Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
November 28, 2014

AP: U.S. Mercenaries Working With Al-Qaeda No Scandal - Just A "Difficulty"

Moon of Alabama September 15 2014:

There are serious active preparations for a new attack on Damascus. Anti-government forces, including the Al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, have been trained and equipped in Jordan and are now moving into their starting position in Quneitra governate in south-west Syria.
The rather empty Quneitra area makes little sense to conquer except to be used as a launching pad for an attack from the south towards Damascus. The distance to the capital is only some 40 miles (60km). While two Syrian army divisions are stationed between Quneitra governate and Damascus coordinated air attacks against them could open and secure a route from Quneitra governate into the capital. Recent truce agreements between the U.S. supported Syrian Revolutionary Front and ISIS in the area south of Damascus may have been concluded with these attack plans in mind.

Associated Press November 28 2014:

Syrian rebels backed by the United States are making their biggest gains yet south of the capital Damascus, capturing a string of towns from government forces and aiming to carve out a swath of territory leading to the doorstep of President Bashar Assad's seat of power.
The rebel forces are believed to include fighters who graduated from a nearly 2-year-old CIA training program based in Syria's southern neighbor Jordan.
Notably, in the south, the rebels are working together with fighters from al-Qaida's Syria branch, whose battle-hardened militants have helped them gain the momentum against government forces. The cooperation points to the difficulty in American efforts to build up "moderate" factions while isolating militants.

Ten weeks behind Moon of Alabama the Associated Press is recognizing the southern attack on Damascus. They get paid for (not) reporting, I don't.

But notice the last graph I copied and the last sentence in it. U.S. trained, supplied and supported mercenaries are openly cooperating with Jabhat al-Nusra which is al-Qaida's Syria branch. This is not a "conspiracy theory" of some nutcase but official AP reporting.

The people accused of bringing down the world trade center on 9/11 are openly working with U.S. (proxy) forces. And what does AP make of this? The cooperation points to the difficulty in American efforts to build up "moderate" factions while isolating militants.

Ah - no. This is no difficulty in the effort. It is a huge scandal. The U.S. could simply tell its mercenaries (many of whom I believe are disguised al-Nusra followers) to stop cooperating with al-Nusra. It has all the leverage over these guys than one can possibly have. It provides them with money, weapons and ammunition. Their families are cared for in Jordan and anyone wounded during fighting will be taken to a hospital in Jordan or Israel. If the U.S. did not want these guys to partner with al-Nusra it would not provide for them.

I find it quite astonishing that there is not any critical reporting in the Main Stream Media about this quite direct U.S. cooperation with al-Qaeda. It is nearly certain that this cooperation with al-Qaeda will, in two, five or ten years, come back to bite the U.S. in its ass. It will hurt U.S. people.

But that by now seems to be not a bug but a feature. The "fear business" James Risen talks about is now driving billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars per year into a few private hands. Another 9/11 like event every few years will keep that business going. Letting al-Nusra get experience with U.S. tactics and weapons can only help to further that.

But that's just another "conspiracy theory" featured on MoA.

How long will it take AP to report it as official news?

Posted by b on November 28, 2014 at 18:01 UTC | Permalink


Obama and his merry band of neocons realized last year that they would have to take the scenic route to regime change. The proles weren't buying the tried and true WMD dog food.

Posted by: chuckvw | Nov 28 2014 18:20 utc | 1

no need for regime change in washington.. the neo-cons have their wet dream president firing on all cylinders..

Posted by: james | Nov 28 2014 19:02 utc | 2

Hard to see how IS can expand any further, Syria has the firm backing of both Iran and Russia, I always thought if this brand of Islamists had anymore than a small percentage support of the Arab world, the Arab world would be in serious trouble, when the IRGC Commander landed in Baghdad he said the IS is being pushed back on all fronts, and that they are a "paper tiger" hope he's right.

Posted by: harry law | Nov 28 2014 19:21 utc | 3

That's a bad news!

