it’s significant.
4) Extend the quadratic fit out to the year 2050
5) Declare success.
Or in other words, an exercise in confirming bias as opposed to actually learn something.
Willis goes on to write at length about statistical methods and ways to understand statistical significance in a data set.
Posted by: c1ue | Feb 9 2020 16:20 utc | 2
any word on the results of yemeni strikes? saudi arabia has been very hush hush and negotiating with iran.
Posted by: poshpotdllr | Feb 9 2020 16:30 utc | 3
The Syrian Army breakout in West Aleppo is gaining momentum and it wont be long before it becomes a rout for the jihadis. Turkey is now pouring massive reinforcements in to protect the western financed jihadis. Expect the treacheryof Erdoghan to become blatant any hour now. There is every chance of Assad making a final end game manouver here in the next week.
Syria is heroic in its abolute resistance to the jihadis and Western dominance. They stand shoulder to shoulder with Vietnam and their victory. Salut to all those of the resistance.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 9 2020 16:30 utc | 4
The Sochi agreement was always about Putin giving a huge chunk of Syria to Turkey. Like Trump, Putin loves to give generously what is not his to give. Turkey is demonstrating by invading Syria in force - this is apparently big time now - that it is likewise happy to take what isn't its to take. Western media, typically, refer to Turkey's horrifyingly massive invasion into Syria as retaliatory, as a counter move! It seems that the SAA now faces attack by massively reinforced, backed and up-armed terrorists in Idlib. Russia will presumably help cram all this down Syria's throat. Ohhh and in other news, Russia is mad at Israel again! This is serious stuff now. Putin will surely have to make another pilgrimage to Israel to ask for forgiveness! But not to worry, he'll be more than happy to join with Trump in generously giving yet more Palestinian land to Israel, soon enough. Well, he may have to send out Lavrov to make some empty sounds about the UN and international law.
Posted by: paul | Feb 9 2020 16:36 utc | 5
Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone is one of the nitwits who believes Deep State nonsense (rather than risk using Marxist analysis.) In this article he is one of the nitwits who really thinks the Democratic Party establishment really wants to run Buttigieg, because the Democratic Party is a Cultural Marxism Conspiracy rather than a political organization dedicated to getting money from rich people to arrange the government to their liking. (Again, anything stupid rather than get close to reality, which is uncomfortably Marxist.) But apparently the Rolling Stone policy of making their employees smoke week on the job left him too stoned to omit this:"The delays and errors cut in many directions, not just against Sanders. Buttigieg, objectively, performed above poll expectations, and might have gotten more momentum even with a close, clear loss, but because of the fiasco he ended up hashtagged as #MayorCheat and lumped in headlines tied to what the Daily Beast called a 'Clusterfuck.'"
Given the notorious example of Florida 2016, where the networks called it for Bush anyhow, the idea that they wouldn't just call the results they way they wanted to leave objectors trying to play catch up, is stupid. Taibbi is not a bit clearer on who "they" are than the usual clowns, either. Both Clintons and Obama are amalgamated with Buttigieg who apparently is getting massive amounts of money and power over the media, because...must be the Homintern! Not nearly as thinking they wouldn't fix the poll for Biden, to at least not get stomped. Muddying the poll was a way to help him. The title with it's hints about Waterloo hints that the Democrats are splitting, but the article is still Trumpery, refusing to develop the theme at all. The theory that it was just dumb luck that exposed the nefarious IT conspiracy has been decisively refuted by the absolute failure of the paper returns to change the results. Whether you pick the standard that makes Sanders the winner or the one that makes Buttigieg the winner, both were much higher than any party establishment candidate. Because no one not blinded by homophobia thinks Buttigieg is who the Democratic Party wants to run.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Feb 9 2020 16:37 utc | 6
@steven t johnson #6
Wow, you are normally barely coherent.
You've really outdone yourself in completely missing the boat regarding Matt Taibbi and Buttigieg.
Thanks for destroying your own credibility, yet again.
Posted by: c1ue | Feb 9 2020 16:39 utc | 7
B, I wanted to share this with you.
A writer by the name of Andrew Korykbo appears to be the influence behind this article at Mintpress.
I would so appreciate your analysis on this as it is not the first time I've seen these kinds of analysis before out of Korykbo, but from Mintpress it's alarming.
Posted by: Annie | Feb 9 2020 17:14 utc | 8
So one would give a sigh of relief the Russia-Ukraine nonsense is over.. Wrong.
the Ukrainegate stone the Democrats chased to get Trump will boomerang. Sets up for a very divisive 2020.
Trump was acquitted in the Senate but Dems intend to continue investigations of Trump Not enough Failure.
GOP Senators demand from Secret Service Hunter Biden travel logs.
AND the catalyst for the wasted 3+ years was first, Manafort; then Christopher Steele.
Manafort Ledger Evidence Central to Trump-Russia Collusion Claims Discredited as Total ‘Fabrication'
During the 2016 race, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was caught up in a scandal when his name appeared in a ‘leaked black ledger’ of alleged off-the-books payments from pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine. The document became one of the core pieces of evidence used by the president’s opponents to accuse him of colluding with the Kremlin.The ‘black ledger’ of alleged secret cash payments to lobbyist and political consultant Paul Manafort was completely made up and the FBI knows it, investigative journalist John Solomon has reported, citing sources.
Speaking to Solomon, Rick Gates, Manafort’s former business partner and cooperating witness in the FBI investigation on possible Russia-Trump collusion, said that the ledger “was a fabrication,” and adding that “this fact has since been proven true.”[.]
Commenting on the New York Times piece which made the ‘black ledger’ claims public in his testimony to the FBI, Gates insisted that the article was “completely false,” adding that “as you know there were no cash payments. The payments were wired. The ledger was completely made up…It was not how the PoR [Party of Regions – the party of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, whose campaign Manafort advised] did their record keeping.”
Gates further told the FBI that the ledger could not be real, because the party’s accounting records were destroyed in early 2014 in the midst of the US and EU-backed coup d’etat in Ukraine. “All the real records were burned when the party headquarters was set on fire when Yanukovych fled the country,” Gates recalled.[.]
Ledger Never Used by FBI and Prosecutors
The FBI and prosecutors in Manafort’s criminal case appeared to have corroborated Gates’ conclusions by their actions, or more precisely inaction, failing to mention it in Manafort’s 2018 trial on charges of tax and bank fraud.[.]
Whatever happened in the land of law, order and justice for all?
Stick a fork, turn off the oven.
Posted by: Likklemore | Feb 9 2020 17:19 utc | 9
thanks b! one person one vote is one of the main pillars of the concept of democracy... when people realize how capitalism is destroying this and much more, do they finally conclude things are really messed up and not working?? or do they continue to pick one side in the dog and pony show as witnessed in the usa today??
> Forty billionaires and their spouses have donated to Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign, according to an analysis of federal election filings, making the South Bend, Indiana mayor a favorite among America’s richest people. <
one person, one vote, lol... a few million here and a few more brainwashed bozos with their ''one vote''..
Posted by: james | Feb 9 2020 17:22 utc | 10
@paul (5)
How do you would like Russia to behave with regards to Turkey and Israel?
IMHO, Russia is dong a good job with diplomatics and has reached more than anybody expected back in 2015. They have, quite often, declared not being interested in becoming the new global policeman.
Posted by: BG13 | Feb 9 2020 17:25 utc | 11
@1 Veritas X
I don't think any of the German piece is new or unavailable in English. The "rapes" were not so much set up to start with, as invented after the event. If I recall there was no initial claim of rape, and no final claim of rape, and probably no intermediate claim, just the prosecutor taking advantage of some lack of clarity.
Had there been an early rape allegation, he would not have been free to roam Sweden for 5 weeks, after which when he asked to leave they said yes he could go.
The Swedish abuse of sexual abuse laws is scandalous (not just to fathers like me of teenage daughters - but especially to fathers of daughters in modern Sweden where rapes frequently get ignored for political reasons).
But the UK court abuse was even worse.
Amongst other things choosing to use the French translation of 'autorité judiciaire'/'judicial authority' not the equally valid English version of the ECHR rules.
A loophole that was closed by the Brits weeks afterwards. It was this wrong interpretation that allowed the British court to demand his arrest in UK, which lead to his moving into the Colombian Embassy.
Posted by: Michael Droy | Feb 9 2020 17:25 utc | 12
You mean Hillary wasn't at those Schwartz dinners??? Maybe she went disguised as Pete Buttigieg. Of course she's too busy trashing Sanders on every talk show that will have her right before the NH primary as she did right before Iowa!
So today that never-fails-to-be-an-idiot Bill Maher was the guest of uber Neoliberal Fareed Zakaria.
