The MoA Week In Review - Open Thread 2018-36
Last week's posts on Moon of Alabama:
Charlie Rowley, allegedly poisoned by a 'Novichok', has been released from hospital. There is no word of his whereabout.
[Meta remark: 519 comments - are you nuts? When am I supposed to read those?]
- July 19 - Israel Declares Itself Apartheid State
A nice history piece with some surprising insights: Why Did the Dutch Give Up Manhattan for Nutmeg? Because the spice must flow ...
Use as open thread ...
Posted by b on July 22, 2018 at 17:20 UTC | Permalink
next page »that article at the end is quite good! nutmeg was very valuable in the past.. i think a similar dynamic with the british and dutch happened on the island of penang - also known for being able to sustain nutmeg and cinnamon tress..beautiful island - we visited there a few years ago..
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2018 17:35 utc | 2
Vanessa Beeley has just tweeted, and the Russian media also published, that Israel, at America's and Canada's request, has evacuated circa 800 White Helmet members (according to the source, only 422/800 made to Israel).
Beeley also tweeted about a mass grave of 1,200 civilians in Raqqa. Western media is not covering the fact.
White Helmets "Rescued" By Israel Via Golan Heights In Overnight Operation
You don't need to "evacuate" aid workers & paramedics, because they have nothing to offer, nothing to fear and want to stay and help people. You DO evacuate special forces & trained proxies. Because you spent money putting them there and the last thing you want is them getting caught or killed.
So this is basically a brilliant way of getting hundreds of key ISIS figures our of Syria and resettled into Western countries. Just tidy them up and give them a white helmet. Do these sound like White Helmets to you?
Maadeh Nassar "The Commander of the 'Golan Knights Brigade", Ahmad Al-Nuhas Commander of the "Brigade of the Sword of the Levant", Alaa Halaki "Commander of the Ababel army" and Abu Ratib Nassar, leader of the 'Golan Knights Brigade" escape to Israelearly this morning.
No, me neither.
Who cares what actually happens to the real White Helmets, the West certainly don't. Especially as the real White Helmets and their families were mainly up in the north, Idlib, hundreds of miles from the Israeli border with no way of getting there. This is a sham. The key ISIS operatives are getting out via Israel while the ones that don't matter are on buses to Idlib, currently blocked as they try to pass through Iranian controlled territory.
as for the cia,mi6 mossad sas white helmets they put out a statement thanking george clooney and asking for the return of the oscar lost somewhere in the syriana
Posted by: adam gadahn | Jul 22 2018 19:16 utc | 4
White Helmets are Mo$$ad and MI6. A branch of AlQaeda terrorists.
The one we were told did 9/11(LOL!).
800 members and their families rescued and will go to germany,Canada, France and Britain.
Possible US too.
the rescue mission
This shows you clearly who was behind the war in Syria.
through idf heliborne operations of ISIS leaders, especially the foreign ones.
Netanyahu said that TRUMP and Trudeau asked him to evacuate them.
lol lol
into talmud infinity
my life already
Posted by: adam gadahn | Jul 22 2018 19:24 utc | 5
congrats to putin.
he just sold syria and iran
800 special western forces "evacuated"through israel to jordan then to western capitals
2.200 mercenaries and experts from gulf region
all this was agreed on in the helinski meeting
it was all done by russia's agreement
now they will all flood msm news talking about "attrocities" eye witness and bla bla bla
now they will have to be recycled to destroy another muslim country or cut at the news one that is trying to stay afloat
Posted by: occidentosis | Jul 22 2018 19:32 utc | 6
I hope no one is expecting anything positive to come from more and more "progressive" candidates wining. The DNC has power because of the big money donors (who are the same ones as the Republican party) as soon as enough progressives are elected they will walk away and the DNC will have about as much power as the Greens do now.
The political institutions of the Empire are all deeply corrupted and can not be saved.
Posted by: Babyl-on | Jul 22 2018 19:36 utc | 7
@ vk | 3, et al
I don't use Twitter. If it is possible to view tweets without having to register, or otherwise become cyber-ensnared by, the Twitter site?
If so, please provide a link to Beeley's tweets.
Also, is there a site that posts Beeley's work? I luck out and see YouTube videos featuring her once in a while, but they're usually several days (or more) old.
I appreciate any information that would help me to keep up with Beeley's work. Thanks!
Posted by: Ort | Jul 22 2018 19:38 utc | 8
@john gilberts... are you going to write to the canadian immigrant minister like i have? [email protected]
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2018 19:48 utc | 9
I wonder if they will be redeployed to Southern Iraq where the Iranian influenced Shia appear to be getting riled up.
Posted by: Pft | Jul 22 2018 20:17 utc | 10
RE: Posted by: Ort | Jul 22, 2018 3:38:33 PM | 8
Her twitter page:
I don’t use twitter either; I just read posts in a web browser; you don’t have to register to do this.
21st Century Wire publishes some of her articles:
Her Patreon page:
Her blog (although it also contains articles by other authors):
Hope this helps. Regards.
Posted by: Basil | Jul 22 2018 20:22 utc | 11
Basil answered you well, Ort. 21st century wire and there are some YouTube videos, too. I've been checking out the White Helmet rescue stories and I guess they served their purpose like the jihadi proxies. I wonder how many others will escape to Iraq and other areas to be summoned once again. Iran, perhaps?
Paid propaganda outfit? Check (to the tune of millions of dollars)
Israel allied? Check (Israel helped them to Jordan)
Real enemies of Syria? Check (according to the story, Syria did not offer amnesty to them)
Posted by: Curtis | Jul 22 2018 20:31 utc | 12
important documentary on browder that partick armstrong writes about and is being shared at pat langs site...
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2018 20:59 utc | 13
here is the direct link to the movie -
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2018 21:01 utc | 14
ALL this being said about the complex world situation ie. Trump - the ruling clique and their mirror the M S M are terrified Trump will shatter the comfy Anglo set up here in Australia now that China returns to her historical position.
We generally do not like change and find it discomforting to adapt !
Posted by: ashley albanese | Jul 22 2018 21:16 utc | 15
So Trudeau-lite is bringing the White Helmuts to Canada....excellent....everyone sing along!
Oh Canada
The New White Helmuts Land
True Jihadi Love
Whatever Netanyahu and Trump Command
I could go on but you get the idea......
Posted by: Sad Canuck | Jul 22 2018 21:29 utc | 16
......and the son and daughters of Bandera will be waiting at the airport to greet them.
Posted by: Sad Canuck | Jul 22 2018 21:31 utc | 17
Headline from the future:
NYT: "Chemical attack in Toronto linked to Assad and Russia"
- A chemical attack last Wednesday in Toronto, has been linked to the Assad regime, with support from Russia. Video evidence was provided by former Syrian Civil Defense members, who are currently residing in the city after being evacuated by Israel during the final months of the Syrian Civil War. UN Ambassador Nikki Haley called an emergency UN Security Council session, saying "the time has come to drop nuclear weapons on Moscow, lest the Western liberal rules-based global order be wiped out once and for all".
Posted by: George Lane | Jul 22 2018 21:38 utc | 18
Canada To Resettle Dozens of White Helmets and Their Families
Welcome to Idlib North - Canada To Take Israel's Al Qaeda Proxies. The likely reality is that Israel told Canada to take them and since Canada never refuses anything to Israel it is done. Since the still prevailing myth here is that these are 'humanitarians resisting the murderous evil dictator Assad' and since Canada's Zionist left is unable or unwilling to raise this issue, preferring the standard western msm propaganda memes instead, this will be a done deal with no questions asked. Including, why Israel doesn't take in its own jihadi cut-throat trash instead?
