The "Most Outlandish" Empire Semantics
The government of the Unites States (GDP US$ 16,768,100 million) declares that the situation in Venezuela (GDP US$ 371,339 million):
... constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States
This, the White House says, requires to:
... declare a national emergency to deal with that threat
"Why," ask the Venezuelans, including the U.S. sponsored opposition, "do you think we are an unusual and extraordinary threat which requires you to declare a national emergency?
"We do not believe for a moment that you are an unusual and extraordinary threat which requires us to declare a national emergency", is the answer:
Officials in Washington said that declaring Venezuela a national security threat was largely a formality.
"A formality?" ask Venezuelans. "Why is it a formality to see us as an unusual and extraordinary threat to your national security? That does not make sense. What's next? Will it be a simply a formality to kill us?"
"It is formality needed to be able to sanction some of your government officials," an anonymous U.S. senior official explains. "To do so the law requires that we declare you to be an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security which requires us to declare a national emergency."
"But we ain't no such threat. You yourself says so. So why would you sanction our officials when you yourself say that there is no real basis for this? On what legal grounds are you acting? Why these sanctions?"
"Because the the situation in Venezuela ... constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States which requires us to declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."
"That is like declaring war on us. That does not make sense".
"Well, it's just a formality."
On might have hoped that the above would be the "most outlandish" nonsense the U.S. government could produce. But that is not yet the case.
The Venezuelan President Maduro responded in the National Assembly:
“The aggression and the threat of the government of the United States is the greatest threat that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, our country, has ever received,” he said to applause, [...] “Let’s close ranks like a single fist of men and women. We want peace.”He spoke of past American military interventions in Latin America and warned that the United States was preparing an invasion and a naval blockade of Venezuela.
“For human rights, they are preparing to invade us,” he said, ...
During the last 125 years the U.S. intervened in South America at least 56 times through military or intelligence operations. This ever intervening country is the same country that just declared Venezuela to be an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States that requires to declare a national emergency.
It is certainly not outlandish for Maduro to believe that such a declaration will be followed by one of those continued interventions. Especially not when disguised U.S. officials travel around Venezuela and distribute money to opposition parties. Maduro is not alone in seeing the threat of another U.S. intervention. All South American nations have condemned the U.S. declaration and even pro-American opposition politicians in Venezuela were outraged about it.
But for the ever anonymous U.S. officials it is the victim of their outlandish exaggerations that doth protest too much:
“It’s remarkable that the [Venezuelan] government can say the most outlandish things about the U.S. government — what is this, the 16th or 17th coup attempt that we’re doing? And now we’re invading?” the official said. “The shelf life of all of these accusations is what, a day or two? Even the dullest of media consumers is going to see that there is no invasion.”
Noting the U.S. doublespeak in this whole affair it advise to be very careful in believing that "there is no invasion" claim.
Posted by b on March 12, 2015 at 15:01 UTC | Permalink
I doubt the US is going to be invading or blockading Venezuela any time soon. This asinine proclamation was necessary for the increased sanctions the US has imposed and it is definitely a ratcheting-up of pressure and intimidation. It also appears to be designed to cause the Maduro government to overreact and institute decisions that can be demonized as harsh and undemocratic.
I hope the people of Venezuela and the other progressive countries of SA are ready and willing to really confront these aggressive US moves.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Mar 12 2015 16:09 utc | 2
The current government of Venezuela is a clear threat to the financial interests of the oligarchs who controll the US government.
Posted by: Dan | Mar 12 2015 16:20 utc | 3
Was the rhetoric always this absurd and threats so inflated?
Posted by: Crest | Mar 12 2015 16:21 utc | 4
More works of mercy from the Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Posted by: diogenes | Mar 12 2015 16:31 utc | 5
usa, the bully is bullying again.. what else is new? or is it that the level the depraved nation has dropped to is a new low?
@2wow.. reading your post, i think you're trying to sugar coat the usa's actions here and you come off sounding apologetic.. i find that pathetic.
Posted by: james | Mar 12 2015 16:39 utc | 6
Armed Patriots Stand Against the Feds ...
Posted by: Alberto | Mar 12 2015 16:43 utc | 7
Ferguson ...
"The protests had been largely peaceful, and the demonstrators gathered were to “quick to point out that the gunfire did not come from among them, rather from a distance behind them,” The New York Times reported.
