Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
September 07, 2016

"Destroyed" And "Collapsed" Al-Quds Hospital In East-Aleppo Receives 46 Patients

Airstrike destroys Syrian hospital amid fears of ‘catastrophic’ turn in fighting, Washington Post, April 28 2016

An onslaught of airstrikes in rebel-held areas of the Syrian city of Aleppo has killed scores and destroyed a hospital supported by international aid groups, activists and humanitarian workers said Thursday, prompting the United Nations to warn of a “catastrophic deterioration” that could intensify an already dire humanitarian crisis.
Airstrikes Wednesday night collapsed a hospital supported by ...
[..] it was the hospital raid late Wednesday that was likely to have the most devastating humanitarian impact, U.N. and other aid officials said.

Al-Quds hospital in Aleppo’s al-Sukkari neighborhood had an emergency room, an intensive-care unit and eight doctors and 28 nurses on staff, Doctors Without Borders said. It was “well known locally,” the organization said on its Twitter account Thursday.

At least 14 patients and medical staffers — including three doctors — were killed when the hospital was hit by a “direct” strike, the aid group said. One of the doctors was Mohammed Waseem Maaz, Aleppo’s last pediatrician, activists said. Another was a dentist.

Chlorine attack deepens fears among besieged Aleppo residents, Washington Post, September 8 2016

The Syrian government dropped a bomb containing chlorine on a besieged neighborhood in the city of Aleppo on Tuesday, heightening fears among people who are cut off from the outside world and unable to escape, according to residents and hospitals in the area.
A statement from the al-Quds hospital, which received 46 of the patients, said that all were suffering from breathing difficulties and that “a strong smell of chlorine emanated from their clothes.”

So the "destroyed" and "collapsed" Al-Quds hospital in east-Aleppo has been rebuild during intense fighting in the area? And it is big enough to take 46 patients? It is also very well equipped? A picture in Washington Post shows a youngster in the "Al-Quds hospital" with a breathing mask. Next to him are five electronic infusion pumps. More expensive medical electronic equipment is visible in the background. This, supposedly, in an area that is besieged, has no electricity, is under constant bombing and with no access to the outer world?

Also: Isn't it astonishing that the Syrian government always launches these "chlorine attacks" shortly after the "rebels" suffered a military defeat? Or are these attacks, claimed only by the "rebels", a propaganda diversion from their military defeats?

(Note also this oddity: Months after "Aleppo’s last pediatrician" was killed, as claimed in the first piece above, six (killed?) pediatricians from east-Aleppo signed a letter to U.S. president Obama.)

The "White Helmets", on whose reports both the above WaPo pieces are based, received $60 million from the U.S., UK and other governments for their public relations work. For such high expenses we taxpayers should demand more consistent propaganda.

Or should we demand that news organization, for which we as consumers also pay, hire writers who are competent and of integrity. Real journalists who debunk, instead of promote, obvious bullshit like those "Al-Quds hospital" fairy tales above.

Posted by b on September 7, 2016 at 9:56 UTC | Permalink


"Isn't it astonishing that the Syrian government always launches these "chlorine attacks" shortly after the "rebels" suffered a military defeat?"

In March, 2015 'chlorine attacks from the air' pre-empted calls from humanitarian organisations for a No-Fly Zone ...

Posted by: AtaBrit | Sep 7 2016 10:11 utc | 1

Very good points b, I want to share something I've conceived of which may be of interest and is closely related to everything in Syria, although not directly related.

Just when is the Global Economic Reset/Collapse that we all know is coming actually going to happen?

Actually - I now have a firm idea of when it could be.

And further to the point, the result of the US Election isn't the key in this process, although it is of course important.

The Global Economic Reset/Collapse will be timed not to undermine any important Western Leaders or political structures, and timed to inflict maximum damage on those opposed to the Western Neo-Con World Order - ie, one Vladimir Putin of Russia.

So when would that be?

It would be directly after the German Elections next year and therefore in the lead-up to the Russian Presidential Elections in 2018.

And of course it will be conducted in concert with many other actions. Not the least of which will be questions about taking the Football World Cup off Russia for whatever reason - corruption, wars in Syria/Ukraine, drugs etc. Whatever is handy to use.

At present the German Elections are due to be held between the dates of Sunday August 27 til Sunday October 22, 2017. A period of 2 months. One would expect in line with this timetable the German Elections to be pulled forward to early September at Merkel's insistence (or her new proxy if she herself is too toxic to still be leader at this time).

