'Integrity Initiative' - New Documents From Shady NGO Released
The British Government runs an anti-Russian smear campaign through the pseudo non-government-organization Integrity Initiative. Some person, operating under the 'Anonymous' label, obtained internal papers of the Initiative and publishes those in several batches. Moon of Alabama was one of the first sites that analyzed the released papers.
Our last piece on the Initiative concluded:
After reading through all the released Initiative papers and lists one gets the impression of a secret military intelligence operation, disguised as a public NGO. Financed by millions of government money the Institute for Statecraft and the Integrity Initiative work under a charity label to create and disseminate disinformation to the global public and back into the government and military itself.
Today the Anonymous account released a new batch of some 50 internal Integrity Initiative documents at the Cyber Guerrilla website.
With the new release Anonymous lays out a timeline that connects the Skripal affair in Britain with the activities and personal of the Integrity Initiative. Our last piece had already drawn the Skripal connection to the Initiative, but some of the new documents add to the trail.
The trail starts with a document (pdf), written in January 2015(!), that lays out a plan and options for sanctioning Russia.


We have since seen that several of these planned sanctions have been realized after this or that curious event, like the alleged use of doping by Russian athletes and during the Skripal affair.
It will take some time to analyze the newly released papers and to draw conclusions. If you opt to read them yourself please leave notes on them in the comments.
Previously published:
- Nov 24 - British Government Runs Secret Anti-Russian Smear Campaigns
- Dec 13 - British Spies Infiltrated Bernie Sanders' Campaign?
- Dec 14 - Newly Released 'Integrity Intitiative' Papers Include Proposal For Large Disinformation Campaigns
- Dec 15 - The 'Integrity Initiative' - A Military Intelligence Operation, Disguised As Charity, To Create The "Russian Threat"
Tim Hayward provides a complete list (scroll down) of all articles written so far here and elsewhere about the Integrity Initiative .
Posted by b on January 4, 2019 at 16:52 UTC | Permalink
Jill Stein tweet
Integrity Intiative retweets researcher frustrated about inability to take down leaks https://mobile.twitter.com/thegrugq/status/1081191019993915392
Posted by: Blooming Barricade | Jan 4 2019 17:04 utc | 2
thanks b... one of the problem when you let intel people do anything, let design a template like the ones you highlight in the pdf document is that they only know war, and think of only war and war tactics... suspending visits from the bolshoi or kirov ballets or similar groups, reflects the level of culture absent in these same intel people.. it casts a very bad light on these people... but it casts an even darker light on the uk gov't and politicians that signed off on allowing this fake ngo to be funded even more.. thanks for highlighting all this.. i hope their mission is revealed for all the corruption and hostility that is at the root of it's intent..
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2019 17:45 utc | 3
i would like to personally thank the hackers for bringing what they do to light as well.. i see there's a similar release of 9-11 data that is great news for many too.. i love these inside covert jobs they are highlighting.. we have to get beyond being ruled by military brats and intel types..
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2019 17:51 utc | 4
At the end of the day, all that matters is the money. Governments hand out tens of millions of its citizens money, with no accountability, and these NGOs walk away scot free with their pockets loaded with cash. And they cry like barkers at a circus, “Watch the enemy! He is everywhere!” We the suckers just end up holding the empty bag while our family members are carried away in body bags, fighting some war that doesn’t make any justifiable sense.
Posted by: Jose Garcia | Jan 4 2019 18:01 utc | 5
b: written in January 2015(!)
This should not be a surprise. The anti-Russian effort began in earnest after Kissinger's WSJ Op-Ed in August 2014.
My response to this Op-Ed at the time:
I was skeptical of Kissinger’s Op-ed of March 5th, saying (on April 28th): “Kissinger penned a “lets be reasonable” Op-ed in an attempt to head off Russian action and maintain the gains made via “facts on the ground”.Kissinger again feels the need to join the public conversation but I see his contribution very differently than Banger. My reading is that Kissinger is asserting that the US can and should do whatever it takes to keep the US preeminent – even if that means ignoring allies and/or the post-war international structure (UN, UNSC). That exceptional! message comes through loud and clear despite his ‘triage’ formalism. And it is a message that is comforting to the elite who read the WSJ (before a holiday weekend), though it should give Joe Sixpack nightmares if fully understood.
There is a lot more there which would take much longer to unpack. But I’ll point to one more thing: Note how he forms an equivalence between all the troubles that the ‘West’ now face, and ignores US/Western actions that have contributed to these conflicts by conflating them. NC readers understand this via Merschemer’s (in today’s links) work on Ukraine and many links regarding ISIS (like this one).
This comforting message is needed because the Ukraine gambit has failed miserably – as many independent oberservers [sic] predicted– and a deeper conflict with Russia (possibly extending to others) is now in the cards. Like the true neocon that he is, Kissinger has doubled down on Nuland’s obnoxious and misguided “f*ck the EU” with an exceptional! “f*ck the World”.
God help us.
Kissinger's Op-Ed also included a call for MAGA, which is a policy change as much as it is a campaign slogan, as I described in July 2018:
IMHO establishment anger toward Trump is part of a strategy, not a knee-jerk reaction to Putin's views. That strategy is MAGA. It includes the effort to "turn the page" on the embarrassing Obama psy-op (pretending to be peaceful while conducting covert wars, among other things) and the good guy / bad guy set-up for negotiating with Putin. The US establishment would LOVE to pull Russia from China - but doesn't want to take ANY risks. Thus, the good guy/bad guy of Trump/Deep-State.The use of faux populist leaders (Obama, Trump) that personify Deep-State policy, along with controlled opposition, is psy-op.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 4 2019 18:17 utc | 6
The British Government runs an anti-Russian smear campaign through the pseudo non-government-organization Integrity Initiative.
We all know that the British Government, like all the other Christian Colonial pseudo-democracies in the West, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Military-Industrial-Security Gravy Train. If the British People had asked 'their' government (which doesn't listen to them) to smear Russia on their behalf, we'd have heard about it. But they didn't ask the 'government' to smear Russia which is why we haven't heard about it. Which begs two questions:
1. Who, precisely, did?
2. Should they be arrested, beaten to death, then given a fair trial?
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 4 2019 18:23 utc | 7
It is much talk about the UK but the integrity initiative work all over the EU as the first leak proved with all the names working in each country.