Posted by: John Gilberts | Jul 22 2018 22:10 utc | 19
congrats to putin.
he just sold syria and iran
800 special western forces "evacuated"through israel to jordan then to western capitals
2.200 mercenaries and experts from gulf region
all this was agreed on in the helinski meeting
it was all done by russia's agreement
Posted by: occidentosis | Jul 22, 2018 3:32:45 PM | 6
I hope that's true, along with adam gadahn | Jul 22, 2018 3:24:56 PM | 5 who asserts that "Netanyahu said that TRUMP and Trudeau asked him to evacuate them."
It tends to support my pet theory that Putin & Trump are going to help the "Israelis" to ambush themselves (via offers too good to refuse).
Strike 1?
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jul 22 2018 22:15 utc | 20
Basil @ 11:
Thanks for posting those links. I just had a look at Vanessa Beeley's blog and found a link to an article on how Western NGOs and terrorist groups hire Syrian refugees as actors in their videos through social media sites (in particular social media sites that advertise jobs).
Unfortunately (and understandably perhaps, given the risk that might be involved) the people at Inside Syria Media Center did not go far enough in their investigation to find out where the money to pay the actors in these "documentaries" comes from.
Posted by: Jen | Jul 22 2018 22:29 utc | 21
@19Hoarsewhisperer who says 'It tends to support my pet theory that Putin & Trump are going to help the "Israelis" to ambush themselves (via offers too good to refuse).
Please do tell..
To the Canucks on the board..agreed sad day for Canada and our showpony...i mean PM. Too bad 99% either don't care or think that the WH are lily white
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Jul 22 2018 22:31 utc | 22
Christ, this explains yesterday's IL offensive towards the Northern rebel-held pocket in Quneitra.
Swap uniforms, shave and bingo, resettlement to the West via the Zionist Abomination..
Posted by: Lozion | Jul 22 2018 22:42 utc | 23
Israel has put out some video of the so called evacuation, but very careful not to show any white helmet faces.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jul 22 2018 22:48 utc | 24
Upon request of several member states, including the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany, and authorized by the Government of Jordan, the United Nations received 422 Syrian citizens from southern Syria who are at risk and seeking asylum and solutions in above mentioned countries.
While in Jordan, UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, in close collaboration with the involved governments, is supporting their temporary stay in anticipation of their onward relocation to third countries. UNHCR appreciates the generosity of the Jordanian Government and people for temporarily hosting them.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jul 22 2018 22:54 utc | 25
This is what we have been talking about. In the NEO:
Posted by: bevin | Jul 22 2018 23:21 utc | 26
This past week there were two "news items" that sounded important initially and then soon disappeared, followed by crickets: (i) Brits had identified some suspects in the most recent alleged Novichok incident, and (ii) US had gotten their mitts on Russian military files related to the new hypersonic weapon that Russia announced in March.
Were these non-stories or what (as in wtf)? Apologies if either of these were dealt with earlier or elsewhere.
Posted by: spudski | Jul 22 2018 23:35 utc | 27
@ Basil | 11; Curtis | 12
Thanks for your kind and helpful responses; much appreciated!
Posted by: Ort | Jul 22 2018 23:46 utc | 28
......for Tat
Posted by: Sad Canuck | Jul 23 2018 0:06 utc | 29
There were reports in RT and Sputnik on the leaked files. Russia making it very public? Looks a bit like they may have slipped the US some dodgy files. I would have thought an investigation like that would be kept very quite until the culprit was caught.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jul 23 2018 0:07 utc | 30
james @13
Very powerful documentary. Thanks!
PS: the link on pat lang's site doesn't work. You have to copy the url and paste it into your browser.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jul 23 2018 0:53 utc | 31
hey canucks! please write to this guy who is our immigration minister at present... it will help.. [email protected]
Posted by: james | Jul 23 2018 0:56 utc | 32
@30 jr.. thanks! i have yet to watch it! but will in the next 24 hours!
Posted by: james | Jul 23 2018 0:56 utc | 33
@25 bevin
Thanks for the cite. Interesting to see that while Russian commentators are already speculating that Trump is repositioning the US as a peer in the new multi-polar world order, US think tanks can still only see the change as a retrenchment by the US into less-than-total world dominance, but still using the mechanism of total dominance over that portion of the world still remaining to it.
For interested readers, Tony Cartalucci is commenting on and deconstructing a Bloomberg guest op-ed that bemoans the loss of US hegemony. I suppose it's a good sign that the piece actually does acknowledge this loss. It would be too much to hope that the US has shifted paradigm from competition to cooperation. The think tanks, ever wary of losing patronage, will move forward only at a significant lag behind the evolving realities, but they do get dragged forward eventually.
It's an excellent article by Cartalucci, and stands as a good milestone commentary for this moment in history. Here's the full link:
Posted by: Grieved | Jul 23 2018 1:14 utc | 34
@ b Thanks. You have provided an excellent week of great journalistic articles. Controversial subjects covered logically, yet fearlessly worded.
@ james Thanks. Your stewardship keeps the dialog on subject, informative and civil. You have a like-able manner.
Posted by: mrd | Jul 23 2018 1:42 utc | 35
@19Hoarsewhisperer who says...
Please do tell..
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Jul 22, 2018 6:31:05 PM | 21
The theory goes like this...
Putin & Trump have had a private meeting in Helsinki and discussed an unknown number of undisclosed topics.
Yinon (Oded Yinon's Yinon Plan) is a widely known aspirational Zionist scheme the aim of which is to boost "Israel's" power and influence in the ME.
The scheme is so widely-known that Xymphora has been describing the US/Israel-inspired and directed War On Terror, on Muslim countries, as Wars For The Jews.
Xymphora can't be the only person on the planet who noticed that the core of Bush II's Axis of Evil consisted of countries listed in the Oded Yinon scheme - and that much of the destruction planned for the named members of the AoE has come to pass. If a blogger has noticed the bleeding obviousness of Yinon then so have Putin & Trump.
Unlike Zio-FRUKUS, Putin and Trump would like to drive a stake through the heart of the Yinon Plan (and help rehabilitate some of its victims).
If my pet theory is correct then Trump's anti-Iran bluster should come to nought. However, if the bluster transforms into policies destructive to the well-being of Iranian Civilians then that will be sufficient evidence for me that Trump is either a Zionist or a Zionist tool.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jul 23 2018 3:03 utc | 36
Horsewhisper@ 35 said in part:"However, if the bluster transforms into policies destructive to the well-being of Iranian Civilians then that will be sufficient evidence for me that Trump is either a Zionist or a Zionist tool."
If I'm not mistaken, the sanctions imposed on Iran, are doing the very harm you warned about as we post.
I do like your take on said issue.
Ya'know our fellow poster psycohistorian, has often spoken about the dangers of private finance and the West's inability to control it.
Well, it's finally come to fruition here in the U$A. The malignant billionaires now control everything, including the U$ govt. the voting systems, and 99% of the airwaves controlling what the majority of "we the people, see and hear. The U$A is lost, I'm afraid.
Best of luck to all you folks outside this country, the fight is coming to you shortly.
And, this has all taken place because we've allowed the amassing of great fortunes all in the name of freedom. We've given them the freedom to dominate others through deregulation.
Reminds me of an old MLK quote.." Rules and regulations never changed a man's heart, but, they can restrain the heartless."
Posted by: ben | Jul 23 2018 4:20 utc | 37
P.S. With regards to the MLK quote.
They can only restrain the heartless if they're enforced, which at this time, they aren't, if you are wealthy enough.
