Paris - A Photo-Op For the Hypocrites
Update: The New York Times is lying to its readers about the photo-op:
The world leaders — including President François Hollande of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain — joined the march in a solemn line. They moved slowly, clasping arms to show solidarity with the victims. The crowd roared in approval.
At various times, those in attendance burst into spontaneous applause and occasionally into “La Marseillaise,” the national anthem.
The NYT description is completely fake. As you can see below the crowd never had a chance to even see the "world leaders". They never joined the march. There was no crowd at the photo op to roar approval.
Original post follows
Many people marched in Paris to express solidarity with those killed in attacks there last week.
As often happens in big marches, a small, violent minority hijacked the event for their own twisted ends.
Even criminals who were allegedly uninvited, like Netanyahoo, took part in the photo-op. Actually the fake "front row" of the march was rearranged, with the Palestinian dictator Abbas suddenly missing, to fit Natanyahoo's election campaign needs.
Here is one picture of the front row of hypocrisy with Abbas next to the German chancellor Merkel (and Sarkozy next to Netanyahoo).
Abbas was removed, (as was Sarkozy), and the queen of Jordan was put in his place.
But that was still not good enough for Netanyaahoo to use in his election campaign and its tweets so some unknown second row person was put next to Merkel in a shot for Netanyahoo to use.
This event truly brought everyone in the world together. In revulsion at these politicians abusing it to polish their image.
Posted by b on January 12, 2015 at 3:52 UTC | Permalink
next page »Chris Hedges cuts to the chase ...
A Message From the Dispossessed
The terrorist attack in France that took place at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo was not about free speech. It was not about radical Islam. It did not illustrate the fictitious clash of civilizations. It was a harbinger of an emerging dystopia where the wretched of the earth, deprived of resources to survive, devoid of hope, brutally controlled, belittled and mocked by the privileged who live in the splendor and indolence of the industrial West, lash out in nihilistic fury.We have engineered the rage of the dispossessed. The evil of predatory global capitalism and empire has spawned the evil of terrorism. And rather than understand the roots of that rage and attempt to ameliorate it, we have built sophisticated mechanisms of security and surveillance, passed laws that permit the targeted assassinations and torture of the weak, and amassed modern armies and the machines of industrial warfare to dominate the world by force. This is not about justice. It is not about the war on terror. It is not about liberty or democracy. It is not about the freedom of expression. It is about the mad scramble by the privileged to survive at the expense of the poor. And the poor know it.
What are the people of the West really afraid of? They're afraid that in the next round of musical chairs they'll be sitting on their asses when the music stops.
And they are rallying together, steeling themselves to do literally anything to prevent that happening.
Posted by: jfl | Jan 12 2015 4:45 utc | 2
Is this for real? I guess it's more chutzpah than hypocrisy.
Posted by: Monolycus | Jan 12 2015 6:19 utc | 3
@jfl #2:
I don't think Chris Hedges needs to be paid attention to so long as he maintains his association with truthdig, which just reprinted a story by a German TV network claiming that it is clear that Russia shot MH17 down. That is what passes for "progressive", "alternative" reporting these days. A commenter there wrote that truthdig also pushed the idea that Syria launched a sarin gas attack. thruthdig is a fake leftist site and should be avoided. Please don't link to anything from there again.
@Demian #5
I think if all sites were to be disqualified based on wayward stories - there would be nothing left to read.
Posted by: c1ue | Jan 12 2015 8:07 utc | 6
the revendication video linking the é attacks
Posted by: Mina | Jan 12 2015 8:09 utc | 7
I am wondering how many parallels there will between this incident and the murder of a German diplomat, Ernst vom Ratt on 7 November, 1938 in Paris by a 17 years old Jewish refugee boy, Herschel Feibel Grynszpan.
It was the murder which triggered the infamous Kristallnacht.
You will find the details here.
He claimed to be acting in the name of persecuted Jews, and didn't flee the scene of murder and didn't resist arrest. He was carrying a post card to his parents whose recent expulsion from Germany triggered his action. It said:
With God's help.
My dear parents, I could not do otherwise, may God forgive me, the heart bleeds when I hear of your tragedy and that of the 12,000 Jews. I must protest so that the whole world hears my protest, and that I will do. Forgive me.
The murdered diplomat was given a state funeral in Germany, and the murder was presented by the Nazi Germany as an evidence of the international Jewry's attack against the German people. Sound familiar? If we replace international Jewry with Islamism.
Jewish organizations were horrified by Grynszpan's action, and condemned it more vigorously than most non-Jewish liberals, just like Islamic organizations are doing now. An American journalist Dorothy Thompson at the time said:
Who is on trial in this case? I say we are all on trial. I say the men of Munich are on trial, who signed a pact without one word of protection for helpless minorities. Whether Herschel Grynszpan lives or not won't matter much to Herschel. He was prepared to die when he fired those shots. His young life was already ruined. Since then, his heart has been broken into bits by the results of his deed."They say a man is entitled to a trial by a jury of his peers, and a man's kinsmen rally around him, when he is in trouble. But no kinsman of Herschel's can defend him. The Nazi government has announced that if any Jews, anywhere in the world, protest at anything that is happening, further oppressive measures will be taken. They are holding every Jew in Germany as a hostage. Therefore, we who are not Jews must speak, speak our sorrow and indignation and disgust in so many voices that they will be heard. This boy has become a symbol, and the responsibility for his deed must be shared by those who caused it.
When money was raised in his legal defense, Jews were advised not to donate so as not to give the Nazis another excuse to persecute Jews.
The strategy of his legal defense teams was to deny the political dimension of the murder, not only to deny the Nazi Germany more excuse, but also to avoid a more severe punishment for political crimes under the French law.
They came up with a story that the murdered diplomat von Rath had a homosexual relationship with Grynszpan which went bad, and the murder was a crime of passion.
This is what his defense lawyer is reported to have said:
I asked him if Grunspahn really had had relations with vom Rath. He replied, "Absolutely not!" I said to him then, "But as a defender of Gruhnspahn [sic] shouldn't you protect not only the interests of your client, but his honour as well?" It was at that moment that Moro-Giafferi exclaimed, "Honour! Honour! What is the honour of that absurd little Jew in the face of the criminal action of Hitler? What does the honour of Grunspahn [sic] weigh in the face of the destiny of thousands of Jews?
In a time when justice and mercy disappear, strange things happen.
This time around, the murder is depoliticized by denying the connection with the foreign policy of the US and the West and repoliticized by connecting it with Islamic Jihadism.
A British composer Michael Tippett was inspired by this incident and made an oratorio titled 'A Child of Our Time'. You can find it in YouTube.
What of the boy, then? What of him?
He, too, is ourcast,
His manhood broken in the clash of powers.
God overpowered him - the child of our time.