Russia and Iran should supply advanced weapons to assad! USA isn't stopping at anything!

Victory to SAA at all cost!

Posted by: Shoes | Nov 28 2014 19:23 utc | 4

I find it quite astonishing that there is not any critical reporting in the Main Stream Media about this quite direct U.S. cooperation with al-Qaeda.

You're kidding, right?!
I mean, they've been doing it for quite a while now for anyone* to be surprised about it.

*except the sheeple. The shepele believe in their exclusiveness all the way to the slaughterhouse...

Posted by: Seen it | Nov 28 2014 19:39 utc | 5

Depending on AP for support of your reductionist theories is a poor way to proceed b. Just because some of the many rebel groups in Syria take aid and training from the US does not mean that the US owns them or that they are bonded to the goals of the West. Just as happened in Afghanistan these groups have their own agendas and will pursue those agendas whether they coinside or conflict with US goals.

Trying to make these tenuous connections between al-Nusra and the US serves no useful purpose except to create more confusion.

Posted by: Wayoutwest | Nov 28 2014 20:35 utc | 6

As above, so below, as abroad, so at home...

Posted by: Uncle $cam | Nov 28 2014 21:12 utc | 7

...Just because some of the many rebel groups in Syria take aid and training from the US does not mean that the US owns them or that they are bonded to the goals of the West. Just as happened in Afghanistan these groups have their own agendas and will pursue those agendas whether they coinside or conflict with US goals....

Posted by: Wayoutwest | Nov 28, 2014 3:35:28 PM | 6

Your statement gives total justification of b's post. If the US government is giving aid to any rebel (terrorist) groups in Syria which may come back to bite the hand that is feeding it how is that sane? How can the leaders of the USG justify giving these groups American made weapons, shelter, medical care etc., etc. if they can not be trusted to do the empires agenda. Is the overarching plan to foment global chaos to justify giving the security apparatus billions and billions of American taxpayer dollars to protect the American citizens from the bogeyman they helped create. Or is the support of these rebels (terrorists) just a desperate stab in the dark by the US government to overthrow the Assad government in order to stop the construction of the Iraq-Iran-Syria pipeline, a sort of twisted and dangerous proxy dance with killers and thugs loyal to nothing, not even its financiers,whom in this case is the US government? I my opinion, b's post hit the bullseye. These Nusra Front jokers may comeback called something else in the future and kick its very financiers, in this case the unwitting American taxpayer right in the ass.

Posted by: really | Nov 28 2014 21:33 utc | 8

Putin said (?) “Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board and then struts around like it won the game.” ROFLMAO!

Posted by: Maracatu | Nov 28 2014 22:17 utc | 9

US policy in Syria/Middle East seems to be schizophrenic at best.

-Leadership publicly calling for Assad's overthrow, then saying they aren't actively working to overthrow him.
-Questionable targeting, seemingly leaving Kobani to be destroyed, then massively increasing bombing and support, weapon drops, etc.
-supporting Iraqi leadership, the. Forcing Talabani to step down
-pressuring Turkey at times, overlooking major issues with their policy and actions at other times
-going right up to signing a deal with Iran (basically accomplishing what they originally were asking for), then failing to follow through at the last moment

It almost seems like various parts of the U.S. govt are pursuing radically different goals, actually sabotaging each other. (Picture 6 people all taking turns trying to row a boat and run the rudder, each of them sure they know the way home)

Posted by: WG | Nov 28 2014 22:31 utc | 10

"...The American attitude Kissinger points out has consequences beyond the quirk itself. It is a very dangerous day when Russia, Iran and China come to see the American government as so ideological to judge that talking with them is pointless..."

And this is where America's foreign policy has devolved. America is the global schoolyard bully looking to threaten and then steal someones milk money. F'in sad state of affairs.

Posted by: really | Nov 28 2014 22:33 utc | 11

Entire NATO served as an airforce for al-Qaeda in Libya, as well as UK and French soldiers fought alongside with them. Was there even a peep in Western media? NATO spokesman even admitted their "freedom fighters" are committing genocide (they never admit anything, no idea how they let that slip through), not a peep as well.

