Open Thread 2017-21
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Posted by b on June 3, 2017 at 17:48 UTC | Permalink
next page »mina posted a link to some pictures and history of the middle east. it is very cool.. thanks mina!
john helmer wrote some really interesting article on Zbigniew Brzezinski/us foreign policy related. check his site out if interested..
Posted by: james | Jun 3 2017 19:01 utc | 3
Syrian Army liberates Maskanah, ISIL expelled from Aleppo
Minutes ago, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) announced the full liberation of the key town of Maskanah in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.
IS is now completely cleaned out of the Allepo governante by the SAA.
The Iraq PMU are rapidly advancing down and securing the Iraq-Syria border.
And the SAA are massing huge amounts of troops to clear out the terrorists in Daara.
It is desperation time for the US regime:
* The giant sections of Syria and Iraq on maps greyed out with claims of being under IS control is rapidly shrinking. And with those sections so goes the US regime's pretext for their proxy terror war against Syria.
* The US regime clowns riding around with their mercenary terrorist buds in the Eastern Syrian desert are quickly being surrounded by the SAA and PMU on both sides of the border
* The Russian desecalation zones have been holding with little to no incidents allowing massive numbers of Syrian troops to be freed up for offensive action in the North and East and the ability of the US regime to manufacture fake 'chemical attacks' and 'last hostipital destroyed' PR camapaigns has been mostly neutralized
* More and more Iraqis in the North of the Iraq are joining with the PMU which is further destroying the US regime's hopes of carving out some sort of giant US base spanning across norther Iraq and Syria
One has to assume the neocons are desperately hoping one of their goofballs gets killed along with their FSA terrorists buddies near al-Tanf to be used as a pretext to start a massive air campagin against the SAA and PMU.
If not, the only hope the US regime has left appears to be a full scale invasion of both Syria and Iraq.
Posted by: sandra_m | Jun 3 2017 20:48 utc | 5
Sounds like time for Putin to make a quick 'pieces' deal with his 'partners'...
Posted by: paul | Jun 3 2017 21:04 utc | 6
#3 those are great reads for sure.
#5 Yep go SAA on Aleppo and I just read somewhere that the thugs tried to return to Jordan but died. It's a one way deal.
Posted by: jo6pac | Jun 3 2017 21:21 utc | 7
De-escalation is holding for "Idlibstan, nothern Homs and East Ghouta, and is sketchy at best in Deraa (near Jordan), and in Badia (desert along Jordanian border) is sketchy as well. SAA and allies stop advancing to Tanf, but presumably they try to create a corridor separating Badia from ISIS controlled territory, to prevent "moderate ISIS elements" from seeking refuge in the south, and the "vetted moderates" of Badia from moving into Deir-ez-Zor province. Nixing the idea of "Sunnistan" in Deir-ez-Zor and Anbar and supplanting it with "Shia corridor" seems in the work.
On Twitter there is an enigmatic claim that IRC claims that it took over 2000 sq km of desert in Palmyra district. It could be a rumor, or an actual advance to meet with PMUs near the Euphrates river on Iraqi side. There are so few villages in this empty desert that "control" means that military vehicles drive thought and possibly set outposts that can call for air support if attacked.
Clearly, Turks and Americans play different games. Makes me wonder how Russia and Iran induced Turkey to cooperate. Clearly they have some sticks, controlling perhaps a majority of energy supplies for Turkish power stations and having almost direct contact with PKK that can be supplied with a panoply of modern infantry weapons (to attack aircraft, tanks and fortifications) or not. On the carrot side, they can be "gentle" with the two (three?) Turkish "protectorates". And mercurial Erdogan seems to be peeved at Americans, Germans etc.
In my opinion, the shifting sands and alliances of Mesopotamia are not hospitable to American influence, regardless who is orchestrating it: Bush, Obama or Trump. It takes more than material resources.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jun 3 2017 23:02 utc | 8
@8 cd
Theresa May, Home Secretary. In office, 12 May 2010 – 13 July 2016. 6+years. Long enough to make a few lasting connections. Funny that al-Qaeda™ ISIS™ (insert terror brand name here) released a picture of a gun, knife and truck requesting followers to kill Christians for Ramadan triggers an obliging few on London Bridge, Borough Market & Vauxhall.
Posted by: MadMax2 | Jun 3 2017 23:06 utc | 9
>>>> MadMax2 | Jun 3, 2017 7:06:18 PM | 10
The British media are failing to join the dots when it comes to UK support and use of jihadist terrorists against Libya and Syria. When Corbyn brought this up after Manchester, the media were claiming that Corbyn was excusing rather than explaining the terrorist's action.
For those who don't know London, the incidents on London Bridge and in Borough market could have been perpetrated by a single person as they're only about 200 metres apart. The incident in Vauxhall would most likely require another.
This point on Google Maps allows you to see London Bridge to the east (blue lights underneath) and Borough Market to the south (lighted shop fronts).
Posted by: Ghostship | Jun 3 2017 23:47 utc | 10
All I can say is these Times of Tribulation is: Long Live the Resistance:
#SAA #Hezbollah #PMU #RuAF #IRGC #Selah
Posted by: Lozion | Jun 3 2017 23:47 utc | 11
Ziad Fadel points to After Riyadh summit, Sunni unity crumbles which informs us that kuwait, qatar, and dubai - the last the most populous of the uae, are none of them on board with the saudi leadership, or anti-iran. and somewhere i encountered a link to the intercept discussing the uae ambassador to the us' contacts with sheldon adelson's Foundation for Defense of Democracies. that can't make him - or the saudi rapprochement with zion - more popular on the arab street.
is there a split forming in the gcc? can kuwait, qatar, and dubai see the handwriting on the wall? are they ready follow iranian pipeline routes through syria to the mediterranean and europe?
i keep remembering - talk at least - of a turkish base in qatar. anything ever happen with that?
Posted by: jfl | Jun 4 2017 0:40 utc | 12
@12 gs
from my perspective corbyn needs to hang all the tory terrorism in britain around the necks of the tories, where it belongs (and purge the blairite-neotors from labour after the election). the tories (blairites) richly deserve their albatross neckwear, and ordinary britains must have had their fill of arming and supporting tory terrorists by now.
Posted by: jfl | Jun 4 2017 0:45 utc | 13
@8 charles drake - true story.
and #11 - "bbc reporter on the bridge for the event bbc on the bridge at the exact moment what are the chances. better fraction of a second before than 911 jane stanley bbc 30 mins early"
nice, thanks.
Posted by: Grieved | Jun 4 2017 0:50 utc | 14
Interesting to see that control of whatever London is has been given to the Police rather than MI5 counter intelligence whose latest excuse appears to be that the change from human intelligence to data capture has left them lost searching for needles in haystacks amongst all the garbage data.
