Ankara Bombing Fails To Achive Strategic Changes
The bombing in Ankara yesterday killed 27 mostly military people. It was a big car bomb and a suicide attack.The Turkish government claims that the person who did this was one Saleh Nejar and also claims that he is connected to the Syrian Kurdish group YPG.
There is no way to verify this. But the YPG has so fare never used any car bombs or done any suicide attacks. It never touched any target in Turkey. It officially denied to have taken any part in it.
The Turkish group PKK has done vehicle bomb attacks and a few suicide attacks but not in Ankara or any other major west-Turkish city. Its attacks are usually operational, not strategic like this one.
In the last Turkish version of its magazine the Islamic State had called for attacks in Turkey and on Turkish soldiers. It is the entity that has most to win through such an attack that would predictably be blamed on the Kurds. It is the most plausible culprit.
The attack could also have been arranged by the Turkish secret service MIT. But the number and type of casualties seems to be too high and valuable for a stage-managed false flag attack.
The Turkish government first claimed that that the PKK was responsible for the attack and send fighter jets into the Qandil mountains in Iraq to bomb some PKK positions. The Turkish Prime Minister then blamed the Syrian YPK and then the Syrian President Assad. Next will be Russia, the Jews and the Illuminati.
The Turkish government called in the ambassadors of the permanent members of the UN Security Council to present its evidence. A "western diplomat" told the Wall Street Journal that the evidence shown was "not conclusive". That is the diplomatese expression for "bullshit". The Turkish attempt to use the attack to change the U.S. and EU relations to the YPK failed. The YPK and its associated Arab and Turkmen forces is a very valuable asset for the U.S. to fight the Islamic State. It will refrain from condemning it as long as that is the case.
The YPG groups in west Syria are fighting together with others under the label Syrian Democratic Forces. These and the mysterious additional attendants are pressing Jihadi forces in the Azaz pocket at the Turkish border. They are now seeing more resistance. The Turks use artillery to protect the Jihadis in Azaz and the number of enemies has grown. One "rebel" tells Reuters that 2,000 "rebels" with some tanks came from Idleb through Turkey to Azaz. That number is dubious. The British MI6 outlet SOHR as well as a Turkish pro government daily put the numbers at 350 on Monday and another 500 on Wednesday. To transport the tanks through Turkey would likely have been too much a hassle. I doubt that any reached Azaz.
I suspect that many of these "rebels" in Azaz are actually Turks of some radical nationalist and Islamist faction as well as Grey Wolf fascists which have strong connections to the MIT. Pictures show such "rebels" in Latakia with Turkish and Islamic State flags and in Azaz with their typical Grey Wolf hand sign.
The more "rebels" join the fight in the pocket the less will be in Idleb and elsewhere. The Syrian army and its allies will be happy when lots of the "rebels" join the Azaz pocket and are kept there by the YPG. There is no urge yet to eliminate them.
The Syrian army today liberated Kinsaaba in Latakia near the Turkish border. It was the last bigger holdout of "rebels" in the governate. The Syrian troops in north Latakia can now mop up what is left of the "rebels" and then move to the eastern ridge of the Latakia mountains. From there they can look down onto Idleb province and the city of Jisr al Shughour. When the big battle for Idleb province begins during the next months that city will be their first target.
Yesterdays attack in Ankara has moved less than expected. While the Turks would like to enter Syria and fight the Syrian government troops as well as the YPG they are to afraid of the Russian forces to go alone. NATO and the U.S. are for now unwilling to give them any cover.
Posted by b on February 18, 2016 at 19:20 UTC | Permalink
There is one more point: One of PKK's leaders, Cemil Bayik, and a pro-Kurdish journaist, Cahit Mervan, imply that a PKK-affiliated group (a kind of youth organization) is behind Ankara bombing.
Bayik's comments:
Mervan's article (in Turkish):
Posted by: Erman | Feb 18 2016 19:33 utc | 2
Here is my best guess:
Erdogan et al. seem determined to launch an invasion into (roughly) a 6+1/4 mile strip on the northern border with Syria. Maybe they will do it. If they do that then:
(+) The Feb. 17 car bomb attack on a military convoy in Ankar that killed at least 28 people will not be relevant.
(+) The UNSC 2249 resolution will not be relevant.
What will likely happen is that Russia, then Iran, will send troops in to drive them back. This will be a dangerous move. Russia could also use air power, but that would be more dangerous still.
However there are additional options to punish Turkey.
Suppose high ranking Russian officials proclaim that "Turkey's" Hatay "Province" in the far northwest corner of Syria really belongs to Syria, and must now be returned to Syria by force?
The Syrians have a very strong "legal" argument that Hatay is actually a Syrian Province. Plus it certainly looks as if it should belong to Syria.
So now Turkey is fighting not only for a 6+1/4 mile strip on the northern border with Syria, but for "their" 2,251 sq. mi. Hatay Province.
With this move, the Syrian allies could make Erdogan very unhappy indeed.
Posted by: blues | Feb 18 2016 19:42 utc | 3
It has to be underlined that Turkey is isolated, without US support. Numerous signs of this over the last week.
Posted by: corner store | Feb 18 2016 19:50 utc | 4
The Turk leadership criminals are terrified that if they go alone or joined with Mideast allies invading Syria, that the Russians will slaughter them with a revengeful smile on their face. That outcome still won't stop the western terrorists states and its media from an avalanche of anti-Russian propaganda.
That why they need bigger Western state to join the invasion too. But that means A serious threat of world War three and only the evil US Empire and Isrealis is serious enough to consider it.