Posted by: Zanon | Jan 4 2019 18:44 utc | 8
Sputnik story on subject by investigator Kit Klarenberg puts a bit more flesh on the bones, but like b admits:
"I've barely scratched the surface of the content, but what I've seen so far contains a panoply of bombshell revelations — to say the least, the organization(s) now have serious questions to answer about what role they played in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal in March, and its aftermath both nationally and internationally."
From my perspective as historian, I found this sentence from one of the docs provided by Kit worthy of further investigation:
"We will need to impose changes over the heads of vested interests. We did this in the 1930s."
Posted by: karlof1 | Jan 4 2019 18:48 utc | 9
But it wasn’t always so. In 2003, after Iraq 2, Chirac and Schroeder made a considerable effort to draw Russia in to a bloc against US/UK. (A unofficial meeting was held in St Petersburg). Putin was wary and couldn’t be drawn, although maybe he regrets not taking the opportunity in retrospect. Whoever - don’t we all wish we knew - was behind Iraq 2, has done his very best to avoid the errors that were made during Iraq 2 and clearly provided endless funds - especially for propaganda - to support the next attack - on Syria. Even though the situation since then has changed, the NATO propagandists still drone on. I wonder how many have ceased to listen to them.
Listening to the likes of Jeremy Hunt nowadays is just weird, although those who get their news from MSM probably don’t think so, yet.
Posted by: Montreal | Jan 4 2019 18:53 utc | 10
Tim Hayward makes the following important observation:
"At one point they declare the British response has been 'far too weak…it's essential the government makes a much stronger response this time'. But in their contract with UK FCO is the stipulation NOT to try to influence Parliament or Government."
Might this be the straw that breaks the back of this evil operation?
Posted by: karlof1 | Jan 4 2019 19:11 utc | 11
Jaw-dropping paranoia by the British state machine. I'm speechless.
Posted by: John2o2o | Jan 4 2019 19:42 utc | 12
This stuff is nuts.
I know it seems trite to use that word, but the whole II operation is based on one single concept (that Russia is out to get us) and because it has all happened in secret rather like a cancer it has silently grown beyond anything resembling sanity.
There is no democratic accountability here.
The people behind this operation (Donnelly and his cronies) seem to have decided that they know what is best for the British people and the world and that idiotic Tory worm Duncan seems to have bought into it completely. (Worm is a perfectly reasonable term for Duncan as it is a term that he himself has used to describe Julian Assange, a man whose bootlaces Duncan is not fit to tie).
I wish that the MSM in this country would "grow a pair" and snap out of this Russia delusion that they have convinced themselves of.
British Democracy needs saving from Integrity Initiative Disinformation!
Maybe the Russians are different to us in some ways. (Why must all countries be the same?) But the British people need to discover Russia for themselves and not be propagandised into fearing Russia and Russians by shadowy figures like Donnelly who are clearly demented.
Posted by: John2o2o | Jan 4 2019 20:15 utc | 13
I recommend the Duran interview as impressively making the point that in Britain at least, operatives connected with the current government and funded by them were mounting a campaign specifically directed against the elected oppositional party leader, who is in effect part of the British government through Parliament. This is very serious business indeed. (I'm going back to watch the video again.) An aspect of the situation as reported therein is that very little coverage was at the time being given in Britain in the general press, though indeed a lot of articles were coming out attacking Sputnik and its personnel.
Posted by: juliania | Jan 4 2019 20:16 utc | 14
I opened one of the pdf files and got slammed with junky site come-ons...Made me feel unclean.
Posted by: Chris Cook (@paciffreepress) | Jan 4 2019 20:16 utc | 15
Whoever Anonymous is - that is, the hacker releasing these Integrity Initiative papers into the public domain- this person may well be an intel insider, similar to Ed Snowden for Booz Hamilton and his/her life may be in danger.
Posted by: Jen | Jan 4 2019 20:31 utc | 16
The anti-Russia gold rush sure attracted a lot of fellow travelers, and although the damage has already been done, it is heartening to see these schemes being exposed. Here are a couple more tasty nuggets:
Firm Who Warned America of ‘Russian Meddling’ Caught Running Fake Russia Bot Campaign
The company behind an op-ed in the New York Times about “the Russians” and their nefarious efforts to influence American elections were the actual perpetrators of said influence.
Five Weeks After The Guardian’s Viral Blockbuster Assange-Manafort Scoop, No Evidence Has Emerged — Just Stonewalling
Posted by: Roy G | Jan 4 2019 20:58 utc | 17
The second link above doesn't deal with Russia per se, but helps to show how the anti-Russia / anti-Trump movements are all apiece.
Posted by: Roy G | Jan 4 2019 21:01 utc | 18
Yes. I dont understand why they upload on it on that pdf site, reeks of malware warnings.
Posted by: Zanon | Jan 4 2019 21:06 utc | 19
I am glad to read that the Integrity Initiative is getting more exposure and thanks to b for his part as well as the leakers
The Integrity Initiative is called what it is because the intent is to maintain the Integrity of the existing system based on global private finance , private property, unfettered inheritance, and public brainwashing.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 4 2019 21:23 utc | 20
Yeah, I can believe an elite, tactical, monkey-shit-hurling-unit exists inside a nation of filthy soapdodgers. The Steele Dossier, skripal, now this fukn shite. Not surprised.
Posted by: MadMax2 | Jan 4 2019 21:37 utc | 21
Posted by: Roy G | Jan 4, 2019 3:58:58 PM | 17 < about "fake bot"campaign
In some longer article of that (in The Nation?) this incident was described as the group "studying Russian bot techniques" applied them in Alabama Senate race, spending 100,000 with nary a result, and given that Alabama has ca. 50 times smaller population than all 50 states, "Russian results" should be 50 times smaller, giving 0/50 results. So criminality of Alabama caper is on the level of malicious application of voodoo hexes, illegal in Haiti and Louisiana where there were incidents prompting those laws, but it was never proven that hexing actually harms people. However, hexing (if documented) has an adversarial intension, while in Russian case there was no indication of a political motif, some small private group wanted to get ad income from generating clicks in remarkably omnivorous way. Thus we are left with a crime of impersonation where someone pretends to be, say, GrumpyPossum while in fact it is a jovial Russian desman.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jan 4 2019 22:07 utc | 22
The cultural one is highlarious. Ban the literally the best ballet company on earth from performing in Britain - while English ballet is more about set design, costuming and acting than dance.. GO UK! I am lmfao. Can the "western elite" look any worse at this point? The men behind the curtain are HIDEOUS.
