(This post is pinned to the top. Please scroll down for new content.)
During the twelve years this Moon of Alabama blog is up we only once asked for financial contributions. That was eight years ago. The money received then payed for a decent laptop. That very laptop is still in daily use to produce the content for this blog.
But the laptop's life is coming to an end. So are my current abilities to carry the costs for running this blog. The hosting fees are fairly minor and the cost for a new laptop probably bearable. But I do lose a lot of necessary income due to the time spent researching and writing the daily post. This now necessitates to ask for compensation.
Carl Spitzweg - The Poor Poet - bigger
You can donate with a credit card through the PayPal button below.
More preferable though are direct payments. Transaction costs are less for direct bank-wire transfers, for cashing checks or simply cash. Please email me at MoonofA @ (discard the blanks) for the necessary contact data.
Thank you very much
b aka Bernhard
Posted by b on October 1, 2016 at 17:41 UTC | Permalink
next page »I'm not smart enough to use pay-pal in Germany. I'll try again later.
Posted by: jo6pac | Sep 22 2016 17:54 utc | 2
I will contact you in order to donate (though that large inheritance seems to be, alas, a little less than expected, and calls to the Clinton Foundation went unanswered. Who'd have thought). You more than earned our meager resources....(here's hoping that at least some of your illustrious commentators are well endowed.....).
Your blog is one of the best on the web for unique, up to date content. We must keep you well and in the black, especially as this especially silly election season is rolling in, fast and furious. It is now between a zombie puppet of the CORPORATION and a clown who will likely treat the presidency as a new reality show. Puppet or clown, wow - what a choice! but I don't like zombies, so....may be the good doctor Stein can be our Gruen party? now she would show them generals a thing or two.....what would Moon of Alabama do, one wonders.
Posted by: Merlin2 | Sep 22 2016 18:12 utc | 4
PayPal is not letting me make a credit card donation. Getting message "You must add funds to your PayPal account before sending more money."
Posted by: David | Sep 22 2016 18:14 utc | 5
@ExtraT - The link in German was my mistake.
It is now set to U.S.-English
@David - please reload the page and try again. The wrong setting may have been the problem.
When I first found this blog, I got hooked on immediately! I kept coming back and I almost check this blog everyday.
I don't have much as like most other people, I am a modern day slave so I hope my little contribution adds to something.
Posted by: shoes | Sep 22 2016 18:18 utc | 7
Greetings from London.
You can see from my comment history I have aleast said I would GLADLY donate to you and the amazing job you do.
Is there anything you can do about the PayPal link bring in German abd maybe provide an English language link ?
Good luck and keep up the good work
Posted by: Skeletor | Sep 22 2016 18:19 utc | 8
Hey B! You deserve a new laptop! I come here daily now, because I know that you get most of the skinny and shit is heating up. The grumblings from the other regulars are vital, too. I will donate ASAP. You will do well with a new $150 chromebook that opens through Facebook and monitors your every keystroke. :) You dangerous, brah.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Sep 22 2016 18:34 utc | 9
Any chance to donate bypassing this damned Pay Pal, as I did when donating to Col. Lang's site? I merely entered the card number and some info, with the amount then, and that was it.
Posted by: SmoothieX12 | Sep 22 2016 18:44 utc | 10
Really b? You are not making any money from running this blog? Come on..
On another topic:
" The United States Probably Has More Foreign Military Bases Than Any Other People, Nation, or Empire in History"
Posted by: Simpers | Sep 22 2016 18:46 utc | 11
Donation was easy to make via paypal and I was delighted to make my small contribution.
Posted by: Bill Wade | Sep 22 2016 19:13 utc | 13
Small but done. Hopefully more soon. And as far as I can tell any bugs or language hiccups have been fixed. The dollars to euro conversion was handled automatically. Thanks b.
Posted by: Tom in AZ | Sep 22 2016 19:13 utc | 14
b, thanks for such a great site.
Happy to donate!
Posted by: Variance Doc | Sep 22 2016 19:17 utc | 15
Very seldom do I consider donations admittedly, though your analysis of world events is something I would be sad to lose. I've been very thankful to have your perspective B over the last year or so. It's difficult to find others who can analyze world events with the same nuance and accuracy that you do. Confirmation bias may well be a factor in that assessment but still, I'm very appreciative regardless. You put a lot of thought into your writing and it really shows.