Posted by: tom | Feb 18 2016 19:51 utc | 5
thanks b..
erdogan has been on a steady mission to create havoc with the kurds.. he has turned eastern turkey into an ongoing battleground, locking over 60 people in a basement and mass murdering them.. apparently they were all terrorists.. that is the magic wand that makes everything easy.. debs is dead pointed out that the attack in ankara last oct. was initially blamed on the kurds, but that made as much sense as pretty well everything erdogan says these days.. erdogan continues to play a very dangerous game with his mit, grey wolfes buddies while turning a blind eye to his sponsorship of isis almost completely out in the open for all to see.. he is looking for any pretext he can find to make war on pkk, as opposed to isis and according to your commentary - this was another opportunity..
meanwhile, the usa via state dept deputy spokesperson toner continues to claim all is good with their partnership with turkey.. what would have to happen for the usa to change it's position on this? apparently defying international law and lobbing bombs over your border into another country doesn't quality..
i expect more terrorist acts in turkey... i can't see it any other way..
we don't get the details on the terrorist acts in syria and they are all blamed on syria's assad and russia.. never do we get told that erdogan in his allowing a border crossing to be used to ship arms and isis members is a problem, least of all by erdogan, or the turkish media which is not a free and independent media... he has all the media in a state of siege given his intolerance for the free exchange of information..
Posted by: james | Feb 18 2016 19:53 utc | 6
I guess the Western countries are becoming fed up with Erdogan who not only has avoided fighting ISIS but is still obviously helping them by attacking the Kurds.
They are also fed up with Erdogan's blackmailing the EU by threating of letting loose the flow of "Moslem refugees".
Erdogan's foreign policy is infantile and criminal. He has become a dangerous megalomaniac and he must be stopped.
I think that's what the Western countries are covertly doing now and rejoicing that Russia is beating the hell out of him.
Posted by: virgile | Feb 18 2016 20:10 utc | 7
Seems Sultan Caliph Erdogan and his little Emir Davutoglu will do anything to drag their NATO allies into open war in Syria.
Sad part is, their puppet masters are not biting the bait. Few years ago, Sultan Erdogan was boasting about praying in Damascus. Today, he's about to oversee some serious civil war in his own country. How cute of him :)
Posted by: Zico | Feb 18 2016 20:20 utc | 8
It's probably beginning to dawn on Erdogan that his dream of making Turkey bigger at Syria's expense has become a nightmare. Too wussy to go it alone, and needing NATO endorsement before the wussy Saudis will join the bloodletting, he'll have to be content with making the Kurds angry enough to create his own civil war.
Now he'll be going to bed each night wondering whether a tally of his own Numbered Days will be bigger, or smaller, than Assad's?
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 18 2016 20:40 utc | 9
What is your take on this new coalition western-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) established on Oct. 15, 2015?
○ Final resolution of the Democratic Syria Congress released – Dec. 10, 2015
○ Origins of the Syrian Democratic Forces: A Primer by Aaron Lund
See also my post on previous thread - here.
possibly two-birds-with-one-stone. You have to look at the political affiliation of the military group that was targeted in Ankara. Were they Erdogan's people or the older faction, who really hate him. If it is the faction most likely to launch a coup then he's feeling more secure today, and tarring the PKK or YPK is just gravy.
Posted by: S.H.E. | Feb 18 2016 20:44 utc | 12
The bombing only makes sense as part of the Race to Raqqa (RtR).
Was an agrement reached with Russia that makes the RtR moot?
Or, could it be that Erdogan is attempting to negotiate a better deal with USA/Saudis? That once he arranges such a deal that he will blame ISIS instead?
We've seen how he blackmailed negotiated with the EU over the refugees.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 18 2016 21:08 utc | 13
The question is to what extent Erdogan is isolated in his desire to make war in Syria.
The regime and the secret police OK. The army pretty doubtful. The public I really doubt that they want foreign adventures.
Erdogan is becoming more and more mad, I regret to say. Doubtful the extent to which the Turks will follow him.
Posted by: Laguerre | Feb 18 2016 21:19 utc | 14
I totally agree with Laguerre (14) "Erdogan is becoming more and more mad, I regret to say. Doubtful the extent to which the Turks will follow him."
Erdogan acts more and more like a cornered mad dog. He's trying anything to get what he wants, it's No Fly Buffer Zone inside Syria, but to no avail apparently. The guy is dangerous who knows what he'll do next. And don't forget he has many enemies inside (ex-top generals, kemalists, secularists of all sorts) and outside (Gulen, Russia, maybe Israel).
It's obvious he's the one and only boss now in Turkey and you have to obey his orders or else. That's very dangerous in the current situation.
I think a lot of people who count realize he is going too far and I wouldn't be surprised to wake up one morning to the news of a coup in Turkey.
Posted by: jeanv | Feb 18 2016 21:35 utc | 15
Geez, if Putin didn't do it and Osama's dead, then it was probably the CIA. Erdogan's claims have a similar credibility. Meanwhile, on the battlefield the terrorists are losing most everywhere. Soon, the entire gambit by the Outlaw US Empire and its Zionist ally will be literally up in smoke. There might even be a surprise when Assad attempts to reclaim the Golan Heights at war's end.
Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 18 2016 21:44 utc | 16
OK, well, here's the Syria-Russian rift opening up.
Russia's envoy to UN, Vitaly Churkin, has now bitch-slapped Assad and told him to get with the peace program -- which sounds to me like it could also be called the Government of Ysrael's (GoY) Syrian pork-loin plan.
Give the Kurds the chop/loin across the top, the Sunnis the shoulder along the Euphrates, and Assad the ham on the W coast. Hang on . . . this may not be the best analogy considering the parties. Let me work on it.
But when this thing is all said and done and the dust has settled, if a sufficiently stable and moderate Sunni element can be identified, Syria will not be the same country Sykes and Picot mapped out over sherry and cigars.
Excellent summary b. More on the chilly reception given to Erdogan's claims about the Ankara bombing:
Just the beginning of chaos spreading to Turkey:
Posted by: Thirdeye | Feb 18 2016 22:14 utc | 19
SOHR is a British MI6 organization? Didn't know that.
How about Bellingcat?
Posted by: Joanne Leon | Feb 18 2016 22:21 utc | 20
re 20
SOHR is a British MI6 organization? Didn't know that.SOHR started off as a Syrian over his shop in Coventry, with his telephone contacts in Syria. When that suited, external finance began to arrive. The Gulf, British sources. He's probably quite well off now, running a big show, as long as it conforms to the political views of his masters.
Posted by: Laguerre | Feb 18 2016 22:39 utc | 21
@14 LG
Turkey has turned into bloodbath after Ankara blast: Opposition
Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) says the country has descended into a bloodbath following a deadly car bomb explosion targeting military vehicles in the capital, Ankara.“The point we arrived at is that the country has turned into a bloodbath. It is a pity. It is wrong for this country. All of us are in pain. My heart is hurting. It is hurting deeply,” CHP leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, told reporters on Thursday.
