Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
February 21, 2013

U.S. Diplomat: Majority of Syrians Stand Behind Bashar Assad

A member of the UN independent panel investigating human rights violations in Syria, Karen Abuzayd, said what we have asserted here all along.

A majority of the people of Syria stand behind their president Bashar al Assad.

Thanks to J. Bradley for a comment that pointed to Monday's CBC Radio Show As It Happens.

Starting at 2:00 minutes into the first part of the show Karen Koning AbuZayd, a former U.S. diplomat, is interviewed about the latest UN Human Rights Council report (pdf) about the situation in Syria.

At 5:35 min into the audio with regard to a question about a possible indictment of Assad a comparison is made to Milosovic and Serbia. There Karen Abuzayd, who was involved with Bosnia, says:

"... Milosovic had a lot of his population strongly behind him, throughout, until the end, until now I would say, and the same goes for President Assad - there's quite a number of the population, maybe as many as half, if not more, who stand behind him."
That determination certainly runs counter to the "western" propaganda campaign. Why should Assad, as the "west" demands, go when the majority of the Syrian population is supporting him?

And lets keep in mind, as Noirette reminds us, that the court found no evidence linking Milosovic to genocide and war crimes committed in the Bosnian War. His indictment was just another propaganda act. Just like an indictment of Bashar Assad, which the Russians will prevent anyway, would be solely to support the ongoing disinformation campaign.

Posted by b on February 21, 2013 at 19:25 UTC | Permalink


Unlike Serbia, Syria still has formidable air defences and a solid army. Plus this isn't Yeltsin's Russia either. This is a much stronger iteration. So we gonna have a whole lot more of Bashar for awhile.

Posted by: Fernando | Feb 21 2013 20:30 utc | 1

The whole ICC part was already pretty obvious that it wasn't going to fly since China and Russia will block any such motion in the security council. What does surprise me is that here there is an ex diplomat who confirms whay everyone in his/her right mind had deduced for a long while.

Totally agree with:

"Just like an indictment of Bashar Assad, which the Russians will prevent anyway, would be solely to support the ongoing disinformation campaign."

Also in the news today:
FSA "claims" to have attacked Hezbollah in Lebanon in retaliation for Hezbollah defending villages in Syria which are inhabited mainly by Lebanese.
FSA attacks Hezbollah in Lebanon

Here is a link which discredits the FSA's claim.
Sources claim FSA attack false

Fits perfectly with the empty boasts the FSA has been making the last 2 years and of course the MSM just gullibly reposts this nonsense.

Posted by: Gehenna | Feb 21 2013 20:32 utc | 2

There ought to be a song, it's the same the whole world over, the lords piss on us all the while they grow their own clover, and if you say a thing to bring them in dispute, they call their thugs who come without a shrug, throw y' over their shoulders.

Posted by: Chuck Cliff | Feb 21 2013 20:33 utc | 3

"Why should Assad, as the "west" demands, go when the majority of the Syrian population is supporting him?"

Well, he interferes with zionist expansion, by supporting Israel's victims, and he allied himself to the wrong geopolitical side. Israel-America (NWO) does not tolerate such dissent and obstruction to their sacred destiny of ruling the planet.

It is interesting a former American diplomat has come forth with some partial truth. The bare minimum, really, to remain credible. But it's likely little more than an effort to gain credibility for Israel-America now, so later, when these fascists again ramp up their economic war on Syria, they have a base from which to influence. Don't bother looking for any let up in their covert contra war of terrorism and organised crime. The fascists lost ground in the diplomatic sphere, so they will concentrate more on covert terrorism instead.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 21 2013 21:27 utc | 4

What is beginning to cause a sense of helplessness is how we as civilized people are tolerating the propaganda which the mainstream media is throwing at us and how we accept the lies.....

Posted by: georgeg | Feb 21 2013 23:03 utc | 5

You begin article with assumption, and you finish article with assumption, thus making an article incoherent bunch of logical fallacies.

Assumption that UN have an "independent" body, or that the UN is relevant at all is first one. Karen Koning AbuZayd was with UNHCR in Bosnia and obviously she is intelligence assets. Let alone that UNHCR were in business distributing junk food which they were buying from company in Brussels that had monopoly on that business at that time. In the process Clintons made lot of money. So, she obviously is "yes woman".