Posted by: sejomoje | Jan 4 2019 22:08 utc | 23
@23: the men behind the curtain are fatuous mediocrities.
Posted by: Rhisiart Gwilym | Jan 4 2019 22:42 utc | 24
Cultural bans are simply repeats of Cold War tactics, designed to shock people into regarding the 'enemy' as less than human. And thus eligible to be wiped out, while, in the meantime, not being fit for communication.
The idea is to prevent the 'enemy' from putting a contrary point of view. And to establish that anyone trying to do so-to argue against the state's policies, is an enemy tool, either consciously so or inadvertantly 'a useful idiot.' . In the first case were Communist Party supporters and 'fellow travellers', in the second pacifists and fair minded liberals.
Nothing that the II is doing is new, nor is the reason behind their propaganda: their aim is to reverse the geopolitical momentum of the era towards Eurasian cooperation and peaceful development of the solutions to global problems. The II is defending the Empire in decline, a wounded animal beginning to contemplate the need to put an end to everything rather than to face the loss of face involved in ceding that hegemony is an impossible, and horrible, dream.
We live in dangerous times. Imperialism is reduced to its essence, its original simplicity: violence based upon a metropolitan population brainwashed into believing that their rulers are on God's side and that their victims are better off dead. We see in Palestine what imperialism is all about; what has been happening there these seventy odd years is a miniature representation of what the system means.
( I see that someone has fucked up the blog parameters again.)
Posted by: bevin | Jan 4 2019 22:43 utc | 25
Would be interesting if they compiling names on so called pro-russian people throughout europe, nothing surprise me with this type of people and their spying and manipulating.
Posted by: Zanon | Jan 4 2019 22:52 utc | 26
re Bevin 25 "We live in dangerous times." Another variation on that theme from yesterday:
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Executive director of the United States Task Force on National & Homeland Security, tweeted on Jan 3, 2019:
“To be as concise and succinct as possible, I must implore everyone who sees this to do all the following as quickly as possible.
Stockpile food, water, and the means to purify/acquire much, much more. Prepare for an imminent situation that may impact us all, coast to coast.”
"Coast to coast" is total US contamination potential.
The reference to effective purification capability implies extreme contamination. This might imply radiation contamination, which would follow nuclear reactor destruction or nuclear weapons explosions; or a massive contamination event re comet or yellowstone; or conventional war within the US.
The call for much food implies a long period of extreme breakdown of normal basic essential commerce.
Dr. Pry is perhaps especially associated with warnings and concern over Electromagnetic Pulse vulnerabilities of the US.
I don't know what to make of this. But I thought it was noteworthy enough to mention here. Apologize for near non sequitur and to not contributing to b's important missive, and ask people on MofA not to discuss my note further on this thread.
Posted by: Robert Snefjella | Jan 5 2019 0:49 utc | 28
At times like this, with news of a government acting badly, a common trait of governments, and of their acolytes, I turn to the wisdom of Edward Abbey, anarchist. . .
"All forms of government are pernicious, including good government." and "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government."
Posted by: Don Bacon | Jan 5 2019 0:50 utc | 29
As a lifelong peace activist I want to acknowledge b's public service on sharing and contextualizing the Anonymous files on the revelation of what perhaps most of us suspected - that all the anti-Russia bullshit was a gov-funded enemy-manufacturing scam. It has had the side-effect of ruing journalism and its credibility for at least my lifetime. Not just "MSM media" but the ethical pretenses of journalists and reporters who don't care to understand what type of system they are working in. It is fucking gamed, and we always knew it, and we were called nuts for saying we believed it was wrong. This is a world where Russian media can at least be held to standards of honesty, but we continue to prefer to fool ourselves into idiocy in the West, as policy and civil requirement.
Canadian neoconservative foreign minister C Freeland just announced before all the Integrity news broke that Canada was happy to cough up 2.5M of a $24M aid package to her homeland Ukraine to install a "Russia Disinformation" anti-propaganda center. Of course, Ukrainians are involved deeply in all these fakeries already, but I guess their country needs the money, and media payments are the next business model. So I don't know if that has changed since the Integrity Initiative news broke, but probably not, since Canadians are awfully complacent about complicity in evil war policy.
That said, the even darker side of the Russia frenzy is that the constant propaganda has turned everyday people in the West into haters, unaccountable, unthinking, insanely anti-Slavic racists. Just change the locus from Russia to Israel and see how that sounds. Or what if Pakistan, or the Japanese. If its all lies about Russia, then its even worse than normal human xenophobia, its manufactured bile, a vile fog that benefits someone else that you have lost your independent thinking. At a time when political correctness runs amuck, and being called a racist is worst than murderer, we are all asked to be racist for the benefit of Her Majesty. When we have rendered all of liberal society into a self-loathing panopticon, of worrisome optics and step-watching, it seems that hating Russia is where all the allowable human animus is channeled.
There are many adversaries, and there are really none as well. But to choose one people - who turnout to have their own race basically, a language group like indigenous people claim, an essential origin (Kiev!) and all we do is make claims on their existence that intend to exploit their remaining wealth. They are like the last indigenous people that didn't get wiped out, and by god, the UK and Americans are going to do it. I call bullshit racism. The Zionist cast of at least 90% of the anti-Russia spew is almost never remarked upon. But its everywhere from CNN and BBC, NPR and the 5 corporate-owned news organizations, to Bill Browder's ploys and his friends in all Western governments, to 20 years of PNAC neoconservatives) Kristol, Kagan/Nuland, Kissinger, Abrams, etc.) that continue to shift their loyalties from R's to Dems and nobody seems to notice, as long as they are "with us." To Soros and his funding into the color revolution in Ukraine (and the fact that we can't even call him out anymore because its siding with Putin, or to even try to say his "pay for policy" is a problem in our so-called democracies, well WE get called racist by these same news orgs (I mean, anti-Semitic) which is a nice human shield effect for the world's oligarchs whose accountability is further and further shielded from any interventions they make to their advantage and our (financial, spiritual and ethical) loss. So when the facts are on your side, and you call them out, you are a racist? And where are the facts on "malign Russia? The facts are what we are told they are, by the names doxxed in the Integrity Initiative files and their pliant house organs. I'm done.
