"It Can't Happen Here" - Color Revolution By Force
The "Donald Trump likes Russia" and "Russia bad" strategy was propagated by the Clinton election campaign. It build on constant U.S. incitement against Russia after the U.S. coup in Ukraine partially failed and after the Russian intervention on the side of the government in Syria. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was the main force behind the original anti-Russian campaign. When Clinton lost the election to Trump the theme connecting Trump and Russia was continued and fanned by parts of the U.S. intelligence community.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI published a propaganda report claiming nefarious Russian cyber activities during the election without providing any evidence. The report came together with the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats by the Obama administration. The DHS then planted a false story of Russian cyber-intrusion into a Vermont utility with the Washington Post.
The Director of National Intelligence Clapper followed up with a "report" of alleged Russian interference with the election. Even the Putinphobe Masha Gessen found that to be a shoddy piece of implausible propaganda. The DNI then helped to publish an MI6 "report" of fakes asserting Russian influence on Trump. In an unprecedented threat escalation the Pentagon sends a whole brigade and other assets to the Russian border.
Now the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan, warns the President elect to "watch his tongue". Is there any precedence of some "intelligence" flunky threatening a soon to be President?
This has been, all together, a well though out propaganda campaign to reinforce the scheme Clinton and her overlords have been pushing for quite some time: Russia is bad and a danger. Trump is aligned with Russia. Something needs to be done against Trump but most importantly against Russia.
Propaganda works. The campaign is having some effects:
Americans are more concerned than they were before the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign began about the potential threat Russia poses to the country, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Friday. The Jan. 9-12 survey found that 82 percent of American adults, including 84 percent of Democrats and 82 percent of Republicans, described Russia as a general "threat" to the United States. That's up from 76 percent in March 2015 when the same questions were asked.
Such extensive and expensive campaigns are not run by chance. They have a larger purpose.
Originally the campaign was only directed against Russia with the apparent aim of reigniting a (quite profitable) cold war. Seen from some distance the campaign now looks more like the preparation for a typical CIA induced color-revolution:
In most but not all cases, massive street protests followed disputed elections, or requests for fair elections, and led to the resignation or overthrow of leaders considered by their opponents to be authoritarian.
What is missing yet in the U.S. are the demonstrations and the large civilian strife.
Unlike the earlier CIA launched color revolutions in Georgia (2003), Ukraine (2004) and elsewhere, all recent U.S. instigated "color-revolutions", i.e. putsch attempts, have been accompanied by the use of force from the side of the "peaceful protesters". Such color-revolutions by force were instigate in Libya, Syria and Ukraine.
A common denominator of these was the primary use of violence occurred from the "good side" against the "bad side" while the propagandists claimed that it was the "bad side" that started the shooting and strife. The "good site" is inevitably "demonstrating peacefully" even when many policemen or soldiers on the "bad side" die. Thus was the case in Libya where the U.S. and its Gulf proxies used al-Qeada aligned Jihadis from Benghazi as "peaceful demonstrators" against the government, in Syria where the NATO and Gulf supported Muslim Brotherhood killed policemen and soldiers during "peaceful demonstrations" in Deraa and in Ukraine where fascist sharpshooters killed demonstrators and policemen from a hotel roof in the hand of the opposition. All three happened while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
There have been claims of an upcoming color-revolution in the U.S. from different extremist sides of the political spectrum. Before the election Neocon Jackson Diehl claimed that "Putin" was preparing a color-revolution against a President-elect Clinton to enthrone Donald Trump. But as Trump won fair and square and Clinton lost that plot did not make it to the stage. After the election the conspiracy peddler Wayne Madsen immediately "discovered" that Clinton and George Soros were launching a color-revolution against Trump.
Remnants of the Clinton campaign have called for a large anti-Trump demonstration during the inauguration on January 20 in Washington DC.
Mass shootings in the United States by this or that type of lunatics happen every other month. There are no wild conspiracy theories or nefarious plots necessary to consider some what-if questions around such an event.
So what happens after some "Trump supporter" on January 20 starts to shoot into the demonstrating masses (and also into the police cordons)?
What if the CIA, DHS and DNI then detect and certify that the ensuing "massacre" was a "Russian plot"?
Posted by b on January 15, 2017 at 17:28 UTC | Permalink
next page »I am amazed and scared how easily propaganda works in democracies, while no one, NO ONE ever deal or mentions it! Western populations are truly naive and swallow anything. No wonder Hitler could amass millions of germans.
Posted by: Test | Jan 15 2017 17:42 utc | 2
What will happen? A good question?
The signs are not good. The veteran journalist Claire Hollingworth has just died at 105. Finian Cunningham comments on her death and the current amnesia over the significance of the 1000's of NATO tanks massing in east Europe:
"A measure of this apparent collective amnesia can be gleaned from the passing of veteran English newspaper journalist Clare Hollingworth, who died this week at the age of 105. Hollingworth published the “scoop of the century” in 1939 when she first reported Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland, which then sparked the Second World War. The headline of her original report in Britain’s Daily Telegraph on August 29, 1939, read: “1,000 tanks massed on Polish frontier.”
Amid media tributes to the deceased journalist, reference to contemporary events was absent. In the same week that Clare Hollingworth passed away, tanks were again rolling into Poland from Germany, this time driven by American troops. But Western media outlets made no such connection."
Posted by: Yonatan | Jan 15 2017 17:43 utc | 3
Advice for the USA to simplify things: Cut out the middle man and inaugurate Putin on the 20th.
Posted by: From The Hague | Jan 15 2017 17:59 utc | 4
One thing to understand is that, since 1963, the President is no longer fully a President in the US. The CIA has constructed a system of control within Congress, the military, and the intelligence services to direct US policy. When Jimmy Carter's CIA Director Stansfield Turner tried to eliminate a lot of the ops side of intelligence (the agents and the plots that always seem to be nearby other course corrections (like Dallas, Watergate) the ops side created an oil crisis and a hostage crisis in Iran. Reagan had been a spokesman for the Congress For Freedom, a CIA operation that imported fascists, to include a large group of Ukrainian OUN-B residua. Those people and their children became the backbone of the US reinsertion of fascism in Eastern Europe and Russia.
Since Reagan, all Presidents seem to have deep intelligence backgrounds. Of course, George Bush was former CIA Director (and undoubtedly an agent prior to his political career), and his son was his son. Some of Dubya's pre-Presidential failed business dealings appear to have been money laundering, likely for the CIA. Since they burst upon the national scene there are hints that the Clintons probably were recruited for intelligence work in the late sixties, prior to even meeting each other.
Obama, with SOS Clinton looking over his shoulder, was mostly a Deep State ally.
Clinton was supposed to win. In fact, there are indications that Clinton and her Deep State allies worked to make Trump her opponent. She succeeded that far, but not enough to win the electoral college. Trump is certainly anathema to most working class Americans. His problem with the Deep State is that he wants friendly relations with Russia.
What the world is witnessing is how the Deep State negotiates hardball with Trump.
Posted by: Bob In Portland | Jan 15 2017 18:08 utc | 5
Using techniques of her mentor, Hillary and her allies appear to be planning a purple revolution in the US:
Posted by: Krollchem | Jan 15 2017 18:09 utc | 6
valid speculation on your part b... the propaganda has gotten so thick, your scenario sounds like a ripe idea..
the usa appears to be imploding in on itself... i didn't realize how bad the folks in power wanted clinton to be president.. relevant article..
Posted by: james | Jan 15 2017 18:14 utc | 7
"Advice for the USA to simplify things: Cut out the middle man and inaugurate Putin on the 20th"
Or, rephrased to correctly reflect the true nature of the who's really in charge in this country: Advise for the cosmetic US government and the corporate infotainment: cut out the middle man and inaugurate the head of the Deep State on the 20th.
Posted by: time2wakeupnow | Jan 15 2017 18:15 utc | 8
It's astounding that Fecesbrook and other social media control outlets support calls for assassination of the President-elect, by not removing them. This is gonna be an explosive January, Spring and year.
Mysterious snipers have been deadly present in many "peaceful revolutions":
Land Destroyer: Color Revolution's Mystery Gunmen
Unknown Snipers and Western backed “Regime Change”
More 'Mysterious Snipers' Responsible For Latest Ukraine Escalation?
"Yeltsin's 'Red October II'"- TiM GW Bulletin 98/3-10
Posted by: ProPeace | Jan 15 2017 18:20 utc | 9
I think there is a factional civil war going on in the deep state.
Clinton who would have kept the party going was supported by the CIA, with many of their guys endorsing her.
Trump seems to be the candidate of a less reckless faction. Remember, he was endorsed by a few hundred senior officers. It seems the army is tired of cleaning up the CIA messes.