Posted by: ben | Jul 23 2018 4:36 utc | 38
Putin is Anointed King, but Big Capital has the Real Power – RAI with A. Buzgalin (7/12)
From TRNN:
Posted by: ben | Jul 23 2018 4:55 utc | 39
Officialy, 356 million Mexicans speak nahuatl. It's curious that modern nahuatl in its
structure and vocabulary is the same language that King Nezhuacoyotl wrote his poems in!
In the early 1970's I lived in the Barrio of San Pedro in Tepoztlan Morelos where the older folks spoke nahuatl 1st language the adults used both and the children learned Spanish
in the schools (and the priest would scold them in the mass for their pagan practices, ja!)
Here in Guerrero there is one town of the twenty-seven towns in this municipality. The only town where nahuatl is spoken at all. The towns name in English means "those who are afraid"
so this probably means they have been hiding out in the mountians for five hundred years.
Listen to these men yelping at minute 1:00! These are real red-blooded mexican indians. You can not hear them speaking nahuatl in this video; only check out that elaborate braided hair, those old fashioned rebozos!
Anyway, what I was saying in that thread and going off-topic is that a nahautl speaker
wont be able to say "climate change" unless he or she had been watching the television.
So most folks never heard of a guy named Hillel. He was a Baghdad Jew who moved to Judea about 60 years before Christ was born.
His great influence on Judaism was a novel invention to get around the Jubilee which many civilizations employed snd was part of Judaism Mosaic Law. Basically every 7 years debts were cancelled to prevent the elites from accumulating all the land and wealth and enslaving the bottom 99% and causing rebellion. Much of the debt forgiven was owed to the state in the form of taxes but individuals and business also were indebted to money lenders . Debt of individuals acquired to pay taxes, farm, etc was forgiven by the Jubilee. Business /Merchant debts had to be repaid
The rabbiis of the Pharisees under the suggestion of Hillel the Elder, created a loophole in Jewish law, in which a legal document would accompany the interest-free loans (charging interest to fellow Jews was forbidden in the Torah) issued by individuals that stated that the loans were to be transferred to the courts as the law of remission does not apply In this case.
It was called a Prosbul.
This led to great unrest among Jews and non Jews alike. This unrest led to a Jewish activist named Jesus leading a protest against the Pharisees and the money lenders. Michael Hudson has a theory backed up by historical documents in the original Aramaic,Hebrew and Greek that Mosaic Law is mostly about the prohibitions of the sins related to debt and the sinful practices of creditors to secure repayment. Translations into English and other languages have obscured this.
Christianity was formed after Jesus was executed to protect the money lenders . Unfortunately the Romans were pro creditor and then Constantine hijacked the religion a couple of centuries later , and aside from a prohibition on usury by the Roman Church the Jubilee was no more. When the Roman Empire fell the Byzantine Emperor reinstated the Jubilee from 7th-10th Century and abandoned this . I imagine this wad due to the Islamic Wars that required external loans to finance at interest.
Judaism still use the prosbul today , at least in Orthodox , to escape the Jubilee called for in Mosaic Law . That applied only for loans to Jews in any event. Prohibitions of usury in the Christian world ended pretty much with the Reformation and Calvinism. Even so in the US their were limits on usury in many US states until early 1980's when neoliberalism crushed that. Now the poor get charged as much as 30% on credit card debt while earning 2% on savings and they cant even declare bankruptcy like Trump did 6 times
Islamic banking is interest free though under Sharia Law. "Loans are equity-based, asset-backed. In lieu of interest the banks rely on cost-plus financing (murabaha), profit-sharing (mudaraba), leasing (ijara), partnership (musharaka) and forward sale (bay’salam).
"This prohibition is based on arguments of social justice, equality, and property rights. Islam encourages the earning of profits but forbids the charging of interest because profits, determined ex post, symbolize successful entrepreneurship and creation of additional wealth whereas interest, determined ex ante, is a cost that is accrued irrespective of the outcome of business operations and may not create wealth if there are business losses. Social justice demands that borrowers and lenders share rewards as well as losses in an equitable fashion and that the process of wealth accumulation and distribution in the economy be fair and representative of true productivity.
"Risk sharing. Because interest is prohibited, suppliers of funds become investors instead of creditors. The provider of financial capital and the entrepreneur share business risks in return for shares of the profits."
"Money as “potential” capital. Money is treated as “potential” capital—that is, it becomes actual capital only when it joins hands with other resources to undertake a productive activity. Islam recognizes the time value of money, but only when it acts as capital, not when it is “potential” capital."
"Prohibition of speculative behavior. An Islamic financial system discourages hoarding and prohibits transactions featuring extreme uncertainties, gambling, and risks."
So maybe the war against Islam has another component?
Getting back to Jesus. Hudson says the Pharisees decided that Jesus’ growing popularity was a threat to their authority and wealth.
“They said ‘we’ve got to get rid of this guy and rewrite Judaism and make it about sex instead of a class war’, which is really what the whole Old Testament is about,”
”That was that was where Christianity got perverted. Christianity turned so anti-Jesus, it was the equivalent of the American Tea Party, applauding wealth and even greed, Ayn-Rand style.”
”Over the last 1000 years the Catholic Church has been saying it’s noble to be poor. But Jesus never said it was good to be poor. What he said was that rich people are greedy and corrupt. That’s what Socrates was saying, as well as Aristotle and the Stoic Roman philosophers, the biblical prophets in Isaiah.”
"Neither did Jesus say that it was good to be poor because it made you noble.
"What Jesus did say is that say if you have money, you should share it with other people."
”American Fundamentalist Christians say don’t share a penny. King Jesus is going to make you rich. Don’t tax millionaires. Jesus may help me win the lottery. Tax poor people whom the Lord has left behind – no doubt for their sins. There’s nothing about the Jubilee Year here.”
Hudson has a book coming out next week on the subject
Posted by: Pft | Jul 23 2018 5:27 utc | 42
Pft, I am interested in your discourse; are their grounds for a scientific gifting economy?
What I mean is: does a model exist for a human society that has followed Christ's teaching
I know that after he was gone, his mother Mary said "my son never touched a single penny"
Is this credible? Is there an archeological reading of any society not based on greed?
I think there may be. They didn't have to do bookkeeping, a source of constant happiness,
but it's is the loss of posterity since we can wonder and speculate about gift economics.
This isn't a joke, nor is it irony. Dear Pft, ¿Can you say more about biblical etc. utopia?
@ Grieved with the Cartalucci article link.....thanks for that...glad to see the stuff we comment about at MoA being discussed elsewhere
All this beating around the bush about the impact of global private finance on our world. I keep asking myself why China does not discuss private/public finance directly.....and show how they make large scale risk management decisions, for example.
We can't say much for ourselves as a species which "can't and doesn't" talk about core dysfunctional tenets of our social organization. Are we really that limited as a species that we can only lurch from one faith based leadership direction to another? Can't there exist a world that is led by evolving logic, reason and cooperation instead of fealty to myth and the acolytes that project the myth?
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 23 2018 7:11 utc | 44
If I'm not mistaken, the sanctions imposed on Iran, are doing the very harm you warned about as we post.
Posted by: ben | Jul 23, 2018 12:20:07 AM | 38
I agree that sanctions have the potential to harm Iranian Civilians, taking Iraq as an example. But I expect to hear reports from Iranian spox, if and when sanctions bite hard enough to endanger civilian lives. I also expect the threatened tougher US sanctions to be flagrantly violated by China and other interested parties - just for the sake of demonstrating that AmeriKKKa can be ignored with impunity. This is the result I expect the sanctions to produce (very bad optics for AmeriKKKa).
