Oligarch Buys Political Party - Seeks to Become President
Mike Bloomberg is the world's ninth richest person. An oligarch known for strong racism and insulting sexism who once was the Republican mayor of New York City. He since decided that he wants to become president.
As he saw no chance to run for a Republican party that is happy with Trump he filed to run as a Democratic candidate. Bloomberg has since bought the Democratic Party in every state as well as the DNC:
The DNC told Mike Gravel they wouldn't change the debate rules for any candidate. "That's our #1 rule - we can't change the rules for anybody."A few months later, they changed the debate rules to let oligarch Bloomberg into the debates... after he gave the DNC $300K.
His political tactic is very simple. He does not talk about issues, as people would not like what he has to say, but simply spends tons of money:
He’s dropping huge sums of money: on staff and resources, on TV advertisements, and on Facebook ads, where Trump has long dominated. And he’s attempting to overcome his stodgy public image with the help of a meme army and through well-catered campaign events seemingly designed to convince voters that life under a wealthy technocrat might not be so bad. “I think it’s classy,” one supporter told the Times at a Philadelphia campaign rally complete drink station and a selection of cheesesteaks, hoagies, and brie-and-fig appetizers. “I feel like it’s a nightclub in here. This is what he needs to get people going.”
To this date Bloomberg has spent more than $350 million for his campaign. He is willing and can afford to put several billions into it. Over the years Bloomberg has given more than $10 billion to build a political and philanthropical empire. He used that money to suppress voices critical of him:
In 2015, Center for American Progress researchers wrote a report on U.S. Islamophobia, w/a 4300-word chapter on the Bloomberg-era NYPD.When the report was published, the chapter was gone.
By then, Bloomberg had given CAP ~$1.5mm. That number has grown.
The really bad thing is that it works:
3 months ago, polls found Mike Bloomberg “widely disliked” with the highest negatives in the race. Now he’s a top 3 contender for the Democratic nomination. One of the richest humans ever is trying to upend every part of the process. And this is just the stuff we know about.
The Democratic Party and lots of its bought off functionaries seem to be happy with this. They do not mind that it makes the U.S. look worse than the Ukraine. Yes, U.S. politics are always corrupt. But outright buying one's way into office is exceeding the usual stench.
But would Bloomberg, with Hillary Clinton as running mate, really be able to bring out the votes that are needed to beat Trump? I for one doubt it.
Atrios is appalled by the whole scheme but still falls for it:
Bloomberg is bad for lots of reasons, and one of them is PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE SO WILLING TO EMBRACE A BILLIONAIRE WHO IS BUYING (not just ads, but people) THE ELECTION WITH HIS ABSURD FORTUNE. I mean, ok, sure, if it's BLOOMBERG OR TRUMP I'll choose Bloomberg, but why are people establishing this as the choice? It's absurd. The only person who can beat an asshole (fake, I know) billionaire is another asshole billionaire? Broken brains everywhere.
"[I]f it's BLOOMBERG OR TRUMP I'll choose Bloomberg" is, in my view, exactly the wrong response to this hijacking of a party and election. It is this behavior that makes Bloomberg's move possible in the first place.
Any good response to billionaires hijacking elections must demonstrate that campaigns by rich people have a high risk of failing. To vote for a third party or to abstain is the only responsible reaction to it.
Posted by b on February 15, 2020 at 18:28 UTC | Permalink
next page »In the US no one should be voting for either the Democrats or Republicans. Vote! But vote anyone but the corrupt duopoly.This goes for the senate, as well as the President. It is the only way to send an appropriate message to the US oligarchs.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Feb 15 2020 18:40 utc | 2
Watch out for Killary the Witch.
Posted by: Nathan Mulcahy | Feb 15 2020 18:43 utc | 3
Bloomberg's racism and "stop and frisk" harassment of a whole generation of kids, when he was New York mayor, will surely come back to bite him in the upcoming debate. So many ghosts of our haunted past. I can't believe he could become the complete figurehead of the 1%. I don't think he can make the cut, and land in the White House.
Bloomberg could be characterized, whether fairly or unfairly, as just another billionaire from New York in the process of attempting to buy a public office and if he has to buy the “leadership” of a political party as a prerequisite that’s okay. The Mike and Don show. Billionaires that share this--they are not producers of things ala Henry Ford but financialistas rentiers ala Michael Milliken. On issues that affect oligarchy wealth, it is not unreasonable to suspect no difference… nada.
On other matters say environmental matters but not on working class matters, Mike will make ‘nicer’ noises. Mikes pronouncements on marijuana and his bigoted and discriminatory law enforcement policies suggest he is closer to Don than me. In 2016 a vulture capitalist former Democrat money captured the morally bankrupt Republican Party and bought an Emperorships err I mean “Presidency”. In 2020, a vulture capitalist, former Republican is plagiarizing him to money capture the morally bankrupt Democratic Party in order to attempt to buy an Emperorship err I mean “Presidency”. Trumpberg or Blump--no real difference-- except that Mike keeps the mask on his inner class warfare wolf more firmly. Credit to Don for dropping the mask so that everyone can see how "business" really governs what was once one of humanity’s better shots at a functioning large population democracy.
In more than a few ways this is Oligarch Street's err I mean “Wall Street’s” final takeover of both parties.
It used to own, 1 and a half political parties, now it will have two.
Posted by: stephen laudig | Feb 15 2020 18:48 utc | 5
A Constitutional Republic the USA isn't. Until the U.S. Constitution is restored and the Patriot Act gets the due diligence it deserves which includes George Bush Jr.'s shake down, the voting is completely a sham. The Supreme Court chose the U.S. President (GWBJr) and then there was Citizen's United via the Supremes. Corporations not People control the USA. Bother to Vote ...!??
Posted by: BiloxiMarxKelly | Feb 15 2020 18:52 utc | 6
Bloomberg is not going to get people to vote in large enough numbers to be a contender, he had zero write-in votes in NH. So he is about running to gain support just enough to force a second vote in order to for superdelegates to over turn the will of the people for Bernie at the convention.
Some people want Tulsi to drop out and endorse Bernie, like Kyle Kulinski, but those people are not thinking right because they act as if Bernie is not a VERY OLD man who has had health issues recently. If Tulsi drops out and endorses Bernie and then Bernie a few months from now has health issues which force him out---THEN WHAT KYLE? You want Warren who is a proven con artist and neocon? See Tulsi Gabbard is The Steely Dan of Politics or: Perfection Isn’t For Everyone
Posted by: Kali | Feb 15 2020 18:54 utc | 7
A picture is worth a 1,000 words:
It's all theater for the masses.
