Open Thread 2015-48
News & views ...
(PS: I was sick and am still too dizzy to write something intelligible. I hope I'll be back tomorrow.)
Posted by b on December 15, 2015 at 17:55 UTC | Permalink
next page »Sorry to hear. I wish you the best. Come back soon, strong.
Here is the new dialogue:
Europe crushed by the fascists, islamofascists, bureaufascists and their masters
Posted by: nmb | Dec 15 2015 18:04 utc | 2
Did Saudi Arabia Just Clear the Way for Invasion of Syria and Iraq?
Here we go.
Kerry is supposed to meet with Lavrov in Moscow tomorrow (ht Mike Whitney). Kerry wanted to hold another meeting of the ISSG in New York on Friday but that doesn't look like it will happen. Lavrov essentially says it would be premature (and also prefers to continue meeting in Vienna).
Seems likely now that the anti-Assad Coalition proclaims that Russia is dragging its heels on a political solution and sends in troops to fight ISIS take ISIS territory.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Dec 15 2015 18:08 utc | 4
b please take a rest and get well soon. You're great
Posted by: Jack Smith | Dec 15 2015 18:09 utc | 5
Hopefully you don't have Kreislaufzusammenbruch, b. I understand circulatory collapse is prevalent in Germany.
Posted by: Bruno Marz | Dec 15 2015 18:10 utc | 6
The Islamic State declared that it would join the Islamic military alliance against terrorism
Posted by: From The Hague | Dec 15 2015 18:34 utc | 8
Horrible Nuland shakes hand with Putin
Posted by: Seder | Dec 15 2015 18:41 utc | 9
From last thread:
Lockheed Martin just announced $1,000,000,000 in sales of Patriot missiles today to Saudi, Qatar and Occupied Korea.
With a $B.
And you can see a $B everyday go down at News/Contracts.
Posted by: Chipnik | Dec 15, 2015 5:55:48 AM | 203
Why why why. Even when someone today on Morning Joe admitted that our "allies" are funding terrorists. It just never ends. The hypocrisy.
Posted by: shadyl | Dec 15 2015 19:07 utc | 10
Putin is a braver man than I. I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole.
Posted by: DM | Dec 15 2015 19:10 utc | 11
So Russia is now assisting the FSA? I'm getting an animal farmesque vibe about the mechanizations taking place; something to the effect of Russia being more concerned with rejoining the west than with resisting it
Posted by: bbbb | Dec 15 2015 19:11 utc | 12
How long has Nuland been working in an administration? There should be term limits for people like her. Doesn't seem to matter, republican or democratic administrations. Another big why. How does she do it.
Posted by: shadyl | Dec 15 2015 19:13 utc | 13
Hope you get well quickly. Coincidentally, I saw the doctor yesterday about a chest cold, and ended up with finding out I have some sort of heart issue, so heart ultrasound Thursday and maybe surgery for Christmas!
Change of topic: Why did Kerry drag that fool Nuland along with him to Moscow?
Posted by: chuckvw | Dec 15 2015 19:21 utc | 14
She really looks condescending! In her posture she projects utter contempt as if Putin were some kind of
a creepy insect of some sort.
Putin should rush and was his hand asap! I would never shake hands with her if I were in Putin's shoes.
Posted by: CarlD | Dec 15 2015 19:34 utc | 16
Posted by: shadyl | Dec 15, 2015 2:13:16 PM | 11
The Neocons (and the Neoliberals, for that matter) are operating as a fifth column in not only the United States, but in most NATO governments. They were never elected, they use the same playbook of infiltrate, subvert, and harvest their kind has been using for centuries. Figuratively speaking, they're vampires.
Posted by: Bruno Marz | Dec 15 2015 19:37 utc | 17
The latest explanation for shutting down schools in LA is that a "threat" sent in an email to one man is definetly from "an evil person".
They dont even try to justify things anymore.
Posted by: Bob | Dec 15 2015 19:40 utc | 18
keep well b look after yourself and thanks for all you do all best wishes
Posted by: Noirette | Dec 15 2015 19:42 utc | 19
@ 10 bbbb
Trying to 're'join? To no avail.
The Empire hates Russia/Putin.
See how yesterday the MSM turned things upside down.
And accuses Russia of a worsening humanitarian crisis in northern Syria:
Posted by: From The Hague | Dec 15 2015 19:44 utc | 20
Official Washington’s anti-Russian “group think” is now so dominant that no one with career aspirations dares challenge it, a victory for “obscure” government bureaucrats, like Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, as Jonathan Marshall explains.
Posted by: From The Hague | Dec 15 2015 19:51 utc | 21
RT in Espanol has finally reported about what is happening on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. The Clintons are attempting to fuse the 2 countries on that island into one. The reason, GOLD!
The untapped gold mines in the previously uninhabited border areas will help the USA go back to the gold standard in the future. Plus the payout for Bill and Hilarious will amount to a nice chunk of change.
Let no good deed go unpunished.
Posted by: Fernando | Dec 15 2015 19:57 utc | 22
Sorry to hear you're sick.
Do you have dropsy? The grippe? Scrofula? The vapors? Jungle rot? Dandy fever? Poor man's gout? Housemaid's knee? Climactic boo bow? The staggers? Dum dum fever?
Just drink a couple bottles of couple bottles of Omega 3 and call me in the morning.
Posted by: The Man With No Name | Dec 15 2015 20:05 utc | 23
Well b, I was saying, it's been to long without a post, wonder what he's researching. Hopefully is not serious, and you'll be back soon debunking lies and giving hell to the empire and its minions.
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 15 2015 20:09 utc | 24
Saudis Form Pro-ISIS Block
by Stephen Lendman
Saudi Arabia and Turkey are key US allies, fostering endless Middle East wars, instability and turmoil.
They’re involved in recruiting and directly aiding ISIS and other takfiri terrorists throughout the region - mainly in Syria and Iraq, now beginning to establish a foothold in war-torn, chaotic Libya, with elements in Yemen and elsewhere.
Posted by: From The Hague | Dec 15 2015 20:27 utc | 25
Posted by: Seder | Dec 15, 2015 1:41:31 PM | 7
Horrible Nuland shakes hand with Putin
I agree she's horrible, fat and ugly, but she's not shaking hands with Putin, Putin is grabbing her hand, which she semi-extended ready to retract as soon as he touched her. Her whole demeanor is unfriendly and her tilted head to the left a sign of arrogance mixed with resentment, clearly looking down at Putin, with contained anger (you're fucking my plans with the already fucked EU.) What's more interesting is the other three looking at the sort of "handshake," Kerry's mouth is slightly opened in expectation, as if he's about to say "C'mon, be nice" to a bitch that doesn't have it in her, the other two are looking intently as if trying to make nice of an awkward moment.