He further noted that Turkey is not being governed well under the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).
Republican People's Party (Turkey)
The CHP usually draw much of their support from secular and liberal religious voters with a stable electorate from voters of big cities, coastal regions, professional middle-class, and minority groups such as Alevis. According to The Economist, "to the dismay of its own leadership the CHP’s core constituency, as well as most of its MPs, are Alevis."[12]The party's strongholds are the Aegean region (İzmir, Aydın, Muğla), the Thrace region (Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ) and the college town Eskişehir.
[12] "Identity: Proud to be a Turk: But what does it mean?". The Economist. 6 February 2016. Retrieved 8 February 2016.
Alevism or Alevi (/'ælɛvij/, also /æˈlɛviː/ or /əˈleɪviː/, Turkish: Alevîlik or Turkish: Anadolu Alevîliği/Alevileri, also called as Qizilbash,[1] Spiritual Shiism or Shī‘ah Imāmī-Tasawwufī Ṭarīqah)[2] is a mystical[3] branch of Islam whose adherents are followers of Ali, the Twelve Imams (other than Sunni Muslims who believe in the four Rashidun caliphs) and their descendant, the 13th century Alevi saint Haji Bektash Veli. Having some links with Twelver Shia Islam (like the importance of the Ahl al-Bayt, the day of Ashura, the Mourning of Muharram, commemorating Karbala, etc.), the practices of the Alevis are based on Sufi elements of the Bektashi[4] tariqa.[5][6] Alevism is seen as one of the two main branches of Islam in Turkey, the other being Sunni Islam.The size of the Alevi population is likewise disputed, but most estimates place them somewhere between 15 to 20 million people, primarily in Turkey.
[1] Anadolu Kızılbaşlığı or simply Kızılbaşlık would better represent the majority of their members.
[2] "Rumi’s Spiritual Shiism". Retrieved 5 March 2015.
[3] Radtke, B. "BĀṬEN". Encyclopedia Iranica. Retrieved 9 July 2014.
[4] "BEKTĀŠĪYA". Retrieved 5 March 2015.
[5] "Excerpts from Baba Rexheb's The Mysticism of Islam & Bektashism - The Bektashi Order of Dervishes". Retrieved 5 March 2015.
[6] "ALEVITISME: De vijf zuilen? (met NL ondertiteling)". YouTube. 12 July 2013. Retrieved 5 March 2015.
Posted by: jfl | Feb 18 2016 22:40 utc | 22
"[next he'll blame] the Jews and the Illuminati."
Haha. You seen some of the people who comment here?
Posted by: Plenue | Feb 18 2016 22:42 utc | 23
@17 Another less hysterical version of Churkin's remarks. No mention of snubbing or bitch-slapping.....
Posted by: dh | Feb 18 2016 22:46 utc | 24
"[next he'll blame] the Jews and the Illuminati."Oh no, not another hasbara troll! I thought MoA was free of those pests.
Haha. You seen some of the people who comment here?
Posted by: Laguerre | Feb 18 2016 22:56 utc | 25
#17 Denis sounds reasonable somehow. Without any evidence, just from picking up stuff here and there, it seems to me that the full "territorial integrity" of syria is out of the question and some kind of agreement in the air that involves whatever kinds of new entities in the border regions.
Someone wrote that assads resignation will be the final bargain to finalize the deal.
Turkey might feel like they haven't got their share, probably they assumed to grab some land south of the border.
The overall media reaction seems to be: a) keep the bombing issue off the shelf b) russia rebuking assad (you'd expect the opposite, wouldnt you). this sounds like russia and us keeping it low and working to some kind of other solution with turkey trying to escalate things just for a while longer.
Posted by: radiator | Feb 18 2016 23:50 utc | 26
@Denis #17
Some settlement with the Kurds is inevitable and the Russians realize that. But it's a stretch to see any sort of settlement based on a sectarian division. That would just be a formula for more war. IMO the principle of secular government will remain paramount.
Posted by: Thirdeye | Feb 18 2016 23:56 utc | 27
@Joanne Leon #20
Eliott Higgins seems like some punk trying to brownnose his way into one of the Empire's think tanks so he can be like Charles Lister.
Posted by: Thirdeye | Feb 19 2016 0:03 utc | 28
@26 Seems to me Churkin is talking a negotiated settlement. No doubt the MSM will blow his remarks up to look like he's bitch-slapping Assad.
Posted by: dh | Feb 19 2016 0:12 utc | 29
Churkin is just expressing what Putin should have already learned about getting into bed with the demented Dr Assad and I'll bet it's the Iranians who are whispering into Assad's ear that the Russians can't back out now and are stuck with Assad to the end.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Feb 19 2016 0:29 utc | 30
Eliot Higgins and his commercial venture Bellingcat ...
○ The Guardian Corrects Anti-Russian Story Based on 'Research' of Own Reporter
○ Despite his dubious record of accuracy, Higgins has gained mainstream acclaim ...
○ 'Bellingcat Report Doesn't Prove Anything': Expert Criticizes Allegations of Russian MH17 Manipulation
○ Amateur journo behind Bellingcat so informed on Russian targets, he ducks RT interview
From Davutoglu's statements today, I think the US and/or NATO and/or the EU are pushing Turkey to sit down at the negotiating table with the Kurds.
"Just like Al-Qaeda or Daesh [Arabic pejorative for IS] do not have seats at the table, the YPG, which is a terrorist organization, cannot have one”
Posted by: Joanne Leon | Feb 19 2016 1:01 utc | 34
TOT because I . Can't . Breathe under the weight and stress position of all this lacivious war pron, this breaking news:
Brain Surgeon and Republican Candidate Ben Carson Says The Chances Are 'Good' That He’ll Be Elected President
So when the surgeon looks at your xrays, then tells you that the chances are 'good' you'll make a full recovery after he removes your liver and pancreas, ...better call Saul.
Posted by: Chipnik | Feb 19 2016 1:02 utc | 35
@28 dh... yeah, that is how i read that too.. give the msm an opportunity and they'll provide the local wow or emil with a little spice to make some bullshite sauce out of it..