The boy was still in prison waiting for a trial when Germany invaded France and transferred to German custody. He lingered in the Nazi concentration camp system waiting for a show trial planned by Goebbels which never came, until he disappeared in the chaotic last days of the war.
There are many children of our time. Will there be a Michael Tippett for them?
Posted by: Puppet Master | Jan 12 2015 8:23 utc | 8
@8 idiot, there are no parallels, because Grynszpan killed the rep of the Nazi regime in France and not indiscrimately any human beings
Posted by: grynszpan | Jan 12 2015 8:45 utc | 9
@grynszpan #9:
How were the Charlie Hebdo attacks indiscriminate? The Boston Marathon Bombings were indiscriminate, but this terrorist attack had a specific target.
@9 same idiot, killing unarmed journalists, satirists, shoppers, joggers, wounded policemen and -women, are specific imperialist state power targets? you are just justifying cowardice and deepest stupidity
Posted by: grynszpan | Jan 12 2015 9:10 utc | 11
Posted by: Puppet Master | Jan 12, 2015 3:23:25 AM | 8
There is hardly a parallel.
This time around, the murder is depoliticized by denying the connection with the foreign policy of the US and the West and repoliticized by connecting it with Islamic Jihadism.
What was attacked, and the reason why people walked in the streets en masse, was the concept of everybody a French citizen and the French anticlerical tradition. Of course, there is no honest debate on retro-neo-colonialist policies and their consequences.
repoliticized by connecting it with Islamic Jihadism - i don't see that. Le Monde has reverted to "contre le terrorisme" Liberation states "nous sommes un peuple" and Marie le Pen
"n'est pas Charlie" after - unsuccessfully - trying to frame the demonstrations as protests against Islamist fundamentalism - and getting excluded from it.
Le Front National avait dénoncé vendredi le fait de ne pas avoir été convié à la « marche républicaine », dimanche à Paris, à laquelle participeront la quasi-totalité des partis politiques, syndicats, associations, mais aussi de nombreux dirigeants étrangers.
This here is Bloomberg's take.
The French government is trying to damp fears that the growing influence of Islam is eroding social cohesion. Le Pen led Hollande by as much as 15 percentage points in a September survey of voting intentions by Ifop for Le Figaro newspaper. The Front National topped Hollande’s Socialists and their predecessors, the UMP, in last year’s European elections. he attacks will make it politically treacherous for Hollande to match German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s efforts to shield the Muslim community against prejudice, according to Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at Kings College London. “After something like this, I don’t think Hollande could really ‘do a Merkel’ and make a strong stand against Islamophobia,” Menon said.
If anyone is trying to restart the "war on terror" - and I have a feeling there maybe, it will split Europe. And this is not on the agenda of Western "puppet masters". Marie le Pen is a French nationalist.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 9:44 utc | 12
Did you see the story in Haaretz that Hollande asked Netanyahu not to attend the demo in Paris? At first he agreed, but then Liebermann and Bennett insisted on going, and so he changed his mind and informed the French he was going. So Hollande invited him and Abbas together. See also Silverstein: Bibi’s Insult to France
My opinion of French policy and diplomacy went up 20 points when I heard that. They're not normally very brave, not since Chirac and Iraq.
Posted by: Laguerre | Jan 12 2015 9:58 utc | 13
re somebody 12
If anyone is trying to restart the "war on terror" - and I have a feeling there maybe, it will split Europe.
I wouldn't put it quite like that. It is more that there's a danger of internal conflict, within France (if there is the same danger in Germany, it is not for me to say). Internal conflict between the Muslims and the nationalists, like at the end of the Algerian war in 1961-2, when 600 Algerians were murdered by the police. Open war on the streets of Paris.
French governments can be quite realistic, when necessary. If conflict is in open sight, I hope they'll make the appropriate invisible adjustments, while of course maintaining the Republican principles in public.
Posted by: Laguerre | Jan 12 2015 10:17 utc | 14
Somehow this march of leaders reminds me of the meeting in London in 1910 of the Crowned Heads of Europe for Edward VII funeral. A few years later most of those Crowned Heads were rolling.
The main difference is that Edward VII's funeral was an opulent affair in contrast with the drabness of this group of leaders.
Posted by: JLCG | Jan 12 2015 10:50 utc | 15
Perhaps a petty thing about Bibi the Butcher, but you notice he is on the far right of the assembled world leaders. This is not unique to Bibi however. Israeli leaders have always insisted on claiming the right side of every photo op. Rabin was so vociferous about being on 'the right' that he literally shoved Arafat out of the way in the newreel before the Great Big Handshake with Clinton. Eerie, huh?
Of course, this was before The End of History and the Coup of 2001.
?How small-minded do you have to be, as a leader, as a nation, as a people, to always insist on being on the Right Side?! And the RINO-RINO Congress of 1000 Years just swore blind fealty to these Likkudniks~! US foreign policy will henceforth follow the ZioFascist diktat~!
[Note to self: Day 5 of Dark Swastika Event - 3 million (claimed) march in Paris in staged protest against Islamic Jihad™, rather than against Government Suppression of Journalism and Human Rights, which is not allowed to be discussed openly, anywhere. Sony pulls film about fictional assassination of a foreign leader in submission. Chinese premier espouses increased national security, but does not touch on the issue of freedom of speech or human rights. House of Saud calls for increased national security, but of course, does not touch on the real issues either. US Defense budget increases another 13% YOY, ...again.]
Posted by: ChipNikh | Jan 12 2015 11:11 utc | 16
Posted by: Laguerre | Jan 12, 2015 5:17:21 AM | 14
I was thinking of the vote. Right wing parties are nationalist not European. French politicians obviously can unite the nation around republican values and thereby marginalise the right. They would not be able to do that calling for a "war on terror".
In Germany, the liberal/conservative/anti immigration right wing split will very likely cost Angela Merkel her chancellorship. Calling for a "war on terror" would complicate her problems.
November interview by Paris Match with Bashar Al Assad
Paris Match: The Syrians we meet in Damascus talk about sleeping Jihadi cells in the West more than they talk about the war against ISIS. Isn’t that strange?
Bashar el Assad : Terrorism is an ideology, not an organization or a structure; and ideology doesn’t acknowledge any borders. 20 years ago, terrorism used to be exported from our region, particularly from Gulf countries, like Saudi Arabia. Now, it is coming to our region from Europe, especially from France. The largest percentage of the European terrorists coming to Syria are French; and you had a number of incidents in France. There was also an attack in Belgium against a Jewish museum. So, terrorism in Europe is no longer asleep, it is being awakened.
"French governments can be quite realistic, when necessary. If conflict is in open sight, I hope they'll make the appropriate invisible adjustments, while of course maintaining the Republican principles in public"
The visible thing to watch - will the attacks stop now? or go on.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 11:16 utc | 17
You have to give credit to Obama for not partaking in this hypocritical charade. Let them eat pork, he says. The NYT is an absolute joke — perfuming its shit in a pathetic effort to distinguish itself from RT when it's all the same thing — excrement.
