Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
July 31, 2014

Liar, Liar ...

... pants on fire ...

CIA Director Brennan Denies Hacking Allegations, March 11 2014

BRENNAN: As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into, you know, Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. I mean, we wouldn't do that. I mean, that's -- that's just beyond the -- you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we would do.

CIA improperly accessed Senate computers, agency finds, July 31 2014

WASHINGTON — CIA employees improperly accessed computers used by the Senate Intelligence Committee to compile a report on the agency’s now defunct detention and interrogation program, an internal CIA investigation has determined.

... your nose is longer than a telephone wire ...

PS: Does anybody still believe that the CIA is not sniffing on Congress' business? That it does not blackmail representatives and senators or that it does not otherwise illegally interferes in the business of the legislative?

Posted by b on July 31, 2014 at 16:05 UTC | Permalink


I wonder if this is why the latest aid to Israel was passed unanimously by the Senate? Perhaps it's also why some in the Senate want to aid the Kiev regime against a people who obviously desire self-determination.

Posted by: Jon Lester | Jul 31 2014 16:13 utc | 1

Gary Hart. At least they didn't kill him.

Posted by: Bob In Portland | Jul 31 2014 16:51 utc | 2

NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel - the Guardian

-The National Security Agency routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel without first sifting it to remove information about US citizens, a top-secret document provided to the Guardian by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals.

-The agreement places no legally binding limits on the use of the data by the Israelis.

-…that there are rigorous safeguards to protect the privacy of US citizens caught in the dragnet. The intelligence community calls this process "minimization", but the memorandum makes clear that the information shared with the Israelis would be in its pre-minimized state.

-Notably, a much stricter rule was set for US government communications found in the raw intelligence. The Israelis were required to "destroy upon recognition" any communication "that is either to or from an official of the US government". Such communications included those of "officials of the executive branch (including the White House, cabinet departments, and independent agencies), the US House of Representatives and Senate (member and staff) and the US federal court system (including, but not limited to, the supreme court)".

-While NSA documents tout the mutually beneficial relationship of Sigint sharing, another report, marked top secret and dated September 2007, states that the relationship, while central to US strategy, has become overwhelmingly one-sided in favor of Israel.

-"In the last decade, it arguably tilted heavily in favor of Israeli security concerns. 9/11 came, and went, with NSA's only true Third Party [counter-terrorism] relationship being driven almost totally by the needs of the partner."

-"One of NSA's biggest threats is actually from friendly intelligence services, like Israel. There are parameters on what NSA shares with them, but the exchange is so robust, we sometimes share more than we intended."

Sure we trust them.

-"A NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] ranked them as the third most aggressive intelligence service against the US."

-However, an earlier US document obtained by Snowden, which discusses co-operating on a military intelligence program, bluntly lists under the cons: "Trust issues which revolve around previous ISR [Israel] operations."


Posted by: pantaraxia | Jul 31 2014 17:07 utc | 3

Why do you suppose Germany is supporting Obama's sanctions against Russia, even though the sanctions hurt Germany and even though the German people take a dim view of Obama's warmongering? Why do you suppose the NSA was spying on Merkel? It couldn't be .... no way ..... surely the NSA wouldn't be blackmailing Merkel ?

Posted by: Dan Lynch | Jul 31 2014 17:51 utc | 5

It's not the first time Brennan has lied.
Brennan’s Evasions

Posted by: Don Bacon | Jul 31 2014 18:14 utc | 6

#5 that's the first thing that came to mind. Someday we'll get the skinny on blackmailing, but it might take a while as the blackmailers have as much incentive to keep it quiet as the blackmailees. We can only guess at how criminally depraved our leaders really are. Must be worse than one can imagine given the as of late off the rails craziness going on, I'm thinking.

Posted by: Colinjames | Jul 31 2014 18:48 utc | 7

The CIA is up to its old tricks for sure. When let to run free globally - as it is clearly being let now - it will automatically begin to use illegal and underhanded methods. It sees this as part of its mandate.I would suggest that Onslaught is one of the first Presidents to see the CIA as neither a tool nor a threat, but sees himself as, in fact, a tool to be used by them.

This is as pure of an attack on Democracy (such as it is) as one can make. This should be a tremendous scandal - it is, instead, a minor footnote in the story of the USA's decent into naked imperialism.

Posted by: guest77 | Jul 31 2014 18:58 utc | 8

Once again no goes to Jail and as far as two Senators being furious, so why aren’t they calling for the heads di-fi and her clubhouse friends over cia. I’m not sure how anyone watching this unfold that the cia runs the govt. for their puppets masters and all other so-called elected officials just have their parts in the cast. Pure theater nothing else.