Perhaps it would be beneficial to either keep this specific post up for a little longer than is typical? Or even better, you could put some sort of header/banner on all pages of this website asking for donations (as long as is appropriate)? Something like how Wikipedia solicits donations.
I'm sure many would be glad to help out monetarily, but perhaps they will miss this if you continue further unrelated posting over the next few days. Just a thought in order to see this website stay on its feet. I won't be able to donate myself until a week from today and by then this post may well be buried if you continue to give your analysis and thoughts at the usual pace.
Posted by: FecklessLeft | Sep 22 2016 19:32 utc | 16
As a luddite,I never check email,and probably would take a while to remember my stinking PW.Address?Unless you are security conscious?
I'm definitely a direct type of guy.The GD hackers are everywhere.
Posted by: dahoit | Sep 22 2016 19:43 utc | 17
I have pinned the post to the top of the blog and will keep it there for some 10 days now. I'll think of a permanent solution after that.
It's always best to ask for money from those who are direct beneficiaries. Happy to contribute and keep the hood free from panhandling satan.
Posted by: Take Me | Sep 22 2016 19:57 utc | 20
B, my donation is incoming.
Perhaps you should ask the Doha foundation for a gig like Charles Lister, or freelance for Bild zeitung like Jihad-Julian? Or perhaps a friend in Virginia like Brown Moses? Or perhaps NED or Atlantic Council Europe? I am sure they all would value your analysis!
In all seriousness, thank you for your efforts. You have helped me make sense of the world and understand the game behind the curtain.
Posted by: FkDahl | Sep 22 2016 20:46 utc | 22
Just a suggestion to you b.
I suggest that you look into google ads, i know it is annoying, but for the amount of visitors that you have, it will very easily pay for the servers.
Also look into amazon affiliate where you place a link on the sidebar for people who might buy stuff from amazon through your blog ex.books etc.
If you need help with that, I have provided my email, i could possibly help you set it up?
Posted by: shoes | Sep 22 2016 21:13 utc | 24
I have pinned the post to the top of the blog and will keep it there for some 10 days now. I'll think of a permanent solution after that.
Please do. Several years ago I opened Pay Pal account, now this SOB doesn't allow me to open new account since it remembers my name and address while it doesn't allow me to use the old one since it wants to send (reminder) password to the e-mail account which I don't have anymore. It is really frustrating. If some direct credit card donation tool could be also available, that would be great. Thanks for your work.
Posted by: SmoothieX12 | Sep 22 2016 21:18 utc | 25
A book has been published accusing leading candidate for a Louisiana Senate seat Charles Boustany of being involved with prostitutes who were later found murdered. Boustany made a statement denying the charge, which gave his leading rival for the seat John Kennedy the opportunity to make a statement worthy of Lyndon Johnson. It began:
"“I want to be very clear that my campaign played absolutely no role in creating this story alleging Congressman Boustany’s sexual relationships with prostitutes that were later murdered, his staff’s alleged involvement in running the bar and hotel where this illicit behavior took place, or publishing the book."
Boustany and Kennedy are both Republicans.
Posted by: lysias | Sep 22 2016 21:27 utc | 26
Wow!! Your request b, brings a lot of the lurkers out. I suspect there a lot more that never post and just read. I hope most of the regular posters are as willing to jump in. I suspect they are.
No adds, no pop-ups, no distractions of any kind, except for the ever present (barf) trolls, just good clean (well often not so clean) geopolitical news with well researched and intelligent succinct analysis. Where else on the web has anyone found such a treasure? Oh yeah, and no strings attached.
It's about time b that you asked for some compensation. Thanks to all those who have committed and those who have already PayPal-ed in. I will be following suit.
Long Live MoA!!
Posted by: juannie | Sep 22 2016 21:58 utc | 27
@25 smoothie.. same thing happened to me! i refuse to use paypal as a consequence..
Posted by: james | Sep 22 2016 22:09 utc | 28
I'm irregular here. Just pp'ed 11.12 USD. from my toteboard to yours. Thanks for the best, most up-to-date interactive, international news source on the www.
Posted by: fast freddy | Sep 22 2016 22:38 utc | 29
Am hoping some day to be able to donate through other than GayPal. Don't trust that Palantir Queer Peter Thiel nor his Gay Pal Elon Musk too much. Too US Deep Statesy smelling for comfort. We need a neutral global payment gateway, preferably based in some place like India.