No problem for Putin greeting the bitch "FtheEU" Nuland, he eats neocons for breakfast, raw.
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 15 2015 20:34 utc | 26
(I just posted these two articles at the former Open Thread, didn't realize there was a new one.)
There are lots of good reading about the ME today, but we will start with two must read articles by Pepe Escobar.
NATO Is Going for Bust in Syria
The new plan is Northern Syria controlled by anti-Assad 'moderate rebels' (dominated by al Qaeda) with ISIS beaten but tolerated and solidified in western Iraq
The FSB, SVR and GRU in Russia, while drawing all the right connections, cannot help but conclude that Washington is letting Cold War 2.0 escalate to the boiling point.Imagine Russian intel surveying the geopolitical chessboard.
A Russian passenger jet is bombed by an affiliate of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. A Russian fighter jet is ambushed and downed by Turkey; here is a partial yet credible scenario of how it may have happened.
Ukrainian right-wing goons sabotage the Crimean electricity supply. A Syrian army base near Deir Ezzor - an important outpost against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh in eastern Syria – is hit by the US-led Coalition of the Dodgy Opportunists (CDO). The IMF “pardons” Ukraine’s debt to Russia as it joins, de facto, Cold War 2.0.
And this is just a shortlist [...]
You Want War? Russia is Ready for War
Nobody needs to read Zbigniew “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski’s 1997 opus to know US foreign policy revolves around one single overarching theme: prevent – by all means necessary – the emergence of a power, or powers, capable of constraining Washington’s unilateral swagger, not only in Eurasia but across the world.
The Pentagon carries the same message embedded in newspeak: the Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine.Syria is leading all these assumptions to collapse like a house of cards. So no wonder in a Beltway under no visible chain of command – the Obama administration barely qualifies as lame duck – angst is the norm.
The Pentagon is now engaged in a Vietnam-style escalation of boots on the ground across “Syraq”. 50 commandos are already in northern Syria “advising” the YPG Syrian Kurds as well as a few “moderate” Sunnis. Translation: telling them what Washington wants them to do. The official White House spin is that these commandos “support local forces” (Obama’s words) in cutting off supply lines leading to the fake “Caliphate” capital, Raqqa.
Another 200 Special Forces sent to Iraq will soon follow, allegedly to “engage in direct combat” against the leadership of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, which is now ensconced in Mosul [...]
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 15 2015 20:37 utc | 27
[...] once I linked to Dabiq (IS magazine, one should really look at it.. hard to believe ppl talk about IS propaganda and don’t read Dabiq), that was ignored [...]
You have to read Wayoutwaste twice, the head-chopping, entrails-eating version, pictures and all at Dabiq, and then the rehashed version at MoA? Now, that requires a stomach, just the stench of his posts is enough to keep me away from Dabiq!
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 15 2015 20:39 utc | 28
If the Sauds want to fight Islamic Terrorism maybe they should bomb themselves.
Posted by: From The Hague | Dec 15 2015 20:41 utc | 29
Former post was intended for the former Open Thread, sorry for the confusion.
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 15 2015 20:44 utc | 30
bbbb: So Russia is now assisting the FSA?
It appears that a small number of FSA (I guess the one's that are actually 'moderate') which RT says total a force of 5,000 are providing targeting info on ISIS positions.
As you may recall, ISIS was also fighting the FSA 'moderates', so I'm not sure if Russia's assistance to some of the FSA is a big development.
Russia is 'trapped' in the ISSG process for a political solution. ISSG is now trying to identify a political opposition that can engage in talks. So Russia's willingness to help FSA should be seen in that context.
IMO the political solution is not going fast enough for the anti-Assad/anti-ISIS Coalition which see 'their guys' losing ground and being killed everyday. It seems very possible/likely that they launch a ground operation to take ISIS territory.
IMO the excuse for doing so is that the urgency of combating ISIS trumps the slow progress of the political solution.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Dec 15 2015 20:49 utc | 31
Fernando 20
Can you please get us a link to that RT report about the Clintons attempt at a fusion in Hispaniola. Thanks
Posted by: notlurking | Dec 15 2015 20:58 utc | 32
Lone Wolf, are you shortening your URLs because you're trying to hide or track something?
Posted by: Jonathan | Dec 15 2015 21:17 utc | 33
Vicky [fuck the EU] Nuland is married to Neocon Robert Kagan and was principal deputy foreign policy adviser to Dick Chaney, and if anyone can start WW3, she can. By the way didn't Hoarsewhisperer say he quite fancied her [not her politics]on this blog several months ago?
Posted by: harry law | Dec 15 2015 21:19 utc | 34
If the anti-Assad/anti-ISIS Coalition sends troops into ISIS-held territory, the biggest question is how/when does that territory get turned over to the State (Iraq or Syria).
I wonder if that is what Kerry-Putin are talking so urgently about.
Nuland's presence leads me to question whether USA really want to come an understanding. If there is no agreement, they can paint Putin (along with Assad) as an obstacle to fighting ISIS. Recall that USA has already been claiming that Russia isn't fighting ISIS - they are only propping up Assad, who's fight with his people (they say) led to the rise of ISIS.
Such a 'propaganda win' would totally turn the tables on Putin who has himself been making the case that 40-countries (including NATO countries) fund/support/tolerate ISIS.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Dec 15 2015 21:29 utc | 35
Re: bbbb | Dec 15, 2015 2:11:32 PM | 10
Russia is concerned with
1) Preventing a pipeline from Qatar/ Saudi Arabia being built via Syria / Iraq and having their European lunch being cut and also being economically surrounded and isolated;
2) Keeping a warm water Mediterranean naval base for forward operations - like this one;
3) Assorted other interests including maintaining their legitimacy as a reliable ally and partner intact;
4) Keeping Assad in Government as the expression of the will of the Syrian people;
5) Peace in Syria - all of it
Posted by: Julian | Dec 15 2015 21:53 utc | 36
Lone Wolf, are you shortening your URLs because you're trying to hide or track something?
Now, that's a strange question, clearly you're not familiar with posting here. Posters here know links from Sputnik or long links are blocked by b's filter for an unknown reason, therefore, whoever needs to post a link from Sputnik, or has an extremely long link, is forced to use tinyurl.
Hide or track something? Of course I am trying to hide, like most everyone else. What kind of question is that, at this day an age?