It’s been a long slide to here but we made and it’s not pretty is it?

Posted by: jo6pac | Jul 31 2014 18:59 utc | 9

So many liars, frauds, hucksters, bullshit artists, fakes and assholes constantly running their mouths 24-7, a revolving door of whores involving the AmeriKan media, the gov't, the patriotic CIA, the AIPAC-owned Kongress, the armchair warrior-instigators at the State Dept. and Pentagon.
People tell me I'm crazy when I say things were better 20-25 years ago. I get that as we get older, most people will say that.
But the precipitous decline since 9/11 and then the ensuing police state in Gestapo Land seems to actually make this hold true. Things weren't great, but sure as HELL were better before 9/11. It pains me there are older people who know this but will be dismissed as fools and naifs, young people who will never know how it was before Big Brother had his nose in your business and his hand up your ass, and a whole mess of scumbags raping, robbing and killing everyone else.

I remember a sample from an old industrial song where the voice chimed: "We are in a race between education and catastrophe."
The race is almost over it seems and stupid and dangerous took the gold.

Posted by: Prey4 Justice | Jul 31 2014 19:20 utc | 10

The idea that the CIA is a renegade agency of government and runs free of course is exactly what the executive branch wants -- deniability. It certainly helps to cover up what I believe is the truth, that the CIA operates under direct presidential control.

We have seen other evidence of executive control, with whistleblowers for example. Executive privilege is an expanding feature of the US government, while the Congress fades into a totally corrupt powerless body. The idea that Obama can't and doesn't control the CIA is misfounded. There is no evidence of it, quite the contrary.

Meanwhile, clashing with the uncontrol theory, we get assorted control theories:
Can Congress control the CIA?
Is Obama a CIA Controlled Manchurian President?
Who controls the CIA?
Is the CIA running our government?
CIA an out-of-control agency - Chicago Tribune

I'm sure the CIA Director is amused by all this.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Jul 31 2014 19:24 utc | 11

The CIA which was never supposed to be anything more than a sort of government run Intelligence "think tank" that analyzed intelligence and created reports to advise the executive branch, has become STAZI like organization with its "political" branch its "internal security" branch and its "military" branch...a full service police state agency overseeing steering and threatening all peoples and every office of government. Historically this signals the decay and inevitable downfall of societies that allow such cancerous bureaucracies to metastasize.

Posted by: Marc | Jul 31 2014 19:34 utc | 12

The CIA which was never supposed to be anything more than a sort of government run Intelligence "think tank"

Interesting to see so many here struggling with the what the CIA is

here's a useful place to star IMO

Can't vouch for all of it, but there's plenty of interesting leads to follow for anyone that really wants to learn

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 19:53 utc | 13


Heres some information with respect to the act of congress that created the CIA..It in no way authorized the monster which "the CIA is"..

Posted by: Marc | Jul 31 2014 20:09 utc | 14

The Marconi Company was given an exclusive contract to set up the British Empire’s wireless communications system; this contract was bought through bribery and insider-trading. Marconi had developed his radio system by partnering with the British Military through the course of the Boer War, the first time radio technology was successfully used. Marconi then built a company based on the war-time technology, which serviced private and public entities AND stationed Marconi’s men at the information pulse-points. Francis Walsingham would be proud.

This is how military/private tech partnerships undermine democracy: military money develops technology during war-time; said technology is sold back to law enforcement; private firm capitalizes on information flow from said technology free from public scrutiny.

Cozy, eh? And it’s still going on today.


PS the author thinks (or certainly did until recently) that Snowden is one of the "Good Guys" - but other than that obvious error I haven't found much to fault them on ;-)

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 20:11 utc | 15

Does anybody still believe that the CIA is not sniffing on Congress' business?

The better question is does anybody care? I don't. The majority of the sleazebags, if not all of them, inside the beltway need to be watched. If only they could be watched by the right people for the right reasons.

Let's bring peace to Ukraine before the civil war escalates any further.

Ukraine Peace Proposal

Posted by: Cold N. Holefield | Jul 31 2014 20:12 utc | 16

Homeland Security of Australia: Journalists will face jail over spy leaks under new security laws

But the leading criminal barrister and Australian Lawyers Alliance spokesman Greg Barns said a separate provision in the “troubling” legislation could be used to prosecute and jail journalists who reported on information they received about special intelligence operations.

Barns said: “I thought the Snowden clause [in the bill] was bad enough but this takes the Snowden clause and makes it a Snowden/Assange/Guardian/New York Times clause. It’s an unprecedented clause which would capture the likes of Wikileaks, the Guardian, the New York Times, and any other media organisation that reports on such material.”