And little Mikey is just another frontman for the redshields/epstein-barr gang:
Posted by: Veritas X- | Feb 15 2020 18:58 utc | 8
Bloomberg started out to buy the presidency, said he "I am spending my money to get rid of Trump."
He will not make it to the White House by selecting Killery [otherwise known as HRC] to be his running mate.
If by crook, ff;
January 18, 2021 - 9:00 AM
Bloomberg's spokesperson. Sadly, I regret to report president-elect Mike Bloomberg, under pressure, has resigned before taking the oath of office
Question from the Press: Was it the Arkansas bug?
Matt Drudge, exposer of the blue dress, has the scoop.
Posted by: Likklemore | Feb 15 2020 19:01 utc | 9
Excellent report as always, b. Only one paragraph in I was immediately reminded of how Roman politicians would garner favor with "the mob;" holding public banquets and exhibiting games. It's singularly distressing/depressing to realize that in the over 5000 year history of organized societies, the very best humanity is able to produce is iron-age republicanism...with the internet and dial-a-yield nuclear weapons.
More and more I begin to think that, like its German nazi predescessor, the US nazi construct must be destroyed for the sake of peace and humanity; hopefully not at the same horrid cost as the former's destruction required.
Many thanks again for all you do, b; peace.
Posted by: robjira | Feb 15 2020 19:02 utc | 10
Bloomberg is the Better Billionaire.
Unlike Trump, he does run a Honest Business.
That being said, Butti-Jig is MIC-Intel/DEA/McKinsey+Red_Queen backed.
Biden is Finished.
Fauxahontas Warren is backed by Corporates.
Sanders and Gabbard have Good Policies.
Regarding Bloomberg+Clinton:
Everyone on ZH and Drudge's Tweet discussing the Pairing are joking that if they Win 2020, Bloomberg will Die somewhen btwn the Post-Election Victory Lap and a Month after the Inauguration.
Posted by: IronForge | Feb 15 2020 19:08 utc | 11
Bloomberg should think twice about installing a Clinton just a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. That is his heartbeat he needs to worry about.
Posted by: michael s | Feb 15 2020 19:11 utc | 12
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Feb 15 2020 18:40 utc | 2
If people were awake they would vote in just that way. However the frequent knee-jerk excuse is "But then I will have wasted my vote on a nobody."
To send a loud message Americans should vote for anyone but a Demo or Repo candidate.
Posted by: Tom_LX | Feb 15 2020 19:12 utc | 13
The trick is Bloomberg was actually a decent and balanced mayor.
He governed effectively. He has record of acheivement.
Trumps appeal such as it is lies in his volatile behavior but kind of loses it with his attachment to Nutinyahoos behind.
However I feel most of what is wrong stems from our country is managed for and by oligarchs and their lackeys. But historically I believe that is how it works - chose aristochracy, oligarchy, despotarchly, malarchy. Those are the real choices. Communism, socialism and democracy are concepts that dont exist in the wild.
Posted by: jared | Feb 15 2020 19:12 utc | 14
''billionaires hijacking elections''... that sums it up well b.. thanks.. this one is going to fail... all that ill gotten money is going back into circulation as bribery money now.. ill gotten in both directions...
Posted by: james | Feb 15 2020 19:15 utc | 15
Same move the Clinton foundation pulled (bought controlling interest in the paper company that calls itself the DNC). They also wrangled at least temporary control of the corporation which provided vote tabulation machines. Smooth fail.
@14 jared quote "Communism, socialism and democracy are concepts that don't exist in the wild."
is human decency something that doesn't exist in the wild? how did you arrive at this conclusion?
Posted by: james | Feb 15 2020 19:17 utc | 17
Interesting analysis b.
Here's another view:
Zionist Bloomberg and Zionist Biden and Zionist Buttigieg and Zionist Klubachar and Zionist Warren and Zionist Sanders competing to race against Zionist Trump.
I think I know who the winners and losers are already.
But they do put on a good show, don't they?
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 15 2020 19:18 utc | 18
Tulsi is the new JFK. But seems America is not ready for decent honest politian with ideals and aspirations. She think America is capable of greatness. I doubt it.
But I will write her name in if thats what it takes. For what its worth.
Posted by: jared | Feb 15 2020 19:18 utc | 19
Only genuine independent Movements will actually change anything.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 15 2020 19:23 utc | 20
Spoil ballot with write in for Stormy Daniels=/=Trumpery Send a real message!
Vote "third party"=Trumpery
Vote Communist Party=/=Trumpery Send a real message!
There is the direct action anti-Trump, like firebomb the NYSE but I don't recommend it.
I do recommend dropping twitter with the announcement you refuse to pay attention to Trump platforms.
Trumpery is for Sharpie sniffers.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Feb 15 2020 19:28 utc | 22
The Bloomberg campaign is a ploy to get Hillary into the race.
Posted by: b4real | Feb 15 2020 19:29 utc | 23
hang on
Trump - he self funds
Bloomberg - he buys a party
in the meantime the republican party has seized to exist and is now simply the handmaiden of King Trump
but but the democrats.....
good fucking grief.
Posted by: Sabine | Feb 15 2020 19:33 utc | 24
As ever, liberals are incapable of thinking systemically. Whether Bloomberg would be a more competent president or not is secondary to the fact that if he succeeds in getting the nomination, much less wins the election, that will be another mile marker, a big one, on the road to the total death of US democracy. He'll have shown that a sufficiently rich person can simply buy their way one, bribing where needed and blanketing the media with their ads.
Even Trump didn't do that. Trump spent little or none of his own money getting elected.
Posted by: Benjamin | Feb 15 2020 19:34 utc | 25
I forecast earlier that Bloomberg is planning to be anointed at a brokered convention and probably will team up with Hillary. Or, failing that, perhaps the other way around.
Perhaps not coincidentally, Strategic Culture suddenly has gone all in on pushing every DNC lie in the name of Trump-Derangement, ostensibly on behalf of Buttigeg, but perhaps for an unnamed billionaire.
To vote for a third party or to abstain is the only responsible reaction to it.
That was always the only responsible reaction to these fake elections, as far as participation in them.
I'd just like to remind the Bernie bros here that Sanders is also a Zionist whore.
Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea
Posted by: D. | Feb 15 2020 19:37 utc | 27
@14 jared quote "Communism, socialism and democracy are concepts that don't exist in the wild."
You should try reading some EO Wilson regarding termite, ant, and bee colonies. They all work for the benefit of the hive. Additionally, communism thrived very well in hunter gathers before there was a surplus of wealth. Finally, both Budda and Christ advocated communism.
Posted by: Michael | Feb 15 2020 19:37 utc | 28
If Sanders gets shafted by the dems could he run as an independent?
Posted by: farm ecologist | Feb 15 2020 19:39 utc | 29
If fake democracy did not exist the elites would need to invent it (which is why they did).
Look, enjoy the show if you will. They decide who rules you, you just have to go along. Don't sweat what you cant change. Call out the BS when you see it for as long as you are allowed to, but thats all you can do.
The herd likes to be led. Food and entertainment is all they want. Politics is sports entertainment. They get to pick a team (or fake wrestler) and cheer. They will be manipulated to pick only those preselected by the elites. Any of them will do. All are controllable and will follow their scripts.
Posted by: Pft | Feb 15 2020 19:40 utc | 30
If Hillary is on the ticket, that is all I need to know. I'd vote against it, even if against means Trump. They can't use the threat of Trump as an excuse to get away with just any abuse they like.
Posted by: Mark Thomason | Feb 15 2020 19:40 utc | 31
@farm ecologist #29
Surely he could. But the good sheepdog he is he wont!
Posted by: D. | Feb 15 2020 19:42 utc | 32
Posted by: jared | Feb 15 2020 19:12 utc | 14
"Communism, socialism and democracy are concepts that dont exist in the wild."
1. You left out lots of things that don't exist in the wild such as capitalism, corporations, commodities, intellectual property, property in land or any other resource, and most of all, money.
2. If by "in the wild" we mean natural human beings, then cooperative tribes, what can be called a primal socialism, is indeed the one and only social structure that exists in the wild. And it's the only one that's ever worked. Meanwhile hierarchy was first extruded from the excess produced by agriculture. (By "excess" meaning a surplus not used as any kind of reserve but to feed non-workers, who then went about the business of constructing and enforcing this parasite hierarchy.)
Hillary as VP?
Why not Netanyahu?
He's a dual citizen and I hear he may be looking for a job soon.
He brings international experience to the ticket that Bloomberg lacks.
Bloom 'n Yahoo. It's a killer combo.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 15 2020 19:44 utc | 34
Posted by: farm ecologist | Feb 15 2020 19:39 utc | 29
"If Sanders gets shafted by the dems could he run as an independent?"
Sure he could. He's already unilaterally, unconditionally promised his DNC handlers he won't, same as 2016.
If Mike the midget manages to acquire the Nomination, Trump will disassemble him in the debates.
And there are plenty of young, technically adept supporters of Bernie Sanders who will sabotage Bloomberg's digital campaign.
There will be a blizzard war of TV ads beyond anything ever seen . Trump has a war chest of $200 million and the MAGA people will double that if he needs it.
Trump's ground game is improved by disenchanted Dems and enriched Indies who are benefitting from his deregulation and tax cuts. They are signing up for his rallies and making small contributions. Americans tend to vote their wallet and check books, and now, their 401ks, generally up 90% under Trump. These are real crossover voters for Trump.
Money can buy you anything except height and emotional attachment. Trump has both and Bloomberg has neither.
Bloomberg's polling may be improving every hundred million or two, but he is stealing with his billions from every other candidate. The thin line of victory for him will be impossible if he can't convert nearly all the other candidates voters in key states. He can only win California's electoral votes once. Trump's path to re-election is very clear, better than 2016, with indications he can expand his victory.
Bloomberg and Klobuchar might be the ticket the ex-mayor packages. He will hope a woman, that woman, will help him hold enough Dem voters.
She just announced that English should not be the official American language.
That ought to seal Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for Trump.
Imagine when Pence faces her on the debate stage.
The best bet right now is to short "shorties" campaign chances.
Posted by: Red Ryder | Feb 15 2020 19:50 utc | 36
@jared #14
There are many people who believe that corruption is inevitable and therefore, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." You seem to be one of those people. It seems like a good idea for you to be upfront about it.
Posted by: Cynica | Feb 15 2020 19:52 utc | 37
US democracy could definitely take a lesson from Putin with respect to dealing with oligarchs buying media and political influence.
Posted by: JR | Feb 15 2020 19:58 utc | 38
Much noise has been made about Trump being elected due to anti-establishment sentiment. While certainly true, Trump's election is just one in a long line of seemingly anti-establishment candidates elected, after which it's more or less "business as usual". Clearly the establishment has long since caught on to the fact that "the masses" dislike it, hence why they concentrate on the appearance of being anti-establishment. Sadly, "the masses" get fooled time and time again. One can only marvel at how it keeps happening.
Posted by: Cynica | Feb 15 2020 20:03 utc | 39
The link at 27 is really something. Talking to the NYT, Sanders doesn't even pretend to be anything but a hard-core imperialist war-monger indistinguishable from Biden or Hillary herself. How does he think he benefits from that? Stupid as Corbyn.
Remember what Aristotle wrote about elections:
It is accepted as democratic when public offices are allocated by lot; and as oligarchic when they are filled by election.
Posted by: Cynica | Feb 15 2020 20:10 utc | 41
@Russ #40
Saying different things to different people is what happens when one focuses on winning an election rather than on effecting certain policies. While it can be an effective strategy to lie to those who disagree with your desired policies, that also runs the risk of your supporters coming to see you as dishonest. On the other hand, it may be impossible to effect your desired policies without resorting to "politics by other means". What is to be done?
Posted by: Cynica | Feb 15 2020 20:16 utc | 42
Bloomberg is in it to sabotage Sanders if the DNC can't prevent his(Sanders) nomination. If that happens they will do like they did to Ned Lamont in the 2006 Connecticut US Senate race where he defeated Lieberman in the primary. The DNC and republicans together funneled money into Lieberman's third party run. They're all perfectly happy to throw the election to Trump by the same method.
Posted by: Just Me | Feb 15 2020 20:23 utc | 43
Gabbard as his VP would be a President Sanders's best insurance against being assassinated.
Speaking of assassination, would Bloomberg really want to have Hillary as his VP? She wants to be President as intensely as LBJ did, and she has as many suspicious deaths in her past as LBJ did.