Posted by: james | Feb 19 2016 1:18 utc | 36
@36 oui... turkish media has been in a state of seige by erdonut for the past few years... he is just ramping it up more because all the journalists and media types aren't all in jail or awaiting a sentence on any mention that the emperor is missing some clothes..
Posted by: james | Feb 19 2016 1:27 utc | 38
... und so sprach Deutche Welle:
Opinion: Ankara attack isolates Turkey
The terrorist attack in Ankara and its stated connection to the Kurdish YPG is a dangerous turn of events. Turkey needs to avoid boots on the ground in the Syrian conflict, says DW's Seda Serdar.
My private opinion is that the bomb was organized by PKK in response to the recent massacres committed by Turkish military in Cizre and Sur. Strangely enough, they were not reported in USA. A spokesman of PKK denied any connection with the bombing in Ankara, but made a conjecture that this is a retaliation for the atrocities committed in Kurdistan. The "international response" seems to be a mix of the usual pablum, condemnation and what not, and the undertone about "Turkey/Erdogan's inability to resolve its Kurdish problem".
For sure, this government consists of pathological liars who do not shy away from dirty black flag operations. Observe the pithy phrase above, "its stated connection", not much of deference to the official assessment of the situation. From the way they operate, the bunch of Kurds that was promptly arrested is almost certainly just a random collection of the "usual suspects". The bombing itself was highly professional, I think it was a "directed explosion" that tore apart a bus passing by the bomb-laden car without much damage to the buildings. Official story mentions one civilian victim and 27 "our military brothers".
In other words, it is more like "black eye" than "black flag". One day Davoutoglu talks about tremendous success of the "anti-terror operations" where entire cities are free fire zones under 24h curfew and every killed local person is duly classified as a terrorist, and soon after a "blowback" that blows up in a literal fashion. Which is summarized as "government policies led to an explosive situation".
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 19 2016 1:28 utc | 39
@ 17
OK, well, here's the Syria-Russian rift opening up.Russia's envoy to UN, Vitaly Churkin, has now bitch-slapped Assad and told him to get with the peace program -- which sounds to me like it could also be called the Government of Ysrael's (GoY) Syrian pork-loin plan.
There is no "Rift" at all...and the reading of the Rueters link contrasts markedly with both the original Kommersant article and the radio interview ( which I read and hear in my native Russian )
Kommersant Link to his Excellent interview
Posted by: alkomv | Feb 19 2016 1:47 utc | 40
You folks have seen this right?:
RT News -- Dozens of Turkish military vehicles cross Syria border, dig trenches -- Feb 18, 2016, 9:27PM
Turkish military vehicles have crossed into a Kurdistani area in Syria, Afrin, just over the border, a Kurdish news agency reported adding that the troops started to dig a trench near Meidan Ekbis, a town in Aleppo province.
Dozens of Turkish military vehicles advanced 200 meters into the Syrian Kurdish region in Aleppo province on Thursday, ANHA news agency reported.
It added that the troops started digging a trench between the towns of Sorka and Meydan Ekbis. According to the agency the construction of a concrete wall on the Syrian border in the area is ongoing as well.
The agency posted photos of ongoing operations on its website.
Also this:
RT News -- Turkey blames Syrian Kurds for Ankara blast, they deny responsibility, point to ISIS -- Feb. 18, 9:07PM
Posted by: blues | Feb 19 2016 1:47 utc | 41
@Piotr Berman
I have to agree, most likely scenario. Ankara is trying hard to stretch blame to YPG, Syrian government and Russia.
○ Car used in Ankara blast stolen from rental firm in İzmir, before being sent to Diyarbakır
Turkish authorities imposed a 'temporary' media blackout on coverage of the deadly Ankara attack
[Source: TheNewArab)
○ Syrian regime directly responsible for Ankara bomb attack: PM
Moments after the blast, [former] top cops, security experts and very influential “strategists” were on TV, informing everyone that they should not speak about an intelligence deficiency and that the security network of the country would soon identify who the culprits were and definitely capture them.
About Alevis of Turkey: it seems that big proportion of them are not zealously religious, and as they wanted to shed the badge of "second class citizens" they accepted Kemalism. The party which is majority Alevi, CHP, has historical roots as the ruling party (and the only legal party) of the republican Turkey in 1930-ies. Over the years, most of Sunni Kemalists either moved to other parties or abandoned the secular ideology altogether and joined the political base of AKP. As a result, CHP seems to have a very stable support of 25% of the voters, but while it positions itself as "social democratic" and "secular nationalists, but democratic", the "Alevi" badge makes it difficult to attract more Sunni votes.
However, according to opinion polls cited by Guelinist "Today's Zaman", direct engagement in Syria is not supported by the majority of the supporters of AKP, while hardly any supporters of CHP and HDP would see it as a good idea, and from the military point of view, it is hard to tell what is more dangerous: a success in such a venture or a failure. A "unified market" of heavy weapons available to guerilla movements in (former?) Turkey, Syria and Iraq can mix very well with the strife in Turkey, and this is not the most desirable consummation. With luck, Turkish military would get a bloody nose and the issue would be resolved in relatively short time. But neither scenario is desirable.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 19 2016 2:01 utc | 45
It's disappointing that Turkish officials should be so well prepared for media interviews but so poorly prepared for security risks outside their front doors.
Posted by: alkomv | Feb 19 2016 2:02 utc | 46
This is a column of private cars and vans loaded with about 1000 terrorists coming back to Syria after convalescing in Turkish resorts after battle or returning from R&R with new cannon fodder, going to Azaz on Feb 9 or 10, some of them possibly from Idlib. The today's news may have referred to those or it is another group.
More Syrian war commentaries and videos at:
Posted by: Kalen | Feb 19 2016 3:24 utc | 47
Now comes news from UofSHampton that the entire annals of humanity's relentless wars and fugitive tenuous peace efforts, every turgid post and prognostication from Able vers Cain on down to the New American Century Pentagonal Canticles of MoA, can be preserved on tiny 360TB nano-glass discs, like microscope slides, in archives which survive atomic wars and return 5D-formatted data to the re-visiting Grey Aliens for another 13 Billion years, long enough for last radioactive fallout to have died away, and a now human-free Earth to be endemically carpeted with cool, green, silent Forest, once again.