The fact that both of politicians had popular support isn't surprising, Milosevic more so running on extreme nationalistic fervor and war-lordism. On the opposite spectrum al-As'sad doesn't have that tendency if any at all. Both are have/had security apparatus behind them. Another huge difference is that Milosevic was working all the time for them - NATO, he was hand picked by US to destroy Yugoslavia. Countries created after destruction of Yugoslavia are nothing but worthless principalities and their population serfs.

Assad however is totaly differnt story, he is the subject not an object of Syrian internal affairs! If Syrians want to be free, truly free, not debt slaves, not to be colony of the West, they must stick to its the sovereign, its president.

UN report is dated Feb. 5th, and since NATO mercenaries were incapable to "create reality" on terrain US administration gave up of Syria for quite while. They are now, playing innocence now since they do not dare to intervene themselves.

Thank Noriette for that info, but I think you are confusing ICJ with ICC, and Syria has nothing to do with ICC, since it is not signatory of the Statute. Anyway the whole concept of International Justice is mockery.

I wonder if "the court found no evidence" why did they murder him?

"His indictment was just another propaganda act."

Justice in liberal-capitalist-democracies, i.e. totalitarian societies, is only a concept. It is politically correct term to have Ministry of Justice. A justice itself isn't practicing in the court. In any sane, normal functioning society without politics involved, he would be prosecuted as a war criminal. He is a criminal, just as Tony Blair and Bush are.

In numerous instances I've seen comparison of Bosnia War and Syrian one, usually as the pretext/justification for intervention. Or, comparison of Serbia and Syria. Syria is truly victim, Serbia was not. Bosnia has been victim of double aggression, first that had come from Serbia, and than from NATO. In the end NATO occupied everybody. I like to draw parallel with Nazi occupation from 1941, the exact same template is used 1992. But this is topic for itself and for social-phychologists to explain stupidity of masses, this includes individuals from academia.

Posted by: neretva'43 | Feb 22 2013 1:27 utc | 6

@ georgeg [#5]

Q: What is beginning to cause a sense of helplessness is how we as civilized people are tolerating the propaganda which the mainstream media is throwing at us and how we accept the lies.

R: I should [normally] only speak on behalf of myself, but as far as I can see it, most participants here can't be classified as such. Attempts are made to unearth as much truths [or shards and shreds thereof] as is [being normal human beings] humanly possible and mistakes are/have been will be made. I love debates, because the universal concept of energy only exists because of two opposing forces, so there's nothing wrong with disagreement. What is wrong though, and in that I agree with you, is the blatant lies we're told by MSM that can't wait to salivate over another mass shooting or [not openly gay] Justin Bieber's gd gf bs. And this info is only based on having to read headlines in order to decide what to read. Yikes!

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 22 2013 2:26 utc | 7

Теракты в Дамаске - создание атмосферы страха

Machine trans of the video description:

"Published on Feb 21, 2013

February 21 in Damascus, there are 3 major terrorist attack. Killed more than 70 people. What are the goals pursued by the militants? First - is to create an atmosphere of fear. Secondly - it is a demonstration that they are ready to go at all.

As a result of one of the explosions damaged the Russian embassy. According to our opinion, it is the purpose of this attack."

This is what I meant earlier that Israel-America will continue to use their terrorists to terrorise the people of Syria. As long as these cowards are able to infiltrate terrorists, they will continue to do things like this. It's in their nature.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 22 2013 3:11 utc | 8

The disinformation afoot these days, makes this blog, and it's contributors, more important every day. The links folks provide here are indispensable in sifting through the mountain of information the internet provides.

As long as Assad maintains the bulk of his people's support, he has a shot at staying in control of Syria. Russian support is also critical. Not that Assad is such a great guy, but, every nation deserves enough autonomy, without interference from other nations to pursue their nation's best interests.

Posted by: ben | Feb 22 2013 3:50 utc | 9

this here is the official line now - from the Guardian

Western journalists have no sustained access to army thinking but Lebanese reporters who have regularly accompanied the military at bases or on operations say their loyalty to the regime is firm. Hundreds have been killed but this reinforces their determination to avenge comrades' deaths at the hands of what the state media continue to describe as jihadis, terrorists and foreign mercenaries.