Posted by: lysias | Feb 15 2020 20:46 utc | 45
"To vote for a third party or to abstain is the only responsible reaction to it."
Right on, b.
"There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man." – Lev Tolstoi
Posted by: Bruce | Feb 15 2020 20:49 utc | 46
Starting with the 1996 election, I have always voted third party in presidential elections. For reasons that I do not understand, very few Americans have done likewise, or at least have been reported to do likewise. I increasingly wonder whether third party votes are deliberately undercounted.
Surely the 2016 choices were bad enough to almost impel third party voting. But only something like one percent of votes went to Jill Stein. Even in my state of Maryland, whose electoral votes were just about guaranteed to go to Hillary.
Posted by: lysias | Feb 15 2020 20:58 utc | 47
Posted by: robjira | Feb 15 2020 19:02 utc | 10
"hopefully not at the same horrid cost as the former's destruction required.
Many thanks again for all you do, b; peace."
Spot on. Consideration of similarities to the previous Nazi era, those who caused it by seeking dominance in commerce and with their manipulation of investments and credit, to the current situation and once again increased use of military force and threats of mass destruction, also demand significant scrutiny by those who advocate for better outcomes.
Thanks to you for your input, I find FAR more gems in the comments at this site than my last haunt which turned into an advocate for con artists, trump in particular.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 15 2020 21:08 utc | 48
If I steal billion$ off karlof, circe, jackrabbit, and james and give 90% of it to grieved, will you call me a philanthropist - - or a THIEF?
Everyone please Stop pretending and repeating that a billionaire is a philanthropist. He does not give away what is his own self-earned wealth, he can only be returning part of the megawealth he has legally or illegally stolen.
Billionaires are the RECIPIENTS of society's philanthropy, they are so obviously recipients of the mad overgenerosity of the 99% underpaid underpowered...who should be spending their time and energies campaigning for a just cap on personal fortunes and installing countermeasures to claw back their trillions in mostly-legally-stolen wealth from the overpaid overpowered 1%
where oh where is humanity's SELF RESPECT?
Posted by: Phryne's frock | Feb 15 2020 21:18 utc | 49
Posted by: Russ | Feb 15 2020 20:09 utc | 40
Not just your average boo bird, but a trump/adelson mercenary boo bird.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 15 2020 21:21 utc | 50
To vote for a third party or to abstain is the only responsible reaction to it.
Well the third party of competency and potential had better emerge pronto in that case. Bernie Sanders is fast approaching his fork in the road.
One path is compliance and betrayal and the other is independence and honour.
Not looking good from my reading. But clearly there are many who will choose the path of independence and honour.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 15 2020 21:27 utc | 51
ugh this is just a huge distraction meant to demoralize people. He isn't getting nominated, at best he can buy enough of the DNC to dictate the nominee in the event noone gets a majority.
Bloomberg has exactly one thing to offer: money. His record is possibly less in line with the Dem party's stated principles than Biden, although not by much. Most of the swing states will have even less respect for him than Romney, who is the closest comparison I can think of.
The utterly shameless nature of his run is what commands attention. A commenter on nakedcapitalism likened it to Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla, which I think sums up the appeal of this story pretty well.
Posted by: ptb | Feb 15 2020 21:38 utc | 53
jared #14
Communism, socialism and democracy are concepts that dont exist in the wild.
Thanks jared, but they do exist in the real world. The world beyond the history and controlled dialogue of the capitalist promoters. They have emerged and disappeared in places and even been in continuous existence for millenia. Keep reading widely of humanity and its myriad social forms. Then take a good look at what passes for 'history and knowledge' as propagandised by the 'system'.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 15 2020 21:38 utc | 54
In the past several elections, in the space for "President," I wrote in - Vladimir Putin.
Antoinetta III
Posted by: Antoinetta III | Feb 15 2020 21:47 utc | 55
Phryne's frock #49
Billionaires are the RECIPIENTS of society's philanthropy, they are so obviously recipients of the mad overgenerosity of the 99% underpaid underpowered...who should be spending their time and energies campaigning for a just cap on personal fortunes and installing countermeasures to claw back their trillions in mostly-legally-stolen wealth from the overpaid overpowered 1%
YES YES YES to that and thank you.
The philanthropists babble and greasy hands 'contributions' represent that fake whitewashing akin to 'see I voluntarily pay my taxes'. And then they feel good that they have earned a little round of applause from the observers and maybe get a little medal for goodness. Spew. F'ing frauds and cheats.
Perhaps at the revolution philanthropists can be put to work cleaning streets, planting trees or decontaminating Fukushima reactor.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Feb 15 2020 21:50 utc | 56
Right on b. Does that mean that the US is now officially a 'shithole country' too? Long gone are the days when a national leader was a former railway engine cleaner who lived in a little house in a country town, a man who would go on to enact a legislative program that embraced a whole community recovering from war. The West is very very broken.
Posted by: Patroklos | Feb 15 2020 21:58 utc | 57
My position is clear since 2016. Who cares who wins or whether Bloomberg pick Hillary Clinton, Warren, Biden or even a queer for VP. I hate both Trump and Bloomberg. But I hate the Democratic more.
I may vote or write in Tulsi Gabbard, but NO Bernie Sanders.
Posted by: JC | Feb 15 2020 22:02 utc | 58
Any good response to billionaires hijacking elections must demonstrate that campaigns by rich people have a high risk to fail. To vote for a third party or to abstain is the only responsible reaction to it.
REALLY? Helping to re-elect another equally if not more corrupt Ziofascist billionaire is the ONLY responsible reaction??!🙄👎
I'll get back to this whatever near the end of this comment.
@ Open thread 297 sarz
Thank you for your thoughtful, much-needed encouragement.
@295 OT Walter
It's obvious 1st in Iowa, now Nevada, ironically both caucus states, Zionists are stalking and harrassing Sanders, and you know, it's so much easier to get away with dirty tricks when the process itself is rigged against the Left with both parties. The right has winner takes all, but, fact; you're never going to have a left-leaning candidate on the right EVEN on foreign policy who's viable, so there's a built-in firewall already. That's why the right's process can appear more transparent, but it's not. Just ask Ron Paul.
The firewall against the Left on the Dem side; I refuse to call it Left, is multi- pronged: caucuses, weird-math proportional allocation of automatic delegates as opposed to winner takes all, and of course the totally undemocratic super-delgate bias and their 1st vote alignment at the Convention.