I had in mind the Zio-AmeriKKKan habit of targeting civilian power, water, sewage, medical and education infrastructure in a Military first strike when I made the remark which you chose to more clearly define.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jul 23 2018 7:13 utc | 45
@ Guerrero with the question about gifting societies
Do you know about the Potlatch gift-giving feast by the native Americans?
Empire bringing freedom and democracy to the world really means killing all alternative cultures and norms.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 23 2018 7:17 utc | 46
Potlatch gift-giving feast by the native Americans?
Thank you for reminding me, psycho.
I now recall reading about the variety of Northamerican native gift-giving
in a collection of social anthropolgy by the controversial Margaret Mead.
This is the kind of material I'm interested in at present. Any more examples?
Hey James @ 32
As you will know, almost everybody here in Trudeau's Idlib north believes the bs, few deviate.Even the NDP nominated WH for a Nobel peace prize Imperial groupthink is big here. Go along to get along, you know the drill. So I haven't yet emailed the minister, but I did email a Syrian friend from Aleppo and here's what he said:
"The are evacuating them to silence the story of how they falsely staged chemical attacks otherwise they threatened to talk and the whole hoax will be uncovered."
Sounds about right to me...
Posted by: John Gilberts | Jul 23 2018 7:42 utc | 48
Anybody know about a reliable neutral source on whats happening in Venezuela?
Posted by: dan | Jul 23 2018 8:07 utc | 49
So US keep threatening Iran, maybe a reminder for some here why Iran should not listen to not only US but also not Russia and Israel's demand that Iran stop its support for Syria and get out of Syria.
US cant be trusted nor Russia on Iran.
Posted by: Zanon | Jul 23 2018 9:35 utc | 51
Posted by: Guerrero | Jul 23, 2018 2:32:12 AM | 44
are their grounds for a scientific gifting economy?
If we expand the concept to include societies based not on money but on mutual "credit", which means the vast majority of societies which have existed so far, then an excellent history and analysis is David Graeber's Debt.
I have been reading quite a bit recently about Andrei Nekrasov’s documentary, “The Magnitsky Act”. I cannot find it anywhere, and do not possess a credit card. Has anybody here come across it on the web? It seems Europe and the US refused to allow its screening, although Norway's courts overruled the threats from Browder and co, and screened it in Oslo. But I cant find anywhere that streams it on the web.
Any help would be appreciated.
Posted by: dan | Jul 23 2018 9:45 utc | 53
The Brexit Blues
Teresa May.
Or she may not.
She's what we've got.
Posted by: Willie Wobblestick | Jul 23 2018 9:53 utc | 54
More on WH Evacuations. Canadian msm
Canada to Resettle Dozens of White Helmets and Their Families From Syria
"Our thanks to Israel, Jordan, US, UK, Germany and our other partners who have worked closely with Canada to make the evacuation of WH possible." - CF -
Freeland Trudeau Used 'Formal Interventions' to Kickstart Rescue of White Helmets
"Three members of the volunteer organization told the House of Commons subcommittee on human rights that they feared the Russians would try to kill them...In order to broker the arrangement, the sources said, former Liberal justice minister and human rights lawyer Irwin Cotler was enlisted..."
Cotler is also largely responsible for getting Canada's Magnitsky Act approved.
Posted by: John Gilberts | Jul 23 2018 10:12 utc | 55
Posted by: dan | Jul 23, 2018 5:45:11 AM | 54
Yes, it is amazing that it is impossible to see the film.
You can find the explanation here
It is also unlikely that Americans and Europeans will get a chance to view this blacklisted documentary in the future. In an email exchange, the film’s Norwegian producer Torstein Grude told me that “We have been unsuccessful in releasing the film to TV so far. ZDF/Arte [a major European network] pulled it from transmission a few days before it was supposed to be aired and the other broadcasters seem scared as a result. Netflix has declined to take it. …“The film has no other release at the moment. Distributors are scared by Browder’s legal threats. All involved financiers, distributors, producers received thick stacks of legal documents (300+ pages) threatening lawsuits should the film be released.” [Grude sent me a special password so I could view the documentary on Vimeo.]
Posted by: somebody | Jul 23 2018 11:33 utc | 56
Its seems to be on Youtube... at the moment,
Posted by: Zanon | Jul 23 2018 11:44 utc | 57
james put up a link to a page that has a link to the film @13
Note: the link on pat lang's site doesn't work. You have to copy the url and paste it into your browser.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jul 23 2018 12:10 utc | 58
James @2. I lived in Penang briefly as a child. I went to school there-a school staffed by Quebecois Catholic men- and learned all a young man needs to know about imperialism.
#1 One Friday morning, in 1954 we-the entire school, boys ranging from 9-19 in age- were shown a long film, featuring the bloody adventures of American pilots in the Korean War. I still remember divebombing scenes and oriental civilians scattering as out heroes went about their godly work.
Then, spontaneously, the audience, mostly of Chinese ethnic origin exploded in righteous and riotous indignation and.. the film ended. So did the school day. My first strike.
#2 Six weeks or so later I was a nine year old on a Royal Nayy frigate (Built I believe in Collingwood, Ontario) en route to Singapore. On the way the ship anchored, for gunnery practice off the shore of Malacca and for about an hour poured live fire into targets in the jungle. The noise was unforgettable, which is how it should be, for people were being killed to preserve the investments of a tiny class, investments precious because they produced dollar revenues that the UK used to pay its tribute to the United States empire.
Posted by: bevin | Jul 23 2018 13:14 utc | 59
Here's a wiki entry confirming what I always 'knew' about New Amsterdam:
" In 1667, during negotiations leading to the Treaty of Breda, the Dutch decided to keep the nascent plantation colony of Suriname they had gained from the English. The English were able to keep New Amsterdam, the main city of the former colony of New Netherland in North America on the mid-Atlantic coast. Already a cultural and economic hub in those days, they renamed it after the Duke of York: New York..."
Posted by: bevin | Jul 23 2018 13:15 utc | 60
As you hinted earlier, Freeland was bound to give the White (freudian?) Helmets the consideration that the Waffen SS Galicia Division and thousands of other Nazis, including her grandfather, were given by St Laurent seventy odd years ago.
Canada can now look forward to a vocal well organised congregation of fascistic Arab supporters of imperialism and zionism joining the electoral rolls. They might consider joining the Ontario NDP.
Posted by: bevin | Jul 23 2018 13:23 utc | 61
Way back in Olden Days when I was a new professor, I read a magazine article (I always remember it as being in Ramparts, but searching through their archives got me nowhere) about how the major, almost defining interest in the spice trade in Columbian times was because the spices (nutmeg included) were considered aphrodisiacs for male performance. The search for the "fountain of youth" was a widely-understood euphemism for male-sexual-performance enhancement, recast as making women physically younger (there we go, projecting our interests on someone else), instead of acknowledging its real import, helping men "get it up." I've search for that article for 40 years now, and even wrote the fellow who I remembered as the author (Joel Graedon) in my search (he said it wasn't him). Seeing this nutmeg article brought it all back. Is it possible that someone in this association of incredibly well-informed scholars recalls the article and could provide me with a reference? It would go (with thanks) into a book I'm working on at the moment. As well, my eternal gratitude would immediately be forthcoming . . .
Posted by: Roland Chrisjohn | Jul 23 2018 14:19 utc | 62
John Gilberts @56
Yes, Cotler doing what our "human rights lawyer" seems to do best, act in the interests of apartheid Israel.
Posted by: Castellio | Jul 23 2018 14:21 utc | 63
Posted by: Guerrero | Jul 23, 2018 2:32:12 AM | 44
are their grounds for a scientific gifting economy?
Buddhism expounded grounds in great detail. Look for books on Buddhist economics. There was a book by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu on the subject which would be very much to be recommended.