Last week on his show, Maher said that maybe Sanders has a chance to beat Trump, because like Trump Bernie has a badass army of mthrf*ckers who will get in the streets.
That's true, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Today, more true to form, he was gushing for Mayor Pete. For someone who hates Trump even more than I do, he sure picked the jockey fixed to lose in the general!
And guess what excuse he used to diss Sanders?
Get ready: He doesn't want to pay the wealth tax! Really??? He makes that much money making an ass of himself?
Yeah I'll admit even I've had a bellyache laughing at some of his jokes, but when he comes out with his real politics, I see him as the enemy of truth that he really is, like the gatekeeping media, a significant part of the big Zionist znowjob that keeps people from owning their power in government.
He reels in lots of fish with his sarcasm, but he's really a Zionist tool posing as a comedian.
Pete the gay rat mayor will never defeat Trump. Even Republican billionaires are funding him cause they know he'll pay off giving Trump a 2nd term.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 9 2020 17:27 utc | 13
Stj #6
Matt Taibbi story at Rolling Stone is too good. It totally outs the corruption in the dems. Mighty well written and some wry commentary. It sure did push Al Steven t johnsons buttons. Eat crow stj yor favourite political gang of thugs just got justice.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 9 2020 17:27 utc | 14
Bernie does have a badass army like Trump ready to take it to the streets, but here's the difference: Trump ain't about people power, hence his theme: You don't always get what you get what his billionare cabal thinks you need.
Here's Bernie' theme: (Takin' it to the streets!)
You don't know me but I'm your brother
I was raised here in this living hell
You don't know my kind in your world
Fairly soon the time will tell
Telling me the things you're gonna do for me
I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see
(Takin' it to the streets)
Takin' it to the streets
(Takin' it to the streets)
No more need for running
(Takin' it to the streets)
Take this message to my brother
You will find him everywhere
Wherever people live together
Tied in poverty's despair
Oh, you
Telling me the things you're gonna do for me
I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see
(Takin' it to the streets)
Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the every street in America. That's how Sanders will take Trump down!
Posted by: Circe | Feb 9 2020 17:30 utc | 15
paul | Feb 9 2020 16:36 utc | 5
"The Sochi agreement was always about Putin giving a huge chunk of Syria to Turkey. Like Trump, Putin loves to give generously what is not his to give."
I suppose you are a bit naive or not patient enough. The agreement was a trial to help out Erdogan to save his face towards domestic consumption in a moment where he did some steps towards Russian interests. Seeing the statement that whole Syria has to recover its integrity completely there cannot be any real agreement like what you assume. Not on the middle run. Turkey will have to get out of Idlib and later even out of Afrin. They just let him buy some time.
He has been the partner of the West in this failed regime change enterprise and does not want to be the main figure obliged to pay the bill of the defeat. Just wait and see.
Posted by: Hausmeister | Feb 9 2020 17:33 utc | 16
@Posted by: paul | Feb 9 2020 16:36 utc | 5
I do not think Putin is giving anything to Turkey, otherwise his whole operation in Syria would appear as a falirure both in the eyea of Syria and its allies and his own Russian Army.
What signs point out at is at fast shipping of spoils of war before it is too late to grab something and jihadi "rebels" are completely defeated:
Riam Dalati @Dalatrm #HTS trucks in #Ariha, #Kafranbel and Jabal al-Zawiyah towns spotted dismantling heavy-duty generators and power transformers for transport elsewhere. Locals say this is usually a sign preceding surrender/expected takeover of towns by #Syria regime.
Paul Antonopoulos @oulosP Power transmitters are being looted in #Idlib and taken to Turkey. In the early year of the war, Turkey also stole many industrial machinery and factories from Aleppo.Turkey has been looting the industry of northern #Syria. This is the "revolution".
Then.... it is that the "fat lady" has already sung.... is the new information operation to demonize and blame Russia and Syria advance on the terrain on the grounds of human rights...again...Thread:
1/ US decided to strengthen its lost political position in northern Syria by accusing Russia and Damascus of worsening the humanitarian situation in the north-east of the country.2/ On January 31, a crew of American journalists was escorted by the members of the US Armed Forces psychological operations team across the Iraq-Syrian border near the unofficial Samalka checkpoint.
3/ The group is consisted of eight people, including seven employees of the Vice news & other agencies, including Hind Taher, Adam Desiderio, Amel Guetatfi (Amel Guettatfi) and Luck Maiklson of the American ABC news channel.
4/ the group’s task is to collect information on the humanitarian situation and activities of Russian military contingent in Hasek province, settlements of Tell -Tamer, Amuda, Voshakani, El Khol refugee camps, etc
5/ coverage of Russia's activities will be presented exclusively negatively.
During coverage of the topic of refugee camps The emphasis will be on the indifference of the Russian leadership to its fellow citizens held in refugee camps, as well as on the prohibition6/ of international organizations from delivering humanitarian aid to the El Khol camp.
- military diplomatic source. a complement of the informational war, the always reinstated "efforts" whenever the US and its coalition and their "jihadists" are losing, it is the next to be awarded in the coming Oscars Awards ceremony of an ad hoc production involving a "pro-rebel child who miraculously survived in the middle of Syrian and Russian indiscriminated bombings", with her parents, dressed for the ocassion, claiming in the US for "democracy" to arrive in Syria by regime change...
vanessa beeley @VanessaBeeley "For Sama" is another political instrument exploiting a child to promote "regime change" war in #Syria & to amplify political messages disguised as "humanitiarian" zeal. Please stop falling for Hollywood gloss & start paying attention to what is being concealed from view.
vanessa beeley @VanessaBeeley Funny how these armed groups being filmed by Wa'ad Al Kateab just don't feature in Channel 4's "For Sama" promoted by '@jonsnowC4 nor do child-beheaders or extremist gangs her husband mingled with. #FakeNews #Aleppo
Thus...who is promoting and funding jihadi terrorism in Syria and elsewhere...?
Russian Mission UN @RussiaUN #Nebenzia: Terrorists turn civil facilities, including schools & hospitals, into their combat positions, making use of their protected status and thus violating #GenevaConventions. The most recent of such cases was the capture of the #Idlib Central Hospital in Maarat al-Numan.
For the International Courts to act now!
Posted by: Sasha | Feb 9 2020 18:16 utc | 17
re: Michael Droy | Feb 9 2020 17:25 utc @ 12
I believe you meant to write Equadorian Embassy, not Colombian.
Regarding the *set-up*, the pink sweater lady has, I've learned over the years...multiple identities, her lawyer was/is the personal lawyer of the (ex)PM Fredrik Reinfeldt & head of the Swedish Lawyers Association, and, let's call it, 'dubious', employment background.
That's ONLY the pink sweater lady.
There is alot of other elements regarding, the ex-PM/ex-FM Carl Bildt, his buddy from the 1970's Karl Rove(!), who, at the time was a *paid consultant* to the Conservative Government, btw.
Anyway, there are quite a few more....'interesting details' but, let the info above suffice for starters.
Regardless, Julian was set-up.
The «A murderous system is being created before our very eyes» by Nils Melzer UN Special Rapporteur on Torture makes it clear.
Your position, "The "rapes" were not so much set up to start with..." is incorrect.
Posted by: Veritas X- | Feb 9 2020 18:20 utc | 18
stj @6 gets it all wrong.
What the establishment is doing is putting up candidates - like Buttigieg and Warren - that siphon votes from Bernie so that there is a brokered convention.
The result of a brokered convention will be an establishment candidate who picks a progressive as VP that Bernie supports. Then Bernie can crow that he accomplished something and the Democratic Party looks like it's responding to the people.
IMO the ultimate Democratic Party ticket is likely to be Biden + Tulsi. Biden's foreign policy experience will gets lots of play as Trump ratchets up tensions in the Middle East and elsewhere. And Tulsi is the fake peace candidate and "women of color" that is needed to balance the ticket.
Circe and other dembots will SCREAM about how we have to support Biden-Tulsi to stop Trump. But it is all just more-of-the-same lesser-evilism and establishment shell game bullcrap.
Only genuine independent Movements can hold the establishment responsible and change USA from EMPIRE-FIRST to PEOPLE-FIRST.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 9 2020 18:25 utc | 19
@8 Annie
Thanks for posting the link to the Mintpressnews article by Agha Hussain. I would be curious aswell on b's or the saker's take on this one
Posted by: Vato | Feb 9 2020 18:45 utc | 20
Here's the ultimate reason why the entire establishment, Democrat and Republican, is trying so hard to take down Sanders.:
Bernie Sanders won't need to protest and be arrested on the streets again and people won't need to sleep in tents on the street to then be carried out by force.