Posted by: Quadriad | Sep 22 2016 23:07 utc | 30
Will do asap & more than happy to contribute!
For anyone having issues with their Paypal account, their phone customer service is quite effective.
Posted by: Rudolf | Sep 22 2016 23:24 utc | 31
Thanks for asking for support. You host a great bar. I hope you can keep it going.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 23 2016 0:35 utc | 33
Thanks, b, for your unflagging passion for 'digging in the dirt!' If I were on the same continent, I'd ask my wife to cook you some nasi kuning.
Posted by: Dr. Wellington Yueh | Sep 23 2016 0:35 utc | 34
Honored to contribute to this oasis of powerful analysis and insight, so grateful for b's work and readers' excellent comments.
Posted by: Glorious Bach | Sep 23 2016 0:36 utc | 35
B I haven't read the above comments - time is ticking today - so it may have been mentioned already. There is a site called "Patreon" where "fans" / followers of a site or an artist can tithe a monthly amount, usually only $1 or $2 (that's all that was asked for in the case of the 2 sites I pledge to).
The advantage is that you, the recipient, know nearly exactly how much money is coming in & when, allowing for forward planning. It comes out of the donors bank account on the last day of the month / first day of the following month & they charge only a small percentage. I'm not a fan of Pay Pal & frankly don't have a spare $20 or $50 lying about to give, But a couple of bucks from a couple of hundred of your fans a month will help out I'm sure.
Thanks for all your work over the years B - it has been a Godsend in cutting through the (((MSM))) crap & I'll definitely put in if you launch a Patreon account.
Chris in Ch-Ch
Posted by: KiwiCris | Sep 23 2016 0:55 utc | 36
You are worth it.
However, PayPal and I are not on agreeable terms (they put me thru the Nth degree because I used a certain word in a msg to someone I was donating too at the time).
So don't put "ISIS" or any other controversial term in a PayPal msgs or the snoops will be onto you and PayPal (and their hidden friends) will block you until you confess at the inquisition. PayPal is now on my black-list. Please provide other options. Suggest trying Patreon.
You are definitely an artists@work and this option might assist your sustainability etc.
Posted by: x | Sep 23 2016 1:21 utc | 38
Ahhh, #37 just beat me to it. Works well and I've used for other projects.
Posted by: x | Sep 23 2016 1:23 utc | 39
Forced myself to use Paypal and donate 20 euro for good cause. Many thanks for your honesty and digging for the truth
Posted by: Jack Smith | Sep 23 2016 1:36 utc | 40
b - good work, much appreciated. Thought provoking even if there's disagreement of opinion. In fact, more so when one doesn't agree.
I'll tip...
Posted by: Quadriad | Sep 23 2016 1:56 utc | 42
Bro, your blog is great (and I am really curious about your background; any intelligence links?)
In any case, do fundraisers a bit more often. I am extremely broke right now, but would happily contribute to the next one :(.
Posted by: bro | Sep 23 2016 2:52 utc | 43
$100 Euro and thank you for asking for what you need.
Posted by: Dominic | Sep 23 2016 4:21 utc | 44
X @ 39 There are so many people who have "issues" with Pay Pal that I think the Patreon system is a good fit for this site. Being stony broke most of the time, (we live on a disability pension, so a donation of even $US20 is a luxury that even though I'd love to send to B, - and God only knows he deserves it a hundred fold, there is always outstanding payments that need to be wiped as not doing so leads to higher costs via penalties,etc. But there's always a dollar or two at the end of the month to go via Patreon to deserving artists.
Glad to hear someone else pushing Patreon.
Posted by: KiwiCris | Sep 23 2016 4:36 utc | 46
b -
Posted by: Pundita | Sep 23 2016 5:53 utc | 47
Here's some taschengeld. Fuck the laptop, get yourself a quick massage or something. Thanks for everything.
Posted by: biklett | Sep 23 2016 6:20 utc | 48
Follow your blog regularly. Would like to contribute through donations. But I will have to wait a couple of months to do so. It will be great if there is a permanent reminder on top or on the side, asking to contribute. So we won't forget
Posted by: am | Sep 23 2016 6:27 utc | 49
The past 12 years... A good part of a lifetime. Does one recognize when one is being called, or does one just fall into it as into a vat of richly colored dye which slowly permeates one's being and deepens into a permanence with the passage of time? How do we become who we become in this lifetime? What choices do we make and how do we respond to external forces? How are our values molded by the firm hands of time and experience? What brings us to take the actions, and make the sacrifices, that others don't or won't?