Recall the CIA and Army were fighting each other by proxy in Syria.
Remember, Trump has Flynn on his side. And the army. And the FBI, and every patriot in the IC.
In 5 days he will hold the reins of power.
Trump wins.
Posted by: Anon | Jan 15 2017 18:24 utc | 10
Anon 1
"I consider it as the chief source of stability to our political system, whereas the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it."
Robert E Lee to Lord Acton, 1866
Posted by: Curtis | Jan 15 2017 18:26 utc | 11
Ukraine: Israeli Special Forces Unit under Neo-Nazi Command Involved in Maidan Riots?
Camouflaged Israeli soldiers on Maidan Square
According to the Israeli website alyaexpress-news.com, a unit of 35 armed and masked men and women on Maidan square is commanded by four former Israeli Army officers, who wear a kippah under their helmets.The site claims that these former officers, who live today in Ukraine, joined the movement since the beginning of the events alongside the Freedom Party (Svoboda), although the latter has a reputation for being virulently anti-Semitic.
With the help of the Israeli Embassy, this intervention force reportedly also handled the transfer of 17 seriously injured persons to Israel for treatment.
The presence of Israeli units had been reported in a similar scenario in Georgia, both in during the "Rose Revolution" (2003) that in the war against South Ossetia (2008).
Posted by: ProPeace | Jan 15 2017 18:29 utc | 12
gosh b, the spectre of dread you raise is downright cinematographic!
Posted by: john | Jan 15 2017 18:35 utc | 13
CIA chief warns Trump to watch what his words
Where do these people come from? Here we have a intelligence chief that blast Trump but tell to Trump that he cant blast them!
Have deep-state/CIA ever meddled in their own nation like this before? These people are nuts.
Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 15 2017 18:40 utc | 14
I think b describes well why a color revolution is plausible. But some traditional 'color revolution' tactics, like the use of snipers, may not be necessary because:
(1) Pence appears to be much more friendly to the Clinton/CIA establishment; andAnti-Trump organizations have stated their intention to disrupt the inauguration. The likelihood of street violence seems high. This "resistance" and Russian tensions will weigh on the minds of Congressman and frighten the public.(2) there are other means of removing Trump: impeachment or 25th Amendment
The de-legimization campaign seems likely to culminate with Trump's impeachment for violations of the Logan act (see below) and/or VP Pence invoking the 25th Amendment. As President, Pence would choose a VP. One possible choice is Hillary - winner of the popular vote - thereby creating a 'unity' government. Democrats have already labeled such unity as = PURPLE =. Republican Party RED combined with Democratic Party BLUE.
This trajectory helps to explain the consternation with FBI Dir. Comey. Democrats believe that Comey helped Trump in the last days of the campaign. The FBI is said to be investigating the Clintons. And Comey refused to discuss with Congress (in closed hearing) details of any possible investigation into Russian interference into US elections. Comey is now himself under investigation by DOJ's Inspector General (an Obama appointee).
<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Team Trump: Flynn called Russia ambassador, no sanction talk 'plain and simple'
It's not unusual for incoming administrations to have discussions with foreign governments before taking office. But repeated contacts just as Obama imposed sanctions raised questions about whether Trump's team discussed -- or even helped shape -- Russia's response.Reuters reports that Flynn and Kislyak talked several times on Dec. 29.
Putin unexpectedly did not retaliate against the U.S. for the move, a decision Trump quickly praised.
More broadly, Flynn's contact with the Russian ambassador suggests the incoming administration has already begun to lay the groundwork for its promised closer relationship with Moscow.
That effort appears to be moving ahead, even as many in Washington, including Republicans, have expressed outrage over intelligence officials' assessment that Putin launched a hacking operation aimed at meddling in the 2016 presidential election to benefit Trump.
. . .
Trump has been willing to insert himself into major foreign policy issues during the transition, at times contradicting the current administration and diplomatic protocol.
He accepted a call from Taiwan's president, ignoring the longstanding "One China" policy that does not recognize the island's sovereignty. Asked about that Friday by the Journal, he responded, "Everything is under negotiation."
He also publicly urged the U.S. to veto a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements, then slammed the Obama administration for abstaining and allowing the measure to pass.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 15 2017 18:46 utc | 15
@2, Test
It works everywhere the same way; that is, the method is not re-invented, just repeated. People only need a period of convincing that the enemy of the day is out there to get them. Here is a short note on landscapes of fear: http://www.zokpavlovic.com/conflict/the-landscape-of-fear-paranoia-and-galvanization-of-masses/
Posted by: 47 | Jan 15 2017 18:58 utc | 16
We are in a time as dangerous as the early 1960's.
Then they wanted war in Vietnam and got rid of JFK to get it.
Now they want a bigger war with Russia as the target.
Anything can happen in the next few weeks.
Posted by: AriusArmenian | Jan 15 2017 19:11 utc | 17
Its interesting too that the debate should be about why Democrats lost why Hillary didnt generate enough votes, no, instead they start a hysteria about Trump and Russia.
Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 15 2017 19:27 utc | 18
Well, if a color revolution does transpire to dethrone Trump, one thing is FOR certain: Circe and Chipnik will say, "see, I told you that Trump was at the center of the plot to give the government fully to our fascist-ponzi-overlords," without even a twinge of irony.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jan 15 2017 19:31 utc | 19
Nailed it and now they come out from behind behind the curtain to do the work under the propaganda arm the so-called liberal press own by the elite who really don't like change except when they win.
#2, Amerika hasn't been a D in a long time if ever.
Thanks b
Posted by: jo6pac | Jan 15 2017 19:49 utc | 20
Polling tends to reflect a wag-the-dog effect, i.e. the media runs a saturation campaign based on a particular premise, then polls are taken which generally support the premise. What is mildly surprising is that the alleged Russian threat perception has only increased six percentage points after all the crazy headlines of the past few weeks.
The American public may be too polarized for a successful colour revolution. The Russia/Trump freak-out is localized in the Beltway establishment, Democratic Party, and the mainstream media - which, when united, represents a formidable force in concentrating and saturating a message across consensus reality, but the degree to which the message has actually been internalized by the public-at-large may be far less than it may appear. But the stakes are obviously very very high for the deep state faction which desires the confrontation with Russia, and therefore a dramatic false flag event is unfortunately extremely possible if it is determined that the impeachment gambit might not work. (the impeachment concept might not work, at least not immediately, because, like the electoral college, it would be too obviously a reversal of the election and a large portion of the public would reject it)
Posted by: jayc | Jan 15 2017 19:51 utc | 21
Thanks b. One typo (it’s Wayne Madsen)
The Timeline is spot on. Right after the election, Soros held a meet-up in Washington…said to be a planning session and to re-assess. Short weeks thereafter both Hill and Bill appeared sporting purple dress-up. Notice also in the ensuing weeks other Hill/Bill supporters sporting purple ties.
Soros’ underwriting revolutions is coming home to USA. He should be brought before the ICJ.
Conspiracy theory becomes a fact.
January 20 may ignite the spark. Bikers for Trump assembled; J20 gang; 5000 national guards and security people providing 360 barricade. What could go wrong?
Some 4 years ago I read at the GEAB.eu LEAP’s website, that they anticipated the USA would become ungovernable in year 2016.. Cue it up.
(GEAB, France, a French Think-Tank most articles by subscription)
~ ~ ~ ~
Death Threats:
To a blind person?
1. "Death Threats Force Opera Star Bocelli To Pull Out Of Inauguration Performance"
"Andrea is very sad to be missing the chance to sing at such a huge global event but he has been advised it is simply not worth the risk..." according to a source close to blind opera singer Bocelli who had been determined to 'press ahead' and sing at Donald Trump's inauguration.
2. Will The CIA Assassinate Trump? Ron Paul Warns Of "More Powerful, Shadow Government"
~ ~ ~ ~
RT had this piece from Clapper, not covered by lame-stream US media.
Published time: 14 Jan, 2017 20:32
Edited time: 15 Jan, 2017 16:31
" Intelligence insiders call Russian dossier ‘complete fraud’ – Trump
On Thursday, US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released a rare statement, saying that he met with Trump to express his “profound dismay” over the dossier.
“This document is not a US intelligence community (IC) product and… I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC,” Clapper said.
~ ~ ~ ~
You would think Clapper's statement would be covered by MSM, No?:
Posted by: likklemore | Jan 15 2017 19:53 utc | 22
'Mass shootings' is a bit of a specious reach. Americans are psychologically and emotionally 'bleached'. The 'mass shootings' are largely juveniles on Aderal and Prozac, mentally bleached by the State. The vast majority of 'mass' shootings are collectively in the gun states, as here: https://cdn2.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/50060317/police_shootings.0.0.png, and that's just the State shootings of citizens.