Posted by: Cold N. Holefield | Jan 12 2015 11:29 utc | 18
It reminds me of all the well-wishers who came to pay their condolences and respect at this guy's funeral.
Posted by: Cold N. Holefield | Jan 12 2015 11:36 utc | 19
re 17 somebody
will the attacks stop now? or go on.
I'd be very surprised if there were any more jihadi attacks in the short term. The danger is in an overblown nationalist reaction, threatening to throw out Muslims. Or perhaps that was what you meant.
Posted by: Laguerre | Jan 12 2015 11:44 utc | 20
@ 16
The right hand is the site of honor. The sixth article of the Nicene creed says " seats at the right hand of the Father". In Matthew 25 the sheep who are the good ones stand at the right hand while the goats stand at the left.
Among Romans a thunder clap coming from the right side is a good omen. However among the Greeks the left hand side is the propitious one.
Religion is an enormously powerful force even among atheists.
Posted by: JLCG | Jan 12 2015 11:46 utc | 21
They can have the right hand side, the dutchie always gets passed to the left.
Posted by: Cold N. Holefield | Jan 12 2015 11:52 utc | 22
@16 chipnikh
Inserting tidbit....our eyes naturally move from left to right when reading..I had heard that performers are best entering stage left and moving to the right to hold a persons attention. Don't know if this is in any way connected to these politicians reasoning.
Posted by: ..james | Jan 12 2015 11:53 utc | 23
Posted by: Laguerre | Jan 12, 2015 6:44:33 AM | 20
If it stops now then it has a logic that can be switched on and off.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 12:02 utc | 24
Coulibaly was shot in handcuffs, a gun attached to his body--
Posted by: Cu Chulainn | Jan 12 2015 12:50 utc | 25
Well whatever this march was about - it was not freedom of speech.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 13:03 utc | 26
- Netanyaahoo = Criminal ? Agree.
- "French police deploys 10.000 (or 5.000) policemen to protect jewish sites."
Among the French muslims, it only will confirm that the French state protects the French jews and not the French muslims.
I also think it isn't a coincidence that people in a jewish supermarket got hijacked AFTER the shootings at Charlie Hebdo. It was - IMO - a reply to the actions of the French police to find the hitmen.
The French police ending & shooting the hostage taker in the jewish supermarket also will confirm the existing ideas in the heads of the radicalized French muslims.
Radicalized muslims have tried already in 1994 to wreak havoc in Paris.
Posted by: Willy2 | Jan 12 2015 13:03 utc | 27
Posted by: Willy2 | Jan 12, 2015 8:03:53 AM | 27
hmm - those attacks.
The fact is that since the attacks, French politicians no longer criticize the Algerian regime. Lionel Jospin, who had not been particularly well disposed towards the Algerian Generals, apparently adopted this position. As Prime Minister, he no longer voiced his criticism. He explained his position during a news broadcast on September 29, 1997 (a few days after the big massacres in Rais, Sidi Hamed and Bentalha with over 1,000 deaths): "In the case of Algeria, the great difficulty is that we do not entirely understand what is actually going on there (.) we are against a fanatic and violent opposition, which is fighting against an administration that is using the force and power of the State in a particular way. We must be very careful (.) I have to think of the French people: we have already been affected. I have to take these questions into account. I am of the opinion that we should assume our responsibility, but in doing so, we must also consider that the French population must be protected. It is difficult to say these things, but they will also understand that it is my responsibility to say these things."Alain Chenal, a member of Jospin's party and Socialist delegate to Algeria, confirmed: "This means that the French politicians cannot say what they would want to say about the Algerian regime, because they are afraid of bombings."
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 13:27 utc | 28
"radicalized French muslims."
you know if you had really applied yourself you could have slipped that lovely emotionalised phrase, (so beloved of the likes of Pam Geller, the EDF, Neo Cons etc) at least another 3 or 4 times into your comment @27 .
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 12 2015 13:33 utc | 29
27) those attacks
The fact is that since the attacks, French politicians no longer criticize the Algerian regime. Lionel Jospin, who had not been particularly well disposed towards the Algerian Generals, apparently adopted this position. As Prime Minister, he no longer voiced his criticism. He explained his position during a news broadcast on September 29, 1997 (a few days after the big massacres in Rais, Sidi Hamed and Bentalha with over 1,000 deaths): "In the case of Algeria, the great difficulty is that we do not entirely understand what is actually going on there (.) we are against a fanatic and violent opposition, which is fighting against an administration that is using the force and power of the State in a particular way. We must be very careful (.) I have to think of the French people: we have already been affected. I have to take these questions into account. I am of the opinion that we should assume our responsibility, but in doing so, we must also consider that the French population must be protected. It is difficult to say these things, but they will also understand that it is my responsibility to say these things."
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 13:39 utc | 30
Coulibaly was shot in handcuffs, a gun attached to his body--
Posted by: Cu Chulainn | Jan 12, 2015 7:50:52 AM | 25
Can't speak to the content of any of those videos on that page you linked from Soral's site unfortunately because they have both already been quickly deleted
And Google/YOUTUBE has certainly been doing some really really sterling work hiding the holes in the "official narrative" over the last week or so, by erasing videos left right and centre.
Congratulations are due at Google HQ I'm sure. Eric Schmidt must be glowing
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 12 2015 13:40 utc | 31
@28: Agree. But I didn't want to use those words that much.
I see the same developments (radicalization) in other countries (e.g. US, countries in Europe, South East Asia) as well. And it's NOT limited to muslims.
Posted by: Willy2 | Jan 12 2015 13:58 utc | 32
@28: Agree. But I didn't want to use those words that much.
"not that much", but just enough to do the job, eh?. OK got it
And it's NOT limited to muslims.
Posted by: Willy2 | Jan 12, 2015 8:58:18 AM | 31
big of ya to finally admit it
Thing is though your formulation of "radicalised . . . . MUSLIMS!!" despite all it overly-dramatic hand-wavery potential, leaves out quite a lot that we can reasonably clim to know about this whole subject.
You specific formulation ("raicalised . . . . MUSLIMS!!") could almost be described as "obscurantist" since it makes no ref at all, and deliberately so by your own admission it seems, to what we all already know concerning the often numerous and diverse connections of an equally diverse number of "Western" Security Services(SS) to the "radicalised . . . . MUSLIMS!!" .
These numerous and diverse connections of oftentimes not one but several different "Western" Security Services(SS) to these "radicalised . . . . MUSLIMS!!" seems to occur before, during and after their alleged "radicalisation".