Posted by: Harry | Nov 28 2014 22:51 utc | 12

ditto @8 really.. and @11 and @12 harry as well..

@10 wg - it does appear that way.

Posted by: james | Nov 28 2014 23:06 utc | 13

"The "fear business" James Risen talks about is now driving billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars per year into a few private hands. "

It's difficult to imagine (and probably difficult if not impossible to calculate due to government secrecy) the amount of taxpayer dollars that went to the Military Industrial Complex (especially during the Bush years, and continuing now under Obama) including outright fascist paramilitary organizations like Blackwater/Xe/Academi. Not to mention all the graft, no-bid deals, and other forms of blatant corruption that flowed to connected companies like Halliburton & KBR (now Cayman Islands-based corporations).

The GWB years were the greatest swindle the world has ever known. And Hope and Change Obama was perfectly happy to "look forward". The American people are screwed. Peonization continues unabated.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren grovels further for the Israeli blessing without which, apparently, no American politician rises past assistant dog catcher.

Posted by: guest77 | Nov 28 2014 23:53 utc | 14

The Southern rebels sounds like another potential tragi-comedy we got used to with the Syrian Rebels. While they are armed and trained by the CIA, they are also heavily infiltrated by the Syrian intelligence that is setting them against each other.
The CIA trained rebels will accept to cooperate with Al Nusra and ISIS? That's a total joke.
The rebels in the Daraa province have announced they are 'unifying' their ranks to create a political entity competing with the SNC.
They have also announced that they aim to "take" Damascus.
In Aleppo we hear the same song: Unification of forces to fight against who?
We've heard this "unification" announcement so many times as well as the "imminent" fall of Damascus. They really live in a fantasy world or they have something else in mind.

Aleppo and Deraa will either be the cemetery to the 'united' rebels or the beginning of a ceasefire. All these gimmicks is probably to show off some strength before the negotiations that will happen sooner or later.

Rebels push forward in southern Syria

Syria rebels face greater screening for U.S. training

Posted by: Virgile | Nov 29 2014 0:51 utc | 15

Some commentators translate the words "Moderate rebels" with "Rebels that want to be sockpuppets of the US".

Posted by: Willy2 | Nov 29 2014 1:23 utc | 16

US shouldnt be working with anyone to overthrow any govt anywhere...thats a war crime

Posted by: brian | Nov 29 2014 2:55 utc | 17

the father of chaos admits he done it:
'George Soros told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria over the weekend he is responsible for establishing a foundation in Ukraine that ultimately contributed to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the State Department.

“First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?” Zakaria asked Soros.

“Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now,” Soros responded.'

Posted by: brian | Nov 29 2014 2:55 utc | 18

'Syrian rebels backed by the United State'

admission that the US is using stupid foreign jihadis to wages war on for'syrian rebels' most are not syrian at all and so cant be 'rebels.Its basically alqaeda that US is using...the same guys they said did 9-11.

Posted by: brian | Nov 29 2014 3:06 utc | 19

You're panicking for no reason, b. The dumbass Yankees have been "gonna" do "something" in Syria for nearly 4 years.
Are they any closer than when they started? Nope.
Are they farther away from getting rid of Assad? Definitely.

Here's a few clues from the AP 28 Nov piece...

..their biggest gains yet south of the capital Damascus,
Bigger than next to nothing could be legitimately described as minuscule.

capturing a string of towns from government forces..
What's AP's definition of a town?

and aiming to carve out a swath of territory leading to the doorstep of President Bashar Assad's seat of power.
A sober evaluation of that premature claptrap suggests that it is grandiose wishful thinking. One can be absolutely certain that the Yankees are not confident that victory will result from these machinations. If they were they'd keep quiet for a few more weeks and present it as a fait accompli.