You won't see the victorius Trumpeteers shooting into crowds, you'll see massive civil and union actions against each new Jesuit-Jew SCOTUS decision, but the Trump State will remain so opaque, and the poodled Fourth Estate so pandered and Java-Script clik-bait revenue-driven, only blogs like MoA will post the truth...if they can absent themselves fron the Two-Party Conspiracy-State Koolaid drinking.
There is only the One Party of Mil.Gov.Fed, which survives and undermines every Administration, and metastasizes on every new law and every specious blog-post about post-inauguration 'mass-shootings'.
SOW, my PC is now in the shop, after visiting a Breitbart Jerusalem article, and watching a proxy-script malware drop down, that froze out internet access, even after I bleached my cookies and did a Foxfire uninstall and re-install. We are far more likely to 'go dark' under Trump and his Breitbart Zook propaganda machine, than see any Red-on-Blue.
Posted by: chipnik | Jan 15 2017 19:56 utc | 23
Just a couple of loose (meaning bordering on idiotic) thoughts:
1. Mina says we need to drop this whole Trump thing. And she's right. Just b/c the world is going to end on Friday doesn't mean we should be preoccupied. Besides SNL has it covered, as usual.
2. The "MI6 Report?" A bit of a misnomer isn't it? I haven't seen any allegations that MI6 itself was involved, making the term "MI6 Report" itself inferential propaganda fluff. Better name: "Steele Report"
The 2004 "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine and the 2000 overthrow of Milosevic didn't rely on the use of violence.
The slick youth oriented campaigns from Otpor! and the Ukrainian follow up, along with heavy support from outside actors such as the US, were enough.
I doubt there is a need for violence to get rid of Trump if this was the strategy they intended to use. Catchy slogans amd symbols along with the support of the media could be enough to instigate some kind of proceedings leading to his removal from office.
Posted by: Bob | Jan 15 2017 20:02 utc | 25
No need for a color revolution, the coup have already been made right in front of us, = Trump's image have been smeared and his policy on Russia wont work.
Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 15 2017 20:03 utc | 26
That is one good b.'s assumption and it is not far fetched at all.
Some sort of an American Spring is looming, if things fall in place next week.
Would it be a sort of Maidan's effect, unrest etc. remains to be seen, but I doubt it.
What is lacking there is a critical mass. And that is people.
Their psyche is right now not for Trump and against Clinton. It is a bit of schizophrenic situation atm. and ideals worth fighting and dying for are not too high. Or their conviction.
What and how this is envisaged by IC might be as well a long and a painful processes of "legal" threading through various investigative hearings, commissions and panels followed by legislative votings on different issues that might come up, as impeachments, scandals and all the arsenal of "soft" torture where expected result is that Americans are kept enchanted, asleep and hypnotised, thus neutralised.
Like the rest of us are supposed to be.
Quickest way to jump into prevention of Trump's presidency would be to quickly build up a false flag set of events and start a big conflict with Russia or with one of their interest zones. That would set the spotlight away from Washington while fractions IC would have enough time to clear its ranks and prepare the actual coup.
What they do not understand is that nobody ever goes to war with Russia. Ever.
So, maybe better outcome for everybody would be wishful thinking scenario of a Designated Survivor Kiefer Sutherland's TV-series.
Posted by: laserlurk | Jan 15 2017 20:05 utc | 27
The fun thing about revolutions is that once they start it is hard to figure out where they are going to end up.
Alas, the BEST we can hope for is a new set of oligarchs. Democracy will never happen ... it is a cover for what is now referred to as the deep state.
In my (admittedly jaundiced) view ... a nuclear holocaust seems infinitely better than the status quo, or what might emerge from the looming conflict.
With a nuclear Armageddon, maybe life can restart and NOT create something as vile as people: you, me and all the rest!
Posted by: rg the lg | Jan 15 2017 20:07 utc | 28
There is actually much more abundant evidence of British interference in the US election, than there is for Russian interference. The MI6 smear memo is a glaring example, but on top of that is the state-owned BBC constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda, the petition against allowing Trump to visit Britain, Foreign Minister Boris Johnson called Trump “clearly out of his mind”, accused him of “quite stupefying ignorance” that makes him “unfit for office” and said he would not visit New York because of the “real risk of meeting Donald Trump”. Where is the outrage, where is the congressional committee investigating this blatant foreign interference in our democratic process? By our ex-colonial masters to boot. Are they still nursing grudges from the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812?
Posted by: Jan Sammer | Jan 15 2017 20:11 utc | 29
@Myself 26
For a start you could have a supposedly 200,000 strong women's march all wearing "pussy hats".
"The Pussy Revolution"
Posted by: Bob | Jan 15 2017 20:13 utc | 30
Purple is a reminder of the One Party of Mil.Gov.Fed, the Purple State Apparatchik that holds the reins of power, a 99.4% unappointed, unelected, civil and military unionized Purple Gog-Magog that just raised USArya's debt limit by $10 TRILLION, and uses Red-Blue Tinfoil the way the Jesuits and Jews always have since they first rose to power in 1917. That 100 Centeniary is Trump, the Orange Jesuit with the Jesuit-Jew SCOTUS at his Right Hand, Global Business Mafias at his Left Hand, and poodled Congress at his feet.
We are all Purple Zeks now.
Posted by: chipnik | Jan 15 2017 20:15 utc | 31
Well, thing is, in the US, the bulk of people with guns, knowing how to use them, and ready to use them, is on Trump's side, when it was more split on Ukraine, Syria or Libya. So this leaves the US Army to do most of the fighting on Clinton's (or the Borg's) behalf. Not sure the troopers would do it gladly. I mean, the Civil War traumatized the US way more than even WWII.
At this point, one has to wonder if for such a coup to succeed, a cause uniting the people wouldn't be required, like, say, a significant foreign war that would need the support of US people coming together, which would both unite it to the point of reducing the will of NRA people to resist the takeover, and which would focus the attention somewhere else. Having some hot war on Russian border could maybe do the trick.
Though in such a case, the Borg better make it work inside the US, because the military would be quite busy in Europe, so if Trump supporters still took arms to protest the coup, it just couldn't deal with all threats.
Very speculative, of course. I still think they don't plan that well and will do a half-assed job that will backfire, and will try to undermine Trump in the long run rather than trying to take him down right now.
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Jan 15 2017 20:16 utc | 32
@ Denis | 25
2. The "MI6 Report?" A bit of a misnomer isn't it? I haven't seen any allegations that MI6 itself was involved, making the term "MI6 Report" itself inferential propaganda fluff. Better name: "Steele Report"
Steele requested permission of high ranking officials to go through with this report and he got the green light. Also he has very influential friends in MI6 and was involved in MAJOR propaganda campaigns before, like Litvinenko's.
Therefore it wasnt a "solo" campaign, and UK will have to do serious mea culpas to fix the relationship with Trump.
Posted by: Harry | Jan 15 2017 20:18 utc | 33
This is really funny stuff. A government that festooned with Goldman-Sachs bankers has to worry about being toppled in a coup?
Posted by: Louis Proyect | Jan 15 2017 20:21 utc | 34
Trump can fire Brennan just as JFK fired Allan Dulles. How'd that work out?
Posted by: fast freddy | Jan 15 2017 20:23 utc | 35
"So what happens after some 'Trump supporter' on January 20 starts to shoot into the demonstrating masses (and also into the police cordons)?"
Trump has already made his own funeral arrangements: Pence is the gravedigger, not the media or color conspiracies. A massacre of protesters against Trump would just make Trumpists horny. If Trump really pisses of enough of his peers in the owner class, their minions will impeach him. Hell, picking Pence was like Trump handing in an undated resignation letter, just to set their minds at ease.
"What if the CIA, DHS and DNI then detect and certify that the ensuing 'massacre' was a 'Russian plot'?"
If the police massacre protesters, then no conservative will believe it was a Russian plot. If a nobody massacres protesters, and the CIA etc. say it was a Russian plot, then Trump will get shirty with Putin. But then the whole point of this campaign is to force his hand on Russia policy, not this BS about a color revolution. If the CIA accuse the dead protesters of being part of a Russian plot, then and only then is when you'll know they're getting serious (about either an immediate war with Russia or forcing Trump to step down.)
Gross misstatements in the OP? 1) Clinton was not the main driver of foreign policy for the conclusive reason no Secretary of State has been the main driver in foreign policy since John Foster Dulles. And that was only because Eisenhower was a general who treated his cabinet like a military staff. 2) Trump did not win the vote at all, he won the Electoral College, which isn't "fair and square," as everybody knew since the controversies over the actual Electoral College votes during the lifetimes of the Founding Fathers themselves. The Electoral College is unfair and slanted, on purpose, and everybody who cares to know, knows it. There is a point when there's being stupid, and there's being a liar. Neither is a good place to be.