Bernie Sanders is going to OCCUPY WALL STREET FROM THE WHITE HOUSE and people will occupy the White House and restore dignity to their House.
This is still my favorite Bernie Sanders ad 4 years later. This power VS Trump.
In the final case against Trump, Bernie will prosecute; the PEOPLE VS TRUMP; the People will win and Bernie Sanders will become the 46th President of the United States. Count on it.
Bernie Sanders should have won in 2016, but he was robbed by the established power of big $$$.
That's why he must win the Nomination in 2020.
Don't let it happen again. Please don't let this last opprtunity die and take our hope with it.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 9 2020 18:53 utc | 21
paul | Feb 9 2020 16:36 utc | 5
"The Sochi agreement was always about Putin giving a huge chunk of Syria to Turkey. Like Trump, Putin loves to give generously what is not his to give."
Posted by: Hausmeister | Feb 9 2020 17:33 utc | 16
I suppose you are a bit naive or not patient enough. The agreement was a trial to help out Erdogan to save his face ...
Agreements, especially those that did not led to treaties, can be written on napkins, bonded papers and even chiseled in stone, but the value is fleeting. In my opinion, Putin is a great practitioner of limited war in which escalation is simply a waste of resources, money, property, lives, so it is used only sporadically when the effect justifies extra cost. The strategic, or more precisely, economic, value of M5 highway is huge. Erdogan may have sincere or insincere vituperations, but what is going on? Turkish army sets observation posts left and right, four around Saraqib alone, and the offensive stopped once, for a day, to let Putin and Erdogan talk. Mind you, the combat is ongoing say and night, so a day of break could help, once a week at least. In actuality, it was not a day of rest but a day of repelling attacks from two directions.
So how the events follow agreements? M5 with territories to the east was pencilled for Syrian government, and clearly, in the process of the offensive some margin on the west is added, perhaps it will be added more. Turkish observation posts are humored with some battle pauses, but otherwise they are chased away, at least the new improvised ones. Old ones are "under siege", I guess that supplies or local purchases of fresh produce is allowed.
It would be nice if Erdogan have seen error of his ways, stopped weapon supplies and reverse his aggression. But Putin did not ask for impossible, he got a period of de-escalation. Another big chunk of Syria joins the territory with fairly normal life, national reconstruction efforts, even if punctuated with attacks by "sleeping cells" and Israel (the latest, high tech demolishing job on a cluster of car rentals). Then there will be another period of de-escalation. In my theory, this serves Syrian interest well, there were to many people lost to war to engage in uninterrupted bloody fighting. Syrian army is based on conscription, some recent years had horrific losses. Now that most people live in a contiguous territory without constant nearby shelling and threats, lower intensity war allows to give better prospects to conscripts, no forced extensions, much better chances of completing service alive and in good health. The part of Syria under Damascus control lives better. But the other part does not. Jihadists, under helpful Turkish eye or not, fight with each other and in general, offer life of misery and chaos. They will be gone after few offensives.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 9 2020 19:26 utc | 22
Posted by: c1ue | Feb 9 2020 16:20 utc | 2
How old are you? I ask that simple question to determine how much personal experience you might have in regards to climate change.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 9 2020 19:28 utc | 23
IMO the ultimate Democratic Party ticket is likely to be Biden + Tulsi. Biden's foreign policy experience
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 9 2020 18:25 utc | 19
approx Human brain length=15cm approx brain weight=1400g
approx Rabbit brain length=5cm approx brain weight=12g
I am always happy when posters do not fake their identities.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 9 2020 19:31 utc | 24
Posted by: paul | Feb 9 2020 16:36 utc | @5
you are full of it, and you know it. if russia were to act with direct violence in order to force the desired outcome, as you are always demanding putin do, nato would already have been in a shooting war with them. obviously putin is using a rope-a-dope strategy in order to liberate all of syria without getting into a hot war. and he also expects the syrians to carry their weight, which they should be
Posted by: trind | Feb 9 2020 19:35 utc | 25
Apparently Boeing's sellout to the beancounters has totally permeated the company. It's bad enough that they keep trying to push every conceivable envelope with regard to their aircraft in the name of short-term profits. But even more surprising is that apparently what one would think would be one of their absolutely premier programs, the Starliner spacecraft program, is similarly pushing out product which is potentially catastrophically defective.
"Starliner's flight software has about one million lines of code, and now the company and NASA will have to go back through and review all of that code to check for errors and verify it. NASA's chief of human spaceflight, Doug Loverro, indicated this may be a lengthy process, as he's not sure whether there were two coding errors in Boeing's software or many hundreds.
The agency is also conducting a broad review of Boeing's culture, Loverro said, to understand what processes led to these software errors being created and going unchecked throughout pre-flight reviews. Notably, he said, NASA is doing this not only because of software problems related to Starliner, but also because of "press reports we’ve seen from other parts of Boeing," presumably a reference to the company's myriad problems with the 737 MAX aircraft."
Boeing Starliner Problems Worse than Thought
Posted by: J Swift | Feb 9 2020 19:37 utc | 26
Posted by: paul | Feb 9 2020 16:36 utc | 5
My take is Putin has authorized Assad to retake the M4 and M5 highways for economic reasons mostly and Erdogan will make a big show of defending the City of Idlib. I don't think the City is a priority for Assad and Putin at the moment. All moves since clearing the south and retaking Deir Ezzor have been incremental and calculated.
Putin stepped out of the way of the Sultan's push into the Kurds territory in the north east, as did yankee doodle. Both threw him a bone for the home boys. There's nothing moral about any of that, even less the horrible framing of the reality by western media. Totally detached from reality, fully focused on spin.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 9 2020 19:42 utc | 27
Piotr Berman @24: Rabbit brain length
Sadly, reading comprehension is lacking sometimes at moa.
I'm not ADVOCATING for Biden or Tulsi.
Please re-read my comment.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 9 2020 19:44 utc | 28
Circe @21: Bernie Sanders ... was robbed by the established power of big $$$.
Sorry, but that is just plain false.
Bernie allowed Hillary, his "friend of 25 years", to get the nomination by not attacking her or complaining about electoral abuses and media bias. He then supported Hillary despite being snubbed and insulted by Hillary's bringing Debra Wasserman-Shultz into her campaign.
<> <> <> <> <> <>
Now Bernie is, once again, ignoring how his campaign is disadvantaged and the Democratic Party strategy that leads to a brokered convention as I described @19.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 9 2020 19:51 utc | 29
Posted by: Circe | Feb 9 2020 17:30 utc | 15
Businessmen, they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None of them along the line
Know what any of it is worth."
"No reason to get excited,"
The thief, he kindly spoke.
And before the dust from the dust bowl years had had a chance to settle, and the poor a chance to somewhat recover, 'It was War!'
Not the war to end all wars, that was just so yesterday. A new war was foisted upon the wretched masses by the Captain's of Industry who then set about choosing sides, like picking their favourite bug a jar.
The agenda continues, it shifts it's shape, calculates the most effective approach, the spin that works best .. earnest historians are sidelined, revisionists are pushed to the fore..crowd control is imperative.. the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter..Winston Randolph Churchill.
And there's so much more.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 9 2020 20:02 utc | 30
Have you heard that Trump has given the go ahead to build 3 new based in Iraqi Kurdistan? They are being built near the Iran border near major cities in Iran. If this is true then this looks like an attempt to break up Iraq as the rumors have been swirling about for the last month. This of course will be met with huge resistance in Iraq since the oil business is the main business in Iraq and is jealously guarded by various groups with big militias. Expect Trump and the US to be vilified like never before as this video predicts.
@ Circe | Feb 9 2020 18:53 utc | 21
That song was one of two "official" theme songs for Sen. Eugene McCarthy's 1968 presidential campaign, in which I was heavily involved -- the first campaign I ever worked on.
The Bernie ad you linked to --
-- is superb.
Posted by: AntiSpin | Feb 9 2020 20:27 utc | 33
@ Veritas X # 1
Thank you for directing me to one of the two notorious German news channels. And yes indeed, there was news! (I would have mist it without you!)
Skipping through the archive of the broadcasting channel I found to clips re Assange, one very brief, one more detailed.
The longer one introduces the initiative of 130 German politicians, media people and artists to free Assange. Amongst ghem the former German Foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel who is cited saying "Julian Assange might be a personality not everybody is fond of (the former minister felt entitled to judge Julian Assange being hit by the so called "border line syndrom" ) but claims that especially then law has to be obeyed, which he found wasn't in the case of Assange.
My 2 ps:
Good they had him and the other politicians with them, so they could use the "Bundespressekonferenz" as a platform so that enough media people would listen!