Posted by: Oui | Jul 31 2014 20:12 utc | 17

Heres some information with respect to the act of congress that created the CIA..It in no way authorized the monster which "the CIA is"..

Posted by: Marc | Jul 31, 2014 4:09:57 PM | 14

Yeah - if only the CIA would follow the law - :-D

Problem is of course that such orgs are by their very nature extra-legal, irrespective of whatever laws are allegedly supposed to govern their behaviour.

When what they do is supposed to be shrouded in secrecy, which by definition it must be, then there is no way to institute effective oversight

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 20:16 utc | 18

The majority of the sleazebags, if not all of them, inside the beltway need to be watched. If only they could be watched by the right people for the right reasons.

I totally agree - now if THAT were the actual role of the CIA I'd be ALL in favour of it, but it's not, is it?

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 20:18 utc | 19

They can lie as much as they want since there is stricly NO ACCOUNTABILITY.
Just an example, where are the journalists to ask anything about the Libyan success (apart from Matthew Lee of course)?

Posted by: Mina | Jul 31 2014 20:20 utc | 20

@16 #9 Kiev oligarchs must stop using IMF funds for their own purposes.

Posted by: dh | Jul 31 2014 20:24 utc | 21

oh Journos . . . . save us, save us . . . . from your emloyers

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 20:26 utc | 22

Surprise, surprise?? Lying is an official policy of the US Government and has been since at least the 1960's. It is officially known as Plausible Deniability.

Plausible deniability is a term coined by the CIA in the early 1960s to describe the withholding of information from senior officials in order to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public knowledge.

Its roots go back to Truman's national security council paper 10/2 June 18/1948, which defined "covert operations" as "...all activities conducted pursuant to this directive which are so planned and executed that any U.S. Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the U.S. Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them." [NSC 5412 was de-classifed in 1977, and is located at the National Archives, RG 273.]

e.g. Ex CIA Director George Herbert Walker Bush as vice president under Ronald Reagan, “I was out of the loop”.

I think it is advisable to ingrain this truism in your lexicon, “The only time they tell the truth is when it just happens to coincide with their agenda.”

Posted by: juannie | Jul 31 2014 20:38 utc | 23

we all knew why snowden and assange were presented as public enemy #1.. aside from the cia not liking competition( it is so unamerikan, lol) it wants a total monopoly on the ability to invade anyone's idea of privacy..

cia - an organization that has made it it's business to lie, when it isn't blackmailing of course.. who better to run it then a professed liar! and it's the same guy who was giving the kiev junta helpful guidance too! why am i not impressed or surprised?

Posted by: james | Jul 31 2014 20:40 utc | 24

fer the Lulz

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 20:42 utc | 25

An CIA report upon itself, which has time and again been edited and redacted by CIA with promise of their ability to redact again, after everyone else... and still, under the slightest of scrutiny by their own best sycophants (US Senate) requires further spying.... a level of hubris and paranoia that should make a crackhead blush.

What could possibly be revealed in such a report (that plenty of people don't already know (torture, war crimes)....and that congress has long okayed and funded? Seriously, Is there anything imaginable that could lead anyone here to believe CIA people would ever be fired, much less prosecuted for anything?

Posted by: Eureka Springs | Jul 31 2014 20:43 utc | 26

ot - what happened to jsore and scalawag? do people just mysteriously drop off this site?

Posted by: james | Jul 31 2014 20:45 utc | 27

ot - what happened to j s o re and scal awag? do posters just mysteriously drop off this site?

Posted by: james | Jul 31 2014 20:46 utc | 28

The CIA has been spying in the US in violation of their directive very soon after it was created. It had J. Edgar under their thumb after James Jesus Angleton sent Gordon Novel to meet him with a package of pictures of Hoover hoovering his roommate, Clyde Tolson. Some things about the extent of CIA spying came out during Congressional hearings in the 1970s post-Watergate, but if you noticed, most politicians who stood up to the CIA had their political careers shortened.

Posted by: Bob In Portland | Jul 31 2014 20:49 utc | 29

@27 They have gone to Donetsk to join the resistance.

Posted by: dh | Jul 31 2014 20:50 utc | 30

People, this is all beginning to sound very very conspiratorial - and that is a completely useless road to venture down, because I have recently been assured, by a very very reliable source (one of the finest Canadian anti-imperialst and pro-left-wing minds in existence apparently) that the people that rule us are not capable of organising any thing as complicated as a conspiracy, - due to what I have also been assured, by the same very very reliable source (and may I remind you people that we are talking here about one of the finest Canadian anti-imperialst and pro-left-wing minds in existence )is their apparently blindingly obvious congenital stupidity

So lets not waste our precious time on what is sure to be an utterly fruitless discussion of anything as preposterous as a "Conspiracy", m'kay?

