A Full Turn In NYT's IAEA "Reporting"
This is black we said? No, now we say this is white. Just believe us. It is only what we say now that is correct.
On October 14 David Sanger "reported" on U.S. pressure on the IAEA to come out with a strong report against Iran: To Isolate Iran, U.S. Presses Inspectors on Nuclear Data
President Obama is pressing United Nations nuclear inspectors to release classified intelligence information showing that Iran is designing and experimenting with nuclear weapons technology. The president’s push is part of a larger American effort to further isolate and increase pressure on Iran after accusing it of a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States.
Today, three weeks later, David Sanger "reports" exactly the opposite. Now, allegedly, the U.S. is laid back and the IAEA is doing the pressuring: U.S. Hangs Back as Inspectors Prepare Report on Iran’s Nuclear Program:
An imminent report by United Nations weapons inspectors includes the strongest evidence yet that Iran has worked in recent years on a kind of sophisticated explosives technology that is primarily used to trigger a nuclear weapon, according to Western officials who have been briefed on the intelligence.
For its part, the Obama administration, acutely aware of how what happened in Iraq undercut American credibility, is deliberately taking a back seat, eager to make the conclusions entirely the I.A.E.A.’s, even as it continues to press for more international sanctions against Iran. When the director of the agency, Yukia Amano, came to the White House 11 days ago to meet top officials of the National Security Council about the coming report, the administration declined to even confirm he had ever walked into the building.
Which is it Mr. Sanger?
Three weeks ago Oceania, allied with Eurasia, was fighting Eastasia, now Oceania is allied with Eastasia and the enemy is Eurasia, as it has, according to Sanger today, always been.
That might be difficult to understand for people with an attention span of more than 20 seconds. But that must be their fault, certainly not that of the NYT and its propagandist David Sanger.
Posted by b on November 7, 2011 at 6:38 UTC | Permalink
And don't forget the Japanese.
They were extolling the health benefits of Plutonium 15 years ago via Plutonium Boy, a PR cartoon character invented to whitewash the nuclear industry's irresponsible carelessness with nuclear waste disposal...
They must have accumulated tons of the stuff. The Japanese have an insatiable appetite for understanding, improving and fine-tuning technology. The bigger the challenge, the greater their dedication to finding a solution.
If I had to bet on which country would be most capable of building nukes the quickest, from a standing start, all my money would be on Japan. I'm not sure about their delivery options but they probably know a thing or two about rocket technology and I believe that 10 years ago they were supplying a hefty proportion of the market for military electronics in America.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 7 2011 17:59 utc | 2
Oops. Possible problem with the Plutonium Boy link above. When I first tested it, it came up as a general navigation/topic page instead of the article page. I had to scroll down to the end of the list to click a sub-link "To go to the item you were looking for, click 'here'.
Subsequent tests opened the article directly.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 7 2011 18:28 utc | 3
To "An Idiot":
I never heard any of these countries (including Israel) threatening to wipe-out another country or civilization as an ideology.
However, Iran does. And this, with the fundamentalist regime it has, makes it a real threat to the western world.
Posted by: Nobody | Nov 8 2011 11:21 utc | 4
To "nobody"
Surely you jest? They are in the process of wiping out Palestine, dunam by dunam. But don't believe your lying eyes about this, believe in the purity of the "ideology".
Posted by: bill galt | Nov 8 2011 13:09 utc | 5
"Three weeks ago Oceania, allied with Eurasia, was fighting Eastasia, now Oceania is allied with Eastasia and the enemy is Eurasia, as it has, according to Sanger today, always been.
That might be difficult to understand for people with an attention span of more than 20 seconds."
Nice catch. I missed that entirely. And I can concentrate long enough to read a big, fat book with tiny print in a single sitting.
We're all overloaded with information these days if we're concerned at all. I suppose that too, is deliberate.
We're all missing things. So thank gawd for the internet and the people like you on it who dig this sh_t up so we don't have to.
Posted by: arthurdecco | Nov 12 2011 23:28 utc | 6
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Where can I to read the United Nations weapons inspectors and IAEA reports of USA, Rusia,France, UK, Pakistan, India, Israel?
Why Iran must accept the inspection?
And other capable countries like Germany, Italy or Argentina?
Thank you
Posted by: an idiot | Nov 7 2011 8:50 utc | 1