When Trump tries to take Putin to the cleaners, which is what he means when talks about making a deal with Russia, either Putin crawls (my guess, but I'm not a mind reader, but Putin's got no principles, no plan and very little power,) or he signs on to the cold (or surface of the sun hot) war with China. At this point, these people are just bad cop to Trump's good cop. His tinpot Orthodox God had better help Putin if he thinks these anybody in this government is anything but an enemy.
Posted by: s | Jan 15 2017 20:26 utc | 36
Louis 'the clown' Proyect passes gas @35.
Very funny indeed.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 15 2017 20:28 utc | 37
PS 1) Forgot to mention the belief that an official from the previous administration isn't allowed to criticize Trump really betrays something uncomfortably close to servility. Trump's a twitter-pated nitwit. He knew Godwin's Law means you lose if you mention Nazis. Turning Brennan's perfectly normal use of Trump's internet gaffe into a threat on Trump's life and/or the nation itself? Why not rant about the threat to motherhood and apple pie, too?
2) Curtis@11 tells us Trumpery looks up to Robert E. Lee, a traitor and a slaver (literally, seizing blacks on the Gettysburg campaign as slaves,) and a wretched buffoon like Acton. So much the worse for Trumpists!
Posted by: s | Jan 15 2017 20:40 utc | 38
So what happens after some "Trump supporter" on January 20 starts to shoot into the demonstrating masses (and also into the police cordons)?
What if the CIA, DHS and DNI then detect and certify that the ensuing "massacre" was a "Russian plot"?
Trump came into this election with his eyes wide open.
During the campaign he once said "I know things most people don't know."
If one of the things Trump knows is that CIA color revolutions are started by enhancing Gene Sharp's Non-violent Protest playbook with guns, then he'll have that possibility covered most likely by the 200 military officers whom he claims have offered their support for a Trump Presidency.
I find it bizarre that the name Chuck Hagel (the man who never lies) hasn't been mentioned at all since campaigning began.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 15 2017 20:53 utc | 39
Behind these toxic allegations are deadly alligators.
They just don't like having their swamp drained
Posted by: DavidKNZ | Jan 15 2017 21:03 utc | 40
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 15, 2017 3:53:40 PM | 40
Apologies for CIA typo. It should read State Department color revolutions. State Dept runs US Ambassadors and, thereby, color revolutions.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 15 2017 21:04 utc | 41
The only mass movement is the one that elected Donald Trump stop the depredation of mid-America. The intelligence community coup attempt is strictly inside the Beltway. The death knell of the Democratic Party is their support of a war with Russia to hide their incompetence and corruption. We are watching one gang of oligarchs fight another for control of the pirate plunder; globalists verses nationalists. Government by and for the people was flushed down the toilet in 2000. The USA is not a sovereign state, it is an Empire in decline. If Mike Pence takes the reins, the purple Clinton/Obama/Bush corporate globalists won.
Posted by: VietnamVet | Jan 15 2017 21:13 utc | 42
Russian Foreign Ministry: "Obama Still Has A Few Days Left To Destroy The World"
Posted by: Perimetr | Jan 15 2017 21:43 utc | 43
The main difference between Hitler and today's America is Hitler built a police state at home to take war abroad while the US took war abroad to build a police state at home. The results will be the same; a fearful, murderous Nazism of "enemies" abroad and "undesirables" and at home.
Posted by: Michael McNulty | Jan 15 2017 21:48 utc | 44
Trump can fire Brennan just as JFK fired Allan Dulles. How'd that work out?
Posted by: fast freddy | Jan 15, 2017 3:23:11 PM | 36
Ever heard of Mike Pompeo?
Posted by: From The Hague | Jan 15 2017 22:00 utc | 45
@ s 37
1) Clinton was not the main driver of foreign policy for the conclusive reason no Secretary of State has been the main driver in foreign policy since John Foster Dulles. And that was only because Eisenhower was a general who treated his cabinet like a military staff. 2) Trump did not win the vote at all, he won the Electoral College, which isn't "fair and square," as everybody knew since the controversies over the actual Electoral College votes during the lifetimes of the Founding Fathers themselves. The Electoral College is unfair and slanted, on purpose, and everybody who cares to know, knows it. There is a point when there's being stupid, and there's being a liar. Neither is a good place to be.
1. Reminder since you may have missed the leaked emails and important events during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as SoS: the force behind the push in Lybia
(a) Lybia - Get the gold
(b) “we came, we saw, he died.” Cackles.
(c) Ditto the lies surrounding Stevens – the arms smuggling to AQ in Syria
2. Suggest some read up on the Constitution and structure of the Republic of The United States of America. The Electoral College is designed to balance small states vs large states; the same rationale for the Senate.
3. On Election day, November 8, the voters selected the Electors to the Electoral College who then vote for the President and VP. Smart presidential candidates craft their campaign with the Electoral College’s target, 270 votes. MSM polls showing Clinton having a 95% chance of winning, (Newsweek Madame President) so she disappeared during the last three weeks in October.
4. Newsflash: Clinton’s so-called national popular vote win by “millions” is a fraud. Millions of illegals voted in California, placing the so-called popular vote in her column. Never mind California. How about Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan’s recount that was aborted? One example; a sealed ballot box had Clinton with 306 votes and when opened, the count was only 50. Other ballot boxes had similar anomalies.
5. Trump won by a landslide; where it counts ---in the Counties --- 302 votes in the Electoral College for the final count.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Electoral College is unfair! Then so is the make-up of the Senate: regardless of population the 50 states x 2 senators each = 100. Get over it.
Trump may be a skillful deal-maker but he won’t be taking Putin to the Cleaners. Ask Rex Tillerson.
Posted by: likklemore | Jan 15 2017 22:14 utc | 46
". . . the degree to which the message has actually been internalized by the public-at-large may be far less than it may appear. . ."
This sensible comment goes to the 'polls' taken - haven't we recently seen the worth of polls? These are the same polls that gave us Hillary as a sure bet.
You have to have a trusting public somewhat unaware of the forces in play to work a color revolution, and even the one in Ukraine has not worked. People will know, enough people will know, what is happening. If it's tried there will most assuredly be support for anything Trump and his followers may do in response. There's no slam dunk here, CIA. We don't love you; we don't even trust you. Try something at your own peril.
If Americans want anything at this point, they do want an orderly change of government. They may not have high hopes for the incoming crowd but they don't want chaos. They do not want to be the next Syria. And even if they don't know precisely who's doing what in the days before the inauguration, they'll be suspicious of anyone who tries to start something.
When 9/11 events were underway, remember the passengers on the plane in Pennsylvania? There'll be good citizens ready to put out any fire even at the cost of their own lives; I'm betting on them.
Posted by: juliania | Jan 15 2017 22:24 utc | 47
Hmmm.... The intrigue is fascinating!! BUT! We must recall the primary goal/motivation for the Deep State's Outlaw US Empire since 1990 has been to acquire Full Spectrum Domination of the planet and its people, to which it's had fairly solid success--except with Russia, China and their few allies, the numbers of which are growing slowly. It's said by Putin and Xi that there's no ideological battle akin to the Cold War, but I don't think that's true: Both Putin, Xi, and their nation's economic plans for Eurasian integration are based on Win/Win aims for all involved, whereas the stated ideological goal of the Outlaw US Empire is stated above--enslaving the Hydra (Hydra being the global masses). The current "strategy" was to attack both Russia and China simultaneously, with an emphasis on Russia; Trump and his crew, however, are proposing a different approach based on the tried and true Divide and Conquer concept that's worked so well to now, but is no longer effective thanks to Neoliberalcon behavior allowing an understanding--and thus countermoves--to be gained of their modus. Clearly, Neoliberalcons are miffed that the ball is being taken from them regarding Imperial policy--note there's very little (elite) bickering about what the Republican controlled congress is doing to domestic policy, where most Mass Resistance to Trump/Congress is occurring. From a domestic POV, it seems like Trump's most likely to alienate those who thought he'd improve their standing because of his unwillingness to confront the Republican Congress's destruction of critical social and ecological programs.
Trump's election outcome seems to mimic what was predicted to occur if a Third Party won and had to confront an antithetical congress having its own plans/policies to implement, adding the assumption that the Deep State would oppose such a Party as a matter-of-course, doing everything it could to delegitimize the incoming administration. If a Color Revolution's planned, then I'd expect to see a big rise in Tea Party activity, as most Soros-sponsored US-ngos are already at odds with Congress, not Trump's as yet unknown Imperial policy direction.