Loyalty is also maintained by the Iraqi precedent. Syrian officers saw how the Americans, with full support of the new regime in occupied Baghdad, disbanded the Iraqi army, destroying careers and pensions at a stroke.

The government continues to pay the salaries of teachers, doctors and its hundreds of thousands of other employees on time. It provides every family with rice and sugar at subsidised prices as it has always done. Where the money comes from, given that oil exports are blocked by sanctions, is unclear but rumours suggest Iran. The result is that in addition to the loyalists a substantial proportion of Damascenes, however bitter towards the regime, fear a rebel victory would bring more harm than good. These fears multiply the more they see the growing dominance of Islamists and Salafis on the battlefield.

"The prospect of Bashar stepping down gracefully or being overthrown militarily is inconceivable and unrealistic," a UN diplomat who met the president last year told me before I left for Damascus. The alternative of a negotiated transition is tenuous but preferable, though it would need concerted joint action by Russia and the US.

In Damascus, many are putting their hopes on Moaz al-Khatib, the leader of the Syrian National Coalition, who recently broke a taboo by saying the exiled opposition should stop rejecting the government's invitation for negotiations. The soft-spoken engineer who used to serve as a Friday preacher at Damascus's famous Umayyad mosque is becoming a local hero.

Almost everyone I spoke to supported negotiations as the only way to end a stalemate in which more and more of Syria is destroyed and fewer and fewer people remain on the board.

Obviously, this is not what the Syrian army is fighting for.

Posted by: somebody | Feb 22 2013 3:53 utc | 10

Why the Guardian is useless as a source for factual info:

"In Damascus, many are putting their hopes on Moaz al-Khatib, the leader of the Syrian National Coalition, who recently broke a taboo by saying the exiled opposition should stop rejecting the government's invitation for negotiations. The soft-spoken engineer who used to serve as a Friday preacher at Damascus's famous Umayyad mosque is becoming a local hero."

While they come across often as representing a "rational middle ground", the Guardian peddles as much BS as any of the other zionist rags. If one looks closely at their "middle ground", it nearly always leans towards zionist/fascist interests and is slyly peddling their propaganda. They used to be better at presenting a "convincing" balanced viewpoint, but the last few years, they have been fully taken over by zionist extremists and have descended into neo-con-ery as their basic daily staple.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 22 2013 4:29 utc | 11

Have you seen Karen Koning AbuZayd's articles on Syria? She is just like any other Hariri reporter. Her comments are meaningless. We Syrians don't need her account of our support for our president.

You should also see the CBC's news show 'The National' that aired today. You would think that all of Syria is falling to the filthy rats. And also on CBC, a Syria documentary aired on 'Doc Zone' where they were humanizing those terrorist rats, even as they showed them manufacturing weapons.

When it comes to reporting on Syria in western and Arab media, there is simply no embarrassment and no morals. From day 1 we have been greeted by shameless articles discussing how to best destroy Syria's economy and topple our president. la khajal w la akhlaq

Posted by: Murad | Feb 22 2013 4:30 utc | 12

My apologies. I may have mixed up this AbuZayd with another AbuZayd. Either way, what US diplomats say is meaningless. They (and western diplomats in general) are masters of doublespeak.

Posted by: Murad | Feb 22 2013 4:40 utc | 13

US blocks Russian anti-terrorism statement in UNSC

"On Thursday the U.S. blocked a Russian draft statement in the UN Security Council which condemed the terrorist attack in Damascus and offered condolences to the victims and victims' families.

"Unfortunately, the U.S. delegation, has yet again, blocked the necessary response to a terrorist attack and linked it to other issues. We consider it unacceptable to search for excuses for terrorists," said a press release issued by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations.

The draft statement prepared by Russia includes the confirmation of the postulate that: "terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security and has no excuses."

The Israeli-American way of saying they were behind those terrorist attacks without actually publicly admitting it. This allows the zionist media to play their sick games and the terrorism to continue without most Americans realising they are the ones doing it. Most Israelis know their country is behind this terrorism and get a woody about it, so such subterfuge is not necessary there.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 22 2013 4:42 utc | 14

Watched CNN yesterday (OK, I was in a office waiting, it was CNN or stare at people, and that make them panic). CNN were opening to the change within Syria, a then 19 yrs old activist is now part of a terror group and they (CNN) now see the radicalization, CNN did end on the note,'This is way the US never intervened' i.e. now washing hands.