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 15 2015 21:54 utc | 37
For me not surprising, in new developments the prosecution case in the event of downing the MH-17, it appears evidence provided by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is considered tainted and/or unreliable. This will delay the criminal investigation also because of a number of corruption cases inside the SBU. I will make a follow-up later as I came across this study about the Maidan massacre I had blogged about as it took place in February 2014.
Im interested to read Dabiq to see how it compares to what we hear about IS. If I do read it though, I'm worried it will result in a visit from the plod?
Posted by: Bob | Dec 15 2015 22:19 utc | 39
Yes, do what you need to take care of yourself and get well, b. I just posted this on the previous thread, but will repeat it here:
Thank you, b, for creating and maintaining this site. You provide an invaluable resource.
Posted by: Vintage Red | Dec 15 2015 22:30 utc | 40
Critical review of Garry Kasparov's new book 'Winter is Coming':
Posted by: KMF | Dec 15 2015 22:32 utc | 41
ISIS, the world’s most infamous terror group, has shocked the interwebz again after posting a new propaganda video that showcases its massive arsenal of tanks and heavy artillery. The video shows tank after tank, artillery piece after artillery piece, and Toyota truck after Toyota truck rolling triumphantly by, all in an effort to recruit radical Islamic youth to the caliphate’s cause. If some of those arms look oddly familiar, it’s because many — if not most of them — are American-made weapons.
In the end, the West’s fight against ISIS is against insurgents using the West’s own weapons — and against fighters that were, in fact, created by the West’s own policies. As we’ve covered extensively at Anti-Media, prior to ISIS’ reemergence into Iraq from Syria, the group was considered a useful tool to accomplish U.S. foreign policy goals in Syria in the form of destabilizing — and ultimately overthrowing — the Russian-backed Syrian government.
Posted by: harry law | Dec 15 2015 22:41 utc | 42
@19 When I attended GWU (JewW) in Washington DC back in the 60's, I noticed that the majority of the students majoring in political science, public administration were Jewish. Guess who the obscure bureaucrats running wild in the state department and foreign service are.....
Posted by: georgeg | Dec 15 2015 22:43 utc | 43
@38 Kasparov's is a useful idiot. Useful to the West. His concept of nationalism is no different than the ideology practiced by the money changers of the world.....
Posted by: georgeg | Dec 15 2015 22:49 utc | 44
"The Australian Federal Police and Dutch police and prosecutors investigating the cause of the crash of Malaysian Airlines MH17 believe the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) has failed to provide “conclusive evidence” of what type of munition destroyed the aircraft, causing the deaths of 283 passengers and 15 crew on board."
Posted by: Bob | Dec 15 2015 22:51 utc | 45
@12 chuckvw, best of luck with the tests and whatever else. I just had a similar scare (test result looked like heart problem) but upon further testing everything was okay.
b, hope you're taking extra rest, as long as you need, and getting well because we can't do without you.
Posted by: Joanne Leon | Dec 15 2015 22:56 utc | 46
Here is a video of that Nuland/Putin handshake and some of the meeting that followed.
Posted by: Joanne Leon | Dec 15 2015 22:58 utc | 47
@35 Lone Wolf,
Hiding from a filter makes sense. Please accept my apologies for insinuating ill intent in your doing what you have to do. I don't think it's irrational to want to avoid clicking blind links, especially with shorteners providing such convenient one-stop shopping for "business records" and MITM attacks.
Posted by: Jonathan | Dec 15 2015 22:59 utc | 48
Hiding from a filter makes sense. Please accept my apologies for insinuating ill intent in your doing what you have to do. I don't think it's irrational to want to avoid clicking blind links, especially with shorteners providing such convenient one-stop shopping for "business records" and MITM attacks.
Well Jonathan, I am open to suggestions, all in the name of greater privacy and better security. Any alternative options to bypass tinyurl? I know is not secure, what are the alternatives you offer, since you started this conversation?
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 15 2015 23:49 utc | 49
Desperate to show leadership Saudi Arabia hopes to create a coalition of 34 moslem countries, excluding the Kurds, and all Shias countries.
Posted by: virgile | Dec 15 2015 23:51 utc | 50
Kerry (and partners) have given up on 'regime change'. They now hope for 'easing out'.
Posted by: dh | Dec 16 2015 0:17 utc | 51
Why would anyone think the Australian or Dutch Police would have the expertise to pass judgment on this investigation. I would imagine the DSB relied on military experts to draw their conclusions.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Dec 16 2015 0:19 utc | 52
The Saudis organising...? Haha. They ought to pull their head in. Guilty as sin. All that money, all that resource, all that hardware...and still getting their arse kicked up and down the countryside by Houthi footsoldiers. Too preoccupied with training suicide vest wearing zombies...forgotten how to fight. Embarrassing. Hang your know your fighters dont want it when they are running away from battle and you're importing mercenaries at the same time. You have to wonder how many barrels per hired Columbian gun...?
Posted by: MadMax | Dec 16 2015 0:33 utc | 53
I think Nuland was forced to shake hands. Look at the rest of the Americans watching the handshake. Nuland just got squished like a bug.
Posted by: Bakerpete | Dec 16 2015 0:39 utc | 54
If there were flies on the wall in: Baghdad, D.C, Moscow, Ankara and Damascus, they could have witnessed that Sistani gave the marching order to al-Abadi. Al Abadi, then said to the Americans: we are going to let the Russians come in to help us expel the Turks. The Americans then told the Turks to back off as they don't want the Russians in Iraq. Kerry then went to Moscow with Mrs. Nuland to smoke the peace pipe over Ukraine and Syria. Mrs. Nuland looked rebuked and subdued. But this is only to gain time and to try to regain the initiative. Russia, Syria and Iran are in high gear for the kill. Al Nusra, Daesh and assorted mercenaries are being liquidated with extreme prejudice. Turkey's oil trade with Barzani's Kurds is finished but they just don't know it yet. The Sheiks of KSA are leading a losing battle in Yemen and Syria. Their coalition is a joke. Egypt won't commit large number of soldiers to Yemen or anywhere because they have Lybia and Sudan next door in addition to the Sinai peninsula's insurgency. Without Egyptians as their surrogated Army, KSA is nothing to worry about.
Posted by: Sun Tzu | Dec 16 2015 1:09 utc | 55
I would imagine the DSB relied on military experts to draw their conclusions.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Dec 15, 2015 7:19:24 PM | 49
Guess how surprised I'm not that your (vivid) imagination didn't lead you to conclude that the DSB used Sarin Attack & Barrel Bomb "experts?" Yesterday, your (imaginary) SA & BB experts were a preferred source. Today, they don't even rate a passing reference.