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 20:56 utc | 31

Sure,lying is US government policy.
It starts at the top, and is largely controlled at the top.
We shouldn't even have to debate the point.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Jul 31 2014 20:59 utc | 32

What would be nice is if an authentic separation-of-powers clash would develop over this. Remember it was Seymour Hersh's story of CIA "Family Jewels," published in the NYT at the end of 1974, that led to the creation of the Church Committee, which still to this day remains the closest we have come to accounting for the many crimes committed by "The Company."

The "Family Jewels" was a compendium of CIA dirty deeds collected at the behest of then DCI James Schlesinger, who was paranoid that Watergate was going to track back to the Agency. Many of Nixon's Plumbers, notably Howard Hunt and James McCord, were CIA agents.

Of course it is a different time. People are more atomized and powerless than ever. And it is too much to think that standard CIA overreach could turn into another D.C. battle royale. But I hope it does. Because when titans clash they're not putting all their energy into raping us.

Posted by: Mike Maloney | Jul 31 2014 21:00 utc | 33

Remember it was Seymour Hersh's story of CIA "Family Jewels," published in the NYT at the end of 1974, that led to the creation of the Church Committee, which still to this day remains the closest we have come to accounting for the many crimes committed by "The Company."

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 21:05 utc | 34

@32 It would to start with people getting fired. At the moment all I see is hiring. More and more young folk happy to get into the system.

Posted by: dh | Jul 31 2014 21:06 utc | 35

Ukraine, spying, Brennan, Clapper, etc. etc. lie lie lie

"We have a right to think, that truth with a capital letter is relative. But facts are fact. And whoever says that the sky is blue when it is grey is prostituting words and preparing the way for tyranny ----Albert Camus. We are no long preparing the way we are there.

Posted by: Hal | Jul 31 2014 21:10 utc | 36

Speaking of the CIA , welcome to "Radio Svoboda", a franchise of "Radio free Europe" and
"Radio Liberty" ..paid for at least in part with your tax dollars my fellow Americans.

how sorry is this

Posted by: Marc | Jul 31 2014 21:50 utc | 37

@Marc #36:

Hehe, there's an interview there with a writer who says that Putin isn't going to hold on to power for more than a year from now.

This isn't like the old Soviet days. Russians know that today, Western media lie much more than Russian media do. So this is a complete waste of money.

The Saker thinks that Washington is obsessed with removing Putin from power, and I think he's right.

Posted by: Demian | Jul 31 2014 22:37 utc | 38

Over at infowars they are saying Wikileaks says Putin will trade Snowden for something(the reset button hah).I have no idea what,but I have the distinct feeling Vlad aint a cheese eater.

Posted by: dahoit | Jul 31 2014 22:49 utc | 39

@29/30 - dh and priceless.. lol..

@32 mike's last sentence - so true.. they are temporarily distracted, or so it appears.. either that or feigned shock, which could be just as likely...

@38 - snowden for something more then cheese. that's pretty funny too..

Posted by: james | Jul 31 2014 23:19 utc | 40

Apparently a few here, equate conspiracy with monolithic Formidable Conspiracy opponents thereof need to believe in to get angry enough to organize in a cohesive group (or incohesive, lone...etc) to fight.
The inference being that if you believe in a collapsing elite, which occasionally utilizes conspiracies with varying degrees of success, you would not be tempted to hasten the collapse by any political action worthy of the name.

Posted by: truthbetold | Jul 31 2014 23:50 utc | 41

Poor ol Truthy

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 23:58 utc | 42

Ya gotta laugh, eh

Posted by: Priceless | Jul 31 2014 23:59 utc | 43

Once more you go to considerable, inexplicable, pains to misrepresent:

"...I have recently been assured, by a very very reliable source...that the people that rule us are not capable of organising any thing as complicated as a conspiracy,"

Nobody has made any such assurance. The fact that governments engage constantly in conspiracies is undeniable. I have not seen it denied here.

What I have seen denied is the existence of several conspiracies of an outlandish nature such as that to impose Snowden and Greenwald both, according to Priceless, CI Agents on a credulous populace. What these "conspiracies" have in common is that they either discredit genuine whistleblowers or writers with integrity or promote the idea that the ruling class is unassailable.