The question is who is the US going to leave as out to dry when all is said and done and if the tide turns, more damming these radical groups target US targets it puts the US geopolitics as a failure and allows other US 'politically' or 'economic' controlled states to become defiant, moreover partners are starting to wash hands.

In all I see the only method the US can stabilize it's relations and partners regarding Syria and it's geopolitical network (Aspirations) is eliminating Assad and indirectly (Black op). This is now more than ever about the man and not Syria, 2 years he has held out, and each day is a massive thorn in Washington's side that is now turning very septic. Assad wont step down or step aside. The problem here is much like Iraq, the kill point (Regime change) is more than likely as in Iraq the second coming (wave), the problem occurred when this War never ended, thus the second coming has not occurred, and very bad timing as the Asian Pacific push is underway for the US, funds are an issue, the partners have not made the decisive move, the UN could not broker and set a foot inside as a possible interim player, and the opposition have gotten ugly (Radical elements that are exposed) and the media can blanket, but blankets do not last 2 years.

If Assad win's through, what will the US stance be, and what will its authority be? moreover what will occur in the region? It is more than obvious that Israel will become very isolated, and the regional players will become increasingly openly anti-US (Even if they are already), close ranks, close doors and play form a new rule book. So as I see it, for the US, the only solution is to remove Assad, in short assassination - Thoughts?

Posted by: Kev | Feb 22 2013 4:45 utc | 15

Kev - 14

Israel-America has already assassinated several people in the Syrian government and probably already made a few attempts to assassinate Assad which proved abortive or failures. It's the way the Jewish mafia and their fascist allies do business. It's what they mean by "everything's on the table". These fascists will try anything and everything against Syria they think might work. Hopefully, Syria's, and their allies', intelligence services will be able to intercept these zionist/fascist attempts.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 22 2013 4:56 utc | 16

Latest from Penny on Syria..

Posted by: ben | Feb 22 2013 5:41 utc | 17

@ ben [#16]

In the mean time the US does a Washington debates the pivot to Asia on China, while China does a Chinese doctors pull bullets in Mali on the African continent. I don't remember the last time congress actually listened to me. When too many hands muddle in a pool it gets really murky. Off course Russia and China want to protect their investments, but over all they seem to be on the right side of prefabricated history. Fortunately 'we' have 'Free Speech Zones' where 'we' can vent our anger and disgust.

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 22 2013 6:55 utc | 18

@ ben [#16]

In the mean time the US does a Washington debates the pivot to Asia on China, while China does a Chinese doctors pull bullets in Mali on the African continent.

I don't remember when a politician actually listened to me, but I do know that, when too many hands muddle in it, the pool gets really murky, very, very quickly. I, for one, am lost as to whom or what ordinary Syrians feel connected to or where their allegiances lie. Fortunately 'we' have our 'Free Speech Zones' where 'we' are 'allowed' to vent our anger and dismay.

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 22 2013 7:03 utc | 19

"I, for one, am lost as to whom or what ordinary Syrians feel connected to or where their allegiances lie."

@18: Join the club DR, think almost all of us fall into that categorie.

Posted by: ben | Feb 22 2013 7:19 utc | 20

more on syria:

1. Suicide bomber arrested: After bombings in Damascus today this man was found wounded. People...

2.Further evidence US supports terrorism and uses it as a tool of regime change

News About Syria - English · 3,328 like this.
3 hours ago ·
On Thursday the U.S. blocked a Russian draft statement in the UN Security Council which condemed the terrorist attack in Damascus and offered condolences to the victims and victims' families.

"Unfortunately, the U.S. delegation, has yet again, blocked the necessary response to a terrorist attack and linked it to other issues. We consider it unacceptable to search for excuses for terrorists," said a press release issued by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations.

The draft statement prepared by Russia includes the confirmation of the postulate that: "terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security and has no excuses."

Voice of Russia, TASS


Posted by: brian | Feb 22 2013 7:32 utc | 21

Q: "terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security and has no excuses."

R: They had a good laugh in DC and TA.