There is no doubt that May really screwed up as Home Secretary her programs such as PREVENT which is meant to divert brit born Muslims from the path has been badly implemented due to pressure on Muslim leaders to inform rather than influence and the decisions to cut funding to charities which are at the pointy end trying to deliver services to the poorest most oppressed.
That's not to forget the mess created by recruiting funding and encouraging jihadists to carry out englander foreign policy objectives then come home and be quiet little brits living in a terrace house drinking cups of tea and moaning about the weather.
Still I do have to say I reckon people are being far too optimistic about the election. Mr Corbyn has energised the party and turned it around no doubt about that, but the vote could still result in an increased majority for May.
The reasons are many but the biggest one is the anti-Labour swing that occurred immediately after the last election when the neolib faction of the labour party did some incredibly selfish and stupid things such as backing the government on welfare cuts (it was his refusal to go along with that which really bought Mr Corbyn to the fore).
The result was a massive drop in support for the labour party. The later actions of the neolibs to destabilise Mr Corbyn after he won leadership compounded all this to the point that even Labour picking up 15-18% over the campaign could leave the tories stronger than they currently are.
I simply don't trust media outlets such as the graun who are perfectly capable of insinuating Mr Corbyn is going to win big so that when he doesn't even tho he has vastly improved the party's position the graun etc can get back to stirring for the neolibs to take back control.
The Oxbridge Parachute Club has many 'chums from uni' working at the graun.
They scratch each others back the graun pushs for some bourgeois no hoper to be parachuted into some seat 'up north' which really pisses off the local branch of the party but they are loyal labour people so up until recently they went along with it.
Parachutists treat locals patronisingly, so alienates members (see Angela Eagle who has always been more interested in pushing gay & lesbian issues than raising the incomes of all in her constituency).
Jeremy Corbyn has stopped that rot but it remains to be seen how much impression he has made on the derps who lap up what they are told by the Daily Mail. As contemptuous as we all are of those types an election cannot be won without winning a deal of em over.
Posted by: Debsisdead | Jun 4 2017 0:53 utc | 15
@14 jfl
I know very little about the Gulf dictatorships.
With that stated, I have been hearing over and over again about how Saudi Arabia is on the verge of collapse and the Eastern half of the country is mostly Shia and are on the verge of uprising.
If there was a time to rise up against the Saudi dictatorship it would be now with the pathetic Saudi troops getting humiliated in Yemen.
For an event that would upturn the entire Middle East almost overnight, I am shocked it hasn't happened.
If the Eastern Shia half of Saudi Arabia rose up and even just made the Eastern half of the country a no go zone for the current dictorship troops:
* The Saudi regime troops would have to be immediately pulled back from Yemen.
* Yemen would most likely take over big chunks of Southern Saudi Arabia
* Support and funding for the Saudi backed terrorists would go away almost immediately
* There would be no "Shia Cresent' but 'Sunni Islands' in the Middle East
* The decades of the US regime's fostering of Sunni violent sectarianism will have been a waste and no longer viable
* The Israeli regime would be completely isolated
* The other Gulf dicatatorships would almost certainly immediately side with Iran
* The huge number of US regime bases in Gulf region would have to be abanoned
Posted by: sandra_m | Jun 4 2017 0:59 utc | 16
@17 did
4 or 5 days ... no real need to speculate ... we'll see what's what soon enough.
Posted by: jfl | Jun 4 2017 1:03 utc | 17
@18 sm
yeah, don't know about all of your projections, but it would be great to see the hindside of the saudis. and then b could write an account of the rump's genius in bringing it all about, too :)
Posted by: jfl | Jun 4 2017 1:09 utc | 18
nmb @ 2: Thanks for the link. An excerpt:
"It's also impressive the fact that these banking-corporate puppets, who are responsible for the brutal neoliberal policies imposed by their masters (who are destroying entire countries through all kinds of wars), label themselves 'progressives' against 'populists'."
Don't ya' just love the semantics used to confuse the masses?
Progressives my ass!!
Posted by: ben | Jun 4 2017 1:27 utc | 20
@21 b - link from 2012
UK Prime Minister David Cameron urged newly re-elected US President Barack Obama to work with him to "do more" to end the conflict.He said the US and its allies should do more to "shape the opposition, outside Syria and inside Syria, and try to help them achieve their goal - which is our goal - of a Syria without [President Bashar al-] Assad".
failing in syria, tory terrorists strike back at the infidels at 'home'.
Posted by: jfl | Jun 4 2017 2:06 utc | 21
"Capitalism Literally Harvesting The Blood Of The Young Now – The Zero Hour"
Full article:
Posted by: ben | Jun 4 2017 2:19 utc | 22 on the coming Maidan a la Venezuela.
Posted by: ruralito | Jun 4 2017 2:30 utc | 23
So Russia signed a deal with Barzani for Kurd oilfields + pipeline to Turkey?
Get along, little dogies...
Posted by: stumpy | Jun 4 2017 2:40 utc | 24
@14: Well, that's geography for you. These Gulf States are way too close to Iranian weapons for comfort. They know that if things go badly, they'll get hit, they can't do much against it. Sure, it wouldn't be as bad as a Korean War for Seoul - which is closer to N. Korea and targetted by far more missiles and artillery -, but the damages would still be huge, loss of life (including their own nationals) would be massive, and tourism would be dead.
I guess the local fools are slowly realizing that you don't try to build your future replacement economy on tourism and big events like World Cup and World Fair, and then try to foster a regional war that would ruin all your efforts. Well, sure, the Axis was on the process of doing all of that, but they just wanted to use these world events as show of force and propaganda, not as tourist magnets.
Saudi wahhabi leaders don't give a crap, because they live far from the coast. It's mostly Shias who live on the Gulf shore, so they don't give a crap if Iran bombs them or not - though a regional war with Iran might trigger a sizable Shia revolt there, something that the Saudi leadership doesn't seem to take into account, weirdly.
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Jun 4 2017 2:42 utc | 25
What happens today in UK bring me to a recent conversation with Republican (he adopted two Latvian orphan sisters last year).
A passing remark drives him up the wall. I said "American love wars and endless wars." He rebutted. The commie did it! I replied where are the commies in the current endless wars? He replied did you know Stalin killed millions and I retorted, the Americas dropped ten of thousands gallons of agent orange in Indochina and million’s tonnes of bombs and millions perished. Countless victims’ unexploded bombs and children born with defects from orange.... He added, Kim Jong-un cruelty, etc. I replied why dun Americans mind their own business? He angrily said as an American, must speak up for Americans, anyone who put down Americans' values. I replied as an American I must speak against American cruelty and murder innocent victims worldwide. He finally said we were worlds apart and dun talks politic, I said yes we were worlds apart.