" the people that rule us are not capable of organising any thing as complicated as a conspiracy, - due to what I have also been assured, by the same very very reliable source their apparently blindingly obvious congenital stupidity"

Again this is another misrepresentation which can only have purchase with inattentive followers of this forum.

The point has been made, and there is nothing original about it, that it is one of the consequences of a system in which dissent and debate are proscribed that it comes to be ruled by careerists and Yes men who are incapable of taking rational decisions, when the obvious course conflicts with dogma or the "party line."

No good can come from discussions based upon lies and misrepresentations.
No good that is except to those whose interest it is to disrupt sensible and rational discussions, such as the troll currently calling itself Priceless.

Posted by: bevin | Aug 1 2014 1:45 utc | 44

@bevin #43
As you indicate, these criminals ARE fully capable of making rational decisions which favor themselves and their supporters.

For example, the recent US strategy of harming the Russian and European Union economies in favor of US politicians, banks and corporations, based on nothing really except lies, and getting the Germans and French with their weak economies to agree to weakening them further, was really clever. I'm in awe.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Aug 1 2014 2:00 utc | 45

@38 I believe Vlad is moving on. The domestic situation in the West means the Ukraine falls apart with a receptive refugee population going into Russia. The Western project in Kiev will see a rise in internal terrorism. Vlad has all kinds of cred with the Russian street. He can move against all the oligarchs, and neither the West or popular anger will stop him. The Duma will okay his jobs program to solidify Russian defense replacement parts.

India, China, and South America have more or less demonstrated where they stand.

As for technology from the West, that excuse has always been a soft form of racism. The Japanese were little gold fish farmers until the British garrison in Siam was overrun. People are the same. The smart ones can copy it.

I don't see that Putin has any point playing footsie with the West beyond keeping NATO out of the Ukraine.

As far as Snowden, Obama is motivated by this slight. Putin has nothing but contempt for Obama. He won't give him anything after Putin bailed him out of having planes shot down in Syria.

Posted by: NotTimothyGeithner | Aug 1 2014 2:01 utc | 46

JSore will be back, he loves it here and many people love him. He's taken brakes before. Scalawag - too bad. He was a very smart - a trait that never makes up for being a dickhead.

As for dickless, who appears to be settling in for the long haul (with a changed screenname count which by now must be in the double digits) - I don't think anyone here is going gobble up your cold leftovers: insinuating everyone is stupid, the attacks on bevin, james, juannie, et al or your anti-Snowden, anti-Hersh bits (with a little Svoboda-approved history lessons thrown in for good measure). We've all taken a spin on your revolting merry-go-round of abuse, lying, and empire-friendly talking points. I doubt anyone is going to go along for that ride again. is total garbage. I'm not surprised you'd be pushing it like the $40 sack of oregano it is. A pile of horseshit of which the sole purpose is to attack people who do have exposed CIA crimes and Imperial malfeasance for decades. This idiot goes after Alfred McCoy - a professor who was the first to crack open CIA drug-running - with the thesis that Bill Colby, as a "media friendly" CIA director, out-ed the whole CIA in a massive drug running scandal so as to keep his own "involvement" to the sidelines. This is the same CIA director, claims, who so eager to throw the entire CIA under the bus to save his own skin - who later accuses of leaking My Lai to Seymour Hersh in an effort to save the CIA's reputation surrounding the Phoenix Program.

Total nonsense, utter speculation - but why? Who goes back 40 years to start speculating with no new evidence? Someone with a purpose, clearly: Left intellectuals - basically the only people, domestically, standing in the way of the US empire - become the bad guys, Colby becomes the evil fall guy (the root of all the CIAs problems), and the CIA remains the squeaky clean scion of American foreign policy.

It's the same shit you always pull. Bullshit.

Posted by: guest77 | Aug 1 2014 2:23 utc | 47

@45 Interesting take, especially: "The Japanese were little gold fish farmers until the British garrison in Siam was overrun. People are the same. The smart ones can copy it."

So true.

Posted by: guest77 | Aug 1 2014 2:28 utc | 48

OT: Mr. Pragma is alive and well in this Saker thread. (Someone might have mentioned that he posts there, but this is the first time that I saw a post by him there after he got banned here.)

He seems to have toned down his rhetoric, btw.

Posted by: Demian | Aug 1 2014 2:31 utc | 49

Mr Pragma toned down? That's a shame.
On Russia, I expect (hope for) closer ties with Iran.
So yes, Russia will be okay. Plenty of opportunities.
Europe not so much.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Aug 1 2014 2:39 utc | 50

That anolen blog looks like somewhere between ... dubious speculation and utter lies wrapped up in a nice little hipster bow.