Witnesses told the Times that the shots came from the top of a hill about 200 yards across from the police station."
source -
Posted by: Alberto | Mar 12 2015 16:51 utc | 9
@8 - actually that is what i think about you, obviously!
Posted by: james | Mar 12 2015 16:59 utc | 10
For me the most interesting part of the US proclamation was not the National Security threat but the claim of a threat to US Foreign Policy. This illustrates the power of the Bolivarian Revolution to sever much of SA from US dominance and the level of US Ruling Class fear because of their diminishing power and influence worldwide.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Mar 12 2015 17:26 utc | 11
Talk about real threats, what about operation 'Urgent Fury' when the US invaded Granada 30 years ago. Population 90,000 But what a victory, all branches of the US services insisted on participating Several members of Congress visited Grenada to bask in the glory, among them Rep. Dick Cheney of Wyoming, who said the invasion proved that the United States was once again "steady and reliable."
An orgy of self-congratulation followed the triumph. A total of 8,612 medals were awarded to participants — most of them to desk officers who never came within a thousand miles of the island. "Our days of weakness are over!" Reagan exulted in a speech to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society in New York. "Our military forces are back on their feet and standing tall."
Posted by: harry law | Mar 12 2015 18:07 utc | 12
The invasion of Grenada happened two days after the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. It was such an obviously improvised operation that it was a logistical nightmare and the U.S.'s British allies, far from being asked to give their approval in advance, were not even informed in advance.
Posted by: lysias | Mar 12 2015 18:29 utc | 13
USSA may yet decide to make an example out of Venezuela for the rest of Latin America to follow, using their buddy state Colombia. I know it sounds asinine and counterproductive but given the recent past of the AmeriKan Killasaurs, I wouldn't put anything ridiculous past these clowns. Bush Admin. was so over-obsessed with the M.E. and Latin America went wide with people power.
I doubt they will return very willingly to the tin-shack serfdom of the colonial years.
Posted by: farflungstar | Mar 12 2015 18:58 utc | 14
He's just sad because ISIS and Israel were caught blowing each other repeatedly, despite his denials and he got left out of the fun.
Posted by: farflungstar | Mar 12 2015 19:00 utc | 15
Ah yes. The old tried and true "making the economy scream" in preparation for a coup ploy. Venezuela has held out so far but I have confidence in The Empire®. Their psychopathic persistence should be able to turn that country into what Guatemala, El Salvador and Colombia are--a chamber of fucking horrors.
Posted by: Some Guy | Mar 12 2015 19:02 utc | 16
As a geography Nazi, I would insists that the list that was linked showed only four cases of interventions in South America. Indeed, interventions in Central America and Caribbean are dime a dozen, and probably the count was partial, South America is more distant and the countries are a bit too large for open interventions. Diplomacy was almost always friendly to non-leftist military regimes or death squads, but a direct engagement like coordination of the attempt to depose Chavez by military means were rare.
For some reason, it is almost 15 years that Jihad was declared in USA against Venezuela, and formal fatwa proclaimed on TV (this video was from 2009, when Rev. Robertson wonder why Chavez was not assassinated yet). Since USA is a democracy, and the people are Christian, it is a duty of the government to follow the will of the Christian folks and at least attempt to execute fatwas of Christian clerics. However, I do not know enough about Robertson's Christianity to figure out how the fatwa came about.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Mar 12 2015 19:50 utc | 17
Venezuela's been under constant pressure from the Empire for a decade now, but they've managed to hold on, even through the most recent period of economic misery and turmoil. It's heinous to see the depths the US has gone through to try and undo programs of education, healthcare, and democracy, and there's no signs of stopping. The rich, white Venezuelan elite are determined to drag their "inferiors" back into their rightful place using any dirty trick, and somehow they are the freedom loving, liberal democrats.
Perhaps a small bit of solace: in recent elections, even the neoliberal candidates have started to concede that elements of the Bolivarian welfare state are here to stay because the people would never accept their destruction. If PSUV eventually does get voted out (and I hope it will be from the ballot and not the bullet), I hope that their social institutions are strong enough to weather and defeat the onslaught of the capitalist vultures.
Posted by: Almand | Mar 12 2015 19:59 utc | 18
According to a link from the website of TeleSUR, a Venezuelan television station, on Feb. 28, 2015 an employee of NED (ie American agent) travelled to Venezuela for a secret meeting with opposition figures (ie bought and paid for greedy foreign stooges) to settle an argument about the distribution of millions of dollars previously contributed by NED.