Posted by: OSJ | Jun 4 2017 2:49 utc | 26
We all talk about the problems and we analyse the numbers. Nobody however draws the necessary conclusions.
Hidden Debt
Global Pension Underfunding
Since in an electoral political system fundamental reform is impossible, the best we could hope for is a slow down in the progression of this arithmetical reality.
The necessary conclusion however, is that within the following 20 years, some 150 million Western citizens that are today between the ages of 25 and 55 must, somehow, be gotten rid of. This is a necessarily rough estimate of course.
Nonetheless, the arithmetical underpinning of this monetary system guarantees that the monetary authority has a vested interest in, at best, not solving economic crisis. Quite the contrary actually.
Increasing social tensions/dislocations are guaranteed throughout Europe and the USA as is expanded geopolitical turmoil for the next 20 years at the very least.
Posted by: guidoamm | Jun 4 2017 3:47 utc | 27
b @ #21--
Your humor is getting a little dryer than usual!
Yes, a flash from the past: 8 November 2012.
You caught me, too! :D
Posted by: Gaianne | Jun 4 2017 3:49 utc | 28
- "Trump tumbles into the Saudi-Israeli trap" (???????????)
(Agree, when it comes to foreign policy Trump is an amateur and therefore can easily misled by people like Netanjahu & the saudi government)
Posted by: Willy2 | Jun 4 2017 4:25 utc | 29
@B (post #21): it will only strenghten May's position (more "Law & order").
Posted by: Willy2 | Jun 4 2017 4:27 utc | 30
I was just wondering how Obama gets the reception he gets wherever he goes. He's treated as a rock star.
Does nobody read MoA and understand how if he's not the antichrist he's the closest thing since Hitler? I mean, he actually used drones to kill people.
Instead we have a lot of hateful people trying to call down Trump who is actually the best person we have ever seen in that office. He loves Russia and has decided to forego the climate deal that was set up expressly to screw the US. He understands that the Saudis are truly their best friends. Some sense is finally coming into the diplomatic scene.
Thank fuck Obama is gone. Thank fuck we have a US president that is willing to undo any legislation he was able to enact. Obama was truly evil. We can only see that now after having a real man like Trump take the reins.
The world is in much better shape now. I used to think Trump was bad news. I was wrong. He's great, just look at the progress he's made. The world is much better off. I'm tired of winning and we've only just started.
Posted by: peter | Jun 4 2017 4:29 utc | 31
Washington's vassal Ph under Duterte pivots towards Russia/China,
Karma is a bitch.
CIA's ISIS [tm] descended on Midanao , joining force with CIA's Abu Sayyaf.
bloodbath in Manila's casino, 34 killed.
Richard Javad Heydarian, [A known Washington mouthpiece]
helpfully suggests,
' Mr. Duterte was under mounting pressure to address the crisis in his home island, Mindanao, and that he may need further assistance from Washington.'
Now uncle sham's deputy in Asia, Oz says its 'ready to help' .
Come back to mama now silly boy, Im the only one who can save your sorry ass.
Posted by: denk | Jun 4 2017 4:47 utc | 32
MI5 & MI6's radio & TV broadcaster, BBC, have taken the brakes off the propaganda effort. It's in Full Spectrum Dumbinence mode from now until the election. Listening to BBC Global's radio coverage of the conflicting witness stories of the latest london bridge ter'rist massacre, this morning, I was wondering why the BBC is broadcasting such confusing on-the-spot stories if not to cause pre-emptive confusion - before the cops decide on an Official Version.
I had to laugh because, before I went to sleep last night I listened to BBC World Service tying themselves in knots over Syria's Foopball team. BBC was trying to resolve a non-question about a united foopball team from a disunited country (and with a President who "kills his own people"). The broadcast was spoilt, somewhat, by the BBC's failure to explain why the opinion of the UK, BBC, MI5 and MI6, about who should or shouldn't rule Syria, matters to anyone outside Pefidious Albion Land?
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jun 4 2017 5:01 utc | 33
Cameron clamped down on the British newspapers after the Edward Snowden global surveillance leaks were published in 2014. He specifically threatened the take over of the UK Guardian where a number of the foreign reporters, such as Glenn Greenwald and Nafeez Ahmed, no longer work.
We won't see stuff like the UK special forces embedded with the Libyan jihadist militias.
I'm convinced the newswires came out with the reporting on the CIA operation in Benghazi before the authorities were distracted by the even to quash the articles.
Posted by: Les | Jun 4 2017 5:01 utc | 34
peter | Jun 4, 2017 12:29:17 AM | 35
This is humorous satire, yes?
Posted by: V. Arnold | Jun 4 2017 5:29 utc | 35
(thanks for the bbc link)
It's a national scandal, int't it?
Chickens coming home to roost and all that.
'Activists' on the streets of UK.
Heads really should roll.
Posted by: adamski | Jun 4 2017 5:39 utc | 36
I'm not gonna speculate on the motives of who cut up englanders last night. This early in the piece a cui bene case can be made for the tories, but there are also plenty of really angry young brit muslims who cannot see a bigger picture than vengeance who could have decided to 'martyr' themselves because they could.
AFAIK this was a very low tech action - not that dissimilar to the actions of young Palestinians on the west bank. Some of those have been put up jobs by the IDF sure, but equally some have been what they seemed to be.
When dealing with the soldiers at the pointy end it is smart to remember that even if they have been led up the garden path, there is a strong possibility that whoever 'handled' them deceived them as well - so getting serious about preventing actions cannot just be about discovering who is in the shadows.
It is vital to deal with issues of poverty, alienation and the imperialist actions of englanders in the ME over the last 3 centuries so that muslim brits aren't regarded as being unbrit and more importantly they don't feel as though being unbrit is the only honourable ooption.
The brits screwed up the war in Ireland exactly the same way. Most Irish living in england had no intention of blowing up their neighbours but the attitude of law enforcement and the englander government towards Irish certainly encouraged many of them to empathise with those who did bomb.
The grandstanding by May & her ilk could scratch up a few more votes sure, but it will also cause more ordinary Muslim brits to reject 'britness'.
This is the way careerist politicians destroy communities for the sake of selfish short term 'wins' - a firing squad is too good for them.
Posted by: Debsisdead | Jun 4 2017 5:41 utc | 37
blues goes to WAR!!!
This is absolutely the very last thing that could happen. So yet it does.
The war will be fought against the "social choice" theorists. Against the election methods theorists.
Maybe this is not the right approach. I don't know.