The rebel forces are believed to include fighters who graduated from a nearly 2-year-old CIA training program based in Syria's southern neighbor Jordan.
Ahem... the CIA trains people to commit acts of ter'rism against civilians. The CIA couldn't fight its way out of a paper bag and has been culled with monotonous regularity by hostile forces it didn't see coming (Somalia, Iraq, Libya, anyone?).
If the CIA was capable of teaching people to fight, it would have started with its own personnel -which it obviously hasn't done.

Notably, in the south, the rebels are working together with fighters from al-Qaida's Syria branch, whose battle-hardened militants have helped them gain the momentum against government forces.
Battle-hardened means "killed lots of unarmed civilians" to Yankees and al CIA-duh. Forgive the cynicism but "gain momentum" means 'increase speed relative to' (in the opposite direction to a threat) - which is the only rational explanation for the multiple failures to date.

The cooperation points to the difficulty in American efforts to build up "moderate" factions while isolating militants.
No translation necessary.

Add Vlad's offshore flotilla and the ability of Russia to destroy hostile aircraft flying over Syria FROM RUSSIA, the Yankee addiction to base & bunkerism, and I'd say there's not enough wishful thinking in the White House, Pentagon, CIA and State Dept combined, for the Yankees to get rid of Assad.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 29 2014 3:42 utc | 20

OK this is wierd, interesting but wierd, its like an islamic psychedelic experience or dream in which nothing adds up. The account of an american journalist in the hands of the islamist terrorists. BUT since the islamists claim to hate america for killing in iraq etc etc, yet they are waging their war against syria?. this is never clear. But here the hothouse of religious faith is compatible with torture, terror, sadism, lying extortion. So why does hate of the west breed a war on syria?
1.'I returned to the F.S.A. troops. One told me that his unit had recently traveled to Jordan to receive training from American forces in fighting groups like the Nusra Front.

“Really?” I said. “The Americans? I hope it was good training.”

“Certainly, very,” he replied.

The fighters stared at me. I stared at them.
After a few moments, I asked, “About this business of fighting Jebhat al Nusra?”

“Oh, that,” one said. “We lied to the Americans about that.”

2.For six months, I watched the number of young fighters responsible for me dwindle. This one had taken a sniper’s bullet between the eyes. That one had vanished in a checkpoint suicide bombing. Another had stumbled into an Islamic State checkpoint and was shot on the spot. On and on, from week to week, the blood flowed. I knew exactly why these young men were dying: because the commanders said they must. In addition, the fighters told me, both sides believe that 50,000 years ago, Allah decreed that they should die in exactly this way, at exactly this instant in history.'

3. where to settle?! 'That night as we finished Abu Farouk’s watermelon and were gazing up at the stars, I listened to the fighters musing about their futures. “Hey, Abu Petra,” they asked me, “what is Sweden like?” If they were to present themselves as Syrian dissidents to the authorities, what would happen next? Was I familiar with the procedures in Sweden for seeking political asylum? And what about Berlin, supposing they found their way to Germany? How long would it take for them to learn German?'

and i still dont know why the war on syria and silence over israel

Posted by: brian | Nov 29 2014 4:26 utc | 21

A little off topic, but only a little.

This skit is from a very popular German political satire show called "Die Anstalt" (The Nut House), with a broad audience. Judging from the audience reaction, the wheels are starting to come off the government's version of events on Russia and the Ukraine.

Link to The Nut House

Posted by: chuckvw | Nov 29 2014 4:31 utc | 22

What in the last 7 years since would lead you to think US domestic propaganda is lessened?
Cheney authorized a multi-billion domestic propaganda budget. That didn't go away in 2008.
If anything, it's morphed and merged into Corporates United's Full Spectrum PSYOP machine.

"A majority of Americans say that in the long run, the United States will be safer from terrorism if it stays out of the affairs of countries in the Middle East. But there is a sharp party divide on the issue — 73 percent of Democrats, 60 percent of independents but only 28 percent of Republicans agree."