(Sorry b, but I also mistakenly posted this comment to your earlier post, it was this one I meant to respond to - I must have had both pages open, not spamming).
Posted by: A Dear Friend | Jan 5 2019 1:15 utc | 30
Robert Snefjella 28
The twitter account no longer exists. Putting the name in twitter search brings up plenty of references, but following a link brings up "sorry that page doesn't exist". If that was a genuine account then that tweet needs to be put alongside the testing of the presidential alert (some months ago now) that is sent out to the phone of every American in case of national emergency.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jan 5 2019 1:28 utc | 31
@myself 28. Thanks Peter AU 1. Sorry folks; Ignore. Was fake Twitter account.
Posted by: Robert Snefjella | Jan 5 2019 1:46 utc | 32
@16 jen... i think there is high odds on that too.. thanks..
@25 bevin... yes - i think you can thank roy g and his long url for that..ironically the links they offer where given by b in his last post on integrity initiative.. i guess some posters don't follow b that closely..
@29 a dear friend... many of us canucks are onto crystia freeland... i encourage all canucks to look deeper into her motives and past as they are fully suspect and need to be explored more then the msm is willing to do..
Posted by: james | Jan 5 2019 3:14 utc | 33
George Orwell in 1944 wrote a long piece “The English People”, finally published in 1947.
He listed as the “salient characteristics of the English common people” ... “artistic insensibility, gentleness, respect for legality, suspicion of foreigners, sentimentality about animals, hypocrisy, exaggerated class distinctions, and an obsession with sport.” Also, “...admiration for stubbornness [is] all but universal in England ....” Witness the national emblem the bulldog, “noted for its obstinacy, ugliness and impenetrable stupidity.”
Especially pertinent for the present seems hypocrisy, with a nod of recognition to the bulldog.
He describes the English as being very largely not under the sway of religion. Later though, he writes that there is one peculiarity that makes English commoners “more Christian” perhaps than other Europeans: according to Orwell they very decidedly don't worship power; for the British people, “might is not right”. But as far as being able to accurately judge foreign affairs, later he notes, in this case pertaining to the India issue, but of wide application: “All political parties and all newspapers of whatever colour have conspired to prevent them from seeing the issue clearly.”
In line with then as now, Orwell writes, “It is a fact that the much-boasted freedom of the British press is theoretical rather than actual.”
And here we get to some words especially shining a light on how far Britain has fallen from the later 2nd world war period:
“... but [in England of 1944] the real totalitarian atmosphere, in which the State endeavours to control people's thoughts as well as their words, is hardly imaginable.
The safeguard against it is partly the respect for integrity of conscience, and the willingness to hear both sides, which can be observed in any public meeting.”
“The amount of liberty, intellectual or other, that we enjoy in England ought not to be exaggerated, but the fact that it has not markedly diminished in nearly five years of desperate war is a hopeful symptom.”
Fast forward to today and the British Empire is largely expired, and in the absence of world wars, but as an adjunct to NATO aggressions and the American and Neocon Empire project, the British have been unable to hold their WW2 ground on "hearing both sides."
Now, a sort of velvet but enveloping “authoritarian atmosphere” prevails, in which good old British hypocrisy has coupled with modernity's dishonest control-freak vile idiocy and we have “the integrity Initiative.”
Posted by: Robert Snefjella | Jan 5 2019 3:38 utc | 34
General Sir Richard Barrons: "The West no longer has a military edge on Russia". The whole West? You mean the Gas Station pretending to be a country is equal to or stronger than USA, UK, France, Germany and others?
Posted by: Birch | Jan 5 2019 4:03 utc | 35
I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this yet, but the private information of German parliamentary deputies, European deputies and others have been hacked and distributed over Twitter. All parties, including the anti-war Die Linke, the Greens, the Social Democrats, and the moderate right are affected but the far-right Alternaitve For Germany is not. The Atlantic aligned Springer Media Empire tabloid BILD is already blaming on Putin (of course) and the New York Times is following the lead of the sewer press. The German far-left paper Young World proposes a much more plausable theory, that it was put out via far right elements in the notoriously right Consitutional Protection Network. Makes me wonder about who really got the II data and distributed it from the Anonymous Europe banner. Whoever it is, "Russia" is likely a scapegoat.
Posted by: Acorn | Jan 5 2019 4:36 utc | 36
Gee ! Birch 34 - whoever he / she is certainly doesn't know much about war or Russian history ?
Posted by: ashley albanese | Jan 5 2019 7:30 utc | 37
Birch 34
Mutually assured destruction is a great equalizer. US built ABM's. Russia built missiles that bypass ABM's and make US billions spent null and void.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jan 5 2019 7:49 utc | 38
The west's narrative in regard to Russia was struck a major blow during the recent successful hosting of the world cup. By all accounts those who went to Russia to support their teams had a fabulous time and went back to their own countries with a completely different perspective than was being pushed by their own governments.
Those 5 million or so visitors will be 'educating' others in their communities about their own personal experiences in Russia and the multiplier effect of this will resound with other fans for at least the next 3 years until the next event. This is the most powerful form of advocacy.
Posted by: m | Jan 5 2019 8:09 utc | 39
The "disinformation community" appears in many II documents to have an openly messianic world outlook and a desire to guide society with military propaganda. It's scary and totalitarian stuff. The II documents claim that Russia not only tries to persuade viewers of RT, etc to adopt the Russian foreign policy line as one might expect, but also accuses them of openly plotting to undermine "Euro-Atlantic Values." The content of this moral doctrine is not disclosed in any of the II documents but NATO's propaganda wing put out a paper on it and it shows the signs of NATO openly trying to create and/or maintain a uniform value system among all citizens of member states. Alleged "Atlantic Values" include support for private property, free market economy, individualism over collectivism, the acceptance of military intervention as a moral necessity, backing of NATO and support for military action in Ukraine. It's all there on pages 22 and 23. I have a feeling that I'm not the only western citizen who disagrees strongly with all of these "values" (as indeed the entire socialist and communist left would and does) and I'm sure far right wing people would disagree with other stated Atlantic Values such as acceptance of LGBTQ rights and gender equality. In any case these military spook groups should not be dictating ANY values to human beings. https://www.stratcomcoe.org/download/file/fid/7350
Posted by: Blooming Barricade | Jan 5 2019 8:27 utc | 40
My eager is that the REAL reason behind this operation and all other earlier operations can be traced to the hate that a certain group has for Russia (historically and up to the present). City of London. Does that tell you something?