Accusing Professor Alfred McCoy, author of "The Politics of Heroin" and professor at U Wisconsin - Madison, now, of being an operative for the CIA?

Same old playbook Tasteless here has been using since he first arrived: Make the left intellectuals become the bad guys, finds an evil fall guy in the CIA to blame all of their misdeeds on, and let the rest of the organization come out clean.

All bogus - anoone's speculative romps would have us believe the Colby (whom he laughably accuses of "working with the KGB") was such a dangerous, self-centered maverick, that he threw the entire CIA's reputation under the bus by exposing it to massive allegations of drug-running and working with the mafia, all to hide his "personal involvement" in the SE Asian drug trade (this personal involvement is never spelt out of course, as it little else). Anolan then goes on to posit that this same man, so cavalier previously, was so completely concerned for the CIA's reputation surrounding the Phoenix Program (a program he always publicly stood by) that he leaked info on My Lai to Seymour Hersh to... save the CIA's reputation?


Read "The Phoenix Program" and "The Politics of Heroin", excellent books with scores of pages of footnotes and first person interviews on the subject - or you can read some goofballs wild, unsourced speculation on the internet brought to you by you know who.

But then the point is obvious, as its always been - discredit those who stand up, domestically, to resist. And what better way than to accuse them of working for the agencies they've spent their lives confronting? It's an old, old COINTELPRO trick. American Empire Uber Alles!

Is anyone falling for this stuff?

Here's some of McCoy's lectures. like the other people Senseless always trashes, he's also an important opponent of the surveillance state and the US empire. What a coincidence.

Posted by: guest77 | Aug 1 2014 2:53 utc | 51

Retweeted by Russian Market
Nils van der Vegte ‏@Nils18 35m
@russian_market Headline: "Is this our friend"? Upper part: "Kiev promised not to fight in the area of the M17 crash, but now HIS army (1)
/ Russian Market ‏@russian_market 31m
I can't speak Dutch. What does it mean?

Nils van der Vegte @Nils18 19m
@russian_market the fronmarjolein @thymeline 28m
@russian_market Ukr Poroshenko promised no hostilities arnd crash site but his army is blocking access. The Hague is angry can we trust Ukr?tpage says: LYING AND CHEATING: Kiev does not honor any promise they have made to NL.
Russian Market @russian_market 20m
what does it say? “@Nils18: @russian_market Another headline of another (and the most read) Dutch newspaper today:”
something to hide, Porky? the rebels are happy to grant access

Posted by: brian | Aug 1 2014 8:32 utc | 52

Since the retirement of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez’s death and the interdiction of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to nominate a candidate in Iran’s presidential election, the revolutionary movement is absent a world leader. Or rather, was absent a world leader. However, the incredible tenacity and composure of Bashar al-Assad has made him the only chief executive in the world surviving a concerted attack by a vast colonial coalition led by Washington and beening largely re-elected by his people.

Posted by: brian | Aug 1 2014 9:06 utc | 53


Snowden and Greenwald and Tiabbi, eh? What happened to Mr. Vampire Squid? Greenwald is running a network. Snowden was probably hauled in on a durg rap sheet by the Lee Harvey
Oswald branch, and offered to either assassinate Merkel, or become a CIA straw dog. I
know lots of folks in military with masters degrees and years of service who didn't get
TS/SCI, here everything that Snowden says about how he got the dope screams pure psysop.

Sure, IF he was some Admiral's son, or IF his father was an Astronaut or champion Spy,
he might have gotten a JOB at the CIA, but hacking into the Matrix with a full TS/SCI
as a junior-college dropout? You can't even reach the Matrix, it's entirely offline!
You are drooling if you believe Snowden, Greenwald and Tiabbi are anything but BOUGHT.

Snowden and Greenwald's little epistles are a terrorrism-of-a-thousand-lies, meant to
freeze you at the stick, keep you home, hiding behind anonymous names, whining online.
'Ooo, they know everything about me, I better keep my nose clean, those damn Migras!!'
Now go kick the dog, there's a good lad.

Posted by: ChipNikh | Aug 1 2014 9:30 utc | 54

bevins little pit-poodle Gimp77 has over the previous 2 years or so defended, along with his master, pretty much EVERY CIA stooge known to humankind

Even such blindingly obvious CIA stooges such as Juan Cole - recently Cole himself finally actually admitted working for the CIA, having kept it very quite for a long time beforehand, but for gimp77 Cole is nonetheless an indefatigable warrior for Troof, and not at all a CIA mouthpiece.

bevins little pit-poodle Gimp77, along with his master bevin, natch, also leaped to the defence of another obvious CIA conduit: Sy Hersh. And actually accused people of putting poor lonely harmless Sy Hersh in danger by pointing out that he's little more than a CIA conduit/mouthpiece, this despite the fact the Hersh himself admits that CIA Chief Colby was a source

Colby's son acknowledges that CIA Chief Colby Snr was quite happy to play games with leaks to useful little mouthpieces like Hersh

LAMB: Quick clip. Only 30 seconds with Seymour Hersh, ask you why you talked to him.