The Russian Presidential Elections First Round is due to be held Sunday March 11, 2018 with a possible Second Round on Sunday April 1, 2018.

Targeting the Global Economic Reset/Collapse into this time-period could be a last effort by Western elites to target relatively "peaceful" regime change in Russia by undermining Putin's narrative of a strong Russian economy bringing prosperity to all.

At present Putin is polling above 60% (at least) of the Russian electorate. Obviously if that can be pulled below 50% and put Putin into a 2nd Round he could perhaps be beaten by a Western proxy - well that will be the way of their thinking anyway.

After that point, if Putin is still around - and of course dependent on the situation in Europe, whatever it takes will really become - whatever it takes.

I would also add, Russia is due to complete a number of important pipelines to China by 2019 - so there really isn't a whole heap of time left to do this "regime change" thing in Russia.

At the point of Global Economic Reset if Clinton is President, the problems will be blamed on her predecessor and how he spent 8 years "doing nothing" to fix underlying problems, if Trump is President - it will all be his fault. He will have (of course) had enough time by then (President for nearly a year afterall!!! () to have fixed any underlying problems in the US problem.

Yep, so if it collapses in late 2017 and Trump is President - he will get the blame.

Posted by: Julian | Sep 7 2016 10:19 utc | 2

Both Trump and Clinton are for UNLIMITED 'legal' H1Bs, which have devestated US high-tech and professional careers since the 90s and Al Gores, "Larry, NAFTA is GOOD for Americans", then peaked under Bush Der Decider, while our citizens were sent off to fight in some desert hellhole oil war. There is only One Party: Mil.Gov.Fed.Biz.

Posted by: TheRealDonald | Sep 7 2016 10:23 utc | 3

It was a while back watching a report on a bombing inside a Yemeni mosque, timed perfectly to explode during denunciations of Israeli crimes and 'coincidentally' caught on camera as if in a hollywood blockbuster, I came to realize that everything -- and I do mean EVERYTHING -- in media is scripted.

The report was on Press TV and moments later I caught a conversation on RT which was itself perfectly scripted, this time according Zionist cultural memes.

Most normal people simply can't fathom the degree to which our so-called reality is scripted, according to an all pervasive neoliberal ideology which is unquestionably controlled by a globally centralized authority.

Posted by: C I eh? | Sep 7 2016 11:26 utc | 5

Hey, check this out:

Posted by: xyz | Sep 7 2016 11:54 utc | 6

To reiterate a comment I made two threads back, the very idea of 'journalism' is a crock, destructive to individual human integrity/ self determination because it reinforces the false idea we are navigating an open space of thought and communication. This is incorrect.

'Journalists' are engaged in the business of thought control. They are 'proffesionals' who are 'experts' in the management of human perception -- and they do it mostly for money.

Disabuse yourself of the notion it is acceptible to outsource your thinking to anyone, least of all to a self interested cadre of System Zealots.

Posted by: C I eh? | Sep 7 2016 12:27 utc | 7


88 US Admirals/Generals now openly support Donald Trump and his 'The Wall' national 'security' (sic) plan for unlimited DHS expansion into a $T/year 'Defense' (sic), and then rabbinical end-timer Mark Levin jumps on board too?

This is your 'smaller government' and 'anti-establishment' New Federal Police Force and $6.5T higher national 'debt' (sic) candidate!?

Admirals and generals get $250,000 a year pensions for life, free Tri-Care, and free Space-A to go shopping in Dubai or Stuttgart whenever they wish. Bwaaa,ha,ha,ha,ha?! Mr. 'Law and Order'? Bwaaa,ha,ha,ha,ha?! Mr. Children of the Corn?! Bwaaa,ha,ha,ha,ha?! Mr. Unlimited 'Legal' (sic) H1B Immigration? Bwaaa,ha,ha,ha,ha?!

Posted by: TheRealDonald | Sep 7 2016 12:54 utc | 8

OT;Wapo says Bent dick Clinton worked with Tony Bliar against Iraq War;When you get to the text,it was the opposite.He worked to promote it.
NYts;UN stymied in Dag Hammarskold investigation by US and GB resistance.
Man o Man.

Posted by: dahoit | Sep 7 2016 12:56 utc | 9

'Facts' are like water held in a pair of cupped hands. You can only hold so much, for so long, before most of it spills.

Losing this ancient epistemological understanding marks you as a slave in the dialectic of Westernism.