That's contradiction-by-ommission, imo.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 16 2015 1:10 utc | 56
A $500 million dollar program goes belly up after 'revelations that the program at one point last month had only “four or five” trainees fighting in Syria...' For 500 mill you'd wanna be hoping that the 4 or 5 'moderate' fought like Ryu from street fighter or had some sort of special abilities.
From 9 Oct:">">
Yeah not working out great here for the US. Paying for deserter moderates to destabilise and reconfigure some land, now being forced to tow the Assad will stay for now line. That's not great business. I mean, they had to admit to pentagon that €500 million dollars bought four or five soldiers. Where is Cameron getting his 70000 from....? Let's just make up number, something that sounds big and strong.
Posted by: MadMax | Dec 16 2015 1:18 utc | 57
This is Why Washington Really Wants Assad to Go
A ceasefire followed by a democratic (and internationally supervised) presidential election might seem like the best way to bring peace to Syria. Damascus and Moscow see it this way, but not Washington, investigative journalist Robert Parry asserted.The US political establishment, particularly hardliners from both parties, does not want to see democracy in action in Syria since popular voting is unpredictable, meaning that there is a chance people will keep Bashar al-Assad in power.
Publicly, Barack Obama maintains that Assad has zero chances of being reelected but privately he might have reservations. At any rate, this is not a risk Washington is willing to take. "The US position is to bar Assad from the ballot, thus ensuring 'regime change' in Syria, a long-held goal of Official Washington's neoconservatives," the analyst noted.
This position is deeply engrained in Washington's psyche.
"A key problem appears to be that the Obama administration has so demonized Assad and so bought into the neocon goal of 'regime change' that Obama doesn't feel that he can back down on his 'Assad must go!' mantra," Parry assumed.
In other words, the US president denies Syria's right to democracy because it does not suit Washington's needs.
"Democracy – supposedly one of the US government's goals for Middle East countries – can be the answer to the problem. However, since democracy can be an unpredictable process, it might not guarantee 'regime change' which apparently makes democracy an unsuitable solution for Syria," Parry lamented.
If this is indeed the case, then Washington has only two options when it comes to Syria: continue supporting rebels, who are fighting to overthrow al-Assad, or send ground troops to the war-torn country.
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 16 2015 1:28 utc | 58
@43 Joanne Leon. Thanks. I guess it's a win win. If it's nothing, you have a clean bill. If it's something, they can fix it! Often enough the first symptom of heart trouble is death... Glad your situation turned out the way it did.
Posted by: chuckvw | Dec 16 2015 1:48 utc | 60
Well, Lindsey Graham just said in the debates he would be happy to shoot down Russian jets...can he be even more rabid than McCain?
He also mentioned how he personally knows the Turkish politicians, [hugs], and he is prepared to use their soldiers to take out Assad and ISIS. 90% Turks and 10% Americans, wow, what a deal.
Almost in tears, he begs us to elect him to be the "war president". Really sick man.
Posted by: shadyl | Dec 16 2015 1:50 utc | 61
Meanwhile in Turkey:
Seven people killed in Turkey amid protests against curfews
Two people die as demonstrators clash with police in Diyarbakır while five Kurdish militants are killed in Mardin
Posted by: shadyl | Dec 16 2015 1:52 utc | 62
So sorry, again hogging open thread. But:
The Unexpected Explanation How "That Ford Truck" Ended Up In ISIS Hands
And while NATO-member Turkey supplying ISIS with funding, supplies, weapons or equipment is hardly groundbreaking news, the Ford "clue" poses new and important questions, such as:
who is the Turkish party that ordered and paid for the Ford truck's transfer to Turkey, and subsequently received compensation from the Islamic State in the subsequent resale?
which is the US party which transacts with Turkish counterparts, who ultimately ship US products to Islamic State fighters?
is the US party aware that its Turkish counterparty has dealings with ISIS
what is the role of the US government in all of this, because it would be surprising that an administration that has sworn it would crack down on all outside assistance to the Islamic State would be unaware that "made in the USA" trucks ended up in the Islamic State by way of its faitful NATO ally, Turkey.
how many other such vehicles sold in the US and exported to Turkey, have made their way to the Islamic StateWe are confident that it will be relatively easy for any aspiring reporter to track down the US-based exporter of the Ford truck (and thus recipient of Turkish funds), just as it will be facile to uncover who was the Turkish buyer who signed the receipt invoice in Mersin, Turkey. What may be more difficult to uncover is whether the governments of the US and Turkey, respectively, were or are appraised about transactions such as this one, and if not, then why not?
We hope to be able to answer as many of the above as possible in the very near futu
I am so embarrassed for the idiots in our government.
Posted by: shadyl | Dec 16 2015 2:01 utc | 63
@Seder #7:
The woman on Nuland's right is Jill Stein. the last person I voted for for president.
If Americans want a woman for president, why should they settle for a witch?
I assume wiki is ok for this info:
Education and personal lifeVictoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Jewish parents Sherwin B. Nuland and Rhona McKhann.[3] She graduated with a B.A. in 1983 from Brown University, where she studied Russian literature, political science, and history.[4] Nuland’s husband is Robert Kagan, an American neoconservative historian and foreign-policy commentator at the Brookings Institution.
CareerDuring the Bill Clinton administration, Nuland was chief of staff to Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott before moving on to serve as deputy director for former Soviet Union affairs.
She served as the principal deputy foreign policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney and then as U.S. ambassador to NATO.
Nuland became special envoy for Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and then became State Department spokesperson in summer 2011.[5]
She was nominated to serve as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs in May 2013 and sworn in to fill that role in September 2013.[6] During her confirmation hearings, she faced "sharp questions" about a memo she had sent outlining the talking points that would be used by the Obama administration in the days shortly after the 2012 Benghazi attack.[7]
In her role as Assistant Secretary, she has been the lead U.S. point person for the Ukraine crisis. She was a key figure in establishing loan guarantees to Ukraine and the provisions of non-lethal assistance to the Ukrainian military and border guard. Along with Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, she is seen as a leading supporter of defensive weapons delivery to Ukraine.
Posted by: shadyl | Dec 16 2015 2:06 utc | 65
@ Jackrabbit #29 - in the Fort Russ story on Russia working with the FSA moderates, the translator of the Russian MOD report, Ollie Richardson, almost as a throwaway comment says that he presumes many of these forces are Russian Special Ops, since several of the groups have never been heard of before.