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 22 2013 7:38 utc | 22

And therefore it's time for Israel to give its OK for oil drilling in Golan Heights.

Genie Energy International’s President is retired Israeli General Effi Eitam. [PDF format]

GEI's board of directors

The decision to allow drilling seems certain to start an international incident since it will have major ramifications on any future peace settlement between Israel and Syria.

Original full article

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 22 2013 7:52 utc | 23

Not that Assad is such a great guy, but, every nation deserves enough autonomy, without interference from other nations to pursue their nation's best interests.

Posted by: ben | Feb 21, 2013 10:50:04 PM | 8

if youve been reading this blog, you know the majority of syrian people think Assad s a great guy...the media and western regime think he is .because...well....

Posted by: brian | Feb 22 2013 8:00 utc | 24

Kev @14 You're right: the Obama admin has left itself no wiggle room - at least rhetorically - in which it can participate in or even really condone a resolution to the bloodshed which leaves Assad in power even for a token period of time. Now President Peace Prize feels compelled to continue on supporting the armed rebellion in every way just short of direct arms transfers (he lets Qatar and S. Arabia do the dirty work there).

But by, one, giving the rebels such firm support in the public discourse and diplomatic world and, two, by villifying Assad so thoroughly as to make him untouchable, Obama has taken the decision for war or peace out of the hands of the average Syrian. On August 18, 2011 Obama made a very stupid move by publically calling for Assad to resign. Once he's done that he has put his personal credibility and the prestige of his office on the line and accepting anything less becomes very hard.

When the world's most influential superpower talks, people base their actions on what they are hearing. The rebels have got the American message: Assad must go, no negotiations. The carnage continues.

And with foreign policy gurus like Dennis Ross, an ardent Jewish Nationalist, formulating the administration's language regarding Syria the objective of regime-change becomes the priority.

Back in 12/2011 Ross was pushing the inevitability of Assad's fall. This would become the theme of opinion-makers in the media and of the administration.

Ross in 12/2011:
" The key for us and others is, increasingly, not only to talk about the inevitability that Assad's going to be gone, but the inevitability that the opposition -- and I would say increasingly as identified and led by the SNC -- represents the future."


Ross at the Aspen Institute, 2/2012, again on Syria:

"the more you create a sense of inevitability that the change [Assad's fall] is coming, the more I think that you'll be able to effect what's going on on the inside."
( 24min in on video a )

As early as January 2012 Whitehouse spokesman Jay Carney had picked up the talking point about Assad's fall being inevitable.

A quick search on Hillary's "inevitability" rhetoric shows one in early July, 2012. The French and British leaders were chiming in with the same meme at that time too. I'll bet you can track the whole inevitability trope back even further.

Anyway, with all this talk of inevitability and Obama's having given Assad his marching orders, when last year Assad offered negotiations and reforms (, Hillary and her Euro cronies immediately dismissed and ridiculed him. The rebels, of course, could hardly split from their Western backers and patrons so they rejected Assad's offers. The opposition in Syria who might have been willing to consider these overtures weren't even given the chance - the rug was pulled out from under them by Obama, Hillary, Cameron, and Hollande. These leaders have chosen war on behalf of the Syrian people.

Posted by: J. Bradley | Feb 22 2013 8:28 utc | 25

Who stands behind Hollywood, with its fictional enlightening of that region - Zero Dark Oscar


Syria strains as war of attrition rages

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 22 2013 10:12 utc | 26

Some here may be interested in the latest from Washington Post
Have it up at my place

Obama needs a Plan B

It's very 'twilight zone' to read that piece

A snip from the article

"The first element of such a strategy should be to recognize that, if any prospect remains to change the calculations of Assad and his gang, it will be because of bold leadership from Washington, not Moscow — specifically, the use of limited military force, such as airstrikes, to neutralize Assad’s airpower, protect civilians in liberated areas and underscore that the Syrian leader’s cause is hopeless.

Just as a diplomatic settlement was impossible in Bosnia until NATO airstrikes pushed Slobodan Milosevic to the negotiating table, the same may prove true for Syria.

Second, we need to accept the possibility that a negotiated settlement won’t be achievable and start working to mitigate the most sinister consequences of state collapse."