Posted by: C I eh? | Sep 7 2016 13:04 utc | 10

I really appreciate the content of articles here and don't get bothered by the typos. In this one, though, a WaPo article for tomorrow is linked? Please, b, do a little proofreading. It detracts from otherwise great postings, especially when shared on other sites where people will use anything to pick apart and troll info they wish to denigrate.

Posted by: woogs | Sep 7 2016 13:09 utc | 11

While this "chlorine" attack report sounds totally ridiculous, I wonder if more than chlorine should not be used against ISIS and its allies. Who would object?

Posted by: virgile | Sep 7 2016 13:40 utc | 12

@8 TheRealDonald

What does your comment have to do with mine?

Posted by: C I eh? | Sep 7 2016 13:46 utc | 13

So far 9 out of 13 OT. Either enforce the open thread or drop it.

PS Will be glad when the selection is over and no longer have to scroll through endless repetitive drivel from people who think if they repeat the same comment 500 times it will somehow make a difference in the world.

Posted by: Frisco Kid | Sep 7 2016 13:58 utc | 14


I don't doubt that the western central bankers could try something like this, but I highly suspect it would backfire badly.

Remember those sanctions slapped on Russia by the EU/US over Ukraine? The motive was to isolate Russia from the Global Financial system, but "that which does not kill you makes you stronger."

I suspect Russian economy is now more resilient and a "collapse" in the western bond or stock markets would not serve much of a purpose in terms of hurting Putin.

The main lever would be crude oil, but that has already collapsed from $100/bbl to $40/bbl and the Russian economy is still standing.

Posted by: Chris | Sep 7 2016 14:02 utc | 15

So far 9 out of 13 OT. Either enforce the open thread or drop it.

PS Will be glad when the selection is over and no longer have to scroll through endless repetitive drivel from people who think if they repeat the same comment 500 times it will somehow make a difference in the world.

Posted by: Frisco Kid | Sep 7, 2016 9:58:12 AM | 14


it's mostly stupid Americans ranting about their stupid pseudo-elections.

they're too stupid to realise that it makes no difference to the rest of the world who is selected as prez because all we get is war war and more war.

And what happens internally to US citizens is something the rest of us can do nothing about, so who but stupid deluded Americans gives a shit?

Posted by: BadMax | Sep 7 2016 14:47 utc | 16

No matter which American asshole is selected all we get is more murder and chaos and brutality.

It's a lot like Israel in that respect

Posted by: BadMax | Sep 7 2016 14:50 utc | 17

Corporate Media Propaganda behavior is much the same as Climate Deniers in that they continue to lie regardless of the number of times the lies are refuted. It would appear that the goal is to attain zero credibility across all topics.

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 7 2016 15:26 utc | 18


, on whos
...should read

on whose

Posted by: Ronald | Sep 7 2016 16:06 utc | 19

Off topic, but an interesting article on Syria

Posted by: AtaBrit | Sep 7 2016 16:38 utc | 20

thakns b... i really appreciate your ongoing focus here and elsewhere..

Posted by: james | Sep 7 2016 16:54 utc | 21

the latest 'chlorine attack' pictures show two kids wearing brand new hospital pyjamas, the same color, and one of the kid looks almost laughing.

Posted by: Mina | Sep 7 2016 18:23 utc | 22

@16 Stupid Americans? Who are you to make that comment?

Posted by: bbbb | Sep 7 2016 18:52 utc | 23

FWIW, there are two "Al Quds/Al Quods" hospitals on wikimapia inside al-Sukkari district (which directly borders Ramouseh and the region of the "corridor" that was closed just a day or two before those "chlorine attacks", btw). Here is one Al Quds hospital, and there is the other one.

Posted by: CE | Sep 7 2016 19:33 utc | 24

Its quite possible, likely even, that the noxious fumes weren't chlorine at all but were produced by old-fashioned gunpowder technology that is known to have been used in Syria. It produces choking fumes, particularly when it burns rather than explodes. Potassium (Sodium) Nitrate (Chlorate) are prime candidates as oxidants. Just a thought.

Posted by: Mr Toad | Sep 7 2016 19:35 utc | 25

The staged fake 'dazed, confused Syrian kid' has been posted by the NYT on its website at least once every day since it was taken -- expect the 'kid in a gas mask' as daily propaganda accompaniment.

Posted by: chet380 | Sep 7 2016 20:23 utc | 26

This news is not connected to this thread directly, but to me is another sign of preparations to rebuild the Jerusalem temple destroyed by the Romans.
It all feels like a matter of timing, waiting for the conditions to be right. If the sponsors of this scheme are not 100% prepared, they will harvest a hurricane.