So there's that...
Posted by: NoReply | Feb 19 2016 3:51 utc | 48
In light of recent US massacres in Syria by airstrikes, just generally wondering how much better is Russian military intelligence compare to the US ?
Really tough question to ask and broad ranging, but we can compare the two with potential examples in Syria and see some big differences.
Posted by: tom | Feb 19 2016 4:06 utc | 49
@ #48
A slight edges for Russia. Considerable effort has been taken to use as much human resource as is possible, Chechnya has embedded resource inside terrorist forces as confirmed by Kadyrov, Russia has it's own ground methods as well as obvious ELINT.
I invite you to visit this pages
and read a sample of what is possible. Russia has constantly monitored servers both inside and outside Russia and did recently give some help to NATO ( though it was not well recieved ;) ) Terrorists forces have more communication resources than is generally published MSM, but, if you take note of the conclusion re: MOD ( second link ) in the blog posts you get an idea of the knowledge of Russian and Western Intelligience Services.
Posted by: alkomv | Feb 19 2016 4:54 utc | 50
What Churkin said about Assad is for public consumption and is not a change in Syria/Russia alliance.
I've no doubt that Churkin 'meant' what he said, but it must be taken in context ....... that being that the cease-fire has almost zero chance of being implemented. In other words, file it next to the Minsk II agreement. Meanwhile, the outcome is being decided daily on the ground.
In that context, Churkin was merely telling Assad to get with the (PR) program.
Posted by: woogs | Feb 19 2016 5:01 utc | 51
Really, at this point in history, the arbitrary drive-by shot at conspiracy theorists is just mind-blowingly stupid. How stupid? Every bit as stupid as the assertion that a government would never do a false flag operation that involved any significant number of losses or if any of those losses were of 'high value' to the government.
What I find quite interesting is that this incident, which was clearly a MILITARY assault, whatever else it was, was immediately labeled a terrorist assault! Also, the hypocrisy of Turkey, which thinks nothing of blasting away across the border into Syria, and yet whines about a bomb in its territory, is pretty stunning. I guess incredibly shameless hypocrisy is their thing (as it is ours in the US).
Most likely it was Ankara's doing, as it fits the narrative they are trying to create so well.
Posted by: paul | Feb 19 2016 5:35 utc | 52
Nice try at spinning this public reprimand of Assad by Churkin/Putin. Apparently private consultation between the two parties failed to impress Assad which shows Putin has helped to save a madman who feels free to publicly embarrass and rebuff his savior.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Feb 19 2016 5:36 utc | 53
Good short piece in the natl interest:
why assads army has not defected
The fact remains: The moderate Syrian opposition only exists in fancy suits in Western hotel lobbies. It has little military backing on the ground. If you want to ask why Assad is still the president of Syria, the answer is not simply Russia or Iran, but the fact that his army remains resilient and pluralistic, representing a Syria in which religion alone does not determine who rises to the top. The military also represent as challenge against the spread of terrorism, which is why three of the top British generals of the last five years have openly called for the recognition that the Syrian Arab Army, loyal to President Assad, is the only force capable of defeating ISIS and Al Qaeda in the Levant.
Posted by: Nana2007 | Feb 19 2016 5:47 utc | 54
@ALberto | Feb 18, 2016 5:13:03 PM | 18
So the Kurds get none of Turkey? Heh!
I can’t imagine the Kurds getting a single square foot of Turkey. Ever. I mean, with NATO backing Turkey, who is backing any of the Kurdish factions, other than in their efforts against Da’esh?
@Thirdeye | Feb 18, 2016 6:56:07 PM | 26
“But it's a stretch to see any sort of settlement based on a sectarian division.”
Yeah, it’s a stretch, ain’t it? Maybe if there’s enough sand between the Sunnis and Shia -- and the wahhabis all get their heads chopped. I dunno’.
And the other question is: In a Balkanized Syria, who will control the air space? IOW, who is going to take down the GoY F-16's heading for the tunnel-complexes surrounding Fordow? (Wanna’ see one? 34° 56.640' N 50° 45.685' E )
It’s easy to forget that Syria is not about Syria, it’s about access to IRI.
@ Wayoutwest | Feb 18, 2016 7:29:43 PM | 29
“. . .the Russians can't back out now and are stuck with Assad to the end.”
I think Putin would be fine with whomever guarantees him a berth at Tartus, and I by berth ain’t talkin’ AirBnB.
Which brings to mind, I wonder how much shit Russia has off-loaded at Tartus and delivered to Hezzbollah since the Ruskies started telling GoY fighters to stay out of Syrian airspace.
@ alkomv | Feb 18, 2016 8:47:15 PM | 39
“There is no "Rift" at all”
Would be awesome if you could translate that Kommersant article to English for us, or at least a summary. You need to send a copy to Max Fisher, too. He’s getting hot on this story.
What is Kommersant, anyway?
Posted by: NoReply | Feb 18, 2016 10:51:21 PM | 47
Thanks for the Eternal Data Storage link. A few years ago CSIRO (Oz) invented a 5D DVD with huge capacity (dozens of movies). This upgrade in capacity and Potential Life-time suffers from the disadvantage of being ultra-ultra high tech. Even if the stored data survives several Stone Ages it's unlikely that the Hi-Tech required to decode it will survive with it - considering the limited lifetime of EVERY electrical/ electronic gizmo I've ever owned.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19 2016 6:04 utc | 56
@17 "Russia's envoy to UN, Vitaly Churkin, has now bitch-slapped Assad and told him to get with the peace program"
That sounds a pretty fair statement, as far as it goes.
After all, the Russians agreed to the "cessation of hostilities", and therefore it is incumbent upon them to bring Assad on-board as well.
But then you follow up with this.......
" -- which sounds to me like it could also be called the Government of Ysrael's (GoY) Syrian pork-loin plan."
No, it doesn't sound like that at all.
That any political settlement will include some kind of Federation is inevitable, if only because Assad and Putin would have been crazy not to have dangled that prospect in front of the Kurds. Nothing else can explain the tacit coordination between R+6 and the YPG.