That 72% of Republican Fundies now have a RINO-RINO Congress, starting in January 2015, after which you won't be able to find any US media player that is NOT doing COIN PSYOP.
Truth? Ha! Why prognosticate on US PSYOP? It's like a dumb cat chasing a laser pointer!

Posted by: ChipNikh | Nov 29 2014 10:59 utc | 23

syria weighs in on has been along the same colour revolution road.,,but thanks to better government, has been taken to the foreign invaders war stage...ukraine didnt need to go so far
TASS ‏@tassagency_en 8m8 minutes ago
Kiev’s use of force only drag out Ukrainian crisis - Syrian foreign minister

Posted by: brian | Nov 29 2014 11:06 utc | 24


That video is two months old. It doesn't seem to have had any effect. other than to amuse the audience. Things have gotten worse since then.

Posted by: john francis lee | Nov 29 2014 12:41 utc | 25
BREAKING: Germany's DW Reports ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO Territory!!

Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published a video report of immense implications - possibly the first national broadcaster in the West to admit that the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) is supplied not by "black market oil" or "hostage ransoms" but billions of dollars worth of supplies carried into Syria across NATO member Turkey's borders via hundreds of trucks a day.

The report titled, "'IS' supply channels through Turkey," confirms what has been reported by geopolitical analysts since at least as early as 2011 - that NATO member Turkey has allowed a torrent in supplies, fighters, and weapons to cross its borders unopposed to resupply ISIS positions inside of Syria.

Read Anthony Cartalucci's article in full here:

DW Report |

Posted by: brian | Nov 29 2014 12:42 utc | 26

MFA Russia ‏@mfa_russia 33m33 minutes ago
Comment by @mfa_russia on disqualification of the Patria party
from the elections in #Moldova

'However, we could have hardly expected a different decision from the Moldovan authorities, given that the country’s Constitutional Court, many of the members of which are foreign nationals, ruled recently that any foreign policy course except the one seeking Moldova’s accession to the European Union, is illegal.'!OpenDocument

foreign nationals...such as Ukraine is bringing in to its regime! similar help bring Ukraine into EU/NATO

Posted by: brian | Nov 29 2014 13:02 utc | 27

@25 Brian


Posted by: really | Nov 29 2014 13:54 utc | 28

#6 << Just because some of the many rebel groups in Syria take aid and training from the US does not mean that the US owns them or that they are bonded to the goals of the West>>

hahaha, and they say Jim Carrey is funny. You should have your own talk show

Posted by: pau | Nov 29 2014 14:59 utc | 29

brian @ 17: "US shouldnt be working with anyone to overthrow any govt anywhere...thats a war crime"

No doubt brian, but, there are no rules for the new "Western 4th Reich coalition".

Posted by: ben | Nov 29 2014 15:58 utc | 30

Thank you Brian I was going to post that link. T. Cartalucci is one of the best imo. #20 good analysis of the ap article. Excellent comments all around for the most part. "F'in sad state of affairs" indeed.

Posted by: Colinjames | Nov 29 2014 16:38 utc | 31

Not sure if this has already been posted but apparently while Biden was in Ukraine last week a group of Ukranian hackers was able to 'acquire' some documents detailing extensive US lethal aid support for Ukraine. The U.S. is even paying for 150 Ukrainian combat divers.


Original Article:

Posted by: WG | Nov 29 2014 16:54 utc | 32

THIS is a scandal though:

Egypt drop charges against Mubarak.

Posted by: Anonymous | Nov 29 2014 17:03 utc | 33

Yes, it is astonishing that the Neoliberal elites can whip the American people into a frenzy over 'terrorists', and then openly arm and support them. The power of modern propaganda is truly amazing, with the corporate press now essentially a single monolithic entity (thank you Bill Clinton) shouting the same nonsense 24/7, even the most skeptical are beaten down, if not into belief, certainly into acceptance. Your reporting on this is a breath of fresh air - if only we had more like this that was actually visible to a mass audience. Ah well.