Posted by: karlof1 | Jan 15 2017 22:34 utc | 48
We are seeing some deep divisions not just within the State but in the public. We are now seeing the healthy growth of "alternative" Narratives which are far more compelling and based more on objective truth than the mainstream Narratives which means, over the long haul, they should win out unless those Narratives are rigorously suppressed. The only chance the authorities have to suppress these competing points of view and a lurch towards reality is to create an external enemy. Now we see the Democrats and "moderate" Republicans joining forces with the National Security State and the mainstream media to create the utterly fictional Russian "threat" in the same way they've created all the phony threats of the past. Will it work? I don't know--what I do know is that the majority of the population "wants" to believe in scapegoats and an enemy because it radically simplifies life and allows people to join together in virtual "two minutes of hate." This kind of thing usually works when you have "progressvies" and "leftists" joining in along with the usual warmongers in howling for blood. What I call the "Stasi left" is now showing itself for the CIA minions (people don't really know how "liberal" most of the CIA actually is) they are and perhaps have been or at least wannabe.
I had for some time wanted to dissociate myself from the left but am now ready to do so not because I'm no longer on the left but because "the left" seem no longer to be on the left. I know it's time to move away from those divisions which are mainly just part of the mind-control regime we've been under since 1917. We have to choose. Continue to research what is the truth as best we can or join in the tribal wars that may well end in mutual destruction and certainly a possible civil war.
I know Trump is attempting to placate those who might murder him--we'll see how it works. From where I sit it seems unlikely that Trump will put a dent in the ongoing Imperial project and the criminals it harbors.
"Electoral College is unfair and slanted, on purpose, and everybody who cares to know, knows it."
Electoral College = United States
Popular Vote = United State
12th Amendment so simple a preteen can grasp its main thrust.
Posted by: ALberto | Jan 15 2017 22:58 utc | 50
You forgot to include the green revolution in Iran instigated by CIA and Mossad operatives with the help of Jundallah and MEK. Since it could be attempted again during Trump’s Presidency; let’s not sweep it under the rug and out of the pages of infamous recent history. Although, I believe Trump and his cabal will take more hostile and aggressive measures against Iran than instigating a color revolution.
That being said; permit me to change the title to: Planting the Bad Seed. I’m not sure if you did this intentionally or not, but the pen is a mighty sword that you use skilfully therefore I should assume it was deliberate.
I don’t think I’ve yet read such artful, crafty and not to overuse, Machiavellian false equivalency as I just did now with this piece first introducing it with an outline of nefarious machinations against Trump, followed by a synopsis of fake revolutions to get to the grain. So in other words you’re saying that the CIA or present state enemies of Trump would use the unsuspecting, and I’m not being facetious-innocent- leftist masses for their end. This is not to say that Neolibs are not lurking in there to sabotage this Presidency exploiting legitimate and justified dissent and dissenters as tools to use against Trump.
Moreover, the only one doing the sabotaging here; no, I won’t go that far. Maybe you’ll re-evaluate how this piece comes off, so let me give you the benefit of doubt while I still condemn it and its author who has yet to reconsider and join the good fight instead. If there are nefarious machinations in the works to sabotage Trump, then you are similarly busy working the Trump side with equally nefarious propaganda by raising a conspiracy spectre intended as an influence manoeuvre to crush all LEGITIMATE DISSENT against Trump that includes, more importantly, dissent against the cabal that brought him to power, by smearing such dissenters with the same brush you’re using against those who would use them. Therefore in my opinion you are just as exploitive as Trump, his enemies and the deep state cabal that surrounds him and that he fully, absolutely represents.
So let’s say Chipnik is right, that at some point in time, which may not be during the inauguration, the Trump fascist squad aggressively lean on protesters or as Chip writes, start shooting into the crowd. Your angle is to first plant the seed, that it won’t necessarily be the Trump squad that is or would be responsible for such a heinous act, but other forces meant to make Trump look like the fascist; never mind, that this is who he REALly is.
So you’re trying to delegitimize the revolution before it even starts. This is pretty devious; if not ugly; I’m being kind. As a matter of fact, it feels kind of sinister to suppress with twisted assumption, before it even gets started, the inevitable uprising you know Trump will ignite with his repressive regime. Is this not resorting to goebbel hasbara for an end you imagine is justified; a highly questionable, even wicked means to what YOU imagine will be a beneficial end like perhaps détente with Russia? What an intangible, sorry excuse that would be to extinguish real and enduring change BY THE PEOPLE that might end up benefitting your cause as well.
What the hell are you trying to pull with this piece? Are you trying to crush growing and overwhelming legitimate dissent by planting a conspiracy theory that whatever revolution Trump accelerates with his wrongful actions will be illegitimate and fraudulent because it isn’t inspired by justified dissent against him or better yet against the system that spawned Trump, but instigated by nefarious forces conspiring to overthrow him?
Let me tell you something; the Revolution has been a long time simmering BEFORE Trump appeared on the political scene. If Trump is the accelerant that will finally make it explode then that’s too bad for your own ‘justified’ goal and Trump for continuing the deep state subornation and subversion of democracy! Your goal (if honourable) should regrettably be the necessary, hopefully, temporary casualty of the rebellion against Trump's dangerous deception to quote an Engdahl phrase that best describes him.
Trump is an asterisk in the reasons for the Revolution that should have happened after 9/11; and that you would try to delegitimize it this way planting a seed that might spread like poison to kill it, is reprehensible. The Revolution, my friend, won’t and shouldn’t be strictly limited to Trump. The Revolution will be about the entire two-faced monopoly and the evil forces sustained by this monopoly that brought Trump to power and repeatedly suborn leadership and subvert the people’s power. People deserve to have this long-awaited Revolution, and if you, with your grain of conspiracy, propagate a theory that delegitimizes this Revolution making it only about a coup against Trump, then you are no better than the cabal you pretend to expose.
Propaganda works. Then stop using it to kill the Revolution.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 15 2017 22:59 utc | 51
@24 chipnik
'Mass shootings' is a bit of a specious reach.
True, but sarcastically, symbolically or not, you, yourself, did reference there would be 'shootings on crowds after Trump assumes office' in several previous posts.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 15 2017 23:20 utc | 52
Trump can fire Brennan just as JFK fired Allan Dulles. How'd that work out?
Posted by: fast freddy | Jan 15, 2017 3:23:11 PM | 36
Ever heard of Mike Pompeo?
Posted by: From The Hague | Jan 15, 2017 5:00:25 PM | 46
Yeah. Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 15 2017 23:25 utc | 53
Circe, because there can only be one revolution at a time, Soros is Calvinistically the most righteous and therefore has priority? Get over this liberal conceit of righteous pitched battle. In the meantime, talk to my filter.
Posted by: Jonathan | Jan 15 2017 23:25 utc | 54
Trump should order further investigation on Hillary and send her to jail where she belongs.
No one plays with Donald Trump without bearing consequences
Posted by: virgile | Jan 15 2017 23:29 utc | 55
Looks like there is going to be a big turnout . I think that these people had mentioned that they would put themselves in between any protesters of Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1qlkIXja6U
Posted by: terry | Jan 15 2017 23:49 utc | 56
ZH reports:
"... CIA Director Brennan Warns Trump To "Watch What He Says"
"There is no basis for Mr Trump to point fingers at the intelligence community for 'leaking' information... "
So the head of the Ministry for Dis-Information complains that there is 'no basis' (aka 'no facts') for this allegation. When did lack of evidence ever bother the CIA?
And Brennan does not like comparison by his new boss (who's not like the old boss):
"What I do find outrageous is equating intelligence community with Nazi Germany," Brennan said. "I do take great umbrage at that."
This is the gangster-in-chief running the Afghan opium trade and any number of odious regime change programs that have killed and mained tens of millions now demanding 'evidence' when the finger is pointed his way.
"Hypocrite" is the word for this type of odious person. And Trump had better watch his back. These types are worse than nazi Germans.
Posted by: x | Jan 15 2017 23:51 utc | 57
If you watch Podesta speech on the n7ght of the election wgen he called the few remaining ppl in the room to go to sleep and wait for more in the morning it seems pretty clear they were already planning. Let s hope for some significant leaks.
Posted by: Mina | Jan 16 2017 0:08 utc | 59
Trump made some interesting comments in an interview with the Times today. They seem to be aimed at disaffected Europeans and there are lots of those these days.
"Merkel made a catastrophic mistake (letting a million refugees in)"
"Countries want their own identity and the UK wanted its own identity,"
Posted by: dh | Jan 16 2017 0:14 utc | 60
@10 unnamed, 'In 5 days he will hold the reins of power'
that's my expectation. despite the cinamatography @14 john
@15 yet another unnamed, 'These people are nuts'
i certainly hope you're right! that brennan and the rest are immediately shown the door and the deconstruction of the vile, 'unamerican' cia begins on saturday, in the pale afternoon.