VIDEO BEGINS: HERSH: I did learn from people inside the agency that there had been these documents called the family jewels and I had your father’s one number and I called him. He did see me and he didn’t lie to me. What he did was, if I said there was at least 120 cases of wire breaking, or wire tapping of American citizens in our country to the law, in America, he said my number is only 63; it was a question of numbers. He did not back away from the question of wrongdoing and so that’s one hell of a story. VIDEO ENDS

LAMB: The fellow that broke the My Lai story.

COLBY: Seymour Hersh says a little bit more than what you might even imagine by what he just said. If you trace back to what he said, he said he was pivotal to the publishing of that story. So my father was the source in some ways for that story.

LAMB: The leaker.

COLBY: The leaker at the top. Now, you might say, my God, why would he do that?

I think my father was doing what he said he was going to do. Is that he was going to keep the good secrets and let out the bad secrets. There had been wrongdoing. 697 instances of assassination plots, experiments on human guinea pigs, torture of suspected double agents on American soil; these were not opening Bella Abzug’s mail. This is not legal in America. So these are things that needed to be revealed as past indiscretions and wrongdoing and illegal acts from the Eisenhower administration onward. But he wasn’t going to reveal the names of agents. And he wasn’t going to reveal perhaps other operational detail or histories that probably would have really not served us well.

According to Tom Mangold’s "Cold Warrior": Seymour Hersh's contacts with CIA head William Colby were not just limited to the so-called "Family Jewels":

HERSH: “After talking to Angleton, I then called Colby up to tell him that I thought his man was totally off the reservation– that, in essence, he was totally crazy.”

he just called up CIA Chief Colby Snr. Just like that - as ye do.

Any contact Colby Snr had with obvious stooges like Hersh , was completely self-serving. Colby was clearly using his mouthpiece Hersh to damage others, and protect himself - and Hersh was quite happy to go along with that.

But fools like gimp77 would have us believe that Hersh, like the execrable Juan Cole, is another of those indefatigable warriors for Troof, and not at all a CIA mouthpiece.


It's almost as if gimp77 never saw a CIA stooge he DIDN'T like.

Posted by: Priceless | Aug 1 2014 10:55 utc | 55

the TL;Dr version of 43

    THIS shall not stand!

    Bring me my bow of burning indignation:
    Bring me my arrows of pomposity :
    Bring me my spear: O cloak of utter humourlessness unfold!
    Bring me my chariot of pseudo-intellectualism.

    I will not cease from mental fight,
    Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
    Till we have built a temple of utter cluelessness
    In MOA’s green and pleasant land.

Posted by: Priceless | Aug 1 2014 11:09 utc | 56

According to other former executives of the CIA, the multiple investigations did much more than merely paralyze the CIA temporarily. They resulted in completely demoralizing its staff, disrupting its relations with other Western intelligence services on whom it depended for information, discrediting it with the public, and, for all practical purposes, wrecking it as a viable intelligence service.


and from the same article . . .

How had the "family jewels" ever leaked to the New York Times inthe first place?

This was a question put to Colby in 1975 by Richard M. Helms, himself a former Director of the CIA. According to Helms's recollection of their conversation, Colby nonchalantly replied, "I talked to Sy Hersh."

At the time, Helms did not fully comprehend what Colby meant by this admission.

It seemed almost inconceivable to him that the Director of the CIA, whom he had always found to be an intelligent,discreet, and completely responsible officer, and who had sworn an oath to protect the nation's secrets, could have revealed such critical information to a newspaperman for purposes of publication. Yet the next time Helms saw Colby, he again asked him about the leak, and Colby reiterated that he had confirmed the story to Hersh and the New York Times.

That it was Colby himself who had engineered the leak had also become clear in the meantime to members of the CIA's counter-intelligence staff who had been forced to resign on account of it.

Newton S. Miler, then Chief of Operations for Counter-intelligence, discovered that Colby's report to the President had been prepared within a day of the story's appearance in the Times. Analyzing the research that had gone into the document,he concluded that Colby could not possibly have written it within such a brief period.