But as far as policy goes, the Neoliberals have developed a new style of empire - or perhaps, they have perfected an ancient one. Previous empires, like the Roman and British, would go out and physically conquer new territories. But that is hard work, and requires some intelligence and consistent effort. Under Neoliberalism they just demolish all competing power structures, leaving a vacuum for them to fill. Conquest is hard work, but spreading chaos only requires the technological and financial high ground and a total lack of any human decency. As disgusting as Neoliberalism is, you have to admire how effective it is.

Posted by: Globus Pallidus XI | Nov 29 2014 20:06 utc | 34

..."U.S. trained, supplied and supported mercenaries are openly cooperating with Jabhat al-Nusra which is al-Qaida's Syria branch. This is not a "conspiracy theory" of "some nutcase" but official AP reporting."

Tip: The moment one completes the matter's follow-the-Money Detective Work, the dominant and accurately-derived Conspiracy Theory motif and related forensic terms fade away rather quickly. In their place emerge an entirely new set of terms, quite congruent with the Money Trail and the Power Players who blaze it like a clear-cut logging operations's swath through Just Everything Decent and Worth Keeping.

The top emergent term: Business Plan. Mr. Risen now recognizes this harsh reality too, it seems. (Wow.) No tinfoil required; a perfect fit every time nonetheless. It's simply what this world's Top Banksters *DO*.

And lie, and cheat, and loot, and brainwash coast-to-coast both by day and by night, and lie bigger about the looting ongoing and on and on and on ad nausaeum. But we already all knew that...

So this is merely a brief note for the Newly Awakened. Yes you CAN trust the evidence of your senses, Beloved! And that is all. 0{:-|o[

Posted by: Walking Turtle | Nov 29 2014 21:02 utc | 35


Posted by: mcohen | Dec 1 2014 10:43 utc | 36

Scholarship instead of war propaganda!

We, the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE), are standing in the StuPa elections to oppose the return of German militarism. We strive to prevent the transformation of Humboldt University once again into an ideological center for war and dictatorship.

One hundred years after the outbreak of the First World War and nearly 70 years after the end of World War II, the German ruling elites are returning to the path of war and insisting on German leadership in Europe and the world.

Earlier this year, President Joachim Gauck declared that, in accordance with its economic power, Germany would have to take “more responsibility” internationally and intervene militarily when necessary.

This policy is now being implemented by the grand coalition in Berlin with the support of the Greens and the Left Party. The government backed the right-wing coup in Ukraine and is playing a leading role in the NATO offensive against Russia. In the Middle East, it is already defending Germany’s geo-strategic interests militarily by delivering arms to the Kurds in northern Iraq and supporting the US-led air war against the Islamic State.

The media act as cheerleaders for the new war policy. On an almost daily basis they publish commentaries demanding tougher action against Russia and attacking the German people for not supporting military interventions.

This sharp change in German foreign policy finds a particularly pronounced expression in the universities. In order to prepare new wars, it is necessary to rewrite history and relativize the crimes committed by the German Reich and the Nazi regime. Professors at our university are playing a central role in this campaign.

Professor Münkler, who lectures in political theory, argues in favor of playing down the responsibility of Germany in the First World War. The work of the chair of the Department of Eastern European History, Professor Baberowski, amounts to the relativization of the crimes of fascism. In February, he was quoted in Der Spiegel as saying: “Hitler was no psychopath, and he wasn’t vicious. He didn’t want people to talk about the extermination of the Jews at his table.”

The ruling elites are responding to the current crisis of capitalism just as they did in the first half of the 20th century—with war and dictatorship. We regard it as our duty to counter this development and we reject the integration of the universities into the war policy.

It will be interesting to see the response of the students at Humboldt to the straight-up, straight-down vote on German militarism. In the USA the people who live below the Mason-Dixon line are always propagandized with nostalgia for 'the good ole days' ... in Germany now the propaganda is also for the 'good ole days' ... no matter the destruction brought upon themselves in the 'good ole days'.

Will the Dixie and the Third Reich both rise ... and fall ... again?

Posted by: john francis lee | Dec 1 2014 11:09 utc | 37

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