Posted by: Midan | Sep 7 2016 21:00 utc | 27

watching the Cortisol News Network and they're selling this shit HARD. as usual, they had a white chick in istanbul talking about it based on white helmet and Guy in England Observatory nonsense and of course she threw in the lie about the false flag chemical attack in 2013. "won't somebody think of the CHILDREN!!!" and all the standard whining about russia from ash carter's strangelovian lying piehole.

there should be a law that cable news bingo callers and the pundits and politicians to whom they give airtime have to send their idiot children to fight in any war they start. if clinton had to send chelsea and her goldman husband into tehran after Shock and Awe II she might learn to keep her goddamn mouth shut and pretend she's a human being. same for cowardly proxy wars like syria.

Posted by: the pair | Sep 7 2016 21:24 utc | 28

No one is buying the news anymore. And as they say... you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. We should stop expecting journalism.

Posted by: MadMax2 | Sep 7 2016 23:21 utc | 29


Speaking of 'staged fake 'dazed, confused', The Donald has finally dropped his faux 'Small Government' and 'Balanced Budget' Conservative velvet gloves, and revealed the iron claws of not only a racist, classist UNLIMITED DHS 'The Wall' plan to give the DHS Director czar powers, ...but now The Donald, Mr. Anti-Establishment, is calling for a Ultra Rabbinical NeoCon UNLIMITED DOD 'Kill ISIS' plan with massive increases to Defense spending (already 3x that of Reagan's and already $6.5 TRILLION Zgone missing MIA), and massive re-deployment of arms, ordnance and troops to the Middle East, to take out Damascus, then Simferopol, and then no doubt Beirut, to seize the oil and gas pipelines routes to Europe for Israel's Leviathan Project. 'Mr. Law and Order, and he's cutting taxes to deficit and spend, for his credit-debt pals on Wall Street that have bankrupted the world. The Donald, bwaaah,ha,ha,ha,ha.

Posted by: TheRealDonald | Sep 7 2016 23:32 utc | 30


Other than taxation, the Dastardly Dangerous Mr Trump's plan differs significantly from Killary Klinton's just how exactly?

Basically it just sounds like he's stealing most of his ideas from the equally horrible Klinton.

No one with any brains gives a fuck which of these two dogturds wins the selection.

Posted by: BadMax | Sep 8 2016 0:28 utc | 31

I have collected primary sources and other material on the claimed attack on a page on ACLOS:
Alleged Chemical Attack on Aleppo, September 6, 2016

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Sep 8 2016 2:12 utc | 33

Re: Posted by: Chris | Sep 7, 2016 10:02:05 AM | 15

You undoubtedly have a solid point there. I guess what I'm getting at is that there is definitely going to have to be some sort of economic/financial reset in the near future or else the whole thing really will implode in on itself with untold consequences of chaos across the entire world.

Given that, when is this likely to happen?

I'd say it will happen at the most opportune time possible for those who will push the button on the implosion.

With Elections in the key Western democracies out of the way after next year's German Elections - none again before 2020 (US, UK, Germany, France), the biggest electoral "casualties" would either be collateral damage (controllable) or the next cab off the rank - which in this case is Russia. Ideal.

At the same time you can expect the pressure to be turned up militarily in Syria, Ukraine, South China Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, perhaps Georgia, Azerbaijan, Baltic States, who knows.

You can also expect some kind of concerted attack on the legitimacy of Russia to host the World Cup.

It's all coming down the pike.

One would naturally expect this effort will be worse under Clinton than under Trump, though that is probably more a matter of degrees rather than any truly substantive policy differences.

One can hope though.

Posted by: Julian | Sep 8 2016 5:14 utc | 34

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Posted by: dentist joondalup | Sep 8 2016 6:12 utc | 35

Both Trump and Clinton are for UNLIMITED 'legal' H1Bs, which have devestated US high-tech and professional careers since the 90s and Al Gores, "Larry, NAFTA is GOOD for Americans", then peaked under Bush Der Decider, while our citizens were sent off to fight in some desert hellhole oil war.

Posted by: Nettside pris | Sep 13 2016 14:35 utc | 36

Targeting the Global Economic Reset/Collapse into this time-period could be a last effort by Western elites to target relatively "peaceful" regime change in Russia by undermining Putin's narrative of a strong Russian economy bringing prosperity to all.

Posted by: hjemmeside | Sep 13 2016 14:36 utc | 37

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