No idea, how this reflects in articles in te MSM.
Posted by: Paleene | Feb 9 2020 20:33 utc | 34
Posted by: Kali | Feb 9 2020 20:10 utc | 31
The British may have birthed the divide and conquer strategy, I'm not sure but for sure that is the main tool in the Amero Zionist tool box.
They do however have allies that work with them, some overt, some not so much.
The Barzani Clan that the US has supported in Iraqi Kurdistan are so corrupt and incompetent that locals whose economic welfare has been ignored by the corrupt Barzani regime have said they were better off under Saddam.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 9 2020 20:39 utc | 35
I am not b, but thank you Annie @ 8 for the excellent link.. It is an honest appraisal I think. I have often wondered how Assad was going get Russia out of Syria.. Iran has the firepower to assist Assad.. and Russia has at crucial and critical times withheld help to syria to everyone's surprise <=the link explains why.
Whatever happened in the land of law, order and justice for all?
Jackrabbt @ 19 claims only independent Movements can change the mobsters in charge.. <===I say only if the independents are armed with tanks, fighter jets, and a strong well trained military.. The mobsters are in charge and they own the military, no fly-by-night independent need apply.
Julian was set-up by Veritas X @ 18 <=yes, Actually humanity abandoned Julian and the nation states moved in to make an example of his successes. No damn whistle blower is going the change the world.
by: J Swift @ 26
Posted by: snake | Feb 9 2020 20:50 utc | 36
Posted by: snake | Feb 9 2020 20:50 utc | 36
Julian, in Hollywood form
Roller ball.
The Swamp Spox says, you know how the game serves us..
Yet in the end, the films main character played by James Caen doesn't heed the wishes of the Swamp Spox, he resists with full knowledge of the consequences.
Hollywood offers the plebs an on screen Man of the People.
Hollywood, the playground of the rich and famous tease the commoners.. Perhaps it's like when the Wall Street folks held up glasses of champagne from balconies on high for all the Occupy Wall St. resisters and lost souls to see. To make a point, and revel in it.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 9 2020 21:16 utc | 37
Just listened to Thomas Röper at "Tacheles # 25" on
in which he strongly recommends to read the English version of an interview Nils Melzer gave the Swiss media saying that what was reported in German ZDF heute news was just a bag full of ...compared to what Melzer really has to say.
Posted by: Paleene | Feb 9 2020 21:24 utc | 38
Buttigieg the small gay rat is desperate for money and begging for everyone to throw it away on him imagining a SMALL RAT like him can beat Trump, THE KING OF ALL RATS!
Bernie Sanders will get rid of the small rat mayor and the Rat King, Trump.
People shouldn't throw good money at a small rat who'll be sent packing by Rat King Trump who'll laugh at the cakewalk all the way to the White House.
It's bad enough Pete's a rat, but he's married to a man, and no Gay Rat is gonna take a husband to bed in the Lincoln Suite!
GET REAL. Whoever supports Buttigieg wants Trump to win.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 9 2020 21:45 utc | 39
Roger Waters ads banned by Major League Baseball after outcry from Jewish group
Jeez, imagine if this happened in China? A huge uproar against the "communist dictatorship", I imagine...
The New York Times's success lays bare the media's disastrous state
The new gatekeepers of the global media, which are mostly American and Chinese mega-platforms such as Facebook, WeChat, YouTube, Google, Apple and co, have created a business environment that is inherently hostile towards free, advertising-supported media.
What's level of degeneracy one must have gone into in order to equate "free media" with "advertising-supported media"? There's your answer.
@ RT "On Contact R Wolff in dialogue "On Contact: Understanding socialism with Richard Wolff" // and also Keiser's "Frontrunning" Medicare4All (E7) . Wolff says a great deal of true stuff we seldom hear...Hedges too.
Interesting, one way to understand negative interest rates is to assume that there will be no future, some say (I think Keiser says it too). This is interesting because deagel [dot] com/country/forecast for US population change 'tween now and 2025 is, ah, odd.
99,553,100 in 2025
326,620,000 (now, I suppose, more or less)
Gee, how could That Happen? Get yer bets down if you can find a bookie, Comrades.
In my limited experience delusional psycos can FUBAR almost anything, perhaps especially and particularly well when they have an army and those totallybitchenouioui W76/2/5kt n-bangers. Perhaps they'll FUBAR us all.
Posted by: Walter | Feb 9 2020 22:20 utc | 42
Pepe Escobar treats us to one of his graceful blends of culture and geopolitics with this essay "The siren call of a ‘system leader’". To really get a grasp of Pepe's meaning, reading Alastair Crooke's essay from earlier this week is mandatory. One must also know the metaphorical significance of the Sirens made famous/infamous in The Odyssey. I already wrote a commentary on Crooke's essay at my VK space and will soon add one dealing with Pepe's rather brilliant piece that's certain to dumbfound the neculturney types who probably never heard of Ezra Pound or think a siren is something you hear from an emergency vehicle.
Annie #8
Thanks for that link to Agha Hussein published at Mintpress. My conclusion after reading that story is that he is more a fantasist than an analyst. Currently Russia has coercive power over Syria and it does appear that Russia's Israel alliance gives Israel some licence to attack Syria periodically.
I suspect that is the limit of Israel overt permission or tolerance from Russia though other than perpetual spying. I feel certain that if Russia was not in Syria or when Russia withdraws substantially the Israeli assaults would escalate. The Israelis are now desperate to prevent Syria becoming a missile capable neighbour. Too late. Iranian presence and alliances will likely counter Israeli escalation.
Agha Hussein has to be dreaming (and so too Russia IF his suggestion is not fantasy) that Russia sees Syria comfortably nestled in the bosom of the Arab states. Ask yourself this: after the heinous unleashing of the headchoppers assault on Syria by the USA and its ME lapdogs, how long would it take to fully reconcile Syria and the Arab states, let alone Israel. So I believe Hussein's suggestion that this arab unity is a Russian objective is remote if in any way real. Syria is secular not so the others and likely never as secularism is anathema to them all.
Now consider Iran and its position. It has centuries of affiliation throughout Iraq and Syria and Lebanon. There have been times in the past centuries when Russia has not stood by Iran even when treaties were in place and european aggressors were at its door. No different today! and they will likely diversify their alliances and not entirely trust Russia to leap to their defence should the USA launch an assault. China has an energy reliance on Iran and might defend but Russia has no dependency other than strategic re Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan.
The optics of Putin and Netanyahoo orally embracing in the picture accompanying the 'story' tells a lot but the words are pure conjecture (as are mine of course). I read Hussein's story as a thinly disguised propaganda for the reconstruction indebtedness the arab states desire to foist on Syria. Foreign investment bondage: the great game.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 9 2020 22:51 utc | 44
Jackrabbit | Feb 9 2020 18:25 utc | 19
Biden-Tulsi, right now, Feb. 9, is an absurdly bad prediction. Because she is for real and is calling out the establishment on taboo topics like Saudi Arabia, Assange, Google and so on, the DNC/permanent war/ mainstream media establishment has been doing everything it can to disappear Tulsi's campaign. Biden finished 4th in Iowa and has shown clear signs of early senile dementia for months and even the mainstream media is starting to admit that. Klobuchar and fake progressive Steyer is unlikely but a far MORE likely Prez/VP combo than Biden-Tulsi in a brokered convention. Rule: Any 'progressive' the establishment chooses MUST be a fake one. And there are plenty of those to choose from.
Posted by: fairleft | Feb 9 2020 22:52 utc | 45
When considering how much a vote counts, review please> youtu [dot] be/Hqo2c_SxQag "On July 15, 1967, NBC allowed New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison to respond to an NBC program that was highly critical of Garrison's pursuit of alleged Kennedy assassination conspirators in New Orleans." Pay attention. That "correction" was do-able in 1963... yatink they've given up?
Dispense with illusion. By all means legal, vote...that way they imagine you're believing their fairytale. Then there's jury duty. You vote might count there.
Posted by: Walter | Feb 9 2020 23:03 utc | 46
Posted by: fairleft | Feb 9 2020 22:52 utc | 45
"Because she (Tulsi) is for real and is calling out the establishment"
Yeah right Tulsi is so for real she swung behind support of corporate lacky and Guido fan Nancy Pelosi as house speaker, without a word of remonstrance for Pelosi's notorious warmongering. see Iraq, Syria and zionist arse-kissing.
Posted by: A User | Feb 9 2020 23:36 utc | 47
Awesome debate at SOHO Capitalism vs. Socialism. Richard Wolff, the socialist won hands own. He briefly mentions Bernie Sanders in one of his answers. Damn, he even looks like Bernie!