Posted by: BM | Jul 23 2018 15:11 utc | 64
@63 Roland
Unfortunately I'm not into spices but there's someone at the Deutsche Museum, Munich who may be of help to you.
Her name is Dr. Elisabeth Vaupel, Chemist. She also serves as a professor of chemistry at the university of Stuttgart. Her field of interest is the history of chemistry.
In 2002 she hosted the 'World of Spices' exhibition at the Deutsche Museum which focused on art-historical, cultural-historical and ethnological aspects of spices and spice trade.
Posted by: Hmpf | Jul 23 2018 15:24 utc | 65
Zanons link worked fine, but it didnt rock up in my youtube search results. It has exactly 7 views.?!?
Now I understand the overreaction. They're all criminals, the Browder gang (read HSBC). This explains alot.
Thanks for the links, guys.
Posted by: dan | Jul 23 2018 15:41 utc | 67
68 - They are still doing business in Russia.
HSBC Is in Talks to Pay Russian Claim in Politically-Charged Case
HSBC Holdings Plc’s Russian unit is in talks with local authorities to pay 1.4 billion rubles ($22 million) in obligations related to the politically-charged case of investor William Browder.The bank’s lawyers said in Russia’s Supreme Court in Moscow Thursday it is also seeking written assurances from tax authorities that it won’t face future charges or claims related to the high-profile case, but so far hasn’t reached agreement. The court set another hearing for July 30 after the bank asked for more time to reach a settlement.
HSBC was both trustee and manager for Browder’s Hermitage Fund, which was the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia before his visa was annulled in 2005.
Posted by: somebody | Jul 23 2018 15:50 utc | 68
somebody @69
You think he politicized the case to avoid Interpol? What was the point of causing that amount of shit over 250m? For HSBC? They've lost more than that from counter-sanctions and besides, they could have just cut and run. Whats going on?
Posted by: dan | Jul 23 2018 15:58 utc | 69
I'm not so sure we won't hear from the (S)hite Helmets any more.
I expect 'personal' stories and 'first hand accounts' of SAA & Russian war crimes, TV coverage et al (not me!). These people will have to pay their way in their newly adopted countries. No doubt the most media friendly ones will be elevated as spokesholes who will be available at the drop of a hat to the Pork Pie News Networks, some will be hived off to 'Think Tanks' and others help in setting up new 'White Helmets' organizations for future interference/PR goodness.
Why would the adopted countries give up such a good thing willingly? OK, I can understand that there may be little point as the party is not far from over in Syria, but these people are assets so I would at least expect them to be squeezed to see who is still juicy and those that don't perform, casually dropped.
Posted by: et Al | Jul 23 2018 16:01 utc | 70
The twitter tyrant Trump wants regime change and is threatening war with Iran:
So put down the Trump juice and snap out of the Trump man-god can do no wrong fantasy. As I've been persistently warning here the self-serving Trump is using Iran to distract and deflect last week's media heat and negative political fallout and attempting to rally public opinion to his upcoming casus belli. Will he resort to false flag as well?
Reuters is seeing this pressure campaign as a mounting construct for Regime Change in Iran and I agree with their conclusions. The Trump anti-Iran propaganda machine is in motion and the casus belli is not far behind. Note further down how Trump is using Bush's old trick of linking Iran to Al-Qaeda.
A review of the State Department’s Farsi-language Twitter account and its ShareAmerica website - which describes itself as a platform to spark debate on democracy and other issues - shows a number of posts critical of Tehran over the last month.
Iran is the subject of four of the top five items on the website’s “Countering Violent Extremism” section. They include headlines such as “This Iranian airline helps spread violence and terror.”
In social media posts and speeches, Pompeo himself also appeals directly to Iranians, the Iranian diaspora and a global audience.
On June 21, Pompeo tweeted out graphics headlined: “Protests in Iran are growing,” “Iranian people deserve respect for their human rights,” and “Iran’s revolutionary guard gets rich while Iranian families struggle.” The tweets were translated into Farsi and posted on the ShareAmerica website.
On Sunday, Pompeo will give a speech titled “Supporting Iranian Voices” in California and meet Iranian Americans, many of whom fled the Islamic Revolution that toppled Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGNSome of the information the administration has disseminated is incomplete or distorted, the current and former officials said.
In a May 21 speech in Washington, Pompeo said Iranian leaders refused to spend on their people funds freed by the nuclear weapons deal, using it instead for proxy wars and corruption.
By contrast, in March testimony before a U.S. Senate committee, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency director, Robert Ashley, said social and economic expenditures remained Tehran’s near-term priority despite some spending on security forces.
Pompeo also accused “Iran-sponsored Shia militia groups and terrorists” of infiltrating Iraqi security forces and jeopardizing Iraq’s sovereignty throughout the period of the nuclear agreement.
While opponents accuse the Iran-backed Iraqi militias of human rights abuses against civilians, which the groups deny, the militias fought Islamic State extremists and helped keep them from overrunning Iraq in 2014 after Iraq’s army collapsed. They then aided the U.S.-backed offensives that liberated ISIS-held territory and some units are being incorporated into Iraqi security forces.
The State Department official acknowledged that the militias, known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, are by law part of Iraq’s security forces and played a role in countering Islamic State in 2014.
“We understand, however, that some of the undisciplined PMF are especially close to Iran, responsive to Iran’s directives, and have a history of criminal activity and terrorism,” the official said. “Those groups are as problematic for the Iraqi state as they are for us.”
Experts said the administration also is exaggerating the closeness of the relationship between Iran and Afghanistan’s Taliban militants and al Qaeda by calling them co-conspirators.
Meanwhile while the world is distracted with Trump's antics on the world stage Israel is bombing the shet out of Gaza and threatening war (as if it's war when one side has bombers and the other has sticks and stones) and Jared, Trump's pretty boy s-in-l at large, is blaming the Gaza side that shouldn't dare retaliate when countless of its people are killed by IDF snipers while protesting the inhumanity and land theft. Not a peep from Jared about the latest Apartheid legislation.
Trump is the most Zionist president to ever occupy the White House and he's itching for war with Iran to save his political ass.
Posted by: Circe | Jul 23 2018 16:03 utc | 71
The twitter tyrant Trump wants regime change and is threatening war with Iran:
So put down the Trump juice and snap out of the Trump man-god can do no wrong fantasy. As I've been persistently warning here the self-serving Trump is using Iran to distract and deflect last week's media heat and negative political fallout and attempting to rally public opinion to his upcoming casus belli. Will he resort to false flag as well?
Reuters is seeing this pressure campaign as a mounting construct for Regime Change in Iran and I agree with their conclusions. The Trump anti-Iran propaganda machine is in motion and the casus belli is not far behind. Note further down how Trump is using Bush's old trick of linking Iran to Al-Qaeda.
A review of the State Department’s Farsi-language Twitter account and its ShareAmerica website - which describes itself as a platform to spark debate on democracy and other issues - shows a number of posts critical of Tehran over the last month.
Iran is the subject of four of the top five items on the website’s “Countering Violent Extremism” section. They include headlines such as “This Iranian airline helps spread violence and terror.”
In social media posts and speeches, Pompeo himself also appeals directly to Iranians, the Iranian diaspora and a global audience.
On June 21, Pompeo tweeted out graphics headlined: “Protests in Iran are growing,” “Iranian people deserve respect for their human rights,” and “Iran’s revolutionary guard gets rich while Iranian families struggle.” The tweets were translated into Farsi and posted on the ShareAmerica website.