Perhaps the US is going to begin air strikes, oh sorry, leading from behind of course....

Posted by: Penny | Feb 22 2013 12:44 utc | 27

murad 12, US diplomats are NOT masters of doublespeak. They are lazy, and are accustomed to being just drops in the firehose flow of info. They're stenographers, not reporters.

Posted by: scottindallas | Feb 22 2013 14:19 utc | 28

@Penny - @27 - that WaPo OpEd was from a former aid of Lieberman, the senator for Israel

It is just typical WaPo editorial page junk

Posted by: b | Feb 22 2013 17:29 utc | 29

Penny - 27

Washington Post is a war crime and its owners, management and editors/reporters/writers should be rounded up and tried internationally for committing aggressive war - one of the war crimes WW2 nazis were hanged for.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 22 2013 17:31 utc | 30

That WP article Penny posted is further proof Israel-America has no plans to let up on their terrorism against Syria. These war criminals are like ants, they will single-mindedly keep going at it indefinitely.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 22 2013 17:33 utc | 31

According to some (regional) newspapers the recent Damascus bombing took place ca. 150m away from the Baath parties headquarters and also *150m away from the Russian embassy* (and therefore on a road that Russian embassy personel often use).

Within the same time frame the Russians are sending 4 warships to the "eastern mediterranian sea" (~Syria) for the case that Russian citizens needed to be evacuated.

It seems that Putin means "Njet" when he says "Njet". And it again hints that the Russians will, if necessary, back that "Njet" up militarily.

Posted by: Mr. Pragma | Feb 22 2013 19:24 utc | 32

b @ 29

Agreed it is an "opinion" but I would not brush it off as "editorial junk" That kind of editorial gets published for a reason
And, clearly a Plan B is being considered

"the use of limited military force, such as airstrikes, to neutralize Assad’s airpower, protect civilians in liberated areas and underscore that the Syrian leader’s cause is hopeless"

The big bomb in Damascus sure underscores the "leaders cause is hopeless" paraphrasing

It has taken far to long to take Syria down
Longer then NATO had anticipated
And this part

"This is not because of Russian arms sales or naval facilities in Syria, nor for any lack of U.S. engagement with Moscow. Rather, the Kremlin believes it has a broader interest in thwarting another U.S.-engineered regime change — seeing such interventions, stretching from Serbia to Libya, as a threat to international stability and as a precedent that could someday be used against itself."

Hammer meet nail and pound
I have covered this angle on a number of occasions.
I simply can't discount this piece

Posted by: Penny | Feb 22 2013 20:58 utc | 33


" further proof Israel-America has no plans to let up on their terrorism against Syria"

agree completely

Israel is so hot for the Golan Heights it has already started exploration for minerals
The US wants Syria destabilized and busily infighting as in Libya...

Posted by: Penny | Feb 22 2013 21:02 utc | 34

Penny - 33

I agree. The zionist media does not do things by accident or for no reason. When they post extremist zionist views, it is because that is the goal they are working to get the public to accept, eventually. Conversely, on the rare occasions when they post something that is actually reasonable, the views are most definitely not house views, nor that of the zionist/fascist establishment they wholly represent, but instead, such occasional rationality is published so their rational audience will continue buying their disgusting rags. Such has been the MO of the Guardian for decades. Their daily fare reinforces the zionist/fascist propaganda, but once in a while they will publish an editorial to appeal to normal, rational people so such will continue buying and reading their daily manure. It's just another dishonest marketing ploy, of the sort zionists and "national socialists" (you know, those sods with the swastikas and a love for underage "head cheese") specialise in.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 23 2013 0:16 utc | 35


When action 'is' taken, one will see a smokescreen, a media rush to something epic, but the administration will also need this diversion to be tangble and in line with the agenda(s) current or future. In short, a window of opportunity, 2 birds with one stone etc. Currently all the indicators are in motion, at least that is my assumption, Obama is having his Japan meeting (Timing) and suddenly S. Korea calls for development of Nuclear weapons. The US reaction its usual role, urging restraint from Seoul after a provocation from the North. The US ambassador to South Korea, Sung Kim, said that the country developing its own nuclear capability, or the US redeploying tactical nuclear weapons, would be a "huge mistake." The latter,(Redeployment) was not within the concept, or the idea, but one can see the bridge, I even sense a smile in this line. One must think a hard liner and a Lawmaker made this statement, yet, President Lee Myung-bak told the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper. "I don’t think the comments are wrong because they also serve as a warning to North Korea and China." Again the latter is key 'China' and clearly a US drive. The follow up by Min spokesman Kim Min-Seok "The most important task is to make North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons, the ministry does not review whether or not to deploy (U.S.) strategic nuclear weapons at this moment. We still maintain denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula." - 'At this moment' thus in negotiations, and one could assume US redeployment.