The agent used a forged or stolen passport in a false name, and disguised her appearance to match with the photo in the passport; and travelled to the meeting in a vehicle with forged or stolen plates.
This agent, whose real name is Sarah Kornblith, a few months previously had written an article in NED's "scholarly journal" denouncing the Chavez and Maduro regimes and also:
"lauding the political arrangement that existed in Venezuela before Chavez. Known as the Punto Fijo Pact, under that system, two traditional parties would alternate in power, deliberately excluding the voices of Venezuela's poor majority."
You mean like Democrats and Republicans? You can't make this stuff up!
Posted by: diogenes | Mar 12 2015 20:04 utc | 19
The US, as usual, is outrageous. You make think this is a prelude to a US invasion or it isn't, but it is a signal to the usual US secret operations groups (CIA and other) to get to work.
The US is going over the line in Ukraine, Syria, aiding ISIS, pouring gasoline on Libya - the list could go on forever. The US is clearly a rouge state led by 'exceptional and indispensable' lunatics that are leading the world into catastrophes like another people did that thought they were 'uber alles'.
Posted by: Arius | Mar 12 2015 20:39 utc | 20
the real national security threat to venezuela by US should be enough to have the US embassy closed
Posted by: brian | Mar 12 2015 21:24 utc | 21
I'm just now reading a book about Gen. Vernon Walters, Der Drahtzieher: Vernon Walters -- Ein Geheimdienstgeneral des Kalten Krieges, by Klaus Eichner and Ernst Langrock, which details all the coups and secret chicanery that general was involved in, both in Latin America and in Europe.
Posted by: lysias | Mar 12 2015 21:43 utc | 22
The Obama government found the template, the last copy of which says:
"I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, find that the policies and actions of the Government of Nicaragua constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States and hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."
and scrubbed out "Ronald Reagan" and "Nicaragua".
Posted by: Jen | Mar 12 2015 23:59 utc | 23
Well well, Venezuela finds 170+ million barrels of new potential oil reserves and like clockwork the ptb breaks out the cattleprod and Washington DC starts barking about how Venezuela is a "threat" to the USA. The only threat that the ptb are concerned with is oil and gasoline prices dropping.
Posted by: Really | Mar 13 2015 1:23 utc | 24
The difference between james thinking WayOutWest is full of shit, and WayOutWest thinking james is full of shit is one simple thing: james is right.
Posted by: guest77 | Mar 13 2015 2:01 utc | 25
The threats being made against Venezuela are horrendous but to be expected. Latin America will be under tremendous threat as the US Empire collapses in its outer regions. The vultures will turn to their traditional areas. But it won't be so easy. The changes in Venezuela are massive. Millions have been educated. Millions have been trained. Millions have become invested in the state. If the US couldn't win its coup in 2002, I seriously doubt the US can win one today. But that doesn't mean they won't try.
If I remember one thing about the Venezuela, it was the simple people working together, proud of what they had managed to achieve during their revolution. We visited a cooperative farm where the tractors made under a joint effort between Venezuela and Iran were being driven by farmers. These were once landless peasants and now proud farming families, working their small plots (about 15 acres each) with their kids, their dogs and their cats. These people have been organized (and armed) and won't give that land back to the latifundistas. Never.
I travelled during the Iraq War, and - Venezuela being similar in size to that nation - I was revolted by the thoughts of the United States doing to Venezuela what it had done to Iraq so recently. The mass murder. The internal conflict. That's what that little snake Miriam Kornblith represents. The murder of children. The arrival of the Empire and its killers.
The thing is, Venezuela still has very powerful oligarchs, and big business thrives. There was never the wholesale conversion to a planned, socialist system, there was only a spreading of the oil wealth, a new constitution, expanded voting rights - things like that. No one is losing anything. The oil still flows to the US. But that is not enough - because its never enough for the USA except total submission. The ONLY reason the US wants to attack the country is because of the advances it has made in bringing real democracy to a poor country. Because of the real example it has provided all over South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.
It's a bit long (even as cut down as I've made it), so apologies for that, but let me post again part of a speech by a Venezuelan Member of the National Assembly who was kind enough to speak to the group I was with. It's very good, and covers a lot of the dynamics we see at work today.