Posted by: Hem Lock | Jan 5 2019 8:43 utc | 41
My wager is that the REAL reason behind this operation and all other earlier operations can be traced to the hate that a certain group has for Russia (historically and up to the present). City of London. Does that tell you something?
Posted by: Hem Lock | Jan 5 2019 8:44 utc | 42
Posted by: Robert Snefjella | Jan 4, 2019 8:46:39 PM | 31
"@myself 28. Thanks Peter AU 1. Sorry folks; Ignore. Was fake Twitter account."
Regardless, it's still good advice everyone should take.
More importantly, those British fans who went were not dragooned or pre-briefed by FCO or anyone else, and took the country as they found it. All the reports I read from these people were highly positive and some admitted that 'it was not what we had been led to beleive'. There will be a multiplier, as the ordinary people of Britain ARE NOT the City of London. Having bailed out the City bankers they now have to suffer austerity and impoverishment while said bankers pay themselves lavish bonuses. The Brexit vote was the 99% saying 'Enough!' to the 1%. There is change in the air and the people who direct the people who direct II are obviously a little worried to say the least. If I want to know what's really happenning in Britain I read the foreign press as their correspondents see no need to follow the corporatist line.I gave up beleiving what the UK government and the MSM had to say at the time of the first Iraq war.
Posted by: Emmanuel Goldstein | Jan 5 2019 10:43 utc | 44
Posted by: sejomoje | Jan 4, 2019 5:08:00 PM | 23
"The cultural one is highlarious. Ban the literally the best ballet company on earth from performing in Britain - while English ballet is more about set design, costuming and acting than dance.. GO UK! I am lmfao. Can the "western elite" look any worse at this point? The men behind the curtain are HIDEOUS."
Would the British cultural elite be any more willing to forego their luxuries than the US cultural elite? I'll know we're at Defcon 1 when wealthy liberals agree to boycott the Mariinsky Orchestra on the grounds that Valery Gergiev is some kind of friend of Putin's (as a few Demtard picketers tried to get them to do when the orchestra played at Carnegie Hall last October).
Integrity initiative's work smells like racism, everything russian, not even relating to the russian government is attacked.
Posted by: Zanon | Jan 5 2019 12:39 utc | 46
How to put this? This Integrity Initiative story has it all. It reads like a book with plot, character, detail, a beginning, a middle and a potential end. But am I the only one that cannot quite see how this tale could be so neatly cut and dried? British dirty media tricks of this kind have been going on for centuries. For some examples, spanning not all, but a mere four centuries of it, think of "The Black Hole of Calcutta"; the buildup to the Zulu War of 1879; the "Mau Mau" scare (and its consequences); and Libya. Large-scale operations continue in the present time, notably in South America. This weekend, it has been about Sudan.
The story of this coterie and their "clusters" has to be told, but not as if it is an exception, that would tend to prove a better rule. One should rather think of it as disgustingly normal in the Brutish Empire. What will be of greater interest is connections to other such "firms" or "circuses" or whatever the spooks call such things, and the higher management structure in the state, or in the parallel state.
Will sit down to read the latest integrity initiative batch of released documents this afternoon. I was focused on the dark overlord release of 9/11 docs over the past couple of days. Out of about 50 documents read so far, nothing really interesting. Looks like a nothing-burger to me. Maybe the coming releases will be of better quality...
Posted by: lili | Jan 5 2019 13:13 utc | 48
Robert Snefjella@34
The walls of the imperial palace have indeed come in. And this has left tens of thousands of young university graduates, many of them with enormous debts, looking for the sort of jobs that keep them in the luxurious style to which the sons of imperialism have grown accustomed. It is not surprising, though it is a sad commentary on state of morals there, that many of them take freelance forty penny a line work, lying for the government.
To understand the nature of the British Security Establishment, really an offshoot of the military, contemplate the history of one Colin Wallace, a keen young reserve officer in Ulster who showed a talent for dirty trickery but drew the line at massacres- Paul Foot wrote a great book about him, framed for murder and jailed though innocent of any crime except truth telling.
Posted by: bevin | Jan 5 2019 14:08 utc | 49
The difference etween Iraq2 in 2003 and Syria nowadays is that in 2003 the financial status of the media had not yet become terminal, so they could dissent. Now, they need subsidies and the tolerance of the tax authorities to survive.
Posted by: lysias | Jan 5 2019 14:59 utc | 50
suspending visits from the bolshoi or kirov ballets or similar groups, reflects the level of culture absent in these same intel people
it may reflect more the usual: "rooms full of mirrors". Culture has always be used more or less on the soft power axis. ... More recently it reminds me of the cultural angle around BDS.
Posted by: LeaNder | Jan 5 2019 15:06 utc | 51
I would laugh but my life has been destroyed for past few years down to this constant bullshit propaganda and i would like to take the BBC to court not Bellingcat !
Posted by: andre wild | Jan 5 2019 15:46 utc | 52
All this boycott Russia stuff reminds me of the famous 19C Times headline "English Channel Fogbound, Continent Isolated".
Posted by: Johny Conspiranoid | Jan 5 2019 16:21 utc | 53
I would suggest to legitimate comment posters
that when the thread has been deliberately
compromised, we take it upon ourselves to
shorten our comments until the corrupted
page has been moved on from. It is a
simple tactic, which will make posters
who really want to be read available to
For now, I am going to carefully scan,
but in future I hope others will follow
my lead and take us to a fresh page.
The tactic being used is a deliberate
one, so I would recommend avoiding all
who use it in future. (Mum's the word!)