All I know is that the struggle must begin somewhere.
I do not know how wise it is to face off against all those mathematicians, computer scientists, economists, game theorists, political scientists, et al.
But I don't care the truth about election methods and real democracy must come out.
My little blue book will be on a small website near you soon. Expect us.
Posted by: blues | Jun 4 2017 6:49 utc | 41
A pretty good summary and introduction to the murder case of alleged DNC leaker Seth Rich:
Posted by: Lozion | Jun 4 2017 7:01 utc | 42
Posted by: Willy2 | Jun 4, 2017 12:27:37 AM | 34
It did not last time. She has been cutting 20.000 police from the beat as home secretary - "because it is all cyber nowadays".
It also was her government that reduced the threat level taking soldiers from the streets.
All depends now who the attackers were. They seem to be less professional than the Manchester attack so might have been copycat by confused youth.
Who was responsible that this type of Bridge attack - driving into groups of people crossing the Thames - was possible a second time? Traffic in London is restricted anyway.
Posted by: somebody | Jun 4 2017 7:16 utc | 43
When you try #LondonBridgeAttack, Twitter suggests you might want #LondonBridgeAttack Qatar.
There is a whole campaign against Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood on the back of the London attack.
Posted by: somebody | Jun 4 2017 7:41 utc | 44
The amazing story of the
UK government review of the Muslim Brotherhood
“Notwithstanding his knowledge, experience, and professional integrity, Sir John Jenkins’s concurrent service as UK ambassador to Saudi Arabia made his appointment to lead the Muslim Brotherhood Review misguided. It created the impression that a foreign state, which was an interested party, had a private window into the conduct of a UK Government inquiry…This has undermined confidence in the impartiality of the FCO’s work on such an important and contentious subject.” ...
Another point the Committee makes is actually in agreement with the prior report that the Brotherhood should not be designated as a terrorist organization. The Committee states “the evidence so far in Egypt is that if the Muslim Brotherhood supported or condoned violence, then Egypt would be a far more violent place today”.
Posted by: somebody | Jun 4 2017 7:50 utc | 45
jfl #23 exactly! that's what Le Drian and the WH inventors failed to understand in the first place: don't play with ppl who have a tribal mindset coz they understand only revenge.
Has anyone access to that?
Posted by: Mina | Jun 4 2017 8:44 utc | 46
Just out today June 3, 2017 World is One News. WION examines global issues with in-depth analysis. Dr. Bashar al-Assad. The interviewer was not hostile compared with MSM. Syria has few frens besides Russia Federation, China, Iran and others... India is a fren of Syria. Enjoy.
Posted by: OJS | Jun 4 2017 9:00 utc | 47
Bibi special guest of the CEDEAO summit in Liberia today. Morrocan king canceled his visit but sent a representative. Probably just for local consumption.
Posted by: Mina | Jun 4 2017 9:02 utc | 48
@50 mina
i posted a link to your second the last time you asked.
i don't yet see a link to your first.
ghostscript said use facebook, if you're a facebook user.
Posted by: jfl | Jun 4 2017 9:12 utc | 49
A curious aspect of the attacks in Britain, both Manchester and London, is that they don't seem to be having the electoral effects expected. There was no surge for the Conservatives after the Manchester bomb, as one would have expected, and most commenters here said there would be. Rather there has been a drip, drip, drip decline, with the first poll today indicating a lead for the Labour party. The Right must be getting desperate. They've played all the security cards, all the wrapping May up in the flag cards, and they haven't worked. If this turns out to be true (we'll know soon enough anyway), it could be epoch-making. A post-nationalist election.
I don't speak of whether the attacks were security services false flags (though it is a bit sniffy) or Islamist attempts to get the extreme right into power, to provoke the 'clash of civilisations'. It doesn't matter.
Posted by: Laguerre | Jun 4 2017 10:40 utc | 50
America’s Liberal Progressive Gleichschaltung.
Obama: a Hollow Man Filled With Ruling Class Ideas.
Wikileaks Proves Hillary Disclosed Classified Secrets To Foreign Leaders For Cash!
Posted by: rawdawgbugfalo | Jun 4 2017 11:04 utc | 51
@50 laguerre, 'the attacks in Britain ... don't seem to be having the electoral effects expected'
terrorist attacks never have the 'electoral effects expected' ... according to alexander mercouris, The terror attacks on London will not affect the outcome of the British election. Here’s why.
Posted by: jfl | Jun 4 2017 11:16 utc | 52
So all in all, we know that 1) these jihadists are homegrown in the UK and other Western countries like France, the Balkans, and so on, 2) backed for shady operations abroad by the Western governments, 3) mostly funded by Saudi Arabia, an ally of the West.
The only thing that is left to discover is why they attack people in the West. It looks like a case of "biting the hand that feeds", but of course it's something else. But what?
Posted by: Lea | Jun 4 2017 11:18 utc | 53
@50: I tend to agree, however Mrs May is most definitely not from 'the right' her policy objectives are extremely - anti individual, authoritarian, anti small independent business, pro globalist. She has no charm, no burning message of freedom. Her brexit stance is weak too, she seems to have managed only to give the impression that she is our best hope to 'make the best of a bad job'
Add to that her complete failure during 6 years as Home Secretary to make good on ANY of the conservative promises to reduce immigration and her platform is weak. Not 'strong and safe leadership' as per her flagging campaigne. Both she and Cameron tried ( and have failed) to deal with the threat of Islamic extremism and terrorism with appeasement - their PREVENT policy, of integration. Its stated aim is to prevent young muslims being alienated from society. It is not entirely lost on the British electorate that this lame policy included continued toleration for Wahabii madrasas and the allowing of Sharia courts to be set up - in the Uk !
It is pretty clear to an increasingly clued up and growing minority that Mrs May is in fact an Islamic terror enabler, and that UK foreign policy has made it inevitable.
As seems the norm these days, modern 'democracy' is not providing the British electorate with any honest or credible candidates. Corbin I think is honest - but economically he is not credible.
Posted by: Reload | Jun 4 2017 11:22 utc | 54
Another blowback, this is after all the UK that arm and support the same terrorists in the Middle East and Africa.
Posted by: Anonyous | Jun 4 2017 11:24 utc | 55
Global Leadership Series: WION interviews Bashar al-Assad
Posted by: okie farmer | Jun 4 2017 11:25 utc | 56
@Somebody | 44
There's been pressure building on Qatar since the Guardian report "to review Washington’s alliance with Qatar because the latter stands on the side of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, against the Israeli occupation, and supports the Muslim Brotherhood."
Should be a much longer list were our great elites to wield their moral indignation without prejudice!