Socialism is a dirty word and repulsive concept for many brainwashed Americans, except for Wall Street and all the corporations "too big to fail..."
Posted by: Carciofi | Feb 10 2020 0:18 utc | 49
@Bubbles #23
Nobody "experiences" climate change, regardless of age.
The increase in average temperature of 1 degree C since the end of the Little Ice Age, vs. the 0.56 degree C change due to "human" causes since 1979 - is utterly undetectable to human experience compared to the daily shift of 10 to 20 degrees C and the seasonal changes that are even greater.
Posted by: c1ue | Feb 10 2020 0:25 utc | 50
The nightmare that haunts the DNC and, more importantly, the historic ruling class forces that they are working for could hardly be plainer.
After Iowa, New Hampshire, after New Hampshire, South Carolina, after which comes Nevada.
This week the fight will be taken to the last best hope of the DNC-the massive Black and Latino vote banks that they have relied upon to vote against the best interests of their constituencies on the basis that candidates who want what poor blacks and Latinos want are, by definition, unelectable.
Bernie's campaign, which really began before he was 20 years old and volunteered to fight Jim Crow in the field, is meant to roll all the working class constituencies together into a movement built around class issues-simple bread and butter issues emblematic of the exploitation of the poor.
By March 1 we should know whether this strategy- the only viable strategy short of armed struggle (and boy the ruling class is ready for that)- can achieve enough momentum to leave the sordid, petty and criminal tactics of the DNC (on behalf of the Ruling Class) in the dirt.
If Bernie breaks through, and it is very possible that he will, a new politics, the politics of the post racist era will be coming into being.
In the meantime I would warn readers against the cheap cynicism of those acting for the DNC, the ruling class and evil. The pretence that nothing of importance is happening, can happen, will be allowed to happen.. and that all is a carefully scripted production designed to consume popular energy, is a lie.
Something is happening and every time another ordinary American joins with it, it grows. And it is growing. And those who hate it most are those who fear fair taxation, a budget aligned to serve peace and the real needs of the many, expulsion of the usurers from the temples of learning, the right of people to organise collectively and an end to perpetual war and the concomitant alibi of insecurity to justify conformism enforced by violence.
Posted by: bevin | Feb 10 2020 0:31 utc | 51
A User | Feb 9 2020 23:36 utc | 47
Tulsi is also the only candidate to immediately call out the U.S. attempted coup against Venezuela. And the only candidate to support Edward Snowden. She has said she would initiate Detente w Russia/China on her first day in office. Even SAYING these things is strictly forbidden by the mainstream gatekeepers in the U.S.
Posted by: fairleft | Feb 10 2020 0:31 utc | 52
I should add that there are no legal remedies for the treatment that Bernie is receiving. That was established after 2016 when the argument that the DNC is a private organisation and can change the rules of its nomination procedures and do what it chooses in primaries, was accepted. Bernie supporters claiming to have been damaged by the DNC's illegal actions were thus, if I understand it, told that their claim was unwarranted.
Posted by: bevin | Feb 10 2020 0:35 utc | 53
From what I gather from the published data on ,
it is evident that there are, to date, no deaths in the non Asian population.
There are only mild cases of confirmed coronavirus cases elsewhere.
How come?
Is the Wuhan coronavirus specific 'and lethal´only to ethnic Chinese?
If so, can´t one infer that this virus s intended for Chinese nationals to curb their country´s ascendency?
Unfortunately, no repugnant action is above US scruples.
What a World.
After all, the US Secretary of Commerce stated that ¨the coronavirus is good for the United States.
Posted by: CarlD | Feb 10 2020 0:37 utc | 54
@bevin #51
If Bernie truly pushes through Medicare For All - I won't care about all the other terrible things he has been ok with: F35/MIC and voting for 3 of the last 4 wars.
However, Bernie - even should he become President - it is not at all clear he can push through even one step of his agenda. The DNCC is only the tip of the iceberg - the problem is that the President cannot, for the most part, decree anything. The House must propose and the Senate must approve: would Bernie change the composition of both House and Senate sufficiently with his peeps to be able to carry through with any part of his agenda?
On Joe Rogan, Bernie said that the pharma companies had spent $4 billion in the last decade directly for political contributions. What will they do if it really looks like Bernie becomes President? Much less if he should actually become President?
The system in the US today is pretty battle tested in a negative way. The notion that electing a single President will reverse 200 years of nonsense, is naive.
Among other things: Trump already has had a significant impact in the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary.
The one argument against Trump which continues to not be talked about by the Democrats - and which Steve Bannon has openly proclaimed - is that a second Trump term will cement an already very impressive Trump judiciary. Ginsberg is not well - he isn't going to last another 4 years meaning a second Trump term means 3 Trump Supremes. Breyer is 81 - not being able to make it past a 2nd Trump term is not out of the question.
Imagine Trump appointing 4 of the 9 Supreme Court justices, and probably a 5th since Thomas is the next oldest and might retire early just so his conservative seat will be replaced.
Posted by: c1ue | Feb 10 2020 0:53 utc | 55
bevin @51--
Well Said!! Standing Ovation!! One question I have is if the DNC has copyright to the term and logo of the Democrat Party. I'm betting it does, which means another institution must arise to replace it, just as the Republican Party displaced the failed Whig Party.
Biden's Dementia is progressing rapidly based on clinical symptoms, which will knock him out of the race.
As an alternative, the DNC and dozens of Israeli billionaires are favoring Mayor Pete to prevent Sanders from winning the first round of the Democratic convention. To me Mayor Pete is comes across as a young slick technocrat much like Macron of France. Like Macron, Mayor Pete came out of nowhere as was backed with the big money establishment players. Like Macron he would do the bidding of the Masters.
If Sanders is taken out by the DNC's billionaire club the obvious winner will be Bloomberg who has the money and backing to take out the clown in the White House. The Masters would prefer this option as the corruption is on open display under Trump. It remains to be seen if Gabbard would run as a vice president candidate under someone like Bloomberg.
As for Sanders, he is a corporate welfare supporter who plays the role of a rescuer in the rescue game.
Sanders is also a fascist imperialist based on his support for war and against mixed economies with a socialist twist in places like Venezuela
Liberalism’s Hypocrisy: A Case Study of the American Senator Bernie Sanders
By Alexander Azadgan
Posted by: krollchem | Feb 10 2020 1:18 utc | 57
Jackrabbit: IMO the ultimate Democratic Party ticket is likely to be Biden + Tulsi. Biden's foreign policy experience will gets lots of play as Trump ratchets up tensions in the Middle East and elsewhere. And Tulsi is the fake peace candidate and "women of color" that is needed to balance the ticket.
Me (shorter): as expected from a rabbit brain.
Jackrabbit: Sadly, reading comprehension is lacking sometimes at moa. I'm not ADVOCATING for Biden or Tulsi.
My problem with your statements (not only this one) is the general view on reality. First, "Democratic Party" is an entity with plans and wishes. There exists a mob that collectively dominates Democratic Party, and on the level of policies it is somewhat coherent, but on the level of picking favorites, not so much. To some extend, Democrats exhibit a similar condition as Republicans in 2016: a horde of very rich guys with similar world view but also large egos. Every major candidate got a coterie of very rich supporters, complete with an uber-Zionist. Except Trump who was a bit of an oddball, and great believer in family (thus he got an uber-Zionist in the family).
Now we seen wads of cash given to Bootiegieg, Biden (less) and Klobuchar, clearly, too few of democratic tycoons to endow 10 candidates with ca. 100 millions each. Biden is senile and smart money is not utterly idiotic. Still, hard to see any strategy there. IMHO, this utter lack of strategy let Clinton dominate 2016 scene even as she was beset by various problems, starting from e-mails, and in-your-face elitism (Clinton Foundation etc.). Not that very rich guys appreciate political pitfalls of in-you-face elitism.
So, number one, there is no secret nominating committee to pick a pair. And to the degree that there is an influential coterie of people, they are too fractious to make a pick. And Biden lost "money primary" before he was clobbered in Iowa. From the point of insiders, there is nothing particularly wrong with Biden in terms of policy (although some vengeful Zionist still remember Biden's effort to start a "settlement freeze"), but one has to have a stout heart to watch his beneficiary recommending what vinyl records can improve intelligence of poor children.
Now, Tulsi as a fake candidate. Her platform, if one can call it that way, is an assembly of "left consensus" of Democratic party, but with the addition of a strong anti-war, anti-intervention, anti-sanction message. It is sufficient to make your blood boil if you are a due-paying member of the establishment. To them, even as a joke or a fake, it is BEYOND THE PALE.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 10 2020 1:21 utc | 58
Circe @ 13 said;"He reels in lots of fish with his sarcasm, but he's really a Zionist tool posing as a comedian."