The war here is between those without power - without rights, those without presence in the world, whose dignity is permanently eliminated - and those who want to exert power only to divide society and maintain a system of domination of a few over a very immense and unhappy lot. We don’t like that. So we want to apply politics, real politics – democracy, what democracy is about – into changing the status of that big majority. And for that small, very small minority, to understand that when you simply want to divide society, oppress a part of society, take human rights away from a big part of it - you’re not a democrat. You cannot be called a democrat, you cannot be called a republican, you’re not a civilizer, you’re not a society constructor, you’re not a development contributor. You are but a fascist. And fascism is at work right now against the populations of Latin America. You’ve know that for many years. I’m not telling you anything new.There is a term in use at the moment, it is “fourth generation war”. Fourth generation war is not fought with rifles, with tanks, or with bombs. Fourth generation war, like the one in Iraq, or like the one that started in Iraq and in other parts of the world, is fought in the minds of people. And your enemy seeks to control all of your territory by telling your soldiers, your people, that you are their enemy. If my people, my army, my interests, my culture, are here and I am a part of them, my enemy tells my people here that “hey, your enemy is that guy there in front of you.” If my enemy convinces my people that I am their enemy, who will they kill? They won’t kill their enemy, their real true enemy, they’ll kill me. So that is a fourth generation war. The one that is fought here with psychological warfare. We are not anymore calling them means of communication anymore, because they are not means of communication, they are a means of mass destruction. They are means of conscience destruction. They are means of political propaganda spreading. They are not means of communication. They do not communicate. They impose, terrorize, control.
The right wing, the oligarchy, that exists. It’s true, it exists. And politically, they are very good at organizing themselves. They are very effective in using their power, economic and otherwise, against their social and political enemies. And they are deploying their power here in Venezuela, right now. For example, 80% of the radio stations, TV stations, and newspapers are private, and are, largely, immensely, anti-Chávez. They are undemocratic, they don’t believe in complying with the rule, with the law. And they don’t respect public opinion. It’s absurd what you can watch on these TV stations, you listen to people calling for rebellion, calling for an overthrow of the government. I mean, you do that in a TV station in the United States or in Spain or the United Kingdom or so on, you end up in prison. But they say that this is a dictatorship. And that itself is the best proof that our enemies are simply fascist and undemocratic is that. There is never an objective or balanced opinion about Chávez.
....See, we want to do everything, always, of course lawfully, and “the constitution”…alright, so “Here’s the constitution…” [mimics shooting a machinegun at the holder of the constitution] “pow pow pow pow” “Here’s the constitution”. I do it with a little laughter because this is…we talk about this every day. But it’s sad. Well that’s the truth but we’ve got to know that. And also we believe in internationalism. We are brothers and sisters, and we love each other. But they kill…they kill us all. We, in fact, on the contrary, rely on principles, rely on ethics, rely on morals. For us, things are good or are bad. You do not do things if they are unjust. You do not do things if they are, um, inhuman. They don’t care about that. They don’t give a fuck about that. They kill us. They kill us. They kill people. There are people here in Venezuela – the army is ours, the president is ours, we have the power, but they kill every month, peasants. Because peasants are very well organized. And are organizing themselves. So out in the land, in the plains, Agribusiness organizes their small armies and kill the guys that are getting organized. They would like the same war here that has been happening in Colombia for the past 40 years.
In Colombia, peasants, trade unionists, student leaders, human rights groups leaders are killed by the hundreds. They never get to see the sunset. Never. they are always killed mid-morning, early morning. Every single week.
Posted by: guest77 | Mar 13 2015 2:31 utc | 26
I thank you for your thoughts and for sharing your first-hand observations. Did you read the article jfl pointed out called "Sea-Change in Venezuela" I'd be interested in your thoughts on that because it seems to me that it dovetails with what you're saying here...that the Bolivarian revolution moved slowly and there are still many powerful oligarchs. The article maintains, I think, that this is a core problem.
One simple and perhaps stupid thing I always think but I never see "make the economy scream" prior to the coup, we see these shortages...imported products are the fulcrum-- examples I often see cited are toilet paper, tampons, baby diapers. I have always wondered why sovereign nations -- esp the much-despised and demonized Socialists -- cannot see these choke points. Do these countries not have factories for such "civilized necessities"? (debateable concept esp in re disposable, I know) It just seems so obvious that you've got grow a large part of your own food and supply basic necessities or you run the risk of being set up for a visit by the economic hitman.