Posted by: juliania | Jan 5 2019 17:01 utc | 54
I can, at the very least, reformat some of the
above comments which I find worthy of further
consideration, thusly:
Robert Snefjella@34
In line with then as now, Orwell writes,
“It is a fact that the much-boasted freedom
of the British press is theoretical rather
than actual.”
And here we get to some words especially shining
a light on how far Britain has fallen from the later
2nd world war period:
“... but [in England of 1944] the real totalitarian atmosphere,
in which the State endeavours to control people's thoughts
as well as their words, is hardly imaginable.
The safeguard against it is partly the respect for integrity
of conscience, and the willingness to hear both sides,
which can be observed in any public meeting.”
“The amount of liberty, intellectual or other,
that we enjoy in England ought not to be exaggerated,
but the fact that it has not markedly diminished
in nearly five years of desperate war is a hopeful symptom.”
Posted by: juliania | Jan 5 2019 17:09 utc | 55
Well what a treasure trove!
This from one paper tited ‘Discernment: Why information statecraft matters’:
Adapt and apply-media literacy training experience from Ukraine - a country at the forefront of Russian disinformation campaigns. The Learn 2 Discern media-literacy programme developed by IREX and StopFake has recently been expanded to address the specific needs of children as part of an integrated school-based programme. These programmes demonstrate changes in understanding and behaviour by measuring criteria such as the ability to verify messages through cross-checking with at least one other source. Of the 15,000 who have completed the Learn 2 Discern programme, over 92% reported checking their sources 3 months after the training event. The tagline for the Learn 2 Discern programme in Ukraine is care before you share . This is a simple reminder to be wary of a knee-jerk reaction to pass on content simply because it shocks or provokes. Media content and case-studies will be sourced locally and reflect the particular media environment of a region/country. This will be done in conjunction with partners who demonstrate an objective, non-partisan approach.
"Another proposed strategy is to adopt elements of the Cyber guard training initiative which utilises retired military personnel as coaches to help young people work through the risks inherent in the cyber domain and the ways these can impact the person and wider society. This training material helps raise awareness of legal risks and criminal liability for content viewed and shared online. In Estonia, a comprehensive curriculum addressing cyber-security and critical thinking is introduced as early as age 9. This model of engagement at a young age helps address gender imbalances when we assess the lower number of girls currently pursuing further studies and professions in cyber security, IT and programming. Women who are currently active and established in IT and security studies could be vital role-models to encourage more girls to enter and stay in this field.
"We believe it is critical that people are aware of the editorial position and financing of media outlets and the implications of these structures. This is a critical point in understanding why RT is by its very nature a propaganda outlet and how it differs fundamentally from the BBC or other western platforms. Furthermore, we believe it is vital to expose the deception of supposed independent, third-party sites that are in-fact proxies for the Kremlin and whose only purpose is to amplify and spread a particular message. There is a vital, ongoing conversation to be had about privacy, data protection and the vital protection of sources when reporting on issues that place a journalist or whistleblower at risk. However, it is important to distinguish between these appropriate safeguards and the pursuit of anonymity online in order to deceive and distort the origin of material or indeed for the purpose of cyberattacks or other types of subversive action.
Discernment paper_BR2018_08.06_proposal2.pdf
Scary stuff!
Posted by: William Bowles | Jan 5 2019 17:09 utc | 56
Tangential question for the bar:
>> Culture has always be used more or less on the soft power axis.
How much of the hype (sounds and pictures of women screaming) around the Beatles was contrived? Purely by commercial interests? Or also by interests who wanted to show the heights of appeal men can reach in the West or England specifically?
I’m not suggesting the Beatles weren’t immensely talented or that crowds didn’t cheer. But, something about the “footage” of the Beatles broadcast on the TV “news” 30-40 years ago stuck with me. The off-camera screaming sounds like it was added or emphasized in the recording studio.
Does that recollection resonate with anyone else? If not, maybe I’m imagining...
Posted by: Beetle Bailey | Jan 5 2019 17:14 utc | 57
A good answer by RusEmb2UK to accusations of Russia threatening the "rules-based international system":
As stated repeatedly, Russia does not accept the concept of a “rules-based international system”. The international order is based on international law, i.e. legally binding norms that have been agreed on and accepted by all states. By substituting “international law” with obscure “rules”, the UK and other Western countries aim to shed the responsibility for their unlawful behaviour, while assuming the right to randomly blame other countries of breaking “rules” to which they had never signed up.
Posted by: Belomor | Jan 5 2019 17:15 utc | 58
In accord with #34, which describes a positive
side of Orwell in the midst of WW2. I went back
to some notes on T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets"
and found the following quotation:
"I have the A Minor Quartet [Beethoven's] on
the gramaphone and I find it quite inexhaustible
to study. There is a sort of heavenly, or at
least more than human gaiety, about some of his
later things which one imagines might come
to oneself as the fruit of reconciliation and
relief after immense suffering. I should like
to get something of that into verse before I
die." [T.S.Eliot to Stephen Spender, 1931]
Eliot was a fire warden at his publishing house
during the bombing of London, and wrote his
final quartet then. The 'war' upon great artists
being perpetrated by these idiots is an internally
manifested bombing onslaught that Orwell at his
darkest hour could not have imagined.
We all must become fire wardens now.
Posted by: juliania | Jan 5 2019 17:20 utc | 59
With the drawing of this Love and the voice of this
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, remembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always --
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of things shall be well
When the tongues of flame are infolded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.
[final verse of "The Four Quartets"
by T.S.Eliot]
Posted by: juliania | Jan 5 2019 17:30 utc | 60
While conniving imperial war mongers, sycophantic "journalists" and their brain dead acolytes and water carriers wail, moan and gnash their teeth about phantom Russian troll armies and bot brigades sowing disinformation across the greater empire, it turns out the people who created, and now nurture, that narrative are in fact doing exactly what they accuse the Russians of doing. And they are doing it to "their" own people. I am absolutely not shocked by this.
But doggamn are my countrymen, er, countrypeople, fracking stupid. They have got to be among the most gullible and naive marks to walk on the face of this planet. Dog help us all...
Posted by: Daniel | Jan 5 2019 17:32 utc | 61
whelan has us,uk,canada and irish cit.enough to say he's a spy.
Posted by: dahoit | Jan 5 2019 17:33 utc | 62
"We will need to impose changes over the heads of vested interests. We did this in the 1930s."