@Laguerre | 50
Even the Telegraph had to admit May's crash and dive performance, but still it produced a poll suggesting that the Tories would win with an 11 seat majority!
There is no underestimating the importance of this general electionfor the UK.
Posted by: AtaBrit | Jun 4 2017 11:39 utc | 57
Posted by: Reload | Jun 4, 2017 7:22:25 AM | 54
and the allowing of Sharia courts to be set up - in the Uk !Nice racism. Beth Din courts have existed for a long time; shari'a courts have the same status. Resort to them is voluntary, and they cannot make judgements against British law. Try calling for the banning of Beth Din courts. You'll be out of a job for your anti-semitism.
Posted by: Laguerre | Jun 4 2017 11:53 utc | 58
Thanks! Why shld i use fb? To help get them cash for their snuff vids and helping hate speech spread or kids see violence and be traumatized? Or psychotics get their moment of fame by posting online murders?
Gem at the end of the article: they are especially looking for those with experience in chemicals. No doubt they know there is a bunch of specialists there.
Posted by: Mina | Jun 4 2017 12:05 utc | 59
Did anyone else think those London attacks smelt a bit fishy?
Three attacks take place quite close together on a Saturday night with one being almost a replica of the attack that took place on London bridge several weeks ago. The attacks occur when Theresa May's Conservative Party is being hammered in opinion polls and the party seems to have no more rabbits in its collective hat to pull out just days before the election. The police can only advise Londoners to run, hide and barricade themselves. (Are they serious???) Three supposed attackers end up being very dead.
I have the feeling that these attacks could have been a training exercise. It would be very easy for ISIS to say it was behind these attacks just as it did for the Manchester attack - and this time there will be no blabbermouth at the FBI or some other US intel agency to suggest otherwise.
As for Alexander Mercouris' prediction that these attacks and the Manchester pop concert attack won't affect voters' choice (linked to at JFL's comment at 52 - thanks for that!), there is the possibility that polling stations may be heavily policed this coming Thursday and security forces stationed there may either turn off or turn away voters or intimidate them somehow.
Posted by: Jen | Jun 4 2017 12:09 utc | 60
>>>> Lea | Jun 4, 2017 7:18:24 AM | 53
The only thing that is left to discover is why they attack people in the West. It looks like a case of "biting the hand that feeds", but of course it's something else. But what?
You've heard the saying "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" well that is often complete bollocks because in the Middle East after a couple of thousand years of invasions and colonization it's more a case of "the enemy of our enemy hates us as much as he hates his enemy". The deep cynicism of the concept of that saying and accompanying hypocrisy and violence just turbocharges the hatred.
Look at Libya and Syria, at the behest of Qatar and Saudi Arabia we destroyed the most developmentally advanced state in Africa and replaced it with what? Nothing. And the countries which took no refugees from Libya, suffer the least damage. Guess which ones they are? And we in the west are stupid enough to believe that the Libyans, Syrians and perhaps other Muslims should love us for destroying their countries to protect the despots in the Gulf from the so-called Arab Spring.
Posted by: Ghostship | Jun 4 2017 12:12 utc | 61
Open source journalism close to solving Seth Rich murder.
Posted by: Anoncommentator | Jun 4 2017 12:25 utc | 62
A Moslem mayor in London? It does not seem to makes much difference!
Posted by: virgile | Jun 4 2017 13:23 utc | 63
You really are a complete fucking idiot aren't you heros. I wrote you off as this months hasbara plant making hateful judeophobic remarks to discredit the blog and ignored you but you've attained a whole new level of moronic derpitude with yer latest post.
Yep desperate creeps have been scraping images off the net and using them as either a Munchhausen sympathy trap or the usual please send bitcoins to make me feel better to etc, but using that to infer these events didn't happen despite thousands of witnesses saying they did, is a denial of reality so bad it's a wonder you can get dressed of a morning lest you worry about whether your trousers actually exist or are a government deep state maaan conspiracy against yer closet.
The forces of darkness are incompetent they fuck up all the time but these types who cannot face reality so create an omnipotent omniscient 'deep state' to blame for everything are no different to the medieval dingbats who used to say "the devil did it" when they burned their toast in the morning.
For all you know a relative of one of the victims could drop in to MoA to be told that their pain is imaginary according to 'heros' a derp who lives on the other side of the planet but knows exactly what happened based upon his/her guesswork. I betcha that will make them feel better.
The lack of consideration for others that you display is appalling.
Posted by: Debsisdead | Jun 4 2017 13:29 utc | 64
Posted by: Lea | Jun 4, 2017 7:18:24 AM | 53
I think Saudi/Israel are pressuring Britain (and Qatar) to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood. If ISIS is a Saudi Proxy and the Muslim Brotherhood a Turkish/Qatar/Western proxy Saudi would find it unfair if they were the only ones to lose their proxy.
It the attacks were state sponsored this would be the motivation. May seems to be going there with her latest announcement that Britain was "too tolerant towards extremism"
But of course the attacks might just be copycat by alienated youth.
Posted by: somebody | Jun 4 2017 13:30 utc | 65
is there a split forming in the gcc? can kuwait, qatar, and dubai see the handwriting on the wall? are they ready follow iranian pipeline routes through syria to the mediterranean and europe?
Posted by: jfl | Jun 3, 2017 8:40:32 PM | 12
Kuwait was hardly a member of "Sunni coalition". I guess it contributed to the funding of jihadists in Syria, but in respect of Iran it is historically very careful, and it has to take into account Iraq as well. Dubai is the center of finance and smuggling, and business with Iran is important there, but UAE is dominated by Abu Dhabi that is quite fearful of KSA. Qatar is a curious case, the only Wahhabi led state besides KSA, but with a tradition of clan hostility (it is a Wahhabi version of Hatfields and McCoys). GCC "cooperation" differs from case to case, but even when they cooperate, they fund different proxies which in turn fight with each other. Any talk about fighting Iran can be attributed to a fresh shipment of captagon.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jun 4 2017 14:06 utc | 66
I won't continue this any further heros cos there is no point in trying to use logic on a ninny, but I would be interested to see where you believe I told you to shut up. I suspect your sadly busy & twisted little head imagines a lot more than it actually sees though doesn't it?
Posted by: Debsisdead | Jun 4 2017 14:08 utc | 67
somebody 66
MB has been somewhat of a mystery on this. How/why did Egypt get rid of them after they won the election? The surface reason is that after winning the presidency by promising moderation they proceeded to consummate power unto their party which angered protesters and returned them to the streets. Also the military did not like MB's push to support their buddies in Syria. The real reason? I don't know. It's hard to know the players and their string pullers without a map.