@19 ya unnamed, '... Hillary didnt generate enough votes ...'
hillary won the popular vote ... if the elctronic tally system is to be believed. not
@22 jayc, 'The Russia/Trump freak-out is localized in the Beltway establishment, Democratic Party, and the mainstream media ...'
that's my feeling too. i think this is a media tempest in a media teapot. the good news is they are alienating ordinary americans, just as their choice of hillary for empress did. i hope the tnc msm go down along with republicrat/demoblican party ... and the vile cia.
@23 likklemore, 'You would think Clapper's statement would be covered by MSM, No?'
no. it's a perfunctory cover-the-ass-of-the-nsa/cia-combine statement. clapper put the more than 'dodgy dossier' in the obama/trump briefing in order for it to be leaked. now he's decrying others' - fully intended - use of his more than dodgy inclusion. the tnc msm know what he's done and what he's doing and are acting accordingly. his statement is a footnote for the history books.
@35 lp, 'This is really funny stuff. A government that festooned with Goldman-Sachs bankers has to worry about being toppled in a coup?'
even a blind pig can smell the acorns ... or g-sax truffles?
@36 ff, 'Trump can fire Brennan just as JFK fired Allan Dulles'
and he'd better. and he'd better finish the job: kill the cia. or the cia will certainly kill him. one way or another.
@37, @39 s
with the exception of your assessment of russia and china and their leadership - and your nasty, supercilious tone - i agree, think most of what you say is about right. why should anyone care what i think?
@42 hw, 'State Department color revolutions. State Dept runs US Ambassadors and, thereby, color revolutions'
yeah, but now State is a condominium of the cia/pentagon. mostly the cia.
@45 mm, 'the difference between Hitler and today's America is Hitler built a police state at home to take war abroad while the US took war abroad to build a police state at home'
well put.
@47 likkelmore, 'The Electoral College is designed to balance small states vs large states; the same rationale for the Senate.'
The Electoral College was designed to balance slave states vs non-slave states; the same rationale for the Senate.
'so is [was] the make-up of the Senate'
@48 juliana, 'If Americans want anything at this point, they do want an orderly change of government'
i think that's the word.
Posted by: jfl | Jan 16 2017 0:21 utc | 61
juliania @48:
haven't we recently seen the worth of polls?The're sinister when used to cement the reality that the propaganda is meant to create. In which case, most Americans believe .... could well be reworded as: most of your fellow citizens have accepted our disinformation - you should too!
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karlof1 @49:
Divide and ConquerNo doubt Russia and China are aware of this possible strategy. It leads to the question of whether it is better for our globally-linked human society that Russia integrate with the West or join with China as counterweight.
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Banger @50:
... deep divisions not just within the State but in the public.Sadly, public divisions don't seem to mean much except when exploited by a powerful elite faction. Thus public divisions become a resource for elite maneuvering.
Kudos: You were early in anticipating a leader like Trump who would exploit the discontent.
Narratives which are far more compelling and based more on objective truth ...I think narratives that spin truth around accepted myths are most compelling (and what we see all-too-often).
"moderate" RepublicansI wouldn't call McCain, Graham, Rubio, and Company "moderates". William Banzai depicts them as American Jihadis!
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Circe @52
WTF! b has previously spoken of the desireability of a real resistance to Trump, saying:
Trump should and must be fought but that fight should be about important economic and social issues for which people care and of which there are plenty.... Every attempt to accuse Trump of this or that "Russia" outrage that has nothing to do with the average voter's life simply fails. These pseudo scandals waged within the "elite" media against him just makes him stronger.Please try to keep up.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 16 2017 0:28 utc | 62
To quote George Carlin, 'They (One Party of Mil.Gov.Fed) don't give a fuck about you!'
Posted by: chipnik | Jan 16 2017 0:37 utc | 63
x @59
"Hypocrite" is the word for this type of odious person.No, the word is "sociopath" - a person with impaired conscience (aka "moral compass").
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 16 2017 0:38 utc | 64
Oh, and while I'll admit my conviction may come off as conceit; you, OTOH, are at the height of arrogant cynicism masking who knows what ideological Z-aberration known for its hubris.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 16 2017 0:55 utc | 65
@ b
Though we must not forget the same tactic used against Chavez in Venezuela, in 'The coup that failed, stillborn ?, or much more recently another unsuccessful rehash against Maduro.
These are merely the newest, latest refined & distilled, incarnation of methods & technique, we have used against foreign governments since the 1800's!(two centuries of refinement). The latest methods are designed to maximize Plausible-Deniablility and maximize supposed credibility of the proxies, and create a foundation for continuing attempts should it not be successful (not - all or nothing), whilst always presenting Faux arguments/justifications in the latest 'methods', re Democracy, Rule of Law, Rights, Oppression, Dis=Enfranchised ... whilst launching a foreign State sponsored, instigated, financed, managed, resourced, Coup!
From 1887 Samoa, 1893 Hawaii thru to 1953 Mossadegh (Iran), 1954 Guatemala, 1958 Lebanon, thru to 1973 Allende (Chile), 1991 Haiti and then thru to today.
All our chickens have come home to roost. :(
@ Posted by: Bob In Portland | Jan 15, 2017 1:08:57 PM | 5
The CIA is not the 'entire' Deep State, nor is the CIA or the Deep State (think all aspects and scale and scope of GLADIO) the actual drivers/deciders. The CIA and other such entities 150 years before the CIA was legally born, are mercenaries acting upon the directions/instructions they receive, in actions such as these. YMMV
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 0:59 utc | 66
dh, not only did he say that Merkel had made a big mistake, Trump also told Bild that the EU was built to give the Germans primacy in Europe and for the EU to give the US a trading rival. He applauded Brexit, saying that everyone wanted to keep their identity and wanted a quick trading deal with the UK. Interesting times we live in.
Posted by: mischi | Jan 16 2017 1:02 utc | 67
The 9/11, WMD, MH17 crew are still out and about so it will be interesting to see what happens in the near future.
I wouldn't like to be part of the cannon fodder brigade the US has moved to Russia's borders. They are starting to look like sacraficial goats for the good cause of geo-politics at this stage.
Posted by: Peter AU | Jan 16 2017 1:04 utc | 68
Color Revolutions are diplomacy by other means? If so, looking back a decade in Iran is just a start.
Perhaps review of centuries is needed.
England 1689 France 1789 1989 USSR...
Posted by: 86'd | Jan 16 2017 1:11 utc | 69
@ Posted by: Denis | Jan 15, 2017 3:02:15 PM | 25
You jest assuredly ... who controls the 'Sole Remaining Superpower', which spends more on its Military, let alone Intelligence/Proxy/NGO entities/forces, than the next largest 13 nations COMBINED, in a domestic US counter-election Coup is, ... not of significance ... everything re our rapacious actions on the people of Terra may be affected by these events, let alone domestically, for good of bad, or not.
2. The "MI6 Report?" A bit of a misnomer isn't it? I haven't seen any allegations that MI6 itself was involved, making the term "MI6 Report" itself inferential propaganda fluff. Better name: "Steele Report"again, given the well documented & corroborated, FACTS, throughout these threads, you jest, yes ?
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 1:12 utc | 70
Russia is still dominated by the Oligarchs- and who are they? Dual nationals of the same Little Horn as the dual nationals that run USA. And Iran. And China and Trump.
Posted by: 86'd | Jan 16 2017 1:19 utc | 71
The only REAL, committed, passionate, mass united group of citizens is the 'Bag-of-Depplorables', most of the assets being burnt up in this Psyop campaign are 'False' or long ago 'Bought & Paid for'.
Will those of the US citizenry who identify with or are misled/deceived by 'Identity Politics' and 'Fake Left' 'R2P', etc narratives be prepared to step up and put it all, 'On the Line'? Somewhat doubt it.
Given what they openly say in comments and the twitts, etc, one doubts they, the 'Deplorables' who won the election for the Trumpster, will stand by passively should this continue to escalate beyond the 20th. No doubt at all.
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 1:21 utc | 72
Geez, I have to break my rule with you; this one time, 'coz you probably didn't read my comment (56) in response to the post you quote 'b' from where I compared him to Lt. Col. Nicholson in Bridge on the River Kwai, (decent guy; but thoroughly misdirecting his genius to assisting the enemy). Here is the excerpt where I address that part of his post you quoted.:
At times reading this; I thought I had entered the twilight zone of Breitbart, and only when I got to this disclaimer, was relieved to see that there is still a glimmer of hope that you will return to the side fighting the good fight.