Russian MoD names the FSA groups it is working with
There has also been 18 strikes on terrorists to aid the troops of the "*Desert Lions" and "*Qalamoun" battalions in the areas of El Karaten and Palmyra. The work, aimed at uniting the efforts of government troops and other groups, to liberate Syria from international terrorists will continue.*[O.R: These units are almost certainly the ones Russia assembled, consisting of Spec Ops. These names have never been mentioned before, except the DF which is a newly formed battalion]
This was a new concept to me. I note that, as you say, RT reports that they're targeting ISIS forces. If Richardson's surmise is true, I can barely contain my pleasure that Russia would turn the formerly "unidentifiable" FSA brand into cover for its own operations. True or not, I love the thought.
Posted by: Grieved | Dec 16 2015 2:16 utc | 66
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 15, 2015 8:28:05 PM | 55
(Noamish) Parry seems determined to earn a reputation for being a waste of space.
Anyone who can pontificate on AmeriKKKa's ME Regime Change program without mentioning "Israel" or Yinon, or AmeriKKKa's 1%, or Bush II's Axis of Evil, or the fact that the US Military is Corporate AmeriKKKa (& "Israel's") punch-drunk bully-boy/ standover buffoon, is being paid to obfuscate.
That's probably where 99% of the $500 million "to train 5 'moderate' rebels" went.
$495 million would buy a lot of stenographers.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 16 2015 2:23 utc | 67
Republican debate insanity reaction. They are casually brushing aside the consequence of civilian casualties due to carpet bombing
Posted by: bbbb | Dec 16 2015 2:43 utc | 69
Posted by: Grieved | Dec 15, 2015 9:16:19 PM | 63
Excellent point.
"FSA" used to mean what US-NATO (and London's Syrian Observatory) wanted it to mean.
How ironic if Vlad has decided that, henceforth, it will mean what Russia wants it to mean.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 16 2015 2:43 utc | 70
It seems that with you being a Subject of a sieg heiling hereditary royal you might have more empathy for the people of Syria suffering under their hereditary despot.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Dec 16 2015 3:01 utc | 71
Shadyl @60: I guess the Texan dealer will have an easy defense, namely, how could they foresee this level of perfidy on the part of the customer: chops heads, kills babies, destroys antiquities buy lovingly preserves the decal on the truck! However, I do not have high hopes of tracing the fate of the truck in Turkey: snooping into the activity of MIT ITurkish state intelligence) is high treason, and a bunch of policemen, criminal experts, prosecutors and journalists are in prison for exactly that.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Dec 16 2015 3:02 utc | 72
Well, let's hope your valuable work returns soon. Been sick myself. This Winter weather gets me down. Even Arizona is cold, gloomy, and damp.
Posted by: Jim Mooney | Dec 16 2015 3:03 utc | 73
Kerry also said that Moscow and Washington have found “common ground” on which opposition groups should participate in the Syrian peace talks.Lavrov has confirmed that a meeting of world powers on Syria penciled in for New York on Friday would go ahead.
A project for a resolution on Syria is expected to be ready for presentation to the UN Security Council after Friday’s meeting, Lavrov said."
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Dec 16 2015 3:04 utc | 74
Damien @61
That is not Jill Stein. Why would you think so?
It is White House National Security Council senior director for Russia Celeste Wallander.
Look her up on to confirm.
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Dec 16 2015 3:06 utc | 75
I think its safe to say that EVERYBODY here at MoA is wishing you a speedy recovery b!
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Dec 16 2015 3:07 utc | 76
Jesus Wayoutwest, how do you live with yourself? You're on the wrong side of every single fucking issue you chime in on. Christ on a fucking stick, you piece of fucking shit, give it a fucking rest.
I guaran-fucking-tee Wayoutwest is a mirror image of Joshua Rune Goldberg, the prototypical Hasbara troll/internet trouble maker. Does Rita Katz sing your praises as an influential member of the Jihadi propaganda machine like she did for Joshua?
Posted by: Information_Agent | Dec 16 2015 3:09 utc | 77
Sorry to hear you are sick b.get well soon and take care of you.
I agree about the reason you stated to explain Russia action in Syria.They are spot on.
Nulan is so evil you can see it on her sad! She knows she can touch teh star and soon she will have to bow to him. These S300 an S400 seems to hurt the US real bad... al always might rule! ..and it is now on the side of the Russian!
Posted by: lebretteurfredonnant | Dec 16 2015 3:16 utc | 78
@ Piotr Berman 69 Kinda like snooping on the Pakistani secret service, eh??
Hell freezes over. Just heard Bibi wants Assad to stay in power? Is this reverse psychology? Or is he invested in arabs killing arabs? AND, why hasn't ISIS gone after the Golan Heights? They were in close proximity.
Posted by: shadyl | Dec 16 2015 3:49 utc | 79
A very good video interview of V.J. Prashad by Chris Hedges at TRNN. There is a transcript as well.
Prashad references an author Giovanni Arrighi (Adam Smith in Beijing), who says empires go in waves; the first being a signal crisis and the second being a terminal crisis. Prashad presents one of the clearest descriptions of empire's course I've yet heard.
Posted by: V. Arnold | Dec 16 2015 3:55 utc | 80
It seems that with you being a Subject of a sieg heiling hereditary royal you might have more empathy for the people of Syria suffering under their hereditary despot.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Dec 15, 2015 10:01:46 PM | 68
I like it when you pretend to be butthurt. I started at the FOOT of your MH17 contribution because I wanted to save the best bit (the head) for last.
Remember "Why would anyone think the Australian or Dutch Police would have the expertise to pass judgment on this investigation?"
I'm so glad you asked that question. And even though I don't believe you can't figure it out, I'll play along and suggest a couple of answers.
1. The Ukra-Nazis insisted that the shootdown was a CRIME. And no-one objected.
2. It's generally accepted that POLICE are best for CRIME-solving and nailing bullshit and bullshitters.
3. In the MH17 case, it's beginning to look as if the POLICE investigation was TOO (inconveniently) GOOD for the Ukra-Nazis and their Western 'Partners'.
4, It's going to look mighty peculiar, and attract a lot of unwelcome attention, if they sack POLICE Team I and appoint a "better" Team 2, hoping for a different result. Especially if it becomes necessary to appoint a Team 3.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 16 2015 4:10 utc | 81
@Jackrabbit #72:
That is not Jill Stein. Why would you think so?
It is White House National Security …
Haha, that makes more sense. I was a bit confused, so your reply makes me glad I made my silly post.