Les 34
Thnx for link.
okie farmer 56
Thnkx for link. I've wondered how MSM treats the mild-mannered Bashar as if he's some kind of ruthless brute when there is a lot of evidence to the contrary.
Posted by: Curtis | Jun 4 2017 14:09 utc | 68
"I have the feeling that these attacks could have been a training exercise."
I had a feeling that London attack was perpetrated by total amateurs. It is a bit horrifying to realize how deadly suicidal individuals can be with some training in explosives or martial arts (recall Breivik).
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jun 4 2017 14:11 utc | 69
Willy 29
Trump made promises and sold impressions in his campaign but he seems easily goaded into going along with TPTB. Is he pretending to go along with token actions or is he on board with the agenda?
James Corbett's latest video shows our new State Department spokesman not polished to lie and dance in the wind when confronted with Middle East foreign policy facts ... unlike Team Obama's "Baghdad Bob" and his ridiculous denials.
Posted by: Curtis | Jun 4 2017 14:15 utc | 70
@ Debsisdead | Jun 4, 2017 10:08:41 AM | 69
Your delusional friend accused me of lying a few posts ago and when challenged to produce 'evidence', went completely unhinged. Maybe categorise as just another duhmerikkan imbecile using their Dog given rights to have an opinion, however delusional it may be, thinking that when they run it up a public flagpole that the world must salute it. Good luck with this one, they are already on my elide list.
Posted by: Formerly T-Bear | Jun 4 2017 14:36 utc | 71
@Piotr 8
No sticks needed. Ankara's biggest fear is the (not entirely impossible) founding of a Kurdish state. It sees a (temporary) alignment with Moscow, Tehran and Damascus as the best option for preventing this. Whether or not this new friendship will be permanent depends on Washington's actions/ degree of support for the Kurds.
@jfl 12
This GCC split has been deepening for a couple of years.
Qatar started looking to Russia, plus Turkey is building a military base there. Jordan is on friendly terms with Moscow, and UAE is even negotiating buying arms. And as always, Arab 'alliances' aren't worth the paper they're written on - e.g., 'friendly fire' events show that GCC 'allies' are not very keen on fighting for the Saudis in Yemen...
Posted by: smuks | Jun 4 2017 15:15 utc | 72
Three general types of FF events: crisis actors engaged in stagecraft - events wherein no one is killed; similar events wherein deaths may occur; real events coordinated by different actors from those whom are blamed (or those whom willingly take credit).
MSM complicity is generally required. Important to remember the famous words attributed to Pedophile Ben Franklin, "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see".
Posted by: fast freddy | Jun 4 2017 15:32 utc | 73
USA news blacks out: China - Russia Rail Bridge is now completed.
Posted by: fast freddy | Jun 4 2017 15:39 utc | 74
Who says the Shiites in the Peninsula are not trying to revolt? They have a powerful enemy to say the least.
(this comes after 100s of arrests among the Shiite opposition in the latest weeks)
(also after a series of protests)
Posted by: Mina | Jun 4 2017 15:39 utc | 75
Piotr Berman | Jun 4, 2017 10:11:43 AM | 71
I had a feeling that London attack was perpetrated by total amateurs. It is a bit horrifying to realize how deadly suicidal individuals can be with some training in explosives or martial arts (recall Breivik).
I largely agree except I suspect the only specific training these three needed was that one of them had learnt to drive and held a clean driving licence.
Posted by: Ghostship | Jun 4 2017 15:42 utc | 76
@Grieved | 14
It's London bloody Bridge!
The chances of a bbc crew being around are pretty flipping high given the proximity to the city, parliament, commuter centres etc. durimg the final week of election Campaigning and polling!!
Posted by: AtaBrit | Jun 4 2017 15:48 utc | 77
paul @6: +1
Pervasive deception is the only certainty in our world.
Posted by: nobody | Jun 4 2017 16:05 utc | 78
@61 ghostship.. good response to lea... thanks for that..
put heros and any look-a-likes on ignore..
Posted by: james | Jun 4 2017 16:16 utc | 79
sandra_m @16:
It is called the Persian Gulf. Gulf is Saudi & their paid whores' euphemism for the Persian Gulf.
Are you a paid whore of the Saudis and their ilk, sandra_m?
Posted by: nobody | Jun 4 2017 16:20 utc | 80
@52 jfl and others
To the extent that terrorism has a theory, I've always heard that its aim ever since the IRA has been to brutalize the government of a country by attacking its civilians, encouraging ever-stricter security controls on the general populace. Eventually, runs the theory, the government has become so oppressive that the people no longer support it and it becomes ripe for toppling, or else that its opposition to the terrorist platform is, to the people, no longer worth the cost of maintaining, and some compromise becomes possible.
Now that the state sponsorship of terrorism has become so evident, one can tear away the second part of that theory and simply see it all as a way of hardening social control by government. The Gladio thing. It does affect elections, it seems to me, by hardening the security stance of all parties and candidates - and in a security state it hardly matters who's in the parliament. It raises the level of tension across all of society, puts soldiers on the streets, and makes the populace more compliant. A very egalitarian tyranny.
Posted by: Grieved | Jun 4 2017 16:28 utc | 81
CluelessJoe @25:
"I guess the local fools are slowly realizing that you don't try to build your future replacement economy on tourism and big events like World Cup and World Fair, and then try to foster a regional war that would ruin all your efforts."
Almost. Let's try again:
I guess the local fools are slowly realizing that their "partners" who financed their future replacement economy on tourism and big events like World Cup and World Fair, and are trying to foster a regional war that would ruin all their efforts, leave them holding the bag and kicked down and told to act like proper WOGs.
Posted by: nobody | Jun 4 2017 16:30 utc | 82
@smuks | 74
Turkey's biggest fear is a Kurdish state that userps a large part of Southern Turkey. Of course a Kurdish state along its border is hardly something they want to encourage but the key is influence and control over profitable income sources in any 'Kurdistan'. But the fact is that with Turkish and Syrian Kurds Turkey doesn't stand a chance at wielding any influence. So, if he can manipulate a Barzani win in a referendum in Iraq he will have a Kurdish state under Turkish influence and Turkey will in no short measure start forcibly relocating other Kurds there. This is, in my opinion, Erdogans goal and one he beleieves will satisfy the US.
Prior to this Turkey must weaken the non Barzani Kurds hand as much as possible to scupper any influemce at the table when settlement time arrives - ways of achieving this are bombing the shit out of them (all areas), 'managing them politically/ financially' (Iraq); demographic manipulation thereby diluting the ethnical geographical claims; forced eviction from current geographical locations - as we are seeing in southern Turkey etc.