MoA has been one of my two primary regular touchstones over that span of time (The other being the radio program "Unwelcome Guests") which have most helped me understand and mediate my experience of the external world.
While I don't agree with everything you say (Who would? I certainly don't agree with everything I have written ;-}), your ability to collect, digest, organize and summarize vast amounts of often contradictory information and disinformation into a coherent narrative has grown over the years to the point where it is now practically unparalleled. Putting one's thoughts and analyses out for the world to see on a near-daily basis is risky business that goes beyond bravery. Your hospitality in sharing the limelight with the contributions of other barmates further makes this joint a special place.
While it has always been common for one to feel close to a favorite author or infatuated with a favorite artist, it is only in modern times that one can so easily read someone else's daily scratchings and musings. I have never met you, have only a brief one line description of you from a mutual acquaintance, and yet for over a decade you have shared your thoughts with me at my desk, spoke to me while I was in bed, and even -- at times -- embarrassing to admit, accompanied me to the loo! Despite this, the virtuality of web interaction is such that I have only the faintest outline of the person behind the argument -- something I find quite frustrating at times. I imagine you sitting at your desk, swamped by the geo-political happenings of the day or exhausted from exhaustive research, taking a break by feeding a handful of tasty nuts to your squirrel friends through the open window, your favorite heirloom teacup and saucer at hand, and perhaps an old cherished model crane serving as a paperweight. I have often wondered how you could devote so much time to this endeavor and still provide for a roof over your head and victuals in your belly. Perhaps I now have my answer.
I miss many of the old-time regulars who added so much to the joy of reading this blog, but new posters seem to regularly appear with much to contribute. As an old timer, I have had to learn the delicate art of facilely skimming the seas of comments from the regular overgrowth of dross and repetition: such is the exhuberant ecology of the unculled blog. Over the years, I, for various personal reasons, have diminished my own contribution to the project and have become just another lurker, taking it far too much for granted that this cherished daily fix will magically be there forever. And yet nothing in life lasts forever without change. As the favorite quote, derived from Rabbi Hillel, and ascribed to personages as varied as George Romney the Elder, John Lewis, JFK and Mikail Gorbachev, goes, "If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Like Ivan Illich and perhaps too many others here, I have stubbornly skated the materialist razor's edge of life between the virtiginous peril of precarity and the relatively safer level lowland plains of subsisdence, balancing a scarcity of "stuff" with a surfeit of warm intellectual, emotional and spiritual currents of conviviality to bathe in. But even the lowliest of us, as am I, can scrounge or conjure up something delectable when an unforeseen guest arrives in hunger at one's dinner table. I will contact you next week about a direct donation.
P.S. Although you are unaware of it, several years ago, you and this blog helped in a small way to save my life in a very difficult time; paying back that pricelss contribution is the least I can do.
Posted by: Malooga | Sep 23 2016 7:26 utc | 50
I don't want to join PayPal so cannot make a contribution. But I'd really like to.
Posted by: johnf | Sep 23 2016 10:17 utc | 51
Hey b,
I sent you an email, but its so good to see Malooga's testament that I have to add my own. I have nothing like his to make but let me say that ...
... your ability to collect, digest, organize and summarize vast amounts of often contradictory information and disinformation into a coherent narrative has grown over the years to the point where it is now practically unparalleled ...
... is something that I have noticed myself. You were good when you began, but you're very, very good now, indeed. And you've been playin' real good for free all these years. Ought to embarrass people like ... Glenn Greenwald, for instance. Many others.
I can't say you've saved my life, yet, but I'm sure I will be able to say that when the time comes :)
Thanks for a decade plus 2 and counting. You surely don't owe us or the world another word, but I, for one, am delighted that you seem to enjoy your work. It certainly ought to support you. The laborer is worthy of his wages, even, especially, if he's been able to create what they term a 'right livelihood' in these parts. It's an achievement to be able to earn your way at your own expense and not everyone else's ... you've certainly achieved it ... all but the 'livelihood' :)
I'll try and kick in my share on an ongoing basis. I pay 1 euro a month for my email service ... ... and if I can afford that I can afford 1 euro a month for my edification and delight. If a couple, three thousand of us ponied up on a similar scale you'd be on your way, and with a few Christmas/Birthday specials from the better heeled among us you'd be in good shape. I hope the response to your appeal is mete and just. God bless the child that's got his own.