So according to William Colby himself it was he who leaked the damaging information to his useful mouthpiece Sy Hersh

So CIA Directeor William Colby himself is responsible for "completely demoralizing CIA staff, disrupting its relations with other Western intelligence services on whom it depended for information, discrediting it with the public, and, for all practical purposes, wrecking it as a viable intelligence service."

but there's more, regarding Sy Hersh, who gimp77 has several times assured us is an indefatigable warrior for Troof, and not at all a CIA mouthpiece:

In his autobiography, Colby gives a somewhat more circumspect account of the incident. He claims that Hersh telephoned him excitedly, saying he was investigating illegal CIA activities, and requesting an interview. Colby explains that since Hersh had cooperated with him a few months earlier in suppressing the story of the Glomar Explorer,* "I felt I owed him the interview he requested and could trust his responsibility. . . ."

Got that folks? Rather than being the indefatigable warrior for Troof, and not at all a CIA mouthpiece, that gimp77 assures us is the case, Sy Hersh was in fact at one time helping to suppress news stories at the behest of CIA Director William Colby


The cretinous gimp77 wants people to accept that merely pointing out a few basic logical-conclusions is all a part of Co-IntelPro

You really have to wonder at the gullibility and stupidity of some of the fake-left uber-indignant professional moral-high-grounders

Posted by: @ The Pitpoodle | Aug 1 2014 12:00 utc | 57

you'll have to google the text of the article - the link itself is apparently Linka-Non-Grata at MOA

Posted by: @ The Pitpoodle | Aug 1 2014 12:03 utc | 58

This is the article in question, mentioned at 57/8

Three months later, in the Watergate crisis, Colby took over from Schlesinger as Director, and again maneuvered to force Angleton out by cutting off his liaison with the FBI. But, Colby notes, Angleton “dug in his heels,” and Colby then yielded, “because I feared that Angleton’s professional integrity and personal intensity might have led him to take dire measures if I forced the issue.” (Presumably, that is, Angleton might, if it came to a power struggle, attempt to go over Colby’s head to the President.) Firing Angleton was obviously going to require more than a mere request or even a confrontation.

It was at this point that Colby realized that Seymour Hersh was interested in doing an exposé of the CIA for the Times. In his autobiography, Colby gives the following chronology.5 December 17, 1974: Colby decides “to face up to my responsibility to remove Jim Angleton” before the end of the year; Angleton again “resists” Colby’s suggestion that he retire from counterintelligence. December 18: Colby speaks to Hersh on the telephone—a call Colby claims Hersh initiated. December 20: Colby meets with Hersh, tells him about Angleton’s role in the mail-cover program, and “confirms” his exposé. December 21 (this particular entry does not appear in the Colby book): Colby tells Angleton about the upcoming Hersh exposé on counterintelligence, and insists on his resignation. December 22: the Hersh exposé appears in the Sunday Times. December 23: Colby announces Angleton’s resignation. December 24: Colby submits his lengthy report to the President.

Colby succeeded in his objective of removing Angleton. He also forced the resignation of the three top deputies on the counterintelligence staff, and transferred a number of other officers on the staff, which never numbered more than twenty-five, to other parts of the CIA. The new appointees came mainly from the Far East Division or Vietnam. [Colby's guys - he was at one point Head of Far East Division and also the CIA Boss-man in Vietnam]

For all practical purposes, Colby had obliterated the counterintelligence operation which Angleton had developed over a twenty-year period. Files were shifted to other departments, and, in some cases, destroyed. In a matter of weeks, the institutional memory was erased.

So it seems Sy Hersh helped Colby cement his new position as CIA Director by removing others whom Colby considered a threat, and to help Colby, the CIA Director remember, to "erase the institutional memory" of the CIA.

Nice guy that Sy Hersh fella, very obliging I must say.

Clearly his only motivation was to "Tell the Troof!" to the American People /snark


Posted by: JimCarrey | Aug 1 2014 12:53 utc | 59

"Linka-Non-Grata at MOA" Unsurprising. Commentary Magazine is ZioProp grade Fancy©.

Posted by: ruralito | Aug 1 2014 16:27 utc | 60

"Bring me my bow of burning indignation:
Bring me my arrows of pomposity :
Bring me my spear: O cloak of utter humourlessness unfold!
Bring me my chariot of pseudo-intellectualism."

Lame-o. "There's no such thing as a jerk store"

Posted by: ruralito | Aug 1 2014 20:12 utc | 61

@61, really? Is that the best you got?

Posted by: ruralito | Aug 1 2014 20:14 utc | 62

he had sex with your wife!

Posted by: eco-fascists | Aug 1 2014 20:31 utc | 63

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