But the war against Trump is not over. In my view Trump should and must be fought [no kidding!] but that fight should be about important economic and social issues for which people care and of which there are plenty. Trump has his own cabal, libertarian billionaires like the Koch brothers, several generals in his cabinet and arch Zionists like Adelson. But that cabal's henchmen are not yet installed throughout the government. It is important to hinder such infestation.
Yes, I do recognize a glimmer of hope, understated, but promising. You might yet blow up that bridge you’ve magnificently engineered, but I’d like to make these adjustments: the fight will and should not be restricted to economic and social issues. Do you really believe that the intended repression and exploitation will be limited to the U.S. alone???
And allow me to correct this sentence by adding my two cents in square parenthesis:
But that cabal's henchmen are not yet [ALL] installed throughout the government.
Have you looked at his cabinet and entourage lately?
Therefore, it is YOU, jr, that failed to keep up. Don't try to bait me; I'm so bored with your spin.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 16 2017 1:33 utc | 73
@ Posted by: VietnamVet | Jan 15, 2017 4:13:15 PM | 43
Got it in one, VietnamVet.
Interesting also is how the false narratives/dissembling is strong and responsive, in this thread, from particular posters, so quickly and in great quantity ...
The simple question is: If Trump is not perceived as the greatest threat in at least ~71 years to the Military-Industrial-Corporate-Complex, and, more importantly their ultimate owners, the puppet-masters behind the curtain, the 0.01% owners thereof. Hence, why are we seeing these very events unfurl before our very eyes ?
This is no charade or deceptive play to distract, amuse or entertain. That is bullshit.
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 1:33 utc | 74
Add UK and maybe France, Canada and Australia to the list and leave Iran and China out. They haven't been Z-infested yet; except maybe with spies and operatives.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 16 2017 1:43 utc | 75
In every country under so called color revolution the underlying theme was imminent economic collapse that elites not only were unable to prevent but even actively pursuited and used the phony revolution to cover up their own theft and introduction global banking thieves into local economy under exigency of crisis, by selling land and state monopolies.
If b is right preplaned economic crisis in the US is about to happen and a scape goat is about to be sworn in.
That is the position of many independent economists recognizing that FED is covering up already ongoing depression that needs to be blamed on somebody but the establishment.
Posted by: Kalen | Jan 16 2017 1:43 utc | 76
Posted by: Circe | Jan 15, 2017 8:33:00 PM | 75
Lt. Col. Nicholson in Bridge on the River Kwai, (decent guy; but thoroughly misdirecting his genius to assisting the enemy)
An entirely false, fantasy, fiction, perpetrated in a movie FICTION!
Veterans were and still are incensed. Let alone those who survived the industrialized torments/tortures, forced labor, starvation, neglect/disease and Death Marches, as well as their families who struggle with those survivors, to this very day.
And it is used as a reference, for support ?! WTF! Have you ever personally met any of the survivors, and talked with them ?! A few still endure, many were only 17-20 at the time ...
Have you no decency left, to try that one on, none at all ?
Words fail me.
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 1:46 utc | 77
There was the real Revolution in Iran deposing the Shah and then there was an attempt at a fake one orchestrated by CIA and Mossad; the green revolution.
Just want to emphasis that I was referring to the later fake one in my own post @52 above.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 16 2017 1:51 utc | 78
@ Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 15, 2017 7:38:52 PM | 66
Sociopaths & psychopaths, sometimes both, in dedicated service to their Patrons, the ultimate Psychopathic Sociopaths, the soulless, inhuman, rapacious, 'Old Grey Men', of the 0.01%.
The 0.01% who steered and enabled, incrementally, their tools, such as the NSA (created by Presidential Executive Order, Not thru an Act of Legislation), to 'Collect it all/Process it all'.
Which is merely a reflection of the 0.01%s desires ... re Terra and all that is on it and populate it.
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 1:58 utc | 79
Well, I stand corrected! Your vitriol wasn't a lapse, it was vomiting on our host.
You have yet to suggest anything constructive.
Supporting Obama-Hillary's Democratic Party against Trump is a NON-STARTER. The Democratic Party has proven to be thoroughly corrupt, and is more 'Zionist' than you care to admit (because that is adverse to your mission).
I think most independent thinkers have decided that a better starting point for change is Trump's in-your-face MAGA tyranny because the MSM-fueled globalist stab-you-in-the-back tyranny is more dangerous. The sheep are too willing to sleepwalk into the latter.
So we CHEER when Trump puts down MSM because they are a tool that is used against the people, but you GROAN because he's gaining ground.
Its clear that you are not here to be constructive. Your mission is to De-legitimize Trump.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 16 2017 2:19 utc | 80
Glad to see Louis Proyect still comes around like a little mouse, pooping in the corner and scurrying away.
Posted by: guest77 | Jan 16 2017 2:22 utc | 81
And where are the charges from the DoJ from all this illegal voting? Republicans have been screaming out this "problem" for sixteen years and yet can never offer up such evidence. How many cases were brought up during the Bush years? This is one of those far-right fake news stories like the Vince Foster murder or Pizzagate. There's as much evidence of this electoral fraud as there is of Russian hacking of the election.
You get "insiders" speaking about things like same-day no-ID registrations allowing people to vote. They're being very, very deceptive. These people get provisional ballots, which basically are not ever counted in just about every state that has them. Same with absentee ballots. The problem with absentee ballots is that they so easily disqualified over trivialities (i.e., stray pencil marks) and voters are left with this idea that their vote was counted. Why is there an explosion in absentee ballots? Because minority communities, the same communities that have their names purged from voting roles by GOP state governments, not to mention reduce machines for voting day and limit open hours, but absentee ballot voters think that it's better to send in absentee votes than wait in crazy lines on voting day.
Democrats lost because they couldn't muster the vote from the plurality and conservatives ALWAYS come out to vote; they are the only reliable voting group out there. That's why the win Congress and at the state level. They win because their opposition are a bunch of out-of-touch elitist morons more concerned about get the "firsts". The first woman president, the first black president, the first hispanic senator, and so on and that is purely a reflection on the Democratic Party establishment's cosmopolitan champagne socialism obsession. They *are* out of touch which is why 50% of the population no longer votes. There's no point voting Democrat anymore.
Posted by: P Walker | Jan 16 2017 2:22 utc | 82
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 15, 2017 9:19:38 PM | 82
No! Please, Say it is not so ? ;)
And he/she ... is not alone ...
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 2:22 utc | 83
For crying out loud! I wasn't making any statement on whether or not the film fictionalized the actual events. I was using that character's role in the film to make an analogy here. Now go lecture and scream at someone else for a change.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 16 2017 2:23 utc | 84
Outraged @81
I would think "sociopath!" every time Hillary spoke of "making tough choices".
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 16 2017 2:24 utc | 85
likklemore@47 Illegals voting by the millions, like the hint about blacks somehow rigging the voting in urban areas, really is nothing but race baiting. OF course you talk about the Republic, that's practically a certificate of mad dog reaction. No, one man one vote is equal, the Electoral College is not. Even worse for you, if you really want to go the inequality route, you're the one who is inferior, being someone who upholds the equality of states rather than the equality of people, and mindlessly repeat lame slanders about the dark hordes somehow cheating at the polls and deranged irrelevancies instead of arguments. I suggest you more than most benefit from the proposition that all should have equal rights, because if they had to earn them, you lose.
And lest I forget, your lame unthinking babble. You think the Senate is fair and square? No, you don't. When it's called the UN General Assembly, you know to the marrow of your bones it's not. Before you start ranting about what you think, you really need to have actual thoughts first.
Trumpists are not the defenders of the people, Trumpists are the leaders in the attack on the people.
Posted by: s | Jan 16 2017 2:45 utc | 86
@ Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 15, 2017 9:24:23 PM | 87
One always saw and still, sees, the classical middle ages 'Grim Reaper' (image), standing and speaking in her stead, gesturing, enticingly ...
Same same for Obama, Bush the Younger, too.
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 2:54 utc | 87
Circe: Even Islamic Revolution of 1979 was US backed. They wanted the Shah out. He had become "undependable" starting back around the time he threw his multi million $ celebration of 2500 Years of Persian Empire stuff- crowning himself Shah han Shah etc
French were well aware he had cancer- they were treating him.
Like the West has installed the MBros jihadis across the region to take down secular regimes of Gadaffi, Mubarak, Saddam, Assad. West had no hesitation installing an Islamic one to take out secular Shah. In Hegelian fashion, it began the Pike Program of "West vs Islam" phase of the Three World Wars. Or "Clash of Civilizations" or "War on Terror". The list above re: SNIPERS is interesting, as this motif also occurred in Tehran during the protests in Ferdowsi Sq w/ mysterious gunmen shooting into demos to incite the crowd.