That's pretty self-evident, because if autonomy within a future federated Syria hadn't been offered to the Kurds then they would still be following the Pentagon's marching orders, which were - and afaik still are - for the YPG to march south and attack! attack! attack! Raqqa.
But there is nothing the least bit unusual or sinister about a federated system, indeed, it is quite commonplace for sovereign states to be federations.
"Give the Kurds the chop/loin across the top, the Sunnis the shoulder along the Euphrates, and Assad the ham on the W coast. Hang on . . . this may not be the best analogy considering the parties. Let me work on it."
Well, gosh, if that is meant to follow some "Government of Ysrael's (GoY) Syrian pork-loin plan" then you are not talking about a federation, precisely because the Israelis would want Syria to be turned into a balkanized state.
I have no doubt that splitting Syria into three statelets would give Netanyahu and Ya'alon a hard-on. But that certainly is NOT what the Russians want to happen.
The Russians have said - time and time and time again - that one of their main aims is to ensure that int'l law is adhered to i.e. that sovereign states are not dismembered merely because neighbouring states (or even not-so-neighbouring superpowers) think that this is a good idea.
The Russians say - quite correctly IMO - that this isn't for the neighbours to decide.
Posted by: Yeah, Right | Feb 19 2016 6:14 utc | 57
U.S. has asked Russia not to attack special forces in Syria: military.. reminds me of an article that b wrote a few days ago...
Posted by: james | Feb 19 2016 6:20 utc | 58
Churkin is just expressing what Putin should have already learned about getting into bed with the demented Dr Assad and I'll bet it's the Iranians who are whispering into Assad's ear that the Russians can't back out now and are stuck with Assad to the end.
Posted by: Dementedoutwest | Feb 18, 2016 7:29:43 PM | 29
Talking peace & reconciliation is a permanent strategy for Russia (and China).
It's more seductive than the demented raving of Noisy Christian Neanderthals.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19 2016 6:40 utc | 59
As I feared, soft no-fly zone is already being implemented in Syria:
“We provided (the Russians) a geographical area that we asked them to stay out of because of the risk to U.S. forces,” Cook said. “Up to this point they have honored this request.”
Such zones will only expand as more NATO forces pour into country, and soon we'll have Kurdistan and Sunistan offlimits.
Posted by: Harry | Feb 19 2016 7:23 utc | 60
To whom it may concern or whom i may have offended:
I ask you to please ignore my latest comments since those really don´t reflect my personal opinion but rather a temporary state of mind caused by my medications,to which i´m not fully adapted yet.
Again, i´m sorry.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Feb 19 2016 7:25 utc | 61
@17 "Russia warns Assad not to snub Syria ceasefire plan"
Quotes in that Reuters article sounds pretty bad, but we have to consider the source. Western politicians and media always try to put a rift between the alies of Resistance.
Another aspect is politics. Its more important what sides do than say.
That said, Russia has a long history of caring for their interests only, so I wouldnt be that surprised if they went along with USrael's Kurdistan + Sunistan plans. Russia's base remains in Syria, maybe some sanctions removed, maybe some deals done on Ukraine front, etc. Russia can backstab its alies at anytime if its useful for it, Iran can testify it many times over.
Posted by: Harry | Feb 19 2016 7:33 utc | 62
Apparently the weaker minds, what I affectionately call the mouth breathers, are showing their clever monkey skills by highjacking my username to try to confuse what they cannot debate.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Feb 19 2016 14:55 utc | 63
OT,but Russian related;US sends tanks to Norway caves!!!??near the border of Russia.A little cold and mountainous eh?The Tanks probably wouldn't even start in the sub zero temps,but hey,deterrence has its profit.
Posted by: dahoit | Feb 19 2016 15:54 utc | 64
@65 Got to do something with all that stuff. Trondheim is quite a long way from Russia though.
Posted by: dh | Feb 19 2016 17:05 utc | 65
Kurdish militant group TAK claims responsibility for Ankara bombing
The Kurdistan Freedom Hawks (TAK) said the bombing was in response to the policies of President Tayyip Erdogan and said it would continue its attacks. It said the bomber was a 26-year old Turkish national born in the eastern city of Van.The group most recently claimed responsibility for a mortar attack at Istanbul's second airport in December that left an aircraft cleaner dead.
TAK has in the past said its relationship with PKK militants has been severed. Both groups are regarded as terrorist organizations by Ankara and the United States.
- TAK is not known for such sophisticated attacks. Usually they just launch a few mortars or so.
- TAK claims that the attack is revenge for the Turkish military killing in Cizre.
- It names a Turkish(Kurdish) national from Van as the suicide bomber.
(The Turkish government named someone from Syria but that person was never registered at its alleged place of birth.)
The Kurdistan Freedom Falcons Emerges as a Rival to the PKK | Jamestown – Oct. 2006 |On 28 August 2006, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (also known as the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks, Teyrêbazên Azadiya Kurdistan, or TAK) set off several bombs in the Turkish cities of Marmaris, Istanbul and Antalya. The attacks, the latest in a series, killed three people and injured 21. The bombings illustrated the secretive group's growing ability to carry out multiple simultaneous operations. The attacks also demonstrated TAK's growing threat not only to Turkey, but also to the Kurdistan Workers' Party's (PKK) self-appointed role as sole defender of Turkey's 15 million Kurds.
Just two years ago, in mid-2004, the group carried out its first attacks. These earliest bombings were largely small and non-lethal, but from 2005 onward the TAK launched more deadly attacks—notably killing five foreign tourists in their bombing of the resort city of Kusadasi on July 16, 2005 (BBC, July 16, 2005).
Although there is no precise information, it is possible that the TAK was founded by Kurds who disagreed with the PKK's softening stance toward Turkey. Since the capture of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan in 1999, the PKK's goals have shrunk from demanding full independence for Kurdistan to the granting of cultural rights and some form of limited autonomy to Turkish Kurds. Although Turkish politicians and media argue that the TAK is a front for the PKK, it is more likely that the group is a rival and potential successor to the PKK.Explosions result in defiance among all | HDN |
Security forces said on Wednesday they had seized 74 kilograms of plastic explosives in southeastern Turkey of the type often used by the PKK. The explosive, C4, also known as Semtex, has been used by the PKK and TAK.