Posted by: Benu | Mar 13 2015 3:09 utc | 27
guest77 @ 26:" because its never enough for the USA except total submission."
"The war here is between those without power - without rights, those without presence in the world, whose dignity is permanently eliminated"..From the article,but in essence, the global struggle against the new 4th reich, the USA and their minions.
Posted by: ben | Mar 13 2015 3:27 utc | 28
In 2002 I thought Chavez was toast. Given the last century of US intervention in South America it seemed obvious that Chavez would be over thrown by the US. But then the war in Iraq went very badly. The US was was distracted and had to focus its energy on the Iraq war. Chavez was spared the focus of US imperialism. For some time I thought the silver lining in the failed US war in Iraq was that it distracted our interests away from South America. This permitted a number of Latin American countries to drift away from US influence, not just Venezuela but also Bolivia and Nicaragua and some of the other countries elected left wing governments.
The US has spent the last century trying to prevent governments arising that actually represent all of the people and not just the upper middle classes that are eager to please US corporations. I think what we are seeing today is that the US is now refocusing on South America and are willing to devote resources towards removing those governments that have arisen that attempt to represent the poor and not just the bourgeois elements. This has been happening over the last few years. In Obama's first few years he threw his support (behind the scenes as it developed) behind the Honduran upper classes that removed the popularly elected government of Manunel Zelaya.
In any case, I think the Manuela government in Venezuela is going to be deposed through US intervention and next will be the government in Bolivia. And there is little that the rest of world can do to stop it. After all, the Monroe Doctrine has given the US that right and there is no outside force that can stop us unless they are willing to engage in nuclear war.
However, the more the US flexes its muscle in Latin America, the less effective it will be in pushing its policies in Ukraine and towards the 'pivot to Asia' that was supposed to be one of Obama's signature policies. And this is not to mention Obama's efforts for more war in Iraq and Syria. So to the extent that Venezuela might suffer today other parts of the world will be provided some respite from US attention. The US is thoroughly over committed.
Posted by: ToivoS | Mar 13 2015 3:40 utc | 29
How many Enemies #1 can the US manage? Apparently there is no limit.
Posted by: chuckvw | Mar 13 2015 6:12 utc | 30
Maybe Obama’s Sanctions on Venezuela are Not Really About His “Deep Concern” Over Suppression of Political Rights
By Glenn Greenwald
Today, one of the Obama administration’s closest allies on the planet, Saudi Arabia, sentenced one of that country’s few independent human rights activists, Mohammed al-Bajad, to 10 years in prison on “terrorism” charges. That is completely consistent with that regime’s systematic and extreme repression, which includes gruesome state beheadings at a record-setting rate, floggings and long prison terms for anti-regime bloggers, executions of those with minority religious views, and exploitation of terror laws to imprison even the mildest regime critics.
Absolutely nobody expects the “deeply concerned” President Obama to impose sanctions on the Saudis — nor on any of the other loyal U.S. allies from Egypt to the UAE whose repression is far worse than Venezuela’s. Perhaps those who actually believe U.S. proclamations about imposing sanctions on Venezuela in objection to suppression of political opposition might spend some time thinking about what accounts for that disparity.
Any rational person who watched the entire top echelon of the U.S. government drop what they were doing to make a pilgrimage to Riyadh to pay homage to the Saudi monarchs (Obama cut short a state visit to India to do so), or who watches the mountain of arms and money flow to the regime in Cairo, would do nothing other than cackle when hearing U.S. officials announce that they are imposing sanctions to punish repression of political opposition. And indeed, that’s what most of the world outside of the U.S. and Europe do when they hear such claims. But from the perspective of U.S. officials, that’s fine, because such pretenses to noble intentions are primarily intended for domestic consumption.
As for Obama’s decree that Venezuela now poses an “extraordinary threat to the national security” of the United States, is there anyone, anywhere, that wants to defend the reasonability of that claim? Think about what it says about our discourse that Obama officials know they can issue such insultingly false tripe with no consequences.
But what’s not too obvious to point out is what the U.S is actually doing in Venezuela. It’s truly remarkable how the very same people who demand U.S. actions against the democratically elected government in Caracas are the ones who most aggressively mock Venezuelan leaders when they point out that the U.S. is working to undermine their government.