On Sunday, Pompeo will give a speech titled “Supporting Iranian Voices” in California and meet Iranian Americans, many of whom fled the Islamic Revolution that toppled Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGNSome of the information the administration has disseminated is incomplete or distorted, the current and former officials said.
In a May 21 speech in Washington, Pompeo said Iranian leaders refused to spend on their people funds freed by the nuclear weapons deal, using it instead for proxy wars and corruption.
By contrast, in March testimony before a U.S. Senate committee, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency director, Robert Ashley, said social and economic expenditures remained Tehran’s near-term priority despite some spending on security forces.
Pompeo also accused “Iran-sponsored Shia militia groups and terrorists” of infiltrating Iraqi security forces and jeopardizing Iraq’s sovereignty throughout the period of the nuclear agreement.
While opponents accuse the Iran-backed Iraqi militias of human rights abuses against civilians, which the groups deny, the militias fought Islamic State extremists and helped keep them from overrunning Iraq in 2014 after Iraq’s army collapsed. They then aided the U.S.-backed offensives that liberated ISIS-held territory and some units are being incorporated into Iraqi security forces.
The State Department official acknowledged that the militias, known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, are by law part of Iraq’s security forces and played a role in countering Islamic State in 2014.
“We understand, however, that some of the undisciplined PMF are especially close to Iran, responsive to Iran’s directives, and have a history of criminal activity and terrorism,” the official said. “Those groups are as problematic for the Iraqi state as they are for us.”
Experts said the administration also is exaggerating the closeness of the relationship between Iran and Afghanistan’s Taliban militants and al Qaeda by calling them co-conspirators.
Meanwhile while the world is distracted with Trump's antics on the world stage Israel is bombing the shet out of Gaza and threatening war (as if it's war when one side has bombers and the other has sticks and stones) and Jared, Trump's pretty boy s-in-l at large, is blaming the Gaza side that shouldn't dare retaliate when countless of its people are killed by IDF snipers while protesting the inhumanity and land theft. Not a peep from Jared about the latest Apartheid legislation.
Trump is the most Zionist president to ever occupy the White House and he's itching for war with Iran to save his political ass.
Posted by: Circe | Jul 23 2018 16:03 utc | 72
It did come up in my search result, note it was uploaded today so perhaps thats why you didnt catch it. Anyway, please let us know if it is worth watching.
Posted by: Zanon | Jul 23 2018 16:03 utc | 73
Zanon @73
The whole affair has been on the periphery of my awareness for some time, but certain inconstancies in the whole story bothered me. The reason I wanted to check out the doco was because I don't really buy into the theory that the downward trajectory of the relationship of the two dominating superpowers on this planet has anything to do with ideology. Its always the money. And in this case, I think you will find an excellent example of a few hundred million that was stolen by Browder turning into a multi-billion dollar windfall for the US, eventually, through the MIC and an excuse to create an imaginary enemy in Russia. Although the documentary itself doesn't even touch on that.
It is the story of a film maker who starts out trying to make a film about Russian Government corruption and slowly, as more research reveals the truth, abandons his film to make a documentary about the scam. Just ignore the ridiculous TV level acting in the beginning, and eventually it becomes very clear that the director himself is becoming disillusioned with the plot, and starts questioning the narrative that he had based the film on. By the end, everything is exposed as an opportunistic rip-off by Browder. Magnitsky was not a lawyer, he did not die from physical abuse, he was a simple accountant trying to cover for his employers, etc.
Browder gets caught out lying at least ten times, mostly to the American DOJ, the Western narrative just utterly falls apart in the face of overwhelming evidence.
Definitely worth the time, just don't expect any Hollywood airbrush. Its good.
Posted by: dan | Jul 23 2018 16:37 utc | 74
Above I meant to say that Bush tried to link Iraq with Al-Qaeda and Trump is doing the same with Iran.
Trump YELLING in all caps appears like a raving lunatic while Rouhani sanely speaks truth to tyranny: “America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars.”
Ironically, Trump accused Obama numerous times of potentially attacking Iran to save face, appear strong...blah & blah. Now I'm not going to defend Obama who from day one betrayed the Left. What I am going to say is that the deal Obama made with Iran is the only thing that kept Israel and Neocons from unleashing a disastrous war.
Karma's a funning thing: your own words come back to bite you in the ass. Trump has minus 0 credibility and no one is going to buy his bellicose moves on Iran. NO ONE.
Posted by: Circe | Jul 23 2018 16:51 utc | 75
@31 jr... the movie was very good and i can see why the west are banning it.. apparently browder has put some legal challenges to it that has held it up.. if the facts in that movie ever see the light of day - the magnitsky act is doomed.. but then i have always believed it was a set up to sanction russia, regardless of the absence of facts or truth to the magnitsky story.. here is a wikipage on the producer of the show -
@36 mrd... thanks! to you as well...
@38 ben... good post.. i agree with you there..
@42 guerrero... that is interesting! hey, i always thought the state of oaxaca had the most indigenous folks in it.. what language do they speak? i have been to oaxaca 3 or 4 times and love it down their... i ought to check out guerrero next time!
@43 pft.. thanks for that.. a good reminder of a different reality...
@49 john gilberts... that does sound about right, unfortunately... maybe they will talk when they are here in canada or was silence and a new home away from syria, the condition of the agreement?
dan - i linked to the video @14... you would benefit from reading the posts here more closely!! i am glad you liked the documentary..
@69 somebody.. thanks for the that.. interesting..
Posted by: james | Jul 23 2018 17:25 utc | 76
@44 Guerrero
Charles Eisenstein is your man. If he's not a Buddhist he sure feels like one. But he's an economist. His website:
Sacred Economics - Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition.
His book is called Sacred Economics. The website summarizes thusly:
Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth.Today, these trends have reached their extreme - but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.
Lots of YouTube videos out there of his talks also.
For what it's worth, my opinion is that we don't need a proactively gifting economy in order to feel good. All we need is to remove the parasitic drainage of created wealth that compound interest and the privately owned issuance of national money lay on the shoulders of the working people. If we didn't have to pay that cost of our earnings, we would feel affluent enough to turn to the natural human instinct of giving to others.
What the money-changers have laid on us is a plantation-scale burden. Removing it would feel better than we realize, because we've been brainwashed since ancient times to think this is normal. In reality it's a great suffering that we are accustomed to. I've read the analogy of the great serpent coiled around the base of the tree of the world, exacting its tribute in fruit and wildlife, choking the growth of the tree, and guarding against any other force coming near it. Truly, I think it is that terrible.
@65 BM
Thanks for Buddhadasa Bikkhu. I will check him out. I note this quote from Wiki:
“The entire cosmos is a cooperative. The sun, the moon, and the stars live together as a cooperative. The same is true for humans and animals, trees and soil. Our bodily parts function as a cooperative. When we realize that the world is a mutual, interdependent, cooperative enterprise, that human beings are all mutual friends in the process of birth, old age, suffering and death, then we can build a noble, even heavenly environment. If our lives are not based in this truth, then we shall all perish."
Posted by: Grieved | Jul 23 2018 17:31 utc | 77
Some more bad news on the scheme Russia/Israel have on Iran when it comes to Syria:
Bibi to meet Russian FM & top general, expert says Israel wants Russia to help get Iran out of Syria
Thanks for the review, will check it out!
Posted by: Zanon | Jul 23 2018 17:31 utc | 78
Sorry. I often just come here for input. How you guys manage to spend all that time behind a PC I don't know. But I do know Im very grateful for it.
Cant wait till Im old haha:)
Posted by: dan | Jul 23 2018 17:31 utc | 79
Kim should read between the lines and not fall into the trap of getting rid of his nukes before the U.S. delivers concrete action like sanctions relief and signing a peace treaty. Make sure it's a signed treaty and NOT a deal like Iran got that Trump flushed maybe after using it as toilet paper in his gilded toilet.