The explosives, along with 15 rocket-launchers, had come across the border from northern Iraq, according to the Şırnak Governor's Office. No date for the operation was given.
Who are the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks TAK? | Ekurd – June 2010 |The Kurdish Freedom Hawks [Kurdistan Freedom Falcons], a Kurdish separatist group, claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on a Turkish military bus in Turkey's largest city of Istanbul that killed five people. Here are some key facts about the group:
-- Teyrebazen Azadiya Kurdistan, or TAK, carried out its first attacks in 2004. The early bombings were largely small and non-lethal, but from 2005 onwards TAK launched more deadly attacks. In July that year it bombed a minibus in the western Turkish holiday resort of Kusadasi, killing at least five people including a British woman and an Irish woman.
-- In January 2008 the United States said it had designated the TAK as a terrorist group, subjecting it to U.S. financial sanctions.
-- The TAK has deliberately attacked Turkish and foreign civilians. The geographical spread of TAK attacks also suggests that its members live in Kurdish migrant communities in western Turkey and in Istanbul, rather than in the Kurdish heartlands of the southeast that were the focus of PKK actions.AIMS:
-- It claims to oppose Turkey's "false policies on the Kurdish issue", and to be seeking revenge for the deaths of Kurds at the hands of the Turkish government.SOME ATTACKS:
-- In August 2008 the group claimed responsibility for bomb attacks in the Turkish coastal cities of Mersin and Izmir. A suspected suicide bomber detonated a bomb in his car near Mersin, killing himself and wounding 12 police officers.Sixteen people, most of them policemen and soldiers, were injured in a powerful
car bomb blast on targeting Turkish security forces in the western city of Izmir.
The car, parked on the side of a road in a residential area in the Aegean city,
exploded at around 7:45 am (04:45 GMT) just as a military car and a police bus
were approaching it, the Izmir governor's office said.
"The explosion occurred in a vacant car left at the blast scene. We believe the
blast was the result of plastic explosives set off by remote control."Two days later 16 people were wounded, including eight police and three soldiers, in a car bomb which ripped through a minibus in Izmir.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Feb 19, 2016 9:55:46 AM | 64
No need to explain. Your fastidious pre-post composition and editing made the /Wayoutwest pre-sign-off duplication highly improbable...
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19 2016 18:23 utc | 69
@Oui - thanks. I didn't know they did these bigger bombings. Those would fit.
But it now turns out that the photo that they distributed that was supposed to show the suicide bomber was photoshopped from a Turkish passport photo available through a google search in Turkish for "passport photos".
Ragıp Soylu @ragipsoylu
#LATEST: The alleged Ankara bomber's picture is photoshopped. TAK's pic on the left.
That's a bit weird. Why fake the photo of someone who is supposed to be dead? If the photo is fake could the whole TAK claim be fake too?
"NATO and the U.S. are for now unwilling to give them any cover."
PUBLICLY. We don't know what is going on PRIVATELY.
The real question should be: Has Putin informed Turkey that Russia WILL react to the mere PRESENCE of Turkish troops in Syria?
This is why I believe Obama is egging Erdogan on. The US thinks Turkey can establish a “buffer zone” – and perhaps the US and NATO can establish a “no-fly zone” – without engaging Russia directly. This would put Putin between a rock and a hard place. The Russian plan to seal the border would fail and could only be countered by Russia’s willingness to escalate the situation – which would take the blame off Obama and Erdogan – at least in their eyes – and put it on Putin.
This is how Obama operates – “lead from behind” using Erdogan and deflect any blame for the consequences from himself. It’s a win-win for Obama, which is why I believe that is what he is doing – because he’s done it before consistently.
Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Feb 19 2016 19:08 utc | 71
Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned??????
Original published by Zvezda; translation by J.Hawk
According to Turkish Ulke TV station, the victims of the February 17 terrorist attack in Ankara include 22 Turkish Air Force pilots, out of 28 total fatalities.
22 Turkish Air Force pilots, out of 28 total fatalities.
22 Turkish Air Force pilots, out of 28 total fatalities.
22 Turkish Air Force pilots, out of 28 total fatalities.
Posted by: aaaaaa | Feb 19 2016 19:10 utc | 72
b @ 67/71 .. the tkk angle sounds fake to me.. too early to tell, but based on what little you have both dredged - looks very suspect. it is certainly very true the turkish kurds have every reason to be in opposition to what has been done to them the past 6 months, not to mention for a much longer time.. i keep on saying terrorism is a byproduct of those who exercise extreme power, which would define the present turkish gov'ts approach here.. i imagine it is more turkish kurds then syrian kurds that are in a direct conflict with turkey.. turkey civil war.. is that the next phase?
Posted by: james | Feb 19 2016 19:28 utc | 73
That's a bit weird. Why fake the photo of someone who is supposed to be dead? If the photo is fake could the whole TAK claim be fake too?
Posted by: b | Feb 19, 2016 1:44:46 PM | 71
He's a Peculiar Person and a Not Negotiable control freak. He blamed everyone he could think of (off the top of his head) for the bombing, within hours of the blast.
Since it's becoming increasingly clear that Turkey is ISIS Central Command (with US help and encouragement), I wouldn't put it past him to try and prop up the concept of photos as substitutes for evidence or proof, by endorsing the veracity of faked photos.
If there's any substance to that speculation then it begs the question....
"What wouldn't Erdogan's Turkey fake?"
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19 2016 20:51 utc | 74
ad #75 (Erdogan as control freak).
He went out of his way to delegitimise the previously legitimate Kurdish political parties in the Turkish Parliament. One way of perceiving that stunt would be to assume it was done to draw attention from Erdogan's (almost overt) support for ISIS. By bombing "ter'rist Kurds" and agreeing with everyone that ISIS is a menace to civilisation, he can conflate Kurds with ISIS and just seem "unlucky" not to have found many ISIS targets to bomb. And if he could find some ISIS targets, there would be no prizes for guessing that they'd be in ... Syria.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19 2016 21:19 utc | 75
The fact that that's what you immediately assumed says a lot about you. Some of us are able to distinguish between Jews, Israelis, and Zionists. Thinly veiled anti-semitism is common in these comments.