I suspect that this refers among other things to the removal of George Lansbury,
a Christian and a Pacifist from the leadership of the Labour party.
It must be remembered that the Establishment, of which the II is a symptom, regards
ensuring that the opposition and Labour is controlled by 'reliable' agents of whom Blair
was merely the most recent in a long line. All Labour Prime Ministers and Foreign secretaries
have been reliable tools of the Security Services.
The campaign against Corbyn is at least as important to the II as that against Putin
with whose name the II clusters have gone to extraordinary lengths to link him.
Posted by: bevin | Jan 5 2019 17:34 utc | 63
This one, to me, is very good:
More importantly, those British fans who went were not dragooned
or pre-briefed by FCO or anyone else, and took the country
as they found it. All the reports I read from these people were
highly positive and some admitted that 'it was not what we had been
led to beleive'. There will be a multiplier, as the ordinary people
of Britain ARE NOT the City of London. Having bailed out the City
bankers they now have to suffer austerity and impoverishment while
said bankers pay themselves lavish bonuses. The Brexit vote
was the 99% saying 'Enough!' to the 1%. There is change in the air
and the people who direct the people who direct II are obviously
a little worried to say the least. If I want to know what's really
happenning in Britain I read the foreign press as their correspondents
see no need to follow the corporatist line.I gave up beleiving
what the UK government and the MSM had to say at the time of the first Iraq war.
Posted by: Emmanuel Goldstein | Jan 5, 2019 5:43:31 AM | 44
Posted by: juliania | Jan 5 2019 17:42 utc | 64
Posted by: dahoit | Jan 5, 2019 12:33:28 PM | 60
whelan has us,uk,canada and irish cit.enough to say he's a spy.
According to the article, he is born in Canada and lives in USA so these 2 citizenships are understandable.
The other 2 citizenships are more curious though - did he get them before, during, or after his career in the army...
CIA allegedly denies that he spied for them. It will be interesting to find out who he was spying for. There is definitely not shortage of 'customers' interested in that kind of information.
Posted by: hopehely | Jan 5 2019 18:41 utc | 65
The attempt to create an ongoing fake world on behalf
of influential and despicable elements of the PTB, given
that most people's natural default position in life is honesty,
is a herculean-esque labour. And given this inherent life-affirming
general preference for honest discourse, the task of the liars and censors
is to both control the present tense with lies and censorship, and to obscure,
or maintain a growing wealth of previous lies and hidden truths.
This creates an inevitable dynamic towards a larger and larger and larger
absurdity, and in effect, a relentless trajectory towards a political ethos
which is indistinguishable from insanity, and where crimes are committed
via the absurdity, is an insane species of criminality.
There was a time when it seemed that the propagandists
considered plausibility to be an important component of
dishonesty and public manipulation. The limited hangout;
the Chomsky-esque technique of lots of stirring truths leavened
with critical evasions; the rule of thumb by propagandists that
only a certain amount of crap or censorship could be injected into the discourse
lest the story become too absurd to be popularly believed.
One of the important tasks of the propagandists was to create 'narratives'
that would be sufficiently plausible to be swallowed whole
and then regurgitated widely by largely busy and uncritical secondary purveyors
- the five minute radio newscast, the tv evening news, the local newspaper, etc.
With the advent of 9/11, an important milestone was reached for propaganda;
but one which remains a ticklish and potentially disastrous coup for the PTB.
The milestone was being able to pull off in broad daylight to a global audience
mass murder
and destruction of a whole complex of landmark buildings,
while offering a completely ridiculous and false narrative
to 'explain' what happened. This was successful,
in the short term anyway,
in 'justifying' wars of aggression abroad, and growing police state measures at home.
The success of the 9/11 false flag and subsequent absurd 'explanation'
may have led some of the PTB to consider the public now
essentially either functionally brain dead or cowed,
and thus have been emboldened to throw caution to the winds
and forget the previous plausibility constraint on propaganda.
'They'll believe anything'.
The Skripal affair in England has all the elements of pathetic absurdity
in so far as the story goes, but what was especially noteworthy for me,
apart from the sheer inanity of it all, was how quickly and slavishly
other countries 'danced to the unmusical tune' as it were.
In response to British inane antics, expelling Russian diplomats
became all the rage. But the 'game' includes
stoking the psychology of conflict which ends in war.
Which makes the disgusting 2015 pdf document that b links to above
seem like a rather influential effort.
With the advent of the 'world class' 'fake news' meme,
and more and more many millions assuming that MSM news=propaganda,
and with everyone carrying a camera wielding global communication devise
which used to be referred to as a telephone,
with AI able to create very plausible visual or auditory falsehoods,
the propagandists face new challenges and wield new tools.
In the end though, the general public preference for honesty
will continue to be a challenge, and hopefully effective nemesis, to the PTB.
Posted by: Robert Snefjella | Jan 5 2019 18:41 utc | 66
A reminder of the nations involved in Integrity initiative and the agents in each nation, check links below:
_Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands
_Spain, US, Canada, UK
_Central Europe, Austria
Posted by: Zanon | Jan 5 2019 18:44 utc | 67
Posted by: Zanon | Jan 5 2019 18:46 utc | 68
Hopehely @ 63:
According to the article you linked to in your comment, Paul Whelan was dishonourably discharged from the US Marines.
That blot on his record might not make him ideal US intel recruitment material but it might make him ideal intel recruitment material for some other nation who moreover wants his IT skills. Whelan's own ethical amorality and any resentment he nursed against the US for the treatment he deserved would be enough motivation for him to work for foreign masters. Those foreign masters themselves would have no scruples in hiring someone with a record such as his - because his flaws would be something they could use against him if he failed them in some way - and no scruples in throwing him under the proverbial bus if that would serve their interests.
Perhaps noting that those foreign masters could be the same folks who gave Whelan his additional citizenships is unnecessary on my part.
PS - I'm still waiting on the Australian and New Zealand embassies to claim Whelan for their own.
Posted by: Jen | Jan 5 2019 19:30 utc | 69
Whelan's court martial could have been like Lemas's disgrace in The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, a sheep-dipping to make him seem recruitable to foreign intel agencies.