While these smoke and mirrors occur, and it needs an escalation, something will happen in Syria and the media blackout will ensue, or rather have been redirected, the facts will be murky, and take years to find out what 'really' happened, not that anyone will bat an eye lid.

This may or may not be 'the' diversion but the US has run out of options with Syria, it has tired the High card to it's straight Royal flush with all mediums of media; 'Bad Dictator', people power, freedom fighters plight, mass exodus of refugees (Like Kosovo etc), partner action, economic and siege tactics, and 2 years later the-Devil-you-know is still calm and collective - the US does not like that and it's sticking point is Russia, likewise China, with the latter a move limiting S. Korea in gaining Nuclear Weapons, the US might use this as a bargaining tool with China, in other words, let us do Syria, you speak to Russia, we sort out S.Korea in the background the US makes a deal with the opposition and Russia that any business ties remain. Russia played it smart, it did not extract all its citizens, it still uses the port, this is not support, just business, and it does want to cut a deal as this 2 years is also a stagnation, and sitting on that wall give one piles. As for Israel, well lets just call that a US state and likewise it's business.

Posted by: Kev | Feb 23 2013 0:30 utc | 36

This is what Israel-America has to offer the planet:

Fifty-three Civilians Martyred, 235 Others Injured in Terrorist Bombing in al-Thawra Street in Damascus

"...The injured people roundly denounced this terrorist bombing, noting that the perpetrators aim to destabilize Syria through killing innocent women, children and old men.

SANA reporter said that the bombing, which took place in a densely populated area near a crossroad of main streets, killed and injured a large number of civilians, including children..."

Look at the photographs of what Israel-America gives to us all. This is what these sodding nazis and zionazis represent. It's the same exact fucked up the arse shite Hitler and co. brought the world, and the same sick subhuman scum that made his rise possible. Just a different generation. Zionism and nazism are one and the same. Israel and America are the current manifestation of nazi Germany.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 23 2013 0:34 utc | 37

@ BOT TAK [#36],

Q: Israel and America are the current manifestation of nazi Germany.

R: Yet, for one bizarre reason or another, mass murderer A could travel like this, while Peace Prize Winner O, has to travel in this. WaPo. NYT, HufPo, LAT [and many others] present nothing but white noise. Money and truth are obviously two opposing forces.

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 23 2013 1:07 utc | 38

@ BOT TAK [#36],

And, of course, the US blocks a Russian anti-terrorism statement in the UNSC. Oh, the smell of hypocrisy in he morning...

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 23 2013 1:12 utc | 39

Daniel Rich - 37

"R: Yet, for one bizarre reason or another, mass murderer A could travel like this"

You might want to talk with Rommel about that...

Posted by: вот так | Feb 23 2013 1:17 utc | 40

@ BOT TAK [#39],

Ahhh, the dessert rat. Yah, he was a remarkable man [or had to be, depending on who's telling the story] as his tactics are still taught in many academies around the globe. Hitler was a military idiot, who, most likely, believed his surviving the 'Great War' was a divine sign of ... Brutus? Germany, no history before '45. Japan, no history before '41, resulting in the question 'Why don't we learn from history? [not the Jacko version].

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 23 2013 1:30 utc | 41

And the Syrian population will suffer much more.

"A statement by the Syrian National Coalition, an umbrella group of opposition political forces said the coalition had also suspended participation in the friends of Syria conference of international powers due in Rome next month to protest the attacks it said have killed hundreds of civilians." Link

Makes you wonder who sets off those car bombs...

Posted by: Daniel Rich | Feb 23 2013 1:35 utc | 42

The clearest evidence that Assad has the support of large numbers of people is that he is still in power! Revolutions don't last two years. Civil Wars, yes, which is what this is. But revolutions happen like Egypt - quickly because the dictator has no leg to stand on at all.