I'm very very surprised that you, with your seemingly exert knowledge on this subject, have for some reason decided to describe these "Jihadis" as if you were unaware of these numerous and diverse "Western" SS connections to these dastardly "radicalised . . . . MUSLIMS!!", (sometimes at almost every stage of the process during their "radicalisation")
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 12 2015 14:55 utc | 33
bush, post 911.
*“through my tears, I see opportunity
life in the US will never be the same again* [1]
what opportunity might that be ?
carte blanche to launch the long planned fraudulant wot !
how's life gonna be different.....?
police state at the home front ! [2]
the world mourned with the yanks, *we'r all murkkans today !*
jan/15, post paris bloodbath,
*Anchors on BFM-TV compared the shooting to the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City and speculated that the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) was responsible. Predicting a major change between “a period before and a period after” the Charlie Hebdo shooting, they added: “January 7 will unfortunately mark France in this beginning of the 21st century.* [3]
just like 911, world leeders troop to paris to show solidarity,
*we'r all french now !*
just what might that predicted *major change* are they talking about ?
well murcuns fraudulant wot got a revitalised new leash of life !
this is a veritable french edition 911 !
for a start, fukusf[rench] recolonisation of africa get a huge boost.
*The wheels are in motion for yet another NATO power grab in a strategic oil choke point .* [4]
since *isis* in syria is also fingered, nato can escalate bombing the shit out of the syria , unsc, russia, china can fuck off.
hmm, the terror torn nigerians are asking for help to fight that boko haram plague !
guess who'd get dragged in oh so reluctantly ;-)
looks like the sky is the limit for the frenchie wot...with the murcuns
leading from behind as usual ;-)
Chris Floyd
*, a terrorist hit – like any illicit high – doesn't last long. You always need another fix. Especially when your economy is sinking beneath the weight of rampant cronyism, corruption, poverty and inequality.*
Posted by: denk | Jan 12 2015 15:13 utc | 34
Oz news bulletins about the Paris march emphasised the fact that it was attended by "the leaders of 40 countries" i.e. the pseudo International Community (liberally sprinkled with unconvicted War Criminals). Of course the other side of that coin is that ~150 countries didn't have any unconvicted war criminals and thus failed to qualify.
Boofhead Netanyahu's presence in the front row was the icing on the (love-in) cake.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 12 2015 15:18 utc | 35
Lavrov claims Paris attackers were fighting in Syria last Summer.
Would explain why French secret services took them off their radar.
Pourquoi Chérif Kouachi a été «débranché» des radars de la lutte antiterroriste fin 2013? Et Saïd, son frère l’été dernier?
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 15:32 utc | 36
Hoarsewhisperer 33
as per msm...
the world is on vigil to honor the paris victims.
*we'r all french today*
remind me of cia's gloating...
*we play the whole world like a fucking giant wurlitzer*
Posted by: denk | Jan 12 2015 15:42 utc | 37
With all that the West has stolen from the people of the ME I wonder why some commenters seek to steal their agency and responsibility for their acts of rage. I'm not sure what drives this meme but racism or Western elitism comes to mind.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 12 2015 16:03 utc | 38
With all that the West has stolen from the people of the ME I wonder why some commenters seek to steal their agency and responsibility for their acts of rage. I'm not sure what drives this meme but racism or Western elitism comes to mind.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 12, 2015 11:03:14 AM | 36
Oh, me, me, me, can I answer this one?
It's because of the
numerous and diverse . . . [and well documented, even in the MSM, from court reports/transcripts etc, should you care to research it] . . . "Western" SS connections to these dastardly "radicalised . . . . MUSLIMS!!", (sometimes at almost every stage of the process during their "radicalisation") . . . [again: something well documented, even in the MSM from court reports/transcripts etc, should you care to research it]Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 12, 2015 9:55:18 AM | 32
as pointed out to you earlier.
Pathetically trying to smear people who point out the numerous, diverse, and well-documented connections between these alleged "enemies" won't make those connections disappear, nor will such lame tactics of yours make you look like anything other than totally lame for ineptly trying to make the pathetic claim you are making
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 12 2015 16:18 utc | 39
Yeah, not to mention what support Israel will get from this. A war against Gaza soon wont be condemned (as it ever were though).
Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 12 2015 16:19 utc | 40
The videos work fine for me
it is weird indeed that the guy looks to be handcuffed, and i fail to understand how the cops got the metal curtain to be lifted so easily?
Posted by: Mina | Jan 12 2015 16:32 utc | 41
I seriously doubt that both worked for you - Video 2 now seems to work but video 1 still displays a message saying it has been deleted for TOS violation
here is the direct link to video 1 -
That link still displays the same message it has displayed since approx 3 or 4 hrs ago when I first clicked it.
it still says - "This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy on shocking and disgusting content. " as at Mon Jan 12 2015 16:41 GMT
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 12 2015 16:44 utc | 42
Posted by: Mina | Jan 12, 2015 11:32:02 AM | 39
I fail to understand how they could act the way they do if they were not sure they would not endanger the hostages.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 16:51 utc | 43
As for freedom of speech, how about the story of the Saudi blogger being sentenced to ten years and 1,000 lashes for parental disobedience and criticizing the Grand Mufti. Jen Psaki made a meek comment about inhumane treatment. It is surprising that King Abdullah didn't make a trip to Paris for the Sunday photo op.
Posted by: Mike Maloney | Jan 12 2015 16:56 utc | 44
@B - Whats your view regarding the thread Col.Pat Lang has got on his website about President Sisi's speech that Muslim need to reform themselve? I find the whole tone and approach of Col. Lang rather suprising and strange as it seems he is telling Muslims - specifically Sunni Islam - sort yourself out or "We" (i.e. West) will do it for you - i.e. reduce your countries to rubbles. Why are Muslims who had nothing to do with this criminal act now been threathened with destruction? The govt. of Syria is under attack by Wahabi/Takfiris with the full arming, training and blessing of Western countries - who is supporting terrorists there? When the Iraqi govt. pleaded help from West to respond to the rapid rise of ISIS - it took 2months for the US to organise airstrikes! Who supported the destruction of the Libyan govt and allowed that country to be come a failed state with weapons been sent all over the region from there? And I can go on...Its OK when Wahabi terror is targeting the West/Gulf common enemy but if that terror spills over targeting Western countries then "ALL" Muslims are at fault?? Who introduce such a logic? I do not hold Islam respoible - I hold the House of Saud responsible. I am just shocked by the good'ol Col. attitutde and promtly banning people who challenge his view....
Posted by: Irshad | Jan 12 2015 17:01 utc | 45
I need help from fellow posters of this site on the following:
1. Reputable articles/Books on how Wahabi Islam spread from Saudi Arabia to other parts of the world and the means they used to achieve this?