"Pete the gay rat mayor will never defeat Trump. Even Republican billionaires are funding him cause they know he'll pay off giving Trump a 2nd term."
Relevant criticism of Bill Mahr, and Pete Buttigieg. How ever, IMO, Bernie will never be the Dem nominee. Partly because, as Jrabbit says, his own refusal to fight certain accusations, & strategy missteps, which puzzle me also.
IMO, his advisers just plain suck. His refusal to counter the "Socialist" label by explaining mixed economics, which all Social Democrats believe in, stands out.
The DNC cabal will do everything in their power to ensure ANYONE progressive NEVER gets to be the Dem. nominee..
Posted by: ben | Feb 10 2020 1:22 utc | 59
There this from Grayzone:
An excerpt;
"While Buttigieg’s campaign denies allegations he was a CIA asset, military records reveal Mayor Pete was in a unit that worked with the spy agency in Afghanistan."
Posted by: ben | Feb 10 2020 1:28 utc | 60
If Bernie Sanders wins the Dem nomination then goes on to win the presidency he should invite Richard Wolff to be his Senior Economic Advisor. The man is brilliant. Clear mind and a superb communicator.
Skip to 24:20 for the segment about Bernie:
However with so much at stake $$$wise I think it's a virtual certainty that if elected Sanders would be assassinated.
Posted by: Carciofi | Feb 10 2020 1:42 utc | 61
Circe @ 21 Dreamed @ 21;
"In the final case against Trump, Bernie will prosecute; the PEOPLE VS TRUMP; the People will win and Bernie Sanders will become the 46th President of the United States. Count on it."
From your dream, to the universal ear, but it'll never happen.
I'll support Sanders to the bitter end, but, IMO, the opposing forces against him, and ANY other true progressive, are just to organised and powerful.
Only an organised working class uprising can change the future, and THAT will not be televised.
Posted by: ben | Feb 10 2020 1:46 utc | 62
Will one of the erudite MOA history buffs remind us of Bernie Sanders' role in the anti-Vietnam War movement?
My understanding is that when the anti-War Movement had run its course and its former constituent members were on drugs, Being Here Now with Baba Ram Das or out on Steven Gaskin's Farm, Bernard Sanders was the formal head of the single largest anti-war student organization, having by then included all the neutered remnants of the short-lived popular revolt into a single comprehensive entirely sterile artifact to political meaninglessness.
J Swift | Feb 9 2020 19:37 utc | 26:
Idiots. Boeing's management needs to be purged.
Posted by: Ian2 | Feb 10 2020 2:32 utc | 65
uncle tungsten #44
OPTICALLY embracing in las para.. Haha that was a bad bad typo.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 10 2020 2:42 utc | 66
The threat of assassination is the strongest reason why Sanders should make Gabbard his running mate. A Vice President Gabbard would be his best insurance against assassination.
Making LBJ his running mate may have been JFK's worst mistake.
Posted by: lysias | Feb 10 2020 2:48 utc | 67
fairleft #45
YES to that. Biden/Gabbard is simply a provocative and divisive invention of the rabbit. Its what he does and when he gets called out he immediately pushes a different button to divert the thread.
Watch closely and the pattern emerges.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 10 2020 2:52 utc | 68
Haha that was a bad bad typo.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 10 2020 2:42 utc | 65
Could be worse... Make a guess what does it mean: J Math Anal, kinky life of professors and grad students? Embrace of that type would be even worse than "orally", a Klein bottle boiling over.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 10 2020 2:58 utc | 69
Piotr Berman #57
Now, Tulsi as a fake candidate. Her platform, if one can call it that way, is an assembly of "left consensus" of Democratic party, but with the addition of a strong anti-war, anti-intervention, anti-sanction message. It is sufficient to make your blood boil if you are a due-paying member of the establishment. To them, even as a joke or a fake, it is BEYOND THE PALE.
I would love to see a thirty minute debate between Tulsi Gabbard and Rachel Maddow. But not on MSNBC, live perormance with any alt news service free to broadcast. I Maddow made it to 15 minutes without screaming and yelling and puce in the face, I would eat my chabbad fedora with bacon on the side.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 10 2020 3:09 utc | 70
Bloomberg would siphon more from Sanders than from Trump, WSJ, 2/18/2016
2/18/2016, "Bloomberg Would Lose Big to Sanders and Trump — WSJ/NBC Poll," Wall St. Journal, Daniel Nasaw
"Ex-New York mayor would siphon more support from Sanders than from Trump."
Posted by: susan mullen | Feb 10 2020 3:19 utc | 71
Gro. #62
Pointless question Gro. Here and now is what really counts, this election 2020 is critically important as the alternative is a warmongering turd.
Now Bernie Sanders is more of a nation building old lefty and is more likely than any other viable candidate to give the world a break from the domineering thuggery of the USA. This is not a contest for the purest political virgin in the empire.
Bernie Sanders has been entirely consistent and on message every step of the way for the last decade PLUS. So he is respected by the public as genuine, and a President they can have a high degree of confidence in. Not so any of the right wing trash. Tulsi Gabbard is building an enormous presence and support and to a high degree shares the platform that Sanders is building.
So right now when it matters most Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard set the integrity bar. Your alluding to some ancient past after Vietnam threw the USA out of its country only goes to reinforce that a person with high integrity and character is needed as President because Iraq is throwing the USA out of its country right now. It will be helpful to have Bernie Sanders, a capable person who has a track record of decent civil negotiating lead the way rather that the lying idiot in the White House and the other lying idiots trying to get there.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 10 2020 3:25 utc | 72
Wow! The CIA endorses the Gay Mayor!
CIA agents mayor pete endorsers
Mayorcheat, mayorRat, mayorCIA and billionaires support his campaign! What next, Hillary?
Haven't we had enough of shet like this.
Boy Bernie Sanders looks like Pope Francis next to Pete!
Bernie needs to leave Pete biting dust in the rear view mirror.
Bernie and only Bernie. Game over.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 10 2020 3:35 utc | 73
fairleft | Feb 10 2020 0:31 utc | 52
Tulsi is also the only candidate to immediately call out the U.S. attempted coup against Venezuela
I gave up listening to what any politician says a very long time ago cos pols will say anything if they believe it will get them a vote. What pols do is far more important than what they say. Gabbard said she supported the legitimate govt of Venezuela, which her supporters should expect her to, being as her shtick is anti-empire peace 'n all, however what she did which is far more important, was to be an early supporter of unrepentant warmonger Nancy Pelosi's campaign for speaker. In addition she attempted to get the newer lefties in Congress to also get behind Pelosi. She failed at that thank goodness, but AFAIK what she did succeed at is demonstrating to the electorate the huge gap between what she says & what she actually does.
Were Gabbard to get some more senior role in a dem administration we shouldn't expect much at all. Since Gabbard has been asked why the brown-skin rep for Hawaii isn't a Hawaiian, Gabbard has discovered her Samoan roots, claiming she is a Pacifica person, yet I haven't heard her platforming for the rights of Pacifica people trapped in a white supremacist empire. 'American' Samoa, just like so many of the pacific islands amerika invaded in ww2 allegedly temporarily to 'corner the japs' but have never left, are in exactly the same position as Guam & Puerto Rico which amerika colonised following the Spanish/US war in the 19th century.
They have few if any voting rights because they don't have statehood meaning anything at all can be done to 'em without any worry of political backlash, eg the shocking treatment Puerto Rico has copped since it was levelled by Hurricane Maria back in 2017. Compare the level of aid granted PR with that Fla gets whenever Fla wants.
The treatment of indigenous Pacifica people who have the misfortune to live in one of amerika's Pacific colonies is a subject people all over the pacific regard with contempt. Even worse than the treatment France metes out to it's Pacific colonies which is really saying something - still both detonated atom bombs destroying once verdant atolls so what else would you expect.
In fact if the amerikan naval blockade of Japan hadn't forced Japan to declare war on the US, by attacking Pearl Harbour it is extremely unlikely Gabbard would have her current gig.
Hawaii was only given full statehood as way of brushing off the butchery at Hiroshima and Nagasaki by claiming Japan had attacked the US, which it hadn't, at the time Japan bombed all those warships at Pearl Harbour, those warships had less legal right to be there than an israeli soldier has to be walking around east Jerusalem haranguing & harassing the locals.
Posted by: A User | Feb 10 2020 3:57 utc | 74
what organization was sanders supposedly the head of again? i don't think that ever happened.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 10 2020 3:59 utc | 75
and when exactly had the antiwar movement run its course in your understanding, gro?
Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 10 2020 4:01 utc | 76
@ 8 annie.. there is something flawed in that article and i don't agree with the way the author is spinning it.. it reads like propaganda to me as well... uncle t said something similar... i agree.. too many conclusions are made in the absence of facts and they all seem to favour israel.. who is paying this guy to write this stuff?? russia plays a much more nuanced game then he lets on, as does iran and even israel... however israels goal is very clear to read --- russia and iran not near as much..
Posted by: james | Feb 10 2020 4:56 utc | 77
The United States Air Force officially announced that almost 140 (137) USAF personnel across the active duty, National Guard and Reserve died by committing suicide in 2019, which is a staggering 33 percent increase over the previous year statistics.
The new total marks the highest annual number since the US Air Force began keeping an official record in 2008, stated service spokeswoman Lynn Kirby. Some 60 active-duty airmen died by suicide in 2018 and the service lost 103 airmen across the total force that year, according to the US Department of Defense.
Posted by: Mao | Feb 10 2020 5:07 utc | 78
Hollywood film legend Kirk Douglas’ passing on February 5th at the age of 103 has resulted in a sickening level of hypocrisy from the leftist mainstream media outlets. These outlets have written countless homages and memorials honoring the life of the man who “used his star power and influence in the late 1950s to help break the Hollywood blacklist” as CNN reported on February 6. Similar eulogies have followed this line from MSNBC, the NY Times, Washington Post, as well as many Hollywood celebrities.
What makes this so sickening is not that these memorials are untrue, but rather that it is these same MSM/Hollywood forces that are the heirs to the fascist McCarthyite machine which Kirk Douglass and his close network of collaborators fought so courageously against during their lives.
Posted by: Mao | Feb 10 2020 5:09 utc | 79
fairleft @45 @52 and others
Everyone seems to be focusing on my belief that the Biden-Tulsi are a likely choice for the establishment.
What is more important is my description of the establishment strategy that leads to a brokered convention and then:
- an establishment candidate as President;
a progressive as VP - with Bernie's blessing.
IMO This is still a disaster. Only Bernie at the top of the ticket provides the possibility of real change.
Sadly, Bernie helps to create this result if he:
- Doesn't fight against electoral fraud;
- Doesn't fight against media bias;
- Doesn't draw a sharp contrast between identity politics and class politics
Independent Movement(s) would pressure ALL politicians to act in accordance with the people's interests. We can support Bernie AND create independent Movements also.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 10 2020 5:33 utc | 80
So I have to admit I watched the Oscars, and haven't seen the film that won best picture, Parasite, but it looks pretty interesting. The Oscars were especially boring, but a couple of moments stood out. One was Joaquin Phoenix, and I won't get into what he said here, but the message in one word was: compassion.
However, the most mindblowing moment of the night and very boring night, goes to Eminem who put on a surprise, stunning performance of Lose Yourself, and the first few lines are very appropriate for what's happening right now:
If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?
And there's a line he keeps repeating:
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime...
Right there that theater came ALIVE and to me those words were like a signpost in Celestine Prophesy.
This is what I've been saying for weeks now!
If you had have
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just Don't let it slip!
This opportunity will come ONCE in your lifetime!
Carry Bernie all the way!!!
Or were doomed. I'm not kidding when I say I see this as a critical choice for all the planet, not just the U.S. Don't blow it on their choice(s)--Trump wins!!!
I feel this moment as transformative for better or much worse like nothing I've ever seen in my mind's eye before, and I've been right on Trump since day one.
We are our destiny. Bernie will defeat Trump. I see it. Don't blow it! Ruuuun with Bernie' vision and don't look back at what they're selling! RUN towards the light before it slips away.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 10 2020 5:47 utc | 81
@ 79 Jrabbit; I'd like to add a condition to your list;
If he doesn't oppose the definition of Social Democrat as a full on Socialist and start mentioning "mixed economy".
Virtually all the countries we're taught to believe are "Socialist", are, in reality, Mixed Economies.
Posted by: ben | Feb 10 2020 5:49 utc | 82
uncle tungsten @67: Biden/Gabbard is simply a provocative and divisive invention of the rabbit.
1) It makes sense in the context of an establishment effort to sideline Sanders while placating Sanders' 'base'.
2) A number of people have questioned Gabbard's sincerity (not just me).
- She's not really anti-war (she's still a serving member of the armed forces) as much as she's anti-wars that USA loses.
- Gabbard never attacked Biden - despite her focus on "regime-change wars" which Biden has been intimately involved in. First as a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and then as VP.
- Tulsi has taken some very establishment roles and policy positions (CFR, DNC, supporting Pelosi, etc.).
3) And Hillary gave Gabbard exposure by criticizing her. Hillary didn't have to do that.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 10 2020 5:50 utc | 83
ben @81
In an interview I saw today, Bernie was asked about his "radical agenda". He noted that other countries provide healthcare as a human right.
But that's not enough. And is likely to be the wrong approach given how unworldly Americans are.
IMO he should push-back on HARD on labels like radical and socialist. It's the Democratic and Republican Parties that have become "radical" by moving way to the right.
This is an example of how Bernie's dedication to "Party Unity" ties his hands and puts his success at risk. He refuses to say anything critical of the Party or other candidates.
But many here want us to put all our eggs in the Bernie basket.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 10 2020 5:59 utc | 84
Nothing. Time. Signal. Word. Signal becomes Purpose becomes Life becomes Word becomes Sentience. Life implies Death. All Sentient things must move then Live then Speak then Think then Die. The Universe must Die. In good Time. Not Today.
First we have Rules. Then Kings. Then Democracy. Corruption is the path to Death. Life is the struggle against Corruption. And inevitable Death.
Democracy is the attempt of the many Serfs to be Free of the few Kings. It can be nothing Less. Nor More.
Remember That.
Semi-correction, I wrote: Now we seen wads of cash given to Bootiegieg, Biden (less) and Klobuchar, clearly, too few of democratic tycoons to endow 10 candidates with ca. 100 millions each.
I just learned that there are enough democratic tycoons, but they seem to use their money less aggressively. "Real efforts" in USA include herding lesser rich to engage in "bundling" and create unaccountable organization the spew adds and other electioneering activity, spending oodles of money in the process, which is legal in USA without any limit in the absence of "coordination" with the candidate. But quite a few billionaires made individual contribution. Aggregate contriibutions exceeding 200 dollars can be checked by anyone. Forbes magazine compiles lists of billionaires and checked that quite a few contributed, and to many more candidates than I heard about.
Candidate #billionaire contributors (5600 limit)
Biden 44
Bennet 32
Booker 45
Buttigieg 34
Gabbard 1
Klobuchar 21
Sanders 1
Steyer 8 (and himself)
Warren 3
Young 4
Mind you, some donations are way below 5800 maximum, e.g. 350, most our from people who donate to multiple campaign.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 10 2020 6:29 utc | 86
@ 83; Yep, that's why I think his advisers SUCK. DJT will work overtime beating him over the head with the "Socialist" label, and the "come back" is so basic. The mixed economy "come back" is so obvious, even working class folks can understand it. Makes one think they don't want to win.
That's why I understand your skepticism.
Hey Bernie, grab a F'en clue..
Posted by: ben | Feb 10 2020 6:31 utc | 87
Pointless question Gro. Here and now is what really counts.
Does anyone at the bar know how Mr Sanders became the leader of the largest anti-war student movement, once
the real radicals had long-since been co-opted or otherwise eliminated by aggressive COINTELPRO operations?
By the time Sanders inherited or acquired or rose-through-the ranks, the anti-war movement was quite defunct.
I am not saying that Bernie would make a bad president, just because he is a life-long intelligence agency asset.
Posted by: Gro. | Feb 10 2020 6:35 utc | 88
@87 Gro.
Got any proof of that, tr👺ll?
@83 Jackrabbit
You disgust me. You lambasted me when I wrote in 2016 that the only reason I wanted Trump to win in 2016 was because his Ziofascism would fast-track the revolution, and Hillary would slow it down and just put it to sleep. One minute before Trump won I was for a Trump win. One minute after he won, he became public enemy no. 1. That's REAL, not your bullshet! Using the lemon reality deals to make lemonade is real, that's what Bernie is doing. Your thinking and repetitive comments prove either you understand nothing or you're a brainwashing agent of the 1% status quo.
Trump's only usefulness was and is to accelerate rage against the system, so a good person like Bernie, a real populist could seize on that rage to make people fight for social justice. When Bernie was railroaded the first time, I was so angry, I actually hoped people would take to the streets with pitchforks after 4 years of Trump! That's cause I never imagined Bernie had the courage and stamina to run again.