So don't call this a revolution. This is a civil war, and any government sending arms to the combatants is extending the length and the bloodshed.

Posted by: guest | Feb 23 2013 2:12 utc | 43

What I see with the WaPo editorial is just more neocons and neolibs banging the drum harder for US armed intervention after the departure of SoS Clinton and her overheated rhetoric, because Obama does not appear to be moving to escalate in Syria the way they want.

A greater concern is the UNSC veto -- especially after the Obama administration declared Al Nusrah a terrorist-linked organization. Either Obama is trying not to let any US commitments escalate while he has some other Middle East related matters on his front-burner, like Hagel's confirmation or his upcoming visit to Israel, or he is carrying through on a commitment to veto any UNSC resolution that Israel doesn't like (which raises the question of whether Israel wouldn't like such a resolution because it generally favors Syrian instability or regime change or because its agents were behind the bombing (there was a good recent article in Al Akhbar about a Mossad carbombing of a top Hezbollah commander in Syria)).

Posted by: Rusty Pipes | Feb 23 2013 2:39 utc | 44

guest - 42

"The clearest evidence that Assad has the support of large numbers of people is that he is still in power!"

True. But no thanks to "Anonymous", who helped propagandise the Israeli-American terrorism against Syria with one of their bogus "hacks".

"Revolutions don't last two years. Civil Wars, yes, which is what this is. But revolutions happen like Egypt - quickly because the dictator has no leg to stand on at all."

Didn't the American revolution last 5-6-7 years (1776-1781, 82 or 83 - I'm too lazy to look it up)? Or was that the first American civil war?

Posted by: вот так | Feb 23 2013 3:49 utc | 45

What is happening in Syria is neither a revolution, nor a civil war. It's a foreign sponsored and run terrorist insurgency. The main foreigners running these war crimes being Israel and the USA. That latter point is what many would like to avoid mentioning, just like these same people tend to avoid mentioning the influence of the Jewish/zionist lobbies in the USA, Europe, Canada, Australia...

Posted by: вот так | Feb 23 2013 3:59 utc | 46

US applying double standards over Syria unrest: Russia

"We are disappointed that, as a result of the United States' position at the United Nations Security Council, the terrorist act in Syria was not condemned," Lavrov told a joint news conference after talks with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi in Moscow.

"We believe this is double standards and see in it a very dangerous tendency by our American colleagues to depart from the fundamental principle of unconditional condemnation of any terrorist act, a principle which secures the unity of the international community in the fight against terrorism," Lavrov added.

Russia's UN mission has also accused the US of "encouraging" militant attacks in Syria by blocking the Council's statements on Damascus car bomb attack, which occurred near the entrance to President Bashar al-Assad's ruling party offices.

Meanwhile, the UN-Arab League Special Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi has said that the deadly car bomb attack in the Syrian capital was a "war crime" and that it killed about 100 people."

By refusing to condemn this terrorist attack, the Israeli-Americans have confirmed they orchestrated it.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 23 2013 5:23 utc | 47

Интервью с сирийским врачем-реаниматологом

It's a video report from a hospital in Damascus. The doctor is describing the soldier's injuries. He says the Israeli=American terrorists are using frangible bullets. These fragment on impact, cause multiple injuries as the fragments follow different paths through the body. Healing is much more difficult and removal of all the fragments is often to dangerous for the victim. These bullets are used to cause maximum damage to the victim. (The israelis used Palestinians as guinea pigs testing these bullets during the 90's. - this from my own reading of other material)

The other thing the doctor talks about is the wounds cause severe infection. The infection sets in within a few hours, is hard to counter, and quickly returns once thought removed. The way he describes this infection give me the impression he thinks this infection is not a normal thing to gunshot wounds, but something new. It might be that some of the bullets the American-Israeli terrorists are using are impregnated with a vector designed to increase infection, or with a bioengineered strain of something that is causing it.

Posted by: вот так | Feb 24 2013 19:42 utc | 48

actually a former diplomat, and the actual quote isn't as favorable to the butcher Assad as you advertised it either.

Posted by: mike | Mar 13 2013 3:29 utc | 49

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