2. Using Wahabi Islam as a tool to fight the enemies of West/Gulf - i.e. the war against the USSR in Afghanistan
3. The use of Wahabi/Takfiri violence as tools of Gulf countries in local politics - for eg in Lebanon vis-avis the Harrir clan and the Shiis, in Yemen, between the Houthis and AQAP (which Gulf media describe as "tribes of Yemen")
I thank you in advance for your help and apologiseto B for posting about a topic thats not relevant to his original post.
Posted by: Irshad | Jan 12 2015 17:07 utc | 46
a) He's about 90 years of age
b) he was recently admitted to hospital with "breathing difficulties"
take your pick
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 12 2015 17:07 utc | 47
Charlie Hebdo’s new edition to have Muhammad cartoons
So utterly stupid.
Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 12 2015 17:19 utc | 48
Dieudonné tweeted "I Am Charlie Coulibaly" (which makes sense in his twisted way seems he's kinda assimilated to public enemy n°1 by whole politics & media in france for years...), and the whole govt wants him dead already, freedom of expression, yeah right, didn't last 24h ^^
Posted by: zingaro | Jan 12 2015 17:34 utc | 49
@5 Just be glad Hedges has a place to air his views. Hes sidelined enough as it is.
Hes the only reason to visit that site. Im not going to not read chris hedges just because its a bad site.
Posted by: Massinissa | Jan 12 2015 17:39 utc | 50
Many who know better are choosing to ignore a real fact about the Paris tragic event -- Western support of religious fanatics from Pakistan to the Mediterranean created these very same extremists. They did this for some cold-war, short-term geopolitical gain. The old European imperial powers wreaked havoc in the Middle East for hundreds of years, and then the US with its self-applied exceptionalist indispensable mantle foolishly chose to follow in the steps with the same European delusional imperial game plan, choosing to ignore real history and continuing the countless mistakes made by the old imperial powers.
Posted by: Cynthia | Jan 12 2015 17:42 utc | 51
Havnt you heard? Abdullah is on his death bed. Hes 91 and dying.
Soon there will be a sucession crisis.
Posted by: Massinissa | Jan 12 2015 17:50 utc | 52
@23 "...our eyes naturally move from left to right when reading..I had heard that performers are best entering stage left and moving to the right to hold a persons attention. Don't know if this is in any way connected to these politicians reasoning."
Um, In Israel people's eyes naturally go from right to left while reading.
Posted by: Harold | Jan 12 2015 17:50 utc | 53
@46 After getting their left arm ripped off by a bear, they poke the bear again expecting the bear to not rip off the right arm.
Posted by: Massinissa | Jan 12 2015 17:51 utc | 54
You realize many languages are read right to left, like Chinese? Their eyes go naturally right to left.
Its learned, not innate.
Posted by: Massinissa | Jan 12 2015 17:52 utc | 55
jfl @ 2, I’m not a fan, to put it mildly, of Chris Hedges. See for ex. Demian @ 5.
Hedges is a MSM ‘oppo’ allowed journo and that is how he earns his living - so maybe one shouldn’t blame him too much but just see him for what he is.
Can’t go to Deep State, can’t go to 9/11, MH17, refuses questions etc. - he knows too well where the red lines are and will never tread over >.. working at the NYT gives good practice!
However on some cultural issues he is bang on:
The terrorist attack in France that took place at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo was not about free speech. It was not about radical Islam. It did not illustrate the fictitious clash of civilizations.
Absolutely. The ‘terrorists’ -K bros- either spontaneously understood what would create a lot of reaction or were pointed to that target or actually paid up etc. to do so (not much difference between these alternatives, though one would want to know about the mechanics.) As revenge for killings in Syria Iraq, etc., zero.
I bet these K brothers never even perused ONE issue of C. Hebdo.
C. Hebdo was a dying paper with very older white right-n-left readership who hate Muslims, clerics, Russia, the Pope, Catholics, Southerners (Spain, Greece, Mahgreb ..), love to see women degraded, laughed at as their underpants down showing ugly parts… Not popular, expensive to buy, not ‘hard edge’, just racist and stupid, and exftremely old-fashioned, outdated, imho.
Nor did the K brothers care about the Prophet or Islam - all that was foreign (imho) to them.
Posted by: Noirette | Jan 12 2015 18:35 utc | 56
Dear "b" and commenters,
I's like to share the latest story (not mine):
Rupert Murdoch, Charlie Hebdo And Muslims
For those who don't know Rupert Murdoch:
1. The owner of FOX corp.
2. The owner of Wall Street Journal.
3. The owner of Sky News.
4. You can google for further info.
Dear "b", I suggest to activate an html tag [TARGET="_BLANK"], SO HYPERLINKS WOULD BE OPENED IN NEW WINDOW.
@44 Irshad, I would ask Angry Arab. He has posted many times historical details about such matters for example on the attacks on Naser in Egypt.
Posted by: ThePaper | Jan 12 2015 19:09 utc | 59
Posted by: Irshad | Jan 12, 2015 12:07:05 PM | 44
start with Carter and Brzezinski "Green Belt Strategy" against communism - above link is highly subjective but very good on the stupidity.
Continue with the Great Mosque Seizure of 1979
Same source - more detailed description
"In its moment of crisis, the Saudi leadership was forced to turn to the religious establishment for a fatwa, or religious edict, underlining its authority and providing it with permission to carry out whatever mission was needed to end the siege. -- In return, Saudis rulers rolled back the liberalization measures that had been slowly evolving in the 1960s and 1970s, at the request of the ulama. -- Interior Minister Prince Nayef (who is still in that position to this day) announced that women news announcers would be removed from screens, and companies were told not to employ women at all. The religious police were given permission to raid western enclaves, areas they previously did not have permission to enter. Finally, a large influx of cash was awarded to the ulama and Islamic universities to aid the spread of the Wahabbi creed around the world."
Interview of the author - on the Great Mosque Siege as the birth of Al Qeida
And Breszinski again
The world's eyes were fixed on the Soviets in Afghanistan and the Islamic revolution in Tehran. The far reaching potential in Juhayman al-Otaybi's revolt to topple the House of Saud was diligently hidden from public view.The Saudi ruling clique, including Minister for Internal Security, Prince Nayef, found in President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, a willing partner to transform danger into an opportunity.Otaybi's jihad against the Saudi state and against the Americans would be transformed into a 20th century crusade against Soviet Communism. Once the Soviets were overcome, Iranian Shiaism would be the next target. Then Akhwan ul Muslimeen or Muslim Brotherhood (as in Egypt recently) and so on. Internal anger in Saudi Arabia would be given an external outlet, almost in perpetuity. On the Muslim world's centre stage, the Nayef-Brzezinski duet roped in Pakistan's Zia ul Haq for a mass production of Mujahideen in Afghanistan. These would fight the Soviets and be a bulwark against Shia Iran. Zia would help Arabize Pakistani Islam and wrench it from India's composite culture. The Saudis cooked up a parallel plot. Soviet and Nasserite socialism held sway over Aden and south Yemen.While the Caliphate ended in Turkey in 1924, the Imamat, a more Shia-like institution, lasted in North Yemen until 1962. To check Soviet and Shia influences in the two Yemens, training sanctuaries for jihadists were set up under the supervision of Mohsen al Ahmar, half brother of Yemeni strongman Ali Abdullah Saleh. These trained jihadis have today morphed into Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. From Aden to Somalia is a short boat ride. This is a simple logistical explanation for the expansion of Al Shabab terrorists into neighbouring Kenya and beyond.