Russia Insider led me astray.
The worst looking part for Kiev is that the witnesses they found would only testify in a safe location in the absence of Ukrainian officials and on the condition of anonymity.
Posted by: Bob | Dec 16 2015 4:39 utc | 84
As it goes the specific reference data for the DSB conclusion of a BUK comes from a Janes printed in 2010 and an undisclosed Dutch state secret source, instead of just choosing to get up to date reference data from the manufacturer. Based on 3 fragments out of all of the fragments a BUK releases.
Posted by: Bob | Dec 16 2015 4:46 utc | 85
Erdogan’s Greater Ottoman Mafiosi Empire strategy has been not only defeated but exposed, and his time might be coming to an end. Blocked by the 4+1 in Syria, desperate for a show of force to compensate his emasculation, he launched into a misadventure in Iraq with no clear purpose at all, no defined strategy, no meaningful objectives. His “push” into Iraq ended up with the “glorious” Turkey armed forces getting out of Iraq with nothing achieved other than wasting time and energy, all noise no bang.
Now is time to look back into Turkey’s “mysterious” bombings, the Diyarbakir, Suruc and the Ankara bombings, in June, July and October 2015. The connections and similarities between them go beyond the carnage and the human tragedy: they were aimed at leftist-oriented groups, students’ organizations and trade unions, professionals associations and opposition parties, all of them protesting against the Turkish policies on Syria and/or the PKK. Diyarbakir and Ankara bombings took place previous to the June and October elections respectively, the former against a gathering of the HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) pro-Kurdish, killing 4 people and injuring more than a hundred; the latter, a massive suicide bombing massacre, killed more than a hundred people, wounding more than 400 hundred.
The Suruc bombing was aimed at the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Youth Wing and the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF), all university students gathered in Suruc with the intention of crossing the Syrian border to help with the reconstruction of the town of Kobani, which had been recently liberated by the YPG Kurds from ISIS. They had requested and obtained permission from the Turkish government to cross the border and help in the reconstruction of Kobani. The connection between the Suruc and the Ankara bombing was made by two suicide bomber brothers, the older committed the suicide bombing in Suruc, the younger one in Ankara. All suicide bombings were primarily attributed to ISIS, though the PKK and Marxist organizations were mentioned as possible suspects. ISIS took responsibility for the Suruc bombing, and even though nobody claimed the Diyarbakir and Ankara bombings, they remain the main suspects so far.
The Diyarbakir bombings were considered a “provocation” by the Turkish government and the opposition, and that was that. Beyond disbanding the HDP rally, and the dead and wounded, the incident had no greater repercussions, though later became evident Erdogan was about to harden his position on the Kurds for domestic gains. The Suruc bombing was aimed at inflaming the conflict with the Kurds for chauvinistic and short-term political gains, causing the PKK to end the ceasefire with Turkey killing Turkish police officers in retaliation for the bombing. Even when ISIS claimed the bombings, the Turkish government reaction was to arrest hundreds of left-leaning organizations and PKK members, and bomb the PKK camps in Iraq. The purpose of the bombing was quickly made self-evident.
The Ankara bombings were pre-electoral “shock & awe,” and it was this bombing that gave Erdogan his victory. People were in shock at the massacre, and the AKP was ready to exploit the fear offering “security” and more pretension of “fighting terrorism,” all for the ambition of changing Turkey’s constitution and become a new emperor. Tens of thousands demonstrated in Ankara blaming Erdogan for the massacre while yelling “the state is a killer.” You can fool the people some time, cannot fool them ALL the time.
Turkey's not-so deep-state, full-time ISIS ally, did all the bombings and manipulated ISIS as the culprit when convenient. End of story.
Where is Erdogan hope for survival as an active politician? His only hope for survival is digging the hole even deeper. His war against the Kurds helped him win the elections on a chauvinistic tone and get a majority in parliament, from which he has been unable to capitalize. Erratic, his policies lack a compass, pointing in different directions and making enemies at every step, some of them powerful, e.g. Russia and Iran. His ego-based ambition for more power (and money) has turned into arrogant shortsightedness, the shooting of the SU-24 a clear example, where he risked his entire strategy for a tactical gain. Fascist chauvinism can be one of Erdogan pillars if he wants to remain in power. The other one is radical Islam. Erdogan came to power on an Islamic ticket, and he still has quite a sizable support from those quarters. A combination of fascist chauvinism and radical Sunnism could prop up domestic support for Erdogan and give him a few more years in power, even though the pressure from outside in the form of isolation is only going to grow. Sooner rather than later, the CIA will be knocking on his door, as they did on another arrogant petty-tyrant next door.
Overall, Erdogan's time is up because Everyone Needs A Way Out
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 16 2015 5:08 utc | 86
So the DSB has three relatively easily identified, with a Janes, BUK fragments and verified by an unnamed Dutch government/military expert/s. The source of the BUK would be Russia who are suspects in this incident so seeking any contact with them might taint the investigation and there were other sources for identification.
Police departments may have skills to find evidence of who fired and where this rocket was fired from on the ground but they have no technical skill in identifying military hardware that I am aware of.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Dec 16 2015 5:12 utc | 87
Thousands of Russian Troops Sent To Turkish Border
A stunning new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin states that President Putin, this morning, issued an order to the 58th Army Headquarters of the North-Caucasian Military District to immediately deploy “selected” regiments and brigades of Federation military electronic warfare, anti-aircraft, multiple rocket launcher, anti-tank, motorized rifle, and artillery forces to the Turkish-Armenia border—which in total comprises nearly 7,000 Russian troops now being put into full combat status.According to this report, the legal authorization for this massive combat deployment is due to the joint Russian-Armenian missile air defense system agreement ordered to be signed by President Putin on 11 November and which will be finalized this week by Prime Minister Medvedev.
With Armenia now becoming a vital part of the Russian Joint Air Defense, this report continues, Federation military forces will now be able to counter threats from Turkey coming from that nations western border—which will mirror the air defense protections provided by Federation Aerospace and Naval forces on Turkey’s border with Syria that since being implemented this past week have seen both United States and Turkish aircraft completely cease flying missions against Islamic State terrorists in this war zone all together.
Important to note too about this Federation military deployment to Armenia, this report says, are that these forces will be protected, like their counterparts operating in Syria, with S-400 Triumf (NATO designation: SA-21 Growler) medium/long-range mobile surface-to-air missile systems and Krasukha-4 jamming platforms giving them near total air defense superiority over 85 percent of Turkish territory.