Posted by: jfl | Sep 23 2016 11:42 utc | 52
paypal'ed what i could, thank you, for the information you provide .
Posted by: la | Sep 23 2016 12:38 utc | 53
Cannot do without my daily MOB fix. Paypal'ed donation.....
Posted by: georgeg | Sep 23 2016 13:21 utc | 55
Gave pittance from my small student sized account, I owe you 1000x more for all I've learned from your website
Posted by: Cresty | Sep 23 2016 13:21 utc | 56
Hullo B,
Just sent you a little bung and thanked you for your work.
However, silly me, forgot to add: Also a BIG THANK YOU to all the people who comment on this site. The best proof of quality in a blog is demonstrated by the calibre of its commentators.
So, cheers to you all!
Posted by: El Sid | Sep 23 2016 13:25 utc | 57
Dear Bernhard,
thanks for running your blog, it has become one of my main sources for political information. I hope I will be able to send you a small support by the end of the month.
Best wishes,
Posted by: Martin | Sep 23 2016 14:11 utc | 58
I was surprised to learn that the time spent keeping MoA up to date is causing b some financial distress. He's much smarter and more accomplished (professionally & intellectually) than I. I'd be delighted to contribute a few hundred dollars to help maintain and update this valuable oasis of reason and logic, purely on the basis of Services Rendered over the past several years. However, I will only do so if it can be done with complete anonymity. For me, that means folding currency inside a snail mail envelope with an address and some postage stamps on the outside. For me, the address is the problem and email is out of the question as a means of communicating that info.
Uncoincidentally, one of many undesirable side-effects of Israel & AmeriKKKa's ongoing and escalating Fake War on Terror is the slow but steady erosion of the notion of anonymity.
Imo email, and ALL electronic communications are no longer private, the Lunatics are in charge of the asylum,
the Vampires own the blood banks and EVERY Western politician with influence.
And let's not even think about how fraudulent and deceptive the previously trustworthy and reliable (privatised) mainstream Banks have become (Wells Fargo, and Oz's CBA, NAB and WestPac Banks, anyone?). It is unbelievable that the people who perpetrated the Sub-Prime Scam did so without breaking a law for which they could be prosecuted, AND got to keep all the commissions, AND got their "too big to fail" banks bailed out with Taxpayer's money.
It is equally unbelievable that the politicians who lied about Iraq, Libya, Syria etc, in order to have them destroyed (for untruthful and insanely disingenuous reasons), seem to have gotten away with it.
I'm probably being over-cautious but I won't apologise for that. With a bit of ingenuity/brainstorming I'm optimistic that a solution to the total anonymity problem can be found.
If I've missed something obvious, don't hesitate to point it out to me...
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Sep 23 2016 14:14 utc | 59
i will contact you to donate b - i had a fight with those b***s paypal many years ago and am persona non grata there - as you know i and many others offered to contribute in the past - thanks for everything and to the barflies - too late for the inheritance though i spent it all fun times
smoothie paypal remembers all, well data bases are the repository, i have a relative with my same name with one letter difference in the first name and they refused her as a client right off - it is like the US terrorist list
malooga i miss old time regulars too i wonder what has become of them and they don’t even have a face their evanescent personae are lost
Posted by: Noirette | Sep 23 2016 14:15 utc | 60
@59, Are you a fugitive from the law? Maybe bitcoin through circle cycled through another wallet and then to paypal. Wait if you're a fugitive I didn't provide that info, It would be criminal conspiracy or something
Posted by: Cresty | Sep 23 2016 15:40 utc | 61
- This blog also could start to have advertisements. E.g. at the top of each thread, between each thread. I would generate some income for this blog. I wouldn't mind at all if these advertisements were small and not too intrusive.
Posted by: Willy2 | Sep 23 2016 16:29 utc | 62
I don't know about others, but I wouldn't mind the worst most intrusive video ads, the malware autodownloaders, MofA is worth it
Posted by: Cresty | Sep 23 2016 16:38 utc | 63
High praise from Pepe Escobar in his latest essay: "But the best of the blogosphere does not disappoint," with a hyperlink to B's "Salafist Principality" essay imbedded in blogosphere, and
I don't use PayPal, so I'll be sending an email for further instructions to provide support for this excellent platform and its author!
Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 23 2016 17:24 utc | 64
I donated, and I would like to second the suggestion for a few ads. Naked Capitalism has two and they have never bothered me or made the blog seem any less credible. Also, putting a donation link in the sidebar might be good. Your time and contribution to the world is worth a lot and you should get more than fuzzy feelings.
Posted by: tony | Sep 23 2016 18:24 utc | 65
PayPal still not letting me send a normal credit card donation (as I do all the time on other sites). Acting as if it wants the money transferred into a PayPal account first. "You must add funds to your PayPal account before sending more money."
Perhaps because of the currency exchange (I'm in the US). Are others getting through from the US?
Posted by: David | Sep 23 2016 18:56 utc | 66
I threw in my 10€ worth even though I'm unemployed. But then again you're worth it. I stopped working with charities after the 6 ones getting $50 every month decided to hit me twice a week and passed my name to 50 more. I've got so many sheets of address labels I could junk mail a city full of people for years. And some charities actually admit that only 5% goes to a program. Phooey!
Posted by: Curtis | Sep 23 2016 19:03 utc | 67
I do not PayPal. I will send money by post if you supply a mailing address.
Posted by: ALberto | Sep 23 2016 20:28 utc | 69
I discovered that if you use Paypal in a different way, the sender and receiver do not have to pay a fee.
You need two things:
(1) you must supply us with your Paypal email address
(2) the sender must select "Friend" as the recipient, not goods or services or subscription.
I hope that's clear.
Now, you just have to tell us what your Paypal email address is.
Posted by: MRW | Sep 23 2016 20:40 utc | 70
Dear Bernhard,
Thank you so much for running this blog, for writing such detailed articles and analyses, and for hosting comments forums that attract many fine commenters like Paveway IV, Karlofi and others.
Because of tireless bloggers like you, I have a clearer view and understanding of what's happening in the world and what we are all up against. Your dedication is mind-blowing.
Yours sincerely,
PS I wouldn't mind if the HTML tags worked better on this blog site so that any phrases or quotations I want to highlight in a comment are only highlighted, and not the rest of the comment that follows. That's my only quibble. I have the same problem while commenting over at Kremlin Stooge so it must be a Wordpress issue.
Posted by: Jen | Sep 23 2016 21:45 utc | 72
B, appreciate the blog greatly... paypal not so much.
Any chance you cld provide another way to contribute?
Have credit cs, European bank account...
Posted by: GoraDiva | Sep 23 2016 22:50 utc | 74
MRW @ 70 Just who is "us" we must supply our paypal email address?
Posted by: Tom in AZ | Sep 23 2016 23:27 utc | 75
Posted by: xyz | Sep 24 2016 13:18 utc | 76
wanted to contact b to arrange for alternate mean
of payment, can logged into yahoo.
then i realised yahoo accounts have been hacked
world wide.
'its either the chinese or the russians state appartus',
so say the serial lying scums.
the sheeples swallowed it hook line sinker agaIn.
Posted by: denk | Sep 24 2016 13:48 utc | 77
High MofA.
I'm donating a small amout simply based on the comments above, as I have just discovered your site. Every commentor being so eulogistic makes me realize I've missed a lot.
Will be one of your daily reader from now on.
(Will try PP from Canada although not a fan.)
Posted by: michelp | Sep 24 2016 14:37 utc | 79
Your insights are invaluable. I always look forward to another post, even if I disagree about some points (usually minor).
I also enjoy commentary from your readers. I wish you participated more in the comments but I guess you just don't have the time.
I'll contribute after I settle on an amount.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Sep 24 2016 20:01 utc | 80
Posted by: xyz | Sep 24 2016 21:24 utc | 81
Well, every bit helps, I guess. Glad to make a donation. Thanks for your blog, MoA. OK, there's a skim-off, but Mr Musk's payment system is easy, & secure(ish), so...
Posted by: PaulH | Sep 25 2016 11:03 utc | 82
hey, you're right b, seems like the shelf-life on these cipher-sensitive appliances is about 8 years. that's about what mine has, and it's gurgling and getting louder by the day!
Posted by: john | Sep 25 2016 20:15 utc | 83
It's not a big donation, but i hope it helps to buy you at the end a new suitable laptop.
My first message here - however, i gather information from here already for some time, so it was time to give something back.