This is a fcking GIFT. It's the best that can happen after 4 years of Trump, no pitchforks but, yes taking it to every street! That's what Bernie's doing with his legion of volunteers! Another 4 years of Trump are unnecessary and dangerous. More people are awake and motivated now than in 2016 because of Trump's increasing fascism.
And yet there you were in 2016 singing Trump's praises for months with Hoarsewhisperer as your sidekick. You're so fake.
You accused me then of being a Cintonite, an Obamabot, a Zionist troll and more, but boy did I prove you wrong! And now here you are clamoring for a real revolution.
I'm the one that hoped Trump would trigger it, not you. You ridiculed me for expressing that hope then, and now here you are clamoring for it JUST TO TAKE SANDERS DOWN for not being a real revolutionary.
If only people could see what you wrote then. They would see you have come full circle switching sides with your fakery now that Sanders has become very viable.
I'm with Sanders cause I'm a real revolutionary, unlike you who changes his stripes to protect the status quo! I recognize how difficult it is for someone like Bernie who is considered a radical and a threat by the establishment to get this far!
He can't be fcking Fidel Castro, and he's not that kind of revolutionary! Why is wanting what Sweden has not enough for you? Why is getting rid of Citizens United not enough for you? Why is regulating Wall Street's power not enough for you? It's not good enough because, what you want is for Bernie to self-destruct by adopting something so radical, he'll be defeated and worse he'll be abducted by the CIA and disappeared somewhere, THAT'S WHAT YOU FCKING WANT and wish for, you hate him virally.
You are a fake. You're not for any revolution; you stand for NOTHING ACHIEVABLE.
Bernie Sanders is genuinely offering the best opportunity for real change at a moment in history when it is critically needed and you are nothing but a saboteur out to destroy that opportunity and usher in the irreversible damage that 4 more years of Trump will cause. Sanders can actually defeat Trump, but you don't want that do you?
Your screed against Sanders is pure poison.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 10 2020 8:24 utc | 89
Gro @ 87
Nearly spat out my tea. LOL. Yes, and a Maxist Freemason to boot, but all irrelevant. They all had to take their 'oaths' to get into the Game. The oath a bit like the Brownies Oath but way way way more serious. It's highly unlikely he's going to get very far, but the events leading up to his political demise will reveal much more about the real operations of our political elite. I mean how many years have some of these people been in power (in front and behind the scenes) -- many decades!!! The DNC won't release its grip easily.
Posted by: Jayne | Feb 10 2020 8:25 utc | 90
Jackrabbit at 79: The reason people focus on your Biden-Tulsi prediction is because it's idiotic. The establishment would never put a real progressive in the VP spot. Never. Not gonna happen. And Biden is clearly senile and the mainstream media is now being allowed to take note of that obvious fact
A User at 73: In the real world the DNC and warmonger media establishment is attempting to destroy Tulsi's political career, for example by forcing her out of her congressional seat, because she has shown no sign of obedience to their taboos and required narratives. Meanwhile, I know ... France ... Pelosi ...
Posted by: fairleft | Feb 10 2020 8:27 utc | 91
fairleft @90: The establishment would never put a real progressive in the VP spot.
Please remember this when the VP pick is made.
What pseudo-progressives do they have to select a VP? Which one's would Bernie's supporters rally behind? It's a very short list.
I might've thought Kamala, but she attacked Biden in the early debates. Who attacked her back (instead of attacking Biden)? Tulsi.
Booker? Warren? They have no foreign policy or military experience. Biden says the choice has to "be ready (to take the reigns) on day one because I'm an old guy".
Buttigieg? Sanders base dislikes him.
<> <> <> <> <>
My starting point is this: every Democratic candidate is suspect simply because they are running in a duopoly election. Even Bernie and Tulsi.
> I like Bernie's positions - but he pulls punches (as I described @83)
> I described concerns about Tulsi @82
Bottomline: it's difficult to know how genuine a candidate is, and it's even more difficult to hold them accountable after they're elected (recall Obama). That's why we need independent Movements.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 10 2020 8:51 utc | 92
What is you defense for this info on Sanders?
Posted by: krollchem | Feb 10 2020 8:59 utc | 93
Gilad Atzmon:
Dershowitz on the Promotion of Jewish Values (precious)
In his desperate attempt to defame Bernie Sanders, the Harvard professor has identified the enemy within: "the worst people in terms of not promoting Jewish values." Dershowitz was referring to Norman Finkelstein, Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky and Gilad Atzmon. I guess that most people would regard the company above as guardians of justice and humanism. Not exactly a quality that can be attributed to Dershowitz and his arch pedo-pal Jeffrey Epstein.
Sooner or later, the American people will have to figure out how did lame characters such as Dershowitz have managed to invade their Ivy League institutions…
Posted by: Helmut | Feb 10 2020 9:17 utc | 94
Piotr Berman #68
Make a guess what does it mean: J Math Anal, kinky life of professors and grad students? Embrace of that type would be even worse than "orally", a Klein bottle boiling over.
Well thank you Piotr Berman but that is way too obscure/cryptic for me to to unpack. I have tinkered with it for a while in between tasks in the orchard and so on but I assumed I am missing knowledge critical to its decipher. So I investigated the dread Klein bottle and now I do like Klein bottles and they immediately revealed the kinky part of your puzzle and figured that they would make a good insect trap. As for sexual excitement I will leave that to the professors etc.
I did find Sir Roger Scruton though in that meander:
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 10 2020 9:17 utc | 95
Circe #88
The rabbit gorges itself on long responses like yours. For rabbits there are two responses only: silence. and then you could try one of you great emoji. no words just an emoji. You have inspired me to work on them. Thank you.
Bernie is on a roll and I just want to see cheatin Pete hit the wall after New Hampshire. I would love to see someone shit on Joe Biden and I gather Giuliani has that in mind. Now can we get an emoji for such an event? What is the point of a revolution without a good laugh.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 10 2020 9:28 utc | 96
re: Paleene @34 & @38
Thank You.
Yes, the explains the 'innuendoes of the normal legal procedures' quite well.
Cheers X- in Sweden
Posted by: Veritas X- | Feb 10 2020 9:29 utc | 97
Here's Bernie's vaunted "foreign policy adviser" givin' some good Russia-hating.
"The only thing that Trump's Venezuela regime change policy achieved is giving Russia an opportunity to screw with the US in our own hemisphere. That's what they were applauding."
Same Old Shit. The only thing wrong with regime change is when it fails. And what should be needless to say, it's a pure lie about Russia "screwing with" anyone.
I especially like the hyper-imperialist "our own hemisphere." Those filthy Venezuelans and Bolivians are sitting on our oil and lithium, dammit.
bevin @ 51 says:
Something is happening and every time another ordinary American joins with it, it grows. And it is growing
joins with what, bevin? your vaunted, ephemeral movement?
more likely what you're sensing are the metastasising effects of a terminal malignancy. Martin Luther King jr. recognised it way back in 1968,
The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land. Confusion all around/I>
which was, of course, shortly before they murdered him, and indeed doubled and tripled down on the murdering expedient in general.
Posted by: john | Feb 10 2020 10:36 utc | 99
The comments to this entry are closed.
Hello *b*.
I just read the following at Zerohedge, written by Ray McGovern:
**German TV Exposes The Lies That Entrapped Julian Assange**
"Truth has broken through for those confused about how a publisher ended up in a maximum security prison in London with a one-way extradition ticket to court in the U.S. and the rest of his life behind bars.
One of the main German TV channels (ZDF) ran two prime-time segments on Wednesday night exposing authorities in Sweden for having “made up” the story about Julian Assange being a rapist.
Until last night most Germans, as well as other consumers of “major media” in Europe, had no idea of the trickery that enmeshed Assange in a spider-web almost certainly designed by the U.S. and woven by accomplices in vassal states like Sweden, Britain and, eventually, Ecuador.
ZDF punctured that web by interviewing UN Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer. One ZDF “Heute Sendung” segment (in German) is especially telling from minute 13:00 to 15:30 . The second is ZDF “Heute Journal” (minute 25:49 to 30:19.)..."
Would You-*b* and our German readers here please help us non-Germans with under-par knowledge of the German Language, understand the 2 ZDF video presentations mentioned.
The «Vor unseren Augen kreiert sich ein mörderisches System» has been translated here:
I live in the very small town where 1 of the 'rapes' supposedly happened.
Less than ½ km away is...the Swedish Military CyberCommand HQ.
From the HQ, it's about another ½ km away from where the, scene-of-the 'crime', cough-cough.
I can promise all, it was most definitely a ...set-up.
But that's a long story.
Posted by: Veritas X- | Feb 9 2020 16:19 utc | 1