The Krasukha-4 broadband multifunctional jamming station is mounted on a BAZ-6910-022 four-axle-chassis and like the Krasukha-2, the Krasukha-4 counters NATO-Turkish AWACS and other air borne radar systems. The Krasukha-4, also, has the range for effectively disrupting low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites and can cause permanent damage to targeted radio-electronic devices with ground based radars also being a viable target—which is, undoubtedly, MoD experts in this report state, the reason US and Turkish aircraft have fled from the skies over Syria.
With the criminal Erdogan regime in Turkey continuing to support Islamic State terrorists in Syria and Iraq, this report further notes, President Putin’s order today to begin the deployment of Federation military forces to Armenia will protect that nations peoples from their barbaric Turkish enemies who just a century ago (1915-1917) massacred an estimated 1.5 million men, women and children in what is known now as the Armenian Genocide.
And to the great shame of the United States against these Armenia peoples too, this report grimly states, President Obama, this past August, and for the 7th year in row, broke his promise to them to acknowledge the genocide committed against them by Turkey.
The Federation, however, this report continues, is not only one of the 25 nations that has acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, this past week a bill was introduced into the Russian parliament on holding to account anyone who denies that the killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces was “genocide”.
With Turkish President Erdogan having lashed out at Russia, Germany and France for recognizing the Armenian Genocide, this report warns, his actions against the Kurdish peoples in the Levant Region are even more troubling—especially since this past summer when he broke off all peace talks with them.
But to the Federations greatest fears of the criminal Erdogan necessitating the deployment of thousands of Russian troops to Turkey’s border, this report concludes, is his using of Islamic State terrorists to create for himself a new empire—and which he and his Prime Minister this past May (2015) made no secret of when they declared to the entire Islamic world:
“We Will Gather Together Kurds And Arabs, And All Of The Muslim World, And Invade Jerusalem, And Create A One World Islamic Empire.”
Posted by: Lone Wolf | Dec 16 2015 6:39 utc | 88
@40, bashing Jews qua Jews plays into Israel's hands.
Posted by: ruralito | Dec 16 2015 6:41 utc | 89
@Lone Wolf
Erdogan is clearly guilty in that bombing and terrorist attack.
This is quiet a news.
Assad can stay, for now: Kerry accepts Russian stance
Well it seems that the Ugly witch aka Victoria Nuland and the entire US government is bowing to the Tsar.Kerry said "The United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change". That is clearly a victory for the Russian right there and it seems decisive this time.The S300 and S400 seems to have made their effect.Might is power. One thing worried me though it is that the United States still hope to include in the legitimate opposition some so called Muslim rebels group.It will be a huge mistake from the Russian and the Syrians to accept such a proposition.We can already see behind this NATO and its secret services declaring some extremist religious group as democrats in order to destabilize Syria latter on.It seems that Exxon mobile and the Rockefellers won't have their pipeline any time soon they will have to find another way to diminish the Russian influence over Europe.The fact that Nuland came with Kerry confirm that the US (and it seems all the different part of its oligarchy) already accepted Russia victory over the Syrian conflict.The mad Erdogan won't recover from this.
what is funny is that the entire plan of the united state to install The muslim brotherhood in power all over north Africa and in the middle east failed.They haven't succeeded in Tunisia Syria and Egypt.and so far it seems that their plan to redraw the middle eats is not working as they would like it.Despite the use of false flag terrorism and constant destabilization IraQ is holding up and not breaking up.
Posted by: lebretteurfredonnant | Dec 16 2015 6:46 utc | 90
@Lone Wolf
“We Will Gather Together Kurds And Arabs, And All Of The Muslim World, And Invade Jerusalem, And Create A One World Islamic Empire.”
I find it funny that The Mad Erdogan could believe such non sens. Without the backing of nato it could not do half of what he is doing now.And what s worst it is that his beloved country is doomed to breaking off.The united state wants to redraw the entire map of the middle east and turkey is part of this redrawing.I doubt that Erdogan does not know it.The dream of an Islamic caliphate wanted by the Muslim brotherhood will never happen.They are just a tool for the dark politic of the western power and its destructive capitalism in the middle east and north Africa.If i was Erdogan I would get closer to Russia Syria,Iran,Iraq,Armenia and Greece .That would be the best way for him to maintain the unity of Turkey and to increase the prosperity of his country and his geopolitical power. The south stream pipeline with Russia was a step in the right direction. Sadly is completely crazy.
Posted by: lebretteurfredonnant | Dec 16 2015 7:12 utc | 91
Apparently Homs has been freed.That's another good news
Posted by: lebretteurfredonnant | Dec 16 2015 7:32 utc | 92
Years ago I was forced to work for Mil.Gov by a general recession, living in my car while showering at the YMCA, then observing these Mil.Gov drones throughout the day. This was in California, after it has been taken over by La Familia. I had an India(n) technician who was supposed to 'support' me who spent most of his time reading books, and five Filipina secretaries, who spent most of their time filing their fingernails. When I asked one to type a letter, a full *week* later, she hadn't gotten around to it, guess because I didn't ask her in Tagalog. So I typed the letter myself after work, and that brought down a union shyte-storm that eventually got me fired by the new India(n) director they brought in. He had a thing for those five cuties of his, and I wasn't going to spoil his action.
Fast forward to today, back working for Mil.Gov, surrounded by Mil.Gov drones. Called to ask for a particular contract number that I was to start working on. They said 'we have to go look it up, and will call you back in 30 minutes'. OK, computer databases can be a real challenge when you don't have good English language skills, but 30 minutes to open a card file? Come on! Of course, when I called back at 3PM, *six hours later*, the whole Mil.Gov office was howling in laughter, counting down the 60 minutes to sneak out the back door for happy hour Beer:30. That's how they roll here, slipping out the back door every day.
When I complained in a 'hey, let's work as a team' way that it should never take that long to look up a single contract number in a database, and what was MIS doing to correct the bad situation, I got the Big Speech, how they 'didn't have enough funding' to actually load the database, they had been paying seat subscriptions on for 5 years, but had done nothing with. The data was all siloed up on individual computers, so they couldn't be laid off. I'm sure I'll get the MicroAgression lecture and a hide-beating from the union why the Mil.Gov workers are 'so overworked' that they have to work Double OT this weekend just to catch up.
I've worked maybe 100 places, at every level from a carpenter's shop to as high-tech intern and from time to time, briefly at all the levels of Mil.Gov, but have never seen anything like their sense of entitlement, hubris of 'exceptionality' and smugness of full pensions for life, that's Mil.Gov Today. Now McCain is about to drop 100,000 fresh troops back into Iraq, and Obama is about to import a couple 100,000 immigrants that will cost workers $25B a year in welfare and entitlements, and that's not counting the Mil.Gov staffup and COLA.