These here are photographs from Saudi Arabia 1950's/60's - "before the social engineering project to make all women wear abbayas"
Posted by: somebody | Jan 12 2015 19:21 utc | 60
@45 & @50. My bad. I have seen those headlines about Abdullah's hospitalization and the succession battle brewing. But in my rush to be sarcastic I failed to incorporate it into my comment. Possibly he could have appeared in a mobile oxygen cart positioned between Hollande and Merkel.
Posted by: Mike Maloney | Jan 12 2015 19:25 utc | 61
Possibly he could have appeared in a mobile oxygen cart positioned between Hollande and Merkel.
Posted by: Mike Maloney | Jan 12, 2015 2:25:01 PM | 59
That would have at least had the benefit of looking quite funny, which let's be honest is probably more than CH ever achieved, from what I have seen so far of their Cartoon art
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 12 2015 19:47 utc | 63
Irshad @ 44: This weekend Andre Vltchek had a excellent overview "Who Should Be Blamed for Muslim Terrorism?" on the Counterpunch website, particularly in terms of Indonesia.
Posted by: Mike Maloney | Jan 12 2015 20:57 utc | 64
Possibly he could have appeared in a mobile oxygen cart positioned between Hollande and Merkel.
As Jogan said, a cartoon of it would be great — a blurb of utterance from Abdullah could read as follows:
Je Suis Char ... Fatigué.
Posted by: Cold N. Holefield | Jan 12 2015 21:23 utc | 65
Possibly he could have appeared in a mobile oxygen cart positioned between Hollande and Merkel.
From a cartoon perspective, riding atop Bibi's shoulders facing backwards with James Baker intermittently providing mouth to mouth. I know Baker wasn't there, but where Abdullah goes, Baker does also in spirit and Baker and the House of Saud are about as close as close can be.
Posted by: Cold N. Holefield | Jan 12 2015 21:30 utc | 66
@56, click the link with the mousewheel to open in new window.
Posted by: ruralito | Jan 12 2015 21:38 utc | 67
Jean-Michel Vernochet: "Les égarés: le wahhabisme est-il un contre Islam?" Editions Sigest
Posted by: Cu Chulainn | Jan 12 2015 22:34 utc | 68
@51 Harold. I was unaware of that.
@53 massinissa. I was aware of that.
Perhaps someone else has a theory on why nut job has to be on the far right?
Posted by: ..james | Jan 12 2015 22:37 utc | 69
The Nazi war of annihilation against the Soviet Union
The essay by historian Adrian Wettstein, which focuses on the Battle for Dnipropetrovsk, is significant in this regard. While hitherto little researched, the Battle for Dnipropetrovsk was an important turning point in the war in the east.With a population of 500,000 in 1939 (up from 100,000 in the 1920s), the city formed an important infrastructural and strategic nexus. It took the Wehrmacht much longer than expected to break the resistance of the Red Army and conquer the city.
In the course of the one month the German advance was delayed, important steps were taken to mobilize the Red Army and marshal economic resources for the defense of the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, the city of Dnipropetrovsk was entirely destroyed. It faced, as Wettstein notes, “one of the strongest concentrations of artillery during the entirety of Operation Barbarossa.”
This provides insight into the criminal historical antecedents for the current siege of the city by the Western-installed regime in Kiev. In the spring of 2014, for the first time since the end of World War II, the city’s working class was confronted with massive artillery fire from the Ukrainian army, spearheaded by Ukrainian fascist forces and supported by the Western imperialist powers.
The Ukrainian Nazis - with the full backing of the USA, Germany, and the rest of the European Unit - are replaying the same plan again today.
But it is a sick 'satirical' magazine that draws the sympahty of the Western nations, not their victims in Ukraine.
Posted by: jfl | Jan 13 2015 2:01 utc | 70
I'm not surprised that you agree with Hedges on this one. Have you seen ISIS—the New Israel? I think that was right on, and it brought a smile to my lips, anticipating the fits it put the JDL, the AIPAC, the NYTimes, through.
I admit that Hedges sounds like a preacher a lot of the time. In fact it's in his blood. I thing I saw that he was actually ordained the other week, and so is now the Rev. C.H.
I agree on truthdig. Hedges once claimed that the guy who runs it was 'an old friend'. Robert Sheer, the guy who runs it, used to run Ramparts, a glossy, expensive, 'radical' rag of the '60s/'70s. Maybe he ('Los Angeles entrepreneur Zuade Kaufman', actually) pays Hedges for his column. I assume he does. Sheer lectured us all on voting for Obama ... 'cause we had to' ... in 2012. He put his lecture on Hedges page when Hedges wasn't there so that someone might read it. I imagine the site would have folded by now if it weren't for Hedges.
I do get a kick out of your periodic 'orders' as well ... "don't link to anything from there again" ... oh, wait you said please, didn't you? Well, fuck you very much, then. You say you're White Russian ... is that the same as Prussian?
I realize that you are the self-appointed webmaster here ... 'This is a Western blog; the West is Christian' ... and we all must pass your muster to be allowed to express our opinions here. But, so far, that's only an echo in your mind.
This all sounds too mean ... don't take it personally. I'm sure you're a better man than I am. But, hey man, dig your autocratic self. The stuff you say is ... uncalled for ... as my own father used to say.
Posted by: jfl | Jan 13 2015 2:49 utc | 72
@somebody #58:
Thank you for that enlightening post. I had no idea that Carter and Brzezinski appeased the Ayatollah Khomeni or that the Saudis had engaged in some liberalization, which they rolled back in response to the seizure by terrorists of the Great Mosque in 1979.
@jfl 70:
I will try to restrain myself. But I think my statement "the West is Christian" was helpful: people responded that the West is post-Christian, and I accepted that. That is how debate works.
"somebody" (58) thanks for the link to sunday guardian, but not all there may be accurate... mainly, the timing of "Internal anger in Saudi Arabia would be given an external outlet, almost in perpetuity. On the Muslim world's centre stage, the Nayef-Brzezinski duet roped in Pakistan's Zia ul Haq for a mass production of Mujahideen in Afghanistan. These would fight the Soviets and be a bulwark against Shia Iran."