"Whether or not this new friendship will be permanent depends on Washington's actions/ degree of support for the Kurds."
Hardly. Though a lot is being made of US support for Kurds the truth is far, far more complex than simply the Kurdish question. Turkey's economy is extremely heavily dependent on Europe and Russia. The latter has been proven time and again of late. Also Russia's growing influence in the region and eastwards means that Russia is a key partner for any meaningful economic future with central asian and asian countries. Not to mention natural resources, regional alliances etc. Another factor to consider is which alliance will best facilitate Erdogan's creation of his Sunni Sultanate in 'augmented' Turkey (- he is almoat certainly out to grab land!) It may be that he continues to swing from one side to the other to distract from his overall plan which is ethnic and sectarian cleansing of his Sultanate.
Posted by: AtaBrit | Jun 4 2017 16:35 utc | 83
@smuks | 74
Turkey's biggest fear is a Kurdish state that userps a large part of Southern Turkey. Of course a Kurdish state along its border is hardly something they want to encourage but the key is influence and control over profitable income sources in any 'Kurdistan'. But the fact is that with Turkish and Syrian Kurds Turkey doesn't stand a chance at wielding any influence. So, if he can manipulate a Barzani win in a referendum in Iraq he will have a Kurdish state under Turkish influence and Turkey will in no short measure start forcibly relocating other Kurds there. This is, in my opinion, Erdogans goal and one he beleieves will satisfy the US.
Prior to this Turkey must weaken the non Barzani Kurds hand as much as possible to scupper any influemce at the table when settlement time arrives - ways of achieving this are bombing the shit out of them (all areas), 'managing them politically/ financially' (Iraq); demographic manipulation thereby diluting the ethnical geographical claims; forced eviction from current geographical locations - as we are seeing in southern Turkey etc.
"Whether or not this new friendship will be permanent depends on Washington's actions/ degree of support for the Kurds."
Hardly. Though a lot is being made of US support for Kurds the truth is far, far more complex than simply the Kurdish question. Turkey's economy is extremely heavily dependent on Europe and Russia. The latter has been proven time and again of late. Also Russia's growing influence in the region and eastwards means that Russia is a key partner for any meaningful economic future with central asian and asian countries. Not to mention natural resources, regional alliances etc. Another factor to consider is which alliance will best facilitate Erdogan's creation of his Sunni Sultanate in 'augmented' Turkey (- he is almoat certainly out to grab land!) It may be that he continues to swing from one side to the other to distract from his overall plan which is ethnic and sectarian cleansing of his Sultanate.
Posted by: AtaBrit | Jun 4 2017 16:35 utc | 84
Willy2 @29:
After his election I had a vision of Trump as a latter day Herod. Herod was an power seeking, lustful and greedy. The thought of beheading John the Baptist had never even occurred to him in the course of his rise to power, not even on that very night when Salome seduced him and got him suckered into a "deal" that he couldn't back out of.
Trump will behead John the Baptist, to his eternal ignominy. Character is destiny, after all.
Posted by: nobody | Jun 4 2017 16:52 utc | 85
So why would the London attackers be wearing 'fake suicide vests'?
Posted by: adamski | Jun 4 2017 16:53 utc | 86
@61 ghostship
Your rage is justified. We can only hope that both Syria and Iraq can bond as an Arab nation in response to what has befallen it due to foreign aggression over the past 26 years.
Posted by: MadMax2 | Jun 4 2017 16:54 utc | 87
@65 debisdead
My thoughts exactly. There is a rather large gulf between not buying officialdom's narrative in a terrorist attack and claiming the attack never really happened, was all 'crisis actors' etc. IMO the media loves these idiots (if not creates them, the true 'crisis (re)actors') in order to paint anyone questioning the government's narrative as raging imbeciles. The more people who sprout that nonsense, the less the public wants to look behind the curtain.
Posted by: Don Wiscacho | Jun 4 2017 16:54 utc | 88
Erdogan also has the problem of Hatay.
The "no problems with neighbours" AKP started out with made a lot of sense.
Posted by: somebody | Jun 4 2017 16:55 utc | 89
It's London bloody Bridge!
The chances of a bbc crew being around are pretty flipping high given the proximity to the city, parliament, commuter centres etc. durimg the final week of election Campaigning and polling!!
Posted by: AtaBrit | Jun 4, 2017 11:48:28 AM | 79
You forgot the chance to find a hanging politician or a movie director, e.g., Tory campaign managers can be in depressive mood.
@Piotr 8
No sticks needed. Ankara's biggest fear is the (not entirely impossible) founding of a Kurdish state. It sees a (temporary) alignment with Moscow, Tehran and Damascus as the best option for preventing this. Whether or not this new friendship will be permanent depends on Washington's actions/ degree of support for the Kurds.
Posted by: smuks | Jun 4, 2017 11:15:06 AM | 74
This is a more subtle game. Moscow is very open to cooperation with YPG, and their relationship with Syrian government is ambiguous, as befits the region, a combination of cooperation and backstabbing, but the latter mostly prickles. PYG was essential in stopping Erdogan's advance toward Raqqa and it cooperated with SAA and allies to achieve it, even swapping territories under control. Russia made an observation post in Afrin, with the subtext that they would help Afrin YPG if they were attacked by Turkey. Afrin is supplied through SAA controlled territory, or simply by Syria. And the Kurds in Aleppo cannot seriously think about a secession.
Note also that Erdogan supplied jihadists through several offensives after Russia entered the picture. So it is not obvious that he would stop now. To sum it up, Russia could give arms to Syrian Kurds as easily as Americans, especially if Americans would drop them from the payroll. The ultimate goals of Russians and Syrian government are definitely more palatable for Turkey, namely to threaten and cajole them into a unitary state (with some Russian-style federalism), while Americans seem to dream about "Sunnistan" that could be dominated by YPG.
Therefore I suspect that Russia could offer Turkey a bi-directional quid-pro-quo: matching supplies (or the lack of them) to jihadists with supplies to PKK by "loosely controlled" aid to YPG. However, Erdogan could simply realize that this is ISIS endgame, and he has to position himself to avoid harm. When Turkish pets cannot go to Raqqa and Deir-ez-Zor and YPG can, a dreaded form of "Sunnistan" could become reality if jihadist kept backstabbing Syrian forces.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jun 4 2017 16:55 utc | 90
As seems the norm these days, modern 'democracy' is not providing the British electorate with any honest or credible candidates. Corbin I think is honest - but economically he is not credible.