Iran should take note of what it takes to get any kind of respect from America.
Trump twisted psychology. Trust me, Kim. Trust me I'll protect you after you destroy your nukes.
Trump is the smartest guy in the room...the padded room.
Posted by: Circe | Jul 23 2018 17:52 utc | 80
@43 Pft
Thank you for the links and your narrative of these very important matters. I look forward to Michael Hudson's book - it was supposed to appear in spring but doesn't seem available yet. I'm glad he's tackling this subject of debt redemption and jubilee.
I followed the link a few threads ago that you made to Ron Unz's amazing article: American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion. It seems enormously courageous of him to write this. I, along with many of his readers, hope that he doesn't suffer for it.
The links from that article and from many of the comments took away half my weekend to follow and begin to absorb.
In similar vein, the Saker interviewed Michael Hoffman recently, and this in turn presented much information. It's also published at Unz: An Interview with Michael A. Hoffman II.
Putting it all together, and especially now compounding it with your piece on Hudson, it becomes more clear to me that to understand this world, the shape it's in, and the place of ordinary people in it, one has to develop an understanding of the Talmud, of debt and interest, and the thinking of the money-changers from ancient times to the present, and for the future.
It can be a deep rabbit hole, but brave excavators are throwing increasingly more of that dirt to the surface. Perhaps we are approaching an age that will come to terms with this subject.
Posted by: Grieved | Jul 23 2018 17:53 utc | 81
Everyone is speculating on what Trump discussed in secret with Putin. Putin already agreed along with Saudi Arabia to increase oil production when Trump's sanctions on Iran take effect in November to keep oil prices down so Trump's Iran sanctions can effectively choke its economy. How big of Putin to give Trump a hand when a hike in oil prices would benefit Russia!
This title from Newsweek asks a good question.:
So, did Trump succeed? I'm thinking maybe Trump offered Putin some nice bribes. Later at the presser, Putin mumbled something about "Israel's security".
Iran should not count on Putin to come to the rescue when Trump decides to bomb Iran. China should understand that its uncompromised source of oil & gas will be under attack.
Posted by: Circe | Jul 23 2018 18:23 utc | 82
@ Greived who wrote:
It can be a deep rabbit hole, but brave excavators are throwing increasingly more of that dirt to the surface. Perhaps we are approaching an age that will come to terms with this subject.
I was reading down through the comments to thank you for the best answer yet to Guerrero about gifting economies......thanks for being a brave excavator
I am very busy selling my house and moving and have stories to tell about the process.....but not now
I just thought of a new joke for our world...
What comes after a tweet in all caps by a world leader?
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 23 2018 18:25 utc | 83
If Putin were trustworthy, he would give Trump this deal: We'll ask Iran to leave Syria, when you dismantle the bases you set up there and get all your troops out as well as returning the Golan Heights to its rightful owner.
Posted by: Circe | Jul 23 2018 18:40 utc | 84
I fully agree with you, the way Russia handles Iran is not good in any sense, I wonder what they really get back,
sure Trump and Putin may talk and agree on some things but history shows US cant be trusted in the long run.
Russia really believe that the anti-russian hysteria will any time vanish? US/Russia relations is not here to stay anytime soon.
Pentagon sending $200 million in nonlethal aid to Ukraine in move expected to rile Moscow
And what they are getting by Israel?
Israel Selling Arms To Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Militia, Case Claims
Posted by: Zanon | Jul 23 2018 19:11 utc | 85
Posted by: dan | Jul 23, 2018 11:58:45 AM | 70
Browder's actions don't make sense. He is either a crazed individual or for some reason thinks he needs a respectable front.
He is no clean "investment activist" but has been involved in skimming off profits himself.
He might be part of Western destabilization efforts, he came to Russia when Bill Clinton had installed Jelzin and Russia was subjected to an economic shock therapy, Browder lost his Russian visa in 2005, Georgian and Ukrainian color revolutions were run on "transparency" and "anti-corruption" issues. His fallout with Putin was caused by an attempt to get control of Gazprom.
The problem with this type of people is that they give all legit civil rights movements a bad name.
Posted by: somebody | Jul 23 2018 19:46 utc | 86
somebody 87
Are there any legit civil rights movements now? Some may start legit but are quickly infiltrated. Others set up to draw in the clueless dogooders to ensure they are working to the benefit of the 'US west'
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jul 23 2018 19:58 utc | 87
UAE paid propaganda on the BBC
Fake news at their best, instead of mentioning from the very beginning the UAE military base we are taken for a tour of the fauna and flora before a subtle mention of the "needed infrastructure" brought by the UAE is mentioned. Looking at the poor quality of the translation (the subtitles are just pidgin English) one wonders who has put the translation oil money in his pocket!!
Posted by: Mina | Jul 23 2018 20:00 utc | 88
@80 dan... i try to not spend all my time on the net, lol moa is a regular visiting place!
that book that was suppressed on bill browder - apparently this is bill browders approach - suppress any alternative view (which the msm have completely taken straight from him without question) is to form some legal challenge whereby the author has to get an okay from browder to move forward... it happened to alex krainer in his kill bill browder book. he retitled it - grand deception: the browder hoax and it is available here -
that amazon and messed up bezoworld have banned it comes as no surprise...
Posted by: james | Jul 23 2018 20:13 utc | 89
also alex kainer has a website - paveway over at sst pointed this out... others might want to explore it
Posted by: james | Jul 23 2018 20:15 utc | 90
Hanisch at The Duran posits the beginnings of Russiagate began in 2013 with a speech Putin gave at The Valdai Club.
Putin's speech is quite long and detailed, and one I didn't know about, which is most unfortunate as it needs to be read/listened to since it seems to be a delayed follow-up to his 2007 speech at the Munich Security Conference. It's also very powerful and provides deep insight into Putin's being and philosophies--it's impossible to say you know Putin's mind without having digested this speech. The Duran's article has excerpts, but they don't go nearly deep enough, so I suggest taking the hour or so needed to read his words--they're likely more relevant today than in 2013 given what's transpired since.
Posted by: karlof1 | Jul 23 2018 20:22 utc | 91
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jul 23, 2018 3:58:53 PM | 88
Corruption is a real pain in a society. This is here is Putin on the analyzing the problem in 2014.
Putin noted that Russia has inherited the corruption problem from the past “when the administration at any level thought it had the right to do everything.” “Then something else was added to this, which only aggravated the situation. I mean non-transparent privatization. This was awful and this was a big mistake!” he said, acknowledging however that “we’re all clever persons with hindsight.”“The non-transparent privatization made people think: well, if some are allowed to steal billions from the state, then why can’t we take away something cheaper? Why some are allowed and others are not?” he explained, adding that mentally all this has remained and has never got out of Russian people’s minds.
The president also noted that during the transition to a market economy no control instruments were created in the country. Therefore, the president sometimes has to observe strange situations even at large joint stock companies.
“It is believed that owners won’t steal from themselves. This is hardly so! They steal in large amounts. Why? Those who hold a controlling stake don’t very much want to share with minority shareholders. That is why, they create hundreds of schemes for the withdrawal of resources from companies. And this can be observed in many spheres!” the president explained.
It sounds like a description of what Bill Browder did. So, yes, it is possible that he tries to keep Russia from talking about it.
Posted by: somebody | Jul 23 2018 20:29 utc | 92
@dan (54)
The Browder Documentary is here:
Posted by: bjd | Jul 23 2018 20:38 utc | 93
Somebody 93
Fro what I have seen, in various speeches over the years, Putin brings up the problem of corruption that still remained in Russia - around 2014, it was still quite bad at regional admin level.