The worst media offender in this regard is The New York Times, which explicitly celebrated the 2002 U.S.-supported coup of Hugo Chavez as a victory for democracy, but which now regularly derides the notion that the U.S. would ever do something as untoward as undermine the Venezuelan government. Watch this short video from Monday where the always-excellent Matt Lee of Associated Press questions a State Department spokesperson this week after she said it was “ludicrous” to think that the U.S. would ever do such a thing:
Posted by: okie farmer | Mar 13 2015 8:15 utc | 31
nor on any of the other loyal U.S. allies from Egypt to the UAE whose repression is far worse than Venezuela’s.
Repression in Venezuela, that stopped me right in my tracks. Mr Greenwald should be looking at this own country!
Posted by: papa | Mar 13 2015 10:18 utc | 32
I see the following development in world politics: the US will concede the Caucasus and the Baltic states to the Russian sphere of influence while stepping up its own control over Central and South America, its own sphere of interest.
Just like the good old colonial days...
Posted by: ralphieboy | Mar 13 2015 10:47 utc | 33
Posted by: okie farmer | Mar 13, 2015 4:15:08 AM | 31
Couldn't sleep? Meth binge? An Oklahoma farmer should be sound asleep at 3:15 am Central Standard Time, not online reposting the remarks of some Jewish gay pornographer.
ralphieboy, you could be right. Maybe it'll be Manifest Destiny revisited versus Cold War revisited. Remember several years ago bell bottoms came back in fashion? The same goes for various historical geopolitical strategies, I suppose. The problem is, it's never quite the same as the first go-around no matter how hard you try or don't try.
Posted by: Cold N. Holefield | Mar 13 2015 11:11 utc | 34
semantics..i,ll give you sementics
ellen told oprah that she lost her first love to a well hung tongue
oprah replied......sounds like a mouthful
Posted by: mcohen | Mar 13 2015 11:38 utc | 36
Meddling in South American and Caribbean affairs since 1830's
The thing that amazes me is that people still think that these uSA were isolationists, even if we just start counting in 1898.
The list briefly mentions William Walker, who briefly took over Nicaragua to stop Nicaragua and Vanderbilt from building the canal.
This report is done by the Congressional Research Service every year.
Instances of Use of United States Armed
Forces Abroad, 1798-2015
Posted by: JaimeInTexas | Mar 13 2015 12:33 utc | 37
that's kind of like....Russia and Georgia. How could a country the of Georgia militarily threaten Russia? Yet, just about everyone on here said it did. Need to get your lies and propaganda straight guys pmsl
Posted by: anotherjeff | Mar 13 2015 13:35 utc | 38
Another Jeff
Georgia killed alot of Russians, thats why, lets see how you will come back now, I guess by supporting the killing of Russians, sick boy.
Posted by: Anonymous | Mar 13 2015 14:08 utc | 39
CNH @ 34:" Jewish gay pornographer."
Attack the messenger, classic TROLL behavior. "If the shoe fits, wear it."
Posted by: ben | Mar 13 2015 14:56 utc | 41
I'm not sure the U.S. will be able any more to remove governments it doesn't like in Latin America, when there is now a Pope from Latin America who is likely to oppose such policies.
Remember, Pope Francis helped to broker the rapprochement between Washington and Havana.
Posted by: lysias | Mar 13 2015 21:23 utc | 42
41;GG doesn't let his sexual identity infect his political stances,as so many other
corrupt LGBT supporters and members do.
And of course Cold is a Zionist troll,his concerns and enemies are theirs.
Posted by: dahoit | Mar 14 2015 12:40 utc | 43
How soon until there is a Latin American branch of the Asian Infrastructure Bank ? or the BRICS BANK ?
I would expect Venezuela to be among the first to tap their funds.
Posted by: purple | Mar 14 2015 16:50 utc | 44
-However, the more the US flexes its muscle in Latin America, the less effective it will be in pushing its policies in Ukraine and towards the 'pivot to Asia' that was supposed to be one of Obama's signature policies.-
The pivot to Asia has been failure, as China has steadily pushed the US out of its near waters. The UK joining the AIB was the titanic geo poliical event.
Posted by: purple | Mar 14 2015 16:54 utc | 45
not a bad story on adam osmayev for anyone interested..
Posted by: james | Mar 14 2015 17:39 utc | 46
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Venezuela: A plan for coup d'état and assassination of Maduro
Posted by: nmb | Mar 12 2015 15:31 utc | 1