Posted by: Reload | Jun 4, 2017 7:22:25 AM | 54
I am almost sure that he would better not realize every single promise in the manifesto, but he can lead to a positive change. The total collapse of UKIP was supposed to boost Tories before the risk of uncertain Brexit consequences -- otherwise why call elections now and not few years later when Brexit will convert Britain to the land of milk and honey? But Tories are not an exemplar of economic credibility anymore (or any other), so why not decide on honesty and good intentions.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jun 4 2017 17:09 utc | 91
Erdogan also has the problem of Hatay.
The "no problems with neighbours" AKP started out with made a lot of sense.
Posted by: somebody | Jun 4, 2017 12:55:22 PM | 91
A bit misleading. There exists problem of a Turkish province on the border with Syria and Mediterranean with the Arab majority that is largely Alewite. But the link suggests something different. This is a website of a newspaper that is an Erdogan pure propaganda, and it shows a huge, and nice, portrait of Bashar el-Assad. Apparently, Turkey tries to help Assad to pry Arab-tribal components of SDF (coalition dominated by YPG) to his own coalition. The talks took place in Hatay, but the matter was about east-central Syria.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Jun 4 2017 17:20 utc | 92
It seems to me the Conservatives around May are backed by the finance industry - proposing a "hard BREXIT" with setting up Britain as a tax haven with low wages.
This would work for part of British industry but not for all. At present the largest part of British exports go to the EU. There is no way the EU is going to keep their markets open for Britain in this plan.
Germany would lose a market of 7 percent of all exports but they would lose that anyway with Britain's consumers not able to afford expensive stuff.
Britain would have to find other countries prepared to open their markets and would have to open their own market for them. Doing this as a tax haven would be difficult.
So a large part of British industry would have to go. Multinational would only thrive if Europe allowed British produced goods in without any tariffs - they won't. What Trump's US would do is anybody's guess.
Corbyn's plan is much better for British industry - take any money saved on European institions and raise taxes to invest whilst keeping the European market open.
If Labour is capable to deliver is another question. But the conservative plan is economic evil.
Posted by: somebody | Jun 4 2017 17:39 utc | 93
Looking at a video of the latest London attack ( ) I just keep wondering what is going on. Coming from a country being much smaller and much less wealthy than the London City, I have never seen a medical rescue scene like in the video - being a medical person myself. We see two Police officers desperately trying to help a (dying/wounded/harmed?) person lying on the bare streets, a modern ambulance vehicle parked very close aside. But where are the paramedics, where is the medical personal or the doctor, that at least in my country usually arrive with the ambulance at an accident, where they immediately put the patient into the ambulance vehicle, because only in an ambulance vehicle there is access to oxygen, only there an intubation can be done safety, iv-solutions and other iv-medications can be given, only there is enough light to perform little surgical and other live saving measures, etc.? Hard to believe, that on the streets of London serious medical work in utmost darkness must be performed by bare handed London police officers - without the use of the expertise of medical personal, that (at least in my country must have) arrive(d) at every accident scene with an ambulance vehicle. A strange country this must be, the United Kingdom.
Posted by: maningi | Jun 4 2017 18:00 utc | 94
Another witness "this is for allah" in London Bridge attack
Posted by: okie farmer | Jun 4 2017 18:14 utc | 96
kuwait, qatar, and dubai see the handwriting on the wall? are they ready follow iranian pipeline routes through syria to the mediterranean and europe?
Posted by: jfl | Jun 3, 2017 8:40:32 PM | 12
I don't know that there will be an Iranian pipeline, currently Iran is selling its oil to Russia who is processing it and reselling it to the west. I can't see Russia being up for an Iranian pipeline when it just fought so hard to prevent an alternative. What I do see is the three states above realizing that the New Silk Road is headed to the ME; they want to be part of it rather than continuing along with the very ambiguous US/allies version of a brave new world. Just a guess...
Posted by: frances | Jun 4 2017 18:26 utc | 97
@64 debs and @88 Don Wiscacho - i completely concur, especially your last line don "The more people who sprout that nonsense, the less the public wants to look behind the curtain"....
@86 adamski.. good question... i can come up with a few answers, none of them very satisfactory..
the west has a problem with the wahabbi nutjobs and their export of wahabbism and it's various hybrids to many places round the globe.. it would mean examining support for saudi arabia, qatar and etc - the actual place where terrorism is being supported - whether thanks the cia/m16 usa/uk support for these same countries or by extension, where ever it is being exported..
Posted by: james | Jun 4 2017 18:38 utc | 98
As it’s rare that the MSM or based on such actually publish info that shows that ‘terrorists’ are not just your plain crazed jihadis (no matter what their background, family history, mind-set, etc.) but that all kinds of scenarios can apply… Two recent exs.
masquerading as a ‘terrorist’:
Collusion between agents of the State and Coulibaly and Kouachi brothers (Charlie Hebdo attacks):
Needless to say the F MSM have kept quiet about this.
The whole ‘terrorist’ thing, I know, I know, ppl talk about ‘false flags’, and ‘fake’ and ‘hoaxes’ etc. yes.., but it does NOT mean that nobody dies.
Ppl like to see similarities in them, but imho, the differences are just as salient if not more so. Penetrating and understanding the financial, relational, ideological ties, contact circuit, how it works, etc. is a further step. Overall, a modern form of ‘banditry’ with all kinds of low-lifes from different spheres colluding. (Incl. State, para-state, MSM, but not Finance/large Corps - that is for attacks after 9/11 not 9/11 itself. Imho) so it is very varied.
Posted by: Noirette | Jun 4 2017 18:52 utc | 99
@ maningi | Jun 4, 2017 2:00:07 PM | 94
You have some observations that should be answered. Many decades ago I had introductory EMT (U.S.) training but have not kept up with current methods so error (and a lot of rust) may be present. Usually medically trained people (doctors and nurses) remain at their base hospital and the ambulance is manned by EMT trained (but medically supervised) personnel. Not linking your video, it is likely the EMTs are either doing triage or are busy with a person in more critical distress, the police officers may be attending the person giving whatever assistance they can and reassurance which is also quite important. I am not aware of what level of medical training a British police officer receives but likely basic first aid. If the person you describe has been struck by a vehicle, one of the first things you don't do is move them in any fashion until cervical stability is established and movement does not cause further injury. It is likely the picture you refer is early on in what is required to do in moving the person to a hospital environment. I am certainly sure the recommended medical procedures differ in Britain from what I received in the U.S. but the basics are nearly the same; European standards are different again, each depending on how their medical services are organised.
Posted by: Formerly T-Bear | Jun 4 2017 18:55 utc | 100
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The US has gone quiet on North Korea.
Argued with Europe and in particular Germany over NATO and refused to sign Article 5.
Trump has criticized India.
Things are not going well for the empire.
Posted by: Muslim Dude | Jun 3 2017 18:07 utc | 1