According to Magnificent Delusions (by Amb. Haqqani), it was Pakistan, which first developed the idea of fighting Afghani progressives (i.e., Mohammed Daoud Khan, who overthrew the A. king), likely because he questioned the Durand line (border btw A. and Pak, as established by the Brits (when will we stop paying for their sins!) before there was even Pak.). To deflect the threat, Zia and Pak. establishment decided to seek funds and arms from US by portraying the internal struggle in Afg. as a way to fight communism. The US (i.e., buddy Zbig) bought into it and the elaborate secret plan roped in the Saudis (i.e., money). Six months bef Soviets marched in, Carter signed a secret order authorizing the funding of the operation ... just read Bill Gates' memoir from that time (From the Shadows). US obliged ... and the rest is history one can read ab operation Cyclone.
It is important to understand this history accurately, as it shows how the mad race to destroy Soviet Union laid the foundation of so many troubles we see today ... talk ab a Pyrrhic victory!
Posted by: GoraDiva | Jan 13 2015 3:21 utc | 74
I think the expression you are searching for might be something along the lines of "Wussian"?
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 13 2015 3:29 utc | 75
Egomaniacs such as Brzezinski take on god like powers when they create or destroy anything. The fact is that the Mujahedeen has its roots in fighting the British in the 1800's and existed and were fighting the Afghan government before the start of the direct Russian involvement in Afghanistan.
The US aid, only through Pakistan, obviously enhanced their effectiveness but they were created by Afghanis.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 13 2015 5:01 utc | 76
It was only natural that "world leaders" would place themselves at the head of the Paris "unity" demonstration held to express outrage at the vicious Charlie Hebdo murders. Daniel Wickham, a student at the London School of Economics, compiled a list of the enemies of free speech who elbowed their way to the head of the march. Most hypocritical of all are the French themselves, who have laws against "hate speech" which are only selectively enforced and which have been used against the editors of Charlie Hebdo in the past. This cognitive dissonance was eloquently expressed by one Frenchman who carried a sign saying: "I’m marching but I’m conscious of the confusion and hypocrisy of the situation."
That politicians would steal the spotlight and turn the sincere outrage of millions into an opportunity for self-advertisement is hardly surprising. Sincerity has its uses, however, and these will become apparent in the days and weeks to come. Those marchers will soon be cheering their soldiers as they go marching off to war, with "Je suis Charlie" inscribed on their banners.
Posted by: okie farmer | Jan 13 2015 6:14 utc | 77
How the Transnational Elite created Islamic terrorism*
Yesterday, Paris saw the “biggest” rally in France’s history, as the French Interior Ministry described it. This was of course hardly surprising, as the entire political part of the Transnational Elite (TE ― i.e. the elites which run the New World Order of neoliberal globalization, based mainly in the G7 countries), attended it. On top of this, it was a prominent country-member of the same elite that organized it. The main aim of the rally was ostensibly to condemn terrorism. Yet, as I will try to show, it was the same TE, which also created the phenomenon of Islamic terrorism, particularly during the period of the thirty years or so since the emergence of the NWO, which is defined by two parallel systemic events. First, the rise and mass expansion of the transnational corporations that today rule the world economy and the consequent phasing out of economic and national sovereignty that is replaced by a new form of transnational sovereignty shared mainly by the members of the TE and, second, the parallel collapse of “actually existing socialism” in the form of the Soviet bloc.
Posted by: okie farmer | Jan 13 2015 6:19 utc | 78
Rupert Murdoch went to Twitter late Friday to post his twisted thoughts following the horrible attacks on Charlie Hebdo. Murdoch summarily held all Muslims responsible for the jihadist attacks:
“Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible.”
Shortly before, he had tweeted that political correctness was hypocrisy and that jihadist danger was lurking around the world.
Interesting 'logic' ... does it mean that this is true as well?
“Maybe most politicians are honest, but until they recognize and destroy their growing criminal and corruption cancer they must [all] be held responsible.”
Posted by: x | Jan 13 2015 6:53 utc | 79
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 13, 2015 12:01:26 AM | 74
They resisted organised by tribe by tribe and by Pashtun nationalism. They did not do it via fundamentalist religion. That was injected by Saudi money via Pakistan.
Pakistan was an artificial British creation to split independent India on religious lines. It has never been viable along tribal or nationalist lines versus Afghanistan or India. Traditional Islam in Pakistan is very enlightened. The Taliban are a Western/Saudi creation.
In a poor society money is king. Brzezinski would have been nothing in Pakistan without Saudi money.
Posted by: GoraDiva | Jan 12, 2015 10:21:03 PM | 72
Of course you are right. Brzezinski, the Saudis and Pakistan's military interests were aligned. For Pakistan the Taliban were a tool against Pashtun nationalism.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 13 2015 7:11 utc | 80
Of course you can also begin the story with the oil embargo of 1973, the switch from the alliance with the Shah to Saudi Arabia.
"My search for understanding," writes Cooper, "uncovered a hidden history of US-Iran-Saudi oil diplomacy from 1969 to 1977, the back story of the crucial eight-year period when the United States went from being the world's number one oil producer to the biggest importer of petroleum, and when Saudi Arabia's House of Saud replaced Iran's Pahlavi king as Washington's indispensable ally in the Gulf."The "showdown," Cooper says, began in 1974, as the shah made it clear to the White House that high oil prices were the price of political stability in Iran. At that, even Kissinger's rock-solid support began to falter.
In 1975, Kissinger finally seemed to break his commitment to Tehran, saying the US would use all available means "to prevent strangulation of the industrialised world".
One of those means was to ally with Saudi Arabia against Iran. The Saudis then defied Opec with a lower oil price and flooded the market with cheap crude.
We know, of course, what happened next. In 1974, the Watergate scandal brought Nixon down and the wall of secrecy that surrounded those previously murky oil deals collapsed. On its knees, Tehran begged a $500 million loan from the US that arrived too late; and more and more talk circulated about Ayatollah Khomeini becoming a possible successor to the shah.
And of course the Petrodollar that funded future wars.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 13 2015 8:44 utc | 81
Charlie Aftermath: A False Sense of Security
Hollande deploys 10,000 soldiers on the streets of France to protect synagogues, schools and sensitive places. Soldiers armed with machine-guns create a sphere of anxiety, children will grow up in a climate of violence and insecurity. Awaiting the French 'Patriot Act.'
France's Ministry of Interior wouldn't confirm or comment on any of the reported mosque attacks, saying local police were handling the cases.
1. A explosion occurred near a mosque in the eastern French town of Villefranche-sur-Saône, about 250 miles from the French capital. The blast occurred at around 6 a.m. local time (midnight ET) and destroyed the glass front of a cafe attached to the building. A police source confirming the explosion, and said the cafe was a kebab shop. {Le Progres / ParisMatch]
2. A mosque in Le Mans, about 130 miles southwest of Paris, was attacked and shots fired just after midnight. Investigators found an exploded grenade inside the mosque and two other grenades intact. [Le Maine Libre/ France3-Pays de la Loire]
3. A mosque in Port-la-Nouvelle, in southern France on the border of Spain, reported shots fired at a prayer room. [Midi Libre]
A total of 20 incidents were reported and another 30 serious threats.