As for China not being dominated by the Zios? Afraid so. David Rockefeller had a vise grip via Chase Manhattan Bank very early on, and never forget that Trotsky "Lev Bronstein" was trained, equipped and prepped while living in in high style the Bronx on his way to Bolshevik Rev.
Posted by: 86'd | Jan 16 2017 2:55 utc | 88
Just to be clear; I'll repeat this for the literacy challenged and bald-faced liar who wrote I support Democrats.:
The Revolution will be about the entire two-faced monopoly and the evil forces sustained by this monopoly that brought Trump to power and repeatedly suborn leadership and subvert the people’s power.
Where does this indicate affiliation with one party or another??? Trump and Hillary belong to the two-faced monopoly. I am an equal opportunity dissenter; I don't give a rat's ass about either party or their chosen change messiah-con, Trump being the latest, that the deep-state cabal use to lure the servitude into believing they live in a democracy with equal opportunity for all and things are gonna change.
Posted by: Circe | Jan 16 2017 2:59 utc | 89
We're not buying it Circe. How many times do we need to tell you that? We've seen this before.
Attacking Trump relentlessly while claiming that it is in the service of some super-high noble and unattainable rationale?
What else ya got?
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 16 2017 3:05 utc | 90
@ Posted by: s | Jan 15, 2017 9:45:25 PM | 88
Do you support the Constitution as it stands, the Laws of the United States, Federal & State or not ?
Or only when it conveniently suits your argument/narrative/position ... regardless of facts ?
This is why Intelligence Analysts (ultimately realists doing a job) for example, in the main, and most of the Military and a surprising number of citizens, are staying out of it, neutral, and incrementally ever so slowly pushing back against the screed and leaning towards the new POTUS/Administration. Why ?
But, hey, he won the election, she lost! What is going on here ?
Generations of belief in unreal myths re Democracy, etc, are, in effect, working against the Coup plotters Psyop campaign narrative.
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 3:05 utc | 91
Harry | Jan 15, 2017 3:18:10 PM | 34
Steele requested permission of high ranking officials to go through with this report and he got the green light. Also he has very influential friends in MI6 and was involved in MAJOR propaganda campaigns before, like Litvinenko's.
Sorry, Harry, but I can’t decipher the above. Having a link to your source[s] might help.
For instance, what do you mean by Steele got “permission” from “high ranking officials”?? Even if the assertion is factual, “high ranking officials” does not necessarily mean MI6. Officials where? US, UK, Ru ??? And having friends in MI6 has nothing to do with your assertion that Steele “requested permission” to do a dirty like this one.
Let’s presume you have a source that says Steele got “permission” from MI6. Do you see the implications of that? The report was initially commissioned by an as yet unidentified Republican candidate. But that person dropped out before the investigation really got started. So Steele shopped the project to Hillary’s bunch of bums. And so what you are saying is that Steele went to some “high ranking official” I presume you mean in the UK, and further, within the context of the comment, you mean MI6 – and from that high ranking MI6 person came a green-light for Steele to do a hit-piece on a US presidential candidate. IOW, you are accusing the UK in precisely the same way the MSM and Obama are accusing Russia/Putin.
Accepted wisdom has it that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and yet I see no proof here of any sort. Please pass me a link to a reliable source that says Steele asked for and rec'd permission from MI6. That would be very hot.
Outraged | Jan 15, 2017 8:12:56 PM | 72
You jest assuredly ... who controls the 'Sole Remaining Superpower', which spends more on its Military, let alone Intelligence/Proxy/NGO entities/forces, than the next largest 13 nations COMBINED, in a domestic US counter-election Coup is, ... not of significance ... everything re our rapacious actions on the people of Terra may be affected by these events, let alone domestically, for good of bad, or not.
I have absolutely no earthly idea what you are talking about. Is that “paragraph” supposed to be a response to my comment #25? Are we on the same page? Planet? What does the “Sole Remaining Superpower” have to do with any of this?
To review: The topic is whether MI6 is eye-balls deep in the Steele Report. If it is, then calling it the “MI6 Report” makes sense. If not, then “MI6 Report” is a misleading misnomer and propaganda in its own right.
again, given the well documented & corroborated, FACTS, throughout these threads, you jest, yes ?
OK, that’s better. I can understand that one. I noticed you capitalized “FACTS.” Now we’re talkin’ the same language, dude.
See my response to Harry, above. Same goes for you: Can you give me a link to a reliable source saying MI6 signed off on this attack on a US presidential candidate? Throw some FACTS my way. . .
As long as the money flows, Democratic Party and sympathetic establishment operatives will try to derail Trump.
At some point, a real resistance with some integrity will spring up once the Democratic Party and its lackeys have failed so miserably that they are a laughing stock.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 16 2017 3:15 utc | 93
Got it. Agree 100%. Until we take out the ventriloquists, we will be forever trapped in the fake left-right paradigm arguing over the Elite's puppet du jour- but never taking on the Deep State puppeteers. Seems we'd rather be manipulated by them, and persist in bickering w/ each other.
Posted by: 86'd | Jan 16 2017 3:17 utc | 94
93 "Generations of belief in unreal myths re Democracy, etc, are, in effect, working against the Coup plotters Psyop campaign narrative."
Spot on. The powers that be have to, over a very short period, try to turn this narrative around. It seems than now they will be impaled on their own democratic sword.
Posted by: Peter AU | Jan 16 2017 3:19 utc | 95
Hello Civil War!
Although Pence-Clinton might be enough to mollify the population.
This is exactly why Trump must go after the Clinton Foundation full throttle on January 20.
There is no time to waste to neutralise this threat
What else ya got?
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Jan 15, 2017 10:05:33 PM | 92
Oh gee, I dunno...how about this?!
Posted by: Circe | Jan 16 2017 3:32 utc | 97
@ Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 15, 2017 4:04:45 PM | 42
Apologies for CIA typo. It should read State Department color revolutions. State Dept runs US Ambassadors and, thereby, color revolutions.
Respectfully, the CIA through the 'Local Station'(CIA), local Company technical/support sections & assets & agents, sources & proxies (NGOs/Associations/Union/Business elements), AND
The State Department, through Diplomats/Officers and CIA under Official Cover(OC)(Diplomatic), also interacting with and managing the previous, though mostly focused on High level political, corporate entities/assets,
... simultaneously ... concurrently ... run the Coups and 'faux' revolutions/uprisings/'Arab Springs' ...
To a varying lesser or greater degree there of, limited and/or competing co-operation/conflict.
The Agency(CIA) and the State Department are not a monolithic entity ... there are common and partially overlapping interests and objectives, sometimes more, others less so ... yet they have never acted as one, as a 'Borg'.
Phil Agee's published diary, to corroborate my brief explanation above in excruciating detail, is an accessible, open, unclassified insight re how this all actually works, for ant interested reader at MOA.
Full text of 'Inside-the-Company-CIA-diary-Philip-aAgee.pdf" (Direct PDF doenload)There are no blanks in Philip Agee's Inside the Company: CIA Diary. This densely detailed expose names every CIA officer, every agent, every operation that ...
Philip Agee discusses his experiences inside the CIA.
Philip Agee was a former Central Intelligence Agency officer who served in Latin America. After resigning from the CIA he lectured and wrote on the Agency's clandestine operations. His activities were not unnoticed. Ex-CIA Director and later President Bush the first called Agee "a traitor to our country." He is the author of Inside the Company: CIA Diary and On the Run. He died in Cuba in January 2008.
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 3:44 utc | 98
@ Posted by: Denis | Jan 15, 2017 10:14:12 PM | 94
Do you read the posts, and b's lead articles on this forum ?
Christopher Steele is a career lifelong colleague and associate from their very first days at MI6, AND a lifelong close personal friend of the Current Head of MI6, Alex Younger, an openly, Publicly rabid unreconstructed ideologue for a return to Cold War 1.0 re Russia. A diehard Russophobe.
In fact, given the various D-Notices issued, there is a very high level of doubt he, Christopher Steele, ever became an Ex-MI6 operative, at all ...
The Associations and authorities do not get closer than that, at the 'Highest' Levels. Clear ?
FACTS. Read the threads, with supplied references, if so inclined ... yourself.
Respectfully, none of us are your gopher or errand boy. An old tactic indeed ... as for the rest of your post ... your words betray you ... and also your past searchable/referable posts ...
Good Day.
@ jackrabbit
One sees a poster's debate(?) has now descended to ad-hominem, by pic/image link. How droll.
Posted by: Outraged | Jan 16 2017 4:03 utc | 99
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Tyranny abroad leads to tyranny at home.
The Greeks knew it and so do we.
Posted by: Anon | Jan 15 2017 17:30 utc | 1