Both parties electoral strategies ensure that Left-leaning activism is CONTAINED to going nowhere and far removed from the seat if power. UNTIL NOW. And this is why this moment is a gift we might never see again.
To think Democrats would choose Billionaires like Bloomberg or stomach another 4 years of Trump might have appeared unthinkable heresy years back, but as you can see the rot on the Dem side is as deep as with Ziofascist Trump's party. ANYTHING, BUT NEVER BERNIE SANDERS.
Curiously, b, also resorted to ERASING SANDERS.
If Bernie as an Independent in Congress managed a few changes even to the Dem electoral process, just imagine how much more transparency and change a Bernie Sanders Presidency can influence and demand from the Democratic hierarchy and Congress with the power of people having his back.
Yes, but alas challenges remain and Zionism is still ubiquituous in the process.
Now we all know how the Buttigieg-funded app developed by a wealthy Zionist apparatchik skewed the outcome in Pete the Cheat's favor, THE NIGHT OF THE IOWA ELECTION, when a sizable chunk of the precincts got conveniently jammed in the unholy, programmed pandemonium just when Buttigieg was conveniently leading by almost two points and quickly took the stage to claim victory so he could get the bounce and media accolades that come with a first-state victory. But as we then learned, TWO WHOLE DAYS LATER, yeah, it took that long to untie a knot! Bernie was actually only behind by a miniscule .1 difference, and then short of an exact tie or Sanders victory, the Party came up with a wacky excuse to stop counting and gave Buttigieg 2 extra Iowa delegates for a less than razor-thin edge.
So to add the fist to the initial thumb on the scale you have the incessant machinations of Zionist meddling, be it through BIG MONEY, Facebook, SuperPacs churning out disgusting deceitful ads, or as in Iowa, more shadowy, innovative strategies added on.
Today, Zionists are back in Nevada, and the difference between Iowa and Nevada is early paper voting. BUT, there's a catch: When you early vote your candidate on paper, you STILL have to choose other candidates in order of preference ie your 2nd, 3rd, 4th choices in case your candidate turns out not to be viable, BUT you have no idea at the time who will or won't be viable like you would if you were physically present to caucus, and are unable to make strategic choices.
They complicate the process so much you need a degree to figure it out, and people in the service industry there might not even have a high school diploma. Added layers of complication are always undemocratic and discriminatory.
OF COURSE EARLY VOTING BENEFITS BERNIE, for several reasons, and he will most certainly get above 15% making him viable if his people show up and they will. BUT, can the Nevada Democratic Leaders be trusted with the early votes, although they dropped the app used in Iowa, but they're still going to be using tabulating software? We'll see. Bernie's team is vigilant.
The whole caucus thing stinks.
Now I wanna emphasize again: Bloomberg AND Buttigieg and even Klobuchar who used to be a prosecuter pretend a sudden black/latino conversion, but the truth is that in their past political and/or prosecutorial lives, they acted very badly with the black and latino communities and their records speak for themselves. So now in their time of political need they're resorting to opportunistic pandering and using blacks as political props. They strategically place every stray black and latino person that walks into their rallies behind them facing the camera. You can tell when it's so staged.
Bloomberg, Buttigieg and Klobuchar however are the choices the DNC establishment, Zionists, billionaires who also fall into the latter and former categories and their bought fake media gatekeepers want everyone to choose from. Bernie Sanders, WHO IS WINING is demonized, marginalized and just plain erased from their discussion except to fear-monger, smear and undermine. But people are starting to get it! Bernie has captured something so powerful they just want to make it disappear, but you can't unring that bell. It's WOKE TIME.
So, PARDON ME, but your 3rd Party or abstention solution at this critical moment ripe to be seized with Bernie winning, Trump the most detested man on the planet, and Bloomberg, the anathema of the poor and the working class hero that Sanders wants to elevate and empower, is unrealistic insofar as 3rd Party and at this moment would be THE HEIGHT OF ALL IRRESPONSIBILITY!
Only NUMBERS. VAST NUMBERS of people showing up for Bernie Sanders can mess with their game. They count on people's apathy and cynicism like you prescribe; they count on close results they can fix, but what they can't control is passion and excitement leading to overwhelming voter turnout for Sanders, what they can't control is the truth reverberating online, and what they can't control is the youth vote. They think they have the process so gamed people will fall in line with the establishment's choices or stay home in hopeless retreat, or go 3rd Party to advantage the side they really want to win.
Posted by: Circe | Feb 15 2020 22:04 utc | 59
The Dems are in desperate need of a viable candidate.
Bloomberg- is buying his way. Just wait for his negative paper trail to be aired. Oops, some group does not want Mike around. Wapo is already on it. Not pretty.
Mike Bloomberg for years has battled women’s allegations of profane, sexist comments
Sanders-repeating 2016. It will be grand theft and he will fall in line. And there is the question of his health.
Buttigieg- his 15 minutes in the limelight is nearly up; the Bible belt evangelicals, and the "Optics" - an insurmountable hill to climb. Well, he can add to his CV an "I also ran for president."
Biden - He is done. Turn off the oven. The Senate investigations will come to haunt his ride.
Warren - what is her heritage? Epic fail. Trump will make mince pie.
Klobuchar - did well in New Hampshire and just blew it. OMG. Klobuchar says English should not be US national language, reversing from prior vote
Demorats wasted 3 + Years trying to take down Trump. It's now a shell.
Posted by: Likklemore | Feb 15 2020 22:10 utc | 60
Posted by: jared | Feb 15 2020 19:12 utc | 14
"the real choices. Communism, socialism and democracy are concepts that dont exist in the wild."
But I know Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" exist, practice successfully in China and it works. We will know shortly whether it stopped or contains Convid-19.
Posted by: JC | Feb 15 2020 22:13 utc | 61
The most catchy election slogan in the history of these "several states", IMHO was "Tippecanoe and Tyler too!". It was so successful that it provided two names to Simpson's song "We are the mediocre presidents". In the song, bearded Harrison, the storied victor of Tippecanoe, exclaims "I died in forty days!", while his running mate gets half a phrase "There is Tyler, there is Taylor.
Anyway, if Trump knows anything it is how to hit below the belt:
Trump campaign seizes on audio of Bloomberg defending 'stop and frisk'
BY MORGAN CHALFANT - 02/11/20 11:38 AM EST 1,897
President Trump’s campaign is seizing on newly surfaced audio from 2015 in which former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg can be heard defending the controversial policing policy known as “stop and frisk.”
Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, tweeted Tuesday that the audio shows that Bloomberg, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, is a “complete racist.”
Trump run on letting police to kill as many as they deem proper without ANY second guessing, denigrating "black lives matter" etc. But Mike is campaigning now in state with non-white majorities among Democratic primary voters, so it can hurt. Bootiegeg is in single digits there in spite of lopsidedly leading among folks who sensible store wine in caverns.
Bloomberg really has an epic run. Ad rates rose 20% because of his buys, Democratic candidates for any office that actually requires a campaign can't find professional stuff because Mike hires thousands of "activists with prior experience" at double of previous salary and guaranteed till November. His position papers run in hundreds of pages, hastily copied, often verbatim (isn't there a specialty of rewriting stuff in different words?). On foreign policy, he offers measured, cool approach. Steady. Proven. Hand.
But his former advisors are true spawn of hell.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 15 2020 22:22 utc | 62
Watch out for Killary the Witch.
Posted by: Nathan Mulcahy | Feb 15 2020 18:43 utc | 3
Money Changers control both parties. AIPAC buys all the scum it's benjamins can purchase.
Antisemitc Screams to follow
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 15 2020 22:23 utc | 63
You see what I meant in my post above about the early voting pitfalls with a caucus system? It's so easy for the Dem party to discard a vote! Damn!
I hope he sent fliers with a Spanish translation!
Posted by: Circe | Feb 15 2020 22:25 utc | 64
there's no way i would ever cast a vote for bloomberg.
Posted by: annie | Feb 15 2020 22:26 utc | 65
bubblehead 50
OK Dembot.
Posted by: Russ | Feb 15 2020 21:34 utc | 52
Your true colours come shining through, trump bot.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 15 2020 22:28 utc | 66
I’ll vote third party, as I have all but once in the past 30. Better to register dissent than apathy.
Posted by: JohnH | Feb 15 2020 22:29 utc | 67
I was pondering how it would go if Sanders really were to wrest the nomination - would we have the spectacle of the MSM and the rest of the establishment saying in effect "None of the Above"? (Well, not really - they'd all fall into line behind Trump, however grudgingly.)
An earlier commenter envisioned the DNC and a counterpart Republican faction going full treason against their own parties to support a Bloomberg independent run. The MSM would go into ecstasy supporting that. With how crazy things are getting in the US, it really could happen.
Let the wild rumpus begin!
To all you defeatists who aren't going to vote 'cos you'll just put up with the charade and eat popcorn, do it for the rest of the world, your government is bombing us.
Bloomberg is 5'5", do we need another Napoleon?
Posted by: DeQuincey | Feb 15 2020 22:34 utc | 70
Money Changers control both parties. AIPAC buys all the scum it's benjamins can purchase.
Antisemitc Screams to follow
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 15 2020 22:23 utc | 63
I think the Hillary CANNOT be Mike's running mate, because the mates must be from different states. Actually, Pacific Ticket: Tulsi & Gravel (Hawaii and Alaska) would have so many cute visuals (skying through tundra and surfing, endless other), puns: peace candidates from Pacific, too bad.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 15 2020 22:37 utc | 71
I was hoping that circe might have something to say about the WSWS article referenced above. Personally, I'm not much interested in the internal workings of the Dummycrat Wurlitzer Dazzlemachine. Like the incessant use of Shakycam in TV and movies, it just gives me a headache and a queasy feeling.
Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea
Someone asked, "What is to be done?"
Posters keep saying, "Build an independent movement."
But that is hard uncertain work with no predetermined outline to follow, so that idea is not very attractive.
Posted by: Trailer Trash | Feb 15 2020 22:37 utc | 72
@49 Phryne's frock.. i share your views on this concept of philanthropy from billionaires.... thanks for stating all that...
@ uncle tungsten and circe.. read @27 link, which i again share here and get back to us on how saunders is any different where it really matters.. thanks..
Posted by: james | Feb 15 2020 22:39 utc | 73
I forgot one point: AIPAC may have trouble buying mercenaries as Bloomberg spends big. OTOH, they are making preparations against Sanders, as unjustified as it may be, they view him as [what is AIPACish for AntiChrist?].
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 15 2020 22:42 utc | 75
OK Dembot.
Posted by: Russ | Feb 15 2020 22:34 utc |
bubblehead 50
OK Dembot.
Posted by: Russ | Feb 15 2020 21:34 utc | 52
If people who go to B's site want to hear from trump trolls, I expect they would go to Zero hedge, breitbart or the ultimate MAGA believers site, the tin foil hat guru of all gurus, the one and only, the screamer, Alex Jones who tells the simpletons Sandy Hood was a deep state op, and with such passion too
Come out of the closet Russ, and testify!!
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 15 2020 22:45 utc | 76
Trailer Trash should consider the context, in particular the only longer answer in the questionary of NYT:
Bernie's first priority is to protect the American people. Military force is sometimes necessary, but always — always — as the last resort. And blustery threats of force can often signal weakness as much as strength, diminishing U.S. deterrence, credibility and security in the process. When Bernie is president, we will ensure that the United States pursues diplomacy over militarism to bring about peaceful, negotiated resolutions to conflicts around the world. If military force is necessary, Bernie will make sure he acts with appropriate congressional authorization, and only when he has determined that the benefits of military action outweigh the risks and costs.Trailer
"Yes" for "considering military response to planned missile/nuclear test" does not mean much with a very deliberate process described in the first answer. Practically, such responses/preemeptions were considered before and rejected.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 15 2020 22:51 utc | 77
Not the usual stench. Bloomberg produces the kind of stench that’s visible, like swamp gas.
Posted by: Fly | Feb 15 2020 23:04 utc | 78
@8 Veritas X
Posted by: Circe | Feb 15 2020 23:06 utc | 79
Circe@59 "Now we all know how the Buttigieg-funded app developed by a wealthy Zionist apparatchik skewed the outcome in Pete the Cheat's favor, THE NIGHT OF THE IOWA ELECTION, when a sizable chunk of the precincts got conveniently jammed in the unholy, programmed pandemonium just when Buttigieg was conveniently leading by almost two points and quickly took the stage to claim victory so he could get the bounce and media accolades that come with a first-state victory. But as we then learned, TWO WHOLE DAYS LATER, yeah, it took that long to untie a knot! Bernie was actually only behind by a miniscule .1 difference, and then short of an exact tie or Sanders victory, the Party came up with a wacky excuse to stop counting and gave Buttigieg 2 extra Iowa delegates for a less than razor-thin edge."