Paris shooting: 'We vomit' on Charlie Hebdo's sudden friends, says staff cartoonist Bernard Holtrop.
Breszinski on Charlie Hebdo
"We should not become the enemy no 1 of Islam in the eyes of the believers in the world of Islam. We should not fight a war against "Jihadi terror" - to them it is a just war. We are not waging a war against Jihadi terror or Islam" ... we are simply helping Middle Eastern countries prevail with moderate leaderships at the helm...."
Ok. That has been cleared up now.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 13 2015 12:34 utc | 87
Now Brzezinski is babbling more nonsense when not that long ago he ridiculed the idea that Political Islam could be a threat to the West. You will notice that no one with real power has paid much attention to his ravings although the MSM drag him out as an expert.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 13 2015 16:35 utc | 88
The Brzezinski 'Foundation' and the NATO intervention of Ukraine, of course he still has clout, similar to former Secretary of State Albright:
○ Peter Doran of Brzezinski's Center for European Policy Analysis declared: "Russia can be stopped."
○ World In Turmoil: Role of Brzezinski and Albright, Our Democrats
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 13, 2015 11:35:55 AM | 87
Now Brzezinski is babbling more nonsense when not that long ago he ridiculed the idea that Political Islam could be a threat to the West.
But political Islam used to be Obama's policy in Libya, Syria and Egypt ...
Cheney seems to be interested in redoing Bush in Iraq ... wonder if he expects any different outcome.
Posted by: somebody | Jan 13 2015 17:20 utc | 90
Afghan Taliban Camps Were Built by US Empire
The New York Times August 24, 1998
The Afghan resistance was backed by the intelligence services of the United States and Saudi Arabia with nearly $6 billion worth of weapons.And the territory targeted last week, a set of six encampments around Khost, where the Saudi exile Osama bin Laden has financed a kind of "terrorist university," in the words of a senior U.S. intelligence official, is well known to the CIA.
The CIA's military and financial support for the Afghan rebels indirectly helped build the camps that the United States attacked. And some of the same warriors who fought the Soviets with the CIA's help are now fighting under bin Laden's banner.
Soviet accounts of the siege of Khost during 1988 referred to the rebel camps as "the last word in NATO engineering techniques."
Pretending that the mere existence of some sort Afghani "resistance" before the US poured in 6 Billion (with a B) of weapons and training, somehow negates Western culpability for "The Taliban", is frankly just simply retarded.
But given who it is pushing this talking point, it's no surprise how retarded the point is
The laughable runt can't even admit the well-documented existence of the numerous and diverse connections between all the well-known various (fake) "Jihadi" groups and their supposed deadly enemies the "Western" Security Services, so expecting him to acknowledge the vital role of the Empire in widely acknowledged financing, arming, training etc of these Afghani NATO-proxy forces is probably a futile excersize
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 13 2015 17:41 utc | 91
I think anyone who depends on the NYT for their facts is a little retarded and your rants just reinforce that opinion.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 13 2015 18:50 utc | 92
Of course they have their sinecures as Elder Statesmen/women but they are looked at as doddering senile nitwits. The Liberal Interventionists are in power now with the tacit support of the Neocons.
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 13 2015 19:01 utc | 93
I think anyone who depends on the NYT for their facts is a little retarded . . blah blah blah
Posted by: Wayoutwest | Jan 13, 2015 1:50:29 PM | 91
That may be, but one thing we can be sure of is that no matter how retarded you personally might feel it is to accept the NYTs assertion of a 6 Billion handout from the Empire to Afghani Muj, to get the Taliban started on their road to "Jihad", it's still not nearly as retarded as some truth-deficient runt that repeatedly tries to attempt to deny those well known facts
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 13 2015 19:25 utc | 94
And under Clinton I in the early 1990s, the Islamic Jihad in Bosnia* where both Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran were united – read about the Croatian Pipeline, no not oil but arms and global jihadists. Plenty of information and evidence from the Dutch Srebrenica Report and the Special Tribunal on Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague.
* with support from the Soros Foundation for Democracy!
Thanks nonetheless for proving correct my earlier prediction of your willingness to blatantly deny well-documented fact
"so expecting him to acknowledge the vital role of the Empire in widely acknowledged financing, arming, training etc of these Afghani NATO-proxy forces is probably a futile excersizePosted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 13, 2015 12:41:03 PM | 90"
Much appreciated
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 13 2015 19:28 utc | 96
Plenty of information and evidence from the Dutch Srebrenica Report and the Special Tribunal on Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague.
Posted by: Oui | Jan 13, 2015 2:25:38 PM | 94
There's plenty of evidence all over the place, but thedishonest runt ain't interested in factual statements
He'd clearly rather just sit there and lie about it, rather than acknowledge the existence of any of the known facts surrounding "Jihadis" and their creation by the "Western" SS's
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 13 2015 19:31 utc | 97
Angry Arab answering Irshad's requests
Posted by: Mina | Jan 13 2015 19:51 utc | 98
Best of.. the French police
how they let the guys leave right after the massacre at Charlie
Posted by: Mina | Jan 13 2015 20:01 utc | 99
Jonathan Cook
What Hebdo "execution" video really shows
But the unedited video clip does leave a sour taste: because unless someone has a good rebuttal, it does indeed seem impossible that an AK-47 bullet fired from close range would not have done something pretty dramatic to that policeman’s head. And if the video is real – and there doesn’t seem much doubt that it is – it clearly shows nothing significant happened to his head either as or after the bullet was fired.So what points am I making?
The first one is more tentative. It seems – though I suppose there could be an explanation I have overlooked – that the authorities have lied about the cause of the policeman’s death. That could be for several probably unknowable reasons, including that his being executed was a simpler, neater story than that he bled to death on the pavement because of official incompetence (there already seems to have been plenty of that in this case).
The second point is even more troubling. Most of the senior editors of our mainstream media have watched the unedited video just as you now have. And either not one of them saw the problem raised here – that the video does not show what it is supposed to show – or some of them did see it but did not care. Either way, they simpy regurgitated an official story that does not seem to fit the available evidence.
That is a cause for deep concern. Because if the media are acting as a collective mouth-piece for a dubious official narrative on this occasion, on a story of huge significance that one assumes is being carefully scrutinised for news angles, what are they doing the rest of the time?
Posted by: Rogan Josh | Jan 13 2015 20:08 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
See my post @80 on the previous thread for my thoughts on this.
Posted by: ..james | Jan 12 2015 3:57 utc | 1