Going by the amount of times I have seen Putin broaching the subject, he is hardly trying to prevent Russia talking about it. Often this has been aimed at the Duma and at officials who were not completing tasks assigned to them. Often come up in his annual Q&A session
From what I can see of it, Russia of the 90's was so corrupt that only a long evolution could change it. Starting at the top levels, make examples of the worst offenders, give others a chance to straighten up, and then make a few more examples. Simply too many involved in corruption through the 90's to jail them all.
A long slow process but seems to be working.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jul 23 2018 20:44 utc | 94
On the issue of movements and so forth re Russia, this is worth a read.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Jul 23 2018 20:50 utc | 95
What a peculiar union has come to light: the union of fanatical jihadists (White Helmets), the theocratic Jewish State, and the Banderites. (The nazi-hunters of the Wiesenthal Center somehow have been missing the very open presence of neo-Nazis in Canada and "liberated" Ukraine).
The Jewish State has become the foremost protector of "freedom fighters" of ISIS (Al Qaeda et cet) and a supplier of weaponry to neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Could it be that the bloody Oded Yinon plan went through some revisions so that the resource-rich Ukraine became part of Jewish Lebensraum?
Posted by: Anya | Jul 23 2018 20:57 utc | 96
Saruman and Trump with Orb, an excellent use of photo shop!
Posted by: karlof1 | Jul 23 2018 21:01 utc | 97
Guerrero |@44
"Is there an archeological reading of any society not based on greed?"
There is, though not much after the rise of “civilization,” I’m afraid. That is, almost all pre-agrarian societies seem to have been quite egalitarian (as in fact, are most non-agrarian societies today). In most cases I know of, signs of significant differences in wealth (seen in burial goods, architecture and often even skeletal morphology) start to show up not long after societies begin accumulating food surpluses that are then distributed over the course of the year.
The bullies get control over the surpluses, and greed becomes a fundamental aspect of the society.
Now, all of this sort of stuff is open for debate. Despite the “Positivist” school of thought, the archaeological record does not “speak for itself.” We are still interpreting what we find, and so our biases leak through. As regards your question, how can we look at artifacts and measure “greed?” Generally, differences in material wealth within a society would suggest something like greed, so let’s just go on that. But, it’s still open for misinterpretation.
ie. I was part of a team that excavated a large Indian (Ohlone) village in the San Francisco Bay Area. Not only did the archaeology generally suggest there was no great difference in individual wealth, but the historical record from the European interlopers did as well. Sites like this that straddle the “pre-historic” and “historic” periods are great opportunities to test different ways to assess archaeological records (and the validity of both the oral histories and written records. Sometimes, we find the oral histories are much more representative of the “facts in the ground’ than the written records which are often not just biased, but plainly false. Sometimes the opposite).
At any rate, some burials in that village showed signs of very high status people, which could have been interpreted as wealth disparity. But other evidence shows something else. Respected elders were given nice things. That doesn’t imply greed, but rather, generosity.
Conversely even if we don’t see variations in material wealth at an archaeological site, that doesn’t mean greed was not a major factor. Maybe the society just didn’t produce the material items that we examine to determine something like greed. :-)
Anyway, some examples of “civilized” societies that appear through archaeology to have been egalitarian:
One of the most ancient cities is Çatalhöyük in present-day Turkey. It dates to ca. 9,500 BP to 7,500 BP. The housing shows little to no social stratification by wealth. Archaeologists argue that social status can be found in some variation in artifacts found in different housing units, but there doesn’t seem to be much difference in wealth, which would suggest a minimum of greed.
The Minoan Civilization of Crete and environs (5,000 BP to 3,500 BP) seems to have been quite egalitarian. Also, like the above two, there were no signs of organized violence either, until the very collapse. And the Minoans were exceptional in that this egalitarianism seems to have included gender. All societies had some different roles ascribed by sex, but the Minoans had female fishers and farmers, bull-jumpers and musicians. Pretty unique.
And considering that the Minoans lived during the time of, and traded with some very violent, patriarchal and "greedy" societies, they're a really fascinating case study.
The Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley (present day Pakistan) - best known by the city of Mohenjo-Daro seems to have been quite egalitarian, at least in its first many hundreds of years. Recently, some archaeologists suggest that different levels of wealth between settlements (not within any) suggest that there was some form of competition/exploitation between population centers. Certainly, as this amazing civilization collapsed, signs of violence become apparent.
And as I’m sure you must know, several of the earlier MesoAmerican and South American civilizations seem to have started as very egalitarian, and often non-violent societies.
But almost universally, these peaceful, egalitarian societies either evolved into more violent, stratified ones, or were conquered by other, more violent and greedy ones. Now I don’t buy into any of the “end of history” ideologies. I'm actually quite confident that we 99%ers can retake and reshape our violent societies, currently controlled by the greedy.
Just because the bullies took over the playground doesn’t mean the neighborhood kids can’t take the baseball field back and enjoy their shared “common wealth.”
Posted by: Daniel | Jul 23 2018 21:15 utc | 98
dan @50. “Neutrality” in news sources is not necessarily a good thing. If one side is decidedly wrong or evil and the other demonstrably correct and good, I don’t want a “fair and balanced” report that gives equal weight to the claims of the incorrect, evil ones.
Telesur is not neutral, but almost always accurate.
Venezuela Analysis is a very reliable source.
Abby Martin is with Telesur now, and her Empire Files reports are brave and amazing.
The Birth of Chavismo & Its Fight to Survive in Venezuela
Venezuela - Supermarkets to Black Markets
Venezuela Economy Minister—Sabotage, Not Socialism, is the Problem
Abby Martin Meets the Venezuelan Opposition
Head of Venezuela National Guard on Insurgency & US Threats
Constituent Assembly Dictatorship or Democracy in Venezuela?
Human Rights Hypocrisy - Colombia vs. Venezuela
Posted by: Daniel | Jul 23 2018 21:34 utc | 99
james @90, 91
"Grand Deception"
How many 'grand deceptions' have we seen now? Every effort at regime-change, undermining the middle-class, and squashing dissent has involved one or more 'grand deceptions'. They are "grand" because they are organized psy-ops that rely on media control and human psychology. Cognitive bias and the public's wilful blindness (a combination of ignorance, identity politics, etc.). Spinning elite malfeasance in a way that appeals to smug, self-satisfied Westerners is a winning formula. Often it involves nothing more than flattery ("Yes we can!", exceptional nation, etc.)
The deceptions are so successful that people will deny what they know to be true so as to avoid the cognitive dissonance that results from even the possibility that the truth is very different than what they have been led to believe.
People have a deep distrust of politicians and powerful business people but they believe that they live in a democracy. People know that the media spins the truth but believe narratives that "ring true" (especially when told by both left and right-oriented media). People get angry when political opponents misrepresent and misdirect but ignore the same behavior by those they agree with.
The establishment knows how to play us, and they will continue to do so until people WISE UP, think critically and be a savvy consumer of "news".
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jul 23 2018 22:19 utc | 100
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thanks for all the informative articles b!
i wanted to quote a couple of lines from ew as she goes further down the russian rabbit hole.. i liked this line from her latest article "So thus far, it simply reflects what happens when you discover intelligence you had every reason to believe was reliable turned out not to be." or this one "So this would represent a case where a previously reliable consultant had, in this instance, proven totally unreliable. That happens, I’m sure." brilliant analysis LOLOL.. that is what she and her crew have been relying on the past however many years in the nyt, wapo and etc etc.. that and the redacted intel docs, lol...
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2018 17:25 utc | 1