Sanders announced a win too, which demented trash like Circe should conclude Sanders is the cheat. Even worse, since the party refused to release results, Buttigieg's win in state delegates/very close second, the indignation that Buttigieg did the same damn thing as Sanders is grossly idiotic. Maybe the movie Idiocracy was a documentary? Of course the true explanation is, Circe is a student of Goebbels and knows repeating lies endlessly works. Since the despicable Circe is spewing so many lies for Sanders, though, doesn't that tell us something about what kind of candidate he truly is? Aside from his blank record of decades, attracting filth like Circe is a very bad symptom.
The comments telling us the Democrats are the Pedophile Party or that Clinton has been murdering her way to take power for the sixteen of the last twenty four years are equally reactionary psychotic drivel. The witless theories that Trump is fighting the Deep State and ending forever wars and breaking the Duopoly/draining the swamp and all such Trumpery are still stupid and reactionary. They do seem to be appropriate to a stealth AfD site.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Feb 15 2020 23:19 utc | 80
"To vote for a third party or to abstain is the only responsible reaction to it."
To quote Percival Rose on the Nikita tv show once *again*: "That ain't gonna happen."
Seriously, b, are you high? You really think *any* third party is capable of beating *both* the Democrats *and* the Republicans when *both* of those parties can field billionaires (or even candidates with the backing of billionaires)?
Get serious. The US is run by oligarchs and corporations and has been for decades, aided by a Deep State intelligence apparatus and a compliant and controlled media.
There is *zero* chance of *anyone* - including Jesus himself if you're dumb enough to believe in such a thing - overthrowing the power structure using voting. As we anarchists like to say, "If voting could change the system, it would be illegal."
And abstaining simply means they win. So neither voting nor abstaining can achieve anything.
The system is not just "broken", it is *destroyed.* And a lot of people would argue that it was broken from the beginning and never intended to be successful. It was a delusion and a pipe dream that the US was ever going to be a "nation of laws and not of men." Or that its citizens would keep their heads out of their butts and vote in non-corrupt, competent leaders.
Seriously, the entire concept is a joke.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Feb 15 2020 23:25 utc | 81
Bloomberg is 5'5", do we need another Napoleon?
Posted by: DeQuincey | Feb 15 2020 22:34 utc | 70
Trump on accountants: The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes
Bloomberg lacks yarmulke, something that can be easily remedied. In any case, Napoleonic legacy is not all bad, e.g. metric system, or reorganization of a jumble of legal fiefs in Germany into something workable, today the boundaries of German landes largely follow the lines made by Napoleon. granted, one metric system is enough, and an interest in reorganizing regional boundaries is the last thing I would see in the next President, but short people were often good leader. That said, the current strongman of Poland is 168 cm old, so hostile comment writers call him "evil midget", although more recently they prefer "lame" -- he had a knee replacement. In any case, he is a piece of work.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 15 2020 23:26 utc | 82
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 15 2020 22:37 utc | 71
Sanders Gabbard or bust.
Ms. Gabbard is a rare American gem. She speaks truth unlike the coward and lifelong conman Major Bonespurs
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 15 2020 23:27 utc | 83
Calm down and use a browser that can reflow the text. Opera for instance.
Posted by: P | Feb 15 2020 23:34 utc | 84
Bloomberg is such a “target-rich environment” of awful it’s hard to know where to start, but on the basic question of his character, much more revealing than this or that crude remark, is the fact that he has always restricted how Bloomberg News can report on him.
Now in this campaign, rather than reconsider their “tradition of not investigating Mike”, Bloomberg News has extended it to cover all the Dem presidential candidates. In other words, they shouldn’t be considered a real news organization at all.
Anybody in Bloomberg’s position worth a tinker’s dam would have told his news execs and editors from the get-go to report everything about him, and dig for more. That he’d fire anybody caught going easy on him!
What a pisher.
Posted by: David G | Feb 15 2020 23:34 utc | 85
Advising voting for a non-existent or impossible to build on time third party, or abstaining from voting, in my view, equates asking the vote for Trump, since, if you had not noticed, the right always go to vote ( not only in the US but everywhere, hence one of their tactics is "killing hope"...), and they will vote either for Trump or for Bloomberg ( the impostor trying to hijack the Democrat vote for the Republicans and oligarchs ( he himself has stated the he and Trump know and treat the same people in NYC...)
That Bloomberg has advanced he would choose Hillary Clinton as VP comes to make a remake of the 2016 scenario, with the people chosing the "lesser evil", who would be in this case again Trump, as a whole psyop will be unleashed to asure that this couple, Bloomberg/Clinton will start more wars than Trump ( if that would be even possible ).
The tone of the article as taking as a job done that Bloomberg will be able to buy the Democrat nomination seems to come as discouraging towards those in the Sanders´ wagon, obviating the strong popular support Sanders is getting in every state so far..
Who would had thought that B would adopt Jackrabbit´s mantra, "not to vote"...
This JR for to have been so often accused by so many regulars of being a troll, manages to survive here quite well... while so many others, much more encouraging and not limited to one topic/mantra but adding so much interesting and varied info, have been wiped out....Curious...
BTW, where Sasha has gone?
Posted by: H.Schmatz | Feb 15 2020 23:50 utc | 86
Just for the record, and since we talk about the transmigration of conservative right wing oligarchs through the US bipartisan system, reading at the Unz Review an article which makes a summary/compilation of all the points made to this date on the Coronavirus issue, this site was linked and labelled as "conservative"..
Why do you think this could be?
Posted by: H.Schmatz | Feb 15 2020 23:56 utc | 87
Circe @59
Your Sanders is as much of a warmonger as Bush, Clinton, the Clinton harpy, Obama and the rather tentative Trump.
He voted for the AUMF 2001 that enabled the Afghanistan and Iraq wars (2003 was just for show, and he did vote the budget for the Iraq invasion.)
He is a Zionist, continues to be a Zionist, only not the same party as Netanyahoo.
He is not running to win anything but the badge of true and faithful servant of the Imperial owners of his "Democratic" party, bringing him the disgruntled vote again and again, as proved in 2016 and officially promised in 2020.
All this is a matter of uncontroversial record of facts and you are part of the propaganda operation. If willingly or not is irrelevant.