Posted by: lysias | Jan 5 2019 19:35 utc | 70
Whelan's court martial could have been like Lemas's disgrace in The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, a sheep-dipping to make him seem recruitable to foreign intel agencies.
Posted by: lysias | Jan 5 2019 19:35 utc | 71
Beetle Bailey @ 57:
If you do an online search on The Beatles' tour of Australia in 1964, you will find information that the crowds that greeted them at airports around the country and which followed them were the biggest and most intense the band members would ever experience during their time together before the band broke up in 1970.
Some 300,000 are said to have greeted The Beatles during their city parade to the city town hall in Adelaide alone.
Population size in Adelaide by 1965 was 697,000 so 300,000 out of less than 697,000 represents some 40% of the city's population. Of course those 300,000 can't all have been people aged 21 years and less.
Obviously the size of the reception the band got was stage-managed by radio DJs at the time but much of it was also due to the social context that The Beatles jetted into, and the emotions and frustrations within Adelaide society that their music linked to. Adelaide had a reputation as a very socially conservative and prim city best known for its churches in the 1960s.
Posted by: Jen | Jan 5 2019 20:07 utc | 72
Leamas, Alec Leamas. Burton did a great job of acting him in the movie. But what's really delicious in the movie is Irishman Cyril Cusack playing the head of MI6 as ruthless, cold-blooded, and thoroughly unsypathetic.
Posted by: lysias | Jan 5 2019 20:55 utc | 73
And this from the founding doc on an Integrity Initiative USA 'charity', the Institute for Statecraft and Governance.
The main objectives of expanding the Integrity Initiative into the USA would be to:
- Revive and rebuild the expert knowledge base on Russian strategic affairs within the USA, and through that to strengthen transatlantic links and raise the US profile in NATO and European defence institutions.
- Contribute to changing the attitude towards Russian malign influence and disinformation by enriching the public discourse with facts about Russian malign behaviour (challenging the ignorance of, tolerance of or sympathy for the Russian activity).
- Counter Russian disinformation and malign influence, and associated weapons of “hybrid warfare” by: expanding the knowledge base; harnessing existing expertise, and; establishing a network of experts, opinion formers and policy makers, to educate national audiences on the threat and to help build national capacities to counter it.
FCO Integrity Initiative US doc
Posted by: William Bowles | Jan 5 2019 21:41 utc | 74
Here's an interesting example of the relationship between the Institute and its targets, in this case Ukraine.
Journalism skill sharing seminarThe Integrity Initiative is seeking to establish a training & skill sharing seminar for in the of their careers, who operate in areas of
restricted media are connected to, in a seminar setting, experienced International journalists discuss the skills and techniques that will ensure that the stories the young journalists pursue are grounded in good journalistic practice. It would also represent an opportunity for the participants to share skills and experiences with one another, growing their international support and information networks.
One doc refers to Euromaidan Press. I checked one page and it contains 'news' straight out of the Initiative! Check it for yourselves:
The doc is: VM_comments_II_Concept_JournalistSkills
Posted by: William Bowles | Jan 5 2019 21:59 utc | 75
Robert Sneffjella@66
I will add to your surmise, which I agree with, that people
are waking up to the toxicity of the 'great new technology'
meme that has accompanied and served the spy master regimes
--they are not all that they were cracked up to be. Phones
die or are easily stolen. As communications tools, they really
suck! It is frightfully expensive to buy one, and the latest
model is verifiably crappier than the one before it. We are
far less able to communicate with one another in light of
disaster - to the point that one comment from a firefighter
in California was that the town of Paradise should have had
a system of sirens better to warn them of the holocaust that
was upon them than the "state of the art" system they had!
Posted by: juliania | Jan 5 2019 23:44 utc | 76
This afternoon I did a search on both the Times and the Post for "integrity initiative" and got nothing. The Times had a piece on the gas explosion in Russia to show how ragged their infrastructure is. No irony there!
Keeping an eye out for "informer" Anne Applebaum reappearing at the Post.
Posted by: Bart Hansen | Jan 5 2019 23:47 utc | 77
Interesting how these people make themselves look inept.
Don't go too far down the rabbit hole.
It's very important to them that Russia remain apart from Europe.
The possibility of Russia collaborating which China most terrify them.
Appears that China chose to play the two sides against rather than choose that may be a mistake.
Posted by: Jared | Jan 6 2019 2:11 utc | 78
Not terribly explosive, but what fun: Six Degrees of Eliot Higgins!
EXPLOSIVE: @DanKaszeta of @Strongpoint_UK invoiced @InitIntegrity #IntegrityInitiative £2,276.80 in July 2018 during the #Skripal #Novichok affair for writing articles on the subjects of poison gas; nerve agents; treatment; nerve agent persistency & #PortonDown @RTUKproducer
Posted by: PavewayIV | Jan 6 2019 4:25 utc | 79
I went looking for who might be covering this story and found that Ron Paul Institute web site has a link to MoA about it............YEAH!!!
Ron Paul Institute about Integrity Initiative
Good for you b!!!!
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 6 2019 5:32 utc | 80
The comments to this entry are closed.
Integrity Initiaive also smeared and plotted to undermine Jill Stein as Russian puppet
Think Tank That Infiltrated Sanders Campaign And Smeared UK's Corbyn Promotes Militarist "Anglo-Saxon World View"
A British military-intelligence think tank funded by the Foreign Office, NATO, and Facebook known as the Integrity Initiative that The Greyzone Project revealed to have infiltrated the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016 also targeted US Green Party candidate for President Jill Stein, documents leaked on the CyberGuerrilla website reveal.
One document accuses the Russian-backed TV channnel RT as having "nothing but good to say" about Stein's candidacy, which is portrayed exclusively as an operation designed to take votes away from Democrat Hillary Clinton. They accuse the Green Party of being bolstered by a "Kremlin PR vehicle" that must be confronted.
They accuse the Stein candidacy of being part of a Kremlin plot to "make American democracy look bad." They say that "the protest potential of the [US] population is part of a Russian military operation.
Given that the think tank has targeted left-wing parties including the German Die Linke and the French Communist Party by "challenging their credibility" and "investigating their finances," one wonders about the Initiaive's role in the DNC/US media narrative that she was a puppet of the Kremlin.
Posted by: Blooming Barricade | Jan 4 2019 16:57 utc | 1