As for the Illuminati, I'm sure psychohistorian will be along shortly to tell us why this is all going exactly according to the plan of omnipotent Global Finance.
Posted by: Plenue | Feb 19 2016 21:28 utc | 76
@77 plenue - nothing to say since you've come here and now you want to add to it - rof..
Posted by: james | Feb 19 2016 22:19 utc | 77
He [Erdogan] went out of his way to delegitimise the previously legitimate Kurdish political parties in the Turkish Parliament. Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 19, 2016 4:19:26 PM | 76
While Erdogan indeed is a control freak, AKP (his party) protested when the predecessor of HDP was banned in 2009 by the constitutional court of Turkey. One reason is that the predecessor of AKP was similarly banned, but another was the political strategy of AKP to accommodate Kurds to some degree and reach permanent parliamentary majority in the process.
About "madman Assad biting Russian hand". Russians have a long experience with fruitless peace or ceasefire talks and Assad does not. It is not a coincidence that parallel to the "peace effort", the pace of military operations increased, I suspect that the causality is reverse: as long as the West kept predicting that Russia is entering a fruitless quagmire there was no hope for meaningful concessions, but with the advent of military progress it is crucial to dangle a vision of a face saving solution (for the West, not for the Turkey and the Gulfies) to prevent painful countermeasures like giving the rebel "game changing weapons" (manpads, long range missiles etc.)
Incidentally, the only compromise in sight is one that gives conniptions to Erdogan crew. But the prospect of an actual ceasefire with the "moderates" are slight. Given that the "moderates" (counting jihadists) have more men and weapons than ISIS, a ceasefire with that would allow to send very energetic offensives that would make short work of ISIS, and in the aftermath the rebels would be woefully outgunned. Thus I bet my house, farm and Euro saving accounts that once again the opposition will withdrew from the talks, or that the talks would go nowhere. But if some interim agreement is reached, Assad can capitalize on that too.
However, the most likely narrative that Putin will obtain is that Putin can bring his allies to the table and the West cannot.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 20 2016 0:18 utc | 78
More on "bitch slapping":
There is no "Rift" at all...and the reading of the Rueters link contrasts markedly with both the original Kommersant article and the radio interview ( which I read and hear in my native Russian )
Posted by: alkomv | Feb 18, 2016 8:47:15 PM | 40
Following the suggestion of alkomv I read Kommersant article too, although with imperfect Russian and incompletely. The quotations of Churkin were translated correctly, but this is a lengthy interview and Churkin was quite verbose. The context is very clear: Russia does not expect to have partners as sophisticated as they are, be they Syrians or Americans, but with patience, everybody will see the light. Russians can affect a tone of imperial diplomats representing the Third Rome and thus benefiting from millenia of experience, while dealing with allies and adversaries who are, more often than not, simpletons (comparatively speaking, of course). That said, one can only guess what is the concrete goal of the political process that is so essential, in Russian point of view. Cynically, Russians can see that it is hard for American to block supplies of military hardware to the rebels, but they are sufficiently on the same page with Russia that they will prevent most destabilizing weapons from reaching the rebels. Not only that, Americans will keep Turkey from going out of the reservation. But in exchange they need the "politico-diplomatic process".
That said, the proper conditions for that process must be carefully prepared, and this is why the military track is so essential,and this is why members of "aviation and cosmic forces" are working so hard.. After all, the rebels have to recognize that they are defeated, as their Western benefactors already noticed, and some will never do it, so Russia, and ultimately, the West as well, will apply "terrorist" label to the die-hards
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 20 2016 5:26 utc | 79
"This is how Obama operates – “lead from behind” using Erdogan and deflect any blame for the consequences from himself. It’s a win-win for Obama, which is why I believe that is what he is doing – because he’s done it before consistently."
It´s more subtle than that. Obongo is a token front,the black guy sitting on the front porch of the White House plantation with a bunch of teleprompters and his WHITE MASTERS, Nudelman, McCain, Powers and Rice, egging HIM from behind and he subsequently parrots whatever he´s supposed to say.
Obongo, who outdoes even the North Korean characterization of himself, is an insult to every man and woman of color in the US.
He wont get many jobs when his "term" expires but he got at least one lasting standing offer: To be himself at the Pyong gyang zoo, i think he should take it...
Posted by: Mungo Jerry | Feb 20 2016 8:35 utc | 80
@Mungo Jerry
obongo ... plantation ... subtle?
No place here for your fucking racist rant!!
to plenue, at 77
Don't you know only right-thinking jihadi sympathizers and deluded fellow-travellers are approved to speak on Moon of Alabama? How dare you introduce complexity by using facts and logic. Manicheans only do a priori good and evil. Thinking about facts is way too confusing and undermines predetermined certainties. The only possible reason for anyone to dissent is that they're being paid by the Rothchilds. I'm only surprised that no one has signed onto the "Obama killed Scalia" conspiracy meme yet.
Posted by: rebar | Feb 20 2016 18:42 utc | 82
DNA Test Identifies Bomber As A Turk (TAK)
Suicide bomber behind Ankara attack identified as Turk, not SyrianDNA test designates Abdulbaki Somer as suicide bomber in last week's terrorist attack in Turkish capital, which killed 29 people.
The identity of the bomber was revealed by a DNA test, the sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed, adding that the DNA samples provided by Somer's father matched the assailant's DNA.
Somer's father, who lives in the eastern province of Van, had informed the police that his son was behind the attack.
Abdulbaki Somer, born in 1989, reportedly joined the terrorist PKK organization at the age of 16 in 2005, and was based in the Qandil mountains - the PKK base in northern Iraq – until 2014.
See my earlier post where the PKK offspring TAK declared to be behind the Ankara bombing ...
○ Who are the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks TAK? | Ekurd – June 2010 |
○ DNA matching proves gov’t falsely identified Ankara suicide bomber | Today's Zaman |
○ Ankara bomber infiltrated Turkey with fake ID: Report | Hürriyet Daily News |
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Syrian Perspective is reporting that the "rebels" infiltrated into Azaz are mostly from Central Asia.
Posted by: Cochore | Feb 18 2016 19:30 utc | 1