Posted by: Piero Colombo | Feb 15 2020 23:59 utc | 88
Bloomberg may be able to ensure that the convention is brokered and "super delegates" will decide the nominee. As mayor he crushed the Occupy movement.
Posted by: Edward | Feb 16 2020 0:07 utc | 89
Bloomberg's arrogance is his stumbling block.
He doesn't seem to think any of his actions have consequences. He has no sense of how people perceive him.
In a time of revolutionary levels.of wealth inequality, when Americans are blaming excessive wealth for their diminished circumstances and future, Bloomberg puts himself forward instead of a Pete Buttigeig cutout like Seth Klarman.
If his financial position weren't irritant enough, he dumps a bunch of money on the DNC and gets them to change the rules so he can run, piling outrage on top of annoyance.
He does a terrible job of explaining the worst aspects of his tenure as mayor,defending his racism. His successor who won by a landslide is backing Bernie.
The cherry on this ugly cake is Hillary. even more reviled and distrusted now now than before she stole the candidacy from Bernie and lost the farm to Trump. lest we forget, blaming Russia for her loss and sniping from the sidelines. He puts her in the co-pilots seat. Atta boy Mike.
The DNC are masters at misleading polls. They and CNN published 6 week old polls in order to mislead voters on how well Bernie was doing. Buttigeig polling high in NH after it became known he paid for the app that wrecked the caucus and gave him the lead?
None of this looks like a winning campaign to me.
Posted by: CarolDW | Feb 16 2020 0:10 utc | 90
Bloomberg is such a “target-rich environment” of awful it’s hard to know where to start,
Posted by: David G | Feb 15 2020 23:34 utc | 86
I suppose you could start with Major bonespur trump's history of being the ultimate Ugly American..
But hey, the far far right jews like him, wot?
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 16 2020 0:14 utc | 91
I find it interesting that Trumps two primary targets, Pocahontas and Biden are pretty much done for already. He has not even touched the others. He spent something like 66 million in 2016. Bloomberg will spend billions to get nowhere. How many people will turn out for a Bloomberg rally?
Bloomberg is out to get Sanders, not Trump. He talks Trump BS out of jealousy and so he can stay in the in crowd in NY. In reality, they are a coin with the same face on both sides.
Posted by: dltravers | Feb 16 2020 0:19 utc | 92
I'm surprised people here are surprised.
The USA was always governed by a capitalist oligarchy. This was specially evident after Thomas Jefferson (the last descendent of Washington) until the birth of the Republican Party (Lincoln).
After FDR and the birth of a real existential threat (the USSR), the American oligarchy sobered up a little bit and begun to govern from behind the curtains, behind professional politicians (in order to not lose the ideological war in the Cold War).
All the evidence points out the USA was always like this. Bloomberg is not the anomaly, but the normal. Bernie Sanders is the anomaly, which must be eliminated from the American organism. As such, it is also an illusion to think the American system (and, indeed, the western democratic system) can ever be reformed.
Circe @59
Your Sanders is as much of a warmonger as Bush, Clinton, the Clinton harpy, ...
He is a Zionist, continues to be a Zionist, only not the same party as Netanyahoo.
He is not running to win anything but the badge of true and faithful servant of the Imperial owners ...
All this is a matter of uncontroversial record of facts and you are part of the propaganda operation. If willingly or not is irrelevant.
Posted by: Piero Colombo | Feb 15 2020 23:59 utc | 89
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Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 16 2020 0:23 utc | 94
“How many people will turn out for a Bloomberg rally?”
Posted by: dltravers | Feb 16 2020 0:19 utc | 93
Apparently he’s sparing no expense on the catering. People will go for the feed.
Posted by: David G | Feb 16 2020 0:34 utc | 95
@ Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 15 2020 19:18 utc | 18
I would say you "dropped the mic" - meaning your answer leaves nothing unexplained.
Posted by: jared | Feb 16 2020 0:36 utc | 96
Bloomberg & Clinton: Two of the most useless people I can think of on the planet. They were the sort of occupants meant for the copter Kobe was in.
This goes to show just how rattled the D-Party Establishment is with Sanders and the growing Movement he's riding that has excellent momentum. And as I pointed out the other day, Trump just gave him a huge boost with his proposed budget gutting of Medicare and Social Security.
A note for those who've asked for the link to my VK Space. All you need do is click on karlof1 at the bottom of my comment and you'll be taken directly there to register or sign in depending on your status.
Bubbles prediction;
Bloomberg would pummel helter skelter trump into the ground
He may well be another bastard , but unlike trump he can articulate what he want's to say. Unlike trump's word salads that surely must be encoded messages only the Maga hat faithful can decode.
Playing to ignorance and telling people what they want to hear has a short shelf life, especially now what with the US federal debt out of control and King of debt trump saying who gives a shit, we have a country to run.
Posted by: Bubbles | Feb 16 2020 0:43 utc | 98
@ Posted by: H.Schmatz | Feb 15 2020 23:56 utc | 88
Because in common media usage, any site which does not tear its hair out over Trump remaining as president and the existential danger he represents to democracy in America as an agent of Putin, is far right.
Of course, Unz (being far right) would mean this to suggest that MoA is acceptable.
Posted by: jared | Feb 16 2020 0:43 utc | 99
"He is not running to win anything but the badge of true and faithful servant of the Imperial owners of his "Democratic" party, bringing him the disgruntled vote again and again, as proved in 2016 and officially promised in 2020."
Objectively false. 2016 was the year he wasn't running to win so much as just get his ideas into the national consciousness, which he largely succeeded at (he wanted Warren to run, and only ran when she declined to).
It's this time when he's running to win. He's already the front runner. and he's the only viable candidate in the race.
As for all the "he's an imperialist whore" talk, yes, his foreign policy is his weakest aspect. But even there he is still a damn sight better than any of the others. The fact is just acknowledging that the US can try diplomacy, or that Palestinians have an equal right to a state of their own, is a massive upgrade from what US foreign policy has been for decades.
Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good. And I don't mean that in the cynical, "you have to vote for the lesser of two evils" way Democratic centrists have been saying it for decades. Sanders is the first viable presidential candidate in US politics in a long time, probably generations, who is genuinely decent. He isn't perfect, but he also demonstrably isn't a 'lesser evil' either.
Posted by: Benjamin | Feb 16 2020 0:45 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
America, has the best Justice system money can buy, and where everything is for sale, including Presidency.
Posted by: Joetv | Feb 15 2020 18:39 utc | 1