We have to bring down WADC and BRUSSELS before the US EU collapses. It's that simple. Mil.Gov is the Stage Five Horsemen of our slow-motion Apocalypse. They're metastasizing. This is a complete overthrow of the workers by the Mil.Gov overseers, the straw bosses,
and Corporate is fully behind that with their baaksheesh, their bribery and extortion.
Forget Syria. Forget Turkey. Forget Russia. That's purely a 'shiney object' diversion.
Posted by: NoReply | Dec 16 2015 8:28 utc | 93
Police departments may have skills to find evidence of who fired and where this rocket was fired from on the ground but they have no technical skill in identifying military hardware that I am aware of.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Dec 16, 2015 12:12:43 AM | 84
Come now, Wayout, things are getting laughably desperate when you have to pretend that you've never heard of POLICE using the services of Forensic Experts to fill the gaps in their own technical expertise.
Please try and make that sound like a bad idea...
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 16 2015 8:41 utc | 94
Hope you're better soon, b. Put your feet up? Make a drink with lots of honey in it? Where are you, in Germany, or the USA? I see its unseasonably warm in the USA. Unseasonable weather always make you sick. It's NOT! climate change though. Hope you're better soon. You're a better writer, with better material, than any of the rest of us here. We'll noodle through till you feel better.
Posted by: jfl | Dec 16 2015 9:45 utc | 95
Is anybody bombing Turkey's oil trucks? I suppose it's too much to hope for their bombing the pipeline to Turkey? or the Mosul to Haifa pipeline?
@40, bashing Jews qua Jews plays into Israel's hands.
Posted by: ruralito | Dec 16, 2015 1:41:52 AM | 86
You're absolutely right, ruralito.
No reply @ 90, "We have to bring down WADC and BRUSSELS before the US EU collapses."
I think it's probably too late; you see, it's a global recession, soon to become catastrophic & it's not an accident. TPTB have a motto: "Out of Chaos, Order". It's necessary to create enough chaos so that no resistance is possible-- and most people will welcome the "solution" offered.
I know. Most of you think that when the dollar collapses it'll mark a new beginning. That it will comprise the defeat of TPTB. But the very top echelons are CAUSING the global economic collapse-- while they pretend to be so perplexed about what to do to improve the economy.
For example, ask yourself what steps could have been taken any time this past 5 years to cause the US economy to recover and then grow. You see! Even you & I know. Can you think of any truly destructive steps that TPTB have taken against EU's economy? How about the ME? Africa? Russia?
And they love famine-- so efficient at killing so many. Just a few companies control the grain reserves. We used to have a US government grain reserve, but the big grain companies talked Uncle Sam out of that cuz they cd do it better. But of course they didn't do it at all, so the cupboard is bare.
If you want to make your economy truly nonproductive, you set as many people as possible building pyramids-- or trying to reduce CO2 as part of the global warming hoax. Dear Lord, you can't make this stuff up.
Posted by: Penelope | Dec 16 2015 10:27 utc | 96
Penelope @ #96.
Tell the denizens of Sydney, Oz, that the TORNADO which ripped through their suburbs today, was just a GW Hoax. GW science says that in Oz, tropical weather patterns are moving South. Tornadoes in Oz have 'traditionally' been experienced only on featureless plains North of the Tropic of Capricorn. Sydney is hilly and adjacent to mountains. It's also 1400 km South of Rockhampton (which straddles the T of C).
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 16 2015 13:42 utc | 97
The propaganda machine is impressive. Take for example the video released by News Corp Australia, supposedly of Ukrainian 'separatists' dealing with the crash debris of MH17. A reaction from a bereaved relative:
Paul Guard, an Australian who lost his parents on Flight 17, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that he had no strong emotional reaction to the footage.“It was a war zone, it was a crash site, there were people trying to work out what had happened,” Mr. Guard said. “I don’t read too much more into that video myself.”
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said she could not confirm that the video was authentic, but she told the Nine Network that the footage was “sickening to watch” and called it “deeply concerning” that it emerged only a year after the crash.
It's mentioned in an article in the New Yorker, a feature on Angela Merkel:
"The sight of separatist fighters looting the belongings of dead passengers who had been shot out of the sky hit Germans more personally than months of ugly fighting among Ukrainians had [...] The idea of maintaining equidistance between Russia and the West on Ukraine vanished. Though the crisis was beginning to hurt the German economy, Merkel now had three-quarters of the public behind her. In late July, the E.U. agreed on a sweeping new round of financial and energy sanctions."
Wonder how it was spun in the German media. I vaguely remember reading that the rebels had waited for hours for the OSCE observers to arrive and then moved the bodies because they were decomposing in the heat; I'm sure that too was misrepresented by the usual suspects. Can't find it now, or anything from the rebels' POV; if someone could, I'd be grateful - meaning to do a little write-up.
India has no international media presence to speak of. Everything in the 'international' section in our newspapers is quoted, sometimes with attribution, from Anglophone sources or Al-Jazeera. Thus there's a major disconnect between the perceptions of our diplomats and security establishment, and the public. This is actually exacerbated when the GOI clamps down on NGO funding because the required groundwork of (counter?) propaganda isn't laid. The Russians are better but their 'information war' is just a trickle against a flood, effective only due to the level of hypocrisy of their opponents. And as someone pointed out, Jew-bashing in the comments doesn't help :)
Rest well, b.
Posted by: boo | Dec 16 2015 14:15 utc | 98
Re: Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 16, 2015 8:42:39 AM | 97
You can't be serious. Do you live in Sydney?
I live in Melbourne and in case you haven't noticed there is a heatwave over Southern Australia at present, which is not the least bit unusual at this time of year, and this is confronting high pressure zones around Sydney.
Of course you are going to end up with violent thunderstorms in such a situation! How many hundreds of folks died in Sydney anyhow, I hadn't caught up with the casualty figures from these unprecedented storms yet.
Cheers H.
Posted by: Julian | Dec 16 2015 14:21 utc | 99
I choose to be on the opposite side of ignorance, hubris and make-believe and will stay there but I don't side with any of the US or Israeli spin machine and you will never find any of my comments supporting their memes. The only Israeli I read often and appreciate is Uri Avnery.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Dec 16 2015 14:56 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Get well b
Posted by: Everyone | Dec 15 2015 18:04 utc | 1