Thanks a lot for providing your infos &
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: little-dragon | Sep 25 2016 22:51 utc | 84
Very happy to provide a little support for all that you do. I discovered your blog about a year ago and visit it nearly everyday. There is simply no better analysis of the situation in Syria. Thank you for all that you do - and for the intelligent community you have built at Moon.
Posted by: Notruf | Sep 26 2016 1:02 utc | 85
b, 'The daily page-views are going up ...'
It would be good - interesting, anyway - to see some of that info. All twelve years on the horizontal axis would be ideal, resolution up to you ... if that stuff is available. I know when I had a blog I never paid any attention to it.
Posted by: jfl | Sep 26 2016 1:07 utc | 86
@ jfl
All that page view stuff is getting complicated by the bots. It is visits of secondary pages, who linked through/if and duration of visit that are what I look for.....not that I have any traffic to look at.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 26 2016 5:34 utc | 87
2 pieces of shameless retarded propaganda:
Posted by: xyz | Sep 26 2016 7:51 utc | 88
@Tom in AZ | Sep 23, 2016 7:27:19 PM | 75
"Us" is you and me, the "senders."
Posted by: MRW | Sep 26 2016 12:22 utc | 90
This is a fundraising thread, that's why it's pinned to the top of the blog. If you can't respect that, how much do you care about this blog?
Posted by: Frisco Kid | Sep 26 2016 19:31 utc | 92
MOA is at the top of my list of daily reads. Thanks B! Keep up the good work. I'm requesting your mailing address so this lazy lurker can get off his ass and send you a well deserved check.
Posted by: lamovr | Sep 27 2016 2:45 utc | 93
cheers, Bernhard! I've not been reading regularly for a while, but the Moon is always one of my touchstones in a crazy world. I remember back to the Whiskey Bar days, and the transition, and the moonbat holiday, pirate wives and all. contribution on the way.
Posted by: catlady | Sep 27 2016 4:07 utc | 94
I (as others) offered to donate in the past, glad I finally have a chance to show my gratitude (in a few days' time, b!)
I don't post much anymore but I always look for my daily dose of posts, comments and suggested links at MoA
that a born analyst like b should ask for contributions instead of being offered jobs is a testament to the dark times we live :-)
thanks b and everybody
Posted by: claudio | Sep 27 2016 15:51 utc | 95
As a longtime reader i am glad that i can help.
I have read it since the old billmon days.
Reluctantly i used Paypal.
Thanks b
Posted by: bclar | Sep 27 2016 19:19 utc | 96
I have a hard time believing you are not making any money from this blog, and if you arent there are many programs where you could gain profit by ads etc taking in regard how many people actually visiting this site.
Posted by: RE3 | Sep 28 2016 13:17 utc | 97
Thanks for the great blog.
Unfortunately I boycott all the Bilderbergers' agencies of financial oppression like PayPal, Visa, ...
Please consider alternatives, Payoneer maybe?
"PayPal Alternative: Top 10 Online Payment Services (2016)"
"Top 12 Online Payment Alternatives to PayPal | SEJ"
"5+ Best PayPal Alternatives to Get Payments in Pakistan | Innovation of IT Solution"
"Is there a PayPal alternative that supports Europe and offers recurring payments without a monthly fee? - Quora"
I've been trying to repay by spreading word about your website. Hope this helped.
My best
Posted by: ProPeace | Sep 29 2016 8:05 utc | 98
..I read some comments doubting your difficult financial situation.
I have been around some time and use my sound instincts. I trust you and will donate whatever is possible for me right now. I hope though there will be some extra for you to celebrate a brilliant site. Bjørn Richter, Norway.
Posted by: bjorn richter | Sep 29 2016 9:43 utc | 99
I have no plastic at all yet was able to send b some cash. I suggest those of you anguishing over the Bilderbergs just drop b a line - click 'About this site' at the upper-right of the home page, ask for an address, and then just do it. I believe b even said he'd accept diverse currencies! I bought a euro denominated note - cash - here in Thailand and just sent it to him. What could be easier? Well saying goodbye to the cash might not be easy. Don't bankrupt yourselves. If you're in an EU country you probably have such a note in your pocket.
Posted by: jfl | Sep 29 2016 10:02 utc | 100
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This is bar is an amazing place and I - who enjoy the benefits of your labor and the amazing contributions of the barflys - look forward to doing my part!
Posted by: thirsty | Sep 22 2016 17:54 utc | 1